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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 86 KB, 470x700, sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8789593 No.8789593 [Reply] [Original]

haven't seen one of these in a while. post cringe videos/pics, but try to restrict bad cosplay to >>8778044

>> No.8789614


>> No.8789652

That Dave in the background

>> No.8789719

Good Lord...

>> No.8789749

dear god...
I feel like she or he just visualized them doing it and never once considered practicing

>> No.8789752

Was she drunk?

>> No.8789782
File: 500 KB, 360x246, 1444267313678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gurl staaaaahhhp

>> No.8789788


>> No.8789807

These are exactly why I will never participate in skits or dances when my groups ask.

>> No.8789829

Haha that filename

That's some pure degeneracy, what a shit fandom

>> No.8789832

they do this at every convention from what i've heard. the iz cosplayers, that is

>> No.8789833

That orange make up.

I can't tell if people are genuinely cheering, or what.

>> No.8789852

In all the times that I've seen this get posted, I've never once seen any sort of explanation or backstory on this. Was she drunk? Is she mentally-handicapped?

>> No.8789930

I know the one in black and he's gross in and outside of Fanime.

>> No.8789934

You know when a performer doesn't even trust in their own performance when all they do is look down the whole time.

>> No.8789984


Not like it was hard to tell

>> No.8789998

anon... that's invader zim

>> No.8790058


>> No.8790060

....This really makes me feel old. Its funny because Invader Zim would be a hit again if it aired right now. Not with the 2005-2012 crowd, but it would fall in line with the really weird shows playing on Cartoon Network since strange and quirky are back in style again. Moreso strange.

>> No.8790409

it's cringe that you thought this was homestuck

>> No.8790416

The voice made me cringe right off the bat.

>> No.8790433

What's wrong with her? Does she have some kind of developmental disability, or is this some kind of character or something? I really just don't get what this is lmao

>> No.8790441

If Invader Zim were to air again, I would shamelessly watch it.

>> No.8790471

It's obviously a shitty nyanners wannabe, which is extremely cringe in and of itself.

>> No.8790475

she wants to be nyanners

>> No.8790533

what the fuck was that

>> No.8790588

where even the hell is this camera at...

oh god, this voice, the stuff of nightmares

>> No.8790612

The comments in the video are even worse holy shit

>> No.8790666


>> No.8790682
File: 39 KB, 480x640, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is proof of her being "a sexy cosplayer" apparently

>> No.8790696

Its full of cringe because the cosplayer who posted it is constantly vying for attention...

>> No.8790699
File: 76 KB, 1080x301, Screenshot_2015-12-31-15-37-04-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fucking dumb forgot the picture

>> No.8790700


>> No.8790879

As a fan of D.N.Angel, this always gets me. The best part of this is this chunky autist thinks he looks hot.

>> No.8790880

I thought it was a corndog in the thumbnail

>> No.8791057

There is a difference for stuff being given to you because you know how to sell yourself, your outfits, and make a profile, but that also doesn't mean you are doing it just for attention. Its hard to explain. The line is thin, but there is a line. The whole world is about marketing. Especially if you want to make something into a career. You can have all this and never do super slutty cosplays or you can get all this, do what you like and wear the outfits you want, and still not call it attention seeking because it is something you like to do. Especially if you have the body to dress up as all the scantily clad awesome female characters out there since a lot of the cooler, more in depth personalities, do have questionable outfits.

>> No.8791230

Jesus christ her other videos.
I can't tell if she's a troll or if she's faking or... Is this real life?

>> No.8791242

Unicon was a mistake

>> No.8791257

You can see the exact moment she runs out of ideas.

Gotta ask. Is that where the song stops, or was she cut off?

>> No.8791294
File: 194 KB, 592x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8791295

she's ugly but she's doing her best.
I give your post a meh/10

>> No.8791308

What's cringe about this other than her being fat and black? Is it the fat part because at least she doesn't have any rolls showing. She does a pretty good job of hiding them.

>> No.8791328

it's probably both.

chinese bootleg nyanners with a hint of /a/ tier humor so she can fall back on being just a Troll and performance artist, a form of plausible deniability when it hits her how devastatingly embarassing this attempt is

>> No.8791331


Vendetta. Her cosplay is pretty good IMO.

>> No.8791344
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-26-18-43-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has got worse since then. Much worse.

>> No.8791348


>> No.8791384

i love/hate when people try to "defend" themselves against anons. they always come off as retarded.

