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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8744150 No.8744150 [Reply] [Original]

Countdown to Christmas Edition
Old Thread >>8736452

Comm Thread >>8716442
Closet of Frills Thread >>8739917
Coord Help >>8738411
Dream Dress Thread >>8729715
Dumb Questions >>8737527
Handmade Thread >>8705820
International Lolita Day >>8734946
Lucky Packs >>8734556
Price Check Thread >>8683617
Worn Thread >>8690934
Brolita Thread >>8713032
Boystyle Thread >>8697142

Lolita Guidebook

Does your comm celebrate the holidays? Do you celebrate other events during the season? (winter solstice, new year's, etc.)

>> No.8744282

Does anyone know a shop that has decent quality straw boaters that's preferably US based?

I know it the middle of winter, but I want to wear a country coord god dammit.

>> No.8744294

If you are requesting US-based for shipping purposes, you can filter ebay results by USA only. If you're looking for US-based construction...that's going to be a lot harder to find or else a lot more expensive. If you want Made-In-The-US, let me know and I'll keep looking.

>> No.8744302

I got mine from Forever 21 for like 8 bucks. Simple but functional.

>> No.8744308

Shops that are US based, the hats do not need to be US constructed. Thank you!

I was looking at forever21, but I only saw soft-brimmed or felt ones.

>> No.8744351
File: 84 KB, 426x640, 15_11_1_330_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an anon asking about this dress not so long ago in a casual lolita thread

>> No.8744420

My google-fu is failing. I downloaded Fril and I just need help getting past the starter page. I go to the last page and do I just hit the first option?

Thank you

>> No.8744437

goddamit, i'm so annoyed at how slow / unresponsive sellers have been recently. This girl i bought a jsk from hasn't shipped my shit out in a week and a half, another seller hasn't even invoiced me.

thanksgiving is over, why are people still so flaky?

>> No.8744448


>> No.8744703

I am so happy today that I found out Shelby Clouds is back to posting on social media. Also I am hoping to buy a new dress in time for the holidays but it's so hard to find a cute velvet red bolero or blouse that fits a 100+ cm bust.

>> No.8744717

why did she stop in the first place?

>> No.8744723

A lot of stuff happened to her and her family (family loss and many other reasons). It's been discussed so many times before so a quick check into past archives should explain more.

>> No.8744731

I feel this so hard but on the other side. Just pay your invoice/respond to your messages.
One girl wants to trade a dress of mine, but apparently not that bad because its been 3 days. Just talk to me or I'm gonna relist it jfc. Another girl still hasn't paid her invoice. It's been a week. I'm about to re-list it too.

>> No.8744784

You should start implementing payment time rules. I personally just give 2 days with an occasional hold if the other person talks to me about it, some do 3. If you don't pay within that timeframe, unless it's been discussed otherwise, that shit's getting relisted.

>> No.8744811

Cannot confirm. I usually try to ship within 3 business days and if it takes more than a week to ship, I'll apologize and include a little gift. I also reply to messages within 12 hours. Other sellers are also more responsive from my experience.

Most buyers though appear slightly apathetic to me nowadays. They don't even get back to me when they received the items to say thank you or something.. that was the norm back in the livejournal days. Not even when I include gifts. it's very irritating, especially if the buyer dosn't leave feedback also... like I know, the tracking will also tell me that the item has eventually arrived. But are you happy with your items? Did everything arrive arrive securly? Did I miss any flaws or damages and will you talk shit about me now without trying to resolve the issue with me first? These are the questions that won't let me sleep sometimes...

>> No.8744813

that's the worst, i had that happen to me a few times more recently too- people commit then vanish right before paying. what the fuck m8

is it me or have sales been slow these past couple months?

>> No.8744839

I'm annoyed by this too. Whenever I buy I always let the seller know I received it and on my end I always ask the buyer to let me know when they get it. As for feedback, I usually ask them twice to leave it - once when I let them know I've sent their package and again within the package, since I usually include a little thank you note.

Nothing is more annoying than people not leaving feedback when you've asked them to. If you don't know just ask! (since on LM it can be a little confusing at first)
I remember someone on here once said they asked a buyer to leave feedback on a Lacemarket sale and they left it on egl-feedback lol.

>> No.8744864

Lolita and its 2nd hand market is not a small tightly knit group anymore. If lacemarket didn't suck so much it would be like buying and selling on ebay. Blissfully anonymous.

>> No.8744920
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So what's your opinion on male lolitas? Asking for femanons' perspective on this, of course.

Not looking for a hugbox, so be honest.

>> No.8744924

Have AB shipped the orders from the last opening out yet?

We don't care as long as you're not acting like a creep.

>> No.8744931
File: 113 KB, 480x640, OperaliaBouquetJSK-ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone who owns AatP's Operalia Bouquet tell me the max measurements? Lolibrary is saying 92cm for bust, but I have a 97cm bust so I'd like to find out before adding to my wishlist.

>> No.8744982

I havent recieved my email from them yet, so i do t think so. On average in the past it takes about a month for orders to ship out, so im sure tgey will start to go out in about a week or so. What did you get by chance?

>> No.8744985
File: 307 KB, 800x800, five_year_anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to the AP anniversary party in San Francisco?

>> No.8744993

>you need to give us money BEFORE you can be qualified to give us money to go to an already higher-costing event

>> No.8745002
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>> No.8745015

When do brands start selling winter accessories? Or do they at all? I've been wanting a cute pair of mittens but I only really see coats. I know they're released mittens in the past tho

>> No.8745019

Personally don't like how it looks unless you pass convincingly, but I don't have a problem with male lolitas unless they give me reason.
I think most of cgl would say something similar to be honest

>> No.8745023
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So what I assume is, try one's best to pull off the look, and don't treat it like a sexual fetish or anything, right? Or make a mockery of it some similar way.

Sounds fair enough.

>> No.8745025

I don't really care for how it looks if you can't pass, but there are girls whose styles I don't look like either. No one cares as long as you aren't a creep or want special asspats for being a guy.

>> No.8745027

Right, pulling off the look is a must, I realize, since that goes for everyone really. A bit more so for guys, but still.

Thanks, seems legit.

>> No.8745029

don't like*

time to go to bed.

>> No.8745038

Yeah I'd say guys probably have to tread a little more carefully in what they say/how they wear the fashion lest something be misinterpreted as fetish. If you wear sweet and look a bit manly, you're most likely going to be pegged as a fetishist. Classic or gothic is your best bet for not looking like you're a sissy, if you don't pass.

>> No.8745044

They're hella cute, as long as they don't turn out to be creeps.

Read up on how to crossdress, then come and be cute.

>> No.8745048

would not want to be seen with in public if you don't put in a good effort, which could be said for anyone, but with brolitas I feel there's a bit more pressure to dress well.

>> No.8745063

this. guys in it for attention are like any other girl in it for attention - are you actually into the fashion or just here to stroke your ego?

>> No.8745212

I don't mind men wearing it if they put an actual effort in and arent wearing milanoo or some shitty offbrand/cosplay. I don't particularly like mannish men wearing it, if that makes sense, but I don't like homely women wearing it either.
I know, I'm an asshole, but I don't say anything of the sort out loud and I'm polite to everyone regardless of looks/outfit.

>> No.8745215
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Surprised no one posted this yet.

>> No.8745223

We're trying to keep it a secret

>> No.8745231

The high waisted jsk and tights are gorgeous. Too bad im broke as fuck from the holidays. Might as well be a good thing though. Im trying to limit myself to black or navy colors and have as little sweet as possible.
>i want to be like the cool kids in january who have large lovely cohesive wardrobes.

