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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8896455 No.8896455 [Reply] [Original]

Confession thread y'all.
You know the drill.

I begin:
>i literally live through the past lately,reading old egl posts,old getoffegl posts,even sometimes old drama like old kotakoti drama on /cgl/ or venus when it was still relevant and new... i miss "before" and i feel like the "present" is just lacking something..
>when i get a something another girl actually wanted too (sales,bidding,..) it feels even better having it

>> No.8896466
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I've just noticed I'm addicted to online shopping
If I feel good, I buy cute things for me
If I feel sad, I buy things to feel better
I can't stop, today I admit it to myself, I had some items on my shopping cart and I almost deleted them... but I ended buying all. After the remorse I felt very good again.

>> No.8896475

I take all my coord photos either outside or in my parents bedroom because my own room is a pigsty and I can't force myself to clean it because that just reminds me that I don't have enough room for my things.

>> No.8896478

I feel you anon. I wanna save up my money, but every month after ive paid rent I spend 500 dollars on shit and makeup online and I only feel like I want more.

>> No.8896484

It makes me happy when I lose auctions because I know I shouldn't be spending so much money. Sorry, sellers, I'll never be part of a bidding war. I like having a lot of cute dresses rather than just a few really desirable prints.

>> No.8896486

I loathe almost all the coords from a certain Swedish girl with a huge wig. Her bows always look so cheap and her wig so ratty. And the Christmas craft coord was an absolute disaster. I don't understand why she gets so much praise

>sorry needed to get that salt out of my system

>> No.8896489

Same guys, same... But i still treat myself from time to time

>> No.8896495

Her christmas coord was a ratty mess.
Though the lights in the wig were funny but they could make the wig catch fire tho

>> No.8896502

I used to like her coords so much a few years ago. I thought she disappeared when she changed her instagram name. I was disappointed when I found her and saw her recent outfits.

>> No.8896556

I once saw a Scottish lolita posting on reddit and unfollowed her. I used to like her but the sub she posts in is chock full of SJWs and people who love to 'speak for minorities' that I immediately wrote her off as a loser.

SJWs always seem to be fake-sweet fatties with a superiority complex, which doesn't surprise me given that this girl is banned from one group already

>> No.8896559

I'm torn between hating that all of my friends who cosplay with me are fat and don't take care of their appearances because our groups always look shitty compared to in shape people and loving that I'm the only one who does take care of my looks and therefore look the best in photos and get the most compliments.

>> No.8896574

As I get older I seem to be drawn more and more to 2007-2010 era sweet, but I hate that I'm never gonna look as cute in it as I would have if it was actually still 2007 and I was a fresh faced teen not struggling with adult acne.

>> No.8896575

There's a fairly cheap, J-fashion oriented con in my area, and I want to go.........but at the same time, I have enough money for a decent-sized accessory haul. I'm so bad at decision making, I'm scared of spending any money at all at this point.

>> No.8896576

>I'm scared of spending any money at all at this point.
Ugh i'm feeling like this all the time lately i'm terrible at making such decisions too, i have the money to go to a con (110 euros, to spend on kawaii shit and even have some money left probably) but also i have enough to buy some nice things second hand for my lolita wardrobe (a cardigan maybe from brand,brand legwar and some offbrand shoes)

>> No.8896584

i am a compulsive spender and it's ruining my life but i can't find it in me to feel bad about it.

>> No.8896598

I'm auditioning for a lolita fashion modeling show at a local con but I'm afraid I'll be the ugliest girl there. I often feel like one of the uglier girls in my comm.

>> No.8896606

Same!! I hated it at the time, the only good lolita to me was all the solid Mary Magdalene OP's
Now that I'm older, those dresses just look so normalfag and boring. All I want to wear is interesting prints with lots of details and colors

>> No.8896610

I know this feel. I cosplayed for 6 years the moved out of state and found new friends who were all just starting out. 5 years later they haven't improved much and I just found out the other day one didn't know about pressing seams this whole time. They're still good friends though so it feels weird turning down group requests so I usually do at least one group with them then plan more complex stuff with long distance con friends

>> No.8896675

Same I am the point I can't watch or read series while merch is still out and avaliable easily

>> No.8896698

Same here. I was a gothic lolita at that time and now find it boring. I always thought classic is boring as well, I have fallen in love with that era of sweet. I'm going to get into it, I'm a lone lolita and I don't post photos. So at least I don't have to worry too much about being cute enough at my age.

>> No.8896704

Same. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve all the nice brand shoved in my closet because my room is so un-lolita. I'm working on it slowly but I feel like I'm doomed to be a slob forever.

>> No.8896728

It's nice to know I'm not the only lolita who can't manage a neat room at the moment

>> No.8896754


I'm like this too, and the mess has spread to other areas of my apartment.

On my days off I intend to spend the whole time organizing and getting my shit together but then can't bring myself to start. I'll spend the whole day just watching anime or on the internet.

I never have guests over because of the mess, and it's a shame because my apartment could be pretty cute if it was clean.

>> No.8896805

I don't think that ita bags of different series count as ita bags anymore - the jfash aspect comes from decorating/collecting merchandise, and at that point they are just literally ugly bags with stuff hanging from them.

>> No.8896811

Are there sour grapes involved?

>> No.8896813

I sometimes daydream about being envied,like, a lot. Really pretty and cute,young or young looking,skinny,perfect skin,small but not too much,rich and living a easy life with a big wardrobe full of brand. And actually bitchy and full of secrets like some real life Mean Girl.
And in real life i am the total opposite and wouldnt truly wish that.
I just wish life was more exciting..

>> No.8896815

Cohesive ones (each character gets a part, even better one aide where you can flip) make more sense to me, but people putting all their merch hanging in a cacophony of weeb I really don't consider it in the spirit.

>> No.8896828

>sour grapes
On whose part and for what, exactly?

>> No.8896832

i have a bag like this, and i would never consider it an itabag. itabags have always been about focusing on a specific series/character, and i definitely think that's how it should stay

on a related note, i don't think bags with like, three badges and two straps on them count as itabags. it always bothers me when i see bags like that getting posted in the itabag threads here. they just look so sad

>> No.8896850

My apartment is very clean (I get really anxious and pissed off if I can't find stuff/ trip over things/ just see a mess) and I'd love to have people over for tea or something. But I have only been part of my comm since the fall and don't know if it would be weird to invite people over here, plus I don't have enough chairs for more than like six people

>> No.8896856


I don't mind when the owner is posting them as wips or when the bag itself has a print, but otherwise.. yikes.

>> No.8897049

Try following the unfuck your habitat guides?

>> No.8897053

Yes! It was MM that got me into lolita because I wasn't a fan of lace trims and prints, especially since then lace was still associated with "boho" and grandma styling.

True. The good thing about being older is not caring about what people thinkas much! I don't think it'll stop me, but I just wish I was still as youthful (and as skinny...)

>> No.8897383

I think the beards people make by gluing wig clippings to their chins look horrible. They look like they slathered their jaws in glue and rolled in pubic hair.

If you want to cosplay someone with a beard, get an actual, stage-ready prosthetic.

Otherwise, use make up, because it will look so much better.

>> No.8897388

I feel this.

While I have been striving to get better, and make bigger and more detailed costumes, my friends have gone in the complete opposite direction and have majorly toned down their projects. They're basically casual cosplayers now, picking only characters that blend in perfectly to their existing wardrobe. It's hard because I really miss our group being hyped and on point, and crafting together, but I'm also excited to be the superior member of the group.

>> No.8897429

I just spent literally all day yesterday, from the moment I woke up until I went back to bed, shopping for cheap jewelry on AE. I don't even really wear jewelry.
At least I didn't spend a lot of money, I guess. I'm just annoyed at myself for wasting an entire day.
>tfw still have ~25 tabs open with stores that I haven't looked through
it's a trap

>> No.8897438

a couple of my friends invited me to cosplay a Love Live group with them. I met the other 6 girls for the first time yesterday and gg they're not cute or idol material at all. i mean like they look like that "diverse" Love Live drawing that everyone hates. they booked the photog too and his skill level is so low that all of his fancy equipment can't fix that. i want to drop out because i've lost my enthusiasm but i also don't want to be a dick. plus the shoot is free and the costume is one that i was going to cosplay regardless of if this group happened or not.

>> No.8897731

My friend who I've been going to cons with for a decade has gotten into tumblr and now she's a pansexual (who only ever shows interest in men, coincidentally) with all these fake mental illnesses and she never shuts up about issues that mean absolutely nothing in the real world. I want to end this friendship because I'm tired of listening to her compare non-issues to things like real abuse and slavery, but then I'm not sure who I'd go to cons with.

>> No.8897888

This fucking tumblr is ruining many people, i feel bad your friend become a joke of herself, i suggest to put a distance if you feel bad to break the friendship because with people like this it's like having a bratty teen. I used to be like this but i got out finally, also because i knew a friend like this that bitched for lame shit and being emotional abusive with her family and others. Just call her to go to cons because she doesn't sound like a sane friend.
I was always attracted to older sweet styles, the new sweet is just too much for me, i love the bright reds and pastels of that era instead of faded rich prints and delicate chiffon. Plus i have a weakness for cutsews. When i was a teen i looked like shit, now i look good and at least not that older for my age. I think you can wear it, you don't have to be a asian uguu baby face to wear this type of sweet as long you aren't too fat.

>> No.8897899

Honestly reading this made me feel better knowing I'm not alone. I've been depressed for a few years and I can't stop spending on brand and other things... just knowing that something's coming in the mail for me fills me with so much temporary happiness. Then I get what I ordered and order something else because I feel sad again. I can't stop.

>> No.8897914

I always get really sad and jealous whenever I see lesbians cosplaying together.
Most of my ships and OTPs are lesbian pairs, but I'm in a committed relationship with a boy. I don't want to be that person who genderbends a gay ship, but my desire to cosplay my OTPs are strong.

>> No.8897936

Yeah, just don't. Either have him cross dress or cosplay a straight pairing.

>> No.8897957

A few years ago, the group of girls I normally cosplayed with kicked me out because I was drinking a lot and being a hot mess. I was going through a lot (my mom beat the shit out of me and went to jail, my recent ex told me that I deserved it for "being stupid enough to give her another chance", I was almost homeless, went to school full time and worked two jobs, etc.) and sometimes I see photos of them all on facebook and wish things had worked out differently. I ended up moving away and don't have any local cosplay friends where I live.

>> No.8898131

I realize now that my wording is weird, but I was trying to say that's never something I would do. Unfortunately for me, he would never make a good girl so I'd have to dress up as a boy if we ever did a gay pair.

>> No.8898216

Tumblrinas make me miss the days of Naruto/KH yaoi carboy crossovers or whatever the early 2000s version of the young nerd girl was. My mom is a nurse in a college campus and is baffled by all the tumblr shit people talk about like the crazy genders and sexual ties or things like emotional rape. My favorite comment of hers being "And these girls are GRADUATING soon..."

>> No.8898221

>emotional rape
god, i know this one girl who claims she has ptsd because some dude spooned her and she didn't want him to. the term "nonconsensual cuddling" has become something of an in-joke amongst my friends who know this chick, she's a little bit nuts

>> No.8898255

I love all her previous coords but I don't understand what happened in the last few months.

>> No.8898273

The funniest part is that a lot of mid-20s tumblrinas used to be yaoi fangirls when they were teenagers and as much as they talk about female characters and breaking free from beauty standards and PoC representation, their favorite characters are still always cute white guys that they ship with other cute white guys.

>> No.8898318

I'm really salty towards all of the gulls born with a silver spoon up their ass. I get it, mommy and daddy buy you everything, some of us have to work our asses off while going to school full time and aren't entitled to white privilege.

>> No.8898336
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But anon don't you know theu truly are misrepresented in the source due to icky racism!! They really are trans fat and black just like I said! That makes it okay!

>> No.8898346

>white privilege
Attention shoppers: this is bait

>> No.8898349

>aren't entitled to white privilege

>> No.8898695

I briefly stripped despite my parents currently paying my tuition and living expenses so I could buy more lolita stuff.

>> No.8898719

I love medieval/fantasy/tolkien stuff and ren faires make me happy. I don't know anyone who shares my interest and I can't talk to anyone because there aren't any reenactors/LARPers where I live. Even if there were they usually hate people like me for not being historically accurate so I don't bother. I actually only got into lolita because a lot of lolitas' tastes are at least a little similar to mine.

I'd love to have a friend that's into the same stuff as me so we could wear cringey Etsy circlets, dress up and take photos in the forest and pretend we're fair elven lolita maidens or whatever, but I know that's fucking embarrassing so I'll probably stay alone

>> No.8898720

it might be good to shoot an apology to them, optionally explaining the situation. not to expect them to invite you back, but just to get some closure.

>> No.8898725

i would love a friend like this. worldbuilding is a hobby of mine and fantasy lolita/ouji is plain fun.

>> No.8898731

When a packet come, it's like a present for me
And I always order so much things I don't know exactly what it is, and when I open it it makes so much happy...

...thinking on it, literally I'm buying gifts for myself for feel better

(also I never use 3/4 of the stuff I buy, at least not more than one time)

>> No.8898742

Anon, instead of buying useless crap have you thought about buying some nice food or something useful?

Maybe you could try grocery shopping online, or shopping for regular clothes (or something else you really need). I usually do this and then add a small present like a pack of biscuits or cute scrunchies just to be cheeky and make myself feel better.

