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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8732627 No.8732627 [Reply] [Original]

What degree did you get in college?
What profession do you work in now?
Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

>> No.8732643

> What degree did you get in college?

Theater arts with an emphasis on costume/set design and costume/set construction

>What profession do you work in now?

I'm a seamstress for a dress shop that makes ballroom dancing dresses for the competitive ballroom dancing circuit. Which is a thing. The dresses you see on Dancing With the Stars/Strictly Come Dancing? Shit like that except not held together with duct tape and prayers.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

I very rarely buy new dresses these days, but if I so chose I could throw money at all the brand I wanted.

>> No.8734300

>What degree did you get in college?
General English
>What profession do you work in now?
I'm in the Education field (and not a teacher). I work with colleges across the US to do data and enrollment reporting mainly.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Oh yes. I'm able to budget for brand easily.

>> No.8734307

>What degree did you get in college?
Master's in Library Science

>What profession do you work in now?
Librarian at a research institution.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes. I have to budget wisely, but I can usually afford to get at least one brand dress a month or more, depending on the cost of it.

>> No.8734327 [DELETED] 

>What degree did you get in college?

>What profession do you work in now?
Data Science

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I do buy a lot, but feel guilty end up doing a lot of selling. I'm moving to another city where pay will be significantly more so that will help a lot. I'm hoping I will be able to buy Jane Marple without feeling super guilty.

>> No.8734332

>What degree did you get in college?

>What profession do you work in now?
Data Science

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I do buy a lot, but feel guilty end up doing a lot of selling. I'm moving to another city where pay will be significantly more so that will help a lot. I'm hoping I will be able to buy Jane Marple without feeling bad.

>> No.8734336

-Didn't go college lmao
-Currently working two jobs, however recently got a job offer for a trainee precision machinist
-Moving out for this job means budgeting of course but I'm pretty good with money so could probably buy brand every two weeks

>> No.8734340

Could you go into a bit more into detail about what you do and how you got there? Your degree is actually exactly what I'm working towards, and I've been getting discouraged lately with how competitive theatre is, and how little opportunities I seem to have compared to the actors.

>> No.8734355

>What degree did you get in college?
Currently working towards a dual degree in special education/elementary education.

>What profession do you work in now?
Education field as an assistant coordinator at a fancy charter school.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
It actually is. I'm working on budgeting so I can at least buy a dress/lolita related item per month. Just have to be wise about it.

>> No.8734362

fitting because i just got a seasonal job today
>What degree did you get in college?
still attending art school, on winter break right now
>What profession do you work in now?
i don't work during the school year because college eats up all of my time, but today i just got a seasonal job at the american girl doll store
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
well my starting pay is $11/hr which is pretty good considering my states's minimum wage is $7.25. now even though most of my living expenses are still taken care of by my parents, i won't be able to spend any of this money on brand. i need to put it towards college. even with my scholarship i need to pull together 10k/yr of my own money to afford this school

>> No.8734380

I'm currently working on being an engineer, so I only have a part time job.

I make decent money for minimum wage at least. I try to buy a new dress every month, especially indie dresses like Dear Celine or other taobao brands since they're a bit cheaper

>> No.8734391

>What degree did you get in college?
Sound Engineering

>What profession do you work in now?
Medical technology

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
If Lolita was the only hobby I had, then yeah, but I also cosplay and enjoy international travel, so I can't put as much in to Lolita as I would ideally like.

>> No.8734394

>What degree did you get in college?
Master's in Organic Chemistry
>What profession do you work in now?
Analytical Chemistry
Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
> Yes. I have most of my dreams dresses by now though, and lolita is not lab-friendly.

>> No.8734424

Please drop your email because I am curious as to which dress shop. Is it in the US?

>> No.8734437

>What degree did you get in college?
Japanese and Criminology double major for undergrad. Working on my masters in Crim now.

>What profession do you work in now?
I run background checks for the department of children and families. It's not full time because I'm still in school but I can eventually get full time. But i'd rather be one of the hotline counselors because they get to work more closely with reports and are more than just computer monkeys

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes. I work the night shift so I get a few extra bucks for that and I work 30 hrs a week. So I can set some money aside for loans/future savings, as well as splurge a little every few weeks. And order lots of cheaper AE stuff/go thrifting/etc whenever I want. I didn't let myself start lolita until I had a steady job that I could afford it with. I went soooo long not doing any online shopping so I'm happy to be back at it!

>> No.8734469

>College degree?
I am currently out of school until our finances get settled and qualify for tuition assistance again but was working towards a nursing degree, though am considering changing it
>Current job
I actually work at a swingers club. Its pretty sweet as its only 1 night a week and all that money is expendable. Plus its super chill and easy work that pays above minimum.
>Is it enough for burando?
Considering I mostly buy second hand and have gotten way more picky in my purchases I actually think it is plenty.

>> No.8734599

>What degree did you get in college?
Communication and Multimedia Technology, focused on games (3D Artist)
>What profession do you work in now?
I'm an Environment Artist at a game company.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I've only been working for a short while (fresh graduate) so I'm still learning how to budget well when living on your own, but it seems like I'll be able to get something new frequently. I almost buy exclusively secondhand so it's a lot cheaper than buying new things.

>> No.8734604

>What degree did you get in college?
Fashion design
What profession do you work in now?
>It's a retail job that includes sewing responsiblities. Probably not the best use of my degree but I'm only half a year out of school so I'm not worried.
Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Will any salary ever be enough to buy the brand I want?

Ha, seriously though, my closet is large enough that I don't really need to expand it any further, so I don't really need to buy stuff constantly. (I mean, I do it anyway, but...) What's important is will I have enough to purchase dream items should they ever popular up, and I'm fairly sure it won't be a problem.

>> No.8734628

>What degree did you get in college?
University. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Television, and a post-grad diploma in Cinematography.

>What profession do you work in now?
Freelance cinematographer. There's aren't many in-house positions unless you want to do TV (boring).

