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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 600x412, british_royal_family_picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8762272 No.8762272 [Reply] [Original]

Good job, everybody, you fucked the last thread so hard the entire thing was deleted.

Try not to fuck this one, too.

>> No.8762399

What happened? I went out and suddenly it's been deleted??

>> No.8762482

Photog circlejerk

More collages please people

>> No.8762884

This thread:
>more competition discussion
>event discussion
>what are people working on

Stfu about:
>circlejerk of any sort
>KJ, Tabitha and Stacey

>> No.8763041

Well, it comes with the territory. The only cosplayers you hear about are the ones who put themselves out there...to get known, regardless how it's done (no names mentioned but we all know who they are). They, ofcourse have their own circlejerk togs, who are just as bad within the cosplay community, as deletion of the entire thread has shown.

>> No.8763064

nominations for UK cosplay/convention awards is up

>> No.8763104

I really don't understand why the thread was deleted.

>> No.8763110

Who really pays attention to this rubbish?

>> No.8763253

Please some else do a collage, I did the last one. It takes like ten minutes at a push if you're fussy about photos.

>> No.8763264


It's also run by Animeleague so 9/10 I expect them to win a lot of notable awards

>> No.8763274

What were the collages of?

>> No.8763284

Unknown cosplayers, basically people other than the 5 people who get discussed here at length. Anyone you like or think is a qt/hot/talented.

>> No.8763332

And guess what. It'll end up being selfpost and the cosplayers shown will get targeted. No friend would like to be shown here. It's fucking 4chan, but i know, good intention, bad idea.

>> No.8763343

You think someone is talented etc, then go support them on their social media. Go share their work in their social media, comment and let them know you like their stuff. Posting them here is doing the complete opposite.

>> No.8763345

Yes. "Friends don't post friends".

I hear i56 was a shitfail for cosplay and certain cosplayer guests made complete dickheads of themselves. So that's another con we can strike off the happy list. What have we got next? LAC for larger cons, correct?

>> No.8763349


iSeries isn't a con...its a LAN. For gaming/esports. Why the hell are people even cosplaying for it?

>> No.8763350

because they have cosplay guests and panels and a competition you fucking retard

>> No.8763352

It doesn't have to be your friends..? Also when I posted my collage no-one called self post and people appreciated seeing people other than KJ. It worked two days ago, check the archives.

>> No.8763353

what did they do?

>> No.8763356

'Cosplay guests' is that what they're calling them, shit tier bought crap and halffinished props?

>> No.8763360


Literal trash cosplayers. who are any of them because they're all shit. imagine being judged by that shit in the comp how disheartening would that be for people to say those shit show cosplayers were better than you
theyre about as talented as a MT jizz stain

>> No.8763362

this one was particularly bad yes, but the one earlier in the year was alright

>> No.8763363

Wow what got you so angry?

>> No.8763365

because of how much Costume and play have fucked up

They made all the guests sleep on the convention floor because the leader made the hotel budget go missing

>> No.8763366

Did they have better guests earlier in the year?

>> No.8763369

......On the convention floor.....

>> No.8763373

Sleeping bags

thats why they had shit guests because only desperate cosfame needys are willing to do that

>> No.8763377

Kelly Jean, Anna S Cosplay and Captain Amelia and a couple of others. Not the most amazing, but at least the majority can made decent costumes

>> No.8763383

this is joke right? Cant see KJ or Tabitha sleeping on the floor

>> No.8763392

nah sempai that was the previous one
it's the one just passed that the trash was on the floor

>> No.8763426

No amount of free promotion would get me sleeping on a con floor.

>> No.8763432

For those of you not familiar with Insomnia, most of the patrons sleep on the floor under/near their desks it's part of the LAN ""experience""

>> No.8763434

Like mention, you have good intention, i understand, but this will lead to someone getting posted whom may not like to be posted here and they end up getting picked on. How you know the people you posted didn't already get targeted by trollers already?

>> No.8763444

Sleep on the gaming floor? They really know how to look after guests then.

>> No.8763446

It's because it's a gaming con. Most people who attend, don't sleep, just nap..living on energy drinks, BBQ wings and pizza.

>> No.8763451


>> No.8763455

I would like to call it, gaming paradise.

>> No.8763464

Who chooses the guests for Insomnia and why is one of the cosplay judges a little kid?


>> No.8763480

Insomnia is like the only event costume and play are in charge of cosplay wise anymore. DOn't know why they didn't pick better people

>> No.8763483


>> No.8763524

most likely fucking the organisers

>> No.8763579

Apparently a bunch of Insomnia staff are REAL pissed at Kelly Jean. Not sure what went on exactly, only thing we're 100% on is she ditched a panel and got super wasted. Sounds like there may be more to it but it's hard to get hold of all the staff this soon with everybody traveling back. Either way there's word they won't have her as a guest again and they're considering not having other cosplay guests again, too. Like this might be the last time they promote any cosplay stuff at an Insomnia.

If it's true then this just makes me wonder even more about how and why particular people keep being invited to guest cons. They're either pretty small time and I can't imagine they draw a crowd or they're big time and mess the con around. Why book Kitty Brooker and Esti who surely don't increase ticket sales? Why keep tolerating Nigri and Kelly after they no show?

>> No.8763602

If Kitty Brooker was a worth while cosplayer, all the cosplay togs will be lined up to shoot her. I don't see that.

>> No.8763605

Infact, i've seen more cosplay togs shoot Eevee then her, now thats saying something.

>> No.8763606

are you suggesting that uk togs only photography good cosplayers because i have some news for you

>> No.8763608

It's more the fact she is so unknown in the cosplay comm that the togs don't shoot her, thats what im saying and inviting her to be a cosplay guest is a joke. You might as well invite some random girl in the street as a cosplay guest, no?

>> No.8763625

Yet she's guesting at several cons. So there's got to be something there?

>> No.8763640

She's desperate. And it's been proven the organisers have no clue what they're doing. They only see page likes and don't bother to check out the content.

>> No.8763659

Eevee got to be a judge at cosplay parades, do you think she has 10% of the knowledge and skill of some of the cosplayers out there?

>> No.8763675

No, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just trying to figure out what it is organisers see in many of these guests.

>> No.8763684

because it's not like many of them even have any likes?

>> No.8763699

God knows, they seem to just pick random ones, rather than actually do some proper research into who they invite as guests so it seems.

