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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 816x807, 12809614_1006579649423765_3244627003883626373_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8935333 No.8935333 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing as the other thread is becoming bogged down with pointless posts at this time. I am starting this thread for anyone that just wants to talk about Anime North prep or anything linked directly to the con.

RULE 1 - NO talking about Antonio/Jax/Roger/OCC/CHG crap
RULE 2 - What happens at AN stays at AN ;)

>> No.8935359

How late can I wait to get a hotel room? I'm not sure if I can go yet so I don't have a room yet. I don't want to make plans too soon and annoy the other person with my flipflopping.

>> No.8935367

You might get lucky and have someone cancel their room booking last minute and you'll be able to get one. But I don't think there are currently any rooms available

>> No.8935386

It depends how much walking/traveling you want to do and how much money you have. The far hotels, being the ones you pretty much need a car or that are farther than the shuttle route, will have room. It just is a pain.

>> No.8935387

Where's the best place to look out for that? The FB page or the forums?

>> No.8935442

Any cosplay plan? I haven't been able to work on anything because I keep getting bogged down by school work.

>> No.8935452

Checking the hotel sited themselves seem to be the best way to go about it. People don't usually cancel til closer to the actual event though

>> No.8935453
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Anyone figured out their cosplans/coords yet? With less than 2 months to go I finally said screw it and ordered this baby for the tea party and started gathering together an order for some of the accessories I want with it
Hopefully they dont end up suddenly announcing guests that it'd be a problem for...

>> No.8935601

They posted a status about this onto their event page

>> No.8935607
File: 96 KB, 768x960, coordish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a general idea of what I'm wearing to the teaparty. I need to get an ivory blouse and dusty pink shoes/flowers for the boater then I'm all set.

>> No.8935768

Hey, first-timer here. Advice on things to do or avoid? What is your opinion of this convention, /cgl/?

>> No.8936000

Corky are you going to be giving away seagull pins again this year?

>> No.8936002
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150522_203553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be another banterlicious /cgl/ meet?

>> No.8936008

Finally got my shimakaze wig and I tried my cosplay on for the first time since I started my bulk and it looks like I'm in dire need of a cut. I only need to lose about 10-15 lbs so I should be able to do it no problem.
Anyone else on the road to getting /fit/ for anime north?

>> No.8936171
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Found out that I finish semester April 11th, but downside is 7 different assignments have to be handed between now and then.
Upside, more time to work on cosplay after I sleep for a week.

>> No.8936179

-Avoid the dances and the raves, they play the same shit every year, plus the congealed con funk is deadly
-Avoid nearby restaurants like Tim's, Harvey's, Swiss Chalet, it will take hours to find a table
-reccomend trying to get a seat for the Masquerade and some panel discussions, there are a few promising ones this year
-photoshoots are worth a look, check schedule when it's out to see what you like.

>> No.8936248

Pics plz

>> No.8936312

dang anon. Godspeed. My last "real" exam is on the 21st, but I do have to hand in a take home exam on the 27th. The end looms near and it feels good.

I'm super hype for this year. I missed the convention last year due to circumstances, but this year, I got tea party tickets, decent hotel, and on top of that I get to see a dear from the US AND meet a handful of online friends too. I'm dressing two of them up in lolita, so I've been gathering accessories and planning coords like mad. IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT.

>> No.8936322

You can look at this page for hotel availability but not sure how up to date it is. I wouldn't wait any longer desu

>> No.8936325

agreed. first point though there are actually a lot of djs this year but might end up being the same shit

>> No.8936330

I will later when I get home if I remember.

>> No.8936400

Good to hear anon, hope you have a good con!

>> No.8936714

How bad is the parking situation? Im looking at a 7 minute drive or a half hour walk from my hotel....

>> No.8936972

Still awaiting news for the tea party guest...

>> No.8936995
File: 59 KB, 1038x600, AN-lineup2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get a table this year, so you'll have to come find me wandering around the con on Saturday to get a button. I'll try and make it to the meetup this year.

Here's a quick lineup sheet that I made for you guys. I'll put mine together in just a second.

I know panels and table #s won't be until later, but it's fun to put this together regardless :)

>> No.8937045

are cosplays pretty good at this con?

>> No.8937064

Thanks everyone. I roomed with a friend at a hotel that was pretty far last year, and it was honestly a pain to get the the convention center so I'm hoping for something closer this year. I'll try and follow your advices.

>inb4 I come back with the con horror story of the year

>> No.8937077

I'm still not sure what I want to wear. Lolita for sure, since I'm attending the tea party. Possibly wearing an itaoutfit Friday or Saturday night? In terms of cosplay, I finish school the week before AN so I'm not sure if I can get much done in that time.

>> No.8937100
File: 303 KB, 1038x600, AN-lineup2016_Corky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine. Since I didn't get a table I'm just chilling on Saturday.

I still have the shirt and shorts done, just need to make the gun/tentacles. And then decide what headgear and shoes I want. My inkling in the actual game has gear that's too hot to wear in May.

>> No.8937180

I would take transit if your hotel doesnt have the shuttle route. Parking is doable, but can be a hassle if you are unlucky. The hard parts is the crosswalk area because the masses and getting out at the peak times everyone wants to leave. Otherwise the convention centre does have a lot of parking between the buildings.

>> No.8937264
File: 393 KB, 1047x562, ANLineup2k16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine...first year both going without my SO and actually having a hotel booked, so looking forward to packing my schedule with much more than usual.
If I actually finish my cosplays with time to spare this year for once, would it be too trufflechan-copycat to bake something to bring along for a gull meetup?

