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File: 86 KB, 337x404, Skin-Care-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8686675 No.8686675 [Reply] [Original]

Old one at 300 >>8628695

Just came back from an appointment at a beautician, she said I use too much different products with oils and white wax on my face, she could tell from the sebum on my forehead. Of course she wanted to push the salon's expensive products on me (med beauty swiss) but seemed reasonable most of the time.

what's your opinion on only using oil- and parrafinum/white wax free products on your face? any suggestions?

also: what toner do you guys use?

>> No.8686813

Depends on what they're for. You shouldn't stop using lip balm, of course, but I don't even know of that many products with white wax.

Maybe she meant parrafinum liquidum (mineral oil)? Which seems sus because it's one of the least comedogenic oils you can use but I guess there's people who break out from that too.

I don't think that many products contain white wax but if you want to be sure just run each one through cosDNA, that should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.8686827


Sebum is completely normal to have on your face. (Fun fact, if you think you have blackheads on your nose, there's a strong chance they're actually sebaceous filaments.)

And one of the best ways to reduce the appearance of any unsightly sebum is massaging your face with oil, including mineral oil (guessing that's the same thing as white wax). And while some people do have bad reactions to mineral oil/white wax, it doesn't sound like you are one of them. So yeah, she's trying to push products on you.

As far as toners go, I just use a PH balanced cleanser, so there's no need for it. Sometimes I like to spray rose water on my face though, but only because it smells really nice.

>> No.8686842
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>Start fancy new asian skincare routine, never had bad skin, but it could be better
>Becomes smoother, less oily and refreshed looking
>eventually develop some strange rash like thing on one side of my mouth, not really a breakout as there are no pimples
>Have stopped new product usage for a few weeks
>no worsening or improvement of signs, still have weird rash thing on one side of my mouth

It should be noted I don't have sensitive skin (in my 24 years of skincare, I've never had a bad reaction to a product, the worst thing would be a cleanser or two drying me out) or any food allergies. It's the most bizarre thing, and the quality and tone of skin overall is great, but I'd be super bummed if one of my products did this.

The symptoms are hard to search, because I keep getting results with pimple like things (which I don't have).

>> No.8686843

I've recently moved from a dry, desert climate to Austin's humid heat and I'm really not used to humidity at all. I won't even get into the mess it makes of my curls, but I'm dealing with new skin issues.

First of all, I'd been developing blackheads and oil on my nose that I've never had before. Now, I'm also breaking out on my chin, cheeks, and there's something driving me crazy under my jaw, like by my tonsils.

I don't have a steady skin care routine, I don't wear makeup, I am basically ugly as sin but I used to have nice skin. I know the best thing for it would be a better diet bu I'm struggling with bulimia right now.

Any advice at all would be helpful.

>> No.8686874

Are any of the products you're using AHA, BHA, Vitamin C, or contains alcohol?

Last year I started with a bunch of Asian skincare products, went through an amazing honeymoon period, and then got some irritation because I was overdoing the treatments. It took a few weeks for the sensitivity to go down, but after that, I made sure to use certain products only a few times a week, and everything was more manageable.

>> No.8686893


I believe a peel and powder cleanser I was using were AHA/BHA product, only use the peel once a week and the powder cleanser in the evenings 3 times per week.

And my Vitamin C masks and serum...those were indeed the first things I suspected! I found a few things about Vitamin C being bad if used too much, so I'll probably lighten up on the masks I have. I used some daily mask and a serum a lot for awhile, so I'll use those even more sparingly. I just want to fade the dark spots on my face quickly, but I guess it will take patience. Thanks anon!

>> No.8687973

About a year ago I switched over to mostly Korean beauty products and skin care and my skin is pretty much flawless now. I highly recommend Benton's aloe BHA toner and snailbee essence. If you are using a western foundation I switch ASAP when I ditched my foundation for Korean BB cream my acne finally cleared up. Skin79 and Misssha signature complete are my favorites.

>> No.8687989

how old are you?

>> No.8689911
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kinda new to korean skincare, just looking at some bb creams.
what's the difference between the different kinds of missha BB creams? I get perfect cover, but then there's choboyang, signature, vita..
what would you suggest? do I need a bb boomer?

I have my first few wrinkles and the occasional outbreak but sensitive skin in general.

>> No.8689999

Anyone know how to treat dermatitis herpetiformis on the skin from the hair?

>> No.8690061

Perfect cover is good if you have more to cover up but it isn't as good for your skin. Signature complete is a better formulation for sensitive skin but you will notice less coverage. I have been using just signature complete and a tarte concealer stick for under my eyes and redness around my nose. There is a girl that does a blog littleporcelainprincess and she her reviews were very helpful for me since she has very sensitive skin and orders in bunches of Asian beauty products to review.

>> No.8690135

oldfag anon still looking for a moisturizing cleanser rec that won't break the bank and thoughts on exfoliation for older skin.

also wtf does toner do?

>> No.8690297

If you don't have acne the best exfoliation in my opinion is dermaplaneing (basically you shave your face with a eyebrow razor) it takes off all the dead skin and little hairs making your face super smooth!

Are you looking for a foaming cleanser or a oil based one or both?

>> No.8690543

>shaving little hairs
what happens when it grows back? sounds like ingrown acne desaster to me

>> No.8690548
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Well, nothing. It's just vellus hair - Unless you have a very hairy face.

I just use a normal men's razor, though. I don't trust myself with one of those straight eyebrow razors!

>> No.8690551

New to Korean Cosmetiques, but is there foundation for darker skins?

>> No.8690775

Nope! Just smooth skin and flawless makeup application! But do not try it on am area with acne or you could really hurt yourself.
Not that I know of :/

>> No.8690841 [DELETED] 

I just filled my Amazon cart with Skinfood and Etude House stuff for a bit of a treat - I'm starting a new job soon so I'll probably get this out of the first pay.

I've got

>Skinfood Peach Sake gel emulsion.
>Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing gel.
>Skinfood Peach Sake BB cream light shade.
>Etude House precious mineral BB light shade.
>Skinfood Salmon Dark circle concealer.
>Etude House Surprise Stick concealer.
>Etude House lip scrub.
>Etude House Sweet Recipe All Over colour.
>Etude House Big Eyes maker.

Has anybody had any particularly bad experiences with any of them? Anything I straight up shouldn't bother with?
Especially wondering about the Etude House concealer - I don't do well with really dry concealers (like most sticks) but I just threw it in there to test it out.

>I want to get this lip balm SO BAD but It's like $12 shipped.

>> No.8690854
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 41Qm4MhIe1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just filled my Amazon cart with Skinfood and Etude House stuff for a bit of a treat - I'm starting a new job soon so I'll probably get this out of the first pay.

I've got

>Skinfood Peach Sake gel emulsion.
>Skinfood Wildberry Milk Cleansing gel.
>Skinfood Peach Sake BB cream light shade.
>Etude House precious mineral BB light shade.
>Skinfood Salmon Dark circle concealer.
>Etude House Surprise Stick concealer.
>Etude House lip scrub.
>Etude House Sweet Recipe All Over colour.
>Etude House Big Eyes maker.

Has anybody had any particularly bad experiences with any of them? Anything I straight up shouldn't bother with?
Especially wondering about the Etude House concealer - I don't do well with really dry concealers (like most sticks) but I just threw it in there to test it out.

>I want to get this lip balm SO BAD but It's like $12 shipped.

>> No.8690987

>finally get some of this fabled witch hazel
>it smells terrible
I got the kind with 14% alcohol, since they didn't have the other kind. Is it just because it's cheap, or is it always like this?

>> No.8691000

Etude house is really fun and cute but the quality isn't always that awesome so i wouldn't suggest getting anything that has been marked up a ton.

What I would suggest is since you want to get so many items you might want to take a peak at rose rose shop since their prices are really good and I often find some sellers in amazon are charging 2-3 times or more for the same exact product.

>> No.8691004

yeahhhhh, not shaving my face. i'm pretty hairy already, and i'd like to keep the babyfine stuff on my face basically invisible because i don't touch it.

mostly foaming....i don't really wear makeup except for cosplay so i don't think i really need an oil based one.

>> No.8691005

Probably just smells like witch hazel, it has its own particular stink. Be very careful with putting alcohol based toners on your skin, they can really dry you out and your skin can react by becoming more oily if you use it too often.

>> No.8691019

Any recommendations on a lip scrub for exfoliating mad chapped/chewed on lips? bought or home made is fine

>> No.8691032

I'll check it out! One big issue is finding stores that will ship to Australia.

I did end up cutting the Etude BB and Concealer out after looking up some reviews - The concealer looks too thick/dry and the BB too watery/thin.

>> No.8691057
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Elishacoy Noblesse Naturalism BB All-In-One Cleanser is my favorite, it works very well and is moisturizing.

I know dermaplaneing sounds scary but the entire hair will grow back darker thing is just an urban legend.

Another option is to make a home made salt scrub with a mix of honey salt and oil, this mixture will exfoliate very well so be careful to not rub too hard and start out only once a week.

>> No.8691124

>hair will grow back darker thing is just an urban legend.
it is in fact not come urban legend. i started shaving off the fine hairs on my chin (they were blond and fine) a number of years ago and now when they come back in they are much daker and thicker, making me have to shave every few days so it doesn't look like i have a beard.

does anyone have recs for something i can buy in a store and not over the internet? i'm kind of broke right now and just need a basic foaming cleanser that won't dry out my dry patches further.

>> No.8691166

>A number of years ago.

Before you had finished puberty, perhaps? Your anecdote does not change PLENTY of professional studies.

>> No.8691168

nope, it was sometime when i was in college. in any case, i'd rather not effectively shave my face and "see what happens lolz." it's a dumb idea based on my history.

moving on....how are those silicone scrubby pore thingies? got one to try....think i like it so far.

>> No.8691207

I have heard the lush ones are really good! You can also make a basic scrub with sugar and olive oil.

>> No.8691213

For moisturizing cleanser I really like Decubal. I think it's a Danish brand though and don't know how available they are on other continents.

I've been shaving the baby hairs on my face for two years now and they definitely don't grow back darker or thicker or anything. Also no ingrown hairs or acne. Vellous hairs are pigmentless and whispy; cutting them with a razor isn't magically going to turn them into dark stubbly terminal hairs.

>> No.8691221

well that's nice anon, but that hasn't been my experience...also it didn't happen overnight. i've also been doing it a lot longer than you (over a decade now), so that may be an additional factor. remember, oldfag here. i've had a few ingrowns, but not many.

can anyone PLEASE answer my original question of a good foaming cleanser rec without shaming me for washing my face with soap or telling me i need to shave my face in order to exfoliate??? that seriously can't be the only option...

>> No.8691240

So you started while you were in college and now it's over a decade later? Honestly it sounds like it could be a hormonal issue. My mom had the same thing issue at a similar age without shaving her face. Cutting the dead part of a hair above the skin simply does not change the nature of its follicle. That's not how it works, biologically. Otherwise anyone who's ever had a haircut would have dark thick hair by now.

Anyway for a good foaming cleanser I stand by Decubal; that shit is the shit. It's very gentle and leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized rather than squeaky.

>> No.8691256

I liked the precious minerals bright fit bb and didn't have issues with coverage (light to medium depending on how much you put on), but I had to stop using it because it was breaking me out. I used it for a year without issues so I don't know if there was a formula change or whether it was my hormones.

>> No.8691259

Seconding what other anon said. Your hair went dark because of hormonal changes. My aunt got a mustache and nipple hair when she hit mid 30s, where she had literally nothing previously. My mom started getting red hairs in her 30s.

>> No.8691282

it could be hormonal....i've been on BC forever tho, so i'm pretty regulated. also it's not like it JUST went dark like this year...it took maybe a year or two for it to start darkening....and i was only in my early twenties then.

polite sage

>> No.8691625
File: 355 KB, 915x800, cosmeticslist1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there gulls, I wasn't sure whether this was better for the skincare or makeup thread but I'm sure there's some crossover. I'm picking these up from beautynet korea and aiming for a 50$ budget. Slightly more is ok.

I'm 18, slightly oily T zone with acne problems on forehead and chin and in creases of my nose. Moderate dark circles too cause I never sleep. Right now I'm using cetaphil to clean 2x daily and mary kay velocity moisturizer 2x, which I've almost run out of and is discontiuned. So, I'm looking to buy a nice quality essence to replace it plus some other small things. I'm a sucker for cute packaging but quality is more important. I might buy a 5$ sun cream instead of the 10$ one. So, if you gulls can recommend any samples from that site for me to try or a product that might be good for me, let me know. I don't want anything to be "big ticket" except for the essence, and I don't want to buy 25$ moisturizer without trying a sample set first.

