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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 167 KB, 540x791, tumblr_nsixmqq2y91uamq4do1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8705893 No.8705893 [Reply] [Original]

last one's autosaging, so I dove into the tumblr tags.

>> No.8706058
File: 102 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally tagged this as #otome kei and #casual lolita

>> No.8706062

"At least she looks kinda of okay by normalfag standa-"

>> No.8706077
File: 217 KB, 864x1520, letitgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8706082

She's just fat and ugly.

>> No.8706089

Wtf. Her coords aren't amazing by any means, but usually they aren't THIS flabbergastingly awful. WTF is this shit? She's shown that she has enough money to buy full sets and shit from brands like Haenuli, why the hell did she waste money on this?

>inb4 "she?"
to my understanding she's a transgender woman that started her transition late

actually, that's what I believed, but now seeing THIS photo I wonder if they are a fetish crossdresser.

>> No.8706095
File: 54 KB, 707x427, 50d87d6034714fec3e13e47416b4f96c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone save that Elsa.

>> No.8706096
File: 107 KB, 865x2048, FB_IMG_1446949147455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penis hat

>> No.8706108
File: 71 KB, 1080x1920, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but...what?

>> No.8706110


Looks like Anna really let herself go.

>> No.8706111

While that hat is unfortunate, she is improving. Albeit slowly...

>> No.8706117
File: 45 KB, 540x380, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think they're related

>> No.8706129

Honestly her biggest problem is just her looks, which honestly, she can't really help THAT much. I know she can put some makeup on, but, yeah.

like, with some of her coords, if you just covered her face, they really don't look all that bad, just an average newb coord.

>> No.8706187
File: 116 KB, 442x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high top sneakers /really/ just pull the whole thing together

>> No.8706261
File: 70 KB, 704x960, 12190848_10208273910513269_1063951412096307457_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from my fb feed.

She literally wore this to a dance.

>> No.8706273

I have those socks and somewhat wondered if i could pair them with any J-fash and so far, no.

>> No.8706274

>She literally wore this
As opposed to she figuratively wore it?

>> No.8706287
File: 68 KB, 540x960, received_785731281538216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this at a local anime store today. The owners tried selling it to me saying its authentic lolita for the valuable and reasonable price of $149!

>> No.8706289

put the fedora down anon

>> No.8706292
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>> No.8706294
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>> No.8706313

Do these women know what bras are?

>> No.8706320

This is genuinely some horror movie shit in the worst way.

>> No.8706326
File: 324 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dug up this gem in the Lolita fashion tag on tumblr

>> No.8706334
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>> No.8706338

I was about to call vendetta until I saw the tights, geez.

>> No.8706355

this is as ugly as sin, but with some adjustments it could be not labia minora-kei, but oldschool

replace the ugly lace, reshape neck into a square neck
lengthen skirt and chop off asymmetrical parts
remove the corsetry and whatever the fuck they were trying to do there and replace the sleeves with bell sleeves

and it may look less like shit. but at that price it isn't worth salvaging.

>> No.8706359

That's reconstructing it completely. And it would still look like shit. The materials suck and there isn't enough of it in the skirt.

>> No.8706362

>it just needs everything changed to look good

I don't know why people say this and it still wouldn't fix it.

>> No.8706364

haha shit it's the same dress

>> No.8706368

> no bangs
> no wig
>fucking scelera lenses
>hoop earrings
>saggy tits

This is a nightmare

>> No.8706371

Kek never noticed until now. Funny cause the dress did have the matching arm warmers behind them, just didn't get a pic of then.

>> No.8706377


>> No.8706379

Its from Texas! The store I took the pic at has two locations and the closest one to me just opened up a few months ago.

>> No.8706383

That's honestly what I was going to guess as well anon

>> No.8706405

Business in the front, party in the back.

>> No.8706418

thats true enough

i did say it wasn't worth reconstructing, though. it was probably intended to be oldschool, judging by its shape.

when i see either an ugly dress or a crudely drawn picture, i think about the intent, and how to fix the mistakes.

>> No.8706435

Same here anon, the cats are so cute I want it to work.

>> No.8706476

Oh my god I hope this girl is a newbie.

>> No.8706482

that ain't no girl

>> No.8706494

I almost choked on spit laughing at this

>> No.8706527

>Do these women know what bras are?

If I had Bill Gates type money I would set up a fund for proper bras for ladies like this. Such a shame to let them just melt like that. it can't be comfortable and all your clothing would show it.

I'd also insist that we go on a jog/fast walk together and do some pectoral and back exercises to help the girls not cause them as much annoyance and pain.

Baring all that, if they wanted it I'd give free reductions. Because sometimes genetics hands you too much and you gotta rein it in.

>> No.8706530

Penis hat for a penis face
I really wish he would just quit lolita already, he's never going to look good

>> No.8706555

>I really wish he would just quit lolita already, he's never going to look good

Ans from the heart: Well maybe she knows and they just want to feel good.

Ans from head: Yeah they can't even make a proper face for pictures let alone do makeup to reduce the manface going on. Might as well call it and just dress in a way that compliments the face and that means dressing as a male.

