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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8771486 No.8771486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8771490

>muh harassment narrative

>> No.8771493

Pic and vid both have pretty nice racks.

>> No.8771505

Eh, I think she did good getting her point across without sounding totally retarded. Though no one is probably going to listen and now she'll get more comments on her boobs by trolls

>> No.8771521

>she did good getting her point across without sounding totally retarded.


Her point is retarded.

>> No.8771534

Ardella, gtfo

>> No.8771537

She was more so explaining why it's not "I don't like the sound of it so its not a compliment" but rather "our brains are encoded with cues we learn through life and is a natural reaction no matter how good the intention."

That being said I think if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Like if you post a picture with your boobs out there for everyone to see 99.99% of the time someone is going make a titty comment she should have been prepared

>> No.8771546

Things men should do:

Never give these bitches attention. Ever.

I'm am tired of their whining. So very tired. And also, the more we ignore them, the more they will realize this shit they're perpetrating is retarded.

>> No.8771558


Yeah, just look at OP's picture. That's 100% tits show. And yet she gets offended if anyone say "that's a nice rack".
That's like going to a bar and the bartender gets offended because someone said "the beer tastes good".

It's as if she cannot fathom the concept that the she has the number of fans she has because she has a good set of boobs, what else is there? Her cosplays are average at best. Even fucking Jessica Nigri acknowledges this fact.

>> No.8771564


>Never give these bitches attention. Ever.

That will never happen.

>the more we ignore them, the more they will realize this shit they're perpetrating is retarded.

You mean their complains? because if you're referring to "show your assets" thing, then nobody is going to ignore them. Men won't ignore them because damn our libido and women won't ignore them because they hate each other I guess.

>> No.8771631

She's right about "natural cues", it's pattern recognition.

It's a shame she'd balk at the suggestion we pattern recognize black criminality and bad behavior in the same way and avoid them as a result though.

>> No.8771649
File: 2.73 MB, 1280x720, Ardella jiggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8771652
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, Ardella Power Girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8771654
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>> No.8771655
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>> No.8771659
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>> No.8771661

This makes me think of that friend of Nigri's. That did a whole THE CON DID NOTHING WHEN I WAS HARASSED! video. Then it turned out she avoided the con when they set up a meeting in favor of a photoshoot.

>> No.8771664


Photoshoots mean money, so there.

>> No.8771666

She's absolutely right and here's why:

Thirsty men who want to see tits on cosplayers = retards, reduces the quality of cosplay overall, ignores the efforts and intelligence of women

Thirsty men, promote fetishizing cosplay.

Fetishes in cosplay = unholy matrimony and brings degenerates into what was once a pure and artistic/spiritual pursuit.

Fuck fetishes need to stay on /d/ and not on /cgl/. No ageplay, no brolita, no sissy, no giant titties, no bullshit. Just cosplays of average proportions, typical mediocre people, doing their mediocre hobby.

>> No.8771672

>She's absolutely right and here's why:


She is a misogynist, that's what she is.

Hot cosplayers threads are always flooded with pictures of hot cosplay guys, showing six packs. Shit, right now there's two of those threads.

Women can complain about hot women in cosplay but men cannot complain about hot guys in cosplay? fuck off.

There's always two sides to the coin.

>> No.8771679


You keep using that word...

>> No.8771681

It's not wrong though (dif anon) Girls like her tend to hate other women to a extent.

>> No.8771685


Yes, but anon wasn't talking about that.

>> No.8771688


What other word would you use to describe her?

It's not feminist, that I can tell you. I mean, not in the "equal rights feminist" sense.

>> No.8771689

This girl is hilarious, if only for her massive boob dictionary. Also I completely agree. Cosplay/clothing doesn't equal consent.

>> No.8771693


Would you also agree that all men are potential rapists because of some statistics?

>> No.8771694


>> No.8771698

Anyone can be a potential rapist, man or woman. That's why you should always be careful and learn how to land a good vag shot vs good nut shot.

I don't understand why when I say 'yes I agree, what your wearing doesn't mean someone can harass you' people think it means just guys. Young, teenaged girls can be worse in person than men can be with their photos. At least you may not know what men say about your tits, or the photos they take from a distance. Young girls will literally come up and touch your tits because 'OMG *GLOMP* :3'

>> No.8771699


thank you

>> No.8771805
File: 972 KB, 500x311, woo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8771848


This anon knows what's up, well said.

>> No.8771851

>I don't understand why when I say 'yes I agree, what your wearing doesn't mean someone can harass you' people think it means just guys.
because these topics are created and perpetuated by insecure straight men who feel targeted or persecuted for their sexual interest in women who wear revealing clothes.

it's funny because native seagulls who share creeper stories are usually both male and female, posting about their experiences with male and female creepers, but crossboarders always focus on the specific scenario they imagine themselves potential victims of: being shamed for being attracted to a female cosplayer.

they will literally ignore anything that doesn't speak to their personal insecurities.

>> No.8771871

I want someone to look at me the way this girl looks at her own boobs

>> No.8771966

You're absolutely right. I was going to post this as a second part to what I initially said, but I didn't want to waste my time. Men are simps.

>> No.8771968

>black criminality

You mean criminality unlike the literal rape, murder, and plunder of entire peoples and ways of life like white people have been doing for centuries?

You're a pure idiot. Pure. The only good thing about you is that in a few hundred years there won't be any more like you.

>> No.8772107

Man, she's doing the exact thing Dave Chapelle talked about in his bit

>> No.8772388

Old, but I still lol'd.

He's so right.

>> No.8772396

>breast worship

Oh, white people