>> No.8898744

If you're after the excitement brought by opening parcels and you're pretty much just buying stuff for the hell of it try bobcatinabox, it'll be cheaper than $200 dresses.

>> No.8898745

There's no shame in stripping. If you've got the bod for it, why not. It's not like you're letting your customers have a go at you

>> No.8898749

My parents just would really not approve.

>> No.8898766

To be fair it's not like there's a ton of handsome guys in anime/games/comics that can be interpreted as anything white/asian unless you try really hard like all the attack on titan racebending

>> No.8898768

Does it have to be a cosplay plan with an intimacy that requires you to be in a relationship with that person?

Why not just cosplay as your OTP with a female homie and just act like your OTP as how it usually is? Or are you wanting to do things like kiss and such.

>> No.8898830

Not the above anons, but this looks fun. I might try it someday. I'm not sure if I would put in keywords for something that might be neat to get in the mail or just add regretsy keywords like whimsical, vintage, and steampunk to see what fuckery appears at my door.

>> No.8898862

Meh, nowadays more and more strippers are students. There are already students who work as sugar babies to older men and women willing to pay their college tuition.

>> No.8898871
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You people are all degenerates.
I hate every single one of you.
I go to cons only to ruin it for the rest of you.

>> No.8898913 [DELETED] 

I have a close friend that has phases of sjw. Like going to one extreme of saying "I don't support X for Y,Z reasons and I am doing the world some good" but then phase out months later realizing she was a bit extreme about it all. It drives me nuts but I still stick around only because she has never forced someone along with her 'revelations'.

>> No.8898945

I'm embarrassed to share how big my lolita wardrobe is with my fellow comm members. Though I'm not sure why, I get the feeling I'll be judged for spending so much money on it. Every time people ask me how many dresses I have I'm either really vague or change the subject. Anyone else ever feel this way?

>> No.8899528

I enjoy being bitchy on cgl or lolcow lately if i spend too much time there.
This is terrible. Maybe to compensate my poor self confidence and how i was bullied as a kid?

>> No.8899531

> sugar babies
> work

ha ha ha

>> No.8899546

I have a room with 6 racks of lolita and a stack of accessories boxes as tall as I nvm I can't decide so have multiple colourways of a thing if I like it... I feel you on the judgy. I don't do online. I love it, and they make me so happy even if I don't get to dress up everyday

>> No.8899573

me too. lurked lolcow before i found out about cgl and now i'm just full of salt.

>> No.8899651

I'm the same. I like being outbid because it means I'm not spending money but I also don't feel the "I should have bid on that" regret when things go cheap. There's nothing I'm dying to have to the point that I'd spend too much or get in bidding war.

>> No.8899669


>> No.8899739

Be my friend, anon.

>> No.8899751

Are you me, haha

>> No.8899877
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I constantly daydream about being an e-famous lifestyle lolita but I'm too lazy to actually have any kind of online presence. I like a few coords on CoF a day, post to my local comm's FB maybe once a week and take pictures of myself less than once a month. I'm pretty cute and people always tell me how interesting my style and hobbies are when they get to know me better and often ask if I have a blog, so I feel that it should be doable. But I'm just too damn lazy.

>> No.8900835

I feel this.

>> No.8900839

I don't like myself in lolita anymore. I feel inadequate and frumpy and I don't enjoy it much. But I still wear it cause 90% of my friendships and outings are based around lolita and I'm really scared of ending up alone.

>> No.8900848

Are you me, anon? I feel the exact same.

>> No.8900871

I kind of feel like a few people in my comm and a near-ish comm might have a vendetta/maybe spread a rumor which has led others into not really talking to me. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding somewhere?

>> No.8900880


>> No.8900950

Now that nipponese burando has lost it's shine to me after years, I really enjoy buying pieces from lolita seamstresses who lives in odd parts of the world.
Not that I'm bored with the fashion but I do miss the hunting aspect of it. I'm noot much of a bloodbath person.

>> No.8901522

I wish I could get into stripping. It seems so lucrative, and I love dancing anyway.

>> No.8901679

Lacking haters?

>> No.8901795
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I make a million excuses as to why I don't want to get into lolita, like it's too expensive or it's too gossipy or I don't like how it looks.

Really, I'm just terrified of standing out.

>> No.8901805

I have a pretty well paying job, and I'm still young enough that most of my friends aren't very well off, so I try to be really discreet about making purchases but lately I can't control it and I don't want to. Just bought a bunch of wigs, pre-ordered some figures I want, am about to do a taobao order (told friends they could get in on my order if they wanted), been buying lolita off of LM even when I know the dress won't fit me well, I just WANT them. I know some of my friends are probably feeling some resentment towards me but honestly, I don't think I should have to hide the stuff I'm buying with my OWN money just because my friends are poor.
I'm tired of pretending to be as poor as my friends so that they're not miffed with my spending

>> No.8901840

I want a Japanese friend that I can fangirl about fashion and anime with. I tried those penpal sites but nobody that's not a creepy old man wants to be friends with me because I'm over 20.

>> No.8901852

Unless they've specifically told you they're annoyed by your spending habits, they probably aren't. I have friends who have more money than me and buy more lolita than me, but it makes me happy for them that they are able to get dream pieces and stuff that makes them happy. Either you or your friends must be pretty shitty.

>> No.8901854

Damn it, I just turned 20 today. I feel old.

>> No.8901882

I've lost my school friends because they've all turned into spam bots.

>> No.8901901

I've had friends tell me that other, not quite as close friends have complained about me "bragging" (ie, tweeting on my locked twitter which they have chosen to follow) about purchases I've made. But from the people I'm close to its more that when I mention I've bought something, they'll get moody and mention briefly that they wish that had more expendable income and then be very... inhospitable for a while.
Whether or not they do it on purpose, it's real annoying to get the cold shoulder every time I offhandedly mention that I'm excited about x arriving or whatever

>> No.8901915

I specifically shit on people who complain about their weight if they're average or below average on the scale.

I'll have more sympathy for fatties granted they've been fat forever (childhood obesity makes me rage), but for some reason average weight people who complain about how "fat" they are really irk me. And yes I know "feeling" fat is relative, I know some people can have an image disorder which also counts as a mental problem. But it still makes me cringe. Maybe it's because in high school and college I always was caught within earshot of girls complaining just so they could get asspats from their friends or boyfriends, not that they were actually interested in getting healthier or putting down their Starbucks. Other times it's like people like to humblebrag, or create "problems" about their bodies just to have the attention focused on them.

Anyway, if you've complained about how your cowtits can't fit lolita, or how you need to lose a few more centimeters off your 68cm waist, it was probably me telling you to eat a bag of dicks. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.8901917

but anon, any girl of a normal height that weighs more than 130 IS fat

they need to lose weight and you shouldn't shame them for realizing it

>> No.8901921 [DELETED] 

I smell fattie

>> No.8901930

honestly, i've considered it over the years. but i'm still kind of salty about it. they were supposed to be my friends, and I feel like they just ditched me when I needed them the most. i only found out how they felt because they posted in our facebook group about working on a group cosplay we had talked about and I asked if I still supposed to be a certain character. then one of them called me up and told me that i "had left such a bad taste in their mouth that they couldn't remember why they ever hung out with me to begin with". i figured that was that, but whenever they see me at cons they practically run away but they follow my cosplay page and instagram? i don't know, i just wish they had been willing to show me some compassion, because I feel like I was definitely there for them in their times of need. but maybe i will reach out, it's not like it could do any harm at this point.

>> No.8901938

maybe you were more of a colossal bitch than you realized

>> No.8902019

>tfw my bf is really feminine and only cosplays girls because he finds male characters boring
It's kinda funny because on rare occasions I find myself wanting to cosplay straight pairings but it's nothing but Yuri with us usually

>> No.8902024 [DELETED] 

>that strawman
Keep your weight diary to yourself.

>> No.8902131 [DELETED] 

anon it's a fact that's how a girls weight is seen in Japan

stay mad you fat fuck

>> No.8902145 [DELETED] 
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>seen in Japan
You're a white girl who wants to be an idol in Japan, right?

>> No.8902146 [DELETED] 

Oh no, you're that idiot from feels thread,
You won't shut up

>> No.8902153

Okay but average height in Japan is what, 5'2"? At that height more weight would be fat, but weight needs to be relative to height.

Anyways, I don't want to derail this thread. Sage for off-topic.

>> No.8902154 [DELETED] 

I'm not white anon

and I dislike idol culture

>> No.8902162 [DELETED] 

>I'm not white

Uh oh, the Japanese don't like ugly brown people. Even PT has a better shot than you, no wonder you've given up on idol culture.

>> No.8902170 [DELETED] 
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anon I'm mixed Asian and white

I guess I'm part white but I'm for sure not completely "white" just like I'm for sure not completely Asian either

I'm a product of a world that thinks mixing races is okay, how gross right?

>> No.8902187 [DELETED] 
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>some ugly haffu hag thinks I care
At least you know your place.

>> No.8902197 [DELETED] 
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anon you're the one who keeps replying to me, reaching for insults every single time and then you say

>who thinks I care

top fucking kek

you sound envious or asspained that I'm not some fat fuck who has multiple chins and chub rub on her thighs just from shifting in her scooter

settle down and go fuck yourself with your worn out vibrator while I use my husbands face as a chair and shitpost more

>> No.8902202 [DELETED] 
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>that TL;DR
Unfuck yourself uggo.

>> No.8902207 [DELETED] 

>I use my husbands face as a chair and shitpost more

OMG IT'S HOUSEWIFECHAN! When will your 40 year old husband be home tonight after he finishes getting blown by his whores at the office?

>> No.8902209 [DELETED] 

Oh no, is mixedrace-chan again

>> No.8902213 [DELETED] 

figures you're too stupid to read what is basically two paragraphs worth of text

I'm self conscious about a lot of things, anon but my face is not one of them

I'm really fucking pretty and I know it

don't worry, I'm relaying all of your bullshit to my husband and I'm speaking loudly so he can hear your retardation from between my thighs

>> No.8902216 [DELETED] 

when did I ever say he goes into an office?
he's right here with me anon


>> No.8902220

Janitor, housewife/mixedrace chan is here again. Come to save us
Save feels thread from her too

>> No.8902222 [DELETED] 

aww I know you missed me

but surely by now you know they won't stop me

>> No.8902223 [DELETED] 

Can you post your face with timestamp and husband?
I gotta see what level of 'pretty' a stay at home shut in who shitposts all day really is.

>> No.8902227

lol why not just get a normal job

>> No.8902232 [DELETED] 

I'm not retarded so I'm not going to post my face when all I do is shit up cgl and call everyone fat

that's a really stupid thing to do and you know it

>hurr 2scurrd

no, I'm just not retarded and don't want to post pictures of us on the Internet

really stupid idea

>> No.8902238 [DELETED] 

>I'm not retarded
>spends all day shitposting
That contradiction must be really uncomfortable for you on a daily basis, ugly.

>> No.8902242 [DELETED] 

>have free time and choose to be silly on the Internet
>this makes me retarded


>all day

no just a few hours

>> No.8902243 [DELETED] 

WOAH, you called her ugly? Man that'll break anyone's spirit, especially coming from someone who doesn't even know her or what she looks like!

You people are fucking retarded and deserve every bit of crap she gives you

>> No.8902244 [DELETED] 

>this makes me retarded
It does. You're a waste of functioning organ tissue.

>> No.8902248 [DELETED] 

so by my decision to spend time giggling at stupid posts this makes me a waste?

you're doing pretty much the same thing you know

>> No.8902250

I have a few close friends & they have been wonderful to me. They are really nice & treat me with respect. However, I still can't help but judge them by the fact that they choose to cosplay from series that they don't watch/read/play.

They will usually just see what's popular & decide that they wanna do a cosplay from the series. Usually I will gentle nudge them to go & have a look at the series beforehand but they say they prefer reading wiki as it's faster. If that's their choice it can't be help, I guess. But when fans of the series approach them & want to have a discussion, they usually look so confused that I need to step in & help them out by feeding them related information. They often thank me afterwards & compliment on my knowledge.

I feel really bad for judging them but I just wish that they know their source material first before even thinking of cosplaying from it...

>> No.8902252

>mixedracechan pretending to be someone else to defend herself

She probably is ugly. Legit.

>> No.8902257

>doesn't know how to detect same fagging


>> No.8902259 [DELETED] 

But at least I'm not a ban evading uggo dependent on a pedo husbando :^)

>> No.8902262 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1600x1034, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anon I'm 22, not 12

>> No.8902265 [DELETED] 

>not 12
You sure act like it though, maybe your infantilism is something he's attracted to, which is why he chose someone more than a decade younger than him to give cummies to. You're like a human sized pet.

>> No.8902268 [DELETED] 

that sounds hot maybe I should bring that up

thanks for the idea anon

jokes aside

I still don't see how being sexually attracted to a 22 year old makes someone a pedo

>> No.8902271 [DELETED] 

Shitposts aside, could you seriously stop posting?

>> No.8902275 [DELETED] 

I could but I don't want to

fuck you salty cunts, no matter how many range bans I get I'm going to keep shitposting here because it's fun

>> No.8902284 [DELETED] 

Eat shit and die.

>> No.8902288 [DELETED] 

... Yeeees they do like us brown folk. You seem upset.

>> No.8902292

Oh then yeah, your friends are shitty and you should probably find new ones. I would be happy for you if I were your friend. It's always cool when a friend gets new stuff, at least from my experience-unless you were a total douche who rubbed shit in my face.