>> No.8763712

Im part of the committee for 2 of the conventions shes guesting at, she messaged the convention facebook pages asking to be a guest because of her large fan base blah blah, it was a copy pasted message so don't know what other conventions she sent it to.
I advised against having her a guest but the people running it are middle aged men so you can guess their opinion on her.

>> No.8763731

Thanks for clarify this, thought that was the case. Well, credit where credit is due, the fact she did at very least sent application to be a guest then she deserves to be at least considered, rather than sitting there doing nothing, but my point still stands in terms of a being classed as a "cosplay guest". She really doesn't fit into that title as it's pretty insulting to those who have been cosplaying for years and attended alot more cons and better well known as an actual cosplayer.

>> No.8763733

I think we sould all vote for liam spooner to win the cosplay awards.

>> No.8763739

Hes already been given press passes before (bet all the cosplay togs who didn't get it be like jelly af. So hell why not, while we're here, let him run president.

>> No.8763761

Yeah that was my argument, I can name 10+ smaller cosplayers off the top of my head that would be better guests. She had the cheek to ask about payment as well.

>> No.8763762

Can we hear your list? I'd be interested in hearing about lesser known cosplayers

>> No.8763781

Riot Cosplay, Ribbons Cosplay, Emizone, Felixize, Van Helen, PopcornKuma, Speckles Cosplay off the top of my head

>> No.8763795

spooner for president

>> No.8763965


I had to mute her on facebook, I was getting tired of seeing her shit everywhere.

>> No.8764068

>tfw even the bias of being a friend and acquaintance of two of them doesn't help you understand how the fuck they're guests

>I cosplayed a Zombie

>> No.8764818

Felixize quit cosplay so I doubt she will be guesting any time soon lol

>> No.8764823
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>> No.8764844

I would pay a lot of money to go to a con chaired by Spooner. Just fucking imagine it. It'd be like the last days of the Roman Empire.

>> No.8764869

I'm fairly certain it is, if she doesn't cosplay anymore why would she want to go to a convention to be a cosplay judge?

>> No.8764870
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>> No.8764908

Free trip? See friends? Have fun? You know the other stuff to do at cons.

>> No.8764913

But, she does cosplay. Why would you think she's quit?

>> No.8765007
File: 881 KB, 998x988, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, 3 cosplayers you like and 3 cosplayers you wish would go away.

i really like kyokyo cosplays megabeth bob and lisa marie. and i'm sick of eevee demorafairy and kitty brooker

>> No.8765010

I'm so salty about that shot of Eevee, the location looks nice and it's a nice photo, but any tog that does a shoot with Eevee should be treated with the disdain they deserve.
>way too salty about Eevee getting more tog interest than me

>> No.8765038

Because she cosplays.

>> No.8765055

Wow I never realised how awful the middle costume is until now.
Trying to be a pokemon but it's nothing like it

>> No.8765072

The top middle is entering the LSCC comp right? Should be good

>> No.8765106


yeah, she'd going cersei with helen alice cosplay. i heard eevee and demorafairy are too.

>> No.8765130

eevee and demorafairy entering bro I hope their skits are the middle ones so we can have a pee break

>> No.8765134

Like it or not Eevee is becoming more and more a relevant UK cosplayer. Something most of the favourites mentioned on here just dream about.

>> No.8765137

Yeah, I aspire to be the laughing stock of every Britfag thread.

>> No.8765149

why has no one egged her yet

>> No.8765167

well I guess buying my Facebook likes and spamming my cosplay page on MCM group is something I need to do more of then

It's fake fame, don't act as if she has any of this attention through being skilled

>> No.8765168

It's just a small group on here being salty

>> No.8765194

Where'd you hear about eevee and demora fairy? that'll be a laugh

>> No.8765216

This. Being posted here isn't something cosplayers aspire to or even want. If you enjoy someone's work so much, go comment on their page, share their work, send the page to your friends so they can like it. Don't post cosplayers here if you respect them.

>> No.8765218

I have no fucking clue how Eevee gets any likes. Her makeup is terrible, not to mention her excuses for cosplays

>> No.8765224

are there any uk cosplayers with good makeup though let's be real they're all shit at it

>> No.8765251

Sands and Masubi do it fine. Not especially good, but fine.

>> No.8765254

i'm talking good though not fine. There are plenty of people a LOT worse than eevee.

>> No.8765274


Give examples of good cosplay make up. Noctuid is good at make up even if she sucks at everything else

>> No.8765275

if you mean noctis then youre wrong that is photoshop

>> No.8765283

also the only pics of her with noticable makeup are done by a professional mua

>> No.8765291
File: 191 KB, 640x909, Ladyshooptits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8765294

is that supposed to be an example of her ~makeup skillz~ because i have something to tell you

>> No.8765301
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Ok point taken I just thought some of her selfies were cute

>> No.8765307
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>> No.8765316


Still not bad makeup....

>> No.8765322
File: 39 KB, 533x800, thebluesideofthemoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8765323

You're talking rubbish, there are plenty that manage to use make up really well.

>> No.8765326
File: 74 KB, 960x540, 11209418_982559618421362_4960743803639557664_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about good make-up is generally it's not noticed, which I suppose is kind of the point? Bad make up stands out, but good make-up just looks normal. Or else it's not really "good make-up" but minimal make-up on an attractive face.

Speaking of which, these out-of-character and pretty messy wings pop up on my feed every now and again and rustle my jimmies.

>> No.8765338
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 12308652_444922642380088_3072117080215011434_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will the jessica jones hype die

>> No.8765344

That's like saying when will the Stars Wars hype die. Don't like something some one else does? Ignore it.

>> No.8765347

The 'Princess' cosplayers are the worst, especially the one on the right, didn't her Jack Sparrow cosplay boyfriend cheat on her?

>> No.8765352

Deets? On princess drama and that particular story.

>> No.8765357

Can't confirm, only rumours, but I did hear he cheated on her with another Princess

>> No.8765359

Star wars has been around a bit longer than JJ though.

JJ seems to be the flavour of the month costume for the cosplayers who always do flavour of the month characters.

>> No.8765360

That double chin. What happened? all her older model photos didn't have the chub.

>> No.8765362

People don't photoshop con floor photos that's what happened.

>> No.8765363

People can cosplay who they want to really

>> No.8765366

Can confirm, had been screwing the owner of the party company she worked for for months before they got found out.

>> No.8765367

Yeah and suddenly she gained 6 dress sizes the second she entered the con hall.

>> No.8765370
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 12345873_738305642938229_607365296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually like the stuff from Carlos but this is too much. Her eyes are fucking creepy!