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Not salary, so it depends when my clients actually get off their asses to pay me. Yes and no - I usually buy a new dress every two/three months (depending on if it's direct from brand or second hand), because I find I don't like many new releases at all. But I buy a lot of camera equipment and like to travel internationally quite frequently so that is much more expensive than brand.

>> No.8734633

I'm teaching History at an inner city middle school. It's about as rough as you'd probably expect haha. I enjoy it. It's way more interesting than anything my friends are doing and I like the work. I made better money when I was a secretary but the downside was that I was a secretary. I'm hoping to get seasonal work as a baseball information assistant but don't know if that'll happen.

Not very Lolita ish career choices but it's nice to be able to wear Lolita everyday in the summer.

>> No.8734707

>What degree did you get in college?
I have a bachelor of arts in English Literature and a college certificate in Legal Office Administration

>What profession do you work in now?
I'm a legal assistant.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
If I stay at my current job after I finish paying off my student loans I could buy a dress or two a month. Still trying to decide if the prospect of all of the material objects I want is worth how shitty and rude my boss is.

>> No.8734735

>What degree did you get in college?
Psychology, which I suppose is a bach of science where I am.
>What profession do you work in now?
Software support, not related to my degree but they like to hire new grads and train them.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
At this point I dont have a lot of expenses, so pretty much yeah. I didnt have any loans from school and I dont need to pay for things outside of travel and food so its easy to spend on brand.

>> No.8734804

>What degree did you get in college?
Still in college, but studying 3D Digital Design.
>What profession do you work in now?
I work part time as a graphic designer at my school's activities board. Planning to do something in advertising or games after school though.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
No. I do spend way too much for how much I make though, so I need to rein that in a bit.

It's cool to know that there are other lolitas working in the 3D field. Would it be rude to ask you more about your work? I left my throwaway email, it'd be cool if we could chat!

>> No.8734811

What degree did you get in college?
BFA in Graphic Design, Minor in business

What profession do you work in now?
I'm… surprise surprise… a graphic designer! I work for a candy factory.

Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Not really, but only because I'm saving for a wedding atm while paying bills. I was debating on moving onto a job in the city with a higher salary, but I have 0% desire to do the commute, and well I hate the city. So It's a personal problem really.

>> No.8734815

darn, dropped my email like a doof.

>> No.8734944

>What degree did you get in college?
Fashion design

>What profession do you work in now?
I work as an assistant designer.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yeah, I mostly buy second hand though and rarely go after new releases.

>> No.8734955

>What degree did you get in college?
>What profession do you work in now?
Special Education
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

>> No.8734974

>What degree did you get in college?
Working on finishing by my Bachelor's in Nursing/RN
What profession do you work in now?
I'll be an RN after next semester, but right now I work as a Pharmacy Tech
Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes and No, I mean I can buy within reason. I have a ton of student loans to pay off, and I have other responsibilities and expenses. I'm hoping to go back for my DNP in mental health, and then I'll make a bit more bank.

>> No.8734998 [DELETED] 
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>What degree did you get in college?
Culinary Arts /Hospitality Management
>What profession do you work in now?
I work in a bakery.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
If I budget well I could buy a brand main piece every month. I'm picky though so I don't really buy things often.
That and at the moment I'm trying to pad my wardrobe with more blouses and legwear so I have more coord options.

>> No.8735006


I kinda got into the job completely by accident. I've been doing cosplay shit on top of doing theater costumes and lolita for the past decade, and my mother competes in ballroom dancing comps. She introduced me to one of the designers she likes, the designer was looking to start a shop in the city I'm currently living in, and bing bang boom after a couple dinner meetings I suddenly had a full-time 40-hr/week job that does murder on my back.

Don't ever tell yourself that you have no opportunities compared to actors. A year after graduation an actor will be bussing tables and pissing and moaning about how nobody wants to hire them. If you can design and sew costumes, and fabricate props and set pieces, you can get a job outside the theater in a heartbeat. The exhibits departments of museums, tailoring work- hell, if your costume rendering skills are good enough you can get work rendering artwork for more established designers that can't scratch a pencil on a piece of paper to save their lives.


Yeah, it's US based, but it's not Randall's or anything. My boss used to work for Randall's though.

>> No.8735009

-illustration associate degree/product design bachelors
-product design
-Yes more than enough to buy some really nice pieces as well as travel and fund any other hobbies I have. But my job makes me work hard hours and I'm looking to change industries since I pretty much was able to buy all the Lolita I could want in a year.

>> No.8735014

>What degree did you get in college?
Bachelors of science in music, emphasis in vocal studies
>What profession do you work in now?
I'm a personal/executive assistant to an interior designer.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yep. I have to budget, but I can generally pay the bills, put money into savings/401k, and still afford at least one piece of brand a paycheck.

>> No.8735015


Also I have bought brand for really good friends because $$ and I'm sad.

>> No.8735070

> What degree did you get in college?
BFA in Graphic Design. Working on my MFA in design now.

> What profession do you work in now?
Graphic designer in the anime industry.

> Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I'm able to buy dresses and coord them since I budget for hobbies and clothes, but I'm not drowning in money. I usually buy a new dress maybe 1-2 times a year and just work on coords the rest of the time. I have to balance my savings, otaku hobbies and conventions, too, so lolita isn't my #1 priority for spending sometimes.

>> No.8735080
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>What degree did you get in college?"
None. I went for the self-starting and passionate experience route. College wasn't for me.

>What profession do you work in now?
I'm now community manager for a major game company (my dream job), I used to live stream video games, also currently work for a major esports league.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
It will be once I start my new community management job. I'm so excited! I almost sold all my Lolita because I was getting depressed.

>> No.8735092

>What degree did you get in college?
Japanese, Linguistics and Teaching English as a Second Language.
>What profession do you work in now?
I work for the government, in Child Support. Not related to my degree at all, but hey.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
It's comfortable enough that I can buy a dress or two every few months, but I cosplay as well so I have to budget pretty hard.

>> No.8735201

Haha, not at all! I love talking about my job, it's always cool to meet Lolitas who are also in / going towards that field, haha. I've sent you an email!

