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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8794021 No.8794021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay to have a thread like this? I've seen this topic come up a lot in other threads.

>Does being trans restrict the characters you can cosplay?
>Are you openly trans in the cosplay scene or stealth?
> Any tips/recommendations?

>> No.8794036

Also lolita discussion is fine too.

>> No.8794264

(ftm) I'm afraid that the more I transition the less I'll be able to dress up, because people will think I'm a faker (I just like the fashion)
but everything will fit better without boobs

>> No.8794323

I can't take ftms who get into lolita very seriously. just go for ouji if you're so masculine you feel that your body is wrong - lolita brings attention to a feminine shape for me (though exaggerated as fuck) and I just feel like it should make them feel more dysphoric if anything

cosplaywise who cares, no one will even realise most likely or think you're a random crossplayer. crossplay would be 10x easier anyway

>> No.8794340

I've never seen a FtM do lolita/brolita, but for cosplays the only problems I've noticed are the poorly done, sometimes nearly comical, fake facial hair and height problems (going as 6'+ characters when they're like 5'1).

I'm MtF and I pass, but I usually still find it cringey as fuck or get creeped out when I see guys or non-passing MtFs in lolita or cosplaying as female.

>> No.8794341

(Transmasculine) For me, Crossplay isn't really an issue. It's not me, after all, and as long as the crossplays I do isn't in majority it's not something that bothers me. In fact, the fact that I DRESS UP as a woman makes me feel more comfortable in my identity as a dude; it becomes very apparent to me that it's not who I am.

In general, my attitude to gender is... Well, whenever I dress in a way which might be percieved as masculine or feminine, it rarely feels like any more than a costume. I do consider myself non-binary, but it's not really relevant in that medically I am still transitioning to a more masculine presentation.

I'm hoping on being able to get on testo (or at least blockers) in a short while, but am not planning on either top- or bottom surgery. Though I might want to tie up my tubes eventually.

Are there any ftm folk here who have experience with open chest binding?

>> No.8794364

I get dysphoria from not having a penis, not from the clothes I wear
It's like being a brolita

>> No.8794365

This so much.
I probably wouldn't feel this way so much if most ftm lolitas/jfashioners didn't also make a big fuss online about people misgendering them with female pronouns. If you're presenting in lolita you are pretty much presenting as femininity incarnate, you can't blame people for that mistake.
Wear ouji or some androgynous ega, problem solved.

>> No.8794380

I don't really understand brolitas either (apart from some being kinda cute, but that's pure crossdressing not a ftm effectively presenting as a female) so you're not helping. the trans folks I know (mtf) are on HRT, having laser therapy for body hair and are planning surgery. haven't really seen them ever go 'man, I really want to wear a dress shirt today like I used to' or 'man, I miss when I had to wear hoodies and sports pants so my mum wouldn't scream bloody murder at me and try to grope me'
maybe it's a tumblr thing, I don't really know. bottom line is I'm not going to say anything to someone's face unless they become too whiny about it, but I will silently judge a bit

>> No.8794416

Not that anon, but just like a cis girl might like pants, or a cis boy might like pink, clothes and colours have very little to do with actually being trans. Of course, it will vary for everyone, but to a lot of us, being trans is mainly about our bodies and our relation to them. Of course, someone who doesn't feel at least a little awkward dressing (and being percieved) as their given gender on a day to day basis probably doesn'y need to transition, thus making their gender-sex alignment pretty irrelevant to anyone not intimately involved with them.

There's another facet that I don't think cis folks realize, and that's that most of us have some hints of our identity even as young children. For my entire childhood I despised wearing pink, dressing in skirts, or keeping my hair long. But now that I know and understand my identity, and realize where that distaste came from, I might occasionally enjoy it, or even desire having long hair or doing stereotypically feminine things. Especially as I transition; the more readily I pass for male, the less issues I have with occasionally indulge myself in femininity. It used to be a necessity to avoid it to me, and not being restricted by that anymore is very pleasant. Wearing skirts for comfort on my days off doesn't make me less of a guy, it just reinforces my confidence that my masculinity is stable enough that wearing a skirt, or having long hair doesn't make me a woman.

>> No.8794421

Clothes are not really gendered, it's socialization that makes us regard certain articles of clothing as "male" or "female". You can be a man and like wearing dresses, that doesn't make you a woman, the same way you can be a woman and only wear pants. I have a ftm friend who refuses to wear ouji vests with lace on them because it's "too girly", which I think is ridiculous, but some people are secure enough not to care and just genuinely like certain clothes regardless of gender.

