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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8747569 No.8747569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, do you think like this?

>> No.8747573

First half sure. You can cosplay whatever you want. Just doing what you want does not ensure you will look good though.

>> No.8747577

Everything but the look amazing part. I don't give two shits if someone is the wrong color or gender, a good costume is about craftsmanship and effort.

>> No.8747582
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People are free to do whatever they want with their bodies and lives, but that doesn't mean I have to like them or what they do, or anything about them, or allow them to be in my life in any substantial way. And that is my freedom as well.

>> No.8747584

it always pisses me off when people cosplay as things totally not fitting their body type or race

like come the fuck on

>> No.8747598

Body type I get but race? Lol I can't even name 1 character of any media form that is my race and female. Sometimes its just not possible to stick to your race.

>> No.8747602

Well, I mean overall

if you're a black you shouldn't cosplay snow white and if you're white you shouldn't cosplay snoop dogg

>> No.8747606

And this is why people end up doing blacface and shit. Cosplay whatever the fuck you want who gives a shit.

Most characters especially from anime are Japanese. So unless you're Japanese better not cosplay at all

>> No.8747611

Never say anything bad about any one else ever.


>> No.8747614

>your free speech ends where my feelings begin

>> No.8747616


Do what you want but if you look stupid I'm going to say on a image board dedicated to talk about it that you look stupid. And if someone wants advice especially if they are on said image board I'm gonna tell them the truth that if they lost a bit of weight they'd look better

>> No.8747618

>bad cosplays threads
>bad makeup threads
>threads dedicated to making fun of everything from poor craftsmanship to ugly faces

idk OP, what do you think

>> No.8747621

I think it's bizarre that people seem to believe "free speech" means "I can say as many hurtful/offensive things as I wish and no one may tell me to fuck off or that I'm an asshole or that they don't want me around." Free speech means the government won't chase you down, and that's all. Free speech isn't the right to say anything without consequence from anyone.

As for OP, I mostly agree, but the problem arises from the fact that while lots of people just cosplay as a fun thing to do, others cosplay as an earnest hobby and consider it on the same level as any other creative hobby; the latter mindset is bolstered by cosplay competitions and the more recent trend of paid "cosplay guests" at cons. So of course you have communities invested in critique and a heavy emphasis on quality/craftsmanship. When the "just for fun" crowd runs into the "serious hobby" crowd, friction results because the "just for fun" people have inferior products but often still want to play in the same sandbox as the so-called professionals and that's when they start to get shit on. (And when the "pros" start getting called "elitists")

You see this with artists too, just browse AANI and you'll see a ton of mediocre artists trying to hawk their wares alongside industry pros.

>> No.8747622
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>"Cosplay whoever you want!"
>white person cosplays as a black person

>> No.8747628

this is my first time on /cgl/
you can't really help not being that good or having that much time to make an excellent costume
I think if you put time into it, it'll show even though it won't look amazing and you did fine

also you can't really help being ugly, unlike being fat

>> No.8747629

>"Cosplay whoever you want!"
>white person cosplays as a space rock

In all fairness I don't think SU fandom has tried to kill a cosplayer, yet

>> No.8747635

>In all fairness I don't think SU fandom has tried to kill a cosplayer, yet

No but did they try to get a girl to commit suicide. Attempted murder of a SU cosplayer seems like the next step.

>> No.8747636

>cosplay snoop dogg
you can cosplay snoop dogg as Todd.

>> No.8747638

No, but they tried to kill a fanartist

>> No.8747641

Except that you can help not being that great or not having time to make an excellent costume. Everyone starts somewhere, but you should still take your time on a costume, do your research thoroughly, ask around for help, and use the correct materials. If instead, you make an impulse decision and slap something together the night before the con, people will be able to tell you didn't put in effort. Plus, if you use the correct makeup, you can go from being homely to pretty decent looking fairly easily.

tl;dr /cgl/ can tell when you don't put in effort, and even 1st tries should reflect your dedication

>> No.8747655

if you dont have that much time in your life to put towards cosplay, dont just shit out a rushed one and say 'w-well i have a lot of things going on!' i juggle a lot of things in my life, and im content to work on a cosplay slowly, over the course of months, to get it to look nice. even if you only have an hour of free time per day, put 15 minutes into working on your cosplay each day. it will take a long time, but the end result is better than trying to make one super quickly

>> No.8747658
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Nah, son, that shouldn't stop anyone.

