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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8701874 No.8701874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are cosplayers just out of touch with reality or sheltered? Everything I see some cosplayer that is an activist, they always have something like "ohmawgawd, why did people do this, I'm traumatized!" And when you go to see what it was, it's some educational thing to try to get kids to understand seriousness of their actions. I don't understand how kids running around with an X on their shirt can be "traumatizing".

>> No.8701884

lol my high school did full on "corpse" facepaint and fake blood everywhere. sure it was creepy (way more so that just being X'd out) but it's a warning. It made me very uncomfortable at the time due to personal things I was going through but I still understood what it was for?

notice that this person isn't even saying they're personally distressed, it's one of those "could possibly offend/upset SOMEONE out there" deals.
which is basically, hi, tumblr.

I don't think it has anything to do with being a cosplayer, just that some cosplayers also happen to buy into that tumblr mentality of trying to be nice and concerned for other people but way overdoing it (and often causing way more problems in the process).

>> No.8701893

My school staged a fake accident. I'm talking wrecked car on the lawn, air lifting a kid to the "hospital". Carrying one kid off in a hurse. Then at the anti drinking and driving assembly later that day the "dead" kids mom gave him a eulogy.

So yeah I think we can deal with X t-shirts and not talking.

>> No.8701896

Closest I got to that was the school disaster drill where we evacuated to the football field and first responders treated and medivaced casualties.

>> No.8701899

I got 'kidnapped' during a fire drill once to see if anyone would notice I was hypothetically abandoned and burning to death in a classroom.

>> No.8701917

>tfw I was stewing in my seat at the school assembly because everyone around me was crying about this shit and I was just peeved that I wasn't chosen to "die" for a day and miss an entire fuckin day of school for some weird PSA role playing schtick

Also yes considering cosplayers and con peoples' live revolve around these fabricated and controlled environments celebrating fictional realities, you can bet your anonymous ass that they're sheltered as fuck.

>> No.8701929

My school couldn't have done this because 2 seniors died in a car crash (both were drunk) when I was a freshman. Everyone acted sad and like they knew them but both kids were burnouts and when yearbook club asked everyone in the whole school for pics of the two guys do they could get a dedicated 2 page spread, only one person had one.
Honestly the more of an attention whore someone is the more likely they are to get cosfamous, and attention whores are always coddled idiots who have no basis in reality (which is why getting attention is the only thing they worry about). They live with the false sense everything they think is poignant and have no mental filter so they say lots of stupid shit like this.
It's best to ignore them and move on. They'll fade into obscurity soon.

>> No.8701932
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Nerds bully eachother over expensive game systems. Cosplayers bully eachother over expensive materials. Lolitas bully eachother over expensive princess dresses. All of which bully eachother over shallow materialized shit so they can look better on the internet.
Yes. They're all fucking sheltered. If you have the internet, chances are you're sheltered!

>> No.8701968

Maybe I'm sheltered because I could never imagine a school doing this. I assume the OP on Facebook means they were forcing students to be ignored by everyone because they created an imaginary car crash for them. I could easily imagine someone getting upset over it.

>> No.8702004

must be a ghetto thing @blackliberationfront

>> No.8702010
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>> No.8702013

My high school did something like that. Although they couldn't do the airlift since there just so happened to be a real life pileup on the freeway right when they were doing this big presentation.

>> No.8702015

LOL Tim I was thinking the same thing when they did it. I wanted to be one of the dead students

>> No.8702018

Prom week, my school always parked this completeley wrecked car on the front lawn and puts DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE on the electric sign board. They also have an assembly where a police officer comes in and talks about the dangers of drunk driving, and then shows this jarring slide show of before and after pictures of people who got into accidents from drunk driving. Either the person wound up dead, or they were very hot and had such extensive damage that it completely disfigured them.
Needless to say seeing a hottie become a nottie seemed to work the best with scaring the shit out of teens to not drink and drive.
Doesn't completely stop some idiots, though.

>> No.8702022

You need to share this story, it sounds amazing

>> No.8702044

This dude isn't really freaking out about it. Calm down, OP. They just asked if any other school did this. I don't een see the word 'traumatize/d/ing' in his thing. Calm down. Stop trying to cause trouble for no reason.

>> No.8702045

Someone inform this newfag about Maki Hinds lol.

>> No.8702046

Me too. I wanted to be one of the dead ones. Especially since I was bullied for being a fucking theatre kid. But, nope. All the bullshit fucking asshole from the student council got to be in it because God forbid an unpopular kid died and people didn't take the assembly seriously.

>> No.8702049

Yes, please do, when this post clearly is more vendetta than anything and killed a more interesting thread when all this was, was a 'slap the word cosplay into the description and call it a day' vendetta post.

>> No.8702137

The #blackliberationfront has arrived. Prepare to be called racists and bigots everyone.

>> No.8702140
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Double rekt

>> No.8702142
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Dude, Im white. I really don't know anything about this guy besides this status of his that was posted in this thread. I think you are trying too hard.

>> No.8702143

This is the type of context I am asking for. Ya'll need to calm down. I don't know all these Facebook people.

>> No.8702144



Ooooooooh. Its a GIRL. Now I feel silly.

>> No.8702156

>schools thinking this bullshit works
I'm glad my school was too ghetto/poor to keep shit like this up. I remember a year where there was maybe a fake accident staged, everyone knew in advance. However I don't have a clear memory of it bc I knew the fuckers who were doing it wouldn't give three tits and a fuck if it were me, not that it would ever be the case.
I hated how the school expected us to feel "sad" about the poor choices of a bunch of popular kids who thought they had the right to do stupid illegal shit and put everyone else on the road in danger. This shit gets glamourized.

One year a popular burnout gave too many pills to his gf, the fool overdosed and died, so the dude killed himself as well. This dude had been a HUGE dick to me and I remember getting flak from some of my classmates from not "looking sad enough." Why should I have been? A future pill lord iced himself, but unfortunately brought someone else with him. Everyone tried to act like his suicide was noble ("he did it out of love for gf!"), but I'm sure he did it out of cowardice as surely soon the investigation found out the pill source and he would have had multiple criminal charges.

>tl;dr it's not traumatizing, it's infuriating

>> No.8702274

what does this have to do with cosplay though?

>> No.8702281

Reminds me of when I was a little kid, and my Tae Kwon Do instructor told us all that there were people who would want to kidnap, kill, and eat us. He then scooped me up, carried me away, told me I was dead and was going to be eaten by cannibals, and shut me in a room away from the group for ten minutes.

He was an interesting guy.

>> No.8702283
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I remember when I was 12, My primary school teacher invited a local refugee to come in and speak about his experience.
So this huge black guy came in and said he had to leave his country because "the new government" sent soldiers round to his house and hacked up his pregnant wife with a machete. Even cut the fetus out and kicked it to make sure it was dead.

There were children as young as 8 there crying and teachers were turning green, My principle was super pissed at the guy but even then I thought It was stupid of him to ask the guy there and just assume he'd tell a cleaned up version of the story.

>> No.8702311

Is this a common American thing to scare people by staging things at school or something?

>> No.8702359

>going "OOOOH IT'S A GIRL"
>on a board largely dominated by females

>> No.8702373

I assume they're referring to the person on Facebook.

>> No.8702383
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What's the point of this thread? Yes, it's Maki, doesn't make the thread any less dumb.