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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8691724 No.8691724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/butthurt mods/ edition

Seriously, last thread had one instance of shitposting and the whole thread is deleted instead of just deleting the offending post? Anyway, back to business.

Eirtakon's a few weeks away lads, but lads, sure look, gonna be good lads, right lads? Dressing up as a slutty nurse for Halloween with your normie friends, lads?

Ah lads!

>> No.8691931
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OP, You're saying Lads an awful lot

>> No.8691955

I plan to get smashed drunk and give up.

Going to cons these days is just depressing.

>> No.8692018

Have to, lads.
Ah now give over, lads! How come?

>> No.8692052
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I am literally watching paint dry right now. I have to leave for work at 5 am and the last bit of my halloween costume is dripping all over. FUCK YOU RUSTOLEUM PREMIUM GLOSS, EVEN THE SHITTY SPRAY I BOUGHT IN DEALS DRIED EVENLY WHY CANT YOU?

>> No.8692056

There's just too many of them man, I hate to say it but the big soulless corporate expos like mcm are more fun at this stage>>8692018

>> No.8692100
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But its so much harder to see the tards in TERRIBLE cosplay at the bigger events. Like this guy.

Look at him!

Look and laugh!!!!

>> No.8692199

What's your costume?

>> No.8692718

Have to work on Saturday and none of my friends are in the city where I work. Still made a costume and I'm planning to take a photo of myself to put on fb to make it look like I'm having fun with friends and then just get drunk in front of the computer.

>> No.8692723

Living the dream, anon. I'm just having the one friend over to watch scary movies and to have a few drinks, fuck going out on Halloween.

What utterly terrifying movies would you suggest, gulls? We've already got this on the rotation:


>> No.8692769
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Having a pretty sweet gaff party tomorrow. Fancy dress optional. Fireworks. It shall be gas.

On the topic of Eirtakon; how many of yas find Sunday to be of any use? I just know the Whiskey tasting is gonna make it challenge to get in the next day. Saturday is always big craic night anyways.

>> No.8692775

>Having a pretty sweet gaff party tomorrow

Where? Gull meetup, YE?

Sunday is shit, gone on Sunday last two years in a row and never bothered staying more than a couple of hours before getting bored any going home. Said it in the last thread; go balls out on the Saturday and really enjoy it. Friday at a large push too if you need to, but Saturday bantz is all you need.

>> No.8692888

Anyone following a thread on Kiwi Farms?

>> No.8692893

Yes, but I don't want this thread to get deleted again after the ritual of summoning is performed.

>> No.8692936
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Judge dredd

>> No.8693183

>How come?
All my friends are gone to the point where I'm the last one lett. The experience has gotten just a bit samey in the last few years.

The events are bigger and 'better', but just not as fun. Maybe it's just oldfag being old, but after years it feels like there's nothing more to do.

Either that or it's the depression blathering.

>> No.8693202

Think it might be time for you to move on from conventions. What's the point if they're not fun anymore? Plenty of people tire of activities/events etc., you don't have to do the same things forever.

>> No.8693209

I've heard lot of the old Eirtakon people are coming back for this years set up.
Looks like we'll be spared the young un's and have some exp behind the scenes.

>> No.8693228

Yea, and I hear most of them are moving on after this year too. Word on the grapevine.

>> No.8693240

Any good spots to hit after the cocktails and whiskey this year? The bar downstairs in Croker is a bit of a ripoff.

>> No.8693252

The local pubs are a bit shite so just hit up town if you're not staying. Don't miss the free shots before ya leave though!

>> No.8693257

>free shots

Now you have my attention.

>> No.8693268
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>Oh god is that what we look like
>Don't make eye contact
>What am I doing with my life
>I wish Vader was still alive
>My feet hurt

>> No.8694633

Trapped in Clondalkin, looks like the end of the world out here lads. Send help

>> No.8695109

It's my own fault really. I wanted to get involved more when I had the chance but was always too afraid of flaking it and fucking it up hard and ruining everyone elses fun. I've been around the con scene for quite a while...

Maybe it's my own fault for not doing anything new. I managed to get a cosplay done once and had a good time, but for another year I just work so many hours I can barely engage in my own hobbies.

>> No.8695459

How many gulls are going to the cocktail and whiskey tasting then? Do you do a CAWWWW across the room to communicate the secret code to one another?