>> No.8747664

>first time on a board
Lurk more faggot

>> No.8747665

>and no one may tell me to fuck off or that I'm an asshole or that they don't want me around.

If they want to say that, then feel free to. OP says we shouldn't ever say anything bad about a cosplay, I say we should be able to, and if someone wants to disagree with me, then let them!

I'm tired of this hug box mentality where we can't ever disagree with anyone.

>> No.8747681

I don't see where it says that, it says "end cosplay hate" because we're all "dorks in costumes" which is a perfectly fine mentality. No one is talking about passing laws that say you can't shit talk cosplayers. Clearly they are exercising their right to free speech just as much as you are and no one from the government is trying to silence anyone so I just don't see how "FREE SPEECH" is even relevant. Free speech is about freedom from government retaliation. Not social retaliation. That was my only point. Say whatever you want but someone disagreeing with you or telling you to stop saying something isn't encroaching upon your rights.

>> No.8747707

Why do you keep bringing up the government? I said free speech, nothing about the American First Amendment.

They view cosplay hate as literally any form of criticism. I think people should criticize who ever they want for any reason, but they want it to stop so we can just form a big circlejerk.

>> No.8747710


Words to live by

>> No.8747718

I don't honestly care about race, weight or beauty when it comes to cosplay. I mean obviously the cosplayer that chooses a character that suits their body type, face and race will look better than someone who doesn't, but for some people cosplay is just a fun hobby not to be taken too seriously. IMO, as long as you behave yourself at cons and don't smell bad, I really don't care if your cosplay looks like ass.

>> No.8747724


Most anime characters are light skinned to the point people think they are white. You have a million other options. Why pick afro samurai?

>> No.8747727

Because that's what the phrase "free speech" is most commonly associated with. Who cares what they want? They're obviously not stopping you, so why cry about it?

>> No.8747874

What's your race?

>> No.8747882

Protip: lots of japanese people have light skin, that doesnt mean they are fucking white.

>> No.8747891

You CAN cosplay whatever you want and look amazing. It's not automatic that you WILL.

Also more than anything all I care about is if you're an asshole or not. You can have a crppy costume but as long as you don't have a shitty attitude or act like you deserve a medal just because you tried then no fuck your shit.

>> No.8747915

Half black, quarter white and quarter asian.

>> No.8747918

>They're obviously not stopping you, so why cry about it?

I'm guessing you have missed what has been going on at college campuses where students are protesting teachers and students be removed because of something they deemed to be mean and offensive.
Its only a matter of time that the feels police come to anime conventions.

>> No.8747926

I don't have faith in seagulls to resist this bait.

>> No.8747930
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I honestly feel like these kinds of posts really breed entitlement/bad cosplay in general because they give off the message that you shouldn't try to change/improve. Or thats the message most of these kids get, anyways.

Also the people who spam them on con groups are always really... un-suited for most cosplays, so I think that says enough about the intent behind the posts. The point of dressing up as a character is to look like that character... sure you can have fun but that doesn't mean you have to plug your ears and close your eyes at the idea of working out/learning to sew better/learning to do anything better. Idc if someone looks bad as long as they're willing to improve.

>> No.8747937
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I have a serious question for you gulls.
>Cosplay a character thats your perfect body type, but you hate/dislike said character


>Cosplay a character outside of your bodytype/height, so you look subpar but love the character you're wearing

Im seriously at a dilemma here, but I see people left and right about "Why would you cosplay a character you dont even like??" and "Cosplay in ur bodytype look as best as you can"

Im a small grill bodytype and am torn between cosplaying my bodytype of character Im not fond of, or my favourite character but lack in terms of muscle and height for them, so which is it for you cgl?

