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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 960x306, 12046643_10207631393570831_5004287948598011412_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8655247 No.8655247 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread saging >>8647949

>> No.8655337
File: 93 KB, 480x720, 11822923_944458028954461_8277180085890120787_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping pics for yah salty cunts

>> No.8655338
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>> No.8655340
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>> No.8655343
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>> No.8655344
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>> No.8655348
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>> No.8655350
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>> No.8655356
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>> No.8655357
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>> No.8655363
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>> No.8655367
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>> No.8655372
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>> No.8655379
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>> No.8655382
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Here's the last one, enjoy

>> No.8655394

She lost me at the shoe and sock choice but other than that this was such a refreshing coord

>> No.8655409


>> No.8655410

I don't understand why she added the chick bag on top of the popcorn one but otherwise i like these coords a lot!

>> No.8655429

these are so nice to look at

>> No.8655441

I like it, it goes with the yellow in the print. I wish the lighting was better though.

>> No.8655500

Those lacy knee socks aren't doing her any favors. Maybe if they sat a little higher but I think tights would make this coord look more elegant.

>> No.8655503

>mfw 90% of coords on cof look so tacky.

>> No.8655548

Well post more of your coords then, if you think you can do better.

>> No.8655608
File: 105 KB, 900x1191, FB_IMG_1444278069165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nose ring looks like really long strands of nose hair sticking out...not cute. I don't mind piercings but a classier smaller silver one might be better in this case. Since I know some people have to keep theirs in or the hole might close.

>> No.8655614

>>8655608 see >>8655367

>> No.8655621

this is me i had forgotten to flip it up as i usually do
and i cant put in those cute sliver ones cause they don't make them in the size gauge i have.

>> No.8655626
File: 709 KB, 915x1651, Screenshot_2015-10-08-12-31-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be blind...please carry on.

>> No.8655635

Greetings from RC

>> No.8655663

I see, well nothing against you but they're just a little jarring for lolita.
Your coord is cute and you look adorable. Maybe you can try a sailor/straw hat with that dress next time! I think it'll look great.

>> No.8655671

I agree, it looks stupid. She did this with some other coord too and the porter bear bag. I don't understand what she was thinking, cause she coords well otherwise.

>> No.8655673

thank you, and yeah i understand
i have been trying to find a straw hat but can't find any cute ones recently.

>> No.8655733
File: 80 KB, 720x960, 12122801_1491751851119584_7961982639487804297_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8655741

what's with the area around her feet? did she photoshop her legs and not try to hide it? is there a ghost looking up her skirt? what the fuck is going on there

>> No.8655743

why does this feel so ageplayish?

>> No.8655769

gorgeous but her misspelling Sanssouci makes me buttmad

>> No.8655771

This is a nice picture and she's pretty but there's something really off about this coord.

>> No.8655774

Ugly faces in pastel sweet tend to do that, and her posture and stance aren't helping either.

>> No.8655777

The cheap satin bows and the posture/expression.

>> No.8655782

She called her children "offspring", is that normal? to me sounds like speaking of animals

>> No.8655787

Gurrl those rings look like buggers or long nose hairs. Dump them for life, get rounder ones

>> No.8655790

The warping around her arms also looks quite unnatural

>> No.8655791

Not to mention that part of her jaw.
This looks like a bad Photoshop attempt

>> No.8655794

It's normal for people without children to call them offspring

>> No.8655810

Beating a dead horse here, but seriously lose the septum piercing.

It took you from a solid 8/10 QT to around 4

>> No.8655815

If you look, there's actually no warping directly around her body. I think she was actually trying to hide something in the background. Maybe things on the floor near her feet that she didn't want in the picture but didn't know how to properly shoop out

>> No.8655975

This kind of pose always makes me think that the person is trying to hide a lack of petticoat.

>> No.8655990

The materials of the OP look really cheap and saggy. I hope it's just the poor quality of the photo

>> No.8655996

The sheer blouse looks bad with this and the heels somehow excentuate her fat legs. Her posture is really bad and makes her look like a hunchback too. And what's with the cheap black hair ties? The hime cut isn't flattering and she could do with some make-up.

Why is one sock pink and the other yellow? The wig looks a bit cheesy coloured and contrasts too much with her eyebrows. The way she's standing looks like she's taken aback and I'm picturing a really surprised face expression.

Looks very cute and wearable for everyday.

What's with the yellow cosplay wigs? Ugh. The cardigan looks a bit sloppy and the socks don't match the look she's trying to make (militaryish) on the left.

OK is always fab.

This is unfortunate.

Gorgeous, but would prefer a brown wig to match the shoes and a necklace of some sort would jazz it up.

The bodice of the JSK looks really cheap, needs to be reconstructed and in different materials/colour.

No. And what a shame, she's cute.

Looks like she's wearing a ladybug hat and the shoes are horrid. The necklace looks funky too.

Hope she wore a white bag, it would make the print pop.