>> No.8765371

Shit. Didn't her gran and her rabbit die recently too? Fuck, imagine having to go to work with the person your bf cheated on you with and pretend to be a princess.

>> No.8765375

Oh dear, Tascha. Oh dear oh dear.

>> No.8765378

Wait. This is not a drawing?

>> No.8765381

the usual

>> No.8765383

Literally every single element of that is awful. What the fuck where they thinking.

>> No.8765393

Ah I've just seen the names in the corner.....

>> No.8765439

she's too cartoony and the background is too realistic. Taschas come full circle.

>> No.8765512

she claims she has a 26 inch waist. ha

>> No.8765521

Maybe she means 26" thigh?

>> No.8765532

>Purple port stats
>9st 5lbs

Also says shes waist trained 18" corsets

>> No.8765546

lol omg

>> No.8765568

At least she consistent with her lies all over the internet

>> No.8765569

Like for real all her other photos are photoshopped to oblivion. She doesn't share anything on fb where she looks like she does in real life

>> No.8765570

Any chance were done talking about Lady No-Tits and we can move onto more interesting things? If not can we at least find some new shitty cosplayers

>> No.8765571

Bro get it right it's Lady ShopTits.

>> No.8765573

Anyone found a none photo shoot pic of her Furiosa yet?

>> No.8765574

I'd say lying gets you nowhere but she's clearly doing alright for herself

>> No.8765578

don't think she ever had any photos taken of it

>> No.8765586

Suggest a topic bro

>> No.8765599

Still the best Battle Grimace Cosplay I have ever seen

>> No.8765602

only other thing to talk about atm are the lscc competitors desu

>> No.8765605

Isn't it all Disney this year? Yawn

>> No.8765610

is it?

>> No.8765617

Some others
Xena and Gabrielle
Some other Marvel stuff
Tauriel and Legolas
Cersei and Margaery
And an Ultron Build I think is entering too.
Gaming stuff is allowed too this year I think and thats what Kenny and Kerry are doing.

>> No.8765626

I heard they weren't entering. Which would be nice since they do the same thing every time and it feels like ground hog day,

>> No.8765640

relevant seeing as their costumes this year were literally from a film with groundhog day's concept

>> No.8765689

Wait, I don't get it. If the people involved liked it/want it to look like that, then what's the problem?

>> No.8765720

She has photoshopped her nose off. It is just all painted and smoothed over so much it looks so unnatural.

>> No.8765733

Its so smoothed off even the guns turn to a bar of soap.

>> No.8765739

All the photos you see noctis posts are paid shoots and very edited. She pays around few hundred a piece. She is so delusioned to think people don't know that. If you read her fan base they're absolutely cluess about the fact she looks nothing like she does in the professionally altered photos.

>> No.8765740

why would they be anything but clueless though? Can't blame them when she doesn't let any unedited photo exist

>> No.8765747

Everything is bad, that's the problem. If you are happy with shit then good for you

>> No.8765751

You will find thats not the case. When the photographer (who ever the one listed is) takes the photo. They already had in mind what they wanted the photo to look. Then i presume a third party (being an editor) either asks the photographer/cosplayer if they can use the photo for an edit they have in mind. The editor then does their thing and then the final result. Neither the cosplayer or photographer has a saying if they actual like the final product. But heres the crunch....they still have to praise it even if they don't like it to save face for the editor (especially if they are friends) , or just try and brush it under the carpet.

>> No.8765754

>especially if they are friends
i think being friends would give them more reason to tell them it's shit

>> No.8765756

Except they do as posted, but her fans dont see them unless they specifically look at the photogs page social media. And if her fanbase is all outside uk they will never see her in RL. So from that i would say her fanbase is outside of uk as anyone whos uk based would have seen the huge painful difference in photo to reality.

>> No.8765759

to be honest she looks so different irl that i think people wouldn't recognise her if they did see her at a con

>> No.8765761

If you want to be out of the circlejerk then thats what you would normally do.

>> No.8765763

Yes, theres that too. Unless she posts what shes wearing at con and someone decides to go look out for her, but even then they may not think that is her but rather someone cosplaying same character.

>> No.8765769

That watermark needs to be bigger.

>> No.8766688
File: 353 KB, 2048x1536, 12038603_10156115659395394_6033095497279372579_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one i can find

>> No.8766719

You are a hero

>> No.8766753

her arm is as big as Max's thigh

>> No.8766779

oh lordy...is she really that wide.

>> No.8766797

But you know shes 38 26 39

>> No.8766816

Clearly his princess was in another castle... I'll see myself out

>> No.8766822

Why is there cosplay at insomnia? It's a gaming convention, not a special snowflake parade.

>> No.8766828
File: 92 KB, 459x739, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I didn't realise there was so much difference. Compared to pic attached which is one of her photoshoot pics.

>> No.8766829

Surprised they don't have a "gaming cosplay only" rule to at least keep the costumes relevant

>> No.8766877

her face looks so different

>> No.8766878

I wonder what the Photorapher thinks when a completely different looking model turns up.

>> No.8766882

i'd send her home to be honest

>> No.8766891

I'm guessing you saw that on a certain board where someone supposedly from the staff complained about it. All of the accusations have been refuted, it was just someone talking out of their arse.

I saw the Zonda stream that person was talking about and I'm just in two minds about her being drunk since she did sound pretty stupefied the whole time.

Anyway, to your question: these people don't necessarily no-show all the time and they bring in people and therefore ticket sales. It's as simple as that. If they have ads during their streams they possibly also bring more ad revenue due to their following.

>> No.8766962

Her head and neck has been reshaped and ends up looking like a rugby ball

>> No.8766995
File: 146 KB, 720x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like the same cosplay never mind the same girl, tog might has well have got another model

>> No.8767005

Did they make her arm longer?

>> No.8767014

nah i think her shoulder is just slouched in the first pic

>> No.8767030

Made her neck longer so probably

>> No.8767078

That's a different person. Even the hair is different.

>> No.8767086

I forgot that hair doesn't grow

>> No.8767114

anyone have that montage pic of the guests at LAGC?

>> No.8767117

Nope same person. She even describes herself as a 'petite' model. I presume she means short.

>> No.8767140
File: 13 KB, 400x400, lagcguests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8767146

nope same person 100%. Just with photoshop

>> No.8767147

ha its funny as its ture

>> No.8767150


>> No.8767168

unlike the guests

>> No.8767192

they added hollita today ... yep class cosplay there not

>> No.8767194

Late reply I've been out of the country for work- but she deleted her cosplay page and hasn't cosplayed since last year?
That's why I'd say she's quit.

