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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 158 KB, 500x708, tumblr_nw6xctLq271qathrmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8671101 No.8671101 [Reply] [Original]

Reposting from last thread. Please read before spamming this thread with stupid questions.

* Angelic Pretty MTO will be on Japan and USA website
* The Made-To-Order will start on the 17th 6p.m. and will end on the 25th. You won't see it on the homepage until it's 6 p.m.
* The colors are pink, ivory, wine, bxw and lavender. No black or navy this time, but both JSK cuts.
* The sizes are most likely the same as the old releases and can be checked on lolibrary. Only the OP is confirmed to be 10cm longer
* To order from Japan, you WILL need a Tenso account.
* http://angelicpretty-onlineshop.com/user_data/tenso-com-en.php
*Tenso acts a 3rd party between you and AP if you live outside of Japan. The usage fee for Tenso is ONLY ¥580 (less than $5 USD). If your order with AP is less than ¥32,400, you will have to pay domestic shipping fees from AP to Tenso, which ranges from ¥450~¥2,200; if your order is more than ¥32,400 (tax included) they will do this for FREE.
* It is much cheaper to order through AP Japan depending on your country's exchange rate. Please check www.xe.com. SF will charge you tax on top of listed price at 8.75% and shipping ranges from $20~$45 USD.
* CREDIT CARD IS REQUIRED TO ORDER. If your debit card has a VISA or DISCOVER logo on it, it will be accepted. Payments are taken after items have been placed in your shopping cart. You do not have to wait for an invoice.

>> No.8671121
File: 414 KB, 800x450, Batbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Anons interested in the Bat Bag, remember that only the silver bag has glitter flecks in the synthetic leather. The gold bag is plain black.

>> No.8671123

i wish they'd done a glittery gold one.

>> No.8671124

Also to add the bag only comes with pleather strap. The chain only came with the pochette

>> No.8671128

I wish they had done the straps instead of the chains.

>> No.8671139

Is anyone using a shopping service other than Tenso?

>> No.8671171

Tenso isn't a shopping service...

>> No.8671173

Why is everyone so terrified of Tenso?
Do you understand how it works, I can explain it to you if you want.

>> No.8671175

Yes it fucking is. Don't cause more stupid questions.

>> No.8671179

A lot of newfags are scared to submit their information and get confused... which is stupid because Tenso is the easiest Japanese website I've ever used. They walk you through everything when creating an account.

>> No.8671181

No, it's a forwarding service you idiot. A shopping service actually does the shopping for you.

You fucking newfags kill me

>> No.8671184

>being this salty and pretentious
No one cares which one people call it except you.

>> No.8671186


Another anon here interested in the shoulder measurements for the OP

Anyone want to help some fellow gulls out?

How forgiving are the shoulders in the op? Post your measure and tell how it fits? thank you!!

>> No.8671187

Third thread about the MTO and bitches still can't shut up about Tenso. I'm making a fucking thread for you people.

>> No.8671188

And it's in English, they explain everything so well on their website.
So here's how it is guys.
>You make account with Tenso
>Tenso gives you a unique "shipping address"
>You buy item with said address
>item arrives at tenso, tenso lets you know
>you pay for shipping and the $5 fee

>> No.8671189

Don't be butthurt because you were wrong anon. Do your research. If you don't know how you're ordering HL by now then you probably shouldn't be buying it.

>> No.8671191


>> No.8671199

Super dumb question, but I've never done an MTO before - will this still be limited quantities? Do they sell out?

>> No.8671203

No it won't be sold out. This should've been added to the OP.
>inb4 someone argues at me about this
Yes some previous MTO's have been limited but they specified on their blog this is unlimited on the onlineshop.

>> No.8671205

This release is bringing out the worst in people. Can't tell if lolitas as a whole have gotten bitcher or if holy lantern just attracts salty bitches.

>> No.8671209


PLEASE take your Tenso questions to this thread.

>> No.8671210

It's not that HL has brought out the worst in people, it's that HL has brought with it an influx of stupid questions that can be resolved with Google. People are tired of it

>> No.8671215

Why are you so anal retentive about terms? In the last thread and in any thread I have ever seen that mentions tenso, literally everyone has called it a shopping service, including people who at least act like they know what their doing. I don't think it matters much. Why do you get so irrationally angry about word choice? I'm curious.

>> No.8671222

>a containment thread for a containment thread

>> No.8671224

Have you even clicked on the other HL threads, anon? Everyone is fed up with the constant Tenso spam.

>> No.8671243

If anything I think calling it something it isn't will only cause more confusion and questions, like "durr so can I ask someone from tenso to go wait in line for me/pick something up from closet child/etc"

>> No.8671264

Can anybody who has the lavender colorway (or at least seen it) confirm what it looks like IRL?

>> No.8671266

Every release. Every release brings out these people on Lolita Updates.

>> No.8671275

Didn't they used to have an attached SS though?

>> No.8671282

I'm just using Tenshi, I don't have any bills/mail sent to my current address so I wouldn't be able to pass their verification.
Plus Nicole is super sweet and always ships my packages out pretty quickly, it'll probably be comparable to AP USA in price and shipping time tbh.

>> No.8671287

I just seems like HL in particular. There's been so many repeat offenders. People will ask a question, get it answered, and right underneath the answer someone else will ask the question again in a slightly different way.

Perhaps we could all put together a general release FAQ in a pastebin or something? I don't know a whole lot myself since I mostly buy secondhand but I wouldn't mind coordinating it if people were willing to contribute information.

>> No.8671290

Not that anon, but they do. Which is why it should be differentiated. The newfs are easily confused.

>> No.8671295

HL brings out all the dumb shits for sure

and i don't think they would read the FAQ, you'd probably be wasting your time

>> No.8671349

Am I the only one getting the white jsk?

>> No.8671356

Different anon but yeah, I have to agree. This is my first MTO but it took me what, a few seconds to find several guides? People need to learn how to lurk more.

>> No.8671387

If you mean the high waist, yeah, probably. If you mean the ivory zipper jsk though, lol no wut

>> No.8671412

Can someone confirm what time zone the 6pm is please?

>> No.8671417


aka 5 hours from now

>> No.8671426

I'm getting white zipper jsk

>> No.8671444

Okay, sorry, not a newfag, just recently moved and all my official documents still have my old address, I know how Tenso works. Plus I tend to use 'shopping service' to refer to anything that helps me shop from places I wouldn't otherwise be able to get stuff from. I was simply curious to know what other gulls were doing.