That is super cool anon! Big respect for community managers in games. Glad you're so excited about the job change.

>> No.8735207

i think i know who you are, do you have many tattoos? if you are that person, just letting you know you're fabulous!
>What degree did you get in college?
commerce, majoring in accounting which i'm completing over the summer semester

>What profession do you work in now?
tax consulting during tax season, and pharmaceutical packaging other times

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
most of the time, just not $1k dresses every week or anything. i work part time hours because of uni, but only need to pay for my own expenses because i still live at home.

>> No.8735213

I really admire people who work with students with special needs. Bless both of you anons.

>What degree did you get in college?
Design/Art Education
>What profession do you work in now?
I teach Industrial Arts at a secondary school.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I only work part time so there isn't much spending money, but I only buy secondhand and am only after a few specific pieces. If I land a fulltime position it probably would be a different story though.

>> No.8735307

>What degree did you get in college?
Marine Science
>What profession do you work in now?
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I can buy a piece every few months

>> No.8735319

Lab monkey
Ahahaha... ha... hah

Salary should go up significantly when I finish my degree and then every year that I work. Currently I'm working my frilly butt off for peanuts and can only buy second hand brand every few months.
The work environment is really cool, though. I've actually worn a lot of IW, ETC and even Meta to work and have only gotten compliments. Of course big pettis, inconvenient shoes and tons of ribbons are out but I manage to look pretty cute ifImaysaysomyself. There's also a super gothy girl working here who just started.
The men pretty much either wear business casual or tacky Hawaii shirts with pajama pants...

>> No.8735360

- Games art BA
- 3D character artist at a games company, slowly becoming a freelancer though.
- It is now after getting more experience, I'm on a hiatus from buying anything right now though.


Are you anons in the UK by any chance? I would love to know some other lolita devs.

>> No.8735406

I got a degree in Mass Comm and work in tech sales. I actually love my job because the company is amazing and treats us well. I could afford to buy a main piece every month, but I've been a mizer lately.

>> No.8735408

>What degree did you get in college?
Finishing off my degree at uni now. It's a bsc in psychology.
>What profession do you work in now?
I work in a care role on a dementia wing in an end of life type home. I get hurt a lot in my job from aggressive residents who lash out, bite, scratch or throw things. I do love my job, it's rewarding but it's a pain in the ass having to restrain people.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I have very little expenses, other than rent and bills I have about £1000 left every month to play around with. I usually buy a couple bits and pieces and have a lot left over.

>> No.8735449

I'm >>8734804. Unfortunately I'm in the US, but I was interested in working in the UK too. How is the industry there?

>> No.8735458

>What degree did you get in college?
Currently attempting my Bachelor's in Psychology.
>What profession do you work in now?
Part-time job in human resources. Sadly will have to find a new one next year.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Ahaha, nope. Partly because I'm still in college and my bf just got his well-paying full-time job recently (so we still need to finish some loans) and partly because I love expensive make-up/shoes/non-j-fash.

>> No.8735503

That's cool, I'd like to work in the US too at some point but the competition looks fierce. The UK industry is a lot smaller but really diverse, there's some good choices for both AAA and mobile especially in the South.

>> No.8735525

>What degree did you get in college?
Business Management

>What profession do you work in now?
Medical Administrator

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I have a very small wishlist and I mainly buy secondhand auction pieces or taobao accessories so yes.

>> No.8735526

What degree did you get in college?
Undergraduate in english/french literature, graduating next year. In my country unversity degrees work a bit different and we graduate slowly compared to other countries, i'm from a EU country.
What profession do you work in now?
Going to finish my undergrad next year so no profession or a good job yet. I'm just a taobao reseller of kawaii crap online.
After graduate, i have to valutate if getting into tourism professions or open a small physical shop because there isn't much job choice for my undergrad, getting a uppergraduate is required only if you want to be a teacher, i don't want to become one. Wish i was good in maths or science, literaturefags don't have much job opportunities.
Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Ehm... not a salary, it's just my earning from my shop, i want to open a handmade resin jewellry shop next year if time allow it.
I can get burando here and there sometimes but not full sets. Usually i buy burando as the main piece, rest is offbrand,taobao or aliexpress. Sometimes i get burando cutsews and bags, i want also AP or BTSSB blouses.
I'm investing into building a casual wardrobe consisting of otome, larme or plain lolita pieces. Dressing normie or like a mallgoth is getting really sad and boring for me.
Ah, i invest all my money for my clothing, i don't have a car, rent to pay (living with parents), i don't go out much so the little money i have all goes for my wardrobe or occasional family gifts or friends or also helping a bit parents.
Yes, i'm a sort of shut-in. I hope to move alone or with a roommate after graduation but i know the expenses would be really limited so for now i enjoy building my wardrobe and not having any expense.

>> No.8735550

>anime industry

>> No.8735572


I knew what job in the industry I wanted, I went to school for it and got the degree I would need, I moved to Texas, I applied every chance there was an opening, and I ended up becoming friends with someone who worked there who could put in a good word for me.

You have to be good at what you do, be aggressive since a lot of people want to get into these jobs, and you should network. I gave my business card to anyone I met from that company, asking them to take it to the creative director. You don't have to be pushy or look desperate, just be professional and smart about it.

Also, I think it's best to pick a company and pursue just that company. That may require moving, or maybe not. I've heard some of the smaller companies contract out their designers. But if you want to get in with one of the bigger names, establish yourself in the area they're based in. It's easier to network that way, too. I met my friend through a local anime group, purely by coincidence, but it landed me the job two years later.

>> No.8735975

I'm in the UK!!

>please be in cambridge
>my hopes are small but pls

>> No.8736045

MS degree in computer science.
I work in software development.
I make plenty to afford brand at full price and then some but I try to limit myself to about one major piece every 1-2 months. I suck at budgeting /sigh

>> No.8736057

Thanks anon, I love game communities. One of things I am super passionate about, usually because they are so passionate themselves. I also know my soon-to-be co-workers are super awesome from meeting them in the past, which makes it all the more exciting to me!