>> No.8691924

Uh I should clarify, I meant emulsion when I said essence. Thin moisturizer. The Mary Kay stuff had a tiny amount of salicylic acid but I really liked it.

>> No.8692017
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Acne pigmentation, or dark spots? What's the difference?

I need a product to help.. whatever pic related is all over my cheeks. It started over two years ago and I just thought it was acne but without being bumpy. I don't have any actual pimples or zits on my face, just a bunch of these little red dots. Is it acne pigmentation? or dark spots? I'm so unsure what to look for for a product to fix this, so if anyone has any reccomendations, I would really really love to try them no matter how big the cost.

>> No.8692025

Dermatitis herpetiformis is an autoimmune rash. Do you mean excema?

>> No.8692048

The doctor said I had that of the scalp and it spread to the bridge of my nose, my eyebrows, and parts of my hairline near my forehead. She gave me cream but it's not really doing much good so I'm trying to find other methods to help my skin.

It's not itchy just that when I wash my face it gets all red and irritated (looks like oatmeal flakes) and makes it hard to shave the small hairs on my face too.

>> No.8692242

Toner helps balance your skin's ph after you cleanse it/wash off the built up oils and dirt. It also has slight exfoliating properties and just helps rejuvinate your skin. You use it after washing your face and before moisturizing it.

>> No.8692246

If it's not itchy, it's not dh, so I'm not sure what the doctor meant lmao. One of the characteristics of dh is that it's maddeningly itchy. Can you post a pic?

>> No.8692265

Well, for one you shouldn't be washing your face with soap or a foaming cleanser. Both are overly drying and are known to cause irritation. I'd suggest just sticking to a regular cleanser, a super basic standard cleanser is Cetaphil. A good exfoliator are charcoal scrubs, or if you have the money to invest, a Clarisonic can help. The best sorts of exfoliants are chemical exfoliants (AHA/BHAs). But if you're looking for a cheap routine I'd suggest just getting a nice scrub and using it twice, three times max a week. As for moisturizing, invest in a good moisturizer. It's not your cleanser that moisturizes your skin, since the job of a cleanser is to wash away accumulated dirts, oils and such. Toner is used to balance your skin's ph after washing it like >>8692242 said. It also helps gently remove dead skin cells and catch any left over makeup if you wear it. Your final step is then the moisturizer, which is what you seem to want. Invest in a good night cream and standard moisturizer to use during the day. I am assuming you are older (30+) and that you are looking to stem wrinkles and such. Look into Vitamin C serums, since they have a high amount of collagen and promote healing, cell growth, and essentially help fade wrinkles, scars and such.

Basic routine is Cleanse > Tone > Moisturize + exfoliate about twice a week.

>> No.8692278

Have you tried an acne cleanser or something with benzoyl peroxide? For the spots on your cheeks, do acne regularly come from them, or does it feel like there is something lying in your skin beneeth those splotches?
Sry, just asking general background stuff to get a better picture. Also your daily routine would be nice to know so we can better help you.

>> No.8692661

>no matter how big the cost
you should definitely go visit a dermatologist

>> No.8692961

I've tried benzoyl washes and I have dry skin, so they make things a lot worse and dry me out. It's not necciserrily acne just more like an acne scar, a pimple will show up every so often around every other month, and once it's gone it leaves one of these red marks.
My routine is wiping off makeup with a makeup wipe, then washing it with a regular fave wash (purity by philosophy), then putting on moisturizer. When I exfoliate its usually two-three times a week and it's a peach/apricot seed scrub, and of course I put on moisturizer after. I scrub my face with a vitamin c mask every-so-often whenever my skin gets reeeally flakey and exfoliators arent solving it. I just want a product that gets rid of my pigmentation.

You're smart. I'm really considering it at this point but I'm embarassed. I feel like it's an easy thing to fix, like drinking more water or fixing up my routine a little bit. So I feel stupid going to a dermo about this. But you're probably right, I should see one.

>> No.8693093

God damnit, to that anon from the previous thread who said they would stab tweezers into their sebaceous filaments and pull them out: fuck you. I keep imagining that when I close my eyes and it's so goddamn disgusting and disfiguring to think about. Why the fuck would you even think to do that?

>> No.8693101

This sounds like cystic acne, assuming the acne always appears in the same spots, with the spots being hyperpigmentation. Honestly though, go to a dermatologist like the other anon suggested. Assuming that you're a girl, they will test your hormones. Sometimes it's as simple as going on BC. Other times it can be a reaction to things like gluten or dairy, or a severe lack in certain supplements because of your diet. To start, cut out soda and junky stuff from your diet, try to eat healthy and drink a lot of water. Nix the apricot scrub from your routine because that St. Ives apricot and similar scrubs are so irritating they are known to cause further acne. Invest in a toner, browse The Body Shop's online catelog and just read some reviews to get an idea. A very basic toner is Witch Hazel, Thayer's brand being the best because it is alcohol free.
You need spot treatment and scar fading, so I would suggest getting a product with Tea Tree oil in it since that helps dry up active acne and with scars. Vitamin e oil is a cheap way to help treat scars and hyperpigmentation, you can pick up a little bottle at your local drug store and just dip a q-tip in it.

Vitamin c serum is also a huge help with stemming acne and hyperpigmentation. But definitely try to see a dermatologist, that's some pretty severe acne you have going on, and you may need extra internal help to stem in. Sometimes the problem is seriously just shitty genes.

>> No.8693112

Don't be embarrassed, this looks severe enough hat it won't fix itself. A dermo can give you something that works from the inside out, which you can then balance out with good products. Especially as this might look like it can leave scars.

>> No.8693164

I've recently started using aloe vera moisturizing gel, but my skin only got worse. I use it every morning and evening.
Should I use it less often? Or apply more or less?

>> No.8693184
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I'm not sure either. The doctor said it was dh even though I told them that my skin wasn't itchy or my scalp. She gave me some pink shampoo to apply on my face and hair but it's not really doing much. I have to wait a month before I can go back.

Side of my nose. When I clean it, it gets all red and irritated.

>> No.8693186
File: 77 KB, 423x408, IMG_0536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another picture.

>> No.8693187

Well, aloe vera gel is the most non irritating anti-inflamatory moisturizer you can get, especially for greasy skin. So I doubt it's that, unless it's the brand you got? Or if you changed anything else in your routine.

>> No.8693191

What is everyone's opinions on lush's exfoliaters and fresh face masks? I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention them here before.

>> No.8693200

I didn't change anything else in my routine.
I may have worded it a bit poorly, my skin does not irritate, but I have been getting more pimples, especially in my greasy t-zone.

>> No.8693238
File: 323 KB, 1449x847, haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was in big need of a new skincare routine so I decided to try innisfree.. Apparently it's super popular so I hope it works out. Really excited about getting everything especially the bha liquid.

Does anyone have any recommendations on handling eczema? Specifically small patches of raised dry/flaky skin. My boyfriend has it and he went to see a dermatologist & got a topical steroid but it didn't seem to help much. He has pretty problematic skin..

>> No.8693588

I would give it another two weeks to see if your skin is doing something like adjusting, but if it continues any longer than that then you're probably having a reaction.

Shame, because aloe vera gel is the only moisturizer that worked for my greasy grimy skin. What brand are you using?

>> No.8693592

Because we hate Lush and their products. No I am not joking.

>> No.8693632

Lots of moisturiser, probably something thick. I'm surprised the derm didn't prescribe one and it's a ymmv thing with different moisturizers (because of the allergy/atopy component to eczema some people get allergies to components of moisturizers...), but aveeno is considered pretty good. Eczema is basically inflamed dry skin that's been triggered by something (food, genetics, sometimes washing powder) and is associated with allergy, so steroids help the inflamed but not the dry. He should be moisturizing after the steroid and if it is an area amenable to being covered, occlusive dressings or bandaging can be helpful to stop it all just rubbing off on everything and also you can't scratch it. Admittedly that's more a paediatric thing to do but for adults with bad eczema it helps as well.

>> No.8693815

That's cool. Why? I've never used them so I'd like some insight.

>> No.8693824

I bought the seaweed mask a few days ago and it hasn't really helped my face, if anything I think it got worse. I had some bumps on my forehead and post-mask I started breaking out on the lower half of my face too.

>> No.8693829

Those just look like closed comedones to me, honestly. Do you do anything to exfoliate?

>> No.8693830

Has anyone here used products from elizavecca?

>> No.8693872

Skincare regime:
Morning: Use witch hazel toner and then Cetaphil lotion

Night-time: If I didn't wear make-up I'll just do my morning regime since the witch hazel has a little alcohol in it to kill any bacteria on my face without a wash.

If I wore make-up and need to wash it off, I'll use Dove's Sensitive soap bar and then Cetaphil facial cleanser and then use the witch hazel toner and Cetaphil lotion.

If there's some dryness/acne/irritation, I'll use Burt's Bees Aloe Vera and Buttermilk lotion which usually cures it even though it's a body lotion.

Can anyone recommend a good eye cream lotion though? I don't have wrinkles but would like to start treating my eyes with extra care now.

>> No.8693905
File: 28 KB, 500x330, CR8hxOlUkAAK4R5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stabbing tweezers into their sebaceous filaments
I-I do something similar... I get thin needles, soak them in alcohol, and pick them out

>> No.8693935

They mainly treat their employees like shit, the founder is skeezy, and the stuff they have is so full of fragrance despite being "natural" that it causes a shit load of irritation to a lot of folk. Google Lush drama, I think the founder being a dick to people in their own forums is archived somewhere

>> No.8694007

OK, this is not exactly skin care but I don't know where else to ask. I've dealt with an anxiety/OCD condition called trichotillomania since I was in 6th grade (I'm 20 now), this condition is basically obsessive pulling out of hair due to anxiety or because it becomes a rote habit. The pulling was heavily concentrated on my eyebrows, possibly related to being bullied in school and my thick borderline-unibrow brows being a cause for taunting.

So anyway, I've been doing well about not plucking them thanks to therapy but I think I might have follicle damage now, as there's patches of my eyebrow that just do not grow back in.

Is there anything I could do for this? Are there any oils or anything that help with damaged follicles?

>> No.8694100

Thank you anon! This was really useful. He will be visiting me soon (we live on opp. sides of the country) so I'll try out a few things and hopefully we'll get some results.

From what I know, if they're gone they're gone. You could try massaging the area, otherwise I think laser treatment is the only option. I could be wrong

>> No.8694107

My blackheads will not fucking go away. They've been plauging my nose for years. I'm on prescription acne medications Acanya and Tretinoin. I tone with witch hazel twice daily and wash my face with salicylic acid twice a day. I have tried the Aztec clay masks. And yet I still have blackheads. I know those pore strips are bad for you, what else can I try?
Some skin information:
18/f/hispanic/oily skin
Also anyone else have a random patch of rough skin underneath their chin? If I had facial hair I'd assume it's be caused by shaving but I obviously don't shave my face so I have no idea what's causing it

>> No.8694116

Fellow sufferer here, once they are gone they're gone unfortunately. Have you tried microblading to fill in the patches? It looks way more natural than tattooing but obviously you need to go to a good person as some can look terrible.

>> No.8694118

have you tried a BHA?

>> No.8694121

A what?

>> No.8694141

A leave on salicylic acid liquid or gel rather than just in your face wash (which doesn't do shit, by the way, it's just marketing)

>> No.8694170

Shop's own brand, from a local pharmacy.

>> No.8694172

Are you absolutely sure they're blackheads? Can you post a picture?

>> No.8694196

It could just be sebaceous filaments. They're completely normal and will never fully go away, but you can try out the Fifty Shades of Snail to reduce their appearance.


>> No.8694201
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Does it say 100% or 99% aloe vera on it? Is it clear or is there coloring added? Sometimes when you buy things like Banana Boat that have the coloring to make it green, it has a bunch more additives that can be drying or irritating. Pic related is a pretty good cheap brand.
Read the ingredients list on your bottle, if aloe vera gel isn't the first listed ingredient than it's full of a bunch of random shit. You don't really want to buy one that says "benzene alcohol" or has the word "alcohol" anywhere on the list, because that's a fragrant and can cause irritation, and alcohol is unnecessarily drying. A lot of drug store brands dont' have a high concentration of aloe vera in it, so it's always better to get a well known brand like Fruit of the Earth or Lily of the Desert. Hope that helps, my fellow acne ridden greaseball.

>> No.8694221

my phone camera is shit, they're not showing up when i take a photo
Thank, gonna try that

>> No.8694368

Off hand I don't exfoliate but I'm going to try it because for the longest I thought it was just a result from DH. Should I look in the archives to figure out a daily treatment for sensitive skin?

I'm kind of new at this but I want to improve my skin and my life for once. It's a shame that you gulls are helping me more than my doctor and dermatologist.

