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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8896465 No.8896465 [Reply] [Original]

Yo isn't this coming up super soon? As in two weeks?
Who is going?

>> No.8896561

I am, although none of the programming really caught my eye. I'll probably just do a bunch of shopping and hang out with friends.

>> No.8897937

I am reluctantly because friends I haven't seen in almost two years will be there and this will probably be the only chance I get to see them all year.. Expecting tons of Undertale trash cosplay to dominate the con.

>> No.8898410

im tempted to go just so i can meet the guys from the initial d dub, but the rest of the con looks super weeby and im afraid that itll just be a sea of fourteen year old girls

>> No.8899280

I'm going. I've heard a lot of cautions though, like the con chair is a nut case SJW and is policing people trying to have any kind of unofficial gatherings at the con

>> No.8899324

I'll be there, contributing to the Undertale trash cosplay.

>> No.8899385
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She is a crazy sjw. Pic is of her. She didn't used to be got worse the bigger Shuto got. Wouldn't put it past her to try and squash any unofficial gatherings.

>> No.8899888

Owner of this con is a fucking sjw bully combo super bitch. She's a laughing stock in the convention operations community. People pretend to be her friend to avoid her batshit crazy bullshit. She tried to start a 2nd con, failed, and begged like a fucking dog for ten thousand dollars because they prepared poorly and got greedy. She's banned from Colossalcon as well for various reasons. She's one of the biggest bullies I've ever worked with, and she hides it behind warped sjw justifications. She acts like she's defending people when she's actually just pushing others around. I'll never go back to Shuto con after a few interactions with her on staff. Staffing there made me sick to my stomach every day. And her husband has beaten dog syndrome. Defends her every action even if she's to blame. Has no spine. Awful people. Having staffed a ton of cons, and now operating a con of my own for two years, these people are in a league all their own for stupidity. Two grade A sociopaths.

>> No.8899892


She's crazy as shit. Every con out there thinks she's a nut case. Shuto con is essentially Tumblr con ran by a bully.

>> No.8900373
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Here she is doing damage control after being called out for her rant on the word weeaboo.

>> No.8900438

Fuckin weeeeeeeb

>> No.8900466

Are these threads started just to shit on Steffanie? I've never seen a Shutocon thread that hasn't turned into a mess after like 3 posts.

>> No.8900521
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I'll be there. Gonna cosplay as Ash Davis with my fiance being Alex and best friend going as Tony. I'll probably walk around and buy stuff, go to some panels. I have not been to many conventions and Shuto was my first one 2 years ago. Didn't know there was so much hate for it though.

>> No.8900536


The con is garbage, and the owner is a piece of shit human being, what else is there to say about the con? She's a fucking loser who gets off bossing people around. So a convention full of staffers ready to suck her dick for a free 3 day badge is a fuckin utopia for her.

>> No.8900539


People hate on it because Youmacon, Jafax, Hell...even GoDaikocon are all in Michigan and much more pleasant shows. Shutocon is full of SJWs and Tumrlbrtard special snowflakes. Stef is the queen of those. Having known her for years I find it hilarious that she creates a "safe space" at her con, when after all of the shit she pulls at other cons (Like Colossalcon, Ohayocon, etc) she comes across as a huge fucking bully.

>> No.8900542


The people replying here have 0 idea how she is to people behind the scenes haha. She's pretty evil, back stabby, and downright two faced. She puts on this SJW mask for the public, and treats people like they're beneath her behind closed doors. Her and her husband are a couple of self absorbed, scary sociopaths.

>> No.8900594


Hmm, I'll have to check those other ones out. Never been to Youma even though I live in Detroit now. Any examples of her bitchyness behind the scenes?

>> No.8900620


She treats staff poorly. She will take ANYthing you say (jokingly, out of context, etc) and try to use it against you and turn you into the center of attention (negatively). She's the ultimate SJW/Bully.

Don't try to give suggestions, don't ever second guess her, she'll twist your words and try to get entire groups of people to attack you (Her Shutocon page is known for this).

She's just a bad person, and has burned a lot of bridges over the years. She's lost a lot of guests over her attitude and the way she treats people. She's a sociopath, only cares about herself and her money.

