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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 426x341, florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8908025 No.8908025 [Reply] [Original]

The hell happened to the last thread?

>> No.8908052

Omni Expo/Roy Harms insanity and autosage.

>> No.8908065

Made my hotel arrangements for Mega last night, I'm so excited!

>> No.8908116

I wish FanExpo would start putting out info already, they seem really slow on posting things

>> No.8908141

has anyone been to florida anime experience? is it worth going? i'm thinking about it, but i'm going to megacon in may and i don't know if i want to do both or if i should just wait for mega

>> No.8908146

I signed up for Metrocon, this will be my first FL con! Any gulls been before? Stories? What kinds of things to expect?

>> No.8908165

Come see me fight in Chess Match. :3

>> No.8908273

Just wait for Mega, fae has unique guests usually but that's about it. Not worth the ticket or going that far into bfe of kissimmee

>> No.8908275


>> No.8908694

Didn't they have an issue last year where Croom got punched in the face when he manhandled someone trying to pull a badge so for the rest of the events people there who didn't have a badge were being told the cops would be called on them and escorted out.

>> No.8909053

Lol ya the kid tried socking him in the face but didn't connect much, still funny as shit to see but cops cleared out anyone without a pass after that which was lame. I'm not even bothering this year

>> No.8909055

Who is going to Hero Hype and who is going to GeekFest soon?

>> No.8909072

Panels were shit last year.
Shows were kinda goofy, but cool if that's your thing. Rave was great.
Overall a really good con to go and meet people and party without it being to normie central like mega.

>> No.8909151

Not worth buying a ticket at all. One of the worst cons and run by an asshole. I'd recommend Mega/Metro, or AFO over it.

>> No.8909454

I second any of the three choices over Fae, it's a pretty shit show and not worth the money waste at all. Save yourself and go to a more enjoyable con like the three recommended or Holiday Matsuri

>> No.8909697


ohh i see! thanks gulls. i love mega and AFO and i'm hoping to go to metro for my first time this year. thank you!

>> No.8909715

Doing the same thing tonight.

What hotel did you get?

>> No.8909729

Who is going to Florida FandoMania this June?

>> No.8909793

What was the Omni situation?

Fire show can be fun if you make it early. They messed up a bunch last year though.

If you're staying at a hotel with a shuttle make sure not to miss the last one. Had to walk through Tampa alone at 2 am because my group left me.

>> No.8909835

Rosen Centre!

>> No.8910459

I've never even heard of this particular con, now I'm going to look it up

Mega was my first Florida con, I'm happy it kept growing but at 95 for a weekend pass that's like me going to DC so I may pass on Mega this year :/

>> No.8910553

i was thinking about herohop because its closer, but they don't have any guests like at all. everyone who went last year said it was empty. might try geekfest if my bf's costume is ready in time.

>> No.8910788

Omni sitch is it's run by a guy who preys on females and uses conventions as his hunting ground

>> No.8910853

It was people assuming he runs the convention and posting about his previous conviction in 2009. People weren't giving a shit after the con was done with and it was then a who was worst OMNI or Conjure that weekend.

>> No.8910859

lol it was pretty solid conjure was the worst and that one deserved to win that trip to the Netherlands from the Omni contest. It was fun seeing the recollecting of pass terrible florida cons that failed and truly were the worst

>> No.8910865

fuck I meant no one deserved to win D;

>> No.8910892
File: 63 KB, 358x541, f0a00b_f011edf96ae54581b1eb029ca6c61086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am because it looks fun and the hotels around that area are cheap but
why is this man a guest

>> No.8910919

Whoever is in charge is an autist. Also probably just getting all their friends as guests in some form.

>> No.8911025

Just got my room there as well. Good price for 2 people sharing a room, and walking distance to the con

>> No.8911055

FloridaCosplay.Org got a lot of the cosplay guests.

>> No.8911065

Aside from cosplay guests are there any guests you think are good so far? I'm not sure what's the point of them just inviting everyone for free.

>> No.8911134
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the mascots.

>> No.8911143

For a first year con the art isn't so bad. I've seen worse (think Mizucon badge art back in the day)
In fact, I think the website looks pretty good. It has so many graphics that it loads really slowly on my computer though

>> No.8911169

Definitely Chii Sakurabi and Eric Stuart.

>> No.8911171

this is TERRIBLE, it looks like my old drawing from 9th grade.
and the v line on the guy's midriff is making me so uncomfortable.

>> No.8911353

Ugghh FloridaCosplay.Org is actually run terribly, they have likes on facebook which is what makes Sara, who runs it, think she should be entitled to free passes and tables at cons. They have shitty Cosplay guests too, case in point Travis

>> No.8911429

Jesus why
He used to cosplay Hetalia and FMA years ago, does he still do that? I guess technically you could label him as a cosplayer but why he's a guest is beyond me. It's the same shit as making Pikabellechu a guest (cons STILL do this! THEY. STILL. DO. THIS. ). She's not good, she's a huge cunt, and she's not my definition of a guest she's just an obnoxious attendee. If they don't work in the industry or they're not master craftsman what's the point of advertising that they'll be there? Who on the fuck cares about these people?

>> No.8911451

Well he pretty clearly does run it, if you ask any of the staff they give you a copy/pasted reply about how he's just a consultant but then people saw him out and about all dressed up giving people orders at the convention while the owner of the con cosplayed all weekend

>> No.8911496

Who are you in chess?

>> No.8911539


>> No.8911568

Lol. They asked my comm to take over the lolita events. Lol nope.

>> No.8911573

They only invite pikabelle cause they want her car at the con. She's just an unfortunate part of the package.

>> No.8911729

I've definitely seen worse art for a first year con. But it really feels like I went back like 10 years because of it.

The guy is pretty bad, the v line is just terrible. The girl is sorta cute when it's just a thumb nail and you can't see the details. The coloring is just bad.

Her car is more of a guest then her. It's annoying that I've seen her at every con I went too last year, including out of state ones.

Lets hear some recent Pikabelle drama. I usually avoid her like a plague.

>> No.8911738

PrincessSara pretty much threatens to talk badly about the con if they don't give her a badge/table/room

>> No.8911742

Loving the new Mizu art direction now. Shark is so cute for some reason. :3

>> No.8911781

>I usually avoid her like a plague
Me too anon. The most recent thing I've got is her being a mega diva and yelling at people to get out of her way and empty an elevator for her personal use at Metrocon last year.

Does she still work at Michaels craft store I think it was? My friend and I used to joke that her cosplays were made with the days sweepings of random craft bits from the store. If we ever saw spilled sequins or stray feathers we would say to make sure we saved them for Bellechu's next project. I have to hand it to that woman though, as bad as her cosplays are she can get a lot done with random as fuck craft supplies.

>> No.8911854

Does she still lie about working for Nintendo? She used to pay a friend of mine to be her Ash until he found out she wasn't official when the Nintendo people ran her out of an event.

>> No.8911983

mega was my first con too! 2009 was my first year. 95 for a weekend pass does sound a bit much, even for a 4 day con. would you maybe consider just going for one day, or are you the type of person who's like all or nothing?

>> No.8912076

Having been part of the Pokemon photoshoot last year at Metro, I can say she was absolutely terrible there.

95 is nearly as much as I spent for NYCC. Mega in general was never worth the badge unless you wanted to buy stuff from the dealers room and it isn't nearly as fun as NYCC usually is for me.

No idea, but she was some sort of special guest for the Pokemon Symphony when it was in Orlando. She basically took 5-7 chairs up in the front. So I feel like she still considers herself one.

>> No.8912088

didn't we host a fashion show there last year? what happened?

>> No.8912120

She wasn't a special guest she bought primo seats to make herself look good.

>> No.8912125

Last time I went to Mega a weekend pass was $75 at the door $60 pre reg and I remember thinking even that was too much.

>> No.8912597

Lol thats pretty much what a consultant does and pretty much the same thing he did when he did the same job for Matsuri, Shado, Evil, Khaotic, and Mythic but I don't see anyone throwing down the oh he clearly owns these cons because he was there and gave directions.....as a consultant should do which is why they are hired in the first place because they are giving guidance in an area of their expertise.

>> No.8912601

Right, I saw last year's art for Mizu and was surprised. It was actually really cute and fit the Mizu name so well which was surprising compared to the crappy chibi on the previoius years shirt which was baddddddddd. I hope they keep the same person because it finally made me want to keep my badge and con book from how cute it was

>> No.8912642

yo wtf is up with Mizu, they announced MegaRan and im just like wow what hes awesome. They usually only have like 2 people and they still asking on their fb pge bout guests they should bring. Is mixu making a come back afer all ?

>> No.8912652

Yeah there are new people in charge

>> No.8912689

cool makes sense, goign to watch for updates looks likr i may actually go back this year if it keeps looking this good

>> No.8912725

She also would claim she was an official Disney parks belle too. As if.

