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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 600x275, anime-central-acen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8886217 No.8886217 [Reply] [Original]

>con is in 2 months
>only 2 guests announced
>one literally who songstress and one VA literally who
>$70 weekend ticket prices

Goddammit, El Ken. ACEN thread? ACEN thread. What hotel are you staying at? Are your cosplays ready? Seagull meetup?

>> No.8886219

After 7 years of acen I'm not going back this year. They don't even try. It's not worth the hassle anymore.

>> No.8886312

I'm still prepping for Anime Milwaukee which is in like 2 weeks. I'll probably just recycle cosplays from that. I'm staying at the Hyatt but hopefully I get the main building and not the one off to the side.

>> No.8886411

I'm prepping for C2E2 first, but ACen is definitely on my mind. Still waiting to hear on a panel, but I'm guessing I didn't get in at this point. Staying in the Embassy. I'm not optimistic about programming or guests, but it is always good to see friends, I guess.

>> No.8886488

>$70 weekend ticket prices
they don't go up to $70 until april 2
right now it's only $58

>> No.8886496

So what big ticket event is the fire alarm going to be pulled at this time?

>> No.8886505


Which is still an insane spike over last year.

>> No.8886513

so just buy your ticket early like a smart person????

>> No.8886518

stop being a dumb ass, they mean that's an insane spike from previous early bird 'specials'

>> No.8886576
File: 351 KB, 900x1185, Anime-Central-1998-Anime-Expo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acen must had been amazing back in the day. Sad how so many veteran ACEN attendees have been saying that the con has been going downhill in quality.

Anyway, I'm going to be I'm the Hyatt this year for the first time. Trying to get a second room for my friends. Long story short thought I booked two ones but it was only one. Ugh.

Here's hoping either somebody cancel their room at the Hyatt or Double Tree or Hilton open up some new rooms so I can use my employee discount and get two rooms for 80% off.

>> No.8886582

Eir Aoi has done a bunch of anison including KLK and SAO II
guess those are more niche than I thought

>> No.8886625

>still waiting for Synergy announcements

>> No.8886847


I haven't purchased a ticket yet because I've yet to see a guest worth purchasing an early ticket that's the same price as last year's at the door price.

>> No.8886905
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>con is in two months
>reading that immediately makes me fucking nauseous

100% not ready. Still looking at hotels, which is difficult because I have to picky due to my low budget. I still haven't figured out my cosplay plans either.

>> No.8887063
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>$70 weekend ticket prices
Jesus fucking christ this con is making it harder and harder for me to go back every year. We have our hotel booked (I don't remember the exact one, but it's like a five minute walk to the center) and I've barely done anything for my costumes yet.

>> No.8887466

This is my 2nd year going to ACEN, I live in Joliet so its close not to bad. But I've heard from people it's been going down in fun and everything.

Least free weed and booze

Anyone wanna meet up per-haps? I know its still 2 months away.

Kik Zelek1 (Sorry if this isn't allowed)

>> No.8887470

My friends and I said screw it to going this year. We live in MN and its too much of a hassle anyway. We plan on going to Anime Detour in April as a make up for it.

>> No.8888492

Didn't think twice about going this year,
spent all my money on Miku Expo tickets. Shit's going to be so much more hype than whatever than can pull together in 2 months.

>> No.8888502

I don't think I'm going to bother this year. I might go for a day to help a friend with her booth, but I'm not getting a hotel room or planning to go for the whole weekend. My primary interest is in lolita/j-fashion and they don't have anything related to that anymore.

>> No.8889844

It's not an insane spike at all. Just compare the pricing of ACEN to Anime Expo and East Coast cons...the price is actually very good compared to them. Plus, the cost of airline tickets go up to bring in guests, rental costs of convention center go up every year....there is no way they or any con can keep a low price for years. The price of a badge is still very affordable and worth it. Cosplayers already drop several hundreds of dollars on cosplay and booze...cut back a little on that and a badge isn't that much.

>> No.8889876


>Just compare the pricing of ACEN to AX

But AX has so much more to offer than ACEN it's not even funny. And seeing as your post reeks of someone who volunteers for ACEN, I definitely wouldn't advertise that AX and ACEN are the same price this year if I were you. People are gonna stop falling for that "m-m-muh guests" shit one of these days.

>> No.8889883

I spend a lot on cosplay to look good and have fun not look good while sitting in a hotel lobby for 2 hours while waiting for a good panel to finally start.
The highlight of my Acen last year was being drunk the whole time. If I had to cut back on the booze the won would not have been worth it. I'm not going this year.

>> No.8890054

But if you compare Acen to other cons in the midwest, they're almost all cheaper than Acen is at this point. I'll be honest, Midewst is smaller and I don't like the guy who runs it, but I had a much better time at Midwest last year because they actually know how to manage a lot of their events and get good guests. Acen has just been one dissapointment after another recently.

>> No.8890056
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 10424261_529844253821314_4205649294005466837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May just do a day trip to Chicago on the Saturday for ACEN. It is not improved in just about anything within the last few years. Only good thing about ACEN last year was meeting the creator of the Higurashi series and getting his autograph.

I like the people I've meet at ACEN aND I like visiting Chicago but I rather go up to Chicago for something fun or to explore the city then just go up there for one weekend out of the year for an anime con and be bored for hours on end until a panel comes up or to partt

Glad I'm skipping ACEN totally next year for Anime Expo.

Pic more unrelated than a brother from another mother.

>> No.8890239

I've been lurking the forums and it seems to me it may not be el kens doing this time, only because he's not on staff. He doesn't post the announcements or anything.
I'm also under the impression the hardcore synergy already had djs ready but acen wouldn't let them announce it because woe is them they didn't get a Japanese guest until a week ago. Then they suddenly announce two djs on the coat tails of the jpop singer ? Seems fishy as Fuck.

>> No.8890317

That's ACEN for ya. Was talking to an older staff member that been around since 1999 and he told me how unprofessional and chaotic planning shit for ACEN is since all the mature and older staff member basically all left.

He basically told me that I should not be shocked if shit seems crazy this year due to poor planning and people just being stupid.

>> No.8890633

Going with a group all weekend. Got the hard armor pieces of my scout trooper all done still need to work on the boots and cummerbund. Any other star wars people going?

>> No.8890902

My BF is gonna be doing Kylo one day, but we're not sure when

>> No.8890913

Any idea if there is gonna be a meet up for star wars?

>> No.8891060

a whole lot of complaining

>> No.8891856

Gonna re-do Joel this year. I'll actually use a bit of make-up and make myself look older. Get some better accessories and I'll be golden.

>> No.8896347

I miss old acen

>> No.8896740

What day? I'm going as Ellie again this year.

>> No.8897238

Are the military prices new? That definitely just helped sway my decision to go.

>> No.8897266

Werent we talking about this last year?
I'll be Joel on Saturday.

>> No.8899686

Oh hey, guess so!

Any word on meet up/photo shoots/panels? The anticipation for the schedules is killing me

>> No.8899958

I haven't heard anything about Naughty Dog meet ups, but if there isn't an official one, I'm sure an un official one will be scheduled.

I am wondering why ACEN Is dragging their heels with all the panels.
The Oregon Trail panel hasn't been approved yet and that's a huge crowd pleaser.

>> No.8899990

wtf am i supposed to wear desu nothing is planned

>> No.8900223

Someone started a meet up schedule last month on the Acen forums.
Looks like there's less homestuck this year, so let's keep that up.

>> No.8901620

How stringent is ACen in enforcing the 6-inch costume extension rule?

I remember seeing a giant Big Daddy and Guilmon costume walking around one year, so I assumed they weren't too strict about it, but does anyone know?

>> No.8901838

First-timer here. What is their policy on gun props? I'm used cons like AX (half has to be taped a bright color, no airsoft period, etc.). I'm not seeing much at all on their site besides the blatantly obvious (not a real firearm, orange tip...).

>> No.8901925

I'm going and I'm so FUCKED cause I'm so far behind on my costume. I'm attempting to be a male worlock from destiny. I've got my helmet (hood of ex while) 80% complete. My jacket (void fang vestimets) is 30% but on the bright side my vex my tho coast is complete, my band is complete, and I've got boots lined up. Worst case I don't complete helmet and focus on jacket and go w/out helmet.

>> No.8902049

I swear it feels like it changes every year. I once came with a couple air-soft guns, holstered and no mag. Was told no. Put them away enjoyed con. Next year came with a single air soft pistol. No complaints at all.
Year after that, nerf guns painted tan and black. They said they needed an orange tip, went outside sprayed painted them. Good to go.
Bring it what ever you want to bring and have a back up just in case.

>> No.8902053


That's pretty much it, desu. Just don't be a dipshit and your prop won't get taken. It also helps if you're doing a semi-known cosplay. I remember when Persona 3 first came out, some friends of mine caught tons of shit because people assumed that they were a bunch of well-dressed jackasses with guns.

>> No.8902060

>tfw I really want to go
>tfw all my friends always bail on me for this con and I have no one to room/hang with

>> No.8902071

They can be if it's at the con center. However all the hotels and the grounds outside seem to be fair game ( except that guy that made a 15 foot optimus prime in the lobby a few years ago )

>> No.8902289


Will they literally walk up to me if I'm around the Artist's Alley and I have a tail / wing stretching out about a foot from my body, and say "yo, you've got to leave, now."?

