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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 104 KB, 656x510, new_style_boutique_2_fashion_forward_box_art1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8739566 No.8739566 [Reply] [Original]

So pic related finally came out in my country and I've just started playing it and wondered if anyone else is playing?

This thread is for CGL related games in general so feel to post suggestions for games that people might like to play!

>> No.8739586

I want it so badly, it's really good and have a lot jfashion outfits

>> No.8739595

it's still not out for NA right?

I've just been playing trendsetters and making larme coords lately.

>> No.8739735

We pirated it on a japanese new 3ds because NOA still hasn't announced this for NA.

So good though, only down side is the buying center only stocks once a day in real time so you have to time travel to get more merch :/

I hope more people are playing because i'd like to talk about where to unlock all the colors!

>> No.8739749

Did they get rid of the in-game clock? Urghhh, I was so happy they got that fixed.

>> No.8739752

its basically real time like animal crossing now? Since my game is pirated and our system is hacked i can't easily time travel though so i've been stucking playing with like only 5 days worth of clothing and my outfits aren't that good.

literally everything else has been an improvement though so it's a relatively minor issue if you can time travel freely!

>> No.8739776
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The girls in Moco Moco look so cute! Anyone got it yet? Are you enjoying it?

>> No.8739797

OP here. I did wonder why my day wasn't changing hah but yeah that makes sense now.
The game is generally pretty good and I'm enjoying it. Seems to be a fair few of the same clothes from the last game but there's a lot of new clothes too from what I'm seeing. I will post some of my outfits tomorrow.

>> No.8739801

This game looks so cute! I saw it in a game store the other day. I couldn't find a ton of good info on it.

>> No.8739807

Yea I think SS:T had something like 12000 items and this one has 19000 items? So there's about 7K new items. I don't mind the repeats though, i prefer having all of them and in addition to the hair cutting and make up and modelling AND the clothing design it's really actually super overwhelming.

>> No.8739897

Oh god I need this game!

>> No.8739988
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Do any of you dress your original characters in jfashion/cosplay? I'd love to see and it doesn't have to be animal crossing. This is my mayor and Winnie.

>> No.8739991

OP here. Stopping for the night after playing for 5 hours (oh dear). First thoughts are that it seems a lot more fun than the previous game with a lot more to do including the makeup and hairdressing.
Some points that kinda annoy me is that a lot of the people coming to get clothes often repeat the exact same speech. But that's super minor.
Unlocked the lolita shop and it had a library and chocolate OP which I found amusing.

>> No.8739998
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my mayor's wardrobe is almost exclusively j-fash using in-game items

>> No.8739999
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>tfw you feel like this game will never come out in NA

>> No.8740001

The in-game clock is there in the 3rd game! Not sure about the rest though.

>> No.8740003
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>> No.8740008

Aw. I've always imagined Muffy as a gothic lolita.

>> No.8740404

I've been making all my rooms fit the aesthetic of jfashions. Dolly Kei was the only one I had a problem with.

>> No.8740638

i emailed nintendo asking about Girls mode 3 and they basically told me that it isn't planned as it doesn't seem like people want it :c

>> No.8740642

I got Muffy because I thought her as a Gothic Lolita, but I got her from someone else and her house was messed up.

>> No.8740653

I got a virgin muffy, for which I am eternally grateful. Also jfash villagers? Here are a few I can think of:

>> No.8740654

Currently have Merengue too, sadly, not a virgin. Messed up house too. I think Tia would be one (Whom I got randomly and still have)

>> No.8740933 [DELETED] 
File: 895 KB, 2400x2400, nsb2#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Here's a few screenshots of my game so far.
1&2 are my characters look atm
3 is modelling for a theme park
4 and 5 are my character's old looks
The rest are stuff from the lolita shop which I kinda liked.

>> No.8740935
File: 151 KB, 700x700, nsb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reuploaded cos holysize batman.

OP here. Here's a few screenshots of my game so far.
1&2 are my characters look atm
3 is modelling for a theme park
4 and 5 are my character's old looks
The rest are stuff from the lolita shop which I kinda liked.