>> No.8736065

As a lolita just starting out and applying to university in a field that isn't very well known for employability but is being mentioned a lot here, this thread is great. Thanks /cgl.

>> No.8736066

Same here, except I simply don't know what to buy

>> No.8736096

> What degree did you get in college?
Bachelor of Computer Science.
> What profession do you work in now?
I'm a software developer.
> Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Absolutely, but I try to not buy more than a dress each month.

Wow, I'm not the only one with a CS degree here.

>> No.8736178

>What degree did you get in college?
>What profession do you work in now?
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

I have depression and anxiety so I applied for disability and get a check from the government every month which I use to buy about two-three dresses. My parents pay for all my other expenses like food and gas for my car and anything else like video games I want.

>> No.8736194
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i don't want to be mean but uh maybe you can use that check for counseling/medicine? I have depression/anxiety too and I work, go to school, and pay for my own stuff. Don't know the extent of yours but come on anon. Your parents aren't going to pay for your shit forever.
At the very least don't post in the Lolitas in the Workforce thread about you lack of a job.

>> No.8736248

>My parents pay for all my other expenses like food and gas for my car
You don't know how good you gave it.

>and anything else like video games I want.
On second thought, you might just be trolling

>> No.8736259
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>> No.8736271

Currently doing a CS degree, and I work at my university's library part time for now. And yeah I don't buy too much, so I can afford since I budget.

>> No.8736296
File: 19 KB, 133x173, My soul is leaving my mortal body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What degree did you get in college?
Associate of Applied Science

What profession do you work in now?
I'm a barista at Starbucks (for three years now,,,) But I'm currently looking for a job in my field (Funeral Service)

Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Not right now, sadly. I'm new to Lolita (been lurking for years and finally made some friends that are in my local comm), but I have so many hopes and dreams that cannot be funded by my barely minimum wage job.

>> No.8736335

>What degree did you get in college?
Computer science with a minor in Arabic

>What profession do you work in now?
I work for the government, and that's all I can say.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Forget lolita burando. I can buy big girl burando these days, too. I think I'm getting to that age where I'd rather have a new pair of Valentino heels than an AP dress.

>tfw in a couple of years my lolita clothes will probably be untouched and unloved

>> No.8736336

can you be my sugar momma.
or fuck even just my friend.
I have no rorita friends who like normal fag fashion as well as j fashion.

>> No.8736362

>What degree did you get in college?

BFA in Graphic Design (paper/packaging mostly)

>What profession do you work in now?

Software Development Quality Assurance

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

I get paid enough to send my Fiancé back to school for his Masters. I recently started saving for the wedding and our first home as well, so money is tighter at the moment but second hand is no bank breaker. I'm not sure what's going to happen to my closet when he graduates and starts earning more than I do...

>> No.8736363

>What degree did you get in college?
I was working toward a degree in illustration when the recession hit in 2008. Due to troubles with math (Dyscalculia, but I didn't know there was a term for it) and unable to get proper tutoring, I ended up dropping out before I was neck deep in debt. I was still about 15k in after 2 years.
>What profession do you work in now?
I worked my way up from shitty part-time minimum wage cashier jobs to retail management. Once my remaining student loan is paid off (only about 3.5k to go), I'd like to be debt free for awhile and return to school and get a BA in business. Hell if we ever end up getting lower cost or even free college education I'll minor in fine arts and major in business.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
At my current job, no. But I supplement my income by doing graphic design work on the side and Artist Alley tables at cons that I'm able to go to and that usually gives me about 2-3k per year after taxes for play money to spend on lolita other hobbies, or non-necessities. Otherwise, I'll save up a little from each paycheck and just make small purchases or do quick payment plans. I have a good wardrobe though, all things considered. I've obtained most of my dream dresses at this point. I'd just like work for a better company or just have a degree under my belt at this point.

>> No.8736368

you are doing good deeds anon I hope a nice dress mysteriously arrives in the mail... That or 500$

>> No.8736371

I'm not a dev but I work as a Games Tester for a p. big company in the UK. Non disclosure tho.

>> No.8736494

>What degree did you get in college?
BA Hons: Art & Design in Animation
>What profession do you work in now?
Government Port shipping industry
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Definitely, I have a disposable income enough to buy 3 brand new (burando) dresses every fortnight but I'm slowing down and saving these days.

>> No.8736530

- French linguistics with a specialization in interpretation, Master's in EU law
- Consultant for companies asking EU funding, mostly in the cultural field
- If lolita were my main hobby, I could afford the big releases, accessories and all.

>> No.8736566

>What degree did you get in college?
Creative writing with an emphasis in copy. Minor in Japanese and east asian business. Self-taugh tech background.

What profession do you work in now?
Digital strategy at a web firm. I do brand management, marketing strategy and digital strategy for websites. I do shit for places like Disney and big auto companies.

Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yah, but I still don't think they pay me what I'm worth. I recently got an offer for more money at another firm, so I'll either leverage that for a raise or will be off to trot.

>> No.8736571

My jimmies are in space with my toucan. I have PTSD and severe anxiety. I've worked all my life with very little help and have never filed for disability. Seriously though, you have no idea how good you have it. How dare you leech off the government for brand. Be more responsible with your health.

>> No.8736656

I graduated in May with a BA in English and a minor in media studies (film/tv).

Right now I work as a "data entry specialist" because I couldn't find anything in my field. However, I make way more money doing this than I would if I did have a job in my field, which is kind of disheartening bc I feel a bit like I wasted my time.

I make enough to buy about 2/3 brand new dresses a month on average, if I wanted to. But I don't buy lolita that often.

