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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8792140 No.8792140 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a kigu thread? I just bought my first today! Feel free to post yourself in your comfy kigu (yes, consider this an excuse to get into pajamas no matter how early it is for you).

>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?
>Have you ever made your own kigu? How did it go?
>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?

>> No.8792142
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>> No.8792145
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>> No.8792149
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>> No.8792153
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>> No.8792155
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>> No.8792239

this is pretty cool, is the skull part of the hood or is it a seperate piece?

>> No.8792243

anyone know any good kigu makers to commission from?

>> No.8792345
File: 918 KB, 1000x1000, Colossal titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?
I feel like this would be dumb, but who knows
>Have you ever made your own kigu? How did it go?
Nope. Too much effort, I just commission them
>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?
Would probably look silly?

>> No.8792349
File: 61 KB, 720x625, Caterpillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also interested in this. Everyone I know of has stopped taking commissions.

>> No.8792372

>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?
Like, wearing a kigu and saying it's "cosplay"? Kigus are more pjs than a costume imo
>Have you ever made your own kigu? How did it go?
I bought the fabric like, a year and a half ago, but my lack of general motivation + fear of fucking it up and wasting all that money and fabric has kept me from actually going for it.
>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?
I don't keep up on types of Japanese fashion, but if hiki-kei is what it sounds like, can that even be considered fashion?

>> No.8792385
File: 469 KB, 515x725, cospix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?
I wore a Tiger kigu for my Taiga cosplay when I got tired of wearing her school uniform and just wanted to roam the convention in comfortable clothing.
>Have you ever made your own kigu? How did it go?
It was a waste of $150 because I fucked up so bad.
>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?
I know nothing about hiki-kei. Fucking wear it if you wan to wear it, I say. Ive worn mine for Black Friday and just general shopping before, so I don't give any fucks.

>> No.8792663
File: 39 KB, 397x367, 617d242fef27a82734d8a52c8c3a14a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?
Do people not remember?

>> No.8792671

If it makes you any more motivated, that fabric is already being wasted by just sitting around so you might as well finish it. There's a first time for everything, an I'm sure you'll do just fine

>> No.8792704

Yeah, I'm also surprised nobody remembered that Kigu's have been a fashion trend in the 00's.

>> No.8792721

>>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?
It works for certain characters, mainly animals.
>>Have you ever made your own kigu? How did it go?
Not very good. I made it ridiculously big in the thighs and messed up the front body section where it doesn't line up. All the fleece cost quite a bit but now I wear it at home because it's warm.
>>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?
As >>8792663 points out they have been.

>> No.8793030

Any chance you could share who you comission for your kigu?

>> No.8793667
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I love kigus. I have eight, I believe. I prefer to buy because I'm a lazy sack of trash, but I've made a few in the past. This Totoro for myself, a sableye for my husband and a Puppycat for my best friend. I think they're okay for a super casual cosplay as long as the character is non-human (like a corgi kigu for Ein)

>> No.8793679
File: 30 KB, 170x201, Lumpy_Space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found several yards of purple fleece at a thrift store for $5 and was thinking of making a LSP kigu. I know they're baggy but is there a way to make it more 'lumpy' like her? Should I make a regular kigu or make the seams rounded in spots like her lumps?
I have no idea what else to do with this purple fleece and may have enough to make two kigu

>> No.8793759

>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?
They're pretty cute, a good way to be lazy without being gross.

>Have you ever made your own kigu? How did it go?
I've made two, one of Kuroneko-sama from Trigun and a Moogle. The Kuroneko was my first, and turned out a little cuter than the Moogle.
I also got a bear kigu from Amazon for my birthday.

>Could kigus work in Japanese fashion? For example, blending them into the currently non-existent hiki-Kei?

>> No.8793877

I like the face and ears on that Totoro, very cute!

>> No.8794038

Anyone with a kigu tutorial?

>> No.8794050
File: 497 KB, 400x300, Lester.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to make a Lester the Possum kigu. I can't wait to start.

You could also do Spyro or Harmony Bear,

>> No.8794095

Can anyone tell me who on ebay has a quality rilakkuma kigu?
I've bought rilakkuma plushes off people and they turned out to be knock offs and not very good ones.

>> No.8794790
File: 170 KB, 780x780, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this but the grey and the hood confuses me? It looks like it's not attached?

>> No.8794794

It is attached, relax. I don't know how you saw it that it looked separate, but to me it looks like one piece.

>> No.8794806
File: 49 KB, 736x736, 345818b7e0b31d6813208d3169f1af8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just Jibanyan's gray collar. I have Sazac's tabby kigu and it's definitely attached.

>> No.8794866

I have a question for any anon that has made a kigu before.

My cousin asked me to make a raccoon one for him. How would I go about making the tail without make to kigu too heavy?

>> No.8794868

What kind of obscure genius, anon. You better post pictures when you're done.

>> No.8794877

stuff lightly with cotton wool maybe?

>> No.8794881

Ah okay. I kept looking at it like some weird undershirt.

>> No.8797582

Ever wear your kigu in public?

>> No.8797622

Is your cousin old enough to deal with a piece of fishing line going from the tail to the shoulder area?

>> No.8797752

i'd love to make my own kigu....any anons have pattern suggestions to start from? or other patterning resources?

NGL, the kamen rider kigus are cute AF

>> No.8797772

Curious about this as well. I very badly want to have a Kigu party at my friends house cause they all have kigu's as well but I have to take the bus and wonder how that will go over.

>> No.8797801

>expecting anything but bootleg Rilakkuma merch on eBay

Chinese bootleggers will use any image, even official images, to trick you into buying their low-quality shit.