(Also if anyone has any ideas for bags/storage ideas for either of my two cosplays other than a clunky unmatching con-purse, please help a gull out)

>> No.8937400
File: 282 KB, 1026x566, an2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Sorry for the picture quality)
I may reconsider Miku as I'm running out of time to make everything. I might just do a more simple module if I can find one that is manageable.

>> No.8937553

Anime Hell is always good. See it if you have to choose between it and the masquerade.
Totally Lame Anime and Dubs that Time Forgot are good, but sometimes hit or miss.

Don't rely on the ATMs. Always lineups. Bring cash.

Don't get the ice cream sandwich from the ice cream truck. Ice cream is too soft and cookie is too hard.

Bring a jacket in case of cold or rain.

Go to photoshoots of shows you like.

Catch a couple of songs from the video game band that plays in the grass outside the convention hall.

The onigiri and takoyaki from the restaurant in the hotel are good and not too pricey.

Go to a Japanese voice actor panel, especially if they play cute characters. Super Fun.

>> No.8937668
File: 454 KB, 1038x600, AN2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time going all four days to AN pretty excited, got a category B hotel because I booked late.

But anyways this is my lineup but Josuke might have to wait until colossal con if I run out of time.

>> No.8937671

+1 on the onigiri and takoyaki

Way better investment than waiting in line at a nearby restaurant for hours imo

>> No.8937734

I should also explain that they sell them at a table just OUTSIDE the front door of the restaurant inside the hotel. It's like a little festival booth like in my chinese cartoons!

>> No.8937795
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First time in years at AN :)
keeping it simple cosplay wise

>> No.8938871
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>no plans for hotel yet

I'm going to be okay right

>> No.8938884

lmao u fucked

>> No.8938890
File: 920 KB, 446x374, villager intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to cancel AN plans

>> No.8938897

I booked one at the Holiday Inn for like 4 people around the start of March and they still had plenty available; if you dont mind bussing a couple mins or walking ~15-20 mins, a lot of the category B hotels still have stuff available even now

>> No.8938913

I have a holiday inn reservation but no friends L M A O
been MIA for so long that everyone already have their hotels arranged

>> No.8939028

are airsoft guns allowed?

>> No.8939130
File: 2.51 MB, 5456x3632, DamnImSexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, my camera wouldnt focus on me at all and when it did I had a derpy face due to bells palsy, what a struggle take a decent picture so sorry for wait.
I dunno, you tell me.
Bunk with me ;)

>> No.8939136
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>> No.8939146

Going to lean out for anime north, hopefully I dont lose too much muscle

>> No.8939175
File: 429 KB, 1038x600, ThisiswhyIhatemyself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I am looking forward to this year

>> No.8939189

Same, anon, same.

>mfw none of my friends are going this year so I don't have anyone to room with

>> No.8939206

What the fuck. Weekend badges are sold out. The con isn't even for 2 months yet. Now I have to pay $20 more for a Friday and Saturday badge. Any chance they release more of the weekend badges closer to the con? Or should I buy the tickets I have sitting in my cart right now?

>> No.8939210

can I go out with you plz?

>> No.8939213

Absolutely not. Less you wanna shutdown the con and have police swarm the area

>> No.8939227

Actually they increased the number of weekend badges this yr from the previous years. Last yr there were fewer badges available and sold out within a couple of months after opening.

They probably won't release any more badges, as they have a max building capacity/fire code to worry about. You might get lucky waiting for someone who already bought a badge but has to cancel last min and buy it off them. Or you could potentially purchase one off of scalpers. Check the Anime North Reddit page for any listings.

>> No.8939233

Is it just me or did shimakaze upgrade her guns?

>> No.8939234


>> No.8939243

Sup all. So I'm coming from the USA. I have my hotel (thanks low Canadian dollar). Do I need to know anything about entering Canada or anything unusual about your people?

>> No.8939263

be prepared for a lot of meese, and don't get run over by dog sleds. Also, make sure your cosplays are winter proof.

>> No.8939353

You had 3 months to figure this out, a lot of cons sellout within hours or days.

>> No.8939372

You have to carry 2 jars of maple syrup on you at all times. Also mittens, in case you need to build an igloo during an impromptu snowstorm. Don't start running if you see a moose, or else they'll chase after you and glomp you.

>> No.8939378
File: 3.03 MB, 5312x2988, 20160330_200716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, continuing my trend of low effort, low budget, closet cosplays of videogame characters, I'm going as a member of EXALT from XCOM: Enemy Within. Sadly, this is what I get for coming home so late from shopping for all this stuff- such shitty lighting since the sun set, so I'll have to take some proper photos of myself all dressed up tomorrow. That said, I need to go pick up some tight leather gloves (the ones in the photo are place holders) and I'm waiting on a shoulder sling to ship to me. Still, can't wait to see you all there again! [ANGRY STATIC INTENSIFIES]

>> No.8939573

lol, if you wanna talk low effort, I just got that cloak from umaru-chan that she wears and am gonna just wear that with a white shirt

>> No.8939698
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My possible lineup~

>> No.8940016

Not to mention, they continuously updated people that they were running out of badges. The $20 extra fee is on you.

>> No.8940160

If I want to go to an event that I think will be popular how early should I line up? It says doors open at 6:30. When should I start lining up? 3? Earlier?