>> No.8736657

Don't worry about it anon, people that abuse the system either get totally fed up feeling bored/disconnected from the world after a few years and return to normal life, or they slip so far down the dependency hole that you wouldn't envy them for the world. I used to envy my friend who was receiving benefits she didn't need, but staying in watching anime every day for six years has left her fat, friendless and with crippling social issues. She's finally starting to legitimately qualify for those benefits, and I'm not jealous any more.
Sage for ot and disclaimer that I do support welfare for those in need

>> No.8736698

UK dev here, different field to you though

>What degree did you get in college?
Multimedia Computing
>What profession do you work in now?
Web development/design
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Mostly although I own my own house so have to spend money/put savings away for that

>> No.8736705

Diff anon but it's not even envy, it's disgust that leeches like that exist in the first place. I know people who could really use the help and that anon isn't one of them.

>> No.8736767

>What degree did you get in college?
Bachelor of Nursing
>What profession do you work in now?
Nurse in a mental health facility
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes but I still suck at saving up.

>> No.8736772

Another BSN here, I posted above, but that's exactly what I want to do when I graduate in May. I really want to work in mental health right away, but all my teachers tell me to do med-surg for at least 6 months. What are your opinions, and do you like mental health?

>> No.8736773

Although I have never been diagnosed, I have been wondering lately if I have some social anxiety disorder. I have always actively avoided others I don't know and have had panic attacks/ hyperventilating during stressful situations. Ironically, I am a special education teacher for a self-contained autism classroom. Being in my classroom calms me and helps me control my anxiety. It's a job that forces me to confront my fear. Also, a lot of the supports I give my kids, PECS, schedules, timers, sensory breaks, benefit me too. Haha. I really love teaching my students. It's just talking to the adults I need to get better at.

Right now I have taken a break from buying lolita due to some other financial reasons out of my control (family.) But I really do want to start buying again.

>> No.8736881

Computer Science and Software Development.
I work as a "paper pusher" in a bank's office.
I bring in £2,000 on average a month, after tax. £300 goes to rent so I could buy a lot but I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it.
I don't like my job but it's higher paid than anything I could get in my field . Feels bad man staying for money.

>> No.8737055

I'm earning my license to teach Social Studies now! Hoping to teach at schools serving low-income areas. It's a relief to hear that you enjoy it. I love kids and teaching to death, but I fear classroom management issues. Hearing that it's interesting (even if not always fun) makes me excited!

>> No.8737059

Your path makes me happy.

>> No.8737074

Tfw you work with heavy lifting and tools and you're bitter about spending $35 on steel toe caps you need for work but spend $300 on brand

>> No.8737116

>What degree did you get in college?
Never finished college. Was working towards a bachelors in fine arts.
>What profession do you work in now?
I work at an insurance company that deals solely with workers comp claims.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes. My cost of living is really low. I pay about $350 in rent + bills because I split with boyfriend and his roommate. Then only need to pay around $150 for car insurance and phone bill. So I have quite a bit of money leftover. I don't buy much right now since I'm working on losing weight but it's nice to save for when I am ready to increase my wardrobe exponentially. I'll just buy a shit ton of stuff at once.

>> No.8737130

Agreed. I think welfare is a great system for people who actually need it. Hearing about people who cheat these systems in any way makes my blood boil. That anon doesn't need to be buying 2-3 dresses a month. If they're legitimately as depressed as they claim, buying nice things is honestly a terrible way to cope and it isn't going to make them any happier...

>> No.8737251

>What degree did you get in college?
linguistics, lol what a joke

>What profession do you work in now?
Software engineer at Google.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I buy alllll the brand I want. Rolling in JM, wear whatever I want to work, life is good.

>> No.8737293

This thread gives me so much hope that one day I will acquire a cushy desk job that covers all my expenses and can afford me cute jfashion on a regular basis.

Degree: Associates in Digital Media
I want to Major in Graphic Design or Web Development but I live in a shitty backwoods town so there's really no college opportunities here.

Current Job: Freelance Web and Graphic Designer
Its fun but the pay isn't really consistent, then again that's mostly my own fault. I also do part time transcription work to cover things in between design jobs.

I could probably afford a brand piece every couple of months or so since I don't really have any expenses other than food, gas, and web hosting. But I'm also trying to save up a safety cushion for emergencies. I do occasionally splurge on cute Shit every once in a while.

>> No.8738028

You can get an awful lot more than that if you're willing to move to America.
Another Googler? I haven't seen anyone in JM in MTV.

>> No.8738031

BS in CS

Software development

Easily but I'm foregoing it and channeling that extra bit towards loans

>> No.8738033

>have never filed for disability
That shitty anon aside, maybe you should?

>> No.8738044

>What degree did you get in college?

>What profession do you work in now?
RN, at an acute mental health unit.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes, even though I'm a new grad since it's in mental health and I'm doing shift work I have enough to buy what I want - a new item every month, a taobao order every few months, and putting little bits aside for when my dream dress turns up.
It probably helps that my living costs are really low too.

High-five for mental health, anons. Any particular area of mental health you guys like? I'm actually really enjoying the acute environment but want to try community.

Yeah there's this idea that nurses who start in mental health get "stuck" there easily, it's supposedly because you lose a lot of practical skills in mental health nursing, maybe because everyone has to be medically cleared (at least in my place) before admission.
While it's true that you don't get as much acute med-surg experience, I've still seen people with trauma wounds and gotten really good at taking and reading ECGs. It's like any clinical area in that you get a lot of practice at some things and not others e.g. you'll be great at IMIs instead of IVs.
Quite a few mental health nurses I've met didn't have trouble moving between areas after getting good experience at their first job. One said she started in mental health, went to ortho, pediatric cardiology, and then just back to acute MH with no problems.
I think what counts is your first job is in an area you'll enjoy and succeed in, so you can use that as a stepping stone to specialise in it or move on to other areas. I took the chance of doing my final student placement at the place I'm working at now, and I don't regret it at all.
tl;dr it's up to you anon, you can always change your mind (and job) later.

And generally, I'd say I really love mental health because I prefer talking to people rather than doing things to them.

>> No.8738149

>This thread gives me so much hope that one day I will acquire a cushy desk job that covers all my expenses and can afford me cute jfashion on a regular basis.

