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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 500x400, Super-pierced-Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8778797 No.8778797 [Reply] [Original]

Can we just have a general cgl related rant thread? I'll start: I hate it when cosplayers don't take out their ugly piercings for the costume. It looks so trashy to me and makes the entire thing look a thousand times worse, especially if they're cosplaying a "cute" style character. It makes me so salty.

>> No.8778800

I've just started cosplaying characters with helmets/masks to hide my piercings, because my skin closes up abnormally quickly. I no longer have earrings because I took them out for a few hours once. Thought I was safe because I had them in for two years.

>> No.8778806

You know, there are people that rather cosplay for fun at conventions instead of trying to win a popularity contest.

>> No.8778809

Who are you? Fuckin' Wolverine?

>> No.8778810

So then gtfo. if you're so secure in your self, you wouldn't have to defend your choice to have metal implanted into your face.

>> No.8778830

You're supposed to try to look like the character, not like you got into an accident at hot topic and fell all over the displays.

>> No.8778838

bitch I might be

>> No.8778843

Jesus christ anon and I thought my belly ring took too long

>> No.8778895

What do you treat your newer piercings with? If you use regular wound antiseptics or rubbing alcohol on them, it slows down the healing process. Therefore they'll try to close up fast if you take them out, because they never healed completely. Only use body piercing-specific cleansers and water, and use the cleansers sparingly.

>> No.8778903

I used antibacterial soap, and my lip piercings got mouthwash. That's it. I stopped as soon as they healed and followed the piercer's instructions exactly. My lip piercings are maybe five years old, but I'm not chancing it. Took them out for an hour last year and they were difficult to get back in.

Kind of surprised I've never gotten an infection, honestly.

>> No.8779224

I don't mind piercings and I have some myself, I never understood why people don't put in the plastic retainers when cosplaying since they're quite difficult to see unless very close and you might not even have to edit them out in pictures depending on if they're noticeable

>> No.8779249

This makes me think of a girl in my cosplay comm. Her story is that her mom is in recovery from brain cancer.
Between medical and rent bills they got evicted. She did nothing but bitch and moan about how all her cosplays and lolita stuff is in storage and she can't go out. Also how no one let them stay long.
A couple of friends told her to come into their grocery store. As they'll hire anyone, only rule is. No piercings or outrageous hair. She refused whining that it'd close and her hair her body all that jazz. Even turned down the plastic retainers.
Then proceeded to get a job at spencers she COULD not get to because of distance. Cue whining that no one cares about her.
Her mom ended up getting fed up with her dropped her at her bf's and move in with the grandparents.
I get piercings for many are a means of self esteem but jeez self awareness.

>> No.8779254

Or you could be trying to have fun.

>> No.8779259

I always have quite a few pairs of clear retainers in my purse in case I need them quickly, It costs about £2.50 for two where I am so I'm really surprised more people don't use them even if it's not for cosplay it would help you in a pinch if a piercing came out

>> No.8779268

Yea I mean it's more safety first right? (I don't have any besides ears) But with her it was just an excuse to get pity it felt like. That, and I think she thought her gofundme would pay for anything she could ever want. Though she only got 150$ out of a 5000$ stretch goal

>> No.8779340

Yeah, I have a few piercings, but I usually wear retainers for cosplay. I was prepared to wear them at my job, but they don't have a policy against piercings, so yay for that. With lolita, I just make sure they match my coord. No black jewelry with a pastel coord, for example...

Also, I really hate it when someone's jewelry isn't matching. Like, black, silver, and gold jewelry all together with no real cohesion. Looks bad.

>> No.8779369

>people allowing wigless cosplays to be a thing.

>> No.8779442

People cosplaying with their own hair if accurate enough, but dyed hair with gross grown out roots is gross as fuck.

>> No.8779451

i don't know anyone who has fun looking like shit unless they don't realize it.

>> No.8779459

The thing with piercings that pisses me off is that they were something someone else decided for themselves and then they baww when people don't like them. No one has to like all of your shit, get over yourself if you think they do.

Hell, this goes for everything. People are always going to have opinions of you, and if they choose, they'll always express them whether you like it or not. And if you made the decision yourself why care? Being insecure about and caring about other peoples' opinions just do to the fact that they are negative is pathetic. If you own your choices and are 'just doing it for fun' then why would you care? Most people wouldn't and if they still need that validation they're not really doing it for themselves.

>> No.8779549

It's okay if you are preforming dances. If the character has a very long wig, or the dance is very jumpy. However, Resemblance is always important. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oSp77zlLzI

On cons etc however.. It's just pure sadness.

>> No.8779557

Why are you so salty? Like really how does it affect you at all if someone's having fun and not taking it seriously?

>> No.8779561

Dif anon but in my experience. Those that do look horrid. Tend to think they are god's gift to cosplay

>> No.8779732

>Planning a Kenma cosplay

>> No.8779757

Kenma is one of the few anime characters that actually has that sort of hair though.

>> No.8779788

Is there really never a single case in which you can go wigless with a cospaly? Even if the character is from a realistic video game or something live action and your hair resembles theirs to a t?

I just have a hard time believing that desu. If professional productions like tv shows, plays, musicals and movies can have their characters get away with not wearing wigs, I think a cosplay can slide as long as it's logical.

>> No.8779791


I didn't type that?

>> No.8779794

Sorry it bothers you, but I don't compete or anything. Pretty sure the holes in my face would be pretty ugly to you and others anyway even if I did take them out.

>> No.8779795 [DELETED] 

Attention whore detected.

>> No.8779803


Used to be normal back when wigs sucked, I think it'd be find so long as the hair looked good.

>> No.8779819

Nah. My hair is blonde, if the characters hair is blonde, I'm styling my hair
Not wearing a wig.

>> No.8779825

I only used a saline solution for my lips and I can keep them out for days at a time. I am not sure if what other anon said is true but all of my piercings even my tongue don't heal over that fast.

>> No.8779890

Unless the character has a mohawk, undercut, or some other alternative weird hairstyle that cannot be pulled off with a wig, use a damn wig

>> No.8779891

Not OP but it depends on the person, most of my piercing will start to close up within a hour like my facial piercings and lobes while my other piercings would close up after a couple of days. My sister on the other hand can leave her piercings out for months and they wouldn't heal up at all.

>> No.8779896

post cosplay pics so we can see how shitty you look without a wig on

>> No.8779969

Honestly I think you can get away with it for live action related stuff if your hair truly matches, but if it's animated in any way you really need a wig to emulate that ott volume that normal hair just doesn't have without being frizzy or curly as fuck.

>> No.8780186

lurk more, it's an automatic word replace

>> No.8780196

I hate it when im checking out skimpy cosplayers and some hambeast from out of nowhere walks up and tells me I should stop. As if the girls didn't want the attention and needed the protection of another obese cosplayer dressed as Rose from SU. Call the cops if what im doing is so bad

>> No.8780201

Use invisible piercings while cosplaying, durrrrr

>> No.8780476

They aren't actually invisible at all and draw plenty of attention as people try to figure out what the fuck is on your face, durrrr.

