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File: 188 KB, 480x640, christmas-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8771220 No.8771220 [Reply] [Original]

All I Want for Christmas is Brand Edition
Old Thread >>8764504

Closet of Frills >>8767555
Coord Help >>8738411
Dream Dress Thread >>8751124
Dumb Questions >>8768622
Lucky Packs >>8768902
Oldschool Thread >>8753341
Online Comm Thread >>8760101
Wardrobe Thread >>8759616
Brolita Thread >>8713032
Boystyle Thread >>8761165
EGA Thread >>8729403

Lolita Guidebook

Christmas is coming up! Buy any lolita presents for someone else? For yourself?

>> No.8771228

Has anyone got any info on the reservations from the BABY tea party? I can't navigate Weibo at all.

>> No.8771258
File: 243 KB, 1103x1052, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it usually work when new dresses are announced? This is the first time I've cared about a dress from a beginning.

>> No.8771260

I'm actually really interested in this release too, but I wish there were more clear images of the print details. The magazine snaps almost look blurry.

>> No.8771264

How does what work? AP usually announces the release date the week of, so if you're planning on buying this dress you'll just have to keep some emergency funds available, otherwise you'll be scrambling to come up with $250 in three days. In the meantime, create a Tenso account and practice going through with a purchase.

>> No.8771265

Wow. That seems really inconvenient.

>> No.8771267
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>> No.8771271

Yeah, it is. But since this one already has samples to photograph I'm thinking it'll come out sometime in January. Have you tried contacting a shopping service? It may be easier than dealing with the online bloodbath.

>> No.8771274

I'll look into that. I usually buy second hand then saw this and was like MUST HAVE ASAP. Thanks for the help.

>> No.8771279

I feel like this is going to be one of those dresses that's going to go consistently a fair bit above retail.

>> No.8771281

Are that many people really excited for it? Damn it I'm always broke in January after the holidays.

>> No.8771315

It kinda looks like the OPs sleeves are removable.

>> No.8771318

They wouldn't...

>> No.8771330

ask CG, she's over on lolcow /b/

I want this but only if it came with really cute magical girl accessories

>> No.8771336

Agreed, it'll not just be a bloodbath on release night but in the secondhand sales as well.

>> No.8771371

Does anyone think this print looks a little like everything is bleeding over each other even in this better scan? The colors don't look quite right here either. Maybe I just need to see eventual real stock photos and close-ups.

>> No.8771386
File: 113 KB, 539x267, dresses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay or Nay on these? both Baby

>> No.8771388

Does anyone else have problems with LaceMarket currently? dot.us doesn't work for me, dot.net versions loads with snail speed and always wants to switch to dot.us, which is not working still.

Wtf am I doing wrong?

>> No.8771416

Heads up, gulls: don't sell to Negrotesque on LM. She's pulling chargebacks with her credit card company on items she bought months ago and left feedback for. She waiting exactly 60days to when LM was supposed to delete messages, but they didn't delete mine and I had record of all the conversation, as well as the shipping info. Screen capping messages for safe measures here on out.

>> No.8771417

Neither is loading for me right now. I got the main page to load on my phone using 3G, but when I went to log-in, back to error pages.

There are also people commenting on the FB page that they're receiving connection errors.

>> No.8771431

I think it will. I remember chibitenshi's recap mentioning shoujo accessories, at least

>> No.8771456


>> No.8771474

Definitely yay, especially the one on the right (but I have a soft spot for Baby's scallop JSKs).

>> No.8771483

I had a seller do something similar, LMs message deletion is annoying.

>> No.8771484

How did it end up for you, anon?

>> No.8771491

I luckily had screencaps of the convo, and messages/comments she'd posted on FB. I got mods involved as well but she opened a claim on paypal rather than charging back, claiming I had scammed her. It worked out in my favour.

>> No.8771494

I'm having connection issues since 3 days. Already tried clearing caches and even tried the pc at school, both works only randomly.

>> No.8771509


Yeap, but look at the background around the dresses. It's Kera, so I'm pretty sure this would be a glossy, smooth page (looks like a pinkish background), but here it has all these little pinkish and purplish grains all over the page. Pretty sure the grains are also all over the dresses, giving the impression of bleeding colour, and I wouldn't be surprised if the "yellow" colourway turns out to be more of a cream yellow or even ivory than yellow yellow.

>> No.8771514

This is not a better scan, it looks like a photo of the page that has not been color-corrected and is pretty grainy to boot. I'm sure the print is a lot crisper in less muddy in real life.

>> No.8771568

left: may
right: nay

>> No.8771579
File: 9 KB, 208x250, 1449403944113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want for Christmas is this print in the white x pink colorway

>> No.8771646
File: 47 KB, 480x640, b7e15d5865fcfd7570a4c359c75b98aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have Baby's Cinderella OP or know how often Baby dresses bleed? I want to wash it when it gets to me since I'm buying secondhand, but I'm scared after seeing some of the dye bleeding horror stories.

>> No.8771727

Spot test it somewhere unnoticeable

>> No.8771743

Left is a nay for me
Right is a yay for old school.

>> No.8771824
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 137234-hem-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought my best friend the Marie Sailor JSK in pink off Closet Child! She's been working really hard but she's still a little short cash wise. I hope it went through, I've only ordered from Maiden Clothing before.
I asked other friends to chip in but I just paid for it all by myself so far, fuck it, I haven't bought myself anything this month. I'm really excited to get it and steam it back to life and make it all pretty again!

By the way, can anyone read the french on this? It's similar to Maria Antonio, but not exact.

Why not try washing just the bodice in the sink? It's not like skin ever touched the skirt. You can remove the sleeves and wash them seperately, too. You really don't want to take a chance honestly.

>> No.8771901

The first line is "Chaque jour", which means "every day", can't really make sense of the rest.

>> No.8771920

I think this is still Marie Antonio? It says "everyday Marie is very depressed because of her studies."

>> No.8771947

For real? That was unexpected

>> No.8771948

It seems like Maria Antonio says "Chaque jour, Marie est très déprimée à cause de ses études" which is a correct french sentence, while Marie Sailor says "Chaque jour, Marie est dAiprimie 'lidre d'itudier" which is sort of french, except I think some words are wrong?

>> No.8772057

So maybe it's Engrish but with French? Like they fucked up the special set just for fun?
I got it because my friend famously studies herself to death, but now I'm kind of worried it says something different.

>> No.8772103

just that name alone is suspicious

>> No.8772353

How do you guys feel about turtlenecks and sweatshirts in lolita? I'm trying to make my wardrobe more casual and considering going out to buy some and crafting jabots to tie around the neckline. Obviously it won't be as nice as a brand cutsew...

>> No.8772361
File: 76 KB, 997x834, 665356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone be able to tell me if pic related is a replica? I really like it but don't want to knowingly purchase knock-offs. Unfortunately I'm not very up to date when it comes to releases.

>> No.8772492

Anyone have any luck with Chocolate Rosette? I had the customary time out problem and lost the navy jsk before I could pay. Here's hoping for an MTO.

>> No.8772494

That sucks.

I really hate AP releases.

>> No.8772498


When connection on any of my devices finally loaded all were sold out!

Mom - the person I didn't realize was helping - got the pink jsk in her cart but wasn't logged in to my account!
You tried mom and that's why you're the best!!

