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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 128 KB, 1021x1021, IKEA_Charlotte_youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8785684 No.8785684 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss your favorite cosplayers and lolita fashion enthusiasts that make Youtube videos.

Popular/active lolita or cosplay channels (That I know of, anyway):
Lovely Lor https://www.youtube.com/user/gitsforfits
Princess Peachie https://www.youtube.com/user/PeachieAngelPrincess
Deerstalker Pictures 1 & 2 https://www.youtube.com/user/deerstalkerpictures https://www.youtube.com/user/deerstalkerpictures2
Hello Batty https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHelloBatty
Isaki Tahashi https://www.youtube.com/user/IsakiTahashi
CathyCat https://www.youtube.com/user/Canudoitcosplaygirl
Jessica Nigri https://www.youtube.com/user/jessicanigri
Princess Fancypants https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9hTJkLLk1YvAaOhp56KZ8Q
Kamui Cosplay https://www.youtube.com/user/Mogrymillian

Sorry if I left out anything for starters; I know a lot of lolita channels but lacking in cosplay channel knowledge.
If you know any related channels that you think deserve more subscribers, feel free to post them as well!

>> No.8785686
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, JessieKate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite lolita Youtuber is Princess Jessie-Kate; she has a popular video on her involvement with Milanoo but she really is just the most precious thing to me. Cute voice and cute attitude.

I also really like Acchirin. https://www.youtube.com/user/acchirin/

>> No.8785709

Is this bait?

>> No.8785719

Somewhat-ish lol. Just thought I'd mention her along with Jnig; I don't like either of them but I didn't want people to be like "u forgot so-and-so".

>> No.8785745

You said to post your favourites so you didn't really need to include them. Probably just brings more negativity into the thread.

>> No.8785755

Got me there. Thanks for pointing it out, I didn't think of that.

(pls don't let my dumb error turn this into a holy-shit-isaki/jnigs-sucks thread)

>> No.8785793

Her name is way too similar to mine, I've very uncomfortable.

>> No.8786192


>> No.8786200

SuperCarly64. need I say more

>> No.8786205

Carly's kind of a hit or miss with me. I like her but I feel like all of cgl is a little too obsessed with her

>> No.8786212

I'm thinking of having a channel where I show detail shots and dresses worn. I have some prints coming in and a few in my wardrobe that I think wouldnt be too bad to show. Would there be any interest in something like that? I'm kinda tired of "OMG UNBOXING MY HAUL GONNA TALK ABOUT IRRELEVANT SHIT FOR 10 MINUTES AND NOT REALLY SHOW THE DRESS"
Anything else gulls are trying to see?

>> No.8786217

I think that would be a good idea, especially if the videos were short and to the point

>> No.8786554

I love her humor and she's very relateable. And cute.

That sounds great, actually. I love looking at dresses and details but not a super long ramble about shipping and whatnot.

>> No.8786644

>I love her humor and she's very relateable. And cute.

same. she's so down to earth and "normal" which is something that never happens in this community

>> No.8786654
File: 167 KB, 729x1097, dejavudea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k i never ever have seen her mentioned in a thread on /cgl/, but the FEW times i have brought her up y'all are fucking ruthless

i'm a lowkey fan of dejavudea only because i watched her, lost interest, rediscovered her years later and now she's how i live out the cons i want to go to (otakon, katsu)

plus, while her dance group is mediocre at best, she's the best dancer (and veronica and mom are pretty good) i just have a weird respect for her since she's really popular at the cons and really low online (although i doubt she likes it that way lol) you can totally see how she's kind of like.... a bitch just because she knows she's the cutest there (but her friend veronica is so hot oh my god so underappreciated) and is really into herself. plus lots of dramu & rumors i've heard behind her, but i just can't hate her completely...

pls don't rape me w/ your replies but i'm being serious about this lol

>> No.8787074

Posting this if any of you are interested:


It's the lolita youtubers spreadsheet I did a while back.

If you want me to add anything, I will, but it may take me a while to do it as I am busy.

>> No.8787195

Two questions:
How2make interesting con vlogs? I'm not a particularly skilled videographer so I figure that my best bet is just to film a large variety of things that's not just meand my friends goofing off (even if I do enjoy watching that too). Also, music? I see most people use copyrighted music (same goes for cosplay videographers and CMV makers) but that seems kinda risky? I don't know, is there any way to get around that?
Two, how do I best advertise myself? Youtube is pretty shitty about reach, and my follower number on other sites is only decent. It seems like the best way to go about it is to make tutorial videos and similar so that you can link them when people ask for help in cosplay groups on FB and similar, hoping that will draw them in enough to look at your other stuff.

