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8701812 No.8701812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

old one is in sage >>8698585

>> No.8701813

Does anyone have that picture of the #notbothered trio with isucky, Kate and Jillian? think it was a secret a few weeks ago.

>> No.8701823

wait I'm missing something. apparently LACE is gone?

>> No.8701828

yes. Kate got tired of people calling her an animal abuser for no reason

>> No.8701831
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from the other thread

>> No.8701852
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Here you go.

>> No.8701867

thank you anon!

>> No.8701873

this is the first time that a cow has left the community and I didn't feel somewhat disappointed. like with jillian I was kind of sad we wouldn't have her to laugh at anymore, but with kate I'm just relieved. good fucking riddance

>> No.8701875
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>no reason

>> No.8701876

I don't know if kate was just a low tier lolcow or PT spoiled me and no other cow will ever live up to her name.

>> No.8701877

we all miss PT, anon. try to stay strong...

>> No.8701881

I feel legitimately sickened that that poor cat is going to die and we can't do shit about it. I've never actually hated a lolita before, but kate comes pretty damn close

>> No.8701887
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too good not to post from the other thread

>> No.8701888
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in response to this

>> No.8701895

I wish that Kate had responded to Carly's post more seriously (a fucking mean girls gif, wow). She could have at least saved some face if she had pretended to care about her concerns for the cat.

>> No.8701897

wait I'm way behind on this drama. what does carly have to do with it?

>> No.8701911
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Those tags tho.

>> No.8701914

The butthurt is strong with this one.

>> No.8701918
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Carly made this post calling kate out on the kittten thing, and kate got so mad that she left the "evil american lolita community"

>> No.8701920
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then this was kate's response to her post. proving once again that she's not old enough to be on the fucking internet by herself

>> No.8701924

What's so sad is that she obviously thinks of the kitten as just a prop. It's disgusting and really shows how fucking horrible she really is.

>> No.8701931

i'm in carly's comm and can confirm that this is actually really upsetting to her. she has a big soft spot for animals (the first meetup she ever went to was a zoo meetup, in fact), and when I asked her about it she was really flustered and angry, which never happens with her.

>> No.8701934

I don't understand why taking a cat on a plane is such a big deal. Is it just because the kitten is so young or something?

>> No.8701935

...the last thread is still up. Read it.

>> No.8701938

awww, she seems like such a cool person.

>> No.8701940

oh wow. I can't believe she didn't think of that before she bought the cat. That's so sad

>> No.8701952

I'm curious to see what kate's comm thinks about this whole thing. I remember seeing a post by some anon saying that kate would try to make all of the meetups about her, so I'm sure they'll be relieved

>> No.8701955

she didn't even spell her name right, dumb bitch. it's literally in her username

>> No.8701969


>> No.8701971

shut the fuck up about carly

>> No.8701972


>> No.8701975
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from lolcow

>> No.8701976


How many people typically attend meetups in your comm? Does the type of event matter? I know meets with reservation fees tend to attract less members due to the cost.

>> No.8701982

we have about 60 in our facebook group that post randomly, but only about 7 who regularly come to meetups. the biggest meetup we've had was 16, but the norm is about 8-9

>> No.8701983

the hell do you have against Carly anon? she killed the wicked witch.

>> No.8701991

she's not that based. stop putting her on a pedestal, it's as annoying to constantly hear about her as it is to constantly hear about kate

>> No.8701993

not that anon but there's a pretty big difference. the lolita community has needed someone like carly for a really long time, so it's obvious that people are going to really like her. kate is a terrible person, and while I agree that it gets annoying to hear about her all the time, it's way different.

>> No.8701995

>the lolita community has needed someone like carly for a really long time
except we didn't

>> No.8701998

I think it's good that someone is openly calling people out rather than being anon and catty.

>> No.8702001

^this. and she doesn't treat lolita as if it's a super serious fucking issue, she treats it the way it should be treated: as a hobby.