>> No.8902293 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 231x315, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad you rotten bitch

me and my husband are cuddling together laughing and talking with a friend about how cgl wasn't always filled with fucking retarded fat ugly bitches like you

stay mad that I am pretty, thin, and can stay home all fucking day to shitpost and ruin this sad excuse for a board

>> No.8902312 [DELETED] 

>stay mad that I am pretty, thin, and can stay home all fucking day to shitpost and ruin this sad excuse for a board

Those lies must cut you pretty deep. You make us cringe.

>> No.8902316

i never outgrew my chuuni phase. it is a fully integrated aspect of my identity, and has directed my life in the absence of parental support.

>> No.8902320 [DELETED] 


you have not seen me, you do not know me, so you cannot know if what I am saying is true

all you've seen of me is what I've chosen to insult you and b8 you with

implying I'm not cute or thin won't hurt me

try harder with your insults so someone will actually care about you

>> No.8902326 [DELETED] 

I think you're just scared because you're a chubby uggo.

It's okay babe, just keep crying into your tub of ice cream.

>> No.8902327 [DELETED] 

>you do not know me
We know your age, race, general living habits, and attitude. There's plenty of info to determine you're some sad sack with something to prove. Just leave. You're not a master troll or an oldfag, you're just some petty little girl that can't get over a mod giving you a slap on the butt.

>> No.8902330 [DELETED] 

that's fine, I'm not sure why you thinking that would impact me

I don't have to prove you otherwise, and since you are wrong saying that doesn't bother me

I'm telling you, you need to get more creative with your insults if you want to hurt me

>> No.8902332 [DELETED] 


All you do by replying is derail the thread further

>> No.8902333

How often do you self-fellate? Does it actually make you feel better about your life?

>> No.8902334 [DELETED] 


>> No.8902335 [DELETED] 

>you know my attitude

if that was true people wouldn't insist I'm butthurt all the time

I come here and do this for laughs, and I even talk to a friend about it while I'm doing it and she laughs too

>> No.8902337 [DELETED] 

>"I'm only pretending to be autistic!"

>> No.8902340

I once faked being horribly sick to get out of a shitty hotel room. The people I was rooming with ended up being total shitheads. Never trusting friends of friends again.

But yeah, I pretended to cough up blood and faint, and the hotel ended up calling an ambulance. Jokes on me because it turned out I actually did have a severe respiratory infection but at least I got out of that horrible room.

>they tried charging me double for the whole weekend because i ruined the con for them despite the fact that they all went back to the con before the ambulance even came

>> No.8902341 [DELETED] 

how in the fuck did you get this insult from what I just said?

I'm probably autism but I do come here for shits and giggles m8

>> No.8902345 [DELETED] 

>"None of what you say about me is true! That's why I stick around and defend my anonymous honor like I'll do anything to actually prove diddly!"

>> No.8902346 [DELETED] 

bored, lonely, bitter seagulls will bite any chance to release venom.

note these kinds of threads are always the most replied to, regardless of who posts what.

>> No.8902348

Was it worth the ambulance bill?

>> No.8902349

maybe they knew you were faking?

>> No.8902352 [DELETED] 

I didn't say nothing that was said about me is true

I'm just saying it's not reasonable to say you know a person entirely from the amount of information I have given you

>> No.8902357 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but I've seen enough from you to the point where I personally wouldn't mind if you exploded from being so full of shit all the time.

>> No.8902363 [DELETED] 

how am I full of shit anon?

I shitpost yes, but that doesn't make me full of shit

you salty britches bitches need to simmer down if I upset you this much

>> No.8902373 [DELETED] 

Said the bitch who's been salty over a month that a mod banned her and admits to a personal tirade to "ruin" cgl.

See, if we're mad then we have a reason to be because you've admitted yourself you want to be grating as possible and ruin the quality of the board. But your reason, you're upset because a mod gave you a ban and we somehow are responsible for your fuckup? Now that's a whole new level of assblasted.

>> No.8902376 [DELETED] 

anon why would I be salty over a mod banning me? that's not why I'm doing this

I ban evade like crazy so how would being banned make me mad? where the fuck is your logic?

>> No.8902379 [DELETED] 

You have a reply for everything lol, you made it known the reason you were ban evading is because you got a ban and how dare a mod do that to you. Daft cunt.

>> No.8902383 [DELETED] 

I'm ban evading so I can shitpost

I'm not mad because of it, are you retarded?

>reply for everything

yeah because I'm not a dumb fuck like you

>> No.8902388

I dislike the farm, but I've become a regular lurker because of the Margendo situation. I'm afraid following this drama will result in backsliding into a judgemental asshole, so I've upped my positive feedback game here on /cgl/. I don't want to become the kind of person who's bitter toward random people. I don't want to lose myself to an internet edgelord persona.

It's happened before...

>> No.8902390 [DELETED] 

Dumbasses don't know when to quit, you being one of them. You are so upset.

>> No.8902395 [DELETED] 

pot meet kettle

eat glass, your arguments are retarded

>have a reply for everything lol, you made it known the reason you were ban evading is because you got a ban
>you made it known the reason you were ban evading is because you got a ban
>you made it known the reason you were ban evading
>is because you got a ban




>> No.8902396 [DELETED] 

We get it, you're ban evading. You're such a 1337 h4x0r. Now please shut up, we heard you the first time.

>> No.8902397 [DELETED] 

I'm personally hoping she'll get a radius ban. Then those fancy VPNs that her husband is paying for her won't even be of use.
Or maybe she'll commute to that one "friend's" house so she can shitpost from there lmao

>> No.8902398 [DELETED] 

this is the persons argument I'm refuting, I didn't bring it up you dumb cunt

>> No.8902399


>> No.8902403

do you not know what foreign proxies are? I've had range bans at least five times you dumb cunt

but they don't work

>> No.8902413

My insurance actually paid for most of it, since it was deemed medically necessary. I think I only paid about $200 something out of pocket?

Maybe. But I really don't think I "ruined" the whole con for them. Other friends told me they were enjoying themselves after I left and didn't seem to give a shit. shrug

>> No.8902415 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1224x468, autismchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8902417 [DELETED] 

>"everyone does it"
>valid excuses


I don't see why posting this proves anything but you being creepy n saving stuff related to me

>> No.8902418 [DELETED] 

Oh. My that is precious. All of her anger and projecting makes perfect sense. She got rejected by her comm lmfao.

>> No.8902420 [DELETED] 

I've never tried to join a comm because I see what you cunts do here

>> No.8902422 [DELETED] 

It's called an archive, autismo :^)

>> No.8902425 [DELETED] 

I know what archives are, but that doesn't dismiss the fact someone saved this and put it together

>> No.8902429 [DELETED] 

>it's about as hard as finding new proxies to ban evade with
> :^)
Hope you like it, it's gonna get posted in every thread you sneak into from now on.

>> No.8902431 [DELETED] 

I don't care if it's posted, I've even admitted I got irritated you cunts think it's okay to back stab others in many threads

>> No.8902435 [DELETED] 

>implying she has to be in a comm to begin with because she enjoys lolita
>"All of her anger and projecting make perfect sense"

Projecting? I don't think that word means what you think it does, because I think the ones projecting are the ones calling her fat and ugly.

>> No.8902436 [DELETED] 

If you have as many spergfests IRL as you do online, I wouldn't let you in my comm either

(Just kidding, I would so I can come here or to the farm and post about it.)

>> No.8902439 [DELETED] 

I don't want to join a comm tho

I just wanna sit at home and drain my husbands dick

>> No.8902440 [DELETED] 

>are the ones calling her fat and ugly

Except she's done the exact thing to others in different threads. She's pretending like she hasn't. But fortunately the archives don't lie.

>to show you how ethical I am I'll ruin the board experience for people who probably didn't have anything to do with that particular thread, that'll show em!

>> No.8902441 [DELETED] 

So what will you do when you're 45 and your sugar daddy husband inevitably leaves you for a younger, hotter woman?

>> No.8902443 [DELETED] 

m8 I have never pretended not to go into random threads and call people fat and ugly

it's my bread and butter

you fat ugly cunt

>> No.8902444 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 197x200, 897866785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902447 [DELETED] 

She denies it when the people doing it aren't her, like in the feels thread

Try again

>> No.8902450 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 275x374, 1381644078015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902454 [DELETED] 

I like how you posted not what actually happened, but a biased recap of it.

>> No.8902459 [DELETED] 

A lot of people will take it as fact, though. Anything to validate them and their already flimsy, baseless arguments.

>> No.8902461 [DELETED] 


This is solid gold.

>> No.8902464 [DELETED] 

>doesn't know how to check for samefagging

fucking newfags

eat glass

>> No.8902471 [DELETED] 

>"Two people agree on an unpopular opinion? They HAVE to be the same person!"

Aww, quite the little sleuth, aren't you?

>> No.8902472 [DELETED] 

face it cgl, there's nothing you can do at this point to upset me

one anon was suspiciously close prodding at a certain topic but nobody in this thread is smart enough to get close to it

I'm going to shitpost and laugh with my friend about it while you desperately try and upset me

>> No.8902476 [DELETED] 

I have so much secondhand embarrassment. Wow.

>> No.8902477 [DELETED] 

so your crusty husband is definitely going to leave you when you're 45 and not fun anymore

he can only handle shitpost & chill for so long, I'm sure

>> No.8902478 [DELETED] 

that's not the topic, nice try though


oh anon, if only you knew him

>> No.8902479 [DELETED] 

if he's so hot you really should post pics

same with yourself anon, you seem to have enough uh "confidence" to shoo away any jelly fatty white piggus who insult you and your jolly good looks

>> No.8902481 [DELETED] 

anon, once again I'm not retarded

after the shit I pull I'm not going to post his pics or mine

plus I can't even have social media and post pics of me and him there, why would I be able to do that here for you assholes?

>> No.8902483 [DELETED] 

>"I'm not retarded"
>right after, states that she understand exactly how retarded she is
>we're the assholes

aight den

>> No.8902484 [DELETED] 

Why can't you have social media? Is it because your husband knows you're a crazy autistic bitch?

>> No.8902485 [DELETED] 

once again, like I've said many times

me sitting here laughing at absolutely stupid shit I post here does not make me retarded

immature? absolutely

retarded? no

>> No.8902487 [DELETED] 

some companies with certain jobs are really strict about their employees being posted online

>> No.8902494 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 640x531, 1435086719837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You try so much to pretend that you're too cool to care about really, if you were, you wouldn't do things like spend night after night like you did a few weeks ago reposting pictures over and over, and you wouldn't put so much time into ban evading and posting stupid, stupid shit.

Like, really, for someone who puts as much effort into "shitposting", your skills are nominal and novice at best. You want to fuck this board up and there are SO many other jucier, funnier, fantastical ways that you could be doing it, especially if you actually have as much time sitting on your fat ass that you apparently have. Lots of golden opportunities being wasted but you're literally too retarded to anything remotely significant.

>> No.8902496 [DELETED] 

you don't have a job dough

doesn't stop *you* from having an account, it's not that hard to not post pictures of your crusty husband or to just not mention him at all/mention him by pet name

>> No.8902500 [DELETED] 

m8 I had way more time then when my husband was away and I got bored as fuck

I put way more effort then than I do now

now I just casually stroll into threads and call people ugly and you fat fucks eat it up like crazy

I don't try, you fucking hand It to me

>> No.8902501 [DELETED] 

it's difficult to explain without giving away too much information

>tfw can't shitpost on Instagram or Twitter too
shit sucks

>> No.8902505 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 381x254, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902506 [DELETED] 

>can't even come up with an argument
>spams the same reaction images like every time

dw I know it's you back to throw a fit over your crush on me

>> No.8902509 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 450x254, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902510 [DELETED] 

do you get razor burn from shaving

it looked prickly

>> No.8902513 [DELETED] 
File: 841 KB, 450x254, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902515 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 959x960, 1450195952263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and your husband probably

>> No.8902517 [DELETED] 

this is funny because recently I've been calling him daddy because of a post on cgl and he absolutely hates it

it's really funny to see him cringe like its the worst thing ever

thanks cgl for giving me new material to harass my husband with

>> No.8902519 [DELETED] 

also, I never do cat eyes like that

I draw my eyeliner downwards for big ol droopy doe eyes, it suits them better

>> No.8902520 [DELETED] 

That's nice dear

>> No.8902521 [DELETED] 

I'm just trying to find stuff to talk about with you cgl : ^ (

>> No.8902522 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 286x286, stillimplyingyouhaveahusband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902525 [DELETED] 

mayday mayday noone cares

(seriously though can we all just ignore her again, eventually her yeast infection will pass and her husband will resume fucking her, then maybe she'll go away)

>> No.8902527 [DELETED] 

he fucked me just yesterday m8

I'm even using his face as a chair right now while I shitpost

it's great

>> No.8902528 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 245x247, really jan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902529 [DELETED] 

I could vocaroo the sounds of me cumming for him and post it for you guys if you want

since I know you are crushing on me and just want my attention

>> No.8902530 [DELETED] 

Stop replying. You're just as bad.

>> No.8902531 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 250x250, no thanks jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902532 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 500x267, no fun allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902533 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 512x456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so yes?
>mfw cumming white shitposting on cgl

>> No.8902534 [DELETED] 


>> No.8902536 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna call you on your bluff and say yes. Do it, because I wanna hear.

