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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8917381 No.8917381 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.8917387
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>> No.8917394
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>> No.8917395

How do you gulls achieve these monstrous levels of poof? I have a JSK made out of pretty heavy fabric with a ridiculously full skirt and I can't make the skirt look not deflated even with all my petticoats on at the same time.

>> No.8917396
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>> No.8917405

have you tried a cage skirt? they are quite stiff, and you can wear a petti over it to hide the lines.

>> No.8917406
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>> No.8917408
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>> No.8917413
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>> No.8917414
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>> No.8917425
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>> No.8917427
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>> No.8917428
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>> No.8917430
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>> No.8917433

I own this dress in purple.
Holy hand grenade antioch, I need this in black.

>> No.8917434

I have so much petticoat envy right now! Should i just get a me likes tea one? I feel a impulse buy coming on.

>> No.8917439
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>> No.8917440
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do it, anon


>> No.8917442
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>> No.8917448
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>> No.8917450

this thread made me go and purchase one as well, oh my goodness

>> No.8917454
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>> No.8917460
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>> No.8917464
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>> No.8917469
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>> No.8917473
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>> No.8917476
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>> No.8917477
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>> No.8917493
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which me likes tea petti do people recommend? I was eyeing the daily a-line petti in organza or voil. It's poof level was 4 stars. I lean towards classic with sweet coords here and there.

>> No.8917505

That's some Madoka level cupcake poof

>> No.8917603

Super-newfag here, how are you guys ordering if her commisions are closed (and apparently no new slots in April)?

>> No.8917663

Would you recommend Me Likes Tea, or Bunny House's petticoats? My CP petticoat has finally deflated, and I'm looking for a new bellshaped petticoat. Which petticoat would you say has the better construction, and poof durability?

>> No.8917666

Oh, my word I need this in my life.

>> No.8917671

Me likes tea are superior to Bunny house in my experience. My "xl" bunny house petti deflated in 5 months and is now my moderate poof petti, my melikestea hybrid poof monster is still huge after a year and holds up under velvet.

>> No.8917676

Ugh anyone have source on this petti? I love it.

>> No.8917716

i encourage you to reverse image search that pic

>> No.8917718

Of course my queen is here. Max jellies.

>> No.8917721
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>> No.8917723
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>> No.8917729
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>> No.8917731
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>> No.8917735

eugh no you can't use a wig to cover the lack of a blouse

>> No.8917739
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what a strange interpretation of that coord

>> No.8917740
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>> No.8917741
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>> No.8917743

CDC worn IRL can never compare to this level of poof. How many pettis is she wearing?

>> No.8917748
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>> No.8917750
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>> No.8917752
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>> No.8917753
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>> No.8917759

Weren't melikestea petticoats actually cheap 8 dollar pettis she'd sell for like 30 dollars that people eventually found out about? Or am I thinking of someone else?

>> No.8917788


It's the tiered jsk. You need to layer an A-line over a cupcake. The cupcake will fill out the top of the skirt but not the bottom, the A-line will fill out the bottom but not the top. So you need two together (and you need to be able to stack them together) in order to fill out the top and the bottom.

DDC tiered jsk has the same thing, too.

>> No.8917795

That was kirakirajenjen, I believe.

>> No.8917857

melikestea pettis can be made in 3 diff fabrics. def made from scratch. look up some reviews m8

>> No.8918092

I was also a model in the show that photo is from. We were all wearing minimum three petticoats, Rinrin may have been wearing four.
I've found wearing an A-line with a cupcake over it and finally a shorter cupcake (like from Leg Avenue) over that gives awesome poof.

>> No.8918111
File: 59 KB, 500x720, e22e3015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this day, I am still amazed by the poof in this picture.

>> No.8918112
File: 44 KB, 360x480, cs_198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another with a clearer background.

>> No.8918143

Which would you say was the superior fabric, organza or voile? I'd like to purchase the Hybrid Poof Monster from Melikestea. I've previously had an organza petticoat from Classic Puppets, which held up really well– it was one of their older ones though. Does one fabric retain poof more than the other?

>> No.8918145

It was for some contest where lolitas tried to achieve the biggest amount of poof possible by staking pettis, anon. If it helps, here's her review post of all her pettis http://alyssiumbaby.com/petticoat-review

>> No.8918173

How much poof is too much poof?