>> No.8702005

This is kind of true, though. I know Carly's claim to fame is because of her lolita parodies, but honestly, its not her job to stalk any slightly efamous lolita and then call them out. She doesn't have to make a whole post on her personal blog about someone else's cat. problems and then tagging the shit out of it. I think sending her a non-anonymous messgae would be less creepy and more productive.
On that note, can someone make a chrome extension that magically blocks anything and everything related to Kate? I'm so done with her. She's like the lolita Donald Trump. She keeps getting more and more ridiculous to keep the spotlight on her. also she has terrible hair.

>> No.8702008

Isn't Kate meant to be a celebrity guest at some convention? If she's bailed from lolita comms will she bail from that as well? Wouldn't that break her contract with the con organizers?

>> No.8702009

sending one ask is hardly what I'd call stalking, anon. plenty of people were outraged about the "cat problems." it's animal abuse, she's gonig to kill the cat for no reason.

also, kek @ donald trump kate

>> No.8702036

oh my god that cat is not going to die, you people are fucking ridiculous

It's not ideal for the cat, but as long as it'll be in the cabin with her it has a far better chance of dealing well than an animal in a cargo hold. It might feel distress, but so do cats that get re-homed regularly, or have to take long trips to the vet, or get kenneled while a family is on vacation for a week. The cat will survive being stressed. Kate isn't going around murdering animals for fun for fuck's sake.

>> No.8702040

The Lolita community only needs one thing.

And that's Jesus Christ.

>> No.8702047

fucking this

>> No.8702073

Persian cats or cats with flat faces can get severely ill on planes because they're sensitive to air pressure changes. It's not just a normal cat.

>> No.8702074
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>> No.8702081

It's a persian cat, they are more prone to breathing problems as is, and the pressure changes are no joke even to some humans. Plus, it's really young.
Like someone on lolcow said, it's like taking a disabled infant on an 12+ hour overseas flight locked in a small transport box, I reckon most people would find that questionable.

>> No.8702092

People wouldn't be so concerned if this cat wasn't practically a newborn. Super young animals shouldn't be transported.

>> No.8702099

fuken saved desu

>> No.8702101

isn't the cat male?
why everyone thinks is female? projection?

>> No.8702102

People typically assume cats are females, and dogs are males I believe, I'm guilty of doing this

>> No.8702109


>> No.8702111


Now I really want to know if the cat will survive to see what all self-proclaimed vets will invent.

>> No.8702114

If these wayward lolitas would just let the light of jesus christ shine into their hearts there would never be this problem.

>> No.8702182
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Are you stupid?
skype calls costs less than a dollar. but first, call an airline and a vet.
(Which Kate already did)

>the humane society?
Overly general references, refs or never happened

anthropomorphizing the cat

Car posts reek of power trip now

>capcha is waffles with chicken

>> No.8702185

Kate is right though. Carly needs to fucking stop and go back to being a youtube clown. It's over.
>inb4 Carly gets buttmad and shills

>> No.8702190

>skype calls costs less than a dollar
It's a reference to her failed crowdfunding campaign where if you contributed in the hundreds of dollars range you could "enjoy a skype tea party with Kate" and shit like that.

Animals get anxiety and experience trauma too. I took my cat on a 4 hour flight out of sheer necessity - I had to suddenly move across the country due to a death in the family - and she now has to be on anxiety medication. Yes, anxiety meds. For a cat. If she doesn't have them she flinches at the slightest sound and spends her day cowering under furniture. I hate that I had to bring her with me, but no one could take her while I was gone.

Also, sauce on Kate actually calling a vet about the cat. Because any respectable vet would tell her not to make it travel.

>> No.8702194

1. If you are too stupid just stop whiteknighting Kate.
2. For the expensive skype call reference see >>8702190. Kate invented this "skype tea party" present for her fundraiser.
3. Animals can easily be tramatized, even more so than humans. They get really nervous when they have to leave their home and other stressing things such as noises, a shaky vehicle, strangers and a changing air pressure are horrible for them. You can't explain the concept of air travel to a cat, it's just terribly stressed and thinks the hell just broke loose. And don't forget possible quarantine depending on the country; I wouldn't be able to get my cats outside the EU without them being in a quarantine beforehand.
I moved to a new apartment this year and my cats didn't leave the bedroom for days, I even had to bring their food abd water bowls in there because they wouldn't go to the kitchen. Cats are scared so easily.

