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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8693521 No.8693521 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best type of convention?

Geek/fandom cons which is a conventions that tries to include every fandom

Single theme cons which have a certain theme, like anime, video games, comics, etc.

Single fandom cons which are conventions centered around a single fandom, such as Doctover Who, Furry, Pokemon, etc.

I think fandom cons are usually a mess, they have no clue what they going for. Single fandom cons are just boring, especially 3 day ones.

>> No.8694254

Furrycons desu because they're the most comfy, as a cosplayer anime cons always have a sense of elitism and it's hard to talk to anyone longer than asking for a photo, at furrycons you just chill and chat

>> No.8694286


You're clearly doing cons wrong. Literally every con I've been to (all anime cons) are hanging with friends and meeting new friends and hanging with them. We all go out to eat and chill in the game room and shoot the shit.

But you're probably one of those awkward people who try to make friends with complete random strangers by making weird jokes and creeping into social circles after your friends left you behind... or you don't have friends.

>> No.8694309

Idk, depends how big the anime con is. I find it easier to socialize at smaller conventions than large ones.

>> No.8694440

The best cons I ever went to were ones that had a theme like anime or comics or whatever, even having two themes (comics and movies) it quickly descends into a mess. I've never been to one that revolved around one fandom but I think it would be a bit restricting.

>> No.8696600

Where do events like PAX or E3 fall in?

>> No.8696606

I'd consider PAX a geek/videogame con. E3 is more of an industry event, not a "convention" as we know it on cgl.

>> No.8696607

E3 is definitely an industry con. To a certain extent, AX kind of is too, but not nearly as much as E3 (or Blizzcon too, I think). I think PAX is also industry? These kinda shows are more for people who work in vidya to compare dicks about stuff that's coming up. It's less about chilling with fans and more about showing off actual products, kinda like a trade show

>> No.8697328

As I get older I find myself migrating toward the big commercialized shows more and more. There's always something cool on display and the selection or merch is usually better.

>> No.8697332

I enjoy anime cons, but I'm starting to feel a bit too old at them, especially around all the fucking obnoxious teens.

>> No.8697592

Yea, i went to a big anime con this past summer and it really hit me. I felt so old, everyone was an awkward 14 year old like I use to be when I first started attending the cons. Now i'm 20, but now purchase artist alley tables. Its fun being able to still attend, but in a more adult way.

Try volunteering for a con.

>> No.8697597

I went to AX for the first time last year at 24 and didn't feel out of place at all. Had fun, met up with a bunch of fellow 20 somethings, and got rip roaring drunk. If you feel out of place, it's because you make it so.

>> No.8702221
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> 50% of them are overweight


>> No.8702238


Any con where the hotel you're staying at is the venue itself (MAGFest, etc).

>> No.8702726

The best convention is the one that has a theme that you relate to. Also the program and the guest list should help in your decision.

>> No.8702731

How can you even compare PAX and Blizzcon to E3. There are a ton of panels and events for guests. It's still very much a convention at both.

>> No.8702802
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Mid sized conventions with an attached hotel = best convention.

Where a lot of new cons suffer is by renting a convention hall or more accurately one huge dealer's room and cramming as much as they can into it.

It just doesn't work as wll as the ones that can use a hotel to compartmentalize things. There is more to see and wander around. not to mention you can make a weekend out of it and have a hotel room.

I find that way too often if I have to drive a half hour or more to a con I won't stay there for more than one day.

>> No.8702961

To be honest I kind of agree on the furry con thing, I'm only really into the fandom by proxy because my girlfriend draws a lot of furry stuff for money to afford cosplay/lolita but she really wanted to go to a furry con and wanted me to go with her.
I've been the small and big anime cons and none of them felt anywhere near the same way this furcon felt? It was bizarre, I never realised how focussed anime cons are on "BUY, COSPLAY, FRIENDS, BUY BUY BUY"

The furry con was spent going around the dealers den once or twice maybe, then spending the rest of the time going to small panels, watching the big events, and hanging in the artist den drawing with other people. We went with nobody we knew and left with about 10 new friends we still talk to and are looking forward to seeing next year.