>> No.8767205

This is just sad. Why shoop all your photos like that if you're going to stay fat.

Either lose the weight to look how you want, or accept you're a fatty.

>> No.8767212


>> No.8767218

LAGC cosplay guests so far:
Lindsay Elyse
Khloe Khaos
Kalli Mack Cosplay
EJ Allen
Heroes of Geek
Demorafairy Cosplay

>> No.8767226

that's not tooo bad. some decent costume makers

>> No.8767238

She posts on her Twitter about making costumes for next year though. She probably just got fed up with facebook.

>> No.8767241

wish noctis would do that

>> No.8767270

Oh okay I only follow cosplayers on facebook and I assumed since Emi-Zone had done a lot of groups and events without her she had quit.

>> No.8767287
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Any thoughts?

>> No.8767314
File: 548 KB, 1400x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit late but three I'm sick of:
Kenny cosplay
Hayley smith
Lady noctis

Three I wanna see more of:
Pipa wolf

>> No.8767315

Can't see it being very popular so close to the MCM. The guests for these anime league things are always crap anyway

>> No.8767320

Pipa Wolf is actually a decent cosplayer. Seen some really great work done by her

>> No.8767328

That Katniss looks like Cher

>> No.8767329

What is this wizardry? The resemblance is uncanny. It's amazing what you can do by putting makeup around your nose

>> No.8767334

All her makeup looks like Cher, she's shit

>> No.8767350

But Kenny is so funny and so random! I can't wait to see what he does next

>> No.8767360

I think you meant repetitive

>> No.8767369

Serious poses, followed by dance.

lol so randumb

It's a damn shame though, cause he really is a skilled cosplayer. He just doesn't seem to realise that it's one thing to be silly around friends, another in competition.

He needs to serious up a little and stop thinking he's the absolute height of comedy.

>> No.8767370

Actually I was told about it on Facebook by three separate people. One of them helps organise some of the cosplay and culture stuff for Insomnia. I have another friend who works for Multiplay itself who I've asked but I've not had a reply back yet.

>> No.8767372

I really like Pippa's work. And she seems lovely in person.

>> No.8767408

Not had the pleasure but saw her compete in Euro qualifiers, always impressed with what she comes out with

>> No.8767414

Agreed, I've met her a couple of times this year and she was so sweet!

>> No.8767465

Am loving these collages. Keep em coming people. Would love to see some more under 10k cosplayers

>> No.8767644

Funny that the "ones we want less of" on the colleges are mostly 10k+s

>> No.8767659

Why don't you just find the UK togs pages and look through their gallery for cosplayers.

>> No.8767662

cont....oh forgot they only shoot circlejerks and ones that have 10k+ likes. My bad.

>> No.8767676

at least animeleague get a decent voice actor for the bigger events which is more than some cons do.I met Caitlin Glass and Cristina Vee before

>> No.8767689

Cosplay guests seem to have nothing to do with anime though, not heard of most of them either

>> No.8767709
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>> No.8767838


This is perfect.

>> No.8768200

This. In all honesty it looks like the same circle jerk self posting.

>> No.8768245

Weird. On /snow/ she said that Multiplay is happy with her.

>> No.8768251

She's trying to find out who is talking behind her back among the cosplay staff. From what she said in the thread over at lolcow she'll probably get your friend fired if she's the one who spilled the beans there.

>> No.8768271

It's not like one, two or even ten people can represent the feelings of a company, let alone can their opinions represent how the company will operate. There could easily be some Multiplay staff who are pissed off with her and some who really like her. From the sound of it most of the complaints are coming from Insomnia-specific staff rather than general Multiplay staff, any way. I mean the words I were told were "we're all irate", "we" being Insomnia staff.

I've only just read the lolcow thing before coming here and I doubt that's anyone I know. Doesn't write like any of them and nobody I know seems that personally invested in it.

The picture I'm starting to piece together is maybe she pissed off a couple of staff and they tend to band together, so perhaps a lot of the Insomnia staff have complained about her but only one or two are really angry about it and the rest are just supporting them, and Multiplay maybe think it's less of a deal? I'm still waiting on juicy deets from some people, but that's the kind of scenario I'm starting to think is going on. The fury seems to have died down a little since Monday morning.

>> No.8768460
File: 506 KB, 1400x1400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one, all under 10k

Pixie cake face
Beyond believing

Teacup Erinyes

>> No.8768499

10/10 would bang teraana

>> No.8768501

whats up whits brit photograpers?
why they are so shit?

>> No.8768512

??? Beyond believing is really talented though

>> No.8768528

Not op but her stuff is ill fitting and often rushed/roughly finished. She's not bad but there's better around

>> No.8768532

There may be better but that doesn't mean she should be classed as someone who should 'go away'
Her Hiccup and Arya are amazing and extremely well made

>> No.8768536


her black widow is a little loose but her other stuff is amazing? and she made that from scratch unlike most bw cosplayers?????

>> No.8768548

Op here. I just don't like her. That's it. This was my list feel free to make your own.

Though now you've said it the black widow is baggy and her hiccup wig was awful

>> No.8768594
File: 219 KB, 900x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we think about these girls?
Good group or are they gonna look like a state?

>> No.8768605

Her costumes are a mess, rushed half jobs

>> No.8768611
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>> No.8768613
File: 206 KB, 2048x1365, 12183995_481402922038285_7839023617982978015_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong again

>> No.8768616
File: 96 KB, 640x960, 12208827_481525462026031_3984027126695957832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and again

>> No.8768619
File: 79 KB, 640x960, 11130267_407457639432814_634031705559058585_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wrong

>> No.8768620
File: 394 KB, 2048x1357, 11034463_408288189349759_4618551270441232979_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but shes one of the few talented uk cosplayers that doesnt rely on tit and ass.

>> No.8768632

Wow. Nice self multiple self post there.

>> No.8768637

Literally who.

>> No.8768648

She's hit and miss. I presume that's her on the left which isn't all such a clean costume. Why is the right one wearing jeans?!

>> No.8768655

>>8768637 I love that people say things like this about under 10k cosplayers when they're posted here. That's the whole point in people posting them, idiot. Unless you want to talk about the same old people for another 10 threads.

>> No.8768663

Well if you know then say who they are and maybe I can look them up?