I don't want to put a lot of effort into a costume then not be able to wear it.

>> No.8902305

whats the costume?

>> No.8902317


>tail / wing stretching out about a foot from my body
>about a foot from my body


>How stringent is ACen in enforcing the 6-inch costume extension rule?

>6 inch rule
>about a foot from my body

Literally go fuck yourself. It's one thing to try to fudge the rule by an inch or so (and even then some IRT jagoff might still tell you off if they're having a bad day), but a foot? You would deserve to get thrown out at that point.

>> No.8902458


Whoa, what's eating you, mate? You seem pretty fired up over this.

>> No.8902614


Because there's always that one person who completely disregards a convention's rules for whatever reason, and then the rest of us have to suffer.

>> No.8903458
File: 315 KB, 1243x628, big costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, what?
I saw pic related and other similar-sized costumes walking around the con center plenty of times. I wasn't even aware that there was a rule like that.

>> No.8903466

That's also a public area. It's more so the dealers room where rules are enforced due to the crazy crowding

>> No.8903468


What's the point of going to a con in a costume that won't let you visit any panels?
Or do the restrictions only apply to the market area?

>> No.8903475

The rule is that it can't extend 6 inches past the body . Something like a train is fine if it can be picked up. It's mainly meant to keep people from blocking the high traffic con areas or getting snagged on people. Again as long as the person isn't being a dumb ass like guy that thought it would be a good idea to put together a 15 foot mech suit in the Hyatt lobby it's usually ok.

>> No.8903476

If you break the 6 inch rule it doesn't matter as long as you stay the fuck off that sidewalk that goes from the hyatt to the fountain entrance of the convention center.

>> No.8903479


Oh, so if you have say, wings, keeping your arms folded inward, and just extending them back out only during photographs, should be fine, then?

>> No.8903502

seconding this. They don't care if you're outside or something, but if you're in high traffic areas or areas with limited space (panel rooms cuz of the seats, artist's alley because it's packed), then don't be that one asshole. It's as much for your safety as others, because there's no way that if you have something trailing out a foot behind you in the dealer's room that someone WON'T step on it.

>> No.8906255

This person is a douche.

>> No.8906975


Any context/personal stories? Or was that just a thinly-veiled thread bump?

>> No.8907658

What are your cosplay lineups, /cgl/?

>> No.8907795


Going as Kakyoin all 3 days. Hopefully we have another ACen meetup

>> No.8907856

Probably gonna do Kanji again as well as Johnny Joestar, but I'm struggling on how I'm going to do his pants.

>> No.8907869

love live hell and some noragami on saturday. wanted to do Erica from Catherine but I don't think I'll be able to fit her in

>> No.8907950

So far I'm planning to do Hanayo Koizumi and Plague Knight. I'm debating on doing a Sunday costume because I've always kept Sunday as a casual day

Hope to see you again if you're the same Kanji I'm thinking of! Your costume was great!

>> No.8907992

I might be. I was the one that brought the chair around with me. I actually thought about doing a Hanayo crossplay in a worst case scenario with Johnny. And by that I mean a "Fuck it Johnny is too difficult and with Nayo I can buy a wig, outfit, and makeup and I won't even have to shave my legs and I'm zany" scenario.

>> No.8908027

Oh joy it's about that time of the year again.

>What hotel are you staying at?
Aloft as usual.

>Are your cosplays ready?
Not even 1% and it's worrying me to death. The cosplays I had in mind were really complicated and would take a month at minimum to do. And I haven't even bought the wig. I may have to settle for really, really simple stuff or find the cosplayers at my campus and see if I can commission what I had planned.

A real shame because it'd have carried me 2 years easily if I got it perfected. Sewing is hard.

>this con is making it harder and harder for me to go back every year.
I honestly only go for Artist Alley (so many prints and I really adore 2 of the artists) and being able to walk around freely. The panels almost never interest me and I spend most of my time talking, taking pictures and sitting in the Hyatt lobby. Wish there were tier access badges or something. I can do without so much I hate how much I'm paying for it.

>> No.8908050

This is me ->>>8891856
I'm also gonna do Ninja Brian for the Oregon trail panel.

>> No.8908057
File: 83 KB, 717x960, 1465147_556099164464872_1520557847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glad I'm skipping ACEN totally next year for Anime Expo.
I want to do both because I love the massive crowds, but budget wise I'm not rich. A friend of mine did both and I want to be with her. But she has a higher paying job than I do.

Ideally, I'd swap Midwest for Acen, but Midwest is the same time as Expo. Not to mention Expo is longer. Considering that one in Ohio that's held at a waterpark for bikini/swim suit cosplays, instead of Acen as well. It's simply too much money just to do so little. I meet a ton of new people, but I'd rather meet new people after going to a fun panel of something we both enjoy.

Depends on the staff you encounter. Orange tip is obvious, but I had an airsoft sniper rifle and no one said anything for the 2 years I wore it. Pic related. Except 1 staff member who got all in my face about the magazine needing to be taken off.

I just did as asked and immediately put it back when they walked away and no one said anything the rest of that day.

My intent was Alex from Gangsta Thursday/ Eliza from Skullgirls Friday-Sat/ and Quiet Sunday. But as I am now, it's simply not gonna happen.

I simply lacked the space for proper storage so a lot of my older cosplay props are in poor condition and my wigs no longer any good. What's really throwing me off is having to re-buy a ton of things because the old ones are no good for a 2nd round.

>> No.8908100

Damn that would be awesome to see

>> No.8908119
File: 1.15 MB, 1003x1065, ElizaActionShotRip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to make the best and most accurate since I've only seen 2 attempts at her ankh and neither perfectly replicate the shape. Unfortunately I can't consult NASA on how I could make it defy gravity so it looks like I'll have to just aim for Expo next year.

>> No.8908123

Ellie from tlou and Nico from LL. Was gonna do a cosplay from School live but due to budget restraints, I gotta put it off... Again.

>> No.8908233
File: 210 KB, 600x390, d2d[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had 4 friends interested in going to ACEN
>One of them says he can't make it
>other one is saying he's not sure now (so basically no)
>3rd friend told me about some of his money troubles but will save up as much as he can for the con
>I may be left paying $650 for a hotel room ACEN weekend

On a side note in case I do get 3 or 4 people to room and help pay for it, how strict is Aloft on room occupancy? I accidentally reserved it for 2 people and I'm wondering if asking to change it to 3 or 4 will up the price to an already ridiculous amount.

>> No.8908289

You could not tell them about the other people joining you.

>> No.8908350

We're riding together so that may not be possible

>> No.8908351

All the hotels in rosemont have to know multiple people are sharing rooms.

>> No.8908550

aloft will not give extra keys under any circumstances, but I had a 4-room with 6 people two years ago with no problem at all. Just don't all walk in at the same time; check in with the appropriate amount, then bring the other people & their stuff up later. (And honestly that's probably not necessary, we just did it to be careful.)

>> No.8908670

>aloft will not give extra keys under any circumstances
Since when? I get 1 extra in case I lose one.

>> No.8908711

How old are you? If you're over 21 then I highly recommend swapping the Acen rate for the Birth year rate. You take the last 2 digits of your birth year and swap your remaining nights with that number but you still have to pay full price for the first night.

I arrive on Thursday, so it's 399+93+93= $585 not including tax. I just have to show my ID so I can't pay in advance which is a major downside.

>> No.8909431

Sorry for late reply, but I have the room from Thursday to Sunday. Even if I did the birth year rate it'll still be more than what I'm currently paying.

>> No.8909433

Yep, you were the Kanji I saw/hung with for a bit. I was the mediocre Yukako. If you do Hanayo though I'd love to meet up again!

>> No.8909457

Good news. The Oregon Trail panel was accepted.

>> No.8909484

I think I remember you, but I also met one other Yukako cosplayer. Do you have a picture of you in cosplay? Also if I have any spare money I may just do Nayo anyway. Would just need to know what wig to get and how to style it

Last year's OT was pretty fun. Too bad me and the team I was on choked at QWOP so we couldn't make it on.

>> No.8909496

Lots of YGO shit for me and my friends. Getting anxious since Jack and Yusei still need a lot of work for our 5D's group.

>> No.8909499
File: 349 KB, 275x573, it me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have a couple pictures from the shoot, but I got the best one I could. I'm definitely planning to do more extravagant stuff this year since I actually have a steady job now.

>> No.8909526

Oh Yukako from Jojo. I thought you were talking about Yukiko from Persona. Derp my bad. But yeah I remember you. I'll let you know if I for sure do the Nayo

>> No.8909758

Pls dont bully

>> No.8909976

>A friend of mine did both
You should have asked to go with anyway if you wanted to be with her. Two big cons in the same summer with good company would have been the shit. I wish I had good friends to do that kinda stuff with.

>> No.8909993

Does anyone know if any good cosplayers go to ACen? Every year I just see a new batch of teenagers with their closet cosplays and blunt cut bangs for literally any wig they wear. Doesn't even have to be someone extravagant, just knowing some cute girls will be there will ease my mind.

>> No.8910526


I hope the girl in the Haruko cosplay doesn't show up again

>> No.8910598


>> No.8910646

Sounds likes there's a story behind this

>> No.8910697


Same. Isn't she trans, by the way?