>> No.8772503

>go for first choice jsk
>item kicked from cart
>go for second choice
>item kicked from cart
>okay, maybe the skirts?
>add skirt
>kicked from cart
>...the headbows?
>kicked from cart

I never managed to make it past the first payment screen...

>> No.8772516

I tried for the beige jsk and had the same problems. Couldn't get past the cart page. First time trying for an AP release too.

>> No.8772521
File: 348 KB, 500x600, 12181257_5673841778e0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the Sweetie Chandelier necklace so it'll match my HL/HG etc etc

>> No.8772531

No but I think that I will try for the USA release before making a request for an MTO.

Still wanna know how the chinese feel about this dress.

>> No.8772534

This release seemed to make the pages run REALLY slow, and I got a fair share of connection timed out pages. Chess Emblem loaded slow, but not that slow.
Was the first re-release ( the non-MTO one) of Holy Lantern loading as slow as this one?

>> No.8772543

Yep. Any big release goes slow like that.

>> No.8772547

I wanted a skirt with headbow and the headbow page never loaded and sold out before the add to cart button got taken down. At least chibitenshi got me a JSK with headbow.

>> No.8772549

CG got banned again. Head to lolcow for Chinese gossip.

>> No.8772550

Yes, it's a replica of a onepiece from fint. Just to note, really won't fit a petti for Lolita silhouette

>> No.8772598

Same anon. Maybe we will get lucky and find it in time for christmas next year

>> No.8772600

Tenshi scored me the beige JSK and headbow, but said something in her email about the OTKs not being released at the same time - anyone know when those might be available?

>> No.8772601

Holy Lantern was worse

>> No.8772613

Word is Tea Time Nostalgia JSK and Searching for Baroque JSK got rereleases at the Shanghai tea party in China
>"They also said they're going to rerelease a bunch of popular past prints according to weibo surveys."
>"The current 2 are only for the teaparty attendees. I have no idea about the future releases."
fuck I'm excited though. i hope we can get those future rereleases too...
>mfw I can't get this Tea Time Nostalgia rerelease (yet)
>hopefully this drives down the current price of it though

>> No.8772616

That's so cute of your mum.

>> No.8772654

I'm praying so hard they release baroque outside of China since no chinese shopping service could help out. Please give a teeny fuck about your international customers, BABY. We have money to throw at you as well!

>> No.8772667

>Tea Time Nostalgia JSK
Oh man, please let me be available everywhere else soon. I would absolutely love to have this dress

>> No.8772781

Reposting from last thread, but are there any lolitas in/near Onalaska, TX? Ill be moving soon, and i was wondering if im stuck commuting to houston any time i wanted to frill it up with other lolita.

>> No.8772896

do you think they will release berets with the socks?

>> No.8772929

You might be able to make them work if you make sure they match your outfits (in color, style, and cut), and maybe add a few details to make them fit in better.
I think that sweatshirts on their own are too plain for lolita (mostly because of the lack of collar) so I suggest layering them over a blouse, a cutsew with a collar, or a detachable collar to dress them up; adding jabots, a ribbon tied in a bow, or an interesting necklace to turtlenecks is a great idea, and you can also wear wrist cuffs on the sleeves for a little more detail.

>> No.8772940

I like to wear turtlenecks under my jumperskirts in winter, and i sew lace on the neck and sleeves. Sweatshirts would be fine i think if they were cropped as to not interfere with the overal lolita silhouette, maybe with lace and ribbon added to decorate it, and with a peter pan collar laid out at the top, coming out from underneath.

>> No.8772950

Secrets are up.

>> No.8773024

I finally got that only thing i actually ever really liked on Bodyline. The fawn cutsew.
I want it since i'm 14 but it disappearaed from the website never to be heard of again but some girl sold it for like 6$, barely worn, i received it a week ago. My girlfriend sent me money to buy it with a headbow and a ring on my birthday i feel so happy.

>> No.8773028

the "joli pitit faon" cutsew?
can you please review it anon

>> No.8773031

Damn anon, how poor are you?

>> No.8773032

kinda meh this week. appreciated the Whip Factory ones though

>> No.8773056

I found a archived version of Hellolace, does anyone have the know how to recreate the site? Some of the images are broken but even having just the information such as measurements is useful,

>> No.8773064

I don't dare to post a pic, but:
>shitty lace because bodyline,scratchy af, i took it off it's way better
>super cute design actually, quality is ok besides the shit lace
>kinda big on me because i'm small but it's a really nice cutsew overall i'm happy about it

How am i "poor" anon? My gf just sent me money tu buy it bc she didn't know how to do it herself but i can totally buy it myself.
I don't have an income because i'm studying and ill but seriously i can afford second hand brand and stuff by putting money asides dude. I just wanted that cutsew when i was 14 but i had strict parents so i couldn"t buy it back then and by the time i could, it wasn't there anymore.

>> No.8773078 [DELETED] 

Of course rabbit777 responded to let everyone know just how kinky her fat blobby ass is.

>> No.8773101

don't bother, just use lolibrary

>> No.8773105

Lolibrary doesn't have a lot of the dresses that hellolace did, especially older releases.

>> No.8773106

Exactly what this Anon said. Though maybe instead or reopening hellolace the information can be transferred onto lolibrary.
They also had some good basic guides and a taobao store list which should be saved.

>> No.8773122
File: 124 KB, 720x936, oHx-NzAbHS0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this beacuse a lot of anons love cat prints, but don't eye all chinese releases. Such a nice and not overly-cartoonish print

>> No.8773124
File: 131 KB, 645x960, 03EsJoT1rSY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773129

No thread active for it right now but
Lolita unpopular opinion:
I abhor meets at people's houses. I don't want to go to your house, I don't want to meet your dog, I don't want to have tea in your furnished basement.

>> No.8773139

>furnished basement
what if it's an actually nicely furnished kitchen?
though for the most part i agree with you, meets at other people's houses especially those whom i don't even know well feels weird.

>> No.8773154
File: 414 KB, 600x900, TB2IXljipXXXXavXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!2509328983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so disappointed by the navy colorway, I don't wear pastels and the navy just looks overly busy and kinda crappy.

>> No.8773164

Definitely agree, visiting someone's home when I barely know them feels too personal.

>> No.8773223


The crafting-type meets are generally better off being at someone's house. If a group of girls want to sew some bows or a skirt, then somebody's floor is certainly easier to spread out fabric rather than a cafe table, the cleanup is easier, and there's no pressure since everyone is inside a private residence rather than having passer-bys gawk at you while you try to gather a ruffle in some cafe. Same if you wanted to do a cooking/baking meet, or some other type of crafty thing rather than a cafe/restaurant/museum meet.

The other type of meet I can think of is swapmeets. If your comm is small enough, then choosing to do it at someone's house makes more sense than putting down money to rent a whole dance hall (or whatever space) that isn't necesssary. Generally someone's house will be good enough to spread out the dresses, one of the rooms can be designated a changing room, and you get privacy since it's someone's residence.

'Course, it doesn't stop the meet from sucking if you plain don't like the hostess, or if the hostess plain sucks (having tea in the basement does sound like it sucks). I'm just pointing out there's a few occassions where meeting up at someone's private residence does make sense.

>> No.8773237

Fuck yes. My Antique Beast order is in the next town over, so im going to be able to be a kawaii witch for christmas!

>> No.8773252

Their poses make me think they were originally planned to be on a body pillow.

