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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 360x360, 10603624_10152991457038025_4672094393043505809_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8916660 No.8916660 [Reply] [Original]

I hear the shit show is worse this year with them not mailing out badges in time for those that paid for that option. Can anyone confirm this fuckery?

>> No.8916796

I bought mailed badges on black friday. Still haven't received them. Con starts next friday.

I'm not going to be able to go this year anyway due to a work conflict. Although I'm guessing that I might have actually dodged a bullet by not going. I was almost dreading it due to the lack of info and they are still in the Sheraton which was crowded af last year not to mention the 1 hr lines to get into the big events. Luckily I've already got plans for a couple of other cons and made sure there won't be any problems with work.

I can't wait to see all the shit that goes down on here during the con.

>> No.8917179

I paid for mine the day after the con ended last year when they were super cheap. Still haven't gotten mine in the mail. Someone claims they saw the guy who's over them basically say he'd get to them after his spring break was over.

>> No.8917264

That doesn't surprise me one bit. The MTAC team has just seemed lazy this year from guest announcements to the badges. I won't be ordering tickets early next year. I'm going to wait to find out if it will be this big of a clusterfuck next year.

>> No.8917276

Upgrades to awesome location.
Brutally downgrades to overcrowded location.

>> No.8917289

MTAC got banned from the Renaissance because dumbass raver kids smashed up the place.

>> No.8917398

They need to get back to a big convention center. These little hotels are just to crowded with this many attendees

>> No.8917495
File: 81 KB, 737x621, 1457898568004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still wanting to go to mtac after how shit it's been the past few years

>> No.8917541

This convention has been the center of drama in the TN area for a few years now. Last year and the year before last were the worst. Nothing is ran on time, the information has to do a run around to answer a question, the location is split up between two hotels with a hour wait to ride the bus or a long ass walk down a hill and then up a steeper hill in the weather, the security is a joke and has been questionable for many years. They claim it is due to staff changes each year, but when you have past guests, attendees, and even life time members talking shit about the con then you got a problem.

>> No.8917544
File: 109 KB, 688x562, Screen Shot 2016-03-18 at 4.19.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what you mean! I leave for Nashville tomorrow and STILL NO BADGE.

>> No.8917824

Wow. I went to 2014 and it was definitely shit. I skipped 2015, but heard that it was a lot better.

I'm going to 2016. Mainly because my friends have an artist alley table and my sisterus are coming from GA.

I still remember this one guy from 2014 who followed me around all day doing his Shadow the Hedgehog impression.

>> No.8917849

If you see people breaking shit, STOP THEM.
This is why we can't have nice locations.
Is everyone in TN on meth??

>> No.8917924

I do not have my badge at all. I will raise hell if I don't get my shit

>> No.8917927

Sorry that most times us normal people don't see them in the act? We're too busy being civilized con attendees instead of acting like we're idiots because our moms did meth while pregnant.

>> No.8918003

They've stated they had an issue with printer and badges were being mailed either yesterday or today (I don't remember)

If you're going to be gone before they get there, just email their reg and I'm sure they'll figure it out.

It's not the end of the world.

>> No.8918246

My friend was told he'd have to buy another badge because they don't know if he's lying.

>> No.8918249
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Now people are begging for large amounts of money

>> No.8918267

I just saw that they are sold out for pre-registered Saturday tickets. Does anyone know if they will have tickets for sale at the door early Saturday and what the hell is the difference in tier?
That's hilarious

It'll be my first time going to MTAC, I usually attend Akon in Dallas. Does anyone know if it will be roughly the same size?

>> No.8918314

>$500 for gas

Are they driving a tank??

>> No.8918319

"I can't afford to go to a con so can someone pay for me to go?"

>> No.8918339

Kinda is, people who don't get their badges in time will get new badges at the door taking away from the people who could buy them at the door.

>> No.8918469

I doubt the convention staff would think it's a good idea to get rid of the 'at-the-door' badges to those who never received them in the mail. That would be taking away income from them. I can see them giving the badges away but replacing them with a limited number of wrist bands for people who plan to buy tickets at the door.

>> No.8918479

I went in 2012 and I would never go again. Security was a joke. I saw multiple occasions, in concerts and in the halls, where guys were slamming into bystanders (even saw one person limping/dragging their leg leaving a regular concert) and security just watched. Meanwhile I saw security confiscate foam keyblades.