Just commission a custom Rilakkuma kigu or buy one straight from the japanese Yahoo Auctions, but be warned bootlegs exist on Y!A as well.

>> No.8797807

It gets a lot less reactions than wearing lolita in public, mainly because kigurumi have been mainstreamed now. I've seen kigus at all kinds of parties, I've even been asked at my retail job more than once if we sold kigus.

However, if you're going to take the bus, expect dirty looks from lower class people who are really in no place to be judging others. If you want to throw your party, do it, but be sure everyone is wearing at least something basic, like a top + shorts, underneath the kigu while you're out in public just in case some jackass tries something. You could change later when you're in the safety of your house if it gets too hot.

>> No.8798195


>> No.8798245

I bought fleece for my bobcat one for only $25 last year, traced my sisters kigu for the pattern, put it off a year and now I can't tell fuck all of what I did with this pattern. I recall someone on here saying that one common kigu tutorial doesn't work well once so I've been hesitant to use it.

>> No.8798592

>i'd love to make my own kigu....any anons have pattern suggestions to start from? or other patterning resources?
>traced my sisters kigu for the pattern, put it off a year and now

Annika did a pretty solid DIY vid for kigus.


>> No.8798602
File: 103 KB, 890x1280, LisaFrankHunterKigurumifront__11403.1431617326.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear this one a lot in public, no one really stares much. I mostly get people telling me they love it.

>> No.8798756
File: 45 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to finally get my first kigurumi for an upcoming con. Any sites (out of the kigu-specific ones) that should be 100% avoided? Any that are head and shoulders above the rest? I know next to nothing about kigu sellers, unfortunately.

Also, how do you guys accessorize with them? Wigs and shoes, sure, but is there anything else you can do to make it a little more of an outfit and less of just pajamas? (Pic related, the one I'm currently looking at, it's hard as fuck to pick out just one though.)

>> No.8798835

I have this exact kigurumi, picked it up at a con. It's super comfy & cute, so I recommend it. Things do like to get stuck to the fur, so I sometimes find mysterious threads from old sewing projects in it. I just wear it as pajamas.

>> No.8798843

>see kigurumi
>thinks it's cute as fuck
>think that if I wear something that's cute as fuck I myself will look cute as fuck
>put on kigurumi
>I don't look cute AT ALL
FUCKING JAPAN. You tricked me. AGAIN.

>> No.8798930

that works, but the end product looks wonky as hell, and i'm more into the style that has a center panel. i remember a japanese tut floating around an old kigu thread....anyone have that? at least the shape on that one looked right.

>> No.8798937
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Apparently I can't get this kigu until 1970.... K

>> No.8798940
File: 114 KB, 616x1041, s-2778_2-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely will! I'm in the middle of designing the hood right now and trying to find a nice middle between looks and comfort.

>> No.8799212

Fuck. So this dumb bitch I follow on instagram has a good one, so I asked her where she got it, but her reply was just ebay and she's pretty notorious for being unhelpful to her followers so I don't think asking her who on ebay is going to help.

I thought I'd ask here if maybe someone had gotten a quality one from a recommended shop?

>> No.8799213

Why even follower her in the first place?

>> No.8799262

jfc we're not gonna hold your hand here either

>> No.8799264
File: 42 KB, 800x800, korilakkuma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this Korilakkuma kigu from when I went to A-Kon-- it's so cute and comfy! Wore it the entire 8hr ride home, and can finally wear it now that it's getting cold.

The only thing I could possibly complain about is that the ears are a little heavy and makes the hood fall off of my head easily, lmao.

>> No.8799478

Where'd you get it, anon, it looks adorable!

>> No.8799615

So you've not bought one and don't actually know but wanted to reply anyway

>> No.8799619

She's a well known lolcow and I follow lots of lolcows

>> No.8799624

does anyone have any suggestions for cute fox kigus that don't cost an arm and a leg? the only one on aliexpress that has more than 1 review is 29€ and that's p borderline for me, especially for something with few reviews

>> No.8799744

>What's your opinion on Kigu versions of cosplay?

Is it the end of the day and you just want to get toasted with a weeb aesthetic going on? If yes, then go nuts. Just dont show up to gatherings in your kigu...

>> No.8801559

I actually have a story for that. This last youma there was a Red Wings game at the same time as the con. I wanted to show some team pride and weeb pride at the same time so i wore my jersey over my kigu. I was heading twoards the GM only to get txt that my friends are going to other way to the Cobo. So i start running down the street in their direction. Some older dude said some smart ass shit to his friend as i passes by them as a joke. Then they saw i was wearing a Fedorov jersey and complemented me. Idk i thought it was funny.

>> No.8802063

It's been saying that on everything I've looked up on rakuten

>> No.8802073

I have this one as well! During lazy times at cons I wear it with a pink wig and white shoes and I'll carry my Korilakkuma plush around. I even get stopped for pictures wearing it, which I don't understand but it makes me feel cute.

>> No.8804087
File: 28 KB, 599x343, axolotl-mutant-color-prob-juvenile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to commission a custom kigurumi, how much should I expect to spend?
I desperately want an axolotl kigurumi but I really don't like the ones on Aliexpress

>> No.8805302

It usually depends on the complexity, but oh man, that would be adorable as fuck.

>> No.8805626

I saw a good shark kigu somewhere, and I can't remember where for the life of me.

>> No.8805648
File: 778 KB, 700x2244, veeery_short_kigurumi_tutorial_by_dirulicious-d3axzzu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen people post this guide and have used it in the past, it's ok but you're on your own for the head which sucks.

>> No.8806536