>> No.8918177

When your dress looks like it's gonna burst or your petticoat is peeking out the bottom.

>> No.8918180

90% of this thread but especially

>> No.8918193


>> No.8918198

Lol, good luck ever grabbing a commission spot ever again.

>> No.8918232

Almost as if she's wearing a tutu.

>> No.8918234

How do melikestea pettis compare to bunny house pettis? (If anybody knows.) I got a cupcake petti from BH and I love it, but this thread is making me debate getting a melikestea one eventually.

>> No.8918235

>too much
I figured that's the point of the thread.

I haven't seen any dresses that look like they can't handle the poof, although some break the silhouette but that doesn't bother me.

>> No.8918256


>> No.8918268
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>> No.8918269
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>> No.8918272
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>> No.8918280

Try reading the thread or even a quick ctrl+F, for christ's sake.


>> No.8918284

Whoops. I was going to post that question last night before all of those posts, didn't assume that there'd be a post by then with the exact same question.

Regardless, >>8917671

I've had my BH petti for about 4mo, and it hasn't deflated at all yet, but melikestea seems to be the predominant winner out of every recommendation I've seen.

>> No.8918301

How do you know when a dress calls for a cupcake, bell, or a-line petti? Is it the waist cut? Would it be best to own one of each?

>> No.8918309
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>> No.8918316
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>> No.8918320

You should make a balloon coord with a dress shape like that.

>> No.8918324

That's where I'd draw the poof line. She's an equilateral triangle.

>> No.8918337
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>> No.8918340
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>> No.8918350
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>> No.8918351
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>> No.8918370

She looks like a ufo.

Bit bitter in this thread since I'm tall and can't wear too much poof or my dress ends up way short.

>> No.8918380

Not lolita, sorry.
nice try selfposting

>> No.8918385

is that a white petticoat overtop her skirt!?

>> No.8918492

A lot of people are talking about layering cupcake over a line. Does cupcake over cupcake look bad? I want to have more poof but only have two cucake pettis. One is MeLikesTea hard tulle and the other is cotton with a bit of tulle. Which one would be best on top?

>> No.8918503

This gives me life

>> No.8918515

Everything but these
Depends on the skirt of course.

>> No.8918537

Could someone please tell me the name of this dress? I want it in white so bad but my search game is weak.

>> No.8918571

Yeah, kirakirajenjen was selling costume store ones or kids' flower girl petticoats or something. I still have one and it's great, but I also got it secondhand for like $10.

>> No.8918644


The rule of thumb is that the rectangle skirt is the only one that requires a cupcake petti. With lolita, that means nearly all border prints that's not a tiered skirt requires a cupcake petti.

For the A-line petti, they're absolutely neccessary if you're wearing a princess seam or flared skirt, particularly where the waist is not gathered, has zero poof and then the skirt becomes bigger towards your knees/hem. A cupcake petti won't fit right underneath that.

For all other shapes, it's mostly experimentation on which looks better.

Whether or not you need both depends on what's in your closet, if you only buy rectangle skirts, ever, then you only need cupcakes. If you do a mix of different skirt cuts then yes, get both.

>> No.8918752
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hey, start your own dump, no piggybacking. especially with nonlolita Oktoberfest stuff like that, yo.

>> No.8918757
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>> No.8918760
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>> No.8918761
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>> No.8918763

Came here to post this
>when you're poofs so strong no one notices you're wearing an aircraft carrier.

>> No.8918764
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>> No.8918766
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kek, did not notice

>> No.8918770
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>> No.8918771

This is so insightful, thank you!

>> No.8918781
File: 114 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m20dazvkzC1qij1n6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only the actual coord were better...

>> No.8918801
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>> No.8918807
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>> No.8918815
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>> No.8918821
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>> No.8918833
File: 99 KB, 532x800, tumblr_m7evlzIIoI1qi7v1mo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918836

Am I the only one thinking this thread needs some hover loli edits?
Those work best with poofy skirts.