>> No.8791389

fuck you that is thread done

>> No.8791398


>> No.8791402



>> No.8791404

The Poison Ivy (assuming that is what it's supposed to be, disregard if it's another character) and the Umbreon look like shit, the Chun Li bracers are sloppy, and she needs to find a bra to negate that severe sag she has in a few of them, but I think it's generally okay looking.

>> No.8791409

This girl actually self-posted and outed herself as being her biggest "hater" on that board. You should check the old threads for her because it's hilarious. Girl is mentally ill.

>> No.8791415


>> No.8791421



>> No.8791425

sounds like a nose

>> No.8791431


>> No.8791472

This is a cringe thread not a nit pick thread
It looks okay

>> No.8791476

is that little berry

>> No.8791484


pure cringe here

>> No.8791567

Not the worst of hers
I'd say this is the worst
But her new stuff is getting better and more normal. She's not a complete nutjob.

>> No.8791607

Holy shit anon, I totally agree with you. It seemed to me that they let everyone who wanted on the stage. Can't wait the Wintercon cringefest.

>> No.8791739

Nothing wrong with the dance or cosplay, but keep your eyes on her arms.

>> No.8791758

Are they longer than normal and double jointed?

>> No.8791767

That looked really painful.

But I'm cringing more at the weebiness of this. White women dancing to any kind of Asian pop music is just ughh.

>> No.8791802

Eh, not quite cringe, because she is actually a pretty decent dancer...

It is pretty dumb that she would call this a cosplay though? I mean, if you just want to dance, go dance, don't pretend you're cosplaying the Joker in a tied up long sleeved tee and smeared lipstick.

>> No.8791811

Hyperextension of the elbow. You see it a lot in people who had dance or gymnastics training really young.

>> No.8791822
File: 237 KB, 452x564, Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 5.15.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just going to say that she seemed to just be doing really fluid arm movements until this happened.. what the hell

>> No.8791828
File: 160 KB, 800x600, IMG_0890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8791836
File: 30 KB, 720x438, 1444709645368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets me every time.

>> No.8791837

broken arm that was so bad that it healed awkwardly?

>> No.8791843

They're from my city....

>> No.8791850

zoom punch

>> No.8791854

That just begs the question "who held her down and broke both of her arms". I prefer the hyperextension theory.

>> No.8791858

This gem

>> No.8791869

Her non-existence makeup for one thing

>> No.8791887

There needs to be a reaction image with this.
It's easily corrected by building a bit of muscle, you see it a lot with those who have really poor muscle tone.

>> No.8791922

Um. Wow, those other videos, you can tell someone's trying to be Nyanners..

>> No.8791936

Yeah but how is that cringeworthy? It's just a nitpick.

Take your vendetta elsewhere.

>> No.8791942

she has double jointed elbow.

>> No.8791946

she's not particularly attractive to begin with, on top of being rather large. she could counteract that with makeup, but doesnt, and ends up looking rather masculine and not good on camera

>> No.8791952

She's double jointed. My arms to that too and it used to freak people out when I was a kid.

>> No.8791957

What in gods name is this holy shit

>> No.8791970

Something about the ciel looks nice and polished, at least from the front. Maybe it's because they have good posture and aren't a total hambreast.

>> No.8792042

The Anon mistaked "black" for "back" - they thought the person said "I know the one in back," as in, the actual Homestuck cosplayer.


>> No.8792043


>> No.8792048

how do you even know that? lmao

>> No.8792052

she's trying to pop n lock it but the muscle control is not there. Tragic.

>> No.8792053

Not that anon but fuck off samefag it's cringe because she's not even wearing makeup. She's disgusting to look at and so are you. If you're lazy, expect criticism or put on some fucking pants you fatfuck. Back to the hugbox from whence you came.

>> No.8792054

Read through and think about it from their perspective, it's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.8792056

I bet that girl did something to hurt you bad.

Must be why you're so mad. :-(

>> No.8792057 [DELETED] 

i know the person in the back and afaik the pieces don't fit together

>> No.8792062
File: 128 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nf4n6uzJib1t108f3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My contribution here.

>> No.8792203
File: 165 KB, 1027x960, the cat tights cry for help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my favorites

>> No.8792212


Would still fuck. She has a nice lil body. And that unfortunate face could get real right with makeup.

>> No.8792221

poor cat

>> No.8792242


skip to 3:20

>> No.8792258
File: 87 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nx23z7RUjy1s9j97yo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i.... how are those tights not completely distorted or ripped.....

>> No.8792261

omg i know this girl. her gf is just as fat as she is and shes a huge hetaliafag.

