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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 450x600, FB_IMG_1457806981299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8907372 No.8907372 [Reply] [Original]

And to start us off here is this fucking disgrace

>> No.8907949
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The face of fattychan after a hike in the woods.

>> No.8907959
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>> No.8907961

being black would actually be 100x more convenient than batman having to fill his eye holes in with makeup.

>> No.8907980

Crazy eyes Harley

>> No.8907988
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>> No.8908051

>looks at upper half
>what's wrong with this besides the nose ring?
>scrolls down
>oh sweet succotash why

>> No.8908098

>trash behind her on the floor by the room

>> No.8908209
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>> No.8908302
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>> No.8908358

what the fuck are her boobs

>> No.8908510
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>> No.8908513
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>> No.8908514
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>> No.8908516

Whats with her right leg?

>> No.8908518
File: 378 KB, 1365x2048, 10603992_1214610555250584_8914837851076695001_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8908525

stop ruining my son with your awful cosplay

>> No.8908941
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>> No.8908945

the makeup and wig are great, but whatever she used to make that armor is fucking abysmal. I bet it took a lot of time and money, and it ended up being worthless.

>> No.8908975
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>> No.8908978

I'm fucking scared of the girl's shop

>> No.8908985

The cape is covering part of it. I saw it for a second too, though, I get ya.

>> No.8908986

Uncanny valley.

>> No.8909293

Hey at least some of the people actually tried. Those who really tried I applaud them. If you are saying their cosplays are horrible only because they are fat are dicks. Concentrate on the costumes and not the person wearing it. I think the two girls wearing costume from the hunger games (?) Look adorable.

>> No.8909311

>concentrate on the costumes
like katniss' massive seam and terrible choice for the black fabric, as well as bad makeup? And how the white piece is supposed to go all the way to the other side of her waist but only covers her chest partially?
Or maybe Effie's ill fitting dress and bra showing? Or even the sad cardboard support for the butterflies?

>> No.8909322

The costumes aren't terrible but why the fuck wouldn't you wear some nude tights?

>> No.8909359

Like I said they tried which means they did they could. Did I say they were the best or 100% accurate? No I didnt. I'm just saying good for them for at least trying and on hard costumes too. It's a learning process give them a break. As is I think they look cute. Also I have only seen parts of the first movie in the hunger game series so I don't know what the costumes look like. These girls look like they are having fun and have confidence in themselves (which I also include in judging a costume.) I'm sure your first few costumes weren't spot on. Sorry not trying to be a bitch. Just try to stick up for two girls who I don't believe should be on the list. Sorry for my attitude or if it seemed like I was rude just speaking my opinion.

>> No.8909444

Lmao either you're new here or bait. I'm not saying "it HSOULD BE PERFETC OMDGF" but they are not good no matter what you say. "They tried" doesnt make it accurate."They did what they could" doesnt mean its good. It is obviously a bit of a vendetta post but that doesnt give them a free pass for mistakes

>> No.8909449 [DELETED] 

I-is that from ParaKiss?

>> No.8909451

I think cgl could use a critique thread. An actual critique thread not "it's fucking awful" or "the cosplayer is fucking ugly" as critique. How does one improve when "it's fucking awful" is all you get?

>> No.8909455
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>> No.8909460

Part of this thread is a bit mean-spirited, but honestly I browse these threads to learn from other people's mistakes. One of the first things I do when I decide to cosplay something is look at what other cosplayers did wrong/right.
There are self-post and WIP progress threads were people can give critique.

>> No.8909525

Oh man this years Genericon had a lot of bad costumes, most people were new I believe (and hope) Do you have somewhere i could see all of the pictures?

>> No.8909534

get fucking dunked onnnnn

>> No.8909572
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The featured cosplays on amino never fail to disappoint.

>> No.8909573
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>> No.8909594
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That wig looks like it's trying to run away.

>> No.8909595
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Funny how those pictures were liked and shared by everyone today only to have it posted here. That's cosplayers for you.

>> No.8909597

I don't think it's the same people
I know who you're talking aboot though.

>> No.8909738
File: 155 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can point out exact flaws on bad cosplays. Is fugly one reason usually? Yes. They should try harder.

>> No.8909754


>> No.8909772

I'm already so sick of miraculous ladybug shit

>> No.8909821

her titties gonna pop

>> No.8909870

If the implants don't first.

>> No.8909879

ignoring basically everything else, i actually don't mind the shape of that rose wig. either she only has a talent for wig styling or she commissioned it

>> No.8909996

Someone explain what is wrong here because I can live with BD having shiny fabric

>> No.8910011
File: 72 KB, 500x750, but really that fucking shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8910088
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I'm not a star wars fan but I'm enjoying cringefest of crossovers that are being shat out

>> No.8910106

I kind of wish she had used velvet or a less shiny satin.

>> No.8910108


>> No.8910116
File: 291 KB, 779x800, thafuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this.... A sith lord gijinka of an Umbreon?

At that point why not just dress up as your own OC Sith Lord?

>> No.8910270

The idea is there, but the execution needs work. Some of those curls look bad. I also feel so bad for these girls that don't have good strapless bras.

>> No.8910574
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>> No.8910618
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So grim >< and super cringy

>> No.8910622


why don't people cosplay for their body types FFS

>> No.8910625

didnt know eggman did cosplay!

>> No.8910639

this girl is one step away from a nip slip and i hope she's prepared bcos im not

>> No.8910645

I don't think any of these are bad. You're just a bad person.