>> No.8741023
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>> No.8741607
File: 14 KB, 244x390, Screenshot 2015-11-29 19.54.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a style savvy fashion ask blog!

>> No.8741623

What is that name

>> No.8741628


>Was curious whether this game was any good
>Countless /v/ threads about it are dead even though the prequels were actually really popular
>See this on /cgl/ and think for a few moments I'm on /v/

Good to hear the game is good. The flaws are minor enough that I'll buy it later this week.

>> No.8741631


>> No.8741635

it just seems so LAZY they already have it translated in english for the EU version..

>> No.8741663

Although the EU version has thrown me for a loop a few times. Jumpers are sweaters. Trousers are pants and shorts, gherkins are pickles and they call chesnuts "conkers". I can see why sifting through all the text to localize that would be a pain in the ass.

But really, not even a digital release? I'm so sad since i can't save out my photos or time travel due to the hacking thing i mentioned earlier in the thread. I just want to give nintendo my money and play this game right gdi

>> No.8741721

So, I downloaded the Trendsetters demo and I had a really good time, but I don't feel like it gave an accurate feel of the game.

Can someone give me a rundown of what exactly the objectives are in the game? Also is the online boutique always super laggy?

Finally, suggestions for fashion games in NA either out now or in the near future? Everyone keeps talking without specifying which game they're referring to, so this thread is kind of confusing!

>> No.8741848

Eh but that turns more into just a find and replace rather than having to translate an entire game from japanese into english.

Now that I think about it, trendsetters had a couple weird translations in as well, but it's not like it makes the game unplayable.

like in the first style savvy, the main objective of the game is to win their fashion contests. You get to choose a model and dress them up based on a theme. The other thing is running your shop and stocking it with various styles that will make your customers happy. You can specialize in one style but thats all up to you.

The JP version has DLC where you can date some of the guys, but that never got released for NA.

The game everyone else is talking about is in OPs pic (It's the third installment of the style savvy/girls mode game) . It was released in EU and JP but not on NA.

>> No.8742188

Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.8742273


Or just don't bother to replace the British words if it's that's much of a hassle. Brits deal with Americanised English in their games all the time, and we handle it just fine. As much as we take the piss out of you lot, i'm sure you're smart enough to figure things out. Confusing the Americans for all of five minutes wouldn't be a valid excuse, it'd be lazy.

Not criticising you, btw.

>> No.8742400

Nah I get it. The jumper/trousers thing doesnt confuse me at all, like i said there were something in SS1 and SS2 that seemed really off in the translation but it's not hard to figure it out.

I mean is it that hard to make it a digital download from the eshop and release it for NA? Does it even cost Nintendo anything? They don't even have to make physical carts for it!

>> No.8742404


It seems weird to me that us Europeans will get the game, and not the US. What's so special about us, or indeed so wrong with the US? I wouldn't have thought tastes varied that much across the pond in regards to games.

I don't know the ins and outs of game publishing, so I wouldn't like to guess as to why it'd not be released, if indeed that's the case. Unless something is legally barring them releasing it in the US though, it seems odd.

>> No.8742420

OP here. I agree that it's weird that the NA hasn't got it yet but EU and Aus have the game. I would have thought it would be more successful over there than here. Though buying it at Game where it placed number 1 on the DS chart stand, assuming that is based in sales, it might be pretty popular.

Anyone have any requests for particular screenshots ? Will do my best.

>> No.8742431
File: 251 KB, 436x586, item_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, the game is worth it? I'd play the first game and I enjoy it a lot. I'd play the new game demo and it was pretty fun.
I'm a poorfag so, I dunno if it's worth it waste my money into this game.

>> No.8742703

It's about as worth as animal crossing. I mean this in the way that it's a chill game that you can just play endlessly, really. There's no end to customers and you have thousands of clothes to collect.

>> No.8742849


Op here.
Yeah, pretty much this. If you enjoyed the first you'll likely enjoy this. It's the same concept as before.

Maybe wait for it to come second hand to save some money?