>> No.8745234

I feel like AP is cranking out way too many prints to the point where everyone is getting bored/can't afford to care anymore. Not that this isn't a really nice one, but too much too fast and at the wrong time of the year. I'd feel way more tempted and hyped up if every week wasn't a new print, or if they held off on "big" releases for a while for people to financially recover.

>> No.8745239

It's nice, but like others have mentioned, I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY LEFT. Damn, the holidays are really the worst on my wallet.

>> No.8745240

This. I feel bad buying the print of the week every week, so I've stopped buying unless I actually am in love. I'd rather get this release secondhand later for less, if not less, then I don't want it.

>> No.8745247
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Not assholish, that and everything else makes a lot of sense. I believe I could pull this thing off, I just wanted to make sure it wouldn't come off as offensive to girl lolitas. There is a brolita thread and all but I wanted to be sure.

Right now the only problem is not getting caught if I ever get a dress, I have a roommate and I'm screwed off the bat if the delivery comes when he's home and I'm not. Our work schedules are a lot different so I'd have plenty of free time, but one slip-up and I'm in trouble with my whole family.

>> No.8745254

The Japanese stores do this all the time too.

>> No.8745255

Just say its a gift, it's the holidays, you can probably get away with it.

>> No.8745259

still retarded, makes APUSA appear more money hungry than it already looks

>> No.8745282

I am just thankful that it's not "spend $150 to buy $70 ticket" or some shit like that again like previous years.

>> No.8745301

That roommate is my brother. He knows I got no one to give it to.

Then again, maybe I should try anyway. I was actually caught crossdressing like six years ago by my parents, and he was the only one who didn't freak out, as he was apparently awake and watching the fiasco when I thought he was out. He's accepting in general, so maybe I'll test those limits.

I really want to find friends that are into this, girls or guys, but it's normie central here.

>> No.8745303


And my new shows itself, fuck me.

>> No.8745319
File: 32 KB, 340x255, comeonapreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got bookmark skirt in red, and I really had a moment of "Really" then laughed.
I never paid much attention to the stock picture, I just love the whole look of this series.
Now that I have it and upon further look over the ribbons don't match at all, plus the shades are off from the red velvet.

The matchy-matchy side of me is DYING, but at the same time it's that kind of quirky side to lolita that I love.

Any other anons run into these little details that you will constantly nitpick but love? I don't own much AP, though I feel like this is something they do often.

>> No.8745323

I'm driving from So Cal. It had better be worth the drive, considering it'll take 6+ hours to get there and the ticket price was insanely high.

>> No.8745327



>> No.8745386

Well my first couple posts were for here, since I figured it was all boys in there, but I've long gone into irrelevancy. My bad, thank you, and I'll be off.

>> No.8745436

I absolutely love the cuts but I just hate the print

>> No.8745483

IW Happy Packs are going up for reservation.

Is there a difference between the happy packs and oddments?

Would anyone be interested in going halfsies on one of them?

>> No.8745485

Oddments have slightly damaged items.

>> No.8745526

I wouldn't mind this so much if it could be any purchase from AP but the AP USA stock is always so lacking

>> No.8745536

I've noticed like a ton of people misusing the word "coord" lately, it's kind of weird
>where do you guys get your coords
>sewing patterns for making my own coords
>I go there wearing coords all the time
I think lolita fashion community over-uses the word, then newbies get confused and think it means something more significant than just "coordinate"

>> No.8745542

I think it's just that the most vocal part of the community is dumb newbies and they don't bother to learn anything so they make a lot of obvious mistakes. Like saying "petit coat".

>> No.8745553

Yeah, I meant newbies use it in weird ways, then the community in general just uses it way too much.

>> No.8745556

I've been following lolita for a couple of years and am tempted to get into it. However, the only lolita dress I've interacted with in real life belonged to a friend, and it felt really....thin and cheap? The fabric quality just wasn't what I expected for something you pay $200-$300 for.

I don't know how to get my hands on more burando to get a feel for their quality, so seagulls: what's the quality of brand dresses like? Do they actually have good quality? Solid, soft fabric? Did my friend just have a replica or something? Or are you basically just paying for the print?

>> No.8745561

If you want high quality don't go for dresses with prints.

>> No.8745565

It depends primarily on the season, and the particular release.

To elaborate:

Summer releases often feel thin and are unlined, because they're meant to be a bit cooler. Cooler weather releases tend to have heavier fabrics used for the opposite reason.

And within those seasons, different releases will be different weights due to materials chosen (ie: cotton versus chiffon, twill and poplin versus textured weaves). The best way to know what you're going to get is to ask about individual dresses, really.

>> No.8745568

>cotton versus chiffon

... sorry, I had a brainfart. I meant cotton versus polyester.

>> No.8745573

>thin and cheap
Why do I have a feeling that you're talking about some kind of AP LP set

>> No.8745574

My guess is replica or Milanope.

>> No.8745591


re: thin fabric, soooo many possibilities
>summer releases are on thinner fabric generally
>chiffon isn't a thick fabric, neither is organdy
>Special Set LP dresses generally cut corners, sometimes they're printed on thin fabric
>replicas are frequently printed on crappy fabric
>non print replicas are frequently made from crappy fabric
>some brands just aren't all that great

Mind you, except for the first two options, all of the other items are at least cheaper (like $50 for the crappy replicas and $100-200 for the LPs or nicer taobao stuff).

With chiffon, it's meant to be thin and floaty, it's expensive because it's printed on thin material.

If you're after textured fabric, it's btssb/aatp for the crepe weave fabric, or IW when they do textured fabric. AP generally does cotton twill or chiffon plus jacquard once a year, but last/this year I've seen them do amundsen, satin, fake silk, maybe they'll have more variety coming soon. If it's thicker fabric that you want, stick to cotton twill and winter releases, they will be thick with a nice drape. I don't know if it'll be "soft", remember that the skirts need to drape nicely over petticoats, we're talking about dresses, not blankets or kigus.

re: seeing quality, Your best bet is to ask your friend if you can go to a lolita meetup with her, that way you can see the quality in person, and ask the girls there questions about which brands are good. Even if we completely rule out replicas, the dresses run the gamut from $50 dresses homesewn by a hobbyist, to $2000+ wedding dresses with bells and whistles on. There's just too much variety (even ruling out replicas), every brand, every release will be different and have its own quirks.

As an aside, be warned that a full outfit is not just the $300 dress, you'll also need petticoat, shoes, socks, etc. $500 would be better for your first outfit, with your second item the costs go down when you start reusing items.

>> No.8745596


Holy Lantern. The hair clip and the dress are slightly different. I heard the OTKs are actually another colour again. So three different shades of the same colour?

At least it doesn't clash. I do kind of miss their pastel days. I don't know if it's just me being a noob back then or what, but I simply didn't have this many problems with an all-pastel wardrobe.

>> No.8745618

Is this true? Do non-print dresses have higher quality?

>> No.8745620

To clarify, I didn't mean just thin. I get that summer clothing is going to be thinner. But it also just felt...cheap. Like, rough and scratchy.

But it sounds like it might've been a replica.

>> No.8745624

"burando quality" is just an excuse to justify the prices to newbies, really.
Most people will tell you that construction and fabric varies with time and brand, and it's usually good but not amazing.
The real value in japanese brand clothes are the designs and company image, imo. So yeah, sometimes you're just paying for the print. Other times, you see a dress and just fall so hard for it that you convince yourself you need to own it as well, print or nonprint. And some people just want the world to know that they shop at Baby the Stars Shine Bright.
If you like lolita but are put off by that, why not just start with taobao/chinese brands?