>> No.8702222

Seriously you gulls are still obsessing over this cat? Literally there are cats in your current city that are homeless, being abused, etc that you don't give a shit about/don't even think about. Get a grip. Stopping one random girl on the internet that you hate from putting a kitten at risk is a small help. It's crap tumblr hive mind at its finest focusing on practically a non issue instead of the big problem. If you care so much can you please volunteer at a shelter instead of trying to justify your hate boners?

>> No.8702225

Er anon are you ok? Are you Kate? We're just discussing how bad this is for the cat. No one is organizing a mob with torches and pitchforks. If people discussing someone's public behavior is such a bother to you, may I suggest going outside?

>> No.8702230

I'm fine anon. I think the conversation is just getting really repetitive. I care about animals too, but the amount of worry for this one kitten seems disproportionate to what can actually be done for it. No one here can tell another pet owner how to raise their pet. Kate isn't breaking any laws. There are plenty of more productive things you can do to help abused animals. I go outside plenty, hbu?

>> No.8702237

Right, but Kate is such a faggot for attention that if she gets told off enough there's a slight, slight chance that she'll actually listen to avoid being ostracized. I think you're also probably underestimating how many people are discussing this; of course it's repetitive, it's something that's getting picked up by several different individuals who want to weigh in. If this train of discussion bugs you just ignore it until it's done, it'll die out within days I'm sure.

Also discussing it here doesn't really mean anyone is losing out on helping animals in other ways lol. I have four rescue cats and volunteer at the shelter I adopted one of them from, am I allowed to have opinions about cat health on the internet now, mom?

>> No.8702241

Unrelated but I think ChuChus are very cute.

>> No.8702247

I see what you mean. I guess I need to wait it out. I think it's just the sheer volume that bothered me. I've been waiting for lolita general to at least have less Kate drama.

I have a rescue cat too and she's the sweetest fattest baby ever. Thanks for sharing anon

>> No.8702289

>fat cat
And here you are getting on a high horse about animal abuse. Allowing your pet to get, and remain, fat is also abusive. So much for caring about cats' health.

>> No.8702296

One of the reasons many people are talking about the welfare of the cat is because they are animal advocates and have rescue animals of their own. Many of us have taken in cats that have been purchased by thoughtless owners who discarded them for frivolous reasons. Kate, on the surface (given what we have to go off on her social media), seems to be another one of those thoughtless owners and it's pissed us rescue mammas off.

>> No.8702314

I sent Kate a non-anonymous message about the cat a week and a half ago and she just ignored me. At least Carly's calling her out is getting people to talk about it and (hopefully) getting Kate to think about her cat's health. I never had any particular feelings of dislike toward Kate before Pom but now I feel genuine dislike and disgust toward her because it's so clear that she bought that poor animal because she thought it would be a kawaii Nipponeese accessory without thinking of its health and safety.

>> No.8702315

>If you care so much can you please volunteer at a shelter instead of trying to justify your hate boners
Already do that, and take in strays when I can. I care about these cats, and I care about the cats I have never met. Part of my job is to rehabilitate anxious and fearful cats, so it sickens me when I see people willingly put their pets through trauma. Not every cat gets over it, and I end up being the one who has to deal with it because people think their cat's "defective". I've met plenty of irresponsible owners who blame all of their cat's problems on their cat and either don't bother learning how to rehabilitate them properly, trade them in for another kitten, or have them put down because they attacked them.

Just because you can't do something for every single cat out there, doesn't mean we can't try to save the one we can help.

>> No.8702352

I also volunteer with shelter cats. On the one hand, if Kate's cat gets all emotionally/mentally fucked up, it's still a kitten and *might* be able to grow out of the trauma IF someone who is experienced with cats is there to help it immediately after the flight (spoiler: I really doubt Kate fits that bill). It worse for cats that end up with "bad behavior" issues that aren't young, or aren't give the chance to recover and grow into adult cats and are dumped in a shelter. I've seen so many sweet older cats that are desperate for affection get passed over for months and months even years in some cases because they aren't immediately affectionate, because they are stressed out from a shelter environment, they don't like being picked up or touched by over-excited strangers (would you if you had been locked in a prison cell for months?)

