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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 528x960, 12193790_112729315754572_5668558006896022382_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8688110 No.8688110 [Reply] [Original]

Got this done for Halloween just in time.

>> No.8688113
File: 159 KB, 960x960, 12072611_112729142421256_8188307644712093222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close up on the mask

What do you guys think?

>> No.8688118

Dude, that's awesome!

>> No.8688119

I'm really glad to hear it! Thank you!

When I'm wandering around, someone better make some really bad jokes at me or this whole thing will just be a wash.

>> No.8688120
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 12144866_1538344669789276_4729207648878689976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had my girlfriend take this.

I'm having way to much fun with it.

>> No.8688127

Looks great! I'm planning a simple Napstablook cosplay so I can just lie around at a tiny con that's coming up after new years

>> No.8688128

Be sure you're feeling up to it.

>> No.8688131

I see what you did there

>> No.8688133
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 12188907_1538344686455941_2398253816779925862_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8688505


>> No.8688577

Pretty alright, OP! Though I wish your mask was a lot smoother. You should sand and repaint it after Halloween so it looks more polished. More teeth lines would also be better and more accurate.

>> No.8688642

I'm probably going to take some sand paper to it honestly. Also the teeth were a huge pain in the ass and there's so many variations of the character that I decided to just take it a goofy route.

I originally wanted more teeth though.

>> No.8688644


>> No.8688665
File: 162 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fa2bc20f81620c98ace5ea05a71038251%2Ftumblr_nwv1dl2IQL1rjmi2go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this really quickly last night from some cardboard and a cheap fake flower for my Frisk cosplay I'm wearing at Comikaze! I might add a few more details later

>> No.8688668

Throw rice at people while cackling menacingly.

>> No.8688678
File: 79 KB, 539x960, tumblr_nwsvnntaHN1s8nae3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, but this is the first full Mettaton cosplay I've seen.

>> No.8688683

god damn that's really good.

Having played the game a bunch, I never really understood the love for Mettaton, but that's a great outfit.

>> No.8688706

do people really care about the "accuracy" of costumes in undertale, seeing as how a lot of character models can be interpreted in different ways? i see a lot of different variations of costumes, like sans cosplayers wearing sneakers/slippers or hoodies with and without a fur trim.

i personally don't mind it, but i have no idea what others think about it

>> No.8688709

I've personally had a few people tell me that the sweater should be feathered in the hood. But I feel the same way you do. When it comes down to it, it's an pixel I'm working off of.

All of the interpretations are fan art depicting different things.

I also had a dude on facebook throw a fit because there wasn't enough teeth on the mask.

Like god damn man this thing was a pain in the ass to make already, I'll add however many teeth I want.

>> No.8688710
File: 466 KB, 1083x1920, tumblr_nwuymjVS6k1r2gjg1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a few other cosplays I found in tumblr tags.

>> No.8688712
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>> No.8688713
File: 409 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nwbouuL5Sz1u142jlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8688714



I actually really love that mask a lot.


>> No.8688716
File: 33 KB, 398x707, tumblr_nwvqq0htrP1r54v6ho5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8688719
File: 408 KB, 1280x1432, tumblr_nwvtapP7kH1tbz1wzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8688723
File: 92 KB, 800x1000, asriel_cosplay_by_tainteddna-d9e7o27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I've got for now. It's still kind of hard to find complete outfits, as most of the ones I've seen are just face pics or costests.

>> No.8688724

....I just...don't know how I feel about the fursuits.

>> No.8688728

Yeah, it's kind of weird but at the same time I like it better than people doing a shit makeup job and stuff.

Not related to that, I really wanna see a Muffet cosplay.

>> No.8688730
File: 54 KB, 960x540, 12193420_500962440079418_618972538140483076_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8688741


oh dear god no

>> No.8688744

Yeah now that you mention it, I haven't seen one. That's odd.

>> No.8688748

I like this game (and what I'm seeing in this thread!) I'm just worried this is gonna get Homestuckey, by this time next year I'm gonna see "hi I'm casual/human/beach!Papyrus" and its just some pale awkward dude with a little paint on.

>> No.8688751


I'm boarding this train before it runs off the rails.

The ride is already rocky.

>> No.8688755

Same, honestly just finding those pics off tumblr there was already some of that. But I guess it's to be expected since Toby Fox worked on Homestuck some too. It has a similar feel and also so many characters who require body paint...

>> No.8688758
File: 85 KB, 500x500, muffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like a WIP but here's this

Not a fan of the taped on bows but honestly everything else I found wasn't that great.

>> No.8688761

I actually avoided homestuck since the beginning and didn't know Toby had anything to do with Homestuck till like...last week.

I hate that I'[m one of those people that allows retards to ruin things I like.

>> No.8688762

Yeah I avoided Homestuck for as long as I could but when my SO started reading it, I caved and actually enjoyed it. Fandom ruins everything.

Needs some work, but she's pretty cute.

>> No.8688767

I like how she interpreted the outfit and the scones/pies are a really nice touch. I kinda want to make a white dress out of linen with a similar shape and have a kind of catholic priest type robe made of suede to go over it. I feel like natural materials would suite that weird cloak thing Toriel and Asriel got going on.

>> No.8688830

I'm considering taking a picture as Sans with spaghetti in my pockets.

>> No.8688839

I mean it's about as accurate as you're gonna get when it comes to the animal monsters. Get your head out of the gutter when it comes to fursuits.

>> No.8688844

Oh no no no, I wasn't thinking anything like that, Fursuits just kinda freak me out. I don't know why.

>> No.8688849

Aah, I see. I mean, I guess that means you feel the same way about mascot characters at places like Disney?

Keeping on topic, but >>8688712 definitely has my favorite Sans mask. The shape is nice and the expression is perfect.

>> No.8688853

AW YEAH i was listening to the OST and thinking about it

I laughed harder than i should.

I would lie down with you.

Dammit this is some nightmare fuel

Already?! Hey they did well.