>> No.8902538 [DELETED] 

I was joking m8

I wouldn't share an intimate moment like that, I just offered because this is probably the same thirsty bitch who showed me her vagina and told me to touch myself before

>> No.8902542 [DELETED] 

such troll

>> No.8902543 [DELETED] 

Someone cap the archived post where some anon said "your husband is dumb" and she replied with her love story of five years of true romance.
And then when one anon said "you're useless" and she responded with her entire life story about how she worked to earn all her brand and her struggles with anxiety and her volunteer work to prove just how not useless she was to all the meanies.
And the one where she claims that she's only being mean as satire.

I was morbidly curious at first but this is just irritating now. Stop giving her the attention that her precious husband obviously doesn't.
>inb4 I'm sitting on his face now
>sure, jan

>> No.8902544 [DELETED] 
File: 949 KB, 500x250, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902548 [DELETED] 

you do it yourself you lazy cunt if you hate me that much

you faggots won't pick up on the one topic that could upset me, so far only one anon has asked me about it too

>> No.8902549 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 186x186, please jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902552 [DELETED] 

nobody pick up on it, if you think you know what it is just shut the fuck up, it's another moment for her to bawww about her life and talk about herself

i guess she is right about being pretty because no man would put up with a bitch this fucking psychotic unless the pussy was good (that won't last for long but yeah)

>> No.8902554 [DELETED] 

I've noticed that most of the file names for these brady bunch gifs are actual names and image.gif
There may be two Jans among us.

>> No.8902555 [DELETED] 

you sound like you need to get laid anon

are you honestly this upset over me shitposting?

>> No.8902557 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 186x186, its okay jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8902559 [DELETED] 

I already do get laid, in fact I'm sitting on my fiancées face as I type. I can totally vocaroo the sounds if you'd like ^_^

>> No.8902561 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 236x213, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow nice original comment

I'm surprised at the innovation and creativity behind it

>> No.8902566 [DELETED] 

Thank you housewife pajamaramasama :3 I learned from the kawaiiest

>> No.8902569 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 500x281, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome, I know it makes your day having my give you attention

>> No.8902594 [DELETED] 

please only 2 people care about this 3 tops.

>> No.8902601 [DELETED] 

y-you too

>> No.8902625
File: 89 KB, 640x433, ecf81745e66c222d5cf2226f3e1dc7da1340629012_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Up and decided I was going to cosplay a character and try my hardest.
>buy wig supplies with extra tax savings.
>buy a medium lenght base wig because it's the right shade and a lace front for 65$.
>base color needs to be so short I'll have to make the excess into short wefts to fill out the gaps and add a slight poof.
>first big wig modification.
Well I'm either gonna crash and burn or fly, here's hoping I don't fuck it up.

Pic extremely related.

>> No.8902649

As someone whose sister is a stripper, this is pretty damn easy to answer. My sister makes multiple hundreds to a thousand or so per day. Now currency convert that into dresses and you can work out your closest's growth rate with a few more calculations. Duh.

Also, stripping is a pretty normal job. There are many women and men who do it.

>> No.8902650

Oops, I meant "closet's growth rate"

>> No.8902662

Not that anon, but have you bought from that before? It looks kind of neat and I'd wanna hear someone's experience.

>> No.8902749

I apparently can still be mistaken for a teen, but I think it must be more related to how I dress than actual appearance because I'm no longer mistaken for a job-shadowing student at work. I definitely take better care of myself and my skin and know how to makeup now, so I'm not gonna avoid it just because I'm not quite as naturally cute as I was at 17

>> No.8902764

I have a reputation in my comm and even online for being really nice, but I secretly love it when the girls around me whine about how fat/ugly/poor they are. Any time I show up in a new outfit at least one person will go "Oh I wish I could fit/afford brand like you, anon!" and while I pretend to play it down and comfort them, it actually makes my day.
A small handful of girls has shown a genuine interest in losing weight and dressing better and I'm more than happy to help them out. But those lazy fatties who spend all their money on junk food and overpriced weeb shit and then complain they can't fit or afford anything nice? Their misery is my nourishment.

>> No.8902796

If you were actually sick, were you really even faking?

I'd never even dream of charging someone extra if they had to go home because they were seriously ill. How is that 'ruining the con'?

>> No.8902899

Different anon but I was accused of ruining a con once when I had an anxiety attack and had to spend several hours in a park/cafe with my boyfriend to calm down. So whose con did I supposedly ruin? Not mine or my boyfriend's, but that of an acquaintance who witnessed me crying for less than a minute before skedaddling over to their next panel. I guess some people are so sensitive that even being in the vicinity of someone who isn't 100% happy 100% of the time is enough to ruin their con experience. Whiny fuckers.

>> No.8902992

This thread is the reason why I avoid "women who like 4chan".

Everything I read here is like an euphemism to "I spend 500 dollars a day and >tfw no qt bf who pays my bills".

Is my feeling accurate, /cgl/?

>> No.8903011

That's pretty retarded anon you are really putting all the eggs in the same basket there.

>> No.8903016

Margaret Palermo. The mother of VenusAngelic (Venus Palermo). Venus ran away from home and revealing what her mother did to her FINALLY and Marg is going batshit crazy.
On a japanese board people called her Margendo because like Gendo from Evangelion she is a fucking terrible parent using her kid.

>> No.8903031

>oh no, women are spending their own money on shit they like
>this MUST mean they're all golddiggers!

feel free to avoid the women and go back to the men, you won't be missed

>> No.8903034

>makeup looking better than fake hair
kek you must like AoT makeup too.

>> No.8903045

they began to call her Gendo because she interrupted an interview with a Gendo cosplayer, but it does fit with her manipulative, cold-hearted nature so farmers portmanteau'd the two names.

y'all have some weak internetfu, this info doesn't take effort to find.

>> No.8903061
File: 845 KB, 958x958, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm going crazy at the moment. Since I got treated for an eating disorder I feel like I can't trust anyone or anything. Even at my lightest I was considered normal weight but force fed and supervised 24/7 anyway because I lost my period and experienced psychosis. Now when I tell people how stressed out I am about gaining 41lbs in three years, they think I'm making it up, I'm just looking for asspats etc, but I constantly read the fat hate threads on /fit/ and backlash toward tumblr posts pointing out how DELUSIONAL fat women are because they can't handle the truth and will grab any excuse to get/stay fat. So when I look at myself and know that my BMI makes me pretty close to OBESE I wonder if I'm just making excuses for myself because I can't deal with the idea that I've gone from 'skinny' (the weight of all the other girls my age) to this fat fuck.

I AM OVERWEIGHT (this was a particularly fat day) the exact same height and weight as the other girl in this picture. Even though I fit brand just fine I don't fit the clothes from when I was 'ill' which drives me nuts. Any exercise I do causes me to bulk up very quickly in the thighs.

I remember starving myself and throwing up anything I was forced to eat only to STILL be heavier than most of the girls in my class. Then I think about now where I eat one meal a day because parents (piece of curry chicken and 100g of rice) and how close to the obese category I am, that maybe it is a delusion and I actually eat more than that to maintain such a high bodyweight. (3500kcal per lb)

The numbers have just never made sense to me. This picture both confuses and comforts me. I know I'm attention seeking scum; I NEED to be told I'm not a landwhale because every day I am tempted to go back to old habits even though I've fucked up my heart, teeth and digestive system permanently.

Seriously, though, you would seek outside affirmation if your appearance doesn't seem to match up with what's on the scales.

>> No.8903063

I have a disgusting body.
I have really, really pale skin and very dark body hair. I can't even shave my legs because you see the black stubs, I have to wax or use hair removal cream -- which I'm super allergic to. Waxing makes me go all shaky and stupid, and I also have to wait between waxes.

Add to that the fact that my tits are the saddest fucking things ever -- not just fat saggy, no, I'm pretty sure I looked at a plastic surgeon's website and they were like at the lowest grade, they're basically deformed, my nipples are on the lower curve of my breast.

I've been chubby since I can remember, and I got a lapband. Guess what that did? Jack shit. Now I have a scar and stretch marks on my stomach. Went to my GP today to get another large scar on my upper chest looked at and she commented about how all the doctors she knows are now trying to urge patients away from lapbands because they just don't work unless you're disgusting and eat lots of bread, pasta or fatty meat. I don't even have a portion control issue, I don't even snack, it's just muh hormones or whatever.

I have hair on my face that's on my chin, upper lip, down the sides of my cheeks and under my chin, and a big fat nose.

Oh, I also have short ass fingers and small hands.

What the fuck, /cgl/? I will never be able to cosplay or feel comfortable in lolita. I've tried so hard to lose weight. I have some good things going for me, I can take decent selfies and I am not a hamplanet. I maintain what I can, but every day is such a struggle because I've been smacked in the face with such a horrible, gross body. Looks like this newest scar is going to be a keloid too.

And, to top it off, I too am a compulsive shopper. I fucking love buying from lm, taobao, ebay -- if I feel like I'm getting a deal and something cute? I want it.

And, you know what? Even with all this shit, I still think I'm better than some people. I hate myself, and I hate everyone else. I'm so salty.

>> No.8903070

What the fuck even is average? My view of what is actually fat and undesirable to most people as opposed to maybe not ideal weight but still alright looking has been completely distorted by anons like >>8901917 and the rest of 4chan

>> No.8903073

Ex-anorexic here. One thing I noticed that could help you out is that I gain more weight when I'm eating a lower volume of food. I'm not saying go pig out on pizza or anything but try to focus on adding lots of vegetables and beans to your diet instead f just having chicken and rice once daily. Like have some avocado on toast or a green smoothie in the morning and a salad or some veggie soup at lunch in addition to the chix/rice. Secondly, I'm about your size (4' 10") and have had pretty similar muscle growth when I work out. I recommend trying out pilates as a work out, it's done a tone for me in terms of helping develop long lean muscles rather than bulky ones. Lastly, anorexia is a trap so make sure to be eating healthy foods and working out for good reasons instead of self hate. It's really, really easy to get stuck back in that mindset.

Good luck, anon! You really don't look bad. I'm not saying you aren't chubby but luckily for you at five feet, a few pounds is really the difference between obese and normal weight.

>> No.8903080

I got commissioned by a kinda friend and he asked to pay in three chunks. I said okay and got the initial payment that covered fabric but during the second payment he inferred that I should be covering his bus ticket to come down (even though I offered to send it to him). I told him he'd have to give me the rest before i started because he sounded like he wasn't going to.
he decided to come down before I finished it which was super weird and asked to try stuff on. I said okay and he took a few pictures of himself and then left next day. My girlfriend (who's also friends with him on fb) told me he was claiming he was working on the costume and posted wips.

he never paid the third chunk.
I hot glued what was left of the costume and hem taped all the seams and I'm really excited to watch them put it in the dryer

>> No.8903095

I know people like that and they are the worst. My favorite is when they pitch a fit and call someone 'dramatic' for something like getting sick or having an uncontrollable anxiety attack or whatever.

I have different reasons for not dating anyone who posts on 4chan. The crazy spending is mostly here and the toy board.

>> No.8903108
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No matter what I do I put on weight and its seriously heart breaking because i'm trying so so so hard. I've been going to the gym, watching my diet like a hawk, getting enough sleep, and just generally taking care of myself. But no matter what I do I look like a fat ugly greasy pig. I might just have to save up for plastic surgery/liposuction because i'm really just running out of options at this point.

>> No.8903112

I feel the same way, but then with family members and normal friends, they must wonder why I buy so many dresses and might judge me for not putting the money elsewhere. I'm thinking of removing it from facebook, but I'm not sure since it comes in handy sometimes as well and I do like sharing with the comm too.

>> No.8903115

When you were ill you were fucked up.losing your period is a really late thing, and you basically have to have screwed your body up for it to happen, and you shouldn't still have your clothes from when you're ill because trying to fit those is just like telling yourself to be ill again. That being said, your body composition and your diet sounds less than ideal. If you aren't on the vitamins and stuff still you are probably missing out on heaps of them, you aren't getting enough nutritious stuff from one lot of curry and rice! Get some green veges and fruit and seeds/nuts, you need all those vitamins and essential fats and minerals.
I agree with other anon about pilates and would also consider doing yoga, ashtanga is my favourite and never made my muscles bigger

>> No.8903118

You know if you're just fat and don't get fatter and fatter, you're probably eating okay. It's not hormones, it's just weight you either have from when you were eating horribly or weight you have accumulated over all those days when you are just a little too much, the Christmases, days when you ate out.

Actually getting down to normal weight requires more work than just eating healthily.

>> No.8903122

Ive been in my comm since the beginning and we have always been growing but secretly I wish it was still just the girls that we started with when we were small. I cannot handle young uneducated irresponsible lolitas...I dont care if the other members think I am being salty about it or not.

>> No.8903128

I've tried losing weight, I fluctuate by about ten kgs constantly. Because of joint issues (oh yeah genetics got me there too) I'm pretty limited in what I can do. Right now I'm pretty much unable to exercise for two months because I broke my fucking foot. Maybe that's why I'm so depressed now, especially.

I've had hormonal issues for a while, depression too (diagnosed clinically at nine) so idk.

I feel like I'm getting fatter, even though I've barely eaten. My painkillers make me feel so sick, I feel like such a slob and all I want to do is throw myself at a wall repeatedly.

I can't seem to lose weight. I'm 5'2" and 85 kgs. My ideal weight is like 45 kgs and I just have no idea how that's possible. That's tiny. I can't imagine my sad, ugly body shrinking down to that size. I've already got sunken eyes. I think I'll look like a zombie, but I know I will never be happy until I'm that weight, so it's starting to seem like I'll never be happy.