Everything about this is babby's first coord

The blouse and stockings make it look like she's wearing a zentai, not a good look. Blouse looks shiny and cheap and too many conflicting shades of bordeaux in the outfit. It looks like someone threw some flowers at her and some messily fell into her hair.

She reminds me of the mum in The Shining film. Should probably start from scratch.

This will probably make people salty but hopefully some of this is constructive and someone posted will see it.

>> No.8655998

Jfc no one cares

>> No.8656002
File: 167 KB, 306x273, image:94798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8656003

Please read

>> No.8656004

I don't care if you care, maybe one of the people posted will see. Would you rather I reply to each post individually and make the thread autosage faster?

>> No.8656007

No, you should comment on their cof posts instead

>> No.8656019

Go back to facebook? Are you really complaining some comments on pictures in a thread designed for commenting on pictures?

>> No.8656069

>she wore that to church

>> No.8656079

Reply to a couple, not every single solitary post in the thread. No one reads your ridiculously long posts. You do this in all the CoF and Ita threads so please stop or fuck off

>> No.8656083

I have to admit I used to do this before too so it's not necessarily one anon

>> No.8656094

It's usually one sperg that does it until they realise it isn't necessary and then another one comes along

>> No.8656354


I have such a personal problem with mothers in lolita around their kids. I consider it a very "personal" and aesthetic hobby so wearing it around your children just weirds me out. Being a mom is very hands-on and I can't imagine doing that in lolita- and I LOVE kids.

I just. How do you wear it and chase your children around? I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.8656453
File: 298 KB, 2000x2000, FB_IMG_1444329916487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jfc, this is so unnecessary. You don't have to comment on every single picture unless you have something that's actually interesting or important to say. If you really want them to see your opinions, go comment on their posts, if you're that much of an expert, instead of spamming the thread with these obnoxiously long posts.

Anyway, thoughts on this? It's not really my taste, and I like OTT. I just think it's kind of garrish, but the idea's cute.

>> No.8656466

It's one of those coords that probably look great for photoshoots, but too much for anything else

>> No.8656474

everything's so themed and then--spider ring. I don't get it.

>> No.8656476

Yeah, honestly when I see stuff like this I have to imagine what the back looks like, like a big striped sheet and the back of her sign poking out and everthing.

>> No.8656480

I like the idea and the OTT bits look well made but her coord is shit

>> No.8656482
File: 74 KB, 960x725, FB_IMG_1444330818705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything* oops

This is lovely.

>> No.8656492

This was in the coordinate contest at Rufflecon. It's neat, but it's also a costume. Take away the banners and it's a borderline ita tier outfit.

>> No.8656511

haruhiclover.taobao.com has a few for reasonable prices

>> No.8656544

I think without the banners (and the harness straps across the chest) it would still be a cute look but I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.

pretty sure she won 1st prize, couple hours with an exacto knife and a harness and she gets a full weekend pass and tea ticket for next year.

>> No.8656591

Lolita trend on the way.
Soon everyone will just walk around with their own background lol

>> No.8656595

Please stop.

>> No.8656598

I don't know the context in which she used it, but I know people who do it when they're being tongue-in-cheek about it. Usually, if their kids are known for being somewhat wild or high-energy.

We call my niece and nephew the offspring when they're wound up, but usually it's just "the kids".

>> No.8656621

Its cute and it was worn for a special event so of course its OTT.

>> No.8656630

No, anon does this shit every time making a wall of text no one gives a shit about as if their opinion about every fucking coord is crucial information, probly some dumb bratty kid who shouldn't even be here.

>> No.8656637

I know it's OTT, I specifically said I like OTT and have no problem with it. But like other anons said, if you take away the huge backdrop and banner you have fairly mediocre, if not ita coord. This girl has a great face for gothic and I'm usually feeling her coords, they're pretty unique. But this doesn't seem to really flow.

>> No.8656650

It doesn't look good

>> No.8656654

This looks as bad as it does because of the lighting I think. Love the jsk though.

>> No.8656670

I think the JSK is pretty cute for handmade but boy howdy do I ever hate that turtleneck with a burning passion. It just looks awful.

Such a cute dress.

>> No.8656673

Anyone know what print this skirt/jsk is? I'm really into it. Also the coord is nice generally, I've really been feeling simple coords like this lately.

Burn this print

Aside from the nosering, this has a Little House On The Prairie vibe that I'm really liking.

>> No.8656684

It's on iw's shop right now.

>> No.8656743
File: 58 KB, 720x495, FB_IMG_1444340422426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to never really like this colorway but now I do. The whole coord is adorable.

>> No.8656754

So basically lineplay auras.

>> No.8656779

I have one of these that is actually super cute and surprisingly good quality http://www.ebay.com/itm/Women-Derby-Straw-Hat-Summer-Beach-Girls-Boater-Gangster-Bow-Sailor-Cap-Pretty-/301665262120?var=&hash=item463ca69a28

>> No.8656867

Her coords are always super cute!