Not bad at all

I like it a lot
>that flower crown
Hmf...gonna let it pass this time tumblr

P-Please marry me i need to do Alphys and wish i had a girlfriend to do Undyne...

Holy sh-...

Need some work and improvement but that's a debut anon, go on.

>> No.8688857

For my napstablook cosplay, should I scallop the edges? I have no sewing machine, so it's all by hand

>> No.8688859


>> No.8688865


I'm definitely jealous of that mask, but I've never done this before so I'm happy with what I got.

>> No.8688893

Can't decide if I want to do a Frisk cosplay or Mettaton (original form). Obviously Frisk is easier but Mettaton would be so much cooler.

>> No.8688897

Original Mettaton. Do it.

>> No.8688960
File: 232 KB, 703x263, Undertale_temmie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering being Temmie for Halloween. It would be super lazy, just the shirt and cat ears and a cardboard box "shop". I'm just handing out candy this year so I'm not really setting out to impress people.

>> No.8689032

Im gonna try Burgerpants, for a con in January. I figure he drinks a lot.

>> No.8689144

Ugh yep, I really feel like its going to go that way before my friends and I do our group in April next year. Like, I've already had friends who don't like it say that "it's basically just homestuck". I have no access to what people would consider the fandom since I don't have or like tumblr, all I see fan-wise is nice art on twitter haha

Then again, being in Aus, things take a small while to catch on. SU has only just started being somewhat popular at cons in the past couple of months.

>> No.8689193



Beware the SU.

>> No.8689208

Use a synthetic fabric and either soldering iron/hot knife or Fray Check the edges.

>> No.8689225
File: 110 KB, 1198x2048, received_1037871142929848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flowey prop anon here posting more Frisk cosplay updates!
I free-handed the stripes since I have no freezer paper and oh my god what a pain in the ass that was.
Because of my lack of paint, I don't think I can paint the back, but I'll be wearing a backpack so that's okay

>> No.8689247


> implying it's not like that already

>> No.8689288
File: 720 KB, 960x1280, 15-10-27-20-37-43-368_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowly working on a mettaton cosplay myself too to keep myself busy and try a couple new skills/techniques, getting pretty excited about it

>> No.8689305
File: 3.82 MB, 3648x2736, DSC03846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An older wip pic,but I'm finishing up my Papyrus cosplay for halloween/comikaze expo.Idk how I feel about it right now,but hopefully it won't turn out as complete shit tier.

>> No.8689328

Thanks anon! I never even thought of doing that!

>> No.8689367

Yo!! What day of comikaze are you wearing this?? I'm wearing Frisk on Sunday and I'd love to get a picture with you!

>> No.8689551

well then its your lucky day cause I'll be there on Sunday! Hopefully it won't be too hard to find each other on the con floor especially with one of the few papyrus cosplay

>> No.8689579

Undertale is only really being played in AUS now. I've also found that most SU cosplayers don't do the body paint at cons because it's just too damn hot with our shit weather. They do it up for shoots though.

I've yet to see any undertale cosplays here though. I'm making the protagonist as a last minute Halloween plan and for something I was so meh about, the colours have been a pain to match. Mind you I'm super picky with colours too.

>> No.8689590

>most SU cosplayers don't do the body paint at cons because it's just too damn hot with our shit weather.
Fucking weakasses lmao back in my Homestuck days I did full paint for a 35+ degree November meet. If it's sealed properly its not going anywhere.

That aside, I was really hoping people here wouldn't discover it for a few more months. Y'know, enough time to keep THOSE kinds of fans away before Melbnova. Overexcited teenagers is already bad enough to deal with at cons, I don't to have to deal with Homestuck-tier overexcited teenagers again.

Have fun with your protag costume though! I understand how you feel with the colors, I need to head into Kryolan to get paint matched for Muffet and then find tights that match THAT perfectly for the rest of her arms, I don't even want to think about color-matching the reds on her outfit what with how terrible color selections in fabric are here.

>> No.8689606

Some of the tumblr stuff being made is all meh stuff for halloween,but its mainly Sans or Mettaton since alot of things are probably turning off the fandom teens from attempting to do much

>> No.8689667

There's one really great Papyrus head in the progress thread but aside from that everything i've seen is Sans. I'm waiting on a promising Muffet.

>> No.8689678
File: 633 KB, 1680x1233, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatcha guys think of my papyrus helmet so far?

>> No.8689683

You posted this is the WIP thread yeah, it looks great so far! I hope you're going to sand it smooth, though.

>> No.8689709


>> No.8689711

Holy fuck that's amazing

>> No.8689713

Is that...plaster?

>> No.8689722

yeah. planning on bulding more form and filling holes with Celluclay then making a hard smooth shell in waterputty and sand it down

>> No.8689723

Frisk seems pretty easy since I always look unphased and am a human also manlet
Just get a brown wig and purple/blue shirt

But I worry it's one of those characters that always looks awkward no matter what

>> No.8689726


Jesus CHRIST son.

definitely keep it up man that's amazing work

>> No.8689813

You said you had a Sans one as well, do you have pics of that?

>> No.8689891

Trying to get in on this before shit fans ruin everything, opinion question:

for Alphys, would you go the full shebang lizard-face prosthetics; a half and half human-with-pointy-forehead-things-prosthetics or just forgo the prosthetic thing entirely and go as a human version with a styled spiky wig or whatever?

I've got some materials collected to do armsocks+stockings+facepaint and make a tail, but it's that face thing that's worrying me too much. The full face prosthetic sounds cool, but might also look dumb as all hell, I don't know, hence why I'm looking for some opinions.

That is rad.

>> No.8689912

Holy shizz i LOVE it that Papyrus mask is glorious anon i wish i could be there to snap a pic of you aw...Please post when finished.

the Sans in the OP is really rad as well. And there is some fine Undyne too. Good work there everyone

>> No.8689913

You are my hero.

>> No.8689933

I hope I see some undertale cosplays at Lucca comics, the english language and price tag are great barriers of entry that are keeping shit people off the fandom, for now

>> No.8689957

I think you should go for the full face prosthetic, honestly! I've seen a few human Alphys and they just look... Meh. The same as most human variations of a character.

