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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8670349 No.8670349 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed that I have a couple of things I do that could be considered "weird tricks" to make my life a little easier when I wear lolita, and it made me start to wonder - do any of you also have weird habits/tricks? Here are mine:

To keep my pricey OTKs from pilling and getting dirty on the bottom, I slip a pair of "liner" socks over them, AKA those little nylon socks you can get that are supposed to be worn with flats.

I also use pantyliners as "sweat guards" on my nice blouses and OPs to keep from perspiring on them too much during hotter days, or days where I'm going to be wearing a heavy coat.

What are your tricks, gulls?

>> No.8670369
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>>I also use pantyliners as "sweat guards"
There's actually pads designed to be used on blouses and tops for this purpose, I only wear my brand OP's and blouses with those. Search for "underarm pads" on eBay

>> No.8670376
File: 49 KB, 550x295, jlist-glue-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never wear OTKs without my precious sock glue.
>not fat, just a runner with muscular legs

>sewing bloomers made out of fleece for cold days
>fleece lined tights in winter
>if you don't like scratchy bloomers, longer exercise shorts are a godsend

>> No.8670391

I have this petticoat that always looks more deflated on one side so I wear it deflated side forward with a fanny pack for extra bump.

>> No.8670400

Yeah, but pantyliners are a hundred times cheaper! Plus I always have 'em around.

>> No.8670405

That's funny as hell.

>> No.8670408

I have the tiniest tits and can't find a proper bra for the life of me.
Usually I just wear sport bras, but they tend to look dreadful in lolita clothes so I duct tape my tits.

Don't recomend it, though, once I ripped out a tiny bit of my nipple.

>> No.8670425

>duct tape my tits

>> No.8670426
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Oh anon, please tell me you're trolling. I'm having flashbacks to the ye olde days of crossplaying where girls kept ripping out hunks of tit because they didn't know how to bind properly.
Have you looked at bralettes? They're similar to sports bras, in that they're all fabric and pull over the head, but they're usually more shaped for everyday wear, especially for people with smaller breasts.
If those don't appeal to you, maybe just a camisole? I know some come with padding or even just a underbust band for support.
Please, anon, anything but the duct tape.

>> No.8670430


>> No.8670436
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>> No.8670441
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> not knowing about binders

>> No.8670474

Custom sizing is your friend. Pls don't rip your tits out.

>> No.8670547

At first I thought this was just hilarious but now that I've been thinking about it it's actually brilliant.
At last there's a place to put all that less essential shit that doesn't fit in the stupid tiny novelty bags I always buy.

>> No.8670554

She's not trying to make herself flatter though. She just needs a bra that fits.

>> No.8670677

Heh, sorry, I'm not trolling. Being totally serious.

Sadly bralettes look awful as well because I have shallow tits, so they look shapeless in bralettes or anything that's not padded.

Camisoles are my first option usually, but with certain clothes they peak out so I end up using the dreaded duct tape.

Exactly. I just don't want my nipples standing out so much. I should stop being cheapo and buy a proper nipple adhesive thingy.
Don't worry guys, it only happened once.

>> No.8670684

Then buy pasties??
Seriously. Pasties are exactly what you're describing.

>> No.8670692

I wear white ankle socks under my otks and those nylon liners over them. It also keeps blisters at bay and all my shoes are a little too big anyways.
I live where it's really hot basically always so:
>baking soda+coconut oil (still working on a good recipe) deodorant that doesn't mess up my clothes, fuck you drugstore deodorant
>diy soft hoopskirt with a deflated petti on top to keeps the hoops from showing, lots of good airflow, but make sure you have long bloomers on just in case
>lowneck croptop under OPs to prevent skin touching around the chest/armpits/etc
>wipe neck with a baby wipe before wearing high collared things just in case
Less heat related
>bodyline shoe soles scuff like a mofo, but those mr. clean magic erasers or similar clean the black scuffs off really easily
>suspenders help with a really heavy/too long pettis but wear it under your blouse
>always. carry. safety pins.

anon pls
Just measure yourself and try some bras online, you should be able to send them back if they don't fit. Worst comes to worse, just go full flat with a binder.

>> No.8670696

Anon wtf. Even IF you're going to tape your chest you should be using some kind of tape that works better for skin like medical tape or some shit.
But, yes, stop being a cheapo and get some fucking pasties.

>> No.8670704

Suspenders work wonders for hoopskirts in my opinion. I used them with my Godoka cosplay because the dress is really heavy.

>> No.8670706
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When I wear lolita, I carry a elastic waist belt like pic related when I go to the restroom. I just lift my dress and petticoat all to the top and make sure everything is in place then wrap the belt around and lock it in and go do my business. No fear of petticoat or dress falling into the toilet and you are able to use both hands to do everything.