>> No.8940553

Yup, down to about 215 from being 260 at Halloween. Might seem slow but it's faster than recommended and I don't want to lose muscle or get flabby. Saw your progress pics on /fit/ a little bit ago, keep it up desu

>> No.8940580

sorry for the repeated question but I never got around to checking for answers in the last Ontario thread which I hear became a shitstorm anyways, so here it is: when's the room party usually been these past years? Saturday night? and how is it usually brought up, you just chill at the meet-up until people are like "ye partay"?

>> No.8940985

No, also laws for airsoft guns changed in the last two years so it's pretty much tantamount to bringing a real gun out these days.

>> No.8941096

Last yr we had nothing planned other than a couple of meetups. When we met up, we moved our meet up to the hotel bar. One of the attendees offered up their room, and we had a party.

During Atomic Lollipop, we had something organized. Nekkomancer generously offered up his room and filled his bathtub full of beer. So we had a good time that weekend.

>> No.8941617

>wake up 5am to cosplay idea
>too excited to go back to sleep

this life

>> No.8941635

I feel that anon. I usually get a rush of cosplay ideas or start theorising how best to make a bit of a cosplay I'm already making right before I go to sleep, so I just lie there all hyped up for ages.

>> No.8942426

Depends on how popular it is and how small the room is. Last year I went about a half hour before the Kancolle panel and the line was long enough the room filled before I could get in. That was in one of the small rooms next to the Mississauga room, near the east corner of the hotel.

Later I went to an IM@S seiyuu panel and there was a similar sized line but it was in a ballroom so we only filled the first third of it.

>> No.8942472

It's the concert of my favorite band. So I don't mind waiting at all.

>> No.8942918

I'd say give yourself at least an hour. 3 might be excessive but hey, it's once in a lifetime chance right?. Make sure you have someone to hold your place because you WILL need a bathroom break.

>> No.8943139

Sure, just dont tell my girlfu

I would say that im almost kai mode but Im pretty sure kai has small guns.

Good job anon. Im taking this cut slow because I don't want to lose any muscle, but im also using ephedarine, hmb and BCAAs to hopefully spare as much muscle as possible.

As I have always said, as long as I am at a con, there will always be a place to drink. Only thing is that I am at the sheraton this year so if anyone has a room at the international plaza that wants to host a party that would be rad.

>> No.8943582

You guys are freaking out a bit too much about this. You can bring it around as long as it has an orange tip just not in the convention center, but outside no one will care. >>8939028

>> No.8943587
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I always see you guys from afar and I always intend to join in but I get super shy. I don't want you guys to think I'm lame and shit talk me on the internet.

Sorry weird question, but on the teahouse forums, is the food panel you're speaking of based on the cooking/baking in anime thread?

>> No.8943589

Anyone have the link to the tentative photoshoot schedule? I forgot to bookmark it and lost it

>> No.8943603

Nevermind that I'm dumb and found it

>> No.8943618
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>pool meet

>> No.8943622

>I don't want you guys to think I'm lame

But you're doing such a great job convincing everyone you're not lame already. Definitely no need to worry..

>> No.8943679
File: 164 KB, 1038x600, Lineup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the /cgl/ meetup.

>> No.8943724

Just use a nerf gun

>> No.8943758
File: 505 KB, 1038x600, AN2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no suits for me this year but I cant wait to see the cool faces from last year again

>> No.8943760


>> No.8943762
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>> No.8943896

does anybody know any places for room sharing? usually with other conventions they are plenty of people looking to room with others, but I'm getting diddly-squat with this con so far.

or am I a huge AN noob?

>> No.8943930

Are you thinking of rooming with strangers? Really seems weird you don't bunk with friends.

>> No.8944526


>> No.8944863
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Hopefully I get everything done on time


>> No.8944933
File: 100 KB, 1920x1080, VID_20150522_203617_00.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget Truffle-chan's truffles

Maybe he doesn't have friends

>> No.8945017

Remember how there were gulls who saved their wrapper?

>> No.8945028

Will Truffle chan come back?

>> No.8945045
File: 32 KB, 500x313, tumblr_m8wgb28Yhm1rz7lgbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i am an average cgl salty bitch who cakes on 5 pounds of makeup to look acceptable pls don't glorify me

>> No.8945065

you look disgusting. I am disgusted. Please stop.

>> No.8945078

HHAHAHAH thank you for posting this anon glad im not the only one

>> No.8945089
File: 339 KB, 1038x600, an16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check it

i have a good feeling about this years Anime North.

>> No.8945096

I'm not glorifying you, man. I'm just asking if you wanna hang out with us again.

>> No.8945100

I'm not staying at a hotel this year. But I will come Friday night and Saturday to hang out.

>> No.8945101
File: 2.00 MB, 395x350, 1434174559299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing free photo shoots for anime north, I don't really care about the money nor do I have all the fancy gear.

but i do have a decent dslr and a good hand at photography

if you want me to shoot you lemme know

>> No.8945103

you're coming all the way from France again eh.

>> No.8945105

Yeah, Quebec France, Montreal

>> No.8945114

holy shit nice work man - got real /fit/

>> No.8945136

memories of last year
??? 8D

probably coming though because I have no other friends to hang out with ay

>> No.8945137
File: 362 KB, 1038x600, fuckthisconiswaytoosoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have to get my shit together, and get some good shapewear and use my gym membership. The aim is to not have my costume melt this year...