Her SJW persona is just that, a mask. She tries so hard to make it look like she cares because she really doesn't, and bullies staff and people (her husband included) behind the scenes. But of course, you can treat everyone like complete garbage so long as you defend a weeaboo once every few months publicly. She humiliates 99 out of 100 people, but ignorant kids flock to suck her dick for the one cosplayer she defends in public.

She's the ultimate manipulator. And she's only out for money at this point. Her whole "safe place" thing is a bunch of shit.

>> No.8900621


Youmacon is great by the way. I go every year :)

>> No.8900641


So that's why Spike Spencer and Tiffany Grant never came back to Shuto.

>> No.8901102

There was some band that announced a show in grand rapids and on the post of their announcement of the concert, Joe Shall posted a whiny rant about how they were so stupid to do a show in GR when Shutocon had been inviting them every year and hadn't even gotten a reply to their emails. I don't know about the bullying but they are both super cringey and embarrassing

>> No.8901514
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You weren't kidding.

>> No.8902324


She has to literally control every single thing at her con. Having been staff too... Neither the hotel nor the con center have said a word. She's even said she just doesn't want anyone not approved for an event thinking they can create an event. Very hard woman to work for. Was always unpleasant and passing blame of people.

>> No.8902347

Can you give us some more insight into what it was like being staff under her?

>> No.8902377

What did she do at Colossalcon? I get fucking up your own con, but how can you pull shit at a con that you aren't even running? All I can think of is shit that drunk 19 year old weebs do

>> No.8902537


This is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen. It's nothing more than a power play and about control. There is so much free space. Every year we chill at the end of the hallways upstairs or downstairs (bc the programming is almost always shit so why do anything besides hang out) and barely have anyone walk by. I get not crowding the main hall but there is no shortage of space to have photoshoots and meet-ups without getting in the way.

>> No.8902592

Different anon here, I staffed for colossalcon one year and never will again. I'm not sure if Stephanie was in charge that year (14) or not. I got assigned to the employee door where the extra parking lot is. Head of security took me there. He told to keep my face to the door and not move, and said half monkeys have no business showing their faces. I didn't appreciate being made fun of because I'm mixed.

>> No.8902988

I dont think either of the shalls has ever worked at colossalcon, but regarding colossalcon that is really messed up!! did you report it or anything?

>> No.8903144

She has never had anything to do with colossalcon. She got banned for trying to get an event banned at the show and asking people to sign a petition. Then denied it. While walking around with paper, asking for signatures. Not sure what the event was as that's all I heard. Sounds like you dealt with a bad person. Colossalcon is a good con. Should have reported them. People suck everywhere.

>> No.8903147

I did report it to the woman who was in charge of staffing, but nothing was done about it. She told me I must have been confusing him with someone else and dismissed me. Needless to say, I didn't finish staffing that weekend or bothered to get my badge comped for the 6 hours I staffed.

>> No.8903153


Fuck that. Don't be submissive. Don't stop until you speak to someone properly. Ask to speak to the con chairman directly. Find board members, department heads. Etc.

>> No.8904800

>operating a con of my own
Oh? What con anon?

>> No.8904803

Try out M2X next month...although I hear it has a bad case of "new con syndrome"

>> No.8904817


Would rather not say since it'd probably out me. But from the mass amount of opinion in this board being anti Shutocon and Stef, it's good to know the fans aren't as ignorant as some con chairs and boards think.

>> No.8904849


Last year's M2X was alright, but it's at the old Youma hotel this year so who knows.

>> No.8905792

I'm actually really glad it's at that hotel, free parking and good memories from old youmacons! I had a really good time at the last two M2X despite it being pretty low attendance

>> No.8905987


It was nice to not have to wait forever in lines for stuff. And they finally announced some guests for this year.

>> No.8906098

Which head of security? If it was the big guy who looks, acts, and sounds like he crawled out of a New Jersey sewer, he's no longer the head of security for reasons which sound a hell of a lot like what you're describing.

>> No.8907191

Is it worth going to though? I have only been to one convention which was youmacon so I don't know much about cons but it sounds like it is a bad con to attend from what everyone is saying. I'm only about a hour and a half away so I'm considering it.

>> No.8908793


It honestly depends. If you are going with a good group of friends and don't care too much about the tumblr I would say go. Otherwise I would wait until M2X next month.

>> No.8908850

Thanks for the insight. I'll probably just end up going Saturday just because I'm so close.