>> No.8787245

>How2make interesting con vlogs?
do NOT aim the camera at your face as you walk the con. it is so annoying, especially because vloggers who do this spend a lot of their time adjusting their wig and making faces and talking to people off-camera that we would rather lool at.

show highlights of the most interesting things you see and take part in. if you want to do a more vloggy format, and talk about your experience, keep it simple or interspersed through the rest of the footage. maybe even interview those whose cosplay/coord you shoot. let them talk about their process and show some details.

talk to other people about the events you go to. see if you can talk to anyone who organized a cool event you liked.

talk to artists in the AA about their cool stuff, if you find any you are particularly impressed by.

a lot of con vlogs are so much wandering around while telling, not showing. unless you are a remarkable storyteller, show more and tell less, period.

>> No.8787247


>> No.8787306

Thanks! You've any links to good examples or vlogs you otherwise like?

>> No.8787440


It would be nice if it was public view

>> No.8787487

Whoops, sorry. It was public before...something must have happened during editing. I've changed it to public now.

>> No.8787919

Bless you, anon

>> No.8788312

this is amazing thank you anon. question though, what is the basis for the star rates on the videos? im clicking through some four star channels and theyre not that great

>> No.8788346
File: 29 KB, 504x389, star rating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the bottom of the page there's a second sheet dedicated to the star rating system, I try to do it as fairly as possible, and if you think something needs to change please let me know!!

Also for ease's sake I'll copy paste the star rating here:

Star Rating Chart
Wearing Lolita Well
Good Quality Vids
Good Content
Regular Updates

Star off for:
Bad personality
Bad background
Heavily biased/opinionated videos

>> No.8788396

I'd really like to start making skit videos like Deerstalker and Molly Metaphora. What equiptment and editing software would be best?

>> No.8788665

You are missing quite a few decent ones like
> Himezawa
> Wonderland Lolita
> Dodo the Extinct
> Kanonique
> Prince Mar
> Yetaxaa (she has videos now)
> Cordelia Summer
> Töck and Phantasmafloria
> OhKayTea

I'm on youtube ALOT so I find new lolita youtubers quite often. Most of these started this year or has become more active this year. I think they are all fairly cute and worth a look.

>> No.8788672



In all seriousness, I will add these to the list! Thanks!

>> No.8788697


I wasnt aware there was drama, I just thought she was cute and I like her "What Your Lolita Wardrobe Says About You" video.


>> No.8788699

Not really lolita or cosplay.
But this guy makes some really good budget prop tutorials for cosplay and such.


>> No.8788753

Please entertain yourself with her lolcow thread.

It's glorious.

>> No.8788757

>emoting on 4chan

anon pls

>> No.8788777

Oh my god that lolcow thread was a fucking time


> all these feelings got me feeling
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2cnoF5vl40

>> No.8788968
File: 174 KB, 1440x852, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you gulls feel about "Convention Reviews" ????


>> No.8789417

Just checked out a few of their videos. They need work. I can tell they've got a fancy editing program and decent equipment but (at least for me) they've broken the one rule of YouTube: be interesting. It's a bit of a subjective area but in my opinion they haven't refined themselves yet.

I mainly stick to the YouTube threads here on cgl because I have a channel myself (not about lolita or cosplay though). I really hope that some of the people I've given advice to in past threads actually make a channel.

>> No.8790055

What are some things that current Youtubers do that you like? That you dislike? Anything that you want to see improve in the YouTube lolita community as a whole?

> Likes
For me, I like it when lolita Youtubers are straight to the point in their videos.
> Dislikes
I feel like too many lolita Youtubers ramble WAY too much in their videos about irrelevant shit, and it makes me click out of videos almost instantly. I'm also over lolitas having fake weeby ~uhuu so kawaii desu uwu~ voices that are way higher than their real voices.
> Improvements
I'm also hoping that 2016 is the year when the YouTube lolita community as a whole steps up with video and audio editing. Another pet peeve of mine is when I can barely hear the person in the video speaking

>> No.8790059

...because the "background music" is blaring over them. Dammit, I forgot to finish typing the comment.

>> No.8790067


I think generally I like it when people edit out most of their ums and uhs, but keep maybe one or two to make it flow.

I too like it when they are straight to the point

I hate it when they show no personality. So many people talk so dully to the camera and don't even try to entertain.

Also in so many unboxing/haul videos people talk for a good 3-5 minutes about where they bought it, their experience, etc, when all I wanna see is them opening the box of goodies.

I really wanna see more GOOD hair/makeup tutorials. We have Kawaii Pateen, but even then then tuts can be....a let down.

>> No.8791488

New video from KP with Haruka Kurebayashi in it. I thought she had left them?