Honestly if the cat returns from its flight and is exhibiting stress symptoms, if Kate isn't willing to prepare to work with the cat to overcome those, it might be better if she immediately dumps it with a foster group because there will be someone who can help it. The longer the symptoms go unaddressed, the harder it is for the cat to make a comeback.

Shoutout to all the people who rescue and love cats without ever getting to pet or snuggle them because the cat has been so traumatised it never gets over it. If you want to understand where us crazy cat lovers are coming from, check out this blog
or Jackson Galaxy. He is the guy on the show "My Cat from Hell" where he figures out why a cat is fucked up (usually something the owner is doing to it) and helps the owner stop fucking up their cat. Actually now I"m interested if there's ever been an episode with a cat that went on a plane.

>> No.8702391
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At this rate, next comm thread should be pic related

>> No.8702439


Making a reference to her own parody to make fun of Kate makes it worse. How can a psychology student think that she can convince somebody to change her mind by making fun of an obviously emotionally voluble person? That will only cause more avoidance and even less posisbility to follow up on the cat.

But, ok, Kate is not responding to private messages, and she might be receiving lots atm. It might seem that aggression is the only way to capt her attention, but really, is it?

At least she seems to be responding by taking the cat to the vet and making an effort in bringing him up. There are caps somewhere. Cant find them.

>> No.8702446

I love that it never occurs to any of you that anyone who actually knows her might have messaged her to help her figure out the cat situation before she started getting messages from strangers, including sarcastic ones from people who had openly antagonized her in the past?

Stop making Kate out to be the devil. She made mistakes but does not deserve to be called a cat killer. Stop making Carly out to be god's gift to Lolita. She might have had good intentions for the cat, but her actions in this have been just as self-serving and attention seeking as some of the behaviors you hate Kate for.

I hope we can have comm threads one day that are about... I don't know, comms? Is anyone planning anything for ILD?

>> No.8702452

>Making a reference to her own parody to make fun of Kate makes it worse.
How do people whiteknight without knowing what the fuck they're even talking about? Kate made a crowdfunding campaign and offered a Skype tea party if people donated 200$.

>> No.8702454

My bad, I forgot that I'm not allowed to give a shit about one neglected kitten unless I'm actively angry about literally every other stray cat on the planet, anon.

Kate's not some faceless rando, she's a well-known person of interest in the hobby who did something very irresponsible and while there's anger, I think there's also hope in some quarters that maybe she can correct her mistake if she's willing to listen to someone. Not necessarily seagulls.

Unfortunately it seems like she'd rather cry to her white knights about how mean we all are for criticizing her impulse buy (which will negatively impact a living creature) than actually engage in any serious self-reflection. In other words, a day in the life of girlyhoot. So who knows how this is going to turn out.

>> No.8702464

Voldie is embarassing as always, but I think this post of Carly's is just insensitive and rude. Girls leave the community all the time, and although it's a bit dramatic to make a post like this, she wasn't bothering anyone else or blaming others. This community does suck sometimes. Of course there's drama in every hobby community, but rarely is it as vicious as lolita fashion. Or if it is, at least the drama dies, lolita drama lingers forever. I'm fading away from my comm and social media too, but wearing the fashion more than ever.
She also implies that being a lolita and being in a comm are synonymous, which isn't true.
I wish Carly would keep making her funny parodies of truly ridiculous things, instead of boring jokes at the expense of someone else who's not even an efame-tryhard.

>> No.8702470

>she wasn't bothering anyone else or blaming others
She blamed literally the entirety of the western comm are you for real

>> No.8702473
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>> No.8702475

I mean, it is shit

>> No.8702510

Exactly, she first started LACE because ONE person on here said they heard her poop and one or two other people lol'd. That was it. Then she flew into the LACE frenzy.

Alllllllll the other awful bullying experiences she alluded to happening (but never had proof to show) before the pooping incident were never enough for her to start it either. Nope, it was the poop that broke that camel's back. And when it didn't get her the coddles she wanted she flounced with the excuse that western lolitas are horrible.