>> No.8671458

So if I have a MasterCard debit card I can't use it for Ap's Japan store? So my options would be AP USA or an SS. Which would run cheaper?

>> No.8671465

Where did you hear that you can't use it for the AP Japan store? You absolutely can. I have a Mastercard debit and I never had any problems with buying off AP with it.

>> No.8671466

MasterCard should be fine

>> No.8671467

Japan actually doesn't allow people to use Mastercard since it didn't make it over quite yet. but you might be able to call ap USA and get the payment sorted out...

>> No.8671470

Even if it's debit?

>> No.8671473
File: 80 KB, 540x534, B-OaW1lIgAAksMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the JSK cut and several friends want me to get it. I don't know if this is going to fit right even if I buy an underskirt. Cause my tallness.

>> No.8671476

Sorry, I meant online via Tenso.

>> No.8671488

I read you correctly.
I made multiple purchases through the AP online store with my mastercard debit and I never ran into any problems.
Everything processed fine, I got my clothes, AP never banned me, so >>8671467 is just full of shit.

>> No.8671489

In the last thread someone said AP doesnt charge tax for international orders, is that bs or is it true? What I'm planning on getting would be +30 dollars with tax which isnt horrible, but any money saved is good

>> No.8671495

Thanks, anon. This is good to know.

>> No.8671496

Tax is already included in the dress price (see op pic with reg price and tax price)

>> No.8671505

you should have more fun with these kids. in theory, maneuvering through Google and tenso should be easier than cgl

>> No.8671509

No problems!

Bs. Listed price will include the domestic sales tax, it is technically a domestic sale since the shipping address is in Japan.

>> No.8671525

Ah thats right, damn. Oh well, like i said, the tax isnt horrible and is still cheaper than buying from AP USA. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.8671566

I literally just bought a dress last week and the fucking zipper JSK is calling my name. There is no god. I went almost a year without buying a new dress and now this.

>> No.8671571

MTO is open on APSF!

>> No.8671580

Wait,what? Ther don't accept Mastercard creditcard? I'm fucked now.

>> No.8671583

Pretty sure it USED to be a problem but not anymore

>> No.8671584

Can I ask why everyone is hopping on the MTO as soon as it comes out? Didn't they say it'd be open until the 25th? Or does it close sooner if they get too many orders?

>> No.8671586

We're all just anxious and excited!! Some of us have waited 2 years for this. Also better to be safe than sorry

>> No.8671588

Ah, okay! Just making sure. It must be the bloodbath instinct in us all.

>> No.8671595

So what's the exact verdict on this? I have a MasterCard debit card, not a credit card. Can I use the debit card on the AP online shop or nah?

>> No.8671599

argh no pictures for so many items, this is not helping me decide what to get.

>> No.8671600

Dude MasterCard debit or credit doesn't matter. If your debit card has a MasterCard logo it can be considered a MasterCard credit card (it deducts payments 3-5 business days from checking account instead of immediately).

Has used a MasterCard debit card. They were fine.

>> No.8671613
File: 19 KB, 420x454, 11thsaywhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Japan doesn't allow people to use MasterCard

Where the ever-living fuck did you hear that. That's not even remotely true.

>> No.8671634

You are misinformed. If you ran into trouble using a Mastercard card, then something else went wrong. I used to have a Mastercard debit and used it for almost all of my Japan based online shopping with no problem.

>> No.8671644

Just paid for my shit.
Got a bag and a zipper jsk.

>> No.8671671
File: 9 KB, 300x169, jjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy ordering everyone!
I get paid on thursday... The wait is killing me

>> No.8671677

I'm catching up on my tv shows until AP JPN put the MTO up. No sleep 'til 6 am~

>> No.8671702

less than an hour to go, gulls

>> No.8671703

The rules on AP's onlineshop suggest that there is no purchase limit, is that right?

>> No.8671704

I didn't pay attention to the time and your comment made me look at the AP site. When I saw no items I thought for a second that they did have a limit and sold out.
You made me worry over nothing.

>> No.8671706

I bought it at USA store. lol

>> No.8671723

Get hyped. Is your body ready, is your computer ready and most importantly, is your wallet ready?
ETA: 11 minutes

>> No.8671725

Well, it's an MTO, not a bloodbath, so it's not really as big a deal. Heck you could already order items right now if you wanted to off the AP USA site.

>> No.8671727
File: 142 KB, 378x370, oh ap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why AP used the stock pictures of the navy high waist for both the high waist and zipper JSKs

>> No.8671729

Okay Anons, possibly stupid question here: I was originally going to just get OP and socks, then nab the meta lucky pack when that's released. If I didn't manage to get one (like if they sell out super fast like last time), then I was thinking of grabbing a zipper JSK or bat bag instead. Should I just hold off on my order until after the lucky pack is out or just grab now and then add later if I feel like it?

>> No.8671732

And done!
I got the wine zipper JSK, blackxgold bat bag, ivory and black otks (for other coords) and a wine ribbon clip

>> No.8671735

Ordered a JSK and two socks. I do want that bat bag but I think I will wait until later to decide of I truly want it

>> No.8671736

Even though they won't come til March, I'm so happy. I feel like I'm walking on air.
I got the wine and lavender OP plus matching socks. What did everyone else get?

>> No.8671737

Purchased the pink zipper jsk with matching clip. Wish there were more photos released of the pink but I guess beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.8671740

I'm getting the zipper jsk in wine but debating if I should get the matching socks. I'm kinda not feeling them.

>> No.8671741

Which colors have silver details? Does Ivory? I really can't tell from the stock picture.

>> No.8671743

I was thinking, shouldn't we email AP thanking them?

>> No.8671744

What about the tights?
I was going to get the tights too but you can get a nice variety of stuff from taobao so I decided against it. But I did still get the socks.

>> No.8671745

i got the OP and socks in wine
really happy

>> No.8671747

I have a VISA card and I'm on the credit card page of the checkout wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to choose for the first option. Everything else can be translated but that ching chong shit, it's asking me 'number of payments'.

>> No.8671748

Yes that's actually a nice idea. I'll be doing that.