>> No.8791968

im a lolita youtuber and the only thing i need to work on is interesting content, my videos are too boring still, ive been improving on cutting down time though

when the video is well edited and they get straight to the point, a likeable personality it of utmost importance

videos filmed in poor lighting with poor equipment where they just ramble, i like seeing cute backgrounds so seeing a mess is offputting as well

i hope to see more interesting content this year, also im talking about lolita youtubers

>> No.8793194

Just came here to mention this. I guess Kurebayashi's management finally forgave them for their fuckup? Or they groveled enough.

>> No.8794129

What was the fuckup? This is the first I'm hearing of this.

>> No.8794130

Is their a possibility you could show us a vid so we could give you crit? Or would you rather remain anon?

>> No.8794173

Jessica Nigri's channel is just her opening gifts from fans. Kamui is really the only cosplay channel you mentioned. Some other cosplayers with You tube accounts are Stella Chu and Lyz Brickley. Both do convention blogs and I'm not sure about Stella but Lyz does cosplay work videos.
Anyone else?

>> No.8794187

Hmm if I post several vids from different channels I could remain somewhat anon would that be OK? Or ibdont know if having myself on here could risk my reputation

>> No.8794203

Honestly I don't mind at all if a youtuber (or any one for that matter) posts here unless they're shitposting or selfposting for attention and denying it, but it's really about if you're comfortable with it. What ever you want to do will be fine! It's totally up to you!

>> No.8794234
File: 680 KB, 869x577, 2d442d8173f67b04e494caad9cd0a81c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yooo, did she get that eyelid surgery?

>> No.8794236

I think Kathy Cat made a reaction video out of one of her videos, which she hadn't approved of. The video was then removed and an official apology was issued from KP.

>> No.8794238

HatterInsanity is pretty neat

>> No.8794262

I think her concealer/foundation has just gathered in her creases. Happens to me a lot...

>> No.8795688

Ooh I'd love some feedback. I was here in the last thread asking about starting up a jfashion youtube and ended up recently filming a what's in my bag video.

Currently waiting for my taobao haul video to render - will upload later today, but my youtube is Yana R. if anyone wants to give concrit to the first video.

>> No.8797319

I love this girl:

Her production values need some work (her latest video needs better sound) but her content is good and she's very sweet.


So what is the story with dejavudea? I watch all her videos all the way through, and then afterwards I say to myself, "why did I do that?" She seems perfectly nice but every time she says "hey bunny bundles" my soul dies a little, and watching her stroll with her entourage through convention centers while she holds court yammering into her camera phone for her vlog has a strange yet inexplicable rage-inducing quality, like, there's some sub-audible tone that's programming my brain to kill. I've never experienced anything like this.

I figured there had to be a backstory about her, and I'm a horrible person for wanting to look for it, but I can't help it...there's something about her videos that makes me feel like I'm missing half the story.

>> No.8797354

Since I've been making vids for 3 years I'd thought I'd offer my concrit. Just watched your taobao video. It's a bit long but since you actually show close ups and details of the items I can forgive that. I would recommend that you be a bit more concise as you tend to ramble a bit, but keep in mind that if you stick with YouTube your speech will flow more naturally as time goes on. I also suggest speaking a bit more loudly if possible.

Your audio isn't the best but I wouldn't worry about it too much since you're just starting. It seems like you have a pretty decent camera but it felt like you were wasting it's quality with your lighting. Look up some lighting tuts online so you can get a better balance. This is especially crucial since your channel is about fashion and color accuracy is very important. Lovelylor's videos tend to be a bit overexposed but her color balance is what you want to aim for.

Just on a purely visual aspect I'd suggest getting a cute border to go around the detail shots you include so the edges don't look so harsh. A video on top of a video isn't pleasing to the eye.

All in all you're not half bad, you just need experience. Everyone is medicore at YouTube in the beginning, but if you stick with it, it can be very rewarding. Good luck.

>> No.8797393

Oh thanks for that! Would you recommend a script to stop me going of tangents?

I don't know why, but the lighting wasn't as orange in the original video. (I had to trim the first few seconds in Youtube video manager), but it still was varying cos of the clouds maybe. I probably should get a lamp.

oh thanks for the tip with the border - I'll try that next time.

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8797395

>Lyz Brickley
Such an unfortunate voice.

>> No.8797419

I don't get it? Kathy Cat made a reaction video to her video or posted one of her videos as a reaction? What kind of video was it? Why was she pissed?

>> No.8797425

Not that anon but perhaps make some notes of key talking points, a general outline of what you want to cover, etc? Just to keep you focused and help prevent you from losing track!

>> No.8797439

You're seriously cute! Just make sure you don't trail off, people wanna hear what your saying so be confident!

Also your video quality is way better than mine when I started out, so you're definitely on the right path!

>> No.8797440

Anywhere we can find this reaction vid?

>> No.8797484

Aww thanks! I'll try - thats why I made my channel in the first place haha

>> No.8797519

KP made an elder's react video to a Haruka video without her permission. I'm not sure how they hire or pay the girls but wouldn't you be annoyed if someone used footage of you without telling you? They would have been making money off her image and she wasn't aware. They're just quick to make cheap videos which they think will bring in views without caring obviously.