>> No.8945151

its always good to start going to the gym, but you wont really see any results in less than 2 months if thats what you were counting on

>> No.8945155
File: 602 KB, 1038x600, lineup .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a million other things I should be doing right now but hypeee

Not sure about the meetup yet, I want to go but my friends are sketched out by any mention of 4chan

>> No.8945161

Will you be at the Fire Emblem shoot? It's at noon on Saturday.

>> No.8945198

Yep! Gonna be there in the beginning for sure, if I stay depends on how strong the Fates circlejerk is

>> No.8945199

It is, but the mod for the cooking/baking in anime panel wanted to discuss popular food trends in Japan and their influence over here.

(Rumor has it that panels are lacking in numbers this year, so I guess it ccould fit in)

>> No.8945252

>In the name of our goddess, mascot and savior Truffle-Chan.

>> No.8945496

Thanks nekko! Yeah your cut was pretty drastic for how fast you managed it, I'm surprised you didn't lose more muscle. Good call on taking this one slower and using the right supplements. I'm hoping to get below 200 by AN, so I might speed things up, maybe pick up some kind of appetite suppressant.

On the other note, I don't think people would be opposed to the short walk to the Sheraton as a last ditch sort of thing. Obviously the International is better, I guess we'll figure that out later

>> No.8945499

make sure to bring pushup-man with you

>> No.8945582

Oh no, I know that! I'm definitely not hoping for a body miracle. Just hoping to be a bit healthier, and prep for some other cons down the road!

>> No.8945638

Try being friends with this guy on facebook
>"Look at this dumb anime thing I wasted my money on"
>"Have a stupid selfie of me"
>"I'm so /fit/ now guys"
>"I don't need love, I got anime tiddies"
Why do people even waste their time amusing him?

>> No.8945693


>> No.8946161
File: 2.95 MB, 4135x5368, ImStillBestia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think im disgusting? Good. Just wait until you see me irl, I enjoy the look of disgust people give me on a regular basis.
But seriously, remember when I was Hestia? That was pure filth. Also, this picture is for you.
Thanks anon, its still a work in progress so I wouldn't consider myself /fit/ yet. Hopefully by Anime north 2017 ill be reasonably fit.
I dropped 80 lbs in 5 months, shit was stupid. I really didnt have any muscle to lose so I went balls out. I mean I still don't have much muscle now but im going to do my best to keep what I have.
Come at me scrublord I'm ripped.

Most of this is true though, but what im more of a dfc kind of guy rather than a big ol' anime tiddy guy.
>Both going to be a ship and touhou
Im looking forward to this and do you know if thier is going to be a touhou photoshoot this year?

>> No.8946172

d a n g son

>> No.8946370

try harder, the hairy manbear looking hestia did much better

just a suggestion but don't wear boxer briefs, looks kinda stupid. The rest is good though.

>> No.8946372


>> No.8946388


>> No.8946390

Sorry my post wasn't showing for some reason

>> No.8946428
File: 66 KB, 960x960, 11063543_10155783162225487_6558472187593957328_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hestia is actually a retired cosplay of mine that I use to do when I was fat, I like to keep it around to so I can show off my transformation

That would be I.

>> No.8946438
File: 43 KB, 649x661, IMG_20160404_190355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait till you see me irl

>> No.8946450
File: 197 KB, 955x960, 995384_10156643041710487_4719664181010816246_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck at least post the full picture so anons can at least see the shirt.
Also there is like 100 worse pictures of me on my facebook.

>> No.8946543

much better imho but I get wanting to be fit tho

I'm just giving you a hard time though, its actually pretty funny

>> No.8946559

ummm can i feel your arms plz? For science...

>> No.8946597

Cleavage is cute, but face is not so cute. But maybe you just have one of those weird asymmetrical faces that look bad in mirrors.

>> No.8946746

what the fuck was that guy's deal
but yeah, bring him

>> No.8946792

The whole push-up thing was just weird. Like comparing dicks, but somehow even weirder.

>> No.8946800
File: 277 KB, 1038x600, cglan16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure about anything, really.

Are you gulls going to the tea party?

>> No.8946860

please don't come to the meet, most of us don't want you there.

>> No.8947022

I was the one who made the thread in the first place... It seems my intent wasn't clear.

>> No.8947023

Speak for yourself anon

>> No.8947039

it might've been pretty weird, but holy shit would you be lying if you said it wasn't entertaining. seeing an enlisted seagull acting like a drill sergeant towards everyone was definitely one of my otakuthon highlights

>> No.8947041

I agree with >>8947023 , speak for yourself

>> No.8947165

You sound like a salty cunt.
considering he might be housing the /cgl/ party as he has before, it would be dumb to tell him that no one wants him there.

>> No.8947169

So do the booths in the dealers room sell legit figma and figures from Japan? I've heard people say that some of the booths sell Chinese bootlegs.

>> No.8947180

Most of them do, I really only trust navito's world

>> No.8947183

OK, thanks
How are the prices there?

>> No.8947283

I agree with this anon.
He's annoying in thread, it'll be the same irl

>> No.8947307

I am, are you?
Also "on the helm of a huge guest announcement"...oh no, at this point after giving up on guests and ordering in so much for this coord I can only cross my fingers and hope for AP

>> No.8947311

I hung out with him a bit at anime north, beach meet and atomic lolipop and surprisingly he is quite quiet and laid back. Totally is a different guy in person than he is online, yeah he can get a bit annoying with his posts but the doesn't mean we should be telling him not to come to the meet plus he knows how to throw a good party. I'm pretty sure he made half of the gulls atomic lolipop what it was.