>> No.8910649

The leafa is actually pretty good considering

>> No.8910655

That cosplay is pretty good considering it's a bigger girl I mean it could be ALOT worse. Yeah they look pretty out of breath but it's not to bad compared to the anime. That's just my opinion.

>> No.8910662

learn how to reply to posts samefag

>> No.8910666
File: 53 KB, 449x452, 1456331473466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lern to quote, samenewfag

>You're just a bad person.
>implying we're all one person

>> No.8910669
File: 45 KB, 311x311, 5QdBVLe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8910698

Ok, these have clearly been airbrushed to cartoon levels, but the basic costumes are good.

>> No.8910701

Welcome newfriend

>> No.8910736

Not that hard to wear a shirt, jeans and furry gear.
>i say that but wait for the horrendous zoo cosplays to appear

>> No.8911111

Do you not see those shiny converse peeking out?

>> No.8911295

Weird. This threads are supposed to be bait to post hightest girl, but you guys are actually posting bad cosplay, and worse, a lot of them not even related to vidya

>> No.8911322

pretty shitty way to bait for something when you're going the complete opposite direction with the first post

>> No.8911342

You're apart of the cosplay sale group on Facebook aren't you?

>> No.8911343

Disgrace? How so?
Doesn't look that bad to me.

>> No.8911507
File: 216 KB, 314x320, 1457658451849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a fat-shaming thread!

>> No.8911631
File: 262 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_o3t4buvLha1vnbgyno3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably more bad photography but... the absurdity of this entire photo is making me crack up like the dickens

>> No.8911870


>> No.8911885

I get what they're going for but that's...bad.

>> No.8911888

That "face" will haunt my nightmares.

>> No.8911904

Hajime's wig (left) is super bad, but overall the cosplays aren't terrible. But I'm pretty sure everyone who saw this has a seizure looking at it

>> No.8912276
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>> No.8912313
File: 36 KB, 540x960, jackwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be a closet cosplay of Jack Frost. What the actual fuck are they trying to achive? It was one of those 'say a character and I'll make a closet cosplay of it!' but they didn't even bother at all! JFC

>> No.8912334

Should be in the bad shoop thread.

>> No.8912827
File: 129 KB, 1365x2048, 1455426114403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8912851

... What? There's litteraly nothing that indicates that this could be Jack frost? Wtf

>> No.8912881
File: 1.70 MB, 950x1264, celes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what is even going on with the "hair"

>> No.8912884
File: 46 KB, 720x960, 10361526_948434335237587_1355229011486291441_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is super sonico apparently.

>> No.8912975

It just looks like a bad selfie

>> No.8913006
File: 362 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must attention whores slutify even the most covered cosplays? It would've been more inpressive with the full outfit. Also that prosthetic needs some work.

>> No.8913015

She's also touching part of the lightsaber blade to her stomach, which somehow makes me more mad than the outfit.

>> No.8913092
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>> No.8913109

She looks familiar.. Do you have more pictures?

>> No.8913193
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>> No.8913211

She/he is the same person as >>8912827

>> No.8913212

what wrong with her arm?

>> No.8913293


overextending + shoop probably

>> No.8913298

I witnessed this in person anon and the drills were fabric. She competed in craftsmanship and it seemed like she was a beginner.(atleast she competed in novice catagory) She'll probably improve.

>> No.8913410
File: 49 KB, 800x800, ^42D9312A413BAF842CF3A39E961BE0E652A9E0038E5FE730A1^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8913414

Is she supposed to look like a gay gremlin?

>> No.8913419

ew those fishlips

>> No.8913483

>No headphones
That's like the one rule of Sonico

>> No.8913676

Dear God that prosthetic is terrible

>> No.8914040

This kid's face is gonna haunt me.

>> No.8914121
File: 84 KB, 540x960, 12804842_993372754087050_772888434055725175_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was getting really frustrated at the costume i'm currently working on so i came to this thread and i feel like i have been given new life, thanks cgl.

>slave junko
just.. why

>> No.8914219
File: 49 KB, 751x1125, FB_IMG_1458122972753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you not even wear dance tights?

>> No.8914244

>slave junko
>she's also black

>> No.8914251

Makes me wonder what goes through their mind when they decide to do mashups especially poorly ones like this. Frozen or slave anything in particular....

>> No.8914339

Man, this is my question. I understand not having a good cosplay because of time/skill, but I honestly do not get people like >>8914121, >>8910011
who have botched paint jobs, raw ends, uneven cuts or other things that you can easily go back in and fix, but don't bother.
Maybe, I'm just a perfectionist, but if I saw a part of my cosplay that looked like that I'd immediately go back in and touch it up. >>8914121 particularly kills me because the paint on her bra is SO EASILY FIXABLE and she just lets it be gross and uneven.

>> No.8914368
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bad cosplay, bad photography

>> No.8914375

>what goes through their minds when they decide to do mashups
What is going to get the most people to look at me? How do I combine the two biggest band wagon cosplays?

>> No.8914386
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Do intentionally bad cosplays count?

>> No.8914794
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Fucking hell though that is just miraculous

>> No.8914799

> doesn't fit properly
> unflattering and makes her look alot bigger
> make up looks to be awful
> bad pose but points for trying with the location

>> No.8915020
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, 1449435500083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god

>> No.8915030

i think this is bad even though it's trying to be 'funny' and people wonder why there is a distinction of "black x y and z" characters. ugh.