>> No.8695169
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I want to order a full routine worth of skincare products from Skinfood - And NONE of their lines come in full collections.

>I just want everything to match.

I've settled on the Honey Black Tea cream & foam cleansers with the Peach Sake emulsion, serum and toner. I'm also getting the PS BB cream and finishing powder.

But why couldn't they just make a fucking PS cleanser?


>> No.8695431

I have fairly sensitive skin and I use an AHA cream a few times a week to exfoliate. Just make sure you only add one new product at a time, so if something makes your skin flip out you can identify it. Good luck!

>> No.8695521

Update from OP regarding my beautician:
Had the treatment on Monday, woke up with one irritated eyelid on Tuesday and the other lid almost swollen shut on Wednesday. Had allergies before so I knew I had to wait it out, but it didn't get better so I went to see a dermatologist on Friday, who gave me cortisone for my swollen and damaged eyelids.
The beautician was also pretty harsh pressing out spots on my chin so the dermo gave me another cream for the red marks still visible. Sunday today and everything's healed after looking like shit all week.
I had good experiences with beauticians before but she was absolutely terrible, trying to push products on me and being too rough in general.
I was suspicious seeing her with caked on makeup, I should've trusted my gut feeling.

>> No.8696150

>a Clarisonic can help
i'm broke as fuck, for real anon. i can't afford a damn clarisonic. i just got one of those silicone pore scrubby things and like it so far. also trying out a konjac sponge.

i occasionally use that asian charcoal scrub on my nose/upper cheeks to deal with my ginormo pores and SFs....it's too strong to use more than maybe twice a week (tried and my skin was SO dry). right now i reserve it for when i have a special occasion coming up.

toner still seems like an excessive step to me, desu...i don't wear makeup.

recs for moisturizers? i LOVED the one lush used to make for "older" skin that had sunscreen in it (they had to discontinue it because of that fact, boo)

i'm really hesitant to do a lot to my face....i don't have many wrinkles, or eyebags (just some dark circles i can cover with concealer if i need to) and generally my skin is really great so i don't want to overload it with products.

thx for the cetaphil tip....i'm also looking into that cerave brand since it's inexpensive and i can buy it locally.

reminder that i'm poor as fuck right now, so please don't suggest a $50 product.....i just can't do that at the moment.

>> No.8696151

wtf how did that end up in there

>> No.8696165

Please report her anon, overly 'vigerous' beauticians do more harm than good.

>> No.8696227

I have an EH concealer (not the stick one) and I don't recommend it. It looks great at first, but after your skin moves it crinkles and smudges and looks gross.

>> No.8696318

Anon, toner is a part of the most basic of all basic skincare routines.
It straight up goes cleanser > toner > moisturiser and that's it for a basic routine. Read what the other anons posted, it's there to help adjust your skin's ph because you wash off your natural oils and shit when you wash your face. You don't need to wear makeup to use toner since, also like those other anons said, it picks up excess dirt, lightly exfoliates dead skin cells, and can have other good stuff like BHA, aloe vera, vitamin e in it. Buy some damn toner.
A good poorfag toner is Witch Hazel, but get an alcohol free brand like Thayers otherwise it can be drying. Also your charcoal scrub is fine but you are only supposed to use it twice a week, that's not something you use daily.
Invest in vitamin c serum because you're old as fuck and that helps with wrinkles, you can pick that shit up on amazon for like $10.

Seriously, it's not rocket science to have a poorfag routine that's good. Listen to what that anon you're replying to said. Remember that even though you're buying all this at once when you restock will be staggered. Those bigass cetaphil pumps last practically a year, toner lasts a few months, same with moisturizer. Vitamin C serum lasts something like 3 months before it oxidizes. So it's like you're dropping $10 here and there once every few months.

>> No.8696325
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Hey guys! The other day I ordered some OST20 since I ran out of vitamin c serum, and I've heard so many good things about this one. Plus it was cheap as fuck. Anyone have experience with it? I just want to hear some opinions as I wait the 2 weeks for it to ship from Korea.

>> No.8696815
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>mfw there's a missha distributor in Germany
Ordered 3 samples, a toner and two sheet masks

>> No.8696860

I'd go - cetaphil for sensitive skin (the one that has the pH advertised) then use a toner-exfoliator, like Cosrx skin returning a sol, and then if your skin is pretty well behaved maybe just go for Mizon's snail range or even plain aloe Vera gel

>> No.8697468

>you're old as fuck
never change, cgl!

>> No.8697707

Is it missha-deutschland?

>> No.8697890

Yeah. Is it a scam?

>> No.8698149

I don't know if this thread is right for my question, but I'm asking nonetheless. What can I do about dark coloration around my chin? I grow horrible, thick black hairs on my chin that I have to pluck regularly but the skin remains dark around my chin at all times, even if I've managed to get out every single hair.

I often end up squeezing the black oil or hair out of the pore but that doesn't change the darkness around my chin. I hate it and I don't really wear makeup, I'd rather figure out what to do about it directly rather than learn how to hide it.

I'm going to start saving for laser hair removal just as soon as I can, but I'd rather go for the full thousand it would cost for a year's worth of treatments. I'm exceedingly hairy, not just my face but my tummy trail, nipples, upper thighs, butt, and lower back. I hate it but I've met a girl with hair under her chin, and very noticeable sideburns so it could be worse. Silver lining?

>> No.8698155

if you are female, get your hormone levels checked. PCOS is a possibility but no one can diagnose over the internet.

stop squeezing, not only does it not help (as you have noticed), it is harmful for your skin. if you damage the skin or capillaries you are going to look so much worse.

no advice for the general darkness though.

>> No.8698168

yes, I'm female and I know it has to do with my hormones. I don't usually get periods (I have maybe a handful of times) so I know that my hormones are off.

I can't stop the squeezing because it's really the only way to get rid of the hairs sometimes, plus I sometimes pick compulsively. I can try but my chin is so wrecked from this, acne, and all of that on top of just having a weak chin in general. The kind that always crinkles up and looks wrinkled.

Aside from that I have a total baby face with people often assuming I'm up to a decade younger than I actually am, yes I'm an older anon.

>> No.8698220

Well get that shit checked and fixed. Why not treat it from the actual root cause?

>> No.8698242

checking out the symptoms, I have everything but the breathing problems and obesity, but I struggled with my weight as a kid and had a bunch of skin tags, one of the symptoms.

I probably have this, desu. Thanks for the advice anon, I will bring it up at my next doctor's appointment.

>> No.8698311

Ahhhh I remember that! I'm still curious as to how that would work since mine don't usually protrude out enough to even grab with tweezers. I imagine it's like trying to carefully remove a bot fly.

>> No.8699321
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Hey lovely people, does anyone have experience using Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay to clear up stubborn pores? I don't have severe acne but I usually always have one or two pimples. Is this a good item to add to my routine? I know it's supposed to be drying as shit so I would only use it once a week.

>> No.8699335

I think it's really good and worth using! :)
Def moisturize afterwards

>> No.8699344


Great to hear! Thanks anon.

>> No.8699350
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I try to take good care of my skin, even started using a toner a few months ago after never using one
But my skin gets worse no matter what, and it will randomly get dry and flaky, even on my eyelids
I've had to stop wearing makeup which is frustrating because i have a lot of discoloration and dark circles that make me really insecure, not to mention black heads and giant pores that won't go away no matter what. I've been to a dermatologist and all he did was tell me to wash my face twice a day, when i've been doing that for years.Sorry for the bad picture, it's the best i can do with a shit macbook and no phone.
I just want normal pores and my skin to stop being dry and flaky and then normal the next day honestly

>> No.8699358

Sounds like you're washing too much and not moisturizing nearly enough, anon.

>> No.8699363

Literally the best thing you can do for your skin is drink a minimum of 16 oz hot, unsweetened, organic green tea. Loose leaf is better than bagged, even if the bags are organic.

I had fucking terrible acne and since I've started religiously drinking green tea my skin looks fantastic. I still wash it twice a day and put on some proactiv+ at night, but I'd been doing that before and still had nasty zits everyday. I've struggled with moderate/severe acne for over 10 years. DRINK TEA GAIZ

>> No.8699372

I've tried so, so many moisturizers and they still don't work, even if i apply them every few hours, it just randomly happens. I'm using Eucerin calming creme now, since its for dry skin and its really thick and heavy. Still nothing after about a week. I've even cleared out a lot of what i had been eating and drinking, now i rarely drink anything other than water and if i do its a very small amount of coffee or hot tea. It's so frustrating.
I used to have really nice clear skin and now i feel like i look older and gross.

>> No.8699376

You sound like me, I was having very similar problems and it turned out to be psoriasis. Have you talked to your doctor about this condition in particular?

>> No.8699387

Yeah. Many times, too. They could never really figure out what was going on. I have eczema, but it's never been bad. My entire face broke out recently while i was sick and was splotchy and flakey, it felt like sunburn but i hadn't even gone outside. It went away about a week later, but it was so painful. My eyelids and waterlines(?) were sensitive and burned, too. It sounds like i'm having allergic reactions, but my doctor doesn't think so. Nothing has changed, these things just kind of randomly flare up.

>> No.8699393

Anyone have any experience with skin care products from Yes To, specifically their grapefruit range? I'm really pleased with their carrot shampoo (I have psoriasis on my scalp, and it's the only shampoo to doesn't give me itchiness). But shampoo/conditioner is the only thing I can find in shops here, and I'm hesitant to just order stuff online.

>> No.8699432


Hey there! Your skin looks a bit like mine did and sounds the same too. Except eventually it did develop into a deep cystic acne at about 2.5 years. But Often time I wouldn't have actual acne, just dots that would scar and after three years every single dot just stayed and never healed. I finally went to a dermatologist 3 months ago. I was scared because I've never been. But he instantly said that it was hormones which I basically knew it was and was worried he'd redirect me to an endocrinologist but he didn't and perscribed a medication that is actually for blood pressure or something? Since it's not cosmetic though my insurance covers it completely. Thanks Obama! He thinks I'm in actual television so I think that is why he was extra nice to me and they gave me injections for acne for free on BOTH of my visits. I only have to go every three months and even if they charged me full price for visit/treatment I think it would be worth it but I've gotten deals and I'm pretty sure EVERY dr will load you up with samples like it's nothing. I think my doc is $75 office visit and then another $75 for the peel they did and he's a really nice Hollywood (but in the valley) dermatologist.

>> No.8699460


I wanted to say I am sure you're all right because people who run corporations are skeeze as heck but I know OVER A DOZEN people who have worked and currently work at Lush and they all adore it and have felt well treated. I use their Angels On Bare Skin as my morning cleanser and I love it nothing else has worked for my skin like this.

>> No.8699466

Everything I have ever bought from Lush except for their sugar lip scrub has given me some terrible kind of rash, made me itch, or given me a headache. Walking by the store in the mall gives me a headache and makes me cough, and no, it's not because I think it smells bad. I love the way Lush and their products smell, and the bath bombs smell great and gave me such soft skin, but they also gave me headaches and both times I used one I got a UTI afterwards.

I'm sure they're a great place to work for, if you're not allergic to the scent of their products. I personally hate them because all their products give me allergic reactions.

>> No.8700077

Ugh, I got a witch hazel toner and it smells like straight up piss. Is there anything I can do to cut the smell that won't make my skin worse?

>> No.8700153

My mom is a dermatologist and the best thing you can do for acne is go to a dermatologist. There are different types of acne, especially among women and only a dermatologist can get that shit cleared up with minimal scarring and quickly.

That being said, my mom has always reiterated to me that the price of the products doesn't matter, that the most important thing is consistency. Washing your face when you wear makeup, washing your face after you exercise, washing your face at night and in the morning, etc and always using your products.

This is literally what I use (I have oily, acne prone skin)-

Neutrogena cleanser (2% salicylic acid is best if you're acne prone)

Neutrogena hydro boot cream at night

Neutrogena hydro boost gel in the morning

Neutrogena hydro boost eye cream am and pm

I use an RX acne medication in the morning and a retin A cream at night. The best thing for wrinkles, even texture and tone and clearing up acne scarring is a retin A that is RX strength.

The most expensive thing I use is my Clarisonic. My mom sells ridiculously expensive La Prarie and Le Mer skin creams at her practice, but she uses Oil of Olay.

She's always told me that a cleanser is only meant to cleanse, a moisturizer should only moisturize. Everything else is covered by a Retin A and anything beyond that is something only a doctor can help you with.