>> No.8670712

I have the same issue as you anon with the nipples, I usually go without a bra, but when I really need nipple coverage, I legit use panty liners, they work really well and don't make your nipples bleed or cost $6 for 3 pairs

>> No.8670722
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Where I live the whole bra-with-a-proper-fit thing hasn't arrived yet, there are some stores that are a bit more fancy and have custom sizes, but since my breast shape is a bit weird they also don't fit me properly.

Next time I travel abroad I'm gonna load on bras. Buying from the internet would be nice, but not a lot of stores ship to where I live. Also it would suck to return them.

But in honor to this board I'll buy some proper pasty and priorize buying bras over lolita and cosplay shit next time. Thanks guys.

>> No.8670726

Can you please share the recipe? Drugstore deodorant has yellowed the underside of every single of my sleeves.

>> No.8670754

The hoop skirt thing is genius! Do you have a preferred DIY guide for the one you made?

>> No.8670810

That's brilliant, anon.

>> No.8670961

Maybe look into getting bras imported from another country?
I know that there's this new Japanese bra company that makes cute bras for flat to small breasts. Don't remember the name and can't find it.
Also, check out The Little Bra Company.

>> No.8670977

Maybe at least make some tissue padding so the tape isn't in direct contact with your nipples.

>> No.8670986

you should look into bullet bras

>> No.8670995

I use "It Stays!" and I'm also a muscle leg, but I feel like after moving around for a few hours people with skinny legs might need it to keep the socks in place as well.

>> No.8671017

I just kind of compiled some things I found on pinterest. I actually got the idea by checking the archives for protecting OP sleeves, lol. At the moment, I'm using 1 part each of cornstarch, coconut oil, and baking soda, then adding baking soda until it's the texture I want. It's pretty important that it's powdery and thick so it won't leave oil stains on your clothes. Then I add some tea tree and lavender essential oils. Then I use my middle fingers to apply it in a mirror. It's a bitch to apply, but my white shirts have never been happier.
>iktf though
>some stains won't come out
>scent of shitty broken down secret lingers in my chiffon
It was actually a mistake, I meant to make a more solid hoop skirt to replace my pettis altogether, but it failed. You can check out the archives if you want to see it, but I made a skirt that was 2 yards wide, put an elastic into the band, then strung soft aquarium tubing into it at various lengths. But they all buckled in and warped around except the bottom most and top most, so a few weeks ago, I took them out and just left those. It's really soft and looks kind of uneven its own, but provides a good foundation for another petti without being as stiff as a real hoopskirt. I made it sound really bad and messy but I swear it looks pretty good.

Sorry for the tl;dr, I'm just too excited about these Lolita Lyff Hax

>> No.8671039

Omg, this is genius!

>> No.8671074

I actually had the same problem, but there's one Nivea deo that's really good, has a powder finish? No stains on my blouse now

>> No.8671084

Do you remember what it's called/where its available?

>> No.8671137
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No no no, my titty hurt just reading this. It's okay to tape if it's not fully around your ribcage but you're supposed to stick the tape on something else first to weaken the glue so that doesn't happen.

>> No.8671166

All that skin unable to breath.
Cancer hello

>> No.8671183
File: 49 KB, 480x640, T2E2eOXDJXXXXXXXXX_!!407278554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you, anon. I'm going to start doing this.

I seam rip the corner of the base of all my heavy bonnets and insert a headband, then sew it back up. Then it holds onto my head like a regular headbow and I can tie it loosely or do something fancy with the straps, instead of having them jammed tight under my chin.

>> No.8671249

Everyone else in the thread said don't use duct tape, didn't think I needed to say it again.

>> No.8671252

Where do you get your fleece-lined tights, anon? I always see leggings, but never just plain old tights.

>> No.8671265

What about just large bandaids to cover the nip??? Ive done that before

>> No.8671267

That would be amazing if my bladder didn't see a restroom and think "WELP WE'RE HERE. TIME TO GO!!!" I've learned to scoop and swoop in one quick motion because I don't have any time to fuss with a belt when it wants out right this second.

For boobloaf with a larger cup size, I wear an underbust corset not tightlaced (to avoid shelf boob) and an unpadded bra with the straps as high as possible. This helps the waistband sit where it's intended and the fullest part of my bust sits where the bust is intended to sit. I put a tank top under the blouse to help smooth out the lines a little better. I sometimes also lengthen the straps or adjust the buttons, and sometimes just doing this does the trick.

>> No.8671270

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can that actually cause/encourage cancer?