>> No.8915042

omg is this asherbee

>> No.8915046
File: 91 KB, 720x960, 12814540_10156585193445247_6959754323007185634_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Naka-Kon 2016... Stuff of nightmares. :(

>> No.8915142

war muh dargums

>> No.8915144

bb you know it is

>> No.8915160

>essentially free hug shirt
jesus fuck

>> No.8915200
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>> No.8915224
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>> No.8915290
File: 259 KB, 2048x1365, 12068457_10153523745143481_696176574861295726_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mini dump, some shockers on fb

>> No.8915295
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>> No.8915301
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>> No.8915304
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>> No.8915306
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 12841425_10153523735478481_1965202855786731602_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end mini dump

>> No.8915326

Man the harpoons

>> No.8915328

Atleast the cosplay actually fits though.

>> No.8915329


>> No.8915341

>im needy
Its so much worse than just a free hugs shirt. Why god why

>> No.8915349

hi hina

>> No.8915352
File: 82 KB, 1280x960, FB_IMG_1458148564441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from Naka

>> No.8915357

>Narutard at the left

>> No.8915369

that armpit hair

>> No.8915398

Why would you paint a bodysuit instead of buying one...

>> No.8915401
File: 46 KB, 634x604, 390970_10150360811908542_385208100_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this consider as bad?

>> No.8915402

it's a dude.

>> No.8915438

fucking crossdressing sissies I swear...

>> No.8915486

I would love something like this of my friends and I for wallpaper/lock screen, its brilliant!

>> No.8915520

For Asherbee in particular, the reason is that she completely lacks any talent at all for costuming and/or crafting. Literally everything she makes looks like complete shit a 5-year-old would be ashamed of, but she thinks it looks great. The others, I can't say.

>> No.8915541


>> No.8915593
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>> No.8915763

on /v/ they do that

>> No.8915792
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>> No.8915793

That's actually the only good America I've seen.

>> No.8915830

I think that's the only dude America I've seen!

>> No.8916012

Its not a starwars cosplay. Its based off some pokemon artwork, I think shes just posing with lightsaber for a joke.

>> No.8916037

It's not a joke. She posted saying it was a crossover with one of her loli friends.

>> No.8916038
File: 777 KB, 2048x1371, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck. Fatty Venus, shitty put together Mars, jupiters face (Need I say more?).

>> No.8916238

>not even talking about tuxedo mask
Venus looks decent even though she's fat, especially compared to some of the others here

>> No.8916357

Other than the mars I think they look fine? (Apart from the odd shiney skirt)
Tuxedo mask was probably just put together last minute.

I'm feeling a vendetta~

>> No.8916385

Venus is probably the best one there. The others are yeah, bad.
But man that Tuxedo Mask fucking christ did he put that together in 5 minutes?

>> No.8916393

theyre arent even that bad, but mercurys pure lack of shoes is off throwing.

>> No.8916397

>they look decent, vendetta?
>open picture
>lol nevermind

>> No.8916398

Is no one going to point out the shitty Mercury? Vendetta-Chan is that you

>> No.8916411

I know this cosplayer (actually a few of them in the pic), she has a medical condition + can't wear certain shoes for long periods of time. Wasn't at this con with her but assume she had to take them off

>> No.8916416

Hate to burst your bubble but "fatty Venus" and Jupiter look like the best ones compared to the lanky Moon with the bad buns, or that fucking Tuxedo. How are you gonna call the Venus fat when the Mercury is also fat AND worse by far? Mars looks terrible in both costume and wig.

>> No.8916425

No one could compare to Cardcaptor Will.

>> No.8916480

is that Beckii Cruel as Sailor Moon?

>> No.8916496

Hi jazz

>> No.8916531 [DELETED] 

Hello assholes!
nice to see you're all still hard at work making fun of people behind there back. I wont get in a row with you because no doubt youll ban me then badmouth me behind my back asusual.

just wanna say. i know both parties. and i have infirmed both of them about your shit. INB4 flamewar


>> No.8916543

As somebody who has been posted on here before, all you're doing by informing your friends is making them feel bad. How necessary is it to know strangers say things behind your back? Does it really make a person's life better to know, or does it just make them feel sick and upset?

>> No.8916567
File: 169 KB, 866x960, 12747351_1584548888432498_8088636069753039009_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to take a good look at yourself before you attempt to start a feud over nothing.

>> No.8916569

ok thats nice and all but i can guarantee that we dont care

>> No.8916574

It would have been better to keep your "informing" of your friends off 4chan. You don't need to tell everybody you're confronting them.

>> No.8916581

That's the look of a man doing it for his girlfriend and regretting every step into public he takes.

>> No.8916591

Sindy, get your ass out of here
no one really cares that you "infirmed" them (it's spelt informed btw}
everyone is sick of your shit you anorexic crack whore

>> No.8916634
File: 153 KB, 640x640, sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go take off your panties in public again sindy

>> No.8916711
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>> No.8916716


>> No.8916733

meth panty

>> No.8916742

Newfags if your friends get posted the best thing you can do is ignore it. Do not come in here tripfagging to start shit.

>> No.8916859
File: 97 KB, 572x429, otakon20002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grossly overweight hogs here

>> No.8916870

Jeez, I can smell your vendetta from here

>> No.8916887

You do realize only mods can ban people right? And they dont give a fuck about "fights"

>> No.8916890
File: 10 KB, 219x200, tumblr_inline_o045mlpNr71rib9q5_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're undeniably shitty cosplays anon.

>> No.8916892

>ill fitting everything
>party city wigs

Vendetta = jealousy. Nothing will ever be jealous of those cows honey.