>> No.8671751

Yeah, I saw the tights but went "eeeh". I felt like they should have been more for the price but I'm definitely going to go look at some of my fav shops on Taobao. 11.11 is coming up and I was planning on doing a small-ish order anyway.

>> No.8671753

Are you using chrome or an extension in firefox? The first option is for your credit card, 2nd is bank transfer (i think), 3rd is cash on delivery or something.

>> No.8671754

I think this anon means the option to pay in bulk, two payments etc etc

>> No.8671756

Can you not.

>> No.8671760

I have the tights and they're really really thick, they're much better than taobao quality. Great for winter (so another 6 months till I get to wear mine)

>> No.8671761

noob question, but since I'm sending the dresses to a friend's house in Japan, should I change the addressee portion or would that fuck up with the payment?

>> No.8671763

Ahh, shit. Okay, that makes more sense. Need sleep. I think those are for if you want to do like a payment plan, which I didn't even know was an option. I just went with lump sum.

>> No.8671764

Oh well I assumed they'd be higher quality but I still didn't feel like spending €30 on tights when I'm getting the socks and there are cheap and cute ones on taobao I can get anytime.

>> No.8671765

By the time I'll get my package, it'd be late spring here.

>> No.8671766

I propose that we name October 17th Holy Lantern Day. From this year onwards, everyone who owns HL should wear it on this date

>> No.8671771

I got the wine zipper jsk with matching socks. Feels good.

>> No.8671776

I simply couldn't wait and ordered the wine zipper with a black ribbon clip and the gold bat bag. Better now so I won't change my mind.

>> No.8671782

Same anon; couldn't wait. I got the lavender OP and the matching socks! Maybe in a few days I'll also nab the pink zipper jsk.

>> No.8671783
File: 201 KB, 1608x1292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd hand market right now

Is the nightmare over?

>> No.8671784
File: 28 KB, 400x292, AP clones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I also got the wine zipper JSK

lol, this is fantastic

>> No.8671785

Feels good man.

Me too! Fuck, I was dead set on ivory but it looked too delicate... does that even make sense?? If some sales go through I'll add the ivory skirt

>> No.8671786

I wanted the lavender zipper JSK but I have two lavender dresses so like everyone else, I got the wine lol.

>> No.8671789

It's very pretty, very cool lavender, not too bright but not super pale either

>> No.8671793

I'm trusting you anons with the stretch of the zipper jsk. I wanted the high waist but am busty and taking your word... don't fail me /cgl/.

>> No.8671795

Are the straps on either jsk version extendible? I have a fairly long torso so longer straps tend to look better on me. I'm planning on the wine zipper as well.

>> No.8671796

I'm pretty sure the straps on all AP JSKs are adjustable.

>> No.8671797

I'm using chrome. After doing some more research, one blog said to just choose the first option because apparently it's payment plans. Don't know why I had the option, hope other people had it too and it wasn't just me.

>> No.8671798

I got the lavender zipper JSK, black and lavender hair clips and the gold bat bag.

I already managed to snag the black, lavender and navy socks. Not that they released the zipper JSK in navy...

>> No.8671801

Nice. My first AP piece so I've no clue. Thanks anon!

>> No.8671804

I got the wine OP, ivory zipper dress, and matching socks for both. I hope I can get a lavender JSK later on, I can't get it now since there's still Favorite Ribbon coming soon.

>> No.8671808

I was given the payment plan option as well. I ignored it and didn't select anything. This was my first online AP purchase, so I'm curious if anyone has experience with AP payment plans/how those work.

>> No.8671809

Is there a benefit to ordering from the Japanese site over SF?
I've never ordered from AP before and I'm not sure I want to mess with tenso and such.
I know it'll be cheaper in yen with the exchange rate, but how much of a difference will it really make after fees and shipping costs?

>> No.8671811

>It's like I have been walking in a desert and it started to rain

>> No.8671812

>watch it shoot right back up when the MTO closes

>> No.8671815

Are you fucking serious? Read the OP. If you can't handle making a tenso, which isn't that hard to begin with, just pay the extra for the convenience of SF.

>> No.8671819

Gulls, help. My card has a Discover logo and I'm trying to check out but it keeps saying it's not working. I know I have plenty of money in my account. Is it because I didn't enter a billing address?

>> No.8671821

Jesus christ, tone down the salt a bit, yeah?

I know there is a price difference, I was asking how substantial it is

>> No.8671825

You can't use them when ordering through Tenso.

>> No.8671828

All of the prices are listed on the Japanese and SF site. The fees are all listed in the OP. You're a lazy, entitled n00b who cannot even be bothered to do basic math. No I hope no one else spoon feeds you

>> No.8671834

i noticed in the description for the jsk translated it says

Original Holy Lantern pattern flocking has been decorated. we are using the original chandelier pattern tulle lace. uses a different place (vintage satin (100% polyester).

does this mean the pattern and lace has changed? is anyone a better translator than google?

>> No.8671835

If you live in the US, and iirc from the last thread, you save about $60 if you use tenso and order from the JP site. If you live in CA (and depending on weight of items) your shipping might be pretty low, in which case it's up to you. If you can do store pick up, that's the most ideal and just do that. If SF isn't within driving distance, it's up to you. My shipping wasn't too high, but I had enough items in my cart where even with tenso fees, my total was less.

> LA area, used Tenso instead of SF

Didn't know that, thank you.

Chill anon.

>> No.8671837

Holy fuck why are you so aggressive?

I've never ordered from AP and I don't want to get hit with a bunch of hidden fees that I didn't know about for either AP or Tenso.
If there are fees for the Japanese site or tenso, then it wouldn't matter how much I was saving with the exchange rate because that money would be swallowed up by the fees/shipping costs anyway.
Please clean the sand out of your vag and maybe people will like you a bit more

>> No.8671838

Did you even read the OP? Or what I wrote?
>All of the prices are listed on the Japanese and SF site. The fees are all listed in the OP.

Wow. I give up.

>> No.8671839

Thank you, I don't live in CA but a neighboring state so I assume it won't be too much more.
I'm mostly worried about hidden fees because that ended up happening with my first taobao order so I'm pretty cautious now

>> No.8671841

The only "hidden" fees you'd need to worry about are shipping weight (which if you're super worried about, I suggest adding everything into your cart on the SF site, copying that weight, and pasting it into Tenso's shipping calculator for an exact number), and the cost to use Tenso itself- which is ¥580 (less than $5 USD). You don't need to worry about hidden taxes using the tenso method.