>> No.8918527

Yeah bUT they still don't get a badge to have. I e of the things I enjoy is my badge collection, so yes it still does take away.

>> No.8918538

You must help out with MTAC or something. Everyone else sees how this is a problem,

>> No.8918697

At MTAC 2012, do you remember the Klingon security guard? Haha.

That's the con where I first met my little sister, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

>> No.8918713

So all of the gaming and even a few panels are over in the Embassy hotel. Also apparently Pokemon TCG is still a thing? They are having a whole weekend long tournament for pokemon but only a fan panel for magic.

None of the panels sound that interesting aside from the video game creation panel and the late night panels.

Seemed like there was more interesting panels the last few years but everything this year is meh.

>> No.8919687

Most of the "good" stuff seems to be in the Sheraton.

>> No.8920997

Their shitty staff is shitty. A lot of people still don't have badges.

>> No.8921206

Even the "good" stuff is shit this year. This is the most disappointing lineup I've seen from MTAC. The only panels that sound like fun would be the How to Hide you're Weeb (just for the cringe) and a few late night panels.

5 days until the shit hits the fans.

>> No.8921845

except everyone is trying kiss the ass of the shitty volunteers they have

>> No.8921941

No paid parking at main hotel, other parking is $30 a day with a hugeneral walk. Fuck no

>> No.8922031

holy shit wtf

>> No.8922320

It just got worse from last year, one of the staff posted on their Facebook about the matter and she is pinning the blame on the hotel's for the parking. If you have more than one car per a room then you may be screwed. They will be checking at the driveway to see if you can park. Get ready for the walk of your weekend.

>> No.8922626

no it won't be nearly the same size
and I'm really really sorry because this is one of the worst cons I've been to in the past few years so you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.8922635

Anyone going to the MTAC tea party?

>> No.8922651

The hill of doom isnt that bad. I walked up and down it drunk all three nights. My calfs and tops of thighs felt the burn monday. It helps me get a jump on getting in shape for spring.

>> No.8922679

I went to the lolita tea party in 2013 and it got crashed by Pedobear. It was laugh.

>> No.8922687

The schedule says lolita outfits are required, which means my bf can't come, which means I'll probably go to Pokechurch.

>> No.8922723

It was like that last year for parking. Took begging just for them to let my car load of folks drop me off at the door. Had to point out my 6 inch cosplay heels and almost cry.

>> No.8922772

The con is in the US. You're allowed to go places without a male escort.

>> No.8923626

fucking retarded

>> No.8923744

OK that panel is amazing if it is ran by the same guy. SHAYMEN

>> No.8925545

3 days left. Is there going to be a meet up anywhere? I'll be staying at the Extended Stay America half a mile north of the Sheraton.

>> No.8925973

Can't wait to see the lines this year and hope that the pedo photog shows up again.

>> No.8926743

Was it MTAC or Akaicon that banned him last year? I remember he was starting shit with another photog last year.

>> No.8927132

I think it was Akaicon. I was at Akaicon last year but never went to MTAC, how much bigger is MTAC?

>> No.8927212

ffs. The MTAC tea party is so hypocritical. They'll let in cosplayers not even attempting lolita but then tell me my bf can't come in. He appreciates the fashion and knows a hell of a lot more about it than most of those cosplayers. I get you were making a jab at co-dependency, but you're projecting.

>> No.8927409

Went to MTAC from 08 to 2011, skipped the drama until 2014. I've wondered if I've just gotten older and the shine has worn off, or if the con just really sucks. Lucas was a prick, and his "yes man" crew didn't give a shit about the subject matter, but after they all left, the con's professionalism has gone into weebs-in-over-their-head territory. Niko is cool, but that's about it. This is the worst programming and guest line-up yet, and the only reason I'm going is because I already have tickets and I'll see friends. Wish my weed hookup wasn't dry, though, get the feeling I'll need to be wasted for this con.

>> No.8927461

They've also sent emails to vendors (us included) telling them their booth space is being cut in half. Some of them have been kicked out of the con completely due to overbooking a space that's too small.

>> No.8928644

1 more day. I plan to get to registration around 830 for my friends who didn't preregister. Y'all think that will be early enough?