>> No.8916995
File: 139 KB, 960x639, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who fed Ashe?

>> No.8917052

The photoshop effects are awful, and she could use some work on her makeup, but I wouldn't call this bad. The costume itself seems to look pretty decent. If you're only problem with this is that she has a heavy set face, then you don't really understand what bad cosplay is.

>> No.8917063

This has already been picked apart, but I keep finding new awfulness!
Moon's glove cuffs aren't attached to anything.
Mars' skirt looks like it's starting to fray, and I am fairly certain her tiara is made of craft foam. Not even painted. Just yellow craft foam stuck to her forehead.

I feel so bad for that Venus, being stuck with this group.

>> No.8917123

>Implying fat people have the energy to make good costumes

>> No.8917133

It looks like she has eczema...

>> No.8917168

So which one is you?

>> No.8917322

madam orange

>> No.8917325

nigga look like sonic the hedgehog lmao

>> No.8917328



>> No.8917359

>favorite character is a very non-human alien with a generically pretty humanoid representation
>every single decent cosplay of her is the pretty humanoid version
>tags are flooded with shitty closet cosplays for the pretty humanoid version
Never love a non-human character who doesn't just look like a human with weird colored skin or you'll be fucked forever is the lesson here.

>> No.8917368

Jupiter and Venus look great. No idea why you're bashing Jupiter's face, she's adorable. Mercury and Mars needed to work on their wigs, Moon's costume is disheveled, and they all needed non-satin skirts. Moon is also pretty adorable though.

>> No.8917457
File: 121 KB, 640x622, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief, have fun with this at shutocon

>> No.8917527

Keeeeeek kek kek kek kek

>> No.8917535
File: 322 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o45811vaOf1txlyjvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8917568

Why is this less than decent?

>> No.8917572

At a glance it looks okay... but then you notice that the gold on the armour was painted on, the fabric in front of her legs is a bright purple instead of a semi-transparent dull shade, and that she used the same thing for her gloves.

>> No.8917668

i want to fight mars this is so awful why would you do this

>> No.8917678

those jagged unfinished hems... what a wreck

>> No.8917695
File: 46 KB, 360x504, wtf bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+10 points if you can figure out what this even is. *hint* it's something that should never be "sexyfied"

>> No.8917708
File: 172 KB, 721x960, 10001449_901663356618975_3526900911447673221_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917799

That's fine, just know you have shit taste.

>> No.8917804

¿Tarta de fresa?
Idk how is called in english...

>> No.8917808

I want to guess strawberry shortcake?
Please tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.8917809
File: 711 KB, 1280x720, S01E24_Good_Citizens_Club.mkv_001151525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green striped socks gave it away. This doesn't need to exist.

>> No.8917822

This is one of those things were she really needs to be fat (and have any sort of costuming skill) in order for people to even get what she's cosplaying.

>> No.8917823

This is so lazy. At least wear some stawberrie/cake items. Take a look at this anon's reference picture: >>8917809
They all have food/berry/coordinated outfits.
Lazy closet cosplays kill me.

>> No.8917876
File: 539 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-03-18-11-08-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917883

I normally hate slutifying genderbends, but this is pretty in character for Spider. Don't really see anything wrong here.

>> No.8917906

I think its the fact she's chubby and doesn't look well in a bikini.

>> No.8917914
File: 86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-07-03-13-22-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Person who posted the pic here and that's pretty much it. Also she was the same chick wearing the ' blow up doll rainbow dash' outfit.

>> No.8918197
File: 107 KB, 640x1350, 12748042_1709636192590047_8783559799369509294_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black unicorn cosplay is a goldmine for cringe

>> No.8918205

Shitty costume aside, holy fuck does she need to clean her room. At the very least, shove shit off to the side before taking a pic.

>> No.8918211

I swear yesterday I had a nightmare with this pic.

>> No.8918213
File: 272 KB, 2048x1365, gatestohell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm not into undertale

>> No.8918218


>> No.8918222

Those are terrifying.

>> No.8918308

Holy fucking porridge sacks I feel so much better about my saggy tits right now. Why would you flaunt such melting mammaries??

>> No.8918313
File: 28 KB, 540x540, 11873394_1012906108727652_1928063486582906506_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have such an issue with her eye makeup and the way she smiles. I know braces make it a little harder but she looks like she wants to bite my dick off D:

>> No.8918325
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 944961_1075213109163618_4360268094495089187_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit homegurl from my state, always has the same crazy smile even when her cosplay is on the ok side

>> No.8918328

Do you think about putting your dick in everyone's mouth, anon?

>> No.8918371

always, if you're going to show me some titties like that my dick will come along for the ride

>> No.8918372
File: 15 KB, 236x354, fadbfb9b7b47c6b47f8c4acedcfa0724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celeste's hair is just a style that doesn't transition well into reality. For that style I think something like this Nui would work, especially since Celeste is dressed in Gothic Lolita. (I can't actually find the cosplay I'm thinking of but this is similar. The one I'm thinking of has lighter blond wig and is Asian.)

>> No.8918389

>Gothic Lolita
Funniest comment I've seen all day, anon.

>> No.8918397
File: 423 KB, 1280x960, badsans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918400

"Celeste wears aGothic Lolita-style outfit, consisting of a white blouse with a Peter-Pan collar, a black jacket that includes white ribbon lacing down the sleeves, fastened by a simple ribbon across her chest to show her red tie with a butterfly pattern on it and the waist of her skirt, which is many-tiered and features white lace."
Straight from the wiki my friend.