>> No.8768674

well they're all bffs with each other so who knows, it could either be amazing or there will be dramu between them

>> No.8768679

That's a Cosplay Sky costume. She didn't make that one.

>> No.8768688

Kyokyo is incredibly annoying.

>> No.8768693

Really? When I met her she seemed really friendly

>> No.8768695

It was literally posted above your comment and there was a discussion about her. It's Beyond Believing Cosplay.

>> No.8768699

Yeah she's literally the nicest person ever

>> No.8768703

She's a backstabbing fraud.

>> No.8768705

What do people think of Catlin Cosplay?

>> No.8768714

And do you actually have any proof she's a back stabbing fraud? Seems salty to me

>> No.8768715

do share

>> No.8768716


>> No.8768717

Just stating an opinion, think what you like. It's not hard to find shit on her. Also learn to reply properly.

>> No.8768721

Isn't she the one who accused her ex of being a pedophile?

>> No.8768724

Had to look her up, resting bitch face in every single photo on her facbk banner, but can people start posting a photo of who they're talking about, sometimes helps

>> No.8768725

So you don't actually have anything? Deffo super salty. Also, my phone might be shit at using 4chan but you're still full of salt

>> No.8768728

Who hasn't done that though?

>> No.8768738

I'd like to stay anonymous, spilling juice would make her realise that I'm not her friend. If calling anons salty makes your dreams come true, carry on friend.

>> No.8768740

Give us something at least

>> No.8768741

Why are you her friend (and want to stay friends) if you don't like her?

>> No.8768751

>I'm still waiting on juicy deets from some people,

Me too. I'm curious about some stuff that was mentioned.

>> No.8768752


That sums it up for me. Only interested in "cosfamous" people

>> No.8768782

??? who even they are.
i mean, it looks like the same face photocopied 9 times over.
It's gonna be a state, for starters that's the ugliest set of costumes I've ever seen and those girls are nothing on the eyes.
( and there's like what 7 full groups of love live costumes per convention? boring.)

>> No.8768784 [DELETED] 

She posts all the pictures of her making stuff and doesn't photoshop how could she be a fraud?

And if you masquerading as her friend that I feel sorry for her because you have one hell of a vendetta and nothing to back it. Seems like your the backstabbing fraud, posting on here with no evidence. Classy.

>> No.8768790

All the togs who are good or get good also get tired of the circlejerk and the low effort yet high demands of UK cosplayers, so they fuck off to do other things. The only togs who hang around are the scrubs who have equally low standards as the cosplayers.

Name a British tog who is good and then look up how long they stuck around cosplay before moving on. Now think of a British tog who is bad and look up how long they've been around.

>> No.8768792

I was going to say, their faces all look really similar....

>> No.8768793

She posts pictures of her making stuff and doesn't photoshop so how could she be a fraud?

And if you're masquerading as her friend then I feel sorry for her because you have one hell of a vendetta and nothing to back it.

Seems like you're the backstabbing fraud, posting on here with no evidence. Classy.

>> No.8768827

Kyokyo is lovely! Shes funny and super talented. Gets two thumbs up from me.

>> No.8768854

I think the one on the far right might be yuka cosplay, but I have no idea who the rest are

>> No.8768866

I only recognise Yuka, Exelia who was mentioned in the last thread, and Emizone - I think that's Isamiaella too?
To be fair, talent-wise they're the best love live group I've seen come together in the UK. Until they make their outfits I suppose that remains to be seen whether the others keep their high standards.

>> No.8768870

The Kotori is PopcornKuma who has done a few LL groups before if i remember
she was the only one in her Snow Halation crew i didn't vomit upon seeing

>> No.8768893

ehh, I looked up some of those girls and they look pretty decent skill wise -- and hey, at least it'll be different than the dozens of taobao bought stuff.

But it's going to be interested to see the difference between the good ones, and well ... the average ones.

I'm going to vomit on their costumes anyway though that design is absolutely fucking disgusting, I have never met a single L!L fan that likes valentines vol. 1 series for good fucking reason. And as long as they don't form another fucking dance group we'll be fine, there's already like 3 competing at may now.

When will idol hell end.

>> No.8768924


No they don't. You're not allowed to sleep at/under your desk. I series is great, but not a con. Looking forward to March!

>> No.8768928

I suppose that's a matter of taste, i vastly prefer valentines vol.1 to say, snow halation?
i think they should look fairly smart as a group of nine, too, the costumes are very uniform

but it will like you say, seperate the good cosplayers from the average ones...

>> No.8768934

Costume and Play staff, specifically Jess Banks were bitching about her. The actual Multiplay staff didn't have any issues.

Internal politics are that Costume and Play book all the cosplay guests, except for Kelly Jean who is booked by Multiplay higher ups (ie: C&P have no choice in whether she guests or not). They resented this and her "attitude".

Costume and Play are overall being pretty daft over this as they can ill afford to lose their remaining company they do cosplay for, after being sacked from Showmasters.

>> No.8768950


Cosplayers from left to right:
Charlie-Bear on CI
Leolarua (forgot her FB page name)
Aranel Cosplay

>> No.8768953

Would bang x9

>> No.8768960


4 WCS reps, 3 ECG reps, 4 CCCC reps.

Seems like a stacked group.

>> No.8768969

Jess is dodgy as fuck anyway - says one thing to one person and one thing to another. Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to undermine Kelly to gain control of cosplay guests fully. Then again this IS Kelly who does a pretty good job at undermining herself lol.

>> No.8768974

Jess was trying to get her removed as a guest and telling everyone she's a camwhore. I think she thought she had a lot more say on the guests and likes to be in charge but they just ignored her

>> No.8768978

The one you're unsure of is Felixize, she represented the UK in WCS with Emzone

>> No.8768980

wtf theres only 9 people in the group

>> No.8768985

Damn I actually have met her that picture doesn't look like her at all.

I think the idea is that some of them have entered multiple competitions lol.

>> No.8768988

One rep can be a rep for something else as well... e.g. Emzone did ECS and C4.

>> No.8768993

all in all, they're probably going to have good costumes, some of them really don't have the look of the characters and ( like most non-asian UK cosplayers) lack good make up skills but to see if they stick out from the other l!l cosplays of Cyber, Maid, bokura wa ima no naka de, school uniforms, movie and the other 5 full love live groups planned for may expo alone is a different question

Even with all that skill, I have a doubt they'll stand out much -- if they even pull it together in time. ( but if they do, I'm sure they'll look somewhat tight.)