>> No.8773309

My rich friend isn't rich anymore so i'm slowly distancing myself from her.
I'm a terrible person and i know it but she was one of my only way to afford brand. Looking for a job is fucking hard, i'm doing it atm but i'm never called back 99% of the time. Not gonna stop though.

>> No.8773368


Thankfully PayPal just sided with me and I got my money back, but I'm going to be contacting mods of all the online sales comms to post some warnings about her. Also, if anyone wants to link me to the master list of US comms then I'd really appreciate it; I'll be contacting her local as well to warn them about her.

And yeah, that name was a little off-putting to me from the very start of the transaction. Regardless of what you're opinion on it is, why would you want that to be your public username? It's just dumb.

>> No.8773401

At least you realize you're a terrible person? Because that's pretty shitty anon.

>> No.8773402

I hope she finds better friends, I feel really bad for her...

>> No.8773481

Dang, I was thinking of hosting a karaoke meet and hanging out in my finished basement. But now I don't know, should I just invite people I know? I don't want people to think I'm excluding them either though.

>> No.8773489

Nah, feel free to open invites to all your comm members if that's what you want. Whoever feels comfortable in that setting (meaning, coming to your house even if they don't know you well) will come.

>> No.8773512

True, I just don't want anyone to be uncomfortable. But I guess if they come, it's really their own doing. I'm not going to pretend it's not a casual meet, so should be fine, right?

>> No.8773523
File: 72 KB, 500x500, 30496705394753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can only hope anon

>> No.8773527

I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be fine, you're not forcing anyone to attend, after all. Plus, a karaoke meetup sounds fun!

>> No.8774020

When asking a seller for a partial refund to fix unmentioned damage, is it reasonable to expect them to cover the cost of repairs in full?

>> No.8774098

Would they re release prints from around the same time as teatime nostalgia? I have a mighty need for juicy baby love love berry, weird name and all.

>> No.8774127

Where is she located?

>> No.8774129

I wonder when it'll come out

>> No.8774134

Potomac, Maryland. Her LM account said Canada, it now says Washington DC.

>> No.8774135


>> No.8774152

How was the holiday party at Tokyo Rebel today? Any pics? Any gossip you heard at the party?

>> No.8774184
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so sorry anon. can i play you a song on my violin

>> No.8774186

then....don't go??? no one is forcing you to go.

>> No.8774196

aww so cute you think your opinion matters

>> No.8774200

>but i'm never called back 99% of the time
i think that's a you problem, try not being a shitty human being

>> No.8774216

How do morons like you have that degree of self awareness yet do nothing about it? You just sound lazy and horrible. I had leech friends like you, not relating to brand or lolita, and they ironically distanced themselves from me too. Thanks for doing her a favor. It's like the cancer removing itself.

>> No.8774233

I think it looks quite elegant in that colorway anon

>> No.8774305

Maybe you're not called back because you have a shitty attitude and they notice.

>> No.8774310

I don't know, the wonky bows, lace and that belt on the bodice ruin it for me. Money saved, I guess.

>> No.8774322

>How do morons like you have that degree of self awareness yet do nothing about it?
They probably feel they are trapped into doing it somehow, like they know its shitty, but can justify it to themselves. They care about their hobby more than the person.

I think it's shitty, especially since I could never imagine dropping my friends even tho they're all better off than me. If anything I'd be able to relate to them more. But they're already successful, I doubt this would happen.

People are shitty, oh well.

>> No.8774738
File: 830 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_4658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IW had their tea party in Hong Kong yesterday, any updates or photos of the event?

>> No.8774928
File: 110 KB, 589x720, 1446958281782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is old school starting to become the next big trend? I'm seeing a lot of old school inspired coords on CoF and people are buying usakumyas left and right.

>> No.8774943

I don't know if it's the next big trend but it's certainly become a lot more popular recently, yes.

>> No.8774957

Its not even close to being the next big trend.

>> No.8774991

Anyone else watching a pdx comm admin flip out on a status about being a feminist and attacking people who disagree with her?

It's bad enough she doesn't look good in Lolita at all, but now she's fitting the stereotypical sjw tumblr feminist. Her poor comm.

Her and star chan are having fucking war on Facebook right now. I can provide caps if anyone wants, it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.8774992

I hope not, or else old school pieces will get more expensive. I fucking love getting old burando for 50 bucks or so. But i'm quite happy it seems to be a bit more popular.

>> No.8775002

caps please

>> No.8775013

Gulls do replicas of brand jewellry exist?
Seriously there is no way i'm putting 40 bucks into a piece of cheap plastic, it's not even good quality.

>> No.8775020

c a p s

>> No.8775021
File: 303 KB, 1440x1756, Screenshot_2015-12-20-14-10-16-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caps of star Chan's opinion, she stated that she wouldn't be replying to anyone, and she hasn't. She stayed it was an unpopular opinion

>> No.8775022
File: 1.45 MB, 1440x1438, Screenshot_2015-12-20-14-10-20-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second part of her opinion. A few girls agreed with her, then an admin stepped in and let all fucking hell loose, attacking anyone who disagreed.

>> No.8775025
File: 373 KB, 1440x1443, Screenshot_2015-12-20-14-16-30-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admin got on there. You can just tell by looking at her that she's a sjw and a feminazi

>> No.8775028


thats all I gotta say

>> No.8775029
File: 173 KB, 1440x994, Screenshot_2015-12-20-14-15-53-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She continues, she's picking fights with other lolitas, and normie friends of star Chan's as well

Nothing from star chan at all yet, she seems to be staying out of it, or she went offline for a bit.

I'll continue when more is posted, if you want

>> No.8775030

She's literally making the entire post all about her

>> No.8775031

and we should care about this why?
>mfw i don't even know who these people are
take it to the lolita comm threads

>> No.8775034

yes please

>> No.8775035

A Lolita that was raped and almost killed by a man got on there and released a whole thing about how just because one man is bad, not all of them are out to kill you.

Looks like it's cooled down, or feminazi left.

>> No.8775059
File: 68 KB, 500x749, 321015-d6573d02fa3f4a99aa3e85e0edb7d18b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think so, prints and ott classic will still dominate the scene for a while. old school simply became more appreciated either via nostalgia or for being the "classic" look.

Unrelated but I'm thinking about pre-ordering this but it's only out in April 2016... I don't know anything about the brand either but I can't resist angel prints.

>> No.8775062

people asked for caps? I agree that comms/online comms would be a better place, but jesus christ can you be any more salty. you 're starting to sound like one of the sjws who needs everything they don't want to see in the general tagged

>> No.8775127

>reading this much into anon's comment about taking it to the comm thread (where you admit it would be more appropriate)
chill girl

>> No.8775372

Is it ever possible to haggle on something from mbok/ y!ja? I'm not interested in anything atm, but I've noticed a lot of sellers constantly relisting items for the same price for months on end (with some making the price higher than they originally listed it, which I don't quite get), so I'm wondering if haggling just isn't as common in the japanese lolita market.

>> No.8775380

It's considered really rude. Although, I totally see where you're coming from. I've seen the same things over priced by ten thousand or more just sitting there for a year.

>> No.8775391

I wouldn't neccesarily say that haggling is not a japanese market thing - I know that it is relatively commonplace on japanese flea market apps (mercari, fril, etc.). Sometimes the seller mentions in their descriptions that they're open to offers.

The above anon is right that haggling on auction listings is probably a no-go, though.

>> No.8775395


You're dealing with shopping services, who may not want to bother with such a request, or they don't want to compromise their own account for something that may not yield a good result (and they'll get lower commission out of it). That's why it's rare.