>> No.8912738

Because his roomie and best friend didn't own any of those cons and he was never prowling the convention floor

>> No.8912803

Ooooh pikabelle....where do I start....?

Her method of cosplay is finding a used gown at goodwill that will work for a pokemon...any pokemon. She then buys it and sketches a pokemon based on found ballgown and glues shit to it. Then wears it to a con where people are like "this is so nice!" "You're amazing!" Not knowing that she just glued shit to a pre-existing dress. She, of course, accepts the asspats.

Pikabelle considers any gijinka gown form of a pokemon her intellectual property because "she did it first". I've watched her not award an amazing pokemon inspired gown an award because "she didn't credit me as the inspiration" back in the day when there were pokemon gijinka themed contests. I lost all respect for that girl. She didn't even dress as a pokemon for said contest.

And how about that time she mentally dated an anime character and shit out tons of art around it. How do you draw everyday and yet not get better?

She gets invited as a guest to tons of cons because she hounds the con chairs with passive aggressive emails. Eventually they give in cause they want her car at their event. Her car isn't the real one btw. It was commissioned.

End rant.

>> No.8912840

Wrong the reason i mentioned those cons to begin with is because I saw him there so yaaaaa again cry wolf equally at any event hes at

>> No.8912862

yo fuck this bitch. She is a mouth breeder to the max. she held that title for her shitty pokeman car which isnt even the original one and demands to be a judge whenever shes at a con. She doesn't make her shit and what she modifies is tacky as fuck. Please stop inviting this piece of shit to cons as a guest D;

>> No.8912872

All of the other cons you named have cut ties with him because he's a creep or don't exist anymore so I don't quite understand what you're telling me to do here, anything that I've known he was involved with I've bitched about but since I don't trip you don't fucking know who I am or what my track record is.

>> No.8912894

So if you've bitched every time one can assume your Henry or Shawn, either way man people arent caring as much anymore about something that happened 10 years ago and comes up in the report as consensual sex with a 16 year old. Thats shit that happens even now between con goers and even staff at some Florida cons. Crusade on my friend, many more years you have where you can keep going

>> No.8912909

Any S Fl people who are going to hit up Super this year?

>> No.8912914

I already bought my tickets

>> No.8912925

Did either of those guys bitch every time though? Look, I'm ex Metro staff and you suspected as much. I know everyone who is crusading right now and Shawn just started. It looks like Henry only joined in because he saw Shawn doing it. I have some issues with both of them but the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this case.

>> No.8912945

Is that what it was? I just remember seeing her in the front and thinking how fucking obnoxius she looked.

This is exactly why I avoid her like the fucking plague she is. I can't stand it when people actually go up to her thinking her gowns actually look good. They look terrible and all those compliments do is feed her enourmous ego.

I have a bad history with Super but it can be fun. I was thinking about going to Animate this year for the first time. Any opinions?

>> No.8912993

Yeah, Nintendo hates her almost as much as Disney

>> No.8913037

I met the new chiar last year, he used to be an attendee wants the con to keep going. Nice guy

>> No.8913113

I've been going to Animate since 2014 and I've always loved it. It's a bit small but nostalgic to me.

>> No.8913158


>> No.8913209

I love how she gets invited purely based on the Pokemon stuff and then spends most of the convention doing shitty Naruto stuff

>> No.8913234

Ever see her self insert, pun intended, hentai fan art where she fucks Ash and Naruto?

>> No.8913251


>> No.8913270

I've head about it senpai and I never want to see it.

I kinda wanted to go last year but I just had no time during that weekend. One of my favorite artist alley artists was there so I really regret not going.

>> No.8913547

Omfg no I haven't and thank good I havent. I did she her cringe worthy post on the Metro group about having worn Itachi to her eye appointment and "the norms " looking at her weirdly. This bitch used the words norms

>> No.8913558

yikes! i usually only go for one day so i never even bothered to check full weekend passes. :/ that's a bit beyond my price range i think

>> No.8913596

She said norms in a way that makes me think she knows she's a freakshow.

>> No.8913659
File: 29 KB, 339x452, 1410a80c335c3bce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's her art. Now imagine that as hentai. Proceed to fucking gag like I did.

>> No.8913662

>mfw i thought id save money on mega and buy only 2 days
>2 days-80
>4 days-95

>> No.8913804

jesus christ theres weeb and then theres this shit. This is one very big case of her mom should have swallowed instead D:

>> No.8913835

This fucking feel

Friend and I are going to be there Fri-Sun, but we still gotta pay for that fourth day huh :')

>> No.8914024

Is that her art? Hard to recognize without the giant Hershey's kiss nipples.

>> No.8914431

Sorry friend, but with how anti-4chan Nick and Alex are (they like to brag that it's in their contracts that if one of them mentions 4chan they get to kick the other in the balls, because you know, maturity) I can't say.

4chan hurt their feel feels. :c

>> No.8914442

Obvious attempt at derailing from metro drama with pika belle.

>> No.8914462

well technically PikaBelle is like part of it because her pushing people and throwing people out of an elevator fiasco was at Metro and that bitch is there like every damn year.

>> No.8914524

There are whole Florida conventions that have no fear of 4chan and then there's Nick, Alex, and Roy. The formerly three amigos got a reason they don't want people here and it's because we'll tell you how shitty they really are.

>> No.8914658

If you've been around for a while in the Florida scene you don't want your name on 4chan; Nick, Alex, Roy and Croom. All have some tails to be stepped on and will throw stones but hide their hands so it doesn't come back to them. Thankfully new owners to the scene like Matsuri, Anime Iwei, and the new ownership of Mizucon can fix slowly the shitty ass Florida scene

>> No.8914694

Does /cgl/ really slam Croom though? I moved to Washington a few years ago so I avoid the FL threads these days but I never really see anyone slamming Tom or Snackpants.

>> No.8914757

lol you missed the last thread that autosaged. Croom pops up when he has his hand in things like running Conjure practically into the ground. This is the same guy who runs a History of Florida Drama panel as a "non-participant" lol when he's been involved in a bit of it. Snackpants hasn't come up though just Croom

>> No.8914761

yo remember the last Jacon where his engine got taken out his car? Or when he tried slamming EXP Con with his flyers for the first year of shitty Wasabi Con in Jax, tired of the same old EXPerience. Croom is the jock that didn't make it in the sports world so he thought he could low key bully people in the florida comm.

>> No.8914913

Man I remember the engine incident. Good times.

>> No.8914933

Croom runs a history of drama panel now and no one has sued him for defamation?

Wait, engine incident?

>> No.8914945

The person literately just said it in the post.

"the last Jacon where his engine got taken out his car"

>> No.8914953

Yeah and I'm asking for details dipshit, Who did it, what happened?

>> No.8914974

fuck off

>> No.8914979

Anyone going to Hatsume Fair?

>> No.8914985

You don't understand how to read and then get your panties in a knot because I called you a dipshit? Guess I wasn't wrong. Dipshit.

>> No.8915006

Last Jacon when the con was over someone went through the trouble of cutting a hole in the hood of Crooms car and removing his engine but being kind enough to leave at his drivers side door. Like that was some crazy hate for that man but one of the best things I have ever seen

>> No.8915035

Lol you're replying to a different anon. Someone open his hood and left his engine on the sidewalk

>> No.8915094

I'm kinda over metrocon. I'd never thought it'd happen but it kinda has. I mean, with exception to the shows, I feel like I'm just kinda throwing my money away considering all of the people who ghost.

Meh, hopefully I can round up some friends this year and it'll be more enjoyable. Else wise I might not even go at all. Anyone else feeling this way, or have I just gotten old?

>> No.8915175

How is this the first I've heard of it and how fucking much does an engine block weigh?

>> No.8915262

That was the beauty of it, a engine block weighs a lot so whoever did it needed to have a engine lift. It had to be premeditated as hell, it was Sun into Mon that it happened, most people leave by Sun at the con

Same especially now that you even need a pass to see the Artist alley. Its not that great anymore so I'll be skipping

>> No.8915397

How the flying fuck?? How have I never heard this about Croom? Taking an engine block out isn't some quick process. It must have took a ton of planning for that to happen Post-Con.

Granted he fucking deserved it.

>> No.8915399

Since when do you need a badge for Artist Alley? Do they have people guarding the front now too?

>> No.8915410

They changed it this year.

>> No.8915471

They're putting artists in with the vendors. Which, as an artist, I'm both grateful and pissed about. I like that I won't have to pack everything up every night because it'll be behind locked doors, but I absolutely loved being in that open area because of the traffic and all the windows and natural light. Plus they upped the table fee to include the pass, which is so stupid, I'm behind a table all day I can't even use the fucking thing.

