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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 274x300, korra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8666312 No.8666312 [Reply] [Original]

Just a quick question about what's going on. I'm late to the party and want to know, why it's a thing now. Why is putting darker make up on racist all of a sudden?

>> No.8666325

Why the fuck are people killing legitimate threads with all this bullshit lately?

>> No.8666332

For starters it never looks good. The white girls "Vivienne make up test" is some of the worst makeup I've ever seen, regardless of how you feel about her doing it politically. She didn't make herself look anything like Vivienne, she just globbed dark makeup on.

When you try to change your race with your makeup, one of two things happens:

1) Like the girl above, you think [black character's look] is nothing but their skin tone. You don't have do anything like contorting or duplicating their eye makeup or lip tone, cause black people are just a skin tone. Heck, don't even duplicate the exact tone, just be dark.

2) So let's say you go all out and start changing your whole face. You get a nose prosthetic and give the illusion of a new cheek and jaw structure. You get the color just right and look like a black person. Well you've now put on a bunch of features that people are getting mocked, harassed, assaulted and murdered over. And if you want to stop that treatment, all you have to do is shower.

Photographers in fashion have been known to paint their white models instead of getting black ones because they get to have contrast without having to have "ugly" black features in their shoot.

When people argue that this kind of cosplay is okay, they generally say stuff like "stop complaining you dumb n*****s" which directly translates to "we want to look like you (temporarily, for fun) without having to respect you."

Not included in the people I'm criticizing: Cosplayers who get a tan or put on some bronzer. There's nothing wrong with going out in the natural darkest shade your skin can get, and people who get up in arms about it are stupid.

>> No.8666343

its always been racist

>> No.8666354
File: 21 KB, 620x413, Golliwog.jpg-pwrt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI seagulls, brown person here.

Do you know how many non white characters there are in the media?

Do you really need to dress up as a black character when you have like 99% of all characters to *not* be a racist with? Jesus fuck. Dress up as Asami. Or maybe don't shit up whatever con you're going to with your presence.

If you legitimately, sincerely can't see whats wrong with blackface, i apologize for my combative tone but you are literally the personification of privilege. No matter how tasteful you're being, this is what you'll end up portraying.

>> No.8666358

>"If you legitimately, sincerely can't see whats wrong with blackface, i apologize for my combative tone but you are literally the personification of privilege." I'm white but I don't get how people don't see this? If you could honestly sit there in front of a mirror and paint yourself black or brown and not feel like "hm, this feels a bit wrong" there's something wrong with you.

>> No.8666364
File: 22 KB, 225x277, 1345647700623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is putting darker make up on racist all of a sudden
>All of a sudden
Come on now, you can do better than that.

>> No.8666366

I think some people are honestly just so sheltered they don't realize the depth of the issue, and on some level i guess i can understand, "we have a black president, racism is dead we did it!"
Its a kind of innocence, but then also closed mindedness in not trying to understand the objections to it.

>> No.8666373

OP here.
Very valid points. Thanks for replying.

I forgot to add that I'm black myself. But I'm not afro-american.

1) She's really inaccurate with the tone. I don't know her and would have to look into her background to judge if she was just lazy or really not thinking about skin features. But all in all I don't think it's too bad. I kinda still appreciate her trying.

2) With how things are going down in the US and people treat black people, I really understand how some people get offended.
And I have to admit, what photographers in fashion do pisses me off.

But almost everyone of my white cosplayfriends paints their skin dark for cosplay sometimes, as well as I try to get my skin lighter, too.
I don't feel like "Hey we want to look like you". It's more like "We want to look like character X from Y", who mostly has dark skin in anime when they decide to portray him/her and paint their body. Also most anime fail to portray facial features as well. So I never got the idea that they disrepect my skintone and culture.
But that's just my friends. Don't know how others think of it and will have to do some research with your words in mind.

So I get it, but still I can't relate to it when I think about cosplay in my country.

Thanks for giving me an honest and constructive answer to work with.

>> No.8666375

...what characters are they cosplaying? Are there even that many dark characters? Or do you have 2 friends who are obsessed with cosplaying dark characters? Because that's kinda fucked up.

>> No.8666381

One of the famous examples is Korra (3-4 did her). Other characters I didn't know because I wasn't cosplaying with them and didn't bother to ask. Just saw the reference pictures in their galery. They mostly cosplay white characters but not only.

>> No.8666388

So white people are not allowed to cosplay certain characters just because they happen to have different skintone, or they have to sacrifice accuracy so they wouldn't be "racist".

I don't like the mentality that "you are not allowed to cosplay x" especially since it's about something people are born with.
Cosplaying is about portaying a certain character, not a group of people. It's also almost never done in a mocking tone which actual black-facing is.

Blackfacing is wrong, but cosplay isn't blackface. It's being accurate and true to the character.

People in general should be allowed to cosplay anyone and anything they like.

>> No.8666391
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 11998993_972553209450548_667813393392840846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gwan Cosplay

>> No.8666392
File: 100 KB, 640x960, 11988246_968760219829847_7983638072426438864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now Redface

>> No.8666393
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 11055309_775813602532282_5132535477258598199_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what her skin is actually like

50% of this girls cosplay include this shit. But no one has called her up on it.
The quality of the paint job if offensive enough.

>> No.8666395

In my opinion I think people can just cosplay the character without changing skin tones etc because most anime characters are supposed to be asian no? Yet people won't run around with their eyes taped weirdly or their skin tones changed for that so I don't know why people have to paint themselves black unless they're scared of being inaccurate which I would personally rather be than racist and getting attacked by tumblr

>> No.8666396

It's not blackface though, who in cosplay actually dresses like a gollywog or a minstrel? I am brown and I legitimately couldn't give a flying fuck if someone of a non brown or black race wants to go all out in order to recreate the image OF A FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER. So what if there are more white skinned characters they can cosplay from? How is that relevant? The individual may just really like a brown character for whatever reason and cosplay is basically an exercise in escapism, so pretending to be a brown person is not that a great a stretch from pretending to be Japanese person (some of which are very tan in and out of anime). It's like saying well Japanese people suffered having atomic bombs dropped on them, don't dare cosplay a Japanese animu character as you do not know the suffering they went through. Seriously just leave your political over sensitive racial bullshit out of this hobby.

>> No.8666399

Is that supposed to be a good example? Because that skin tone doesn't suit her at all.

>> No.8666402

Changing your skintone to match that of the character isn't racist at all. The problem is that changing it to a different color is associated with mockery.
I see this is mostly reserved for white cosplayers. Theres that one really popular asian kid who does makeup to look like celebrities and no ones pulling the racist card. Instead he is artistic and skilled.
Why should they have to dress up as Asami because they're white? If they want to cosplay a black character let them.

>> No.8666403

Didn't even bother to paint her hands.

>> No.8666405

OP here.

Your opinion is what I've read the past years about this topic. Cosplay =/= black-/red-/yellowfacing.
That's why I was surprised what's going on now.

>> No.8666406

People will recognize a well-done costume just fine without the race-painting
See white Storms, white Korras, white Isabelas, etc

White Mako Mori cosplayers don't have to tape their eyes in her eye shape to have an "accurate costume" so no one has to paint themselves brown either

>> No.8666408

Everything aside I think this is really pretty.

>> No.8666409

>Seriously just leave your political over sensitive racial bullshit out of this hobby.


>> No.8666414


Seriously. If your cosplay is good enough, you shouldn't need to black/red/yellow up.

But that's not gonna stop white people declaring "I DON'T THINK THIS IS RACIST BECAUSE" while anyone who isn't white is cringing themselves inside out.

>> No.8666420


"In the United States, blackface was used as part of Minstrel Shows, which is basically a comedy show where the only joke was basically "Wow, black people sure are stupid!" As you can imagine, incredibly fucking offensive. Blackface was also used on stage or screen so that a show could have black characters, without having to actually, you know, hire black people. The white actors would then usually play up negative black stereotypes in the process.

So there is a lot of history of blackface being used as a method of mocking black people. But, hey, that's just history. Why would it be offensive today?


Your point that you wouldn't be offended by a black person in "whiteface", or that it is the same as dressing as an asian, is what we might call 'false equivalency'; within a larger cultural context, it isn't the same thing. There are several reasons for this.

The first and most straightforward is that the mentality of the ministrel show hasn't disappeared. A lot of people who wear blackface in their costumes for Halloween or whatever use it as an excuse to make fun of black people, so people are wary of it. But that doesn't make in intrinsically racist, right?

Well, no, nothing is "intrinsically" anything when talking about race, because race isn't skin deep. You appear to believe in a sort of colourblind mentality towards race, in that it doesn't matter at all what race you are. Well, race is kind of an absurd concept because humans pretty much just made it up, but humans also just sort of made up things like governments, laws and economies, which are also important and "real" things.


>> No.8666421

Isn't black-face about mocking and being cruel while cosplaying is about glorifying and adoration?

Argument over.

>> No.8666422

To white folks like you, this often doesn't make a lot of sense; you were taught as kids that race doesn't matter. But it's very easy to say that something that rarely seems to affect you doesn't matter; your race as white people is seen by society as default, your experiences as normal. Your stories get to be the ones that get retold and remembered, and we retell and remember them quite frequently. It's like saying it doesn't matter who wins or loses, after collecting the trophy and the prize money.

So something like whiteface doesn't affect you; it's just skin tone, after all. It's also why, as Americans who are very disconnected, often by generations, from our European ancestors, you often don't give a shit about those stereotypes either.

If you are a person of colour in America, it is impossible not to notice race. Even if you've never been subject to malicious racism, you know that you are perceived as an outsider to the dominant culture. Even if you didn't want to care about race, race has been made important for you, personally. You've experienced a lot of shit you know is basically invisible to white people because of "just" your skin tone."

>> No.8666424

It's not your place to brush off an issue as being overly sensitive when you aren't the person being affected.

>> No.8666425

Don't quite understand why "IT'S FOR COSPLAY SO IT'S OKAY!" is considered a decent excuse. People like to put cosplay into this special bubble.

Stores that sell facepaints to make yourself look indian/chinese/black during halloween are critiqued and shamed but apparently doing it yourself for cosplay is fine because "I like the character and cosplay is artistic!"