>> No.8792267

this is some horror movie level shit. like you go into the bathroom in the middle of the night and turn on the lights and this is sitting there waiting to maul you

>> No.8792272

speaking of horror move level shit, imagine taking a hike in the forest with your family and coming across weeaboo-mouth-breather-chan fucking a stuffed animal with a strap on while an anime plushie is burning in the middle of what looks like a sacrificial fire.

>> No.8792277
File: 104 KB, 1084x720, 1434605814322[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine taking your kids for a stroll in the park and seeing this person rubbing their ass against a tree, as if a dog maddened by worms

>> No.8792282

that nasty floor

>> No.8792284
File: 455 KB, 1280x960, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F16b8bf205b4aa3fc582a9bebcf60b210%2Ftumblr_nwfrfdmL9k1ssu1yto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peridot cosplays are cheating

>> No.8792287


>> No.8792290

laughed way too hard this comment

>> No.8792294

her cat looks like Tubbs.

>> No.8792298

Can we call this one Chubbs?

>> No.8792299


>> No.8792301

She's mouthing the lyrics incorrectly.

>> No.8792306
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 1445378318954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

>> No.8792319

Torrid sells a special bunch of them for fat people.

>> No.8792324

That's just unsanitary.

>> No.8792348
File: 546 KB, 200x150, 1406769650166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she roasting that marshmallow on a penis bone?

>> No.8792364

Okay calm down vendetta-chan

>> No.8792365

My fucking sides

I'm making this my new ringtone

>> No.8792376

holy shit

>> No.8792378

ew what the fuck

>> No.8792379

Im so mad that she has such a nice body, but her face is so tragic.

>> No.8792441

she seems cute, she's just making an ugly face.

>> No.8792443

The Ciel really isn't so bad, but everything about this...

>> No.8792453

No, she always looks like she is high as fuck because her eyelids are so thick and droopy and she doesn't know how to tuck her chin properly to hide her double chin either. Her body is really nice, but her face is always gross.

>> No.8792457
File: 512 KB, 1360x2048, yee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8792458

Whoa, this is really detailed. You know this person irl? Do they often go into the woods halfnaked for photoshoots with stuffed toys?

>> No.8792460

Oh fuck, I stand corrected, she's really unattractive.

>> No.8792465

What is it about yaoi that makes people lose their minds?

>> No.8792690
File: 91 KB, 960x960, img_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still looks gross now (pic related, current photo of him)

but he married some frumpy pasty chick with bad acne so we are all safe from his advances... for now at least

>> No.8792705

It's Derpcat Cosplay! WHatever happened to her FB page?

>> No.8792713

the poor tree

>> No.8792726

>mfw I have really hyperextended arms and a load of muscle from swimming

Will I forever look broken...

>> No.8792733

This is artistic genius!

>> No.8792774
File: 23 KB, 275x220, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1443125354854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8792806

It's not even yaoi, it's a female genderbend of the character. Disgusting.

>> No.8792837

>She's disgusting to look at and so are you
Stop, Anon. You're making me cringe.

>> No.8792858

Bitch could do some sick Jojo poses with those rubbery Lanky Kong arms

>> No.8792867
File: 289 KB, 1329x547, lolcow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so you self post here too? I'm sorry your 15 minutes of lolcow fame are over, you seriously need help.
For context, the girl in this video made a thread dedicated to bashing herself on lolcow. The mod went through and marked the posts that were her ip address, and it was like 80% her. She then showed up in the thread and basically had a melt down because she got caught. It's worth a read, but don't give her pasty ass any attention after that, she loves it.
cgl won't let me link but the thread numbers are
182101 and 185580
All the posts marked red are her's.

>> No.8792872

Back to Invitea with your self posting ass. It didn't work on lolcow, it won't work here.

>> No.8792918

FUCK no this is the WORST

>> No.8792946

Fuck off you crazed obsessed stupid ass farmer. Just fuck right off.

>> No.8792949

She never was a complete nut job screw you

>> No.8793054

are you fucking blind? she's a slutty whale
and all the characters are suposed to be white, her skin is hella dark

>> No.8793062

>satsuki kiryuin
>junko enoshima
>chun li
sounds white to me

>> No.8793075
File: 225 KB, 750x1009, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8793096

she's so cringy, how does she have so many fans?

>> No.8793097

>this is the real me
dream big

>> No.8793120

>implying asians aren't white

>> No.8793126
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1442773258082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the characters are suposed to be white
She might be fat and ugly but you're a huge fucking retard

Cry moar, whitey

>> No.8793147

That pearl actually looks really good, but
>rose with bare feet outside
that's nasty

>> No.8793148

What a fucking weetard, shit.