>> No.8915671

Everything is getting bumped up to the third floor so everything requires a pass at all times. I liked just getting to stroll and see the artists because its peak season where i work so I cant get it off usually. So ya no Metro this year

>> No.8916518

The panels will still be on the bottom I presume. And special events. There's not enough room on the third floor for anything other than main events and dealers

>> No.8916529

Special Events may still be on the first floor but I know when Heidi posted to the AA group on Faceook she said they were trying to condense everything to maximize badge checking so the sneaking into panel rooms with no pass is going to be nixed this year.

>> No.8916577

This election year sure is weird, Alex is coming out of the woodwork on Facebook to talk about how progressive and forward thinking he thinks he is and how he supports $15/hr minimum wage but Metrocon still uses volunteers who work for like 10 hours to earn a $50 badge that they have to pay up front for and are then reimbursed after their time is up. If you pester him about it he'll say he can't afford to pay them $15/hr, but by his own admission any company that can't afford to pay its workers $15/hr shouldn't be in business.

>> No.8916617

He probably doesn't understand basic economics. Assuming that he has a shortage of workers and therefore needs them to work for all those hours so he can be properly staffed ignores the fact that more workers choose to enter the work force (or volunteer force, in this case) the higher wages go. The badges themselves don't cost him anything other than print cost, so the only real cost is the opportunity cost here, which in this case would be people choosing to volunteer instead of buying a badge.

>> No.8916632

Volunteer systems in general are practically a scam. 8-10 hours for a $50 pass is about 6.5-5 an hour which at this point you are under paying a volunteer. i get some cant afford a pass but if you can't be affording a pass maybe you need to evaluate your money situation and not go,

>> No.8916642

but you know Alex wants other people to be forced to pay $15/hr minimum wage while he profits off the back of idiots who are practically slave labor.

>> No.8916702

Lol I work for the State of Florida and barely make above that, is he serious he wants others to pay that. Thats supervisor pay at most peoples actual jobs. He is a fucking moron

>> No.8916715

You're missing the take home, he wants others to do it but not himself.

>> No.8916769

yeah exploit your workers all you want but don't pretend that everyone else who does it is more evil

>> No.8917068

This con year is terrible so far. The third floor is so stuffy, and moving around is always so much trouble. I loved talking to artists after the dealers room closed and everybody was mostly gone. Guess that's gone.

The prepurchase volunteer badge is an absolute scam. There's no reason to be charging volunteers upfront fees just to give it back. And a lot of people end up missing things they want to do at a con because of volunteering.

>> No.8917132

And yet no one wants to stand up the volunteer system and there's an idiot born every minute who is willing to volunteer. Even the big cons do it, SDCC is a multi billion dollar convention that wouldn't function without a volunteer workforce.

>> No.8917137

Even more heinous is that fucking burlesque show shit that's been showing up in Florida lately, that Pleasure Pixels show doesn't pay its girls a dime and they are somehow getting enough people trying out that they have to turn girls away.

>> No.8917148

Vapid chicks taking off clothes and prancing around for attention in front of a bunch of beta nerds and your complaining they don't get paid for it? I cant even begin to dissect how stupid this is.

If you want to do crap like that and get paid be a stripper. Burlesque is crap and it needs to be cut out of the con scene like the cancerous tumor it is.

>> No.8917158

So I'm an idiot because I think they are idiots for not getting paid? Sound logic.

>> No.8917164

Thought you were implying they deserved monetary compensation when I am fairly certain the neck-beard attention is exactly the compensation they were looking for in the first place.

>> No.8917175

Nope, maybe heinous was a strong word in my original comment, I don't give a shit that they do it I think it's hilarious that they are stupid enough to let conventions make money off them.

>> No.8917278

NYCC is the exact same. That con would never function without it's volunteers. They always look so regretful at the end of it too. But it never matters when there's always so many people willing to volunteer. Especially with badges being so hard to grab in big cons like these.

>> No.8917284

They are regretful because they realized they just paid to work. At cons where badges are easier to come by there's no reason to volunteer. None. Zero. Get a part time job and work for the 10 hours at minimum wage and quit right after you get paid and you'll end up with badge money and then some left over to eat or blow in the dealers' hall.

>> No.8917291

Lol so basically the same thing as Cosplay Deviants who barely make money off the sets that go on the site and make most of the money off of side "print" sales.

>> No.8917307

They make something, it's still exploitation but at least cosplay deviants get paid.

>> No.8917345

Had been looking forward to attending Metrocon in July. But due to some recent drama, I don't think I'll be attending any more cons

>> No.8917412

I saw my first Croom story at Conjure. We were waiting for a comedy act to start on Sat night & Croom just walked on the stage and started talking to the audience & telling us how awesome he was...I mean LITERALLY he was bragging about how his video game room was so fantastic that he had 30 people in there right now & he had shut down the tabletop room because his vidya was just that awesome. He was also directed most of his attention to some Jem cosplayer who had some weird post stroke face. The comedians got pissed that he was fucking up their show before it began so they killed the microphone but Croom just started screaming about how cool he & his Jax show was until the owner of Conjure had to come drag him off stage which pissed him off even more.

As a capper one of the comedians pulled out his phone after their show & showed us a pic that the '30 people' that Croom bragged was in his vidya room was in fact 3 12 year olds playing Sega.

>> No.8917418

wait, i thought croom ran conjure

>> No.8917525

Casey and Hippie sure were getting nice perks for pushing the show, and got portions of the ticket sales at the Tampa Pitcher Show which is why it's always getting spammed with Pixels and Crazy Random Happenstance "shadowcasts" and variety shows. Though as far as I know 90% of the performers for PP don't see a dime and instead rely on the pittance of tips that rarely exceed $10 at the end of the night.

But don't worry, PP has already been dropped from Shado and are pushing for the next show to be at Mega even though it's still "in negotiations" and might not even happen.

The new casting process is utter crap (claim the role you want and then if someone else wants it they have to compete for it), and Casey seems ready to jump ship with her grand idea of opening a con cat cafe (which will never fucking happen)

It doesn't help that the upper echelons treat everyone like crap (with the exception of, say, Hippie) that has most saying "Why am I bothering with this garbage?"

The show will be gone soon enough given some time.

>> No.8917811

No, this guy named Ron did. Real nice guy.

>> No.8917935

>a con cat cafe
Holy shit no. So much liability, hotels and convention centers would never allow this kind of thing involving animals. I can already foresee weeaboos abusing the poor cats, getting scratched, and then causing a scene.

>> No.8917984

Not sure where you might be getting the idea but none of the con shows last anything. Show casts that are done by the con itself will usually give weekend passes to the performers, but most of the time it's the actors just wanting to perform.

>> No.8918138

Croom ran everything behind the scenes though.

>> No.8918147

Yup classic Croom ego that i am the bestest ever. Croom honestly did Ron dirty having his con go against another one and dish out so much money for a show that was going to fail. Croom is a narcissist.

>> No.8918186

That Croom still exists at all within the community bothers me to no end, he's never done anything but run other people's cons into the ground and exploit his friends.

>> No.8918307

He's been smart about not having his actual name on paperwork so he can't be linked back to the problem. Croom is probably one of the most toxic people to the Florida community and his cons are shitty as fuck

>> No.8918417

the woman in charge is an adult weeabo.

>> No.8918423

What cons is he apart of? So I know which ones to avoid

>> No.8918609

Wasabi Con, Florida Anime Experience, Conjure, and somehow this fuck got the Anime track from Fan Expo for Megacon so be ready for that drama panel just like at Fan Days (which was really this the Croom hour of how awesome I have been not "involved" in all this drama)

>> No.8918857

planning on it anon !

>> No.8918901

I am finally going because the scenery looks so nice

>> No.8918906

Alright, so we're all aware of the Croom and Harms drama and all of the convention runners in the entire state, but does anybody have any cosplayer drama? Or just unpleasant stories from cosplayers?

Pikabellechu doesn't count. Her existence is unpleasant.

>> No.8918921

You're shoving aside the gifts that keep on giving for some basic slut shaming and he said she said cosplayer drama? Shame on you. Croom and Harms are gifts to drama, don't take them for granted.

>> No.8918950

There's plenty of cosplayers drama. It's just that dropping names gives people away.

>> No.8918951

I aint afraid to drop names, Cerebino from Moderately Okay Cosplay. If this could he would suck a whole lot more dick riding the tailcoat of his girlfriend for those Instagram likes. His Jojo so fucking bad and his league stuff is okay at best.

>> No.8918961

Jojo and League are fucking plagues to cosplay, almost as bad as Homestuck and the like

>> No.8918968

He's into doing Undertale cosplay now which is like the new Homestuck. I hate that he super promotes being equal and no bullying in the community but he's the first elitist asshole who snuffs people outside his circle. He is so full of himself

>> No.8918972

Yeah everyone in the community who promotes shit like that just does it for their image. PC Principal bro! I'm gonna crush some puss.