>> No.8947403

Wah Wah I don't like this person so they shouldn't come to our super awesome meet up.
Shut the fuck up you babies. Seriously how old are you?
Don't like the guy? Don't go.
>"But I want to go because I like everyone else"
Well go and don't talk to the guy you dumb autist.
I'm pretty sure I would rather have someone who may be a bit annoying but easily ignored over a whiny bitch any day.

>> No.8947462


>> No.8947674

This is probably a long shot, but I figure I might as well. If anyone's looking to sell their tea party ticket, I'd be interested in buying one off you.

>> No.8947683

Like I said Hestia will forever be retired, im just keeping the the cosplay around because its reference for my progress seeing as I wore it when I was at my fattest.
You can feel what ever the heck you want.

For science that is....
Well damn, im going to have to make sure not to miss it now.
I just said my room is always available for worst case scenarios. Im hoping that 13 more people cancel their rooms at the IP before the con so I can get a room their instead.
Filter me faggot
Yeah I barely talk to anyone and I barely drink anymore so I no longer get obnoxious.

>> No.8947833

that's why i said to bring him he was great

>> No.8947862

Have you signed up for the wait list?

>> No.8947875

Yup, already on there too. I figured I'd cover more bases if I posted here too.

>> No.8947889

Have they even announced if there's going to be a special guest other than Akira this year?

>> No.8947904

nothing new's been announced yet. i'm praying for midori instead of a brand, but what are the odds they invite two models and no designers?

>> No.8947912

As of like two days ago, the tea party organizers were claiming that we're "on the helm" of some massive guest announcement, but i'm not getting my hopes up too much

>> No.8947914

Are any brand booths open at the con this year? I know AP will have a booth at Atomic Lollipop, but I have no clue what's going on for AN.

>> No.8948185

I'm just massively salty the tea party is so late on the Sunday. The Friday or Saturday would have made much more sense. Or put it it at like noon on Sunday. Having it so late means a lot of people that aren't local couldn't go.

>> No.8948213

....anon...that was a joke.

Well, desu non locals are not the demographic. There are con reasons why it is in that time slot, since they dont want to be competing with others for big spaces.

>> No.8948214

Yeah, it's strange, I feel like it was never this late in previous years? Hoping I can store my luggage somewhere with the hotel so I dont have to bring an ugly ass suitcase with me to the teaparty or get a friend to lug it around

well that kinda depends on what the brand guest is, right? which we still have no clue of (nor do we know if we even have one)

>> No.8948228

W-Was it? I only read it in passing and I've never gone to Atomic Lollipop.

>> No.8948357

Yeah, I am. At this point, I don't really care for which guest since I don't want to scramble for a coord at the last minute. Hopefully there will be one. I'm not very impressed by the organizers' transparency.

>> No.8949660

Hotels are up! Where's everyone staying?

>> No.8949662

I'm at the Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport, is anyone else?

>> No.8949663

Wait no I fucked up this isn't Otakuthon

Oh well question still remains

>> No.8949743

It was an april fools joke.

>> No.8949759

No one even knows if Atomic is running this year. They still don't have dates or any programming announced.

>> No.8949886

Does anyone play board games at AN? I did some at Breakoutcon last month and it was a lot of fun.

>> No.8949951

check their online store. there's no difference in price if you buy it there or at the con

>> No.8949954
File: 23 KB, 250x324, CWjPmdNWIAAwMum.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no featured guest announced yet

>> No.8949984

It'll be my first time going! Super excited.

>> No.8950281

Who's excited to hear terrible "rapping" over Nightcore at the outdoor dance all night?

>> No.8950308

I hung out with him at AN too and he acted cringey and autistic

>> No.8950377

IIRC there's no board games other than Go. There are a lot of card games, like MTG, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc being played throughout the con.

>> No.8950615

>still no clue what my hotel situation's like

I gotta... get on that, probably.

>> No.8950659

>do you know if thier is going to be a touhou photoshoot this year?
I don't think so? Unless someone decides to host a impromptu shoot or something like that.

>> No.8950917

wasn't there a late-night CAH gull meetup in the lobby of one of the hotels last year? i'd be down to do that again

>> No.8950975

I haven't figured anything out either. Might go with Air B&B and see if there's anything reasonable left

>> No.8950993

>mfw no hotel or transportation yet

>> No.8951133

How do you people even have friends if you dismiss people so quickly over the tiniest quirks

>> No.8951287


>> No.8951290

cards against humanity

>> No.8951376
File: 296 KB, 487x463, canadian tire money budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we made it senpai

>> No.8951390

I am here

>> No.8951707

oh... ...goody.

>> No.8951859

he looks like a pedophile

>> No.8951878
File: 203 KB, 391x468, 1460114887546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime expert

>> No.8952250

literally a weaboo

>> No.8952262

JFC that's so awkward. Why would you call him an "anime expert", he does scholarly panels on cultural anthropology.

>> No.8952278


Yeah, I actually know Charles and dude deserves a way better title than "Anime Expert"

>> No.8952599

Swiss Chalet you can find a table at easier then most places.
Don't go to Harveys.

>> No.8952627

Are you doing a Higurashi panel?
Why not do a panel on the superior Umineko

>> No.8952730

at least make something new for 2016.
I want a better idea, like "4chan yaoi north panel"

>> No.8952733

are you the guy who dressed as a Chinese soldier last year?

>> No.8952734

So i bought a weekend pass, but i have decided not to go, should i try for a refund or are these passes easy to scalp?