>> No.8794425


i love the idea of transness and encourage all forms of non-selfrighteous, non-attentionwhoring gender play. including cosplaying whatever character of whatever gender you like, even if it is of your birth gender. ftm brolitas and whatever mtf equivalent happens are also fine.

that said, i do judge those who claim to be trans but do not make an effort to actually change anything about themselves. this is mostly evident in /cgl/-related communities online. at least try to rid yourself of negative traits your birth gender is raised with, even if you have no plans for hormones or surgery. i can't take seriously someone who claims to be "trans" when there is 0 transformation of any sort. you have the best reason to try to rid yourself of bad habits relating to how your assigned gender is socialized, please make use of it!

i also have suspicions towards those who claim to be trans but seem in reality to just be mad about adulthood and social expectations of a man/woman versus a child. these are the sissies, the fakebois, the AGPs and AAPs, usually. they have a distorted and idealized view of the gender they claim to be, which translates to a distorted view of their own behavior, and they are impossible to reason with.

regular trans people and nonbinary folk are pushing the boundaries of human expression and i hope they continue to do so.

>> No.8794426

>I have a ftm friend who refuses to wear ouji vests with lace on them because it's "too girly"
sometimes it is the smallest details that can push someone from passing (or sometimes passing) to never passing. people make snap decisions about gender almost unconsciously.

also, there is a matter of personal taste. some people are not fond of girly clothes.

>> No.8794521

That image is more fetish/sissy than anything to do with trans people.

>> No.8794776
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I'm an MtF, 2.5 years HRT.

>Does being trans restrict the characters you can cosplay?
Sort of. I don't feel comfortable cosplaying very short characters, or even super cutesy ones. I don't feel like I can pull it off well. Crossplaying is certainly out of the question, doing a male character would make me feel awful.
>Are you openly trans in the cosplay scene or stealth?
Stealth. Nobody's ever clocked me, and guys hit on me at cons, so I think I'm doing okay at it. I also post pictures here sometimes and nobody's called me out either. I'm stealth at work as well, mind.
> Any tips/recommendations?
If you are an early transitioner, you'll probably be nervous. That's okay, but if you're staring at your feet and you have defensive body language, you'll be a lot easier to clock than if you'd been confident. I know that's not easy, but it goes a long way.

>> No.8794797

pretty much this.
I got into ouji at the same that I came out as transmasculine (it's been ten years and back then I'd have said 'queer' though) and it actually really helped me come to terms with how I present myself. Tbh I'd still do crossplay as a challenge and if people think I'm female that just means I did a good job lol

>> No.8794800

very well put anon!

>> No.8795476
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Does anyone ever had the idea of cosplaying a genderbended character? From an actual genderbend series.

something like this
>pick character that is the same original gender as you
>make cosplay
>as you make your transition
>modify cosplay to fit opposite gender
>finished product will be your new gender

Dunno if it has sense, i just think it would be pretty nice.

>> No.8795494
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Stop being retards. Those are just clothes. Just fucking wear it and stop trying to be little special snowflakes about it.

Lolita tips: any general tips
Fashion tips: any general tips

Doubts? Use a fucking crossplay/brolita related tips/tutorial

>> No.8795528

Underrated post.

>> No.8795531
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You probably can't get wifi on that pedestal of yours, but if you could, you could use google and not look like a fucking idiot.

Trans people have a whole lotta' factors that change their context from an everyday person's. Anxiety, dysphoria, fear (often justified) of harassment. So I don't see the fucking issue of a thread that allows people to discuss how to be more comfortable when enjoying their hobby. Brolita and crossplays are both totally different topics, and maybe someone who's spent vast amounts of time and effort transitioning doesn't want to feel like they're crossplaying.

You're as much of a tosser as the other guy.

>> No.8795537

all i'm hearing is excuses, excuses, excuses

>> No.8795545

Your reading comprehension is rivaled only by your willful ignorance.

>> No.8795546

you can't just underrate a post after 20 minutes, it's a slow board gull what are you doing

>> No.8795553 [DELETED] 

>20 minutes later

give it room to breathe anon, it's guarranteed replies.

>> No.8795558


This board is all about cosplay and fashion. If you want to go full blog about your issues, try /adv/.