>> No.8768998

Jess is a controlfreak. Showmasters had a LOT of issues with her.... higher-ups were unhappy how she ran the stage but she refuse to listen to them & she demand to pick expensive guests from aboard as well as threaten other crew.... she was sacked for that reason and her hole team were offered to stay on... very manipulative person...

>> No.8769030

*This* sounds correct. Why am I not surprised? *sigh* I mean, really..

>> No.8769413

That would fit in with what I've heard back.

The short version is there actually was several different complaints lodged about Kelly Jean throughout the weekend but nothing to the extent of the uproar we've heard about.

It looks like a few bitter staff saw the handful of complaints and decided to take the opportunity to play it up as if it was a much bigger deal than it was.

I can't be certain but I'm being told by one source that the Insomnia-specific organisers are treating it evenly, like they're pissed at their staff for over reacting but they're also not entirely turning a blind eye to Kelly Jean's behaviour either. But the Multiplay staff don't give a shit since the actual complaints from the public were so few. Since Multiplay are the ones that handle Kelly the final word is with them really. I bet they will think she attracts more people than she pissed off so they'll keep her.

>> No.8770071

Sorry can we just go back to this, what proof do you have? I have met her and she was nothing but lovely and her costumes are impeccable

>> No.8770078

They clearly have nothing to go on and are just jealous. I don't know Kyokyo but looking her up her costumes seem fine and she's pretty.

>> No.8770084

Any interesting complaints, or was it just "she was drunk and flashed a roomful of people"?

But yeah, I'd have assumed that: so long as she doesn't take a crap on someone's head, it's worth keeping her if she attracts people.

>> No.8770099

She did a sexy KKK Cosplay that didn't go down too well. The main complaint was that it wasn't gaming related

>> No.8770188

surveymonkeydotcodotuk /r/ JFR2TKT so what u make of this???

>> No.8770192

Every single Britfag threadjust breaks down to what Kelly Jean has done recently.
Is that all anyone really has to talk about?
Or is that just how much shit posting goes on in here?

>> No.8770198

I've said this once and I'll say it again. It's the same 8-15 regulars who post here hating on the same people over and over again. Unless they stop posting, every thread will end in the same way.

>> No.8770202

I was looking forward to discussing the different L!L groups happening and which of them is going to be the biggest mess to be honest - or which of the members of the groups who'll be weakest and strongest.

>> No.8770208

So 8-15 toxic retards?

I am looking forward to see this stacked group posted in this thread. Who else are doing L!L groups?

>> No.8770226

Yes. This board is not as big as people think. Loads of people are aware of it and take it too seriously/personally. Only 30~ unique posters in the past 3 months where 8-15 wants attention and approval by everyone but are too much of a pussy to say anything to people irl and to make a difference. I could probably link the profiles of at least four of them. It's not that difficult. Looks like anno doesn't protect everyone on the internet...

>> No.8770227

I saw Street Whale is planning a group - and if it's her usual people like Solaria and that Bexi monster it should be a fantastic train wreck to behold

>> No.8770231


yeah, I didn't realise it was Felixize until you mentioned, her face looks slightly different in the photo!

>> No.8770234

it won't be Bexi in the group as they realised what a whiny bitch she is

>> No.8770246

She's very forgettable next to Emizone so it's not really surprising.

Some of the group are good - Yuka, Exelia, PopcornKuma, Emizone and Isamiaella. Not seen much recently from the others, never seen CharlieBear before and I really do wonder what Aranel is doing in there because she is by no stretch of the imagination a good cosplayer everything she makes looks messy and badly made.

>> No.8770254

That would be interesting.

>> No.8770263

I wouldn't go that far, just because she hasn't won any competitions?

>> No.8770270
File: 169 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because she's just not good

>> No.8770312

PopcornKuma and Exelia one C4 at expo with there skit if that's any indication to how you'll think Exelia will do.

>> No.8770313

I looked up Emizone and her face looks very 'shopped in every pic. It makes her look a bit creepy sometimes.

>> No.8770317

Read that previous lolcow Kara Hook is returning to the cosplay scene. She's posting alot of WIP stuff lately.

>> No.8770335

By the way, guys, it's emi-zone, not emizone. Just a friendly tip before someone gets upset.

>> No.8770344

FFS iron your costume

>> No.8770346

I can confirm its true

>> No.8770349


Why would you post that instead of her more impressive work? That's obviously some super casual wear costume...

>> No.8770350

Pretty sure that's hitachiin

>> No.8770352

Its a simple costume that shows how lazy she really is. Cosplay is all in the presentation if your being photographed.

>> No.8770353

>impressive work
You mean rushed ugly costumes with fur and shit stuck to them. Cause that's what I see

>> No.8770357
File: 71 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8770361

Oh, you.

>> No.8770364

I'd like to see you share a work of hers you consider impressive.

>> No.8770368

All her work is corsets with fur attached.
She has a really old/mature face (as in she doesn't look 17) so why she always chooses much younger characters to cosplay is just stupid

>> No.8770374
File: 236 KB, 700x797, karatifzeldasameface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My queen is returning

>> No.8770386

The amount of people licking her arse since she mentioned returning is repulsive.

>> No.8770389

Because tiddies

>> No.8770398

Why of course, should have known already lol.

>> No.8770455

CharlieBear used to be Special Pleb if that rings any bells.

>> No.8770553

Why is everyone hating on this person, it's not another just because she has bewbs, is it, because thats kind of stupid? It's not like someone can help born with big titties.

>> No.8770566

You must be new.

>> No.8770606

One look at the photo sums it up, she has a bad case of the same face in every cosplay but her attitude when she was a regular stunk up the whole place - the real beef and dramu with her is when she bought costumes off other people then passed it off as her own work, whilst entering competitions with them. She entered the Hyper Japan competition I think in 2011 with her bff at the time and it turned out she'd bought the costume, the irony being the prize she won was a sewing machine.

>> No.8770675

Swear she tried to sell that sewing machine again recently.

>> No.8770702

Hah! I thought she'd sold it long ago

>> No.8770724

I can't be given specifics of the complaints obviously, but I do know that at least one was because she said she was too ill to show up to a panel or something but then was getting completely lairy wasted and being rude to people. So I think general bad conduct? I can imagine if you go to a con to see someone and then they say they can't be there but you find out they're just busy having a big piss-up, that would be real annoying and it's not very professional or adult. The other thing I heard is people were annoyed at her behaviour during some other person's panel, but I can't tell if that was one of the actual complaints or if that's just staff venting.