The one thing that makes me happy is when I try on a dress and it fits, so I can hide my gut and ugly upper thighs with a petticoat and then cry because I won't ever feel as pretty at a meet among much slender girls.

>> No.8903133
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Only thing that made me remotedly excited is a new figures and cosplay planning. But it`s not enough to actually start making cosplay.

>> No.8903134

I showed some of my latest coord pics to a normie whose opinion I value and he said I had good posing skills and looked like a model... as long as my teeth were not visible. And he said he disliked my coordinate because it looked middle-ages-ish to him.

I was already very insecure but this hurt a lot (probably more than he meant it) and I haven't been able to like myself/pictures of my recent coords since.

I also would like to lose 1.5~2kg (I'm at 17.2 BMI) and I am worried that, at that state, it's not going to be good enough/skinny enough for me and I'm going to relapse into anorexia.

Sorry /cgl/, needed to get this off my chest.

>> No.8903137

Also anon, there's not really a lot of 'eating too much' I can do with the lapband. I can't eat steak, pasta, bread anything, pork, red meat in general and anything too sweet, as well as being lactose intolerant. The days where I would usually cheat, I'm with other people and that makes it humiliating to 'cheat' because I have to throw up if anything gets caught on the band.

So sometimes I have pasta at home, but I should be losing weight. I have no idea what to do other than just slave my life away at a gym, but that will have to be after PT sessions.

>> No.8903138

Did you count calories using a scale for everything you consume?

>> No.8903148

My parents won't let me, and I'm sort of stuck with them, as my father is ageing very badly. They're worried I'll get an ED because my cousin had one. Yeah.

But most of what I eat is just salmon, chicken, salad, etc. everything is home made and if I go out I'll just have whatever's 'safe'. My biggest sin is probably brown rice and sugar in my morning coffee. Even when we have sweet things in the house, I don't really feel the need to eat them and I don't drink anything but water/tea/coffee at home. I certainly hope I don't drink enough alcohol to account for being fat.

I feel like I should go into some sort of clinic. I've even looked into those programs where they deliver you every meal while taking into account dietary needs, but no one delivers them where I live.

>> No.8903154

Your depression is a big part of what's going on, anon. The lack of activity from the broken foot can't be helping much either. Are you on meds? Some antidepressants have weight gain or energy loss as side effects, that could be contributing. If you have access to a kitchen you should try to start eating more healthy food, especially things like eggs, brazil nuts, almond milk and deep green leafy vegetables. Getting more nutrients can really help out with depression.

Have you asked your doctor about workout options while your foot is broken? There are plenty of floor/mat exercises you could be doing that would help you get your blood pumping and improve your mood.

If you have access to it, look into physical therapy places in your area to help you start getting some exercise while your foot is broken. This could also be helpful for the joint issues you mentioned. Other anons have brought it up but but yoga and pilates, as well as the Feldenkrais method, are all good for helping build and regrow joint strength. You'd probably want to go to instructor led classes at first to be sure you're getting the technique down, but those options could be really helpful to you both in terms of losing weight and as a way to combat your depression.

Lastly, as far as the body hair goes, you could try epilators maybe? I'm not experienced with them but they're often brought up in the hair removal threads.

>> No.8903181

I eat a lot of cabbage and crisp greens, unfortunately spinach and kale are too fibrous and sometimes get stuck on my band (you know when you look at the leaf and those stringy bits are in it? Like the back of green beans that you pull out?) but no, I'm not medicated. I've tried too many and none have 'worked'. Now that it's been a few years, I've been thinking about talking to someone to see about something new on the market, but I'm still hesitant. I will look into almond milk and nuts, but I eat plenty of eggs too! I love eggs.

I haven't, but maybe I should. I can probably do light cardio with my arms and stuff, but I'm on pain medication too and the cast is pretty heavy for me to actually be on the floor in case I can't get up (that and it's not 100% waterproof, so I don't want to sweat too much)

I'm too self-conscious to go to classes, even though I know people twice my size that have gone and done things like zumba and lost a whole me.

Epilators are worse than waxing. I'm actually a trained beauty therapist, but can't wax myself because of the shaky awful feeling I get. Low pain threshold. Epilators can actually cut your hair when they pull it out. I'm thinking lazer, but that's so expensive. The facial hair isn't a big deal because I can just wax it myself (I'd like to not have to obviously), but the leg hair is insane. I've often wondered if estrogen could help me, since testosterone helps T guys grow facial hair, but I don't dare look it up in case it works, because no one would ever prescribe estrogen to someone for cosmetic reasons.

I just feel like I'll end up spending so much money to make myself happy with my body. Boob job, nose job, lipo, lazer, and what I've already paid for the useless band. I could spend it on pretty dresses and fun conventions, but no.

I've got to go to sleep now and get a little rest. Thanks for listening to me rant, I will look into cardio I can do, I'm sure there's tons of blogs about it if all else fails.

>> No.8903212

Have you had your hormones checked? You may secrete more (assuming estrogen though if you're a guy, not enough testosterone). At any rate you should bring it up with your doctor and look for polycystic ovarian syndrome and thyroid problems.

>> No.8903217

Hey gull, don't be afraid of exercise classes! You could either try to get some one on one time with an instructor, like personal trainer style, or you could do a little research and specifically pick a class where the other students are bigger than you so you don't get that nasty 'I'm fat and uncoordinated and everyone else in this class is a goddess' feel.

Also I'm sure you've thought about this but you could try using a blender to really obliterate the more fibrous fruits and veggies you want to get in your diet without aggravating your lap band.

>> No.8903219

Seconding this

>> No.8903223

Hey soul sister, you are me.
>saggy, shallow tits
>stretchmarks everywhere
>pale with dark body hair
>depressed and stuck in a rut
>small hands
>in general the short, flabby chick since childhood
>debt but I wish I could shop

Do you want to exchange a throwaway email? It seems like we have a lot in common and it could help just to vent or motivate each other to exercise. My biggest issue is lack of exercise. I got an office job so I pretty much get no motivate to get my ass outside on a jog.

My lapband was doing wonders for me back when I was exercising. (I actually have a tiny scar inside my belly button, and a nickel-sized scar on my abdomen). Combined with not eating much I was running 3 miles in the morning and 3 miles before bed. I got down to 170 pounds from 250.
However, a year into my progress my surgeon overfilled my band. I lost my insurance, and he refused to see me. I binged-purged everyday because NOTHING passed through my band, I would lie awake at night because even water would come shooting back into my esophagus. I had no energy to care about my life or exercise.
I finally saw a doctor who made me take a barium swallow and he was shocked my band had overfilled for that long. My stomach had actually herniated.
So he took out all the fill but....in the period of just a month and a half I've ballooned from 190 to 220. My eating habits haven't necessarily gotten worse, but because I don't regurgitate my food it no longer counterbalances my lack of exercise.

Anyway, sorry for the TL;DR, but it just seems like you could use someone who kind of knows how it feels to wallow in some heavy salt. Let me know!

>> No.8903250

If you don't want people's honest opinions, don't ask for them.

Not everyone is going to smile and give you asspats.

>> No.8903256

>I also would like to lose 1.5~2kg (I'm at 17.2 BMI)

Ironic as it is, your previous bout of anorexia is probably why your friend thought you look particularly middle-aged and have bad teeth. Anorexia and a low body weight will more than likely make you look worse.

>> No.8903263

I feel you. I share an apartment with my boyfriend and his father, and I want so badly to take the smallest room and just make it my closet, but there's no way in hell I'd even get a normal closet.

>> No.8903272

kek. I like how you think anon.

>> No.8903273

I feel this. I just started a blog, and I told myself if I can stay consistent with it for half a year, then to do videos too. Baby steps.

>> No.8903280

This is all on the farm? I would love to read what she actually forced Venus into. Good for her from escaping that evil mom

>> No.8903349

Wtf is wrong with you? I think a lot of people struggle with body dysmorphia, I had an ed for many years and still struggle with my friends trying to push junk food on me because I'm "not fat." Try to be sympathetic, it's hard to be more or less average when you used to be thin. I still struggle with binging and people saying I look "fine" and should have some cake/ pizza/ whatever makes it so hard not to go back to my old ways

>> No.8903411

Are you at least getting mental help?

>> No.8903422

I wish fatties would shut the fuck up about their fat asses on /cgl/. Is your body currently in cosplay or Jfashion? No? Then I don't want to hear about it. If you want to talk about weight loss, go to /fit/. If you don't like /fit/, try a website other than 4chan.
No matter what, /cosplay and egl/ is not the place to talk about what a fat ugly fuck you are.

>> No.8903431

They're referring to a specific person. lolisourgrapes

>> No.8903440

>fits and measurements have nothing to do with jfash or cosplay
Stupid newfag dumbass wow.

>> No.8903454

no, we got all the info from Japanese and Korean tabloids.

>> No.8904312
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>that picture
I thought i forgot about it

>> No.8904379

I hate the way I look. I think I am the only ugly person to exist. I don't leave my room if I don't absolutely have to. I can't look people in the eye or talk to people (even if it's good day to a cashier). I have been called ugly all my life. I hate being ugly. My mom says I should put so much weight in how I look since its only surface level but it fucking sucks. I have no god damn self esteem. I just don't want to hate the way I look for one day.

>> No.8904499

Dress in your favorite outfit/wear your favorite color. Put on a nice perfume or cute jewelry or both. Go to a park or coffee shop or wherever the atmosphere is relaxing. Smile at strangers and say good afternoon when you walk by. Make small talk. It'll put you in a good mood. This may seem unrelated, but you need to be in a good place before you can have confidence and feel beautiful. I remember it made my day to talk to an old lady on the bus about teaching. You feel beautiful when you can make connections with other people. Sounds fake af but the times I've felt the worst about my appearance is when I was generally disconnected and unhealthy (staying at home, not maintaining myself, comparing my body to others online).

>> No.8904508

You can be a good and likable person in other ways anon.
If you look down all the time and rush through life hoping nobody ever notices you, well...it's kind of granted nobody is ever going to see anything nice in you and give you a compliment. There are plenty of conventionally ugly people who have confidence and hobbies, who get compliments just for taking the cards they've been dealt in stride.
It's really not the end of the world.

>> No.8904510

I think 130 is average, unless you're very short. However most people strive to be thin on this board(so under 130, I think some thin people like to call average people fat though, for who knows why).

This is really just an opinion based on my perceived cultural norms and having been fat and chubby as kid and teenager. I have been all over the scale and when I was 130 I did not look fat, but was not thin.

It is important to note that weights can look very different on different people so it's more like in the ball park of 130 is "average" maybe if you're short you will look more average at 120, or if you're a tall woman 140 could even look average.

>> No.8904512

>trying to be reasonable with shitstains who very obviously have no intention to be reasonable

I just ignore posters like that, it's useless.

>> No.8904514

And by shitposters I mean like >>8901917. All they do is hide behind their own body image issues and throw around bait to feel better about themselves.

>> No.8904566

I'd look into tanning and laser hair removal. Those are the quickest fixes for your easier problems.they sometimes have deals for the hair laser stuff on sites like groupon. Do you have a hormonal imbalance or thyroid issue? They both cause hair and weight issues, and botj xan be fixed with pills. Reddit.com/r/asianbeauty has helped me so much with learning how to fade scars, skincareaddiction on reddit as well.

>> No.8904572

Honestly, if you xan afford to have the band taken out you should.

>> No.8904577

> lap band

I got that shit and it was terrible, not only it didn't work but I'd sometimes even gag with my own saliva. Then I got a gastric bypass and it worked like a charm - it's a permanent measure, but it made such a difference for me that I was really angry at my doctor for having put me through the lapband instead of just doing the bypass in the first place.

>> No.8904594

All the bitchbabies replying to this, Christ. I'm with you, anon, if someone has talked about how they're "such a titty monster omg :,(" on here, they've lost all credibility about anything and everything and are most likely just an obese ita anyway.

>> No.8904596 [DELETED] 


What sub was it?

>> No.8904607

man, don't dismiss the hormones option. if your body hair is out of whack it might be creating other issues, you gotta get shit checked. if you can afford it, please go ask for your own sake.
good luck anon! I have shite body hair too (really dark hair on legs + pale skin, kinda noticeable arm hair and I have a peachfuzz beard + happy trail that nobody can see) but I'm pretty happy/ok with it, only shave legs in the summer and swipe off my armpits every once in a while. I actually think the mini happy trail is kinda cute, haha. hope you'll end up feeling good about yourself!

>> No.8904737

I feel bad because my wishlist is full of items that people seem to think are tacky. It's not like the old school vibe since it's too new but I love that sweet that was around 2008-2009. Like Fruit Parlor, Sugary Carnival, Yumemiru Macaron and stuff.

>Mfw I missed that glorious new-school sweet

>> No.8904754

Don't feel bad, they're your clothes, you wear them for yourself. Maybe people think your taste is outdated, or tacky, or "ageplayish", or whatever people like to brand '08-'10 sweet these days; who cares? Wear what you like and what makes you happy.

I'm pretty sure I've seen the Fruits Parlor OP in pink on Mbok if you want it, by the way.

>> No.8904756
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I'm inlove with this model from bodyline. How do I find her?

>serious question

>> No.8904757

You're not alone, I love Fruits Parlor and Dreaming Macaron!

>> No.8905561


me three anon. I managed to snag the minty Fruits Parlor just recently, it's just so awesome. I mean the print glitters!