>> No.8793169

underrated post

>> No.8793260


>> No.8793261

Not that anon, but please go back to tumblr. Her cosplays are gross. Stop defending her just because she's fat and black

>> No.8793264

White tears are so delicious.

>> No.8793267
File: 948 KB, 318x162, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793275

>white weeaboos be like

>> No.8793291

The Satsuki and Kiki look average, but the rest are pretty bad. Don't defend her just because she's fat and black, but also don't shit on her purely because of the same reasons.

>> No.8793312

>those hurt feelings

>> No.8793325

>damage control
stop shitting up the thread with your vendettas and post some cringe material instead of being cringe material

>> No.8793360

I legitimately thought she was an old man trying to dress young and kawaii until I saw her in her underwear.

>> No.8793475
File: 80 KB, 450x450, 1443743433161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793482
File: 10 KB, 475x413, pkstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793489

there's bad cosplay pics at the end of the vid
self post

>> No.8793661
File: 424 KB, 1938x1679, Howtosweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8793672

Wow, I don't even know weebs on Facebook that sperg this bad. I'd have removed them if I saw anyone do this.

>> No.8793693


>> No.8793696

I didnt know the fans still existed

>> No.8793697

Did she learn to play the violin yesterday?

>> No.8793698
File: 46 KB, 480x526, undy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music to my ears.

>> No.8793707

w..why would you put your ass on a tree? does she know how much bacteria is on there? holy fuck. ive seen this image so many times and i never understand

>> No.8793712

Holy fuck I knew people did this shit with HQ but I didn't expect it for the joker

>> No.8793734

Didn't she do a Levi version, too?

>> No.8793745
File: 573 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8793751
File: 51 KB, 638x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793758

this is pretty cute to me I don't know why

>> No.8793763

but why

>> No.8793775
File: 78 KB, 638x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793778
File: 116 KB, 638x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793791
File: 853 KB, 1146x864, DEAUUAGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793793

is that a necklace shoved up her rear??

>> No.8793794

have y'all seen the ereri blog with actual porn videos
seriously ereri wot fandom needs help

>> No.8793798

It looks like a key.

>> No.8793801


>> No.8793819

google "real life ereri" and it'll be a tumblr blog

>> No.8793837
File: 357 KB, 1080x1651, 01-02-09.28.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people do this? We know your fat, you don't have to announce it to everyone you meet. If you don't like the "Lolita Level Up Quiz" then don't take it or make your own. No one cares you can't fit into brand and just because you don't fit into brand doesn't mean you cant own purses, bags, novelties, headwear, etc. This list goes on. Stop crying and shitting up people's fun.

>> No.8793845

>purple tights that don't match anything
>sad bow
>awkward pose

Oh yes so experienced

>> No.8793846
File: 57 KB, 640x960, Sonic run away from the pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793847
File: 72 KB, 750x1000, FB_IMG_1451795609948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to drop the pic

>> No.8793867

But anon! Can't you see that those silly quizes can't examine just how ~experienced~ she really is?! She CANNOT fit into Japanese anything, so she don't know it! She's tortured, she's struggled so much!

>> No.8793870

Holy shit.. How OLD is she!? She can't even dress herself in normal wear. You can't fix bad taste.

>> No.8793892

>but what about fully shirred dresses?

>> No.8793902


how could i forget this

>> No.8793915

Oh hell nah

>> No.8793917

oooomg anon I need more like this, this is top tier cringe material
I couldn't even listen to this for longer than 10 seconds, but dammit if I won't try.

>> No.8793923

>as if a dog maddened by worms

Consider a career in comedy

>> No.8793929

In the first picture that angle makes it look like she's about to pleasure herself....

>> No.8793943


>> No.8793950

It's cringe but this seems off topic

>> No.8793954
File: 101 KB, 1080x909, 4725174849372526474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious? Can you at least not be OBVIOUS your just hungry to be efamous?

>> No.8793957

>admitting it's cringe
Off topic in a cringe thread

>> No.8793968

She sewed more of this than most of her cosplays, also ew to the whole idea.

>> No.8793975

i think the fact she felt the need to make this video is really cringey but shes not really wrong. i can sympathize with her. i've been struggling really hard with my illness and people telling me to get over it because its not visual, when my doctor himself told me i'm unable to work, so i understand why shes angry. not everyone has the willpower or the health to push through their illnesses.

>> No.8793985

What's cringey is that she constantly begs for attention/sympathy. Majority of the disabled people I know are very humble about their disabilities. Being disabled and seeing all her posts, begging for money, etc. It rubs me the wrong way anD many, many people feel the same.