>> No.8910784

Anyone remember that one girl that cosplayed Yuno that brought a real axe to the con? She seriously looked like she was gonna swing that a couple people. Why the fuck are Yuno cosplayers either overweight or actually insane?

>> No.8910987

El Cunto making a comeback when?

>> No.8910998

Because who else would like a shit yandere?

>> No.8911062


Not really a specific story but she was just really annoying, and obnoxious trying to be funny.

I think so

>> No.8911186

pics plz

>> No.8911434

All yanderes are shit

Shitposting aside she's not even the worst Yandere in anime

>> No.8911827

Was it last year or when?

>> No.8911837

I heard about her, but Anime Midwest was a weapon fest. I met a guy with a real, though blunted, sword. In fact quite a few cosplayers had legit weaponry. There was no prop checking at all. I wasn't worried, but it's still dangerous.

>> No.8912093
File: 92 KB, 498x533, Impatience or Damage Control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8912541

Anyone going to Kawa-con? I'll be regularly dressed but I'm hoping to make friends or something. Anyone notice how hard it is to make friendships at cons anymore, everyone just wants to hang under their fucking boyfriend now.

>> No.8912790

>con is in 2 months
Reading that made me super worried, but I know I'm on track so I shouldn't be.
I'm excited because this is the first year my boyfriend will be attending with me. As much as I love my friends it's hard to always find a friend to take to panels or just walk around with.
Yozakura from Senran Kagura

>> No.8912928
File: 1.14 MB, 993x989, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see it. I never find any Senran cosplays.
Please tell me you got Estival Versus today as well

>> No.8913089

Lol never imagine that small ass con being posted on /cgl/ no less an ACEN thread. You from St. Louis as well or from another city?

I'm going only to see friends and body noobs in Street Fighter 5 and Persona 4 Arena Ultimax in the game room.

Also it's not hard to make friends at cons, we'll for me at least. Some chicks wanna hang around their boyfriends and some dudes wanna be around their chicks at cons. It be like that.

I'll be in plain clothes for most of the weekend of Kawa expect for Saturday night where I'll be Garterbelt.

>> No.8913151

I hate to disappoint, but I haven't played any of the games myself. I can't wait for the PC release of Shinovi Versus so I can actually play it. I just really, really like Yozakura's design. I know it's a touchy subject for people to cosplay from things they haven't played or watched.

>> No.8913180
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>It be like that.
>want to talk to cute guy
>afraid his equally beautiful gf wil appear from the ether
>likely gay anyway

>> No.8913324

>can't attend ACen for first time in 9 years due to wife's coworker's wedding the same weekend
>been running panel for 5 straight years
>leaving panel in hands of yaoi fangirls who can't stop posting pictures of Kylo Ren on their tumblrs

I want to believe they've got it. I'm going to micromanage the living shit out of them until a few days before the con.

Can't believe I'm missing Hentarmageddon and ACen in general for a stranger's wedding. This marriage thing is overrated.

>> No.8913329


God, the first ACen at the Hyatt Regency (2000? 2001?) was amazing. Massive consuite/karaoke room (fucking Mary McGlynn stole my karaoke song), Tiffany Grant running around dressed as Chocolate Misu, people openly advertising room parties on a huge billboard in the lobby...SWEK...

It's so different now. Still feels more personal than, say, PAX (the only other sizable con I've ever gone to), but just louder and more obnoxious and harder to find cool new people at.

I'll go until I have children and never get to socialize again, but damn, it used to be so different.

>> No.8913330

huh, you'd think losing El Ken could only improve things, he was such a petulant lazyass

>> No.8913332

I didn't even know Kawa-con was a thing, let alone a thing happening this weekend, but I'll probably end up going now since it's not too far from me

>> No.8913333

>Anyone notice how hard it is to make friendships at cons anymore,

Well, I'm a 32 year old dude with a beer gut, if I try to make friends with anyone at this point I'll probably get arrested.

There should be an Old People Consuite.

>> No.8913382

People being open with their room parties and the hotel and staff not being butthurt about it.

Someone must had fucked that up for everyone.

As someone who has seen the rise and fall of Kawa, it's not worth going. It's basically tumblr the convention. If you got friends going I'll would go but it's not worth paying $50 for a badge to that crappy con.

I'm tempted to make a Kawa-Kon thread because I didn't expect people to know about that convention.

Eh, I'm almost 27 and I feel I'm getting too old for this shit. I'm mostly hanging out with older folks and my friends at acen this year

An older acen memebrs con suite would be dope.

>> No.8913574
File: 25 KB, 457x480, dYvhHbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuka, Sakuya Izayoi, and Clownpiece.

>> No.8913658

>Someone must had fucked that up for everyone.

Oh, absolutely had to be something like that. I think they stopped allowing openly advertised parties after like 03, 04. Weebs can't keep drinking on the DL.

>> No.8913714

>it's not worth going
Even if I have literally nothing else to do this weekend? I'd probably only go on Saturday anyway, and I've only been to one other con so far so it's not like I have standards yet

>> No.8913735


IF you do go as Clownpiece PLEASE get some hamburgers since

If you're 21 I'll even buy you a drink.

>> No.8913831

Fucking rookies probably did something stupid like that. Folks can't have nice shit anymore without somebody ruining it.

I would go in that situation. I'm going just because I don't have anything better to do that day either. :V. Plus I know about two room parties going down that night

>> No.8914489
File: 712 KB, 1874x2549, f84eaeaa601aa66985406d009c5437f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa Kirisame, Tenshi, 2huvania Sakuya

>> No.8914504

To the trash weebs who are going to the idol meet up on Friday, who are you cosplaying as?

>> No.8914593


Eh, at least they didn't used to pull fire alarms or anything. I can't remember the first time it happened but it was baffling to everyone: who did this? Why? Now it's just routine.

There's always been a problem with people leaving their shit around, though, I will say that. Empty bottles, wrappers, etc, and it drives the staff crazy. Also dickheads throwing stuff onto the roof from their balconies.

I understand why standards slip, a bit...it's Nerd Vegas for a lot of these people. They get to let loose in a way some of them never usually do or never even have. But the larger we got the more often the hotel would threaten to cancel the con, and as fun as it was seeing a couple anime fans get married the first time I ever went to a convention (free cake!), I don't ever want it to move back to Arlington Heights.

>> No.8914805

If I end up going through with my Hanayo crossplay, probably that.

>> No.8914931

Posted earlier in the thread, but I'll be Hanayo

>> No.8915076

Make a Kawa-kon thread bro

>> No.8915083

Is this an ok method of making decorative armor spikes?

> use polyurethane/upholstery foam.
> cut out shape of spikes
> fine tune using sandpaper
> coat in pva glue two-four times
> paint with acrylic to desired color

I found this method while searching but having never done this before, I'm a bit doubtful as to how durable PVA glue actually is. Will it hold up?

>> No.8915121


Cause dumb asses drink to much and fucking puke EVERYWHERE. I remember when I went to ACEN 2 years ago the sky bridge? Connecting the Hyatt and the convention center? Someone blew chunks in it, Lots of throw up.

>> No.8915148

I don't know if I should get a three day badge or not. I'm really only going to go for Taku Takahashi and Pa's Lam System.

>> No.8915188
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going as pic related! it's a little simple but we have almost the full group so that will be nice

>> No.8915259

I gotcha!

>> No.8915273

Contacted them they acted like a douche not much else to say

>> No.8915280

Pls lick my balls

>> No.8915355

Shit this is how I always feel.

>> No.8915496

Losing? He's still head of GR.

>> No.8915499


I'll be 27 at the time of Acen, and while people are generally friendly, for the last 2 years of con-going I feel like I'm doing something illegal when I'm hanging out with people that are easily 8-10 years younger than me.

>> No.8915527

I actually have a friend who's not going because of the crowd age. I don't blame them since, well, if I were 26+ and were sitting in a room practically full of high schoolers I'd feel weird too. In fact, just being around 12-16 year olds makes be feel 50. But at 18+ panels I feel like I'm still in a room of middle schoolers who just learned what "pfft boobies" are.

>> No.8915529


The only reason I go is, well,
>A. I find it fun
>B. I still see a decent number of people older than me as well

I think it's just my own paranoia, it does still feel strange though.

>> No.8915557

Looking out for you guys, probably gonna be the only Satori this year. Not a single Satori last year.

>> No.8915563
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>the sky bridge
>the hot, crowded narrow sky bridge

my god

>> No.8915776

Sounds like your friend has a personal problem.

>> No.8916288



Never take the sky bridge.

>> No.8916523

It's worse when someone asks to take someone's picture in there and it blocks everything.

>> No.8916558

thats true for any hallway

>> No.8916696

I am 27 too I know those feels

>> No.8916755

All us old heads need to meetup at a bar Saturday of ACEN.

>> No.8916780


No thanks. Not because of you or your age (26 myself) but because ACEN meet ups are always fuck awful. It's always a bunch of people who already know each other verbally jerking each other off.

>> No.8916787


The /cgl/ meetup last year was pretty fun, even though I didn't know anyone there OR cosplay. /cgl/ seems to be the nicest people face to face, really.