>> No.8702514

any seagulls going to that event?

>> No.8702546

>Kate made X stupid thing
>Cat is in danger
>Let's stupidly make references to Kate's other irrelevant mistakes to save the cat
>Cause more avoidance
>Close any possibility of peaceful agreement

that is not how it works. Is not white knighting, is pointing out the stupidity of all this. Carly is not correct either

>> No.8702550

What would you suggest?
give the cat to a japanese shelter?
I doubt the store will want returns.

Would you leave the cat without clear knowledge of what shelters work? She seems to be taking responsibility

>> No.8702551

it's called risk vs benefit
>being this ridiculous
Wow, ok.
So certain animals can't be traumatized because they aren't human, right?
Totally makes sense anon.

>> No.8702557

Hey white knight, how about you go shine your armor over there while the adults have a conversation?
A lot of us do work in shelters.

>> No.8702567

Taking a cat on a plane will not kill it, this is all incredibly contrived and forced drama for the explicit purpose of letting people bully and be drama queens

>> No.8702573

>How can a psychology student think that she can convince somebody to change her mind by making fun of an obviously emotionally voluble person?

If you're implying that psychology majors have to behave anything like the stiff they learned then I have some bad news for you.(Spoiler: we are all normal people, very ordinary).

>> No.8702589

If the plane ride doesn't kill it, forcing him to meet the other cat will. Poor Pom.

Kate is not innocent, she's a socially inept child who is throwing a damn temper tantrum.

>> No.8702590

This. It's driving me mad seeing people going "oh poor Kate didn't do anything wrong! you're all meanies!!2"

Like, open your fucking eyes. She's been nothing but trouble since people took notice of her.

>> No.8702591
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I agree with her to an extent, but she shouldn't be surprised that lolita is rife with status seeking. That's kind of the basis of a hobby based on conspicuous consumption. Jesus Christ, you're Immitating the French bourgeois right before the revolution, one of the most decadent and crass classes of people in modern history. This is what lolita has its roots in. Escapism and consumption.

But there is a way out. Cast down your decadent lifestyles and embrace better hobbies. You can get into literature, lifting, sports, volunteering. Anything really. It's not too late to step away from this shallow lifestyle and embrace the rest of humanity.

>> No.8702602

I agree. Carly is going on a power trip. The first post about the cat was enough, no need to make all those other posts targeting Kate, especially the one making fun of her leaving the lolita community. I'm concerned about the cat too, but Carly's taking it a bit too far.

>> No.8702605


I'm in Pgh comm, this shit doesn't even scratch the surface. I'm so damn salty I could cure a damn ham.

But we're told to keep quiet by the mods and they are watching.

>> No.8702607

Does anyone know if Chlamydia-chan has been kicked from her comm yet? Or what comm she's even in?
Also for some reason a request I sent in to join CoF weeks ago hasn't been accepted. I just joined fb for lolita purposes and want to see daily coords

>> No.8702608

Nice samefag cunt

>> No.8702612

You're on an anonymous image board, anon. Spill the deets. No one will know

>> No.8702613

Ugh I hate that attitude. The mods can go suck it. Are they sticking up for her or what's the deal?

>> No.8702614

And Carly is a status seeking cunt using an animals pain to project herself into the lime light

Agreed comrade

But I'm still not going to stop

>> No.8702615

it makes it sadder if the poor lil kitty is a girl. men can't be victims.

>> No.8702620

Two cats will not kill each other nor will they die of stress from the "trauma" of seeing another cat

>> No.8702621

this tbfh

>> No.8702622

New PGH member, whose only seen the result of the censorship. Pass the salt.

>> No.8702629
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>Not every cat gets over it, and I end up being the one who has to deal with it because people think their cat's "defective".
right in the feels.

>> No.8702635





HATE HER!!!!!!