>> No.8793986

I like this. As long as you can wash it, I don't see a problem.

>> No.8793988

I think she means girl is not cosplay/lolita

>> No.8793995

Thought that was supposed to be Hotline Miami's Biker by the thumbnail

>> No.8793996

Jfash yo

>> No.8793997
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1014460_892676547494788_1370832223006394631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8794015
File: 105 KB, 794x682, 1451530350208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8794029

she posed the question 'if you dont have the strength to work, how do you have the strength to model, do makeup, style your hair, etc?' but.. never answered it... just started talking about how she deserves help

>> No.8794033

She "models" for lolita brands.

>> No.8794122
File: 34 KB, 560x477, Both suspended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8794436


>> No.8794438

Dont mind me, stupid.

>> No.8794507

Cof? Did it get deleted because I'm not seeing it?

>> No.8794572

The way she talks and acts makes me think she has some kind of developmental disability, and its not her accent, ive talked to people with heavy accents that sound fine and not retarded

>> No.8794582

everything about her is cringe

she could be cute if she didn't do the creepy no-chin KAWAII-DESU shit. she suits j-fash, shes just horribly cringey and creepy

>> No.8794584

>retards thinking being 'double jointed' is an actual thing

>> No.8794592

Double jointed is a phrase for having hypermobility, not literal double joints.

>> No.8794594

That's what it's commonly called you dumbass. Nobody wants to say hypermobility all the time.

>> No.8794600

I don't know why, but her voice reminds me of Kermit.

>> No.8794646

I know we try and make allowances for skits, but this is in no way decent dancing

>> No.8794696

over 9000 cute items

this girl is cringey as hell but I still think she's kind of adorable.

>> No.8794718

does anyone know if Nakamura Connie is mixed or just another western idol weeb?

>> No.8794742

idk she's really cute to me. She's definitely going for a sweet persona, but I don't think she's trying as hard as people think she is and it's not super cringe. This is more what I think when I hear about forced kawaii personas:


>> No.8794753

How is that eww? Have you ever been to your standard granny home? Homemade toilet covers have been around forever. You wash em too, just like store bought covers. Hers look pretty well constructed, if you ask me.

>> No.8794758

probably is mixed, her dad being white

>> No.8794793

Just take the fucking hat off! just let the fucking shit go!

>> No.8794819

What really makes me cringe is when she posts videos of herself going out in cosplay.

>> No.8794833

If I wanted cringe I'd just ask to see your cosplay.

>> No.8794849

epic meme

>> No.8794932

You sound very hurt.

>> No.8794959

>#lonlonmovement being a not-so-thinly-veiled attempt at getting tumblr to pass this around for cheap e-fame and ass pats
My petti was rustled.
>sees that this is LobsterHand-chan
Well, that also explains everything.

>> No.8794977

Fuck I saw the title and noped so hard. I can't bring myself to watch it.

>> No.8794982

you're dragging this on far longer than need be.
what'd fatty-chan ever do to hurt you so badly :^)

>> No.8794984


>> No.8794998


> singing whip and nae nae
> "living the Nazi life"
> laugh at the end

>> No.8795000

Is she getting off to herself? Cause that's what it sounds like before she starts 'singing'

>> No.8795002

The toilet covers are actually really popular in Japan right now too.

>> No.8795005

Whats her disability? My mother has RA and she has good and bad days, but the bad days she can barely move. On top of that autoimmune disease, she has another one as well which makes her so easily sick. She has a pinched nerve in her back that makes me left leg go numb and makes her easy to fall depending on the numbness. My MOTHER has invisible disabilities and she sometimes gets glares from people who see her slowly get out of her handicapped spot because shes not in a wheelchair is in need of crutches.

I swear to God if this little bitch's disability is 'large crowds' or 'social anxiety', I am going to be pissed off to high hell.

>> No.8795026


>> No.8795031
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>> No.8795034

I have this one friend who put up a status about how cold it is. That she just put her new baby in snow suit and put her Kigurumi on...She lives with her bf in the bf's 'rents basement. you'd think anyone with half a brain would take that as a sign to maybe slow down with cosplay and try to move out? Naw she just went back to gushing about the upcoming anime con. The cringe and also fear for that baby is real cgl

>> No.8795040

i wonder if she has to wear a diaper

>> No.8795048

You sound salty? Whats wrong with bundling up your baby and you wearing a kigu which, mind you, is thinner than you realize. Also, you can make money and yet still not have enough even with a boyfriend with a job to be able to move out. She clearly has a place to stay with him and the baby. I don't see anything wrong with this.