>> No.8916904

You talking about the meetup that was on Friday or Saturday?

>> No.8916910

>con is 2 months away
>still just only have wig
I really need to get started on this tomorrow

>> No.8916959


I -believe- it was Saturday, it was the one where we wanted to meet up at the bar, but we all discovered they close it to under 21s after a certain time.

>> No.8917056

>first Acen
>don't know where anything is or what's going on
>shiny pretty cosplay everywhere
>too shy to converse with anyone
>end up clogging hallway for "quick" picture
I'm so sorry. At the time I couldn't bring myself to ask to join their party temporarily to get a photo or something.

But I know now when I get bombarded with cosplay photos I simply ask them to walk with me so we're not in the way.

>> No.8917747

I believe in you.

>> No.8917793

Can't go to ACen, bought tickets to Anime Midwest instead...

>no discounts for running panels
>you have to run four fucking panels to get a free badge

Have I made a horrible mistake? And what is with cons and panels in general? Don't "the more panels you run, the deeper your discount" rules just encourage people to break one good panel into three or four shitty panels?

>> No.8917930

What kinda fucking bullshit is that?
Man, I'm glad I'm only going to ACEN for one day now. This con is getting retarded .

>> No.8917942


ACen at least cuts your badge fee in half if you run an hour long panel and gives it to you free if you run two hour long panels. Midwest changed their wording on their events submission page recently but last time I checked they seemed kind of indignant about the very idea of free or reduced price badges.

Since I already bought my badge, I'm still considering running an hour-long panel at Midwest, Hentarmageddon Roadshow or something. But it might be nice to be able to go to a con and just get drunk and wander without tearing my hair out over panel prep.

>> No.8917961

If there was one thing I didn't like about ACEN last year it's the way they handled the gaming room. It was such a small and crowded area and felt a bit claustrophobic. You also have to give them your badge in order to get a controller (or enter i don't remember too well). I thought it was bullshit but still did it. After I was done and wanted to leave they couldn't find my badge. After about 10 minutes they found it. Turns out the guy who took my badge just carried it with him and had to step out for something. That pissed me off. I get you're trying to stop people from stealing your shit, but there are other cons that have done it so much better.

>> No.8917967


Ehhh...I thought it was cool they bothered doing one at all, but yeah, that sounds annoying.

I wish they'd bring karaoke back, but every time someone asks they say "well a panelist would have to run it," and nobody wants to put up with running a panel just so they can watch other people sing for three hours.

>> No.8918040

I really don't like the gaming room. Unless you're staying at the Hyatt it's really inconvenient to not be allowed bags. Again, theft- I get it. But like, have a proper badge/bag check area like those little cubby hole things at amusement parts for shoes. Even a few laundry baskets with panels for separation would be better.

>> No.8918069


Midwest is notorious for having panelists get their badges and not show up to panels, so really you can blame those fucknuggets. They get away with it because there's always one autist who does like 10 panels over the course of the weekend too.


In their defense, niggas steal. There really isn't anything the game room people can do about it because there are way too many people at ACEN for a proper bag check, and trading in your badge for a controller is basically the only guarantee that they're going to get their controllers back. The con didn't pay for any of those consoles. Those are 90% out of 3 or 4 guys gaming collection.

>> No.8918076

As a man with long blonde hair and blue eyes, who the hell can i cosplay as?

>> No.8918080

Literally anyone, fuccboi.

>> No.8918084
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My nigga Ky

>> No.8918085

Anyone know a website to order color contacts from? Preferably from a place I can use my prescription

>> No.8918089
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Plenty of choices.

>> No.8918094

If we're suggesting GG may as well go with the best GG (provided you are relatively fit).

>> No.8918097
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And of course I forgot pic

>> No.8918142
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really depends on your figure. If you're lithe and like medieval shit you could do Allen Schezar.

>> No.8918192

As a fat man with no sewing skill, what can I cosplay as?

On a more serious note, though, the game room last year was pitiful. A small room with not al ot of stuff in it and the arcade machines werent' even on free play? Almost not worth even having one at all, outside of stuff needed for tournaments.

On the other hand, my home con is Youma so maybe my standards have been skewed.

>> No.8918223
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You can also take a DVD/game case and print out Romance Academy 7's cover art and carry it around.

>> No.8918241


Have the arcade machines EVER been on Free Play? Only place I've ever seen that was PAX East.

Depending on how fat you are and how shameless, you could do King Hippo or go the body paint route and be Fat Buu.

>> No.8918264

Crap, I just asked for time of for the entire week before acen and my supervisor is telling me that for sure I can get the 16th-19th off but maybe not the 20th. I'm panicking that I won't get that day off as well. I live out of state and it's not like I can work that day then come back to the convention.

>> No.8918332


>the entire week off

...why not just...take a shift on the 16th or something and then take the 20th off?

>> No.8918346

Because it's me and one other person that do the print work for this one client and the other girl asked for time off on the 20th first unbeknownst to me.

>> No.8918428
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>decide to go to C2E2 last minute
>try on cosplay
>gained entire inch and a half of stomach
Oh boy looks like it's time to hit that gym for spring break. I refuse to go to Acen with such a gut.

>> No.8918459


Who are you cosplaying from Noragami? A friend is doing Yukine and I'm contemplating joining him

>> No.8918655


I know the ones at Youma are free-play. Are they not at most conventions? I've only ever gone to Acen and Youma, so I honestly don't know.

And as much as I'd LOVE to do King Hippo, I'd probably be arrested if I went topless. Same reason I'll never do E. Honda, even though it'd probably be pretty funny.


Not a bad idea, though I've never seen much of Gravity Falls. Is it good?

>> No.8918837


Last year was my friend and I's first time meeting them and they were pretty friendly. Got drinks and shot the shit. Good times

>> No.8918908

If you don't mind circle lenses, there'sa couple sites you can use that have prescription. Pinkyparadise is pretty big but they're not accepting PayPal anymore so a lot of people switched to Honeycolor, and I have a friend who orders from uniqso.

You could always do Wario? The basic components are pretty simple so if you can afford some fabric dye and overalls you could probably make it work. Also, I know Anime Midwest is free play besides pachinko, but Acen hasn't had free play for as long as I can remember.

>> No.8918927

I've never seen the ACen arcade in Free Play mode. The one at Anime Midwest is set to Free Play, excluding the pachinko games (which is understandable since they have a prize set up). The downside is that the AMW games are limited to Japanese rhythm games and of course, consoles; ACen has a bigger variety of arcade platforms.

>> No.8919091

>Is it good?
I ignored it because of the fanbase for the entire airing. After marathoning I must say it's indeed incredibly enjoyable. There are some hiccups in the animation and story, but it's still a good series.

>> No.8919097

Hey! I should be Nanako again, if you remember me.

>> No.8919548

Yeah I do. You were awesome to hang out with.

>> No.8920304

I've already got my plans going and set but still thinking on cosplay. Looks like with this little time left I'm settling on Arata Sanada from DS:CS

>> No.8920426

Staying the Double Tree, the only reason I'm going is because both my panels were approved and I'm going for free. These ticket prices are terrible, and I agree the quality of the con has seriously declined.

Nadia (Secret of the Blue Water), Noriko (Gunbuster), and Yamuraiha. Maybe Jyushimatsu, depends on what my friends decide. I've already made pretty good progress on my cosplays, but I'm trying to get them done earlier this year since I'm moving the week before ACen.

>> No.8920450

Well shit I just ran into a problem with my Johnny cosplay. I don't know how I'm going to do his gauntlets. Actually if Billy Kane dude is here can you give me any tips for when I do Johnny?

>> No.8920471

Holy shit, the game room is going to be amazing this year.

>> No.8920478

Why do you say that?

>> No.8920484

Oops. I didn't realize it wasn't publicly announced yet.

>> No.8920855
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But now it is. Probably the best possible case for a game room lineup.

>> No.8920878

Kancolle and project diva arcades there?

>> No.8920882

>Taiko Drum Master
Neat always wanted to try that

>> No.8921021


Does this mean that we won't have to put up with Credits Remaining and their faggotry anymore?

>> No.8921575

No Kancolle or Project Diva

The list comes from the Tokyo Attack facebook page

SOUND VOLTEX (2 Cabinets)
pop'n music (2 Cabinets)
jubeat (4 Cabinets)
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
Initial D Arcade Stage 7 AAX (4 Cabinets)
Taiko no Tatsujin (2 Cabinets)
Pump it Up PRIME
Dance Evolution
Cho Chabudai Gaeshi! (Super Table-Flip!)
Future Tom Tom
Music GunGun! 2
HD Fighting Cabinets (Dual cabinet)

World 9 also has a decent variety of arcade games if what they brought to Anime Milwaukee is any indication.

I don't think it's really right to call them out for their 'faggotry.' They only had pay-to-play because ACen wouldn't pay them a flat rate to bring in their games.

>> No.8921600

Oh well

>> No.8921617

So, can we just assume there's no concert this year? Or can we expect a last minute announcement as everyone kicks and shoves to get a ticket?

I'm sick of also looking at the number of DJs outnumbering actual guests- of which we somehow only have one goddamn voice actor.

God with this ticket prices this year, I don't know if I'm going back next year if they don't manage to pull some amazing shit out of their ass at the last minute.

