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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 293 KB, 600x900, a95a02c2bb885892fdd4cec31f9e0943-d7j3gfn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8874276 No.8874276 [Reply] [Original]

When I cosplay, I usually want to cosplay from a live action source. However, there is an expectation that you should look like the actor in order to do this well. What do you think?

Also general live-action cosplay thread. Dumping Hannibal cosplays because that is my jam right now.

>> No.8874283
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>> No.8874287
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>> No.8874299
File: 127 KB, 775x1031, hannibal__i_believe_you_by_christie_cosplay-d8mxs9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an example of the problem cosplaying live action. The cosplayers have talent but it seems off because they don't have faces similar to the characters. When cosplaying from animated sources, you can get away with making the costume match the source, but for live action that doesn't have iconic costumes, it seems to be all about facial resemblence to the actor.

>> No.8874304
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>> No.8874306
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>> No.8874308
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Of course, with Hannibal you can put on a flower crown or antlers and the fandom will be more likely to "get it" even if you don't resemble the characters.

>> No.8874317
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Or pick a character with a fucked up face and get your prosthetic game on.

>> No.8874343
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>> No.8874347
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Another option: Carry a prop relevant to the character to make them more identifiable.

>> No.8874369
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>This is an example of the problem cosplaying live action. The cosplayers have talent but it seems off because they don't have faces similar to the characters. When cosplaying from animated sources, you can get away with making the costume match the source, but for live action that doesn't have iconic costumes, it seems to be all about facial resemblence to the actor.

I think the real distinction isn't live action versus animated, it's simple, generic outfit versus unique outfit. If the outfit isn't unique and recognizable on its own (and with the example you posted, it's *so* generic I wouldn't have recognized it out of context with probably any cosplayers), all you have to carry it is face and hair similarities. If the outfit is more distinct, it carries a lot more of weight.

>> No.8874402

basically this. if a character wears a button down and jeans it's going to be harder to recognize than a character who wears a very specific trenchcoat or a tee with a distinct logo or something.

>> No.8874436

yeah, i was talking about this with my sister when i dragged her and her boyfriend to a con with me once. i said they would look cute as george michael and maeby from arrested development but realized the only way anyone would know who they were supposed to be would be if they wore the banana stand uniforms or something, because otherwise they'd just look like regular people

the problem with live action shows is characters usually have a wide variety of very generic-looking outfits, as opposed to just one or a few unique ones that animated characters have. add in the fact that they could wear their hair different episode to episode, makeup, facial similarities, etc and it's just much harder

animated characters leave a lot more room for artistic license.

>> No.8874456
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Also, do an iconic symbol. Keeps you from having to look like anyone, too. Ravenstag = horns, fur, black, makeup, feathers. (this girl did the hooves but I rarely see people do them)

>> No.8874463

>i said they would look cute as george michael and maeby from arrested development but realized the only way anyone would know who they were supposed to be would be if they wore the banana stand uniforms or something, because otherwise they'd just look like regular people
another option is to carry a fandom-related sign, so for those two, something about the forbidden love French movie they saw (signs with a mockup movie poster?) could help make them identifiable.

even with an iconic design confusion can happen, so signs can be a fun cue to have. i saw a John Constantine (tv version) cosplayer with a sign explicitly stating they were not an angel (i.e. Castiel), a Doctor, etc.

for Hannibal, the fandom has so many injokes that a sign saying "Somebody please help Will Graham (Not you, Hannibal)" could be more than enough.

>> No.8874466

Yep. I would love to cosplay Kate Beckett from Castle, but she has so many different outfits and hairstyles.

>> No.8874474

Constantine is actually pretty iconic. The blond hair + red tie + trench coat kind does it. Especially with a cigarette hanging from your lips. Though I have played the constantine or castiel game before (since a lot of shitty castiels wont wear a wig/dye their hair)

>> No.8874482

Fantasy, sci-fi, and super hero live action cosplay avoids that problem. Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Marvel Avengers, Harry Potter, etc, are a lot more recognizable than police procedural characters who buy their clothes at literally the same stores a lot of us buy our clothes at, though there are a couple of those that are distinct enough to be easily recognizable, like that gothy NCIS woman. Doctor Who companion cosplay is also pretty popular and pretty recognizable to other fans, but pairing up with a Doctor cosplayer helps.

>> No.8874497

exactly, which is why you see more cosplays from those types of things

>> No.8874763

>Constantine is actually pretty iconic
yep, thus the "even with an iconic design, confusion can still happen" part that led into further ways a sign can help clear potential confusion.

>> No.8875388
File: 205 KB, 725x1102, sherlock_battlefields_by_fahrsindram-d5t4qtu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BBC Sherlock.

>> No.8875498

I've actually seen a lot of Castle cosplay. But it's recognizable because people go for the "writer" and "police" vests.

>> No.8876291
File: 606 KB, 2048x1639, 12239406_873700449392247_899100003369439696_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a few.

>> No.8876293
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>> No.8876295
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>> No.8876302
File: 207 KB, 1024x683, once_upon_a_time_regina_cosplay_by_the10thkingdomfan-d6m4bhx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8877619

Once has such good costume design.

>> No.8878509
File: 158 KB, 600x1066, 90f767b0ad0cd84dd1225c4469f655a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

met a good Rumplestiltskin once, can't find pics of him.

then i realized i was searching under "Rasputin"

which is why only pic related came up

>> No.8878522


>> No.8878523
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>> No.8878540
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>> No.8878557

Both gals here really have the right faces to match the characters. Will, not so much, but good effort.