>> No.8795050
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Also a lot of basements are fully furnished into second homes for rent. Salty anon is salty. They have a place to live, provide for the kid, and still have time for their hobby and as long as the parents don't give a shit [since most people can't move out in general] there isn't a problem.

>> No.8795053
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>I know the approximate knowledge of many things lol.

>> No.8795057
File: 46 KB, 695x334, e0f2104e024235545c8a843e2938555b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha no, Lemme give you a rundown of miss moron
>Used her disability to buy Pax East tix
>Only lives with him because her mom was gonna make her stop going to cons when she had the baby
>She's 26 never had a job and dropped out of community college
>Anyone even remotely suggests anything involving her child she'll trash mouth them to hell and back
>Bf couldn't care less about her when she was pregnant he was fucking around with every barely legal dimwit he could.

Oh and my personal favorite how she regards the child in pic

>> No.8795072

If a basement is 'furnished' Wouldn't that imply it'd be slightly insulated from cold?

>> No.8795076

Basements are usually colder than the rest of the house, even if it was furnished. Might also be a thing with conserving money since boosting up the heater instead of putting on a coat = more $$$.

>> No.8795093

I've had a basement apartment fully furnished. Having rug makes all the difference and if you have a small space heater with the windows plastic'd up you'll be fine. The girl sounds like a dumbass judging by the second post. Weeaboo parents are rarely good ones.

>> No.8795109


>> No.8795116
File: 58 KB, 500x296, anigif_enhanced-29267-1423868294-49_preview.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daamn, that looks the floor after I move the couch and find the latest dog stash of missing things. Anyone else reminded of

>> No.8795135

Here's nearly 29 minutes of cancer. Are you up to the challenge?


>> No.8795143

this has been posted before, do you regularly share this?

>> No.8795148
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 8b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone needs to photoshop her neck like this shitty meme

>> No.8795149

No saved it since I know her as well she's a plethora of idiocy.

>> No.8795153

Isn't the lucky Star opening thing meant to be for shits and giggles? So far it seems to be filler to pad the vid out.

>> No.8795166

Now that I've watched it further, some of it is filler. They even have Beckii Cruel. But the stuff that's bad is really, REALLY bad. Just wait until you get to "I love loving things" and the totally silent hare hare yukai.

>> No.8795170

Yea some of it I was like Wait I am pretty sure this is for shit. But holy shit I had forgotten about Otaku Days girl. Didn't she claim it was all fake or some shit when it became the poster video for weeaboos?

>> No.8795182


My poor ears if you can't sing why do a song based skit?

>> No.8795183

Black dudes make the best weebs

>> No.8795185

It's got some old classics in there to make up for it. And yes, the Otaku Days girl claimed she was trolling once her videos started getting some notoriety.

The furries trying to make sushi was pretty uh..special, too. Watching them try to fumble around with the seaweed using their paw-glove-things was pretty funny.

>> No.8795194

God dammit. Every time.

>> No.8795197

Oh furries are a riot at cons too. I helped a friend at Artist Alley. This one guy legit begged me to pull his money from his fanny pack cause his paw gloves couldn't. He threw a fit when I outright refused

>> No.8795202

I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes.

>> No.8795204

She does

>> No.8795211

It's a good thing you did. Fanny packs at conventions are often treated like a "dick in the box" in hopes to give security a reason to search them and touch their erection.

>> No.8795217

I don't see anything wrong with this. Pokemon honestly was a gateway for many people, especially at a young age. The whole looking at a poster thing and smiling thinking that is an indication of liking 'nerd' stuff is really dumb, but calm down. Its a kid, she's excited to have the kid, the kid felt better after watching Pokemon. Just chill. The girl may be a fuckup, but you don't need to drag the kid into it because the kid is being taken good care of regardless of the girl's personality.

>> No.8795275

Lonlon wears a diaper?

>> No.8795284
File: 294 KB, 844x428, bookgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please spare a moment of your time to watch this tragic modern fairy tale


>> No.8795290

You're doing the right thing. Nothing was gained for me by watching it.

>> No.8795301

Same here friend.


>> No.8795305


>> No.8795320



Speaking of Lonbon, I thought that she said "Lobster hands" instead of "cosmic hands"

Jesus fuck, she's a gaijin rip-off of KPP.

>> No.8795328

I'm fairly certain this is one of the best cringe videos posted. It just gets better and better.

>> No.8795339

I had never watched this entire thing before now
I feel enlightened.

>> No.8795351

>After 10 mins.

