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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 41 KB, 350x461, 1447947167562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8726220 No.8726220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone else like bodies like this on boys?

a lot of guys who i met at cons looked like this with their tops off and they were insecure about it, but i think it's so cute anyone else?? my ex bf cosplayed as lelouch and he was 6'4" and had a body like this he looked so perfect

>> No.8726225

I like it if they have feminine faces and are not tall.

>> No.8726227

If I wanted to fuck an underage boy, I would find an underage boy.

>> No.8726229

I kinda like those type of body types on guys, too. I don't like big visible muscles.

>> No.8726232

but that's illegal, anon~

>> No.8726234

Plenty of full grown men have this body type the same way plenty of women are stick thin with now tits or sometimes any curves at all.

Also, I don't understand it when people say things like this. If you fuck and underage boy you go to jail and become a registered sex offender. If you fuck a man that looks underage, you're doing nothing wrong legally or morally.

>> No.8726241

somrome's fuckin thirsty and desperate

>> No.8726251
File: 204 KB, 774x1032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His pecs look like they're an inch away from becoming concave. No, thanks. I like bodies like pic related on men.

Now, can we make this thread actually cosplay/j-fash related?

>> No.8726253

I may be going out on a limb here but I have a sneaking suspicion they were making a joke.

>> No.8726263

I'm not the only one to like this body type. There are plenty guys with a healthy thin body (yeah, i mean as long they aren't badly overweight and unkept) in their 20s-30s, not everyone has a big broad bodytype. Like there are petite women with small boobs, very small overall frame there are also smaller bodied men.

>> No.8726270

that's the ideal bodytype right there
now fuck off to another board or post jfash or cosplay

>> No.8726290

FFfuck yesss
Seriously, dudes. This is the kind of dudes we want!

I have a BF who looks kinda like that
He doesn't think he's attractive, i genuinely DK why.

>> No.8726355

Ew no. I'm attracted to alpha type bodies, not Schwarzenigga ott muscle shit but definitely not little beta boy bodies. I prefer a man who looks like he can actually physically protect me and not get his ass handed to him. Also I'm not a fujoshit so there's that. I suspect alot of women who like this body type are yaoi obsessed weebs.

>> No.8726360

Underweight* i meant oops

>> No.8726375

No, i dislike yaoi with all my heart. Also, i don't need a man with a bigger body because he can feel to protect me, he can do it with every bodytype. Also it's 2015, women have to stand out for themselves rather to be protected and need men, the same for both genders there are plenty of needy men. I was here too but the more you are needy and insecure and need protection the more i find abusive or crazy men. The more you are independent mentally, not bitchy or passive aggressive the more you can find men that are good for you.
But man, maybe i went too OT it's just... i don't think a certain man's body type matters in reality as long you are attracted to him who cares.

>> No.8726389