>> No.8666438

this looks so bad, jesus christ

>> No.8666445
File: 23 KB, 525x358, blackface-flowchart-2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a helpful chart. Replace halloween with cosplay.

>> No.8666447

It's because cosplay is admiration for the character. Blackface is mocking.

>> No.8666449

>For starters it never looks good
Boom, end of post. It looks awful. You end up with this brown skin but none of the corresponding features. People who do this just look so god damn BAD at the end of it. We don't have to have a debate about whether the accuracy is worth the political shitstorm, because it's not even accurate in the end. It's ugly.

>> No.8666453

>there are so many other white characters out there, so stop liking the colored ones! Go like the white ones instead! DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE BECAUSE I TELL YOU SO!

Because obviously there is no reason why people spend money and work on a costume, it's not because they like them or anything.

>> No.8666457

Go to the Facebook page of the white woman doing blackface for Vivienne and you'll see hundreds of black women who don't feel "admired"

>> No.8666464

Admiration? So.. I can paint my face brown for Halloween too right? Because I'm admiring the character I'm dressing as? Or how about for an afro-Caribbean culture festival? Clearly I'm just admiring their culture so I can paint my skin right?

No. Just because you admire something does not mean you should try to replicate it. If this thread had been "can I tape my eyes to look asian because I admire the character" no one would be supporting it.

>> No.8666477
File: 40 KB, 680x382, suisei-3-7-amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, just for clarification, putting on bronzer or tanning for a cosplay is ok, right? But painting yourself brown like idk...Rufflebutt did with her Anthy is wrong? Because I find the former kind of tacky, but I've tanned or put on bronzer for some cosplay, just because the character is more tan than my natural skin tone. Am I not allowed to do that anymore? I don't find anything wrong with tanning or something. An example would be, when I cosplayed Amy two years ago, I went tanning before the con because she has s tan. I also cosplayed Keiko from YYH that weekend, and she is asian but I'm not.

>> No.8666479

Idk about the rest of you but I live in America. If I want to go outside with my face painted black, brown, yellow or with a fucking swastika carved into my forehead I'm going to do it. It not my job to worry about any persons feelings getting hurt. Don't like dealing with things that offend you? Grow the fuck up. Your feelings getting hurt doesn't trump my right to freedom of expression and my personal liberty.

Complain all you want but people are allowed to wear whatever makeup they want and if you sit around all day getting offended on the internet about you've seriously got some fucked up priorities in life.

in b4 someone calls me an egdy teenager or some such.

>> No.8666482


Yeah fuck your inb4, you're an edgy teenager.


>> No.8666488

Totally okay. Tanning is still within your skins natural range.

>> No.8666493

And at the same time you say that you expect everyone else on the planet to go through life tiptoing around your feelings. Your feelings over how someone applys makeup for a hobby no less? Tell me who is really self-absorbed here?

>> No.8666497

99% of western cosplay already is "yellow face" given that you're (predominantly) a bunch of white people dressing up as Japanese characters and vice versa

>> No.8666499

I think it's funny that this board is all about accuracy and looking good, but as soon as people want to make themselves look hideous and inaccurate in a way that pisses of SJWs they'll die defending it.

>> No.8666501

No, yellowface would be changing our features to look east asian instead of white, not simply putting on a Japanese character's costume.

>> No.8666507

Everyone who gets mad over a cosplayer tanning their skin for a cosplay needs to get a fucking life. Seriously. I can understand why you would get mad but actually calling it racism is fucking ridiculous. That's like calling a crossdresser a transphobe. Fuck your oversensitive ass.

>> No.8666509

You say that but you tumblrina shitstains still went fucking apeshit over the MFA Boston kimono non-issue "scandal"

Just waiting for you pricks to go full "Keep the races and cultures pure" /pol/ but with that uniquely faux-leftist spin you assholes put on it.

Get fucked.

>> No.8666510
File: 90 KB, 956x640, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Argie cosplayer put on brown makeup and the opinions generally diverged into
>don't do that, it's racist and offensive
>don't do that, it looks like shit
>paint your skin whatever color you want, this is cosplay and not blackface

What REALLY irks me is that people are sending this girl death threats over what is essentially a non-issue compared to shit like the Richard Bui incident.

>> No.8666514

>Richard Bui incident
Care to elaborate? Google isn't getting me anything

>> No.8666517

Thats cause mods keep deleting the threads hah

>> No.8666518

>That's like calling a crossdresser a transphobe
lol this actually happens. SJW trannies absolutely despise RuPaul.

Imagine being RuPaul, a literal tranny nigger faggot, growing up and surviving through the sheer brutality of the 70s, 80s, and 90s being such a creature and still having a successful career despite all those setbacks

then some teenage tumblrinas dogpile you for "transphobia"

>> No.8666523

Famous cos photographer coaxed and pressured (partially underaged) girls into sending them nudes so he could "help them pose better".
Search for Dani Jackson on Facebook before mods delete all the posts again.

>> No.8666525

I don't really understand....I think people are being too sensitive over it.
Cosplayers, change their hair, contour their faces to mimic a characters, I've even heard of people taping their eyes to acheave a certain look.
And yet why is dark make up suddenly taboo?
Would it be the same if a black person used super pale make up?

I feel like the whole "it's blackface" argument is invalid.
Blackface was used to mock African Americans. It was supposed to turn them into a jester essentially. It exaggerated the typical features into something ridiculous that people can laugh at.
The above is not okay, but it's also not what Cosplayers are doing.

Cosplayers aren't putting on dark make up to make fun of black people. They're trying to emulate a character that has a darker skin tone. If anything, that's the exact opposite of the intention behind blackface.

You're welcome to think it just looks bad though. That's totally valid. But don't call people racists if they are doing literally nothing but liking a character

>> No.8666528
File: 29 KB, 468x263, 468px-Vivienne-gallery-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is who she's supposedly cosplaying. It doesn't look good or accurate.

>> No.8666532
File: 121 KB, 616x887, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr a grown ass man (who has a little daugher) pushes underaged girls to send them nudes, some do because teenagers are dumb and easily manipulated

>> No.8666533

The only thing I don't like is that it's getting out of control. Most people I know say that if I tanned myself (even naturally), it would be racist if I put on a cosplay of a tanned character.

Alternatively, if I don't look at least a little like a PoC, I am whitewashing.

There go my dreams of having Josephine's hideously amazing shirt.

>> No.8666541

Oh look, I see Maki Roll in there equally being a literal piece of shit.

>> No.8666548

When whitewashing is happening
- white fanart
- white mods

When whitewashing is not happening:
- a white person cosplaying a character who isn't white

>> No.8666549

So much this. It's Americans with their historical links and current SJW obsession with calling everything skin tone related 'blackface'. Blackface this blackface that. The entire cosplay community isn't America or based there and rest of us shouldn't have to make our cosplay decisions based on their shitty historical treatment of blacks.
The act of making your skin look darker to dress up us a fictional character is categorically not inherently racist (by this logic all white people donning fake tans a la Geordie/Jersey Shore etc are racists) , all these people throwing the word racist around so casually need to study harder during their English lessons to improve basic literacy comprehension:
1.a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist;
antonyms: multicultural, tolerant
adjective: racist
1.having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.

If said person making up their skin to be darker can be described as any of the above then they are racist, if not then they aren't. How hard is that to understand?

>> No.8666555

race is not a costume.
just wear the actual costume part (outfit, wig, etc.).
if you truly think the only way to identify a character is by looking at their race and not the rest of their design, you should probably work on that.

>> No.8666558

That's so weird considering Viv is 99% costume. Her features are very little in the overall look.

>> No.8666560
File: 273 KB, 320x240, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>race is not a costume
No but dressing up as a make believe character who may or may not be a different race and even species is a costume.
Lighten up.
No pun intended.

>> No.8666567
File: 221 KB, 850x594, female_to_male_jack_sparrow_cosplay_by_alysontabbitha-d79rcm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a man I am offended by this

>> No.8666570

There are people who fell for this? For fuck's sake, this has pervert written all over it.

>> No.8666573


>> No.8666576


are there any male cosplay photographers who ARENT perverts?

>> No.8666577
File: 688 KB, 320x246, 7761090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless she's a actual alcoholic cockney pirate she has no right doing this, and she very clearly does not have a penis, how dare she.

>> No.8666586
File: 168 KB, 871x654, 3MdC2vA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplayers don't have any intention of offense.
>"but it's offensive!!"
>I'm not making fun of black people, I'm trying to be accurate
>"even if it's not blackface, it's still offensive and you shouldn't do it!"

pic related is what you all sound like

>> No.8666588


This was very well constructed and informative.

My point wasn't that "I wouldn't be offended by whitefacing so suck it up" though, but that's way besides the point.

Thanks for clearing this up. This is such a complicated issue since when talking about rasism, it seems like intentions don't matter. Or well, they do matter because of bad intentions created this whole problem to begin with.

Sorry for rambling, but basically I understand your point and I'm glad you took time to explain it.

>> No.8666597


I'm brown, fuck everyone else. Brown yourself up. I'm cool with it. They can suck a dick. You are cosplaying, not making a rally to remove minorities from subway's and panda expresses near every convention in the US.

If you want to cosplay Korra, do it. If you want to brown it up to do it, do it. I'll do some firebending crap shots with you. Fuck the haters and the triggered bitches.

Cosplay is about you, not this pseudo political guilt shit.

>> No.8666604


I am a person of race in America. I find your inherent belief that I am thin skinned and unable to handle differing skin tones racist. You do not speak for the entirety of American minorities. I do not approve you using my race to push your agenda of separating and dividing cosplayers based on their skin tone. Let them brown it up. If they suck at it, we judge them on their suckiness. Not on whether they are respecting some pseduemotional bullshit about "muh browness".

>> No.8666606


Doesn't mean they can't go the extra mile to do it either. If they have everything on point and want to take that extra mile, you are being a triggered prick by telling them "No". You might offend someone because they were told to be offended by that.

>> No.8666607


I am a minority, I agree with that person and pass him my brown power to make that statement. Let him make his points.

