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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 955x135, Youmacon_Yearless_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8698129 No.8698129 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>8688326
Dump your pics here!
Fav cosplays?
Best part of the con?

>> No.8698261

Here's a link to the TF2 photo shoot. I hope you don't mind the quality. More pictures incoming soon.

>> No.8698263

Guess this is a good time to ask.
Why is there so much western stuff at a convention celebrating Japanese stuff?

>> No.8698276

people can dress up however they want, its a convention for nerds. The panels on the other hand, are completely anime/japanese oriented

>> No.8698280

>Marvel Universe
>League of Legends
>Steven Universe
>Five Nights at Freddies
>Star Trek
These are all western things that had events on just Friday, not even going to bother listing things from other days.

>> No.8698282

you could also list all the VAs who werent in anime and guests, like SPG ... and the council of ricks, only 3 mortys this year that i saw. But its fun, better than that thing in april.

>> No.8698289

I don't really have a HUGE problem with some of the VAs if they were like in video games or something, but if they're like Kroze who I literally have no idea where he's from and always manages to find a way to annoy me every year, then yeah, fuck that.

>> No.8698297
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>> No.8698298

Kroze is still a thing? I thought that was ages ago back when yugioh abridged was in that duelist kingdom arc. I know t4s goes all the time because its the con they all met up at for the first time.I dont really mind western stuff (thank god its not as bad as that one year with homestuck-con )

>> No.8698300

Kroze had a concert this year that was just him singing poorly over pre-recorded music with his friend keytaring over it, while they both made really bad jokes. They kept saying that they had no set list and openly read lyrics off their phones. Had to sit through that shit for Crush 40.

>> No.8698313

waited for crush 40 for almost an hour until i just left. Asked staff when theyd be coming on and all they said was "could be in 10 minutes, could be in another hour"
Im not going to waste con hours sitting through that bullshit, wtf were they thinking ???

>> No.8698317

I honestly have no idea why youmacon let Kroze's shitty band get a concert. It was just awful honestly. Is this thing just around because he was too awful for Random Gibberish or something?

>> No.8698319
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I'll drop all the pictures I took

It always surprises me how short I look from people who are taller than me and take their pictures at their head height. Thanks for posting this, I have hardly any pictures of myself.

>> No.8698322
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They made an original PipBoy, from the first Fallout game.

>> No.8698325
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>> No.8698329
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>> No.8698330
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>> No.8698331
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They had a hidden portable speaker somewhere that played the music where ever they were.

>> No.8698334
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This is one of my favorite cosplayers every year.

>> No.8698347

I wish i saw the hitler, would have taken a picture if possible, only saw the kung fury out of that group.

>> No.8698375
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>> No.8698379
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>> No.8698380
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>> No.8698381
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>> No.8698386
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Even though I never ran into the Solaire this year, we can still praise the sun together through the time warp.

There was also a bone wheel cosplayer who I met, but he wasn't wearing the costume at the time unfortunately.

>> No.8698393
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>> No.8698397
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Im up to my ears in Tyrande pics but only have one of me and my friend as Chrono and Rosette. Had a lot of people come up to my friday saying how they "love Guilty Gear!" ........

>> No.8698414
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I found Gwyndolin in the registration line on Friday.

>> No.8698442

I'm the Flandre in the touhou group, and the Sal in the middle of brushing my teeth.

>> No.8698473

I got to meet an artist i love over the weekend. Her table was crowded all weekend until i got a chance to go over on sunday. I shyly explained how ive always wanted to meet them and how inspiring their work is to me and all she did was cut me off to snap "Stop TOUCHING my charms!"
I just walked away afterwards. Feels bad man.

>> No.8698484


>> No.8698499

What a bitch

>> No.8698506

Your costume looked so good, I really wanted a photo but unfortunately you were in the middle of shooting and I didn't want to interrupt.

>> No.8698539

who was it?

>> No.8698545

>her table was crowded all weekend
>how mysterious that she sounds fed up with people groping her merch
I've sold at tables before and it's amazing how thoughtless people are with shit like this, they just grab at things and try to take them out of packages and before you know it, shit's disappeared.