>> No.8671278

No, taping your boobs loosely once in a while wouldnt do anything. If it did no one would be wearing bras.
But then again some people think everythings a carcinogen

>> No.8671311

Anon I'm a 28AA, and I promise you can find bras that fit you. I buy mine from the girls section of stores, most of it's bralettes and training bras, but I've also found a couple "normal" ones with a bit of padding. The plus side of buying from the girls section is that it's much much cheaper than buying womens bras, too.

>> No.8671318

If you do those can you at least put serene wrap over yourself first so that you don't rip out chunks of your skin?

>> No.8671377

Taobao/nissen/aliexpress? Padded crop tops are also good and look fine in lolita

>> No.8671450
File: 130 KB, 1200x966, Glove-Vinyl-Glove-with-Powdered-or-Powder-Free-Disposable-Glove[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay tips:
>If your costume has armsocks, buy a box of disposable gloves and stuff like five pairs in your con bag. Before going to the bathroom/reapplying makeup/eating food, put on the gloves. Throw them away when they get dirty (always after going to the bathroom, usually after eating oily foods).

I was a fucking idiot with spandex for FOREVER and didn't realise what I was doing wrong until
>When doing spandex applique on spandex, interface the edge of applique with knit fusible at a low heat, then spray with temporary fabric adhesive, pin, and satin-stitch as usual.
>Baste your zipper with a backstitch before machine-sewing it into your bodysuit, dumbass (ie my past self).
>Don't use velcro on or near a spandex suit -- or near any knit fabrics, for that matter. The hooks will catch and pill the fabric, and you will be sad.

>Test fray check on fabric first, especially if it's ultra-delicate or a cheapo polyester fabric.
I once made sleeve lining with the matte side of shitty cheap satin and accidentally dropped some huge fray check globs smack in the middle. The fray check ended up congealing into dark spots with the stiffness of dried glue. The sleeves have a big opening and drape so that the lining is always showing, and the stains are still super visible.

>> No.8671480

>Cosplay tips:
>>If your costume has armsocks, buy a box of disposable gloves and stuff like five pairs in your con bag. Before going to the bathroom/reapplying makeup/eating food, put on the gloves. Throw them away when they get dirty (always after going to the bathroom, usually after eating oily foods).

This is a really simple, but really good idea. Thanks!

My only "trick" is when I plan a cosplay, I plan storage alongside it. Whether it's sewing a hidden pocket into a skirt, finding a bag/backpack that fits the character, or making some other accessory/plush with storage inside of it, I make sure I have someplace to at least store my wallet, phone, and other small necessities.

>> No.8671497

Don't know if you live in the US, but Nordstrom Rack has really nice fleece lined leggings.

>> No.8671572 [DELETED] 

this is such a good idea, I love how bonnets look but tying bows around my chin makes me look really stupid. I'll have to try this!

>> No.8671593

Sock Dreams has some.

>> No.8671619

I'm 21 and wear a 28AA too, so no hope of it growing anymore.
It's been so hard fitting into brand, and lately much harder fitting into AP because their sizing has gone up so much in the last few years.
Is there anyway to alter dresses with back shirring to make it fit?
I have these bras that "boosts two cups up", but with nothing to boost, my measurements only go up a few centimetres, still falling outside of sizing ranges

>> No.8671621

theres a bunch at ross around this time of year

>> No.8671680

This probably isn't uncommon but when a petti is a tad too long for a skirt I just roll the elastic waistband over the skirt part of the petti once or twice so that it's a couple inches shorter. I've also used lacefront tape from costumes as fashion tape and I ended up liking it more than fashion tape itself.

>> No.8671750

Go forth my friends and forever be hands free on the toilet.
Also another tip for this elastic waist belt trick,>>8670706 a thicker/wider belt will hold everything better than a small/thin one. It takes a few tries to get thee hang of using a belt but once you know what to do, it's a breeze and now you can reach into your purse to get out whatever you need and clean your ass without a problem.

>> No.8673451

You can add corset lacing to dresses, but it doesn't change the cut of the bodice.

>> No.8673459

My boobs grew a cup size at 22 (which I didn't want), so you never know.

>> No.8673495

The best way to alter the top to be smaller would be taking in at the sides, however many dresses have a side zipper, so you could take the shirring in, but it might still make the front pucker in which case maybe padding is still the best bet.