>> No.8666608

false equivalence, but keep fellating your fallacy

>> No.8666609

SJWs fuck right off to tumblr where you belong

>> No.8666613

oh no it's the idiot brigade. White people, so sensitive about criticism. They should really just learn to take it.

>> No.8666614

>>I am a minority

Uh i don't think lackwits are a minority group, especially on this website, so...

>> No.8666617

>You do not speak for the entirety of American minorities
Neither do you. If you want to discuss this with other non-white people you can, but you don't get to give white people permission to do things that other minorities are asking them not to.

Honestly I base my feeling on this and other racial subjects on the writings of people who are confirmed as black. Anons on 4chan and tumblr love to lie about being a minority so they can say what they want to hear. I could also bury you all in writing from black scholars and activists that not only condemns this kind of behavior, but cites studies that back up their points. The OMG it's harmless" argument does hold up in actual studies.

>> No.8666619
File: 1.92 MB, 1023x881, nsmail-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incorrectly assuming I'm white for disagreeing with you
Typical SJW behavior.

Your histrionic upper-middle class white bitch bullshit does absolutely NOTHING for us. In fact, you are part of the problem. They're locking us up because of 'manspreading' bullshit. Fuck you.

>> No.8666620


Whatever. I'm not going to sit here and debate my browness quotient for you to make some case that "I'm not black enough" for not getting up in arms about someone doing a good SU cosplay whilst being lilly white. It doesn't btoher me, it bothers you. Yet every single person on here makes it into some huge fucking conspiracy to be overtly racist. You are systematically dividing and generalizing people. That's bullshit. you don't want to agree, suck a nut and move on. We don't have to agree and we won't. I'm not going to be the poster child for hurt minorities in the US. You can fill that roll if you want.

>> No.8666632


I do get to give non-white people free pass. I'm not offended. I don't see it as racist. You do. That is your problem. For your entirety of "muh emotions" you keep basing it on a predisposition that white people have it out for you. If you stopped labeling everyone not like you as something before you even talk to them, maybe you wouldn't see racism in everything around you. Like fucking racist do all the time. You are a problem to me as much as KKK fucktards are, You are a racist bigot. Just because they are white doesn't mean you get free pass to judge their actions on your biased subjective viewpoints. They are human too. Do you have one shred of evidence showing on of these racist blackface cosplayers making racial remarks about a subset of humans based on their skin color? Cosplay communities are some of the most inclusive people I have ever met in my life and I find it hard to believe you have a magical book of instances where cosplayers are being racist? It just doesn't make any rhyme of reason. You are looking for a racist problem where none even exists. You are making racists, no one else is.

>> No.8666639

in USA, yes. Other parts of the world have other (racial or national) problems.

>> No.8666644

>Cosplay communities are some of the most inclusive people I have ever met in my life
Stop anon, that's too funny, I'm dying over here!

>> No.8666647
File: 640 KB, 944x1016, 1444589399725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is spot on.

>> No.8666648
File: 150 KB, 512x643, bcma-Calloway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks about racism
>must be a feminist

wow logic clearly isn't your strong suit is it buddy. Why don't we just go outside for now. Just stop posting.

>> No.8666653
File: 78 KB, 780x465, blm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8666654


Inclusive doesn't mean they aren't backstabbing you over the latest lolita fashion trend anon. It just means anybody can get into it, become part of it if they put the work in. The work is the key. Can you honestly say someone trying to get into cosplay is automatically dismissed for their skin color? They get the chance to do what they love regardless of their skin color. Because for the most part except for some sensitive fucks out there, no one gives a crap if you aren't pasty white or akon black. We all got a chance to be garnet, even if we have a dick. We just better do it right or people will talk shit.

>> No.8666659
File: 27 KB, 442x280, 10854971_gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now *this* is shit posting. Not sure what i expected from this website tbh.

>> No.8666661

>Cosplay communities are some of the most inclusive people I have ever met
And yet they don't know any black people to cosplay the black characters

>> No.8666662

>black people in charge of understanding flowcharts

>> No.8666663

>>You are a racist bigot

Stopped reading here, please make bait less obvious in future i can't get my fury boner going unless i really believe it.

>> No.8666664

>Can you honestly say someone trying to get into cosplay is automatically dismissed for their skin color?

Not that SJWs are any better. There was a mixed race Korra cosplayer I'm friends with who got ran out for "blackface" when it turned out that was her natural skin tone

>> No.8666666


Maybe just maybe the black people don't want to cosplay fucking Garnet. Maybe the white kid that grew up and loves SU wants to be Garnet because he identifies with the character and loves his Garnet plushie at home. Who are you to judge his actions? I'm brown and everything I cosplay is lilly white because for some reason anime heroes are pasty white femboys. What do I do? I suck it up, hide in the shadows, lose as much color as I can and try my best. It's hard to white yourself up without looking like some weird albino. I have much props for someone that can darken themselves up and deal with that stage makeup all over themselves as they try to keep it from smearing, sealing and just looking a hot mess. They usually fail but somebody will do it right, unless we stifle everything by saying "nooooo you can't do that you are a white boi". That's divisive. Let them do.

>> No.8666667

>missing your chance to say phallicy instead of fallacy

>> No.8666669

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.8666670
File: 748 KB, 1794x2506, baphomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baphomet approves of these seps

>> No.8666671


See exceptions to every rule. But does this not piss you off royally. she is beautiful. She is so fucking into it. And people want to give her shit because she is too dark. Leave the skin out of it. Shit pisses me off. Cute as fuck.

>> No.8666673

Here's what I don't understand...

In asia, asians are the default and you will see pictures of asians advertised in products.
It's the same with every other country, typically whoever is not the minority is the bigger media audience for product consumption. That being said, America still goes to lengths to include a variety of models within products and they're literally the only country that does this. I feel like people like to preach that America is this horrible racist place, but I have never seen anybody act racist other than my dying grandparents and I live in between the worst parts of florida and alabama.

When you're not white in our country, you get a variety of handouts. You can get more scholarships. You have better chances of being accepted into certain schools for minority percentage value and companies are always looking to hire people who aren't white because it looks good. I've desperately wanted to empathize and understand this, so I've asked the feelings of my normy non-white friends and they tell me other than random children calling them "chocolate" once, they function like a normal human being and face the same amount of discrimination any normal person would for anything else. The only black people I've ever talked to who passionately care about this to these lengths are cosplayers and people from tumblr. Any normal person realizes they can get their degree like normal, get a job, etc.

Some will say "people say I can't cosplay this because I'm black!"
Well, people would say shit like that even if you weren't black. They'd say your nose is too big, you're not thin enough, etc. People will always act conniving and vicious no matter what race or gender you are. Being white doesn't mean your life is an easy walk in the park, yet that's what people from tumblr like to preach and I genuinely don't understand it.

>> No.8666674

I know of like one, but he's not a big name (yet).

>> No.8666687
File: 139 KB, 675x530, concise_history_ampersand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you're not white in our country, you get a variety of handouts. You can get more scholarships. You have better chances of being accepted into certain schools for minority percentage value and companies are always looking to hire people who aren't white because it looks good. I've desperately wanted to empathize and understand this, so I've asked the feelings of my normy non-white friends and they tell me other than random children calling them "chocolate" once, they function like a normal human being and face the same amount of discrimination any normal person would for anything else. The only black people I've ever talked to who passionately care about this to these lengths are cosplayers and people from tumblr. Any normal person realizes they can get their degree like normal, get a job, etc.

>>Why can't we just forget about race?!?!?
educate yourself.

>> No.8666694
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Janitors should just be deleting these threads on sight. Most of these threads are barely on topic arguing and we will never reach a general consensus anyway.

>> No.8666698

So. Assuming your point concerning lying about your race is valid, how can we confirm you're actually a representative of a racial minority? You might just as well be a white-passing tumblrina with 0,05% black blood trying to scrape up some kind of "ethnicity" to feel special.

I don't even get why the oversensitive tumblrinas are always supposed to get the last word on every issue. What about all the PoC people who don't give a shit about white folks bronzing their skin for a cosplay? Why doesn't their opinion matter? I'm a female who supported Gamergate and the SJW people trying to silence me were just as bad as the misogynistic dudebros sending rape threats. They both try to invalidate my individual existence just because I didn't serve their selfish agenda. The PoC people who aren't offended by tanning your skin for a cosplay are just as much of a reliable source as every other representative of their ethnicity.

The argument about "wearing our skin as a costume" is invalid. They're not wearing your skin as a costume, they're wearing a character as a costume. Dressing up as a certain dark-skinned character and staying accurate to the source material is a lot different than putting on a reed skirt, a bone through an afro wig and painting your skin black for a costume party to look "African".

And "there are plenty of white characters for white folks to cosplay, they're stealing our characters". Excuse me? How does a white-skinned person cosplaying a character actually stop you from cosplaying the character yourself? You'll probably do a better job too if you match the skin colour of the character naturally, so if anything, you should be proud of looking better by comparison.

This whole debate is a living proof of the horseshoe theory. SJWs are so far up against all discrimination they're starting to look like /pol/, just replace jews in their rants with white people and reverse the worries of blacks invading the white culture and there you go.

>> No.8666699

will never reach a general consensus anyway

not as long as racism still exists, no.

>> No.8666701

>its always been racist

Why? Everyone always says IT'S RACIST but never do they actuallly give a real reason other than crying their faces off over how IT HURTS MY FEELINGS AND IT'S OFFENDING BECAUSE HISTORY.

Well fuck your history. It's not my problem your country decided to be an asshole. Also if this shit is offensive then cosplay should be banned in general because everything can be offensive. Stop making everything all about your fucking history. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.8666704

Be happy I'm celebrating your skin tone. Also not everyone who is tan is Black, so.

>> No.8666709
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Please refer to: >>8666420

>> No.8666711

White person cosplays a tan character with no makeup. They're accused of whitewashing.

White person cosplays a tan character with makeup. They're accused of blackfacing.

>> No.8666713

It's cosplay. Shouldn't you be getting worried about other things going on in the world instead?