>> No.8700738

I disagree. I think there's too much individual variation to simplify it entirely to "see a derm first line", and you've left out the role of chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid and AHAs. I have previously been to my GP and a derm about my acne, and I basically just flake or have no response to topical retinoids (adapalene, tretinoin) or most of the commonly prescribed creams (benzoyl peroxide, clinda gel) but amazingly on over the counter AHA creams. I also tried systemic antibiotics, which just gave me thrush, and the combined pill, which made no difference to my skin. I agree that if your acne isn't responding to commonly available topical treatments, if you have other symptoms suggesting PCOS, or if it is widespread or cystic that a derm or good GP should be your first port of call, but there are also people like myself who see no or minimal benefit from the treatments they can offer.

>> No.8700968

Which one?

>> No.8700980

I have oily acne prone skin and the worst thing I ever did for it was use Neutrogena products. Their shit was so drying and irritating.

>> No.8700991

CVS brand pore perfecting toner. Its just witch hazel and alcohol

>> No.8701247
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the missha-deutschland order arrived today, it only took 3 business days, and it's legit ;)
they packed a bunch of other samples on top of the ones I ordered which is nice. not much to say about long term effectiveness from samples alone but it's good to test the consistency.
So far i'm happy with the super aqua active toner, it smells nice, is cooling, non irritating and seems to do the trick of prepping my skin for the other products.
The perfect cover BB cream is a bit too thick for my taste, might buy the signature BB cream once the samples are empty.

i'm reading through the skin&tonic blog trying to set up a routine, it's a bit overwhelming..

today i also ordered some benton products off ebay - some sellers from south korea are shipping for free so I got the snail bee steam cream for 10€ and a 16pcs snail bee travel set for 9€.

took a "before" picture of my face, really curious about how this turns out in a few months

>> No.8701513

The problem is that it's a drugstore brand. Regular witch hazel is going to smell like shit, but it's also mainly an astringent and for wounds, note the alcohol. A good witch hazel for toner is the Thayers brand, not only is it scentless, but it's alcohol free and comes with a bunch of different types if you want additives, like rose water, vitamin e, cucumber, etc. If your'e going to use Witch Hazel for toner, then I'd suggest getting the Thayers despite it being more expensive. Drug store brand's are always overly drying.

>> No.8701816

I addition to what >>8701513 recommend, I use a Rose & Witch Hazel toner from Puritan's Pride that has worked well for me. The scent is subtle and it's alcohol-free so it doesn't burn my face. The price is pretty fair and the website usually has nice promos going on for other free stuff.

>> No.8701919

Any tips for keeping forehead acne free when I have bangs? When I cut straight across bangs my forehead just goes bananas and I get all these little bumps. I have very oily skin.

>> No.8701961

do you refridgerate it?
I live in LA so when I bought it was it summer so I stuck it in there like that little paper said.

I'm still trying to figure out how to work that into my regime, does it mess with my bha or aha products?

>> No.8702032

Do it first, before the bha and aha

>> No.8702068

when i get home, i clip/pin my bangs up out of my face so they stay off my forehead. i also cleanse the area when i get home to keep the area clean. also a lot of forehead acne comes from dehydration

>> No.8702181

Does anyone have an alternative to paulas choice 2% bha lotion? It's just kinda expensive.

>> No.8702215

COSRX is one of my favourite brands at the moment - they have a great, simple and affordable AHA and BHA but I'm not sure of the % - but check it out for sure.

>> No.8702216


Keep it in the box, and in the fridge. Exposure to air and heat can oxidize it, and it shouldn't be a dark orange colour - thats when it's going 'off'. A light amber colour is good, and i've had mine for quite the few months now. Do be aware, but if you keep it in the fridge you'll be fine.

Some people REALLY rave about it like WOW OVERNIGHT, not so much for me since I have super stubborn PIH, but it's definitely helped :D

>> No.8703296

stridex in the red box. it's like $5

>> No.8703309

I have acne that's not terrible, but is worse than just the occasional spot/breakout, and is constant. every so often i seem to find a product that helps, but then after a while it stops. its like i become immune to it or something.

should i just use things for a few weeks then switch and cycle it round?

>> No.8704226

Original anon who made the post, how good is it? Like, honest opinion. I want something ot help with my acne scarring and my last vita c serum was kind of weak. I heard it is a bit drying? Is it ok for me to put this on after I use my toner (witch hazel)?

>> No.8704229

No, consistency is your friend with a routine. That is your skin becoming used to the producst and routines, which is good. If your acne is chronic then it's probably an internal issue, not greasy skin or poor routine. It could be your hormones, your diet, you need supplements, etc. You should go see a dermatologist or try taking some supplements for a while.

>> No.8704912

>Have a massive birthmark on my left cheek, often mistaken for dirt
>Lots of black heads on nose, top and sides
>Sickly pale skin that flakes, especially on forehead

I hate to ask... But what do you recommend? I live in Australia, if that helps.

>> No.8704945

Blackheads or sebaceous filaments? I love the Cosrx skin returning A Sol which is a BHA toner/exfoliant, and it sounds like you need a gentle cleanser like cetaphil for sensitive skin. You also will need a decent moisturiser, many people like the Mizon snail line but it isn't always enough for those with very dry skin. In terms of your birthmark that'll be concealer and foundation, Maybelline does quite light BB cream but it's very sheer, if you are pinker toned you might be ok with some of the korean bb creams.

>> No.8705566

You make some points, but do recall everyone's skin reacts differently to different products. Neutrogena breaks me out, lots of people break out from cetaphil but I love the stuff. And your mom probably recommends all people to go to the derm, because, well...

>> No.8705979

Hey guys! So I'm a bit of a product noob and I just ordered my first Korean skincare thing and they gave me some free samples. I was wondering if you guys could tell me what exactly they do and if they're any good?

>Dr. Ampoule Pore Clean & Tightening
>Liole Multi Seaweed Gel
>Waterdrop Sleeping Pack

Sorry for the dumb questions, but what is a sleeping pack? I'm just getting into skincare recently so I'm still learning! Thank you for your help.

>> No.8706008

i think i have combination skin, part of my face is reallydry and flakey but im still really prone to acne. ive never tried asian skincare products, but i was wondering if theres anything that could work for me or if im fucked

>> No.8706847

/r/asianbeauty has some beginner guides and faq's. It's a bit overwhelming at first but rewarding once you get the hang of it.

>> No.8708097
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what's an example of an OTC AHA cream

hey gulls i have problems
i've tried every drugstore brand known to man
my phone is shit so you can't see just how bad my pores are, but they're bad, and i know they're not just filaments. i've spent ten years trying to get rid of this shit. what are your best recs. (mostly oily skin except for chin.)

>> No.8708115

You could legit just Google this...
I'm UK based so use Bravura London's 15% glycolic acid night cream, Alpha hydrox has a bunch of 10-12% formulations as well

>> No.8708438

skincare help pls
skin is oily around the t-zone/nose area yet i have slightly dry skin all over (especially cheeks/forehead). i tried a konjac sponge (it helps for the sebaceous filaments!) and use olay fresh effects dew over gel moisturizer but it isnt working, im on my second container but i dont think it may ever work...im really not sure what to do, i just want nice and soft skin. the only other thing i use (rarely because i feel like it is drying my skin) is clean and clear toner in the blue bottle for sensitive skin.

>> No.8708447

>Dr. Ampoule
A serum you use after using a cleanser and toner. Usually serums are super concentrated and target specific ills (i.e dark spots, moisturizing, damage, etc.). Follow up with a moisturizer (or more serums)

>Seaweed gel
Looks like it's a moisturizer, just in gel form

>sleeping pack
Face mask you use while sleeping. Let it sit overnight,then wash it off the next morning

>> No.8708450

cetaphil oil control foam

>> No.8708697

I used to shave my forearms when I was 15 because I hated the hair, and they did grow back darker. HOWEVER, after a few weeks after I stopped shaving them my hair went back to being soft and blonde. Maybe you should stop shaving?

>> No.8709080

So what's the correct order again when using a face mask? Cleanse > tone > mask > moisturize?
Also, for pedicures: bathe feet > file nails > foot file/scrub > cream. Am I doing it right?
On another note, anyone have any experience with the Shiseido Ibuki line? I've just started on their richest moisturizer and my skin has already improved so much, I'm curious about the other products.

>> No.8709328

Thank you so much! I'll go check out that subreddit as well

>> No.8709331

What is your full routine? Aside from cleanser, your toner, moisturizer, etc. The more we know the more we can help.

>> No.8709409

perhaps not the most skin related (but having to do with health), but how does one lose fat on their cheeks? i've always had naturally large ones despite not being overweight and it makes my face look huge

>> No.8709467

t-that's all folks......ive never moved up to multiple steps before, i use that neutrogena wave thing with the deep cleansing pads, sometimes the toner, and that moisturizer. the only other thing i use is an under eye roller for dark circles/puffiness.

>> No.8709682

Can anyone recommend a good face cream with SPF? I'm outside quit a bit and it's caused some wicked tan lines around my neck where my shirt covers up the skin. Price is not an issue. I need the best.

>> No.8710093
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so i've put greek yogurt on my face every night of the week as a mask because the first night i did it, it brought my redness down a lot. it's been a week and i've been doing it every night, i haven't got a breakout all week and all my acne is gone. my skin is considerably brighter too. i don't know why people don't do this because greek yoghurt masks have become my beauty secret.

>> No.8710247

Doesn't work for me - I need AHA/actives to get my acne under control. I tried the tumeric/yoghurt ones and plain yoghurt, but they don't change a thing.

Your face cream and sunscreen should probably be different if you're constantly outside, look into something like Biore's Aqua Watery Gel which is high SPF and broad spectrum. Make sure you apply it every 2 hours as well.

Your cleansing could be too intense if you're having trouble with dry skin. Switch to something for sensitive skin, Cetaphil or Cerave are good. You should use a toner with salicylic acid (BHA) if you're having trouble with sebaceous filaments and again, don't use physical exfoliation like the Konjac sponge/Wave every day as it may be over cleaning your face and drying it out. Clearly you also need to find a better moisturiser if you're still having problems with dry skin - this is a bit of a trial and error thing for most people, but your current one is obviously not it. I'm a big fan of Asian skincare products because my local drugstores are pretty crap and ordering online from Asia works out a similar price to ordering online here, and I've heard good things about Skinfood's avocado line

You don't without lipo or surgery

>/r/asianbeauty - see the beginner guides, also the rest of the advice in this thread.

>> No.8710877
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Agreeing with that other anon. Neutrogena as a brand, is very overly drying with their products. When products are overly drying, your skin produces more oil and sebum to compensate for the natural oils being stripped, which causes more oily skin. Neutrogena is pretty harsh, so I'd suggest Cetaphil or Cerave as a cleanser too.
Your friend for good skin is consistency. You need to do the three steps every day, twice a day to get maximum benefit from your products, and for your skin to settle down. Not toner once in a while, sometimes moisturizer, etc.
Cleanse > Tone > Moisturize.
Everyday, once in the morning, once at night (to clean off accumulated oils, dirt, dead skin, etc.)
Exfoliating, whether it's the Wave, Konjac sponge, scrub, etc. should only be done twice, maybe three times a week. Any more can actually irritate your skin and cause acne, or just further dry it out.
I'd suggest looking into a brand new routine, new cleanser, toner and moisturizer if you're having difficulties. When I first started out, I just got things from either the drug store or the body shop. Their tea tree line is very good, and witch hazel (thayer's brand) is a very good beginners toner. Basic moisturizers are cetaphil, eucerin, or if your skin is very oily like you said, aloe vera gel.
I like aloe gel because I can easily cary around a little thing for pick me ups during the day, and it absorbs quickly into your skin without leaving behind any residue, which contributes to more greasy skin. I would like to suggest pic related as a night cream/moisturizer since you said your skin is so dry. It's honestly wonderful for dry skin, eczema and such, and always leaves my skin feeling refreshed when I go to bed.

Asian skincare products are also amazing, so check out their subreddit for a nice summary on different things if you're interested.
Hope that helps! Remember, consistency is key!

>> No.8710884
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I would like to second this with saying please buy clear aloe vera gel, not the stuff with coloring in it. Fruit of the Earth or Lily of the Desert are wonderful brands compared to drugstore brands which often contain drying things like alcohol or irritants. Pretty counter productive for a good moisturizer to get something that won't do its just fully.

>> No.8710886

>don't eat greasy food
>don't touch your face with your dirty hands
Saved you guys about $3000 a year on skin care products

>> No.8711374


oh my god do i try

>> No.8711384
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>> No.8711442

seagulls I need help. What does bb cream do? which do you recommend? How does moisturizer work? Are you supposed to apply it before or after face wash?

>> No.8711490

Bb cream is like a light foundation/moisturizer/color corrector. It covers up faint blemishes, evens out color tone and moisturizers a bit too. I don't use bb creams so I can't give you a rec, but I'd check the Asian skin care subreddit that was linked earlier in the thread.