>> No.8952744

I got a room from this thread 2 years ago
Otherwise check the unofficial facebook group for room sharing.
The official has that against the rules, as well as selling tickets

>> No.8952751

I hope so.
"Her tummy was soft"

>> No.8952755

They should be pretty easy to scalp I know I've seen people on the unofficial AN group trying to buy them.

>> No.8952763

Why don't you?

>> No.8952786

was that the one where somebody made that collage? shit was hilarious

>> No.8952800

forgive my noobness but do you have a link to that group handy?

>> No.8952803

He's overseas right now I think, in Kandahar or something

>> No.8952811

nah he hasn't been shipped off, he's still in one of the bases around here last I checked.

>> No.8952813

IMAS Seiyuu announced. Let the line bullshit begin.


Here anon /groups/223122254462019/

Yess anyone have that saved? Guy didn't even bother to censor his own name

>> No.8952816

The board game section has other stuff every year I think
But it's mostly card games

>> No.8952818

Thanks anon

>> No.8952823
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>> No.8952828

holy shit my sides

>> No.8952829

Yeah, and I think we played something that looked like it but wasn't it

>> No.8952847

Can confirm

>> No.8953123

Does anyone need a hairy Greek guy to sit on them?

>> No.8953142

Apparently she's signing all three days? Maybe this time I can get a signature

>> No.8953169

Fuck, I thought you would have stayed in the other thread.

>> No.8953170


"This is Akiko's first time ever attending an overseas event! She will be holding Q&A panels and autograph sessions throughout the 3 days of Anime North."

Q&A panels and autograph sessions. I think it'll be the same as last year with 2 autograph sessions and a Q&A set on different days.

>> No.8953206

Hm okay. I guess I'll have to wait 3 hours again like last time.

>> No.8953659

Does anyone have a day they'd recommend? I haven't lined up for many seiyuu's and I'm interested in her autograph.

>> No.8953844

AN desperate for guests...

>> No.8953889

is this horrid guest quality normal?

>> No.8953913

Scroll up. They invited an anime expert

>> No.8953968

An has always been shit but this is more shit than usual. They have been making excuses to why there is no good guests but wait for other smaller Canadian cons to bring in better people with only a fraction of the budget.

>> No.8953976

Usually there is autograph on Friday and Sunday. I would go for Friday as most people are at the dealership room or nominoichi and even then I'd recommend going 3 hours early as otaku are really fucking dedicated

>> No.8953979

The only good guest theey frinf is am imas one. It's really great but I'd like some variety too. Plus they never let the VA sing either

>> No.8954140

Back in the day when AN was still expanding and full capacity hadn't been reached yet (less than 20,000 attendees), they seemed to put more effort into procuring good or relevant guests. The high point at one time being Kotoko. Nowadays it's like they don't even care or aren't even trying?

This yr AN has been making a lot of excuses regarding the lackluster guests list, largely contributing it to a weak Canadian dollar. But this has been an ongoing issue for a few yrs now, even back when the Canadian dollar was strong. So really it's just bullshit on their part.

Case in point, when you compare AN to Otakuthon (two Canadian conventions with similar target demographic and market size). Otakuthon has way better guests and panels than AN. So really the issue with AN is poor management and logistical planning.

>> No.8954145
File: 528 KB, 620x5196, aBY4BNz_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it anon

>> No.8954201

You sound really sweet, anon. I'm sure you'll be fine!

>> No.8954271

How hard is it to snag a Nominoichi table?

>> No.8954300

I think it's lottery and d like the artist alley

>> No.8954304

We are covering both.

>> No.8954779

AN has a bad rep with their guests - most people who are able to make money off convention touring don't want to go back to AN because it's so poorly organized...

That's why you rarely see the same guests twice at AN. It's not because they "can't afford it" or because "they are looking for diversity". People just don't want to go back when given the option not to...

>> No.8954859
File: 72 KB, 1053x337, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a few postings in the AN forums about AN mistreating their guests. Do you happen to know of any other incidents with other guests?

>> No.8954929

so we finally got a guest for the tea party (it's victorian maiden)

>> No.8955031


On another note, anyone know any dos/taboos in terms of VM and the tea party then? I'm not very well suited to VM-style classic and already have been planning a sweet AP coord but dunno if that'd be in bad taste. I know it was generally okay when JetJ was the guest of honor but I just want to make sure...

>> No.8955043

I'm sure it's going to be fine.

Although personally I am torn. I was thinking of doing something a bit OTT, think white dress/kinda bridal since that's not something I get to wear out often and AN is once a year. My usual style is pretty toned down (or lazy, if you will) classic, so while it'd be more in tune with VM's aesthetic it wouldn't be much different from what I usually wear. sigh.

>> No.8955051

yeah, like idk but while I adore the brand and their style, my wardrobe is very different from it and I feel like suddenly buying and trying my hand at that substyle/colour scheme with only fourty-something days to go could be disastrous, especially since their kinds of dusky pastels often look horrible with my skintone. And I feel like rushing and showing up with a really badly coorded and unsuitable VM coord would probably be even worse than wearing a nice one from another brand/substyle

>> No.8955083

I wonder if they will participate in the fashion show this year. I wasn't able to a tea party ticket so I feel like the only way I'd see the designers and maybe talk to them, get an autograph, is by participating in the model call...

>> No.8955095

There is no way it will be strict as not everyone can afford/wear the brand. At most it will be no replicas, which shouldnt be hard since Vm replicas are shit.

