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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8667867 No.8667867 [Reply] [Original]

>> girl goes on witch hunt and ruins a life

>> No.8667869

the more threads you kill with this shit, the less we care what you say

>> No.8667870

Vendetta chan gtfo. Noone cares about you

>> No.8667877

Janitor pls and ty. <3

>> No.8667883

Please post about this in cosplay related threads or people are going to hate you. Also you should probably explain why she did it.

>> No.8667884

Thinly veiled thread pretending to hate on the girl while still posting the entire image. Good show.

>> No.8667886

Lol changes name to sempi mewdieval to avoid people

>> No.8667927
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Just give it up Richard, you pathetic pedophilic mongoloid. He probably went on here thinking the same stupid shit that all these others do about 4chan with their personal army bullshit. In fact, dox him for being this fucking retarded.

>> No.8667944

Vendetta-Chan go home. Janitor?

>> No.8667947

Fuck this liberal slut

>> No.8667951
File: 58 KB, 420x339, ふcきょう.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP could you maybe stop being such a fucking faggot and spamming seagulls with your bullshit? kthxbai

>> No.8667953


He deserves whatever is coming to him. Honestly he ruined his own life by doing this shit.

>> No.8667963

But she does seem to want it, she never rejected.

>> No.8667967

Who the fuck cares

>> No.8667978

So its her fault that he's a retard "photographer" asking for nudes? "To figure out her body type" honestly his own fucking fault for being an inbreed

>> No.8667983

>asks for nudes
>girl delivers
>asks for closeups to see details on her pubes

professional photog amirite

>> No.8668006
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>> No.8668017

This reminds me of that Wendell guy. The one that also shoots underage girls at hotel rooms at convention for cosplay deviants. Also Lucas from SCG, renowed for being banned from convention and had cosplayer press charges of assult on him. Now all his photos are nude cosplayers (in the name of art).

>> No.8668024

Go to the proper authorities with the proof and let them handle it or else you are as bad as the alleged predator. Spreading his name on social media wont get him registered as a sex offender.

>> No.8668027

I think they already have. At least two of the cosplayers involved has gone to the authorites and they are now investigating. I can almost see the man disconnecting his HDs and smashing them with a hammer before the law comes knocking.

>> No.8668041

Wooooow stoop so low Richard. You did this to yourself how DARE you ask this girl and others for nudes just so you can take photos better. I've been a photographer for YEARS and NEVER would I ask for nudes to get a good shot. That's just an excuse for you to get jack off material. She isn't the only one you did this to and it's coming back in your face. You better watch out cause they can make a case on you and you could lose everything. Tread lightly and don't go acting the victim cause you know you ain't one.

>> No.8668046

more like
>tells police about a pedo photographer preying on underage girls and saves his daughter before he finally devolves enough to start raping/molesting her
Fuck off Richard, you decided to be a degenerate and now you're paying the price. Sage for this thread is going to be deleted anyhow.

>> No.8668052

>The one that also shoots underage girls at hotel rooms at convention for cosplay deviants
Which ones are supposed to be underage?

>> No.8668058

Thread is gold

Still believe if your easily manipulated you deserve your repercussions

>> No.8668065
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>> No.8668068

This Man ha approached MANY women asking for nude photos. This is not the first time. Theres VARIOUS women he has approached with this. This puts some people in a very uncomfortable situation, this man is trying to get back at her for exposing what he said to her. She was scared.

>> No.8668073

This man has also approached underaged girls with these inquires. Just an FYI

>> No.8668080

This thread is possibly the least worst thing about this whole situation because your reputation is basically ruined and this is possibly the weakest attempt at getting revenge. You're supposed to be an adult and this is what you decided to do. There's been nothing but support for her from the cosplay community, but good fucking luck trying to make a career for yourself now, you piece of shit.

>> No.8668082
File: 119 KB, 500x375, 52132336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much butthurt

>> No.8668085

You're not from here are you?

>> No.8668098
File: 40 KB, 408x420, Sjw+reaction+so+i+downloaded+meme+generator+on+my+phone_5a1953_5619531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8668110

was willing to give you a chance until the memes man

>> No.8668115

that was the one part i really didnt get. is that even a fetish?

>> No.8668116

0/10. Not even trying.

>> No.8668126

Considering that she posted all the texts and now everyone is on the hate wagon

Isn't the real issue why Noone had gone forward until no

All I see is people using this to push there own agendas

>> No.8668142


Wow your typing is atrocious.

Anyways, the big thing about this situation was strength in numbers. MULTIPLE people had to come out all around the same time for it to be believable. If only one person said this shit, people would start with "oh theyre just making drama, thats just one time, maybe he was drunk buis not like that, etc etc". The reason why this is being taken seriously is because it's almost a copy paste with at least 10 girls.