>> No.8921715


On one hand, SDVX. On the other hand, no DDR post Extreme.

I'm so fucking conflicted.

>> No.8921766

I think the DanceDanceRevolution cabinet may be the 2013/2014 release as opposed to the original but I'm not too sure

>> No.8921768

DanceDanceRevolution is the newest version, not 1stMIX like the name would imply.

Konami rebooted the series back in 2013 and simply called it DanceDanceRevolution.

>> No.8921776

Happy because it's about time we got free play>>8920878
but sad because now the arcade is going to be a mad house.

>> No.8921783

What part of Eor Aoi don't you get?

>> No.8921792

The part where she's ONLY listed as a guest of honor, and there's been absolutely no sign of them mentioning a concert.

Look at last year, when they announced scandal- they announced a concert with them as well. Here? Absolute silence.

>> No.8921809

The management of the website and facebook has been a mess.

El Ken did say in a comment that the concert was in the Hyatt ballroom though and that no additional tickets are needed for it. But this hasn't been stated anywhere else.

>> No.8921904

Don't worry Tokyo attacks are just as much as a bunch of faggots as credits remaining. Just a lot better at sucking dick and begging to be invited.

>> No.8922407

There's a concert.

>> No.8923278
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>ask on FB
>send email
>check forums
>still no solution to not having a badge confirmation
I swear if the payment outright didn't go through or flopped or something I'm just gonna linger in the Hyatt the entire weekend because I'm not paying what they're asking.

>> No.8923361

Well now you have me worried. My payment went through, but I never got an email

>> No.8923381

Phew, I literally just got an email about it. They re-sent it and it auto landed in my Junk folder. Maybe they're just now addressing the problem.

>> No.8923587

I never got a confirm, But I HOPE I get a badge, They wont ship till April IIRC.

>> No.8924385
File: 34 KB, 776x584, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't go to ACen this year
>still get ACen mailing list updates
>love ACen too much to cancel the updates

>> No.8924419

Is it just me, or are the forums not sending account verification emails?

>> No.8924453

The one year I can't go, this happens. I want to play Taiko so bad.

>> No.8926146

Where's the news?

>> No.8926297

Check your spam inbox.

Debating if I wanna spend $60 for a weekend pass despite I won't be at ACEN until Saturday afternoon. The biggest pro would that I could have my badge shipped to my house so I don't have to wait in line for my badge as soon as I arrive in Rosemont cuz I would have it on me and I can just roam the con center after I get settle in my hotel room.

>> No.8926299

I'm looking for a roommate, what is the best place to ask for that?

>> No.8926303

The forms are a bit dead but let me hook you up with the roommate thread.


You can also try the offical ACEN Facebook group (Anime Central) as they can help you find folks. The unofficial acen group (simply named "ACEN") might help but they would most likely be assholes and troll you.

>> No.8926307


where do attendees even talk anymore? Are we cursed to navigate the shitshows that are the ACen and Anime Central groups on Facebook?

>> No.8926309

It's exactly the same price as it as in 1998, according to the ad posted in this thread. $40 in 1998 is $58 in 2016 with inflation.

>> No.8926317

Yes we are.

>> No.8926755
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Got the spandex for Johnny's outfit ordered and fabric paint. Hoping absolutely nothing goes wrong, but at this point I don't care if the outfit turns out shit. I just want to get it done. Worst case scenario I just don't do Johnny.

>> No.8927005


>going to anime midwest
>in 2016

how many ryan kopf conversations do we have to have before you idiots stop buying his badges
dude is a shitstain

>> No.8927321


You think we give a fuck about how much of a faggot he is?
I don't give a shit who runs it. The fact is Anime Midwest is much better run than ACEN has been since the early 2000s,

>> No.8927400

If we're taking inflation into consideration, why hasn't the con improved at all in the past decade.

>> No.8927860


Man, I just want to do some closet cosplay, hang out with some anime fans, shop for overpriced merch, and get baked/drunk then giggle at panels/bad anime. I don't get to do that at ACen this year (fucking weddings), so hopefully I can at least kind of enjoy doing it at Midwest.

Plus, Midwest has a consuite. A consuite! With ramen, rice, soda, the works! In 2016!

>> No.8927918

A con suite us easy to pull off if youre a 1/4 the size of your competition

>> No.8927923

Do you honestly believe a 20k + con is going to move like clock work? As cons grow staff normally doesnt because they are just volunteers. Hold your horses a little and you'll have a good time.

>> No.8927953


Well, PAX does, but they pay their staff and have a ton of big vidya companies helping shoulder the costs.

>> No.8927967

why is it so expensive. I went one year and all I did was get drunk and yell funny shit. Cons not even fun unless you like guessing whose a trap.

>> No.8927969

>not enjoying trap or not a trap
I enjoyed that last year

>> No.8928038
File: 221 KB, 512x384, 1415926516198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand the fascination with getting intoxicated or high then drunkenly yell around minors. Maybe being 12 and seeing people drunkenly stumble around and be loud is cool or something.

Also I hope to god you weren't one of those people screaming JUST DO IT for 72 hours.

>> No.8928092

Good for them. They are an industry con. Most like 99% of anime cons are by fans for fans and depend on unpaid volunteers. It's just how things work. So either make the best of it or volunteer your time to make it a better place. Back seat driving doesnt help anyone.

>> No.8928115

I know a lot of lolitas would only be going for the lolita guest (since ACEN doesn't seem interested in bringing over any more lolita brands).

>> No.8928121


Aside from running my panel last year, my favorite memories are of getting pleasantly stoned, checking out new anime, wandering around, laughing at Anime Hell, and chatting with strangers in the lobby. A nice buzz can improve things.

Getting intoxicated can be fun. Drunken yelling can be fun. But if literally all you do is act like a drunken asshole all weekend, you're just a drunken asshole.

>> No.8928168

Agreed. That's where cosplay comes in. Like dont let it fill up your day but doing cosplay activities like rolling with your crew in a group cosplay or doing photoshoots and meet ups and such breaks up the day really nicely i find. Being buzzed is a bonus.

>> No.8928171

Thanks for the explanation. Guess I'm just not about that life. Being buzzed is fun, but I try to keep it in 1 area until it wears off.

>> No.8928172

20k+? thought it was 30k+? What's going on?

>> No.8928180

Has Midwest even announced a lolita guest?

>> No.8928416

I enjoy a good buzz. Problem for me is that I don't know when to stop. If I'm not feeling any effects within minutes I assume I haven't drank enough. 7 shots of beam and 6 beers later I can hardly stand and am hugging a toilet seat the rest of the not

>> No.8928515

anyone have room space for 2?

over 18 but we don't really drink or anything

>> No.8928561

20-30+ whatever. You get what i mean. It's big.

>> No.8928564
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Finally finished the big school project that I was working on, so I'm planning to do a good amount of work this weekend on Plague Knight, especially the mask.
I remember you too, anon! You were a blast to hang with!
Good luck, anon! I hope things go well for you!
I know Ryan Kopf is a dickwad, but honestly Midwest is just so much more pleasant than Acen at this point. The past years there's always been dumb shit to happen and make the con less fun, like the fact that the goddamn fire alarm is pulled every year
The "Just Do It" crowd left me scarred desu.

>> No.8928627

What the fuck was up with how they handled the hotel blocks this year? Don't they usually release them all at once? I couldn't get the hotel I wanted because they randomly announced the blocks with as little notification as possible.

>> No.8928783


Or we can choose to go to a better run, more intimate con. Even if the organizer is a dickweed

>> No.8928791

It's usually in stages but not to this extent. annoucements were pretty much only a day or so prior.I find it funny how two large walking distance hotels refuse to host blocks anymore.

>> No.8928809

I reserved my room at the aloft months before it was available as a block. You can always change your rate so as soon as Acen block goes up, swap rates. I mean, I never use the Acen rate but still you don't get charged for a reservation unless you cancel like 5 minutes prior.

>> No.8929047


This is why you do it at night when all the 18+ panels are going on. We had a blast drunkenly yelling at Oregon Trail last year.

>> No.8929505

It can have its downsides.

>have first hit in a long time at start of night before I'm meeting two friends at their room in the Aloft
>get absolutely destroyed because my tolerance is shit...the ten minute walk takes me twenty because I keep spacing out
>it'll be fine, I'm just hanging out in those two peoples' hotel room for a while, we can wait until I calm down a little
>knock on door
>complete stranger answers, stares at me
>too high to say more than "hi"
>friend eventually notices, pulls me into room filled with eleven Evil Within cosplayers, none of whom I know
>people yelling, laughing, memes being spouted, jello shots, stimulation everywhere
>Within ten minutes I panic and tell friends I'll meet them later, hurry back to con, hide in one of the emptiest video rooms and watch AMV Hell

Not a good time. I was pretty embarrassed, I'm usually fine at keeping it together...now I, at least a little bit, understand the mindset of the sobbing drunk cosplayers you inevitably see huddled in corners towards the end of Friday night.


>the goddamn fire alarm is pulled every year

It's like a ritual at this point.

>> No.8929507


>make it a better place

man, I run a multi-hour panel every year, that shit's enough work for me thank you


I miss that thing every year. How does it even work? Does the crowd yell what the players should do next?