>> No.8745626

Which style are you leaning towards?

>> No.8745636

So far, I've been really attracted towards non-print or simplistic print classic lolita in understated coords. I've already fallen pretty hard for MM's Chantilly OP.

>> No.8745640

Highly doubt thats the case given almost everything goes sold out in an hour tops.

>> No.8745644

I want this as a non-print dress

>> No.8745658

I personally avoid anything that says 100% cotton and carefully check the images if it's going to easily wrinkle cause I ain't got time for that shit. I like non print as well and have been able to find garments where I felt the price was justified, but I also buy second hand. Personally I prefer velvet or a good polyester blend. Also I love Moitie pieces but it's is such a total rip, it feels like half the price is simply paying to have the privilege to own it.

>> No.8745661

Sorry, read that wrong, thought you were referring to moitie.

>> No.8745667

My things from them is some of the most sturdy and high quality items I own

>> No.8745732


Given two dresses from the same company, one print and one non print, the money that didn't go into printing a custom print generally shows as something else, eg- lower prices, more intricate construction, more ruffles, a different/more expensive fabric (eg lace fabric, dot dobby), etc etc.

There's generally no difference in the way the dresses tend to be constructed, however, for eg the seams will likely still be sewn and then serged, it's not like the non print dress will suddenly have french seams just because it's a non print. I've yet to find concealed pockets in non print btssb dresses, and the bodices still tend to be unlined -- same as their printed dresses.

So I wouldn't say it's neccessarily "better quality" per se, it's a question of whether you like exclusive prints that you can't get anywhere else, vs technical details that you won't/can't get on a print dress, vs a simpler dress at lower prices.

>> No.8745882
File: 368 KB, 500x600, dcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I just late to the dolly cat special party?

>> No.8745888

We don't care about new releases anymore

>> No.8745901

I never noticed that...dream item crossed off the list I guess...

Lol I remember someone asking about that here (the colors not looking the same in pictures) and another anon saying that surely AP wouldn't make the bow and dress not match

>> No.8745930


Yeah, that's where I got that the socks don't quite match the dress (I only have the dress and bow. The socks might match the bow I guess). At least they don't really clash, one is just a shade lighter than the other. But, no one on social media ever seems to notice that the accessories are not 100% the exact same RGB as the main pieces. So I guess it doesn't matter all that much after all, unless you're anal about these kinds of things.

>> No.8745978

If someone packs a dress so poorly it gets damaged and you had to take a 30$ loss to sell it... Should you raise a PayPal dispute when they won't do a partial refund? The envelope showed up completely split open because it was way too small. There was only one layer of plastic inside and that was ripped, too

>> No.8745980

You should have opened a dispute before you sold the dress.

>> No.8745982

You likely can still open a dispute if in the US and you have evidence to back up your claim.

>> No.8745991

I do have proof, it made me fucking sick when I saw it. I don't really care about the money, it's more about her being a horrible seller. She could have just accepted responsibility and said she'll pack better in the future, but to act like stuffing shit in a way too small envelope without plenty of layers is okay for international mail is insane.

>> No.8745996
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I mean we all knew IW shooped their stock photos but wtf

>> No.8746008

Oh damn that just waist on the left is adorable, I hadn't seen that one before. *want*

>> No.8746045

I wanted to go but then I saw Maki and Asuka weren't attending so I said fuck it.

>> No.8746055

The only J-brand that consistently has quality worth the pricetag is Jane Marple.

>> No.8746070

You can request a partial refund through PayPal when opening a claim. If she still won't do it, the best you can do is leave bad feedback.

>> No.8746130

Excentrique is also incredibly well made, I have a velvet skirt that's very sturdy.

>> No.8746135

I became a recent fan of Excentrique after finding a velvet jsk secondhand recently. I agree, it's really nicely made. Atelier Boz is also really nice quality.

>> No.8746141

>Atelier Boz is also really nice quality.
I have a skirt from them with a "leather" waist and it's starting to get cracks.

>> No.8746156

I've noticed it with items from Baby. Baby is THE WORST at matching ribbons to the rest of the dress. I actually have one friend who removed them completely from a jsk because they were so badly matched.

>> No.8746162

Sometimes the ribbon doesn't match so the dress doesn't become one huge blob of color where you can't see any details..

>> No.8746164


AP's newest dresses aren't same quality as their older stuff, 2008-2012.

>> No.8746263

That's pleather for you though.

>> No.8746285

It gets kind of annoying when the tones are completely different though. I have a couple dresses from Baby that are in warm pinks, almost salmon, but the ribbons that they use for detail are really cool baby pinks, which kind of throws the entire colour palette off.

>> No.8746316

I am so grumpy there is no chocolate print this year. Wtf, AP.

>> No.8746323

Springtime Drippy Runny Chocolate

>> No.8746389

Easter Bunny chocolate print. With ears nipped off.

>> No.8746403

Ha if only. I'm mainly mad since Melty Ribbon Chocolate goes for a fortune now. It so pretty, I was hoping for a re-release or something similar.

>> No.8746410

urgh i wish they would too, it's the only AP series i really want. it's not even that i won't pay 2nd hand prices, but i'm so wary of most sellers- for a dress i like so much, i want pristine condition.

>> No.8746416

>Melty Ribbon Chocolate
>goes for a fortune

>> No.8746420

not really, they've been going downhill since 2012 as well

>> No.8746424

I feel you.

>> No.8746432

It goes for ~$400 before shipping/SS fees easily for the ribbon JSK, which is what I want.

>> No.8746437

~400 is not a fortune unless you are a poorfag, anon.

>> No.8746438

I have the sinking feeling that Whip Jacquard was our "chocolate" print for the year.

>> No.8746449

Ehhh okay fine, not a "fortune" per say but I have seen it consistently go for about $500USD and I am a bit bummed about having to pay double. I mean, you might just be in the mood to troll with poorfag but double does suck regardless that I have enough to buy it.

>> No.8746468

I wish I could see it for $400, I've seen it at least double but I've only been watching the western market.

My only thing is that I want a re-release of Melty Ribbon is because there isn't enough supply in the market. I want a shakeup like what Holy Lantern did

>> No.8746487

It's no better on Japan auctions I'm afraid, 40000-60000 is the norm, and then you have an extra 4000-6000 for fees, 3000-4000 for shipping... blah.

Which colorway do you want anon? I want pink or mocha so badly. There was one up on LM recently but I was too slow.

Unfortunately pink and bitter sat on the japanese webstore for a few good weeks, so when that happens they never do a re-release... So it's a SOL situation. It's a beautiful dress but they only do re-releases for ones that all sell out immediately and have a high demand (mainly, lots of people emailing asking for another release or MTO.) Melty Ribbon is lovely but just not popular enough it seems.

>> No.8746513

That's reassuring to hear because the last time someone got their items shipped after 2 weeks. I ordered some custom sized clothing items so I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't receive them until next year.

>> No.8746535

>all this sudden love for Melty Ribbon
is it just me or iirc wasn't it very unpopular even here in the western market when it first came out? i remember most of cgl calling it ugly.

>> No.8746544
File: 22 KB, 250x333, iw dat shoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, I've had pic related saved forever

>> No.8746545

It's been a popular dream dress here for ages.
I don't even dare to dream, so sad.

>> No.8746549

Sorry I don't know where else to ask this, I know there have been threads about shopping in Japan before but I couldn't find this answered.