Moisturizer is lotion that just retains moisture in your skin, usually after cleaning (as the chemicals in most cleansers can dry out your skin). Apply it after washing your face.if you're looking into a multi-step routine, you'll want to put it on last after toners, serums, essences, masks, etc.

For non-problematic skin,, washing and moisturizing is probably fine

>> No.8711491

bb cream is basically a tinted moisturizer. it doesn't provide coverage like foundation but helps even your face out slightly and provides minor moisturizing and some spf. moisturizer is good if you have a dry skin or your face overproduces oil because it's naturally dry but trying to correct itself. I use tonymoly avocado moisturizer when I'm super dry but lioele water drop pack otherwise (I wouldn't recommend this lioele moisturizer as a night mask, honestly it's really light, but I like it as a whenever moisturizer. If you buy online look at reviews for a good moisturizer to but but if not just go to a local drug store, see what they have, then google products until you find one rated well. You apply moisturizer after washing your face. For a face routine, you wash then apply whatever products you own from runniest to thickest (so like I do toner first because it's basically water, then my AHA gel because it's thicker but not runny, moisturizer, and then eye bag cream if I want).

>> No.8711497

Anyone else with excema here? I have flaky skin(if i rub my face with my shirt I can see tiny particles come off) and I get shit acne.

Any recommendations for face washes/moisturizers?

>> No.8711557
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Could you gulls recommend a face cleanser for me? I use regular bar soap in the shower and heard that's a no-no, and I'm afraid my wave might be drying me out too. I've thought of getting these before as well, and one is a sleeping pack. I hear that gel is best for oily skin, my skin is flaky but not /super/ dry, but it's ugly to look at in certain areas if I don't have my moisturizer on to mask it. Thank you for the help so far!

>> No.8711561

I used to have a prescription to epiduo but it ran out and my insurance switched so idk if it will cover it any more. are there any OTC products with similar ingredients? my face is breaking out like hell

>> No.8712618

well for starters, what is your skin normally like? i have a lot of products to recommend since I've lived in Texas heat my whole life!

naturally i'm a mix of dry and oily skin, but it might be totally different for you

>> No.8712631

currently in cosmetology, your hairs do NOT grow back darker and/or thicker/coarser. it's like that for a week or two because the hair hasn't grown long enough and hasn't been exposed enough to become a softened point yet. it's still the thick black hair that has just freshly grown out of your skin and hasn't seen the light of day or anything.

i regularly shave my arms every few days because i deal with dark, black hair on pretty white skin, and i thought the same thing til beauty school lol

>> No.8712642

and when i say grown from your skin i obviously mean your hair follicles, not the epidermis guise

>> No.8712644

Both those people have said Cerave or Cetaphil

>> No.8712676

what are some suggestions for moisturizing sleeping/overnight mask?
ive tried a few western brands but havent come across anything i really like yet.

do you get excema on your face? i have it and i only get bump clusters behind my elbows and knees. your acne and excema could be completely different things, thus having different solutions.

exfoliate those bitches. thats what i do. they come back by the next day though.

>> No.8712765
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This is pretty much my daily regimen here; I wash my face with the scrub and use the moisturizer immediately after; I use the strawberry mask every night before I go to bed and rub the repairwear cream under my eyes to help my circles and lines; the charcoal and sugar scrub and Biore strips are used occasionally when my skin starts to get rough or my blackheads start popping up again.

Aside from that, I've been getting more and more worried about my excessive hair growth. I have hair on my chin, neck, a bit on the chest, around my nipples, on my stomach (along with a thicker trail under my belly button and everywhere else; my hair literally starts growing back in a day or two and it's troublesome in the summer time. Should I go to a doctor about this? Would it possibly be PCOS since I had it when I was younger?

>> No.8712794

lots of physical scrubs, and do you need the strawberry mask every night? my skin would go cray

if you had problems with hormones before, you should definitely get that checked out at your doctor

>> No.8712800

PCOS doesn't just go away?

>> No.8712802

I know, unfortunately my skin is very sensitive to oils and will start to get rough if I take even a glass of soda or juice; I kind of exaggerated, I use the mask when my skin starts to get oily again, that's what's been happening to me lately.

>> No.8712810

i'm not a doctor but ovary cysts can reappear of course

seems like your skin is trying to compensate for those harsh scrubs by producing oils. check the thread for the many other anons with the same problem.

>> No.8712832

My understanding is that once they're there, they don't go away?

>> No.8712879

Hm, that would make some sense. I'll try to cut down the mask use to once or twice a week and see what happens.

I really don't know too much about it (I admit, I was young and scared at the fact that I was bleeding for weeks on end so the doctor probably said something but I don't remember), but I remember taking some birth control and it seemed to disappear. I figured I was back to normal once my period cut down to five days and I actually began getting cramps with them.

>> No.8712894

I'm the opposite, I've got PCOS but I wouldn't have a period. So I take hormones and that makes me menstruate. I got an ultrasound of my ovaries and they said they were cyst-y. I always thought the only way to get rid of the cysts was surgery.

>> No.8712914

>Aside from that, I've been getting more and more worried about my excessive hair growth. I have hair on my chin, neck, a bit on the chest, around my nipples, on my stomach (along with a thicker trail under my belly button and everywhere else; my hair literally starts growing back in a day or two and it's troublesome in the summer time. Should I go to a doctor about this? Would it possibly be PCOS since I had it when I was younger?
Go to the docs, PCOS is a disease with no cure. So if you don't manage it, you will keep having issues with hair growth. Also look into PCOS and eating right. I was told by my doctor to avoid dairy, meats with hormones and sugar/carbs.

>> No.8713087

Oh wow, I never heard of surgery being done to remove them.
Dairy, meats and sugar/carbs...nearly half of what I eat, no wonder. I could try to cut down but I think these are what keep me from being underweight.

>> No.8713101

this would remove the ovaries.

>> No.8713170
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O-Oh my.

>> No.8713185

>mfw severe cystic acne at 23
everyone ITT shut your fucking whore mouths

>> No.8714744

>mfw severe cystic acne at 23, depression because of said acne, am now on accutane

like you're the only one, anon. no one cares

>> No.8715239

oh! my bad. i thought they meant those brands for moisturizers, not face washes.

>> No.8717058

Small tip, if you're super broke and have a few hours to spare every week, work at JCP for the holidays. You get associate discount on the first day, which is 25% (have to pay with cash, check, jcp gift card, or jcp store card, otherwise 20%), and it works in the Sephoras inside JCP. Most JCPs are super desperate right now. My assistant store manager doesn't even interview. Even when I was hired in May. He just says, so do you definitely want to work here? Ok then.
Jump ship after getting all your skincare at a discount.
Never sign up for the store credit card.

>> No.8717751

Question....what is the pay like?

>> No.8718353

has anyone tried the face stuff from the "yes to (tomatoes/carrots/cucumbers, etc)" line? any thoughts on how it was? thinking of trying the carrots facewash

>> No.8720588
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what do you guys use for anti-aging?

>> No.8720689

vitamin c serum

>> No.8720811
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I won't beat around the bush in trying to ask this. In short: I'm a man, my skin is so pale that touching it causes discoloration, and when I shave it almost looks like I have rosacea. So, I need makeup. And of all things in life, as silly as it may be, one of my biggest fears is other people knowing I wear makeup.

What makeup can I use without going full drag queen? Should I look for anything in specific to cover the discoloration in my skin and beard shadow?

>> No.8720855

I think a tinted moisturizer is your best bet for subtle coverage, it'll tone it down without covering completely. The "full drag queen" method would be an orange-pink tinted concealer (to counteract the blue-gray of beard shadow) followed by foundation.
If you always go clean-shaven, have you considered laser hair removal? If you're /that/ pale you're probably an ideal candidate for it.

>> No.8720878
File: 88 KB, 904x525, oh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't consider the moisturizer. Thanks.

I'm going to regret this immensely.

>> No.8720885

If you're going to have such a bad attitude about it, don't buy the shit and don't post about it. No body cares.

>> No.8721053

I would've thought acting like a drama queen and treating each post as if it were a blog was part of /cgl/ culture. My bad.

>> No.8721141

Gulls, I'm starting a new skincare routine and I bought a whole bunch of stuff:

Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling Cream
Proof 10 Eye Primer
Steam Eye Mask
Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera 90% Toner
Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera 80% Emulsion
Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera Cleansing Gel Foam
Eye Am Not Tired Eye Patch
Play Therapy Sleeping Pack
Egg Pore Shiny Skin Soap [day and night]

I'm pretty new to a Korean skincare routine so this is my first time buying Asian products.

I'm not sure what the correct order I'd do my skincare and make-up in, could anyone correct me if I'm wrong?

Makeup: moisturiser > primer [except eyes] > eye primer > concealer > foundation and powder? Do I put normal primer around my eyes too or just the eye primer? And would colour corrector go before the concealer and after the eye primer?

Skincare: I know the most basic routine is cleanser > toner > emulsion, but I saw good reviews about the shiny skin soap - at what stage would I use that, or do I use that instead of the cleanser?
And do I use the peeling exfoliator before the cleanser? One last thing: do I replace the emulsion with the sleeping pack for my night moisturising?

I'm honestly not trying to be spoonfed, I just don't want to use the products wrongly and waste them and/or have weird reactions for not putting them on correctly. I'd be really grateful if someone could help me out with this. Thanks a lot!

>> No.8721240

>using biore strips
gurl you in danger

pretty sure those walmart masks are terrible too

>> No.8721258

Yeah, go on ebay and get that from a trusted seller, or go to jolse or something. Amazon's prices are jacked up and they don't have all that much quality control- I've read reviews for various products complaining that they got fakes. As for the contents of your cart, the Skinfood stuff should be fine, but I had the Wildberry Milk cleansing foam and it's a lot harsher than my current foaming cleansers, though it didn't irritate my skin- I don't know if the gel is any different. I really love the rest of the Wildberry Milk line though. EH is a bit hit and miss, and I've heard their concealers and some of their BB creams are terrible. If you don't have much luck with dry concealers switch it out for the lipbalm, you'll be happier and you won't have spent money on makeup that doesn't suit your skin type. I've heard good things about the Big Eyes maker, but they were mostly from EH-only blogs or koreaboos so...
Enjoy your treat anon, and good luck with the new job.

>> No.8721380

I've been using Biore for years and I've been fine...as for the masks, are there any higher end ones you'd recommend?

>> No.8721386

I've been having a recent issue now with my skin, my cheeks are super red and feel warm also getting bump skin but not quite acne. I've never had skin issues before, this isn't allergies is it?

>> No.8721605

Before you spend 80+ dollars have you checked to see if the shade matches your complexion?

And instead of going for full size products maybe try some samples, especially considering your getting redundant products. Wearing a powder foundation can be really tricky depending on the texture of your skin. If you have drier skin or more hair on your face it can have an uneven finish (though some foundations/powders are better than others). Do you want to buy the powder foundation to see if you like it better than the moisturizer or do you think it will be appropriate to set your makeup? If it's the latter I would just look at a translucent powder!

Likewise you may want to look into getting appropriate tools in order to apply your products easily. (or at least the powder)

Also, have you looked into using products specifically for sensitive skin like low ph non foaming cleansers etc?

>> No.8721689 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 903x816, buyers remorse incoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the thorough suggestions!

The problem with my skin isn't so much the products I use as it is the battle I have when shaving my face. So, in addition to the makeup, I bought better shaving equipment too. If that doesn't work, I'll fall back on the makeup. If not even that helps (because of the crippling social anxiety it causes, etc), I'm scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist.

I'm the whitest cracker in this neighborhood so if Stila's lightest, most porcelain-colored shade of makeup doesn't match my complexion, then I don't know what to do. Maybe a darker tone or something would work. In any case, I can always return or replace what doesn't work and for free too.

I bought a brush for the powder which I can probably use for blending the liquids but if not, I figure my finger is good enough for those. Also, I almost forgot, but I got a case for the concealer too. pic related

>> No.8721691
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Thanks for the thorough suggestions!

The problem with my skin isn't so much the products I use as it is the battle I have when shaving my face. So, in addition to the makeup, I bought better shaving equipment too. If that doesn't work, I'll fall back on the makeup. If not even that helps (because of the crippling social anxiety it causes, etc), I'm scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist.

I'm the whitest cracker in this neighborhood so if Stila's lightest, most porcelain-colored shade of makeup doesn't match my complexion, then I don't know what to do. Maybe a darker tone or something would work. In any case, I can always return or replace what doesn't work and for free too.