>> No.8908971

Eh I live in Michigan and stopped going 2 years ago. I've seen the con chair at other cons running her shitty AA table and she's never failed to be a huge cunt. Stopped giving her my money. So glad Jafax is back this year.

>> No.8909560
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Too early for a mmx thread but how do I find fellow anons to meet up with? I'm tired of being lonely ;_;

>> No.8910576
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baka well there goes my plans

>> No.8911210

I'm gonna try to go to mmx. Probably putting in request for time off of work tomorrow.

>> No.8911352


Yeah I'm really not a fan of requiring a badge just to get into the convention area. Do other cons do this?

>> No.8912104

Hell no

>> No.8913083


No. Usually you can get into every con area, just nor the panels, Vendors room, AA, etc. She's a fucking control freak.

>> No.8913108


She is. While the Lansing Center is not as big as other cons it can still hold a lot of people. She just wants to control everything.

>> No.8914422

What's the cosplay competition like? This is my first time entering one, and hearing about the con chair alone is starting to make my skin crawl with dread.

>> No.8914551


Pretty sure she's involved in that too, and she has a huge bias towards certain types or people.

I dunno. I stopped going after year 3. Stef and Shutocon became more drama and hate than I cared for.

>> No.8917178

See you shit lords there

>> No.8917274
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I got cheated on by a girl I was dating at the time and a friend got perma banned there so Im not going
but to be honest he deserved it

>> No.8918043

That sounds more like a personal problem

>> No.8920133

Any reports from the con?

>> No.8920156

It's been going good for me so far. Pretty laid back. The scheduled panels are kinda lame but besides that I'm having fun.

>> No.8920909


The cosplay contest was an embarrassment. The MC trying to be witty and failing, asking irrelevant questions, and calling people out on various aspects of their costume/construction was a cringe fest.

>> No.8921833

does anyone know who the people taking pics in the dealers room were? i got some taken with some weebier friends of mine but i have no idea where i should look for them (they had like a whole set up like you usually see at photobooths cons i just never got a card for some reason)

>> No.8922022


This one panel I went to had a girl break down crying because of her love for this one anime and how she was bullied and blah blah blah. Also there was some autist who would yell out the raffle numbers when the panelists were trying to do a giveaway despite them having a microphone that the whole room could hear. The panel itself was actually good, though.

>> No.8922625


>> No.8922989

PARTY TABLE IS NOT DEAD. They just will not be at Shuto Con as artists or panelists anymore. I know for a fact they will be at JAFAX and WASHI CON (it was announced at their final panel).

>> No.8923128
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I just played at the inital d arcade game.

>> No.8923799

ohhh my god. MC literally told me he wasn't gonna try to be witty and yet he still tried so hard. What a trainwreck

>> No.8923964

Shouts out to the anons blasting all the babies on the Shuto FB that are crying about their "safe space" being ruined, especially those calling Todd Haberkorn a rape/child porn apologist for his statements durring his 18+ pannel. Mo'fuckers just looking for something to whine about.

Fuck this trashcon.

>> No.8924381

Was the Cosplay Contest ran by the dude who's always Deadpool?

Was it really that cringey?

>> No.8924387

Seriously. Most of the cosplays IMO were pretty neat but the guy couldn't host for shit. He kept grumbling about how hard he had it that he couldn't make dumb dick jokes, and he would leave long awkward silence or ask aforementioned irrelevant questions when he didn't know anything about the things people were cosplaying from. Even the super-cringey Team Rocket bit felt like a breath of fresh air.
Not to mention they crammed all the categories together at random and didn't mention what category people were in when they came up.

>> No.8925091
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Even the badges can't escape the tumblr.

>> No.8925370

Painful. My friends and I walked out early. He was literally calling people out on stage for short comings of their costumes in an attempt to be humorous. And if you're going to "interview" each contestant, why not ask them questions related to how they made their cosplay instead of "who's your favorite Roman emperor?"

>> No.8925499

I fuckin wish he asked me who my favorite Roman emperor was and not "so ur favorite color is purple rite"

>> No.8925829
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I saw you guys walking around on Saturday, meant to ask for a few photos, ended up getting drunk instead.

I live in Lansing, which is pretty much the only reason I go to Shutocon, if it was more than an hour away, I wouldn't even bother. The con itself isn't terrible, but paying $55.00 for the weekend badge was pretty fucking shitty.