>> No.8780480

I was actually told I couldn't wear my clear plastic retainers at work because they were visible. I ended up taking soft ones and cutting them down so that they didn't poke out of the holes in the front. The problem was that I had to occasionally go to the bathroom and poke them through the front because my skin started closing.

>> No.8780489
File: 133 KB, 620x382, 1448253345592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike brolitas. They make me uncomfortable.
BUT that is not what my rant is about.
My rant is about bitch ass SJW's who berate me with abuse for not liking them. I'm sorry I dislike obviously badly dressed hairy dudes wearing an extremely feminine fashion. I don't need "queer cred" Fuck off with that shit. I don't care if you think I'm being homophobic,
I don't care if I being trans-phobic, Most brolitas are not trans gendered, they are creepy guys who get an erection from cross dressing. It's fucking gross when neckbeards get into Lolita for that like 90% of the ones I have met. I fully admit their are a few that look okay and do it because they like the fashion, and that it totally cool and I like those guys, But I should not just instantly accept creepy guys just because SJW's and politically correct bullshit say I should.


>> No.8780499

>. I fully admit their are a few that look okay and do it because they like the fashion, and that it totally cool and I like those guys,
you should lead with this, i was all ready to argue but it turns out we agree.

/cgl/ mostly dislikes sissies while being okay with brolitas who dress well and aren't creepy fetishists. unfortunately the manchildren who look and act gross are exploiting trans awareness for their own gratification.

it is as disgusting to me as unwashed female lolitas, or lolitas with rageful vendettas against others. i wish every gross and exploitative person could be confronted without being accused of bullying.

>> No.8780535

>tv shows, plays, musicals and movies can have their characters get away with not wearing wigs

Nah, I work in theatre. Nine times out of ten, it's a wig. It may look like real hair, but it's a wig. Even in live action, real hair just can't handle the stuff that a wig can.

>> No.8780547

Kind of going off this, brolitas always make me 100% uncomfortable, too. If I can tell you're not female, I really don't want to be seen with you. If you literally blend seamlessly into the group and are male, this probably isn't about you.

Brolitas always act like snowflakes for being male and they generally just piss me off.
I've literally never seen a good one and they've all made inferences that they really, really, really love putting on effeminate things and even want to be a kawaii anime trap to seduce all the boys and/or play with other cute girls~~. I get it, men are horny as fuck. Can they not turn it off for a single meet?
"But anon, that's a sissy!"
Do you really think any comm member trying to pass as a lolita would outwardly call himself a sissy? Of course they call themselves a brolita. Look at all the past creeps that are "brolitas".
I've had ones say they wish they could be a cute girl so they could "wear more girly things and do more girly things" in that way that makes you cringe, like that's all being a girl is.

tl;dr brolitas tend to use lolita as a thinly veiled sissy fetish and I'll never accept them.

>> No.8780573

you on the other hand are just plain silly

>> No.8780582 [DELETED] 

I hate it when I flex my biceps and my back, and they don't give me they're number
original comment is original, you fucking gook piece of shit

>> No.8780607

Reasons to wear wigs:
1. Has more volume and more "perfect" partings etc
2. Looks better and more accurate
3. Looks ten times better in photos
4. If you want to wear that cosplay again, you'll have to style your hair like that again. If you have to dye your hair and cut it, it's gonna get costy either way.
5. Why wouldn't you? Just why? You can get a good wig for like $20, and if you're lucky, you can get a decent one for even like $10 if you don't wanna spend a lot

I just don't understand, if you're spending a bunch on a cosplay, why not just add a bit more and make it look so much better?

>> No.8780609

You can style things like that too though, replacing the parts with short hair with felt or furry fabric trimmed and dyed
Although it's more understandable. I'd still use a wig for the hair parts though

>> No.8780659

Did I rustle your jimmies, male anon?

>> No.8780684

not OP, but fucking seriously, you are the cancer killing the internet by assuming literally everyone in a group has identical goals and motives

>> No.8780708

So I did. Kek.

>> No.8780713

i am >>8780499 not >>8780708

you're not a terribly careful thinker. assuming the other anon and i to be the same person, and male at that, will hopefully prompt you to examine your thought processes. i believe you can change, anon.

>> No.8780720

Yeah, okay. If you're that angry, then you're definitely not the passing type and I probably hit a nerve. Regardless, I pretty plainly described most brolitas, though.

>> No.8780733
File: 26 KB, 1292x467, ss+(2015-12-24+at+11.01.35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm perfectly fine as a cis female, thanks. go back to /pol/

>> No.8780737

I'm not /pol/. I just tell no lies. Go back to tumblr if you want a fucking hugbox.

>> No.8780766

Sort of aligned with piercings, I absolutely hate it when people don't cover their tattoos for cosplays. I can sort of excuse it if your character as tattoos (say Jinx) but even then I think its really noticeable that you have a full sleeve and collarbone tats of misc. stuff that aren't in character. There's a lot of good cover up foundation out there and options to wear skin colored stockings for thigh or leg tats. It just ruins any cosplay no matter how good everything else looks for me.

>> No.8780774

Here's the thing I don't get. Why would you WANT to use your real hair? Why would you want to fuck with dying your hair for a fucking cosplay instead of just getting a wig? Why would you cut it like the character? Style it a specific way? All that heat damage and it won't even look good. I remember buying a wig for a character that had a the same hair color and length as mine. I thought it was stupid, but I also didn't want to be the one person in my group without a wig. I'm really glad I got one, though. As I was doing the styling, I was just thinking about how fucked up my real hair would have been from all of this. Get a wig, if not so your costume will look good, so your real hair will look good.

>> No.8780775

>I just tell no lies
that's a funny way to say "I was proven to be making incorrect assumptions but I will not reevaluate my worldview at all despite this visible flaw"

>> No.8780776
File: 230 KB, 638x357, 3bgMs2i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my rant. I'm dating a seagull, and I was trying to buy some skirts for her for christmas. Well I was expecting my order today, and only recieved part of it. After contacting the seller, they just said, "too bad, we refund?" So now I'm out trying to find any place I can get anything she'd like before the 27th. Anyone know if there's anything within Virginia that sells anything lolita?

>> No.8780779


there are some characters you can get away with it if they have hair close to yours, though, especially live-action characters.

>> No.8780781

>before the 27th
order something online and pay for overnight shipping.

>> No.8780786

is overnight shipping even guaranteed this time of year?

>> No.8780789

Is there any lolita shops that can even do that?I know there are a couple of US based ones. That'll probably be my best option.

>> No.8781052

Should I just dress like an aristocrat instead of Lolita then if I ever go to a meet?
>or just dgaf and try to dress visual Kei and come off as glam rocker

>> No.8781087

dress in whatever style you like (as long as the rules of the meet allow it), just do it well. most people won't give a shit.