>> No.8929544
File: 43 KB, 380x253, sad copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con is 2 months away
>have a massively complex prop to make
>have to make a petticoat
>have to get wig and style
>mfw have to go to china for 10 days
gahhhhh i cant afford to waste 10 days...

>> No.8929569

Some on screaming "JUST DO IT" at a con because they think they are being funny is a dickweed. Kopf is an accused rapist and known con artist. I'll respect your decision to go to a more boring "intimate" con but i dont like my money supporting someone like that. Given their size, i think quite a few people actually hussle and bussle of ACEN

>> No.8929593


When the accusations are Matress-girl tier they don't mean shit anon.

Though it's clear from your tone and defensiveness that you're involved with the organization so what's the point?

>> No.8929637

It's call "no home training" and not knowing how to act in public while Hugh and drunk.

If being an annoying stoner or drunkard is view as fucking stupid in non pop culture events or functions is annoying then it's annoying at an convention.

(Granted it took me a good while to realized I was pissing people off with my drunken acts of stupidity to wake me up when I woke up in a bath tub in my friend's hotel. Plus me drunkenly shouting racist slurs towards evert race. Blacks, whites, Latinos, etc. )

>> No.8930365


Players are decided by challenges (last year, it was decided by QWOP), who then take turns telling the panel-runners what to do. The crowd yells names for the players and suggestions, but the player roughly has the final say, if i remember right. There's also challenges mind-game for the players as well.

>> No.8930427

Everytime there is a choice of what to do (stop at a town, hunt, cross a river) it goes to a roll of the dice where there are many different challenges. Some of the challenges have been, read this fanfic with out laughing/smirking/smiling, beat someone in a video game, double dare inspired physical challenges, name that anime. If the contestants win they choose what to do(stop and rest, hunt, how to cross the river.) if the contestants lose its usually determined by the audience, (no, no, and FORD THAT SHIT)
Try and make it Oregon. You won't.
and if the first set of contestants lose early, they'll pick another set to try again. usually a lot quicker this time around because a lack of time.

>> No.8931014

Interesting, it sounds like it might be fun? Do I have to line up for the panel or can we just walk in?

>> No.8931051

The more popular panels (Oregon Trail for example) will have a line. Usually best to arrive 30 minutes before to get a decent seat.

>> No.8931102

>Matress-girl tier

Nigga, stop. Anybody with half a brain knows that dude is a rapist and a skeez. That's not disputable, and if you feel otherwise then you're just uninformed and shouldn't be speaking on the subject.

I still have had more fun at Anime Midwest than ACEN for the last 3 or so years though.

>> No.8932177

Has anyone been to the lgbt speed dating before? I feel comfortable with myself now to give it a try but I have no idea what kind of guys I'll meet. Do guys do it more to meet a new person and hopefully connect, or are people more into it for hook ups? I have very little experience with the gay/bi male community

>> No.8932199


It mostly depends on what you yourself are looking for. My experience with LGBT speed-dating awkward boys that would gladly attempt something long-term if they weren't from out of state.

If you just need some cosplay boypussy then you can find that there as well (or just use Grindr, you lazy fuck).

>> No.8934220


>that's not disputable
>doesn't post evidence
>just a LISTEN TO ME diatrabe

Sad. Just sad.

>> No.8934370


You can't actually volunteer for ACEN to be anything more than a badge checker unless you know somebody. So, yeah, good luck trying to volunteer to help actually improve anything.

>> No.8934542


I mean, there's a police report and everything, and supposedly people witnessed him dragging a chick into his hotel room...

>> No.8934544

>You can't actually volunteer for ACEN to be anything more than a badge checker unless you know somebody.

what the hell's the point of that? they're always short on staff practically everywhere.

>> No.8934563


If you go the day before ACEN and hep set up you get double the hours.
Help unload some trucks, sort through, cables and projectors. It's really simple.

>> No.8934633


It's not my job to spoonfeed information to you that is readily available to you. A 30 second Google search will bring up a police report and multiple eyewitness accounts of other incidents.

Next time, try to make it less obvious that you work for animecon.org/black materia/whatever half-assed business venture he's working on this week. What's sad is that you're stripping for 13 year olds at every one of his conventions, Erica.

>> No.8934781

>It's not my job to spoonfeed information to you that is readily available to you.
>I don't have any evidence
If you want to make a point just screencap something. You don't even need to provide links.

>> No.8934837


Forget it. I've been arguing about this for years, and I'm not about to do this on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.8934847

So everyone's say boo I'm not going... but all the hotels are completely booked already!

Anyone see any hotels with availability?

>> No.8935181

Booked as in none are offering the Acen rate or just booked in general? I stayed at the Sheraton my first year but you're gonna have to pay a cab if you want to go back and forth.

>> No.8935193

Annoying people as if they're giving a worse form of autism and try to infringe Nike or something.

>> No.8935280

This would be my first time going to ACEN. Only ever been to C2E2 and Magfest. I live only about 30 min away so travel / housing isn't an issue. Is ACEN generally good or should I just do one day to buy art and not bother with anything else?

>> No.8935302

If you are really desperate the Loews by the Rosemont theatre has rooms. The cost per night is I think 300 or so and you'd have to lie if there's more than two in the room. Huge rooms though.

>> No.8935329

ACen is usually considered one of the better conventions in the midwest, but for people who have attended before, it's become quite mediocre. Better than C2E2 though.

>> No.8935501


Depends on what you're looking for. ACen is still, in a lot of ways, a con run by passionate people really trying to spread the joy of anime (and general geekdom, for a few years now) to an underserved market (anime fans in Chicagoland). It's HUGE, and full of fun content (panels, cosplay gatherings, cool concerts, gaming, even those artifacts of an older time video rooms), and you'll meet a lot of wonderful people you'd never otherwise meet. Some of my fondest memories are swapping stories and recommendations with random people at 3 AM in the Hyatt lobby, and every time I drive down the street towards the hotel on the first day and see HUGE lines of cosplayers trekking to the hotels, I get a huge smile on my face.

But it's gotten messier and more poorly run as the size has increased...it was a few thousand back in 2000, and it's 20k+ now, and it's still volunteer run. Some content, like karaoke and AMV contests, has fallen by the wayside. A lot of stuff doesn't get announced until a couple weeks before. And there are a lot of absolute assholes who just go there to get wasted and pull fire alarms (hell, a lot of ravers don't even go to the rest of the con, they're just there to get fucked up and dance).

Try it. Do the full weekend pass. If you only live 30 min away, a Lyft ride back and forth each day might be the best way (40-80 bucks a day for travel is a lot better than 120+ bucks a day for hotel rooms if all you plan to do at the end of the night is sleep), but if you can find a room for cheap, do a room and get the full experience. It really is like nothing else in the Midwest, even if it's extremely flawed.

>> No.8935509

Pro-tip from someone who's gone for years: Rent a room at the Loews as a back up then just check for rooms the last few weeks before the con. I've gone to ACEN for 9 years now and it's worked everytime. Last year I got a damn room at one of the connected hotels the night before.

>> No.8935516


Meant for


>> No.8935761

This. I've met some wonderful people at ACen and we are still great friends today. Look forward to ACen every year, even if I have to fly in.

>> No.8935841 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 938x944, patrick-bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone got lined up for the con?
Definitely dubsman for me, likely saturday
Come up and ask me to check 'em.

>> No.8935862

The point I was making is that NONE of that actually affects any amount of change of the problems that people constantly have with ACEN. You can't help them make reg faster. You can't teach other staff to be more friendly. You can't change their policies about all the people smoking pot outside. You can't figure out ways to make lines better or more organized. You can go help unwrap some cables and maybe get in free next year. Not much.

>> No.8936526

Looks like I'm gonna have to stop working on my Johnny until further notice. Just got hit with financial shit that I didn't have any control over. I mean I'll be fine when it comes to money by the time ACEN hits, but next month I can't really buy anymore cosplay related items and whatnot. With that in mind in not sure I'll be able to finish my Johnny in time for ACEN. I'll be able to finish my Hanayo no problem (since all I literally need is her wig and panyhoes), but it looks like my Kanji is going to have to come out of the closet. MAYBE do a DAN version if I have time/money since I can wear headband and not have to apply spirit gum to face to keep wig in check (seriously fuck spirit gum).

TL;DR - Johnny probably not going to be finished because money so gonna go to ACEN as Hanayo and Kanji

>> No.8936832

Cool, thanks anon. Looking at my schedule I would only be able to do the sunday unless I took days off, though regarding the general disorganization one day seems more than enough. Magfest was also volunteer run, with many of the same issues you mentioned. While its fun, the only thing I enjoyed past the first day was the people watching.

I know ACEN is primarily an anime thing, but how many other non anime fandoms are prominent? Like if you had to put it to %'s, how much of it is anime, how much is vidyer, how much is things like homestucks/ponies/underfails.

>> No.8936839

Same. I did a rigorous diet that lost me about 8 pounds in 3 weeks to meet "ok" for a cosplay for C2E2. Luckily I have time for ACEN and already pretty much have the body fat % down, now its just building muscle.

>> No.8936849


Hmmm. For one thing, if you can only do one day, I'd suggest swapping a shift or something so you could do Friday or Saturday...Sunday's still fun, but it's definitely the wrapping up portion of the con and a lot of people leave by 2 PM (once everyone checks out of their hotel roooms).