The prosthetic will definitely bring a lot of interest to the costume even if you think it looks silly. At the end of the day she IS a lizard, after all. If you don't want to risk taking the plunge and doing full face, then the half-half would be nice too! Just going entirely human seems... Underwhelming.

>> No.8690145

Hahahaha this is fantastic keep it up

>> No.8690163

I haven't gotten a picture back yet from our Sans. He's working separately from us but he's also a pretty experienced sculptor/cosplayer so when I get a picture from him I'll put it here.

>> No.8690170

Awesome! Way to go, Anon!

>> No.8690190

Hm, now that I'm thinking about it, if I go full face wouldn't a fursuit-like helmet be better looking than trying to puzzle some prosthetics together?
Just brainstorming here.

>> No.8690203

Temmie has both cat and dog ears

>> No.8690209

110% thought that was up your ass.
Nice job though, looks amazing.

>> No.8690294

kind of wish they had a wig, but otherwise this is really good!

>> No.8690472

I'm working on an Undyne cosplay and I'm wondering how to acheive her hair, it's like she only has hair in her ponytail. I originally thought "baldcap with a hole for a ponytail clip in the back" but will that really work?

>> No.8690478

You'd have to be really really careful not to tear it.

Also it might hurt a bit.

>> No.8690545

Honestly this may be the time to take artistic liberties and use something like a Rocky for the base. Won't be 100% accurate but definitely less of a pain.

>> No.8690552

Excise my ignorance but what is a Rocky? Is it a type of wig?

>> No.8690625

It's Arda's ultra-short wig-- fibers are something like 1" long.

>> No.8691206

She does have her hair flipped over her face when you're on Alphys' date, so I don't even know what's up with her noodle strands.

>> No.8692336
File: 47 KB, 562x960, 12190021_1038971882819774_6431044285081333695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick and shitty Frisk cosplay for Halloweencon(Comikaze)

>> No.8692359
File: 147 KB, 1280x721, flowey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a bunch of plush, about halfway through Flowey I said fuck it and made a Frisk sweater so it will be my Halloween costume for at home. This pics from before I had put wire in Flowey, he can now wrap around stuff and stick onto them, and has 4 little roots as well.

>> No.8692360

Not that person, but yeah, that's a third option. You can just do it like some people are doing Sans/Papyrus/etc headpieces. It would be more cartoony that way.

>> No.8692397
File: 157 KB, 800x600, 2015-10-29 22.57.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people going to overly KNITpick me for using a brighter blue to make Frisk's sweater? When holding real yarn in my hands a magenta/powder blue combo just looked so bad so I went brighter. I'm kind of regretting not picking up an accurate shade now that I'm swatching the yarn though.
Or would have getting a dustier pink been a better middle ground?

>> No.8692459

I'd tone down the pink, that is such a nice blue.

>> No.8692461

Honestly I think this is the better way to go with this cosplay. It's hard to tell what color the sweater is due to different computer screens, but whatever dumb cornflower/periwinkle/powder blue Frisk's sweater actually is looks absolutely disgusting with the magenta stripes.

>> No.8692515

This pic is Cruella to my eyes.

>> No.8692605

Thanks, I've already gotten some new materials together to attempt this. Good thing I enjoy challenges and have a lot of time before our local con season starts up again.

Probably, but if you can make it match better and it's easier on the eyes, go for it.

>> No.8692624

fat tbh

>> No.8692627
File: 89 KB, 408x534, Sans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>accurate tbh

>> No.8692641


>> No.8692652

How'd you do the stripes on the jumper?

>> No.8692666

It's P good but it's kind of scary looking. That may just be how it has to look in real life though but Sans is not at all scary or threatening most of the time.

>> No.8692671

Are you wearing sclera contacts? If not, it might a good idea. Also, I think if you get pigtails you could put bow clips on instead of do the whole tape thing.
Good for a WIP.

>> No.8692685

prosthetics is a great idea but it could end up looking nightmare-ish, then again I'm pretty horrified by face prosthetics. I think what would look best is maybe some sort of mascot suit or fursuit-like head.

>> No.8692927

>Quick and shitty
At least you didn't lie about it.

>> No.8693251

For a second I thought you were holding it between your fingers, so it was like a tiny Flowey lol. It looks really accurate though, nice job!

>> No.8693322
File: 1000 KB, 1061x705, IMG_20151030_224727267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alphys-anon back again, finished the first claying of this mask thing I will probably look back at with disgust when I'm sobered up.

Any critiques before I continue on with sanding and detailing? Drunk me is thinking the bottom part is a bit too fat looking.

>> No.8693334
File: 60 KB, 640x640, muffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found his makeup test on tumblr too. Undertale's gonna be huge this year cosplay wise, probably.

>> No.8693406

Tons of patience and fabric paint, since I had no way of stenciling the stripes I had to make them a lot bigger than planned. They were supposed both supposed to be about 4 inches but the top one is about 5 and the bottom one is like 6. I used a mix of purple and pink to get that weird magenta color.
Bruh I'm not gonna lie about my cosplay, I did this in less than a week. I know I've done better than this.
Thank you very much! And I see what you mean, those could very well be fingers and I could just be very precise at painting.

>> No.8693649

It's not bad, after some sanding it should look a lot better.

>> No.8693679

Hey it's The papyrus anon, see if you can get some Celluclay from Joanns. It's easy to mold and sand alright. I wish I had used more of it before using gap filler.
Looks Really good! cant wait to see it with teeth

>> No.8693695
File: 71 KB, 309x589, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My buddy was able to get a whole Toriel cosplay done in 4 days for a holloween party.
I am filled with DETERMINATION

>> No.8693714

so cute!! that toriel head's expression is so sweet.

>> No.8693759

Hope your toriel does something about their hands. They look a bit bare/jarring to me. Other than that I love it.