I'm planning a trip to Japan that's going to be right on the edge of Golden Week (week before and then into the week itself), but I probably won't be able to get to my shopping until the holiday has started. Will brand shops/department stores/closetchilds be closed during Golden Week itself?

>> No.8746561

You are thinking of chess chocolate or royal chocolate. Everyone loved the round collar jsk of MRC, the other cuts not as much.

>> No.8746577

it may depend on the individual building? but fwiw i don't remember most of them being closed, in fact they were crazy busy if open. banks and post offices are definitely closed.

>> No.8746589

Chess chocolate was crazy popular, one of the first chocolate dresses and had new restrictions? It isnt anymore but for the time of release it was a big deal to have scored it.

>> No.8746590

Shit, now I'm paranoid.
I have always sent/received dresses packed in sturdy cardboard envelopes with a plastic packaging inside, and I've never ran into any complains/problems, so I kept doing it.
Would plastic parcel bags be better? I don't want to ship it in a box because it raises the shipping significantly.

>> No.8746594

Ok, thank you. I remember that Innocent World's office, at least, is closed for the holiday... So I wasn't sure if the stores would be closed the whole holiday too or only their actual offices.

If anyone knows for non-department store shops like closetchild or Grimoire that would be awesome!

>> No.8746595

so sad, i think the replica market killed that print. babby's first replica was always CC. i love that dress though, in all it's bright over the top glory.

i think it's generally ok, just make sure you use a proper sized envelope + tape shit down correctly and make sure it's secure. i always test by flinging my parcel around, it needs to be able to handle that or it can't go to the post, who will definitely fling it around.

>> No.8746597

More like that print killed the AP release process.

>> No.8746599

that makes sense, offices and formal businesses like that are definitely closed. food, hospitality, and shopping generally isn't though.

my advice is to check the shop blog, that's the best way to get concrete info- maybe look up last year's announcements around the same time?

>> No.8746614

This was literally just a paper bubble mailer like you use for jewelry, if you just the plastic ones, you should be fine

>> No.8746624

did they tape it at all? i use paper envelopes but i tape problem areas to avoid splitting.

>> No.8746625

I am hoping for pink or bitter, personally. It's still one of those dresses where I'm just going to let it go unless they do a rerelease

the collar JSK has always been a huge wishlist item.

>> No.8746637

>maybe look up last year's announcements around the same time?
Oh duh, why didn't I think of this. Thanks, I'll try that for a few shops!

>> No.8746649

Yeah you might have a bit of a wait for that then. No sooner then a month. Last time i only ordered one headdress as is, no custom color or anything, and it was shipped out 4 weeks after i paid for it. Ive always been interested in custom colored/sized items, so id be interested in how long it takes myself, so please check back!

>> No.8746662

I'm not sure there's a better thread to ask this in so I'll try here. Any recommendations for insoles to help make shoes more comfortable? I know it's a common practice, but there's a lot of options out there and I don't want to waste a ton of money buying stuff that doesn't work, you know?

>> No.8746668

Do you need them for actual arch support? Or just padding to prevent discomfort?

I generally use Dr Scholl's for the former, and Naturalizer for the latter.

>> No.8746679

Just for general comfort. I have this pair of boots that feel hard as hell against my feet and need some cushion. I'll check out Naturalizer, thanks.

>> No.8746681

Good luck. Just remember that insoles will make the shoes tighter because they take up extra space. If you just need some cushion in one spot (like the ball of your foot), look for partial insoles instead of full length. It'll help keep the shoes from being too tight.

>> No.8746720

CC was super popular at first but now it is considered ita by many.

>> No.8746722

Thanks anon! Hmm the reviews for the Dr Schools partial arch support are really iffy, do they not stick down so well? If not, do you have any solutions that don't involve gluing it to the actual shoe?

>> No.8746723

should I be worried if i bought a dress from a seller in japan with no feedback who hasn't contacted me or notified me of shipment within 10 days, even though i paid right away?
>mfw am i being scammed? but the seller still has three active listings on lacemarket...
>and they also invoiced me right away, but mysteriously have no communication after being paid

>> No.8746727

I use the arch and heel support from them and usually just jam it into the back of the shoe, then hold it in place while I slide my foot in. Lol

They usually stay put once I've got my foot in there, but if you're not getting the kind with an attached heel, I'm not sure how to go about keeping them in place.

>> No.8746739

It's not considered ita, it's just rare to see it worn well because there's so many mishapen oojia replicas knocking about.
Through lacemarket or somewhere else? Did you pay properly with paypal or use gift? Have you contacted them yourself since?

>> No.8746779

san diego hat company

>> No.8746780

Does buyee mark down for customs if you ask? The auction was ending too soon for my usual shipping service so went with them

>> No.8746864

-properly with Paypal, so I can open a dispute if need be, though I hope I won't have to...
-yes, though just today, but twice (through Lacemarket and their Paypal email, still no response, and the message on LM hasn't been read.)

>> No.8746865

correction, I also sent a Lacemarket message a few days ago, that one was the one not read.

>> No.8746880

I like the cut of that bottom JSK, but not that into the print.

>> No.8746887

IW shoops are seriously the worst. You never know what color you're actually going to get. Someone is selling a dress I once had on LM and has a stock photo of it, but in the listing says something to the effect of "looks to be a special release as this color doesn't have official release photos/information".

Nah, it's just a victim of their photoshop. That's just brown...

>> No.8746888

We're talking Western market here, China going for Japan releases doesn't count. Horror Garden sold out instantly, but when it was on the US store even the OPs sat for multiple hours.

>> No.8746898


As long as the jp stores keep selling out AP doesn't really care, though.

Adding to the stories. A friend bought the navy colourway of a dress because she liked the stock photo. A black dress arrived at her house. She went online to try and email IW that they'd sent her the wrong colourway when she realised that the release didn't come in black. Guess they shooped the navy to a lighter blue when it was nearly black irl (she still has that dress, didn't really mind it, but it was certainly a funny story).

Good thing IW is mostly classic and doesn't care as much about colour matching, I'd go nuts if I had to guess the colours from their stock photos/description.

>> No.8746959

I almost bought a bag from their site that looked 100% black in the photo, until I noticed that it said "navy" for the description. It's also really difficult to tell black and brown colorways from the stock photos, imo.

>> No.8746989
File: 1.67 MB, 2448x4579, _20151203_005645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did. This is how it looked when I got it. It's like she ripped the envelope and tried to tape it together to fit

>> No.8746995

I bought a wii u on ebay and the seller put it in a box that was too short so they just let the box flaps gap and taped over the gap a bunch. There was no padding inside because there was no room between the wii u and box for padding. Left neg feedback. Fuck these people.

>> No.8747009

>that braid trim
Oh no, is the dress MM?
Feels bad for you, is the dress severely damaged?

>> No.8747038


As awful as the outfits are, this is one catchy song

>> No.8747056

Ha, same thing happened to me! I got one of their sailor style OPs and when I opened the package I was like "oh no I read the auction description wrong and bought the black colorway" but it was just a really dark navy. Matched nothing navy in my wardrobe, not even my navy IW back. I coordinated with cream socks and otherwise all black accessories/shoes and nobody even noticed so no fucks were given.

Also I once bought brown IW socks and again, I thought they had sent me black ones until I tried them in an all black coordinate. They are so dark brown that they look black in combination with brown, but still too brown to look good with black. They are super cute but I have them stored in my sock drawer for two years now without being able to wear them with anything...