>> No.8928776

That guy's a fucking weirdo. He asked my 16 year old friend what size her boobs are.

>> No.8928801

>you're projecting
Just 'avin' a laff.

This is the first MTAC I've been to since 2012. I've heard that they really went downhill.

>> No.8928805


Even after reading this, I have literally no idea where to park.

>> No.8928812

The Park 'N' Fly, if you aren't staying at the hotel.

>> No.8929037

Is anyone else scared about the rave? Those rave kids always break shit. A few years back, they nearly crashed the chandelier from stomping too hard.

>> No.8929053

It's not from stomping too hard, it's from weighing too much

>> No.8930629

Nope they have not banned Iconic yet even after last year's bs cause his past actions did nit happen on conventing grounds. I know akaicon did after a load of proof of his actions showed up online of him being a pedo.

>> No.8930697

Dont go to the waffle house by the hotels, go out to the one 1.3 miles away on donelson st. The ghetto one by the hotel has 7 people working, waited standing 30 minutes looking at 3 dirty tablea and not a one moved to clear a single table, one guy went out to smoke. Two where just talking at the juice machine. Donelson waffle house is heaven without a group a drunk black guys screaming at con goers at the top of their lungs indoor. They didnt do shit anout that either.

>> No.8930925

Of course this cluster fuck of a con would allow a known pedo.

Any major fuck ups yet? I couldn't come this year and seeing the organization problems they had before hand feel like I dodged a bullet

>> No.8930990

Honestly Friday wasn't too bad, but I never got to go to the dealer room. Today though they cut the wait line off and some chick was just screaming in people's faces and since they cut off the line a group formed of unmanaged people waiting to get into the wait line, its a total cluster fuck and you have to force your way through it and my friend got hurt. Went back to my room but I hope they address this and don't bring the dealer room back to the main hotel. Also boring gaming room, only a handful of panels with nearly none related to the theme.

>> No.8931050

Did she have pink hair? I saw similar complaints about the dealer room on facebook from yesterday

>> No.8931063

Yeah it was her. Like honestly you can be authoritative without screaming like a lunatic in people's faces, a stern voice will get people's attention as well as please and thank you.

>> No.8931391

I had the same problem in 2014. Saw on the map the dealer room was nearby so we head to the door. Guy yells at us it's exit only and the line starts outside. Took everything I had not to get in this asshole's face. Put up a damn sign if it's exit only. Walked off and came back 30 min later the line was gone and got right in.

>> No.8931445

You mean besides not replacing the people in charge?

>> No.8931975

I went in one room and it was just some dude chanting "Undertale sucks." He wasn't even talking to anyone. The room was empty.

>> No.8931983

It's a total line con this year. People waiting and never getting in, drunk panel hosts, no shows, the "electronics dance party" is horrible (I walked out of it). The girl DJ (conkitty) cant mix her way out of a wet paper sack. She train wrecked every song. Screw this con. I am sticking to yamacon.

>> No.8931998
File: 36 KB, 249x699, lolipalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking from game hotel to con hotel
>hear female screams from around the bend
>"dear god! is that a rape??"
>carefully take a look
>two obese rave girls fighting

P.S. Fuck the rave kids

>> No.8932053

This con wouldn't have been bad if they had a venue better suited for its size. However, middle Tennessee does not have a venue better unless people are willing to pay much more for their passes because it would be hosted in a much larger venue.

There will be plenty of horror stories from this con for cgl to read through, especially because of a very fat, bald, loud man.

>> No.8932057

I don't know about everybody else but I wouldn't mind a $10-15 jump in ticket prices if we could get out of the Sheraton. I love the hotel but its way to damn small for this con. Akaicon will be fine there but not MTAC

>> No.8932078

Prices would easily jump to $100

>> No.8932089

They were at a great convention center back in 2013 and the tickets were about the same price and they had even less attendees. I doubt it would take 2x the cost of tickets to pull off a convention center again.

>> No.8932292

I should be there, my first tea party but I'm not ita. Not great but not terrible.

>> No.8932294

It is I think. He also does some other panels, I went to a Lolita 101 (gags) one or two years ago but the panelist was sick so we did his con 101 (gags twice) but he made it worth the time.

>> No.8932297

As a local in Nashville, do not eat too close to the airport. It is not the nice part of town. Even just 1 mi away is fine.