>> No.8878560
File: 160 KB, 1014x1500, RumpleZoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8878561
File: 262 KB, 1153x692, once_upon_a_time____rumpelstiltskin_by_rafkinswarning-d5kqc8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been a few great Rumplestilskin cosplayers at Dragoncon.

I keep putting it off, but at this point the show is almost dead so it'll probably never get made. Pic related, the outfit I want to make.

>> No.8878566
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>> No.8878571
File: 207 KB, 900x1350, regina_mills__evil_queen_by_almost_human_cosband-d7ik8ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it a shot, the show doesn't need to be on the air or have a lot of fans to be worth cosplaying.

i mean the thread did start with Hannibal so

noce Regina i found looking for Rumples

>> No.8878581
File: 291 KB, 1024x1536, huntsman___graham_humbert_by_almost_human_cosband-d7yvhll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a Huntsman that looks like Gormless John Snow

>> No.8878596

>looks like Gormless John Snow
So HBO's Jon Snow then? Since the actor looks about as gormless as possible.

>> No.8878637

Where are the teen woofs lol

>> No.8878696
File: 74 KB, 456x1024, 4312014_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So HBO's Jon Snow then? Since the actor looks about as gormless as possible.

>> No.8880931

Does anyone have any good "The Walking Dead" cosplays?

>> No.8881595
File: 217 KB, 1365x2048, 12778849_1679148625696842_6617276940314613493_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in theory this is a good cosplay, but because she doesn't have the same distinctive face as the actress it throws everything off. are there any cosplayers at all who can manage this for live action cosplays?

>> No.8881926

>Thought this was supposed to be Adele
Any good musician/bandcos?

>> No.8882052

are you saying that isn't supposed to be Adele?

>> No.8882070
File: 3.42 MB, 320x320, ezgif-343294534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP was talking about Hannibal, so I figured no?

>> No.8882837

Look up Santatory

>> No.8882936

Is that the real fabric?

>> No.8882967
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Does cosplaying a real person count?

>> No.8882969
File: 76 KB, 648x432, whoscosplayingwho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cute.

>> No.8882973
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>> No.8882978
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>> No.8882989
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>> No.8883730

Nah, this cosplayer definitely has some gorm.

>> No.8883854

No she spoonflowered it herself

>> No.8883865
File: 1.27 MB, 900x1600, 1456407414783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this counts but I saw this George R.R. Martin cosplayer at Anime North last year

>> No.8884322

mfw after visiting this thread twice
I've realised this is supposed to be hannibals therapist

>> No.8884323

Actually met the Coulson cosplayer in this post, and he's the most uncanny cosplayer ever.

>> No.8884326
File: 88 KB, 600x1065, CFyosLxVIAAZfkZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the pic ooops

>> No.8884328
File: 173 KB, 747x1328, 11416351_10206305065242159_1761779755439112918_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another of him

>> No.8884604

>mfw that wasn't a death note

>> No.8886938

I'm probably going to go to a small, local con as Dana Scully from the X-Files.I don't look much like her, and my Mulder cosplayer isn't going. Wearing the FBI badge with her name and picture, and my wig is on-point though. So I'm considering this a test run for future Scully cosplaying. If no one gets it, I'll be sure to only cosplay her with Mulder. I won't really mind if that's the case, because I like to have a lowkey cosplay in rotation with my more attention-grabbing ones that get me stopped often for pictures.

>> No.8887053

bless you, anon. excellent taste.

>> No.8887294

Her cosplay looks so much less heavy than the other girls, and her face

>> No.8887394

So much better made too. And has much more of a resemblance. I think the two know each other though.

>> No.8887451

Wow that pube beard....

>> No.8887841

>Cosplay was a mistake

>> No.8887843

>Actually writing

5/10 not truthful to the source material.

>> No.8887868

Thank you, anon. I'm hoping that with the revival, there will be lots of X-Files fans at the con who recognize me.

>> No.8888382


I once saw a George R. R. Martin cosplayer at Dragon Con who had tied up the shirt into a belly shirt and wore thigh high fishnets with a garter belt + stripper heels. Still fully bearded though. To this day that sticks out in my mind as one of the strangest "sexy" costumes I've ever seen.

>> No.8888499


Honestly, she did such a good job on the costume and wig that I don't care as much as I probably should about her face not looking like Natalie Dormer.

You guys talked about Santatory, and yeah, she looks a lot like the actress, but that's not exactly a result of her hard work on characterization, it's just that she naturally looks like her. Pure luck, basically. (her costume is also on point, though)

So in cosplays like these, if the cosplayer doesn't look physically like the source, I'd at least hope that their costume is on point. If it is, then I'd call it a good cosplay.

>end of rant.

>> No.8888522

her costume's entirely inaccurate though. The Santatory girl not only looks like the actress, but it's accurate as fuck too

>> No.8888525

Hi Helen.

>> No.8888541

go away please

>> No.8888716
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>> No.8888719
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>> No.8888726
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Ah, I guess I didn't have as many live-action cosplays saved as I thought... so one more bump from me!

>> No.8888737
File: 96 KB, 500x747, Jareth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8889195


>> No.8889277

I cosplay her a lot and most people get it, it was usually the older audience though. Granted I usually go to general fandom or Western-oriented cons so YMMV. Revival may have helped too, I haven't done Scully since this summer.

>> No.8889470
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>> No.8890103

...you realize this isn't a cosplay, right? These are the actual actors?

>> No.8890224
File: 137 KB, 900x829, poison_and_ghoul_by_maru_light-d4himia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8890339


>> No.8894269

Why not cosplay Hodor?

>> No.8894273

Did anyone get pictures of Beach Borg from last year's DragonCon?