In terms of non-anime fandoms, if memory serves there's always Doctor Who, TF2, and (errr) Brony meetups, last year there was a decent card gaming room and this year there'll be a badass game room, BattleTech has pods there, and if you're into it Friday/Saturday both have late-night raves. I know there are some non-anime panels as well, but I can't find last year's schedule to give you a full rundown.

>> No.8936981

Why is the Acen facebook page full of such attention whorey douchebags? It's pretty annoying

>> No.8937350

Because they where never loved or gotten attention from their peers in high school.

>> No.8937361

no different from any other social media group nowadays, especially facebook

>> No.8937624

Yeah man. Especially the Admins.What's up with that Machete guy? He looks like one of those stalkers of underage girls. I wonder how many of the girls in his "harem" are actually girls?

>> No.8937650

He's an attention whore that thinks he's the best Machette cosplay at ACEN.

>> No.8937767

Putting the "Who Should I Cosplay" posts aside, I can't say I have too many complaints.

>> No.8938207


You act like /cgl/ ACEN threads are any different what with the namefagging and other forms of self-identification on 4chan of all places.

>> No.8938311


Dude, if you think the shitposting here is in any way as intense and constant as it is in groups featuring Benjamin A Snow, I don't even know what to say to you.

I had to unsub from both groups because my feed got clogged with endless memes and bullshit and the same like five people trying to act like cool kids even though they owned DBZ button-down shirts.`

>> No.8938325

These things are the reason why I miss the ACEN forums back it it's hayday prime. Barely any little attention whoring and people shit posting just to look cool.

/cgl/ may had been going downhill in recent years but it'll be so much better than the majority of convention FB groups.

And fuck that Benjamin dude, I had interact with him a few years ago at a ACEN board meet. He's as egotistical and annoying in real life as he is online.

>> No.8938348


>you will never talk about your favorite shows, what panels you're excited for, plan room parties, and swap cosplay tips with forum users again
>people only use it as a hotel room exchange and to shill their own panels

feels bad, man

>> No.8938432

I miss the days of invasion boards and other fourms like that. Things were a tad otaku but we knew it and had fun with it. Now due to Facebook everyone is trying to be Mr. Or Mrs. Popular and Otaku at once because they were never popular among their peers in high school. It's a shit show and I wish it could stop.

Putting my bitter old man mentality aside, does anyone want to meet up at the hotel bar or a bar down the street from the convention center? I feel like I won't be able to connect with most folks at the cons other than a few older folks. Hell I'm only going Saturday because I rather work and make money that Friday then spend extra cash traveling to Chicago for a con.

(Regertfully, I could go Friday and explore Chicago for the morning until late after/early night to check in my hotel but fuck it.)

>> No.8938460

It's unfortunate that Facebook seems to have removed the "unfollow" option, so you didn't have to block someone but also didn't have to see their stuff. I used to suggest that to people who complained, but now it's not a feature.

>> No.8938476

The hell is goin' on in here? Looks like a salt mine at work.

>> No.8938490

You can still unfollow groups....Zuckerberg didn't take that away

>> No.8938568

That's not what I'm talking about. Zuckerberg took away the options of unfollowing individuals within the group itself.

>> No.8938574

Are we talking trash about the Facebook group now because I'm in. I completely agree that it's more about who's popular rather than actual good content. I hate what became of it so much, so I'm kind of glad I'm not in it anymore. I do have friends that tell me the stupid shit that goes on from time to time, and it's absolute garbage if you ask me. Nobody fucking cares who they are.

>> No.8938593


>24/7 shitposting
>attention-whoring to the point where people are legit posting nudes for likes
>you can still get banned for saying "nigga"

>> No.8938620

I know right? The official Anime Central page is boring and dull, so it's easier to get a "shock factor" on there for milking likes to feed an ego. It got taken down faster than the Mikasa camwhore pictures on the Acen page though.

>> No.8938666

It's sad the groups became a grounds for "GIVE ME LIKES FOR THIS SHITTY MEME OR MY TITS BECAUSE I HAVE NOBODY IN MY LIF WHO SEES APPROVAL IN ME!" rather than actual good goddammit content.

Let me guess, the admins are social justice warriors or black?

>> No.8938712

>complains about ACen
>still goes

>> No.8938754

We are talking about the Facebook groups fool.

>> No.8938796

equally as pointless. just leave if you don't like it.
but naaaah...more fun to hang around and bitch about it, apparently lol.

>> No.8938828


>you can only go to something if you never complain about it ever

Go away, El Ken

>> No.8938844

Whatever dude.
Let me apologize for the fact nobody enjoys your circle jerk pathetic ACEN groups and that reading our disdain for said groups has hurt your feelings.

>> No.8938850

Not gonna bother name-shaming I guess but yeah most of the mods are buttblasted minorities or white knights.

There's some annoying negress always going on and on about whitewashing or whatever is the popular catchphrase.

Plenty of internet tough guys tookek.."Better hope we don't run into eachother at the con" *nose tweak* These are the same fucks who ran like sonic in high school, guaranteed

>> No.8938869

not even constructive bitching, just shaking your fist at the sky wondering why nobody gives a shit about the "good ole days"

you dont like the group, but stay anyway.
doesn't seem to be any rationale there. just some gawker who can't look away and gets their peen points by trying to separate yourself from the very same shit posters you can't stand

>> No.8938885


Go away, El Ken.

>> No.8938889

>garbage reference

>> No.8938893

How about this: post fb so we know which bitchass in the forums you are or gtfo

Better? Cool

>> No.8938901


Go away, El Ken.

>> No.8938906

help. im being e-thugged by some anonfag
cool your jets turbo, nobody buys the internet tough guy deal

>> No.8938909

If you didn't buy it then where's your fb :^)
Fuckin weeb.
You're the type of nigga who'd take someone to court for whoopin that ass instead of taking the L with some kind of dignity

>> No.8938912


Let's be real here: nobody likes the FB groups. They're used by necessity, full of wannabe cool kids preening and shitposting but still occasionally helpful if you want to find out about room parties or unofficial cosplay meetups or open hotel rooms.

Everybody likes the con, to varying degrees. We keep going because there's enough good left in it to bring us back every year. We don't fume the whole time we're there, but as paying customers and longtime attendees, we have every right to criticize the fuckups and mock the failures. Anyone bitchy enough to go mneh mneh well why don't you STOP GOING THEN is either shitposting or legendary butthurt slacker El Ken.

Go away, El Ken.

>> No.8938917


>Plenty of internet tough guys tookek.."Better hope we don't run into eachother at the con" *nose tweak* These are the same fucks who ran like sonic in high school, guaranteed

I can not help but laugh to myself when I read about people wanting to fight at anime convention over silly troll posts and jokes. Believe me when I say when they are confronted, they will run away or try to weasel their way out of the situation.

I know from personal experience. Somebody from the unofficial ACEN group wanted to fight me because I had called them out for being an attention whore idiot. They got upset by my post and stated "If yo lu think you are tough and bad say that shit in my face, boy."

Found the guy at a room party, told him who I was from the group and he tried to play everything off and said he really didn't want to fight.

>> No.8938921

>says the anon
>no one gets the reference
>writing angry novels for no one
>profile diving is weird, lolfgt

>> No.8938922

Yeah it's pretty mind blowing that people playing dress up also want to try playing alpha dog

>> No.8938924

u wot

>> No.8938932

It's because they will never be an Alpha in real life. They have to put on an online persona to emulate such behavior they yern for in the real world.

>> No.8939027


Go the fuck away, El Ken.

>> No.8939036

lol this guy

>> No.8939057

Just ignore this him bruh unless you're actually are ElKen. Like why are you so defensive my dude lol.

Also lol ya niggas talking shit about folks from the group on 4chan. Becoming the monsters ya hate lol. Let me guess, it's okay to talk shit about people here but the ones who fucked with ya on the groups were wrong for doing so.

I mean overall both of you ACEN seagulls and the acen groups are pathetic.

>> No.8939061

To the anon that is going as Hanayo, can I ask what wig you decided to get? I tried asking the wig thread and the idol thread and neither have replied to me after a week or so.

>> No.8939068
File: 48 KB, 189x188, 1457571708830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the thread? I can feel my blood pressure rise from all this salt.

I see nothing wrong with calling out the FB groups. I don't follow them but at least it's an Acen related topic of discussion. As long as no ones being directly harassed then it's just as harmless as seagulls practically hissing when someone brings up Nigri.

>> No.8939105

Just some folks carrying over their salt from the groups to here. Like you say, its cool to call out how shitty these groups are but name dropping and harqssing?
Yeah no.

>> No.8939134


ACEN fight club?

>> No.8939205

I haven't picked an exact wig out yet, but I've been eyeing one on Amazon that's pretty cheap and seems to have good reviews, so I think I might try it

>> No.8939251


Sweet, I've started a trend!

But judging by his saltiness, he might actually be Benjamin A Snow...


I agree no one should get harassed, but when you're as infamous as Snow or Ken or Kopf or whoever you deserve whatever mockery you get on this board.