This thread makes me worry I'll be an unemployed failure foreve
Like seriously how do I job I don't know how

>> No.8738269

When I graduated, I felt so lost. I went into retail, taught abroad, and did an assortment of other things. I was an art major. Everyone tokd me to pursue art, because I was good at it and I never considered other options. Then one day I woke up and thought about what did I really want to do. I created an action plan, applied for lower level jobs in my desired field (teacher assistant) while I went back to school. I picked a job that I loved (teaching) in a high need area (special education. ) No, I am not rich, but I have a stable high need job. You have to push yourself daily to find that dream job.

And that dream job does not have to be your dream job for life. Contact people. Learn as much as you can about the field. Many fields now have alternative paths to certification or will look at experience. Don't give up anon. You can do it!

>> No.8738300

Dealing with this situation right now too. I earned my masters over the summer and I feel lost. It seems I wanted to learn the subject, but not get into the profession. I don't regret this. It's important to just start writing things down and travel to some places and/or try something new.

>> No.8738706


not in MTV ;)

>> No.8740516

Congrats on your wedding, anon. What's your dress going to be like?

>> No.8740544

>What degree did you get in college?
working towards an Associates in Merchandise Product Development and then will be pursuing a Bachelor's in Business

>What profession do you work in now?
Retail. I'm a sales associate at a bridge brand shop. (Bridge brand is a brand that's between high end and mass market fashion)

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes, I make around $100-150 a week depending on how many hours I work.
But I feel like the amount of work that I put in is worth more than what I make weekly and since I've only been with the company for less than 6th months, I'm not allowed to take sick days even though I've been coughing and sniffling all day.

I've met a couple Japanese lolitas and a local lolita where I work though. A woman came in with an AP purse yesterday but she seemed like she didn't know what lolita is. She said she bought the purse just because it looked cute.

>> No.8740600

>What degree did you get in college?
Psychology. (BA)

>What profession do you work in now?
Childcare. I work with school-aged kids after school for a certain program.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
LOLNO. If I didn't need to save up for a car, then I might be in better shape. It's not the worst, but it could certainly be better.

>> No.8740607

What's your recommended route for getting freelance jobs?

>> No.8741290

I know how you feel. That's part of the reason I went freelance. Because I couldn't find a regular job in my town that wasn't flipping burgers or changing diapers.

I generally go after local businesses so Craigslist and local classified ads are a big part of it. I've tried the whole freelancer job site thing but I never could build up enough of a reputation to make it profitable.

>> No.8742709

>What degree did you get in college?
I got an Associates in Liberal Arts, and want to go back to school to study Business. I'm staying at home for a year and saving money.
>What profession do you work in now?
I'm a substitute teacher for the local school district. Mostly high schools.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yeah, though I try to stay mindful of my spending since I'm saving up for university down the line.

>> No.8743084

Whatever you do get that DNP asap, nursing is bad news. Too many people get into it because they like helping people and are interested in medicine, and in reality most unspecialized RNs are just glorified med dispensers, barely get to do anything in terms of helping people medically, and they are mostly there to give the patients someone to yell at. As a disclaimer, I am not a nurse only a CNA and going to university, one of my professors was a nurse for 30 years and told all the students on the health-sciences bandwagon that nursing is a joke now compared to what it used to be and to be literally anything but a nurse. At first when I heard that of course I was like, it can't be that bad, she's probably just pretty old and biased for the most part. Now I am a CNA at a ltc facility and volunteer at a local hospital and I agree with her 100%. I've had two different nurses approach me (one at the hospital the other at the nursing home), ask me about my career goals, and then tell me whatever I do, don't become a nurse. Don't make the mistake they did. If you're interested in medicine don't get into nursing. Nursing is the newest customer service job within healthcare, patients and their families yell at you for anything and everything, most of the time is spent passing meds and doing paperwork so you barely ever get the satisfaction from helping people, and if anything ever happens you're the first person getting fired if anything goes wrong. Facilities will take the side of even delirious patients/residents over nurses in order to save face, so if anything does happen, you will promptly be fired and have a mark on your record.

Obviously if you specialize in something, the work will be a lot different, but still. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T WORK IN LTC, and godspeed to you anon.

>> No.8743119

>What degree did you get in college?
I did not.
>What profession do you work in now?
I'm a cafeteria lady at a middle school.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want
Fuck no, but every cent that doesn't go to rent or bills goes to brand.

>> No.8743128

>horror story
>go to school, kids

>> No.8743205

How in the world did you become a software engineer at Google with a degree in linguistics?

I imagine it's nigh impossible nowadays to get a software job without a degree in it, even with the right connections

>> No.8743293

On the contrary: engineer and technologist jobs are all about talent and skills. They give fewer shits about expensive pieces of paper than many other industries. And I'm not even Google anon; I just also followed this path. A lot of us have.

>> No.8743357

I ain't got money for that either

>> No.8743450

Former Googler here, and several of my coworkers also lacked Computer Science or related degrees. If you can pass the (very technical) interview, they don't care about the other details too much.

Many tech companies are like this, and I found a very large number of people in the industry without degrees or with degrees in completely unrelated areas. If you can code well, you're hired.

>> No.8743471
File: 167 KB, 199x500, brolita2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my coworkers tried to come in in casual lolita. Everybody thought she was cosplaying as a 4 year old and thought it was pedo-tastic.

(Lolita is a mental illness. Did you not get enough praise and attention as a kid? QQ )

>> No.8743488

>computer science
> web developer
> yes but i live in an expensive as fuck city so not as much as i want

>> No.8743491
File: 412 KB, 580x658, 1447805087883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I never realized how many GDs there are on /cgl/

What degree did you get in college?

I have a degree in Graphic Design

What profession do you work in now?

I'm a freelance designer and illustrator. Right now I'm in the middle of a campaign for the local hospital. I also have a part-time position at H&M for a steady pay cheque. Though, I really wish I had a proper desk job. I've realized I'm definitely not aggressive enough to deal with people.

Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

Not at the moment. Right now I'm trying to pay off my student loans and other bills.