>> No.8693767

he had like 20 minutes to get to the holloween party lol. We're stoked he got the horns on.
he started cutting the gloves when he realized it would take too long.

>> No.8693778

How would you go about making a San's mask? I'd really like to make one

>> No.8693786

someone did on here on reddit
there's also this tumblr post, which used a couple halloween buckets

>> No.8693791

make a mold of your head by covering your whole head in foil and taping it all together with a bunch of masking tape. Carefully cut it off and stuff it (newspaper or plush stuffing) so it's full and you can build on it. Tape the cut closed then wrap it in plastic wrap so nothing will get stuck to the mold then use foam, more masking tape, newspaper, paper mache, or what have you to build the shape of the mask. When you have its shape OK and the mask itself is stiff (though not finished) rip the shit inside out and polish it up.

>> No.8693891
File: 1.11 MB, 1536x2048, 20151031_022435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can KNIT believe we had a similar idea anon! If I may ask, what yarn/needle combo are you using and what accent color did you decide to go with?

>> No.8693983

Sadly I'm a eurofag, so no JoAnn's or celluclay, hah. I'm using this kiddy clay that gets smooth with water, Creall do n dry? If anyone has some experience with it, feel free to share.

Thanks for the words of encouragement guys.

>> No.8694206
File: 168 KB, 480x444, mETTATON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying Mettaton, current plan is to use my horde of upholstry foam for his soul and soul container, carve out the general shape then coat it with a few layers of resin and then paint over. the arms I'm gonna use long gloves, stitch them or hot glue them to the bodice and attatch circles of craft foam that have been spraypainted mettalic and use white magic gloves for the hands, I've already got the wig and makeup from a Nepeta cosplay. But how should I best go about the bodice? I was thinking use craft foam and maybe coat it with resin? Or use 1inch upholstry foam and cover it in fabric?

>> No.8694427
File: 385 KB, 1080x1920, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9efcde8ee73c5b0ad13ec1736deb65c5%2Ftumblr_nwzdlvGn4R1t7ho5eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went through the Undertale cosplay tag on tumblr, dumping the worst first

>> No.8694430
File: 194 KB, 720x1280, Orb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694434
File: 316 KB, 960x1280, Spirit Halloween mask #1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694436
File: 147 KB, 719x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F916e69e389ac6bc91bd7ce14a0d73d9e%2Ftumblr_nx3m5rSk6z1tllr10o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694438
File: 148 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Ffdaaa6885fd6292bae41ec28f4e498ba%2Ftumblr_nx2dbioEm41ruh5mgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694441
File: 69 KB, 1080x1117, Just fuck makeup and gloves right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694443
File: 215 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Ff3a941e6fa1f04897648c2fe0382f152%2Ftumblr_nx1vfdbN9B1rkvfd4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694444
File: 309 KB, 1280x1704, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fe1f1b44be4fdda0b0232ef7d034757fc%2Ftumblr_nx26tjewKW1qhd4y5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694445

Okay but this one is kinda funny. I actually like it as a joke cosplay

>> No.8694446
File: 166 KB, 722x1280, Wouldn't be bad if it wasn't printer paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694448
File: 758 KB, 1280x1920, %22mafia AU frisk%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694450
File: 316 KB, 960x1280, Another makeupless mettaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694452
File: 167 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F3ec0c974bdb585db3bc1317dbab3d6de%2Ftumblr_nx3lkjKYTz1s4qdd9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's not so bad but the blue paint on her shirt bugs the fuck out of me

>> No.8694453
File: 320 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F76b80c0ae530f8a35ecfdae79deebd48%2Ftumblr_nx0luwLvwT1t7gl27o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping the few good ones I saved now

>> No.8694455
File: 335 KB, 1280x1670, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F9cdc42e5306dcc25ed94695ae421613c%2Ftumblr_nx2upshYoY1ur4mpqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694456
File: 243 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fe1b2ef92341d54ceb237fff6354818a6%2Ftumblr_nx3fwpQakO1rzur40o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694462
File: 215 KB, 718x829, muffet_from_undertale_by_lethalauroramage-d9bdt5m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one make Muffet arms and eyes not look fake and stupid... Really wanting to cosplay her. Any tutorials or ideas?

>> No.8694630
File: 225 KB, 1073x1920, 1446326634626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This got posted on /v/

>> No.8694671

Nice scale pattern on the cheek bones! Little details like that make me smile.

>> No.8694678

I'm considering cosplaying Flowey just because I think he'd be a really fun character to cosplay as. I'm planning on making a mask prop so that's the flower part of him down... but I'm not really sure what I should be doing with the rest of my body. I'm not sure a skintight green bodysuit would translate well. Does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.8694750

>mafia au frisk

That's the worst thing I've ever heard.

>> No.8694762
File: 739 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-2754419781346535087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the first flowey prop anon, I'm working on a flowey 2.0 because I found a bigger sunflower to attatch it to at daiso. I'm sculpting it out of air dry yellow clay. I'm going to sand it down later once it dries.

>> No.8694835


>> No.8694856

I'm using Caron Simply Soft from joann's. What they had in store was blue mint and watermelon. They're supposed to be from a "bright" collection but they don't look very neon in person despite looking balls neon on their website (granted the blue is significantly brighter than the canon shade). I really wanted cobalt blue and fuschia but they weren't available in my local store and I'm an impatient piece of shit. I'm just telling myself, if it looks too bright it's ok because con pics always come out dingey and dark anyway haha. Or I'll make a new one with more experience this round.
I knitted my swatch with size 8 regular needles but I'm going to knit the body of the sweater with size 8 circular needles. This is my first time using circular needles! After my last sweater (razputin aquato) I swore to god I was never doing this shit again but look where we are now. Hopefully it's less of a pain knitting circular, and hopefully changing colors FAR fewer times makes things easier.
Also for my last sweater I didn't make a swatch and bullshitted everything and it came out way too big. This time I'm using this tutorial:

>> No.8694986
File: 332 KB, 586x584, 1445044233840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8694989

