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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8788297 No.8788297 [Reply] [Original]

New Gyaru thread, because the old one faded away into the archives.

Can we hope for egg coming back this year?
Anyone who can tell us how the revived version of koakuma Ageha looks like?

*no larme kei

>> No.8788298

Should we also do the best and worst of the instagram gaijin gyaru tag again?

>> No.8790943
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most of the things tagged as gyaru on tumblr seem to be larme now, or am i wrong?

liz lisa staff

>> No.8790947
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i apologise if this isn't what gyaru is now, but it's how i remember it from around 2011

>> No.8791115

That's himekaji and it's a super toned down substyle of gyaru. Well, you can still make these clothes look more gyaru if it was for a gyaru makeup in their faces

>> No.8791158

Liz Lisa dedicates some pieces towards larme. But not everything as far as I heard . But I heard that Liz Lisa quality went down a lot since 2013. Somst already mentioned that in a previous thread

>> No.8792087
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What blogs do you follow nowadays?

>> No.8792168


>> No.8792423

I've never followed any gyaru blogs, but I like to follow some BD, QS and Tiara members on twitter and Facebook

>> No.8792463

Where are some good resources for english gyaru style makeup tutorials?

Also, what are all your favorite lash brands? I really like Dolly Wink, but I've seen Diamond Lash and Amo brand generally around the same price range. Are they as generally as good or is Dolly Wink better?

>> No.8792496


Diamond Lash and Eyemazing(amoyamo) are way better than Dolly Wink. You pay the same what you pay for Dolly Wink but get 5-6pair of lashes instead of one or two. Dolly Wink is only popular because of tsubasa

>> No.8793008
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Let's start this again, so I'm starting with my worst with what is currently on the gaijin gyaru hashtag

Side note: I tried to pick people who at least look like they tried to make themself look somewhat gyaru. I don't want to shame on these people but some are literally just abusing the hashtag for more attention. No ulzzang, larme, lolita, grunge etc and gyaru are NOT the same thanks

>> No.8793040
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And my best (this was a lot harder than usual, there are so many ulzzang and larme weebs on the tag right now)

>> No.8793059
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I always wishes I could pull off ganguro, I'm naturally tan enough too.
Unfortantly, I'm too fat (for the fashion) and my features are very manly.
So I'lll just have to keep lurking from afar. Don't want to end up like pic related.

Any links to shops with some good furry leg warmers? 90% of the reason why I love gyaru fashion are the leg warmers.

>> No.8793081

Would using a dark brown make up do the trick or is there more to it?

>> No.8793088

It's super easy to make them urself. Other than that try ebay or galeo

>> No.8793090

What do you mean by that?

>> No.8793118

What are your opinions on gyaru without circle lenses?

>> No.8793123

No, you really have to pay close attention to your undertones so you don't look orange. Not mention countering is important when making your skin darker. And blending the jawline out onto your neck.

>> No.8793124

Sorry, english is not my mother's tongue, uhm, what i meant is, would you use actual face paint, like ben nye or something, or regular dark make up

>> No.8793130

MY advice, is to absolutely not use ben-nye, that is a huge no no.
First find your undertone. Work with it, find a nice liquid foundation.
Color correction kits are a big help to keep you from looking splotchy and haggard.
And then a contour kit for darker skin should help as well.

>> No.8793132

It always loos better with them and for some old school styles like yamanba their pretty essential. But you can pull it off without them too if your makeup is 120% on point.

>> No.8793134

It isn't mine either.

Well it depends on your natural skin tone and on what kind of gyaru style you are going for. If you go far a really dark style I'd recommend facepaint rather than makeup since dark makeup tends to always be orange.

>> No.8793596
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Quick dump of some old pics

>> No.8793597
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>> No.8793601
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>> No.8793604
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>> No.8793610
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>> No.8793612
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>> No.8793617
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>> No.8793618
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>> No.8793621
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>> No.8793623

I love this but god the meitu is too real on this one

>> No.8793626
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>> No.8793628
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>> No.8793630
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Last one

metal? Do you mean metal influence or actual metal pieces/jewelry?

>> No.8793657
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>> No.8793662
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>> No.8793668

no they mean meitu, as in the shoop app you nincompoop

what are anons favourite lashes for rokku? I like to layer up twinkle lashes cute for top lashes
currently using small daiso top lashes for my bottoms!

>> No.8793669
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>> No.8793671

things that make me angry are people getting into himekaji or general liz lisa style gyaru and not doing the makeup or hair and still calling it gal/gyaru like, stop it's not like lolita where its all about the clothes

>> No.8793676
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>> No.8793770

I flipped through the new Agehas and they are SO BORING. I would even recommend Popteen over Ageha Koakuma, they have less boring stylings and outfits, but they are quite Larme Kei

>> No.8793789
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Does anyone else also cries about the new style of Jesus Diamante (well it's not that new anymore but still)

>> No.8793925

kawaii pateen on youtube have a few good ones

>> No.8793931

love that manba girl in the middle row! her lenses are ace.