>> No.8747073

Fortunately it was barely harmed, just a few tiny rips and some dirt. It's just so sad that someone would pack like that and try to blame the mail carrier. Sellers need to get their shit together, I'm tired of getting stuff in way worse condition than advertised.

>> No.8747107

I'm always horrified at the thought of this happening to one of my packages, so I make sure I ship in a double-taped box with padding for international shipping at least. I don't get sellers who just don't give a shit.

>> No.8747112

No, although they will mark as a gift

>> No.8747234

Which one? I feel like some of the silky lady cuts were similar

>> No.8747237

I use the gel ones and they generally self-stick pretty well. If you need something to stick with you could try fashion tape

>> No.8747495

What do you think of going to a normie christmas party in Lolita? dark colors, some details only...
I feel like in most normie parties, the dress code for women includes showing arms and shoulders, but I don't like doing that (and Lolita does not show them much).

Do you go to normie parties in Lolita? or do you wear normie dresses?
Do you just go as you wish?
any trouble, advice?

>> No.8747497

She reused a mailer someone had sent something to her in. Classic.

>> No.8747502

yeah, the issue looks like she didn't put enough tape AND she reused the mailer.. it looks like it was cut open before. putting two layers of tape down the edge where it's already been open doesn't cut it at all, the structural integrity is lost.

>> No.8747504

What's Fril?

>> No.8747506

Is it me or the Deerstalker girls are getting uglier? Not to mention they don't have great coords anyomore...

>> No.8747509

>own most of AP's carousel prints
>for some reason I just don't really like this one
You're making me feel bad here anons heh...

Idk, something about the print just doesn't tickle my fancy. I think the red and pink were poor choices for the colorways as well. Maybe I will like the accessories?

>> No.8747512

i feel like the print looks too busy in a bad way? and the awkward white panels don't help.

>> No.8747529

I'm not a fan of it, either. Personally hate the OP style (it never looks good IMO) and the print itself looks really out of place on the dresses. I pretty much only like the pseudo-gothic releases from AP now lol. Everything else is just lackluster or eye burning to me.

>> No.8747555

You know I thought Whip Jacquard was going to be ugly but I bought it on a whim and it looks amazing when worn. I just wish I had bought the mocha color and not brown...

>> No.8747557
File: 218 KB, 360x420, metajkl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta's little squirrel's ribbons just do not go with the print at all. Make up your mind Meta! Do you want wine red or orange red!!

>> No.8747567

i usually wear stuff i'm not afraid to get dirty, people always spill drinks and food at these things. and the wine, all the wine accidents.. tread carefully anon.

>> No.8747594

Would you be kind/brave enough to post a photo? I haven't seen it worn yet.

>> No.8747777

How short is too short? I received a cutsew op and it's fairly short on me, and I'm not overly tall by any means.

With my hands down by my sides, it ends at my finger tips

>> No.8747802

Anons, if your comm has held a swap meet, at what sort of venue did your comm have it? I've been trying to find spaces to hold such a meetup, but all I'm coming up with are expensive rental fees, or pubs.

>> No.8747804

Try someone's apartment? If someone has a large living room, that might work

>> No.8747808

I'm not an ap fan but I love whip jacquard.

>> No.8747809

I'd considered that, but I'm not sure if everyone would be comfortable going to someone's house if they don't know the member particularly well, or at all. Thanks for the suggestion, though, and I'll ask around and see if it's at all feasible.

>> No.8747810

Cutsew OPs are mostly for casual lolita or non-lolita outfits anyways, so I don't know how much it really matters, but I'd say fingertips is too short. What OP did you get?

>> No.8747822

Holy Cross Cutsew OP
It'll definitely be for casual stuff, I was hoping it would be knee lenth at least. And I'm only 5'1

>muh dream dress

>> No.8747836

I've been to one in an empty lecture hall at a university and one at someone's house. You could also look into renting a room at a community centre or library.

>> No.8747850

Negative feedback for her.

>> No.8747853

I don't like the crest, it's so awkward. The print is just OK, it needed some more work

>> No.8747856

I ship small things in plastic bubble mailers AND I put the actual item in a huge plastic bag with a zip lock top.
Boxes I pad with bubble wrap and I use foam wedges to keep the item from sliding around if the box is a bit big.

>> No.8747858

My comm had one at a dance studio, but one of the organizers is friends with the owner. I don't think it'd hurt to look into local dance studios by you though.

>> No.8747934

I've been to a couple, one that was in a park and one that was at someone's house. Libraries, schools (maybe a university you or another member attends), town municipal buildings, churches, etc. may have rooms that you can use either for free or hopefully a much smaller fee.

>> No.8747983

Japanese secondhand app kind of like poshmark

>> No.8748039

kind of a weird question but, do any of you like to dress up when you're sick? or is it sweats and tshirt all the way?

i just caught a nasty bug and i'm pretty sure i can't do ILD events because of it, but I still want to dress up and be miserable at home.

>> No.8748041

It depends on my mood, but usually if I'm feeling depressed or slightly sick I like to dress nicely to help myself feel better. Low energy days = big comfy sweaters and jeans, though.

>> No.8748045

I don't get that sick but I do like to get dressed up when I'm stressed out or overwhelmed by stuff

>> No.8748053

How long is Closet Childs shipping time inside Japan? I can only find info on international shipping

>> No.8748063

it depends on your location. typically it takes 3-4 days for me, before processing time.

>> No.8748066

They usually ship within 2-3 days, and since they use EMS, it usually takes 3-4 days to reach me, in the US. I've ordered items from them on a Monday Japan time and had them arrive by my Friday, once.

>> No.8748074
File: 163 KB, 599x1066, british bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP coorded the yellow British Bear monstrosity and I can't believe I'm saying this but I kind of like it. I'm not the only one am I?

>> No.8748080

Does anyone know if Black Alice in Singapore is still up and running? Visiting the city soon and it'd be cool to do something lolita related. Also anyone know if there are any other j-fash shops in Singapore and/or Bangkok. Google only refers to the shop Chu Chu, which looks like they're selling a few bodyline pieces at best.

>> No.8748085


Not really a fan myself...
I'm sure people will wear it beautifully, but its just not my cup of tea for my wardrobe

>> No.8748088

It looks way better because it isn't that photoshopped neon, dayglo yellow they used in the promo pics. Really wish they would just take the time to take real photos sometimes because the photoshopped colors always look really awk. This looks 10x better and I actually really like it. Yellow tartan is underrated. I kinda want this now.

>> No.8748108

I honestly don't think it fits the toned down print, but the tartan itself is cute. Glad it's not as monstrous as originally thought.

>> No.8748119

Its still fug imo. I would like to see how they coord the pink one though.

>> No.8748123

neon yellow or no, i love this yellow plaid <3. i hope it stays unpopular, i'd love to snap this up at a reasonable price.

>> No.8748138

How do you manage to wear white blouses with corset jsk without showing your bra? My skin color bra is showing a lot and I don't know what to do.

>> No.8748145

Option A:
Strapless bra

Option B:
Clear bra straps

Generally, my JSK straps line up with my bra straps though, so they're not visible. Is this a strapless JSK? Or are they just really narrow/not placed in alignment to your bra?

>> No.8748164
File: 65 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean jsks like pic related.

>> No.8748168

I wear a flesh toned camisole over my bra to smooth over the bra edges and choose blouses with some ruffling, detailing, or a jabot at the neckline.

>> No.8748172

Ahhhh. In that case, you need a halterneck bra, and a blouse that has a decorative yoke. The layered fabric on the yoke will conceal your bra, and the halterneck straps will be hidden by the JSK straps. If your band still shows, you can get a wrap-around strap from VS or a similar lingerie brand, which pulls the band down around your natural waist (I use one of these for almost-backless dresses).