>> No.8702654

Look, I don't give a fuck about this cat or Kate drama but

>anthropomorphizing the cat

Gull please. Have you ever worked as a foster for dogs who've been abused? Those pups are absolutely traumatized by their experience, it often takes months and sometimes years for them to get "back to normal". I'm not a cat person but I know dogs are capable of feeling and reacting to traumatic events. Cats probably are too.

>> No.8702656

Just the generic "please don't post on anon boards we don't need drama". Doesn't help that Kate picked the current mods.

Salty solidarity, at least we're free now.

>> No.8702659

Actually I know people who did talk to her as a friend. She got defensive and took it personally. Then unfriended them.

>> No.8702672

On one hand I can understand not wanting to stir drama, but this isn't really a situation where that applies as usual. If Kate had been in my comm I'd give the rundown, not talking shit, but to warn others, particularly with the amount of people defending her. I can't help but feel that the mods are afraid that Kate will lash out at them, but that says more about them being spineless than anything.

>> No.8702686

You-Know-Who deleted her facebook, youtube and may have changed her tumblr name, but definitely changed her insta name.

>> No.8702691

She is in the las Vegas comm and no she hasn't been kicked

>> No.8702699

Two people from the comm made a post in the old thread

>> No.8702700

Apparently Kate is running a SS while she is in Japan.

She slings mud at the western comm and leaves in a huff but sure as hell doesn't mind taking money from it.

>> No.8702708

I've commented in this thread earlier, being someone who works with cats.
I agree that a lot of people are latching on to the cat as the focus of the issue, maybe over dramatically as you say.

It's much easier to use the many poor choices Kate has made in the saga of this cat as a simple way of "taking her out" and spreading contempt of her. I'm sure a lot of people do genuinely care for the welfare of the cat, but it's naive for anyone to say that's the only factor in the level of negative energy focused on Kate right now. It's a lot harder to drum up an extreme emotional response by listing the other "shady" things Kate is accused of, but most people can easily understand that she is putting the life of a sweet widdle kitten at risk with her lack of forethought and stubbornness.

Additionally, there is a very clear set of possible outcomes involved in the destiny of this cat. It could possibly not survive the return flight, it could survive but be traumatised, it could survive and be fine. Kate might abandon it or try to return it to the store or find a Japanese owner to adopt it. There's a limited timeframe for this to playout, and the stakes are high when it comes to what the result will be on Kate's "public image". Kate continued her missteps by trying to obfusticate what the results will be by supposedly closing up shop on the public window on her life, drawing more attention to the issue. So it has all the right elements of being a high charged bit of Lolita drama, and anons who are invested in the outcome are putting in their efforts to see that it continues to do so.

>> No.8702711

>how many attend meetups
Id say on a good day a strong and consistent 10 come to the meet ups.
>Does the type matter
The time is more relevant than the type of meet. We have had meets to pay in advance for mostly when going to an actual tea house and last one I went to there was about 20.

>> No.8702713

> continued
To the topic at hand, I agree that people may be over exaggerating the potential for this animal to die. It's true that this particular cat may be more at risk than any average tabby mongrel due to it's age and the features of it's breed that makes breathing difficult. All cats suffer some type of stress while travelling, and what this cat is most at risk from is oxygen deprivation caused by hyperventilating, airway restriction related to its physique and possible affected by being on a plane ( I don't have any experience with cats on planes, only land travel.) How this cat will react can't really be predicted because every cat is a little different. Some cats can adapt to travelling, some cats can't. One of my two cats ends up in the car a lot and despite being elderly, she's adjusted to it to the point where she is able to relax and even nap in her carrier. It also depends on how the cat travels. If it's in the cargo hold that will probably be very intense for a small animal, but if it's able to travel in the cabin with Kate it will likely be less so.

Is it likely that this cat will asphyxiate on the plane? No, I wouldn't say it's likely. Is it possible? Yes but it's also possible the plane will crash with Kate inside.

Once the cat arrives home, it will be in a completely new environment, which is already very stressful to a cat, but it will also have to deal with differences on a more basic level - it will probably be ill for a few weeks while it's body biology adjusts to the water, the food, the time zone. If Kate isn't prepared to deal with that she may be bringing to the vet very frequently, which is also stressful for a cat.