>> No.8793939

I really miss when Ma*rs clothes all looked like this

Yeah, they definitely shouldn't be calling it gyaru, especially when the essential over-the-top gyaru eye makeup looks so out of place with himekaji. But, do you consider >>8793628 to still be gyaru?

>> No.8794143

Someone else here, but yes I'd consider her being gyaru. Her hair is done and she got the makeup. Her natural nosebridge looks pretty high, so I think it's ok that we don't see any contour in this photo.
I tend to leave the contouring (espcially nose contour out, because my nosebridge is high and slim by nature and contouring only works with a super thin ankle brush lol I only go heavy with the contour when it comes to oldschool)

>> No.8794156

I just bought these!! They're really nice, although I've already lost one of the crosses on it. http://world.taobao.com/item/20220754640.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-673253035.79.iLXftJ

>> No.8794474

Can someone link me to an explanation of gyaru? Sorry but my google-fu is failing me in finding a good set of "rules"

>> No.8794526

There are many substyles of gyaru, but the general thought of the fashion was to break the rules. The rules of fashion, the rules of beauty and general rules of the Japanese society as well.

>> No.8794767

If you search Hime Hime Star on Youtube I think she has a pretty good set of resources. Gyaru isn't necessarily a J-fashion like lolita though, it's mostly about having the specific look than following a standard set of rules. It's more open to creativity than I guess lolita is, perhaps that's why lolita gained so much more popularity because on that front it is easier to get the look.

>> No.8794890

Are any of you part of active gyaru circles?
This is old, so I think if we made a list of people interested in forming gyaru circles in each state or area, we could revive some of the interest. Maybe have some Para Para meets and so on.

>> No.8794897

Oh, ok! That explanation makes a lot of sense, thanks!

I'm not part of any active gyaru circle since I'm just getting into the fashion, but Para Para meets sound incredible

>> No.8794920

I'd love for American Gaijin Gyaru to be closer but the comm is so divided. If you are friends with one person who isn't well liked everyone tries to talk shit endlessly, it's exhausting.

I want to talk to more gyaru but I'm not widely liked anymore.

>> No.8794921

Oh! Ive been wanting the one with crosses forever! thank you!

>> No.8794926

I'm apart of one in Chicago but we're not really active with gal activities, even though we hang out a lot. I want to be way more active this year, myself

>> No.8794930

Would anyone want to start a gyaru Skype chat? or something?

>> No.8794952

I don't use Skype that often, it crashes my phone. Does anyone who would be interested have LINE or Kakaotalk or another messaging app that is good for groups? I have LINE/Kakao

>> No.8794973

facebook /chronichappinessdisorder/videos/1506115006351970/

>> No.8794978

Ditto this, I have LINE

>> No.8794986
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pretty much what they said, they got well styled big hair, heavy eye makeup (not standard shape but still heavy all around) a good contour and a suitable nose contour
this kinda stuff is just not gyaru though
that hair could be used in gyaru, if the makeup was done up more, but otherwise its just a plain outfit with some legwarmers

>> No.8794988

I also have line! rokku gyaru here~

>> No.8795229

I'd say it's gyaru. The overall look is more important than the individual components, which is why himekaji (barely) and rokku are part of the same fashion. Big hair is a must- you don't have to go for the crazy hime bumps but it needs to have volume. Makeup is super important, even if you're not orange you need to have heavy (but not too ott) eye make up and lenses. As for clothes, they tend to be on the skimpy side, but that's not necessary.
It's strange how much gyaru's moved on. I remember getting into it when stickers and yamamba and loose socks were still things, and even though I wear himekaji most of all I still have a soft spot for old magazines with outrageous makeup and flashy clothes. I used to put fake flowers in my hair and do parapara in my room when I was getting into it, lol.

>> No.8795261

I also have LINE! We should get a group together or something
I don't think there's enough gyaru in my area/enough of an interest to have a circle or something

>> No.8795324
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This is my LINE QR :3

>> No.8795758

I personally don't use them right now, mostly because I'm kind of nooby but also because I really like my natural eye color (green with a golden center), and have the advantage of my eyes already being fuckhuge. They definitely add a lot to the look, but I find that if I go all-out with the falsies I'm still recognizable. But I'm also still practicing and getting better, so I'm definitely not an authority.

Is there a facebook group for this I can join or something? I'm in Chicago, just getting into gyaru and I'd love some local people to meet up with. Any rokku gals that picked up stuff in the Alley closing? They had an excellent pair of wedges that I wanted to get but the straps were too big for my feet. But I did get some earrings and a dress (and some cheap as shit falsies).

>> No.8795779

A Facebook group and maybe a google doc for this thread of gyarus circles would be really helpful. I'd like to see how much interest this gauges.

>> No.8795833

The Chicago gal circle is called NEON. I'm @heymachii__ on twitter/IG so can message me if you want to find out more. I do the Harajuku Fashion Walk here as well so even if you don't want to be in the galsa you can still find other people who like gal/j-fashion

I wanted to go in the last days to the alley so badly but I was stuck in Florida after flight cancelations, I missed all the sales. I really wanted to get a whole bunch of tshirts, since I love them.