>> No.8932339

the lines were awful...they tried to "fix" them by not letting people line up until 30 minutes before but all that did was create a mob once that time came around.

i mean seriously yelling at people for being orderly and waiting in line? they told us we couldn't be in line and stand against the wall so we moved away from it then told us we couldn't stand in the hallway either. staff at mtac are retarded

>> No.8932421

They're understaffed today. Lolitas look pretty decent tho

>> No.8932487

Maybe no one knows but i'd figure i'd ask.

Anyone know the name of the song the hosts were dancing to at the beginning of risque cosplay? They lyrics were something like "game boy" but I can't find anything on google

>> No.8932548


The one they shared with the horror convention? I don't know exactly what happened, but I thought they got kicked out of that one.

>> No.8932573

Ask anon-ib, they have some behind the curtains photos from the risque

>> No.8932624

They got kicked out because of people breaking shit. Somebody broke the revolving door. There were several rooms damaged, etc. They were basically blacklisted from Nashville after that year. That's why 2014 was in Murfreesboro.

>> No.8932801

Holes in the walls, and a loose iguana. 2015 it was a Lolita with a nut allergy and a rave OD (they were fine tho)

>> No.8932867

I thought the guy broke his leg in 2015 or was that 2014 when they shut it down early?

Either way can we agree the rave causes to many problems

>> No.8932915

I think 2014? I don't remember. I thought raver was around the tornado. And yeah when they bring in 30+ cops and have terrible music, it's a struggle.

>> No.8933058

It's Sunday evening and no pictures yet. I think that explains the state of this con more than any of these anecdotes do.

>> No.8933092

Where at? I didn't see any.

>> No.8933220

Thread got deleted

>> No.8933270
File: 242 KB, 500x648, downrightoffensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day of MTAC
>get diarrhea
>second day of MTAC
>get diarrhea and period
>third day of MTAC
>get thrown out of lolita tea party b/c my sailor scout costume isn't lolita
>fair enough, but...
>there were five bitches in there wearing kigurumi

>> No.8933306

>go to cosplay contest
>announcer didn't pronounce a single name right

>go to dealer room
>two greasy teens making out while security dude just stares

>> No.8933312

So you're complaint is you didn't adhere to a dress code a panel put out?

>> No.8933336

My complaint is that they let the kigu bitches in but not me. Sailor scouts are lolier than that shit.

>> No.8933340

You probably weren't one of the two good looking sailor scouts and that is why.

>> No.8933343

I think she was complaining of the 5 in kigurumi that didn't get kicked out

>> No.8933388

Christ, this con was a cluster fuck. Didn't send out shit for emails with information about our panels, talking about 'tentative' times for them to happen, which made us almost miss one of our first ones. Shitters being shit the whole time. seagull+plus levels of bitterness and whingeing with a majority of the cosplayers. the fucking panel room sizes being shit? like, the fairy tail panel was maxed out quickly, aswell as the OPM and undertale were super maxed. Plus the security, jfc. heard someone got molested Sat. night and the security didn't do shit about it. the volunteers in general were just shit as well. had no idea what to do but always wanted to feel they had some sliver of power over the other patrons. it felt like shit was going down fast after floodcon, and it certainly shows to me atleast. did vic get salty about the pokechurch? heard it was around the same time as his easter sunday church thing.

>> No.8933394 [DELETED] 

Damn, did anyone save any?

>> No.8933402

Damn, did anyone save any?

>> No.8933438
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I only took a few pictures, but I'll throw them up here

>> No.8933447
File: 1.12 MB, 1836x3264, 20160326_092200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a ton of video of that impromptu dance party in the courtyard Saturday, though

>> No.8933456
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>> No.8933461
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I really wish I'd gotten a better picture of these guys. I only saw them once, in the middle of a crowded walkway late Saturday night

>> No.8933467
File: 162 KB, 1343x829, Lewd Megu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. Lewd Megumin form Konosuba at the courtyard dance party really got to me

>> No.8933471

Shit even the courtyard looks at capacity. How did the fire marshal not shut this down?

>> No.8933497

I would prefer the damn sailor scouts, but kigus are allowed for some reason since they are "j fashion". Thbbbbbt. And cosplay was not allowed, excepting "inspired" coords.