>> No.8671849

Makes sense, thank you!

>> No.8671859

>zipper JSK lists 85cm-105cm
Looks like they made it a little smaller?!

The OP is confirmed to be 92cm in length.

They are also using DIFFERENT MATERIALS. Not sure if it's with the main body piece or with the flocks tulle. The colors have been looking off or AP is being really bad with their color editing.

>> No.8671863

I don't think AP accepts Discover.

>> No.8671864

It's up on JP site

>> No.8671865

I think they just copied the measurements from the high waist JSK, they are exactly the same which does not make sense

>> No.8671866

Pretty sure that's an error because right above that, it lists the zipper jsk as 89cm in the japanese section.

>> No.8671868

The lace and the flocking are still the same as the original. Not sure about the last part though.

>> No.8671871

I'm such a fucking idiot.
When I saw the post about the rerelease on lolita updates ( a few mins after it was posted) I didn't even read the post before I had sent an email to chibi.
Go back and see its a MTO. Fuck. There goes an extra $100 in fees and shit I could have saved using Tenso if I wasn't so stupid.
God damn it.

>> No.8671874

I didn't know a mail meant you had to pay. Just send a second message.

>> No.8671879

No, I submitted an SS request through her site. Serves me right for being over eager and not reading through the post properly.
>RIP money

>> No.8671880

Yeah, I got it sorted out. I didn't think they did either but I was going off of the OP post

>> No.8671896

What does 決済に失敗しました。

>> No.8671904

Something along the lines of "failure with the method of payment".

>> No.8671907

I have my middle initial on my debit card, do you think that would cause it to fail? The website won't let me put my middle initial anywhere in the name field because it wants contiguous strings of characters.

>> No.8671909 [DELETED] 

Different anon, but it's in her terms and conditions. I sent an email in the shopping request form just to ask if a dress was in stock. She hadn't invoiced me and I suddenly received a message from her saying she had bought it already.

>> No.8671912

Different anon, but it's in her terms and conditions. If you send a request in the shopping service form, you are obligated to pay up for it.

Similar thing kind of happened to me. I just wanted to ask if a dress was in stock and used the form. I hadn't paid for anything at all and suddenly received a message saying that she had bought it. I didn't really want the dress anymore, but I had to pay for it.

>> No.8671916

Do you really need your middle initial though? Just try omitting it and trying again.

>> No.8671917

Same! Feels good, man. Lavender was originally my first choice, but the wine really grew on me. It's so gorgeous.

>> No.8671936

I did and it still gives me the same error

>> No.8671943

Diff anon but you clearly have not read a single word in any of the HL threads. All the info is in the OP and the Tenso thread that was created for morons like you. If you still can't comprehend how to place an order with Tenso, you're too retarded and don't deserve AP anyways.

>> No.8671947
File: 147 KB, 500x600, 10171620_5621f6c50d7dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have this picture but in the wine colorway?

>> No.8671983
File: 125 KB, 398x547, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.8671990

Just placed my order. I might place a second one for another dress if they do stay open until the 25th.

Can I just say how surreal it was to take my time checking out on a print I wanted so much? I hummed and hawwed over which barrette clips I wanted, which socks, etc. It didn't feel real.

I have to wonder how many orders they received so far and how many dresses they will make in total for them.

>> No.8671991

TBH the only extra fee is her SS fee which is only like 5% + PP fees? The shipping from her is about the same as Tenso, so you aren't out *that* much. Also look at it this way, you are supporting her wonderful SS AND not paying that much more over retail when you used to have to pay nearly a grand for some of the colorways.

>> No.8671993

Holy Lantern was my dream dress and now I don't want it at all. Everyone and their damn mother is going to be in Holy Lantern. All we are going to see is coorded hl.

<inb4 you are salty

Yeah kinda I admit it.

>> No.8671994

Good. More for me then

>> No.8672003

So just look at the pics on AP Japan? It's literally the same stuff anon

>> No.8672006
File: 219 KB, 1300x720, holy_lantern_background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfect thank you! I made this in case anyone want to use it.

>> No.8672008

It isnt really a dream dress if you are going to get over it because it is plentiful. It sounds like you wanted it for the rarity not the dress itself.

>> No.8672009

I mean, my dream dress was Nameless Poem and I realized how many people were grabbing it during the second release but that didn't deter me. If anything, I think everyone else was afraid to wear it because of how many people got it, so I haven't see a whole lot of it even though I know multiple people who own it.

Basically, for the first month or so you'll probably see a lot of AP fags coording it but it will die out soon enough because people don't want to look like everyone else.

>> No.8672011

this will make me sound like an ungrateful bitch but I think this would've looked nicer if it was tiled/the pattern lined up more evenly

>> No.8672020
File: 218 KB, 1300x720, holy_lantern_background2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon I tried my best to fix it. The two on the far right are from the 1st release pics, and three on the far left are from the recent release, so they aren't from the same tile of the print.

>> No.8672025

They weren't up when I posted that

>> No.8672031

My calves are about 15cm at the widest. Are the socks gonna look fucking dumb?

>> No.8672036

Do you have it already? Because if not... not wanting to get a MTO for your dream dress *because* it's a MTO makes absolutely no sense and you sound off your rocker. If you do own it already it makes more sense but at the same time it's still really dumb to think this way.

>> No.8672040

Any chance of pretty please making a full wallpaper of the pink ver, savior anon?

>> No.8672045
File: 227 KB, 1300x720, pink_holy_lantern_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.8672062

Sounds to me like you just wanted it because it was a status symbol. That's not really a dream dress.

>> No.8672072
File: 157 KB, 500x600, holy_lantern_tights_bkslv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish they did special sets to match the tights, like black/ivory x gold/silver flocking.
Shit would be cash.

>> No.8672074

Shh, don't give them any ideas
>the thought of a wine x gold christmas special set

>> No.8672077

Eh, I'm kinda feeling what you are feeling but I am instead aiming on wearing it better than most people. I hate having somebody else suddenly have the rare print that I have, but I feel good by making them look like shit in comparison.

>> No.8672080

Treating this whole thing like a contest doesn't sound very healthy to me.

>> No.8672088

I just want the dress to live on my body, I don't care who has it or doesn't have it. You just sound like you want it because it's rare.