Ok so I wanna do a fully monster cosplay of toriel, i plan to use the official delta rune shirt in 6xl for the robe, so i just have a few questions

For feet, do I just wanna get some white rabbit paw feet things and use those, or custom make them? If the former, any good sites to buy from?
For hands, should I just get some white fuzzy gloves or big fuzzy mitts ala >>8688723 ?
For the head, do you guys know any good fursuit makers to commission for that? I'm not too big into the furry community, but for this cosplay I think it's necessary

>> No.8694952
File: 868 KB, 1836x3264, 20151031_200456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My finished papyrus.Not overly happy with how it all turned out due to my own choices,but nothing that i couldn't easily change if I had the time to. I'll be wearing it to Comikaze on Sunday

>> No.8695003

>i plan to use the official delta rune shirt in 6xl for the robe
that is not going to be nearly long enough unless you're a small child. The design isn't the same either
Either commission everything else from the same person or make them all yourself. Getting parts from different sources won't look cohesive. There's not going to be a "site" to buy from, you're just going to have to find someone who has a slot open to make everything for you. OR learn how to do it yourself. Come on dude look up tutorials and do it yourself.

>> No.8694971

I think using some opaque black stockings for fabric and covering the mouth hole (or making a "sock" for your head) would be good. Seeing your eyes coming out of his mouth is...disturbing.

>> No.8694973

I actually do have a black fabric that covers the mouth,but I didnt have it on because I took it off once it got dark.Think my ears might be visible too in some pics and thats also because i dont hae my undersuit zipped all the way.

>> No.8694979

rad Flowey!

>> No.8695021

its good not that bad. but id really like to see a perfect , time and effort cosplay of his casual, cool dude outfit, with the basketball shoulders and.. just everything.

>> No.8695029

>tfw no amazing Mettaton for my Napstablook cosplay

>> No.8695049
File: 722 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-1559181194796101960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished just in time for tomorrow!

>> No.8695052

Looks great!

>> No.8695056

>Stone IPA

>> No.8695092
File: 177 KB, 640x1613, Comb01112015015310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has over 1000 notes on tumblr and they literally drew the outfit on in Photoshop

>> No.8695149
File: 306 KB, 1280x1707, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8695238
File: 386 KB, 506x333, sansa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a sans plush that I'm bringing with me to a con next weekend. I'm happy with it even though his face is a bit off for my liking.

Anyways, anyone have suggestions on doing makeup for Toriel? Right now I'm considering white foundation (nothing over the top), blush, big eyelashes, either a nude or plum lip. I don't know whether I should try to do the fawn/goat-like shading under the nose or some variation of the sort, I reeeeally don't like that look when it's done all out.

>> No.8695307
File: 59 KB, 960x720, 12193827_10205429646157640_381927361527377279_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a friend of mine on facebook did undyne and alphys for halloween. thought it was really cute.

>> No.8695313

Awww that's a cute idea for Alphys.

>> No.8695341
File: 242 KB, 1280x877, tumblr_nwyr4jYoSH1ruwzrro3_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8695344
File: 734 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nx3suyURre1qecd9qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8695470

>actually lined the fake eyes up with their normal eyes in an arc

>> No.8695631

Anyone have a link to a good toriel robe? I can't find any ones that dont have a zipper or buttons on the front.

>> No.8695655
File: 383 KB, 759x582, WlGVSfL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8695828

It's just a rectangle of fabric with a head hole cut in it. It would take you $20 and 2 hours to make one.

>> No.8695850

I saw a guy with a really good Papyrus head on last night. None of you gulls happen to work at the Moe's at Waterford Lakes, do you?

>> No.8696012
File: 121 KB, 396x704, 1418853342434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch deleted her san's mask tutorial

I'm pissed

did anyone save it

>> No.8696059

no she just changed her url back from her halloween url dumbshit. it even says so in the blog title

>> No.8696083
File: 65 KB, 230x304, asriel_dreemurr_by_bukoya_star-d9e9n6p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met a girl dressed as a young version of Asriel in a similar fashion to this at Gamex. It was pretty rad, did anyone who was there snap a photo?

>> No.8696277

>tfw you have to play the game twice just to get all the forthcoming costumes

>> No.8696317

you gotta play the game 4 times really. pacifist, genocide, pacifist after genocide, and naming your character "frisk". not counting the hacked stuff.

>> No.8696331
File: 380 KB, 750x901, 1446333141028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too much of a pussy to do Genocide, let alone following it up with a Pacifist run after

>> No.8696370

And you need to have an ordinary playthrough first before you can play true pacifist.

>> No.8696379

You can get them both in the same playthrough, that's what I did. once you get the regular ending it sends you to an "earlier save" and you go through the true pacifist end.

>> No.8696446
File: 300 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nx44uc2rop1rou9aio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8696452

Only if you've fulfilled all the requirements for true pacifist up to that point. If you've killed anybody or you didn't make friends with anybody you have to do the whole thing over.

>> No.8696616

Are people afraid to fursuit Toriel?
Most have just been facepaint so far.
is it too expensive? Difficult? Or just the stigma

>> No.8696628

they take time, money and a knowledge of how to make one which most people don't have. Much easier are "kawaii"er to just face paint up and look cute for the day. At least that's what it seems to me from tumblr brats.

>> No.8696632

I saw several Frisks, two Sans and a Papyrus at PAX AUS.

>> No.8696634

I saw three paps at youmacon and one frisk

this was at youmacon

>> No.8696663
File: 96 KB, 261x200, 1424987782878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these Sans cosplay guides for heads
>no Papyrus

>> No.8696921

Personally, I prefer the facepaint version, simply because the goat head in real life loses all the motherly charm the character has.

I want to do a couple cosplay with my girlfriend, but she hasn't gotten far enough in the game, and the pairing would be spoilers.

>> No.8696942

Fishing wire on the arms to make them move.

>> No.8697324

Saw a decent amount of Undertale cosplay at Youmacon, disapointed that I didn't go through with my Mettaton cosplay. Oh well, there's always a future con.