Have fun in your ehh cosplay, or have ehh in your perfect cosplay?

>> No.8747938

nothing in OPs post talks about quality and craftsmanship. It talks about being shunned for dressing up as a character of different race, weight, height, etc.

As far as crafting goes, everyone starts somewhere. And there are plenty of cosplayers back in the day that looked like shit. Skills take time

>> No.8747940


>> No.8747941

It's not these posts I dislike but more the ones that claim all cosplayers are equally talented and you're an elitist for saying otherwise. Say this about any other hobby (singing, dancing, art) and people would laugh at you. But instead cosplay gets put into its own bubble by casual cosplayers who are bitter that their shiny wig, no makeup, taobao sailor uniform isn't getting as much attention as an ECG/WCS level cosplay that took months to create.

>> No.8747946

yeah i know, i was just referring to posts similar to this one that i usually see. ++ the fact most of the people who share these images refuse to improve.

>> No.8747949

I usually opt for series I like, but characters I'm neutral on but resemble (in the case where I look far different from the characters I like). Note the distinction between neutral and dislike. If I straight-up hate a character, I'm not going to cosplay them. No point in cosplaying things you don't like.

>> No.8747952

well, cosplaying is based on two things, acting and the outfit

the acting is purely based on talent and training
however as for the outfit, a lot of it comes down to the amount of both money and time you spend on it

if you have a budget of a 1000$ you'll make a better outfit 95% of the time than with a budget of say 10$

I think the talent in cosplaying is simply acting, sowing/molding and simple creativity

>> No.8747953

>nothing in OPs post talks about quality and craftsmanship
>third row on the right
>"No matter your SKILL level"
Congratulations. You're retarded.

>> No.8747955

Yeah this. I remember when casual cosplayers were getting pissy that devoted cosplayers were doing that "time/price" challenge photos where they listed the cost and time spent on their costumes so that people would understand it's not an "easy" hobby to be in. No one was saying you had to spend that much time/money on cosplays but they automatically assumed the images were just "elitists telling them the "RIGHT" way to cosplay".

>> No.8748219

Because maybe I fucking like Afro Samurai?

Granted there's Samurai Champaloo as an alternative, but point still stands

>> No.8748236 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 300x651, Alex_Anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest one I can name is Alex Benedetto from Gansta. She's of black and asian descent, no white mentioned though. Sorry anon.

>> No.8748243
File: 55 KB, 300x651, Alex_Anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest one I can name is Alex Benedetto from Gangsta. She's of black and asian descent, no white mentioned though. Sorry anon.

>> No.8748254

Genuinely, I could care less what anyone else cosplays. Not my money, not my problem. As long as you don't look like garbage.

>> No.8748255

>and look AMAZING doing it

Yeah... You can cosplay whoever you want, but that statement is really shitty to say considering that not everyone can sew or fabricate.

>> No.8748260

Because I may like Afro Samurai? That's not an argument, it's just resentment.

>> No.8748280

I do think like this and agree you can cosplay who you want!
But I also agree with >>8747582 , not everyone has to like it or is going to

>> No.8748302

Isn't that kind of what they're saying? That it doesn't matter if you fit the character if you put the effort in to have a fantastic costume?

>> No.8748304

I would love to see a tiny white or asian girl cosplay as Snoop Dogg.

>> No.8748308

I agree with you for the most part, but if the first try is done by someone 16 or younger then I'm okay with it being shitty. People that young are usually stupid and can't help it. I debuted my first costume at 13 feeling really frustrated because I wanted it to turn out better, but strongly wanting to cosplay with everybody else and show my fandom love. Emotions are so strong when you're going through puberty, it's crazy.