Maybe she was a huge bitch, but to me it sounds like she had a stressful weekend. Either way, sucks that she snapped at you, anon. Sorry that happened.

>> No.8698553

Does anyone have pictures or videos of the masquerade?

>> No.8698604

I got a photo of Chrono this weekend but sadly the pic came out blurry. It was literally the only cosplay photo I took all weekend too.

>> No.8699115


Your costume is everywhere, but I can't find any pictures of the other Tyrande!

>> No.8699119
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>> No.8699346
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This is the only hallway shot I got with her but I'm also waiting on pics from the shoot I had with her so I'll try posting those later.
I feel bad because she was so tired when I found her. Apparently she couldnt sit with her breastplate being the way it was, and the set itself weighed upwards of 30 pounds. Luckily mine was all EVA so even my bow was less than 3 pounds but I'm really happy I could catch her before she changed!

>> No.8699608
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This meme is so fucking old and unfunny, why did he take the time and effort to make a sign of it instead of working on his armor more?

>> No.8699826
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>> No.8699986
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The next set of photos are from other people's facebooks. They were some of the contestants in the masquerade.

>> No.8699988
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>> No.8699993
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>> No.8699997
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>> No.8700001
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>> No.8700005
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>> No.8700008
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>> No.8700013
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There was a dinosaur that was making a scene everywhere it went.

>> No.8700019
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>> No.8700023
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Vault dwellers everywhere

>> No.8700026
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>> No.8700031
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>> No.8700044

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.8700046

I saw this guy, he was sporting a very obvious boner in that costume while on a crowded train

>> No.8700055

Doesn't matter if shes had a stressful weekend, it still makes her a bitch.

I'd name and shame her

>> No.8700059

because for some reason these cons don't want to separate themselves from the anime ties, despite becoming less and less anime oriented. alot of people with interests in anime have it in other things, and so instead of making a new con or changing the theme, they stick to the older associations but allow western content for more profit/to not lose too much by lack of interest

tldr; cons are unorganized and money hemorrhaging as fuck so they need all that they can get.

>> No.8700061

if you don't want people touching your stuff display it differently.

>> No.8700062
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I really don't want to name or shame her since I still really respect her as an artist but I still am pretty torn up over what happened. It was a bummer ending such a great weekend on such a sour note. I don't think I'll be approaching her again at future cons.

>> No.8700064

80% of the actual panels are still strictly about anime, so what else do you expect them to do, tell guests that they aren't allowed to cosplay as characters from Western media

>> No.8700070

i'm just being honest.

>> No.8700073

So what the fuck do you want to be done about it? You can't police other people's decisions on what to dress up as, and you just sound autistic complaining about it

>> No.8700074

dude can you read the comment i replied to? i answered their question, that's why. i don't care personally, why are you so mad?

>> No.8700090

I get that they can't really tell people not to cosplay western but it's just really annoying and strikes the autism in me hard. At least they aren't allowed to participate in the contests though.

>> No.8700101
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>At least they aren't allowed to participate in the contests though.

Not this year.

>>8699997, >>8699988, and >>8699986 competed in the costume or performance judging. There were a quite few other non-Japanese stuff, even a Harry Potter one.

>> No.8700102

>"If you wish to participate in any of our costuming events, costumes must be of Japanese game, anime, manga or media (Sentai, music, J-rock, etc.) origin. No original characters are permitted. Korean media may be accepted."
Nice to hear they don't follow to their own rules

>> No.8700108
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>> No.8700114
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>This year we are also opening up the contest to Western-inspired costumes. This includes Western cartoons and comic books. However, we retain the right to limit the number of costumes coming from non-Asian media to ~50% or fewer of the entrants and may waive it based on availability. No original character costumes or designs are permitted.

>> No.8700121

oh wow, had I known that I would have actually entered the Masq.
Maybe next year

>> No.8700136

And here's a link to the Touhou photoshoot.

>> No.8700146
File: 62 KB, 576x768, z2U9dmu8lkvJz-9-u-SHD48ZobBTuHKEanQwiypU3iE,zm-xOtpHI6NgPSVtQMo8x9quIs4ahwCF0qNFbcMYL2Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite cosplays at Youmacon. Peco.