>> No.8672091

You are seriously the best thank you so so much!

>> No.8672103

Does anyone know if they have or are going to release any jewelry for Holy Lantern?

>> No.8672108

If they were going to they would have already

>> No.8672123
File: 145 KB, 1024x959, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my bloodbath skirt today and I wanted to share the adorable drawing the shop girl did.

>> No.8672127

Where you the one whom they said they would do something special for because you told them about the girl who got 2 OPs?

>> No.8672130

Haha no, I wish! I think this is something they do regularly, isn't it? I've heard about the shop girls including notes and doodles before, though this was baby's first ever non-secondhand lolita purchase so I wouldn't personally be able to confirm.

>> No.8672131

nope that's me
I am still waiting on mine because i got the cheaper shipping + i live in the midwest

>> No.8672140

>mfw people are still trying to scalp HL on LM for $600-700
>two bitches from china and japan are trying to sell it for 650 rn

>> No.8672151

idg why they wouldn't release the wrist cuffs too. bah.

>> No.8672182

Thank you so much! Pink is my favorite for this series.

>> No.8672190

You should like a dress because you like how it looks, not because of how rare or popular it is.

>> No.8672204

They probably think they can sell it for that much because people want it for Halloween.
And they're probably right.

>> No.8672293
File: 16 KB, 208x287, tumblr_lkang46uBK1qd6qvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have no idea how I'm going to wait 'til March but I'll just have to think about it like it's a b-day gift.

But in the meantime I'm going to see if I can hunt down one of the zippered skirts from the original release as everyone and their mam is putting up Holy Lantern stuff now.

Red, especially that shade, is my favourite colour so it was no contest. But I nearly changed my mind and got the pink. Wasn't expecting it to look so nice.

>> No.8672300
File: 990 KB, 1276x1920, holy lantern in light blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's one of my dream dresses too... I can't even get it right now cause bills but one day I'll have it. Even if everyone has worn it already.

>> No.8672314

>B-but now I won't be SPESHUL anymore!!
...seriously? I wish every dream dress on my wishlist had a made to order so I could buy it at retail price. If you really like the dress, can't you just be happy you won't have to shell out $600+ for it?

>> No.8672323
File: 994 KB, 1280x720, Rarity_levitates_a_completed_Princess_Dress_awa_S5E14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rules of Rare AP, just a parody
No dress here's unique~
The patterns all the same
Each colored lantern flame
Lolita fashion only makes me want to shriek!

>> No.8672325

the new milky planet eh

>> No.8672328

MP wasn't MTO tho. And most people prefer the original to the rerelease. It sold for $400-600 at one point before ott sweet became less popular.

>> No.8672331

Sounds like fun to me.

>> No.8672335

This applies to every lolita brand and every dress though. If you want it to be unique there can only be a small few, far less than what brands currently release.

>> No.8672355

Idk, dude. That sounds less like "fun boardgame" and more like an "inside your own head, by yourself, pretending other people are playing" game.

So, a little batshit, tbh.

>> No.8672360

Not even remotely correct. I love milky planet but wow you're wrong.

>> No.8672379

Would I be allowed to purchase a second dress from AP Japan after already placing my order? Are there any rules against that?

>> No.8672415

For the HL MTO? You can buy as many main pieces as you want but one of each color accessory only

>> No.8672431

Yes I know that you can get as many as you want for one order.

However I am asking if I can place a second order?

>> No.8672442

Confirmed, every receipt I've ever gotten from AP USA has had a cute marker drawing on it, and "Thank you Anon!" inscription.

>> No.8672465
File: 46 KB, 989x333, be3456472ceffda0cf6eef02d58d9f37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some help? I've been banging my head over this.

I have spelt my name out as carefully as I could in Katakana. But, it keeps rejecting the entry and I cannot sign up for the AP account. I have searched, but I cannot find a solution anywhere... it is only the phonetic name it is complaining about.

>> No.8672466

You can place infinite amounts. Tenso will charge you to combine them for international shipping. Plus if your AP order is over 40,000 yen (i think) domestic shipping is free).

>> No.8672487

I was having the same problem. Try doing it on mobile. It accepted the katakana for my name with no problem. Give that a shot, anon.

>> No.8672489

welp, the pink zipper jsk has made it onto my list of dream dresses, but sadly one of my other higher priority top tier dream dresses just popped up, so i will have to forego HL for now.
prayer circle for everyone else who will fight for HL post-MTO. hopefully the secondhand prices will drop to at least a more reasonable amount.

>> No.8672511

I tried on the mobile, and it didn't take. Now I don't even know what it is complaining about.

>> No.8672517

did you have spaces or special letters? mine did and it worked once I removed all that.

>> No.8672523

Absolutely no spaces. I double-checked it. But, I don't know if the problem is the same on the phone as on the computer, since it doesn't have autotranslate on the phone.

>> No.8672551
File: 35 KB, 375x212, Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 6.25.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When signing up with tenso its asks me for two names. Is one in katakana and the other english? Already asked the SS thread, but no solid answers.

>> No.8672556

Yes. Full name is in English. The alphabet means katakana

>> No.8672561
File: 16 KB, 529x49, Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 6.35.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I put my name in katakana in the Alphabet space it gave me this? So does that mean both are supposed to be in english?

>> No.8672569

This happened to me. It has to do with full and half-width characters. The translator I used gave me the wrong size characters.

I fixed it by pasting the Katakana in notepad and then copy/pasting into the form.

>> No.8672573

I just used one of those "romaji to katakana" converter sites and copy-pasted.

>> No.8672575

I tried copy pasting them into notepad, but it still refuses. Though I found that it accepts it if I put katakana in the "Full Name" space. Is the katakana supposed to go there or in the "Full name in alphabet" space.

>> No.8672590


>> No.8672596

seems to be lower, i got free shipping on just the OP and socks

>> No.8672597
File: 453 KB, 567x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This secret really spoke to me, haha.

>> No.8672598

I had the same problem, so I put my name in English in both of the spaces.... Will this affect my AP order ( I have yet to order) if I filled both name spaces with my English name??

>> No.8672621

If it's on Tenso, then no. On Tenso I put my name in English in both fields and it was ok.