>> No.8748425

If you have a shoestring budget you can still NOT use shit fabric, do your makeup well, and buy a nice wig. There are whole threads dedicated to Ali and eBay finds, there are help threads and sewing threads and fabric threads, there are tutorial threads and SFX threads even, sometimes. You want to cosplay, do it well. Buy old bedsheets to make your mockups, use car boot sales and eBay auctions to get fabric and notions, use your shitty cheap makeup correctly, practice posing in the mirror. Sure, armour and props are hard to make with no cash, but your basic seifuku takes all of two or three days to iron, sew, and trim. Being poor sucks, but when you have so many resources, it's not an excuse.

>> No.8748429


Perry much what I was going to type. Just adding that even if I think their cosplay is shit, that is my opinion and if never tell them to their face or bully them for it. That's what my close friends and this board are for lol

>> No.8748440

Except for the "no matter your skill level" bit. Effort and skill are two very different things.

By definition, if your skill level is shit, you will look like shit. I wouldn't mind so much if it was "you can enjoy this hobby!" or "you can have fun and feel awesome!" but "you can look amazing!" is a flat out lie if you don't know what the fuck you're doing and you cobble together a costume with broadcloth, safety pins, and hot glue. Sure, you may have put fifty million hours into your shitfest creation but that doesn't automatically mean you're gonna look good.

>> No.8749526

Yeah pretty much this.

Obviously there are a lot of shitty cosplayers but that doesn't mean I'm going to go around harassing them over it or whatever. What stupid gatekeep-y neckbeard douchebag does that sort of thing

I mean, yeah, a lot of people but that's because nerds are fucking awful

>> No.8750655

Oh no yeah definitely, but in my experience, if someone in a picture looks like a 12 year old at their first con just having a good time in their shitty costume (that they probably spent a ton of effort on; we've all been there), cgl tends to go easy on them.

>> No.8750808

I thought she ended up okay. not saying that makes it any better. i'm just really hoping she didn't actually die.

>> No.8750903

No character fits my facial features and most women are shorter than me (181cm here) so I usually end up cosplaying whoever and mostly men.

>> No.8751187

Outa curiosity,
for a first cosplay do you think somone should aim for a simple or shoot higher and push yourself?

>> No.8751291

It's not really gatekeepers as much as it is bad cosplayers posting their photos and expecting praise they don't deserve, then getting upset when their unrealistic expectations are not met.

Because some people will try to call comstructive criticism negativity or bullying because it's not saying "wOW 201% PERFECT NEVER CHANGE A THING!!!" Or they'll ask for advice and then get upset when given advice because they were really just fishing for compliments.

>> No.8751324

is it for a competition? Are you trying to become cos-famous? If not, then why would you not choose to have fun over impressing people

>> No.8751335

Honestly, I think that first cosplays should be simple. Pushing yourself too hard or choosing something way beyond your skill level will usually only make you frustrated, hate the project, and want to quit. First cosplays should be lowkey, fun experiences to test the waters, unless someone more experienced is helping a ton.

>> No.8751344

This is all about what other people thinks about you. Cosplay what you like, not to feel cool and a lot of photos, but do it because you love that character and outfit. The others doesn't matter. Do it a good job with the cosplay and feel proud of the result. You can see a perfect character body, but at the end the skills are the truly important thing.

>> No.8751347

Of course anyone can cosplay, this is a given. But trying to control what other people think? Fuck right off, Hitler.

>> No.8751360

i think you can cosplay whatever, but you wont always look amazing and thats okay. theres no perfect cosplayer. some of your cosplays will look good and some wont. aim for a character of your, race, weight, height, gender, and within your skill level and youll probably look amazing. if you dont, then you probably wont really look like the character. i cosplay outside of my race and gender all the time, im aware i dont look exactly like the character and im okay with that. if i want to aim for something really accurate, then i chose a character of my race/gender.
also if you dont want any hate, its probably not a good idea to post photos of a cosplay online. there will be people who shit on you no matter what. its the gamble you take of posting your pictures online or even going to a convention. you just gotta learn to stop caring and do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.8751361

I don't cosplay because it's just going to be a terrible disappointment trying to look like a cute girl as a guy

That and I'd feel out of place among the real girls who were no doubt calling each other ugly behind each others backs to begin with

>> No.8752091
