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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8670855 No.8670855 [Reply] [Original]

Might be a bit early, but is anyone going to AUSA Halloween weekend?

>> No.8670863
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No one at all anon.

It's only going to be you.

>> No.8671350

john cena is going. he's been talking nonstop about it.

>> No.8673535
File: 97 KB, 507x403, anime-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Just moved from Youmacon territory back to Virginia, so this is my first AUSA in a couple years.

>> No.8673538

I'm going; never been before. how's the crowd? is the artist alley decent?

>> No.8673559

It's small but it's my favorite con -- really chill and just a good time to hang out with friends. The artist alley is small but I've always been impressed by the talent there.

A little bummed that apparently half the gardens and the outdoor bridge are closed off for construction, so outdoor photos are gonna be crowded.

>> No.8673690

Yeah I'm pretty sour about the gardens being blocked.. I hate staff didn't tell us because I probably wouldn't have attended tbh. The only place for photos is outside and now we will be up each other's asses trying to shoot. I do love ausa though, it's my favorite chill con.

>> No.8674042


Do you guys know if we need to purchase badges to hang out at the convention? I know we'll need them for panels/marketplace and stuff but how about just walking around?

>> No.8674351

You don't need badges to walk around but if you like rhythm games I'd recommend getting a badge because they get a lot of good Bemani stuff and there's no line because it's a small con.

>> No.8674879
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We'll be there. Shame I prepared so late that I couldn't get a room at the con rate and my costume might not be done in time. The Omni ain't too far at least.

>> No.8675103

The Asherbee is going to be there. Someone get pics, please.

>> No.8675374


>> No.8675606
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Doing pic related

Anyone want to do a meet-up

>> No.8676820

Who is The Asherbee?

>> No.8676857
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>being this new

>> No.8676899

Heard there is a lot of construction happening.

>> No.8678825

Plus the Omni is haunted. Which is pretty sweet.

>> No.8678892

Where does Anime USA rank among the other MD/DC cons?

>> No.8678953

It's pretty mid scale.
It's size is a fair size smaller than Katsucon. The venue accommodates this though, so it doesn't feel super empty.

They always have nice rhythm games and variety in the game room, and dealers is a decent size for the size of the con along with artists.

Guests this year seem pretty legit (Cowboy Beebop people). If I recall last year or a few years ago they got the dub voice of Inuyasha. So guests seem to cater to the early/mid 20s crowd.

They've got the Host Club and Maid Café which was kind of their claim to fame in earlier years being one of the first cons with those. I've never gone to the Maid Café but the Host Club is typical over priced stuff with mediocre hosts... but it is an experience if you want to pre game it and THEN go.

I think that about covers it.

>> No.8678966

I wasn't going to go, then I got an opportunity to go, but now I might lose that opportunity.

I want to go, but I think the only way I could go now would be to book shoots. Where can I go to meet cosplayers who are looking for photographers? The Facebook group is pretty dry.

>> No.8679001

What's your fb page?

>> No.8679035

Most social media surrounding the con is pretty dry.

Best bet is to probably use the hashtag like #AnimeUSA2015 etc. on all social media (primarily instagram) to let people know.

Like I said, it's a mid scale con. There's not going to be too much bite for paid shoots IMO especially with the construction.

>> No.8679159

The maid cafe is better than the host club, imo. It's pretty overpriced, but most of the girls are pretty cute and the food is pretty good. The deserts last year were really cute and very yummy. I've always had fun there. Buy something cheap and then pay for a game/photo with your maid. Some maids are better at handling it than others. So you might have to wait while they take care of other tables. That's the biggest downside.

If you go to the host club later in the evening, be prepared to be ignored unless you have alcohol. And then you'll get swarmed by hosts trying to get a sip of booze, or expecting you to buy them a drink. Or maybe I've just had unusually bad experiences.

>> No.8679198

> Friday 3:30PM "How to Mentally Survive a Con" panel

This shit reeks of tumblr

Most of the schedule looks pretty mediocre content wise at face this year. What do you gulls think?

>> No.8679244

I'm going, mainly to hang out with friends I don't get to see very often. Not buying a pass or anything but I'll still wander around with them in costume.

>> No.8679400

Isn't it cold as shit outside this time of the year?

>> No.8679460

Some times, some times not.
There are often a lot of shoots going on outside from what I've seen in the past.

Wigs keep you a lot warmer than you'd think I guess.

>> No.8679884

Another thing I found out is that they only have two anime viewing rooms this year from the usual 5.