>> No.8743498
File: 88 KB, 310x464, 1414008239192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No college degree yet, in the military (air force), normally I can buy a shit ton of brand but life circumstances will have that on hold for a moment.
>tfw will never find a military loli to bond with
I can never share work stories without hour long explanations of acronyms and general military jargon. Frills and camo is suffering

>> No.8743507

Navy Lolita here. Working on my psychology degree.

>> No.8743527

I'm a 2d artist at a game company! Awesome to see so many of us!

>> No.8743543

Nice! Good friend of mine is in the Navy. Even we have a hard time conversing sometimes haha
>"Whats your rate?"
>"...the hell is a rate?"

>> No.8743551

It sounds as if you want to eventually transfer to a Japanese air base in the future so you could be close to all the burando shops.

>> No.8743556

A lot of tech companies don't care about a CS or EE degree if you can prove you know your shit. Especially with things like linguistics that have a direct link to natural language processing, which Google is huge on.

>> No.8747748


>> No.8747779

>What degree did you get in college?
Bachelor's in Nursing

>What profession do you work in now?
I work in the emergency room

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
It's plenty for brand and I'm currently saving for a house. If I want extra money I just pick up extra shifts.

>> No.8748067
File: 15 KB, 63x90, she.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8748122

>What degree did you get in college?
I have a degree in fine art and cant decide to further my education in fashion design or interior.
>What profession do you work in now?
For now I'm a preschool teacher and caregiver. My odd jobs are seamstressing and art commissions.
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yeah, I budget and save but having a small inheritance means I don't sweat the impulse buy as much.

>> No.8749810

>What degree did you get in college?
Bachelors in Biology with a minor in East Asian Studies because I could.

>What profession do you work in now?
I'm a Medical Laboratory Scientist.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yes and no. I can't go all out a buy a bunch of stuff all the time because I still have students loans, rent, car payments, etc. to worry about. But, if a dress comes out that I really want, I generally can afford to buy it. Hopefully I should be getting a nice raise at the end of this summer when my company gets taken over by a much, much larger company.

>> No.8749835

Fellow psych anons, mind if I ask you about your plans/the actual training and career path you ended up taking?

I'm going to be completing a BA in psychology by April, but now I have no idea what to do

>was thinking of counseling, but don't have the grades for an Honours degree and thus to be considered for a masters
>don't want to have to go back for a year or two to upgrade before attempting masters
>looked into continuing studies by my university, they seem to be pretty specific and only one or two are covered by the provincial student loan

I'm going to see a career counselor at school but it'd cool to hear from someone else too.

>> No.8751358

You are part of the reason I am not giving up this semester. I picked a combo of some really difficult classes, and I kinda feel like I can't handle it. I swear I've read this one simple post over and over.

>> No.8751392

Did you need extensive wetlab research experience to be considered for the MLS? I was considering it if my health grad school plan didn't work out.

>> No.8752012

It wasn't all that hard? My boss has a nursing degree from a no-name college in Ireland, for chrissakes. You just have to know your shit. Although, my degree coursework was a lot more technical than most people would expect.

>> No.8752019

Although I would also add that *getting* the interview in the first place is all about connections. Google gets so many applicants I'm convinced most resumes go straight to the trash.

>> No.8752397

I am a wedding designer married to an air force SSgt. We got orders to Misawa here recently. Even though the weather sucks and it's 400 miles from Tokyo, the bullet train still runs from our prefecture to there, so I'll be taking lots of weekend trips.
But finding other military lolis, whether spouses or active duty, is hard. Is there a facebook group for it? If not, maybe I could start one.

>> No.8752403

>What degree did you get in college?

>What profession do you work in now?
High school teacher

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yep, but I usually buy secondhand and save up for anything new or costs more than >$200. I'm also in a pretty well-paid district, and even though living costs are high, I can manage. I also do AA's on the side, so I get a little extra from that.

>> No.8752411

>But finding other military lolis, whether spouses or active duty, is hard. Is there a facebook group for it? If not, maybe I could start one.

I have met a few lolitas who are in some form or another in the military. One is in the Navy and the other has a husband in the Air Force in Japan who lives near Tokyo.

>400 miles from Tokyo, the bullet train still runs from our prefecture to there, so I'll be taking lots of weekend trips.

Sendai has a few lolita boutiques though not as many as Tokyo. There is an option to trek to Sendai instead of Tokyo for the weekend. You could compare Sendai to Boston.

>> No.8752418

american girl doll store anon from further up, i start work tomorrow. did you know our dress code weirdly shares some rules with lolita? skirts are required to be no shorter than 1 inch from the top of the knee and we are not allowed to show our shoulders.

>> No.8755013

Dunno if this is relevant to anyone/not my group, but there was an attempt at making a group to discuss work/jobs etc.

>> No.8755207

Long-term care is the shittiest area of nursing to be in hands down but not every nurse is a miserable curmudgeon who works in a nursing home and never gets to help people. You're not even a fucking nurse, you're letting a handful of people's experiences convince you that the profession is a shithole and it's really fucking not. I make a buttload more money than a lot of other people my age with bachelors degrees and I only work three days a week.

>> No.8755210

>What degree did you get in college?
BSHP and BSN both.

>What profession do you work in now?
I'm an RN at a LTAC facility but after getting some acute care experience under my belt I'm going back to get my CNM and DNP next year.

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
If I wasn't saving up so I can afford to take time off of work to study, I could literally buy whatever I wanted. As it is, I can easily pick up a shift and pay for a new dress with one day's work.

>> No.8755387
File: 3.26 MB, 3264x2448, 332394293420492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a promoter
>what degree did you get in college?
never went
>is you salary enough?

>> No.8755517

Are you in SCV? Apple lolita; seeking friends lol.

>> No.8755706

Thank you so fucking much for putting into words how stupid that post was. If they have that kind of mindset, that person should just drop out of nursing school right now and do something else. I would never want to work alongside someone like that let alone let them take care of people who are sick. There are some shitty things about being a nurse but that doesn't mean you have to be a shitty nurse.

