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8886516 No.8886516 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that thread back around 12/2015 complaining about lace market and anons stating to make a new website? My significant other and I are willing to attempt to make a new website for lolitas (and possibly other j-fashions?) to sell their stuff on.

I want to hear from you guys. Would you be interested in a new website? What do you want to see in this new website?

>> No.8886589

What combined skills do you have, that will ensure that it will actually be good.

Thing I would like to see most
>Bowsing items by country option

>> No.8886596

I feel like this discussion happens ad nauseum but nothing ever comes of it, so pleeeaaaseee be serious!

I really like LM's sort by color option, and it might be nice to have a sort by theme as well. I remember trying to search for star patterned items on LM and using the search term "star" and just getting a zillion BTSSB listings.

Maybe a notification system that lets you know when items that you're interested in become available, and of course favoriting items (and maybe even users?)

Better notifications of messages and comments.

Other jfashions would be awesome too, I'm tired of using fbook for buying.

>> No.8886609

I love the idea of being able to sort by pattern!
Honestly the only thing I can think of right now:
>good mods/screening system to make sure no normie crap gets in

>> No.8886633

It really would be great to be able to sell all jfashions in one place. Tbh I just really want a reliable website more than anything. It might be a good idea to find out who has the skills to help run the site

>> No.8886647

A website to buy all j-fashion would be great. I don't like using facebook and I would like a platform where I can buy gyaru, v-kei etc..

Suggestions to include:
Browse by country.
Browse by brand.
Feedback (duh)

I hope someone goes ahead and does this project. I think it would be great for us outsiders who are into j-fash but aren't interested in a community

>> No.8886655

I want to see other currency options. As a Eurofag I'm not fucking interested in having to sell in dollarydoos or having to fear the buyer accusing me as a scammer because the converted price in Euros varies from what they thought they would have to pay in dollars.

>> No.8886676

Browsing by country would be great and even greater if there is an option for EU countries because of the taxes

It would be nice to have other jfashions as well but it would be more difficult to keep out replicas.

>> No.8886734

All I really want is for the website to be supported by the creator. I don't want it to be forgotten about like Lacemarket often seems to be. I don't care if I have to pay a small listing fee (obviously prefer not to, kek) if it means the website will always be running well.

>> No.8886755

Lacemarket's features are fine imo, but:
- should actually work
- filter by country
- tags (like tagging a star print "stars", etc)
- should actually work
- should have mods that actually moderate
- messaging system that isn't shit

>> No.8886791

Adding the max measurements (bust, waist, hip, length, arm length) as parameters might be kind of nice. That way people can put in their own measurements as a filter and search for things that will actually fit them.

Of course the downside is that you'd have to be dependent on sellers properly filling in these entries honestly and accurately.

Buyers would also have to be honest with their own measurements as well, and accept that a piece which needs to be maxxed-out in shirring won't necessarily look good on them.

>> No.8886797

Three strike policy on posting non-Lolita items or replicas. Sick of seeing that shit on lm.

>> No.8886800


do you have any experience building full stack web applications?

because if you don't, then don't bother

>> No.8886819

she does (assuming it's the same person who made a thread about it on G+).

I'll go ahead and copy in the ideas that were posted in the earlier discussion about this
>Automated tracking information + ease of shipping label printing, a la eBay.
>Secure trades, i.e. mutual accountability in trading--both users print shipping labels and send once trade is confirmed.
>Automatically add stock photos to listings.
>Reminder emails to increase communication between buyers and sellers.
>Better organization of listing information; compel buyers to read sellers' terms of sale before bidding.
>Better search/sort features. Why can't I sort by ascending price?
>Better categorization. Improve listing screens so that sellers can categorize listings more accurately.

measurements could be pulled straight from lolibrary (which would link into the stock photo idea from above), with possibility to note if it runs small/large/true to stock sizes.

>> No.8886825

Please and thank you. Also, get someone who knows a thing or two about good QA to test the shit out of it.

Features I would like to see:
- ability to filter between inactive auctions (won vs expired)
- better image uploaded dear god
- the ability to rearrange the image order and change orientation (lacemarket has flipped my images before)
- notification system within the site
- watchlist
- better rating / feedback system

>> No.8886845

TFW there is only 3-4 users from your country who are selling something lolita related.>>8886655

>> No.8886849

We need a website for all lolita activities desu. Facebook is not a great place to host regional lolita communities. I would love to see a multi-use website with social media-lite capabilities where we could all migrate.

>> No.8886851

We don't need it. The Lolita community has nothing to benefit from something like that anymore. It's more trouble than its worth.

>> No.8886873

So I would say I have the knowledge of the fashion and what the community wants/needs. Of course, we would be taking a lot of advice and suggestions from anyone who's interested. As for my boyfriend, he was pondering out loud and he said he'd host it on his web server while it's in development then get a dedicated server once it goes live, probably java spring (or just jersey) for some of the backend functionality, which will run in tomcat, mysql database seems the best route, simplistic front end, will obviously rely heavily on jquery, and may settle with some bootstrap stuff to make things look pretty, which will help with making it mobile friendly as well. He's never worked with paypal apis, but he says it shouldn't be too difficult to pick up if we need to incorporate any of that stuff into the site.