>> No.8771677
File: 529 KB, 1920x1200, Ginko.Mushishi.full.421423[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more money than I know what to do with but no time.

Will pay someone generously to make me a good Ginko cosplay.

>> No.8771806

Not sure if retarded or not

>> No.8772271

Who are some guys and girls we should stay away from in the scene? Not just well known cosplayers but generally folks who should be steered clear of?

I've known multiple separate friends to have problems with some of the same people in and out of cosplay in the UK scene and wondered if some of the same names would crop up here.

>> No.8772903

Sean Bonnar. Massive creeper.

>> No.8772937

>>8772271 just keep away from the general names posted here. I advise against kara hook as mentioned as she's fake and has a piece of shit attitude that's toxic and kerri louise, one of animeleagues favourites who sings alot at cons.

>> No.8772954

Has nobody mentioned some genuine creepers like "cosplayer pictures at conventions" the father and son who always dress in half army camo stuff who's only reason to go to cons is to take pictures if pretty girls?
Out of the years they've been doing this, their picture quality did not improve at the slightest. They travel around in a compact camera doing photo shoots with girls but they recently upgraded the camera to look a little more "professional". This proves they're not really there to take pictues but actually there to perve on girls.

>> No.8773086


>> No.8773108

I thought he was married?

>> No.8773109


Engaged and now not.

>> No.8773190

more info on this kerri louise plez???

>> No.8773375
File: 137 KB, 668x1188, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773414

Just because someone is shit at photography doesn't mean they're a creeper

>> No.8773501

It's like saying all the shit UK cosplayers are creepers. In that case it's an epidemic.

>> No.8773509

I think anon means they are creepers, but just happen to be shit at photography because all they care about is getting the pic rather than a photographer who frames the shot and poses that matches the cosplay.

>> No.8773517

Theres a few father and son duos at cons. That in itself is creepy. The son is relying on his father to talk to the skimpy good looking cosplayers while the father uses his son to not look like a creepy old man.

>> No.8773652

Real talk lads

How do I meet girls who wear cat tails and cat ears

>> No.8773714

Fuck off furfag.

Any name that you see come up in these threads more than once.

>> No.8773784

So deep.

>> No.8774506

>First con
>MCM Birmingham
>Spend ages working on my TTGL Simon costume
>Ask a friend to come along cause i'm a little nervous
>He shows up wearing jeans, no shirt and dollar store halloween party cat ears
>Literally spends the entire weekend getting dragged away for photos
>Nobody even says hi to me

And thats how my first con was also my last.

>> No.8774609

Then just get better friends

>> No.8774665

TBF if I'd have seen a Simon cosplayer I would definitely have asked for a photo.
Expos have no age limit so they attract the weebiest attendees. You could put cat ears on a pile of shit and they'd squeal.
Try and go in a group costume next time, it makes things easier

>> No.8774686

Don't be put off, Anon. Maybe start up a convo in the MCM Birmingham FB group or something. The more people you know with the same interests as you, the more fun you'll have. Plus you can meet up with them at the con and not have to bring your friend along.

>> No.8774691

What 2016 cons and cosplay things are britfag looking forward to?

>> No.8774696

LSCC at the mo.

>> No.8774702

LSCC also but I'm a bit worried as it's my first one and so many people made such a fuss over last years one that this years one is going to packed and lose what everyone said was so great about last years

>> No.8774720

Everyone made the fuss over the Championships. Because there was so much hype and drama.
But don't worry about the con getting too busy. It's going to have a cap on tickets unlike MCM and I don't think they would let it get too busy.

>> No.8774959

This and also because it doesn't have any anime stuff it automatically avoids the worst of the MCM shitheap.

>> No.8774970

Yes, I meant they were creepers. I can confirm 100% because I was there on two occasions with two separate grills. I have also heard stories but they could be exaggerated.

>> No.8774996


He's a good mate for coming along with me even though its not his thing, I can't blame him because I got left out.

Honestly the worst part was that I felt old. I looked out across the crowds of people and felt like I was looking out into a gigantic kids birthday party. Maybe 5% of the people in costume looked like they were adults trying to find people to share in their interest and the remaining 95% were the sort of hyperactive teenagers who roleplay as Naruto characters in youtube comment sections. If I ever do go to an event again I hope its something a bit smaller and a bit more, I don't know, mature maybe?

And yes, I know asking for a mature convention for people who dress up as chinese cartoon characters is basically an oxymoron.

>> No.8775260

If you go to some of the more "residential" cons (I hate that word) they are generally more adult and less weeb as they are 18+ to start with, there's still some weeb but much less. Kitacon, Amecon and the smaller still Minamicon are good examples

>> No.8775267

Exactly, the fact that if any female cosplayer asks for a shoot, he always pipes up to fit them into their 2 minute shoot space.

>> No.8776055

Are we talking about those same 4-5 photographers that always has a slot free when a skimpy cosplayer posts in expo photographers page, but totally ignores any cosplay that is covered up?

>> No.8776132
File: 86 KB, 640x960, 12295472_760272390744666_7891622959638294481_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will she stop?

>> No.8776137

Exactly them!

>> No.8776150

When people stop giving her the fucking attention moron

>> No.8776204

This is so sad. Not one bit of talent, yet loads of bought likes and people telling her she's good at cosplay.

>> No.8776238

Who are these togs?

>> No.8776240

Some of you guys have asked which photographers to avoid, I suggest you go to Expo photographers page, look at the names of the photographers that come up time and time again. They're the ones to avoid.

>> No.8776247

This so much.

>> No.8776257

Why does she insist on drawing on the shitty nose? She would look so much better without it. Still not good, but better. Less worse?

>> No.8776259

Such thirst on that page and all the photographers are mediocre at best, but they rate themselves high in the cosplay scene.

>> No.8776273

What is this meant to be?

>> No.8776274
File: 182 KB, 640x960, 1450056747264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found in the other thread....UK photographers.....

>> No.8776279

What.... is that meant to be?

>> No.8776288

what is the smoking inflatable item?

>> No.8776289

I feel like it's a pity because if you're new to cosplay, or if you don't know many photographers, you think, gee whiz, great, I can ask for a shoot here, I can meet new togs, etc. but a) they only care if you're the next bikini Poison Ivy and b) they're not very good, even then.

>> No.8776296
File: 265 KB, 1024x1536, 74455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example of UK togs....yes, they are this bad. Don't ask me whats going on in the background there, i have no idea what its suppose to represent.