>> No.8918984

LOL everytime I see him at a con now Im going to think of PC Principal

>> No.8919308

Bumps for interest. There's plenty of cosplayers in the state who are drama llamas.

>> No.8919332

It must suck to look like the real life version of a bug catcher from the pokemon games

>> No.8919423

Holy fuck my sides anon.

>> No.8919533

Thanks. I shall keep those in mind. Also Fan Expo (Informa) isn't the best at picking proper staff

>> No.8919699

Is it me or has Skyleigh (Momosweet or ahír whatever now) has kind of died off her cosplay fame hype train. This girl was such a try hard before but I haven't heard much from her nown that people stop giving a shit

>> No.8919896

I just checked because I have her followed on instagram and I haven't seen her post in a while. Looks like her main account is either gone or deactivated.

>> No.8919951

LawliePopped Cosplay, oh man she crossed into the realm of cringe lately on her page posting NSFW type of content and pulling an Alychu Cosplay asking people to buy her practically sex toys from her Amazon wish list so she could post sets to her Tumblr. This girl is attention whore to the max right now wit her creepy ex taking the photos with hi shit photography imperium (or some shit like that) photography

>> No.8919959
File: 110 KB, 943x720, FB_IMG_1458432680786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to see of the photography was actually bad since people nitpick but wow does he know how to focus and not blur peoples in his photos. Or not do bad editing like this recent gem. His page comes up as Imper1um Photography on facebook

>> No.8919969

Who the hell is LawliePopped?

>> No.8920001
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 944961_1075213109163618_4360268094495089187_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually has the potential of being really cute if she closed her metal mouth in photos D; but ya shes doing a lot of look at how sexy I am sets but she actually looks pretty white trash in them

>> No.8920017

That terribad photoshop...

>> No.8920047
File: 108 KB, 1080x1080, 11741073_853514004731332_2945825224952785378_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst part is this is better than most of his photoshop stuff :x

>> No.8920064

I wud berry my dick so far up her ass that whoever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur

>> No.8920097

Lol well taking her from behind spares you seeing her face so that's a plus, hope you have those pockets line though because bitch is a gold digger

>> No.8920121

Please don't tell me this guy charges because if he's pulling a David Fernández who takes crap photos and has the nerve to charge holy hell I'm done with Florida photographers

>> No.8920255

Let's see, CONjure, Omni Expo, and Jax Anime Day were all happening at the same time? The reason for the low-tier guests and crappy events in the state is because there are too many damn cons and everyone's gotta cross compete with each other.

Remember those anonymous bloggers? At least Atlanta has most of their cons working together (except AWA who apparently is taking FL as a model).

So done with this state.

>> No.8920324

AWA has always been a shit show.

>> No.8920380
File: 139 KB, 843x960, 12341117_10208270906150890_68211196772469974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is who I think it is (pic related, maybe?), he did such an awful job on that photoshop. I wouldn't even recognize her. I think he should stay away from heavy editing and focus more on more natural looking touch ups.

>> No.8920404
File: 63 KB, 594x960, 906083_967829169966481_4255500603009829592_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad part is despite this definitely being better I can see where he touched up her face. I just find a good portion of his photography absolutely disastrous to the max. Like this is a recent one from a con 2 weeks ago and he still doesn't know how to focus. If I shoot something this blurry I am not putting it up on my page, its an embarassment

>> No.8920412
File: 865 KB, 1365x2048, 1424912171982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why photographers do this. It is truly an embarrassment. What you upload is your portfolio for other people to see and it pains me that they can't even take a moment to go through what you shot and delete bad photos. Which makes me wonder how >>8910892 is even considered a guest especially with his name attached to an awful photo like this.

>> No.8920413

Is Alychu even around still? kek

>> No.8920439

Holy shit this photo is fucking super terrible. That would definitely be a do not fucking post ever ever did not even exist on my SD card.

>> No.8920441
File: 238 KB, 2048x1361, 12605552_1136561183035347_6366625548277179240_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes trying to stay relevant now playing twitch and then crying she doesnt have enough games so she'll post her amazon wishlist in hopes of getting saps to buy her shit.

>> No.8920449

So does Florida just have really shitty photographers?

>> No.8920458

yep, their either taking shit photos or total shitbag human beings but they are all shitty

>> No.8920477

For the most part yes, I can probably say there's only less than 5 I would personally recommend from having worked with them but most of them either overcharge, have super shitty photos, or are creeps to the max.

>> No.8920485

most are pick two, and it's usually shitty photos and creep to the max

>> No.8920823

Ya shitty photos and creepy are usually the winning combo than you have people like Victourex who has shitty photos and overpriced. Or Crimsonsoul Photography which is a trifecta just like Iacca

>> No.8920832

Do people just not know what a good photo looks like? Sounds like Florida Cosplay photography scene is just a huge scam. You poor people.

>> No.8920851

The south Florida cosplay scene IS a huge scam

>> No.8920905

South Florida CONS are a scam. See SuperCon and Broder.

>> No.8921087

The cons and how they are run are crooked as fuck but the people are legit who go, they're nicest comm in all of Florida. They just like to have fun and have no drama to the level of Central Florida cons

>> No.8921327


You posted her in another thread. Vendetta much?

>> No.8921381

Haven't you figured out that all drama is a vendetta?

>> No.8921459

So thats a yes. Thanks.

>> No.8921522

Well you're talking to two different people, I'm one of the Croom vendettas, sorry.

>> No.8921995

Lol well if the shoe fits, bitch is a bad cosplayer so ya I posted her there too. We did same drop names and I dropped her. Welcome to 4chan Senior White Knight

>> No.8922008
File: 55 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1458533235090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. This is Florida, dramu and vendetta galore. The girl is terrible and her NSFW stuff makes her look like a white trash hooker. She needs to close her mouth

>> No.8922020
File: 849 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-21-00-18-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh I don't think Aly did masturbate for monet videos, I know she have sexy pic sets but Lawlor has snap chat for money to see her use sex toys

>> No.8922024
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-21-00-16-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8922040

What's her real name? Thinking I met her and her mother at a con a few years ago. No joke. This is creepy now.

>> No.8922046

Holy shit this escalated quickly O_O

>> No.8922047

Like I want to say the girl I met was named Crystal or Christie or something. She did risque poses and her mother would take the photos, but it was nothing dirtier than a bikini. Now I'm seeing these, it looks like her, and I'm thinking oh god is her mom taking these, is this the same girl?

>> No.8922081

This will add onto the bad if it's the same person D; she has her name set to Lawlie Pop on fb too so don't know her real name. This kid is a train wreck holy damn

>> No.8922085
File: 598 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-21-00-17-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She calls it sex work too, she's fully aware of what she's doing

>> No.8922096

She probably calls it sex work because that's what every cunt who takes pictures of their snatch on tumblr or reddit thinks it should be called. No, honey, sex workers get beat up by Johns don't pretend to be fucking edgy as shit while you take pictures of your nipples in a controlled environment and then act like you get the same amount of disrespect for your "trade" as some girl who is working the streets in a negligee.

>> No.8922125

Sex work isn't taking photos in your cozy bedroom so you can be pathetic enough to buy a new cosplay or wig while seking internet attention. The thousands of homeless, abused, and battered woman who are actual sex workers would trade for this cushy ignorant lifestyle. I never thought I would dislike someone more than Momosweet begging for attention but this shit takes the cake. What a stupid, ignorant cunt

>> No.8922135

IDK if you're trying to make fun of my reply or if I just met a kindred soul. All I know is that everybody that reads our back to back posts are going to think I'm samefagging it up.

>> No.8922141

Lol ya I hadn't hit refresh so when I posted and it did refresh I was fuuuu this is weird.

>> No.8922147

It's stupid though, every girl on reddit with a pair of used panties for sale is a "sex worker". Honey, that's not sex work. You're just too gross and pathetic to get a real job and your butt looks cute enough in a thong that you think you can do this for a living.

>> No.8922155

It's so in their crazy minds they have some type if job rather than just leech off of people for a quick buck. Great for you suckers are willing to pay but you put yourself in this position to then try glorifying it as oh its so hard as a sex worker. Please just stop and find some self respect instead of funding your shitty hobby of cosplay

>> No.8922158

I know a guy who blew like 3 grand in a month on camgirls and panties and shit and he wonders why no one will date him. Newsflash loser your camgirls only give a shit about your money and other women can tell you only see us as sex objects.

>> No.8922170

Jesús 3k @_@ as long as there's suckered like this guy girls like this won't learn and they'll keep being "sex workers" until a prettier one comes along for attention

>> No.8922183

Cosplay community guys are getting more desperate by the day so any girl who is moderately attractive has a captive audience and will never have to work a real day in her life. Ew.

>> No.8922191

Did they ever find that guy who shot up the zombie con?