>> No.8695609

Did anyone hear that Khaos con or whatever is coming back again next year? Good lord how stubborn can they be? They can't actually be making money at these events.

>> No.8696846
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I am honestly baffled as to where Nathan is getting his money to run. Khaos con has less than 50 people, very very few paying as many just walked straight in and no one checked badges. they made a huge 1000 loss with a guest that was a No-Show.
If Nathan honestly took out another loan for this..He is beyond help. I actually feel bad for him.

>> No.8696853 [DELETED] 

What does everyone think of the scandal with Natasha giving Nathan Hepatitis?
Do you think that the Irish con scene has become to small and incestuous? It just seems like everyone is either each other or fighting each other. Doesn't seem healthy to me.

>> No.8696855


>> No.8696876

No way? Did she really?! The irish con scene is so gross

>> No.8697058

You don't think he's using the fact that his cons are a business to dodge creditors do you?

>> No.8697100
File: 105 KB, 1177x922, FB_IMG_1446476152384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh well. The fact we qualified at all is encouraging. And Anathiell's costume looked great, fair play.

>> No.8697241

Who the fuck is Lady Sparklefist?

>> No.8697377

Doesn't surprise me, desu

>> No.8697477
File: 269 KB, 1390x2048, 11951620_868517716529317_70937802591201926_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of her before, her web presence is almost non-existent. Grand costume, though?

>> No.8697496

Her skit was strange...im not surprised if that is where she lost points, the costume looked great.

>> No.8697594

Fuck off Ana.

>> No.8697609

>bring up my Facebook feed because I have nothing better to do a few months ago
>inbetween people reposting shit Unilad/Lad Bible statuses, notice a picture of a mate on a night out
>she's with a particular male, looks familiar
>click onto the photo
>it's Nathan

Fucking why

>> No.8697991

Her costume was legit very nicely made though? You sound like you have a vendetta.

>> No.8698031
File: 104 KB, 637x960, 15500_1006822362668136_3505391329675162245_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she won't be there this year

Just won't be the same lads. Dunno if I'll even bother going.

>> No.8698052

For a second there I thought that said WeebGamers

>> No.8698061

Shame about her being a hamplanet though

>> No.8698065

Nathan the autist or (former) Nom Con Nathan?

>> No.8698069

Oh gawd, the guy behind her, he's so fucking awkward, 100% guaranteed that he's an autist.

>> No.8698071

The lad running that travesty of a con every year, which I assume is Nathan the Autist.

>> No.8698161

Doesn't Nate from Nom Con hold Doll tea parties?

>> No.8698299

Nathan the autist, other Nathan left con organisation a year or two back.

>> No.8698303 [DELETED] 

Is this board where roasties albeit hot roasties dress up like sluts while cosplaying as anime and video game characters ?

Where da semen demons at ?

>> No.8698307

Don't know but I know he's into collecting those expensive anime dolls so maybe he meets up other collectors? They look amazing and would love one myself but no money.

>> No.8698383

What's the story with Eirtakon's guests this year? Saw something about a japanese band? Is there a concert and are they any good?

>> No.8698388

Storyyyyyy of my lifeeeeee *sings*

>> No.8698554

any of our "finest" running a Fashion panel at Eirta ?

>> No.8698901

Yea theres a concert by a Japanese band and one by a Korean artist on the Saturday night.Think theres another performance by a Japanese solo artist on the Sunday (possibly a member of the band playing on Sat?)

Then they have VA Michelle Ruff, some cosplayer and some youtubers?

>> No.8698911

At leasts it's better than the majority of the rubbish cosplay in Ireland. I'm surprised Ireland made it in that list at all

>> No.8699096
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 1368680861842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are anyone else's mates stopping with the whole con scene?

I know I have a load of people I'll run into at Eirta, but some of them seem to be tapping out.

Truly they have forgotten the weeb dream.

>> No.8699104

I think after a few years it just becomes monotonous. I only started congoing in 2013, went to a good few between then and now, and I can feel it all getting stale already. I never have any interest in con guests, panels are half-assed for a lot of things, and I'm starting to feel like I only go for the artist alley, which seems like a waste when a lot of people have etsy stores.
Maybe Eirta this year will be good enough to change my mind, but again, I've never heard of any of the guests. I get the impression that the music acts are nobodies and that they're just hoping that kiddies will flock because they're from glorious Nippon.