>> No.8918404

She's ita as fuck though

>> No.8918413

shes a fictional character.

>> No.8918419

Ita is still lolita.

>> No.8918444

this is lady ikari Cosplay right? She's a goldmine for this thread

>> No.8918498


The only that's decent is her arm armor and even then, the paint job is bad. The gold parts are all uneven.

>> No.8918518


I am having nightmares. Take that cake and run.

>> No.8918543
File: 144 KB, 880x587, 10001493_1515804222059839_1914469226775810200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad photoshop. cheap kimono; something you'd find off ebay for 2$

kimono rory? what the????????? & she's wearing pants underneath? if you're going to wear a kimono, at least do it properly.

>> No.8918847

She has the ugliest smile I've ever seen wow

>> No.8918957

I cannot unsee this damn smile like holy distracting as fuck.

>> No.8919018


I think her smile is super cute...imho...

>> No.8919036

this makes me feel like i need a shower

>> No.8919040
File: 117 KB, 664x790, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure its supposed to be pic related

>> No.8919078

10/10 Mr.Yan cosplay

>> No.8919092
File: 43 KB, 540x960, 12662551_1018050801589052_6900165719356042488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8919139

Fact she has braces and tries to hide them with such a scary looking smile.

>> No.8919145

It's so sad that some people are that insecure about their braces. I think they look super cute, honestly. Back on topic, I wonder why she didn't just do a closed mouth smile?

>> No.8919167
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 936562_581796618662314_5289788047542956048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Publicly posted WIP, the axe is apparently plywood on a metal pipe. I have no idea how any of his props get certified as consafe (and yet they do - I've seen him hanging around at several crowded events with his wooden monstrosities). I get that they look visually okay and all but I'm terrified of being near him because of his giant goddamn assault weapons

>> No.8919169
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, 51eec5d1_44a9_48c5_9785_b78be682a4bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nightmare material in here

>> No.8919170

Oh man, I just noticed, in the comments he also says the pauldrons are 'made from an old washing machine', so more metal? I don't want to be anywhere near those spikes.

>> No.8919172

oh no

>> No.8919182

if your fat, ugly, a nigger or poor then just don't try. End of.

>> No.8919189

>Narutards everywhere

>> No.8919205

Oh yah i know, i meant I would want it because it is so bad/tacky

>> No.8919264

ahaahaha im gona keepthat in mind

>> No.8919265

autists love each other

>> No.8919273

such salty words. you sound obease Xp
they were also informed off of 4chan
Considering i wont a comp for this and a nice £25 to hobbycraft. maybe you need to take some tips from ME
You sound jealous?
Best Panty
nah. i think im gona do both, and NEWFAG? ah
ahhahahahahaahaha ohdear. look me up sometime
you do realize i get banend just for my name on here, right, no. oh damn. guess you're to stupid to know who i am
Trust me i know telling them is gona cause them pain. but they have a right to know. at the end of the day maybe 2% of whats said has critical benifit to them. maybe they can learn from this. maybe the deserve to know for reassurance. maybe everybody just hates you guys and im throwing gasoline on that fire

maybe im just a complete cow

>> No.8919274

Oh my god literally fuck off you're providing more material for this thread all by yourself Jesus. Ashamed to be from the UK comm

>> No.8919279
File: 120 KB, 640x960, 11921878_1649471571936737_2500078715418526230_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remade it with wood and worbla. so yea. i am armed.
tho my fav prop is this 1

>> No.8919280

well as a scot i dont realize consider myself part of the uk
and how dense are you, stating the ovbious

>> No.8919295


I'd say you're embarrassing Scotland, but considering Scotland has about three good cosplayers to its name, I'm not sure if that has any impact.

>> No.8919305

If you're unhealthy and overweight you should use your time and money getting healthy and becoming human again, not a vain attempt to dress up a turd. Fat people destroy fashion as well as just about everything else. For a boars that glorifies Japanese culture and fashion, why is this concept so hard for you to understand? Japanese people would laugh at you for ruining their fashion with your fatass.

>> No.8919309

Being ugly and being fat are the same in that being fat is ugly, but different because you can fix fat, but you can't fix ugly. Being fat is not acceptable/ disgusting and a sign you're lazy, being legit ugly is something you can't help and not something that should be critiqued. Being legit ugly doesn't usually Garner negative critiques, but being fat is a different story.

>> No.8919312
File: 174 KB, 900x675, tumblr_o0ltj6cIc21qeufy0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont even know you and you come off as 10000% annoying

>> No.8919314

They lack the self awareness to look in the mirrior and just say no. Lack of self awareness is also probably why they need to "dress for their bodytype" in the first place. This is what happens when people are trying too hard to be "politically correct" and not straight up tell her she's fat and should not rape my eyeballs. They never get the hint because no one says it to their faces now a days.

>> No.8919316

Considering today's obesity levels, every thread and every day of your life should be a fat shaming thread. Do as the Japanese do and stop sugar coating it, fatty

>> No.8919317
File: 172 KB, 640x960, 1430498483740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of this

>> No.8919323

You can only see her face because she doesn't want you to see her below the neck.

>> No.8919335

why do they look 11

>> No.8919385


>> No.8919588
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 12715643_10205638166130470_2647652804841423574_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8919599

>guess you're to stupid to know who i am
>look me up sometime
>Best Panty
Holy shit, how can someone so ugly and untalanted be so self confident?
This is honestly hilarious

>> No.8919606

This is honestly so disgusting.
You know she chose this cosplay because she really is deluded to think she's in any way, shape, or form smokin' hot. Or even remotely cute. Lmao.