>> No.8781093

this is always the first reply. do you think media affects people? do you think billboards, advertisements or anything like that affects people? then obviously things people see that fraw ther attention affect them a human being is no different just cause they have ~feels~

i hate this argument because most people who use it are the type to baww about VS ads in the mall being body shaming. how is that affecting you if this isn't affecting me?

>> No.8781127

If I'm going to a small con or if I have a runny nose, I keep my septum piercing out. Otherwise, i flip it up.
I'm there to have fun, not to compete and look 100% accurate. The fact that this angers you just makes me want to always have my piercing out, anon.

>> No.8781270

nah lol

>> No.8781275

Fair enough

>> No.8781301

this is a rant thread. let anon rant.

>> No.8781320

Close shaved heads or extremely extremely short hair (male cuts) are the only instances I can think of where real hair would he far superior.

>> No.8781746

Similar to piercings, I hate when people don't take off excess jewelry from their cosplays. I've seen so many good cosplays ruined by fucking tattoo chokers in the past year.

>> No.8781758

Holy shit, that's a lot and first time I ever see this is wayyyy too much

>> No.8781759


I hate it when idiots can't understand what a fucking rant thread is and if they're too butthurt about it should leave forever.

>> No.8781761

There are clear hole fillers just perfect for these and are easy to shop out later. Please invest in some.

>> No.8781763
File: 20 KB, 340x250, moran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moron detected

>> No.8781892

The fact that you feel that defensive about a hunk of metal makes me want to rip it out of your nose, anon.

>> No.8782247

When I was told this at work I just pulled them in a bit so they were resting flat against my skin

>> No.8782329

I don't mind, unless it's just so ridiculously OOC for example, a Disney princess. Also cover up your goddamn tattoos

>> No.8782334

Won't look good in photos though. If its a realistic, very short hair style, go with real hair. If not, wig.

>> No.8782339

People who say retainers are really visible are clearly just looking at themselves in a close mirror. Get more than a metre away and you can't see them. Especially the skin colour/freckle ones

>> No.8782371


Not knowing the derogatory words you're misusing is so edgy.

>> No.8782373


>> No.8782375

>So now I'm out trying to find any place I can get anything she'd like before the 27th

You won't get anything. Just deal and it's better late than never.

>> No.8782378

"Rant" does not automatically mean "anger", same with "pet peeve". You'll know anger when it's someone screaming down your throat or shoving a gun in your face. That what you want?
Besides, no one cares either way. It's just venting.

>> No.8782606

Applies to cosplaying too..

When did girls stop shaving? Why am I seeing girls with under arm hair?

Yes, no girl here can deny ever skipping shaving legs in winter but under arm hair shouldn't be there. I'm sorry, its disgusting and my initial reaction is that you're dirty.

Free bleeding too for that matter. Wtf is that about? Are you telling me it's worth ruining clothes over the $5 it costs for supplies to contain that shit?

Who are we fighting against with free bleeding? It's disgusting and if you're trying to "smash the glass ceiling of the patriarchy" or some stupid bullshit, you've failed.

>> No.8782618

>When did girls stop shaving? Why am I seeing girls with under arm hair?
>Yes, no girl here can deny ever skipping shaving legs in winter but under arm hair shouldn't be there. I'm sorry, its disgusting and my initial reaction is that you're dirty.
Agreed. Unless it's somehow fitting to the character you're cosplaying, you shouldn't have armpit hair, and if you do, for god's sake stop flashing it at every given opportunity. (For the record, I hate guys with armpit hair too. It's gross. Absolutely nobody wants to see it.)

>> No.8782623

All my magical girl panels have been inserted with tumblr blog analysis of THIS SHOW IS FEMINISM BECUZ while they have unshaven pits and the worse that is bad Down with the 'patriarcy' makeup It's a nightmare to see this bs seep into fandoms

>> No.8782625
File: 2.70 MB, 2027x2425, cmon now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do all the females for popular anime with shit costumes become the most stuck up

>tv shows are cool as fuck
>movies are generally nice
>cartoons are always fucking cool to be with
>anime cosplayers are usually insufferable

This applies to both males AND females

>> No.8782638

Free bleeding doesn't exist along with piss for feminism or whatever. Both were just an organized trolling on twitter.
For the unshaved women thing, tumblr makes it seem bigger than it really is.

>> No.8782655

Honestly, I'm not shaving that shit if you aren't gonna know...so my armpits grow free in winter.

>> No.8782667

You really do not see a difference between mass media advertisement and a person with a fucking lip piercing?

>> No.8782671

Underarm hair SHOULD be there, that's why it grows? I shave my body bare but even idgaf if someone else chooses not to shave, body hair doesn't make you auto unhygenic. If you're talking unhygenic people, sure, I hate BO.

>> No.8782675

>I'm sorry, its disgusting and my initial reaction is that you're dirty.
valid opinion. you're free to have your preferences and interpretations.

>under arm hair shouldn't be there
no. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. It's literally there because it should be.

>> No.8782689

Simple boys don't understand. Most of it is protest against stereotypes and how repubs want to get rid of well women healthcare.

>> No.8782690


Unhygienic would be not cleaning yourself.

Based on your bigoted ignorance, you should be stripling yourself bare of hair too, hypocrite

>> No.8782726

Late to the party, but you're a fucking retard.

>> No.8782728

the piercings make her a -10/10

>> No.8782741

Yeah and even pimples are more noticeable.

>> No.8782816

No, I say they're noticeable because people kept leaning in uncomfortably close to try and figure out what was on my face. Even from a few feet away, people noticed and would dive into the normal piercing questions (my favorite is "Did those hurt?"). I got a lot of comments on them. I've tried several different kinds. I'd rather just not bother at this point.

I have them. See above complaint.

I'm cool with masks/helmets, anyway. I have a thing for them, and my face isn't cute enough for most characters.

>> No.8782859

And I do too. But I know 3 girls who haven't shaved in years. 2 of them don't bathe which is why I assume they are dirty. >>8782671

>> No.8782862

What's "down the the patriarchy" make up?

>> No.8782893

I guilty of not shaving my pits regularly mostly because it make me really itchy but if I have to use sleeveless clothes I shave

>> No.8782900

Currently in the winter, I haven't shaved since Wednesday.

If its the summer, or I need to wear clothes that show my under arms or legs, I'll shave.

Girls are growing back pubes too, which is fine but contain that shit. 70's porno is just wrong in 2015.

>> No.8782904
File: 51 KB, 630x260, Screen Shot 2015-12-26 at 11.08.55 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading the comments for Refinery29's video about Lolita when I see this...
I'm pretty sure it's that furry who posted in the Toronto Comm fb page a few months ago.
Like damn girl it's not our fault you're a whiny piss baby who doesn't know social etiquette.