If you speak Japanese you can make your own yja account and try to contact the sellers from there. I don't know how successful you'll be though. Even on the Western market haggling isn't always successful, particularly if you're talking about trying to lowball a seller who isn't in need of money. Some of them would rather have the items sit there forever than bother with haggling.

>> No.8775547

I'm really lucky with having an awesome SS and she has made offers on auctions twice for me, both of which were accepted. It's considered super rude, and the seller to buyer culture in Japan is really strange, but some are willing if you know the right people. She told me that people on auction sites can be crazy assholes and really never wants to make offers, but was willing to for me after scoping out their profiles big time and determining that they weren't crazy.

Find a good, personable SS and ask them if they'll do it. Chances are they will say no, but they may make exceptions for you if you're a good customer/know them personally, and if they feel comfortable with what the seller might be like based on their history/listing info.

>> No.8775550

It is worth mentioning, though, that the first auction was UNGODLY overpriced, but since I wanted it we made an offer that wasn't too terribly far off from what they were asking, and they made a counter offer to us that wasn't unreasonable, so I accepted. The second was a really high BIN offer on something I knew was going to be a total nightmare to bid on.

Another reason SS don't really want to do this is because your offer will be made public in the questions section, and they really don't want their name out there to other sellers that they could possibly be a pain/cheap and annoying.

>> No.8775652

when does the holy lantern MTO start shipping? I thought it was march, but then I saw someone say january? i'm speaking about the first mto round btw (the one from october)

>> No.8775672

No, first one is still march

>> No.8775700

Interestingly, when starchan was being "harassed" on /cgl/ this is the mod that stepped in to help her. Starchan also told this mod that she wasn't going to use /cgl/ anymore but clearly that didn't happen.

>> No.8775710

ah, that's what I thought? I wasn't sure which mod stepped in to help her, I stayed out of the situation when it occurred.

Star chan made an apology statement a little while ago, not sure about the mod, I'm not on her friends list.

I see both sides to this, but the mod took it to the fucking extremes on this one, although I guess star chan was asking for it for posting about such a topic?

>> No.8775723
File: 348 KB, 728x415, toylan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me if this has already been brought up, but is this error on the actual print too?

The 'TOYLAND' is missing the D on the end.


>> No.8775726

That's the only section it's missing, the D is on the others?

>> No.8775727

star chan is mostly right desu

>> No.8775728

I never noticed it, Like >>8775726 said, it's there on all the others, did they forget to include it when making the print seamless?

>> No.8775730 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8775738

How did the mod step in?

>> No.8775756

Eh yeah but it's annoying that she's framing it as if
1) All feminists do this stupid shit and not just the ones who are dumb people in general
2) She's so ~unique~ for having this ~unpopular~ opinion that ...tons of other people have too
3) Bonus annoying points for including edgy anti-feminist comics AND for posting it on a lolita comm fb group because she wants all her lolita friends to know she has this opinion I guess...

I don't know her personally and didn't follow her drama on here but damn she's just as bad as the people she's calling out. WHO CARES

>> No.8775762

she didn't post it in the comm group you fucktard, she posted this on her own personal facebook page

>> No.8775765

She made it because she has obviously had issues online about feminists. As she said, someone asked her to tag mountain dew or something like that, which, honestly, would be annoying as fuck.

I see both sides to it. A lot of people seemed to agree with her on this, saying that people need to grow thicker skin.

>> No.8775770


the caps are boring, the topic unsuited for this thread. let's talk about how AP is craving the D big time over here >>8775723

>> No.8775773

Oh wow, what a super ~edgy~ and ~unique~ opinion!! It's not at all just the ~cool thing~ to do right now (stereotyping and hating all feminists from all walks of life,) she really(!) feels this way and nothing you will say to her will change her stance because she isn't open to having a discussion!!

This bitch spends too much time on lolcow. Oh, and Star-chan-- I saw you self-posting in the Ugly Bitches thread, and I saw when you made up your own thread for yourself. You're anything but intelligent or original. This whole comm is a fucking mess, including the admins. Piss off, cunt.

>> No.8775774

Not that it really matters, but the second comic isn't anti-feminist. It's more anti-outrage culture that's so common among college students and the left

>> No.8775778

>college students
*women's studies majors and college drop-outs

>> No.8775779

Those threads are on other boards, at least she's not self posting here? Everyone told her to fuck off and stop self posting here, now you're upset she's self posting on other boards?

I'm just glad she's not posting her face everywhere around here, she's moved on, and taken the advice she was given.

>> No.8775782


>> No.8775785

My fault then, I assumed that since it was posted in this thread it was on a comm group and didn't bother to fact check. Either way though, posting it anywhere on fbook is useless . Most people on fbook are not gonna have their opinions changed so what's the point in broadcasting your opinion to people who disagree?

high five over us both sarcastically using ~unique~

How common are misprints/errors like this on brand dresses? This one doesn't seem like a huge deal if it only happens once or twice at least. Have their any been any massive fuckups though?

>> No.8775789

Yeah because self-posting is retarded? Why do you feel the need to defend her? Oh wait.

>> No.8775793

Just saying, if she's on something like /soc/, then that's self post central.

Don't expect her to be a lolita for much longer, she's told me that the next meet she goes to will be her last one, and she's done. Doesn't surprise me, it's been a year, and she's still known as star chan. She's got a bad rep across the board.

She told me she's leaving Feb 1st, day after the meet. And I completely believe her. She'll go back to tumblr, and leave this whole thing in the past.

I guarantee you, she'll vanish off of this board and all other boards, and drop off radar for good.

>> No.8775799

Leaving where? The comm? Leaving "the day after the meet" doesn't even make any sense considering she lives 3-4 hours away from Portland anyways.
It's sad she's throwing away her ~lolita friends~ because she made a fool of herself online. She brought it all onto herself, and now she's whiteknighting.

>> No.8775805

She told me straight up she's leaving lolita entirely. The AP Anniversary meet will be her last meet for good. She's attending the meet, then leaving lolita entirely the day after, and plans on selling off her entire wardrobe.

I have a feeling she'll still keep in contact with a few lolitas, but from what I have heard, she's done with being a lolita. Sounds like she'll also be selling most of her stuff dirt cheap, practically giving it away.

>> No.8775815


I don't even know the star chan drama and this sounds self posty as fuck

>> No.8775820

Nope, just saying what's to be said. Y'all won't have to deal with her for much longer.

Her last post here will likely be her selling off her stuff.

Either way, cat's out of the bag. If I'm the only one she's spoken to about leaving lolita and selling stuff, then guess she'll know exactly who I am, not that I care.

>> No.8775823


>> No.8775829

No, you retard. She's self-posting on the virulent sewer system of hate that is Lolcow. Not /soc/-like in the slightest.

Looks like she never cared about Lolita in the first place. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good riddance.

>> No.8775830

Not my fault /cgl/ doesn't have italics, nigga

>> No.8775832
File: 1.84 MB, 245x221, 1425165953058.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread has new posts!
>mfw it's just someone who won't shut up about someone who might be themselves

slow night, huh?

>> No.8775840

That's funny you actually believe that, multiple lolitas from the comm are talking to each other, and are doing it themselves. Other lolitas in the comm are self posting as her at the same time, between here and lolcow. We did it on here a while back when she was without internet access for a week, posted her face in every thread we could find on here, and she was completely clueless.