>> No.8922636

GeekFest and Hero Hype this weekend. Oh god.

>> No.8922798

Yeah. I'm playing a show at HHC and will probably hit up Geekfest on Sunday.

I don't know how attendance will end up being, it Easter weekend and all and two cons in the SoFlo region the same weekend.

>> No.8922938


She dated a friend of mine for like a month. We roomed together at AFO.She's super skeezy. She came back to the hotel room day drunk for a photoshoot in her shitty Hestia cosplay. I'm pretty sure if I'd put forth even a little effort I could have boned her behind my friend's back.

>> No.8922954

Day drunk seems to be her thing then because she was wasted when I saw her at Matsuri at like 5pm. You're bro was lucky you weren't a sleeze, most would tap that if she's throwing it out there

>> No.8923019

wait, i thought herohype was in june. did it move?

>> No.8923098

Looks like someone here reported her FB because it's down.

>> No.8923107

Search for "Lawliepopped cosplay"

>> No.8923174
File: 7 KB, 150x156, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well on an unrelated note, does anyone happen to know any guys in South Florida who make helmets? Like Power Ranger kind of helmets. If so, throwing some contact info my way would be heavily appreciated!

>> No.8923182

No she had a personal page under Lawlie Popped that I was friends with and someone reported it.

>> No.8923227

is this for mumen rider

>> No.8923235

Convincing a day drunk to let you bone her is just as skeezy as being day drunk you know. You sound gross.

>> No.8923237

Are you part of the same crowd that does the ren faires

>> No.8923247

Holy fuck shit stack that is the most unflattering photo I have ever seen and he put his watermark on it. Is he literally retarded? Does he hate whoever this cosplayer is? Why would he do this?

>> No.8923248

That would have been rape you asshole.

>> No.8923253

She would need no convincing, I've seen her in this drunk phase and she has no respect for personal space. She throws the hoe out there to get more attention

>> No.8923258

I see... yeah it's gone.

>> No.8923320
File: 130 KB, 680x510, RIDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although that would be funny as hell, nah. Its for The First version of Kamen Rider Ichigo

>> No.8923323

Yep. Then Geekfest moved to screw over Hero Hype:

>> No.8923369

Oh shit, another Showa fan? We might need to talk anon, I cosplay Nigo and Stronger, and I'm in the process of making Super-1's helmet

>> No.8923386


That's why I didn't?

>> No.8923466
File: 436 KB, 771x1100, true_justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOOOOOOOOOOOOO I've always wanted to do the SIC version of Stronger after reading this page from SPIRITS! Super-1's raw as fuck too anon, I wholeheartedly approve. If you're willing for commissions/part trades, I'm all for it. Hit up my skype at VeggieShark, it'll have costanza.jpg with a monado

>> No.8923469
File: 153 KB, 447x700, 1436745712172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit I got my tabs confused. If I reply late its cause I'm going to sleep, sorry anon. I'll keep going tomorrow

>> No.8923516

PLease tell you guys are part of the Florida Kamen Rider/Super Sentai group. We should plan a group!

>> No.8923524

ah cus i actually meant kamen rider, idk why i initially thought of mumen rider, lol. I also know someone who is also trying to cosplay from kamen rider

>> No.8923530

does anyone know what exactly is going on with this FloridaCosplay dot org . And is anyone else going to the fantastical tea party in may. I haven't been to one in a while.

>> No.8923537

It's run by a cringey woman named Sara or Princess Sara. Basically she'll tell a con she has likes on fb and is popular so in exchange for exposure on said fb page she wants press passes, tables to sell and promote, and extra perks like terrible guests like Travis. She is a nightmare to deal with and is so hyped up on herself just like Pikabellachu

>> No.8923564

I have a feeling her daughter got her into this shit, i think i went to highschool with her, but i barely went to the anime club there .

>> No.8923574

Whats up with Geekfest? It looks like a pro-cosplayer meet-n-greet & not much else besides Larry Hama.

>> No.8923582

Ohhhhhh boy this woman. I have stories of this woman but if I told them I'd get recognized immediately and I don't want that drama.

Lady is psycho for sure.

>> No.8923589

she added me on fb even tho i do not know her personally, i just decided to accept all of the things she post is just so cringy and embarrassing.

>> No.8923592


I'm located in South Florida in the Pines area if you guys ever wanna get together and work on stuff/plan group cosplays. Also, I think I met some people from the Florida KR/Sentai group at Omni, I was there as Nigo with my buddy as Ichigo

>> No.8923593

aw man I would've loved to hear the stories you have, but I understand

>> No.8923613

Same, I got to meet a few people at the meetup on Sunday at Omni. It was nice to see a rather large group

>> No.8923623 [DELETED] 

I actually just got invited to that fando event as a guest in a few weeks by her. I am bad at social networking and try to stay away from drama as much as possible so any info on what to expect would be appreciated.

>> No.8923628

I actually just got invited to that fando event as a guest in a few weeks by her. I am bad at social networking and try to stay away from drama as much as possible so any info on what to expect would be appreciated.

>> No.8923649

same anon that has been added by her on fb. I honestly don't know much, but from the way she runs her organization, I would just avoid it at all costs. The cosplayers she promotes are meiovre just looking for a way to get attention and i cannot stand the way she also promotes her daughters average art.

>> No.8923652

I saw a few names of cosplayers I respect in the group so I assumed it was at least a bit legit.

I only committed to one day at the event due to work and some trepidation about a first year show knowing the rep and average lifespan they tend to have in fla.

>> No.8923679

Honestly there is nothing to lose. I see a few good guests, and they have run a lot of other events in the past so I think it will be ok. Even if it's a shitshow, I don't think it will tarnish your image personally.

>> No.8923690

One of my eyebrows went way high at the idea of my having an 'image' but yeah i was more worried about if I was going to get micromanaged to hell and back when I have alot of logistics to worry about with my costumes & panels

Thanks for the info anons

>> No.8923712

>is anyone else going to the fantastical tea party in may
wait, is it going to go on? i can't recall if there were years where it didn't happen, but i think there might have been years where that was the case, so i'm curious. i haven't been to one in a couple years either.

>> No.8923715

Is anyone going to Hatsume Fair

>> No.8923775

Im hoping to go for the first time this year, I cant wait to snap photos there since the gardens look so beautiful.

>> No.8923870

It will also be my first time if I end up going, has anyone been there before and could tell more about it? Especially when that location hosts the Lantern Festival? I've been meaning to go to that for the past two years but the tickets sell out before I realize.

>> No.8923910

For the lantern festival get there EARLY and get good seats near the water. Its a nice event but its jam packed.

>> No.8924228
File: 177 KB, 422x232, Thumbs_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The First anon here, I didn't even know there were Rider/Sentai meetups! Is info on meetups over at /soc/ or is there some facebook page or what?

>> No.8924249

Make sure you check con pages and con schedules, look for lists of meetups and stuff like that
But also make sure you check FB groups like Facebook Kamen Riders and Facebook Power Rangers
The groups are generally shit but the people who show up in person are usually pretty cool

>> No.8924284
File: 443 KB, 1638x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who this girl is? Mizu con just announced her as a guest

>> No.8924467

The fact that they announced a third guest is surprising because with how low budget they've been the last few years they usually only have Greg plus one more guests. She's on Toonami with Akame ga Kill and she did Satone in S2 of Chuunibyou. Not a lot animes under her belt really

>> No.8924506

Its so crowded at Hatsume its not the best time for photos.

>> No.8924535

It's a pretty big area.

>> No.8924541

Christina Kelly's roles
Akame ga kill! - Mine
Black Bullet - Kisara Tendo
Hamatora - Hajime
Chuunibyou - Satone Shichimiya

>> No.8924548

I'm still going to go it's nice that they are supporting smaller voice actors. And considering they normally have no one it might be cool

>> No.8924561

Damn. I'm not that old but i feel like it when I don't recognize any of these anime titles.

>> No.8924571

I know how you feel; Aside from Akame ga kill, I don't care for the rest of the genres in that list so I just look at it and think "did i just miss the past decade in anime? Am I so out of touch? ... No, it is the children who are wrong"

>> No.8924663
File: 1.99 MB, 397x223, tumblr_o2pdppOeoJ1qe3o5mo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone recommend an active Florida cosplay forum w/ a large community?

I just moved to central Florida so trying to get with the Florida cosplay scene, make friends, meetups, etc.

>> No.8924700

Run. Get out now while you can.

>> No.8924735

I spoke to some guy name tom croom who promised to get me drunk and suck my dick then give me pocky if I came to his convention in Jacksonville. This sounds like my kinda con!

>> No.8924760

I'm curious, but for me it really depends on the weather. If it isn't too hot and humid I'll check it out.

>> No.8924766

Definitely going, I'll probably just take photos though. ;_;

>> No.8924771
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1458080777176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being serious tho.