There is a tumblr that was keeping track but I think the Google doc idea is great honestly.

>> No.8796112

Ok guys,

I had this idea for quiet a while now and I'd like to ask you what you think about it.

So some of you might remember 'thegossipgyaru' from tumblr who gave 'advice' to newbies and tryhards in a sometimes somewhat very harsh way.

Well my idea was to create a tumblr to give people 'gyaru advice'. But not in the way tgg gave it, but in a nice way. Also with the possibility of private submissions etc.

What do you think of it?

>> No.8796224

I followed you! I'm @TheLesbiGuide, it won't let me DM you unless you follow me back. And that is so sad!
My roomate's been to the fashion walks previously actually, and she mentioned seeing you in the past, although I don't think you've actually talked. Small world! In a way.

>> No.8796289

I liked thegossipgyaru, they helped me improve so much and gave me wonderful advice. I think they were only mean when it was obvious people were absolutely putting no effort into gal.

I'd be supportive of a blog like that though!

>> No.8796291

If you give actual advice I think the idea is great! Go for it!

>> No.8796317

I never really understood the gossip gyaru. There where people who were the shittiest 'ulzzang' noobs whom she gave the nicest sugared advice possible and then there were some really good tries whom she/he/they just tried to drag down. Whenever I read her blog and she made one of those mean ass posts I was just like 'and now she's on her period again'.


It's my intention to give good advice. Especially in a nice form. I'm just not sure how to deal with people who are clearly abusing the tag. I've already gave some people anonadvice in a very nice way of how to improve their makeup and style and all I got was a 'this is popteen gyaru' on remote control. Should I just try it once with them and then give up? Or should I just leave these people out in general?

>> No.8796326

I think leaving them out in general is a good idea; if they're not even going for what you're trying to give advice for, then it's kind of a pointless interaction for everyone. I'd be interested in this blog though!

>> No.8796338


Thank you, I think I'll start it soon and the post the link on here. Any fancy name suggestions for the blog? The gyaru guru? The Gyaru Senpai? I'm sorry, I'm a noob with cool blog urls

>> No.8796346

Gyaru Guru has alliteration, which is always a plus.

>> No.8796353

Thanks, I'll probably go with that one then

>> No.8796609

It would be nice if you could incorporate that "gossip" part of it too. Sometimes I want to get all of my GG comm feels out but I don't want to make secrets especially because it's dead as hell. But idk people can be so poisonous so I could see that going south.

Let us know when you set it up or if you need any ideas/help

>> No.8797761

Can you guys all help me with finding a theme please? I've tried multiple ones but either the link was broken or it just sucked. I need sth with a submission button and a somewhat girly to cute vibe.

>> No.8797778

try themehunter

>> No.8797796

I tried it for the past 15min with that page...but I'm such a noob damn how to get a submission bar? I wanna cry. I know why I was ok with only having one blog and never wanted to make up a second one. Sorry, the struggle is real. I kinda want the theme of the gossip gyaru but the theme link doesn't work anymore

>> No.8797812

You have to enable submissions in settings! What about something like http://evilqueenedthemes.tumblr.com/theme37? You could make it cute with the background, sidebar image, colours etc. and add the submission link.

>> No.8797817

I always liked Tsuyameki's tumblr theme, she got it from redfoxthemes. Try that?

>> No.8797818

Omg found my mistake!! Thank you, I'm gonna look at it! Though I found sth plain already

>> No.8797823

Ok, it's done! Thank you for the help guys.


I love simplicity but maybe I'll change the background into something more...sparkly soon

>> No.8797885

I feel so insecure to give out my first non anon concrit...

>> No.8798799

Thank you for doing it! I followed immediately~

>> No.8798811

resident himegyaru here, i'm waiting on about 1k of la pafait stuff to arrive, can review for anyone who's interested. i have pretty high brand loyalty to them even though they(and the style) are dying out. also have some JD as well but not as much. la pafait just has this trashier feel to it that i love. feel free to ask me anything!

>> No.8798837
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>no anon setting on ask

>> No.8798918

How to put that on?? God I hate tumblr, this shit is so difficult and unorganized, it's hurting my inner aspi

>> No.8799008

Just fixed it. Anon questions now possible

>> No.8799013

pics and reviews of the pieces you're getting in, please! and thank you.

>> No.8799294

I wish Rokku was more popular. I love this look but it's hard to find many new pictures.

>> No.8799758

I wish GALEO would put more of their products into their overseas store as well. Or at least produce the things there in 'non asian people' appropriate sizes/lenghts. I'd fit most of the things size wise, but the parkers are way too short for me

>> No.8799931


>> No.8801158

I wish GALEO just had more products in general. I love their clothes, but they only have less than like 20 items on 109 right now, which is annoying.

>> No.8801176

I just watch the cords from eBay/taobao store. It's better than nothing

>> No.8801500

Same, also how I feel about gothic/goshikku.

>> No.8802288

link to the coords?