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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8951774 No.8951774 [Reply] [Original]

You've got your life together. Decent job. Decent money. You can function in normal society without being a sperg.

You finally have money for cosplay, lolita, conventions, etc. But everyone around you is a poorfag or normalfag or autistic.

Find friends here. No social anxiety depression bullshit.

>> No.8951778

i will never have kawaii cosplay groups because I'm the only one of my weeby friends with a non-retail job and a car.

>> No.8951779

All the Lolita's in my comm are under 21. How do you frilly bitches have so much brand at your age.

>> No.8951784

My only convention friends are tumblrinas who are suddenly trans nonbinary whateversexuals trying to get on benefits so they don't have to work.

>anon are you mad? You never talk to me anymore. I know I don't call or text you at all but muh depression!

I hate feeling like I'm only a friend if I take all the initiative and haha sorry I know this isn't the feels thread.

>> No.8951789

>You finally have money for cosplay, lolita, conventions, etc. But everyone around you is a poorfag or normalfag or autistic.
Or not into the hobby anymore. Does it ever get better?

I lived at home because I couldn't afford to move out and it was much cheaper for my parents to have me at home. But I had a part time job where I made ~$450 per month, all to spend on myself because I had no bills to pay.
Also a lot of girls in my comm which are underaged get tons of shit from their parents, or their older already full time working bfs, or they constantly sell and buy new dresses, so they have 2-4 dresses at a time but always something new.

>> No.8951794

It gets better if we make it better, anon. I see lots of friend groups our age, they just seem already established and kind of closed.

>> No.8951796

I'm 24, can I stay?

>> No.8951797

I moved to get my second degree, went too e anime club meeting at the university and moped the fuck out of cosplay for three years.

Now I graduated and all my friends are having kids and trading costumes for scrapbooking. I'm in Ohio and everything is either super young or furry.

>> No.8951798

I guess... Since we're not checking ID and all.

>> No.8951801

>It gets better if we make it better, anon. I see lots of friend groups our age, they just seem already established and kind of closed.
I think that is part of the problem. At least in my experience, the older you get the harder you make new friends, or open up to new people. I'm no exception honestly. I find it harder myself to open up and accept new people in my life.
Also, many of the older people try to stay low key and hide their power levels, so ir is often harder to spot them or get them to open up.

>Now I graduated and all my friends are having kids and trading costumes for scrapbooking
None of my friends have children, but I found many of them either naturally stopped having interests in cons or animu, or they have little time, or they force themselves not to be interested because "it's teenger stuff, it's not for ~real adults~". Because, you know, how dare you enjoy a silly animu or cosplay after the age of 21.

>> No.8951804

Fanime, AX, SDCC, and whatever is in the SF Bay Area. CBF, J-Pop Summit, Cosplay Gatherings, all that stuff.

I currently roll with a group of also 30somethings or upper 20s.

>> No.8951813
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>young or furry
I read that wrong, I thought you had a real pest problem.
Please don't tell me this is what you meant.

>> No.8951817

The wrong kind of furry, anon. The yiffing kind.

>> No.8951818

My old friends aren't judgy about my glorious nerddom, they just prefer scrapbooking every poop their kid makes instead.

>> No.8951826

A friend of mine used to collect dolls and figurines. Ever since she moved in with ther bf, she packed all her dolls and figures into boxes and left them at her parents'. Appareantly her bf hated her collection and didn't allow any of them to be displayed.
She now looks down on my collection (which isn't even huge) because it's not "grown up stuff", and she feels superior now because she spends her time re-decorating the house and buying expensive furniture. Appareantly, collecting such things is only for immature people who haven't really grown up and matured like her. I mean, do whatever you want with you money, and you have to compromise when you move in with you SO, but don't act all high and mighty because your bf forced you to abandon all your previous interests and you now waste all your time and money on expensive couches.

At least my current bf is a nerd too, so he'd accept some of the weeaboo stuff around our flat if we ever move in together.

>> No.8951831

Oh god.
I'm so sorry.

>> No.8951832

We are keeping that old school spirit of lolita alive and well.
Fuck having kids, get burando.

>> No.8951851

When my bf and I moved in together we had to find a flat with a room large enough to contain all the videogame collections, consoles, crt screens, and weeb figures. It's wall to wall shelving, we can play videogames next to each other and we buy big figs together. My normal coworkers have dinner at a different persons house each month and soon it'll be my turn. I have no other room to put them in. I'm sure it'll be fine.

29, f
South UK,
Likes older anime and a little bit of newer stuff, gaming, jfash, some cosplay, attending conventions.
All the people in my area who are into weebstuff are either young and a bit cringey, or they're my age and stuck up. ("Oh, you've not read Hideaki Anno's script for episode 15 of NGE in the original Japanese and understood the deep meaning of Shinji having a wank? Don't talk to me.")

>> No.8951856

>too young or furry

Yeah. Yeeah... Ohio has the cosplay party con complex that we want our cake and to eat it too. So if a con is aged up, it's a bunch of drunk assholes who think a store bought jiggleypuff costume is the height of comedy. Smh

>> No.8951857

>or they're my age and stuck up. ("Oh, you've not read Hideaki Anno's script for episode 15 of NGE in the original Japanese and understood the deep meaning of Shinji having a wank? Don't talk to me.")
Stuck up oldfags are the worst. I've met some of them too.

>Ugh, so you like animu published after 2005? Ewww
>All the new animu is so terrible. Nothing will ever be better than NGE. All new animu is terrible, retarded and only cash-grabbing cheap shit
>CGI ruined anime forever, reeee
>You can't read Japanese? Not a true fan!!1
Lolita oldfags often aren't better
>ugh, all the attention whoring on the internet ruining my precious fashion!
>it's not like I can just turn off my internet or anything

>> No.8951863

Same anon. Lately I've been taking initiative, keeping in touch with as many people as I can because I used to be one of those muh depression people and it actually surprised me how many were willing to hang out even when I didn't contact them for a year. I used to think they were avoiding me on purpose but now Ive slowly started to notice how many people are either shy themselves or genuinely don't want to bother. If you just say hi to them on chat they'll usually go 'so glad you're okay now, let's hang out' and I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't messaged them first.

But fuck those people who give half-assed one word replies to every question and then post in the friend thread how they're so alone abloobloobloo. If I wanted to talk to a wall I wouldn't have bothered to message them

>> No.8951865

>i had a part time job so instead of saving to move out I bought dresses and leeched off of my parents

>> No.8951885

Do you know how moving out works? You have to provide a stable sufficent income. You can save up as much as you want, if you try to rent a flat and only have a $450 job and no other source of income, no landlord will let you move in.

>> No.8951893

Im a high school teacher so I pretty much have zero tolerance for teenagers when Im doing literally anything else. Makes enjoying cons a touch more difficult.

Im M, 25 and in SC. So, yeah, being in the south doesnt help much either.

