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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8931694 No.8931694 [Reply] [Original]

When you get all dressed up in your coord or floofy cosplay, don't you just love a good spin?

Share spinning feels, gifs, and stories.

>> No.8931695
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>> No.8931696
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>> No.8931697
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>> No.8931698

... Jenny, is that you?

>> No.8931717

No. Does Jenny like to spin? Share deets.

>> No.8931723
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>> No.8931724
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I'll bite, OP. I haven't really saved many cosplay photos in the past few years, but I'm curious to go through my older saved photos to see if I have any that fit the bill.

>> No.8931725

Brolita Jenny has whole videos dedicated to spinning in dresses.

>> No.8931729
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>> No.8931730
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Aw ew no, this is innocent fun

>> No.8931738
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>> No.8931739
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>> No.8931744

Kind of related, but I'll share a feel

>New to lolita, very picky with buying dresses because I dont want to waste money
>Find a dress I like, stalk it as the seller drops the price
>Finally buy it for a great price, hype is real
>It arrives, I try it on
>Love it way more than I thought I would, it fits great
>Spin around to see the back
>The back is even prettier!

I'm not usually that kind of person, but I audibly gasped when I saw the back. I love the dress and I'm so glad to have it!

>> No.8931745
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>> No.8931747
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>> No.8931752
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>> No.8931759
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Look at me spin daddy!

>> No.8931760
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>> No.8931764
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>> No.8931768
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>> No.8931775
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>> No.8931788
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sweet feel anon

>> No.8933824
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>spinning feels

nothing better than knowing god through spinning

>> No.8933827
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>> No.8933830
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>> No.8933833

Thinly veiled fetish thread. Not relevant to egl as lolitas don't really do this.

>> No.8933873

I cannot get over how cute this is. My heart

>> No.8933878

>I don't do it so no one else does!
What are you talking about? Spinning in lolita is great fun. It's all so poofy and nice.

>> No.8933879
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>be 5 or 6 years old
>whenever my mom vacuums or runs the lawnmower I start spinning in circles
>I just thought it was fun but apparently it was 'weird'
>mom brings it up and I feel embarrassed
>used to turn appliances on and off very quickly just to fuck with me
>realize what's happening and stop doing it
>teenage years
>take to spinning in my computer chair while listening to music
>parents see me do it all the time and call me "spinning girl"
>not in a loving way, it's a mocking way
>eventually stop doing that too
>obv an active lolita
>comm members occasionally want to have fun and do spinning coord gifs or pictures
>it's like my brain relives the embarrassment because of my parents
>opt out
Not even on the autism spectrum btw, I just really like the sensation of spinning and the head rush.

>> No.8934167

>lots of gifs and pics of people spinning
>"no one does this"

anon pls

>> No.8934184

same anon. i'm sorry your family were dicks about it and hope you can enjoy group spinning soon.

my feel:

>in gothic/vkei outfit
>long coat
>dancing at con afterparty
>hem of coat keeps thwacking into people when i turn
>be drunk but realize this is probably annoying
>have to coordinate my movements more carefully to not knock my fabulous black twill into folk
>end up slow-mo dancing to chiptunes

>> No.8934189
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>> No.8934191

You don't need to be autistic to like something weird, anon. When I'm alone I like rocking back and forth in my armchair because it's comforting. I don't do it with others in the room so it's not like I'm not socially aware.

Some parents are just wankers. When I was young my mum used to take the piss out of me for... walking really fast? Like she'd see me out the door for school and when I came back she'd comment on how I looked when I was hurrying to get to school.
>it's like your head goes first and the rest of your body follows, and then your arse is struggling to catch up teeheehee
>omg relax I'm just joking

>> No.8934193
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>> No.8934198
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>omg relax I'm just joking

fuck that noise. what a troll.

>> No.8934201
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>> No.8934217
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>dress like a child
>act like a child

I'm starting to then you girls have issues. And I like that

[Spoiler] ilk be your daddy [/spoiler]

>> No.8934245

Even though you're b8 i always wanna tell them "Dude call me when you find a child dressed like this with a printed dress and a goddamn petticoat underneath" when some people go "hurrdurr dressed like a child".
Idk, call me retarded all you want but this is the same as gothic or any other fashion just...more extravagant and with pastels. And sometimes loads of cutesy bullshit all over.

Actually i spin alone in my room sometimes and also does the silly jellyfish shuffle thing just because i find it funny and i do stupid shit when i am alone.

>> No.8934247

Also what the hell how is spinning a fetish? Like, is there seriously people getting off of some girls or dudes spinning in pretty dresses? Weird.
But eh i am not the one to be judging since i dress weird.

>> No.8934261

this, all of this.

>> No.8934280
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>make gown cosplay
>want to do a spinning photo

tips for capturing motion with a smartphone camera? should i get someone with a real camera?

>> No.8934282
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dumping cosplay spins

this one is clever

>> No.8934286
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>> No.8934293
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>> No.8934295

And here I thought /cgl/ was trying to get fit so you don't ruin your outfits. Well this disappointing.

>> No.8934296
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>> No.8934757

/fit/ should leave
only lolitas allowed

>> No.8934763


>> No.8934819


How do people make these kinds of spinning gifs?