I bought a brush for the powder which I can probably use for blending the liquids but if not, I figure my finger is good enough for those. Also, I almost forgot, but I got a case for the foundation too. pic related

>> No.8721693

Stop using the nose strips, don't use face scrub on your face, don't use masks daily. PCOS is the reason for your body hair. Add toners to your routine. Should help your skin improve.

>> No.8721796

Peeling cream after cleanser- it's pretty mild by the way, but you need to have really dry skin/hands or it takes forever to work- and I'm not sure about the egg pore soap, but using it twice a day doesn't sound like a great idea, especially if your skin's getting used to all these new products.
Yeah, you use sleeping packs at night, but depending on how dry your skin is and how heavy the pack is, you should also use moisturiser. Don't use it every night, 2-3 times a week is fine.
Also, you won't need a lot of product at all to get results, and if you use too much it can have adverse effects (breaking out, basically, with possible itching and other reactions, but it shouldn't be anything too dramatic).
Not sure about the makeup routine as I don't really wear it, but it sounds like you've got it right. I imagine eye primer would be used instead of normal primer around the eyes. I know you should wait until the moisturiser is completely absorbed to do the rest of your routine, and that you don't really need powder unless you're going to be sweaty or need to set your makeup.
Don't worry too much about it, you probably have plenty of time for your order to arrive, do some research online and see what works best for your skin type and the makeup you'll be using.
I really like the jeju volcanic clay one, it's worked miracles for my skin- but it's pricey. Boscia and Origins have some really good ones too, but again, pricey. I find it's worth the cost though, as you won't use much and it'll last for ages. If you don't get allergies from their products, Lush has some really nice masks- I've used Angels on Bare Skin and it's great, but idk about your skin type so you'll have to see what works for you, lol. They're pretty good about samples and the staff where I live are knowledgeable, so it's not too difficult to get a good mask for yourself.

>> No.8721821

Honest to god before you order that much stuff just have a gf go into Sephora and grab a sample, as a pale assed bitch I am BEGGING YOU!!!! Believe me when I say that every company has a very different idea of what "light" is. Even your own undertone can mess with a shade matching your face.

Just google "stila [product name] swatches" if you don't feel alright having someone grab samples for you.

And why are you so married to the stila brand? you can get similarly good makeup brushes for a much better price from brands like E.L.F?

I'm glad I can help, I'm just a little bit worried that you're jumping the gun a bit.

>> No.8721872

>just have a gf go into Sephora


I'm not married to the Stila brand, but going cheap on beauty products has never worked for me. Actually, I found another, even more expensive brand... And I still have time to cancel my order. Yes, I am certainly jumping the gun on this. With everything you've said, I'm heavily considering sucking up whatever anxieties I have and walking into a cosmetics store tomorrow to get the right shade of makeup. It's become silly how difficult I'm making this.

Thanks again for the help.

>> No.8721874

Go visit a dermatologist for a real opinion. The most we can tell you that bumpy skin that feels like acne but never comes to a head is cystic acne, meaning the problem is internal. Flushing is a side effect of roscea or something else.
Has anything changed recently in your diet, hormones, etc.? These are things to look out for, but really, please see and derm.

>> No.8721884

Bro...you should have just gone into Sephora or Macy's or something and had an employee help you. You're allowed to smear a tiny bit of sample foundation on your hand to see what fits your skintone. Also, you may have had luck with a BB cream or some other product, as well as had the employee being able to offer suggestions.
You should have really seen a dermatolgist before buying all of that. Like...it is your first time using makeup and you got a $26 brush. Granted it's a nice brush, but damn son.

>> No.8721907

You've convinced me. I'll cancel my order and try to do this the smart way as suggested.

>> No.8721910

np, I really am happy to help! Don't worry about going in and looking for samples, if you get worried just tell the cells that you're looking for a present for your sister and that she keeps going on about a "sheer" foundation or some shit. They'll believe that you and her have similar skin tones. Honestly though, most attendants won't give a fuck, so don't worry too much about being shy. Fair warning though, Do Not Buy without seeing what the samples look like under natural light (and you work light if you can swing it!)

Best of luck!

>> No.8724474

Thanks anon! I actually ordered this a couple of weeks ago now (blew the last of my cash instead of waiting for my first pay, hueh.) and hopefully it'll be here soon.

I ended up trading out the ET stuff for more Skinfood.
Peach sake emulsion, toner, bb cream and finishing powder. Honey black tea cream cleanser and salmon concealer. The only ET thing I got was the cute eyes maker (instead of big eyes.) because right now I carry around two eyeshadow pots and a brush for aegyo sal and it sucks.

Half of it was actually through Jolse on Amazon! I didn't realise it had a separate store, though. I'll do that next time. The rest was from YouRiShop, which had good reviews.

I've heard so much about makeup and /toy/s being price-jacked on Amazon, but they still turn out so much cheaper for an Ausfag.

>> No.8724587
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Hey guys, I'm on my second week of that OST C20 serum I ordered. I figured someone may be interested in my opinion on it? Before using this the vitamin c serum was Belitae, which was pretty good if you are looking for an organic, super cheap serum and worried about drying chemicals.

A bit of background, I am currently on my 8th month of accutane due to a bout of severe cystic acne that nothing else would help with, it really was a last resort. My face is currently covered in hyperpigmentation and unevenness left over from all of the cystic acne and blood blisters. The C20 honestly has been a big help, since I felt I needed a bigger boost than the Belitae offered me considering my situation.

It's definitely slightly drying, but considering I am dry as a desert already from the accutane, it's hardly an inconvenience. I've seen a massive improvement after a week of using it, and it's been helping me with the left over budding acne from my problem areas. My scars and such also seem a bit less noticable and it seems to help even my skintone and fade some aging I was getting. Considering this is the first week in over a year I do not have any active acne coming to head, and things seem to be finally healing up, it's been pretty emotional of me. I haven't really looked at my face in a mirror in a very long time outside of cursery glances when I'm applying my skincare routine, so it's been pretty jarring seeing a clear face, or that isn't swollen or purple with deep lying cysts.
Outside of acne use, I think this is a very good product considering it really brigthens and evens out your skintone. Only annoying thing is waiting 15 minutes for it to "sink in" and dry, before finishing my routine. It was also so cheap, I think I paid $9 and got free shipping. It took 2 weeks to get it, but I was surprised because it said shipping would take a month. 2 weeks seems to be the normal delivery time though, considering it comes from Korea.

I would definitely reccomend this.

>> No.8725903

anyone used any of the nature's gate line or andalou organics? looking at amazon, reviews are pretty good....and i can buy some of the products for WAY under retail locally.

>> No.8725945

Any recommendations for body acne? I periodically get it on my chest, back, arms, and butt. I shower daily. Does anyone know of a good treatment?

>> No.8725954

Same as face acne, although I find mine needs more creams and less serums/liquids. I use benzoyl peroxide to dry out the really grumpy ones but for the ones that don't really come to a head I use salicylic acid and glycolic acid.

>> No.8726049

Thank you anon, should I moisturize after using those?

>> No.8726097

Sorry if it seems obvious, but have you tried the Cetaphil body wash? I used it a while back and it wasn't bad.

>> No.8726275


>> No.8726438

I LOVE OST C20!! I use it before my AHA/BHA and it's improved my acne scars and PIE immensely. For anyone who purchases this for the first time, I do recommend keeping it in the fridge so it doesn't oxidize as quickly... once it turns from clearish liquid to a dark orange hue, it means it has gone bad and you'll need to throw it out.

>> No.8726694

I've had cystic acne for the second year in a row and it's fucking up my face. This sounds pretty fucking sweet. Would you mind sharing where you ordered it from?

How long does it usually last if you've been keeping it in the fridge?

>> No.8726699

Im using the Ciracle Vitamin C serum rn but I'm thinking of trying OST C20 when I run out! Do you have any thoughts on the C21.5 btw?

>> No.8726847

Original anon, I keep my vitamin c serums in the fridge too. From what I understand, it keeps the OST20 for about 3 months, which is usually how long it takes to run out so it all works out.
I ordered mine on Amazon, but it came from Jolse. Jolse and Wishtrend are the two places people usually get them from.
I feel you with the cystic acne, it ruined my face so badly, like it was just so swollen and full of cysts to the point where my facial shape was different.

Can someone please explain what AHA/BHAs are, I'm still a bit confused. I know it's another product you put on, but I'm still unsure what it does exactly.

>> No.8727066

I'm sorry if this has been answered previously - could you recommend any specific ebay sellers for Korean skin care?

>> No.8727082

What are common makeup items used by girls who throw so much on that their face look way too smooth, almost plastic? Is it some sort of special foundation or primer?

>> No.8727359
File: 192 KB, 461x344, Picture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to contribute because years ago, I found the answer that I needed on CGL and want to help other girls so badly. When I was 18-20, I was told by dermatologists that my face would look like this forever. I finally heard about hormonal acne and Spironolactone (the blood pressure medication). If you're a girl who has SEVERE acne that is around the chin/upper lip/jaw area only that DOESN'T GO AWAY NO MATTER WHAT product, magic, etc that you use, please look into this. My acne was so bad that I didn't want to leave the house. It hurt to make facial expressions, etc.

It took several months of spironolactone at 50mg to begin clearing up. Today, at 24, my face is NOTHING compared to this pic. Its crystal clear. If I stop taking spiro, this starts happening to my face again. If you don't have health insurance, you can buy spiro on Inhouse pharmacy.

PLEASE do your own research on this medication and be aware its a water diuretic and blood pressure med. This med works for hormonal acne in women because it blocks receptors from basically 'reading' male hormones that causes this. It's an anti-androgen. You may have to get your blood tested every now and then to check potassium levels, but I've been on spiro for 5 years now and have had no issues.

I just wanted to help people who may have the same problem that I did with no end in sight and no products that will help them. Nothing else will help because its a body/inside problem. Spiro was a life saver for me and still is.

>> No.8727403

Wow! My acne is no where near severe but I am so happy you found something to help. Because it's hormone caused are you going to wean down to the lowest effective dose and eventually stop? Or is that foreseeable until menopause comes around?

>> No.8727430
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After I was able to get rid of the bad acne, I went down to 25mg and have been there ever since. I dont know why I have this hormonal problem. I haven't had health insurance for 6 years, but I'm getting it again soon! I'd be great if I can get blood testing done and figure out why I have this problem. I haven't been off of spiro except for recently cause I've been sick. I missed like 3 weeks of spiro and I got a huge, painful and abnormal spot on my jaw area. I dont know how long I will be on spiro. Here's a pic of what the same side of my face looked like around 2-3 months of taking it

>> No.8727446

Probably Polycystic ovary syndrome, hormonal acne is common with PCOS. I have PCOS and was put on Spironolactone too.

>> No.8727455

Can you google?

>> No.8727457

calm down, that anon was just asking for opinions, which is normal for threads.

>> No.8727512

Drink green tea and get sunshine. Try to sweat everyday. I had the worst fucking acne forever and since I started drinking green tea, sweating, and getting sunshine (I wear broad spectrum sunscreen but still) my skin has never looked better

>> No.8728353

Sunscreen is probably the best thing, even if you're older.

>> No.8728420

aha/bha's are chemical exfoliants that help encourage cell turn over etc. Many people like them for acne and anti aging purposes.

They only work at a certain ph, and really need you to wear sunscreen to keep your skin in tiptop shape. For more specifics (esp re:aha usage bc some can cause discolouration on darker skinned ppl) refer to other sources than me. I'm not really that knowledgeable about them.

Other than that: bha= goes deep into pores to clean out gunk; aha= helps slough off old dead skin cells

>> No.8728426

>Photoshop > blur
There isn't a legitimate way to get your skin to look like plastic irl. Having no pimples and lines helps, and a primer + setting powder combo can help you look poreless, but the looks you see asian girls with in mags and shit are shopped to shit

>> No.8729096

Thank you anon, that was really easy to understand. A lot of explanations online have gone over my head. Can you use both BHA and AHA at the same time, or do you just use one?
I'm trying to amp up my routine from a basic 3 step, currently I've added a vitamin c serum, but I want maximum pretty skin benefits.

>> No.8729107

Plenty of rest, drink lots of water, eating my veggies (sweet potatoes and spinach among many are great for your complexion), sunscreen and at night I use a night cream with retinol. It's just some basic cheaper drugstore stuff, but I'm not seeing any significant signs of aging yet even at 34 but it has helped a bit with the few things I've noticed like fine forehead wrinkles. I want to look into some better products though.

>> No.8729132

what do you do when you run out of something really crucial to your routine and are totally broke/shipping time is hell
i am afraid

>> No.8729135


it's disgusting how salty i get over this shit
is that bad?