>> No.8918841
File: 120 KB, 900x1600, both side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8918842

It's a Metamorphose dress, which is as far as I got not being a lolita and familiar with any of the brand lines. With a bit more Googling (maybe "metamorphose black jsk"?) you might be able to get an answer

>filename is formatted the way DeviantArt files look when you save them
>the first half is the title; the second half (after "by") is the creator
>Google "deviantart lolita northern princess"
It looks like she deleted or hid the original photo, but there's a few more of that coord

>> No.8918844
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>> No.8918853
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>> No.8918858

I believe this is it, sorry for the sold LM link but I didnt want to deal with lolibrary

>> No.8918863
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>> No.8918865
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>> No.8918867
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>> No.8918868
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>> No.8918870
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>> No.8918876
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>> No.8918881
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>> No.8918885
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>> No.8918886
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>> No.8918892
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>> No.8918893
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>> No.8918895
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>> No.8918977

Great candidate for being a hoverloli

>> No.8918978

someone took pictures at event and thought it was lolita even though it's not.

>> No.8918991

wait, is that a sweet cream house in black?

>> No.8919087

nah, it's a shitty filter over the chocolate colourway which makes it look grey/blackish

>> No.8919294

This thread gives me life

>> No.8919395

her head looks massive

>> No.8919401

I love that the print is space themed. She'll be taking off soon.

>> No.8919503

i have voil from her and it looks like it's not poofy when you get it but it really does have a nice shape when worn! If you plan to wear it under heavy fabric go for tulle or organza but not voil. It's perfect for everyday poof and classic for sure.

>> No.8919615
File: 8 KB, 53x13, Confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick stupid question about Melikestea. Does that mean $7,500 or $75.00? Am I just an idiot? It's really confusing me. Sorry.

>> No.8919620


Some countries use commas as decimal marks. Since it's not in the correct place to be a thousand seperator, I'm guess it means $75.

>> No.8919624

There's a fucking currency converter right on her website, cmon.

>> No.8919630

I copy pasted the number and it displayed an error message. Most currency converters don't allow punctuation.

>> No.8919759
File: 100 KB, 699x860, 262378_141567549321624_10892082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8919764
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>> No.8919814
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>> No.8919831
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>> No.8919960


>> No.8920044

thank you based anon

>> No.8920058

I remember a lot of lolitas saying rolling a cupcake petti at the top turns it into a a-line, so if double cupcake doesn't work you can try that.

>> No.8920082

...you mean rolling an a-line to feign a cupcake shape, don't you? Rolling a cupcake will just turn your petti into a mushroom.

>> No.8920085
File: 571 KB, 600x900, i want to believe copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8920098
File: 40 KB, 639x960, tumblr_n4pehgLTYY1s4tcuzo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8920118

I wanted to do this but photoshop kept crashing, bless you anon.

>> No.8920758

now I need these shoes

>> No.8920802

Omg those Jesus socks

>> No.8920811

did not notice that either, haha

>> No.8921123
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>> No.8921126
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>> No.8921129

>posting Oreos

>> No.8921131
File: 54 KB, 427x640, 7558237_harajuku-lolita-fashion-w-pina-sweet-collection_29f93533_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i serve the poof and the poof only

cookies matter not at all

>> No.8921137
File: 25 KB, 201x528, bd69659621bc4faa969b20b5482f4441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8921141
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>> No.8921145

this girl has the worst style but i can definitely appreciate the level of poof she has

>> No.8921364

could've edited the mirror

>> No.8921372


>> No.8921910
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>> No.8922010

Jesus Christ, as a violinist, looking at that bow curved backwards almost gave me a heart attack, you can actually damage them like that. Hopefully it's as fake as the violin. Just a tip for anyone looking to do photoshoots with bowed instruments like violins, it looks way more authentic if the bow is tightened properly. You can use a pencil or the tip if your pinky to check. They should fit perfectly between the hair and the wood. Holding a violin without a chin or shoulder rest is pretty uncomfortable, too.

>> No.8922013

Metamorphose crown swam embroidery jsk I think.

>> No.8922015

Old listing...

>> No.8922019

She was clearly just posing, nobody cares about your dumb hobby. You're as bad as those ballerinas getting their bloomers in a bunch for someone cosplaying en pointe. Admit it, you just wanted to brag how you're a violinist.

>> No.8922021

Holding the bow properly wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.8922042

I agree it's not a huge deal for just posing, and if you were borrowing a functional violin and bow from someone anyway they'd probably tell you this before they let you hold their (really expensive) instrument anyway. But dang, you got some salt to sort out.