>> No.8933503

>photobomb in the back
>peace sign
>wig with little evidence of makeup/costume
>wig with uncut pinned up bangs

This is a beautiful con photo, anon.

>> No.8933518

I don't remember the leg break.

I remember the lolita gropefest that got out of hand when non-consenting lolitas were roped in.

>> No.8933538

I don't know if someone posted it yet, but next year the theme is haiku. Something along the lines of, "17 years, 17 syllables."

>> No.8933541

This was my first con. Pretty fun, but my cosplay was kinda lacking IMO.

>> No.8933558

If you know you are for sure going next year for mtac17, you can register tonight only (less than 1.5 hours left) for the early bird special of $32.64 for a 3 day pass.

>> No.8933566

Holy fuck no why did I miss her I am so sad.

>> No.8933582

Glad you had fun anon. If you live in the area go for Yamacon and Momocon, those are a blast.

>> No.8933595

I was considering Momo since my friends were talking about going near the end of MTAC. Really money is the main factor. Cons are expensive as hell.

>> No.8933613
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>> No.8933636

Aqua is so much superior

>> No.8933640

pls no

>> No.8933644

Did anyone have a con crush?

Mine was butthurt Francis.

>> No.8933645

In the anime Darkness is best girl, but at the con Aqua > Megu

>> No.8933651

Eric Stuart

>> No.8933677

Met a cute Zacharie on Saturday that was really sweet. We geeked about OFF and some other shit. I wanted to pinch his chubby cheeks.

>> No.8933689

tf I didn't see an Aqua either, where the fuck was everyone?

>> No.8933696

I enjoy people watching so I just parked my happy ass in the courtyard for awhile

>> No.8933700

I actually don't think I went to the courtyard once, that was probably part of it.

>> No.8933702
File: 14 KB, 313x313, butthurtazn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did no one else go to the seagull meetup? I was the only one there!!

>> No.8933705

I asked earlier in the thread about meeting up and got no response. Where the fuck where you

>> No.8933738

The stairs behind building. I was in sweet loli.

>> No.8933739

I never was there other than picking up my pass. I doubt you were sweet loli, really wasn't too impressed with the majority of cosplay.

>> No.8933862

So this was my first time going to a con and i had a lot of fun, but I see a bunch of people shit talking it like it sucked. What other cons do I need to go to?

>> No.8933884

I would love to go to momocon. Maybe next year I'll skip MTAC and make a big trip down to Momocon.

If you're from Nashville check out Akaicon its at the same hotel this year but a much smaller crowd. I had a lot of fun last year. Its a lot less stressful than MTAC.

Also if you are more of a general nerd (western cartoons, Dr.Who, Harry Potter, etc) not just anime there is Geek Media Expo its run by the same people as MTAC. Currently no info on GMX this year. Probably won't even hear about the location until june or july last year the con was on halloween, I really enjoyed it. Its generally an older crowd and very relaxed. I did have a few complaints about their lack of communication/organization last year but Its not as big of a deal at a smaller con. Plus they had puppies last year for their charity partner.

>> No.8933886

Harry Potter and Star Wars are the only Western things I really enjoy as far as nerd stuff goes, would it still be worth it to go to cons that aren't anime focused?

>> No.8933888

If you like empty hallways and stupid floor plans that attempt to make the venue seem crowded, sure go to momocon.

>> No.8933917

There will probably be a lot of HP and Star Wars cosplay, At least one or 2 panels events for them (I'm betting on at least one panel for each due to force awakens and fantastic beast) There probably will not be any guest related to either property though. I guess it really depends on what you enjoy doing at the cons.

>> No.8933927

Akaicon, Momocon, AWA, Dragoncon, Katsucon, and Otakon

>> No.8933929

At momocon I am not shoving people out of the way for a tiny game room or dealers room. I am exploring the vastNess of the game room and dealers room loaded with great content.

>> No.8933932

Actually can we just have Lucas back? What ever airheads ate in charge now don't know what they are doing.

>> No.8934128 [DELETED] 

... What color sweet? I was at the bitch table.

>> No.8934131

Let me say this anon, first con is always a magical experience. You don't know better about a lot of the issues and people don't talk about the good things if the bad things are more obvious. There was some good cosplay, events were OK if not great.

>> No.8934235

Will MTAC ever recover? Before 2014, it was the best con in TN.