>> No.8697356

I didn't get to go. I'm now sad. I hope people took pics of them so I can see somewhere!

>> No.8697602

I see promise, aside from the skulll, it looks like just an issue of proportions
Ahhh, seeing a monochrome mettaton is cool
AUs don't work if you can't recognize the character. Maybe if they had some of the other more distinct characters with them it'd work but alone...
With a little improvement on painting so it doesn't get on their clothing, I think this could be great. Maybe tucking the eye patch's elastic a little more under the wig hair.
I'd recommend maybe just using spandex shorts instead. I think it'd help the silhouette.
I like these two a lot. Normally I'm not a fan of naturally hair cosplays but I think it works a lot better for frisk/chara, especially when it's styled right.
Dang these are sweet. I think the only thing I'm not a fan of is the yellow lipstick but that's a nit pick.

>> No.8697874
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spandex shorts
You do realize that that would make the silhouette worse, right? Pap's shorts are kinda "hovering" to mimic hip bones so having them be spandex and closer to OP's natural hips would be shit.

>> No.8698432
File: 108 KB, 500x625, pap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic from the con were I had the mouth cover down.The top part is super glued so I could freely flip it up to see better when walking around.

>> No.8698475

Finally getting over comikaze so I'll post some undertale cosplayers I found including myself, they're all selfies or have me in the photo so oh well

>> No.8698479
File: 853 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-5353129417982625001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8698483
File: 3.38 MB, 2669x1873, 20151101_104717-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8698488
File: 3.55 MB, 2636x1897, 20151101_115255-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8698489
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1944, 20151101_140540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8698491

Is that upside down for anyone else???

>> No.8698494
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1944, 20151101_150721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8698496

I guess you'll just have to enjoy my upside down selfies

>> No.8698498
File: 2.70 MB, 1657x3017, 20151101_141205-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8698501
File: 54 KB, 1024x678, tumblr_nx4c0uMglg1qbvqhjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8698508

I actually know this person and he'd be very heartbroken if he knew someone thought it was a serious cosplay

>> No.8698570


>> No.8698573

I can't take my nostril piercing out because it heals up even after like 3 years of having it, I did take out my septum. Trust me it bugs me too. I lost all my studs too

>> No.8698644

does anyone know where to get a light like that for the eye?

>> No.8698646
File: 189 KB, 895x1280, 43567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8698649


>> No.8698665

you can't even put a clear retainer in it?

>> No.8698695
File: 92 KB, 1191x670, IT BEGINS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mafia AU Frisk cosplay

>> No.8698794

Literally crying because I just realized I ended up leaving my Papyrus helmet & gloves on my car's roof while leaving Comikaze

>> No.8698798

Oh no anon!

>> No.8698926


>> No.8699743

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make the actual body of the bodice piece, but I think how I'm going to finish it by covering it in wet look spandex, kind like this http://www.pixelninja.se/progresssamus.htm

>> No.8699772


That's just Sans dressed up as Papyrus.

>> No.8700936

I'd like to see this finished.

>> No.8700938

Why are people doing tests without her pigtails? She doesn't really look right without them.

>> No.8700941

My gf and I want to cosplay Undyne and Alphys. Now I wonder about how to pull off Alphys the best. Make a mask or a more humanoid version maybe with latex prosthetics and a lace front wig spiked in the back? I'm pretty good with wigs and facepaint but both masks and prosthetics would be new fields for me.

>> No.8701063

Look up the Steven Universe Giant Woman cosplay, I think some anon self posted a while back on her cosplay.

>> No.8701078

I'm making mine by making a harvest that will be going under the top with a backing of plywood (a small piece of it so it's not super bulky or anything ) and I'll be attaching the PVC arms to the wood. The hands are sculpted out of an air dry clay and the. Attached to the end of the PVC arms and then I will be sanding the arms and covering the. In expanding foam. Carve, sand, seal the fuck out of it and then paint them.

>> No.8701603

they probably didn't make them yet. I always do wigs last because they're the most annoying.

>> No.8701900
File: 26 KB, 320x480, Magnum-023-FRONT-320x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guy's thoughts on using arda's Magnum in a dark purple for Mettaton EX? I'm going with the pink colour scheme everyone seems to like and I thought a bit of purple would look nice in conjunction with the pink robo-bits.


>> No.8702000

Any attempts for a Muffet cosplay?

>> No.8702023

I gotta ask, what type of material is that for the arms?
Thinking of doing a complete Mettaton, with box + EX.

>> No.8702270
File: 27 KB, 220x440, surely you jestin'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even got the hair on the wrong side of the face.

>> No.8702316
File: 379 KB, 790x510, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fd7541a6e450ee50e880b4ace708cd6fa%2Ftumblr_nxaxe9wOjp1qgw107o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little dump from the undertale cosplay tag

>> No.8702320
File: 52 KB, 800x800, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fd4024374d1dc7d5ef7e0f9ffa95c4d2b%2Ftumblr_nxbny4pTM71u4ki58o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702323
File: 250 KB, 1009x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fdee2e6a8542843f084b5aeb79f28d2de%2Ftumblr_nxb89uz6i71qjyq9xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702324
File: 82 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F927654398b6626eda4a03c275440e2bc%2Ftumblr_nxbz4gcOyP1shyrdpo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702326
File: 73 KB, 640x480, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ffa583328c20f8072d1185dcc9bc9c0ad%2Ftumblr_nxb8f5OUj11s4lg4uo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702339
File: 122 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F4c768d9967bbba691d097697be749f04%2Ftumblr_nxbs2bWTCb1rxkezdo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8702467
File: 86 KB, 540x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few makeup tests on here but that's about it.

>> No.8702474

I wanted to try making a Muffet cosplay, but I have no idea what would work for the arms (especially while not making them too heavy)
Does anyone have some suggestions?

>> No.8702528

There's a suggestion about PVC pipe and expanding foam above

>> No.8702649

So many sans compared to papyrus

>> No.8702669

I'm hoping to do Alphys soon, but I'm doing it mascot style. Either that or the shop Temmie (specifically her all graduated).