>> No.8951895

I think it's kinda sad that she did it because of her boyfriend. The fact that she's talking down to you becuase of your collection kinda shows that she isn't comfortable just ditching hers and tries to rationalize that her current way is the right thing to do. I'm old af and I just ran out of shits to give. If my bf wouldn't like me in lolita that's not my problem.

>> No.8951901
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>You've got your life together

>> No.8951924

>24, f, married
>husband is also a nerd
>cosplay together at every con
>had cosplay friends until I got married

When we were dating and engaged, my friends loved having us both around. Now we're married and they give me shit for skipping out on anime marathons that start at 1am.

They all have part time jobs, and I'm working full time, 9-5.

Be friends with us. We have cable.

>> No.8951944
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everyday is a downpour of shit down my throat, who the fuck told OP being 25+ means having your shit together?

I grew out of j-fashion, I used to love lolita. I still watch some anime here and there.
>Decent job. Decent money.
Haha nope, that's freelance art for you. You know those jokes about art students serving coffee? It's a thing.

>> No.8951987

Did anyone else awkwardly shed their weeb vigor right when they reached a stable lifestyle that would have supported all their aspirations?

Even though I was a typical teenage weeb trainwreck, I did very well in being frugal, and kept certain "goals" like getting into lolita and anime figures, as motivations to study hard and get a job. But now that I have a nice career, my interests are completely different.

I haven't watched any anime in years (mostly into gaming now), I dress like a normalfag, and I'm more interested in the crafting part of cosplay then the modeling. Meanwhile, many of my poorfag friends are still really heavy into the "nerd lifestyle", and I feel so disconnected. (Also because making plans with people who work part-time in retail is a lesson in suffering.)

I feel like people either learn to integrate their nerdy interests as a part of their overall self as they mature, or they don't grow up it just consumes their entire identity and they become That Old Guy at cons.

>> No.8951997

>many of the older people try to stay low key and hide their power levels
That's my problem. I don't talk about anime/manga with anyone unless it's online, and I feel awkward about it IRL because most people into anime where I live are teenagers obsessed with stuff like Kuroshitsuji and SnK.

I bought a ticket to Miku Expo and trying to explain to my family that I'm going to NYC alone to watch a bunch of holograms sing in Japanese makes me feel really embarrassed.

>> No.8952012

okay so....are any of you going to try to socialize or

>> No.8952026

you first, anon.
Clearly no one else is talking in here.

>> No.8952030

I'm 29 and married with a young son. It's tough making friends with people my age because my husband and I move fairly frequently for his job. I haven't even been in this state for a year, ID, and I've met a few other lolitas, but most of them are younger than me. I like them a lot, but we're at different life places and it's tough getting together.

>> No.8952044

>Be me 28 year old, lolita
>Just moved to new city
>On my commute, listening to Malice Mizer, talking to husband about animu
>Realize I have such boring plans during the weekend that involve only myself
>Read this thread
>Still no friends, but at least there's other people like me??? ;_;

>> No.8952046

It's kinda sad to see so many women giving up their lives for their husbands. I know so many military wives who are miserable, and their husbands would never do the same for them.

>> No.8952050

I would like to find cosplay groups or just maybe some kind of nerds hit group here in Michigan, but they're all young and I don't want to be the creepy older guy.

>> No.8952054

Is there anyone here in Oahu?

>> No.8952057
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Any one in Stockholm, Sweden?

Just moved here and I've made a decent number of friends, but I'd always love more weeb-ish friends.

>> No.8952060

Depends, who are you?

>> No.8952066


I'm not really a part of the swedish cosplay scene, I'm originally from Skåne and I asume most of the "bigshots" are from sthlm/gothemburg, so I neither know nor am part of any drama.

I cosplayed diglett last year att a con or 2, does that cosplay ring a bell?

>> No.8952076

My boyfriend definitely lost his gaming drive once he got full time employment, and I became less interested in cosplay and more into lolita because I didn't have the time to make things. He still has four consoles at home and his teen-dream set up, but he's more likely to come home from work and go to the gym or go out with friends. I think when you become more money rich and time poor you end up prioritising differently, particularly as other more expensive hobbies are also attractive options. For me, cons become an exercise in coordinating leave to get there since I work shifts that include weekends, and I'm often using leave I might want for skiing, overseas long weekends or other exciting and fun out of town trips.

>> No.8952127

>>Ugh, so you like animu published after 2005? Ewww
Yeah that's silly but it's mostly reserved to post-2000 animu newfags who call all pre-2000 titles boring old shit.

>>All the new animu is so terrible.
Not all, but 99.9% maybe.

>>Nothing will ever be better than NGE.
A bit heavy on nostalgia goggles, but truly no animu will ever be more iconic and game-changing than NGE.

>>All new animu is terrible, retarded and only cash-grabbing cheap shit
See above, 99.9% is. It was before too, but having 16 years of watching animu on each side of Y2K now I can't help but feel it was just more fun and unpretentious before.

>>CGI ruined anime forever, reeee
100% true, sorry.

>>You can't read Japanese? Not a true fan!!1
Yeah this argument is retarded, besides reading Moon is mainly useful for エロゲ.

Also disregard me, just an oldfag husband of a seagull passing by.

>> No.8952136

Nice opinion. Wanna hear what you should do with it?

>> No.8952159

I'm a person of acts, not words, and you wish you could see what I could do to you with that opinion.

>> No.8952174

>what is having a roommate
>what is subletting

>> No.8952176

Nothing over the internet, tough guy. Now shove it up your ass.

>> No.8952186

>I'm a person of acts, not words
So you are an aspie

>> No.8952199

Aloha, are you a cosplayer or a lolita?

>> No.8952214

Stop being so easily triggered seagulls, it gets in the way of having functional relationships with people!

As I said I'm just dropping by after my 3D waifu showed me the thread for the lulz. No need to get your bloomers in a bunch over it, I'm out of here already anyway.

>> No.8952267 [DELETED] 


>> No.8952411

a shit tier cosplayer

>> No.8952502


God sorry for continuing this topic but I've pretty much lost all my friends (I have one left and things aren't looking good because over time they've turned into the exact tumblr type you are talking about. We don't even talk anymore because over the last year they apparently started to feel overwhelmed by talking, even just answering a message once a week is "too much" currently, and when I worried about them they accused me of being self absorbed and ignoring their feelings) because of being the one to have to take all the initiative with things, and the funny part is that I actually DO have depression and anxiety on top of being an introvert. I'm shy and socially retarded but I still do my best to be friendly and try not to act awkward because I don't want to come off as rude or weird.

Sorry for ranting and sounding exactly like the person you're complaining about. I'm just feeling lonely and honestly that's why I've been coming to CGL the last couple months. It's the only chance I have at socializing right now. I'm not even interested in making friends through here but it gives me a chance to chat a little until I stop feeling isolate from loosing friends.

I sort of know what you mean. I'm not even close to a stable lifestyle, but as I've gotten older my interests have changed. I've never been a weeb so maybe it's not quite the same thing, but I've become far more realistic about things as life gets tougher, which has meant having to sort of let go of some stuff. Sometimes it's sad, but sometimes I feel good about it too because I realize I'm prioritizing what's more important.