>> No.8699121
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, 1401032289644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are any of ye actually going for the full weekend?

>> No.8699131

As if they'd actually be able to afford a Japanese artist anyone has heard of!

I heard they enquired about getting a Japanese VA over and the appearance fee alone was 10 grand. Can only imagine how much a somewhat known musical artist costs. Something tells me they'll never get to the point of being able to afford something like that unless either attendance or price triples.

Michelle Ruff is a decent guest if you watch dubs, shes done a fair few popular characters.

>> No.8699224

I still love anime and don't see that changing any time soon but cons are kinda meh here. Ideally I'd just like to go to one big con in the year with really good dealers, cosplays and guests.

>> No.8699226

Yup, there's less and less people I know going each year. So this year I'm not going either. Partly because it's getting boring, and partly because I've gone back to college and have to save money for more important things. Like dresses.

>> No.8699230

10k? Bullshit excuse. Akumakon which is 6 times smaller gets japanese guests especially VAs every year.

Eirtakon just keeps getting worse. They have a furry panel, nobody minecraft youtubers, an unknown cosplayer, a week k-pop performer only weebs care about and an underwhelming guest compared to other years. I havent seen their staff at any cons and no flyers or posters in stores from the looks of it.

>> No.8699237

I think Michelle Ruff is a big improvement over yer wan who voiced Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite. Hard to top Steve Blum, though.

>> No.8699274

You are aware that different guests have different fees? I can well see a big Japanese VA having a high fee

>> No.8699275
File: 441 KB, 928x546, nathan the deluded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who's a fan of Youth Defence

>> No.8699280

Wow. That.... is completely unsurprising.

>> No.8699338

Remember to edit your screenshots next time LOL

>> No.8699341

Stupid move to be posting names/pictures of your mutual friends on here. You're gonna get the thread deleted moron.

>> No.8699343

From sources Im told Lizard Lady posted this ROFL

>> No.8699349

He probably against abortion because he thinks it'll prevent future autists from being born

>> No.8699364

I heard it was Pitsy

>> No.8699368

Go play with your lizards Grainne.

>> No.8699380

Autism can't be detected before birth though

>> No.8699399

I bet she masturbates with them

>> No.8699464

Akumakon's guests are nobodies too. Have they ever had a proper Japanese VA? No. Japanese VAs are a million times more expensive than English ones cause they're a ton more famous in Japan than VAs are in the West.

Nom Con looked before too - 10k appearance fee, 1k flights from Japan, accomodation for the guest plus their entourage (standard stuff, they want to bring min 3. people with them), food and transport.... plus they need interpreters which don't come for free if they're any good. There's no way any Irish con (of the college/volunteer run ones) could afford that. Maybe if they only had one guest but sure then everyone would just moan that they only had one guest. You can't win.

>> No.8699468

Everyone is so moany about conventions. My friend is on the Eirtakon committee and they're killed trying to organise everything and work full time at the same time. I know they volunteer to do it but I don't think a lot of people realise the amount of shit they run into that's out of their hands. Seems like a thankless fecking job to me, I'd rather sit on my arse with my evenings kek

>> No.8699472

Someone should start a thread on the peewee forums about her

>> No.8699477

Nathan is getting his money in benefits and leaching off his girlfriends money

>> No.8699486

Khaos con aka Nathan has teamed up with Showmasters to run cosplay area. Are Showmasters trying to damage their ticket sales

>> No.8699497

He is a walking talking benefits cheat

>> No.8699502

"I am honestly baffled as to where Nathan is getting his money to run. Khaos con has less than 50 people, very very few paying as many just walked straight in and no one checked badges. they made a huge 1000 loss with a guest that was a No-Show."

"Khaos con aka Nathan has teamed up with Showmasters to run cosplay area. Are Showmasters trying to damage their ticket sales"

Nathan enters the Showmasters "payroll". Mystery solved?

>> No.8699508

Showmasters are paying that twat? Legit want to report him for benefit fraud

>> No.8699512

Are Showmasters doing Irish cons outside of the North now?

Lizard Lady is a walking talking benefits cheat as well, she's one to talk about Nathan's FB likes

>> No.8699515

His convention is not registered as a company and he is not registered as self-employed - no officials are aware he's even running Khaos Con. He is also being paid by Showmasters on a per-convention basis. This would only take one phone call to see this house of cards collapse - this can only end badly.