>> No.8700161
File: 89 KB, 576x768, Csjdr0Yrrpcxo25JX6ymjGo9UAbgv2kkyvHdI8hv0f0,jef-OCxRLvTPTq7A79JnUgZklXST0u-UHgYEsSApumA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I viddied A Clockwork Orange.

>> No.8700168
File: 66 KB, 576x768, NAz9nBr6zltA8Ei3Lc-jcexiUw40o_sfmDs6gsIpigo,WLmUUMl-lz9wHCWHgjpwL0fNB4AQBtdonBAPfng5dVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700169


>> No.8700172
File: 76 KB, 576x768, 50UWFhF76DTu3U9UsivsHBKKZoKUunVQ7w31s3R3DNk,4JHkNHNrVUf7o3K5yB49g4TwPgd09J69DLdmW9_1y90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700174
File: 195 KB, 747x1328, 12194835_10203556314108014_5549162371686956519_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the better Jojos from this weekend

>> No.8700176
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, Ft8QONzQBOd07KjYGjt3kZxlcCpaDs5XuM40nydjQvU,iZMb2lJwSYEx_D1BRrV85wLBedUVCOF5IPjQl8TpnRo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700179
File: 131 KB, 768x1024, oULbZH0GnckyhrBPzt1QBe8krdOJ0P8hlSlgtWzEbdE,2k9NA28_RMlr1kjP-yKklK8sXiogABbTcJBd3uR2Lmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700183
File: 55 KB, 576x768, mbT4gkiBgp-_14tc2U_PgRoeRlwtaR5O4tsfLMglMDI,V85fp0KQP2YS4EjtJxGjqHFh7ifg0h0_1oe4ijVXx6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700187
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, EXBaFI2vM5YczGizl1Idss_0mT9u8YQvctGF-YKZ5qw,LoiFUIXKcXSx01A5MlAGtyWOUx1XywO-GhnR_WoRLqQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prison School.

>> No.8700192
File: 61 KB, 576x768, x8-rx2kdHU24_XlONknqsJguOcZsDoOHufy0WUbvMd0,H3kKpFuBSvKzWoIkj9ti1feWYwGM8NF6CtZb4R2NrqE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700193
File: 95 KB, 576x768, Rts-ZAwz4sWOsuTJCV368p1rXSvAi3kYxC5VN1seSw0,Cs3NQIDgbQOInAWJr-SyZJSqEuJDOBhhWpmM68zITeU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8700237

If you don't care personally why are you bitching about it?

>> No.8700239

You mean it strikes the asshole in you hard...

>> No.8700274

Perfect oscar/undead

>> No.8700336
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>> No.8700702

Nah I'm fine with things striking my asshole

>> No.8700726

such a shitty policy

I wonder if anyone complained about it, because there's a fucking comic con in novi down the street if they wanna do western.

>> No.8700728

Well to be fair, that con is absolute shit and is just a dealer's room

>> No.8700729

Western Trash

I'll let it slide

>> No.8700746

Translation - I'm a dumb weeb

>> No.8700748

The fact that you let the last two slide makes me think you're in fact Chris Chan and that you're also a fan of Blue's Clues

>> No.8700749
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yeah, going to an anime convention and expecting anime cosplay is ridiculous, haha!

>> No.8700751
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>Youmacon is a popular culture event similar to most “Comic Cons”, however instead of focusing on comic books, Youmacon is a celebration of Japanese popular culture and its influence on our own culture over the past few decades.

>> No.8700759

have western cosplayers complain to that staff and get the fuck out.

>> No.8701137

How much of a big baby do you have to be to be bothered that people are at an anime con dressing as more than just anime characters?

>> No.8701410


And yet there was enough wrestling cosplayers to have a photoshoot yet not a SINGLE Shinsuke Nakamura.

How did wrestling end up being a welcome cosplay at anime cons anyway? I enjoy it, but it's just such a weird thing.

>> No.8701424

Probably happened with wrestling becoming popular again over the past few years. A lot of wrestling fans already have the shirts, just get your hands on some trunks and kickpads and you're set.