She's as stupid as you all think. She asked what lolcow was a while ago, I told her it was a site for talking about PT, which, she has no clue who that even is due to being newer around here.

>> No.8775845

Talking to her now, convincing her to leave lolita now. She's prepping a sales post kek

She will likely be gone by new years

>> No.8775847

What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8775848

Nothing at all

She just sent me the rough draft of her sales, and she just posted the first batch of sales.

>> No.8775851

LM or LSE?

>> No.8775852

Personal FB, she'll cross post in the morning she said, and sell off some shoes as well.

>> No.8775886

Did a girl just run another girl out of the Portland comm right in front of us

>> No.8775890


>> No.8775891

Read the thread

>> No.8775893

Wait wait wait wait.
I've been waiting for a Chocolate Rosette rerelease for years and I actually believed it might come in spring.
And now that I've been busy with reading 460 chapters of Fairy Tail and Christmas AP FUCKING RELEASED IT??!!
I really have the worst of luck.

>> No.8775896

Good thing you didn't get it if you didn't even bother to read the release date.

>> No.8775907

I haven't really been on cgl for the whole month. Well there is always the USA release.

>> No.8775910
File: 224 KB, 480x368, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS just messaged me to say that the seller of my dress on yahoo auctions isn't responding. It's a 200€ dress and it's making me nauseous as fuck. I didn't know you had no seller protection there? Any advice on this? I don't want to shell out so much for something I'm potentially not getting.

Why me? Whyyyyy

>> No.8776014

The only re-released those because the chinese lolitas went nuts and sent lots of angry mails complaining about the teaparty.
Go complain enough to baby and you might get the same!

>> No.8776030

may the Frillse be with you

>> No.8776042

Yeah wtf? What is yalls problem

>> No.8776051

anything good

>> No.8776099
File: 466 KB, 1280x720, cropped_header_1450473771000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this belongs in the dumb questions thread. But here it goes.
I'm going out of town for the Holidays, I'll meet with a dear friend of mine whos also a lolita.
Ive been considering giving her a Baby tartan JSK that I've been unable to sell. Would it be weird to give someone a second-hand dress? She owns mostly handmade and Bodyline.

>> No.8776102

I'm not having any hope, that there will be an MTO. I don't hear much complaining sadly, would have love to get the salopette, but my favorite colorway brown wasn't part of rerelease anyways.

>> No.8776104

I don't think it would be weird. She'd probably really appreciate it.

>> No.8776111

I don't think that would be weird at all. I know I would really appreciate that.

>> No.8776136

At this point, I am equally tempted to ask them but I also don't want to get banned for some reason

>> No.8776164

Secondhand clothes don't have nearly as much stigma in lolita as they do in mainstream fashion, people buy secondhand clothes for themselves all the time. As long as the dress is in good condition and suits your friend's measurements and style, I don't see why it would be weird. In fact, that's a really nice idea for a gift!

>> No.8776173

do replicas of brand jewellry exist?
Seriously there is no way i'm putting 40 bucks into a piece of cheap plastic, it's not even good quality i'm paying for.

>> No.8776196

Never heard of jewellry replicas. Akliya on TB used to make really similar stuff to AP, not sure if the shop still does.

>> No.8776199

plenty on taobao

>> No.8776206

Honestly the not so great part of the gift is that you tried to sell it but ended up just giving it away. Unless it's a dress that she explicitly said she loves, consider it a bit tacky.

However buying a second hand dress for a friend and giving it to her would be ok. That's just my opinion though.

>> No.8776225

I've honestly never seen any except those 3 or so rings that shirley deer had, but the doesn't seem to work anymore.

>> No.8776400
File: 20 KB, 250x333, PuppetCircusJSK-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing the black puppet circus JSK go for 1,3k and having Tenshis red Puppet circus OP gone for only 620$ in mind, I wondered how much of a price difference colors in cuts actually make. Does anybody know?

>> No.8776466
File: 33 KB, 360x640, 471888866.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this BTSSB print? I can't find the name or the dress even on lolibrary?
The japanese title on mbok means "teacup poodle BABY" (tīkappupūdoru baby) but it has no sense whatsoever, searched on google image, no way to find it.
And it's sold for 300.00 yen second hand what

>> No.8776471

This print is commonly known as "pup in a cup" or "longest name", but it's original name is "The World's Most Adorable Dog and the World's Most Delicious Frappe Print "

>> No.8776472

oh i remember this one
The World's Most Adorable Dog and the World's Most Delicious Frappe Print Chest Scallop JSK (aka Pup in a Cup)
full name in japanese:

>> No.8776473

I'm pretty sure it's pup in a cup/The World's Most Cutest Dog and the World's Most Delicious Frappé.

>> No.8776475

Saw it on red twice today on mbok. First one is at approx 2500$ and second is at 1320$ this is fucking insane why are people paying so much for a simple dress? Geez the print is pretty but it's like it's embroidered with gold or something

It's the Sweetest Puppy And Strawberry Frappe OP.
It came out last year.
But 250$ for this second hand? It seems kinda pricey. I like it though.

>> No.8776480

Lol she's selling it for more than the original price ( 27864 yens) what is she even doing?
Also can't people iron their shit before selling it?

>> No.8776483

The difference can be huge, especially when the cut has more sizing versatility - for PC, the JSK has back shirring while the OP is a smaller fixed size, so the OP automatically has a smaller pool of people who can fit - and thus will bother to bid - on it. There's usually a most (or least) popular color for any given print - with PC, it generally goes Black - White - Red - Pink from most to least sought-after.

>> No.8776486

Is this something that she has been wanting or even her style? That's really what the difference is.

It's tacky if she didn't want it to begin with and you are better off giving it someone in your comm who is starting out in lolita

>> No.8776488

>It came out last year
It might have been re-released last year, it originally came out in 2008.

>> No.8776492 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else get the feeling someone is trying to stir up shit in portland? Or is it just a coincidence?

>> No.8776494

take your dramamongering to a comm thread ffs

>> No.8776516

How long does Axes Femme usually have stock online? If I wait to purchase something until next week, would it usually be sold out by then?

>> No.8776658
File: 124 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand is this?

>> No.8776671

Why is this so impossible for AP to make again? I just don't get why they won't even release a kind of renewal version of this.

>> No.8776698
File: 191 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nzq9cmNHO91stxqaco1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this so much I can't even describe

>> No.8776708

Maybe because it's a collab with Imai Kira, don't those require special licensing of some sort?

>> No.8776724

>clashing messy pastel wig
>way too much ott on head
>bad makeup/things on face
>not even a full photo of the coord
>not posted in a favorite coords thread
>senseless gushing
>probably a selfpost

>> No.8776750
File: 68 KB, 914x960, 1961986_981088031956921_4972785777071754131_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you doing R-series
Did everyone in the staff but the interns go on a christmas leave?

>> No.8776754

AP's imai kira prints aren't collabs necessarily since they pay her to design the prints specifically, she's just used as an artist. also i don't think AP wants to bring that sort of style back, it's so old and really not stylish now.

>> No.8776763

Is it me or has this place been plagued by a bunch of summer-esque n00bs the past couple of weeks? I've just noticed an uptick in people saying stupid things or asking stupid questions or just acting dumb in general that just seems a little uncharacteristic. Are the little kiddies exploring 4chan again as school lets out for break? Cause I feel like I've noticed this on a couple other boards too.