>> No.8743323

Not OP (ofc) but I played the crap out of the first one and i'm still playing the crap out of this one too. IMO they changed up enough to make it totally worth it, the time just spent doing someone's hair and make up and then designing clothes and modelling is a lot more than i thought.

You can easily get a $1/hr ratio if that's your standard for worth it. (I mean it's mine idk about you guys lol)

>> No.8743532
File: 61 KB, 400x400, 47051655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thanks for writing. We appreciate you for taking the time to share your comments about Style Savvy 3. At this time we haven't announced any plans for a release here in the Americas; however, I'm happy to forward your comments so your feedback will be heard.

>There are many reasons that Nintendo or any other publisher may decide to release a game in one market, but not another. These can include difficulty or cost of localization, the size and financial strength of the publisher, the size of the distribution network, and (most often) the idea that the game will simply not be accepted or enjoyed in another market.

>I understand that there are (like you) real fans of these games and franchises in this market who would love nothing more than to see these titles on store shelves in the Americas. In fact, there are many of us here who share your interest in these titles. However, the number of interested fans may constitute too small a portion of the gaming public to justify the costs associated with bringing a game here. On the other hand, there have been times when decisions were made to bring certain titles to the Americas after having been released exclusively in another market.

>While I can't guarantee that Style Savvy 3 will be released here in the Americas, we do take all feedback into consideration. Your comments help us to understand what is important to our gamers.

>As news comes available regarding future products, we post any announcements to our website (www.nintendo.com). Keep an eye on our site for all the latest information.


>Nintendo of America Inc.

>> No.8743533

nintendo so full of shit with this region locking stuff.

>> No.8743562

>difficulty or cost of localization, the size and financial strength of the publisher, the size of the distribution network, and (most often) the idea that the game will simply not be accepted or enjoyed in another market.

none of these gatdamn reasons apply here damn it. people will fuckin download the game if they put it on the eshop. no need for localization its in english, no need to distribute it's ONLINE. get the fuuuuuck out

>> No.8743667



>> No.8743900


Still don't get why us Europeans were deemed worthy, but not the US.

Localisation can't be it. As I said in >>8742273 us Brits deal with US english in our games all the time. Not releasing it because Americans will be confused for five minutes is a lazy excuse.

As for acceptance and enjoyment, I can't see how the EU and the US are so drastically different. It's never going to be a massive hit compared to Mario or Pokemon in either market.

Publisher for the this and previous games in both regions was Nintendo according to Wikipedia, so that's a piss poor excuse. Unless this is a RF4 situation all over again.

I can't comment on distribution network comments, as I don't know anything about that. Would be strange if these factors weren't strong enough in the US though, and were adequate in the EU. Ultimately, you could just release it as a eshop exclusive like RF4 was for the EU.

I wonder if there's some legal ties that prevent it been published. There has to be a reason for Nintendo not to release it, it makes absolutely no bloody sense otherwise. Perhaps the developer's been a dick about something.

All I can say to US anons is to keep those fingers crossed. We eventually got RF4 as an eshop release, so there is hope.

>> No.8743906


Region locking in general needs to fucking go. In a world as globalised and connected as ours, it's archaic technology.

Worried people will buy a cheaper import? Stop charging disproportionate prices across the globe.

>> No.8744115

I didn't think the 3DS was region locked? I have a PAL system that plays Japanese and US releases. Am I missing something?

>> No.8744125
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You're either a wizard or your 3DS is hacked/jail broken.

>> No.8744212

Anon what did you do ANON WHAT DID YOU DO

>> No.8745590

maybe if enough people bug them about it/and are vocal they'll consider it? i mean it kinda worked with the first xenoblade game, everyone email them and tweet them or whatever

>> No.8745891

For anyone playing SS3/NSB has anyone gotten the gold bell color?

The hint was obviously the love bell at tropica beach, but no matter how i take a photo of it, the girl just won't seem to see it as a color. Day or night, in front of it or from the side at the beach. I can't get it to work, it's one of the handful of colors i'm missing now, and maybe the only one i'm not season locked out of.