>> No.8919617

I can draw a character in a black mumu and call her goth, it doesn't mean she's actually goth.

>> No.8919674

Fucking jeans Tuxedo Mask I am dying

>> No.8919675

"As a Scot"
"Don't consider myself part of the uk"

The referendum failed honey you're one of us

>> No.8919686



This is not the place for this discussion.

>> No.8919823
File: 32 KB, 491x442, ayylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh guys!!! can u stp being mean or ill hack this website!!! one!

>> No.8919837

>ayylmao filename
>blowing some girl's post so wildly out of proportion for "teh lulz!! one!!"

you should like one of those muh sekerekt club faggots. do not breed, seek death.

>> No.8919873

Just you wait till 2017
and only because your goverments came to our country with false promises begging us to stay.
the numbers have changed my friend. the gap is closed.

>> No.8919874

name those for me. because if you name who i think you're gona name. get your ass out of my sight

>> No.8919875

Nice to too meet you. im sindy

>> No.8919879
File: 17 KB, 474x474, 1477828_1059875937435086_2719423367253052874_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really wondering where you're getting such evidence on. i dont reveal my reasons for cosplaying any character

Panty anarchy was the first character i ever cosplayed. it was 3 years ago.

its not going to be perfection. i couldnt style wigs, wear makeup or even be bothered to weartights. it was to repeat. THE FIRST EVER COSPLAY i did.

and as for the undies nonsence.
* i was on my period that day
* i dont wear tampons
*no obvious bloodstains
clearly a seperate pair that never went past my knees

>> No.8919881
File: 143 KB, 640x960, 1917517_1060729410683072_7090213432102785845_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8919885

because when as a child you spend your entire life hating yourself. you eventualy grow out of that 13 year old fucking emo phase. come down to earth and realize that comments that like that are as hollow as the minds of the ones giving it. i have self assurance.

And are you jealous that i have more self confidence than you. it is earned. not something you're born with. blame my wonderful friends for that... Sorry x

>> No.8919886

>* i was on my period that day
>* i dont wear tampons
>*no obvious bloodstains
>clearly a seperate pair that never went past my knees

>> No.8919887

>Holy shit, how can someone so ugly and untalanted be so self confident?
>This is honestly hilarious

i was also born with a good thick skin and the ability to see a well-done steamy faggot crawling around the internet when i see 1. so thats also why your insults dont work

and how do you REALLY know i have self confidence. maybe i jush lack shame?

>> No.8919889

You do realise that all chans aren't lolcow? That's where you get banned, not for your name (that just makes it easier to ban you) but for acting like an utter mong.

>> No.8919891

what never ceases to amaze on thiis page is that even when faced with all the things you crit people on not having

*decent pics*

when faced with the slightest ounce contradiction all you are able to do is spit poison. it reeally speaks volumes for the people on here

>> No.8919893

i literaly went on the chat just as my name. and already i was banned after abut 1 .29 seocnds.

when i pmed the admin she said. we dont want SINDY POP on here.
banned for my name.
and ofcourse i realize all chans are diferant. tho dont deny 99% of the comunity is all the same.

>> No.8919902

>>you do realize i get banend just for my name on here

Evidently you don't. Lolcow chat is not cgl/on here.
You posted using your name, of course admin/farmhands know what kind of illiterate, nonsensical bullshit is going to accompany it.
It doesn't make you special. It just proves you're an annoying, self obsessed little shit. That's why all your friends have ditched you and it was hilarious at the Rai con after party hearing Blake, David and the rest expressing their sincere pity that poor Jenny has no friends except for a few weeaboo brats and fedora tippers and no-one to blame but herself.
Regardless, clear off and let us get back to bad cosplay.

>> No.8919907
File: 182 KB, 850x1280, tumblr_nkd44tHJb81tbbtg9o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8919909

>guy fieri

>> No.8919910

You are the most idiotic person I've ever seen.
Seriously, you are five steps below that one guy that tried to lure a lolita into meeting him irl because he found her parasol she left behind.

You don't come off as "confident" or "self assured" when you're gushing over opinions that you claim you don't care about or talking down to us like we're going to change our minds and take it back. You're nasty and about as delusional as PT was when she went through her "I'M NOT FAT I'M SKINNY!!11!" phase. We all know you've got underlying insecurities, just like everyone else, and if they truly weren't eating you deep down you wouldn't be acting such a fool as you are right now.

>> No.8919918

It's honestly so embarrassing to watch a 24 year old act this way.
° still lives with mom - check
° reaching mid-20s without a decent job/education - check
° thinks life will be better if lived in Japan - check
° delusional beyond belief - check
° narcissistic personality to hide obvious insecurity - check

Well on her way to become the next PT. Comparable chin size too.

>> No.8919923

i live it when people who have only heard the horses arse end of the drama scrawl infornt of me thinking the even know what they are talking about.

>> No.8919928

ive recently come to term with my GOTIS tyvm. tho i feel we should debate this 1 thing.

i dont actualy think life in japan would be betetr for ANY reason other than the anime manga and fasion experience. no part of me actualy wants to live thier

>> No.8919932

well just like everybody else. i have a fair number ye.. but most of them are my own worries for my scoliosis and general health. im not worried about a job or education (even tho i start college in august)

i dont defend these because i want you to change your opinnion or because im in some way ofended. i am having a simple discussion with you and contradicting many of the things you do and say about me my friend sand others because those things are plain wrong

>> No.8919938

>And it was hilarious at the Rai con after party hearing Blake, David and the rest expressing their sincere pity that poor Jenny has no friends except for a few weeaboo brats and fedora tippers and no-one to blame but herself

unlike you they are decent people and dont refere to my friends ( who are there own friends as whatever the hell you just shat out of your mouth about them.. safe to say they are not friends of yours

also. blake emma gemma and all the rest drag into it for sure. but david. thats petty. you and i both know david has no patience for bitching and has allways kept his head out of any drama.

or do you even know him at all?