>> No.8782910

That HAS to be the furry. Nice of them to talk shit about the community and conveniently leave out the fact they wanted to attend a lolita meetup in a fursuit. This probably wasn't supposed to be funny but I laughed heartily.
But in all seriousness, someone should call them out on this in my opinion.

>> No.8783192

>Underarm hair SHOULD be there, that's why it grows?
Tumors SHOULD be there, that's why they grow.

>> No.8783197

What does not having have to do with conservatives wanting to get rid of women's healthcare? Hair has nothing to do with the things republicans actually want to take away (ie. reproductive choices)

>> No.8783214


Depending on the type of tumor, yes, you can actually leave some tumors in place because they don't kill you and don't have a chance of killing you or seriously hurting you.

Incidentally, arm hair doesn't kill you either.

>> No.8783275

This makes no sense you moron

>> No.8783343

>equating hair to a fucking tumor
>good job, retard

>> No.8783392

I hate that USPS is the most incompetent organization on the planet.

I've been waiting for a taobao order for over 3 weeks now despite the fact that I chose EMS shipping because it's just been sitting in random post offices for days at a time.

Last scan for my package says it departed a nearby city at 9:15pm 12/24 (despite the fact that I received a delivery attempt notice that same day and I live over 40 miles away). I go online and try to schedule re-delivery but because my PO refuses to ever scan international packages, the system doesn't recognize the tracking number. I contact them and go through the process of getting re-delivery scheduled.

Today, I find out that they didn't give my mailman the package for delivery despite giving him TWO other packages to deliver. So now I have to wait until after work on Monday to (hopefully) get my package.

>> No.8783415

tumors??? where did hair change to tumors?

Clearly you don't follow anything.

>> No.8783596

I'm not sure you understand what a tumor is, fuckwit. They are most certainly NOT supposed to be ANYWHERE.

>> No.8783600

>I can't do it because I'm (insert gender here)

like anyone really fucking gives a shit.

>> No.8783974
File: 294 KB, 582x600, USAUSAUSAUSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh though cosplaying as your gender is the comfy-est. Everything is an easier fit and less hassle to worry about with makeup/binders/crap.

>unrelated rant
>be urban city boy visiting relatives in bumfuck country 'MERICA for christmas
>all women are so ugly here they all look like unpassing mtf's
>accept even worse because they don't even feel like they have to try
>okayest looking babe I saw was a solid 7/10 wearing her basic bitch uniform with duckboots
>all these republicans must be salty because caitlyn jenner looks like a fabulous gmilf and all their bitches look like cheap trannies
What a time to be alive!

>> No.8784004

Weirdly enough, I am most comfortable binded

>> No.8784247

Must be fun going to the airport and the metal detector goes off

>> No.8784255

Surgical steel is non ferrous. Bitch.

>> No.8784257

Looks too young to afford real metal and too anti-authority to get mommy and daddy to pay for it. No professional piercing place would let someone continue to get so many holes in the same area. These must be all hand-done, hope she enjoys infections.

>> No.8784266

Those are a lot of assumptions to throw around over such a shitty picture.

>> No.8784396

Sucks for you

>> No.8784573
File: 249 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F4c13eab727952046a33d145e8da67117%2Ftumblr_nlj5ifYI501sfltnro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this... It'd look so much better and cuter without the piercings. Chii isn't meant to have piercings.

>> No.8784577

How absolutely fucking hideous.

>> No.8784587

This is so trashy

>> No.8784649

What difference does it make if she's cosplaying...she'll look awful no matter what she's wearing, deciding to have her otherwise pretty face turned into a pegboard. Yeah, yeah, my body, my life, fine, and some people really dig that look on a girl. I personally just hate piercings and ink on women. There are enough d-bag men in this world naturally; why do women want to look like them too? But no one cares what I think, least of all women, so, have fun with your rivet guns, girls.

>> No.8784665

I actually usually like tattoos on women, of course if it's super trashy I will not dig that

>> No.8784679

Even the makeup is terrible

>> No.8784832

>why not just add a bit more and make it look so much better?

Because there are some cases where it just doesn't. For example, I didn't use a wig in my Amuro Ray cosplay because my natural hair the Jewfro, looked a lot better with it being dyed/sprayed the colour it needed to be.

>> No.8784895

I agree that you should shave for cosplay, but how the hell are hairy underarms gross? That's like saying the hair on your head is gross
Hairy bodies might not be super attractive but it's not unhygienic in any way, unless you never shower.
And freebleeding is not a thing. One or two retards here and there might be doing it but it's not a thing

>> No.8784906

>Body hair: something that's been growing on every normal human being as long as human beings have existed, to protect us
>Tumors: something that happens when your body fucks up and things go really wrong, that can and very likely kill you if its in a dangerous place

Im just gonna assume that something is not quite right in your head anon

>> No.8784913

I thought I was asexual until I met a guy who shaved his body hair. It turns out I had just been repulsed by male pattern hairiness, once he got rid of it all I couldn't keep my hands off him.

I blame a puberty spent reading yaoi and following DeviantArt visual kei cosplayers.

>> No.8784932

>"gonna share my experience with lolita fashion"
>admits to not actually wearing lolita fashion or owning any real pieces
>complains about the fashion community being hesitant to having her show up at a lolita fashion meetup while not wearing lolita fashion

So what she's saying is, she actually has zero experience with the fashion but is butthurt over the fact that the comm wasn't falling all over themselves to accept her into their midst and therefore gave up on the fashion before even actually trying it. Okay.

Do other fashion/subcultures have to deal with these kinds of entitled crybabies too, or is it just us?

>> No.8785004

What about video games?

>> No.8785159

>Cotton Tale
Yep. This is obviously furry-chan. God, cant she let it go?

>> No.8785187

Yup. Girl needs to grow the fuck up

>> No.8785191

You must be the person in that pic OP posted. Mad bruh?

>> No.8785230

Ok what's worse. Constant body odour or being hairy. Cmon. Con goers are the worst when it comes to hygiene especially when it comes to body odour.

>> No.8785395

>watching vlog with con or event coverage
>vlogger keeps the camera pointed at themselves while giggling with friends
>says to someone off-camera, "wow, awesome cosplay!"
>adjusts own wig and doesn't show what was awesome

who wants to watch someone mug at the camera for 10 minutes? turn the fucking camera around and show me what is happening.

>> No.8786357

The less attention they get, the sooner they'll all go away.

>> No.8786387

>all these retards in here defending armpit hair

>> No.8786721

>taking bait

>> No.8786961

C-Can you even call yourself a lolita if you have a handmade bow and that's it? What else did she wear?

Also, the Canadian KA sounds trashy AF and I do agree with that. At least don't say it to someone's face like that who's clearly at amoeba lolita level.

>> No.8786974
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>What else did she wear?
A fursuit.

>> No.8787015

Furries disgust me.