>> No.8795357

>lobster heeeends
Her voice is so whiny.

>> No.8795365


>> No.8795369

No no you need to see the original before waku. Idk what you call it but it's like autotune? Or altered mic. It's sooo bad. She isn't even talented.


>> No.8795381

Wtf is that fringe/bangs

>> No.8795438

I made it as far as the paper phobia discussion. I can't go on.

>> No.8795442

I remember when the person who made this vid came to /cgl/ to defend it.

>> No.8795443

Got an uncensored? ugly faces but nice rack and ass for the most part

>> No.8795458

shut the fuck up

>> No.8795472

you shut the up

>> No.8795473

And you're going to make me how exactly? Still fuck that shit in the dark and mouth covered so I don't have to hear their bullshit

>> No.8795474

The could fall once again at the end would be perfect

>> No.8795550
File: 165 KB, 426x277, Screen Shot 2016-01-03 at 10.28.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these brows make me wanna die

>> No.8795557
File: 27 KB, 443x598, 10083090_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl in my comm tried selling the Little Mermaid bow from hot topic as a 'One of a kind lolita bow' Her posts all got deleted from the sell group cause she spammed everyone on her fb with tagging for her sales though. Shoulda screencap but here's reference

>> No.8795559

Now that I know she's full SJW and does intense rants, she feels really uncomfortable to me in all her videos.

>> No.8795562
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When you know nearly all in the video including the 'book girl'

>> No.8795579

Any more to share? This vid always amuses me.

>> No.8795589

Oh she's the local scammer here in NE She's known in Lolita circles too for not paying or fucking sellers over (I'm not sure) She's such a pest she actually got thrown out of the retarded 'ball' held in Boston.
The rest of them are the cringe crown that think they're hot shit. Smelly load and annoying. They tend to stick to each other but try to convince newcomers to meets and events they are the coolest around. I believe a few of them are in Boston's other cringe video lemme find it.

>> No.8795592

loud* spelling is a sin to me apparently

>> No.8795596


Found it Nothing says Cringe like the Boston community. I just want people around here to be somewhat sane? I've given up any hope of attending anything besides Salem meets but they only do once a year to put better effort and more funds in.

>> No.8795598

the people stuck in standstill traffic at the beginning were blessed with the live performance

>> No.8795599

I'd love to hear more shit about your comm. Let it all out anon.

>> No.8795610

Well let's see the events in Boston are just stand around and talk for hours. The 'hosts' are too retarded to realize they have to entertain. It's an off chance if they remember the 'games' they put in.
This year one of the idiots in charge set up his 'DJ' equipment up and blared anime music in the commons. I'm not sure it's barred but I'm pretty sure a bunch of weeb freaks blaring music is frowned on. Also it looked like a bunch of brightly colored hobos had taken over.
They're banned from the Pru because trash and noise. Can't be bothered to bring food to this 'picnic' But expects everyone to now donate 25 or more for them to host next year.

The homestuck 'con' got canceled and the one in charge is suppose to be sued. But somehow is able to pay FB for boosting the shitty ball. That's in the cramped University studio.. Last year some poor attendee took it upon herself to organize the coat room cause they threw sit everywhere. Even with her help it took an hour or two for everyone to find their shit.

Not a day goes by one or more gone and fucked over someone else and it is plastered all over my fb. Like the Ball organizer trying to get his ex on Judge Mathis for fame points.

>> No.8795618


>> No.8795627

hahaha the guy on the left is the same guy from the beginning of >>8795284

yeah if you google "kai narita getoffegl" the first link, a livejournal one, explains everything. basically she scammed sellers by buying their items and then filing a chargeback and acting stupid about it making up really lame excuses like her mom and sister got into her paypal or filing a chargeback because she was desperate for money.

other cringe activity: she would hold tea parties in the food court of the pru (a high end mall here in boston)

other rumors: I saw in a thread on here that she was staff on alternicon but got kicked off potentially because she was stealing money??

>> No.8795667


Oh boy do I know the Pru's issues with cosplayers. I know they wanna remain high end but when you attached to a convention center you can't be dictating too much. Or risk isolating potential customers.
I'm feeling the Hynes is gonna lose AB to to the Seaport or elsewhere if the Pru doesn't knock it off when the con rolls around. not to mention how much business I think they're already on the way to losing when the hype for the overpriced Italian place that replaced the food court dies down. (Boy is that gonna be fun when weebs realize the court's gone Lost my Cheese Boy tho)
Oh yea she was on their staff but they all steal from the funding. But they trashed the midtown hotel which is why the venue changed, but that one dropped cause I believe they never payed the down payment

>> No.8795673

I made it 9 seconds

>> No.8795681

Despite what the term "boner" my imply penises do not actually have any bones you know.