>> No.8795560
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>Advice for a group of people directly related to cosplay
>Not cosplay

So the tall girl threads and the brolita threads should be banned as well? Black cosplay threads? Anything that isn't a general cosplay thread?

>> No.8795566

I know it might baffle you, but I'm one of many that thinks this is a stupid snowflake post that doesn't belong here.

>> No.8795570
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That seems pretty complicated, anon. Although I did use crossplay as a safe environment to dress as a girl in public for the first time.

It was nice, boys thought I was cute and the photographer we met up with thought my girlfriend brought me along to hook us up.

>> No.8795576

>trans people have lots and lots of factors that change cosplay, like anxiety, dysphoria, fear, harassment!
Jesus fucking Christ. Where do you get off? Do you think cis people don't go through those things too? Or is it special because you're trans?

>> No.8795581

You know, I do think that cis people don't go through dysphoria, yes. And I do belive that a trans person ia more justified in fear of harassment than a cis person. You could, you know, look up some statistics that would tell you exactly that.

Or that maybe presenting as your target grnder when society tells you from birth what an awful thing that is to do would cause a reasonable amount of anxiety.

I feel like this shit is pretty self-evident. Is it easier to yell and pretend people are exaggerating issues than to think for a second a certain minority got a shit hand in life?

>> No.8795591

expect people to misgender you occasionally (it happens to cis brolitas too), but go for it, if you really love it. fuck the haters.

>> No.8795593

Does someone want to explain what is transmasculine? I googled it but it seems based on stereotypes and I don't get it. And I wonder how you feel about people/feminists who want a world without gender. Sorry this isn't really cosplay related.

>> No.8795594

Dysphoria is literally in the dictionary as "a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life." You're a classic case of a person that uses a word and doesn't even know what it means.

Before you even make this weak arguement: Cis people can have dysphoria. They can have body dysphoria. They can even have gender dysphoria. I hate how you're dehumanizing something else so you can feel special. Dysphoria =/= being trans.

>> No.8795604
File: 151 KB, 500x500, all these flavors and you choose to be salty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but stop shitting up the thread. Trans people have to deal with certain issues more often than cis people, and I'm sure you know this. If this thread offends you so much, hide it and move on.

>> No.8795605

>Cis people can have gender dysphoria

You do realize that it's caused by an abnormality in the structure of the brain and isn't just a feeling, right? Because if a cis person had that, they would be trans.

You also realize that transgender dysphoria isn't "discomfort" but leads to a statistic of attempted suicide in 41% of people who suffer from it? This isn't the same thing as general anxiety, anon. This isn't a difficult concept.

>> No.8795608

that does not change the fact that you misused "underrated post." lurk more anon, the vernacular doesn't come natural to everyone

>> No.8795622

>trans people have to deal with certain issues more than cis people
What are you fucking talking about? This is a cosplay and lolita board, not tumblr. What does this have to do with either of those?

I'm not even trying to stir up shit. I just think this should be a crossplay thread and the trans issue stuff should be in the Feels thread. No one cares about your gender or even biological sex in cosplay so long as you pull off a cosplay. Stop making issues where there is none.

>> No.8795630

nobody cares, talk about cosplay and lolita or fuck off

>> No.8795639

Can we get back on topic, please?

So, trans people, how *does* being trans affect you cosplaying or wearing J-fashion?

Have any of you used (or do you plan on using) "crossplaying" as a means to try out presenting as your gender before you transitioned?

Do you find the community more or less accepting than the general population?

>> No.8795660

>the community being more accepting
This is where I feel this thread is dumb. Do trans people who go to conventions, where everyone else is already abnormal in one way or another, where a large population are female and on tumblr where trans are basically fucking worshipped, really feel unsafe at cons? Come on now.

>> No.8795685

I'm ftm, out for 6 years, on hormones for two and a half and had surgery last year.

I brought my first binder for cosplay, so yes. It's more of a case of I didn't know ftms could transition until I was in my twenties (and then started to come out almost immediately) but I did know for a long time before that that I was much more comfortable when I was passing as a guy. So for a long time 'crossplay' felt more comfortable than my day to day clothes.

Actually cons these days are kind of a mine field. Yes, it's kind of nice that no one stares because of what you're wearing, but on the other hand everyone's so used to cross dressing that they don't pay attention to how you're presenting before they gender you. I've had to correct people at cons more often than in the real world recently.