>> No.8952537

Same here. Back in school, I used to play a lot of vidya, and watch tons of animu.
Nowadays, the thought of having to invest hundreds of hours into a video game turns me off completely from any game. There have been big games such as Fallout or The Witcher from which I played the prequels. Anyways I couldn't bring myself to play any of them, because they require soooo much goddamn time which I am not willing to invest into a game anymore.
Same with anime. Recently my brother asked me if I wanted to get into One Piece, ande the thought of watching 700+ episodes and all the time it would take immediately made me nope out. I don't have the patience or time anymore to watch an animu with hundreds of episodes. Or start reading a manga that has 250+ chapters.

>> No.8952554

I have great respect for cosplayers! It's not easy to MAKE stuff. Try bit to be too hard on yourself, everyone starts somewhere. You going to kawaii kon?

>> No.8952623

yeah but no I really put no effort into but i do what I think is funny without shame
hopefully I can make some friends at this con

>> No.8952784

My military husband buys me lolita and plans couple cosplays and coords with me. I just cannot understand how people can be with someone who doesn't even accept them, let alone support them.

Tbh I'm not even old enough for this thread technically but I honestly hope we don't lose our passions like the rest of you guys when we get older... also being friends with someone younger can be hard or not worth it to some but perhaps just treat it more like a mentoring-relationship. I'm friends with people who are way younger than me and because we're close and I help them out frequently, they do their best to support me in return. It's a pleasant friendship imo, even if they can't understand how I feel or cannot hang out with me often.

>> No.8952788

26 m here

Starting to get tired out from anime cons and rather go to comic and Sci Fi conventions at this point of my life. Hell, I only go to local cons on Saturday rather than the full weekend.

I say my life is almost together. I had a few fuck ups in my younger days but everyone has. I just wish I was more mature and serious when I was around 22-24 so I wouldn't be as behind as my peers but hey, you live and learn and improve on yourself.

I am at my first full time job with good benefits such as full coverage on health, dental, life, glasses plus I get travel benefits. On top of that I can advance to a better position after 90 days so my target goal for a postion is bartender (I love making drinks at parties and for my friends as well as studying the industry so why not make my hobby a career?)

>> No.8952915

Hey, I'm in the same boat as you guys. My good friend from high school now wants to go by the zie/zer pronouns and her sense of humor has gone completely out the window so we don't really talk anymore cause I'm too afraid to make jokes around her. Let alone calling her a her... she'd lose her shit over this comment and that makes me fucking sad.

>> No.8952929

>I honestly hope we don't lose our passions like the rest of you guys when we get older
The reason a lot of people my age (28) "lose passion" for things is because of stuff like depression and being beaten down by a job you don't really want but have to have and paying bills and paying off college debt and paying for car insurance and health insurance and honestly, the older you get, the harder everything becomes. More and more things will happen because of life experience, etc, I'm sure you get the idea.

I've lost passion for a lot of things I used to be into but now I've got different hobbies and different interests. There's nothing wrong with changing as a person. A lot of times when I see younger people complain about this, it's because they just aren't there yet. And who knows, maybe your transition in life may not happen until you're in your 40s, but from my experience I've seen a lot of people in my generation experience this kind of change.

I just happen to be different in that I used to be interested in a very different kind of nerd culture and now I'm interested in stuff like j fash and cosplay. I'm doing things assbackwards according to my age.

>> No.8953007

Anyone in Michigan?

I just moved to a remote area and not many nerds around. I'm lonely a lot. There's a boardgamer group I go to sometimes and I wonder if I should make the 30-mins drive and effort more to join them... and try to make new friends..

I really miss the cosplaying scene though. And I am a lolita and was in a lively comm. There's only one lolita near me, that's 3 hours away. I might go if they have a big meetup in that city, Grand Rapids, but they never do and it's beginning to anger me.

All the Michigan lolitas are in Ann Arbor or Detroit. I think it's dumb that we all have to drive over there just for meetups.

I wish I could find more friends near my age in this area!!! Help!!!

I play league and my handle is ATrueElsewhere if anyone wants to get in touch through there.

>> No.8953009

And here I am, 25 in July, not enough money, going to school and no decent job yet.

I hope im not the only person

>> No.8953026

Why do you care so much? And $450 a month if you're paying the deposit + rent, bills, and groceries, yeahhh. You aren't finding an apartment unless you find a roommate(s) willing to not have you on the lease. Or you live in bumfuck nowhere.

sage for OT

>> No.8953027

I was lucky that in High School I learned what a weeb really was and how little I actually was one.

I tried to join our anime club and was overcome with disgust. I never dressed like the tpyical weeaboo trainwreck or was that sort of obnoxious and I never had figures or anything really.

I still watch anime, but nothing serious and only 2. I still read the occassional manga if I find one that sounds interesting, but its so much less than my teenage days.

However im still weird, or "eccentric" im told. I wear fancy clothes almost everyday and still play a ton of video games. I think ive managed to integrate certain parts well into my life.

Only thing that really changed for me was I started lolita being really into the sweet coords and now all I tend to like are elegant classic coords that I could wear even as a teacher and get away with.

>> No.8953031

I'm a student teacher (getting secondary social studies certification) in OK, F, 23. Not quite close enough, but it's cool to hear about another weeb teacher in the south.

>> No.8953039

I'm 26 in July, and I am also exactly where you are.

It's funny, because a year ago I was working in project management at a bank. Fuck that noise.

>> No.8953043

Definitely not my dream job by the sounds of it, but hey at least here we are, still moving somewhere, right?

Honestly im happy with where I am going even though im not "stable" yet. I got good things coming, a college internship working at Disney is what im really hoping will jump start my life.

Im optimistic

>> No.8953051

Damn, that's cool! What would you intern in?

>> No.8953056

Its a really cool name for "custodian" lol

Its a like a semester working for Disney wherever they decide to stick you.

But honestly I dont really care, ive heard a lot of good things about being a custodian there surprisingly and from what ive heard jobs are a lot easier to get when they see "disney" on your resume. So heres hoping!

>> No.8953077

Try hosting a meetup if you have something interesting to do in your area. A lot of girls will carpool over to the west side if it's worth the drive.

You can't really complain that it's dumb meets are hosted where most people are...try living in the UP.

>> No.8953080

I hope this autism becomes copypasta.

>> No.8953086

I'd love to make friends in NYC. I met one lovely anon who is my age and just miss having friends my own age. I ended up drifting from kany of my previous friends because they grew up to be tumblr SJWs and it's just tiring.

Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely not against progressive ideals, but so much of what I dealt with was done in such an evangelical, shame tactics sort of way that it made me dissociate with people I had known for years.

I just want friends to chat about animu, manga, and fashion with, and anything else if it makes for good conversation. I'm not a raging weeb, I hide my power level as much as possible. Worst I do is read manga on my phone when I'm on the train.

>> No.8953105

Hey not so weebchan, im also in nyc and just tired of the tumblrina mentality commonly seen in nyc geek circles.