>> No.8922555
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>> No.8922561
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>> No.8922564
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>> No.8922576
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>> No.8922780

Um, ballerinas get their bloomers in a bunch over that because it's a sure fire way to ruin your feet if you don't know how...

>> No.8922802

Jesus, that is like a perfect hemisphere of poof

Part of me wants to see it in a "planetary" theme or something

>> No.8922841

I was taught using the Baroque hold without a chin rest, since the normal hold hurts my clavicle.

She's not holding it that way though, that's for sure.

>> No.8923518
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>> No.8923528

Holy hell, this is cute. I love how subtle the colors are. Does anybody know whether the collar and wrist bits are part of the cardigan or her blouse peeking through?

>> No.8923716

>that bow
good god that thing's about to explode

>> No.8923820
File: 86 KB, 960x685, 12347676_1652246691709049_4748743287541283393_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8924718


Why is she called oreos?

>> No.8924723

I'm pretty sure that's the blouse, though judging by the lace I think it's actually an AP cutsew.

>> No.8924724 [DELETED] 


Is it me or his her face in the left pic very blurry?

>> No.8924727


Is it me or is her face in the left pic very blurry?

>> No.8925061

as is the bg around her upper arms

>> No.8927513
File: 184 KB, 675x900, 14166_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see so many coords that look like they have beautiful poof but then i notice the lolita's hand is hiding behind the edge of the poof, and i realize she is holding the skirt but hiding that she is holding it out! wtf!!! fake poofers GTFO!!

pic fucking related

why even lie, fucking WHY make your poof look bigger than it is???

>> No.8927578

She's not even holding her skirt outwards that much though? I've seen people who have held out their skirts so that it looked like giant upside down hand fans on them.

>> No.8927588

Yeah, I actually like to rest my hand behind my dress and lightly hold my dress too but I don't pull it at all. It's just a pose I like.

>> No.8927593


Why you so aggressive tho lmaooo

>> No.8927594

Maybe she is mixed race?

>> No.8927595

Are you black by chance?

>> No.8927596
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>> No.8927610
File: 18 KB, 382x336, hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that often when I pose because I don't know what to do with my hands

>> No.8927652

Why do the two right ones look so wront?

I get that far right isn't a traditional silhouette, but the middle looks overstuffed? Is that just what happens to cupcake shaped skirts when you fill them?

>> No.8927667

>first layer tucked into waistband
sorry, I feel like a complete moron, but how does that help increase the poof?

I'm so distracted by her man-feet.

probably just too much time on tumblr. If they could, they would have used that laughing/crying emoji.

>> No.8927684

I just bought a Meta petti for layering for a song and oh my god the poof over my CP bell is intense. I feel like a goth cupcake.

>> No.8927685

I often shrug, and that's why my coord photos usually look like shit. Fuckin hands, man. What do.

>> No.8927701
File: 140 KB, 348x288, uwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I want to buy more pettis for more poof, but I'm already knocking shit over with that casual CP petti.

>mfw I knocked over a vase in a cafe and the waitress had to clean up my mess
>mfw my boyfriend constantly picks things up I knocked from shelves in stores and is really annoyed
>mfw I always fear my dress will get stuck in the door of the car
>mfw 2stupid4pettis

>> No.8927704


Angles, or you're not used to looking at lolita maybe?

The one on the left is a shot from a lower angle while both the two on the right which you say look wrong, are shot from top-down angle.

The middle one is the shape a cupcake skirt with cupcake petti makes, yes. You're not the only one who doesn't really like it, retro designs tend to use flared skirts as they found the shape more flattering on a female. Mind you, the one on the far right is a very poofy flared skirt stuffed to full capacity, so.

>> No.8927714

Not her but if it was just the missing chin rest I wouldn't have cared at all. The bow really does make violinists physically cringe.

>> No.8927735

Neither? It was just hilarious how someone got so mad over a fucking petticoat, damn.

>> No.8927815

it's not that you laughed, but how you expressed it. very "black twitter"/tumblr. you don't sound like a 4chan native

>> No.8927852
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>> No.8927957

Ty anon

>> No.8927962


>> No.8927975
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>> No.8928322
File: 1.48 MB, 260x146, tumblr_inline_nx1euemQDI1qad55j_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw public transit in full poof

so tired of people sitting on/licking my poof

>> No.8928331


>> No.8928344
File: 120 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8928345

Probably meant kicking anon.