>> No.8795697

Holy spaghetti arms, batman

>> No.8795705


Found the weirdos in another video. Boston does really seem to always been their haunt.

>> No.8795817

>tfw my eyelids do that too
I either look like I'm falling asleep or, if I try to open my eyes wider, like I'm fucking crazy. It sucks.

>> No.8795832

It's some classic vintage cringe. Crintage, if you will.

>> No.8795852

I would like that thing dead, its home burned, its friends buried, its parents sent on a vacation that they probably desperately need.

>> No.8795855

>I know the approximate knowledge of many things

How dare she misquote my favorite AT monster.

>> No.8795859

>implying regular people don't push their interests onto their children all the time

Usually it's a football team. Like, "lol my baby loves the color purple, he gonna be a Ravens fan like his momma!" Then they buy the baby three jerseys and sit them in front of the tv for every game. The baby stares blankly at the bright colors and moving objects on a glowing screen, which is mistaken for interest in the game itself.

>> No.8795887

shit, is this creepy-chan?

>> No.8795889

Because she has photos in lingerie?

>> No.8795905

The only thing she really experiences is the butthurt.

>> No.8795947



>> No.8795965

this has to be a channel like our third life.

>> No.8795968

What country does she say she is from?

>> No.8795969

>studio jihibily

>> No.8795974

What the fuck happened the Len

>> No.8796045

it's called a baculum, humans do not have it

>> No.8796123

I was about to say the same. Raccoons totally have dick bones. I know this girl who thinks she's a witch and she has one in her spell cabinet or whatever the fuck.

>> No.8796156

dem butterfaces

>> No.8796203

Are you seriously white knighting a fucking week parent fag. At least the football parent is probably some 30 something with job to afford said shit. Not mooching off everyone. Op even stated using disability on fucking pax tickets. And watching a fucking football game is entirely different then dragging an infant to a con.

>> No.8796251

I know I have terrible standards, but I find the Levi kinda hot.

>> No.8796259
File: 160 KB, 1248x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying that the pic isn't abnormal parenting behavior at all. Not even slightly. If you want to overreact to it, that's fine. I wasn't commenting on any of your other claims.

Now, if you want true cringe parenting, here you go. Baby Pinkamena.

>> No.8796260

I believe that's called marking your territory.

>> No.8796337

That poor fkn child.

>> No.8796466

I was there. I think she's done other skits or whatever at later Fanimes. They're just as good.

People cheered. .. I don't know why. Maybe the felt bad for her?

>> No.8796528

Different anon but I know the girl in the other post she's as cringe as fuck. One of the Boston cosplay meet 'hots' She actually tried to derail the Disney event into a baby shower for herself. Then got extremely butthurt when no one gave a flying fuck she was naming her kid Zelda

>> No.8796532

hosts Fuck I am a spelling retard this day

>> No.8796665

>they know someone with a child named Optimus Prime

Holy shit I thought this was a meme.

>> No.8796669

Naw Weeb parents are coming up and naming kids all sorts of shit. Knew a girl in New Mexico who named her son Inuyasha

>> No.8796677

Holy shit that makes me sad.

Thank God.

I consider myself fairly hardened, but vore is just one of the things that weirds me out. Mainly because I keep stumbling onto it when I I least expect it. Figures people who are into it would like AoT.

Holy damn I can only manage to watch this for a few minutes at a time before needing a break. This is almost too much for even me. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.8796716

Yeah, same here. At the least the butt is nice.

>> No.8796768

Who isn't cosplaying for attention, at least partly, though? I cosplay because I enjoy building the outfits, and also meeting/socializing with other fans of the source material.

>> No.8796774
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>> No.8796859

wasn't it for a class too? I feel sorry for the professor that had to watch it.

>> No.8796955


>> No.8797193


>> No.8797209
File: 982 KB, 1920x1080, 2d4631bca469d900019b39952be1e744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do only women go on this board?

>> No.8797213

I'm so confused, what the fuck did I just watch.

>> No.8797892

pls go

Dammit I'm trying to find that old old CMV with the big female L and the scrawny Raito wearing sad looking jeans but I can't seem to locate it.

>> No.8797947

Shit that was even worse anon, I do agree that it's autotuned, the effect has been on that whole time to correct her pitches. Ugh, what a talent-less SJW.

>> No.8799452

would bang so hardd hnnghghghghghnnnnnnnh