>> No.8924792

Sadly, so are we. Best con in the state right now is probably Holiday Matsuri in December (the owner's kinda creepy and his girlfriend is a psycho bitch but you don't see them much)

>> No.8924797

Looked up the cons here and you got megacon coming up and to have so many big guests must mean that its a huge con; can't seen this much since NYCC

>> No.8924817

Yeaaah, that Sara lady from FloridaCosplay.org blocked me on ig after I left her "team".
I wonder what else I should be expecting from her?

>> No.8924827

Mega is an overcrowded mall-con full of people ghosting the halls trolling for photo ops. New owners are all about the money and don't care about the fandom at all. Enjoy the BO.

>> No.8924948

nothing now pretty much. I unfriended her. I tend have people on my list I dont personally know. No harassment or anything.

>> No.8924950

Megacon has high-profile industry guests and can charge what they want. Bitch as much as you like, but people will pay it. Stan Lee, Frank Miller, Jay and SIlent Bob, Norman Reedus, other guests from Walking Dead, Arrow, and more, they're second only to Dragoncon in the southeast now.

Last thread got deleted because Alan Vieyra reported it. People brought up his trying to rape a girl during a con and suddenly the thread got pruned instead of archived.

>> No.8924977

Who the fuck is Alan Vieyra? As someone with a Roy vendetta I was accused of defending Alan but IDFK who he even is.

>> No.8924988

Paying people a lot of money for autographs and photographs who are being paid a lot of money to be at the con to sign autographs and pose for photographs after being paid a lot of money to act in television shows and movies. Whatever makes you happy I guess but I've got better things to spend my money on than people who already have a lot of money and all I'm getting is a sharpie scribble on a cheap photograph.

>> No.8924995

You know the signature/photograph money largely goes to the convention who sets the price for that shit, right?

>> No.8924996

>Alan Vieyra
Is that the Aquaman guy?

>> No.8924999

Welcome to the state and I hope you get to enjoy all that has to offer. I'm probably going to get shit for this, but here's my 2 cents.

I think /cgl/ overstates the drama going on. Is there drama if you go looking for it? Yes, there absolutely is, but if you just want to cosplay and have a good time then you'll be able to do just that. There's a con practically every week in this state so there's always something to do, even if a lot of them are small and kind of crappy. Still, there are several big (or atleast good) cons spread out over the whole year (Mega, Super, Metro, HolMat).

As long as you dont try to whore yourself out over cgl or social media no one will start shit with you. Just ignore everyone who wants to start shit because they just want something to talk about. You'll be fine.

>> No.8925000
File: 12 KB, 320x220, MJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butthurt are back and ready to troll on something that no one's cared about for years now.
Carry on. Make Florida great again!

>> No.8925021
File: 7 KB, 240x150, 1458390372616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate it. Thank you.

Good to hear that the cosplay/con scene is active here; I guess I just want to get to know people locally, make friends, etc. Currently here for work.

>> No.8925029

Oh no poor Roy how dare people get all butthurt that he's a rapist. Yep, super butthurt that he raped a bunch of girls, I'm a crybaby. Marginalize it however you want but the dude is a scumbag and he deserves whatever he gets.

>> No.8925060

I see you don't disappoint! Would this be Shawn Tuffy or Henry Hall, by chance? Your work in making Roy a fresh internet legend is impressive! That guy couldn't get laid if his life depended on it but, please, do troll on. We are amused.

>> No.8925104

Accuse me of being Andrea Zampella, Amy Zunk, Katie George or Ben Badger while you're at it.

>> No.8925170

You digress. Please, stick to your agenda. We're waiting for you to start. This is like watching the special olympics and betting on which retard faceplants the pavement first. You are supposed to be shaming Roy, remember? Drooling on yourself and yelling at your audience doesn't count.

>> No.8925176

What? I've said my piece. He's a rapist. You're the one drooling all over the place tripping over yourself to figure out who keeps posting about him. Hint. There's more of us than just Henry and Sean.

>> No.8925209

You still haven't answered my question, who is Alan Vieyra?

>> No.8925279

Sad. Now you disappoint. Nothing but old comments again. Lame. Same as last time. Same as the time before that and all the times before that. Then again, if you actually had anything real to contribute you wouldn't be whining for attention on 4Chan. Go back to your cave and cry yourself to sleep, little troll. No one cares. If you can't defend the glory of Florida then you are useless to us.

>> No.8925281

Guess I'll never know who Alan Vieyra is.

>> No.8925335


The vendetta is strong with this one

>> No.8925338

you realize you're the one who sounds like a window licking retard right?

no clue mang

>> No.8925354

Welcome to Florida anon, like the other person said, there's literally a con every weekend, and Orlando is a hotspot for them. The community can be very accepting and supportive but I do advise you tread carefully, as with any social group, there are crazies.

As far as drama, really, unless you choose to either throw yourself into the thick of it or choose to behave like a hysterical high schooler, it shouldn't be a big issue for you. There's always conspiracy theories about rigged costume contests and such, but unless you're really trying to make cosplay your life's goal, it shouldn't be a big issue, and so long as you remember that this is for fun, you'll likely have a good time in Orlando.


>> No.8925359

Sho nuff, mang.

You still deliver nothing new about Roy. You talk a big game but now you hide, choosing instead to attack someone who wants to hear all this new dirt you seem to have. This is 4Chan: proof or GTFO.

>> No.8925362

yeah man you're talking to a different anon but ok?

>> No.8925373

If you step into the convo then expect to get tagged. I want to hear this supposed Roy gossip and no one's got anything. Lamest vendetta ever.

>> No.8925379

yeah man i'm not the anon who said they had anything on roy and i don't give a shit about whoever roy is I just called you a fucking window licking retard, which is what you're acting like

>> No.8925387

Aw. You're trying to make me sad. That's so cute!

Isn't working.

Try harder.

>> No.8925390

Trolls trolling trolls eating rolls on the grassy knoll.

>> No.8925396

STFU, mang.

You're a window licking retard. You still deliver nothing new on Roy. Stop talking a big game and give me the dirt on Roy already: proof or GTFO. You got nothing.

Proof or GTFO.

>> No.8925407

My best friend was a lawn gnome till I smashed him with a baseball bat. At least the rolls were tasty.

>> No.8925417

>inb4 "not new proof"

Like, really now what kind of proof do you need beyond his arrest and conviction?


>> No.8925420

I see -1-. Years ago. According to annon there were many. We want to see the many.


>> No.8925422

facebook the name

cosplay photographer who most people in fla hate now because he's a pussy wannabe rapist who gets threatened publicly and can't do anything about it

>> No.8925430

>It only gets hard when I harass victims of sexual assault
>Someone please help me get it up by giving me the deets on these babes
>So I can jack off to them
>Just to be clear I can't get a stiffy without some seriously fucked up shit

>> No.8925433

You sound lonely. There's phone numbers for that.

>> No.8925434

He almost raped someone at con and claimed he was drunk at the time

>> No.8925437

Okay but what's the story, when did it happen and what exactly happened?

>> No.8925440

Almost as in what like he was about to stick the tip in and then someone tackled him?

>> No.8925441

Do u even greentxt mang?

>> No.8925452

Oooh! Anon slanged me! And he used a typo that wasn't even mine! Wow. I'm major unimpressed!

Why bother when I can laugh at you just fine without it.

>> No.8925459

during megacon a couple years back he forced himself on a girl, almost got it in, got pulled off by one of his friends and they told the girl to keep her mouth shut about it.

wouldn't believe it if it was just gossip it but alan was the one who kept running his mouth about it acting like he was hot shit because he almost sealed the deal with a cute girl

a few people threatened to beat alan up so he laid low for awhile and stays away from certain people at cons, he also goes out of state alot now to avoid the people mad at him

>> No.8925464

no one knows what you're prattling on about

>> No.8925471

Did the girl ever come forward or what?

>> No.8925479

Yet you keep replying to me.

Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool who follows him?

Your turn...

>> No.8925491

she came forward to her friends and alan confirmed her story, never even said sorry, just blamed the alcohol and said he was too drunk to be in control of his actions

he's lucky she didn't call the cops, i think she got intimidated by the other guy who was bigger and much older telling her to stay quiet about it. plus it's embarrassing, given how bad people treated roy's victim why would any girl want to try to prosecute a man involved in the fla cosplay community?

>> No.8925492

fool? nah, i've got time to kill, i work 2nd shift at a do nothing security job and i'm bored out of my mind and you're really stupid and i'm enjoying a good laugh at your expense i don't even know who roy or alan is

>> No.8925507

Oh good! I've been laughing at you the whole time, too. Only I'm playing Xbox and have a well paying network admin job. And fresh pizza. Sucks to be you!