>> No.8729201

You can but it depends on your skin, over exfoliation is the worst. Start by introducing one at a time. Wait even a few months to see how your skin reacts, then add another one once a week and see how it goes. You can work your way up to daily exfoliation with one or all three but it's a skin by skin basis and I would not recommend it. Also many people can either use just aha or just bha, one or the other just don't agree with their skin.

For sensitive skin, a good "established routine" very gentle exfoliation 4-5x a week at max.

It all depends on how you react though. Do some readings to see how purges look, what the signs of over exfoliation are, and whether or not the ingredients will trigger any allergies for you. Please be careful most of all!!! it's taken me like a year to introduce two acids into my routine bc of my stupid sensitive skin. Over exfoliation hurts so much and you look like a monster during it.

>> No.8729203

What was it anon? Maybe check abexchange and see if a local seller has it?

>> No.8729223

holy shit anonette, I'm glad you found something that worked for you.

>> No.8729250

I watched Taylor R's skincare video on YouTube and have started using Cetaphil gentle cleanser for all skin types + the Cetaphil moisturiser and it's the best thing I've done. I also use Thayers witch hazel toner. Would definitely recommend. I was using Lush products before and wasn't happy with my skin but it really has improved now.

>> No.8729306

The Peach Sake emulsion and ET cute eyes maker arrived!
The emulsion is silky smooth and the ET stick saves so much space in my bag from carrying around a brush and two eyeshadow pots just for aegyo sal. I don't know how long it will last, though.

>> No.8729457

dumb question but what does cell turn over mean? Is that like..lowkey chemical exfoliant to help bring out the baby fresh skincells underneath?

>> No.8729459

I recently went through a nasty, month long purge because of medication (had some bad cystic acne). If I introduce and AHA with the vitamin C serum I'm already using, do you think that will help boost healing up my acne scars and uneven skin texture?

>> No.8729461

What product is it, anon? Maybe we can help find a store that carries it.
But otherwise, you're kind of just going to have to deal without it for the shipping time wait. If it's a Korean product, I'm sorry, I feel the 2 week wait, it's happened before. My skin was alright without the product for two weeks, not 100% but didn't go all crazy.

>> No.8729463

Anon, are you me? I didn't watch Taylor R's video but my routine is Cetaphil cleanser + Thayer's witch hazel + Aloe Vera gel, or Cetaphil moisturizer depending on the day.
I also hate Lush products, they always gave me weird reactions. Yay, fellow routine buddy.

>> No.8729471

Anyone has good lip balm recommendations? I've tried all those drugstore and Body Shop ones but they just make me feel unclean and give me those slimy white things inside my mouth...

ALSO! For girls with shiny faces I'd recommend Effaclar Mat Moisturizer from La Roche-Posay. I've tried everything but I still got a greasy face, but this one stays matte even if I put sunblock on. If you use the Effaclar cleanser too, your skin gets wild soft.

>> No.8730476

That's how I was meaning it. You're right, exfoliation removes the dead skin cells and leaves you with the next (newer) layers of skin. And don't worry, with skincare shit, there are no dumb questions.

>> No.8730485

It should, but again- different skin reacts differently! Have you also tried introducing brightening products into your routine? I'm quite fond of niacinamide (tho use it waaaaaaaay after your actives lol) and ferments, they can be an easy addition to your routine on top of acids!

>> No.8730495

I swear by those EOS chapstick balls. Burts Bees is supposed to be pretty good, but I never tried it out. I use EOS because it doesn't have any irritating additives since my skin is so sensitive. It was on my list of reccomended lip balms that I got from my dermatologist.

>> No.8730498

I really like the Eos lip balms; the ones in the little eggs. They're not too creamy that it feels like you're smearing stuff all over your lips, plus they're cute and smell nice. I'm not too fond of lip balms that you have to rub with your fingers, and find they tend to be too greasy, anyway.

>> No.8731071

Burt's Bees is nice. It has some peppermint oil in it so it feels/tastes a bit minty. Fresh's lip balms are pretty nice, but I only buy the sets of minis; the full-sized ones are enormous and I find that the tinted ones are hard to apply with the larger format. I just started using First Aid Beauty's Ultra Repair Lip Therapy since it came in a gift set I bought in the Sephora sale; it's been making my previously-chapped lips super soft lately.

>> No.8732389
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Hey guys, it's me from
I found some of the recommended products (Cetaphil/Cerave etc) while shopping at Target, but they all said 'body' on them so I didn't get those because I wasn't sure what was the right kind...

What I DID get though was this, called BCL Collage Rose Aroma Moist mask, from TJ-Maxx. You put it on at night and wash off in the morning (so a sleeping pack?) And jesus christ, my skin is SOFT! Last night was my first night using it, but my skin was flaky on my cheeks/nose/slightly on the forehead and now it's super soft!!! I'm so excited, I will continue my routine as normal and perhaps give an update after using it more, most people use it 2-3 times a week but I'll probably do 2 to begin with.

I have sensitive skin and stuff and it is rose scented, but it didn't irritate my skin! It was a bit of a risk since I'd never heard of it and never even seen Japanese face products in TJ-Maxx before, and the whole box (besides a sticker on it telling ingredients/directions) was in Japanese. But I googled reviews and it has a nice response to it. I'm very pleased, it was 12-14 dollars when it usually goes for 17-20+, so a bit of a deal compared to what you'd pay online.

>Sorry for the pretty long post, I'm pretty giddy

>> No.8734110

Any face mask recommendations for extremely sensitive skin?

>> No.8734287

sorry for the late response, but it is a clear substance. 98% aloe vera.
now that you've mentioned it, one of the ingredients listed is "alcohol denat", and another one is even plainly described as "parfum". however, the aloe vera is the first ingredient listed.
so yes, you might be right.

>> No.8734298

I bought that about a month ago as well! TJ Maxx has recently started carrying Asian skincare products. I love this stuff; it smells great, and it really does make your skin feel amazing. I've read various reviews that say you can use it as a mask or just a regular moisturiser, so I'm still not too certain what it actually is. I just put it on at night, and splash my face with water in the morning.

>> No.8734615

IMO, it feels a bit different than regular moisturizers. I dunno how to describe it, it's still pretty thin, but it covers the face kinda like a mask or whatever would in a thin layer, it just doesn't harden up and only semi-absorbs. I'm surprised it didn't fuck up my skin since it's so sensitive to fragrance and stuff, but I'm super happy! I'm glad someone else uses it too. I think there's another kind of this stuff that's actually called a sleeping pack/mask, but I'd consider this kind that as well.
Nvm, googled it and it's the same thing, just called Collage Rose Sleeping Pack or Collagen Rose Essence Sealing Mask. It's all the same thing, so it is indeed a sleeping pack I believe.

>> No.8734616

seconding this. I would like to get one for scar fading purposes, and one that helps draw out some of the gunk I have left over from cystic acne. I am a total newfag to facemasks

>> No.8734658
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I switched over to asian beauty products over the past year and my skin has never looked better.

Here's a huge haul I did for Christmas ($400); I bought extras of most of these as stocking stuffers for my mom and my friends. If you guys want any reviews and such of certain items, let me know (or you can just search on /r/asianbeauty).

>> No.8734720

What's that snail bee high content pack?
And that vita complex mask?
And the Pretty Bunny gloss bar
sorry, these are all so cute looking. I wish American products did cute packaging

>> No.8734730

np! i love the packaging too

benton snail bee high content
my HG face mask! helps with my PIH, combo skin (oily with dry patches), and my breakouts

etude house vita complex mask
contains niacinamide to light my PIH/acne scars

tonymoly petite bunny gloss bar
super sheer but it smells lovely and is super fucking adorable

>> No.8734738

Aw man, the snail bee pack has bee venom in it and I'm allergic. Oh well, I'm definitely going to get that bunny gloss bar, it is so damn adorable

>> No.8735036

Hey, anon, which of those sheet masks would you reccomend for someone with acne?

>> No.8735260

Vitamin E is good for scars, just pierce the capsule to get the stuff out. As for cystic acne, there's a patch you can get that pulls the gunk out, can't remember what it's called (hydrocolloid or something iirc) that people have talked about in other threads.
Jolse and roseroseshop. On ebay rubyruby76 and iamlove-shop are great. If you go on reddit you can find a list of trusted sellers. Iamlove-shop includes a lot of samples.

>> No.8735284

I'm the anon who made that big order - The store 'Cosmetic*Store' on Amazon was cheaper than
all of these and every item was fully-sealed and within date. Plus I got a huge handful of SkinFood samples (Like 8, I think?)

Roseroseshop and rubyruby76 are owned by the same people/store, I think. There was a lot of feedback mentioning already-opened products, though. Enough to put me off.


>Peach Sake BB #1 shade.
Really thin, creamy formula. Super easy to apply (I use fingers) and actually soaked into my skin leaving zero texture. Pretty high coverage. Neutral tones, miiight fit someone with yellow undertones. Didn't do anything to control oil, but also didn't slide off when I oiled up.
>Peach Sake emulsion.
Again, super thin and creamy formula. The tiniest drops go super far. Soaks in quickly, super hydrating but matte finish. Glass bottle makes it a little awkward to get out, but you get heaps for the price.
>Honey Black Tea cream cleanser.
Thick jelly formula. Melts as it touches your face. Again, the tiniest bit goes very far. Foams up slightly with a little water. Doesn't leave a film on the skin, doesn't dry out whatsoever. Great for removing waterproof makeup and doesn't burn the eyes.
>Salmon under-eye circle concealer.
Absolutely amazing. It's a hard cream formula in the pot. Tiny bit goes a long way. Very oily on the skin and definitely needs a finishing powder. Doesn't crease IF you use a finishing powder, does if you don't.
>Etude House Cute Eyes maker.
Perfect aegyo sal. Really easy to apply, even application, nice creamy texture that won't smudge or crease. The cream colour is in the lids and they're kind of spring-loaded so that the sponge pushes into them each time you wind it on - I guess so that it will keep picking up colour even as it runs out.
It has slightly more product than other aegyo sal sticks and much cuter packaging, but I can't actually compare the product.

>> No.8735287
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>Cont because my post was too long hueh.

I really want to pick up the Peach Sake pore serum, toner and finishing powder next.
I also got a couple of samples of the Black Sugar scrub mask and, despite being both full of sugar and a scrub (both things I wouldn't normally touch with a ten foot pole) it made my skin feel babby fresh and didn't break me out in the slightest, so I might even grab a tub of it.

Above all I'm impressed by their packaging. Jesus christ SkinFood stuff is so luxurious to look at.

>> No.8735290

Polite sage because I goof'd. It's Cosmetic*Shop.

>> No.8735481

>looks up the aloe sun screen
h-holy shit this looks perfect. i've been searching for a good sunscreen that doesn't leave you a greaseball or is annoying to asorb (i'm looking at you, Neutrogena)

>> No.8735522

Get the etude house snail! No bee venom

For active acne, snail and royal jelly. Then tea tree and green tea for soothing. Finally vita complex to reduce scarring

>> No.8735926

I loveee the CosRX Aloe Sun Cream!! Another one that doesnt leave me greasy is the Missha All Around Safe Block Essence Sun SPF45/PA+++

>> No.8735971

would you say that the CosRX Aloe sun cream is sheer?

>> No.8736029
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It's a white cream that dries clear with no white cast

>> No.8736417

Just got a konjac sponge from Whole Foods today, we'll see how it goes.

Using in combination with soaptopia's secret agent soap

>did you mean gluten free vegan dairy free 100% natural compostable biodegradable additive free cruelty free chemical free non GMO free range konjac sponge

>> No.8736502

Eos ones tend to sort of irritate my lips sometimes, idk why....I REALLY love Smith's Strawberry Lip Balm. I've run out for quite awhile and had to rely on eos/vaseline but this shit saves my life, I'm prone to chappy lips and all the drugstore things I've tried just don't work. If they're cracked open, putting this on for a night or two and my lips are nearly healed. It also comes in rose scent too.

>> No.8736553

Smith's is good, EOS is shitty balm imo, but where else can you get honeydew lip balm?

I've been using Young Living's lavender lip balm, there are different flavors if you think lavender smells like grandma.


>> No.8736724

Causes cancer, it seems

>> No.8736728

I moved to a colder region where there is snow and less humidity
Since then, my skin started to get more open pores.
I use Effaclar H La Roche Posay for moisture
Wash twice a day with Salicilic acid face wash
I have a Vichy toner
I always wear sun screen

I used to wear a mask, but I found it too dry

My pores keep large and now I'm getting over-dried pellet-like fat in them, which never happened before.

Does anybody has advice?

>> No.8736794

benton snail bee lotion sample arrived, left my skin irritated :/ pretty sure it's not my new benton aloe toner. skin and tonics blog mentions alcohol in the lotion, I might be sensitive to it.

I've ordered their steam cream too, hope it's not causing the same reaction.