As a person with looks that sometimes don't match the aesthetic I am going for I either:
1. Nail everything else because that's something I have control over.
2. Scrub the attempt because I can't get it look good so try something else.

>> No.8706628

What I wouldn't give for a reduction. I would fit into so much more brand if it wasnt for my tits. I hate how large mine are, but because I do a lot of exercises already they don't cause me back pain, so my insurance won't cover it because it's not "medically necessary".

>> No.8706634

She looks like a Klingon

>> No.8706701

tried binding?

>> No.8706712

She has the... basic elements, I guess, they're just not working together or on her.
Jesus, I thought she was a mannequin. How fucking embarrassing.
Front could be saved by tailoring+Spanx. The back is far too lumpy for anything to make it look better. Poor girl looks like Jabba the Hutt from the back.
Also, her feet must be killing her in those shoes.

>> No.8706716

Yeah and it helps, but I just wind up with a uniboob

>> No.8706726


Not a newb, either. Just always does stupid shit with either limp hair or shit tier cosplay wigs.
>buys brand and can't coord

>> No.8706739

I got a reduction this summer and I look so much better. I look proportional and skinner plus all my brand normal clothes fit better. I also feel better physically. Do it. If you have any pain at all from them it usually is paid by insurance

>> No.8706744
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, 7hoktre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8706748

yooooo what the fuck

>> No.8706749

and those neon pink stripped socks

>> No.8706750

I think she said too that this is after she lost weight and the dress hadn't fit in a long time. Honey, it still doesn't.

>> No.8706760

I see people saying this every time she posts, but how so? I have nothing against her, but she consistently looks bad.

>> No.8706771

don't mean to derail too much, but what did you have to go through to get it? You just went to the doctor, said "my back really hurts, can x surgeon give me a reduction, and oh, doc, here's the insurance papers I need you to sign pls" and you get the funding and bam! no more tits? For the record, I've had chronic back pain from my breast size, but I didn't realize insurance covered it if I mentioned it.

>> No.8706778

i like that bat print. not for lolita tho. sauce?

>> No.8706805

Took the words right out of my mouth...

>> No.8706807 [DELETED] 


>> No.8706813

I want to say this is a Miku cosplay.

>> No.8706824

Tone down the accessories and this actually isn't bad.

>> No.8706833

How far down did you go?

>> No.8706840

>no petticoat
>sweet accessory theme with pastel colors create an eye-bleeding contrast with the darker tones of the clothes
>what the hell is that dinosaur
>not a single bat accessory
This belongs in the >>>/trash/

>> No.8706908

I can't hate this, it looks more street fashiony than lolita but looks like she's having so much fun.

>> No.8706914

Kawaii Machine on etsy.

>> No.8706928

It looks like Queen Chrysalis from MLP based off the headpiece. She's that evil queen that every MLP fan on Tumblr creamed themselves over.

>> No.8707015

You'd be better off just setting up a reduction surgery fund. Breasts that saggy can't be comfortable

>> No.8707064

Looks good and both are hella cute

>> No.8707067

I sincerely hope you're joking.

>> No.8707099

I was gonna say Stella's in Omaha or even the shitty, little anime shop down the hall but that's been out of business for awhile now.

>> No.8707342

Pretty much what I did was first go to plastic surgeon where he said I qualified (stretch marks, unpoportional, neck pain) and them went to my normal doctor and to get it officially documented of pain. Then the surgeon office contacted the insurance company. It usually takes like 3 weeks for it to get approved. Mine took 3 days for some reason. Then that was it. A week later an outpatient surgery for 4 hours. 2 days afterwards of horrible nausea. Week later drains out and was back at college only restrictions were not lifting heavy things and to running and swimming. Now 2 months later just scars.
I am 5 ft and was a 34 DDD Uneven and went down to a 34 B/C

>> No.8707417
File: 282 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nxgz8kE0u61s2x9jwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had Haenuli rush this order for THIS coord?

>> No.8707447

Thank you so much for sharing this anon. For some reason I thought that the process would be more difficult than that. This gives me a lot of hope moving forward!

>> No.8707458

He should just stick to khakis and crocs like all other ugly middle aged men. He'd be very unremarkable if he just dressed normie, and that's where he belongs.

>> No.8707481

which one is you, anon?

>> No.8707576

I just don't get this girl. She has a good selection of dresses and can coord okay, needs improve ment but its not the worst. but she always pulls that face like she just shit her pants. Is that her normal resting face? Does she have a condition? So many questions

>> No.8707600

I appreciate that as a board.

>> No.8707786

The girl in white is cute but she isn't a lolita nor is she trying to be. I thought that much was obvious...

>> No.8707799

fucking gross

>> No.8707806

She needs to do some neck exercises or something...and pluck her eyebrows, style her hair and get cuter frames.

>> No.8707861
File: 215 KB, 577x1280, tumblr_nxhhuxzI4H1sp5doio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8707865
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>> No.8707998

Do these people really not know the difference between actual Lolita and shit?