>> No.8787027


I mean everyone can wear what they want but I totally don't get that whole furry thing.
I think that FB conversation isn't very surprising. I can guess that furrys are not very self confident. Why would you need to hide your face behind a creepy animal head? And why would you need to pretend to be a (creepy looking) animal if you're happy with the human body you own.
I may sound super biased and clueless but that is my opinion and the impression that I got from that "fashion" :/
Makes sense to me that she experiences the lolitas the way she did even they were really polite and factual imo....

>> No.8787394

Haven't really seen anyone defend armpit hair. I'm assuming you saw people defending underarm hair, which grows on your underarms and not under your arms...
Maybe don't call other people retarded if you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.8787620
File: 170 KB, 311x753, c565a3df01bce009fb87193440510907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginny gone and lost her mind. Full on SJW she even peddles this on twitter as "Help me get away from bullies!!'

>> No.8787626
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>> No.8787649

To be fair, a 100 lbs girl would make a super shitty Red Pyramid or Chris Redfield. And a 180 lbs man would make a super shitty Madoka.

>> No.8787668
File: 483 KB, 481x611, 1422380396764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag that shops in thrift stores and I wish there were more general fashion threads. My wardrobe is mis-matched and I wish I had actual nice outfits for the once in a blue moon I actually go out to something and want to feel like a pretty lady.

>> No.8787677

As a furry and a lolita, no she is not typical at all. Most furries know how to separate furry from other aspects or hobbies. You would never know I was a furry except for the slight preference for animal-containing sweet prints. What you see is the vocal (and irritating) minority. You see what stands out (badly) not what blends in.

Based on how she types, she's a socially retarded tumblrite. Furries are probably on average more confident than anime weebs considering the focus is more on dancing (dance comps) art (that you create) or character performance (for fursuiters) rather than your personal appearance (like fashion, or cosplay to a smaller extent) so there are easier ways to build confidence and position within the community versus just being born pretty/skinny or having the money for nicer clothes.

Your assumption is as silly as "Why would cosplayers wear a character's clothes? Do they hate themselves so much they need to be someone else?" or for lolita "why do you wear baby clothes? Are you a pedophile? Are you trying to attract/promote pedophilia?" It's a very outside perspective that shows you clearly lack any idea as to the motivations of the fandom. There is a very tiny minority of lolitas who wear the fashion as a coping mechanism (think that living doll lolita) or as a sissy fetish, but most just like the fashion. But the sissies and crazies are all outsiders remember because they stand out (badly).

>> No.8787680

Thank you for this post.

>> No.8787687

Second this. That furry was the equivalent of those weeaboo cosplayers who do seriously inappropriate things in public 'cause "in character" and "yolo", at least it all played out on facebook and not at a meet...

>> No.8787691

Compare that furry with the lolitas asking how to wear lolita to weddings that aren't thiers, or lolita to a funeral, etc. Autistic mememe people, pretty much. It's the generation having the ability to broadcast it's dumbest individuals better than ever, that's all.

>> No.8787742

General rant how every time someone either does not agree or find something else shitty, it's always called a "vendetta". The word has no meaning anymore.

>> No.8788277
File: 412 KB, 503x744, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this on local con photoshoot page
>this isnt your personal fan page or place for "look at me pls"
>end rant
The only comment at the end made me chuckle.

>> No.8788282

This..... this must be a troll though? They can't be serious.

>> No.8788286

>Ross Jr, Walmart, Target and Macy's


>> No.8788292

The thing is, I don't think they are. It sounds like they're to shamelessly promote themselves, even though I'm pretty sure no one fuckin knows them. (Probably why they added that... portfolio of sorts)

>> No.8788296

I actually have one Cosplay that I use my natural hair for and need to do no extra styling. It extremely nice to to constantly adjust and get overheated with a wig

>> No.8788329

So, correct me if I'm wrong but with the way she's wording things I get the impression she's going to be charging people for photos/autographs?

>> No.8788368

charging people for photos/autographs?

Uh... I don't think so. She said she would be in the merch hall and whatnot but paying money just take pictures of someone? In an anime convention???

>"Hi, can I get a picture?"
>"Five dollars please."

>> No.8788383

What cosplay is it?

>> No.8788808

A game of thrones cosplay, meera reed

>> No.8788879

I've done wigless cosplay plenty of times and looked great. Before I started bulking up, I had short hair and I went as Psycho Mantis. Years later, after I had about 35 lbs more lean muscle mass (and LONG hair), I went as Vega.

Worked out great.

>> No.8789098

Problem is, if it's a costume you put a lot of effort in, you obviously wanna keep it and maybe use it again sometime, and I you cut your hair you can't. Or maybe you dye it or something
Also, if it's so great, post pictures. I legit want to see because I almost never see good cosplays with people who use their own hair. Same for >>8788808

>> No.8789109


One of our EC reps this year partially used her real hair, with the addition of wig buns on each side. I think it looked okay, definitely not a trainwreck like some wigless cosplays

>> No.8789202

This is the worst

>> No.8789819

There's an entire separate board for this, just post there

>> No.8789824

This shit is out of control, you can't tell someone their pinks don't match without getting a vendetta comment, never mind that I only know a small handful of lolitas that don't post here

>> No.8789839

Crazier things have happened anon. And of she's a super popular model for department stores (kek) maybe she thinks everyone should pay for her time modeling sailor mercury.

>> No.8789851

I've seen that shit happen before at bigger cons like AX and SDCC.

>> No.8789865


Me too. They're all over the Bay Area, shitting up cons.

>> No.8790130

i need to get this off my chest, because it'll eat away at me if i don't

>organise and announce small lolita meet in november, meet is in january
>prepaid event, less than $10
>everyone invited has been to other events i've hosted which cost more
>asked each and every person to confirm attendance personally through messages
>book location out of pocket based on the number of confirmed attendees
>ask for payment and give them 3 weeks to pay
>less than 1 week left, only 3 out of 11 have paid
>start sending reminders
>a few people still waiting on work rosters
>mfw r u srs this was planned so far in advance, you confirmed attendance and still can't say for sure now?
>but ok
>most say they'll know "in a few days"
>i ask again when payment is due the next day, and a few days has passed since i last asked
>people get snappy with me

it disappoints me and has put a damper on the meet for me, because every time i think about it, i'm reminded of the hassle and how much this is like pulling teeth

hi if you know who you are and you're reading this - it's been bothering me for the past day but i'm too chicken shit to do anything about it other than post here

>> No.8790139

also just had someone confirm right up until yesterday, and say they can't make it now. it's not that much money, but it does accumulate when so many people are doing it. what makes me really mad is that everybody is an adult, but i'm mostly mad at myself for even trying at this point.

>> No.8790244

The main head-scratcher that no one called her out on is - why is she organizing an event she doesn't belong in or know anything about? "Hey I'm not a lolita but I'm going to be the main organizer for the lolita meetup! IS THAT COOL?"

>> No.8790512

Why did you blur out the faces and names? I don't understand. Itas deserve public shame and humiliation, should reveal this prospective "lolita" to the community for proper assessment.

>> No.8790527

super shitty anon, i'm sorry.