>> No.8776300

It's where most of us started. We worked with anyone who had a camera. Then as we got better we could pick and choose photographers.
Sadly most new cosplayers are under the impression they have to shoot with as many photographers as possible in order to become famous.

>> No.8776303

This is what happens when you shoot with the photographers in that group.. just don't.

>> No.8776307

Why would you do that?!

>> No.8776308

Who was that? name and shame (tog not cosplayer)

>> No.8776313

There's nothing wrong with shooting with loads of photographers, you'll get a feel for who you like to work with and you can regularly shoot with them but just avoid the creepy ones!

>> No.8776323

shame they're all shit anyway

>> No.8776331

You will at least find out the slightly less shit one

>> No.8776333

You'd be better off shooting with selected few photographers than loads of photographers desu. If you already have photographers who you like working with and you like their style, why go out and shoot with photographers who are basically shite, makes no sense to me.

Don't get this confused with randoms who asks for photos at cons, but rather the ones that message you through social media. Always check their background before commiting.

>> No.8776337

Best way is to speak to your friends and see who they recommend. But even then still check if who they recommend are your style. A good photo/photographer can boost your likes way more than a medicore one.

Tip: Your friend may still have shit taste in photos.

>> No.8776340

Sometimes your favourite 2-3 togs aren't going to that con, or are fully booked, or not interested in that costume, in which case might as well cast around in case you find something good. Obviously don't go for clearly shit photographers. Sometimes it can be nice just to try someone new, just in case. Saying that, I've found 1 tog I like who I shoot with 99% of the time and it's only through friend recommendations I've found other togs who actually try during a shoot.

>> No.8776343

This is sad as all fuck but need a roomie for Kita and my options so far are limited to three-wheeling with friends and their partners, which will get old really quick.

>> No.8776354

There are good cosplay photographers out there, but you will have to do your research. You'll find they are always booked up, obvious reason why and are a pain to get hold of at cons.

>> No.8776358

If thyre not going then the con can;t be that good.

>> No.8776362

Or it means the con isn't just going to let photographers in for free by giving them press passes. So the photographers don't go because they expect free tickets.

>> No.8776365

dont forget the butthurt about not being allowed flash stands at MCM. "WE ARE EXPO" erm...no, no you're not. You're the tiniest tiniest bit, people would still cosplay if the togs didn't go and that's what attracts everyone

>> No.8776367

It's a hierarchy, as you get better with your costuming, you get to pick and choose the photographers you like to shoot with. This is the same for the photographers I expect, the better he/she gets the more selective they can be.

>> No.8776368

Or they have other commitments i.e an actual professional shoot, or a family thing, or other shit. Or they didn't register in time etc. It happens.

>> No.8776421

I saw this at a con and I actually thought it was a weird poo costume

>> No.8776425

it's just so unflattering on her. Like, she's not fat but the costume makes her look it

>> No.8776438

Her giant knockers are what get her togs.

>> No.8776441

but she doesnt even have giant knockers

>> No.8776443

what is liquify

>> No.8776774

I think it's a guy called Krisk productions? He's a gwc who goes around asking every female Cosplayer for shots at cons if it's the same person I'm thinking of he doesn't have a single good shot of anyone, most cosplayers try and avoid shooting with him, but I'm assured he snipes shots anyway

>> No.8777142

Bottom line is if you find a tog thats half decent, keep them under your radar and I know this sounds selfish, but keep to yourself. The more cosplayer knows about them the less chance you get to shoot with them!

>> No.8777265

I think the issue is if you work with a tog and share their work and it's good, others will contact them and most end up too busy for you with an inflated ego. The only way to prevent that is not share the work, which defeats the object in the first place.

>> No.8777302


why so salty? did a tog ditch you for your prettier, more talented friends?

>> No.8777370

It sounds selfish because it is selfish, if you want exclusivity then pay to make sure you get a slot because 90% of the uk togs do it for free, and therefore I'm pretty sure they get to pick who they want to shoot

>> No.8777428
File: 139 KB, 960x960, KB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you all argue amongst yourselves, Kitty B has been invited to a few more cons as guest, selling ton of prints and opened up twitter, cosplay page and all manner of social media. She achieved what you couldn't in a very short time and using only minimal effort in costumes. You all be jelly yo!

>> No.8777430

Not necessary, most people just see the image and follow the cosplayer, never the photographer.

>> No.8777434
File: 194 KB, 545x1212, mika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8777437


now, I'm not saying this is a self post... but...

>> No.8777444

what a cunt! "a 6 year old doesnt like my shitty cosplay so i'm going to crush their dreams!!!!"
Another "princess" who actually thinks their a princess and not there to perform for the kids

>> No.8777445

and I still don't know who she is

>> No.8777446

Oh deary me.

>> No.8777448

You will do my friend. Shes aggressively promoting herself everywhere at the moment and flashing skin where ever possible to get attention.

Her first outting to a convention got a huge backlash because of the lack of clothes she had on with her friend, but that infact worked in her favour.

>> No.8777449

Is she promoting herself as a plus sized model?

>> No.8777455
File: 82 KB, 636x960, 181125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She and her friend. some of you may recall this when she posted in the MCM expo group fishing for likes and approval.

>> No.8777457

By the way her pants are about 4 sizes too small for her I think she thinks shes still a size 6.

>> No.8777460

white vignette...that is horrible

>> No.8777463

Nothing about this is sexy. They look like trash.

>> No.8777464

Only the best from the expo photographers group.

>> No.8777465

To the teenagers in the mcm expo group, they are worthy to whack off to.

>> No.8777466

are they any cons I care about?

>> No.8777480


She is such a wreck! But its great to have someone new to slag off in here.

>> No.8777534

Pretty certain she gets Bex to make all her costumes and puts in literal 0 effort herself, besides being incredibly whiny.

>> No.8777549

All he Princess cosplayers are the same, whiny, self entitled and delusional.

>> No.8777556

She got someone else to make the Anna costume as there was drama between the two since Mika wanted to be Anna but Bex is normally Anna

like she owns Anna or something

>> No.8777562

Bex is like that with all her characters though. She goes crazy if anyone even mentions doing one of 'hers'.

>> No.8777562,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone mentioned Kitty Brooker earlier? Yes. She is deseperate.
Know her personally.
She knows shit about the gaming industry- not really a geek.
started off as a scene model- that went south so obviusly she's jumped on this for a good money maker.
So yeah, very desperate to stay relevant.