Failing that, a blouse made of thicker fabric is probably your best bet in the end.

>> No.8748173

wear a skin colored cami underneath

>> No.8748176

Turns out that the petticoats I have are too short for my Forest of Pipe Organ JSK and I need to buy longer ones. the ones I have right now give it that....quarter bell shape, you know like it goes down nicely until the petticoat ends and then just falls straight down? yeah, that.
Any shops you guys would recommend for longer petticoats?

>> No.8748180

What would be the easiest way to add little loops for a belt to a dress? I got a cutsew OP with a belt, but because there are none of those little strings to help keep it in place, it gets messed up rather easily. The strings on my similar JM piece are obviously not made from regular thread, but I have no idea what they are.

>> No.8748182

I just wanted to say thank you Fluevog gulls and others from the shoe thread that actually recommended me quality shoes. I don't think I can go back to normal clown feet tea parties ever again.

>> No.8748183
File: 17 KB, 353x66, Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 4.23.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8748190

I think wearing a camisol is still going to look like a bra with the straps and lines. I'd buy or customize an undershirt that has a crew collar but no sleeves, so the collar of your undershirt is hidden under the blouse's collar and the chest/back area is smooth and opaque.

>> No.8748233

If it's one of those knotted belt loops that are on some dresses, you can make your own. just search up "thread belt loop" or something, there are a bunch of tutorials

>> No.8748272

Thank you, anon!

>> No.8748274

mmm honestly lucky key hasn't been going for much, especially on y!a

>> No.8748285

wow I love this jsk it has my two favorite colors, piss and shit.

>> No.8748295

anon i nearly choked on my fucking toast thank you for making my morning

>> No.8748310

I choked on my god damn pizza

>> No.8748482


Sorry anon, Black Alice went online-only and then kind of faded away a few years ago. Not sure about other jfashion shops either.

>> No.8748521

JUST got a dress in secondhand, I feel like I'm going insane. IW site originally listed it as navy, but stock photo looked black. But it looked like when color gets washed out by photography. Secondhand site's photo looked navy, I said great, it must actually be navy!

Just arrived, and it's black. WTF. I compared it to all my black and navy dresses, and it's definitely black. I'm just so confused...

>> No.8748588
File: 341 KB, 502x655, press_sm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the guy who produced the Kawaii Ambassador project just died. 2015 hasn't been a good year for the KA.
>According to police, Sakurai was at Nishi-Nippori Station in Arakawa, Tokyo at around 12:30 a.m., when he accidentally stepped off the platform and fell onto the rail track, and the oncoming train caught his leg. He was rushed to the hospital, but was proclaimed dead on arrival.
>(he's the guy on the right)

>> No.8748610
File: 27 KB, 440x711, 0062PBRtgw1eymaeh55rmj30jg0vf756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone on weibo posted this about the BB special sets, and I think it's fitting.

>> No.8748617

holy shit. What a horrible way to go

>> No.8748622

Wow, that's awful. My condolences to his family.

>> No.8748638
File: 202 KB, 564x423, f4ffe38ecdb29f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently he was drunk.

>> No.8748653

That's even worse, poor guy was at risk.

>> No.8748665

Is it common for AP to have their tags upside down? I got a dress and the tag is purple, not pink, and it's upside down?

>> No.8748666

Can you post a pic? Sounds sketchy.

>> No.8748668
File: 356 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-6915061627412667173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It better be legit, I paid AP price for this

>> No.8748671

Did you buy it direct or on LM/FB?

>> No.8748674


>> No.8748686

Yeah, I'd be concerned if I were you. Maybe contact the seller about it?

>> No.8748691

not to worry you.. but that tag's stitching is weird. it should not be upside down and iirc they stich all 4 sides- I only see 2 sides stitched in your pic and messily.

can someone else also confirm this? I'm going off the labels of 2 tote bags and a few of my jsks.

>> No.8748696

Op here
I checked all of my ap dresses, all stitched on all 4 sides
But! My regular cutsew shirt is only stitched on 2, and this is a cutsew op. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it?

I might contact the seller anyways

>> No.8748700

Have you checked for care tags?
My AP cutsew had Angelic Pretty printed on the tag, along with the cleaning instructions.

>> No.8748702

Just checked my AP dresses and bags, including a canvas tote bag.

All jsks, including those going back to 2007, have pink tags sewn on all 4 sides, rightside up.

What particular dress is it anon?

>> No.8748703
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 2015-12-04 00.33.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hueg pic warning but yeah, the only 2 AP pieces I have are stitched on all 4 sides. The stitching isn't exactly neat though.

>> No.8748707

What's the dress?

AP started doing purple tags around 2013, starting with Day Dream Carnival for their more mature, dressier releases. I have a number of items with both pink and purple tags and varying tag designs.

On the other hand, I've seen some wonky ass shit with AP in recent releases, pearls and buttons not sewn on at all and just falling off right out of the package. DOL quality stitching on some items. Lace sewn down the wrong way. I wouldn't be surprised if a tag was sewn on upside down.

>> No.8748710

I just did, and it said Angelic Pretty on it

It's Holy Cross Cutsew OP, I've been looking for it for at least 2 months now and finally found it

I think cutsews might only be stitched on the sides, my polka dot chocolate cutsew is also like this

I've never had a purple tag before though?

>> No.8748719

stitching anon again, cutsews are stitched on two sides to avoid warping the fabric (since they shrink/expand and move more than other materials) so this sounds right. some of their newer items have a purple tag, so that's nothing to worry about.

it's possible someone bought this at a b-grade sale for a little less (because the tag is upside down) and a western lolita bought it from that person, and that's why it's floating around now.

>> No.8748720

If the care tags say Angelic Pretty, and isn't shoddily attached, it might be the real thing.
AP's construction has been wonky for the past year or so, I wouldn't be surprised if they attached the tags wrong.

>> No.8748724

Is there a guide for making sure things are legit? and if not could we create one? I think it would be a helpful resource (also I like looking at brand tags)

>> No.8748731

Thanks guys! I haven't owned any of AP's earlier stuff, just old stuff. I appreciate the help!

>> No.8748735

there's no definitive guide, just because of the sheer amount of things out there and sudden changes over time. it's best to consult others.

>> No.8748743

I started on a small project to help identify replicas but there's so much variation between brands and releases. You can only really give a generalized guide of what to look out for when it comes to the real items and what most popular and common replicators tend to do.

>> No.8748746

This. It's much quicker if you just ask someone who owns the real thing, and be wary of commonly replicated dresses.

>> No.8748769

I know this is random but I'm new to selling. I more or less know the value of everything I have, but how do you decide what to make the BIN vs the starting price? Should I just make everything BIN at the price i want to get?

>> No.8748772

This is so sad that we need this
But we really do. I recently saw the putu cat in window for sale and just couldn't justify buying it when I've seen a replica for sale, I would be embarrassed if someone thought my skirt were a replica

>> No.8748778

lolibrary needs to show replicas alongside the real deal like how myfigurecollection shows examples of counterfeits.

>> No.8748797

I own a lot of items that are replicated, and since I've started my replica education project, I own replicas of some of my dresses (donated of course). I never get asked if something I'm wearing is a replica, and if I do, I politely explain that it's not. It's harder to do online, but if you are familiar with the replica, you can easily explain, "hey, this is not a replica because of these reasons." But usually the quality is a dead giveaway. Most people who wear replicas still tend to go with DOL or Oojia and those are easy to spot. Even a some of the taobao replicas are easy to spot in photos or in person. There are others that are really good though, and that's where it can get a little tricky.