Now on AP's website, the first field is in English (last name, first name) then the 2nd is in katakana. Look, I'm even providing a link for a name converter. http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi

>> No.8672630

Not the anon you were responding to, but Tenso refer to themselves as a FORWARDING service, so... https://www.tenso.com/en/

I don't understand why there is dispute over the differences between a forwarding service and a shopping service though. Those are two different things and should be referred to as such for clarity (because we don't need confused noobs to be even more confused). Sound fair?

>> No.8672631

I purchased a blouse from AP SF a couple months ago and there was a cute doodle on my receipt. It was a blushing anime girl and they wrote "Thank you for your purchase!"

>> No.8672662

I'm about to pull my hair out with this... I'm trying to put in my AP reservation, so I call my bank to approve my Mastercard debit card for a Japanese purchase (to use via tenso), and all I get from them is just "to try" and see if it will go through. They told me they cannot verify the purchase ahead of time. If they decline the payment will AP ban me? Will I get another chance to place my order or no?

>> No.8672687




>> No.8672701

Did you ever figure this out anon?

>> No.8672711

Joined the banwaggon and got the wine zipper jsk, hair clip and socks.

>> No.8672719
File: 123 KB, 500x387, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.8672726
File: 276 KB, 400x501, 0ciyaZG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8672730

oh my god. Uh well, you go girl.

>> No.8672741

Please open it up and dump them on your body. Enjoy them like you would a mountain of cash.

>> No.8672755


>> No.8672757

Also what colors I want deets. I get so excited when other people make big AP purchases... I know I'm weird but shaaaaare.

>> No.8672772

Do you, girl. Do you. If I had the cash I would have picked at least 1 from each category.

>> No.8672778

Shit. Well I didn't realize this when I made my order, but I accidentally put in the katakana for my last name in the slot for my first name as well as my last name. Will this affect my order?

>> No.8672780


MasterCard Debit is technically an ATM card. It can be run through both credit and debit transaction services. Debit shows up on your account immediately, and credit takes three to five days to process through.

Now on the other hand, if MasterCard flags a Japanese purchase as potentially fraudulent, you may be fucked. But I doubt it. They usually call you to confirm that you made the purchase.

>> No.8672785

I have no idea??? Does it really even matter?

>> No.8672787

Anyone that doesn't want to go through tenso can order through Private Review Jam.

>> No.8672802

Just an FYI to taller lolitas considering the skirt: I am about 163cm (so, hardly tall) and the new skirt hits at about mid-thigh with a small petticoat. I was pretty surprised that it was so short, but it still looks fucking amazing - you just might need an underskirt if you're taller than me.

>> No.8672827

This is my favorite thing to ever come out of /cgl/ thank you

>> No.8672829

If it's not too much trouble could you post pics of the skirt worn by chance? I can't find any worn pics yet and I am dying to know if I should get it.

>> No.8672832

I almost made this exact same secret, I'm glad someone else was on the same wavelength because this is what ran through my mind when I found out about the MTO.

>> No.8672833

For your privilege please post all worn ~

>> No.8672838

....I'm >>8672590 and my initial post (>>8672031) literally had nothing to do with tenso?

please someone just tell me if my fat calves will fit in these socks or not

>> No.8672841

Aww man, I think i'll pass on this one.
>Tfw poorfag
But congrats! Enjoy them and like the other anon said, dump them all in your body when these gets to your home.

>> No.8672860

Sure! I'm out atm but when I get home I'll snap a pic.

>> No.8672866

For Dream Marine (debating if I want to do this one or hold out) I tried paying with my MC debit and it wouldn't accept it. It did accept my MC credit however.

>> No.8672891

Jesus, and I thought I was spending too much when I was debating on getting a third JSK. You do you, girl

>> No.8672922

I have like 33cm calves at their widest and they fit me just fine.

Nigga your calves aint even fat, if anything they're dainty as fuck.

>> No.8672924

Wait, does that mean I can't order two wine ribbons? Because shit man, I really want two so I can use them as twintail ribbons. Should I make two separate orders of one ribbon if I really can only get one wine per purchase? I had too many nightmares last night about AP closing HL orders early amongst other things but this certainly wasn't one of them

>> No.8672928

Same, I had to hold back from getting 4 main pieces. If I was able to get more, I would gladly dump them all out on my bed and dive into them a la Scrooge McDuck.

>> No.8672931


me too, I've been fighting off the temptation to get the pink jsk for a couple of days now.
I may cave on the last day and just get it anyway along with the socks, but I've already spent $800 on the HL MTO...

>> No.8672935

I had those same nightmares last night too, I think I woke up 3 or 4 times. Sadly I don't know about the accessory limit but if it helps, I bought one black and one wine ribbon and so far so good.

>> No.8672936

What else did you get? I'm really curious!

>> No.8672941

Oops disregard, I didn't realize it was 2 of the same color that was the problem. I'd be shocked if it was an issue though... I didn't see that in the rules, plus it's a MTO so it should be ok, I think you are fine.

>> No.8672946

>White OP
>Wine JSK
>Wine OTK
>Black hair clip
>Bat bag silver
>Bat bag gold

I already have two pairs of HL socks from the previous release. I also couldn't decide if I which color for the bat bag so YOLO went for both.

>> No.8672959

Has any other release inspired this much duplicate-buying, or is everyone just going extra crazy because it's a MTO? There's a lot of crazy popular prints but I can't think of another where so many people were buying like 3+ main pieces.

>> No.8672961

It always seemed like lots of people always bought dups in every MTO. Like in the celestial MTO there was this girl that bought 6 dresses.

>> No.8672963


>> No.8672975

Your calves are 6 inches in circumference?

>> No.8672983

Haven't ordered yet, waiting for my comm's group order

Getting the Ivory zipper jsk, not sure if I want the black or ivory barrette

It's plain with a cross charm on it right? I'd probably get more use out of the black one...

>> No.8672986

or do I even NEED a barrette I'm overthinking this too much

>> No.8672989 [DELETED] 

Can I ask why you are doing a group order? The shipping will be a lot more expensive getting a huge, heavy box sent via EMS as opposed to the roughly 2000yen it costs from tenso for one dress. And I say get the black if you don't want both, it's more versatile and also bold which helps with the boldness of the black on ivory.

>> No.8672991

Can I ask why you are doing a group order? The shipping will be a lot more expensive getting a huge, heavy box sent via EMS as opposed to the roughly 2000yen it costs from tenso for one dress. I'd get it because you can always sell it later if you don't want it.