Im a bit autistic, but you wouldn't know looking at me; spent years learning to function in society normally.

What manga do you read? Im busy with work things atm, but i like vertical, seven seas, most non shonen jump viz works.

>> No.8953118

Hello! I will give most things a read, as it just makes the subway ride better. But here is some I've finished or caught up to that I enjoyed

-Mahoutsukai no Yome
-Somali to Mori no Kami-sama
-Mob Psycho 100
-Takane to Hana
-Dungeon Meshi

I just like good stories and characters, so I'll try most any manga out.

>> No.8953119

Also wanted to add that I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this tumblr shit pretty much dominates nerd culture in nyc.

>> No.8953133 [DELETED] 

Same, although 25 is coming up fast. Unfortunately, my bday falls on a Monday and until I hear back if I got a new job, I have no idea how to celebrate.

>> No.8953158

Turning 27 in July, stuck in NEET mode for a complicated reason for now and feeling like a complete failure at lif compared to basically everyone I know, including people years younger. Going to try to go back to school and get my shit together asap. You're going to be fine, and a lot of people are doing worse than you, not that it's a contest or anything.

>> No.8953166

i am incapable of staying up til 1. i will be your friend

>> No.8953335

it's literally the shittiest thing ever, there are stories all over.

>> No.8953344

I'll play

>nice job just got promotion
>buys new couch

I have enough brand to wear everyday and the rereleases aren't that interesting. Picking out a new couch tmr so friends can stay over for anime marathons!

>> No.8953478

Hey fellow teacher. Well let me be the first to say welcome to one of the most grueling but also rewarding jobs.

Also, ignore your profs and sell out, go directly into the independent (read:private and wealthy) school system.

>> No.8953546

>It was before too, but having 16 years of watching animu on each side of Y2K now I can't help but feel it was just more fun and unpretentious before.

I agree with this and I'm not even old enough to remember Toonami, I just use Hummingbird to track down series that look interesting to watch and I find the most fun stuff is 1997-2007

>> No.8953671

I'm 27/f

I'm really terrified of aging. It seriously keeps me up at night sometimes. I feel so stupid for feeling so anxious about it. I wish I had discovered all this shit when I was younger. I liked anime and stuff I just didn't know about cons or Japanese fashion or culture or any of it.

Also feel like if I had gotten into J fashion when I was younger I wouldn't have wasted so many years being fat. I thought I looked normal compared to my peers and I thought my totally vanity sized American clothing sizes were normal. now that I've lost weight and can fit into lolita so much better it just makes me wish I had done this sooner

>> No.8953694

If there's anything to console people about aging I'd say that as time goes on we're going to see more and more people in their 30s and 40s (And onwards) wearing unusual clothes and living the life of a teenager or 20 something.

Society has only gotten 'younger' as time has gone on and especially now with property prices going through the roof and mass unemployment, people are living into their 30s still with the student lifestyle and going into adulthood without the blueprint for maturity and therefore rejecting it altogether. If you've ever worked in Japan you'll know the effect is aplified even more, don't expect to hold a job with a position of power in your 20s or even 30s there. At age 30 you're still considered a spring chicken and won't be taken seriously as an adult.

Also generally with the internet things have changed massively and there isn't the same pressure to conform as there was even as a 20 something in the 90s or 2000s. Things are so different now and they'll only get more and more different. As far as beauty is concerned things are going to be turned upside down by stem cell treatments to rejuvenate lines caused by UV damage (Wrinkles) and L'Oreal have already announced to have a cure for gray hair. It's weird, we're heading toward a very weird world none of us have seen before.

>> No.8953708

For all the shit L'Oreal gets for testing on animals etc, they've done some really impressive stuff over the years. You wouldn't have non-terrible at-home dyes and shampoos without them, for example. Way back when, hair dyeing and washing used to be done at the barber/hairdresser's and they used to use this horrible mixture of something that was way too stripping and drying, and most dyes were very fake, dangerous and obvious. They also invented ceramides, which are very beneficial for the skin.

>> No.8953713

Man, this. South Korea is pretty much a real life Logans Run at this point

>> No.8953715

I haven't given up anything for my husband. I enjoy moving to new places, it's just hard making friends. He's incredibly supportive of my interests and makes sure I get time to do what I want to do without our son sometimes. He understands the need for adult time and helps me get it when I need it. I'm not miserable at all, just lonely sometimes since I haven't made any close friends here yet.

>> No.8953720

Ive never once read a truly bad thing about it and believe me, ive been reading A LOT about peoples experiences.

Its definitely not the shittiest thing ever.

>> No.8953732

My kids are older now so now I have more free time, and people my age are growing out of their "nerd phase" and, for a lack of a better phrase, shun me because I'm still into kid stuff.
Meanwhile those younger than me see me as some freak because I'm 30 and into anime or just because I have kids, like I'm going to drag them to every meet up or to my outings.
Can't I just find some semi-weebs my age who are willing to be friends?
>TFW my life is a Linkin Park song

>> No.8953736

Don't know why you quoted me, anon. We got together because of our nerdy interests and we still continue that. Neither of us our in the military. In fact we moved to be closer to family. Still lacking nerd friends tho due to social inability and I'm sure my age doesn't help a lot.

I also personally find it difficult to talk to a lot of younger lolitas because they often talk about their college experience in the most dramatic/exaggerated way and I just get tired of the topic..
I never talk to people at my work really because it's hard to explain and I rather spend my free time thinking of other stuff.

>> No.8953739

>they often talk about their college experience in the most dramatic/exaggerated way and I just get tired of the topic..
This. All my friends who have degrees talk about their college days like they're a fucking war vet.
Like oh wah, you had to work a minimum wage job once and it was oh so teribad.
They all pretend they know what it's like to work in the service industry and then are rude to people in retail.
I fucking hate people.

>> No.8953741


I am married and have two sons. I still enjoy the occasional new animu but most of it is fairly obscure other than Jojo and NGNL. There are a fair bit of nerds but most of them are 10 years younger and most of the con people in the area are homosucks and underfails. My current job has me traveling a good bit so I get bored. Will change soon as I'm opening up an art supply store and will be teaching sculpting classes. A good portion of the people in my age group are PC and I can't stand that whatsoever.

>> No.8953899

>money rich and time poor
never saw it that way, but absolutely true.

work, errands, gym/workout, cook, get shit in order for tomorrow, sleep
day hikes, meals out, errands

maybe 1hr, 2 max on any given day to split between entertainment and hobbies
>$1000 of unbuilt warhammer
>10+ shrinkwrapped ps4 vidya
>don't even talk about my steam library
>5 half-built costume props
>owned an AR-15 for a year and put less than 100 rounds downrange

the sad thing is people work more hours these days and with increased efficiency, notably sleeping less to earn the same equivalent income as people did in the 70s. there are just more shiny flashing lights and shallow entertainment distractions. brave new world was right...

>> No.8953918


As I've gotten older I find there are two groups of people. People like myself that, while we now have jobs and our shit together more or less, keep going with our interests, be it lolita, anime, cosplay, etc. A good portion of our lolita comm are in their late 20s/30s. I don't feel out of place at cons at all either because of my age.