>> No.8708005

nono, anon! this is totally okay cuz it's 'casual lolita'!!

>> No.8708015

Oh.. What the fuck are you?

>> No.8708348

She's not trying to pass that as "lolita", r-right? It's a cosplay of Chrysalis from MLP, who isn't azn desu in the slightest... all of this is so what the fuck....

>> No.8708669

Lolita aside, how do that skirt and that dress go even remotely together?

>> No.8708670

*that shirt, geez.

>> No.8708719

In her description she said it was "Lolita-esque" of a cosplay she was doing.

>> No.8708723
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 12077519_448825465305821_883443085_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl in my comm tried to ask me if these were all good enough for Lolita after I completely explained the fashion to her and still she asks me if all of this is okay..

>> No.8708725
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 12067838_448825481972486_2123333852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8708727
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>> No.8708728
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>> No.8708730
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>> No.8708735
File: 210 KB, 771x1280, tumblr_nxjxg3TKCU1sesoc7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to imagine this outfit with an added petti, but it just still doesn't look good to me at all.

>> No.8708760

Her dead expression scares me

>> No.8708950

>Lana Del Rey lyrics
She's getting her lolitas mixed up.

>> No.8708981

Add some interest to the hair, a small fascinator or bow, curl or style that shit, at least. Get rid of the weird gauzy necktie and belt, add a solid coloured accessory to the neck, and either swap the socks for printed tights or pull the socks down, they make the legs look fat af. Go for oxford heels and a simple mature bag. Might also benefit to pull the skirt down a bit and pull the blouse up so there is room to move, and that would be a solid outfit.
And clean that goddamn mirror.

>> No.8709064

I feel so sorry for you...

>> No.8709083



>> No.8709123

Well what was her reaction when you told her no?

>> No.8709149

She looks like an old cleaning lady. That's exactly 1:1 the colorway they are wearing here.

>> No.8709157

She asked me why she was such a "misfit" and she said she just "wanted to lock herself in her room and never leave." She has issues beyond anyone comprehension.

>> No.8709161

Dear lord what a drama queen. Good riddance!

>> No.8709187

I can see your dirtypillows, Carrie

>> No.8709190


>> No.8709201

holy shit someone feed her a sandwich.

>> No.8709238
File: 347 KB, 1280x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fb2b40283079b03481f3c598bf5754e08%2Ftumblr_nx1587mzl61qze06ao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this rubs me the wrong way
I think it's the gray wig? Or the smoking selfies?
>tagged as military Lolita

>> No.8709254

Actually the shoes are really cute but remove the bad wig, saturated stripy socks, cheap bolero and add a better petticoat...

>> No.8709276

what are these dresses, they actually could be salvaged on someone with a body who knew how to coord

>> No.8709291

Considering that she looks like a possessed girl from a horror movie in all of these pictures, I find that unsurprising.

>> No.8709311

>Literal cheap Alice in Wonderland and Strawberry Shortcake costumes

You are incorrect, friend.

>> No.8709421


>> No.8709438

what an unappealing way to advertise a skirt
but it was nice that she put the print stock photo

>> No.8709446

it's still shit and non lolitas should stay the fuck away from lolita unless they have a serious, genuine interest in the fashion (and even if they do, if they have shit taste they shouldn't touch it either)

>> No.8709453

>smoking selfies

kill me now

>> No.8709475

Oh shit my computer monitor is horrible I see that shiny disgusting shit fabric now.

>> No.8709560

For me its that shitty ass blue eyeshadow and how greasy her hair looks. I really don't think it's too hard to do better makeup either

>> No.8709569

it's probably like 'what blue dress do i have that would match this character'

>> No.8709689

isn't their store called ANIMATRIX?

Copyright no?

>> No.8709964

Maybe she has bad teeth. a lot of people smile like that to hide their braces and whatnot but then look worse in doing so.

>> No.8710150
File: 476 KB, 1026x1920, tumblr_nad9mz143V1rgbe1to2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this girl.
She also wore this, which isn't as bad, I suppose.
She did a "lolita Dave Strider" cosplay a while back, but I can't find it.

>> No.8710169
File: 222 KB, 1024x759, 1024.shining.cm.102412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come play with us Anon.

>> No.8710390

Top kek

>> No.8710424

It's a combo of the bad wig, stupid hair accesories, smug as fuck face, smoking, drag queen make-up, no petticoat.
Seriously, it's an ita look.

>> No.8711137

>no legwear
>no blouse
>no makeup
>no headdress
>split twintails

This post is good. What's that print though, do want

>> No.8711144
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>> No.8711150
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>> No.8711183

Clockwork Tea Party Lumiere JSK (BTSSB)

>> No.8711226

It's not just the fabric...None of those had anything close to a lolita silhouette, except for maybe the ladybug halloween costume or whatever the foq but..bad taste is bad what u doin

>> No.8711551

This ones cute! there nothing that bad about this one at all >->

>> No.8711580
File: 100 KB, 600x450, Bootcut-Flare-Pants-Fashion-Look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being this crazy thin and not using her powers for good like 90s grunge or vaporwave or mori or heroin chic I mean goddamn. Also she would be cute as a button if she would hold her shoulders back a bit and get a layered bob cut!