>> No.8934748

What are some good cons to go to instead of MTAC?

AWA and Momocon are a bit out of the way, but they're amazing.

>> No.8934835

I hope so. I'm going back next year. Easy con to get to for me and I go to hang with friends.

>> No.8935218


A couple other anons mentioned Yamacon, which is in Pigeon Forge in early December. I've never been able to go myself, but I haven't heard anything bad about it on here or from a friend that went the first three years. The panels seem kinda cringy though.

>> No.8935225

It will recover or die trying. but yeah 2011 was probably a high point.

>> No.8935403

What do you think makes a good con? The Guests? The Panels? The Events? The event space? The number of attendees? Number of slutty cosplays?
I could make suggestions but it depends on what you're looking for.

>> No.8935409

My phone was dead all sat. But I'm for sure many of you saw me
You freaking idiot, the character pins their bangs like that in the roman numeral for 13 you fake geek.
UGh. Seriously stop being a bitch if you know nothing.

>> No.8935412

Space, sexy cosplay, dealers room.
MTAC this year had only 4 boxes of doujinshi, and 2 shitty organized tubaware of x rated manga. Zero h related DVDs or games. It was pathetic really. Despite that, the dealers had almost nothing rare to offer for sale, refused to negotiate, because, me giving a fuck that they are a mom and pop shop makes me want to buy from them instead of Amazon, why? And there was only one table selling DVDs, one table selling manga, and literally way too many fucking gundam models.

They need a better variety when it comes to the dealers room and companies that actually have something of value to sell other than the same fucking gundam model you can buy at any other booth.

The dealers room was a complete bust for me and I would have liked to see better cosplay, but I feel like both would be fixed with a bigger convention and/or venue.

>> No.8935498

I detect the sarcasm but fwiw I was looking on my phone. My eyes are shit except with a big screen.

>> No.8935544

Yama con has recovered quickly from their low. They once had the pedo photoGrapher of TN working for them but they seemed to have bit that one quickie after a girl called them out on tumblr from being sexually harassed by him

>> No.8935666

What's so awesome about Yamacon?

>> No.8935758

Nothing is awesome about Yamacon.

They have sexual harassment issues every year, their con chairs sell shitty bootleg merchandise at other cons. I gave up the year they had the old con kitty as a guest and had panels on her talking about being con kitty.

Dealer line was the fucking worst at MTAC Saturday this year, I ended up getting in Sunday without a wait and the rest of the con was aight.

>> No.8936986

If anyone is interested, MTAC's facebook page has hundreds of photos from the event posted on it.

>> No.8936991

This 100%

>> No.8937731

Does anyone go to Anime Blues Con? I went last year and felt like I was going to get knifed the whole time.

>> No.8937754

Yep and why did you feel that way? The con doesn't reflect the city imo

>> No.8937769

I thought I was going to get malaria. 30-45 minutes wait in lobby SWARMING with mosquitoes for elevators cause hotel turned half of them off. I had so many bites when i got home monday doc put me on steroids. Hotel locked all the fire doors on the stairs, you could enter them but then you'd be trapped inside.
No way in hell I'm going to zikacon this year.

>> No.8938608

No but walking to get food or anywhere near the con does. Memphis, AKA the 2ns worst city ranked in the USA. Over 5 shootings a day

>> No.8938631

I've given it a few tries. It's shitty and kinda ghetto-ish imo

>> No.8941764

We still talking about this?
I guess I had fun.
I attended Fri/Sat and did jack shit.
There were no interesting panels, so I mostly just attended the dealer's rooms, walked around drinking, and played Force of Will in the other hotel.
It was fun, but next time I think I'll attend with people besides just my gf since she gets super fucking whiny after dark and wants to leave- which is when I am ready to start partying.

>> No.8942644

I guess from reading all the post here and FB.... final verdict is the convention sucks now and is unsafe.

>> No.8942649

Unsafe how?

It definitely sucks, though. Devil's Dozen was the last good one.

>> No.8944132

My friend got his wallet snatched after he left it on the floor to take photos.

>> No.8944763

He shouldn't have left his wallet on the damn floor then.

>> No.8945107

I don't feel bad for him because he was a fucking moron for doing that.

>> No.8946480

>my friend shat himself because he ate laxatives.