Then there's another group that do a complete 180 and abandon their nerdy hobbies altogether. Usually then they're all about getting married, having kids, spending all of their money on nice furniture/renovations, etc. I lost a good friend this way because suddenly we didn't have any common interests.

I'm lucky that in my city at least there's definitely a shift towards the former.

>> No.8954042

30 years, female, cosplay/gamer/anime nerd still. I feel FL became infamous on here. Waiting to apply to a Masters program, changing fields, fall 17 I should have a paid ride GTA-ship. I've ended up wasting years working in community college math labs with a crazy clique, had to report my last boss to the campus police & HR for being a stalker. I don't miss the math labs, loved science, hated tutoring statistics, which I was always forced to do because I never said no.

I love people in this community though sometimes I can't shoot photos with them anyone, because they creep me out, one of my bros asked me last month if I wanted to do cam handjob porn & to meet my ex-boyfriend to talk to him. Another bro asked me today what 3DS game to play & I said Bravely Second. He insisted that only the demo was out in the US, and I said no it's out in US and Europe. But I love my gamer girl friends, they have done playing more post-game Pokemon than me & are active in FF15 online. I've been cramming and playing DOAX3 on occasion this month. I fell for the science/math/foreign language book nerd from my job, our communication skills could be better, I even learned French to help, but he's my new type of senpai. I watch more anime than my friends but mostly binge watch. I've been reading about the new Pokemon games info is leaking in French first. Learning a new language gives me an excuse to talk to more guys. Usually, I go study in solitude. Recently, I've been working on cosplay tutorials and creative writing/reflecting on my life thus far. A lot of FB peeps my age are either starting full-time jobs, continuing school/college, cosplay tit jobs/getting married &/ making babies or adopting pets as surrogate babies. I in the past 3 years started a collection of pokemon plush and books, to go with my game collection. A part of me misses the RPGs and anime of the 90's but we have full HD. I have a 5 TB hard-drive and am very happy. :)

>> No.8954174
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The better position is bartender? Are you a busboy? this is your grown up job?

>> No.8954175
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25, F, Pacific Northwest

Am not attending any cons for the first time this season because of getting a starting position in my chosen career and can't take the time off, plus it doesn't pay well right now, but I really love it!

I think things tend to naturally fizzle as you get order and your priorities shift. 5 years ago all I wanted to do was build cosplays and go to cons but now I'm more interested in other things

>> No.8954181

About the people that do a complete 180. How did they fill their interest gap once they abandoned their so to say "main hobby"? Are having a family, playing with the kids and doing "typical adult things" that much fulfilling for them that they turn their field of interests upside down?

I feel like these are the kind of people that will face a new kind of emptyness once their children will grow and start to live their own live, finish school, go to college/find work etc. and will probably be even worse when they will come close to their retirement.

Having a house, family and decent job is obviously a giant timesink and no one will ever have as much free time as we have in our youth until we enter retirement, but I simply can't believe that it is all they need to be happy.

Would love to hear more anons with "friends abandoning their hobbys for the sake of being adult" experience.

>> No.8954412

Do you know how much bartenders make?
Have you ever had a job where you got tips?
The amount of money you can make in the service industry is pretty crazy sometimes.
I'm a line cook and I can buy two burando dresses, a blouse and OTKs with one paycheck plus pay off my bills.
My tips tend to average between $300 and $400 every two weeks.
I get to live a comfy as fuck life with my "not a real job"

>> No.8954414

Where in the pacific northwest are you? I'm in Oregon and looking for friends my age. It'd be cool if you were in the area too.

>> No.8954417

And this is why I don't take people who whine about not getting tipped seriously

>> No.8954440

I live in AA and I've yet to see any lolitas around here, except for one girl at EMU last year.

>> No.8955321
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The aspiring bartender here.

Aww, let me guess, you're stuck in a shitty career you thought you'll love but soon regerted. Let meguess, you only got in your career choice to please mommy and daddy, right?

It's okay, I'm sure there is a support website for folks like ya. Or suicide. I mean, I should feel ashamed for wanting to be a bartender and use that experience to get into thr world of wine and spirits be a use it's a passion of mines while you're stuck in your soul crashing 9-5.

>> No.8955388

I went to a local anime con that made my friends and I realize how much we've grown out of that kind of scene. It was really hard to enjoy ourselves when most of the attendees were still in middle and high school. Even content-wise, I don't really consume anime as much as I used to; I mostly stick to the occasional slice of life and horror genre - magical girl themes still have a place in my heart though. I wonder if being a /mu/tant has some influence. I mostly want to go to live shows now.

I'll be 25 in July too! yey.
I'm practically a NEET as well. I was working FT after graduating college, but then I got laid off two months ago. I've had several interviews with no avail. Hopefully I get one tomorrow. I really miss being able to pay off bills and have money left over for savings and brand. I was hoping to get at least 5 more main pieces by the fall.

I wish we could celebrate our birthdays together. I really don't know how to celebrate mine this year nor do I know who i can celebrate with besides my parents. It seems like the people I most talk to live at least 2 hours away from me. It doesn't exactly help that it falls on a Monday this year. I wish I could afford to live closer to the state's main comm - maybe go to grad school up there. A lot of people down here who's around my age are doing the whole settling down thing.

>> No.8955392

Are there any lolita/j-fash enthusiasts here that are also into normal fag fashion?

I like having friends to talk about both too.

>> No.8955407

Different anon, but that sounds like a really cool plan. You'd sound like someone I'd want to hire for 21+ meets.

>> No.8955428

>Would love to hear more anons with "friends abandoning their hobbys for the sake of being adult" experience.

It happened to friends of mine. I can't say much about it because I'm not actually old enough to post in this thread.

I notice that it doesn't happen as much to the people with 'alternative' backgrounds. Sure there are thousands of Hot Topic wannabes who grow up and get a real job and turn into boring accountants, but the people who tend to be in the alternative scene and aren't posers often stay like it for life. I think if you're truly a weird person who sees stuff like anime, cosplay etc. as their life and not just a hobby, you'll just continue to be yourself. The people I know that grew out of anime were very much anime fans, but somehow you could feel that it was just something they were doing to pass the time.

I got a real job/career but it didn't change me, maybe it helps that I was a bit of a child prodigy in my field so I never had that same pressure to impress people and mature in the workplace like most people do. I just carried on exactly with my hobbies but with more money, now I'm looking at moving into other fields and changing my work altogether. I'm not rich, but I feel like I live an idyllic life to some extent.

They key is, 'A rolling stone gathers no moss'. If you stay hungry, you'll never be like the people who give up anime to settle down. Most people join the 9-5 slog and get ground down. Evenings are spent cooking and sleeping, weekends are spent maybe shopping...and that's it. Pretty soon they get comfortable and just want someone to come home to...by this time, their enthusiasm has gone.

Keep moving around and changing your lifestyle, go to conventions in other countries, start doing bigger and better things. Follow your craziest dreams, I guess.