>> No.8939264
File: 28 KB, 320x480, Magnum-027-FRONT-320x480 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go for it let me know how it is. Thinking about pulling the trigger for this wig on Arda

>> No.8939270
File: 27 KB, 320x480, Magnum-124-FRONT-320x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another color I'm considering

>> No.8939302

I think I know who you're talking about, and if so, she's so fucking annoying. A bunch of people complain about her to me, but then other people just go along with her faggotry because the amount of white knighting is pathetic. She just wants attention or whatever. Not even worth anyone's time.

When the mods start banning those retards, I might consider joining. I'm in the main one as a side account, but nothing remotely interesting happens.

>> No.8939324

Oh Benjamin.

That child is the king of salt. He had a meltdown in the game room at this convention about two years over a $20 money match in Street Fighter 4. He had said some incredibly racist and sexist remark to the female that beat him in the MM. It was arkward for all parties invovled.

>> No.8939331

he mains Dhalsim, don't know what he was expecting

>> No.8939334

Benjamin always seemed alright to me, but my interactions with him were pretty brief

>> No.8939351

Good. Keep them brief or better yet, avoiding him. He loves to put up a nice facade of kindness but from what I've seen personally and heard, he is two-faced. He uses people for his personal gain and has toss people aside once he realize he has no usage for people left.

He is not to be trusted.

He usually plays scrub characters such as the Shotos. He believes that he's a good player but he's a joke in our community and beyond.

>> No.8939376

He seems like another who'd get hard over the net but would just REEEE irl

>> No.8939393

which page? theres like 3

>> No.8939445

Acen people always take their hobbies a bit too seriously...

>> No.8939454

The unofficial one (Acen)

The main one is slow and insignificant unless you want information about the con or hotels. The 3rd one is a fucking joke.

>> No.8939455

Teko Muto needs to chill and get with the program...

>> No.8939462

what's with him? and his lego guy face..
think he might be legit autistic

>> No.8939465

We don't know for sure if Teko is autistic, but we'll find out soon enough.

>> No.8939469

I want the normies to leave, please.

>> No.8939474

Leave What?

>> No.8939481

I am Teko, no one tells me to chill

>> No.8939486

Makes sense. Hides his face even on jewbook kek

>> No.8939497

Who is this guy...I am Teko.

>> No.8939508

I also....am Teko

>> No.8939513


Well, one of you is going to have to change.

>> No.8939519

Ok, "Teko", where did my name originate from?

>> No.8939526
File: 27 KB, 600x450, teko unmasked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you look deep enough.

>> No.8939535

I am a Teko, the true self!

>> No.8939536

oh, and your mother's cunt obviously

>> No.8939537

That's not me. That's an imposter!

>> No.8939640

So who snitched because I'm seeing screenshots of some of the people I was talking shit about on the ACEN group.

>> No.8939665

lucky you are an anon then
gee, i wonder who would talk about the ACen page except....gasp people from the ACen page

>> No.8939696

I'm thinking of entering the masquerade for the first time this year as a walk on. What should I expect? What are the prizes like? As usual, the website has no real information.

>> No.8939704

What the fuck? Who posted it?

>> No.8939713

If the website had lacking details then you should dread what will happen day of with the staff.

>> No.8939719

B& for life teko

>> No.8939752

This Salt is STILL going... ?

>> No.8939777 [DELETED] 

what is this fucking middle school speak?
It's like that bullshit "lol hater"
Nope not "salty", just callin out douchebags as i see em.

>> No.8939793

From what I'm hearing, some ugly hoebag thinks she can post tits to "help" the other admin look like he's hot shit but news flash, sluts and dickwads. It's so obvious that she's just pretending to ride his cock to gain recognition. Girls like that disgust me.

At this point, who cares if it's posted in Acen. At least they know what they are.

>> No.8939797

But it's not like he's any fucking better but oh well. He can act like he's not affected all he wants, but clearly he knows that it's true. There's so many fake ass losers in that group who want to have some kind of recognition becuase their shitty lives mean nothing outside of it.

>> No.8940224

What about that obnoxious melee elitist who posts on ACEN like it's Melee Hell? Jesus, I cannot stand her!

>> No.8940242

Man, this thread is skewing pretty negative. Anybody got any favorite ACen memories?

>bored with friends in lobby on Saturday afternoon
>decide to start an "Official ACen Parade"
>spread throughout the crowd, ask people "hey, are you gonna do the parade? It's starting in a minute"
>small line, 10-15 people, forms
>we begin marching, chanting JOIN THE PARADE
>march from escalators to convention halls
>one friend keeps pointing at people and telling them to get in line
>Dr. McNinja cosplayer near front has a clipboard and keeps writing down names, so clearly we're legit
>march back towards atrium
>like 40 people now
>JOIN THE PARADE echoes deafeningly inside atrium
>our footsteps are Nazi Movie-level loud on the stairs as we try for the second floor
>suddenly IRT everywhere, everyone scatters
>overhear strangers talking about the parade that night, feel like a genius

Never could get it going again.

>> No.8940250
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>> No.8940252

So can we have another ACEN thread that isn't full of autstic drama that nobody gives a fuck about?

>> No.8940303
File: 31 KB, 500x500, FB_IMG_1459287373581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there!

>> No.8940325

I wake up and this thread looks like shit

>ACen 2011
>TF2/Valve photoshoot
>Apocalypse was supposed to have started on Saturday, so everyone gonna die in cosplay
>Nothing happens
>Suddenly people singing Still Alive

Would've been a great story that no one else could tell that we all died in cosplay

>> No.8940427

>I wake up and this thread looks like shit
This is what happens when anons can't keep the 4chan in 4chan. I've seen worse though.

>> No.8940435

I'm hosting the Melee Hell panel at Acen btw, you're more than welcome to express your grievance against me there. :')

>> No.8940537
File: 638 KB, 1500x1904, WWII_Posters_Safety_Security_Loose_Talk_6LG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of what Nino Brown said in one of his video on Facebook "Keep street shit in the streets and keep pillow talk in the bedroom."

Basically he was saying that you never know if you're chick you fooling around gonna tell your haters or your enemies what you have been saying to them.

So, people talking about how they don't like so-and-sofrom the ACEN thread here and name dropping caused someone who goes on both cgl and the ACEN groups to say "Hey, this person on 4chan is talking shit on this person on the group. Check it out!" and now we are here, in this shit storm.

Pic related: You idiots just should had kept 4chan shit on 4chan and Facebook shit on facebook. Rules 1 and 2.

>> No.8940688

desu niggers ruin acen for me

>> No.8940768

Where's the unity acen once had...

>> No.8940838


It's still here, tattered but standing. Not sure what happened to this particular thread, someone who crossposts decided to stir up trouble maybe?

Still waiting on more favorite ACen memories. Here's another one:

>running first Hentarmageddon, my first panel ever
>nervous as fuck
>"well, it's a 2 hour panel at midnight at the Hilton, how many people could possibly come?"
>see MASSIVE line running outside of the building as we walk to the Hilton
>ask random line-waiter what the line is for
>"This new thing Hentarmageddon"
>oh god
>strut in there like I know what the fuck we're doing
>watch people voice act hentai, admit to getting caught jerking it by their parents, and shout out answers to What's That Sound
>almost moved to tears, remember how much I love cons

So bummed I can't host it this year. Really should start micromanaging my lieutenants.

>> No.8940859
File: 25 KB, 209x189, Kill me it hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had so much fun at last year's Hentaiarmegeddon. I managed to guess most of the traps and I got to see my friend get out of his shell and make anime girl sex noises. Most of my good memories are hanging out with some of the /cgl/ (probably other boards too) members, however, I dread remembering this
>At vocaloid panel
>end of panel with time left and people can request songs
>I requested a Kaito song
>people asking where the english subtitles for song are
>about 30 seconds after it plays I see people start walking out
I'll get over it eventually

>> No.8941083

Good point...

>> No.8941693

I wish I could change my badge name to whatever name I get.

>> No.8941874
File: 66 KB, 199x257, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hotel did you guys get?

Friends and I are taking one for the team and staying at the motel 8 down the street. Still looking at the other options tho.
>got my badge last night
>it's official
See you cunts there

>> No.8941884

oh badges are being mailed out now?

>> No.8941929

Sorry I misspoke. I BOUGHT my badge, I didn't physically get it. They're not being shipped until beginning of April (so any day now maybe)

>> No.8941941


>> No.8942049


None yet, I always wait until the week before to get a room.

>> No.8942080


Stories like this are why I keep coming back to ACEN, no matter how much I say I'm not going to. That was heartwarming, anon.

>> No.8942297


Thank you.

Honestly, the panels and the people are what keep me coming back. I still remember the amazement in 2000 when I saw my first Dealers' Hall, but that's mostly worn out in the age of streaming and online shopping; I LOVE seeing cosplayers but I'm too lazy to do more than found/closet cosplay; video rooms are nice to check out shows I normally wouldn't, but I always feel like I could be doing something else...

...but panels, man, seeing fans get so passionate about their interests that they want to teach other fans about them, play games with fans, set up speed dating, all that stuff. It reminds me how we're all on the same team no matter how big the con gets.

>last year
>go to Anime Hell for first time in like nine years
>chant "get the fuck out" along with hundreds of other people, remember Heino, make wisecracks with people around me
>it's like I never left

I wish we could have SWEK reunite for one more shitty anime cover show, but I think they got banned after too many stage dives in like 2004.