>> No.8955099

They will, but you will have time to see them outside of the fashion show/ tea party. They will have panels, and a pop up store.

>> No.8955608

I wonder if it's different with western and eastern guests since Asapon said she liked AN a lot at Kawaiicon and would recommend others to come.

>> No.8955942 [DELETED] 

Sometimes you don't kill the golden goose I guess

>> No.8955946

Sometimes you don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs I guess

>> No.8957606

maybe next year I'll apply as an expert video gamer

yeah should be really easy given they're sold out. facebook groups and kijiji

if any of you know him personally and he's able to make it, pls convince him

it is now

>> No.8957612

I tried to convince him during an SC2 match but he just alt QQ'd

>> No.8957872

/cgl/ meetup hype. It's always fun.

>> No.8957873

Who's room are we gonna hang out in? I'm not drinking this year, so I'm gonna be super lame.

>> No.8958037

Nekkomancer (hestia-kun) has offered his room for drinking once again.

>> No.8958040

Why aren't you drinking?

>> No.8958546

is it still worthwhile coming along to the gull meets if you arent drinking? i don't personally, so i've skipped out on previous meets lest i be the odd one out...

on another note, i'd be happy to hold a CaH meet like last year, maybe some shitty pictionary if you all want? i'm all the way in the holiday inn and staying with friends so we'd have to find somewhere else to meet up tho

>> No.8958621

I am driving home at night.

I mean, I literally just said I'm not gonna drink. So you won't be alone.

>> No.8958831
File: 1.42 MB, 779x1210, tmp_24108-1406863238095-857708743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first year I'm unsure if I'll be attending. Haven't started cosplay yet(only planed new cosplay is pretty simple). I'd really like to go to the /cgl/ meetup this year, I had a blast at Otakuthon. Life is a special kind of hell right now. Never been to a room party but that sounds cool too(no rufee please).

Pushup guy made me feel less spaghetti by. Comparison.

>> No.8958863

guess you'll need to try harder mi amigo

you could always have a beer early on in the night if you're not leaving early

pictionary sounds fun and a change of pace would be nice. although i didn't get to experience the CaH meet last year so i'm game for either

pushup-man was the anti-spaghetti, how dare you

>> No.8960379

This thread needs a bumping

>> No.8960603

new guests have been added to AN, more sailor moon va's.

>> No.8960611
File: 614 KB, 803x625, literalWeeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like they changed it.

>> No.8960662


>> No.8960663


>> No.8960674



>> No.8961177


>> No.8961817

This just in, every weeb is a scholar

>> No.8961960

what is going on. do they expect people not to notice?

>> No.8961967

Which day would be better for me to go if I just want to get my shit signed by Akiko? Friday or Saturday?

>> No.8962156

If last year is anything to go on, signings were Friday and Sunday. Probably better to go Friday

>> No.8962463

CAH is meh. But there's other stuff as options.
I got a bunch of card games. Not drinking can be fun

>> No.8962565
File: 275 KB, 388x497, 1425614724202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw that's me

I forget to fucking cross off my name and go all out on my personal info. My personal life isn't even fucking interesting

>> No.8962934

You seem like a cool guy to hang out with
Besides. You have about as bad of a reputation as this guy >>8939130

>> No.8962983

Except people like nekkomancer

>> No.8963017

I hung out with Nekkomancer (Hestia Kun) during one of the beach meetups, as well as the room party he hosted for APop. He's actually a very nice and pleasant guy to hang around with.

>> No.8963019

People who are hating on this guy obviously didn't go to apop like the whole room started to cheer when he walked in at apop. The guy let us party in his room when he wasn't even there ffs.

>> No.8963020

I still think you're cool. I hope you find a qt 3.14 asian grill too.

>> No.8963030

pls don't encourage the autist...

>> No.8963046

Hey bro, let's hang out at AN and pick up some qt Asian grills.

>> No.8963215

>oh no there's an autist at an anime convention
Get bent

>> No.8963225

The Asian guy was at APOP?

>> No.8963232


I was never at APOP. Only other cons I went to after AN2015 were Unplugged (which was pure ass) and Fan Expo and Bell from Danmachi.

>> No.8963318

I'm talking about hestia-kun. Someone is sitting here with a vendetta against him declaring that he shouldn't be at meets and no one likes him. I don't know where they are getting these accusations from because from what I've seen he is quite well liked.

>> No.8963371

I am not that person.
Maybe because he's not taking cosplay seriously and just does ridiculous crossplays?
Somebody complaining that he's "ruining the sanctity of cosplay" or something?

>> No.8963428

No he's just insufferable as demonstrated earlier in the thread

>> No.8963435


That Asian guy here. Thanks guys, you guys seem cool. How many days are you guys going for? We could meet up and stuff.

>> No.8963660


refer to this

>> No.8963708

He just seems like a fun guy to hang out with.
He's not limp wristed and afraid of women like some people here.

>> No.8963844

Your grudge is quite insufferable.

>> No.8963865

no, jnig ruined the sanctity of cosplay by marketing her fake tits and personality as "cosplay".

>> No.8963893
File: 545 KB, 1024x768, zaku_a_day___day_5___12_14_2013_by_zaku_sensei-d6xyt3h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going all three days but I am leading a pretty big group. I doubt you would want to hang out haha. I'll give you a shout if we pass though.

>> No.8963904

Not me but you sound like a tease

>> No.8963957

cgl meetup friday night?

>> No.8964040

I am there all weekend

>> No.8964094

You gonna be cosplaying anything? How big's the group?