>> No.8666715
File: 218 KB, 600x568, 1443297898736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yessuh massuh thank yuh kahndly

>> No.8666719

Black person finds neither scenario offensive. They're accused of "internalized racism" and straight up called uncle tom or house nigger by white SJWs with a savior complex

>> No.8666720
File: 142 KB, 600x828, 1414101162431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I have no counter argument so i'll just say its a dumb issue! That'll show those meddlin Essss Jaaayy Double Youuuus!!!!!!

>> No.8666722

I'd be happy to listen and accept other opinions if you'd care to explain to me. I've never spoken with anyone other than individuals from tumblr with self esteem issues and social anxiety who actually care so much that they claim it's unsafe for them to walk in the streets. I've been into a lot of different social groups, and no black person in those many social groups has ever been so sensitive, they've never actually cared and they never felt that their skin tone gave them a disadvantage. So no, I don't get it. Please explain.

>> No.8666723

It's funny because most of the dark-skinned anime characters aren't even black, they're tan. Yet people still claim white people blackface when cosplaying them even though almost any caucasian will have that skintone after 3 weeks outside in the sun.

>> No.8666725


>> No.8666726

First half true. Second half strawman. So close to realization anon, yet so far away.

>> No.8666730
File: 16 KB, 115x115, HAKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, not my job to fix your ignorance, so here's someone how did


>> No.8666731


People want to make everything about them so they will whine about anything just to feel offended. People want to feel offended and they want to feel special.

>> No.8666732

>People will recognize a well-done costume just fine without the race-painting
But then SJW will complain about whitewashing the characters for cosplay, there is just no way one can win in cases like this.

>> No.8666734
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People want to deny there's an issue so they can keep doing what they like. The dont want to consider the possibility that the world doesn't revolve on their whims.

>> No.8666736
File: 270 KB, 600x279, dissenters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second half strawman.

>> No.8666739

SJWs can't be appeased. Never give them an inch.

>> No.8666741

Interested to know if people feel as strongly about whiteface like what bec's cosplay wonderland does (makeup and Photoshop to make her appear caucasion)

>> No.8666744

>You've experienced a lot of shit you know is basically invisible to white people because of "just" your skin tone.

Don't speak for all of us, I've never experienced shit growing up just over my skin tone and neither did my family or relatives.

>> No.8666745

>Hi, not my job to fix your ignorance
I'm so happy you moral guardian shitheads are getting completely and utterly destroyed by the GamerGate backlash.

>> No.8666747

Hi! That's great to hear! That doesn't invalidate anything i said, but thank you for your contribution. You have advanced the discourse by leaps and bounds.

>> No.8666750

All I want to say is when white people do it it's racists and when a colored person does it it's ok. Boom mind blown.

>> No.8666752


I linked a comic, even you should be able to get through that mental slog. Have fun!

>> No.8666755

I went to a primarily black school and was beaten up everyday and had people rub their vomit in my hair because I was white at a primarily black school. Would you consider this racism? Semiunrelated, but I'm curious.

>> No.8666757

I can see this from a historical viewpoint.

Say two children are born, one is black and one is white in America today.

The black child grows up in a rich household, is given every opportunity for every hobby and succeeds in life and is pretty much able to land a successful place in a company.

White child grows up with parents that beat them everyday, no financial assistance and later resort to prostitution as they live in a shoddy apartment.

Would they still have that magical white privilege that lands them above persona A? I genuinely want to know.

>> No.8666759

Yo, actual honest-to-goodness oppressed minority here. I took your stupid courses and was surrounded by your bullshit in uni.

I understand all these tumblrisms that you call patriarchy, privilege, intersectionality, kyriarchy, and so forth. I just think it's bullshit and does absolutely nothing for me and that you and your kind should fuck off because you're not welcome and your histrionics are setting race and gender relations back by several decades as well as free speech on the internet.

Now go fuck off to SRS you condescending transracial fraud.

>> No.8666761


>> No.8666763

Yea, hate towards nothing more than skin color, ethnic origin, or culture is racism. Theres plenty of that here in puerto rico.

Some cry baby white girl is going to tell you differently, though. Something about it requires power or some bullshit.

>> No.8666767

Social justice is the new organized religion the same way adherents refuse to tolerate anyone who doesn't accept the gospel.

>> No.8666770

Asami isn't white.

>> No.8666776



>> No.8666777


That's a really interesting question, since the background and upbringing would change much of the usual effects like education on a child. In your example, person B would still be statistically more likely to be poorer and less educated than person A despite being white.

Personally i believe discrimination is based on, and a result of socio economic status more than race, but it is the unfortunate case that the two are intricately entwined the world today. White privilege doesn't mean that all white people are better off than all black people, it just means, at its most basic, that the average black person is worse off than the average white person. I hope i've addressed your question, apologies if my meaning is unclear, my writing is convoluted at the best of times and its quite late where i live.

>> No.8666780

Best arguments I've ever seen so far.

>> No.8666782


It's your whims you want it to revolve around though, why is your whim better then their whims.

>> No.8666784

>i believe discrimination is based on, and a result of socio economic status more than race
This glaringly obvious observation is willfully ignored by trust fund kiddie SJWs who grew up with a silver spoon in their fucking mouths and get thousands per month on patreon for trolling twitter all day

>> No.8666785

There is no issue. You just keep making it an issue because you want everything to be about you.

>> No.8666787

"people want to deny there is an issue"


>> No.8666791

sorry, i meant to reply to >>8666785

>> No.8666797

But it's not blackface, you retard.

It's not blackface unless you're dressed up as a caricature of a black person that's intended to make them come off as stupid or clownish.

>> No.8666801

it isnt racist
the problem is: there a lot of stupid ppl out there who think it is cause they have nothing else to do but cry about useless stuff

>> No.8666803

No, it's very clear, thank you. I can see where it is very difficult for families to break out of that poverty line and succeed unless a child that is born happens to be a prodigy.

Me being super white, I've personally experienced a lot of fucked up shit that has negatively impacted where I am now. Yet, I've been told by many POC that I have this magical privilege that's going to make everything better and that what I've experienced during my schooling was "not racism". Meanwhile, the people telling me this have two parents, a house and go to a university.

Why can't we all just acknowledge each other's individual experiences and try to put them all on the same level? Cruelty is cruelty and it comes in a million different forms. The same fucked up people who hate somebody for their skin tone are the same fucked up people who steal and set somebody's house on fire. Can't we just acknowledge that not every bad incident is about race?

>> No.8666805

>There was a mixed race Korra cosplayer I'm friends with who got ran out for "blackface" when it turned out that was her natural skin tone

>> No.8666810

It's very important to acknowledge factors other than race, as a statistician, trying to explain something so incredibly complex with a single variable would just be nonsense.

It's equally important not to disregard it as a factor, when it is.

I sincerely hope you overcome the "fucked up shit" and i wish you all the best. Thank you for the civil discourse in this otherwise unnecessarily aggressive thread. Goodnight.

>> No.8666814

Ok so it's racist to change your skin colour? And/or it's racist to change your skin colour to match another race? Home stuck troll cosplays are officially racist guys we did it, Steven universe too.

But in seriousness what is the difference between painting yourself grey or painting yourself maroon for garnet (I don't get why people say painting yourself for her is racist when she's not black she's reddish purple) and painting yourself brown? Either they're both racist or neither are.

>> No.8666815

I'm not saying we should wave off racism, goodness no. Nowadays though, people are so unnecessarily aggressive about it. Like... telling me I have magical white privilege because my ancestors could live in a house even though that doesn't effect me in the slightest.

Thank you and have a good night anon, I wish you pleasant dreams.

>> No.8666816

I'm glad I live in Europe so people don't care if you cosplay a "black" person.

>> No.8666818

>Ok so it's racist to
Everything is racist, everything is misogynist, everything is sexist.
Except when they do it
You know who

>> No.8666819

You have your own bullshit tensions and hang-ups but yes that is a "freedom" you have, I guess.

>> No.8666822
File: 441 KB, 800x1829, ashura daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking shit, I painted my entire body a beautiful sky blue to pull off this Ashura cosplay and I shit you not somebody said I looked like Vishnu and there was this Indian family just staring daggers at me at the staples center

I kek'd internally

>> No.8666824

Don't speak for everyone. I'm Latina and I don't think it's racist. In fact, many POC in my community don't give a shit either.

>> No.8666825

This infuriates me
"people of color" is just one tiny notch away from "colored"

>> No.8666827

She's a POC too tho lmao

>> No.8666830

Honestly, if it WASN'T racist, more people would do it. If it truly wasn't racist, people would do it more, even if there was still the same amount of shit going on. People don't do it, because they know it's not okay. Only shitheads trying to stir up shit, or idiots, genuinely do it. Because 90% of people wouldn't feel comfortable doing it. Honestly, if you look deep down, you know it's wrong. That's why people get so furiously angry about it NOT BEING RACIST!!!, you defend it to the death because you know it's wrong and don't want to admit it. Also, if it was about appreciation, people would do it in their every day lives.

>> No.8666832

>People don't do it, because they know it's not okay.
No, they're being peer pressured against it by offendotrons such as yourself.

>> No.8666839
File: 16 KB, 282x424, aljolson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about intent. Pic related: Al Jolson was a true friend to the black community, so there's nothing offensive about his makeup.

>> No.8666848

This. I don't do it not because I feel it's racist, but because I'm afraid of all the SJW tumblrites calling me out, sharing my personal information, sending me hate messages and getting their personal armies to harass the fuck out of me.

>> No.8666849

People don't do it because the vast majority of the population can neither agree whether using make up to achieve the skin colour of a /specific character/ is either out-right racist or any different from using make up to imitate a /race/ or caricature there of, nor agree that it is massively subject to opinion and that no one can speak for an entire race so cannot differentiate between the appropriate uses of the following phrases, 'this is offensive' and 'I find this offensive because'.

Because either we're working towards a society where skin colour (amongst other traits) dictates nothing or we're just pretending we are whilst exploiting opportunities to play the race card.

>> No.8666852

She's white. One of her arguments was that she gets made fun of in Argentina for being white.

>> No.8666854

Black people are real
alien gemstone people are not
How is that fucking lost on you?