>> No.8755727

What degree did you get in college?

> Archaeology and Geology BSc. Currently doing a PhD in Archaeology, because I followed my passion rather than the money...

What profession do you work in now?

> Working in museums, doing a bunch of freelance local history projects and giving a handful of lectures at the uni.

Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

I've been in lolita for a couple of years, and I've managed to get almost all the dresses on my (admittedly short) wishlist plus a few nice versatile pieces. I have to pay uni fees and support myself though, so I'm never going to be rolling in burando. To be fair, if I end up in academia maybe I will one day... but more likely I'll stay in museums and be underpaid for life. In my main day to day job I can't wear lolita because it's too dusty, but I've worn it to conferences, job interviews and work functions and no one batted an eyelid which is nice.

>> No.8755819

> What degree did you get in college?

Statistics and Psychology

>What profession do you work in now?

Information systems (bit of a leap between the two)

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?

More than sufficient.

>> No.8755918

Good on you! I also followed this route of passion over the money in terms of academia. I've always loved archaeology, but I ended up going down the route of my first love, keeping archaeology and ancient history as a side interest as something to poke when not working on my own PhD. Which part of archaeology do you speciialize in, anon?

>> No.8755926

... a what?

>> No.8755934

So much respect to all the coder lolitas, I just can't computer but it's awesome seeing frillies do well in a successful but normally male dominated sector

>What degree did you get in college?
Currently working on a masters in anatomy, but imo don't think it will lead to any job prospects
>What profession do you work in now?
I work in social welfare which was my yume, but I need to scale back my hours so I'm looking at depressing McJobs
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
I can't even pay my rent

>> No.8755935

>What degree did you get in college?
BS in Biology
>What profession do you work in now?
Blood Banking
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yeah, it's pretty nice. This year alone I've bought seven of my eight dream dresses without breaking a sweat. I was able to save a lot as well. But I'm planning on going back to school so I can get paid even more in the future. (And have a more satisfying job. Lower tiers in this field are boring/require crap shifts and it's hard to assert yourself when you don't have dem letters after your name.)

>> No.8755957

sometimes people or a company/companies put in money to organize a concert with the intention of making money and breaking even
i do this except by myself
theres different types and levels of promoting that often get confused with eachother

>> No.8756336

Are you thinking of getting a MPH or a business degree? Going to graduate soon with a Biology degree but not sure if I should get job experience first or head straight off to graduate school.

>> No.8756410

Depending on which 3 letter you work for, thanks for the support, you helped us drop bombs on allu akbars.

>Electrical engineering
>lol military
>my partner has the stuff she wants, I do enough cosplay because of work!
..air force friend, and
Japan was worth it for that, still working on my tactical loli setup.

>> No.8756424

I'm going to try for med school. A few friends of mine got MPH's though they are more on the social work side of public health than the lab side, so I'd keep in mind what it is that you want to do. I love the lab, so that track didn't interest me.

As for the MBA, I'd consider it if it were a program tailored to healthcare. I wouldn't waste my time with a general degree.

>> No.8756447

This is inspiring and depressing.
I work for my country's equivalent of what you do (assuming, anyway) and while my salary is adequate compared to many other industries the work is soul crushingly boring and as a military member I get to see a civilian counterpart in my identical position get paid twice as much as I do.

>> No.8756484

Another Googler here. There's at least one other lolita in my department and I know of one at Apple. We should have a meetup or something. You know, dress up, talk about our NDAs...

>> No.8756571


i think they mean club promoter, anon

>> No.8756649

I'm in a similar situation, currently working as an EMT and thinking of applying to PA programs. Currently hoping to save up and splurge on burando since god knows when I'll ever have the time during the program.

>> No.8756852

I study cemeteries and all the teaching I do is in some way related to medieval/post-medieval burial practice. Got to perpetuate the goth stereotype somehow =P
What are you studying for your PhD?

>> No.8756914 [DELETED] 

Ooohhh, that sounds fascinating. Nothing wrong with perpetuating the goth stereotype at all.

My PhD, which I've now finished, was in particle astrophysics, looking at dark matter. I'm currently trying to get a postdoc research post. I've done various bits of teaching related work in the department.

>> No.8756918

Ooohhh, that sounds fascinating. Nothing wrong with perpetuating the goth stereotype at all.

My PhD, which I've now finished, was in astrophysics. I'm currently trying to get a postdoc research post. I've done various bits of teaching related work in the department.

>> No.8757145

try again, anon
>high level concert promoter

>> No.8757230

>What degree did you get in college?
BA in Interdisciplinary Studies.
>What profession do you work in now?
ESL teacher
>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
There isnt enough money in the world to buy all the brand I want. But I do get to purchase a new release every couple of months or so.

>> No.8757253

>What degree did you get in college?
BA International Business
MBA Marketing & Strategy

>What profession do you work in now?

>Is your salary enough to buy the brand you want?
Yep, and then some. Dropped over $10K on lolita this year alone

>> No.8757445

Nope, sorry. I'm in the area occasionally.

>> No.8761700

Oh wow - I always really enjoyed Astrophysics esp. during my A level course - but my maths was never up to studying a real science (I struggled through geophysics and so on in my undergrad). You must be super smart to also find time for an outside interest as academic as archaeology/ancient history.

Good luck with getting a postdoc! I hope you find a post at a great uni where you can wander around in lolita and everyone just says 'oh yeah, it's that awesome new member of the physics department, they always wear cool things!'

>> No.8761824

Thank you! I'm trying to stay in the department my PhD was at, as it's a really lovely dept, and we have research in both the theoretical and observational astrophys sides of things. I have in the past wandered around there in some of my lolita (I wear gothic/classic) and aristocrat clothing. The secretaries love it. I've had to tone my style down a lot though recently while on the job market.

I find that having an outside interest that is completely different is good for when I need to take a short break from my research to unwind. I'd love to be able to go more in-depth with some topics which I didn't have time to go into while a student.

I think we're in the same country based on yoru mention of A-Levels. Which subjects did you take, if you don't mind me asking?