>> No.8955448

Not hat guy, but Considering you got all defensive about it probably suggests you have considerable doubt because your doing a job a retard teenager could do and you're pushing 30.
>"but muh dreams though "
Successful people tend to get away with having both.

>> No.8955460

I like casual j-fashion. I semi-pay attention to normie fashion, mainly because I like to go thrifting.

>> No.8955471

full time job, killer commute, want to make friends (but can't stand being around people)

I like to sew and knit. I wanted to be part of the lolita community, but have settled with the 'librarian lady' look. I'm too tired to deal with anything.

>> No.8955475
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22, female, getting perpetually sunburns in Florida

Let's be friends if you don't live near me I could send you seashells from the ocean and when you come to visit I'll take you to Disneyworld and we can ride the teacups.

A little about me:

I'm a Sagittarius
Favorite movie is Gone With the Wind because I love the costumes so much
Last manga I bought was Princess Jellyfish
I like cross stitch and my goal is to stitch the Hogwarts crest but I'm not brave enough to try yet
I secretly wish I was a Princess but I think I probably turned out to be a goblin living under a bridge instead

What I'm hoping for:

A nice friend who wants to watch Ghibli movies with me and bake break off cookies and drool over dresses we can't afford. No drama llamas or buttheads please.

>> No.8955479

>not getting tipped
They should work somewhere that handles their shit legally and uses a tip pool then.

>> No.8955481

Man you sound kind of like a douche. I was defending you but I hope you don't get your dream job. Male bartenders are fucking annoying anyway.

>> No.8955746

You know, you're right on many things. I'm pushing 30 and doing a job a retarded child could do. And successful people do have both dreams and a career that is their dream.

Now, many people do not realize their calling or dream until they're older, pushing damn near 30. Late bloomers and all that fun shit.

You inspired me however, to actually be successful and not talk shit and have no set action. I thank you for that.

> hope you don't get your dream job. Male bartenders are fucking annoying anyway.

Thanks! I'll work extra hard in networking, interviewds, and learning the industry so I can get my dream job as a bartender.

And let me guess, you find male bartenders annoying only because you use your tits and charm to get free drinks but get refused often cuz nobody get a free pass in life.

>> No.8955917

Yeah, you seem like you're on the right path, buddy.

And no, I'm in a monogamous relationship and probably make way more money than you and I'm not even a fucking bartender - rarely ever do I even pour a beer unless I absolutely have to.

>cuz nobody get a free pass in life.
What are you? A dumb spic?

>I'm pushing 30 and doing a job a retarded child could do.
kek. You said it best!

>> No.8956203

Who /texas/here?

>> No.8956209

>this salty over an anon enjoying himself
You might want to see a therapist if you're really that unhappy with your life. It can't be healthy to get upset at the prospect of someone enjoying themselves.

>> No.8956269
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>Yeah, you seem like you're on the right path, buddy.
Congratulations. You found a minor spelling error over the Internet like any other person could.

>And no, I'm in a monogamous relationship and probably make way more money than you and I'm not even a fucking bartender - rarely ever do I even pour a beer unless I absolutely have to.

That's good for you. Now be more of a success then person in your life that is currently more successful than yourself. You make more money than someone else but make less than another person. It's call life. You ain't special and you never will.

And amazing. You rarely pour a beer for yourself unless you need it. Good for you child pat yourself on the back!

>What are you? A dumb spic?
Nah, a black dude. Bet you wanna call me a "nigger" just like how much you wanted to call ever black person that ever bullied you in middle and high school. Of course not in their faces because you know you would had gotten your ass beat.

>kek. You said it best!
I know.

Oh he is unhappy with his life, I already know. An happy person who feels like he is a success in their personal life would had just laugh at my post, been like "whatever asshole!" and moved past my post without giving a thought to reply.

Maybe he was once an happy, postive person at one point of his life but something terrible happened to him and that changed him for the worse. Lost his smile and happiness and haven't created an action plan to be happy again. He sees a guy like me discovering his calling and wants to work hard at it and that upsets his ass so he wants to bring me down to his level and get me upset but it only resulted in me mocking him lol.

>> No.8956705

28 f Europoor. It feels shameful not having my life together in terms of having a decent paying job or significant other. I'd like to make some friends around my own age because it's hard to relate to all the over excitable tweens with tumblr memes in my comm.

>> No.8956712

Was gonna reply but man this thread has gotten into some real passive aggressive high school shit

>> No.8956719

Hey anon, your insecurity is showing.

>> No.8957304

27/F/Southern California. Looking for cosplay and costuming buddies!

I feel like when I was a teen I cosplayed because I wanted so badly to be somebody else, now that I feel like I've got my life together, I miss cosplaying because I miss sewing costumes. Making my everyday wear just isn't enough anymore. I miss going insane over trims, doing elaborate beading-- making something larger than life, planning photoshoots, planning groups.

But now that my old go to no longer exists, the old Cats On Mars forums, I don't know where to go to meet people. The truth is I haven't seen an anime I liked since 2004. I'm going to anime expo because I have costumes from the anime I used to like, but I'm afraid of what I'm going to find at AX-- I can hardly stand being around the screaming, smelly hordes at Kinokuniya on a Saturday, what am I going to find at AX? But I miss costuming and I miss being around other people who like costuming. I'm so looking forward to meeting people at the Sailormoon shoot. I miss that.

I no longer know where to start. It was one thing to go to a con and still like anime. 'You like thing? Oh my god I love thing!' But I'm a little worried what an old fart like me is going to find now.

>> No.8957332

Oh my god you sound adorable and also remind me of myself a little bit.

I'm sorry I'm not really interested in trading contacts because I'm too shy and want to focus on trying to make friends locally for a while but I just want you to know that you sound sweet.

>> No.8957343
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I like your aesthetic. I want to be your friend even if you don't want to be around me.

I also want to be your friend, but I do worry that you're too young for this thread. We don't live close to each other though ;_;

I feel sad how much we spend at our jobs. I hate to complain about stuff that you can't really change, but is this really what life is about? I really feel like it's important for everyone to spend time on hobbies. I'm thinking about having kids soon and while I'm happy that it will be rewarding, I do worry that will finally be the turning point for me and I will be unable to spend time doing lolita anymore. I am happy enough to clock in 9-5, but I still constantly stay until 6. But even then, it doesn't feel like enough. I get work emails from overachievers over the weekend and evenings.. I could never be this passionate about work unless it was related to lolita or I was actually saving lives. I feel like something has to give - family, career, or hobby. And it's obvious which is probably least important in the grand scheme of things. ;_;
Sorry for blog post.

>> No.8957366
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25 m Michigan

7 years ago I would of thought I would be set in life. A car, nice place, good job, family and friends but things happened and I stumbled here and there that missed up uni and life

Which only makes it harder to find friends who share the same interests as me when I'm such a loser who lives at mommies with no car, part time job, no school. It might help if I lost some weight, so I don't look super creepy or awkward but it is what it is

Maybe I'll find some friends at mmx this weekend? It gets better right? ;_;

>> No.8957575
File: 167 KB, 639x960, Saniwas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an event later this month in Torrance if you're up for it.