>> No.8919939

You going to take another 6 years on this community college course then?

>> No.8919942

Do you have a learning deficiency or severe autism?
Also do you think anyone who replies to you is the same person or something?

>> No.8919946

also my friend. they have not ditched me. blake and i had a very long discussion in chat the next night to which i was informed of everything.
the same night i had it out again with gemma. and eventualy blocked her because i didnt want to listen to the vandetta anymore.

i then told blake we should no longer be friends. unfriended her and emma and have sinced not looked back at people who have only ever found fault in me despite

*buying them gifts*
*taking them out*
*helping them sort hotells*
*defending them rigerously*

and all because of vandetta 1 girl has that a few status (which werent btw) might have been amed at her

>> No.8919948

It's amazing how a few drinks loosens peoples tongues and true feelings come out

>> No.8919956

>>8919939i shall explain to you why i spent 5m not 6 years in college

YEAR 1. sat an NC art and design Level 5 at 16
Achieved 11/12 units. was failed
achieved and passed all 12 units
YEAR 3 - sat the NQ - achoeved 10/13 units
was failed
Transfered to ayr college to sit the NQ vis coms. was thretened by the lectueres not to go or theyd say i was a bad student ( a crime)
YEAR 4 - SAT NQ vis coms - achieved 10/12 units - Passed
YEAR 5 SAT HNC vis coms. achieved 13/15
Units. was offered HNC without progression. refused on the grounds i could sit another HNC if i failed .

so you see. i could have taken my hnc and left. but i made the inteligent deciosion to forfit it for another chance at a diferant subject. with 5 years of units under my belt that In FASION can surley only be of use to me

>> No.8919957

david doesnt drink
you really dont know him

>> No.8919958

Blake removed you well before the con because they were sick of all the aimed statuses you post about them. Everyone saw them and agrees they were petty, malicious and no amount of your attempts at buying friendship were worth it. One day, maybe when you turn 40, you'll learn that friendship isn't about booking hotels and buying cheap tat but about support, loyalty and overall, not being a collosal cunt to people. Now sage for OT, piss off and we can stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.8919962

actualy i unfriended blake 2 months ago to prevent him seeing mcm drama that might stress him out. i have pms with him that vertify this

>> No.8919964

I wanna hear about that lolita stalker, I must have missed it.

>> No.8919965

Lol with that creepy smile she could fit right into this video xD

>> No.8919971

Sindy pop : Oh also i hope thers no bad blood or anything because i unfreinded you. i did that cause i felt like my status were getting on your nervs what with all that mcm isis crap so i removed people to stop them seeing it. it doesnt mean i dont like you or anything

Blake drum :Ah, I wondered. It's fine

>> No.8919973
File: 141 KB, 780x1040, d7a611_5772683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about we get this thread back on track now

>> No.8919975
File: 153 KB, 469x700, tumblr_lm2zmiQtod1qjdniso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8919977

Them eyes.... Them bloody eyes

>> No.8919978

he looks like the character so idrgaf. it would better than seeing somebody like Jnigger fuck it up by painting herself white and having 2 huge purple tits

>> No.8919980

so shes fat..? big deal. she has a cute face
you all bitch and moan when people sexualize so you;re just being hypocritical

>> No.8919982

Still hotter than Sindy Pop lmaoooo

>> No.8919984

misty doesn't wear a tube top and this girl's hair isn't even in a ponytail

it's a simple costume, you pretty much have to try to be inaccurate

>> No.8919987

Cute face but damn....

>> No.8919989
File: 94 KB, 400x533, tumblr_n613xlNRJO1r4i6nno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nightmare fuel

>> No.8919990
File: 30 KB, 470x313, qDqwwLRiApCfyT7PKirB0ctif8pJoqnW2ZTBTxqPx5cKVgPpWFjxepIq0LlRN6jVw1xYwbcgRvOtW-Z7U2kO0H6LVkyp_JsgElSLyC10inNnJc2mkVcS7lCBeg=w470-h313-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially when sindy pop looks like that ghost from the movie mama

>> No.8919998
File: 186 KB, 400x719, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the only accurate cosplay she could pull off. That or the guy from Mask

>> No.8920003

It always amused me how easy Sindy is to bait. All you have to do is lurk her page for 5 minutes, learn a bit of drama, drop some names and within the hour, the milk flows as she furiously posts all over facebook. She's truly one of the most predictable cows since Asherbee.

>> No.8920006

>ghost from the movie mama
I'm not Sindy Pop, but damn your insults are shit.
Do better.

>> No.8920007
File: 18 KB, 512x288, images-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno. Looks like her

>> No.8920009

welcome to my fucking world

>> No.8920012
File: 169 KB, 774x1032, je13_056_by_kanyiko-d9vtg43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8920013
File: 1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-20-11-40-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one would wanna read a personal story especially like this. Pretty gross

>> No.8920014

no this is definetly the most poor insult>>8919984
shes obviously fucking musty tho. get over it>>8919998
dont give me ideas>>8920003
easy to bait. but i chose wheter or not to jump. at the end of the day as proved with the above post. none of that drama you spout out of your ass is actualy true. but thankyou. now i finally understand where all these misherd rumours come from

>> No.8920015

woman have periods. get over it
or have they not taut you that in school yet

>> No.8920018

I know they do but why would anyone mention shit like this on their page? Do you think people want to know shit like this?