>> No.8925513

i do absolutely nothing for 75k/yr it only sucks that i'm bored most nights

>> No.8925526


Now that you've put a dollar amount on your yearly income anon is just going to come back with a higher number. Guys stop the dick waving and get back on topic. Or meet up on Grindr and fuck already or whatever you do.

>> No.8925527

$75k a year working second shift security and you're bored? You're definitely doing it wrong!

So has anyone found out about this Roy guy's supposed harem of girls yet or am I stuck with the bored security droid, half a pizza and this idiot on Xbox who likes to catch bullets with his face?

>> No.8925529

So when's the wedding?

>> No.8925534

cameras all around me man can't do anything other than fuck around on my phone, 2nd shift is from 4:30 - 12:30 and the place closes at 9 so there's still a few employees hanging out until 10 most nights so i'd get caught playing xbox and eating pizza for real you got a serious hard on for this roy guy how come?

>> No.8925537

April 1st. I'll be a Betazed Wedding. Dress appropriately. We're registered at Home Depot.

>> No.8925547

Other way around. I'm asking about the girls. Roy is a Florida legend from many years ago thanks to 4Chan. Anon has failed in producing more than the one (statutory) rape charge but claims Roy's a dangerous rapist with a long list of victims. We are unimpressed as we were promised many. Sadly, anon has failed in his trolling and gone off to lick his wounds. Or himself. Or the window. Whatever.

>> No.8925549

Is this Hellfish? You write like Hellfish.

>> No.8925558

What kind of fucking fascist expects anyone to give up details on the victims?

>> No.8925563

Don't know who Hellfish is. Sounds like someone who failed out of ROTC but likes to think he's a bad ass.

>> No.8925572

>describes Hellfish to the letter
>doesn't know him

>> No.8925573

Hey, if they say he's done it, and there's so many victims, then why can they only produce years old evidence of one? If this guy is such a legendary tool then how come he's still free? Where's all the supposed victims? Where's any proof? There is none. This all started hours ago when one anon called Roy vendetta and then didn't have the balls or brains to back it up.

>> No.8925579

Got any other cheesy military sounding nicknames you'd like to admit I don't know?

>> No.8925593

Jesus H Christ the try hard vendetta in this thread is insane. Literately nobody gives a flying fuck about who accosted who however many years ago.

In a somewhat vain attempt to get thread to something resembling sanity, is anyone looking forward to Supercon this year? Anime Festival Orlando is scheduled way earlier this year than the past as well. July should be interesting.

>> No.8925594

What do you even want? If I give you names and dates and a detailed description of events, which I'm not going to do, you'd still ask for more, you'd want panties with dna evidence or something and then you'd call shenanigans on that. If you don't believe it that Roy is a predator on the prowl who has victimized, raped, assaulted, molested multiple girls you're never going to believe it but his arrest is proof positive to everyone else that he's a creep. Fucking fascist. And as a cis woman I don't have balls, dummy.

>> No.8925647

What do we want? Proof. Plain and simple. You cry on 4Chan about the horrors he's done to countless victims and demand justice but don't take what you claim you have to the authorities? Translation: you've got nothing.
Thanks for playing, Its been fun.

>> No.8925673

Literally I asked what kind of proof you wanted and you replied with "proof."
Why hasn't anyone gone to the cops? Statute of limitations is up for every single girl. Why didn't they before? Roy launched a smear campaign against two girls that have come forward, victims of sex crimes often don't want to go through that. Alexander Craddock mentioned one of the girls by name in an open letter addressed "to all the haters" on the Metrocon website, he later redacted it but the damage was already done. Because. Of. This. She. Received. Threatening. Calls. And. Emails. Do. I. Have. To. Contue. To. Spell. It. Out. For. You?

>> No.8925679

inb4 "show me proof"

>> No.8925680

What an ugly fucker...no wonder he's a rape-o

>> No.8925685

Wow. You've got some funny ideas about how this works. Don't worry. We understand your lack of anything resembling understanding of the legal system or tangible evidence. It's okay. Please, continue to rant on like you know what you're talking about. We'll pretend you're right.

>> No.8925692

So tell me how the legal system works. Is there no statute of limitations for sex crimes in the state of Florida?

>> No.8925727

Well, she apparently had no problem having him arrested four years after she willingly slept with him, at least according to what's posted officially online. And she managed to do it with nothing more than a phone call from California. If you have evidence of him being the sex crazed stalker you say he is, I'm sure the police would be very interested (and probably the Guiness Book, too). But since you don't have jack, it's kind of a pointless thing to go on about like you have been.

>> No.8925742

You say I understand nothing about the legal system but you yourself don't understand that an underage girl legally cannot give (and in this case she mentally was incapable of giving) consent to have intercourse with a man as old as Roy. 4/10. Sufficient troll. Argument confirms you for og team Metro. Still thinking you're Hellfish or one of those morons. Hashtag not all men am I right?

>> No.8925764

Do you think that Tom Croom is behind all this? Asking for a friend.

>> No.8925781

croom will take credit for it even if he isn't

>> No.8925804

Nice attempt at deflection. Still leaves you with no real evidence or you wouldn't be so desperate to try and steer the conversation away from that fact. As you say, sufficient troll.

Argument confirms team Metro? That's funny. Keep guessing. It's cute.

>> No.8925808

wait, how did geek fest move? you must be mixed up because i went last year in march

>> No.8925817

Lol that's his MO anyway, he needs those juicy vendetta deets fir his super awesome History of Florida Dramu panel. He's as much a mouth breather as the other anon bringing Roy up and getting angry at being called out on the same old shit of the last 7 years

>> No.8925818

July us the battle of the cons. Im probably doing Super since the guests and show are better. It'll be interesting to see how Super, Metro, and Afo battle the month out

>> No.8925837

we must not be reading the same posts because nobody got called out except for that window licking retard and i still don't know who roy or alan are

>> No.8925846

To put it in simple terms. Roy was the owner of Metro. Alan is a photographer

>> No.8925850

Errr my eyes dont fail me and I see one anon calling out for proof of all this supposed rape and pillaging beyond the one girl who said something four years after. Saying where's you proof and the other person going oh ya definitely you're a metro grunt is avoiding what they got called out on and trying to cover having no evidence.
Guess it makes two window lickers then.

>> No.8925851

that's what everyone keeps saying about alan but that's it no photo of him no he did these photoshoots or this is his website you guys just keep talking about him like we're supposed to know him and i've been cosplaying in florida for 5 years and idfk who he is never heard of him

>> No.8925854

what kind of evidence do you want though like what kind of evidence can be handed out over the internet? this is always gonna be he said she said so nobody got called out and i still don't know who roy is except for him owning metrocon

>> No.8925857

Actually I'm eating mixed nuts and drinking a Mike's, but your point is valid: the so-called proof doesn't exist. The rest of the night's been spent laughing at the jackoff for trying to avoid admitting they've got nothing.

>> No.8925858

i got his fingerprints on my dick, give me your number i'll text you a picture

for real at least two people have asked you window lickers what kind of evidence or proof you expect there to be and instead of answering you just say "haha you don't have any haha i called you out haha"

>> No.8925864

Sure it's nine four one two eight four two six nine five, dipshit.

>> No.8925870

Aw someone's upset! We're almost sorry we made you mad! Really we are!

And, jinkies! it's not what kind of evidence we expect, it's what evidence of any sort do you have? Answer: none. Again, nice try deflecting the question. Didn't work.

>> No.8925875

well i have none because i don't even know who roy is but for real if anyone had anything you'd just say it was bogus, 3rd shift called out and i'm pulling overtime by the way so i don't really give a shit if thisisbait.jpg arguing with a total maroon is fun

>> No.8925877

Yes it is. I've been doing it for hours now. Thank you for entertaining us.

>> No.8925880

Well, sucks to be you even more then. You and the anon with the fingerprinted dick >>8925858 can have fun together for the rest of the night. Just remember to put the towels on the floor when you're done and don't leave the bed sticky or you'll lose your deposit on the room.

>> No.8925881

if all you're gonna do is say "no u" then i gotta find something else to do with my time, thanks for the laughs and before i go did you get my text?

>> No.8925887

His photography page on Facebook is under the same as his name: Alan Vierya. Most of his older work can be found under NA Studio

>> No.8926144

Poor thirsty llama tries a desperate third time to start vendetta and no one bites. 3 strikes, time for you to go now.

>> No.8926404
File: 8 KB, 272x252, 1373430625545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell are you talking about? I asked if there was any other reasons besides Larry Hama to go?

It wasn't a challenge dude...it really wasn't. I don't know south FL that well but I'll be down there for the holiday and I was just interested. Sheesh!

>> No.8926992

welcome to my world, nah there probably isn't a reason to go but idk who larry hamm is either

>> No.8927027

What in the fuck happened here?

Too lazy to scroll back up to quote but The True Aquaman is Rick Stafford, also a Florida sexually abusive rapist asshole who still gets invited to cons as a guest or host.