>> No.8711585
File: 89 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop dragging your shit fandoms into the fashion.

>> No.8711630

lol dat hot topic dress

>> No.8711658

>those brows

>> No.8711659

>using emoticons
>thinking it looks good
>confirmed for newfag

>> No.8711672

I think i just saw her in my dash with the same loki horns but a different outfit.

>> No.8711682

Oh my god, she looks so sick. She can't be okay...

>> No.8712137
File: 441 KB, 1280x694, carrie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a cosplay for her. She can wear one of these dresses and all.

>> No.8712151
File: 624 KB, 372x960, m'loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was for a halloween meet, I believe. But she's just unfortunate. We aren't mutuals on facebook, but from what I've seen, the fedora is her 'thing'.

>> No.8712153

It's not a fedora.

>> No.8712187

it's a bowler hat, it looks like. But regardless, it doesn't belong here.

>> No.8712234

I'm mad. She just couldn't wait to coord Moon Jelly Princess badly. Great, other than the model photos, this has to be one of the first coords.

>> No.8712292

This looks like shit lmao

>> No.8712353

anything dr who related belongs in the trash no matter how "good" it looks.

>> No.8712409

Lmao are you serious? Everything about it is awful. The Dr. Who is just the icing on top.

>> No.8712512

This one could be decent, mostly with different accessories and a different wig. What's the dress she's wearing?

>> No.8712536

Am I reading the same post that you replied to? Because anon didn't even defend the coord. They just pointed out that the hat isn't a fedora.

>> No.8712542

Except that none of it is even Lolita?

>> No.8712548

>that shirt

>> No.8712552

There's nothing wrong with the outfit. looks like a nitpick.

>> No.8712665

>it doesn't belong here

I read that as them talking about the coord not belonging in the ita thread.

>> No.8712697

I mean, she gets the basic idea of how to coord, and I'd say her coords are nitpick now instead of ita. Like switch out the tights, etc. Mostly it's just her face and hair.

>> No.8712708

And not look dead inside.

>> No.8712736

I understood it as the hat doesn't belong in the coord regardless of if it's a fedora or a bowler hat.

>> No.8712845

Yeah I can see that now. My bad.

>> No.8712901
File: 126 KB, 720x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they tagged this as #angelic pretty

>> No.8712980

This is acceptable from the next down. I generally dislike fandom coords, but this is the one occasion where it's actually appropriate. She could look nice if she put some effort into hair and makeup (and got rid of the weird hat).

>> No.8713069

The skirt looks cute if it had a petti, but I'm not sure it could hold one. The pearls draped in front look strange. It's hard to tell with the pose hiding half of it what else is going on.

>> No.8713091

I think it was just bad wording. Usually when people talk about 'that doesn't belong here' in regards to a photo posted in the ita thread, they mean it doesn't belong in the ita thread.

Like I think >>8712901 belongs in a nitpick thread.

>> No.8713098

Is that even an AP dress...?

>> No.8713103

Are you blind? Also, nitpick means that there are things wrong too

>> No.8713104

I'd have to disagree there. She's wearing cat ears with a dress that has no cat theme, there are random bows all over the skirt (which kinda look asymmetrical?), and the pearls make her look like a flapper from the 20's.

>> No.8713115

that's ita af

>> No.8713132

Is she trans?

>> No.8713136

Is she a aspie?Kinda reminds me of peacockfeather.

>> No.8713157

I don't like AP but damn... Almost all AP is way less ugly than that monstrosity. That's some milanoo tier dress

>> No.8713493
File: 319 KB, 804x600, Clipboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8713502

Black shoes on far left are a little odd

Kind of a plain group but not ita. They can improve easily.

>> No.8713652

One, two, and three are a hot mess. Are you blind?

>> No.8713703
File: 98 KB, 682x1024, lgPg92ZUlHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious handmade

>> No.8713786

>doesn't even mention Meta replica-chan (fourth from the left)

Wow she looks like a gremlin and a toad had a baby

>> No.8713798

What is wrong with her cheekbones wtf, they are horrible.

>> No.8713910

literally everyone except far right looks like shit and she doesn't even have a nice/ interesting hairstyle or proper hair accessory

>> No.8713951

What sucks about this is that I can tell she really tried. It's sad to see someone put in a genuine effort and come up with crap.

>> No.8714556

Nope she's a woman for sure. She has a bad case of anorexia and doesn't take care of herself hence she looks like crap.

>> No.8714569
File: 193 KB, 787x641, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my state's comm
>mfw second from left is a mod


>> No.8714580

I think the furthest right coord is pretty solid. Plain, but pretty cute.

What the fuck are those shoes? Lol

>> No.8714585

She's the worst of the bunch. She just looks like she dresses retro, is anything she's wearing actually even Lolita? She looks like someone's auntie.