>> No.8776769

Same. Possibly christmas break? There seem to be the same issue on other forums outside of 4chan as well, PULL seem to be invaded by immature kids atm

>> No.8776770

get someone to start producing a convincing replica of it and then AP might think about it.

>> No.8776806

How long does it normally take for maidenclothing to respond? I placed an email order two days ago and now it's saying my item is sold out, still haven't heard anything back yet, am I outta luck?

>> No.8776826

Nah they take ages to reply sometimes, the item is probably marked as sold out because they've reserved it for you

>> No.8776834

Is Kate really leaving lolita? Is she still doing the documentary on it?

>> No.8776843

From the neck up its a hot clashing mess. The coord itself isn't bad.

>> No.8776852

we're not allowed to talk about Kate here anymore so don't start

>> No.8776863

Are the mods cracking down more or something?

>> No.8776864


>> No.8776907

This isn't true. You're allowed to talk about individuals in the community as it pertains to the community. You just can't spend a whole thread going into irrelevant details about someone. Moot himself clarified this way back when.

>> No.8776916

except literally every time kate's brought up we're told to take it to lolcow and the comments mentioning her are deleted. people have been banned for talking about her too

>> No.8776921

Wtf that is absurd

What that hell are the mods doing

>> No.8776924

They're whiteknighting their friend, that's what.

>> No.8776975

I took this from a japanese person's personal street snap blog. I am most definitely not japanese?? how's paranoia working for you anon?

>> No.8776994

>filename says 'tumblr'

>> No.8776997


>> No.8777011

Anon must have forgot Tumblr is a blog.

>> No.8777013

Oops. This >>8777011 was too >>8776994

>> No.8777033

I love everything about this except for the wig.

>> No.8777039

i think it would look so much better if the flowers were a different color with the navy colorway. something darker or more muted or something. there's a sudden block of pastel / light colors in the print, and it looks odd to me when surrounded by a dark navy. also, is that a muted pink in other parts of the print (such as on the bows and bodice area, etc)? because that just makes it look more unbalanced.

lmao they can probably tell you're lazy and awful, and they would be right. no one wants someone like you to work for them. you should spend your life trying to be better as a person, so i hope the fact that you're self-aware will help you change, but otherwise - you're shit and you should feel like shit for treating someone that way.

i've been noticing this for the past few months, honestly. it's really weird. people are using a lot more of the typing style that is associated with tumblr, and it's becoming less taboo, among other things. which i don't mind since that's my default text-style. but there are also a lot more try-hards being extra salty, like little kids first starting to cuss, and it's so fucking annoying.

>> No.8777041

You also can't talk about Carson/Star-chan.

>> No.8777129

This might belong in "dumb questions", but oh well.
So, I just finished my first coord, and went to my first lolita meetup. I'm really happy with it, but I know that with my income I won't be able to afford a new outfit for a while. How taboo is it to wear the same coord twice in a row? Would I not be able to attend another meetup until I get a new one? Or could I wear it again after a certain period of time where it won't be weird?

>> No.8777134
File: 476 KB, 500x200, 1377044898763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8777138

Anyone who judges you because you wear the same outfit again the next time, or says that you can't go to the another meetup with the same outfit is a bitch and you shouldn't even grace them with your attention.
If your comm is full of girls who aren't bitches, then you should be fine doing that.

And if it really bothers you, try to find different legwear, and a different blouse that would work, or a cardigan or something to give it a slight change up.

>> No.8777144
File: 136 KB, 800x716, ugggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, screw you R-Series and your $45 overpriced flat rate shipping. All I want is this damn blouse!

>> No.8777156

shit, anon, that's kawaii.

>> No.8777164


>> No.8777166

i'm so glad you replied this because i've been teetering on the edge of saying this for a while.

>> No.8777171
File: 96 KB, 600x800, CWl0O6BU4AAQB_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MerryGORound but I think these are only for display/photoshoots. http://www.merrygoroundxxx.com/ Tacky, but I think they consider the pieces more "idol wear" than lolita.

>> No.8777177

Anon, it's 4chan. You don't need anyone else's approval, for other people to have the same thoughts or to agree with you to post whatever the hell you want

>> No.8777179


The "xxx" made me scared to click in case it was a porn thing, but thank god it's legit. And pretty damn cute, shame about the homepage CSS not showing those cute drawings fully.

>> No.8777181


Damn, they only have hair accessories and tights for sale. Pretty cute though!

>> No.8777187

Haha, I wasn't thinking that deeply about it. Mostly just thinking "but do I really want to be the first person to go there" to myself. Anon, no one can judge me because of anonymity, but I can judge myself.
>insert profound gazing into a sunset

The art on there is actually p kawaii. Idolwear makes 10x more sense too.

>> No.8777301

This is a pretty good opportunity to build up some wardrobe basics. Different legwear, a bolero or different hair accessories, even different shoes can make a lot of difference.
If you really can't afford anything new period, I still think it doesn't matter that much.

>> No.8777303

>i think it would look so much better if the flowers were a different color with the navy colorway
Exactly what I was thinking.

It's really messy, but I kind of appreciate it. What's that bonnet thing with the shit-tier lace though?

>> No.8777305

I really like the print, but what is with the shit-tier fit on that bodice and the apron overskirt?

>> No.8777307

The print is wonderful, but that fabric and fit is just awful. The whole thing is just a big mess

>> No.8777311

Did anyone here get the Milky Planet JSK that just sold for 6000 yen? That dress used to sell for $600. I considered buying it to resell but I would have felt really scummy, I hope whoever got it will keep it.

>> No.8777333

Milky Planet doesn't go for that much anymore. The orginal is about retail, depending on the colorway maybe a bit above and the rerelease is a bit below retail, espcially the OP, navy is the exception though. The times when this print was worth a lot are well over. Same with Sugary Carnival.

>> No.8777344

what's the green dress in the right hand corner? Must obtain...

>> No.8777357

They're honestly scamming so hard. Unless you're buying like 2-3 dresses or a pair of shoes, nothing is going to cost $45 to ship.
Has anyone emailed asking them to recalculate or anything?

>> No.8777359
File: 1.02 MB, 1109x1200, Vanitas2-SM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this has probably been asked 100 times, but where is the best place to get a tea length petti and what are some of your experiences with them? I'm unsure about ordering some of the taobao ones because I worry the poof will be too big. I want very modest poof and basically just to hold a good shape. I know she's probably positioning the dress with her hands, but pic related has the perfect shape and volume that I'm hoping for, since I'll be wearing it with some modest EGA pieces.

>> No.8777362

If the punching thing is true, then that's absolutely not right. I've never dealt with the man-spreading thing on public transport (and I use buses a lot) but maybe it's different for my part of the UK than it is for americans.

However I also agree with star chan, and I'd proudly call myself a feminist. However there is a vocal part of the movement that are making issues about themselves and not about the real things. 'Tumblr' feminism is pretty much everything that I hate though, it's not even how radical they are, it's how they all want world peace and global change but they're all too (apparently) underprivileged and oppressed to make a difference.

whatever, sage for off topic

>> No.8777368

I haven't had much money this month because of christmas presents and I've been working so hard I've not had much time for cgl and checking up on releases but I've been lusting after the Elizabeth Unicorn OP since the photos were released and I'm so disappointed that I don't have it. I only wanted it in navy as well but it's only available in pink, why.
Worst thing is I get paid in a week, and I'll have enough money then for whatever. Fuckkkk.