>> No.8957583

Oh wow!! That sounds awesome! And the costumes and character designs are gorgeous! Thank you so much!

>> No.8957611

25/f/northern illinois
I like to craft and knit. Lately I've been big into cooking and I instagram a lot of the food I make. I have 2 cats. I'd like to make casual online friends to send links to or whatever or follow on instagram. Maybe fitbit friends? I'd like to be more social in real life but after work, gym, and housework I'm wiped out every day. Lots of girls in my comm are really active in the community and stuff but I don't know how they do it.
Lately I've just been working on house stuff because we bought a house and doing some cosplay knitting. I can't wait for this shit weather to blow over so I can finally put together this dream teaparty garden I've been planning since fucking november.

>> No.8957627

oh my gosh!! you sound right up my alley... I'm in Florida too, what part?? I would love to go to Disney with you!! :D

I'm too young for this thread (23) but I saw your post and just had to say something! you sound so sweet and that's so hard to find ;_;

I love birds! they are the best. i like pretty much all artsy things, but my passion is writing. my curiosity knows absolutely no bounds so I love learning about pretty much everything. i love video games with a good story and I'd like to get back into reading but haven't yet. i don't wanna get spammy so i'll stop here :U

>> No.8958247

Thank you both! Yeah I'm a little underage for the thread, but it looked like some really interesting people were posting so I thought I'd throw myself in because I'm always up for new friends. I hope you make good connections


You sound so sweet! Do you have a throw away email? I live in Central Florida if you wanted to know. We can get sunburns together the weather is finally getting nice.

>> No.8958476

I feel you anon, I'm 25 and just got a nice job and can afford all the shit I always wanted but I don't want to look like someone's mom at cons. Wish I knew about cosplay earlier in my life but in 2005 there weren't even cons in my town. Now I feel really sad to hit 30 and still watch cartoons, anime and dress like a "Sailor moon" as my family refers to cosplay. I feel that I have become even more of a weeb, but since I have been hiding my power level since forever, it's becoming harder to find friends with the same intensity as you and being a functioning member of society. Being friendless also helps me to buy even more deep stuff like dakis and to consider getting a doll.

>> No.8958503


>>8955471 here
aw. :( I don't mind email, I generally just don't like hanging out since I just like having to worry about myself (which I don't do w/ the husband as he's like the male part of me?).
my job is 9-5, but it's in the city, so I'm out the door by 6:30 and don't get home 'til 7:30

I'm really banking on quitting this job once we close on the house.

>> No.8958513

I'm outside Chicago and similarly wiped out after work/ taking care of a house. I just want a girly friend to do cute crafts with.

>> No.8958521


>> No.8958538
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25, Female, Central Florida (I travel between Daytona Beach and Orlando for UCF). Ladies please I will totally have tea parties and Disney days with youuuuu.

I'm a Pisces, very into art and nature. I'm not Lolita but I like Mori and I love window shopping / finding adorable dresses I will never be able to justify buying. I collect Pokemon junk and I've got a few anime figures I like using for amateur photography. Also I sew a little bit and sell plush in artist alleys.

>> No.8958679


>>8955475 is me I'd love to get in contact! If you have a throw away email or something I'd shoot you a message

>> No.8958692
File: 1.22 MB, 1680x1050, griffith_by_en_taiho-d4of7bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted earlier here, but heres a better one

24 (25 in July)/F/Moving to Florida in August.

Ill be up in Orlando or maybe Kissimmee to work for Disney World for 7 months and would love to get to know local lolitas or any Jfashion gals, especially for Disney days!

I am a cancer and I live up to it sadly, im emotional and very empathetic. I love getting things on sale and playing video games, mainly JRPGs. I want to learn how to sew and I crochet poorly. I have a tiny rat dog, and 2 actual rats. I love going to thrift stores and my head is always up in the clouds.

As for my cons I can be distant because I don't always like to talk all the time, but I try my best and I am not flakey. I just like my relaxing days and tend to speak to almost no one if I can get away with it.

Picture is unreleated, I just love Berserk and Griffith a qt

>> No.8958731

Definitely. E-mail's above, just add @gmail.com to it.

Ah, cool anon! Are you doing the college program with Disney? Also I love rats.

>> No.8958735

I sure am :) I'll be doing the dirty custodian work, but I'm still very excited to get free admission on my off days.

Me too! I always buy them in pairs, but it really sucks if they get tumors :(

I put my email above but I see you have yours listed too

>> No.8958787

We could share progress pics and cute supply finds if you'd like :')

>> No.8958812
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24/F/NorCal (95608)
I'll keep it simple this time.
I'm just looking for someone to do fun stuff with me on weekends (I go to the bay a lot too). No guys.
.gif unrelated.

>> No.8958857

Anon, I am in the Bay Area, but only interested in Lolita. Up for hanging out?

>> No.8958923

What kind of stuff do you like, anon?

>> No.8959025

You're hanging with the wrong people. I know a lot of older cosplayers / lolitas in Ohio and they're all pretty relaxed.
Find the people who have been in the community a long time and chat them up.

>> No.8959038

Yeah, because being dependent on someone else not fucking up and paying their share of rent for being moved out is a great piece of mind.

Subletting is the same as renting, you just pay on someone elses lease. Also not very stable.

>> No.8959165

You must not live in a place where rent is easily over $2000+ for 1 bedroom. Saving 1/2 the rent with a roommate is a huge deal.

I haven't even started thinking of buying a house like some anons in this thread. The median house price where I live is around $1 million dollars. The thought of getting involved with that stress makes me suicidal. I think I rather think about my hobbies.

>> No.8959187

That would be great!
I'm not certain when I'll be back in your area, but we can pick a day to hang out.
I'm not sure what easiest for you, but my email is almost like an instant messenger for me.

>> No.8959196

Hey anon, I'll be at MMX too. I'm in a similar situation to you...but I have a car.

>> No.8959219
File: 164 KB, 1024x1365, CdWCnhaUMAADvTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwaway email here!
Let's chat anon~

>> No.8960378

Yes! Email is above, add the at gmail

>> No.8960473


I'm >>8957627
my florida buddies, throwaway email is up there. I live more north but I'm happy to travel down <3 Any other lovely florida people feel free to send a message as well

>> No.8960505

You're really lucky to get tipped as a line cook!

>> No.8960510

Yikes! No way would I want to be renting at 2k a month. I would move first.
Its why I don't move to NYC despite getting accepted to a good school there. I don't want to pay over 1k a month for a closet sized hovel.

>> No.8961084

Oldfag bitch time:

Finding shoujou manga with good art has become about as likely as finding an oasis in the Arctic. God damn. I'm not saying 90s art was the best, I mean, eye monsters galore, but Jesus Christ it's like they're not even trying anymore. Arina Tanemuras style may have been exaggerated, but at least she knew how to draw. Now everything I find looks like a rejected portfolio from a low grade art school.