>> No.8701572

any pics of some other good jojos from the weekend

>> No.8701608

nope that was the only one

>> No.8701719
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>> No.8701771

I'm a big baby because I paid money for it.

>> No.8701927

where's his box
and why is he western trash?

>> No.8701947


What's he supposed to be?

>> No.8701965


>> No.8702491
File: 1.64 MB, 3197x1610, 20151031_145146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF6 Group

>> No.8702495
File: 1.22 MB, 1836x2573, 20151031_124745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greninja and Sailor Moon

>> No.8702496
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Fire Emblem and Gundam

>> No.8702499
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Rydia FF4

>> No.8702501
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Psycho Pass

>> No.8702503
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Disney Princess/Warriors.

>> No.8702506
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Jurassic Park Cast

>> No.8702511
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Mario Group with Baby as Toadette, they were all super cool people to boot.

My first con experience, dealer room was nice and people were friendly, I'd do it again.

>> No.8702671 [DELETED] 

He actually made that armor. Said it took him five months.

>> No.8702677 [DELETED] 

Those are my friends! They speaker wasn't hidden, it was just set aside. The speaker was actually pretty big. They kept being stopped so moving around the con during that time was kinda hard, haha.

>> No.8702680 [DELETED] 

This dude is fantastic. He'd bend horseshoes for people at other cons. Don't know if he did it here.

>> No.8702685

(Just combined these all, sorry)

He actually made that armor. Said it took him five months.
Those are my friends! They speaker wasn't hidden, it was just set aside. The speaker was actually pretty big. They kept being stopped so moving around the con during that time was kinda hard, haha.
This dude is fantastic. He'd bend horseshoes for people at other cons. Don't know if he did it here.

>> No.8702714

That is amazing.

>> No.8702716

>mfw I saw that guy on the left by himself and thought he was clay from Xiaolin Showdown

>> No.8703093

He was part of a Sailor Moon group too all done up in ww2 sailor outfits. I think he was Mars.

>> No.8703125

So did any of you go as a Miku? Because I took a picture of the Detroit River waterfront and was surprised to later see a qt staring and smiling at the camera in both pics.

She seemed to have some red marking on her left shoulder btw.

>> No.8703231

post pics I might know who you're talking about

>> No.8703290
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>> No.8703853


I saw that girl. Wasn't she there with her Dad?

>> No.8703971

Is that guy on the left Rich Evans?

>> No.8704017

Seriously the best Cosplay that weekend, and other than sexy girls, the best cosplay of the last few years.

>> No.8704021

Not sure. I saw her around a few times but I don't remember seeing any parents. She didn't look that young.

>> No.8704044
File: 12 KB, 200x200, G W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person you should look up is Guy Wicker. He's a mad scientist dude who builds his own armor for fun. He's also involved in SCA. Look him up on FB and ask him to meet up and show him your stuff. He loves that sort of thing and has a lot of experience with it. He has tons of different tools in his shed too that he'd let you experiment with.

Also, he was at Youmacon this year, gave some speeches at the old World Steam Expo, and throws awesome 9/11 parties where he builds explosive effigies of the Twin Towers and blows shit up in his backyard.

>> No.8704757

The masquerade walk-on video is up. I appear at 1:50:


I think I remember talking to you.

>> No.8704840

OT but the Shutocon head is being autistic over the term weeaboo on fb tonight if anyone wants a laugh.

>> No.8704962

their website advertises how their con is a "safe room"
Pretty sure they'd find the term weeaboo to be offensive

>> No.8705081

Holy shit I knew shuto was ridiculous sometimes, but goddamn. Can't wait for them to ban anime for cultural appropriation.

>> No.8705333
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>> No.8705363
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I was planning on going to Shuto for the first time this year, but if it's full of righteous retards I may reconsider.

>> No.8705365


>> No.8705393

Shuto is basically tumblr con. I've actually heard tell of an "education room" they send you to if you get caught violating their safe space hugbox rules. Which apparently now includes calling yourself weeb trash.

I fucking hate that con and was so happy to see their other con be a huge failure.

>> No.8705397

Did you see their new panelist policy? First come, first serve, and all you get for doing panels is a fucking t-shirt. No comped badges or anything. I hope they enjoy a bunch of shitty MLP panels.