>> No.8666863
File: 33 KB, 500x333, imustremovebagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, can I get a judgement on something here? Am I, as a Jewish man, allowed to be uncomfortable with people dressing up as Nazis and heiling and shit, or does that make me part of the dreaded SJW scum?

>> No.8666873

This is something to be actually offended about. Actual racism, not this trivial "wahh wahhh honkey tanned their skin" bawling.

>> No.8666882

That guy who ate so much silver he turned blue is real so is painting yourself blue racist?

>> No.8666884

Stop reposting this all the fucking time

>> No.8666885

90% of characters with Japanese names dont look remotely Asian or like any rave for that matter. Anime girls have slowly bewn losing noses over the last decade

>> No.8666888
File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, youknowtherulesandsodoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like someone forgot THE RULES OF COSPLAY

>> No.8666905

The question is how is imitating a specific character different from parodying an entire race or caricature there of?

>> No.8666913

Is that character a parody or caricature of that race? I can't think of a lot of characters that are simply defined by their race.

>> No.8666920

One thing I notice in this thread is the argument of "whites being offensive as the majority race". You guys do realise that in actual fact Asians are the majority race? and Japanese are very for painting their skin dark for characters. I'm surprised the Sakura from the Dangan Ronpa shoot is never posted here as racist.

I once got told I should be ashamed for wanting to dress as a Gijinka of a lion character because I was going to offend Africans. The character in question was in actual fact close to my naturally tanned skin in colour. I didn't even say I was changing my skin; yet the whitest of white bread race shamed me out of it. My African friend on the other hand wants me to do it since I love the character.

>> No.8666922

Do black people not understand flow charts?

>> No.8666923

Silly cracker, PoCs can't be racist against each other because whiteys hold all the power in the world!!!1111

No but seriously, Japanese cosplayers do blackface ALL THE FUCKING TIME and nobody calls them out for it because they know asians ain't gonna give two shits unlike white people.

>> No.8666926
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>> No.8666931

Alright. Say I agree that it IS a false equivalency. What stops a person from SAYING that others pretending to be men offends an upsets them? Does the hug box support them in this?

>> No.8666932

Not necessarily though I'm sure there are some.

But really the point is that imitating a specific character different is cosplay, however you choose to interpret the brief, change in skin tone or no.

Parodying an entire race or caricature there of is the fundamentals of black facing.

The two are not fundamentally the same thing. But the term Black Facing is being flung around like they are.

>> No.8666934
File: 42 KB, 497x518, 1795558_10202574202490247_424619811_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw someone do this a few years ago, she still genuinely believes there is nothing wrong with what she did, i know some of the UK comm kicked up quite a fuss on tumblr about it. it wasnt right then, it still isnt now.

>> No.8666942
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, 1390074133110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the cosplay pictures on hand but I KNOW I've seen Japanese girls do this guy a handful of times. His dark skin is something that is mentioned in the anime and manga repeatedly.

>> No.8666943
File: 188 KB, 373x327, IijYN7Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literal tranny nigger faggot

>> No.8666948

So if I'm a "yellow person" (since you put an awful lot of stock into skin color) I can blackface all I want, right? Because blackface is associated with oppression of blacks by whitey, and I ain't white.

>> No.8666954

ITT: a whole lot of white people typing "as a brown person..."

>> No.8666960

Im going to throw my two cents into this.

Blackface isn't the same as painting yourself with makeup with the intent to do a character in cosplay justice because you want to be accurate. With all the talk lately about how black people and other minorities want to put the past behind them, but still keep in mind what has happened, but move forward as a society, a lot of you are reeeeeeally not letting people. Half the people screaming about this 'blackface' thing have no idea what it actually is and how it effected entertainment and individuals.

You can't preach about wanting a better and accepting society, but feel free to throw white people or other races under the bus any time you feel you have the audacity to misuse the so called 'race card' and throw 'racist' around like it were candy on individuals who aren't. You aren't deserved of recommendations after all these years. The tumblr warriors need to sit their asses down and really understand what they want out of their generation because, frankly, its not helping your black movement at all and instead stifling it.

If you want racism to stop them stop calling everything single thing racist when there is no racist intent just to make your ego feel good.

>> No.8666966
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>> No.8666976

How is it a false equivalence?

>> No.8666979

If you're American you can't because the sjws will get you. Japanese both don't give a fuck, don't have people who give a fuck, and don't speak enough English for sjws to attack them properly. The English speakers who also speak Japanese don't give a fuck either

>> No.8666984

Dark skin in Japan just means you look like you got a suntan and aren't a pasty Asian

>> No.8666991

ITT: Americans arguing about American sociopolitics.

>> No.8666998

Dual chinese citizenship, bitches can't touch this

Didn't move from mainland China til I was 17.

>> No.8666999
File: 34 KB, 413x395, 1310483412100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this salt

>> No.8667004

A professor showed us a video of some Central American carnaval yesterday and I swear I saw a group of people in actual blackface, like shoe polish black. Nearly laughed out loud when I spotted them.

>> No.8667012

Not really. Even when I tan (I'm Asian) there's only a certain shade I darken to. My cousins are multiple shades darker, tanned or not. There are certain descendance lines that are genetically darker (think Ainu for Japan). There's different issues involved; you can't just apply American politics to everything.

>> No.8667019
File: 133 KB, 500x281, 6876792435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's meant to be Okinawan but I can't recall if this was ever addressed within the series. Momoi calling him ganguro will always be funny to me.

>> No.8667025

Oh no it is the dumb as fuck colored folks who are so far up their own asses that they don't realize the fallacies in their own statements.:^) Obvious tumblr or trolls.
How anyone disagrees is suddenly "white" or are "idiots"? Gtfo you ignorant fucks. Your kind are the reason racism is alive today. Fuck every last one of you crying racism over things like this when there is actual racism out there.

>> No.8667034

>SJWs complaining about race on a mongolian drawing board
>playing a character is racist

don't you have Tumblr for this?

>> No.8667041

I am the only one that feels like telling tanned people they are being racist is ridiculous and the SJWs are going over the line there, but does think body paint is a touch racist?
Like, I'm not going to send death threats over it or screech at people for it, but I don't know, it just feels in poor taste given the history of blackface.
I get people aren't doing to be racist, they are just doing it to more accurately portray a character, but it just seems really questionable and better avoided to me.

>> No.8667045

How smart were you when you were 17 years old? What did you think back then that you know now is utter bullshit? There's a lot of impressionable and unsupervised teenagers out there.

>> No.8667055

17 is well old enough to know that photographer does not need nudes to determine your body type. I would understand if they're 13-14, max 15, though.

>> No.8667062

>People don't do it, because they know it's not okay

People don't do it because they are constantly getting death threats. This whole shit is stupid, you're stupid so STFU stupid bitch.

>> No.8667064

back to tumblr please

>> No.8667067

No she got made fun of for being a light skinned POC.

>> No.8667068
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>> No.8667074

Everyone should read this article about this subject.
It's written by Maguma and guess what? He's black and doesn't give a shit.

>> No.8667087

If a white person were really racist, they wouldn't be trying to cosplay a black person, hell they wouldn't even like the character to begin with.

>> No.8667094

Did anyone else see Yaya Hans SJW post on Facebook last night? So much hypocrisy!

>> No.8667101

I'm furious that these types of articles get disregarded just because it doesn't agree with the majority. The majority isn't always right. Any POC that agrees with this article gets attacked by their own race. It is so stupid.

>> No.8667107

If the majority of black people don't want you to blackface, you can't point to one black person and be like "He said he didn't care, that means it's a-okay for me to do".

>> No.8667112


Fuck Bui and his familia group shit. I hope it blows up.

>> No.8667122

It's not blackface.

>> No.8667123

Someone post that cosplayer that white faces

>> No.8667124

>yaya pandering
That's not news.

>> No.8667128

>dumb as fuck colored folks
Way to prove >>8666332 right

>> No.8667130

Everybody uses bronzer for contouring so you're all fucking racists

>> No.8667131
File: 45 KB, 557x418, ngbbs4f4f0c1ca1841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that dark skinned people in anime are just white/asian with darker skin and that black people are portrayed like this

>> No.8667134

Right? Of course you'll find 5 people who agree with you. Instead of hunting down as many people as possible who agree with you, Google it for 30 seconds and you'll see studies and shit on why this shouldn't be done. Its negative effects are not up for debate.

It's like smoking. Yeah it's your choice, and some people like it, but it's factually harmful and most people don't want it done around them.

>> No.8667137

Rot in hell, Bui. You've been this disgusting piece of shit for too long now and it feels so fucking good no one will stand for it anymore.

>> No.8667145

>Believing people are entitled to respect you because of your race.
Go back to tumblr

>> No.8667151

Her whole post turned into a giant pity me sob story.

>I'm afraid to cosplay because I'm fat
>I'm afraid to cosplay because I'm black
Yaya: Don't listen to anyone and do what you love and want, don't listen to anyone!

>I want to tan my skin for cosplay
Yaya: No you can't do that because it hurts others feelings, you need to listen to everyone.

>> No.8667155
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't delude yourself, white people in anime look like this. The only time they're cute is when they're girls and then they're blonde with big boobs.

>> No.8667156

I don`t do it because I`m too lazy to learn how to. That`s it. The only reason

>> No.8667160

What is sarcasm, ya moron?

>> No.8667165

I don't think it's racist but it typically looks bad/unnatural

>> No.8667166

>comparing tanning your skin for a cosplay to smoking

these sjws i swear

>> No.8667168

Denying someone that they're a minority is racist

>> No.8667172
File: 113 KB, 630x414, rally & minnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand the idea of having a hair and makeup show without trying to match skin tone. So are tumblr people with neon blue hair racist to japanese because that's the way they're portrayed in anime?

>> No.8667176

Checked. Nice.

>> No.8667179
File: 31 KB, 377x669, 12106884_1106212016058381_6166357865986881003_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard T. Bui tried the same thing to a close friend of mine, fuck Bui!
He should be thrown in Jail.

>> No.8667180

>prove it

Fucking racist

>> No.8667184

I was only pointing out that anime white people look way different than the anime characters people like to assume are "supposed to be" white. You can always tell when an anime character is supposed to be white compared to everyone else because they'll be blonde haired and blue eyed and (if male) have strong features.