>> No.8961099

Hey anon, been busy with school/full time job so I will contact you this weekend or better. I haven't forgotten about you!

>> No.8961111

I definitely feel like the odd one out in this thread.

26 here, and I'm delving fully back into my weeb hobbies. I used to be a cringe weeb in middle school and slowly shed it off till I was just a normal animu fan. College hit and I decided to cut it mostly out (kept playing a shitton of vidya though) and did maybe a con a year mostly to meet up with friends.

Over the past two years though I've been getting back into anime, been active on weeby websites and basically have gone full fujo. I'm really happy and am not embarrassed about it though. Like instead of buying a new work dress I spent $80 on some nendos the other day and I don't regret it at all. I plan vacations and trips around cons and other nerdy places, I'm buying lots of jfash (though this I have to admit I try to buy the more casual or understated Axes Femme pieces and such mainly because I like to wear them to work and casually as well).

I felt a bit like I was taking a step back at first, especially after I spent a whole weekend plying otome games instead of doing paperwork but it honestly just makes me completely happy, more than a weekend trip to the beach or bar hopping/eating at restaurants with friends.

>> No.8961116

Anon, everyone needs a hobby.
My mam has no hobbies at 60 and is retired with literally nothing to occupy her time. She spends her days playing bejeweled and talking down to service workers.

>> No.8961125 [DELETED] 

>She spends her days playing bejeweled and talking down to service workers.
Ugh. There were like 10 of your mother ay my last job. I fucking hate people.

>> No.8961130 [DELETED] 

....it's a really common thing where I live? Every food service place out side of grocery stores does tip pools and every job listing has a "+ tips" part on it.

But I know in some places they still do the $3/hr shit and some places will give you tips under the table and shit like that. So that sucks.

>> No.8961133

I know anon, I know.
She's worked in a hospital for 30 years and had other office jobs before that, I worked in retail hell for years and could never quite put it in terms she understood.

>> No.8961138 [DELETED] 

Not the other anon but I love the luxury of living in a city, especially a relatively safe one at my age.
If I can find a cheap way to live in or at least near a large city by paying rent to a friend, I'm gonna do it.

And now that I have a boyfriend I get cheap rent meaning I have more spending cash for burando and I get to cuddle someone nightly.

Win win right there.

>> No.8961718
File: 217 KB, 500x2838, 1438248766474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do our best, okay anon? ;_;

>> No.8961743

I'm kind of the opposite, during college I lost all interest in anime and cosplay because I couldn't find any really geeky friends. But then I started watching anime again because of a guy I liked and I realized how much I missed it. So now I'm working full-time and can afford to go to buy figures and go to cons. It's definitely not a "lifestyle" to me (unless you count my Akemi Homura purse), it's just something I enjoy.

>> No.8962193
File: 165 KB, 500x736, 1456367543839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, looking forward to hearing from you!

>> No.8962214

24 soon to be 25 near Pittsburgh, Pa
I just got back into anime last year. I'll be at steel city con Sunday to watch the cosplay and check things out. I'll also be at Matsuri con 2016 for the first time and probably cosplaying to some degree.

>> No.8962652

Near Detroit?

>> No.8962655

What are your faves, anon? I'd like to delve back into some good art styles.

>> No.8962657


Thank you for posting this, i really love that manga.

>> No.8962924

I actually never read it or remember what it is called...

I got it in one of those motivational threads on /fit/, maybe if I forge discipline with lifting I'll carry over that to other aspects in life, r-right?

>> No.8962943

29/M/LA here, but my job/money situation is pretty crummy right now (went back to college to finish the degree I should've gotten a decade ago) and desu there's a bit of "social anxiety depression bullshit."

I definitely get the feeling OP mentions, though. Here I am, trying to live economically and focus on the future, and all of my friends are still trying to be 21, working minimum wage and living with their parents while they save up for cons and then go blow all of their money on booze and weed and try to beg me for rides or to buy them lunch during Fanime or whatever. The few that aren't like that have settled down and faded out of the con scene.

I'm pretty "weeb light" these days, I guess. I find a couple of series a year that I enjoy enough to finish, buy a bit of merchandise here and there, and enjoy going to cons for the festival atmosphere and to see old friends, but other than that I'm pretty much out of anime.

AX isn't actually that bad, especially compared to small local cons. It's 90% casual fans, 9% tolerable hardcores, and only 1% screaming homestucks and stuff.

I find it reasonably OK to deal with AX, while a lot of other cons bug me. I've really been wanting to go to DragonCon someday, though, not because of its hedonistic rep (ok, maybe a little) but because I've been told over and over again that it's a great place to hang out with other people our age who are serious fans, decently well-adjusted, and seriously into costuming.

>> No.8963674

Its not common for cooks to get tipped at all in a lot of places. I worked at a fancy restaurant and was paid hourly, management was salary and the only people that got tips were servers and bartenders and they would tip out the busboys.

>> No.8963675

My bf makes a really good living and I make a moderately good one. Neither of us want to spend excessive money on renting because we'd rather save up to eventually purchase.
I'm living cheap now to luxuriate when I'm old.. lol

>> No.8963699

Is AA considered close.

>> No.8964083

Not especially. I don't drive, but a bus could always get me there if need be. I'm actually in Detroit proper.

>> No.8965192

Seconded. Worked at a few restaurants, a couple of them actually reputable.

Servers/busboys/dishwashers got tips, cooks got hourly.

>> No.8967715


Hey ladies. I live in daytona as well. We can bake some expired box cakes I have laying around, drink some 4 loko out of tea cups and i guess we can watch some disney shit on my phone while i fuck you in the ass. Sorry i dont own a tv. I pawned one for drugs and crackheads stole my other one before i had a chance ro sell it. I do however have my own house on beachside, its a nice place if you dont mind roaches and dirty rigs lying around.

>> No.8967743

hello! Also a pgh anon. A lot of the cosplay here is sub par and cliquey. The few people who are good just circle jerk each other and talk abt "how cosfamu they are" despite being from fucking pgh. I mostly keep to myself bcos of that reason

>> No.8967986

normies get out etc


>> No.8968752
File: 134 KB, 640x840, 5bd1dab546f189f6d6f55ebf53a1a4241424887516_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, I'm traveling via plane there. Also quite tough telling my classmates or professors why I won't be present that week.

>> No.8973262

I feel so sad to see when i would have a good career (teaching or whatever else) is when i'm past 30+, fuck my country with long time abilitations to be a teacher and losing time with too much university years.
>first world EU country but shit school system
I struggle to find friends with my same interests (lolita or any jfashion) because most of are not in my area nor my region, super introverted and no car or bf or money to move elsewhere.
All i can find are cosplayers, i like cosplay but i love more lolita. Maybe i should try to meet new friends and engage with cosplay, at least simple or casual "j-fashion" cosplay like some unpopular Magica Madoka cosplays with sweaters or blouses/skirts that look like legit j-fashion.
It seems in my area no one is willing to dress lolita or j-fashion and i can't relate to normie friends (not into any smoke, drink or other stuff that young people do).