And to Central Florida anon, 90% of the good cosplayers here are cliquey as fuck so good luck with friends. But welcome! See you in the Mega lobby.

>> No.8927052

>Animate Miami
>now "Animate Florida"
>now Fort Lauderdale Convention Center
seriously fuck it. Miami Airport center is about 25 min away from me and now this puts my go-to anime con in FL an hour+ away, just like when Supercon moved.
guess South Florida or the Miami Airport center is destined to never have good cons or cons that don't always fucking move north.

>> No.8927062

seriously why does south miami get no love?
your cons wouldn't be growing bigger to the point of needing to move if it weren't for us? and then you move an hour or more away from us, every time, without fail?
not to mention SoFlo supposedly has the "nicest" cosplayers among Florida according to this thread, so what gives?

>> No.8927131

No love because we dont like getting shot or rear ended. It used to be an hour away and now it's 20 minutes hell yeah

And where are these people saying florida has the nicest? I want to meet them because yeah right

>> No.8927181
File: 187 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a song for this occasion.

~Guess who's back, back, back
Back again
Broder's back
Tell a friend.
Broder's back, Broder's back, Broder's back....

We've created a monster, because nobody wants to see Hero Hype no more, they want Broder, Geek Fest is chopped liver!

Well if you want Broder this is what I'll give you:
A lot of high prices mixed with shit cosplays.

Some drama that'll jumpstart my heart quicker than that time Broder scammed Buschemi and fought Colossus when Envy Us was rocking the table while he's operating!

You've waited this long, so stop complaining cause he's back with an old con and speculating.
I know you got a job, Mr. Broder, but your wife's plastic surgery is complicated!

So the M-B-C-C won't let him be or let him scam me so let me see. They tried to shut him down at the OCCC, but it feels so empty without him!

So come on and pay, raining bills all day. Fuck that, bills on Megan Coffey's dick and some on Sandy's tits.

And get ready, cause this shit's about to get heavy.
Grifter just settled all his lawsuits, fuck you Travis!!~

>> No.8927224

but really, are there any SoFlo cons (not Broder cons) worth it anymore? based on what i've been hearing and seeing, i'm thinking "no", and it sucks

>> No.8927390

Surprisingly while Mizucon is starting to give a shit again and their still at the MACC already announced more guests and seem to be handling themselves way better than previous years. I'm actually going to give them a chance in Aug since like someone said Animate is like an hr away from me now

>> No.8927597

>idk who larry hamm is either

Larry Hama basically created the 80's GI Joe universe.

>> No.8927600

>Envy Us was rocking the table while he's operating!

Whats THAT story?

>> No.8928070


The MACC is the worst, I don't understand why every damn convention in south Florida for the last 5 years had to be there. Supercon moved south to MBCC for a reason and you still have tons of events in Miami, so chill.

Broder also apparently worked out a deal with the port security in Ft. Lauderdale so that con attendees don't have to deal with the checkpoints when they drive into the area around the con center for once. The space is huge and really nice (I've been there for other cons and events) but no one's been able to use it correctly. Plus free parking and lots of it.

>> No.8928165
File: 79 KB, 505x709, metro drama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone catch the Metro drama today on the group where because Felin from Black Butler Cabaret said she was harassed by a staff member at Metro, Ben went in on her, deleted her thread, banned her from the group and then posted this beauty to cover their scumbag tracks?

>> No.8928169
File: 88 KB, 539x960, 12799414_1585913678402632_2500778052475827027_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben's dismissal of everything she said and pinning the blame originally on her show at Metro being why she was harassed. Guess Metro in general stands for piece of shit harassment

>> No.8928183


Ben lives in a bubble, denies that anything bad happens at conventions, and blames it all on cosplayers. this has happened multiple times. metro is trash anyway but he'll defend them because they're the only people who will use his photographs.

>> No.8928260


>Magic City Comic Con
>changed to Paradise City Comic Con
>also moved to Ft. Lauderdale
>in December


>> No.8928263


>> No.8928274

Well what do you expect from the same people when the Harms thing went down who posted that public letter slamming the girl and Alex's excuse now for it is "I didn't know any better when I was young" Metro went to shit really and it's not worth it anymore

>> No.8928288

I'm watching it unfold, seems like Ben and Alex can't match their stories up to hers. From what I'm seeing it looks like Ben triggered her.

>> No.8928296
File: 89 KB, 539x960, 12042649_1585913681735965_6125910957931784647_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went snooping and she apparently has caps of the whole thread before it deleted on her facebook set to public. So before this cap the other anon posted was this one where Ben blames her show for the harassment and then kept going at her saying it was her own fault she was harassed and since theirs no "record" of it shes a liar. This guy wow

>> No.8928303

AND the week before HolMat!

>> No.8928309
File: 114 KB, 652x259, lolhish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have this guy as a guest even after the shit storm where Monty's wife called him out and said he was liar that no RWBY characters were ever based off him and he was never to do any voice work for them. Good job Metro, keeping it classy

>> No.8928312

wtf why would they do that. i liked it was jan because it was after Matsuri and holidays. Damn thats shitty, Matsuri will be my choice if i have to drive any. Ft laud is such a shitty move too

>> No.8928325

Holy shit, are you serious?
What even.

>> No.8928328

Just when this thread actually gets interesting, it's about to die.

>> No.8928357

Only dates the con center had, probably. Broder and Greg are friends.

>> No.8928374

new thread went up already, this is too good to let die right now

>> No.8928463

new thread just got deleted. grats you guys pissed off the mods

>> No.8928479

Second one to get deleted. Florida knows how to up the drama well and Metro knows how to get butthurt quick

>> No.8928506

Damn, Metro needs to get it together. Watch this thread get deleted now too.

>> No.8928565

As someone who HAS delt with harassment at conventions, I actually started following this debacle when it began during the convention in 2015.
I was all on board to see that something be done, until little things started to get rather confusing.
These young women(there were 3 who initially complained), were repeatedly asked if they had been harassed by Metro Staff, Volunteers, or TCC staff. They would not give an answer at first, and then described themselves being led out by security dressed in black.
Now I'm sure anyone familiar with the convention knows, that they proudly boast about their guys being in red. The black uniformed guys are TCC security, which is still something that should be addressed, but blaming Metro instead of letting them know that the TCC needs to train their guys better, isn't helping anything.
The ladies also said they never asked to see a manager or department head because they were just tired of the hassle. Then went immediately to social media to complain. So, in the case of not having documentation, it means they never spoke to anyone in authority about the issue, just ranted about it on facebook. I don't know about you, but when *I* got harassed in 2008, I wanted to talk to the guys in charge to make sure it stopped.
Now, I'm not saying that they weren't harassed. What I AM saying is that they aren't actually looking to fix a problem, they seem to just want to garner attention for their acting troupe.
But what do I know, I'm just a guy.

>> No.8928611

Judging from the comments she never made a complaint to the con, she was answering a question as to why she wasn't going to the con because someone asked if she was wearing her Bayonetta cosplay to metrocon. Ben jumped in and started ranting at her. This wasn't about their show until he attempted to bring it up in which she told him it wasn't. He then blocked her. If anything it's Metrocon's inflated ego thinking a poke will burst its bubble.

>> No.8928630

Doesn't Metrocon have their security dressed in full Umbrella tactical gear for teh lulz though?

>> No.8928646

welp guess we have literally nothing here at the MACC now, thanks for nothing broder

>> No.8928657
File: 342 KB, 1366x768, 2016-03-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the kind of shit she got kicked out for. Don't let her say it was for just 'being tall'. Bitch is lying.

>> No.8928659
File: 135 KB, 1338x756, moneyscreenshotcont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got asked to leave for being a whore in public at a family con.

>> No.8928673

That's not a picture of her?

>> No.8928679

Yup. This is what she was wearing(the two had identical costumes) and doing when they were both kicked out.

>> No.8928690
File: 668 KB, 1013x606, othershot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. It's on her FB page. She's posing with her GF.

>> No.8928700
File: 474 KB, 928x591, ojdfojhbrovbhwrojn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute
there were a lot of them running around
which one was she
the one with the lace or the one with the socks

>> No.8928706

No one cares about the MACC.

>> No.8928848

my mind can't comprehend the size difference

>> No.8928928

That's not even her...

>> No.8928932

>caring this much about felines half nigger self and her irrelevant dyke friend who has a boner for her

>> No.8929051

>caring this much about felines half nigger self and her irrelevant dyke friend who has a boner for her
Sounds like you care a whole lot friend

>> No.8929092
File: 38 KB, 720x540, alexnick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cant tuch us we b metrocon biches

>> No.8929095

calm down sonic the edgedog

>> No.8929115

Does anyone else think that those two fuck each other constantly?

>> No.8929144
File: 53 KB, 720x540, ws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we share it all if u partee wit us