>> No.8748799

Holy Cross? Is that one of the purple tagged dresses? I'd look into that in case.... I know they tend to use purple tags on these sorts of things, or at least they do on holy lantern, etc...

>> No.8748802

Some things have purple tags

>> No.8748852

Didn't see anyone talking about here, but Dozing Cat just popped up for sale. Managed to get the button down OP and socks in white. I wanted to get either the sack dress OP in black or white, or the button down in black or white, so I'm glad something was left since I missed the preorder fast.

>> No.8748866

Meta has restocked some Dozing Cat stuff I think and also released a skirt that's just the check pattern without the cat print.

>> No.8748875


Rakuten still has the hakama jsk in two colours (and a few other items) in stock, if anyone's after it.


I've no idea how to make international orders from there though.

>> No.8748881

Ah what a shame! But there's bound to be other pretty clothes out there. Thanks for answering my question!

>> No.8748893

Damn it I want the cat print without the check pattern.

>> No.8748910

Hey so I just checked my Holy Cross OP and it is a purple tag with two sides stitched, if that helps. Maybe they just accidentally sewed your tag upside down?

>> No.8748914

I have some back-up replicas and cheap cotton burando for that

>> No.8748925

I don't think a "how to spot lolita replicas" guide should be made. It's becoming a very large market and will help the replica makers improve their product. Especially when they sometimes have access to leftover fabric so it's better to just ask around.

>> No.8749040

A bit irrelevant question, but where on facebook I can sell non-lolita, but j-fash (liz lisa and other) and generally cute clothes?

>> No.8749041

is anyone else having issues with USPS tracking? two of my packages haven't updated their tracking at all in over a week (literally nothing has been scanned).

>> No.8749049

Yeah, I've been. My package was listed as shipped for a full week before the seller even sent it out. She was as confused as I was.

>> No.8749056

whew, that makes me feel a lot better. i keep seeing "preshipment" info sent and nothing else after and it was worrying me. thanks for confirming!

>> No.8749057

We have the bst thread here, and I think lacemarket allows some depending on the brand.

>> No.8749077

And does the dress itself looks like it could be a replica? Do you have another AP dress you can compare it to? Good luck Anon, I hope you hadn't been scammed.

>> No.8749115

I heard back from the seller, and it's legit. Thank god.

Now, onto finding it in the other colorways

>> No.8749120

Yea, this is how it always is during the holidays

>> No.8749137

Black Alice closed shop, but there's an annual BA tea party usually around halloween.
Most local lolitas will visit HRM at Bugis Junction if we're in the area, they sell cute/gothic fashion and accessories from Japan. The owner is pretty nice and you can find pics of the local lolita comm on the walls. They do sell Bodyline at a markup though.
You can find random mori shops once in a while, I don't really wear mori, so I don't take notice of where they are.
If you want Japanese makeup, either Watsons or Guardians usually has a row just for Japanese brands like Heroine or Canmake.
If you like Japanese food, visit Liang Court and eat at the basement. Ikeikemaru is my favourite restaurant there, else you can buy food from any of the stalls or the Mediya supermarket and eat it at the tables around the area. (If you're fucking broke, Saizeriya is also where we go when we can't afford curry rice downstairs) Liang Court also has a Kinokuniya, which specialises in Japanese books/mags too, if you can't find the book there, try the main store at Takashimaya. There's usually GLBs at the least, Brand mooks tend to fly off the shelves pretty quickly though.

I wish I could show you around my little island, but most of our comm would be overseas for the holidays when you visit, though it wouldn't hurt to ask on the comm page. There are two, one is the ita comm, you'll see what I mean when you see it and the other one is our main comm, initials are HR.

Have fun visiting Singapore, the haze is mostly gone and Orchard Road is pretty with Xmas deco now!

>> No.8749138

Specifically on facebook there is a group called Alternative Fashion sales (groups/altfashionsales) you can try

>> No.8749144

Is it weird to borrow a friend's dress to make a coord with it? I've always let people borrow my dresses but I've never asked to borrow myself. I kinda have this huge desire to do an old school bunny coord but, I feel weird about wanting to borrow my friend's old school dress to do it.

Would any of you gulls ever do that? Or does it depend on how close you are to that person? The friend in question doesn't live near me either so I don't want her to be scared that I'll just never return the dress or something.

>> No.8749148

There are groups like Gyaru Sales and J Fashion Sales

>> No.8749160

My friend borrows my dresses all the time, and accessories too. But she doesn't have as much as I do though. If you are known to be careful borrowin should be fine

>> No.8749187

Wow, I haven't paid much attention to the Kawaii Ambassador project, but that's really sad.

>> No.8749208

Hey everyone. I usually just lurk here but I need advice. I made a video about lolita and someone left a comment on it telling me this other girl transcribed what I said in the video on her blog with no credit or link back to me. They've changed up the phrasing here and there but it's basically word for word. They even used my video thumbnail at the top.

This has never happened to me before, what do I do? Should I message her or do you think she'll ignore it?

>> No.8749228

Message her and leave a comment on the blog. If that doesn't work then spread awareness on your channel, tumblr, FB groups, etc. Don't let her get away with it, she may have stolen content from others.

>> No.8749245
File: 54 KB, 500x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in Arakawa. The station platform looks like this and it's a pretty long drop to the ground...I feel awful that that was his last experience.

>> No.8749327

I didn't even think about her stealing other people's content. It's kinda ironic and hypocritical seeing as how she whined about having her cosplay photos being stolen and sold without her permission.

>> No.8749359

The AP Elizabeth unicorn thing is coming up

>> No.8749369

After messaging her via Twitter and Facebook, she has yet to reply but deleted the post. I think she's ignoring me because she doesn't want to own up.

>> No.8749467

I sent an auction request to Chibi Tenshi almost 24 hours ago and she has yet to reply to me... should I be worried? The auction ends in less than a week.

>> No.8749482

Ap's Elizabeth unicorn is being released soon so she's probably swamped with that.

>> No.8749508

Deerstalker used to style most of the coords for the videos but now they don't. It seems like most of their normal cast have not been active in the comm this year from what I can see.

>> No.8749574

I want the top JSK in white but I have a strict no-pale main pieces because ai'm scared of dirt

>> No.8749582

Oh god that's so awful, hope his family and friends will be okay.

>> No.8749716

I'm a little confused by Lacemarket. It's my first time selling something there and it shows I have 3 bids but the bid won't change ? Is this a glitch ?

>> No.8749726
File: 248 KB, 500x753, T2sIMAXbdbXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With regards to sales photos (on Lacemarket, LSE, etc. as well as proper shop fronts), do you prefer a blank background/wall for product photos (ie: Meta or AP)? A simple curtain (Baby)? Photoshop (IW)?

Or is it okay to have cute surroundings/an obvious room in the background?

Pick related is what I mean by cute surroundings, not some trashpile bedroom or in-focus bookshelves.

>> No.8749737

That's really odd... Only thing I can think of, though it shouldn't work for 3 bids, is if you accidentally have both an auction and a BIN going but with the same price? As opposed to a lower starting auction price and then a larger BIN price.

I've heard that sometimes LM has a bug that if someone tried to buy the item by manually bidding the BIN price, instead of hitting the actual Buy Now button, it'll only count one of the users as winning the auction. But I can't see how that would work for 3 bids...

