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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 117 KB, 584x584, ss+(2016-04-15+at+09.26.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8962953 No.8962953 [Reply] [Original]

Wanna see some cute animals in cosplay. Do you gulls dress your pets in cosplay? Do you follow people that do? Just have some cool pics of pets in cosplay? Have you and your pet ever done a matching cosplay, or do you want to?

I like Fuzzberta the Guinea Pig, their owner makes some really cute little costumes for them. (pic related) There's also a similiar account on Cure with more detailed cosplays for their Guinea but I can't remember the name.

>> No.8962955
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I'll post some to get the ball rolling!

>> No.8962956
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>> No.8962959
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>> No.8962960
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>> No.8963004

>the fuckin shooped rocket-dog on the groot-dog

I always wonder how people get outfits on cats. Mine would raise so much hell it's not even funny.

>> No.8963011

Same- I already tried putting a dress from Daiso on her + a little christmas coat... It did not go well.

She just mauls anything she has on till we take it off.

>> No.8963193
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>> No.8963200

this is animal abuse

>> No.8963237


>> No.8963250

lmao what

On another note, i'm actually really excited as I might be able to use my dogs for a photoshoot sometime this year! I'd be so excited to do cosplay with my puppies lol, just hoping they're able to be mildly photogenic for 5 minutes

>> No.8963326
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>> No.8963328
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>> No.8963331
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>> No.8963333
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You think cats are hard to get cosplay's on? Try a hamster. ( Not my ham in the pic but I used to have hamsters and i couldn't put anything on them. not even tiny hats let alone a whole outfit. Props to this person.)

>> No.8963335
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>> No.8963336
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>> No.8963342

Depends on the cat. Some are mellow enough that they don't mind. The cat I had would let me put stuff on her and she didn't mind at all.

>> No.8963361
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flower cosplay

>> No.8963368

I'm sure if the animal wanted the costume off, the owner would take it off. That's what always happens with my corgis.

>> No.8963373

I legit felt bad for this dog. I know its a ~service dog~ but every time I saw it, it looked stressed and sad.

>> No.8963380

and yet people say how they struggle with their cats to put them on

fucking abuse

>> No.8963395

yeah but are u a vegan tho

>> No.8963397

Yeah even well trained dogs are likely to get stressed out in a loud, busy place where there are probably loads of people almost stepping on it. also if its not used to wearing a costume thats going to add to the stress, it just seems unnecessary. How come you said it like ~service dog~, is it not actually a service dog or something?

I tried to put a costume on my cat once and thought i was going to lose a hand kek. But a friend of mine had a cat that seemed to actually 'enjoy it' like when my friend got out a costume it would come over and be helpful when she was putting it on.

My dog doesnt really care when ive put him in little christmas costumes but theyve only been ones that are not too different to a coat. He shakes his christmas hat off after a few minutes though

>> No.8963398


>> No.8963409

ok good otherwise i'd give you shit. im vegetarian myself

it COULD be abuse if it's an uncomfortable costume and i'd definitely take it off if my animal was visibly uncomfortable.. but you wanna know what else is dog/cat abuse?

go look at a few threads on /b/ and tell us again why this is so awful

>> No.8963415

im 99% sure that person was just baiting anon, don't worry about it too much

>> No.8963424
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Been meaning to make cosplays for my rats. Should be fun.

>> No.8964039
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>> No.8964049

Some dogs love it and will actually bring you the clothes when they want to get dressed up, I only had little sweaters for my poodle but she really liked them and would do that. Obviously I wouldn't stress a pet with something they did not like but I don't really see suffering animals here, anon.

>> No.8964057
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My dog was like that. Happy to wear a sweater and would even wear hats. My mom's dog hates anything more then a bandana.

Always a troll pulling the "it's animal abuse" with dressing up animals. Just like the ones who troll child abuse when they see a kid in a costume.

>> No.8964060

Oh hell no

>> No.8964084
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Journey Cat

>> No.8964092

Too soon

>> No.8964146

because it's incredibly easy to get a kawaii :3 pet listed as a service animal

>> No.8969597

Y u do dis

>> No.8969631

how dare

>> No.8969646

Please post pictures. Rodents in costumes is my weakness.

>> No.8969863
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>> No.8970344
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>> No.8972397

I love torties and cosplay so a cosplaying tortie was exactly what I needed to see right now

>> No.8972480

this person has an insta for their pets. Its amazing

>> No.8972497

I think Kiba is a therapy dog? Like for his female owner I don't think he's specially trained for anything

>> No.8973331
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>> No.8973394
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>> No.8973402

That's why she is being criticized, its cruel to take an animal into a stressful place when it isn't trained for it (and arguably even a trained animal shouldn't be unnecessarily put under stress). Its not like a con is a necessary event to attend, so its unfair to expose an animal to something like that for no purpose. Having a therapy dog is fine, but I don't think people should put the care of their pet so far under their own.

>> No.8973512
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I've seen this a million times and it still gets to me.

>> No.8973741

Truth be told I like the corgi out here in the East coast better. Attends cons now and again. Her owner straight up tells you she was a Good Citizen dog. Got attacked by another untrained dog. Now just hangs out in the lobby of cons with her owner enjoying 'retirement'

>> No.8974632


Too far. Far too far.

>> No.8975747

I don't get it.

>> No.8975748
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>> No.8975766

You're on the wrong board.

>> No.8975768

It's from Fullmetal Alchemist. And it's really fucking sad.

>> No.8980609

I have a corgi and have always wanted to cosplay Spike and bring him to a con, but I'm not sure how he'd do around so many people, and I can't keep him in a hotel room all weekend.

I think this is actually Pon De Lion, Mister Donut's mascot in Japan.

>> No.8984082

Is that cat supposed to be a centauri?

>> No.8988455

Well played anon, well played.