>> No.8934929

Yes, sissies love it. Brolitajenny is a perfect example of this.

>Look at me spin daddy!
>It's all so poofy and nice.

Only sissies (and possibly ddlg) would say this kind of shit. Sissies and ddlg is not a part of egl culture.

>> No.8935252

>Only sissies (and possibly ddlg) would say this kind of shit.
the Homer one is obviously a joke/troll.

you are actually rustling my jimmies a bit because twirling in a gown or poofy skirt is, as evidenced by the many photos of people doing it, just fun. can't you see that on the faces of the people doing it? or the description of the comm meet taking spinning gifs?

why do you have to make it weird?

>> No.8935264
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>> No.8935266
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>> No.8935364

And why do sissies like it? Because it's fun. I'm not one, but just because a sissy likes something doesn't make it bad - if that was the case then the majority of "kawaii" clothing and a lot of womenswear would be off limits.

I have liked spinning ever since I was a child, it's fun and the fabric flows so nicely. Makes me feel like I am flying.

>> No.8935396

>doing a shoot with a costume involving a huge cape
>twirl around with one part in my hand
>full half-circle cape spins out magnificently
>wind catches it
>entire cape lifts up and over my head, trapping me in a giant black tent of my own mistakes
>photographer managed to get a photo while laughing hysterically

I hope to god he gives me a copy so I can print it and frame it

>> No.8935450
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>>entire cape lifts up and over my head, trapping me in a giant black tent of my own mistakes

>> No.8937112

I don't mind spinning gifs or whatever, but something about how the OP was phased struck me as odd. I don't know. It reminded me of those weird threads we used to get asking about OTKs a couple of years ago.

In itself, not a bad or fetishy question to ask, but phrased in a way that makes you wonder if the OP is jerking it every time someone responds with a bit of thigh showing.

Anyway, polite sage so I don't interrupt to spin mojo, I just personally found the post suspicious.

>> No.8937117

... and I fucked up the sage.

>> No.8937142

>I have liked spinning ever since I was a child, it's fun and the fabric flows so nicely. Makes me feel like I am flying.
This is really fucked up

>> No.8937200

Why, anon? It's just fun.

>> No.8937201

You just sound so passionate about it..

>> No.8937403

No. I process dizziness different from other people. I'm not passionate about it, it's just a very extreme experience for me.

>> No.8937507

it sounds pretty normal yo

>> No.8938356

What is this a cosplay of? That weapon is so cute.

>> No.8938368

Dude the jellyfish shuffle is awesome! I love doing it and hearing my petti rustle, it's comforting.

>> No.8938628
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I bet if I dressed like a 5 year old and pretended I was an airplane around in public I'd get the same reaction.

>> No.8938645

No. I process flying different from other people. I'm not passionate about it, it's just a very extreme experience for me.

>> No.8938656



>> No.8938662

I too thought it was a weird, thinly veiled, fetish post.

>> No.8938680

>be 16
>cosplay Yuna, summoner outfit
>twirl for hall photo
>admire my handiwork spreading outward like wings
>don't realize i am moving to the side as i twirl
>collide into random congoer

>4 years later
>get first Bodyline JSK and Leg Avenue petti
>so proud of first coord
>spend an hour just flouncing, spinning, and fluffing around my room
>stop when i smash into my computer chair

spinning is a dangerous game.

>> No.8938684

I was serious with my post though, I have brain damage and it manifests in weird ways.

>> No.8939211


I'll pay for videos of you spinning

Hit me up on Kik shigint

>> No.8939784
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>> No.8942344
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>> No.8942389

To those who think spinning in lolita is pandering to fetishists, they probably think cuddling or having tea with your plushies wearing is immature.


>> No.8942393

wearing lolita*

I dislike the Google+ format for today.

>> No.8944247

>jellyfish shuffle

wth is that supposed to be

>> No.8944260

it sounds autismal as fuck.

>> No.8944511

Sorry to go a bit off-track, but where is this Mana clip from?

>> No.8946562

You know how when you stand up, sometimes your petticoat gets caught between your legs from being sat on? And you kind of wiggle your hips to get it unstuck without having to reach between your legs and pull it out?

It's like that, but intentional and more intense so your skirt shimmies around. Like hoolahooping with your petticoats.

>> No.8946565

so i was right, autismal as fuck.

usually when that happens i fluff it back up with my hands and pat it.

>> No.8946574

Not arguing against that? Just telling you what it is.

>> No.8946747

Don't pay that person any mind. Here in /cgl/ it's nornal to utterly despise and hate all things sexual or lewd, and if someone thinks something is even a little bit related to a fetish (not saying this is, but they might think so), they will doom you forever for it. You know, because sexual stuff is a sin, wrong, dirty and should never be thought of.

>> No.8946766


>Here in /cgl/ it's nornal to utterly despise and hate all things sexual or lewd

Holy shit batman projection. People are just making fun of it because it actually sounds autismal as fuck.

>> No.8948003

All I can think of is Brolita Jenny and his fetish for spinning in woman's dresses. Sorry guys, I know it can be innocent, but the phrasing of the original post is spergy/fetishistic as fuck

>> No.8948052

y'all take shit too seriously imo