AUSA did had some group meetups and photoshoots while in Crystal City. When it moved to DC, it quickly tickled to a stop.

Yeah, it does these days.

>> No.8679910
File: 174 KB, 612x831, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look at Anna trying to fire shots

>> No.8679946

She's a fat cunt.

>> No.8679967

You got to spam yourself EVERYWHERE on social media to get shoots.

>> No.8680299

Why are either of them even going? It's not even a big con that Yaya Han or JNig goes to so they can suck on their tits for a shot at fame.

>> No.8680371

Anna Fischer isn't that good, considering the cosplayers she works with, the gear she has, and the locations she gets to work in.

There are many photographers who can do the same level of work with far less.

Like, you can't fire shots unless you're like, Steven Meisel, in my opinion.

>> No.8681089

That's so petty, ugh. Why are photographers such children?

>> No.8681454

There is maybe a handful of FRIENDLY, NICE, HARDWORKING, photographers in North America...

>> No.8681559

Jun chea said there will be more photographers than cosplayers this year

>> No.8681620

and the nice, hard working ones are the ones everyone keeps a secret

>> No.8682613

I know right?
Like let us in on their secret.
Are there even good photogs going to this con?

>> No.8682964

I like john chea. you got to be pretty girls or gtfo.

>> No.8683149

He's not that great, just filters and star bursts whoopiee!....

>> No.8683266

All the good ones I know aren't booking this time. The ones who are won't shoot uggos and no sexy cosplay and the others are just point and shoots. Just have fun this con anon, you'll thank me later.

>> No.8683306

white specs is going i think

>> No.8683343

white specs is so fucking good. saw him advertising a few days ago.just do it.

>> No.8683491


I'm a photographer, I am good (I say, without ego), and I'll shoot with whoever books me.

I have had a rocky start with the cosplay community, but when I work with cosplayers, I expect to take the best photos anyone has ever taken of them, or I feel like I've failed. I'm still booking, too.

>> No.8683502

hi eugene.

>> No.8683533

no name no examples? lol
not that i need to book photogs anyways, since people shoot me for free

>> No.8683536

Wouldn't shoot you with that attitude.

Just saying.

>> No.8683556

Is it worth it to go if you just want to take pictures and not get a badge? Would there be enough cosplayers hanging around outside the con to take pictures of and stuff? What's the average cosplay quality like? I went to Awesome Con and Baltimore Comic Con this year and it was disappointing as fuck.

>> No.8683789

>rocky start with the cosplay community

Oh, you're fucking Blue Shell/Just Cosplay Photography aren't you? No, your photos are not good. Yes, you are still a creeper and your Asian fetish is gross.

>> No.8684012

Apparently there's no way search for roommates for animeusa because coscom is dead and animeusa's forum is completely inactive.

>> No.8684017

Couldn't you use cosplay(.)(com) don't know how well that would work though

>> No.8684173

>Couldn't you use...

And I told you that site is "dead", meaning inactive except for major conventions.

>> No.8684305

No need to get snippy about it.

>> No.8684355

>implying that I'd shoot with you anyways
wouldn't shoot with some random anon who doesn't post samples either lol

>> No.8684536

He's NOT good at all. He's so fucking shit! He overly photoshops TO HELL!

>> No.8684538

His shoops look good though.
You sound pretty upset anon; what vendetta do you have against him?

>> No.8684575

i bet anon is one of those "no photoshop" kind of photographers

>> No.8684576

didn't you get your ass handed to you last year by yasha? dude, don't go to AUSA again.

>> No.8684583
File: 107 KB, 640x960, whitespecsshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm calling samefag, you're just at the limit for the time. I looked up this person solely because of this argument, and while some pictures do look great, others look like this. Come on.

>> No.8684589

Hr had a photo of yasha and the door was fucking melting because he shooped her to shit... Not interested in paying him he could take a shot of me if he asked but I'd not pay him

>> No.8684597

link? yasha photos are usually pretty cringe worthy because she's always shopped to shit

>> No.8684627

Seconding the link. As I said in my post >>8684583
I only know this person because of what's being said in the thread, I don't know who Yasha is so I can't look.

>> No.8684736



It's still on his Facebook page. Also, she still shoots with him even after that?? Like, we all know she shoops herself to death but after a flub like that I'd be finding a different photographer.

>> No.8684744

Even of said photographer did it for free? Knowing Eddie he totally shoot with her for free

>> No.8684750


I personally don't shoot with photographers if I see they shopped me to hell and back but that's just a personal thing. Especially if they upload a photo that's like "Hey look, I made your thighs way smaller".