>> No.8790530

I didn't take these caps, just saved the file.

>> No.8790550


>> No.8791009

>working on cosplay that I've wanted to do for a long time
>wait a second
>look at references again
>don't know how I'm going to attach one of the costume pieces to myself
>it's a huge pauldron and my character's top is a bikini

>> No.8791017

fishing line, or lots of double sided body tape (like for sticking boobs to strapless tops)
make the pauldron as light as you can, or see if you can make a sturdy hidden strap to go around your shoulder?

>> No.8791045

I hate it when unattractive or socially awkward people cosplay, I know its mean but I can't stand seeing characters I like being portrait by these people.

>> No.8792932
File: 154 KB, 774x513, Senyuu_Spit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Will you join our ____ group? We really need a ______."
>"Well, I don't really know the series and it looks like I'm basically cosplaying Villager A, but I love group cosplay! I'm in!"
>Finish cosplay
>"Whoops, sorry, everyone dropped out and we're not doing it anymore!"
>Cosplays Villager A, so generic no one knows who I am without the main characters around

Unless it was for a masquerade group, this happened for every group I've joined except for maybe two. It's gotten to the point where I only join groups where I love the series and I'm a character who is clearly recognizable without a group (which I should have been doing the entire time).

I understand that sometimes costumes just don't work out and sometimes you just don't have the time/money/energy to complete costumes, but could you at least inform me when you decide to call it off? Not a few days before?

>> No.8795054

This is a minor complaint, I've only had to deal with this with my parents, and I know they mean well, but it drives me mad!

>Me:"See, this is who I'm cosplaying. I was hoping to use that <various color> fabric I had, but it's just too far off."
>Parent: "I don't understand, why can't you use it?"
>M:"Because it's the wrong color for this character."
>P:"Just do a different version of the character. And make it a girl because you're a girl."
>M: "No, I want to cosplay this specific character. As he is."
>P: "Why? Just change it. Why does it matter if you change it?"
>M: "Because I want to cosplay THIS CHARACTER, not just someone with a similar outfit."
>P: "Why?"

I know they're trying to help, but they always get stuck on the "making clothes" aspect and ignore the "of a certain character to dress up as said character" bit.

>> No.8795092

So I invited a friend to my hotel room. As I know her Asperger's as she has told creates issues with room holders before. As she told it she'd been kicked out last minute often times.
So I said she and her bf could join. However since a meetup we both attended and she seem to heavily lean for me to buy her things. (And I didn't) She's kinda dropped off, telling our mutual friend about her troubles with money while ignoring me completely
I'm starting to believe she's been kicked out of hotels because she doesn't want to pay. I'm considering just dropping them both and biting the bullet and paying that extra not to hurt the other friends staying.

>> No.8795156

Tell everyone to pay up before the con, or they don't get to stay in the room. Make this a rule every time you plan a hotel group, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

>> No.8795165

Yea thanks I think I'm gonna cause the last time I was room holder I was -399 thanks to someone not paying.

>> No.8795205

Don't ever ever let people stay without paying first. I usually ask for a nonrefundable deposit too to ensure no one flakes at the last minute.
I refuse to be in the hole because someone has shit priorities.

>> No.8795207

This happens all the time to me, anon. It sucks. Just try to ignore it as best you can.

>> No.8795297 [DELETED] 


>> No.8795400
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>> No.8795464

I have a friend who goes through "phases" when it comes to her fandoms. I'm not talking loading up on merch or binge watching the show, rather it completely changes her life.

>Kristen Bell phase
>changed facebook name to Elle, died hair blonde
>obsessed with lightning and sloths
>complains about seeing the cheerleader everywhere and how everyone likes her the most
>tells me she made a new OC
>shows me screenshots of Kristen renamed to her character
>any customizable game character becomes Kristen Belle
>Saints Row phase
>wanted to paint the walls of her rented apartment black/purple with silver fleur de lis all over
>says she's a sociopath who plays violent games to relieve her urges and prevent her from hurting other people
>Tomb Raider phase
>legitimately looked into signing up for college courses in Archaeology, German and history
>became extremely competitive with other Lara Croft cosplayers
>Shakira phase
>downloads app where she can get autographed stuff sent to her?
>suddenly interested in soccer, claims she connects with/understands people who followed Shakira's favorite team all their lives
>starts buying jerseys
>only plays Shakira in her car, watches the DVDs of her concerts all the time
>downloads another app to start learning Spanish on her phone
>buys a dancer skirt and says she wants to cosplay Shakira
>Ass Creed Black Flag phase
>still not over Shakira, still wants to cosplay her
>turns Shakira into her Black Flag Spanish Pirate OC who was made immortal by the fountain of youth and leaves roses on her victims
>mfw she's actually putting this costume together
>Harley Quinn phase (current)
>rabidly defends Suicide Harley, plans to cosplay her
>died hair black and red, winged eyeliner, black nail polish
>every character suddenly punk
>Ozzy Osbourne, Halestorm, and Paris all the time
>calls other Harley cosplayers basic bitches while she is a true fan

Its really grating, especially if her phase is your fandom and you disagree with her about something.

>> No.8795481

Update on hotel room payment issue. I am at my wit's end now. I brought up that people have to be done by end of Jan. She immediately gave this sob story about how she was nearly 'murdered' outside a cafe. Then tried to guilt me into asking my dad (Who is kinda my life line since my last hotel issue) into paying her half.
She did swear to have it by Jan. As it was my original deadline I agreed but I am very honestly just wanting to take the hit and not deal with her.

>> No.8795485

Is she 13

>> No.8795489

This desu. I've never met someone with facial piercings who didn't have self-esteem problems.

>> No.8795492

she's in her 20s.

Kick the bitch and enjoy your con. You don't need that "almost murdered" crap.

>> No.8795511

Yea after speaking with both my mutual friend (who's in the room) and father. It's looking like gonna just take that hit.
My friend has it worse with her to boot. Which I'm very not ok with. After saying that after holidays are tough on us all but that she does need to pay like the rest of us. She was immediately told that she doesn't attend to the girl's needs and minimizes her as a priority.

I mean it's a sad thing, but the more extended contact with her the more I realize. She uses her affliction as a get out of jail free card. And because a average person isn't that familiar with Asperger's they struggle confronting her obvi bad behavior.

>> No.8795514

Don't cosplay stuff you don't know/like. Even if the group falls apart, if you liked Villager A enough, you'd still have fun in the costume.
It's still shit that they told you last minute, though.

>> No.8795734

>As I know her Asperger's as she has told creates issues with room holders before.

I just want to point out that none of that shit she pulled has anything to do with Aspergers, if anything only because nobody ever told her to cut it out/people enable her.

>> No.8795738

Exactly, but as op said the girl told her it was the cause of her being kicked out. Op got duped.