>> No.8705405

It wasn't super bad when I went this year, but none of the panels were very good when I went to them. Social Justice got shoved into everything - even the JoJo Panel was talking about Strong Womyn and PoCs. It started out really cool but got ridiculous quick.

>> No.8705458



I was so excited t have a con not only in Lansing, but also on my birthday. Shame it went to pot so quick.

>> No.8705482


One of their guests this year is Tyson Rinehart, the guy responsible for the Prison School debacle. And Freezepop for some reason.

>> No.8705484


It is a shame because the first few years Shuto was a small but fun con to go to and I hate that it has become tumblr central.

>> No.8705533


I've been to Shutocon for 3 years and I feel like you guys are way over exaggerating? I go to the panels, video game room, dealer's room, battle arena, etc... and I don't recall a single overtly SJW experience. Are you guys running around picking fights or something?

>> No.8705545

The way you word yourself tells me that your mentality falls in line with that kind of stuff, so of course you wouldn't see it.

>> No.8705554

I've never gotten in trouble for anything there. To be fair though, I didn't go last year since they had the place on lockdown so I couldn't ghost. I refuse to contribute money to a con where you can get in trouble for having a conversation with your friends that "offends" someone.

>> No.8705627

It's 4chan, so chances are that they probably are exaggerating a bit. Then again, I've never been to shuto. I saw one of the cosplay compilation videos and frankly the costumes looked quite a bit worse than any other compilation I've seen. But I've also heard from somebody that I used to work with that it's pretty cool.

>> No.8705695

It's definitely SJW to me, but not like someone's going to pop out of nowhere and ban you if you think sexist things. It's more just subtle things, along with like the Safe Space Initiative. I mean it's not a horrible idea or anything, but the name alone kinda plays into the anxious "everyone's out to get me!" mindset a lot of SJWs have since it implies that everywhere else isn't guaranteed to be "safe."

>> No.8705702


I love western shit, and I kind of agree.
I mean, Youma actually hosts another con to include western cartoons and comics, but cons still tend to come out 50/50. Which isn't that big a deal, but the panels slowly evolve to accommodate, until you have a bunch of western media panels going on.

>> No.8705909 [DELETED] 

>White people == upside down evil lightsaber cross

>> No.8706389

Kill yourself you degenerate

>> No.8706574

If you wanna cosplay western shit keep it out of a Japanese convention.
There's a reason they have a containment convention in april.

>> No.8706603

I thought it was to spite the Motor City Comic Con and its price gouging

>> No.8706795

Calling it a containment convention is just childish and ignorant, though I think they should retain some limits on Western media, to stop it from completely overrunning the place.

>> No.8706916


I wouldn't want them to completely remove Western-based cosplay, how would they regulate that? The panels they could, yes, but I doubt they can control the cosplay levels.

>> No.8706981

That's what I mean. I'd be stupid to try to remove it, but they shouldn't openly encourage it to be more prominent, as they're doing with allowing them in competitions.

Yes I'm aware it's unfair to those cosplaying Western things, and they want to have fun as well, but if you continue that path it's likely Western media would overshadow the Eastern until anime became the niche.

>> No.8707152

You can at least discourage western cosplay by not allowing them in the cosplay contest.

>> No.8710087

If I may chime in about Shuto Con, I've never experienced anything SJW about it and I go every year. Seems like a pretty typical con to me. I've never worried about policing myself there any more than any other con. The people in this thread are probably just overblowing it.

>> No.8712450

Hi Stephanie :3

>> No.8712560

what was her display like? I wonder if we're thinking of the same person.

>> No.8712564

im an artist, if you've ever sold before at an anime convention you should know that people are going to touch your wares and account for it (i have one of every product made for display).

and for the love of god dont snap at your customers, let alone your fans. I don't care if she is tired, you at least apologize when you accidentally snap.

>> No.8712979


Hi Stef. Shouldn't you be out ebegging to recoup the money you wasted on that video game convention?

>> No.8713258



>> No.8713484

>"Hey guys let's set up a gaming convention right when people go back to school, in a college town! What could possibly go wrong?"