>> No.8702717

>continued (last)
It's much more likely that this cat will end up with severe behavior problems unless Kate or someone involved with caring for the cat is prepared to spend a lot of time, effort and possibly money on very carefully and patiently adjusting it to its new life. If she isn't able or knowledgeable enough to take care with the animal, it could make itself stress-sick to the point of death in the long term.

Example: My mother in law is a cat hoarder and took in a stray cat. This cat soon became incredibly ill, he was losing weight, losing fur. He had a massive abcess in his side. I'm not even sure if she ever took him to the vet or not, but she came to the conclusion he was gluten intolerant and gave him expensive food and steroids (one would assume she went to the vet if she had steroid pills but she could have had them leftover from one of her other pets or some illness of her own). The cat got a little bit better, but then MIL decided she was moving house and didn't want to take the ill cat anymore. She dumped him on me, and when we finally took him to our vet, we discovered the cat had was allergic to flea bites (losing the fur and scratching til he tore the hole in his hide) and that the other cats had been stealing all his expensive food and bullying him (why he was underweight and also stress causing more scratching) Now that he's in a clean home, he's nearly 15lbs (very big for a cat but vet says he is healthy) and his fur has mostly grown in. The moral is, people, especially stubborn narcissists, may believe they are capable of handling "an animal" and knowing what's best for that animal, but our cat was at death's door when we got him and MIL had no clue because she refused to believe that anything she did could be the cause of his illness.

>> No.8702721

>came to read about comms
>100% Kate drama

>> No.8702733

It was an exaggeration dumb dumb. Get the giant stick out your ass.

>> No.8702740

I like you. You explained everything perfectly.

>> No.8702742

Complaint is not about whether animal can be traumatized or not, the point is about the empty/weak argument devoid of references.
Why can't she just link to an article like some of the week's secrets that were very self contained?
Or the blog some gull mentions of rescue stories?

not defending kate, just crit to Car

>> No.8702746


didn't explain well the point.

And this is it >>8702740

End of discussion

>> No.8702761

Huh, the cat won't be put in quarantine once it reaches the new country?

>> No.8702766

Unfamiliar cats can in fact kill each other, and if one is as young as Pom it's chances are not great.

Cats are territorial, hierarchical animals. Introducing a new cat to a household involves lengthy introduction process, where the cats are kept separate except for short supervised periods. If you aren't careful, fighting can erupt as the established cat reacts to the "interloper", and that can be incredibly dangerous for a kitten as young as Pom. I have seen a kitten with a bite that pierced its skull, because the owner was careless in bringing it into a home with an adult cat. (The kitten lived, thank god)

>> No.8702779

Wait for real? That's pretty funny.

>> No.8702784

Not going from Japan to the US, no: Japan is a rabies-free country so America doesn't impose a quarantine (although the cat does have to go through a vet check upon arrival, to make sure it's healthy).

>> No.8702793


Sounds like how I got my rabbit.

My friend decided to introduce another rabbit friend to her rabbit. Unfortunately, I think her rabbit (her name will be 'F' here) had just moved and was acting out probably due to the stress of the 12 hour journey. What more was that the new rabbit, J, was only two weeks old while F was a year old and well, big for lack of better words. She kept bullying him around the house and attacking him at every point. I saw F attack J and go for his throat before she had to separate them. It was really upsetting for my friend so I ended up getting J in the end.

The point is that certain animals in general are very territorial. You can't just drop a young animal into an established old animals' territory. Do research first, etc.

>> No.8702811

I'm so fucking done with the kate drama
Take your drama to lolcow please.
This is a thread about comms not kate.
>I don't like kate either
>gulls move on
>ding dong the frilly witch is dead

>> No.8702815

Oh interesting. I didn't know it was a rabies related thing.

Well that' something good for the cat at least.

>> No.8702825

Ew, don't want her nasty foundation caked hands touching my brand thanks.

>> No.8702857

Carly is awesome. I am so happy someone called her out! and did it well.

>> No.8702858

you are a dumbass--its from Kates fail at a fundraiser. 200$ to skype call with her. STFU.

>> No.8702859
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>> No.8702879

@tsunderrist now