And I say get the black if you don't want both, it's more versatile and also bold which helps even out the boldness of black on ivory.

>> No.8672992

Barrettes are pretty generic and easy to come by. If you already have a plain black or ivory barrette skip it. Otherwise get the color that matches more of your stuff. They're versatile, so I'd recommend getting one; you'll probably get a decent amount of use out of it.

>> No.8672995


wow alright so I'm a goddamn moron

I meant to type 15 INCHES not centimeters

so yeah, fattychan calves. how stretchy are AP's socks? meta's otk's are pretty stretchy and so they usually look like regular otk's but I just want to know if AP's are just gonna be stretched out awkward looking knee socks and therefore if I should skip out on buying matching socks for this

>> No.8673000

I think it's nice to have the matching headwear for a jsk. If the barette will match other stuff in your wardrobe I would say it's more of an incentive to go for it. even if you already have something else that could work, idk, if you won't mind spending the money on it then go for it. either way, if you do get it and then decide you don't need it, if you put it up for sale it's probably gonna go pretty quickly.

>> No.8673002


Oh okay that makes more sense anon!

I think you'd be pushing the socks to their limits tbh. My calves are 33 cm and if my calves were bigger they would probably stretch the fabric to it's limits. The fabric is also thinner than other AP socks that I own from what I can tell.

>> No.8673003

Fellow fatty calves here. I wouldn't risk it, I had trouble with AP socks when my calves were way smaller than they are now.

>> No.8673013


thanks for your input guys! I'll have to forego them for now.

>> No.8673045

Same, I already have the wine OP and the ivory JSK but the lavender JSK is calling out to me. I kinda wish the MTO ends early because I know I'm going to cave on the last day

>> No.8673141

I really want the OP...but i have a 95cm bust. Is there any photos of girls with larger busts wearing the OP? Or Chubby girls? Im 5'3" and have an 80cm waist...i shouldnt buy anything, but this is probably my only chance to buy HL when it's not scalped to fuck but I dont want to do it if it will look like shit on me. Mainly because of tits

>> No.8673154

maybe you're fat because you're so lazy
look in the past threads, people have already asked and pictures were posted

>> No.8673178
File: 28 KB, 190x296, Stupid questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8673201

Anon you sound like a slightly bigger body type as me. To answer your questions, look in the last thread. General consensus is it wont look very good. The OP looks best on thin girls and busts under 90cm. If you can wear a sports bra or minimizer that would help, but otherwise you should go for the zipper JSK. I bought the OP because I can minimize my bust and waist, and because I just liked the OP more than other cuts.

You do you, but chances are the OP might look like a fancy mumu.

>> No.8673235 [DELETED] 

I have two.

>selling dress on LM
>girl asks to do layaway for about a month or two
>tell her I need 25% non refundable down payment sent as a gift
>she sends it
>two weeks later she emails me saying something financially comes up and she can't buy it anymore and I should refund her and sell to someone else
>um... I said it was nonrefundable on the listing and in our messages
>she goes oh, ok, and I keep it
>what is reading comprehension


>another fucking layaway (I don't do them anymore unless it's 50% nonrefundable down)
>buyer tells me they need about 2 months to pay off dress, it's about $250
>they send the nonrefundable deposit, then a few more payments over the following month
>about 190 is paid off by now
>buyer drops off the face of the earth for a month
>I PM asking what is up, no pressure, just want to know
>I will send the payment soon anon!
>another month goes by
>Hello? Payment?
>I'm sorry I have been so busy!
>this continues for the following... get ready for it... TEN MONTHS
>at one point they started ignoring me completely, had to track them down on facebook
>mfw I see they were plenty busy buying other dresses during that time
>demand the rest of the payments or I had to sell it to someone else, we agreed on 2 months wtf is this shit
>no no anon here I am sending the last payment
>they finish paying it off, I ship, the end, but no thank you for waiting for nearly a fucking hear from this twat

>> No.8673239
File: 260 KB, 1714x1142, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you are anon. Apologies for the awkward photos/backlighting but I think you get the idea. I'm also wearing the OTKs.

>> No.8673242 [DELETED] 

Sorry posted that to the wrong thread! Deleting!

>> No.8673352

If I had the money on hand I would have done the exact same thing. I ordered 2 OPs but would have liked to get a JSK too.
I figure I'll get the White OP later secondhand and maybe the pink if it's nice worn (but right now I'm getting some serious hot topic vibes from the pink for some reason). I wish they rereleased the blackxblack because I'd love the longer length. Ngl if that had been there I would have probably bought that too.
This is the dress that got me in to Lolita and I love almost every colour/cut, I'm so thrilled about this MTO. Please enjoy all your dresses when they come anon.

>> No.8673360

>tfw you were so frustrated/disappointed from missing out on the bloodbath both times and hunting for a year and a half you gave up and had planned to buy a replica that week
>the MTO gets announced 1 day before you order a replica

There is a god

>> No.8673375

If people can do group orders, you should be able to get two ribbons

>> No.8673389

The conflicting information is making me so worried. I can't order till I get paid on the 23rd, someone please reassure me.

>> No.8673441

Despite not having been interested in this series before, I've found myself wanting the wine OP after browsing these threads. Am I getting caught up in the hype? Should I cave anyway? The only thing I disliked about the OP before was the short length, and now they've made it 10cm longer...

>> No.8673489

Any clues of whether this series will go down in price or high in availability?
I'm a damned poor student and I don't see me getting a salary in a year or two.

>> No.8673490
File: 83 KB, 532x400, 10172326_56225a874492b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP uploaded this,

>> No.8673494

With the way people are going crazy for the MTO, I imagine we will see more of the dresses available when closet cleanings happen or when financial issues crop up.

>> No.8673499

Those look truer to the actual colors

>> No.8673507

It's close to retail right now on the secondhand market. I feel like after everyone gets their MTO the price will cap at about $300-350.
I'm buying 2 dresses but don't have the money right now to buy everything I want so I'm gonna wait till I get more money maybe next month or the month after to buy secondhand. I don't see it going back up to $700-900 ever again, thank god.

>> No.8673734

>I don't see it going back up to $700-900 ever again, thank god.
even the wine and lavender ops? because iirc they were/are the most popular

>> No.8673738

Look at how many people are ordering the wine OP now
>so many

>> No.8673743

Thank you so much anon! It looks so cute on you!