>> No.8798950

Yeah, now I only join a group when I get to cosplay a character I like, but I'm not a particularly good cosplayer, so I was usually just used to fill out numbers. It was really the only way I'd get to cosplay with other people so I'd jump at the chance. Now I'm older and jaded, hahahaha.

>> No.8798967

I don't understand why you're involving a parent. Are you still a kid who shouldn't be getting their own room anyways or a failure of an adult?

>> No.8798976

No, I've been fucked over by my last hotel roomie. I was -400 because she 'neglected' to pay her half. I had to have him bail me out while I worked to pay off the loan

It must suck to be you that a close relationship with a parent = failure as an adult.

>> No.8798990

>getting rooms you can't pay for by yourself
>is fucked over by someone else
>has to go to dad to get it
>implying they're not a failure as an adult

i don't think anon means your relationship, but the need to get them involved is bad on your end. but a general rule of con rooms is don't rely on people, plan for yourself then invite others in. that way the money is a bonus not a need.

>> No.8798992

If $400 puts you in a deep hole, you're not responsible enough for an expensive hobby. Close relationship or not, your parents are not responsible for you after 18.
A real adult would have their priorities straight as well as a safety net before jumping into pricy things.

>> No.8798998

How the fuck does your logic work? Being over charged because someone else doesn't pay somehow implies they can't afford it? Are you new to hotel rooms or something? It's often people pay on two separate accounts if they want some say in the room. So you somehow magically know how much money she had at the time?

>> No.8799006

Wow step into reality dumbass ONE of my cards was overdrawn the one I used for hotel paying. And if you seriously can't budget your hobby to a range where it's not a complete drain on expenses then maybe you need to step back from the hobby.

>> No.8799015

This buttmad, clearly has no direction. Good luck trying to live paycheck to paycheck while you throw all those funds down the drain.
Anime will sure still be fun when you have no savings to retire and have to keep working until the day you die

>> No.8799018

it does, are you stupid? i buy all my rooms upfront and collect later, but i save for them so i don't get fucked over. i don't plan on having people in the room i fucking get a cheaper room from the get go.

>> No.8799021

Kek bet you're that kinda fag that blows through their funds on some coord then flips their shit out on those that can budget.

>> No.8799024

You're backpedaling now. There was nothing in op's story that implied she didn't save. You're just mad butthurt that some poor fag likes a hobby.

>> No.8799025

you didn't budget tho. budgeting requires that you plan for the worst possible outcome and have your own back, not cry to daddy when your flake friend dips on you. that's not being responsible and relying on someone else to pay for so much of your room is just asking for trouble.

>> No.8799026

>didn't have enough money to cover the entire hotel
you didn't read a word i said, and you're just being obstinate now and clearly samefagging.

>> No.8799028

And your logic just went full retard wanna rejoin sanity anytime soon? I was overdrawn on one card and knew I could get extra funds via a loan to not rearrange funding about. I took responsibility and payed back. I just happened to not want spend the con weekend at the bank fixing what she fucked over dumbass.

>> No.8799036

then you didn't have money incase of emergency. it wasn't her fuck up it was your irresponsibility. having -just enough- isn't the same cause shit can happen. the lack of responsibility comes from you not having enough to cover your own ass just incase.

i can only imagine what would have happened if she'd have been fine for it but instead you had an accident you couldn't pay for. but you'd just baww to daddy instead.

>> No.8799040

I made the mistake of posting on another board and forgetting what it's like outside of cgl

I posted in a thread that had turned to relationships and picking people up, and so admitted to being a grill because it made sense with my post for once. I was no more cynical or whatever than others, but the thread devolved into the usual misogyny and I've had to just hide that thread to not start feeding trolls. I know this sounds pathetic and totally sjw to be upset by 4chin. It's not like I said "btw I'm a gril ;v)" and my prev ambiguous posts had been fine.
I wish I'd stayed lurking so I could just enjoy the thread still instead of feeling cast out.

>> No.8799042

it's pretty terrible, it happens to me on /jp/ sometimes, but usually talking about idol clothes, i'll offhandedly comment about how i want to buy x's outfit or y's purse, it's really sad that i can't talk about cute things like that without getting reeeeee'd at.

it's worse that they come here and invade our meltia threads without a second thought... makes me super butthurt

>> No.8799051

/cgl/ has been my homeboard for years, and I sort of stopped going to other boards since they tend to be less informative and organized. But I kind of forgot what it's like to be outside /cgl/, which is basically the tumblr of 4chan.
I go on /mu/ sometimes and it's like they're making racist comments (not even jokes) about black people, and then worship black artists kek

>> No.8799060

i honestly don't find that an issue, despite what people say, 4chan is a haven for 100% free speech, even racist shit, since people take off their filters here. we were much much MUCH worse before the no-drama thing, which was when tumblr started trickling in. I imagine some of the board wouldn't bat an eye at racist comments, and some would also become terribly trigger, but most are probably uneasy.

i know board culture grows, but ours has become extremely watered down.

>> No.8799074

I think she had the money for it, but not on the particular card she used to pay for the hotel. So the card was overdrawn. She didn't want to bother getting this fixed at the bank that weekend, so she asked her dad to cover for her, then promptly paid him back. I think.

>> No.8799079

Just go the full 9 yards and put your dad on, little girl!

>> No.8799081

that still doesn't add up... the hotel wouldn't have charged her card unless she told them to, in which case she'd have known it wasn't enough. you can use multiple cards to pay for hotels anyways(i'm assuming she was planning on it, otherwise the card would have been overdrawn anyways) so it doesn't really make much sense.

>> No.8799083

That's what I gathered myself. But I think they got it in their head that the majority of cosplayers aren't poor working fags to begin with. Which in itself is fucking hilarious if you've ever read the posts in the feels threads. Bunch are folk paying out the ass for cosplay.

>> No.8799087

Not really if they have your card on file they can just charge you whenever they feel like. And many banks have safety guards on accounts. I've been called up alerting my account was gonna be suspended because I forgot to alert them I was out of town planning to spend a lot.

>> No.8799088

>if they have your card on file they can just charge you whenever they feel like.

omg this is just getting pathetic now.

>> No.8799096

Obviously you've never had a bad management then have you? You can be charged without being informed at hotels it's a risk often told to tourists as well. If you have an amount owed they will take it. Grow the fuck up and stop being a uninformed fag.

>> No.8799139

I feel like you've never been to /fa/ they're all about being super fucking expensive

>> No.8799141

Never heard of filing fraud
You think bad employees don't get fired for this shit.

>> No.8799144
File: 19 KB, 400x304, 4255810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus you truly don't like words do you. No one said anything about her not getting her money back. She payed off the loan while likely getting the money back. Your salt could dry out what's left of California truth be told.

>> No.8799145

I find it funny when people say that
I've cosplayed many male characters some I actually gender bend and some not
The non genderbend isn't as accurate but either way I enjoyed it and I try to do the best that I can in makeup

>> No.8799157

Who, whiteknight?