Cool, going with anyone?

>> No.8964148

You okay there anon

>> No.8964516

>tfw no idea what to cosplay
>basically got a month to come up with something new


>> No.8964601
File: 315 KB, 733x630, fucklel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 people. Sadly no. I haven't found a cosplay I could pull off with how I look except Lon'qu and I would want to put a ton of effort into it but since it's late now, I'm going as a normalfag.
Sorry, not how I wanted that to seem.

>> No.8964689

I might be cosplaying, talking with my friends I steal cosplays from.
I usually meet up with random people at the convention, so I might be going with a friend or two, or a gigantic group.
Probably 2 friends

>> No.8964850


>> No.8965423
File: 12 KB, 320x241, 123458765433954334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on going all three days, I'll make a shout out to you in one of these threads and tell you what I'm cosplaying that day.

>> No.8965638

we did a meetup both friday and saturday last yr. but we didn't confirm a time till after the schedule was posted.

>> No.8965660

I'll do the same when the time gets closer. What do you have in mind for your cosplay(s) though?

>> No.8965665

JoJo stuff most likely.

>> No.8967057
File: 14 KB, 262x263, 1457402231769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in the International Plaza hosting a party?

>> No.8968894

Doesn't seem to be

>> No.8968903

How does the model call usually work? Would you need a photo of yourself in a VM outfit? I can't remember if it was last year or the year before, but I remember J-et-J was a guest and it was required you have a pair of their shoes.

>> No.8968905
File: 82 KB, 290x387, rose garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to snag a room at the raddison this year, I've never stayed there before but I'm glad I'll be close to the con.

Are any lolitas planning on buying something VM for the teaparty? I'm considering getting this boy

>> No.8968945

i think each brand does it differently, it was no a requirement to have a pair of baby/anp shoes last year, but you have to send in photos of you standing, closeup and a video of your walk and posing...I feel though that if you do have an outfit with VM, it help get through to them that "this is how you look in their brand image". I'm hoping they will not be asking you to own a pair of VM shoes this year.

I'd say go for it. VM is really comfortable to wear, especially their all cotton ops...if you are thinking of only wearing it of the tea party and then selling it after though, that might not be a good idea since VM is so hard to sell on second hand market....

>> No.8968956

Voldie pls

But yes go for it.

>> No.8968972

Not going to the tea party but I'm planning on splurging a bit on their pop-up shop. Been eyeing their bonnets since forever.

>> No.8968979

i want a bonnet too! and maybe the classical doll dress, it's one of my dream dress, might as well get it new and wear it out....

>> No.8968984

Thanks anon! I definitely wasn't buying it with the intent of selling but I appreciate the advice

Him good

Same. I was planning on only buying a ditto pikachu from the DR but now I have to actually budget to buy stuff from VM

>> No.8969017

I'm actually in the process of getting fit for anime north for the same cosplay

>> No.8969314

>ditto pikachu
this, i want so many of those ditto pokemon it's not even funny

>> No.8969852

are board gijinkas still a thing?

>> No.8969937


Or maybe it's just cosplay re-usal because of laziness

>> No.8970125

anon, were you having a stroke while typing out that first sentance?

>> No.8970167

The guy who hosted the party we were at last year at the international said he would do it again this year. I haven't talked to him recently though.

>> No.8970378


There was a meet up last year? I don't think i was there, or maybe i was drunk and don't remember.

I think I saw the /co/ guy, but i don't remember Sperrens or anyone else

>> No.8970387


Hey man, you got some good guns

>> No.8970405

Go back to /fit/

>> No.8970407

There's a meetup every year man

>> No.8970469

Is the Moonlight Ball any good?

>> No.8970472

I found this hot until I saw how shitty your skirt looked. Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.8970484

I have a friend that has a Master's (or PhD?) in something like Eastern Studies or History with a specialization in Asian history and spent some years traveling through and living in various Eastern Countries. He's fascinating to talk to about this stuff, and he doesn't look like a tool like this guy. I do think this kind of thing could make for a really good guest, but the person has to have real credentials. My friend even won an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities recently, so he's legit and also I'm proud of him so I can't help but brag about him a little.

>> No.8971127

Yeah it's a shity cosplay that I paid like $30 for so I wasn't expecting it to be good quality. The skirt is sown to hug my legs so it can't flip up which is actually quite good for me seeing as its way too short.

Not really but thanks.

My main goal was to just be non fat I'm hoping to be fit enough to cosplay kars from jojo for An17

Damn you sound like my ex.
Ester is dat you?

Does anyone on this board actually take cosplaying seriously though?

>> No.8971998

>bought Saturday only ticket thinking oh it will never reach my place on the tea party wait list
>it actually makes it down there
>now mildly frustrated and a little sad

>> No.8972373
File: 25 KB, 730x292, ohanimenorth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mail-out mid-May.
Con is at the end of May...

Disaster incoming !

>> No.8972536

>Does anyone on this board actually take cosplaying seriously though?
Do you know where you are?

>> No.8972892

Congrats on getting into the tea party at least, I'm still praying for a miracle.

>> No.8973705

You need a ticket anon?

>> No.8973745

Congrats on the ticket, do you know if the list was long?

As for sunday, I doubt they are checking your pass.

>> No.8974128

i end up not claiming it though, since I wasn't planning to go on Sunday's…if it helps, I was either 25th or 26th on the wait list. If you are in the 30s you might have a good chance of getting it!

>> No.8974810

page 10 autosage, time for a new thread