>> No.8736862

omg you're a fucking idiot. BHA for skin is beta hydroxy acid, NOT butylated hydroxanisole. salicylic acid is a form of BHA.

>> No.8736878
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Hey seagulls, I need some help taking care of the skin on my body
It's really uneven and with a farmers tan that for the life of me doesn't seem to go away. It appeared in middle school when I had to walk to and from school with the sun at its peak and it hasn't faded since, I use sunscreen these days and an umbrella when it's really sunny but still you can see the tan lines from years ago still in the exact same places as my uniform. Is my skin just permanently fucked now? Do I need to try bleaching creams?

Also while looking for a solution to this I've been meaning to start using fake tans to cover it up, does anyone have experience with tanning salons and can give me like s price range and how maintenance is and such?

>> No.8736962

Wanted to post to help some fellow gulls that have issues with regular or cystic acne and or Rosacea. Look up Demodex/face mites.

Basically they're mites that live on your face/skin and feed off of your skin oil. (Way more common than you think) The fuckers live for weeks and keep repopulating, and when they die bam you get some acne or cystic acne if they've gone deep into your skin.

SOLUTION FOR THIS! Which all of my acne is nearly completely gone, I mean my face is so so so much clearer even after trying so many face products and shit.

Get your self some zinc oxide ointment, (like 40% if you can) slather that shit on your face when you go to bed. You'll notice a really big diference in a few weeks (after one of ther cycles) it kills them AND MAKES YOUR PORES SMALLER like WAY SMALLER.
It also doesn't hurt to take a zinc supplement too.

Hope some of you gulls try it, it's really helped me.

>> No.8737022

Cosrx has a higher percentage of a weaker acid. Korea has limits of how much salicylic acid can go in products so they use a different BHA, can't remember the name right now. I use the Cosrx BHA though and it has really helped clear up my the few ance spots I get once a month.

>> No.8737216

you're right but I should add that zinc is really drying though, left white creases on my face. Maybe your ointment base was different to mine?

>> No.8737228

It takes approximately 7 years for your skin cells to turn over completely. You can exfoliate the skin to accelerate the process.

>> No.8737235

What ointment did you use?
I literally used what is actually a diaper rash cream and I dont find it drying at all, for me atleast. It's also 40% Zinc Oxide. It's literally called Butt Paste, funny name yeah but it works great. Comes in a red tube and is available on amazon.

>> No.8737550

Get an italy towel to exfoliate your body, that should help

>> No.8737560

I just tried mine out today for the first time and I love it. Makes my skin feel so soft and refreshed.

>> No.8737984

Question: if you use a new product, is it normal for your face to break out some in reaction to it? I got some witch hazel toner, and my face immediately got super zitty. It was ridiculous / strange, like all my acne came to a head at once. Unless it was something else? It seemed to react waaay too fast, like I put it on at night, and the next day I had a ton of whiteheads. Super embarrassing because I spent the night at my boyfriend's house, and my face was awful in the morning, and I didn't realize until I got home a little while later, euuugh. So gross.

>> No.8738234

When you get a new product, there's generally a two week time frame that people call "purging". That's when the product gets to work and brings the gunk in your skin to head.

Now, there is also a chance that your skin does not agree with the product, and you are having a reaction. The only way to tell which it is, is by knowing your own skin. If you are breaking out in areas that is not normal for you, it is a reaction. If it's in areas that you normally break out, and it feels like stuff that was under your skin has been drawn to the surface, that is purging. If it's a reaction, stop using the product. If it's purging, you're going to have to ride it out, but you'll be glad you did when you're done. You're going to have to make a judgement for yourself on this one.

Which witch hazel toner did you get?

>> No.8738613

Biotin wrecked my skin guys, and I'm so upset about finally having to admit that it the cause of my crazy, never-ending breakout, because it did absolute wonders for my nails especially, and I had just started noticing that it had helped my hair as well. Does anyone have any recommendations for what I could do/take instead? I really don't want to go back having peeling, weak nails, but I guess I'll take it over terrible skin. I thought that some product I was using was causing it, and ended up running out to buy some Bioderma H2O which at least was gentle enough to not make it worse. Sigh.

On another note, the OST20 vitamin C serum (which some people were talking about earlier in the thread) and CosRX snail essence are doing a great job at reducing the scarring. A little over a week, and there's a huge difference already. The serum is slightly drying for me, but my skin is naturally dry, and I use a great sleeping pack so it doesn't matter to me. (Innisfree Green tea sleeping pack! I want all of their stuff now, love this)

Before I used CosRX, I had the original Mizon all-in-one snail cream as one of my snail products, and I found that a little too drying for my skin, because of the alcohol. Was amazing under makeup though. I also have the Snail Bee Essence from Benton to use up, but I much prefer CosRX.

/rant over, sorry

>> No.8738624

How much biotin were you taking, and how much water were you drinking? Sucks to hear that, though; biotin can be so iffy from person to person.

>> No.8738677

When I started taking biotin I was really gung-ho about it and started at 15000mg. I never had a problem with acne but that made get a million zits practically overnight. But then I halved the dose and it stopped, so maybe try that, take just a bit less

>> No.8738710


Yeah, so, I'm guessing you guys didn't know but if you take too much biotin it will break you out. The reccomended daily dosage is 2,500 mcg (2.5 mg) which is about one pill a day. If you take too much biotin, it causes a vitamin b5 deficency which in turn will cause acne flares. This is just another example of too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Biotin is not like vitamin a, taking a shitton of it will not burn out acne, it will just cause acne. I do not reccomend taking a shitton of either of these.

If you were taking too much, that's why you broke out. If you want an alternative to biotin, I would suggest taking zinc instead. It promotes hair, nail, skin, and immune system health. Do not take more than 50 mg of zinc a day, and take it with a meal. 50 mg is literally the maximum you take if you have severe acne going on.

>> No.8738746

I wasn't taking more than the recommended dose, taking them with a meal, and I always drink a lot of water. It was multi-vitamin thing for hair, skin and nails, so technically one of the other components could have been the culprit, but since biotin is known to cause acne and I've taken other, similar multi-vitamins before this and never had any problems, I just assumed. Either way, I'm so glad to have found the reason behind my skin going nuts.

I'll look into buying some zinc, thank you!

>> No.8738761

Yeah, for some people they simply can't take biotin because their body cannot handle it. Like, they simply do not need excess biotin so you get that wonderful influx of b5 and acne. Like that one anon said, it is hit or miss with people.

>> No.8738782

Yeah, that's what I'm guessing too.

At least it helped me learn to appreciate my skin in its normal form. It's never been flawless, but it's good enough.

>> No.8739205

PURGING! That is exactly what I was thinking might be happening, but I didn't know if it was a legitimate thing or if I was making it up. I used to visit a dermatologist, and when I got on a new medication-ointment thing, the doc said I might break out at first. That's what made me think it might just be my skin getting used to it, but I didn't really know if that applied in this situation.

I'm using Thayer's Witch Hazel with the addition of rose petals. I think it's probably just purging because that's exactly how I felt about it - it just seemed to bring everything to a head. It kind of makes me excited though! Means it's actually doing something for my skin, heh.

>> No.8739215

Does anyone remember the product name / where to buy that Korean foot care stuff that makes your feet shed skin like crazy? I hope someone else knows what the hell I'm talking about. I remember people talking about it, and there was a blog post of a review over it, and it took about a week to work. Did nothing at first, and then the blogger's feet just started losing skin dramatically, and they had baby soft feet after it was done shedding. I started working in a warehouse in the past few months, and I'm Scared As Hell that my feet are getting gross and callousy, and I don't want that to happen. Bless you if you can help me.

>> No.8739220

any recs for hand creams? all the hand washing I do at work along with the winter weather/heating is seriously drying them out. I'm fine with slapping something thick on at night and sleeping with gloves if I have to.

baby foot?

>> No.8739560

Oh neat, I use the Rose Petal witch hazel too! My skin didn't break out from using it, but I was taking medication for acne at the time. If you think it's working then that's great! You'll be able to feel the difference of adult acne finally coming to a head or just a reaction break out, reactions tend to look more irritated too. I'm glad it seems to be working out well for you, I understand how frustrating purging is, adult acne in general is mortifying.

Hope it all works out for you!

>> No.8741101
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someone pls reply i wanna know too.... help

>> No.8741107

do you just leave it for like, 5 mins or so then wash it off? i'm curious

>> No.8741112

tips for winter dryness? my skin and hair are super dry atm it's driving me insane. i really need to figure out what i can do to cut some of the dryness. i drink tons of water so that's not it. i'm thinking it's an oil issue, but not sure how to solve.

>> No.8741114

i don't really moisturize after i use a mask, and i usually do mine righr before bed.

>> No.8741189

Use less soap. Use best soap (african black soap with palm ash). Shea butter moisturizer. Internally take vitamin D, K and A (very important for skin). Eat gud fruits and veggies.

>> No.8741361
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Seriously gulls, where do I even start. I use dermalogica special cleansing gel twice daily (one morning, one night), and olay 7-in-1 total effects moisturizer to finish which has spf 30 in it, and exfoliate twice a week with dermalogica microfoliant. I use skinoren from the pharmacist on any breakouts, and have actually had fraxel restore done on my skin before. I also use a french sounding eye cream who's name currently escapes me, and this is what I look like (bottom left is with makeup). I've tried pretty much everything google has to offer, but it hasn't proved very useful thus far as you can see. I need actual advice rather than continuing the endless google search of things that may or may not work and hiding from cameras every time I see one. If any seagulls could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it

>> No.8741694

how/why does this work?

>> No.8741722

Bump on this? I've seen some people online say that any OTC benzoyl peroxide treatment will do about the same thing but i'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this?

>> No.8741770

You're not being very specific.
What are you trying to fix, specifically? IS your problem breakouts? Oily skin? Dark spots?

The only thing I see as a problem with your skin is maybe wrinkles and the under eye bags. Maybe stop smoking?

>> No.8741797

Mix in a drop or two of essential oil with your moisturizer. Almond or argan oil are nice.

>> No.8741800

hydration. other than that, it's placebo.

>> No.8742506

i guess that anon was talking about how green tea has antibodies in it? It won't break you out if you drink it compared to other things with caffeine in it. I drink green tea because it's better than drinking soda, but cutting out anything caffinated besides your one or two cups of coffee or tea a day and just drinking water does about the same. The best thing you can do for yourself with acne is adjust your diet and to keep healthy, since your skin reflects what you eat or whatever. You get more benefits from taking supplements than drinking freen tea so idk...

>> No.8742509

Your pictures are very blury. What exactly is wrong with your skin that you want help with? Dry skin? Acne? Anti aging? We need more info.

>> No.8742712

Sorry about the blurriness. I didn't want to get out the proper camera so I just took them with my phone. It's the dark under eye bags which I can't seem to hide even with makeup, but also the weird spotty (not acne, just dotty and rough moreso) texture of my skin and general sagginess of the jawline. I've seen the give up smoke, drink, salty foods suggestions on google for under eye bags, but I've never smoked, rarely ever drink, and keep salty foods to a minimum so it hasn't made any difference unfortunately

>> No.8742761

weird question but--
i'm a lighter-skinned black girl, like peanut butter-mocha colored, and i have a alot of skin discoloration, but it's really bad around my butt.....like my entire butt, but especially on the bottom where my it curves into my thighs, and inside my ass cheeks ;--;
it makes me super uncomfortable to be seen in my panties and i can't wear a bikini or anything; is there anything i can do?
i tried using Kojie soap, but even after like 3 months of that i didn't notice much if any change.

if i were to find some sort of skin chemical peel would that affect things?

>> No.8743236
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Drink a lot of water, try collagen undereye pads. Invest in a vitamin c serum, it will help you with the spottiness on your skin and even your skin tone. Spots are probably sun damage. If you're not using a toner it wouldn't hurt to invest in one. Basic skincare routine is cleanser > toner > moisturizer and you seem to already have a cleanser and moisturizer that you like.

>> No.8743262

Get an italy towel, it will help you exfoliate the skin on your body, butt and thighs included. Try a skin brightening product if the soap isn't working. I'd like to suggest
>Olay Regenerist Luminous Brightening Cream Cleanser (poorfag option)
>Zenmed Skin Eraser
>Clarins Bright Plus HP Brightening Hydrating Day Lotion SPF 20
>AMBI fade cream
>Even True Tonecorrect Fade Creme
>Skin Success Eventone Fade Milk with Vitamin E and Alpha Hydroxy

and take some vitamin c, e, and b12 supplements to help with the hyperpigmentation!

>> No.8743868

Is there any real way to fade stretch marks? I just noticed some on my boobs, and some more severe ones on the bottom of one that feel more "textured" and deeper.