>> No.8920019
File: 122 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1458435043267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8920021

You both are fucking retarded.

Pearchan is a FETISH camgirl. She's not aiming for "accuracy" she's aiming to get the rocks off on guys who chase after girls with huge bellies. Cosplay is a popular tool used by whores on the internet to get more views. She wasn't "cosplaying," she was marketing.

>> No.8920022

i find it ironic that youre insulting someones intelligence when you cant even spell the word 'taught' correctly

>> No.8920023

dat fabric
dat wig
dat fucking bow
oh honey no

>> No.8920024
File: 126 KB, 480x640, ahri_sama_by_nekowhitestar-d9vswjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8920025

you'd be suprised what people wanna know. and ofcourse im not ashamed to mention it. im a 23 year old woman its no fucking secret

>> No.8920027

oh god i knew laurel would get posted on here eventually. without being nasty. i was right behind her in the raicon que. and her fabric was all jaggy and badly cut. no effort the sew an underseam

but apart from that. all handmade and i do envy that skill

>> No.8920030

What I'm saying is would people wanna know this sort of shit. It's like saying " I did a diarrhoea dump in the toilet during con day because food poisoning" on their page. Do I want people to know I did a runny shit? No because thats a personal matter

Same goes with that post. No one in their sane mind would type something as personal as having a period and heavy bleeding

>> No.8920031

you've got some pretty daam low standards then

>> No.8920032

I stand corrected

>> No.8920033
File: 29 KB, 450x450, tumblr_nmgc94Lv3T1qh6zmco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just struck me, that this is not peacock feather. HOLY FUCK THE POOR THING

>> No.8920039

Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it. Or I would've pulled a lot of the meth pics I got

>> No.8920046

i cant stich for shit. so yea. i guess anything is better than nothing

lets see your fantastic skill if you're so much better

>> No.8920049
File: 187 KB, 720x960, 11870702_1528572094030178_7868439216677761392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering that girl wears glasses half the time. and is alot wierder in psyical shape than me, i honestly dont see the resemblence. suprise motherfucker.
nah you're just stupid

>> No.8920057

so do the decent fucking thing and show her how to style bangs

>> No.8920092

the fact you keep mentioning japan is just really sad. not all of the japanese street fasions are from japan. vis kei was based on america 80s rockers.

japanese peple are also fat. but its un common. in japan cosplaying is bad. just like here. but there is no shaming.
if people cosplayed my series. be them fat thin tall or a midget. i would be happy they loved it that much

>> No.8920114

Go. Away. It's past your bedtime.

>> No.8920320
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 12802719_10205602755780117_3452429483758858601_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8920461
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>> No.8920570

Maybe the person didn't have a suit at that point? Considering I'm no good with facepaint I would say it's a pretty okay attempt, wig needs a little work tho

>> No.8920573

This cosplay is stunning! It's better than anything I could ever do
Completely amazing

>> No.8920580

I agree

>> No.8920583

Who the fuck posts on 4chan at 7am ln a Sunday

>> No.8920584

you gotta fucking stop, seriously go to church or something.

>> No.8920592

>Everyone is in the same time zone as me !
No seriously fuck off

>> No.8920621

>be skag addled porridgewog
>spend entire weekend defending pish cosplay

Top lel, bawbag.

>> No.8920646

Yo, dumbaaa
At the top
The current persons time zone time is listed

If it were not the case why do some comments say 1am and some day 3pm
Fucking clown

>> No.8920669

The second i saw Riot release this splash art i knew it would be a "I cba to cosplay, cosplay"

>> No.8920693
File: 417 KB, 1280x1280, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8920724

>show her how to style bangs
Dude, well styled bangs would NOT save this cosplay
The clothes are wrong, the tails are wrong and the wig looks super cheap.
Also Ahri is supposed to look cheery and seductive, not like a dude in a wig
Not sure why I'm even arguing with you since you clearly have no concept of what is actually a GOOD cosplay

>> No.8921215

You're basing that on my first ever cosplay
Try basing on it on my recent work
I haven't had wig problems since august

and seriously
Your argument is shes ugly
Crit her on something she has the ability to fix. Dont be a salty asshole

>> No.8921220 [DELETED] 

isn't there a chair on Jeremy Kyle you should be sitting on

>> No.8921227

Isn't there an appointment at the methadone clinic you should be attending?

>> No.8922014

Is the head thingy upside down?

>> No.8922210
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>> No.8922234

she should fix her cosplay

>> No.8922324


>> No.8922353

And miss out on these top quality bants?

>> No.8922362 [DELETED] 

And miss out on these top quality bants?

>> No.8922364

Its actualy really high atop my list of priorities
I just keep getting draged into new stuff
The whole costume fits poorly
Im wondering if its worth the effort of tailoing

There is a lot of shit im gona be buying to fix it yp
Like worbla for the back
Aswell as making new wings and backlace/sandals
Its sorta went out fashion tho so is it even worth bettering

>> No.8922367

Woops read that wrong
Well if you dont fucking like it girl the girl some fucking ideas of what she can do tp better it instead of just bitching and moaning about it

>> No.8922770
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This board has just gone to shit

also take a look at this mess