Also if you desperately want to change your skin color, go for it, but you'll probably get mobbed by angry SJWs from tumblr. I think it basically always looks bad/tacky, and it's about as practical as being a Homestuck - you're going to smear makeup everywhere. Call it accurate all you want, it looks like you're caked in makeup rather than looking more like the character.

>> No.8667188

Fuck, I hate yaya

>> No.8667192

Matt doesn't know shit, don't give his sorry ass anymore pandering

>> No.8667196

You speak English so you don't get the same immunity to sjws. If they know you can understand them and you "cosplay blackface omg" they would totally get on you.

>> No.8667200

He was playing street ball in America so they probably think hehe caught the black from them

>> No.8667219

Wow, fuck that guy.

>> No.8667238

wait...did some little tumblr twit really throw a fit over them not tagging a pomegranite as "gore"? It's a damn fruit! Wow what is wrong with kids, "oh this makes me mildly uncomfortable it triggers me!" Do they not know what a damn trigger is? I wish the word "squick" was still in use, because 98% of the time people are bitching about things they find mildly uncomfortable, not something that sets off actual PTSD.

>> No.8667240

People who aren't black trying to say what is and isn't racist to black people when they've never experienced racism themselves...

Get the fuck out of here. You are unqualified to speak on the matter

>> No.8667261

Are these the chicks who busted in on that Sanders rally? I found that incredibly rude. There's a time and a place for everything.

>> No.8667270


oh my god, thank you.

>> No.8667273

Oh hey, that's one of my favorite movies.

>> No.8667277
File: 71 KB, 720x540, hetalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with being upset because it's in super bad taste. Pic related

>> No.8667279

I've had to deal with my share of perverts at that age and I can assure you I knew that someone asking for nudes is bad business.

The nudes could happen if the 17 year old is extremely gullible yes. But one of the screenshots shows he asked a girl for multiple pics of her vagina so he can know what her pubes look like. How can anyone ever consider that relevant to a shoot where you'll be fully clothed? How oblivious can you be?

>> No.8667280
File: 331 KB, 1413x2364, 1392528272224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Aomine didn't live in America, you're probably thinking of Kagami who did live in the US for a couple years.
>>The only time they're cute is when they're girls and then they're blonde with big boobs.
Pic related, more Basugay coming your way.

>> No.8667294

She's described it as being young and naive and stupid (and of you've ever read her other posts she definitely has some stupid going on). She's one of those hyperactive nerd girls.

>> No.8667302

>I am brown and I legitimately couldn't give a flying fuck if someone of a non brown or black race wants to go all out in order to recreate the image OF A FICTIONAL FUCKING CHARACTER.

You can give excuses for others unacceptable behavior, talk shit about "black people vs. niggers" and generally act like a genuflecting piece of shit all you want, but I just want you to know that whitey will never accept you as one of their own no matter how many other afro-americans you throw under the bus.

>> No.8667306

If you know people may feel offended by something you do, why do it at all?

>> No.8667307

tanning is fine and anyone complaining about tanning needs to stfu, it's the body paint most people are more upset about.

>> No.8667338

It's is fundamentally impossible to go through life without offending people.

You'd be naive to think otherwise.

But there's a difference between something that is factually offensive and something that is personally offensive based on individual opinion.

It's not universally agreed whether imitating a characters skin colour is one or the other.

>> No.8667340

And if she went as a white Guinevere, people would just be pissed off at them going by the old stories and not acknowledging the wonderful black actress they got for the show.

>> No.8667352

Nothing is going to universally agreed on, but enough people find it troublesome, it'd be worth avoiding it.
You don't need to darken your skin with make-up / body paint to cosplay a character well.

>> No.8667354

And we reach a circular argument where racially accurate cosplayers should have the monopoly on characters sharing their race.

Which is a fundamentally racist principle.

So it seems if you change your skin colour to match a character, you're racist.

If you cosplay outside your skin colour, you're racist.

>> No.8667358

It's perfectly possible to go through life without painting your face brown or black. When you do that, you choose to offend.

>> No.8667360

You don't need to wear a wig. You don't need to make your own cosplay. You don't need a lot of things.

But without every single person (of every race) voting on the matter there's no basis for statements like 'enough people find it troublesome'.

Because how can you define enough?

If every minority opinion agreed it was offensive it might hold more weight than the number of 'POC' opinions where they either don't care or don't think it's racist.

So surely making a bulk opinion is fundamentally racist that ignores someone.

Therefore it can be stated that the whole thing is entirely a matter of personal opinion.

And the principle of 'don't like, don't look' then applies?

>> No.8667363

Actually what you're choosing to do is portray a character. However you'll probably have to acknowledge that it's going to offend someone.

But then I know people who think they own certain characters. It offends them if I cosplay those characters. But that's not why I'm doing it.

Therefore the principle argument of 'don't do it because it might offend someone' appears to be more limiting than liberating.

>> No.8667368


I don't know, I'm sure there's people that would take offense to cosplaying outside your race, but I think a lot of the SJWs that hop all over changing your skin color would be cool with it.
After all, it doesn't take away representation or anything because if a white girl cosplays Korra, for example, that doesn't stop say, a native american girl from cosplaying Korra at the same con.

>> No.8667378

The thing you have to ask yourself is, is the fun you get from painting your face dark worth making people feel bad?

>> No.8667382

Everything you do can and probably will offend people.

You can go your entire life without having a pet dog, so you adopting one is you choosing to offend Muslims.

Every action will offend somebody, so it becomes a question of how offensive it is versus how useful it is.

Your argument does not stand, whether or not it is racist.

>> No.8667388

By extension I'd also have to ask myself 'would cosplaying this character because I want to, despite knowing it will upset them, be worth it to me?'.

To which the answering question is, 'why should I limit what I do, because X person/s will get upset if I do?'

From which we could make a significant jump and re-word that to 'should I not wear this short skirt because I know it might excite some guys'.

Where the question becomes about the acknowledgement of consequences.

But the question is, should there be any.

If we're working towards a society where creed, colour and name don't matter, then there shouldn't be.

If we're not, then can someone let me know when the eggshells everyone is stepping on have been swept up and we can all get on with our lives?

>> No.8667395
File: 103 KB, 728x1096, mr_popo_by_xxpyro_axelxx-d3fdukz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What amazes me to this day with regards to use of the term 'black facing' is that cosplayers who try to match natural skin tones are called offensive, but people who cosplay Mr Popo are seen as funny.

Mr Popo who is literally the walking stereotype of the look of black facing. Who is more often than otherwise cosplayed by black people.

This is somewhat shooting the argument in the proverbial foot?

>> No.8667396
File: 674 KB, 1920x1080, ds_19095_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know more shit than you do~

>> No.8667402

People call this racist all the time so I don't know what universe you're living in.
In Kai Popo was changed to blue to make it less of a blackface character too. The only people who think it's okay to cosplay him are racist edgetards and Chris-chan.

>> No.8667420


>> No.8667422

Japanese people are notoriously racist and they know it.

>> No.8667429

Bui aint famous.

>> No.8667433

Actually, it's fine to cosplay outside of your skin color as long as you're not a white person, duh.

>> No.8667444

Oh of course. Silly me.

>> No.8667451

This is what really gets me, all the people claiming "it takes two to tango!" are completely ignoring the fact that these girls didn't know how to fucking tango, so to speak. You don't magically gain knowledge about consent, appropriateness, and predators on your 18th birthday. If someone takes advantage of a person's naïveté, lies to them about their reasons and motivations, then you cannot reasonably expect a young woman to instinctively know that she's being duped.

Come on gulls, think back to when you were aged 17-19. A lot of us were likely awkward and dorky and not used to having encouraging/positive attention from someone we viewed as cool. He knows young women are vulnerable like that and took total advantage of it.

>> No.8667457

It's kind of sad that being young gives you a pass at being dumb as a rock. I mean, the hair thing. Seriously.

>> No.8667462

Different anon, but one time I was at a con with my girlfriend (she's spanish, i'm white) and we were cosplaying Korra and Asami, with me being Asami. Some SJW actually came up to us and ranted at me about how dare I cosplay Asami when she is an asian character, and I am white. My gf is brown skinned so she was cool to cosplay Korra. I just stood there kind of baffled while my girlfriend told the chick to fuck off. Ironically, this girl was cosplaying from Dangan Ronpa and was white so what even?

But seriously, was I not allowed to cosplay Asami because she's asian or whatever? Is that a thing now? We just wanted to couple cosplay

>> No.8667466

Speak for your self, I may have been naive and dorky, but I sure as hell knew when some dude was creeping on me. I feel like that is a common sense thing, being young isn't an excuse for being stupid.

>> No.8667467

If you don't know, you don't know. The proper wording would be "it's sad that being young and dumb apparently gives people a pass to prey on you". You don't take advantage of someone's ignorance. That is fucked up.

>> No.8667470

Common sense does not magically appear in your head, that's my point. A lot of young people have been neglected by the adults in their life and haven't actually been taught common sense or how to protect themselves. This does not excuse creeping on them.

>> No.8667491
File: 56 KB, 525x700, 1349996335741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now he's gonna be.

>> No.8667494

I actually had really bad parenting as a child. Mom was an alcoholic and pretty stupid, and my father never taught me his language, and he was shit at english, so...I wasn't imparted with a whole lot of wisdom. I had a very skewed idea of the world, and it wasn't until I was 19 or so and spent most of my time on the internet where the world kind of became less foggy, and common sense became clearer and more obvious to me. I'm not surprised that most youths are falling for that.

>> No.8667515
File: 122 KB, 850x875, [shrug].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why anyone would want to paint their skin darker for a costume. It always looks so bad. Even when it's applied correctly, it still looks off. As long as you put a lot of effort your costume, people will know who you're cosplaying especially if it's a well known character.
>b-but the SJWs will bully me!
Then tell them to fuck off and remember that non-white or asian cosplayers get shit for cosplaying outside of their race too. Anyone have any pics of paler cosplayers cosplaying as dark skinned characters in their natural skin tone? I saw a few but I didn't save them

>> No.8667516

I agree that the dude's actions are not to be condoned, but ignorance should be pointed out. It's not common by any means for a 17 y.o. to not notice something is up because it's, well, common sense. The girls who gave nudes were being stupid. It's regrettable and the guy is at fault for coercing them, but it doesn't change the fact that they were stupidly ignorant.