I think it might be the sheer size difference(2000 or so people) or the maturity (a lot of furcons at 18+ at least the ones I could go to) but I definitely left feeling more of a part of the fandom than I did when I went and I decided to skip on the next anime con that came up. I think anime cons are good until you hit your twenties maybe? Then it's all a little too impersonal for me, I go to see friends and thats it, and even then at big cons they rush around doing other stuff so much you barely get to hang out properly.

>> No.8702968

>Mid sized conventions with an attached hotel = best convention
It's pretty much why Kitacon is really good, it's literally a 3 day party.

>> No.8703575


Outside of SDCC I think single theme cons are best. They provide enough varying content that there's always something to do but you still know what you're getting. Geek/fandom cons are almost universally awful. My local one (Nebraskon) is this weekend and since it tries to cater to everyone there ends up being like 1 panel that I'm interested in.

SDCC gets it's pass just because it's awesome.

>> No.8704838

whats comic con like? im thinking of going to it as my first con in a few years

>> No.8704848

San Diego Comic Con?

It's pretty intense, especially for a first con. Make sure you plan ahead so you don't spend a weekend in lines and steeped in disappointment, although for how stressful it is, it's kind of hard to be disappointed at the end of it all. There's always something to see and generally people are pretty nice.

Just try not to have your heart set on anything unless you're prepared to wait literally hours for it. Hall H panels are worth camping out for depending on how much you love whatever's going on in there.

>> No.8704867

I went back in 2006, so stuff has probably changed quite a bit, but from my understanding of things:

Plan ahead. Like really far ahead. Understand how the badge system works as well as the hotel system. Don't wait until the day-of sales and find out you're screwed. Have a few people looking for badges with you.

Plan what you want to do but also have alternate plans. Factor in line-waiting-time. Have a good map of the expo floor; it's so big, it's easy to get lost and not see/get what you want to see. Hall H is an event unto itself.

If you want any exclusive items (action figures, collectibles, that kind of thing), get them early. They sell out quickly. Make sure you leave space in your luggage for swag, you may end up coming home with a lot of it!

Bring snacks and water. The year I went I didn't eat for 12 hours between being caught up in the day's events, waiting in lines, and time flying because I was having fun. When it got to be 7pm and we stopped, I suddenly realized how hungry I was.

>> No.8705003


It's easier to know what cons you've been to to compare it. Like the others said you have to have a plan because there are lines, waits, and caps on everything.

But even without waiting there are plenty of things to do. Just walking the dealer's hall is an adventure, and the offsite activities are excellent as well. There's never a lack of options.

>> No.8705577

>tfw you are juuuuust out of frame of that photo

Con shown is a one-day marketplace, Nashville Anime Day. Attendance was pretty low but I had a lot of fun.

Small cons:
>easier to befriend folks
>if your cosplay is mediocre everyone still loves it
>you meet some local "old timers"
>If you are a local then you can get to know the artists/vendors and get discounts
>if there's a creep there's no escape
>4 crappy merch tables, if you're lucky
>not much to do if you don't bring/meet any friends

Large cons:
>you will never run out of stuff to do
>amazing cosplays from a variety of things
>merch everywhere, high profile guests/panels
>can get lonely or conversely, really crowded
>screaming weebs increase in number
>depending on your attitude, can feel a little less "homey" and more focused on the superficial. Which isn't always bad...

>> No.8705601

Oh cool, I was wondering if anyone here would recognize this con. It was taken in January, I have the table with the tails.
Attendance wasn't too bad, I think it seemed lower than it really was since most people didn't stay very long

Another benefit of small cons is that they are usually cheap. Nashville Anime Day was only $5 to attend and $35 for an artist alley table.