>> No.8886876


>I really like LM's sort by color option, and it might be nice to have a sort by theme as well. I remember trying to search for star patterned items on LM and using the search term "star" and just getting a zillion BTSSB listings.

Ah, yes that would be a great idea actually. I've actually run into that myself trying to search for something specific.

>Maybe a notification system that lets you know when items that you're interested in become available, and of course favoriting items (and maybe even users?)

Those are some of the things we are planning to implement.

>Better notifications of messages and comments.

We are considering something similar to Facebook notifications (along with e-mail notifications and maybe down the line, SMS notifications)

>> No.8886878

Yes, that's what I see is the main problem. I would like to hear your guys' suggestions in regards to how to judge if someone is capable of being a good mod? We unfortunately do not know anyone that will be interested in being a mod so we would have to reach out to people we do not know.

>> No.8886883

You are right about the downside. However, I wonder if we could have something where we pool in everyone's max measurements on a specific dress and listing it as average?

>> No.8886884

Don't worry, we'll definitely implement that. That has driven me insane.

>> No.8886885

Yes we do.

>> No.8886887

Nope, I'm not that same person. I do like the ideas you posted here however and will implement these.

>> No.8887632


oh wow I don't even know where to begin to tell you how this is terrible. Is your boyfriend some sophomore CS major?

>java spring
>building a respectable web app out of java at all
>it is 2016 and people are still considering tomcat
>mysql when nosql or sqlite would be better but whatever
>jquery like it's 2010

No MEAN stack? No LAMP/LEMP stack? Using Java as a serious web language?

Don't even bother, this is laughable at best. I can't even believe I had to respond to this.

Lacemarket is at least built on semi viable technology, (Wordpress backend with an auction script on top of it) but you're just creating a mess.

>> No.8887886

The non brand policy will be hard to maintain if other jfashions are allowed. Maybe a category for non brand stuff but still strict restrictions on replicas?

>> No.8887889


>> No.8887897

>Maybe a notification system that lets you know when items that you're interested in become available, and of course favoriting items (and maybe even users?)

This, it would be super cool if there was a system where you could input your WTB list and you got notification anytime someone uploaded that item or an item matching that description.

>> No.8887925

>not knowing how to reply on 4chan
>clearly doesn't actually know shit about developing

stop while you're still ahead, the other person actually had some credentials.
moreover I've heard of at least 3 people at this point who are all independently trying to make this, just stop please, somebody else will manage to do it

>> No.8888047


this sounds like someone's taken CS101 and thinks they know what they're doing. the problem with every wannabe lacemarket replacement is that nobody involved knows what they're doing and the people who do know what they're doing don't want to put up with the hassle of doing it right or the bitchy userbase. it's not worth the time or headache to recreate lacemarket.

>> No.8888057

If you guys are in it for the LONG haul, I'd love to see almost a lolibrary X lacemarket crossover.

Like have a catalog of dresses, people can add them to a wishlist, be notified when they're up for sell. Of course people would have to select the right dress, proof photos, etc, and it's going to take a long time to create a whole other catalog of dresses so I know it's not realistic at first. But that's something that I would love to see.

And of course better sorting options. The categories on LM are shit, but due to layout or seller laziness who knows.

>> No.8888263

Are you kidding? Most professional web sites use these tools. Java is fantastic for backend.

>> No.8888270

From someone who works professionally in the field, OP's significant others initial "ponders" sound like quite the reasonable place to start. There's nothing wrong with the technologies they mentioned. Some might not be my first picks these days, but all still very functional and more than adequate. And certainly more than I'd expect from an average college student

>> No.8888399


Compared to better languages like PHP and Python, I hardly see sites using java, and for something as basic as an auction site, java sounds like an awful idea.

>> No.8888436

Instead of complaining, what do you guys recommend then? I assume backend would need the most work and would have to be chosen more carefully. Frontend probably doesn't matter and can be pretty bare-bones starting off, with UX improvements down the line. I'd like to see better resources like lolibrary or wiki implementation and matching/related auctions.

>> No.8888468


an actual team of people off the bat and not someone's boyfriend and "I know fashion"

Bare bones team:
>Backend dev
>Frontend dev

Stack doesn't matter but

node/angular is really popular right now and could work too

>UX improvements down the line
>Frontend doesn't matter

I hate when people say this, 90% of the complaints in every thread are related to usability, you need to think about usability at the beginning and not at the end or it becomes a hot mess.

Every person that has proposed this has thought they could buy a script and pretty it up a little and be done and that's why it's a mess. (and consequentially why lacebook is also a disaster)

I haven't met any other backend/full stack devs only a bunch of front end developers and some people who made a great html webpage when they were 12.

No one actually wants to put time and effort into this because it will take 2-3 months worth of work and cooperation, which lolitas never have, and maintenance.