>> No.8667519

theres a half black chick in the GTA cosplay community that always white faces and she is the first to speak up against blackfacing cosplayers.

>> No.8667532

It's so funny how people would actually be offended by something like whiteface

get the fuck over yourself lmao

>> No.8667540

It's manipulation. I don't care if you can decline, the fact that he's pressuring them and pushing it is what disgusts me.

>> No.8667546

I am pretty sure it's been pointed out to death. The issue is that people prioritize pointing out how stupid and naive the girls were over actually talking about what a shitty thing it was the dude did and it comes off as giving him a pass just because they didn't know any better.

>> No.8667564
File: 74 KB, 637x627, 1444675615983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck did they say any of that. You are literally trying to create a caricature of this person out of nothing other than them not agreeing with you and not going along with whatever . You threaten them with exclusion, you sling insults, on top of all of that you are being racist as shit. Breaking race into these little exclusionary clubs based off of the fucking culturally butthurt Olympics ( Which btw, every race has been enslaved by basically everyone at some point or another. But you don't want to study that do you?) is only alienating yourselves and doing the exact opposite of what you say you want. The only way we will be bale to have an intelligent discussion on the historical oppression of any and all peoples will be when all parties involved can openly learn the victories and atrocities of every race.


Heres some links since you can be bothered with the most basic of fact finding.

And you know what, history sucks. People suck. Everyone fucking sucks and have sucked majorly at some point in time and been huge dicks to themselves and others for fucked up reasons. And you know what would be a good idea for the future. Look at what they did, figure out how they did it, ask why, discuss this with others, learn from it, AND MOVE THE FUCK ON. Continuing to aggressively fight non issues will only distract you from and devalue actual acts of hatred. How many sons and daughters have to pay for the their fathers sins. The whole world is in debt, you are only selectively collecting the dues. Don't keep using the same tactics as the people you say you hate. Just because you label it as something different doesn't mean that it is. Its still bullying and manipulation, just by the 'right' people. According to you at least.

>> No.8667571

Perhaps you don't know but in Latin countries we don't treat skin color as you Americans do.
We don't give a shit about "race" because we are all one race: latins. Latins are so deeply mixed that we all have black/white/asian/middle-eastern/whatever genes; basically, everyone here is mixed so skin color isn't a matter of race but of genetic luck.
My mother is "white" because she is pale as fk but she's still mixed. It's how it works here. The middle point is tan skin and brown hair so anyone above that is "white" (I'm light tan almost yellow, but still tan and I get called "white"). Anyone with light brown hair or above is "blond". Anyone with dark-skin is "black" even if they don't have immediate black relatives. So yes, that cosplayer happens to be very very light-skinned, just like my mother, so she is considered white and, because the beauty concept says tan skin is prettier, light-skin people like her tend to get teased about it.
When I did swimming as a kid, I used to be a lot more tan so I was called "black". Now people tell me I'm white, even though I'm not compared to someone like my mother.
So no, she is Latin, not "white" as you imply. Your "white" is different from ours.

>> No.8667585

Yeah, it's common in Latin countries to celebrate our cultural heritage in festivals where we paint our faces "black" or "white". It's really frikin fun :D In my country, if you don't want to participate you are suggested not to leave your house since if anybody sees you outside without paint on, they WILL paint you or throw flour on you to make you white, it's how it is.
What makes me mad about this whole deal is how arrogant American people are to think they can dictate how the whole world behaves. Oh, your country has a history with blackface? Cool. Nobody in the rest of the world gives a fuck about it. What makes you think your blackface history trumps our Carnaval de negros y blancos history? Blackface doesn't exist anymore, the festivals are held yearly so no, I don't see how my culture should accomodate to your unfounded sensitivities. Leave non-American cosplayers out of it.

>> No.8667595

>being this /pol/

>> No.8667597

This thread reminds me a lot of the UCLA outlash for the "Kayne West" party. A bunch of people wore clothes to similar to West and put on fake facial hair to mimic Kayne. Then, the Niggers United Union got wind of it and went to crash the party.

Then after that, some girl wrote an article saying that the party wasn't racist and the union should focus on real issues, so some other students dug up her name, released it everywhere, and are demanding she drop out of UCLA because she brought shame to the school.

>> No.8667601

Except everyone knows the guy is at fault. It's blantantly obvious what he did was horrible and disgusting, yet no one is talking about that because it's what everyone agrees on. What people are arguing is whether or not 17 year old girls should be that "naive" in this day and age. Nobody ever even mentioned him getting a free pass in this thread, yet a 17 year old agreeing to giving up free nudes? That's something to discuss since it's such a common thing. Today's youth is exceptionally stupid.

>> No.8667607

>literal tranny faggot

Here's an interview with RuPaul, a literal tranny nigger faggot, openly refers to herself as a tranny nigger faggot.


"I can call myself a fucking nigger faggot tranny all I want to because I fucking earned the right to do so. I lived the front line."

>> No.8667609

The "majority" of people are the normal black people in society who don't give a shit, anon. Not your friends from tumblr.

>> No.8667610
File: 30 KB, 500x254, 1424858531065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More caricatures and ad hominems. How surprising.

I'm sorry. Did saying that free speech, unfettered access to knowledge and legitimate cultural understanding are the keys to furthering humanity offend you?

>> No.8667613

I feel like it goes hand in hand with teenagers thinking they're invincible, or that terrible things can't happen to them. Girls giving out their nudes to older guys is not anything new, it makes them feel better and is a stroke to the ego "oh this guy thinks I'm hot" sort of mentality. They're naive in the sense that they don't understand how idiotic they're being doing something like that in an age where with a click of a button and one butthurt boyfriends their pictures will wind up online forever. They want that sort of recognition until it goes too far, and by then they don't even get how it wound up that way because they didn't have the self respect to say "no." I'm not trying to put the blame on those girls, that dude is a sick bastard to do that, especially when he has kids. But society has shaped teenage girls to be this way.

For example, my teenage cousin recently got in a shit ton of trouble from my uncle for sending nudes. She is a soph in highschool, and he went on her phone one day and saw her texts, and that she had been sexting and sending nudes to a guy. It was this whole big ordeal in their house because that was the first time in his entire life that he ever struck one of his kids. He was so upset and crying, because he couldn't understand what he did wrong as a parent, both him and my aunt. And they're really kind people. Kids do dumb shit like that, because they just don't get why it's bad (at that age), not just because they are from a bad home or something. It's teenage stupidity.

>> No.8667616

Lol well there have definitely been people in the thread talking about it, but the girls themselves also say they were stupid and naive. They learned their lesson the hard way because someone took advantage of them, but they did learn their lesson.

>> No.8667620

I'm pretty sure jews aren't a race, anon.

>> No.8667634

It's worth noting that the context is much different when it's a girl and her equally-young boyfriend or guy she likes, vs a much older man intentionally approaching a young woman and lying about his motivations in order to manipulate her into sending him nude photos.

Your uncle sounds like a nice guy but he overreacted. Your cousin's behavior warrants a serious talk and some punishment, but hitting is ineffective. It's just going to make her scared of him and not trust him to talk to her about mistakes she's made.

>> No.8667641

This is silly though. Why should they be punished for the obnoxious party crashers. Dressing like a celebrity happens all the time, in public. Hell some people are famous for it. Fuck Moe's restaurants hang look alikes up on their walls.

Also doing that to the girl who wrote the article is a smear campaign with a dash of mobbing and is an intimidation tactic.


I just googled and read a few articles. The students dressed like miners and carried around gold pans, had overalls and put soot across their noses. People said they were black facing. Some students parodied Kim Kardashian and stuffed their butts. Others dressed like rappers. All of the interviews of black students are like reading a paranoid conspiracy theorist rant about how everything is out to get them. The ASU is calling it a racist attack and demanding action. Sigma Phi Epsilon released an apology for any harm or miscommunication, but where confused as to why they were getting the attention they were because none of the costumes had to do with race. Just song references, references to rap, and non racial references to the celebrities themselves.

Then apparently a girl writes and article telling these students to cool their jets with the witch hunt, theres bigger fish to fry than these non issues and they collectively lose their shit and try to make and example of someone who speaks out against their behavior.

>> No.8667653

It's both a religion and an ethnicity.

>> No.8667684

Whites can only cosplay whites, blacks can only cosplay blacks, namekians can only cosplay yoshis, retards can only cosplay homestuck, robots can only cosplay gundams.

>> No.8667703


>> No.8667705

After WWII they were

>> No.8667713

Fine, but don't get pissed when you get fired from your job

>> No.8667850

Ya! Merica!

>> No.8667887 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 599x458, 1444711949038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright, I don't want to dress up like an ape anyway

>> No.8667899
File: 175 KB, 610x991, bern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Indian I don't give a shit about brown makeup, but once again fucking nignogs in America act like they speak for all minorities.

I'll tell you right now, literally zero Indian, Pakistani, and probably Middle Easterners will care if you wear brown makeup.

God, blacks are such entitled children.

>> No.8667917

I'm offended by seeing IDF soldiers because I am reminded of the Palestenian children they butcher daily. Is that ok?

>> No.8667934

1: if you are not any type of brown or poc you get no say
2: some brown people, like myself don't have an issue with actual makeup skills. seriously I'm not upset over some white person that legit makes it look like they aren't white
3: people will just get upset over everything

>> No.8667940

To be honest, I don't mind this mentality as much as the people who wear darker makeup, get a shitton of backlash from it, then cry about how everyone's calling them a racist.

You have the right to do whatever the fuck you want. Sometimes those actions affect other people and sometimes those people will lash out at you, but aside from expressing their anger, offense, or disappointment, they cannot do anything against you. It bothers me more when people do something that has racist connotations, then get buttmad about how people are calling them racist. Like what the fuck are you expecting?