I don't know if this is exactly what you're on about, but I seem to be collecting crossdressing girls. I'm not sure what the brain stuff behind it is, but there's nothing as satisfying as being correctly gendered even when you're technically dressed as a girl.

>> No.8795714

I'm trying to talk about cosplay you shit, that's the point. The thread is not for general trans discussion, it's advice pertaining to cosplay while being trans. Like "choose characters with a straight fringe". You're making this such more of a thing.

This, yes.

>> No.8795740

>responding earnestly to trolls

gulls pls

protip for trans cosplayers: if you are early in transition, try to pick characters that match the gender you are transitioning to. use crossplay tips to your benefit, and let getting into character when posing be a way for you to retrain your body to move like a man/woman, to try out different habits and mannerisms. everyone performs their gender, trans or cis, and working on posing, walking, and gesturing like your character gives you a way to experiment until you find a performance that expresses the you you want to be.

>> No.8795743

But what is the difference between crossplay and "trans cosplay"? The latter is just a thing you made up. Crossplay is a real thing and there's plenty of techniques that could be discussed. You're ruining this thread by acting like all people who want to dress as a character opposite of their biological sex are trans, genderqueer or something else. Gender is just a construct to you guys, so it doesn't even matter while cosplaying. Gender is about what's in your head and honestly no one cares about your feelings. You claim this isn't a trans feels thread, but there's plenty of that here and it's irrelevant. There's also a feels thread, so go there about your issues instead or honestly maybe just another board more relevant to LGBT issues.

Biological gender does have a big impact on cosplay so this should be a crossplay thread. Biological sex matters, regardless if you're trans or not.

>> No.8795745

*biological sex does have an impact, rather

>> No.8795751

Crossplay=cosplaying the opposite gender.
Cosplaying while trans=cosplaying your gender, with different social context and certain physical attributes.

>> No.8795757

It just means that someone is transitioning to be more masculine in presentation, body, appearance, etc. I personally use it because it gets the point across without me having to pinpoint exactly how my gendershit works to strangers who probably aren't interested.

Like I mentioned upthread; gender is pretty much a costume for me. This is why I don't dress in jfash on a regular basis; even androgyne fashions like VK are pretty gendered. I do wear shironuri, but in that you don't even look human to begin with. I don't think it changes how I wear cosplay that much; I was always fonder of male characters to begin with. However, I do feel less at ease at the idea of cosplaying hypermasculine character, because that would just look like a failed crossplay.
Cosplays also bring out my height dysphoria, funnily enough. Lucky for me, most of my con friends are also pretty short.

As for the community... In general, yes. I don't have to explain anything, I just have to correct people who get it wrong and everything's fine. But on the other hand I've also met more people who're actually pretty agressive about convincing me I'm actually just a special snowflake who's just not conforming to society's rules. See EVERYONE here crossplay! You're not special! I wore a dress yesterday!
Thank you but I've been analyzing this shit for almost a decade I think I know where I'm at.

Also, if there's one thing crossplaying helped me with, it's presentation as in body language, walking, standing, interacting with people, etc. There's also the fact that when you are in costume, it doesn't feel so ridiculous and over the top, and makes it easier to introduce masculine behaviour into your everyday life.

>> No.8795770

I know what you're saying, but how would you be able to tell what anyone is gender-wise in costume? Like I said, "gender with different social context" means nothing to cosplay outwardly. Passing as a trans man or woman and the mental issues that follow is an LGBT issue, not a cosplay one. Crossplay is what you call dressing as something not your biological sex.

>> No.8796233



You wut? Isn't that just bullshit? Why must you resort to something like that? Why attach labels to something as simple as cosplay? That's just special snowflake retard tier.

>> No.8796253

As an ftm I see no need for this thread. Cosplaying males is essentially the same as female crossplay varying on where you are in your transition. Same goes for cosplaying girls. There aren't any special "tips" for trans people that don't apply to everyone else.

It seems like you made this thread for attention more than anything.

>> No.8796276

this thread is not relevant to /cgl/

>> No.8796508


Dr. Who tumblrito detected

>> No.8796666

not disagreeing that they're a tumblr cunt but you do know that "tosser" is a british colloquialism that a fair few people use all the time here in the UK, right?

>> No.8796675

call it whatever you want, you're still going to look like a chick dressing up as a dude.

>> No.8796680

Not everybody here is American.