I'm sure Yasha would still shoot with him regardless because I guess he has a kind of name for himself and she seems to be on for the fame route.

>> No.8684753

I think she's in the scene to have fun. Either she's good at pretending to be the hyper happy kind of person or she actually is hyper happy.

>> No.8684760

I'm sure yasha actually wanted all these photoshops. so much liquidfying.

>> No.8684771

Have you seen her insta? Filters and edits abound, so yeah she'd want the photoshop. She's pretty in person but her edits make her look kind of different to me. IDK why she finds it necessary.

>> No.8684814

damn. this girl has self esteem problem. all her photos are heavily shopped

>> No.8684824

If you really think her personality is like that, you are very naive

>> No.8684831

not everything is a samefag anon; i think all photogs have good and bad shots, and I'm not seeing what's terribly wrong with the one you posted?

>> No.8684833

I don't have bad shots.

Not ones that I make publically available, anyway.

>> No.8684835

>don't have bad shots
you mean you don't think you have bad shots

>> No.8684855

hey are you going to AUSA? I have an island i can sell you. it's really nice

>> No.8685132

Anyone else see the panels yet looks good
I want to see how good con staff after dark is?

>> No.8685642

The fact he still has that on facebook is fucked.

>> No.8685643

Of course he shoots pretty asian girls for free.

>> No.8685654

pretty asian girls

are you blind?

>> No.8685717

im just kinda worried it'll be even more sparse than usual this year because surely a lot of people have other plans for Halloween?

>> No.8685736

As far as being local enough that can be access via metro. I'm sure it won't make too much of a dent or even bring more to swing by.

>> No.8686600

Maybe she's working a booth at the con

>> No.8686695

No, I mean I don't post bad shots on the internet.

Photographers always seem to post THE ENTIRE SHOOT on their social media.

I'm not wading through 178 blurry, badly composed, boring shots of the same Harley Quinn cosplayer just to stumble upon 2 or 3 good shots.

I post 5-8 of the BEST photos I take, and nothing more. If I post a big album, there's a unifying theme, and it's something you want to look through.

I actually know wtf I'm doing.

>> No.8687844

from the facebook traffic, looks like it will be pretty packed this year.

>> No.8687915

Ok so this is going to be my first con in Virginia, the only other one I've been to is NYCC one time. I don't know if I'm confused but, what the heck am I supposed to do at a con? I'm looking at the schedule and none of the panels seem interesting; do I just go for the dealer room and look at cosplay? Also, I'm going totally alone, I don't know anyone in Virginia as I've moved here from NJ/NY area recently. What can I do solo?

>> No.8687928

are you cosplaying? photographer? just being a weebo?

>> No.8687932

I've always wanted to cosplay, but could never decide who I should. I'm still open to the idea, if I can somehow scrounge up something simple.
I guess I'd take photographs if there's an impressive cosplay.
And I'm asian and speak Japanese (learned from mom), can I even be called a weeaboo?

>> No.8687999


>> No.8688237

Has anyone seen the Dealer's Room map?

>> No.8688244

Walk around. Take pictures. Sit in a quiet corner by yourself and have an existential crisis where you seriously reevaluate where it all went wrong with your life. Maybe buy some shit from the dealers room. That's pretty much my routine.

>> No.8688255

Just because you personally think those are good photos, doesn't mean that everyone will feel the same way.

>> No.8688268

Don't be so pedantic.

>> No.8688289

just go and watch all the cosplay photographers fighting over each other. it's very entertaining

>> No.8688324

You really don't need a map...

>> No.8688343

It's true... there's SO MANY.

So many of them are bad, too.

>> No.8688380

Actually I do.

>> No.8688382

I'm not sure if you know what that word means

>> No.8688435

Stick with the professionals. I recommend EMCP

>> No.8689647


I don't go on /cgl/ much, but are the 'what should I cosplay' posts looked down upon here?

>> No.8689873

We usually have a suggestion thread for them. Making your own thread is looked down upon. If there's not a suggestion thread currently open, use the help thread, just don't make a new one.

>> No.8689882

Friday Night I don't get off of work until 7, and I really don't feel like hauling ass from Tysons to Woodley-Park (especially since metro has been acting extra special). So I'm probably gonna pass on the con itself but if be down for a meet up either night.

It's my chill con. Like the one I just go to and hang without too many worries about Coords and cosplay.