>> No.8667973
File: 125 KB, 1344x1263, whyihatesjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world doesn't revolve around your whims


>> No.8667975

this fucking shitfest made it to 300 replies
the janitors need to be stoned

>> No.8667990

...Have those people never heard of a themed party, let alone been to one? I feel like celebrity themed parties are pretty common. That's so bullshit, they're just looking to pick a fight about race when it had nothing to do with it. Jesus christ, this girl sounds like such a trip to be around.
>saying it's blackface
>people wearing mining outfits with soot on their faces
>Has obviously never heard 'Gold digger'

>> No.8668018

Is anyone from England and thinks character portrayal is racist? Or is it just American girls? Curious to know.

Vivienne and Garnet get pulled in all the time but they're not American dark, they're British characters. They're portrayed as dark British characters even if the voice actor isn't. They chose a different nationality for these two specifically.

I have only ever seen one mixed Indian girl get mad over this issue.

>> No.8668019

Dude he just gave her a good old smack. She's lucky she didn't get the belt like me or my siblings would have gotten back in the day.
My uncle had to leave hishouse for a while and stayed with his older son (like mid 30s) since he felt so horrible. He was in such shock that she would do that and them WHAM he just smacks her across the face. My other aunts and uncles were just like "what is the issue? you just hit her once and she deserved it"

I honestly don't see the problem with giving your kid a whack or two when they do something that classifies like irrideemably shameful. Not over stupid shit where you just ground the kid, but I seriously just don't understand this new aged "don't hit your kid!!!! ever!!" thinking.

She's currently the eldest daughter in the house, and has a few younger sisters who look up to her. But also there's no lock allowed on her phone (i think the rule was something like you are allowed to have a lock on your phone when you're a senior in hs, for his kids) I feel like her sending out nudes like that when they regularly go on her phone to play games or can easily access it, she should know better. But also imagine the shock when you just find that your little girl, who is underaged, even if the guy is as old as her, is sending out naked pictures of herself. When one of these guys can easily just save the pictures to his phone, or send them to his friends or other students. At the end of the day, it's still child pornography.

>> No.8668037

That picture just makes me want to smack those two bitches, they were so damn rude and obnoxious.

But yeah, idk what is up with black people in America but they are so damn whiney about race, all of the time, and god forbid you qualify as any other sort of minority because you were never as oppressed as them. I feel like people are just irritated by blacks in America at this point in time mainly because of how damn annoying and whiney they act, as opposed to actual oppression anymore. I'm a spic, and they just grate on my nerves all of the time.

>> No.8668039

You're absolutely right, of course, it's just that you're speaking to a room of children with learning disabilities.

>> No.8668040

Fucking this. The whole world doesnt revolve around america you fuckwits. Get your head out of your arse.

>> No.8668054

I'm not a fan of darkening your skin to the character since 99% of the time it looks like shit, but goddamn people, let people do what they want without being morally outraged over a non-issue. No one is erasing anything. We still know these characters are x races even if a pasty white dresses up like her because they, guess what, admire the character.

I'm honestly floored that people get offended by the idea that people like characters of other races so much they want to be like them. Just over half a century ago, people would have been disgusted that black/brown/asian people were portrayed as anything but stock caricatures, and now we have this. It's good guys, and it's only going to get better (hopefully).

>> No.8668077
File: 42 KB, 479x720, FB_IMG_1444879726383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8668079

It's obvious that they're more often than not bratty to start with. Like, how many times have you seen that type of cosplayer fish for compliments by going "I want to be [character]...but I'm so white :(((" so that they'll get people going "Nooo, oh my god, you'd be sooooo good as them! Doooo it, fuck those haters"

And then when the backlash rolls in they get to have a pity party about SJW ruining their crap contour adventure.

>> No.8668084


With religion less much of an influence now as it was, I don't think we as humans have left those fantatical behaviors behind. It's painfully obvious that social justice has become this new form of preaching, following, and repenting constantly for their guilt, because religions don't have such an affect on them anymore. They just feel the need to place their power in another way, yet ironically are not much different from corrupted religious institutions.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with a cosplayer making a genuine intention to look like the character. If they had painted themselves with black shoe paint or acrylic and ran to a convention hoping to gain attention, then it'd be an issue. If a cosplayer is coming from an artistic and fan perspective, they're making an attempt to pay an homage to a character. Plenty of people in this community use circle lenses or lighter skin foundations for cosplay without much issue. If you're going dark, at least go a natural dark, not jet black Mr. Popo black and not expect to get bashed for it.

This pisses me off to the ends of the earth.

>> No.8668141

Agreed, my Indian family came to the conclusion that the best way to deal with the rioters in Baltimore was to set the military on them lol

>> No.8668161

underrated post

>> No.8668195

I wouldn't do it, because I just don't want to do it. I think my cosplay would be perfect in my opinion, even without having the same skin colour then the character, but for some people, their cosplay is perfect for THEM, when their skin tone matches... Oh and I would fuck it up anyways.

>> No.8668213

we autosage now? we autosage

>> No.8668218

hardly, coat tail rider

>> No.8668219

He has deleted his Facebook. Dude looks to be in hiding.

>> No.8668222


That is what's called double standards

>> No.8668223

The funny thing is that if a white person cosplayed a dark character, they would be called out as whitewashing the character and then called racist. Honestly a lot fo black kids have gotten it into their head that they can bully other races because they deserve some kind of trophy for their race's past treatments. Bitch, please. Not everything is racist or has racial intent. Take your Tumblr ass, 'race card' out of here and instead of talking about how you want the world to be fair, maybe stop calling everything anyone who is white does as racist. You sure as fuck aren't helping.

:| Sorry. Kind of went on a tangent.

>> No.8668228


It's easy to catch the dumb here

>> No.8668232



>> No.8668239

Most of them used the riot as a false stance against racism as a means to loot.

>> No.8668274

Becuase nobody can tell the difference between going Tropic Thunder and minstrelsy.

>> No.8668352

U PC, brah?

>> No.8668465

Anyone who doesn't see the difference between blackface and HS cosplay or whiteface is too stupid and/or ignorant on the issue to have a valid opinion in this matter.

Honestly, anyone who sees people finding blackface offensive as just another Tumblr-tier grasp for racisism is too stupid and/or ignorant to deserve to live on this planet. I can't believe this shit thread even happened. I mean I can, but it's still sad.

>inb4 "go back to tumblr"!

>> No.8668501

Tanning your skin for a cosplay is not fucking blackface you twerp, that's why I don't find it offensive

>> No.8668658

Of course, but people are afraid to call them out on it.

>> No.8668775

I'm from England and I haven't seen a convincing argument for why it's racist. I've seen people say why they personally find it offensive and you know what? Fair play. Each to their own.

But personally I don't see how it's racist.

That said, I know someone who apparently draws a very firm line on this topic. They say it's not okay. End of. And yet they have tanned up for different cosplays but apparently that's okay because she's already mixed race?

..which is surely just an example of double standards.

So far I've only ever seen people wear tanning products for darker skinned characters (often never coming close to the character's tone just the cosplayer looks less pasty), but I've never seen someone do full make up irl.

>> No.8668779

If anything, it's racist towards white people.

>> No.8668796

Interestingly, I once saw someone put forth the argument that 'white people wearing dark make up encouraged dark people to wear light make up' in terms of achieving accuracy.

To which people then jumped on the taking offense train cited the cultural and historical president in Asian cultures (both Indian and the far East) to prize white/paler skin. Which was put down to the white-supremacy of the time and still exists.

Personally I think if judging a competition came down to accuracy of skin colour that would be going too far. But in terms of how a cosplayer wants to portray a character, whether it be using their natural tone accurate or otherwise, or using make up, is up to the individual.

But it was odd watching POCs come down like a tone of bricks on some of their own for using product to make their skin look lighter. Or getting het up at the very idea of it. Like this was some how a denouncement of their heritage. And that individual's choosing to pursue their own idea of beauty without repercussion was not the right attitude for 2015.

And yet these same people say 'you x white cosplayer cannot pull off this character as well as we can b/c'.

Either skin colour matters or it doesn't.

>> No.8668806

ok then what about black girls white facing?

>> No.8669229

Bec's cosplay wonderland is famous for this in Canada. Personally I find it more offensive as she is giving the message that her dark skin is unattractive and something that needs to be corrected. At least when people use makeup to darken their skin it isn't for negative reasons. And no I'm not white so fuck right off with that.

>> No.8669238

thats actually who i was refering to lol

Shes also one of the people to make a huge announcement post about how offensive black facing is.

>> No.8669297

Oh I know, the hypocrisy was overwhelming. Funny that she is so synonymous with whitefacing but won't just own up to it.

>> No.8669387


People always say that. They call it victim blaming. "That woman was asking for it" "You should have known better".

The reason for this is simple. They don't want it to happen again. Yes, I know the argument, "we should be telling people not to rape/kill/steal" That's being disingenuous. We ARE telling people not to commit crimes. Every day, with basically every breath, we tell people to choose good and reject evil.

So why focus on the victims? Because they are the ones who can learn. Not maybe then in particular, but by making an example of the things they did that made it easier to be victimized, we can show people how to not make the same mistakes. Telling people not to take and focusing on the criminal relies on future criminals listening to you tell them not to break the law. Good luck with that.

Our survival as a person and as a species has always been reliant on learning. We can't control the actions of criminals until we know the crime will be committed, which in many cases will be too late. We tell people every day not to do evil, but if somebody is set on doing evil, they won't stop just because you say please.

A potential victim who is armed with knowledge of how not to be victimized is one less crime committed, and potentially a criminal showing his hand without being able to harm.

We blame the victims because while it is the nature of evil to do evil, the victims have a chance to save themselves. To prepare, to prevent, to take precautions. And when that chance isn't taken, there is a new chance : a chance for others to learn why we hold a torch when we go out into the dark. Why we lock our doors when we go to bed.

>> No.8669462


A thinly veld attempt to not look like scientology

>> No.8669992

>b-b-b-but black people say cracker all the time

>> No.8669993

reminder that statistically, over 99.999% of men in the united states have done their part to end sexual violence by not raping a woman today

good job guys

>> No.8670880

Thank you for writing this.

>> No.8670949

Posting in epic trash thread

>> No.8671408

White inner city women making up sjw crap as per usual