>> No.8799161

You're right, I never said anything about that, just about bad employees.
So, about that reading comprehension again

>> No.8799168

It goes back on you sorry to say. You're vague on what you mean just stating bad employers getting fired doesn't say anything on the situation. As far as any gull can tell you're just being butthurt that it's not on the girl she got fucked over.

>> No.8799189

I hate when a gay guy makes a "hey, look at me I'm a boy" post on a thread of a fujo anime on /a/. Even if you call them out on the attention whoring other anons start that shit about how a man can't be an attention whore.
I mean it's an anonymous board, what's the point of pointing out your gender outside /soc/.

>> No.8799304

Holy shit I have a friend who is the same, and is completely incapable of talking about anything but her fandom of the week now, it's driving me insane. Like sure, I'll listen for a while since it's great when you find something you really enjoy, but when all I hear about is her obsessing over the actors from a series, roleplaying as them and just bingewatching the same episodes again and again, it's hard to not get tired especially when I've never watched any of it.

>> No.8800232

what the fuck are you talking about
she(you) mentioned that hotels can charge your card whenever, tries to defend that with 'bad management' and then completely ignores the fact that you're using every excuse imaginable to absolve yourself of any responsibility.

>> No.8800341


>glomp circle

That sounds like the weebiest shit ever.

>> No.8800470

Cosplay is becoming such a "I spent literally zero effort on this tell me how good I look." Because it's "CosPLAY. It's for FUN" There's a difference between babby's first costume and making no attempt to improve.

I get notifications from cosplay groups for half-assed makeup tests with no wigs, or bought costumes, which I won't fault because not everyone can sew or craft. But it's one thing to tell your friends, another to spam it across several cosplay groups when you've not done any work.

Although on the other side of the spectrum. After making a few half-decent costume I've had people hounding me for help. Listing off fabrics that are a decent price and would work for their costume. They don't know the first thing about constructing a garment, or reading pattern instructions and will ask everything but outright asking me to make it myself. I will not hold your hand through this. Read some fucking tutorials, watch videos. This hobby takes up time and effort. And I'm not going to do all your work when I'm trying to improve my own skills.

Rant on poorfags is a whole 'nother thing. Just had to dump some salt, pretty sure I could feel my kidneys failing.

>> No.8800968
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>> No.8801018
File: 1.27 MB, 296x160, 1441755360251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about tradition. Men hate male attention whores when it's competition just like females. Trolling newfags isn't about pointing out your possible gender, most of the time they're fucking lying about being a woman anyways or use other identities to b8 suckers into wasting the night with them. Some of you overthink way too much kek. In the old days men who outted their gender would get shit on too, but now they just fap to eachother. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.8801290

I used to know this feeling so well. My mom would always want to get involved with making costumes, but would always end up taking over the project and deciding 'oh but this colour looks better' or 'the cape should be shorter'. I ended up with 'costumes' that looked nothing like the character. In the end I had to tell her to just stop helping, and that maybe we could work on some normalfag clothes together.

>> No.8801292

What thr other anon said. Only cosplay character that you like that way even if people drop you still have a cosplay,you enjoy.

But also, you need to be in constant contact with your team and their progress. If it's a group project it's not rude to ask where they are with it. If they are nothing but excuses and 'i'll get started soon,' just start another project. Dont work too far ahead that way you dont get screwed.

>> No.8801324

My general rule is 'try three then me.' which basicly means i want proof that you tried/done research at least 3 times before i really raise a finger. All i want to see is effort. After that i'll train someome,bit they are doing the work. Otherwise it's a comission and they'll need to pay.

>> No.8801331

i hate when cosplay sloots try to act all superior cuz they are below average looking in real life but like top 1% at cons cuz compared to all the other fat cosplay whales. if i wasnt so attractive as a male beign in the top .01% i know they wouldnt be licking my gooch.

>> No.8801335

Did her design choices look better, Anon? Or was she just messing with accuracy for nothing?

>> No.8801336

That used to be my home board and they would provide tons of concrit on my thrifted outfits and potential cops. You must be fat or insecure if you're afraid to post your stuff there

>> No.8801359

Okay but really this is a weird typing style for a troll, don't do this again

>> No.8801383

Wow. Do people actually believe this? That parents cut you off and throw you into the cold at 18? It's not our fault you clearly had an abusive relationship with your family.

>> No.8801432 [DELETED] 

im not trolling im srs. ive gotten plenty of cosplay sloots to lick my gooch and they love it

>> No.8802021


>> No.8802022


Not legally responsible doesn't mean they are not allowed to choose to continue to baby you after that, genius.

>> No.8802030

Work faster, kidneys

>> No.8805930

Please bathe/take a shower and put on CLEAN before you go anywhere

It's unbelievable how much this has to be stressed

>> No.8805952
File: 43 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't green text on mobile but whatever
>saved enough money to buy a badge for an upcoming con for $55
>bought it
>sees a person make a Facebook post about selling badge for said con a couple hours or a day later
>whole weekend for 30

>> No.8805958

Buy that pass, sell yours for $50.

>> No.8806166

Someone already bought it

>> No.8806183

Get a better face, you look like a shit stained Taint, you fuck face masochist

>> No.8806585

The difference between a good fat cosplayer and a bad fat cosplayer is how cute her face is and how small her double chin is.

The difference between a good thin cosplayer and a bad thin cosplayer is how big her tits are and how little she's wearing.

What happened to recognising people for skill.

>> No.8806651

As much as I believe in cosplaying and having fun just dressing as your favourite character, I hate when people in cosplay contests don't dress to their body...and win...I'm sorry but there's a difference between cosplaying and competing.

>> No.8806683

>looking for quick sewing projects to do over winter break
>find video of cute box pleated skirt
>video is 10 minutes long so skirt shouldn't take long to make
>realize I don't know how to do box pleats
>video doesn't explain at all
>only offers equation and ":3" after each bit of instruction
>finally figure out how to do box pleats
>get to installing zipper
>waist is 1" too small
>leave the project for the day
>next day
>restart the entire skirt from scratch
>don't even need to watch the video anymore
>skirt ends up really cute and I'm looking forward to wearing it

I mean, if you're going to make a video tutorial the least you could do is explain your methods. All she did was, "fold this to this, like this. Then sew this to this!" Never even mentioned right sides together, if you should add a couple of inches for nonstretchy fabric, etc.

>> No.8806700

Meh my bf doesn't care, I don't care. Waxing hurts like a motherfucker if you have curly, stubborn hair so I'm not doing it again until I have to.

>> No.8806710

Can you just go to the post office? I don't trust USPS delivery.

Also, can you get packages delivered to your workplace in the future? Might be easier.

>> No.8806714
File: 42 KB, 920x520, wiggles-080312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that said wiggles cosplay and I was trying to understand what sort of cons you were going to

>> No.8806720

Well said, anon.

>> No.8806727

Are you serious? Man people are just crappy.

>> No.8806734

I wouldn't put up with a friend like that. You must have the patience of a saint.