>> No.8714599
File: 124 KB, 528x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never even really wears Lolita as far as I've seen, but how do you even bring that up as a comm? It's easier to just let her go and pretend she doesn't exist. She seems nice enough at least...

>> No.8714615

Loose the hat and the shitty cosplay wig and this would look so much better.

>> No.8714616

My comm mod is really nice too but she doesn't own any real lolita either. I am pretty interested in a way to bring it up too without being a massive cunt.

>> No.8714617

This is a joke, right? No way anyone could wear those shoes or veil unironically

>> No.8714620

If she's as bad as this lady, why not just ask what she's cosplaying.

>> No.8714624

This looks like some kind of Halloween costume though?

>> No.8714632

My comm mod owns like 2 coords and one is a replica
She just rewears the same ones over and over again

>> No.8714635

She looks like a frustrated cosplayer here. How can you mod a Lolita comm and not wear Lolita? Or I guess the question would be why? No one has said anything, seriously?

>> No.8714636

No matter how you try to bring it up, if you're not her friend then you'll always be viewed as a massive cunt for trying to help.
It'll be one of those 'well, nobody asked you, anon' type of thing.

>> No.8714639

With as much conversation about clothing, sales and acquiring new Lolita pieces as there usually is at meets, I just don't get it. It would be like this huge unspoken topic...awkward!

>> No.8714680
File: 116 KB, 437x397, New Canvasdou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it helps the main mod for my comm hasn't been at a meet in over two years and has posted on the comm page maybe twice.

>> No.8714688

The girl on the very right is cute and has a lot of potential.

>> No.8714692

she's like the nicest person ever though?

>> No.8714697

Is she a midget?

>> No.8714716

Far right is literally the only good coord there

>Save her from the itas

>> No.8714746

If you guys like the comm and have fun then just go on like you are, there's nothing wrong with it. Occasionally some photos may get posted like here and things may get said but next week someone else's photos will be here and so on...

As for myself, I'd be unsatisfied with it and would travel to a different comm or gather a few people who did dress Lolita for meets though, it irks me when people are trying to be in the fashion but don't actually do the fashion. I work hard on my coords, manage my budget and want to circle with others actually doing Lolita.

>> No.8714759

the comm this picture is from has plenty of really great lolitas, they tend to run in their own circles of equally well-dressed friends. so it's not like i go to meet-ups and feel like i'm in some sort of ita mess. the girl i'm defending has worked really hard to put meet-ups together and essentially kept the comm together, especially when one of our other mods moved away. despite if her fashion doesn't fit the comm anymore, we'd definitely be a huge mess without her.

but like you said, next week, it'll be somebody else's photos so it's best just to leave this be.

>> No.8714794

This makes me so sad because she clearly put a lot of effort into the outfit but the result was just....blah

>> No.8714808

lets see your amazing coords then.

the comm that photo is from has plenty of well dressed girls, this photo was just unfortunate.

If you would leave a comm because of a few itas and average dressed girls, I hate to tell you but you'd be disappointed, there's itas everywhere.

>> No.8714821

I never said mine were so amazing just that they are definitely Lolita. I also said if they are happy they should continue on however they wish to. No need to be defensive. All that was shown was the one group photo then the second photo of the comm leader and no, they are not terribly well dressed. So that's what the comments were based on. I'm sure there are many very nice girls everywhere but in some places it IS expected that people dress in Lolita to come to meets. Some of us like it that way too and it's OK to talk about it.

>> No.8714826

It's a really creative outfit but it's just not Lolita. Now I'm wondering how many groups have people who attend meets but don't dress Lolita much or indeed ever? I thought comms were more strict about that most places, it's certainly been my experience that after your first meet or two you are expected to start putting coordinates together.

>> No.8714876

This is actually more pastel goth than lolita.

>> No.8714889

I live in bumfuck nowhere so my comm has maybe 10 people who actually attend meets. Not to mention that I'm the other girl who's comm mod doesn't even wear it. We once had a girl show up in a Kiki cosplay and pink wig.

>> No.8714905

How do people actually go about enforcing lolita wear in a comm? If someone's not my friend and they haven't asked for con crit I never feel like it's OK to say anything about what their wearing, even if it's a mess or not really lolita. So like... how do you promote a culture of dressing well within a comm?

>> No.8714915

The problem is that you can't. The best you can do is hold out hope that their fashion sense will develop as they gain a better sense of what works/what doesn't with a coord.
We all start somewhere, and unfortunately there will always be people who (even with lots of experience) still can't coord for anything. I almost wish that comms would promote "meetings" of sorts where everyone could gather to politely discuss the positives and negatives of each person's coord.

>> No.8714922

In mine, we don't invite them to more meets if after a few meets they don't start dressing Lolita. But our comm is more private, not just out there for all to see and join and we don't have members that aren't already dressing Lolita, we don't add people until they already are. I'm not sure how the comm mod does it because we aren't very close friends but she keeps the group well in line. If I host a meet, I invite people and post the theme or dress code, usually after asking a couple of people what seems fun. I rarely deal with noobs and will quickly pass them off to the people in the group who enjoy coaching them along because I really don't! If they don't progress along, they don't stay around. The other nearby group I attend frequently is a private group of established Lolitas and the mod rarely adds anyone, maybe 2 per year if that for the several years I've been attending and we all dress nicely in Lolita. We do also attend the public local group meets there when they do something fun. And yes, there have been some grumblings about the privacy of some groups but it's ok to make a group with just your friends and keep it that way. Especially if there is an open public comm already.