>> No.8745959
File: 478 KB, 1378x983, MTS_Springbunny-1442014-morphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for people who are obsessed with the sims like me: springbunny on modthesims has some nice blouses and a nice skirt for the sims 3

>> No.8745968

OP here. I think i have it. I will have a look when I get home. I saw a hint that helped a lot with the colours. Go to each place, don't select to go anyway but just hang around and each time the scene changes take a photo. There's about 5 scenes for each area and quite a few have colours.

>> No.8746004

yea that's how i have most of the colors now, i'm only missing maybe 5 or so, that one being one of them ugh.

>> No.8746414

nvm i finally got it, had to take a photo of it during sunset time. 8 colors left, 3 i know for sure are season locked, the other 5 not sure.

>> No.8752035
File: 581 KB, 800x715, la-nouvelle-maison-du-style-3-jaquette-ME3050447573_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this thread <3

>> No.8753948

wow.... this thread actually surprises me.
I didn't even know people actually played shovelware games like Style Savvy (and actually admitted to it)

>> No.8753978

Londanian Gothics and Death Smiles are the two games I can think of that are lolita inspired

TWEWY is the only good game that has lolita in it though

>> No.8753989

A lot of the "shovelware" games for the DS are actually fully developed games by smaller Japanese companies. A couple of localization companies buy up the licenses en masse and release them as stuff like the "Imagine" series. Imagine: Ballet is actually a Princess Maker style rpg with rhythm elements.

>> No.8754002
File: 71 KB, 640x575, 105226_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, the Japanese cover for Princess Ballerina: Yumemiru 4-Nin no Primadonna, released in the west as Imagine: Ballet Dancer with a shitty stock photo of a 7 year old ballerina on the cover. It's a rhythm otome game, and actually really fun.

>> No.8754028

wow on a board dedicated to dressing up and fashion there are people who like games that have to do with dressing up and fashion

my god how could this ever happen

>> No.8754030

We should raid their feedback inbox and beg them to bring this game to the US.

>> No.8754042

No. Even guys play this game. Anyone who shoves it aside and calls it "shovelware" have never seen anything about it aside from the cover, and that's sad.

>> No.8754059

Time to spam nintendo with messages.

>> No.8754160

My friend's boyfriend plays this and he usually plays jrpgs. Actually this game is surprisingly addictive.

>> No.8754225

I know this is bait but SS isn't shovelware by a long shot.

Not aimed at this anon but just people on the fence or those who've never heard of it. It's one of the most expansive fashion games or any kind of collection game i've ever played. It was clearly made with a lot of care and love and has a lot of replay value. If you have even an iota of interest in dressing up characers (doll games?), or you're the type to spend an hour customizing your character in MMOs and RPGs you're gonna sink a lot of time into this game because it's basically that, but endless characters and styles to play with.

>> No.8755849

>>8753948 here.
I legit was not trying to be so a dick or post bait.
I honestly was surprised about the enthusiasm these games were getting here. It's not difficult or unsurprising to see someone write off a game like Style Savvy as shovelware, especially when its marketed as such in the west, and you can't really fault them for it either.

>> No.8755870
File: 106 KB, 880x880, 147484[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer worth it?

>> No.8755874

Honestly yes. Compared to the normal animal crossing games theres a TON of depth today can be done.

>> No.8755878
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>> No.8755896

Thanks anon. I'm sold already. But sorry, another question. Amiibo version or non-Amiibo version???

>> No.8755912

Amiibos are practically useless for game

>> No.8755943

Not true, it's super cute to make your favorite villager/shopkeeper's house. Plus it's the only way to unlock some furniture.

>> No.8755971

I also play Dream Girlfriend on iOs! There's a lot of modification that you can do, but not a lot for outfits. The outfit itself is preset, but you can add accessories and hairstyles. It's more of modding the whole scene that your gf is in. At level 30 you get another gf to mod though.

>> No.8756010

I got the non amiibo one and i regret it. The reader thing is $20, but only $10 with the game so unless you are planning to get a new 3ds you might as well just get it now for future (And current) games that use it.