>> No.8777372

I use a longer IW petticoat and that achieves pretty much that level of poof.

>> No.8777388

You can try yahoo auctions? They might have it in navy by then! Good luck!

>> No.8777390

Malco Modes 8080 Cosette is great. If you're in the US they're easy to get a hold of, but Chiffon Rose is good if you're an Australian. They also ship internationally.

It has a nice level of poof - I'd say similar to your picture, and it's fantastic with my longer IW pieces (they're 108cm from memory.)

I might be able to post pictures for you tomorrow.

>> No.8777391

Ah, anon. Not to be a stickler but you have tumblr feminism (predominantly third wave) and radical feminism (2nd wave confused.) It's "radical" in the mathematical sort of sense--that is, "at the root" and not radical in the extreme sense. Radical feminism is more about liberation and third wave feminism is more about personal shit, trying to make every action and hobby "feminist" etc.
That being said, I'm more radical leaning and have a handful of lolita friends who are the same way. We aren't disillusioned enough to think lolita is feminist (why do people even think this???)

>> No.8777394

>We aren't disillusioned enough to think lolita is feminist (why do people even think this???)
Rejecting the male gaze by refusing to be sexualised; dressing in a feminine-centric way that is seen as too girlish or modest to conform to modern hypersexual expectations. Rejection of traditional Japanese gender roles by spending money 'selfishly' to feel like a princess rather than becoming a demure and doting wife type.
I'm sure there are quotes in some magazine snaps of lolitas that aren't out of line with this but I can't back it up with proof.

Obviously I'm not saying it's this way for everyone, for example there was that Christian lolita group on lj back in the day with pretty much opposite views. For some people it's just clothes, for some it's more.

>> No.8777398

Dumb question but I've never seen PC in person and it's hard for me to tell from the stock pictures. Is the print actually embroidered or is that just screenprinting?

It would make sense to me that it's so expensive if that was embroidered on the dress.

>> No.8777416

Screen printed. It is only expensive because it is so old and hard to find, not to mention a popular print. It is quite pretty, and imo a timeless design

>> No.8777421

Sage for OT, but I'm in western Europe, and I deal with man-spreading a lot, just a few days ago I had some dude take up half my seat by sitting completely spread-eagled, and I'm usually too chicken to say anything besides quietly trying to push back. I'd say about 6/10 men I sit next to on public transport do it. I somehow don't believe he really tried to punch her though, unless she brought it up in the most inflammatory way possible.

>> No.8777453
File: 331 KB, 516x600, WO9SEBQ.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spread back, it ain't that hard

what does /cgl/ think about this secret from a few weeks back? the comments on that are 100% a hugbox of 'I love wearing my boots with lolita and I don't see anything wrong with it', did we suddenly do a 360 on that or did the comments just happen to become a full on ita gathering?

>> No.8777459

I think it depends on the coordinate.
Of course it looks like shit with sweet and classic, and a lot of gothic, but I imagine there are some coords where they could look nice.

>> No.8777468

I hope not. I have this in the mail and I'll be so disappointed if I get AP with some bodyline tier booboo on it.

>> No.8777473

Thanks! Yeah, it really is gorgeous, esp the black.

>> No.8777474

Why do people sell Nameless Poem for so much? It sure as hell wasn't brushing 200$ when it was first released.

>> No.8777475

Because people will buy it for that much? Basic supply & demand.

>> No.8777477

Because Ista Mori they did a Western release through Storenvy they priced it at $200, so now even if you bought it for $70 off their Taobao you can just say you used the Storenvy and want to get your money back.

>> No.8777479

>*Because when Ista Mori did
sorry, on my phone.

>> No.8777486

Oh, okay, that makes sense; I wasn't aware they did a Western release. Christ, what a markup. Can't shit talk them, though, that's a decent strategy, since plenty of people are still too afraid to use Taobao.

>> No.8777554

Engrish and terribad French are pretty common, actually. I have a dress from Baby that says "red ridding hood" and I still can't get over that Moitie dress that said "Bampire Romance". I honestly don't know how many dresses with French are out there where it isn't mangled in some way.

>> No.8777565
File: 139 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this IW dress?

>> No.8777587

Is there anything we can do about this?

>> No.8777610

Their rights/socks are cute!! Would I need a shopping service to buy from them?

>> No.8777620

Link to store please?

I can't access the r-series taobao store anymore, the link on the picture is also dead.

>> No.8777651
File: 67 KB, 600x800, sheglit liberated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so i missed out on this particular corset and it's mostly sold out, this is the only one I can find, but I don't like the stripes, I would prefer the fabric to be all black

Would it be a mistake to try and dye this with a polyester dye? (Apparently it's 100% polyester)

I know sheglit has sort of a similar corset in all black that's in stock, but I don't like the fabric they used for the trail, and I prefer the simplicity of the corset bit on this one

>> No.8777653


>> No.8777819

>Bampire Romance

at their defense, japanese doesn't have a V sound so when they spell out western words like that (whether it's english or something else) with japanese letters they use the B sounds to transliterate

when they're selling clothes at that price they probably should be hiring someone who knows english/french/etc well enough to keep things properly spelled but they probably don't care enough which is understandable if your primary market is people who won't give a shit if the english is spelled wrong anyway

>> No.8777827

Wasn't the mistake only on the preview photos with an early version of the dress? I think the corrected it for the release somehow

>> No.8777828

what >>8777394 said sounds about right, I've heard the same thing from japanese magazine stuff. while i'm sure western lolitas who are feminists have put their own viewpoints on it it's definitely a thing with japanese lolitas that the fashion started out of a personal desire to, essentially, deflect the male gaze. obviously men will sexualize anything but in japan I've heard secondhand at least that there's plenty of men who think the fashion is super weird, childish, too eccentric, etc. and that many girls who are into it like it because it's like, their own thing. so this is probably what people are thinking of when they refer to the fashion as feminist.

>> No.8777848

Ah. In the west at least (and that's my scope since I've never been to any Asian countries and have lived in the west my whole life) the new wave of feminism is far too focused on personal choices and insisting every personal choice can be/is "feminist" because...they say so. That's my take on lolitas who call the fashion feminist. Obviously I'm not a feminist scholar or anything like that and people can define their views however they see fit. I just personally don't see lolita as feminist because, while it's about personal expression and deflecting the male gaze, it's still reeeeeally stereotypically feminine and it's...clothes... It can make you feel powerful but it's not inherently empowering because again, it's just clothes. But I mean, it's cool that people view it differently. Always good to learn new views.

>> No.8777859

Has anyone seen the new Kota Bear video? What did you think?
I won't say much other than that I am the only person to dislike the video thus far, and I normally don't mind Kotas videos.

>> No.8777913

Well she pretty much said 'no, I paid more for this dress so you can pay to fix it'. I really regret this purchase now, is it worth disputing over a £17 repair?

>> No.8777917

Source on both of these. I would love to see the Bampire Romance dress.

>> No.8777918

Fuck that bitch, it's totally worth disputing. Especially when it was unmentioned, probably on purpose, and she was a bitch about it.

>> No.8777921

You can try, but if she doesn't accept through PP, they may have you send it back. You do get a choice at the end though. Good luck anon.

>> No.8777925

I never understood lolitas complaining about these things. If someone calls you Alice or a doll, they're just using what they know to compare you to. Sorry not every normie is well versed in incredibly niche and obscure fashion styles.