>> No.8714923

>I almost wish that comms would promote "meetings" of sorts where everyone could gather to politely discuss the positives and negatives of each person's coord.
I would love this so much honestly. This would help soooo many people but at the same time I know that if implicated would cause a lot of drama in comms.

I think that concrit is always great (if people ask for it) and I think being a shining example of good coords and what not is probably the best way to go about it without being direct. Unfortunately this anon is too right in which you pretty much just have to hope that they want to get better. Though I think if you grow as a community and encourage good coordinates it can only help.

>> No.8715158
File: 556 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-11-10-18-28-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she is in belgium like me
>tfw she must be in her twenties but look 40
She had brand dresses and sold some but she stretched them and i would float in there. kinda salty.

>> No.8715201
File: 257 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many things wrong here... she felt the horrible mix of colors was justfied by her busy skirt

>> No.8715502

For some context, this coord was worn to a convention over Halloween weekend; she decided to go with a "sea witch" type theme, which I think actually went pretty well! The shoes and her lipstick choice are probably the only things I'd nitpick, though I'm pretty sure she did say she wanted to look drowned/ghostly/etc.

>> No.8715526

I noticed it after I commented but then my battery died. Was too busy being blinded by uncute terrible coords. At least 4 has a cute face, but the only one who is halfway decent is 5 and that is just sad.

>> No.8715884
File: 65 KB, 542x960, 123456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8716159

This girl litterally just has to drop the miku hatsune wig and wear a white blouse and she has a pretty ok coord.

>> No.8716162

sure, but until then it is ita as fuck

>> No.8716179

It's a good sea witch type costume but it's not Lolita. In any case, I'm not the one posting her in the ita thread or calling her out, I just commented that it's odd that a Lolita comm leader isn't wearing Lolita. Sounds like some people are unhappy about that and others are defending the comm. I think they should work it out within the comm, or just ask advice if they are unhappy, not post people's pix here as a way to try to deal with it.

>> No.8716183

>that eyeshadow
>what is blending?

>> No.8716191

That wig actually looks really nice for a cosplay though... I never wanted to be miku because i just assumed all the wigs would look ugly

>> No.8716192

From left to right
>Change shoes and instantly 100 times better
>What is a petti?
>What is a petti?
>This looks like a knockoff sailor sailormoon.
>Decent! Maybe match the bag to footwear and remove the gratuitous neck ruffles?

>> No.8716194

This seems like something that could be a whole thread by itself for discussion. You want to have a group that is welcoming and inclusive as possible BUT you still want everyone to at least dress in Lolita and better still do it well and keep improving. How to achieve this if your comm is already lax about it, itas are staying ita and people aren't trying very hard? What do you do and how do you go about changing things?

>> No.8716198


So you post her on fucking four chan? Anon you disgust me. This girl clearly needs help. And you're just shitting all over her.

>> No.8716224

It looks fresh out of the bag desu

>> No.8716346

Get your best people together and try to lead by example. Get active discussions about coordinates or how you personally go about coordinating items or building wardrobes. This can be done online as well as in person at meetups. Challenge others simply by setting high standards for yourself. However, you can't make anyone do anything and you can't make anyone improve. I think people get too caught up in what everyone else is doing and fail to pay as much attention to themselves. All you can do is try to influence others and constantly try to improve and grow and push your own boundaries.

Keep in mind that not everyone can build their wardrobe as fast. If your comm is full of college students with little to no money, they're going to stagnate. Whereas people with money to spend typically improve at a faster rate. However people with poor taste my not develop better taste the same way that a newbie with good taste and a good eye may figure out what works best and may never have an ita phase at all.

Basically when you're dealing with comms, most of the time you're dealing with people all over the spectrum of age, experience, funds, skill, and inherent abilities. I think this is why people bitch so much about their comms. In a lot of places, not everyone is on the same level. I find that to be a big issue with my comm. I just try to focus on myself and do my best to get others engaged if I can.

>> No.8716378

Was about to ask the same. San Antonio, right? Animatrix has bootleg anime merch, ita dresses, etc. The entire store is overpriced too. Not sure how its still open.

>> No.8716386

I agree with you, anon. Other anon that posted her, don't you feel bad for shitting on someone that reached out to you?

>> No.8716563
File: 162 KB, 651x1280, tumblr_nx7vqdE8gM1rcpohxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She always looks so fucking smug in her photos like she thinks she's hot shit

>> No.8716569
File: 214 KB, 717x1280, tumblr_nv43eobrha1rcpohxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the same girl that posted an unboxing video for that replica and got major backlash for it and ended up removing it

>> No.8716570
File: 307 KB, 780x1280, tumblr_nsoklvspbZ1rcpohxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whole blog is an ita mess
Someone please save this poor girl

>> No.8716572

>that sonic screw driver in her hand
>those typical 'lolita' glasses

>> No.8716600

Please tell me this is just a sad replica and not real AP.