This squidkid was cutie as fuck though.

>> No.8926437

I can say from behind the scenes the cosplay contest was as much of a travesty as it looked. The least of their problems was participants standing behind the curtain for two hours in the dark in a virtual hot box with no water; I was surprised no one fainted. The biggest was definitely the MC. He was, as he is every years, a joke, and it seems he's only getting worse. He couldn't think of any interesting or cosplay-geared things to say, took pauses that were way too long to try and think of something, and just ended up repeating the same four questions to every participant. All he did was complain about how he was a 'petulant manchild' and acted like he didn't want to be there. What really pissed me off, and what I saw made a lot of people upset, were the comments about what certain contestants were wearing, (and, again, not in a cosplay, construction, or even show related way). When you say how you want to comment on what people, particularly women, are wearing several times, (whether too revealing or too weird, etc.), but can't because 'it's a family show', you should probably just stop talking. Either say it or don't even imply what you 'can't do'.

On another note, the whole 'the negative comments are getting me down so say something nice' posts on facebook by the con chair are so unprofessional. These people need to take what's being said constructively and move on, otherwise they come off as a bunch of whiny, needy cringe fests that don't care about their con as much as themselves.

What's sad is that this whole convention felt like it was just starting out and not something that's been around for a while. My friends and I really did enjoy it the last few years, but we'll probably end up attending something much more worthwhile for the price. That said, Michigan needs some better conventions.

>> No.8927056

>dark skin + anime hair = tumblr
Okay, you guys are getting carried away with calling everything tumblr. Let's not get to /v/ levels here.

>> No.8927076

There are apparently more popping up as of late. There was a one day con that happened back in January at Eastern Michigan University that completely passed me by.

>> No.8927179


Macomb Community College is having one as well next week. Thinking about checking it out.

>> No.8927184
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>> No.8928217

That was Washi Con. It was pretty fun for a one day con, all things considered.

>> No.8928278


Say what you want about Morgan but at least he's not on Youmacon's fb page responding to every little bit of criticism like Stefanie is. Girl needs to grow some thicker skin and start acting like a professional.

>> No.8930154

This is kinda unrelated, but it's in the area so I'll ask.
Have any of you ever gone to that weekly Animania thing at the u of m?

>> No.8931056

I wonder if anyone would be interested in a con ran by a more laid back, but very experienced convention group. In Kalamazoo. On the same weekend as Shuto.

>> No.8931153

Tbh outside of the contest he was a decent guy, but he is absolutely TERRIBLE at being an MC. The worst hosting I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing in a long time. Of course, I'm sure he would improve or at least take the criticism professionally if confronted by it. Stefanie, however, is in a league of her own. It's gone from 'woe is me' to 'support my con/give me money or I'll be ~triggered~ and you'll be evil' in less than a week.

University conventions are my jam. They actually care about the content and how to improve more than the larger events most of the time. JAFAX is usually the one I attend but I'll have to look into the other sleepers out there.

If it focused on fan content as much as industry, (actually interesting panels, a cosplay contest with interested judges, maybe an amv contest that's run by ANYONE other than the guy who runs Youmacon's), I'd be in. New cons are always nice to see, and would provide some healthy competition for others that are sorely lacking.

>> No.8931306
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Your conchair, ladies and gentlemen. Their daughter looks so thrilled to be a part of this.

>> No.8931333

aw, that poor little baby looks like it's going to cry, pls save her

>> No.8931463

Anyone see that Steff made Undertale smut and was asking people on her public FB page to critque it.

Like...damn dude, we're all horrible perverts in one way or another but I don't think I could ever be so brazen to ask people to edit and critique pornographic material for me in such a public forum.

>> No.8931483

Only went to this con and competed once, in 2013. The judge dressed like Wonder Woman was drunk iirc.

Also the contest was almost an hour late.

>> No.8935134

That little girl looks terrified.

>> No.8935866

No, this con is awful. Ew.

>> No.8938442


And then she has the gall to act all offended when people call her out on her shit. At this rate Stef deserves an entry on the other chan.

>> No.8942118

I mean i guess

>> No.8942194

Once and a while because I'm a student there, but due to reasons, I'm not super active.
Unless you're a student/alumni it might be better to just come to the monthly screening, but there's still a number of non umich people there so probably no harm in checking it out.