>> No.8673755

the zipper jsks are probably going to plummet in price as well, I have a feeling that the lav and wine colorways are going to end up being the cheapest just because everyone is going to have them, whereas the other colors might hold value better since fewer people jumped at them during the MTO. my instincts are saying pink might be the most valuable down the road
>but I'm still getting the wine zipper jsk fuck it

>> No.8673761

The only ones I could see holding value down the road would be the Navy x Black and Black x Black Colorways.

>> No.8673784

Chances of getting HL for below retail after the MTO?

>> No.8673789


>> No.8673797

Wait, so is this unlimited or will it sell out? I get paid on Tuesday and I really want the zipper JSK... I'm not even lolita, I just fucking love the dress. Sorry for the stupid question, but there's a lot of conflicting information...

>> No.8673801

Never below retail, except maybe for the skirts. I think the unpopular cuts will drop to retail or slightly above. The more popular cuts/colors will drop in price a little, but still be significantly above retail.

What do you gulls think? What colors/cuts will drop in price or stay the same? Will any become more expensive in price?

>> No.8673802

It's unlimited. Reservations are open till sunday and they will start shipping March next year.

>> No.8673804

Its a made-to-order/reservation. Usually MTOs are unlimited (or never reach their cut-off number) but given the extreme popularity of the print it is possible the MTO will close early, just like with Melty Berry Princess's MTO.

>> No.8673805

It's limited but the limit is very high, chances are slim that it will close early and even if it does it will probably only close 1-2 days in advance. Don't sweat it.

>> No.8673850

If I'm unsure as to whether or not I want something, I think about what would happen if I didn't get it. Would I be really bummed that I missed out or would I feel fine? If I think I'll be bummed missing out then I get it. The thing with Holy Lantern is since so many people love it, even though there's tons of people getting it, there's still plenty of people who won't be able to buy it but will be looking to be once the orders all ship out to people in March. If you don't like it anymore once it gets to you, you could still easily make your money back if you decided to sell it.

guh, do you think certain unpopular colors might just stay at retail or slightly below because they're unpopular though? specifically speaking about the blackxwhite/silver colorway. I actually really like that, but I can only get one main piece bc money so I decided to just get the wine jsk. I figured I could just buy it in the future cause someone won't want it anymore. I guess when MTO's start shipping out I should have the money saved by then and I can put a WTB up?

I can see some pieces that everyone has been getting in the MTO being slightly below retail but things dropping way below, like under 250USD, I don't think it will happen for a long time, like a few years tbh. So I would still expect to pay 250+ for main pieces but nothing above like $450 maybe. But hey, who knows. We're the ones who set the prices - some people may begin putting their pieces up for lower prices or crazy people may keep bidding really high prices just to get their hands on a trendy dress.

>> No.8673874

Alright. This is it. The photo that's gonna encourage me to work out/eat healthier and lose some weight. They look amazing on you, anon!

>> No.8673919

FUCK that's so cute. I actually wish I was taller, I'm only 152 and prefer non-lolita Jfashion. I've been hoping for the rerelease for years, but it's probably going to hit me right at the knee.

>> No.8673957

Not a chance. I hunted this dress for the last year and the reason it got so expensive was because people rarely sold them, it popped up so infrequently. There are lots of these dresses going around now, so it'll never reach that price again imho.

>> No.8673959

Personally I think it would look very cute at the knee! Maybe keep an eye out for it on the secondhand market? There have already been a couple of skirts that have cropped up on LM for around retail. IMO it'd also look really cute without a petticoat if you'd like to wear it casually too.

Thank you! I hope the photos were useful for your reference!

>> No.8673983

I think pink will end up holding a lot of value as well.

>> No.8674003
File: 312 KB, 1013x2742, IMG_20151007_161512~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but another pic for reference. I'm 5'6" and I chose the tights to keep my thighs from showing. I'm wearing a pretty full petti though, I think it'd look better with a smaller one.

You have the navy as well! I'm loving this color. It looks cute with the socks! How tall are you? I'm curious if they'll be long enough on my legs.

>> No.8674012


Thank you very much, anons! I really appreciate it!

>> No.8674019

If you don't mind me asking, how much do you weigh? You have my dream legs.

>> No.8674029

Yea, I agree. With Dream Marine and Melt Berry Princess, I was hoping that the MTO meant that I would have a chance to grab one but I still haven't really seen one below 300

>> No.8674039

Thanks anon! I don't mind at all, I'm around 100lbs. I'm sorry to say I don't do anything special to get them this way though.

>> No.8674224

Curious: What length petti are you guys using? A few months back /cgl/ actually pointed me to a Halloween costume petti that was the perfect length but the puff was HUGE (which would be awesome for people who love that, great puff to price ratio) and I'm in the market for a less huge one.

>> No.8674235

How much would shipping cost for a single OP from AP to tokyo?

>> No.8674251

Does the ivory OP have golden stars on it this time around? It looks like the originals did, based on Lolibrary, so I'm guessing it will be the same? I guess I'm just hoping someone will tell me otherwise because I don't like gold that much, lmao.

>obviously still getting it, just curious for matching purposes

>> No.8674378

spend a bit more and get free shipping.

>> No.8674418

High five, fellow navy wearing anon! I really fell in love with the color, especially after getting it and seeing it in person. It looks lovely on you too!

I'm actually wearing a cheap Leg Avenue petticoat. I grabbed it because it usually isn't this fluffy, but Holy Lantern is a pretty lightweight skirt compared to what I usually use it under (OPs that need mild-to-moderate fluff). I have a small black petti I'll have to test with it too.

>> No.8674429

What was the Halloween petti they pointed you to?

>> No.8674437

I went ahead and pulled it up from my Amazon order list: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000VEVE14 Surprisingly effective poof for something so cheap. It's very soft, too.

>> No.8674453

Funnily enough, I think mine was also Leg Avenue! So a version of the one anon generously linked here: >>8674437
I picked mine up in a Halloween shop and they had two varieties, the one that I think anon's definitely is, and another the same length but in a fatter packaging (nearly a cube). I'm getting this one!

>> No.8674588

Thread auto saging soon


New thread!

>> No.8674915


Usually only costs 4-12$ never had it be more personally

>> No.8674921

This keeps happening to me too.