Also, some lolitas might honestly try and look sort of like dolls. Old school really had that vibe a lot. I don't get why some people have to act like the authority and get offended at random's comments.

>> No.8777929

Yeah...I don't get it. I think it's funny, the first time I went out in lolita, I got "Are you in a play?" and my mom has done the "doll"/"bo peep" thing a few times, but I don't get how it's offensive? Or upsetting? It's funny, that's it, really. I don't have this unrealistic expectation for everybody to know it's a fashion, especially when it entirely is very over the top for everyday attire.

>> No.8777944

You are within your right to dispute. It doesn't matter how much she paid for it, you didn't force her to sell it for below That and she misrepresented the item if she didn't list the damage. Has she admitted fault?

>> No.8777986

I'm hoping it was a genuine mistake. She acknowledged she didn't look the dress over before she sent it although she listed it as like mint, but her mentioning that she paid more than what I bought it for so I should just do it myself is strange.

I don't mind sending it back at this point, I haven't worn it just incase she tried to blame any damage on me wearing it

>> No.8777990


Thank you so much! Unfortunately an IW one will probably be pretty pricey/not easy to get a hold of but if one comes up when the time and price is right then I'd really like to get one. I'm in the US as well, which is great because I had been looking at a few Malco Modes pettis. If you would want to post photos, then I'd really appreciate it!

>> No.8778026

What kind of collar is this called? Just regular ruffled or ruff collar?

>> No.8778040

The Moitie dress was fixed for production though, it's only the photo in GLB that says Bampire

>> No.8778109

Saging for ot but just wanted to reply. Whilst I'm the same as you in that feminism doesn't play into literally every aspect of my life in the way it does some ott activists, I feel differently to where you suggested that things can't be feminine and feminist at the same time. I know that the whole idea of the feminist who argosy bakes cupcakes and makes bunting is seen as a very passe early 2000s thing (and is often mocked as counterproductive or too soft) but to me it's still alive and imo the idea that feminine things can't be feminist/progressive is very tumblr, and in a way slightly misogynistic is a sense. Of course this is just my own opinion and totally respect your right to yours, and also apologise if I've misunderstood yours altogether.

>> No.8778111
File: 662 KB, 3000x1967, petticoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some rushed shots.
I think I overestimated the level of poof it gives, but the petticoat has been in storage. Each JSK is a different fabric and increases in weight from left to right.

>> No.8778119

Mhhhh pretty much

>> No.8778125

Thank you, anon! It actually looks to be a tad bit less than what I'd like, so maybe I'll use that as a base as I shop around for a bit.

However, I think it looks great with that Moitie JSK, but that could be just because the fabric is heavy and holds some shape on its own?

>> No.8778130

I've always called it a ruff or Elizabethan ruff

>> No.8778145

You're awesome for sharing this, thanks!

>> No.8778146 [DELETED] 

That one is IW's Classical Flocky JSK. But I agree, it does have great shape on it's own.
I think if you layer it you might get better poof but the fact that I stored the petticoat poorly isn't doing it any favours.

Bets of luck with your search.

>> No.8778149

Personally I take it as a huge compliment when my normie friends see my lolita pictures and tell me I look like a doll. Porcelain dolls are gorgeous. If that's how they see me, I'll take it.

>> No.8778151

That one is IW's Classical Flocky JSK. But I agree, it does have great shape on it's own.
I think if you layer it you might get better poof but the fact that I stored the petticoat poorly isn't doing it any favours.

Best of luck with your search.

That's alright. If I get the time later I might take some better pictures and do up a proper collage.

>> No.8778165
File: 108 KB, 600x842, 1013320_10153802834947350_7034320572607235043_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-release time: http://yaplog.jp/ap-tokyo/archive/10000

I need to invest in one of these...

>> No.8778166

I've been breaking my head thinking of a "mature" hair style to go with an alice bow like pic for a coord I'm wearing on Christmas with no luck.
Suggestions and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8778171
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 72070737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic

>> No.8778178

>dress op still that high priced
i'll wait for the secondhand sales price drop

>> No.8778184

Updo, pref French twist with a side parting, wear the bow to the side. If you can't slide the bow then it might be better to just get a smaller head accesory.

>> No.8778187

Its a different OP cut??? Serious? Don't get me wrong I love princess sleeves but there used so fucking often. And I loved the other cut.

>> No.8778207

>i've been noticing this for the past few months, honestly. it's really weird. people are using a lot more of the typing style that is associated with tumblr, and it's becoming less taboo, among other things.

I kek when someone freaks out about desu filter.
The board is becoming super tumblr too, mostly because of the janitors. They banned CG for """""vendetta"""""

>> No.8778273

>The board is becoming super tumblr too, mostly because of the janitors
This isn't going to stop unless people complain en masse to the support email with print screens as proof etc. No salty lolitas ever take up janitor positions, and I feel like I'm the only one that emails in if a janitor is too out of line.
Complaining but not taking any action is what's tumblr. Rally some troops and make a change if you actually care.

>> No.8778298

Chinese gossip anon just got permabanned again too. WTF MODS?

>> No.8778304

Fuck it, Ill wear a different coord.

>> No.8778377

I've emailed and it feels like such a waste of time... Does anyone read them?

>> No.8778506

Yes, but 6000 yen is like $50. Very very low.

>> No.8778515

This 100 times.
Getting normies saying "you look like a doll!" Is actually a pretty nice compliment if you think about it.

it's so fucking embarrassing. Even when the person just says "you ladies look nice" she jams the entire history and aesthetic down their throats until they awkwardly shuffle away.

>> No.8778560

Seriously? It reminds me of that one carnival print that looked like bodyline shit.

>> No.8778593

Isn't /qa/ where everyone complains?

>> No.8778620

It's almost like they don't want us to gossip here.

>> No.8778624

What happens when you get charged a customs fee in the US? Do you get a letter with your package or before or do they call or what?

>> No.8778627


>> No.8778660

>I've never dealt with the man-spreading thing on public transport (and I use buses a lot)
I also take the bus a lot in various places in the US... here's the thing about some places - where I live now, no one wants to touch anyone else, so yeah, gender doesn't even come into play here, because no one wants to sit next to someone they don't really know except obvious problem people that you'll run into on public transit. I've never had to put up with the supposed man spread like other women claim - and none of my female friends have encountered. They didn't know it was a thing until I told them.

I've had things happen where someone was rather large and the bus was packed and they had no where else to sit so they sat next to me, but that's different.

I've also had drunk people try to sit on me.

Public transit is hell. And I live in Portland - I'm not sure where these girls are experiencing this here? This shit does not happen on the max. People fucking scatter on the max, everyone looks for their own little space until nothing is left and even then, most people will choose to stand rather than sit next to someone!

This is probably a thing else where in the world, but not in PDX.

>> No.8778680

Your comm needs to tell her to calm the fuck down.

>> No.8778690


>> No.8778719

new thread

>> No.8780463

I live in PDX and I think it's a thing. I'm not an SJW, either. The other day, I sat next to a guy who was spreading his legs and taking up part of one of two seats (next to the only empty nearby seat) and when I bumped into him I started to apologize before realizing how stupid it was to apologize to him when he was the one taking up space for no real reason but to air his dick out. I don't think it's a major issue or anything but it does happen.

>> No.8780934

I got a bill in the mail for my customs fee, after the package was delivered. $50 on around $250. Considering it's the only time I've ever been hit with customs I guess it could have been worse.