>> No.8756056

Too late, the thread is shit now.

>> No.8756059
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It seems pretty fun to me for a /v/ thread.

>> No.8756067

Exactly. Also spoilers don't work on cgl.

>> No.8756069

>spoilers don't work on cgl
That's the joke.

>> No.8756078

>Not buying Animal Crossing for Muffy
Are you even a lolita bro

>> No.8758754
File: 440 KB, 714x439, 1388289544623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always want to play Animal Crossing again, but I just can't commit to an every day time sink. Are all my favorite animals there anymore? Are there a billion weeds? ;_;

>> No.8758761
File: 671 KB, 1280x1682, tumblr_mv85ybGoN11sypdd2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cute clothes while I am here.

>> No.8758762
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>> No.8758764
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>> No.8758767
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>> No.8758770
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>> No.8758771
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>> No.8758772
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>> No.8758795

Try turning your clock back to the day after you last played before you boot up the game?

>> No.8758802

dang anon that sounds so cute, know any other games like that with kawaii shit hidden under misleading titles?

>> No.8758828

That's so fucking disappointing. I imagine that they'd have more incentive to localise games if they didn't ruin the covers, thus making people pass it up as being some shitty toddler game.

>> No.8758838

>mfw European

>> No.8758879

OP here.Finished the main story now addicted to getting all the clothes hah. Anyone still playing?

>> No.8759077


>>8739735 here, yes i'm still playing. every day. dress all the girls. get all the colors.

>> No.8762816

Can you guys please help me? I want to make a lolita department store in Happy Home Designer, and I really want to use QR codes of brand dresses. I've found a few of AP but that seems to be all.

>> No.8762875

Oh god so one time we dumped a bunch of those imagine games on our R4 card and this was between them.

When I started it up I was so surprised, it's actually a really fun game and I completed the story mode for all characters at least once. Honestly I kind of want to play it again.

It's really sad because there's also stuff like 'imagine my dream wedding' which is worse then your average 'girls game' you can find online to play.

>> No.8762880

I've had essays to write so I asked for this for Christmas to keep myself from buying it. But I've put like 12 hours into the demo in the meantime. So excited to play the full thing.

I'm guessing this is japanese-only DLC?

>> No.8765873

Streetpassing/Nintendo Zoning people with Animal Crossing is a torturous wait. It's turning my hair white. I wish I knew a trustworthy kid to ask them to bring my 3DS to their school.

Is anyone still playing New Leaf on a daily basis? I got the game only about a year ago and really started to play now..

I had high hopes it was included by default. I bought a copie of Style Boutique 2, but told myself I wouldn't play it until Christmas. Dreams shattered ;_;

>> No.8765886

I play everyday. There's an Animal Crossing thread on /vg/, but I'm not sure how much you'd trust /vg/ in your town.

I Streetpass a lot of people on my campus, and I think I've figured out who one of the people I've Streetpassed 15 times now is. I just don't know how to approach them without being weird.

>> No.8767621

I just recently picked AC:NL back up again. I'm really into customizing my home right now.

>> No.8771270

I remember the Imagine Fashion Designer pc game was, not horrible, but definitely not as fun or interesting as Style Savvy and boiled down to a Barbie Dress Up type game with some kind of industrial espionage plot if I remember right.

>> No.8775857
File: 103 KB, 738x738, 12376278_1168665149829853_197988729221271416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are visiting in laws with husband during Christmas
>tfw your husband buys you Style Boutique for Christmas
>tfw your husband forgets to bring it for the trip
>tfw you will be present-less on Christmas day

Damnit, I really just wanted to play ;_;

>> No.8777040

Not technically JFash, but does anyone else play the Chinese app Hello Nikki: Let's Beauty Up?
It's a sequel to Nikki Up2U, and it's free! I really like the community contests, and there's a ton of plot compared to the original. Also, there are several Lolita sets.

>> No.8777125

I got Muffy and Julian by pure luck of randomly generated villager and their houses spawned in nice places too. God I love them so much

Muffy has a slightly salty and snooty personality. She reminds me of /cgl/~