>> No.8702729

This is amazing holy shit

>> No.8703166

I don't like that the eyes are all makeup. I would have preferred seeing her use sclera lenses.

>> No.8703222

>sclera lenses
Why? so her real eyes would look nothing like the additional ones? Also sclera lenses are super difficult to manage and impractical.

>> No.8703229

I like the idea but wish the wig was a solid dark purple color rather than black and purple fibers mixed together. Still though do it. It'll make the color scheme look less boring.

>> No.8703283

It looks more realistic--and you don't have to close your eyes all the time for pictures. Just make the eyes look like the scleras.

>> No.8703353
File: 286 KB, 336x324, 4048efd7709c6fafb8df17ba7c867cff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8703355
File: 159 KB, 518x209, 998e10431272077f364e0e0fa15aa76b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8703366

Not everyone can wear lenses though, and they're a major pain and cost a lot. I think the makeup personally looks better

>> No.8703371

Holy shit these wigs are so choppy...

>> No.8703785

Any Napstablook cosplays? It can't be that hard, it's just a sheet, marker and some headphones.

>> No.8704158

I'm going to start mine next week! I'm going to make mesh over the eyes though, so you can't see my face through the eye holes

>> No.8704166

I saw a pretty good one on twitter last week. I'm going to wear sexy stockings with mine because idk wtf to do with my legs. Gonna scallop the sheet too

>> No.8704184

My friend was debating about doing that and wearing Mettaton's shoes with it

>> No.8704185
File: 292 KB, 1280x960, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F63eb5a8a52a9bd3096ac913adb848ece%2Ftumblr_nx48669SVd1r6t0vho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704187
File: 54 KB, 543x960, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F8f3cedf8a7f4ef14d55c45c21bc14607%2Ftumblr_nwwphoT9Qk1qdx827o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704189
File: 722 KB, 1280x1707, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Fe05c4580242c5e4afaff83824439cd72%2Ftumblr_nx739aMu5m1r518qoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704190
File: 496 KB, 1280x1707, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F811470b6adf42b10e8cb5ff1f56d0ee6%2Ftumblr_nx5u8xTFKj1rsl6owo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8704246

Good choice. We're all garbage here.

Related, I'm the other Alphys-anon with the mask earlier; trying to make a mould with silicon kit smells SO BAD, I can't deal with harsh vinegar fumes. I can only hope it works out in the end and I can get a nice resin mask out of it.

>> No.8704482

that plush is adorable

>> No.8704538

Well when Alphys talked about how she hates herself and how she feels useless I was like "Yeah I feel it Al. I feel it so bad.".

If you need advice on the building though, I can help out. I can't sew, but I know all about that building fursuits/mascots and shit like that.

>> No.8704602

>that fluffy toriel head
adorable, same applies to the papyrus head

>> No.8704749

Thinking of cosplaying Frisk. What wig would you guys suggest, and how should it be styled?

I see people draw Frisk with shaggy hair, but the sprite suggests Frisk has a bob cut. The wig's really my main concern, everything else looks pretty simple and I'd just adorn the cosplay with props (any of the weapons and items you find in the game, for instance).

>> No.8704806
File: 359 KB, 600x452, coconut head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that it's a bob but make sure you style it as the right kind of bob so you don't end up like coconut head.
Frisk's hair almost reminds me of Kohaku from Spirited away but softer

>> No.8704812

Yeah, I'd be worried if the wig ends up looking like Coconut Head. What do you mean by softer?

>> No.8704820
File: 220 KB, 647x350, frisk v kohaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the edges aren't as blunt. I'd suggest going with a wig like Kohaku's hair then like thinning the ends out and giving it a little texture with a razor comb or thinning shears. Maybe fluff it up a little too

>> No.8704837

This and use a little heat to get the fibers to tuck under just a little

>> No.8704877

holy shiiit i need to do this but i've never messed with paper mache or anything outside of my Stormtrooper armor. any chance theres someone i can commission something like this from?

and how you see out of that? they are either very well covered or you cant see out of the blue eye

>> No.8704981


Those all look like paper mache to me. Paper mache is pretty simple, just mold it around something.

A lot of them look like the eyes are just completely painted (black, blue, white, everything). Maybe they just dont see at all?

>> No.8704994

This is great.

>> No.8705027
File: 131 KB, 511x682, ss+(2015-11-07+at+07.31.11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8705080
File: 539 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nwuz8x0E1m1r2gjg1o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8705384
File: 52 KB, 787x640, Hoi.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an adorable plush!

I made a tiny temmie plush for my boyfriend to keep next to his monitor.

>> No.8705767
File: 38 KB, 500x387, asgore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone done an Asgore yet?
I'm thinking of going for it.

>> No.8705785

Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer if I need it.

I think it's funny. A lot of people will see Alphys and feel either "ugh this tumblr bitch" or "welp, this is literally me except for the horrible experimenting".

>> No.8705792

Not bad at all. I wasn't expecting anyone to do a makeup!Sans face, but I'm ok with this. I still prefer masks though.

>> No.8705798

this is so cute!!

>> No.8705805

what kind of make up would be suitable for a frisk cosplayer

>> No.8705828

Everyone forgets about poor goat dad. Go for it!

>> No.8705853

I'll probably look like a huge fanboy because I'm also doing Mettaton, but you know what...fuck it this sounds fun.

>> No.8705881

You could even go for the pink button up version that's shown in the pacifist credits. I think it'd be really cute, especially if you're a heavier-set guy. Dadbods only for Asgore.

>> No.8705897

Aw, I'm actually pretty thin. more Asriel than Asgore.