>> No.8905565

>wants to coddle fatasses
>calls me a newfag
haha oh wow

Talking about how things fit and how to dress for your size is fine, but diet talk and whining about the poopoo doctors who couldn't magically make you less of a gluttonous whale through surgery is not related to cosplay or Jfashion at all.

>> No.8905579

I miss goth and I feel borderline guilty about having effectively abandoned it for years in favour of lolita. I've been trying to look through inspo threads to inspire me to start it up again, since it's more practical for daily wear, but it just doesn't spark the same thing in me as it used to - I like it, but not enough to spend money on it that I could spend on other things. I also realised that all forms of goth that aren't close to "regular clothing in all black" are about as casual as gothic lolita (that is, not at all), and I don't need another extravagant and rarely-worn style in my wardrobe anyway. It's a fairly make-up intensive look, and if I was willing to spend the time to do a full face of make-up every morning I would just be wearing lolita instead. Without the strong community aspect there also aren't anywhere near as many websites for me to stalk as there are with jfash, or if there are I don't know where to find them.

Still makes me feel weird because goth was my first fashion love and I've been tentatively identifying with the subculture for years. I love the music and I go to goth clubs but nowadays I barely wear all-black once a week, never mind going full-out gothic.

tl;dr abandoned other fashions to prioritize lolita, kind of miss them but not enough to spend money on them again. I did the same for other jfash too.

>> No.8905587

>get into lolita
>suddenly all cheap lace, satin and crushed velvet looks bad to me
>can't stand most goth any more

>> No.8905723

Ouji is nice. It makes me look like a qt shota. I'm female.

I dressed in it because looking like a qt shota was a fetish at one point, and I still do boystyle/cosplay male characters because fetish.

I do like the fashion and know not to be creepy about muh fetish, but on the inside, I'm just as bad as any fetishistic brolita.

>> No.8905724

Give it up anon, than Yandy Man has already got his claws in her. She's probably sitting on the waifu couch as we speak.

>> No.8905730

I like Sugary Carnival but I just can't be doing with any colourway of Fruits Parlour but mint.

>> No.8906011

I like to make lolita a competitive hobby. It feels dull to me if there isn't some sort of competitor aspect to it. I don't always have to win, but I enjoy a good fight. Whether it be a bid war, or a "who wore it best" kind of thing. I like to see what the other lolis who are on par with my skill are wearing. What elements they bring into their coord. Can I outdo them? How would I have made that coord better?

It's my secret sin

>> No.8906049
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i want a qt gf into the same anime and games as me but everyone i'm ever interested in is either straight or taken

>> No.8906235

i think it is an open secret that many female oujis feel this way. as long as you/they don't bring up how you feel like a kawaii shota/sexy little boy in public no one can complain.

>> No.8906244
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When I first saw this dress I thought those were swastikas.

>> No.8906269

i instantly feel better about my own cosplay when i see someone overweight as the same character. it's a confidence boost in the worst way.

>> No.8906404

I did but none of them helped. I saw a dietitian for a couple years and that is what helped me start getting healthier. My self image is still fucked but I can run a lot farther and don't have anemia anymore

>> No.8906409

Maybe try functional medicine? They focus on mental and physical health simultaneously, and there's a lot less side effects

>> No.8906415

Fuck your mom. Mine was the same way, once I got to college and started wearing what I wanted, she totally lost her power over me. I had friends complimenting me on what I wore and my makeup, and all the shit my mom used to say was less important then. Just focus on what you like and you will feel less ugly. I will never be a boring normalfag wearing ll bean and vineyard vines, and that's OK. If you have sharp features like me, you would look a lot better in an edgy style like himekaji or other types of gyaru than in western preppy stuff

>> No.8906417

Housewife chan makes me feel really good about myself. She's everything I was scared of becoming, and her projection and insecurity is delicious.

>> No.8906435

this reminds me of the raised by narcissists reddit, which is the only reddit i browse because it's so relieving to see that you're not the only one with fucked up parents.
if i get accepted into my dream uni this year, i'll be able to move out and finally be free from the clutches of my overbearing mother. i hope we both improve in regards to our self esteem, anon.

>> No.8906445

m-me too I think I might like girls but I've never been with one

>> No.8906462
File: 33 KB, 160x160, woe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've only ever dated guys in the past, but i know i like girls now. and all i want is a gf to do couple cosplay, watch anime and play games with. the woes of a sad lesbian.

>> No.8906517

Also a gayish gull. I've only dated one guy because we were together for so long and I'm way too passive and afraid of embarrassing myself to ever try to start a relationship with a girl. My ex literally brought me flowers and love notes every other week for 6 months before I even thought he truly liked me.
Ugh. I wish I was more assertive so I could get out of the Friendzone™. I just want a lolita gf. I want someone to appreciate and respect my clothes as much as I do, who'd play dress up and do my hair and read Jane Austen and cuddle to watch movies in bed with me.

>> No.8906581

I can't help but think anyone not white typically looks terrible in classic lolita. Even if a coord is really beautiful, I tend to cringe when someone is just super asian or hispanic in it. It's obviously really awkward when I see really cute asian models for brands like IW, but I can't help but think the one unmatching thing is their face. The brands like JetJ and VM that use a lot of white models seem to be self aware and I feel like it's sort of unspoken, but they know white is preferable for classic among themselves.

I know a girl mixed white and hispanic that really looks neither and weirdly ambiguous who likes classic and a really tiny chubby filipino girl who likes it too. I feel bad, but I've tried to gently push them towards something like softer, easy to coord sweet styles, which I think can suit more people.

>> No.8906614

I really want to wear a jsk without a blouse around town casually when it gets hot. I have been getting more and more into the history of lolita and I have some wide-strapped jsk's from the late 2000s that I remember people used to wear alone.

Am I bad lolita? Should I do this or is it sacrilege when I know it's ita

>> No.8906624

Not gonna touch your racism, because it's probably bait anyway. But i think that you should let your friends wear what they want to wear. I think classic looks much better than sweet on some people.

Just let your friends enjoy themselves.

>> No.8906629

Really, the question is who is going to see and care? If you post everything online and comment about how kawaii and *trueley rori* your outfits are, that's bad. If you're just trying to survive in the heat then who cares about a bit of shoulder? It's perfectly possible to wear lolita dresses in a not-strictly-lolita way without being ita, and blouses aren't really a "rule", just common in the fashion.

>> No.8906642

desu I think you're overgeneralising. for example xylia-x looks great in classic and she's Indian. I mean yeah if you're chubby and unkempt it's gonna look off but that's not because of race, it's because you're sloppy

>> No.8906654

I think generally trying to dress for your body, including your skin color, isn't racism, tumblr. I think sweet can look better with darker skin colors and tan skin can look really great in it.

>> No.8906658


>> No.8906660

Same here. And it made me want it because of that.

>> No.8906664

So saying that only white people look good in classic isn't racist at all?

i realize it's your personal preference or whatever, but it's still kind of shitty to tell your friends they can't do something just because it doesn't fit your personal preference. Because they aren't white.

Don't pull the fucking tumblr card on me, either. That's not an arguement.

>> No.8906668
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I bet u got into lolita for the historical fashion aspect

>> No.8906670
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>> No.8906705

I won't post it but I just feel so ita even contemplating it lol

>> No.8906708

I think scarfing scarves is a bitch and not funny at all.

>> No.8906823
File: 307 KB, 331x468, fruity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, anon. Even if their cosplay is better constructed or their wig is nicer, I still feel a nasty sense of smug superiority about being the objectively more attractive (insert character here).

>> No.8906869

So tempted to post Itas to the ita thread but I care about my comm so I'll just let the frustration intensify.

>> No.8906874

You're going to suffer for a long time if it bothers you that much. Diversity doesn't have time or care for you.

>> No.8907016
File: 14 KB, 200x200, nRqHanp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really cgl related, but fuck you I need to vent

>Widows peak
>Eyes are always bloodshot
I have chronic dry eyes to the point where I have prescription eye drops and punctal plugs in my ducts. Still no good. All screens have flux and on pretty low brightness settings. Still red.
>Pale Skin + Dark Androgenic Hairs
I tweeze the fuck out of them, it's so satisfying holy shit. Thinking about laser but it's so expensive.
>Brows could use some shaping
>Mild fluorosis

>> No.8907027

Yes, keep it to yourself. CSA is one of those things truly triggering, not in the tumblr sense of the word, for those with childhood sexual trauma. Just be careful around people you aren't sure are comfortable with it.

>> No.8907034

I kind of agree though I'd never admit to it outside of 4chan. There's just something so awkward about girls with clearly PoC features wearing classic. Especially black and Hispanic girls in classic make me kind of uncomfortable.
It's not about the skin tone because I think darker skinned girls can look nice in most styles and like anon mentioned, Xylia really rocks classic in jewel tones. It's more about facial features for me. Xylia would look like a somewhat exotic white girl if she had lighter skin, she doesn't have that big nose/square face/tiny forehead/borderline unibrow that most other Indian women have.

On the other hand I think Asian girls look best in sweet even if they're kind of ugly. White girls only look good in sweet if they have a baby face.

>> No.8907036

>On the other hand I think Asian girls look best in sweet even if they're kind of ugly. White girls only look good in sweet if they have a baby face.
Infantalism 101

>> No.8907040

Not gonna deny it. Sweet lolita is pretty infantile to start with so the more youthful your face, the better you look in it.

>> No.8907052

Be my friend anon! I never realised I wanted something like this!

>> No.8907053

I got Yumemiru Macaron and Fruit Parlor apron and even Dreamy Dollhouse and i looove them anon don't listen to them and rock it.

>> No.8907056

Kek this i feel the same it's truly delicious

Also so many gay gulls i feel less alone.
I am with my sweet girlfriend since two years now. I tried dating boys before but i wouldnt feel good and never wanted to do the sex because male bodies...kinda gross me out? A female body is so much more comfortable and pretty to me.

>> No.8907064

i wish i could enjoy vaginas. i am attracted to women in every other way, i just get grossed out by pussy.

>tfw no affectionate but asexual lolita gf

>> No.8907072

Agreed, I think she tries too hard to be funny
After Carly was the 'CGL accepted' lolita YouTuber, I think she tried to replicate that but she just comes across as the generic nerd girl trying to be edgy and different
>inb4 she says 'I'm not like other girls'

>> No.8907089

Hey at least they're cheap now! I'm looking for strawberry AP from the 2007-10 era (Fruity Cafe in black, 2007 Strawberry Chiffon in black, the Ichigo Millefeuille cutsew and Milky Berry in white...)

>> No.8907115

> male, but transgender and on herbal junk
> generally want to be androgynously pretty/femininely(?) handsome
> always oddly envious of a lot of the dressier cosplayers or people in EGL at cons
> recently feel like I want to get into some cgl stuff (gothic lolita, ouji, EGA, this all seems interesting) myself

... okay, not really a confession, but it feels like one to me. I never cosplayed before and I never actually had any experience with fashion in general - hell, I hate clothes shopping - so it feels like a weird jump.
I always liked gothic styles a lot in general and I feel like I can appreciate the themes presented in such subcultures. My body shape changing and nearly being 24 probably makes me feel more confident and dire respectively.
I don't know if I can handle the attention or if I'd really look that great in it, but in the meantime I'm figuring out makeup and doing an awful lot of reading and research to figure out where to start otherwise.
... I still don't know where to start, especially as a male(?), but I'll just lurk the board and 'brolita' threads more and likely never follow through with it out of fear and doubt.
Maybe I'll try wearing something to a con and hope I don't get entirely mocked in the process; this shit is scary.

Uhh, to be a bit more on topic:

> secretly desire cgl female friend to learn from and dress up with and be experimented upon by and do synchronized crossplay with and maybe enjoy sharing cringey dumb yuri-esque platonic-romantic fantasies with
> realize that I'd be more likely to be forced into mentally scarring sexual yaoi fantasies by crazies instead or get obnoxious attention from a sex I have zero interest in or just generally fetishized for being a 'trap'/having a type of genitalia I loathe and want absolute nothing to do with than that
> then realize I should be more worried about just being an ugly red-flag-setter in general

>> No.8907184

That's an ok secret to have. I don't agree, but yeah, it's ok to think that way.

Please just don't try and manipulate your freinds, that's shitty,

>> No.8907193
File: 217 KB, 480x270, 234435354367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never have a D&D session with all lolitas
>will never go to the ren faire wearing aatp ragnarok with other lolitas wearing related coords

why live

>> No.8907198

even my own vag grosses me out for whatever reason...i just can't get over em they're too weird

>> No.8907200

Yes, let's be friends! (sorry for the late reply, I totally forgot I'd posted this...)

>> No.8907209

I go to cons with my bros to laugh at people like this board desu. Never buy anything, but have a lot of cheeky giggles.

>> No.8907211

stupid tumblr 'ftm's should be banned from /cgl/.

>> No.8907213

I think it's a mtf actually at least that's how I understood it

>> No.8907214

I had a dream last night that I was talking to a bunch of itas before an AP fashion show and they were saying that Milky Fawn was an ita and couldn't dress to save her life. I don't even like Milky Fawn that much but it was infuriating hearing these itas in hot topic lacey mini skirts talk shit

>> No.8907225

>even my own vag grosses me out for whatever reason...
you have some emotional maturing to do, that's all

>> No.8907478

I started losing weight just to spite my friend. She's prettier than me, but even if I am a butterface I'll still be thinner.

>> No.8907503

A few years ago I stirred shit with the local comms online. I hadn't joined either comm at the time but it was fun to watch everything play out and see how pathetic everyone was about it.