>> No.8716612

It's a replica and for her un boxing video she wouldn't shut up about how high quality it was and how no one would be able to even tell it was a replica

Then she was talking on Facebook about 'my views are through the roof!' And it was because cgl got a hold of the link.

>> No.8716762

You sound super salty. Her coord is shitty but she's not fat and doesn't look 40.

>> No.8716764

Omg, she does videos? Ugh. Her still shots posted here are bad enough as it is...

>> No.8717130

I... I think she's cute.
That bag she's holding is a bit gross and she could maybe do with a different blouse but other than that she's cute!

>> No.8717136

Girl, hoover that carpet - it looks filthy!

>> No.8717156

everything about that screams budget.

>> No.8717206

Link to vid?

>> No.8717213

>feels embarrassed for her

>> No.8717253

She pulled it from YouTube

>> No.8717829
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My soul left my body

>> No.8717845
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>> No.8717848

That poor Elsa.

>> No.8717862

First off, last time I checked this was an ita thread, Secondly, I'm not going to argue with you considering you don't fully understand the situation. I was extremely nice to this girl a lot longer then I should have despite the rude things she has said to me and my bf. As far as her getting into Lolita, I tried my hardest to help her and she did not want to listen to me despite the fact I was nice about it and she took it the wrong way and blew up on me. A lot of people have issues and she clearly knows that she has a problem, but I will not let anyone treat me any kind of way just because they feel like they're always a victim.

>> No.8717867

I'm going to say this is more nitpick. Lose the wig, add a blouse and a petticoat and you'd have a decent if basic coord.

>> No.8717868

I don't feel bad, I dealt with this person irl for some time now and no matter how nice I was to this person, they were rude and always acted like they were the victim in every situation. I went as far as inviting her to support FB groups and trying to hang out with her hoping it would help and she managed to piss people off in those groups too. There was only but so much I could do until made a comment that ended our friendship so there you go.

>> No.8717935
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>> No.8717937
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>> No.8717940
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>> No.8717954
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>> No.8717961

Is the girl on the left's name cameron?

>> No.8718015

Man, i understand shes' going for a casual look here, but why do people do this shit? This would have been a million times better if she'd just worn some kind of frilly white top that actually matched the rest of what she's wearing...

>> No.8718020

What is that weird-ass stain on the apron? I'm a little concerned.

>> No.8718073
File: 98 KB, 541x960, 11223994_412846228905563_9061294198124297491_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8718096

I feel sorry for her boobs. They look like they're trying to escape.

>> No.8718102

This is one of the saddest pictures I've seen.

>> No.8718116

I don't think she's wearing a bra at all. Boobs shouldn't have that much definition, not matter how large and stuffed into a too small OP if you're wearing undergarments.


>> No.8718131


>will not let anyone treat me any kind of way just because they feel like they're always a victim

Topkek. Tell her off in person anon, don't get your "revenge" by having the internet bitch at her. She didn't post those pics in public, she didn't say she was a lolita, she sent them privately asking if they even had any chance of being changed into something worthwhile. Not ita, misguided.

If you don't want to be friends with her or if she's a bitch to you, tell her off and go about your life. Don't pretend you're doing something noble or justified here.

>> No.8718134

If you notice the black strap on the left (peeking out under her op sleeve), she's surprisingly wearing a bra. The worst, most ill-fitting bra ever.

>> No.8718141

It might just be a cami or something underneath it, but it does look like it ends at her boobs. Yikes.

>> No.8718200


>> No.8718264

is she wearing the jdk backwards...?

>that thin greasy fried up hair
ew ew EW. nothing about this bothers me more then the hair.

>> No.8718287

I'm calling vendetta.

>> No.8718292

Plain blouse, ill-fitting JSK, peeking petti, animal print tights shoe-horned in with a non-matching purse, and normalfag cheap flats? It's all ita, but at least she has a pretty face and I guess that makes it okay, right anon?

>> No.8718343

You're either blind or the girl in the picture

>> No.8718354

Confront her about it then. How is laughing at her on 4chan going to resolve the situation?

>> No.8718367

When I first saw this in the lolita fashion tag, I thought this was a joke.... I hope it is.

>> No.8718389

You make it sound like that anon hasn't tried. Get off your high horse.

>> No.8718450

>not fat
Dearie you sound fat.
>not old
lol how?
Why should i be salty of a old looking fatty with a terrible coord? At least i am cute.

>> No.8718463

The thing is that this girl has been into Lolita for over five years and her close friend actually really took off, but she seems a trainwreck stuck in the OTT phase. Also, I think she is a seamstress by profession. I'm not a member of the comm, just the cosplay scene.