>> No.8713509

what did go wrong? I honestly can't think of anything besides people playing lots of games

>> No.8713516

Why don't you just message her online and mention what happened and ask if she's okay?

>> No.8713533

Cons in early September usually have awful attendance due to school starting right back up. A large amount of people that go to cons are school-aged, they booked the same venue as Shutocon (in the middle of a college town) and expected it to be just as big. From what I heard, a hilariously small amount of people actually showed up and they're cancelling it indefinitely.

>> No.8713658


The gaming con was originally going to be split between the Lansing Center and the Radisson just like Shuto but scaled back to have everything take place in the Radisson when barely anyone registered. I used to have a flyer that said Quinton Flynn was going to be a guest but he either canceled or was never invited in the first place. I should try to find it.


It was also really stupid to try and have a new con a month before Youmacon.

>> No.8713679

I went and looked up exactly what happened
>$10,000 in the hole
>308 people showed up all weekend
>Guests were meh-tier "Nerd" rock bands

There's also the fact that strictly gaming cons basically attract nothing but tourneyfags, people who just want an excuse to cosplay, and the few neckbeards brave enough to go outside.

This is kinda sad though. SJW shit aside, Shutocon is pretty enjoyable and is in a good spot between Youmacon and summer conventions.

>> No.8713683


To put it in perspective the first Shuto Con drew 1,350 people for a two day event. So to only have 308 people show up for a full weekend is abysmal. Anime Detroit 2010 did better. I think they had around 500 people show up.

>> No.8713819

Wow, AD 2010 was probably the worst/saddest con I've ever been to. That really does put some perspective on how bad RBC was. I did hear they they didn't pay some of the people they promised to pay and instead offered them free shuto badges.

>> No.8713826


That's sad if true.

>> No.8714583

At least they weren't trying to compensate people with a ball pit

>> No.8714873


This is 100% true.

>> No.8715352

A ball pit would probably be more than than Shuto

>> No.8719432
File: 1.95 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151031_131857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my favourite cosplay. I thought she wasn't happy when I asked to take a picture but she looked like that in all the pictures I've seen of her. It is a bit of a Homura expression, maybe a light smirk would have been better. Fantastic costume, great choice, cute girl.

>> No.8720598

the biggest idiotic thing about RBC is that you don't start a gaming con the same fucking weekend as dragoncon like wtf are you thinking, people that enjoy video game cons and the idea of it are going to be at dragon. that's literally how it works. just. stupid poor planning, of course it's gonna fail

>> No.8720790

RBC is just kind of unfortunate, it had the potential to be something resembling a good con but a lack of advertising (despite how much Stefanie will tell you that they did) doomed it from the word go, they banked entirely on the crossover from the Shuto Con (Don't ever say it as one word or Stefanie will know.)

The game room was the people who did the console stuff for Youmacon and it was actually pretty damn good, DSP always does great work with whatever budget they have. They also had some Bemani stuff so I was glued to Pop'n and Spada all weekend.

The programming for the con was pretty miserable, almost none of it was any good. The concerts were alright, a pair of nerd rappers and two guys who cover video game music on guitar, nothing spectacular.

In a weird way the miserably low turnout made it a better con, there was never a line for anything, the game room never felt cramped, people were just doing pickup games on the floor in the main area.

I think the only reason I had a good time is because I went with friends and had very realistic expectations about how little there was going to be, also I was drinking for the entire convention, that helped a lot.

>> No.8721062

I love how butthurt the con chair gets over calling Shuto "Shutocon." Especially when she complains about it being mispelled as "Shotacon." Well no shit, you're the one who named it that. Anyone with basic common sense knows to expect typos and people mishearing things.

>> No.8721070


Yeah it's hilarious. And it is all her fault for going with a name that can be easily confused with Shotacon.

>> No.8721109

I've been reading it as shotacon this entire time

>> No.8721118

It'd be like naming a Baseball Card show "Hitter-Con" then getting mad that people misread/misspell it as "Hitler-con"

>> No.8723482


Only someone who works for shuto would cite the battle arena as something worth seeing.

>> No.8723668

Does anyone have a picture of the Shou Tucker cosplay?