I feel a little bad about it, but the group who cried and moaned about it since disbanded, and since they were all ita I can't help but feel a little good.

>> No.8907522

I want to kill myself, but I don't know which is the quickest and painless. I would sell my whole closet, but I don't know what to do with the cosplays. I guess just toss them out.

>> No.8907571

Her one long straight piece of hair on the side of her face confuses and annoys the hell out of me

>> No.8907586

I hate hime cuts, I've seen them on so many people and think they look like shit. Please no bully, I would never say this outside of this thread since people seem to somehow think they look good.

>> No.8907590

I've only ever seen them look good on people with pitch black hair who don't have chub faces, but other than that they generally look awful.

>> No.8907657

I know this isn't the dream dress thread but there's a 2007 Strawberry Chiffon in black going for sale on Wunderwelt
>I have it in white and it's a truly amazing dress.

To keep on topic, my confession is that the new girls in the comm are driving me up the wall with their stupidity
>New Girl (NG) asks about petticoats
>We send her 3 different guides so she'll have all the information
>One is even illustrated
>Veteran also takes the time to explain everything to her
>Give NG petticoat 101 for over an hour
>NG starts posting links asking "Is this a cupcake petticoat?"
>It says A-line right in the link description
>Do they not teach kids shapes and reading comprehension these days?
>Keeps asking questions that are answered really well in the guides we already linked
>Just RTFM already.

>NG2 is super cringy
>Decides to be a handmade lolita
>Because "I can't find anything to fit me :T^T"
>Quite a few girls in the comm are way bigger then her and dress just fine
>Complains she can't lose weight because she'll faint
>NG2 posts a WiP of a dress
>It's definitely a dress is the only good thing I can say about it
>Bad fabric, B&W, heart apron mess
>Doesn't even fit her properly
>Comm members gently suggest some concrit such as looking at actual lolita dresses, getting some better fabric, etc
>Also post that there are plenty of things that'd fit her and that there are even places that do custom sizing
>NG2 becomes super passive aggressive
>Starts answering everyone with a image of herself and writing
>"You know what... Ill stay with it, and the one I sew... Maybe I'll do with it something alse. If not the I'll throw it away..."
>Itas swarm to comfort her because "It was handmade you guys! Stop being so mean UwU"

>> No.8907676

truly the most horrific part of the story

>> No.8907731

i browse here because looking at cute clothes makes me less depressed, i don't even spend 500$ within 4+ months for anything for myself (not including rent and food).

>> No.8907807

please more info i can't find a thing on this.

>> No.8907816

go to the damn farm!

>> No.8907832
File: 161 KB, 1428x818, Dracula-Prince-of-Darkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should cosplay this.

>> No.8907836

>I just want a lolita gf. I want someone to appreciate and respect my clothes as much as I do, who'd play dress up and do my hair and read Jane Austen and cuddle to watch movies in bed with me.
Wow I might experiment if I could achieve this too, no guy would EVER do this.

>> No.8907843

i'm going to be boo'ed for this but what's the farm?

>> No.8907921

My exbf did all these things, but he was also crazy and tried to get me to kill myself with him.

>> No.8908216

OP of that huge rant and feeling a lot better after getting it all out and reading reponses. Checking if everyone is still around.

I'd love to get my band removed and go for gastric bypass, what was your experience with it and what was the weightloss like? I've had my band so fucked (Something got caught) that I needed to have it totally deflated before I could even drink water.

I'm so sorry that happened, that's the worst. Binge-purging with a band must be awful. I'm dreading to see my dentist because my normal, careful eating still results in me having to throw up and I'm worried about my stomach acid on my teeth. When it gets bad I take nexium to stop the acid as best I can, though.

I'm all up for exchanging throwaway emails if you're still here!

>pick one
It's the worst. Whenever I go out clubbing I use fake tan and feel so much better about myself for it, but I am afraid of being too tanned because lolita is one of the only things I get super excited about.
I have a thyroid issue, yup, but didn't want to be the fatty crying 'muh thyroid'. I am on tablets for it, but they seem to do sweet fa.

>> No.8908239

I know the cutest, most beautiful girl in the universe and I want to steal her away from her boyfriend. Problem is, I don't even know if she's bi and they seem perfectly happy together, I feel so conflicted when I see them being so happy. It's upsetting and I don't know what to do.

Cgl related because she's been receptive to the idea of doing cosplays together and we both really want to twin together. At this point though I don't know whether I should cut all contact and try to forget about her or what.

>> No.8908266

Do what billions of other people do every day; Stop being a creep and just be her fucking friend.

>> No.8908519

I already have a lolita wardrobe that I'm happy with and that I wear...but sometimes I just want to buy Gather Chiffon in every colorway that it was released in so I can be like that Chinese girl with her Bless from Michael collection in all the colorways. I wouldn't even wear half of them, but I just want to line them up in a cute closet with matching shoes, blouses and accessories.

>> No.8908524

Sometimes my period is so bad I have to wear adult diapers and I usually have to wear Lolita or Vintage to cover it up with the giant petticoats. I feel like a gross ageplayer because of it but it's the only thing I can do since I still live with my family and can't get medication for it.

>> No.8908532

God are all lesbians this fucking creepy and predatory?

>> No.8908536 [DELETED] 

Heavy drugs x alcohol is the key. You don't feel anything and don't have enough reflexes to save yourself, so it's easy to drown or hang yourself. I would've died painlessly if someone didn't took me out of the water.
I had packages to send anyway, cleaning the wardrobe and all. Wouldve been a dick move to the buyers.
>no close lolita friend to help sell my wardrobe when I'll go

>> No.8908552

google search lolcow

I'm bi and nah, I do dream/imagine about some of my confirmed bi friends breaking up with their dickwad boyfriends and getting closer with me but nothing this fucking weird

here's my confession, I'm probably that annoying newfag who believes she can become the best cosplayer/lolita ever and won't have an ita/shit phase, but in reality will forever be stuck in it and won't realise it or change anything about it

>> No.8908567

Please buy tampons.

>> No.8908991

But I don't want to lose my virginity...

>> No.8909091

Such a waste of money

>> No.8909098

I don't think tampons are going to work if the flow is so heavy she needs diapers

>> No.8909385

>make 1am trip to Walmart
>on the way, see car with major sparks flying out from under it
>wonder wtf but continue on since it looked like he had buddies to help
>come back around 3
>bent as fuck stop sign with street names still on the heavy ass post in the middle of the lane
>go about a mile up the road
>think "...no. I know this road, there's something in the road, but that's not another sign, it can't be another sign. What are the poss - fuck it is."
>another stop sign in the middle of the road
>come to the last intersection before home
>a third goddamned stop sign felled by this maniac
>jokingly say to hubby, "Well, if you'd pick up all of them, you'd have an epic Fallout armor suit"
>30 min later, we now own three stop signs and ten street signs
>now planning matching Armor

TL;DR - we're now criminals for stealing signs for cosplay

To conclude the story:
>examine one of the signs when we get home
>it's all scratched up and the one side looks like it was ground down
>realize the guy we saw with the Sparks had hit the sign and drug it almost a full mile
>got back in the car and spent about another hour Scooby Doo-ing this "mystery"
>so far, we think it was one guy completely drunk off his ass
>he hit four stop signs (we missed one because of the way we took home), went off the road twice, and side swiped a guard rail
>we think it was someone on our road because the oil trail ends at one of the houses

>> No.8909438

I feel the same as you, i dress still black and sometimes casual gothic but i miss it because it was my first fashion style, i did in the past with a more weeb vibe but now i have money, i wear black but i sorta deviated from it for general jfashion and otome. I want to wear more colors, i have all my daily items pink and kawaii themed with My Melody or Korilakkuma. I love to see goth sites, listen to darker music but i feel so ungoth haha. It's hard to integrate my dark and light styles, very hard. I should wear gothic lolita to get back into it.
>mfw i have just sweet
I don't really like that nu-goth style, it's so boring and hipsterish that seems everyone and also my mom would wear it, i know how you feel about plainer goth styles. Give me gothic lolita or frilly darker fashion everytime.

>> No.8909531

It's not like I go to every random-ass local con. I go to the couple big ones each year partly because I enjoy nerd culture, but also because I enjoy laughing at nerd culture more.

And there's nothing like sharing that experience with friends.

>> No.8909565

Me too anon.

Not really a fan of the classic-sweet style that's popular right now... at least not on me.

Milky Berry is forever my favorite dress and I'm considering getting it in a second colorway. Something about those bright red berries and polka dots! Today's berry prints are too busy and don't give me the same feeling...

Yumemiru Macaron is also really nice, and the more recent carnival prints don't compare to sugary carnival in my eyes.

I try to style these kinds of dresses in a retro/vintage sort of way so they don't come off as childish.

>> No.8909614

Get your ass to a planned parenthood and get some birth control. You clearly need help with your flow, that sounds awful. You don't need your parents permission.

>> No.8909617

As other anon said, Planned Parenthood. They have sliding scales if you can't afford the regular price.

>> No.8909646

I mean some people may butch and moan online about tanning and lolita but I've never actually seen a problem with it. I think the *special white snowflake* lolita type disintegrated like two years ago. If tanning makes you feel better, I say go for it. And I hope your doctor can find the correct thyroid medication for you

>> No.8909653

I wish I could erase my entire past and just die.
I was never meant to be here and I do my hardest to make the best of it but I'm so tired. I don't even want to start over anymore I want to be completely obliterated from the universe

>> No.8909669
File: 773 KB, 500x361, huggu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things will get better, anon~

Don't give up quite yet.

>> No.8909941 [DELETED] 

Heres one for the long haul. Bear with me. I throatfucked a dog I hate. I do this atleast once a month, and I hate myself for it. Its not even that pleasureable, I just resist the temptation for as long as possible bu I always end up doing it. I'm a self aware person, which means I recognize how much of a shit I am This dog is old, everyones too busy to really do anything but feed her, shes played with almost no one for a long time, and shes kept in a smallish(6 by 7 meter area) place most of the day. I just get hopped up on so much sexual things(I masturbate 7-10 times a day, searching out large varieties of porn, but I draw the lines at guro, scat, and CP, I HATE them with a passion) that I work myself up to getting the dog(shes not even mine per se, but the families but no one really cares for her but me-and at that I just give her food and water usually) hump her mouth and adjust as fast as I can. But today, I fucked up. I fucked up badly giving me a stark realization of what the fuck am I doing. While trying to hold her head I snapped one of her teeth(shes old, so no surprise there)but it made me realize what the fuck was I doing? I finished, just that there, watching her swallow her blood and partly broken tooth, and stared at the blood on my penis. What the fuck is wrong with me? I've always been a decent person, I've tried to have a moral life. I always donate, give, always offer a shoulder for talking or crying, I try to help everyone with anything, I try my best to do right and be fair to everyone. I don't engage in illct activities, I've always maintained a 3.1 GPA, I've tried to be a good brother and son. My failings are that I'm under achieving, loud, sometimes blunt to the point of insensitivity(but I always apologize if they take offense and always try to make sure I'm away from boundaries). I'm religious, not the best(I'm not saying which) but I always try to be a good human being. What the fuck am I?

>> No.8909967

I don't like brolitas. I'm not upset that they want to dress Lolita or think they shouldn't or anything like that but I really don't want to talk to them, sit by them at meets or ever hang out with them. I have a male friend who wants to get into Lolita and I do NOT want to give him any advice or help at all but I can't figure out how to tell him without totally discouraging him.

>> No.8909979 [DELETED] 

>I don't engage in illct activities
>I throatfucked a dog I hate.

1/10. Got me to reply.

>> No.8909990 [DELETED] 

Not sure if bait or what, but when people mistreat animals, I get angry. What the actual fuck. This is straight up cruel and animal abuse. All that shit at the end about the things you do to be a good person don't mean shit. You sound like one of those sociopaths who goes through the motions and does what he thinks people expect of him to be a good person, but in the end it's all for show. This is who you really are. This tortured creature needs a fucking vet and to get the fuck away from you. You yourself need psych help. Something is wrong, whether it's misplaced anger or rage or just sexual deviancy, I don't know. I hope someone throatfucks you because they hate you, and when you chip your tooth, think about how much of a shitty excuse for a person you are. Stay away from children because they're next and anything that is vulnerable and can't defend themselves.

>> No.8909992 [DELETED] 

I usually don
t engage in illicit activities of most nature. I don't steal, I try not to hurt others, I don't do drugs. This is the only fucked up thing I do.

>> No.8910002 [DELETED] 

Masturbating that often and animal abuse/beastiality are 2 big signs you've got a psychological issue. Seek professional help. Immediately.

>> No.8910016 [DELETED] 

I hope this is bait but if not, please admit yourself to the mental hospital.

>> No.8910019 [DELETED] 

I'm terrified going to a psychologist is somehow going to make things worse. I'm terrified of saying this stuff out loud. And I believe I even have enough funds to pay for a psychologist. There are no major traumas in my life, no huge disaster, its a steady semi liberal middle class life. Decent school. But I've always been somewhat of a social pariah. That changed in high school but for most of my life I was terrible at socialization. Sometimes pushy, sometimes very withdrawn. I could go from overexcited to reading for hours, or just not trying to talk to anyone. I was never into what most people were into, not even mainstream stuff like sports. When I discovered internet porn, almost nothing was left out except for the 3 I mentioned our of sheer revulsion. I literally could not get an erection when I saw/read those things. I would say about half my day dreams are sexual in nature, and often times I go to sleep thinking of lurid sexual stuff. I know something is fucked up. I know something is off with me in many ways. I'm so much different from everyone around me, not the great way more like a terrifying self introspection of "why am I so different".