>> No.8928348
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>> No.8928662
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>> No.8928665


>> No.8928696

That sounds perfect for what I need, thanks for the feedback. Theres not much online about MLT petticoats but a few reviews here and there.

>> No.8931348
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>> No.8931349
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>> No.8931354
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>> No.8931360
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>> No.8931362
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>> No.8931365
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>> No.8931366
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>> No.8931622
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>> No.8931623
File: 15 KB, 236x360, deeb3e3a3e5442d66093ab8f160557ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the SIZE of this fucker. how far can a skirt stretch??

>> No.8931628
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>> No.8931630
File: 21 KB, 235x480, c3cf43f4c1bc14d1a71b6e9b80dadb9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can hear the straining seams just looking at it

>> No.8931633
File: 67 KB, 480x878, 8febe1d23d39503fe58bc5f7b1f51a7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8931635
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>> No.8931655
File: 64 KB, 483x720, 1399161020437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the smoother the skirt, the more actualized the petti

>> No.8931665
File: 92 KB, 284x492, deco_lolita1-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me with this creaseless godlike fulfillment

>> No.8931671
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>dat horizontal lift

>> No.8932105
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>> No.8932106
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>> No.8932107

oreo nips

>> No.8932129
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>> No.8932134

>those fucking knees
You know she was sucking dick in that dress. Fucking ageplayers.

>> No.8932138
File: 75 KB, 560x525, 420ff3233049a86af077deeee88bf82b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she must have made a CONTRACT WITH THE DEVIL to achieve this much poof

>> No.8932145
File: 334 KB, 1200x1600, angelic-pretty-alice-and-the-pirates-lolita-fashion-egl-community.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all acts are sanctified under the canopy of petticular circumference

>> No.8932171
File: 71 KB, 421x750, tumblr_nox16caIyP1qelafbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8932174
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>> No.8932175
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>> No.8932211
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>> No.8932991
File: 126 KB, 361x613, 23213_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just magical

>> No.8936948

what kind of skirts hold the most poof? has anyone here ever actually maximized their skirt to the fullest possible extent?

>> No.8936967

Atelier pierrot holds the most out of my wardrobe so far

>> No.8936971
File: 154 KB, 533x474, lattjo hoop skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy poof so much. Does anyone have experience with hoop skirts with a petti on top? I know ikea of all places has a hella cheap one, but its for children so Im not sure how well it will actually fit.

>> No.8936975

Even though it's for children, the elastic waist stretches over 100 cm, no problem getting over most people's hips. The ikea one is long, you'll have to cut off the last hoop.

>> No.8936977

Nice, good to know anon.

>> No.8936985

Seconding this, F+F makes one that's the right length for lolita

>> No.8939627

weird. i actually dislike AtPi because the dresses and skirts always seem to hang limply. i wonder if the coords i see just have the wrong petti?

>> No.8939630
File: 514 KB, 560x840, tumblr_mdbfrmRNay1qex9cro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. it is a nice coord but the silhouette is awful imo. i can't imagine one of these skirts getting the kind of horizontal lift that AP can get.

i prefer gothic and i want to like AtPie. in theory the ruffles are gorgeous. but in practice, they just look weird due to lack of poof.

>> No.8939633

The collar is part of the Op, it looks like she's wearing wrist cuffs under the cardigan

>> No.8939635
File: 1.44 MB, 1944x2592, img_7029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here the skirt is too short on the model, but i think the petti level is what skirts like this need to not look so lifeless.

>> No.8939641
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>> No.8939661
File: 541 KB, 599x597, tumblr_o4w0hhIU8h1r4jrfzo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8939676


I have a few AtePie corset dresses. Can confirm they look super limp unless you layer up since they're just too heavy for a single petti. I can easily get >>8939635 level poof with two pettis.

>> No.8939681
File: 17 KB, 236x415, 9797af0664d3d549d63ca346e1d2e10f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wew lass

>> No.8939687
File: 84 KB, 500x667, tumblr_meill2wSIv1rmxbn3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8939711
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>> No.8939775
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>> No.8939788
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>> No.8942789


Thanks for helping with the search, anons! Somehow managed to snag the skirt in white.