>> No.8705941

Any male Mettatons? I'm thinking of doing one but I don't want to look ugly. I feel like the makeup and outfit look a lot better on girls

>> No.8705965
File: 82 KB, 950x366, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then maybe do Asriel instead? Besides his first boss form, you could go hard and do a neat Hyperdeath version if you still want to do big shoulder armor and all that. Mettaton too would be good for someone who's pretty lean. I just can't see a thin Asgore being a good representation of him.
>inb4 tumblr, i just want to see more accurate bodies for cosplays when possible

>> No.8706204
File: 128 KB, 640x480, tumblr_nxeoy3EpF01qim4fgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw these guys at my local con, they were amazing.

>> No.8706225


Great papyrus head! I've seen better sans' though.

>> No.8706463

fursuit head hands and feet would be the best choise, the rest you could cover with armor and the cloak. bonus points if you do the trident.

>> No.8706939

Is this >>8689678? If so, good job on that mask anon. Looks pretty sharp.

>> No.8707016

I like rhis version a lot, it's quite original

>> No.8708036
File: 758 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nxhf11nXSc1td0zr9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8708047

SO CLOSE if she just remakes the lab coat so it's bigger this would be 10/10 mascot alphys

>> No.8708048

What happens if you play pacifist after genocide?

>> No.8708051

I love this!

>> No.8708055

and the other alternate end you can get is at 19:20 on the video.

>> No.8708083
File: 745 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nxh7gxhtsy1shqsl4o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8708087
File: 61 KB, 500x517, sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on this. 20,410 stitches so far! Just started on the sleeves.

>> No.8708100

I saw them too! They were really fun to talk to.

>> No.8708105

the heads look so uniform, i'm diggin it.

>> No.8708123

i'd still say do Asgore mostly because i haven't seen him yet, but people can cosplay what they want

then again i'm a short Stormtrooper and i get shit for it all the time though

>> No.8708182

Looking good, anon!

>> No.8708210

As a fellow knitter, that is awesome bro! And I really like the color choices for the yarn.

>> No.8708248

Thank you both!

>> No.8708300

If you're looking to commission a fully-finished fursuit head, please remember it's expensive if you want it to look good, and it'll take a while to arrive to you likely. I'd say expect to shell out at /least/ $200. You could also (if you are good at sewing) commission simply a foam base sculpted for the head.
Here's a list of reputable fursuit makers:
http://fursuitswag.tumblr.com/post/80068980806/fursuit-maker-list (It looks super expensive but remember those "starting prices" are for full suits.) All the artists I want to recommend are pricey so idk how much you're willing to shell out.
I would also reccommend maybe going on Furbuy https://www.furbuy.com/ and checking out if lesser-known artists are taking commissions and stuff.
Like other anon said, if you can't make the robe you should just commission that too because that shirt in 6xl is just going to look bad to be honest, dude.

>> No.8708307


>> No.8708312

auto sage now

>> No.8708320

wow, the shading looks really nice.

hey, i love how she did the following eyes! if she made the indent a little less extreme it'd look better, but this is still so nice.

>> No.8708352

i can't tell if this is hanari selfposting or someone else posting a picture of her whole group...

>> No.8708361
File: 1.16 MB, 1536x2048, frisk sweater progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking great so far my knittah!

You and I seem to be working at a similar pace! I was gonna upload my progress too haha. Here it is btw. Wrists were arguing about starting the second sleeve so I started stitching pieces together.

I work everything flat and then stitch it together instead of knitting round like the other anon does. so any weird looks from the sweater are because: the sleeve, (my) right side of the sweater, and (my) left side ribbing aren't stitched together yet

And while uploading the pic I've realized my phone camera desaturates things ugh

>> No.8708364

This looks great!

>> No.8708372

Thanks! I've only just recently learned knitting, so, and this isn't a joke, comments like these fill me with determination to get better!

Frisk's top is the second thing I've ever knit, and I realized that my pic has a cameo by the first sweater I ever knit on the blue chair on the right haha!

>> No.8708381

Wow, I assume that's a Mabel sweater you made over on the chair? I don't know much about knitting but I really admire it, and both of your sweaters look fantastic. Especially that Mabel one, it looks so good, so impressive for a first sweater.

Sorry for off-topic admiration. I just love sweaters.

>> No.8708398

Oh - that's me. The wig is an old Grell one and surely not the best but I think it actually does an ok job until I get a lace front.
Right now I think about doing latex makeup to "flatten" my nose for Undyne. Do you think it'd make a good effect or look weird?

>> No.8708419

Looks great so far!

>> No.8708489

Coming from a fursuit standpoint, it's really hard to get a decent indent when it comes to follow me eyes. Most follow me eyes are sort of... built in. Now if she like, put plastic or a similar material over it that's how most people try to distract from that, but then you risk fogging up and ruining your already limited eyesight, haha.

>> No.8708549

She's such a narcissist that it's probably her desu.

>> No.8708551

...wow, that's new, turning tee bee aitch into "desu". I admit I laughed.

>> No.8708602

most likely. does it in the steven universe thread all the time.

>> No.8708888

You seem to be going faster, my sleeve is only like 4 inches long right now haha

>> No.8708917

I kinda wanna make my Napstablook like this one

>> No.8708962

Wasn't me yo. I posted in the selfpost thread. I'm not posting anything in here until Undyne and Paps are finished.

>> No.8709195

No, I know that, it just tends to look better for follow-me eyes when you make the indent amount less...big I guess? This goes for all fursuits. They're "built-in" but you make them before they go in the socket, so you do control how much space is there. Just sayin.

>> No.8709512

depends on how good you are at hiding the latex, i dunno, try it out.

also can i fuck you

>> No.8709535
File: 325 KB, 475x406, Mettaton's Heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished putting this together. I tore apart one of those goofy headbands and put the wiring back together to make it. I still haven't decided if I want the heart exposed or behind a plexiglass 'case'. I might see how the light diffuses and make my decision from there.

I'm really excited about integrating electronics into this cosplay. I've also got plans to put a small speaker into the chest piece that I can hook up to my phone and play music from (quietly and un-obnoxiously)

>> No.8709827

Anyone thought of crafting Sans' headgear using cardboard as the base? I'm an utter noobcake at propmaking so I wonder if this is the right choice.

>> No.8709927


New thread