>> No.8910030 [DELETED] 

That's not to say sexual thoughts/desires/actions take up my life. A portion, but I sped most of my days with video games, history books, and scifi. I needed to make that confession to get it out my chest. My days are consumed by school and work. With every other animal I have no sexual desire at all. I have a cat I've never even thought of doing anything too. I've learned how to be a better socializer, and I've made friends with the most caring people In the world I would die for. But this fucked up part of my life is making me slink downwards. This was only recent, from November. I had a few stray thoughts before that, but never acted on them. But now its like pandoras box has been opened and I try to resist so hard but it always ends up being atleast once a month I do it.

>> No.8910033 [DELETED] 

Give the poor dog away so it won't have to be tortured by you anymore and get yourself a fleshlight as well as therapy. I really fucking hope this is bait.

>> No.8910038 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately this isn't bait, I would have given my life savings to make it bait. But its not, its my life.

>> No.8910103

Fits essentially all criteria 10/10

>> No.8910114 [DELETED] 

Please commit seppuku asap

>> No.8910197 [DELETED] 

Justification and compartmentalizations are just two more signs that something is off the rails in your head. Go get help. And yes, get the dog out of your life, surrender it to a no-kill shelter if you have to but you need help. Now.

>> No.8910201

Work on your faults, maximize your good points and get to changing into who and what you want to be now. Change takes time and you are just wasting it by wishing your life away.

>> No.8910207

I don't count my clothes. I think it's a weird people fall into in this fashion. I don't count my other types of clothes I buy so why would I count my lolita things?

>> No.8910209

So...they still have he private and you are a salty bitter person. This helps you how?

>> No.8910211


>> No.8910214

The Society for Creative Anachronism likely has a nearby chapter. They are more RL historical re-enactment based but a lot of the people are really into these same things as well.

>> No.8910216

>can't tell if bait but just in case
And take birth control. It makes your periods lighter. It saves me from horrendous, vomit-inducing cramps.

>> No.8910217

You messy-chans posting ^ should do konmari.

>> No.8910235

I'm so done with most Marvel cosplayers in my country. I just want to cosplay cool comic book stuff with people but none of them read comics and if you offer to help them get started the just say it's "too hard", even the ones who claim they want to start. And the other girls worship this Captain America who wears an ill-fitting, bought suit and does nothing about his face but he's a semi-attractive male so he's obviously better than anyone else.

>> No.8910244

Are you me?
The female body is so pretty.
Derp, I've sometimes been turned off by looking at my own hoohaa.

>> No.8910327

I want to become e-famous and make money through creating stuff on the internet instead of having a conventional job. I constantly am posting and making things to post online but my actual job wears me down and gets in the way so much that I cause myself to lose sleep when I make myself produce more.
On top of that I feel incredibly guilty and shameful about posting about myself or linking any of my sites anywhere because I've been so beat down by people over it in the past. There are so many mental hurdles I need to get over to achieve what I want and I feel like I'm running out of time constantly as I get older. I also get people telling me that it's stupid and I can never make it work so I don't exactly have a lot of support from those around me.

>> No.8910337

I don't think very many people get turned on by their own genitals, gay or not.

>> No.8910362

Are you me? I'm so done with conic cosplay. There are so many TV and movie cosplayers, 50 Spideys and Deadpools but no real comic cosplayers. And certainly no other girls Cosplaying from comics. They're all Cosplaying Jessica Jones and Black Widow.

>> No.8910367

guys typically love their own dicks, they don't get as grossed out by them as women do.

>> No.8910486

And when they do cosplay from other comics, they get called a fake nerd girl. For some odd reason...

>> No.8910566

We're out there! I basically exclusively cosplay comics characters. Even at comic conventions I don't always get recognized, although it makes it that much better when people do recognize me and lose their mind.

>> No.8910593

Are you just a cosplayer, or a lolita too? Don't be sad anon. Things don't get better, but it does get easier to handle the weight on your shoulders.

>> No.8910602 [DELETED] 


>> No.8910603

I girl I hate uses Ask.fm. she also hates spoilers.

So when I know she's looking forward to something I send her every spoiler I can find. She has gotten extremely mad and very upset about it nearly every time. She doesn't know it's me and I sit there laughing myself into oblivion because she is a horrible person that doesn't deserve to enjoy things.

>> No.8910612

My Confession:
I'm the type of person you'd see in the bad cosplay thread. I'm trying to change that, as I keep practicing and looking at tutorials in order to get better, but for a while I /will/ be the type of person posted in those threads.
I'm partly not even ashamed because even if my cosplay isn't 100% perfect, its the fact that I made something when I could've just bought it. The fact that I took a long time to turn something 2D into a reality. Plus, I can always edit costumes to look better once I have the actual skill. But I do get self-concious sometimes because of my craftsmenship but its unfortunate I can't really change that until I get better at sewing/crafting/makeup.

>> No.8910693

the bad cosplay thread's best purpose is to give examples of what to avoid. some people use them just to mock others, but fuck those guys. this is a board full of hobbyists who want to be good at their hobby, and examples of bad cosplays can be useful tools to that end.

tl;dr don't take it personally. keep improving. remember that most people posted to those threads tried their best and hopefully are still getting better. don't judge them beyond the level of craftsmanship (i.e., don't judge them as people, just focus on the work), and remember most people with better skills than you aren't judging you either, even if they can easily spot areas to improve. in fact, a lot of us feel very nostalgic/affectionate when we see a lot of work going into an imperfect labor of love.

>> No.8910696

>tfw my tl;dr is longer than the first paragraph

writing is hard

>> No.8911185

Me too, anon. Problem is, nobody will tell you about the quick and painless way if there even is one. What causes your desire?

>> No.8911221

I can't tell if I'm really depressed or just really fucking lazy but I don't want to do anything or see anything, much less work on cosplay. I feel a little sorry to my friends I had cosplay plans with but not that sorry.

>> No.8911476

Are you me?
I have thoughts of my past and actions I took and it makes me so deeply loathe myself.
I just want to make it without having to go on three hours of sleep a night, sometimes nothing but a half hour nap.
I despise not working on myself and my desired future.
While I'm at my day job, I hate being there so much that I literally start to mentally shut down. I could fall asleep standing up.
I know that if I just keep going that something good should happen.
But when you are isolated and all you see is yourself, your 9-5 and your secret life of study, it starts to break you down.
I really am exhausted. Mentally and physically.

>> No.8911490

i tell my comm i'm asexual, but i'm really just terrified of intimacy and i hate myself.

jfash lets me look good and scare off potential partners. my heart is cocooned by brand.

>> No.8911526

A guy offered me 8000 USD to have sex with him and I accepted.
...I guess I'm officially a whore but I'll be covered in brand

>> No.8911529

Tell me where to find a guy like that anon

>> No.8911535

What's going through your mind?
Do you just not care anymore?
Or is it that you don't think sex is that big of a deal?

How far will you go for money?
Where do you draw the line or is there even one?
You do this and there's no going back.
Just saying, I hope you enjoy doing porn.

>> No.8911550
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I've been studying Japanese and even though there's a handful of Japanese people in my city, there's nobody to practice and converse with. The people I see are either married women with kids or students that don't want to talk to strangers.

>> No.8911589

I have as only and one job reselling kawaii stuff but to be honest it's really hard to do a living with them unless you are more skillful with online selling and marketing.
I'm happier with myself but still i fear intimacy, at my age i never had a long term relationship nor i'm interested to one night stands/random sexual partners, people think i'm asexual or lesbian lol. At least we have lolita and that isn't that bad, at least make us happy.

>> No.8911795

I mean, everybody's got a price, I do feel a bit cheap about doing it for 8000 but its a guy I've known for a long time and I feel confortable enough with him to accept his offer
Whatever happens happens, I know my body and I know its not half bad, if I end up being a pornstar I'll be looking foward to read all of the secrets you guys are going to make

>> No.8911887

This sounds weird.
He just randomly says that he wants to fuck your brains out then offers you 8k after knowing you for a while?

He sounds obsessive.

>> No.8911916

He was my teacher so he couldn't ask me while we were taking class together I guess? Anyway, if I end up dead it was nice knowing you gulls

>> No.8911994


idk anon, I wouldn't have sex with a guy so desperate he has to pay 8k for it. He probably has an STD or something.

>> No.8911997

Thank you.

>> No.8912004

I'll make him get tested and use a rubber but maybe I'll pass... Thanks for your concern, if I do it I'll post about it on the next thread

>> No.8912151

Would have also turned criminal for fallout.

>> No.8912320

I literally had to go to Japan to speak japanese. I'm too shy to ask the Japanese students at my university to converse with me. It's hard to make friends as an adult.

>> No.8912348

sweet lolita isnt "infantile"

>> No.8912656

Get the money up front anon. No pussy until you see that $$.

>> No.8914202
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> tfw when the nerve hits when azn fuckboiz holla. You know that they know that you are a kawaii yellow fever weeb out with their friends and wear jfashion in some form everyday. You have an azn husbando, and husbando is much better than fuckboiz.

I also hate the random adds from Japanese guys on facebook that have some sick white girl in lolita fashion adds.

Please stop adding me, you dont participate in the fashion!

>> No.8914205

I hope I read 8,000, not $80.Lol.

You go brand whore. Hussle.

>> No.8914330

Sometimes I get really jealous at people who cosplay the same things as me, but have prettier faces. Makes me think I will never be pretty no matter how much makeup I cake onto my face.

>> No.8914656

I'll fess up.

I'm totally neutral and indifferent when it comes to other lolitas, if their prettier/uglier/rich/modest/efame Senpais etc, it doesn't phase me in the slightest.

But, this one lolita, irks me a little. She's frail/fragile due to some sort of illness, (yeah I know you're all thinking I'm a dick right now but stay with me) so she doesn't do much and her mother and grandmother looks after her like a princess and buys her brands all the time. Her spouse is some tech big shot and he showers her with brand as well.

Idk, it's like:
> "I'm ill, going through so much, recovering in my big ivory tower"
> Oh yikes, get well soon!
> "uh-huh, but look at what everybody got me, so much burando to go with my helplessness"
> *stress veins* that's fortunate haha...feel better soon!

Yeah, it's a mix of do I give her sympathy or she seems to be doing pretty well on one side. Like super duper well.

>> No.8914827

What's wrong with her? Is it really something serious or is it something she's milking for sympathy?

>> No.8914851

Yeah, I wonder too.
I'm currently housebound for a while due to illness and my interests pretty much go 80% over to clothes, fashion, and lolita. Getting shit and showing it off takes minimal effort and gets some attention from peeps without actually having to strain oneself.

>> No.8915208

It's not anything terminal, more stomach/diet related.

Yeah it feels like milking for sympathy and bragging about getting brand gifts left right and centre without any occasions.

>> No.8915982

>I like my jsk's being about a 5 fingers above my knees. I know it is too short but I feel like it makes my legs look more shapely and :. more elegant.
>Unpopular opinion- I think playing card suits added to prints that are non- playing card or alice themed ruin all potentially great prints and outfits. It makes me feel like lolita's look like a bunch of casino junkies or fanaticising about 'being alice' adding to the 'costume perceptions' people have about lolitas.

>> No.8916003

People think I have an eating disorder and am a snobby, elitist bitch because I don't eat or eat/ drink very little at meets. People have gossiped about me being a fat shaming cunt and whenever a 'this girl is fat and ugly' post comes up on /cgl/ or btb about a comm member I get blamed for it.

In reality I have very severe IBS and I recently had my gallbladder removed which has made my 'digestive control' even worse. I can't eat and sometimes even drink water without having to go to the bathroom immediately after, and I've messed myself on a few occasions (not at meets).

I would tell people about it but I sounded the waters with some comm members but their reaction was pretty much "ew gross" when the slightest mention of bowel function.

My confession is that I am seriously considering adult diapers just in case I have an accident at a meet so I can eat and drink. But then I am scared people will find out some time and use it against me as they seem to think those horrible things about me anyways. And even then people will still know if I mess myself as the 'ambiance' will change for the worse.

Sorry. That was a bit more of a "feels post" I just feel pretty depressed right now.

>> No.8916102
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>I hate this board more than any board dedicated to real trolling. It's a bunch of oily, skinnyfat bitches who try being cunts to each other because muh spirit of 4chan, muh tumblr but actually get so butthurt about other opinions they get their janitors to ban/delete things they don't like. I've have my posts deleted and my threads deleted, you can say what you want about r9k or pol, but they do not delete posts, even if they don't want to see them because the fun is in shitposting. Stop acting like you're not tumblr, this place is an edgy fucking hugbox and I'm pissed I still come here because the makeup tips and wig bgame ridiculous. I hate you fat bitches so much.

> I think that Venus Angelic is still the baddest bitch in the game right now, anzujaamu is cute, but Venus is more polished these days. It's also nice that she plays off of being awkward and creepy her videos. Her boyfriend is a cuck, though.

> Beckiicruel isn't cute enough to be a doll. She's cute as a normie, but in lolita she looks like a girl in doll dresses, which means she failed. I don't understand her followers. Her look is just so wrong and I don't see any variation with her make up.

> I used to love Dakota, but she's not as pretty to me anymore. I guess she isn't cute to Japan either, since they clearly dropped her ass.

> I wish K-fashion could catch on here, the outfits are insane, more variation than J-fashion these days.