Someone would have to have it saved for reupload most likely. It's not likely to be worth a watch as it's just a FineBrothers ripoff.

>> No.8798863

scarfingscarves has begun Lolita News

on mobile can't link

am amused

>> No.8798884


I got you anon

>> No.8798887

For unboxing videos I wouldn't do a script but as >>8797425 mentioned maybe do an outline. The whole point of unboxing videos is so people can get your raw genuine reaction to the things you're unwrapping. If you go to edit and you notice yourself rambling, you can remove bits via jump cut which should help. Any types of videos where spontaneity isn't required I would script. Formal reviews, advice videos, coverage of meetups, that sort of thing.

>> No.8799579

Oh gosh I'm so nervous but /cgl/ has been overwhelmingly supportive of me as a lolita so I might as well post this...


I started a channel a few months ago. Only two lolita related videos as the channel is mainly geared towards my music/performance art but hey. I'm gonna try to get some nicer video editing software cus right now I'm in movie maker hell. Still trying to get my editing skills down pat; there's some out of sync/too quiet audio on here but now I know what I did wrong and how to avoid it in the future.

>> No.8799584

Also thanks to all the draw-chans that drew what turned into channel art/profile pics/thumbnail art. I wanna credit you guys so if any of you are said draw chans or know said draw chans let me know.

>> No.8799963
File: 11 KB, 406x156, 98b0a158390667e3f516cd2b88c3c528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ughh. I fucking hate the way KP respond to youtube comments.

>> No.8799972
File: 8 KB, 209x234, a56193dd5802b8e4e433a549886ead82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried asking this in the dumb questions thread but no responses...

Could someone tell me a good video/movie editing software I can buy that has...filters like instagram has and such? Is that stupid? I just feel really ugly even if the lighting is changed.

The closest I've ever used is Windows movie maker and I'm looking to buy something that has filters and something easy for a person like me to use, someone like me who isn't officially educated in video photography.

>> No.8800054

You should just Google and research what suits you best. You're asking for a bit much and I assume you want something for free since you didn't mention a budget.
Most software will have the tools to allow you to alter the colours and contrast but you can't really make any magic happen unless you know what you're doing with the software. Some people make plugins which you can download for colours if you're too lazy to make your own but they won't affect your appearance. You might want to look into skin smoothing/retouching but it's a lot of work when you have no idea what you're doing.
Also find the best lighting when you're actually filming. Some people put light in front of them to erase details in the face. Lighting will be another thing to Google and just experiment with yourself because it probably depends on your features.

>> No.8800063

Like the other anon said, light is more important than anything else. If you're doing a beautytube, which I'm assuming, it might not be the best route but a lot of booktubers and casual vloggers just seriously overexpose their face.

I use lightworks, it's not super easy to get into (and exporting videos renders me incapable of using my computer for almost an hour), but it's free and I figure it might have something like what you're looking for.

>> No.8800099

I'm willing to make a purchase like I said. Even if it's expensive.

>> No.8800153

Oh god i couldnt go through 2 minuets of that fucking video. And i dont really care for her one way or the other either.

>> No.8800879

But anon she did this video just for you.


And look she even has a channel called More Himezawa because she wants you.


>> No.8800890

She's eh. Try hard edgy.

>> No.8800906

i bet you say that to all the parodists

>> No.8800922

Hey anon! My friend directed me here, I'm the one who drew the picture you're using as your current icon (which is an honor, thank you). My Tumblr art blog is quackumscribbles if you'd like to credit that? As for the rest of the anons, you'd probably have more luck finding them in the draw thread.

By the way, I had a look through your videos and you have a really good singing voice, I'd love to hear more of that!

>> No.8801107

Thanks so much! I'll credit you in my channel description asap!

>> No.8801154

Why, because of the grammatical error? Or because they bother responding to YouTube dumbasses at all?

>> No.8802281

I wanna start a lolita channel, cause some one i know has one and has suggested i make one too for fun...but im not too sure if i should.
I think it would be fun but i don't want people thinking im trying to become e-fame..

>> No.8803560


>mfw you didn't even ask a question

Honestly, by your comment it sounds like you're lacking in 'personality', which is necessary for videos and also you're lacking in drive. From what I've gathered from your comment, you want to start making videos because your friend said it's a fun thing to do, and not because you thing you've got something of importance to give to the community.

If you have some unique ideas for videos, and not the same old same old 'beginner advice' videos then please, by all means, go ahead, but I don't think you have put much thought into this.

Or maybe I've completely misinterpreted.

>> No.8805381

Ah, so they were making KP reaction video of her not-KP video? I think I get it.