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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8768042 No.8768042 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any good safety tips for congoing? Aside from "don't dress like a whore" I mean. Something more practical and less obvious.

>> No.8768046

jesus christ you can see her asshole

>> No.8768051

Not slut shaming, for one thing.

>> No.8768055

Upon entering a convention, take your time to look at a map with your friends to designate a meet up spot. Commit to a time to meet up, and be there. This is especially important if you're like me, and your phone dies in the blink of an eye. Make sure you keep your bag to the front, pickpockets do exist at cons. Try to bring an additional safety pin for your badge so you can reinforce it on your clothes. Some places only give you a bullshit clip that does NOTHING if someone rams into you.

Hope that helps! Use condoms!

>> No.8768058

this has cosplay shit: http://paranoidsbible.tumblr.com/library

also smaller cons tend to be better for first cons

>> No.8768062

called cosplay safety and you

>> No.8768086

>blue board

>> No.8768089

this is a blue board OP, delete your file please

>> No.8768091

Blue board

It will save your life, use the guidebook app, download the convention schedule. It'll alert you of panels or events up to 2 hours in advance. Pack your own snacks, in your badge, or on your person, have a list of any/all severe medical complications you have as well as medicines you are currently on. In the event of an emergency, it can save your life.

If people say they'll meet you at a certain time, 9 times out of 10, they'll be late. Expect it. Always carry a phone charger.

>> No.8768092

It's censored. The openings anyway. Tunamelt chan has shown worse imo.

>> No.8768133
File: 60 KB, 426x364, 1449467213403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i luv u

>> No.8768135

Regarding what? Sex? General safety? Hygiene?

-Sex: Always use protection. Always check for ID, I don't care how unsexy it is, cons are filled with crazy jailbait and just crazies in general. Don't trust anyone. Always use protection.

-General safety and care: Buddy system. Rendezvous points. Have a hotel key. Keep your phone charged. Keep important belongings on your person. Never leave valuables unattended, especially in your hotel room and especially especially if you're rooming with randos. Don't drink unopened drinks. Always stay hydrated. Eat actual food.

Hygiene: Shower at least once a day. Wash your hands frequently. Carry hand sanitizer with you. Eat at reputable establishments. It doesn't need a michelin star, but don't risk a sketchy gas station joint either.

>> No.8768144

i come to blue boards so i dont have to see this shit gdi

>> No.8768148 [DELETED] 

Bring your gun so if some fuck trys to reach in your pocket you can cool him off.

>> No.8768155

-Always bring one of those portable phone charges that cost only 6$

-Make sure you go to autograph signings first if it's a big con cause the signers do take breaks and lines are over an hour wait cause nerds want special snowflake messages

- All cons that say no outside food or
drink never check your bags anyway so you can bring a candy dragon dildo ( on sale now for the holidays) and they'll never know.

- never bug sitting cosplayers

- if you have to fart then fart by an ugly person and people will always suspect them first. If you are the ugly person who has to fart then Ewwww Gross.

- check more then 1 map for fast food joints. I made this mistake and walked 4 blocks for something I saw was 1 block away otw back

- Lose 35 pounds

- if you're wanna stare at women's breasts then bring shades so they don't notice

- If a dance is happening at the con then it's usually party up front and business in the back if you're looking to score some lsd

>> No.8768434

I'd like to see the OP's image pls

>> No.8768441

You are a God among anons.

>> No.8768464

Look it up in the archives. It's not that exciting tho.

>> No.8769758

135 pounds

>> No.8769769


It was two girls showing their asses.

>> No.8769802

- Know the area of where you're staying. Google Maps helps. Be careful when walking at night. Stay in well-lit/touristy areas, don't go wandering off. Walk with friends if possible.

- Don't let strangers into your room. Don't have roommates who let strangers in your room. Hang out in a mutual place. Don't let strangers isolate you - anything could happen.

- Don't accept open drinks or share drinks from strangers. Worst case: could be drugged. Likely: catch con plague.

- Don't bring any unnecessary valuables/anything sentimental you would miss. Stuff can be stolen or lost. Carry your cash & ID/License on you at all times.

- Secure your badge by any means necessary- some people go so far as to zip-tie their badge down. If you don't need your badge (ex:you leave the con to go eat), put it away someplace safe to avoid dropping it.

- If you have health conditions, you should notify people who are there. Let them know what might happen to you & what they should do if you are ill. You should have information on you about your condition(s), medication(s), contact info, etc on you at all times. Have contact info for someone who is local; don't give them your relatives info who live 2 states away.

- If you bring electronics, have the information about those electronics written down somewhere in case it gets lost. Might not hurt to have an info tag on your electronics with your name/phone number on it, too. Some people even write their name & phone number on a piece of paper clearly then take a picture of that to identify their camera/phone. Lost & found might have your camera, but saying "it's the silver one" is less helpful than "it's a Canon model 900t."

- Make sure someone at home knows your flight/travel info and your hotel (address/phone number). Write it all down and leave it in your bedroom. If an emergency happens, the info is there.

If something does not feel right, don't go against your gut instinct. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.8769820

Don't trust your roomates, especially when it comes to money. I've had my money skimmed on more than one occasion by greedy roommates who blew all their money in the dealer room or didn't bring enough to cover food expenses.

>> No.8774056

As someone who has helped staff a smaller con, I want to emphasize the "If you have medical problems let people know", preferably everyone your with and the people in security/operations.