>> No.8718467

This would be okay if she wasn't wearing that sweater and was pretty and thin

>> No.8718469

This is not Lolita, this is some weirdo who made a dress out of bedsheets

>> No.8718472

I like these, they're creepy

>> No.8718488

Bad shoes, but the rest is okay, if a little plain. fuck off vendetta-chan

>> No.8718504

They're fucking hot, what's the problem here?

Also post more pictures of the pink girl pls.

>> No.8718580

Wait is this that ita cosplayer that moved to AZ over the summer?

>> No.8718599

Holy shit it is topkek
And now im not supprised she's here yelling vendetta-chan everywhere. Sorry girl, your "coord" sucks

>> No.8718631

Wait.. Is their clock hanging over their calendar? Who the fuck does that

>> No.8718632

1/10 made me replay

>> No.8719030

The girls on her skirt look better matched than her

>> No.8719040

All her so called coords have been laughable. Shes cringy in general.

>> No.8719457

I'm serious, I want to see more of that qt

>> No.8719503

where do you get those?

>> No.8719528

No the shoes are only the beginning to what is wrong here

>> No.8719563

head doily and cowboy boots soooo rori desu

>> No.8719638

>pretty face
I'm with you everywhere else anon but she looka lika man

>> No.8719746

Don't forget that her "blouse" is also just a t-shirt with some cheap wristcuffs peeking out underneath.

>> No.8721260


I'm calling girl in the picture. This is bad and you should feel bad. Get real blouses, shoes, and tights then learn how to measure yourself for fit. Throw those tacky sweet stars away unless you're wearing something with starts or silver.

>> No.8721278

Ignoring the tags, its a pretty cute normie outfit

>> No.8721364
File: 55 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1447718691315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone cut up a brand skirt to make this mess...

It's her money but damn couldn't she have chosen a better design? It looks tacky as fuck.

>> No.8721367
File: 52 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1447719262615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have looked so much better without the shitty lace and ribbon.

>> No.8721396

Was this made for a fat troll????
>Still not as bad as Cat's tea party

>> No.8721402

Ok it's not THAT bad I guess, at least she is making something that fits ...

Oh god why? If you are going to have a gap as wide as your butt, just buy two skirts.

>> No.8721694

Or at least put a bustle back to it.

>> No.8721701

Couldn't she be assed enough to get black fabric in the same length and make a bustle?

>> No.8721739

I think it's a WIP....I'm hoping it's a WIP

>> No.8721753

What a shame. The original skirt is gorgeous too.

>> No.8721805

Yeah I think it's a WIP. But honestly it just looks so bad.

>> No.8721853

Yes its ANIMATRIX in Ingram Mall. I even had the balls to call it ita out loud in the store (my boyfriend was with me and asked if i wanted it) and got a glare from the sales associate.

>> No.8721891
File: 97 KB, 559x720, tumblr_nxxy3yrJSb1suftqao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dream with the day lolitas from my country will learn to dress themselves properly despite their third-world income.

>> No.8721893
File: 57 KB, 444x720, tumblr_nxxy4qRy4k1suftqao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8722193

No one's saying she isn't cute, she just can't coord for shit.

She'd look great in lolita if she just wasn't wearing that hot mess.

>> No.8722250

Left and right look decent.

>> No.8722295

I think that dress is from French Collection, I have the same one. It's very cute as normalfag wear but nowhere near lolita.

>> No.8722297

Agreeing with previous anon, far left and right look good, I think the two in the middle were trying to go for an Alice in Wonderland theme.

>helicopter headbow, tho

>> No.8722614

Not the anon you're replying to, but I didn't see the "fat" at first either. The picture doesn't show her being fat too well, her size hides behind her arms.

>> No.8722697
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like her arm fat is swallowing up her wrist cuffs
I remember seeing her first "coord" and year she's definitely improved. but from the way she types, and from the look of some of the places she's taken pictures (think one had a disabled ramp) I think she has a disability or
learning problems. I think it's too consistent to be a "pose" so I reckon it's just her face. She reminds me of this character though
If the netting was grey or white instead of black it would look better, and if the shoe base was a lighter colour and the shoes were higher heels it might look more flattering. Also thinner/sheer grey tights cos knitted tights just don't do with the floaty/ghostly look I think she's trying to get. Still though.... with all of that done it'd probably still look bad anyway

>> No.8722712

This is 4chan newfag, go back to Tumblr.

>> No.8722724


Hey, if posting-anon is going to post such cringy "revenge" in an attempt to be all tough-shit "ain't nobody mess with me and my ruffled petticoats", I'll call them out on being a lolcow.

>> No.8722919

The construction looks good, and I like the chiffon details. This could have been cute if not for the tacky shit on the bodice.
At least the stuff that makes it awful can be taken off, I guess...?

>> No.8722921

I don't think this is ita at all. In fact, if it weren't for the over-saturated color of the blouse, this would be pretty cute.

>> No.8723256

This reminds me of that jellybean girls coords

>> No.8723258


>> No.8723290

Found the girl in pink

>> No.8723366

something about the jsk is appealing to me, but I can't tell what.

>> No.8728137

This is bad, but far from ita. Might you have some personal issues with this chick, anon?