You mean proof photos? Personally I don't care what the backdrop is as long as your photos are well lit with the entire dress actually in the photo, and at a decent enough resolution/size to see it clearly.

>> No.8749738

I honestly think anything is okay as long as it's clean
I just take my pics on my bedspread, it's the best lighting since its right next to the only window in my room

>> No.8749745

As long as the room isn't gross and the lighting is good I don't have a preference. I like to see a few detail shots instead of just one picture.

>> No.8749752

I don't mind as long as the photo is a clear, accurate representation of what the item looks like in real life. This means a good quality photo where I can see the item, no bg colors that might mess with the color of the item or shitty lighting, and extra photos of the item up-close to show details.

>> No.8749826

I purchased a jsk from an expired auction on LM after haggling on the price. It was listed as 'like mint condition' as it had only been worn once. But the hook and eye is broken and threads are loose around the zip, the glitter flock is rubbed in some places maybe from a bag rubbing. Is this too much of a nitpick to raise to the seller?

>> No.8749842

Is Lolibrary down for everyone right now? I'm trying to get info on a blouse and just keeps trying to load with no results.

>> No.8749854

>loose threads
>is this too much of a nitpick?
yes. yes it is. how dare there be some loose threads
the glitter flock depends on how badly it was rubbed. if it's noticeable, you may be able to get a partial refund for that, at lease. if it's not noticeable, well, maybe the seller will offer a partial refund. i doubt they'd issue one for some loose threads though.

>> No.8749856

it's down for me, so i've just been using google cache pages to check info.

>> No.8749863

Thanks for the tip! Are all of the photos showing up for you on that?

>> No.8749864

I think loose threads was a poor description on my part anon. From where the hook and eye have been pulled out and down the zipper there are threads that have come unstitched (?) From obviously being strained or pulled.

>ignores factor of broken hook and eye in dress that is supposed to be 'mint'

>> No.8749869

Ngl if something says mint and has damaged anything, I would bring it up. So what if you haggled- the description was false if shit has damage...

>> No.8749872

Has anyone ever liked a dress so much you wanted it in all colorways?

I'm currently on the hunt, it's only a cutsew op, so its not really expensive

>> No.8749877

they were showing up for me, might depend on how google cache is working at the moment though, since nothing was loading for me earlier even on there, but it is now

>> No.8749878

>but what is money

>> No.8749925

yup. this is me with toy march.

>> No.8749976

cream cookie collection for me. i want it in all of the colorways, either jsk or op. i also want the skirts too.

>> No.8749999


I own several releases in all colourways (though not all complete sets). The JetJ dresses only come in two colours, though, not sure if you'd count that. There's also a couple of releases where I didn't like the black colourway, so I have/had three of the four colours it comes in.

With the four or five colourway items (AP sets, usually), I find that after a year I do start selling off one or two colourways. Nowadays I prefer to get just one or two colourways instead of all of them. I have no regrets on that awesome first year with all four colourways of a dress I really, truly loved, but after a while it does seem a little monotonous, so I traded the closet space for a new dress. Conversely I've also bought just one IW dress and then decided to hunt down the other two colourways because it was versatile and looked good on me, and I still have all three of them.

If you have the time and money to hunt them down, I'd say go for it. Especiallly if it's a simple dress and it looks good on you. It's pretty fun, and the thrill of seeing them all in one place is an experience in itself. Just don't get too caught up in the idea of gotta catch 'em all, there's a lot of gorgeous dresses in the world, be open to letting another gorgeous dress into your life instead of sticking to one design.

>> No.8750013

No but I do have a lot of at least two

>> No.8750015

i'm a bit picky, so i do tend to get multiples of dresses/cuts i really like. I think i own 3/4 colorways for at least 5 releases? sometimes a color change can totally change the look of the piece!

>> No.8750023

I love Twinkle Journey this much (I'm done hoarding those now though). I also love AP's cosmic series and Meta's pintuck pinafore dresses.

>> No.8750059

I have IW's Rose Stained Glass in every colorway.

>> No.8750062

I'm so jealous I could fuck you, god fucking dammit

>> No.8750073

>I ship it.

>> No.8750074

MM and multiples are my thing.
So far its only 4 colurways of Antionette fleur, 3 cardigans and 5 berets but I'm certainly expecting to expand my MM multiples in the future.

>> No.8750082

Does Meta do restocks?

Yep, it's for Dozing Cat. I ironically missed out because I decided to sleep on it

>> No.8750084

Super late reply! Sorry anon!
I should mention I have the skirt and nit the JSK or OP. Do you still want pictures? I don't mind posting one.

>> No.8750099

I swear I'm not bringing this up for drama purposes, and I'm so sorry...but that poor kitten Kate got, does anyone know what kind of kitten it was? That's all. I don't wanna start stirring shit, please nobody derail to talk about Kate, I know how much everybody hates that and how annoying it is.

>> No.8750102

Milky Planet.

>> No.8750111

>polite sage for OT
iirc it was a scottish fold? cats with those "droopy ears" are generally scottish folds with lots of respiratory/health problems because they are so heavily inbred. it's very sad ;-;.

back to topic, the more i see meta's dozing cat the more i really want it. I hope they do a rerelease so I have a shot at normal prices!

>> No.8750126

I.W Lauretta rose and several of JM's releases

>> No.8750132

Persian. People were concerned because they don't fly well, especially not as young as she got it.

>> No.8750139

Yeah, I hope the kitten is okay...I had heard it causes them breathing trouble.
I was thinking she looked like a chinchilla persian, but I just wasn't sure of the breed. Thank you.

>> No.8750141

Has anyone heard anything about it further? I know she's home and selling off most of her wardrobe.

>> No.8750151


No they won't. I stalled 3 days before paying the shipping so I could aak around about marking down the package as I couldn't find any option to do so having scoured the order page Everyone said 'I'm sure they just mark it down, I can't remember where the option is'

I got a $300 customs charge

Never doing a japanese auction again.

>> No.8750152

The kitten has confirmed to have made it home perfectly safely and healthy fyi. Stop talking about it.

>> No.8750153

Lolita is my only 'occasion wear'. Birthdays, weddings, Christmas parties, church, fundraisers, whatever. Just go for it and be aware of drunk people who might spill stuff on you

>> No.8750168

Hey I said straight up that I wasn't trying to start drama or bring it up for any reason other than I wanted to know the breed. Don't get snotty about it.

>> No.8750214

I have no BIN price at all. I'm just going to guess this is a glitch :/

>> No.8750347

I have the holy cross cutsew in wine and the tag is only stitched on two sides. But my tag looks a lot crisper I guess? It's probably just a blurry photo though but mine looks the same (just right side up obv)

>> No.8750348


It's already been restocked, so uh I'm not sure if they will continue restocking. Try emailing in an order and see if they accept it?

>> No.8750356
File: 105 KB, 768x290, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for my dress to arrive at fj and just noticed the expected arrival date. Why so late? Should I ask for an explanation?

>> No.8750370

Secrets are out

>> No.8750393

IW Rinks OP

Best taste award. Trying to get every cut of the apricot colorway, myself (dream dress). Only have short JSK left (though I'll probably sell my other one once I get it).
>pray for me

>> No.8750399

New thread

>> No.8750405

I would be pissed, sellers need to accurately describe condition. I am hesitant to buy stuff now because of sellers who have done this to me

>> No.8750752


You ordered a reservation, dude.

>> No.8753432
File: 84 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nyzu47wl7J1s9hxveo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hideously tacky, yet I can't help but love it!
Anyone else looking forward to AP's Cecilia Cross Series?