>> No.8690176

I agree. EMCP's work looks like some of the best I've seen in the FB groups.

>> No.8690277

This'll be my second time going, very excited! Does anyone know if there'll be any lolita meets happening? There weren't any last year that I could find

>> No.8690292


>> No.8690312

Fucking stop.

>> No.8690412

His black and white style is very unique. I like that.

>> No.8690546

What part of "stop" don't you understand?

>> No.8690793
File: 21 KB, 237x240, cantstopwontstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8691930

what a bad thread

>> No.8692220

>Keeping an eye on shipments.
>Everything estimated to tomorrow evening.
Well, least I can relax a bit I hope. Was there a wig booth before? I might need to buy one.

>> No.8693621


What is actually happening here though?

>> No.8693667

So how was today? Heading there tomorrow.

>> No.8694409

So what the fuck is up with these panels?

>> No.8694902

ded thread ded con

>> No.8694990

Was super excited to have twice the excuse to get drunk and dress up but then I got here and didn't feel much like...either. I had all the basic white gurl drinks planned out and everything. Even that sparkly tumblr vodka wine....thing.
I brought like four and a half costumes and wore....three? If you saw a Krieger and his waifu that was my husband and I. Also the shitty Cinderella and shitty Cheryl/Carol Tunt were also me.
Although I did get a taste of what it's like to be a "handler" for my friend in his huge, inflatable Indominus Rex costume. The tables were turned and it was weird.
In terms of other cosplay, I saw a lot of Love Live. So much Love Live.
I wasn't impressed by a lot but I think everyone considers AUSA to be a chill con so that we can all prepare ourselves mentally for the glory that is katsucon cosplay.
First ever burlesque and got pretty much exactly what I expected. I didn't understand the my little pony skit, nor why like 95% of the people used weird angsty metal songs.
>The model UN...thing
Most were fine and stayed out of everyone's business. Others seemed to think it was cool. Once you get over the whole "everyone's totally making fun of me because they're nooormies and I'm a kawaii speshul snowflake" thing, you realize most people really don't give a shit that you're a huge nerd. I heard they would get belligerently drunk though.
Whoever the fuck was on the second floor screaming "HAPPY HALLOWEEN" and literally fucking throwing candy at people on the elevator:
May you asphyxiate on vomiting back up whatever cheap nasty alcohol you were obviously drinking.
Sakuramen was pretty legit. Would recommend. Also Umi sushi was pretty good.

>Tl;dr: angry old woman yells at clouds

PS, how was the masquerade? We usually go to the AUSA masq but skipped it this year

>> No.8695054

I felt the same way about getting absolutely hammered the whole weekend.
Friday was a bust for me. Spent half the day heading home to pick up the costumes that came in at 7pm. Tried out my gachimuchi costume for a bit till realizing it's extremely niche and not a lot would understand why I would have a baby face covering my crotch. Then switched over to Yukari to finish the night off. Because I didn't eat much, the little I drank fast got me stumbling. Mostly frequently the game room. Was okay, it lost some things while gaining others.
Saturday started late because of vomiting and hangover. Enjoyed beating up folks at Tetris. Shame magfest was in dealers this year. I would have spent the whole weekend there. Didn't really drink much but did goto a party or two. Spent the rest of the night wandering till hiking back to the omni.
It's a chill con so I'm not disappointed, but my wallet sure is.

Also I heard a booth in the dealers got into some trouble because their ball machine could be considered gambling. Even hearing some folks throwing away big piles of money.

>> No.8695143

10/10 if with her porcelain mask.

>> No.8695751


The Masquerade was embarrassing to watch, but that's pretty typical. Some of the costumes were well done, but the skits are almost always cringe worthy.

It didn't help that Karaoke was right next door, so any awkward silence was filled with strange bellowing from the room over.

Overall it was a happily chill con, everyone I ran into was nice, polite, or at least worth a smile. The Model UN people made for an extra special dash of commotion.

The hotel is nice, but the parking situation blew. They told us to park at the Zoo, but the zoo closes at 8pm, so I had to go move it and find street parking. It was an okay part of town, and Halloween didn't make me feel like a total wack-job for being out and about in a costume in the middle of DC.

Recap: Venue was good, people were chill, drinks at the bar were strong, parking was iffy.

>> No.8696037

The hotel was double/trippled booked with a professional conference and the National Model UN conference during the weekend. Most of the attendees enjoyed the costumes though.

I'm particularly shocked that Anime Parliament was canceled at the last minute.

>> No.8698493

Does anyone have any photos?