>> No.8699520

How the fuck is he getting people to pay for his events? He teamed up with that knob from England for the disaster that was Ireland Cosplay Con and now he's teaming up with Showmasters? Why do these people want to deal with him? He must have something going for him we don't know about...

>> No.8699523

For fuck sake, why haven't you deleted this yet? Do you want the entire thread to be deleted?

>> No.8699526

Apparently the English are rather gullible. He'll probably move on to MCM next.

>> No.8699532

He's good face to face - charismatic. Makes a good con-man perhaps?

>> No.8699533

I heard he stole money from whoever was the real organiser behind Ireland Cosplay Con

>> No.8699534
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>> No.8699535

The only con he knows how to run.

>> No.8699540

About 2,000 Euro give or take. A lot of cash went "missing" much like the previous OtakuCon. Bizzare.

>> No.8699543

charismatic? Are you joking he is a fat fuck. Con organisers in UK have never met him in person. He probably got a picture off Google and said it was him

>> No.8699548

I know one of the organiser's of MCM, should I warn him about Nathan?

>> No.8699551

Who was the real organiser behind Ireland Cosplay Con?

>> No.8699552

Lol, hello Nathan!

>> No.8699560

Most likely female.

>> No.8699569

That'd be Animeleague, the less said the better on that one.

>> No.8699575

Ah FreeSaiyan/Mike Towers the dude who got himself banned from MCM Expo

>> No.8699577

What's the name of the site where /cgl threads are archived?

>> No.8699579

Haha, yes, though I'm told getting banned from MCM is becoming a badge of honour of late.

>> No.8699584
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 1324573458348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much drama can we expect at Eirta this year?

I wonder will someone else brain themselves on an unsafe Sumo attraction like last year.

>> No.8699585

Was that Eirta? I'd forgotten all about it.
I really liked the little "Fairtakon" thing they had set up with the games, it was a bit of fun.

>> No.8699586

So, who's gotten banned from MCM lately?

I wish MCM hadn't edited Towers posts to delete what he posted and instead left both his failtastic attempts to defend himself and their epic takedown of him.

>> No.8699590

It was grand. I'm pretty sure someone got told off for that poorly thought out Sumo ring.

It was like only half eleven when that shit went down. Did not take long at all.
Imagine how shitty your weekend would be after that.

>> No.8699593

Which one? And yes.

>> No.8699595

You do realise that liking a page doesn't mean you agree with them? I 'liked' them so I can receive notifications from them so I can report on their fuckwittery.

One of my other friends liked them so he could troll them as they're thick as pig shit. He pretended to be prolife and posted a picture of Martha Lovejoy captioned with 'won't someone please think of the children' and a lot of them liked his post.

He also said that pregnancy scanners should be installed at ferry ports and airports and all women be scanned to see if they're pregnant and not allowed to leave the country in case they're leaving to get an abortion and they thought he was serious.

>> No.8699602

Let's keep this going! ITT we get it deleted!

>> No.8699610

So Nathan is a bible basher haha bet he will change his mind if his girlfriend gets pregnant he will send her straight to the clinic

>> No.8699619

^ *when* she gets pregnant. He's trailer trash.

>> No.8699644

So what's everyone's cosplay for Eirta?

>> No.8699645

Bryan Cooney, I don't know him very well but we're on first name basis.

>> No.8699650

Does anyone care enough about Lizard Lady to start a thread about her? She's 'interesting' to talk to but I can't recall her posting anything lolcowish online, everything I hear about her is stuff that happened on a face to face basis.

>> No.8699681

Well she already gave him the hep. Why not a babby.

>> No.8699750

Wait? He got hepatitis from her?

>> No.8699777

Do you people not keep up with the drama-roo or what? There was a whole tonne about it on his ask.fm and facebook.
Con people drama is like my soap opera

>> No.8699868

I didn't realise he had an ask.fm, link please?

>> No.8699881


>> No.8699895
File: 67 KB, 1024x768, 1440444312541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of those shit albums in his top 5
>wants to get a tattoo sleeve of Dragonball Z characters
>unironically using ask.fm at all and discussing your relationships/personal life on it

I don't think I've ever seen more of a turbopleb in my entire life.