>> No.8675507

I have b cups but am blessed with them being pretty damn perky (for now, I think my right tit is out to get me tho)
I can go braless sometimes and I also experimented with different tape to keep my pointy nips at bay

just use BANDAIDS!! and for the love of fuck NOBODY usin any non-skin tape for whatever reason try to take them off WITH OUT soaking it a hot bath, because your chances of parting with a bit of your areola are HIGH

>> No.8675527

>To stick loose glitter to my skin for whatever reason I use a bit of foundaton primer

>Use dollar store tape to hold patterns into fabric when cutting

>for some wigs try to save all the hair your pull out to use as bump its and such

>> No.8675570

>>Use dollar store tape to hold patterns into fabric when cutting
Or you could just pin the patterns to the fabric?

>> No.8675988

>I slip a pair of "liner" socks over them
I do these with tights too to keep from wearing through the toes too fast

i'm the desperately searching canada-anon from the last thread, checked a bunch more of the suggested places irl with no luck, but as >>8671593 suggests, sock dreams has a few. though a lot of colours/sizes seem to be sold out.
they also have fleece lined thigh-highs though, you could always layer those over regular tights?

>> No.8675993

not that anon, but i always end up accidentally ripping them that way, plus it doesn't hold the edges as taut as i'd like. painters tape/shitty masking tape is usually my go to

>for some wigs try to save all the hair your pull out to use as bump its and such

>> No.8676640

I hate pinning so much
Tape makes it lie flat and end up reinforcing the edges of the paper pattern by covering it in tape
to each their own ofc but for me tape has proven superior so far

>> No.8679235

I think they mean make it into a hair rat, for a hime bump or fuller buns. It's what I do when I cut my wigs, I gather the hair into sheer socks/tights and use it as a base for large hairdos. Works well on some wigs and on natural hair, as long as the colours match.
I'm going to use tape from now on, bless you for this. I always rip patterns with pins.

>> No.8679250

But it risks damaging the fabric with its residue, or when you pull it off.

>> No.8679276

I know that feel, i have AA cup and finding cute bras in western stores is a pain they just start from fucking B cup. But you can find them or just get bralettes or... buy online from japanese stores. Usually asian bras are padded and for small tits as ours.
I want to find skin colored fleece tights but i fear asian sizes won't fit me properly (mfw not fatty chan just a bit of ass and thighs), i can't find them in stores. Any cheap Chinese option or EU based stores that carry these tights? I want to use this under my otk socks.

>> No.8679501

I dunno about skin coloured but as an Eurofag I buy mine from H&M or Cubus. Not sure if they carry those online though. Uniqlo has a thermo clothing line too.

>> No.8679611

That's why you don't use the patterned side when you cut. Also tape shouldn't leave much of a residue unless you leave it on forever or it melts.

>> No.8679621

>bandaids for tiny boobs instead of bras
This... is genius. I don't know why I haven't thought of this before. I avoid wearing strapless clothing because all the strapless bras I've ever tried slip down but I think you just fixed my problem.

>> No.8679786

I trace my patterns onto interfacing and cut it out from that to pin onto my fabric to cut. Saves me from having to cut into the paper pattern so I can reuse as much as I want or resell in the future. Also makes fitting a lot easier without having to cut more pieces out of muslin.

>> No.8679878

Or use weights and trace.

>> No.8680533

I haven't used fine silk or anything super fancy and delicate with tape, but for your average fabrics it doesn't leave residue unless you iron it or something.

>> No.8680536

And to add I specifically use very cheap tape from the dollar store, it doesn't stick all that great. Sticking it against your clothes and few times will make it even weaker (but still sticky) if someone were to worry about it being too strong

>> No.8682043

I don't know if this is a trick or not. I know that if you are cosplaying on a hot day/all day, you can add small icepacks (or teething packs) in your wig cap to keep your head cool.

This isn't a trick for me at all, it's a habit. I have the case of no thigh gap so my thigh would chaf a lot (shorts keep riding up) so I use either deodorant or monostat chafing cream (in the sex sections of the drug store) and I apply in my chaffing sections and I carry it around.

>> No.8683326
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let me know if you find any, anon. I have a pair from (I think) The Bay, but the knit is really weird and it's uncomfortable to sit down for a while in, although I haven't worn them with lolita so far so the petti might help. And they're just black so not exactly a treasure

>> No.8683357

Pattern wheel and chalk tracing paper. You'll never go back.

>> No.8683421

I have no idea where to get carbon paper big enough and the pattern wheel will make holes in the tissue paper and maximise chances of accidentally tearing it. Gotta keep those patterns pristine.

>> No.8683726

I use transparent plastic sheeting, like what you'd put on the floor to protect it while painting. It come by the roll, and you just have to put it over the pattern, trace and cut.

>> No.8686709

hey anon, >>8675988 here. still no luck in stores, though marshalls says maybe later in the year they'll get some in stock. I eventually gave up and added a whole bunch to my taobao order from here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=521945382985