>> No.8656873

I've never done it before, normally I reply several times which clogs up the thread so I figured I might as well post in the one post. Calm down.

>> No.8656889

I'm probably gonna come across as really fucking creepy for noticing, but does this >>8632271 taobao order with that cherry turtleneck belong to >>8655363

>> No.8656893

You look really good, you make the nose ring look really cute and I adore that.

>> No.8656933

Yeah, the turtleneck was a misguided attempt at making the outfit more casual for school, but I'll definitely go with a regular blouse next time!

Oh wow, I can't believe you noticed that!

>> No.8656940

Jfc, stop being so salty

>> No.8656947

I don't like the wig styling, but it's cute

>> No.8656959

It's not just my salt if so many other people are saying the same thing.
Instead of insisting that everyone who thinks it's obnoxious is salty, perhaps consider not doing it instead.

>> No.8656961

I like this, but she looks so sad like she's thinking *sigh* my mortgage is due....
my husbando won't dress kawaii...
etc etc

>> No.8656989
File: 56 KB, 784x784, FB_IMG_1444350860636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she not spam her outfits?

>> No.8657020

I have no idea how she won the coordinate contest. It's a bad coord with shit thrown on top. Is it eye-catching? Yep. But not a good coord.

>> No.8657030
File: 42 KB, 552x923, 12118698_10207899290303003_3545189744021640897_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we stop with the giant ugly sceptres please

>> No.8657031

> 10/10 anon
Thank you

>> No.8657038
File: 79 KB, 540x720, 11231748_10201067449445700_1827128641967124410_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another ugly sceptre just for you anon

>> No.8657040
File: 29 KB, 366x720, 12118607_10207261738837898_9000999125331875392_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8657046

Don't worry, it'll be giant ugly capes and sceptres next.

>> No.8657051

>Daily lolita


>> No.8657057

She's so god damn pretty though

>> No.8657065

>shitty attempt at diy crown
>shitty puffy paint sash
>dollar store kiddie bracelets
>shitty attempt at making own replica of AP shell purse
Honestly the scepter offends me the least of all the things in this coord.

>> No.8657069

this tbh

if more people posted daily these threads would at least have more coords to discuss, instead of fixating on one or two to nitpick to death at a time.

>> No.8657125

I am embarrassed for her.

>> No.8657204
File: 86 KB, 932x960, 12047149_10153696462309294_7052388954690468818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is really cute but I just wish she wasn't wearing (what looks like) stripper heels.

>> No.8657241


I don't mind but she should have spaced out her posts a little. Don't spam three outfits in the space of one hour dammit.
Everything looks mediocre as fuck too.

>> No.8657243

Honestly I love the stripper heels

>> No.8657266


I love this, it's like border line drag in the best way.

>> No.8657268

pretty in a chubby american way.

>> No.8657291

miles edgeworth

>> No.8657332

Stop lying

>> No.8657367

I love the overall look- she looks like a walking illustration from Yoh. The coord itself is pretty mediocre.
>except for the pleather (?) bloomers

>> No.8657388

Reminds me Elias

>> No.8657474

Cannot unsee now

>> No.8657489

I want that damn necklace

>> No.8657533

honestly this doesn't offend me as much as the ocean themed one, but i still don't see the point? the just get in the way and ugh.

i feel a little bad for her because you can tell she tried and i can see what she was going for. makes me so sad when people coord dresses i want terribly.

>> No.8657535

I don't get Yoh vibes at all, looks more Tim Burtony at best

>> No.8657541

Depends on how old the kids are, I guess? My son is 2 and so I don't wear full lolita around him because a) kids are messy and b) seeing me radically change appearance would probably freak him out. However my cousin's kids are a bit older and very well behaved, so it doesn't really matter what she wears around them. It's not like they're wrestling it out every day and it's not like wearing a dress makes you suddenly unable to function as a mother; women have been managing to do both for quite some time now.

>> No.8657546

>complaining about clunky stripper platforms in lolita

>> No.8657556

all of her coords are perf, she's an angel.

>> No.8657587
File: 162 KB, 720x1280, ALBUMMM11C3232006028097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing too much DOA because all I can see is Helena

>> No.8657609

that was the point of the coord, anon

honestly this disturbs me. it just looks like shit imo and 'basing your coord on a quote' just sounds like a bullshit excuse to do a sloppy job coording. I get that it's a new and unique idea but the execution looks shite

>> No.8657698
File: 48 KB, 256x191, 4731 - Ace Attorney Investigations Miles Edgeworth (E)(iND)_07_6410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgeworth-kei should be a thing

>> No.8657703

I really love this. She suits ouji so well.

>> No.8657874

I really like how she coordinated this, the bag is super cute, but I feel like this is one time when the poof is too much... it looks like a weird globe, I dunno. Maybe just the angle of the shot?

>> No.8657876

For some reason lately I cannot STAND plain, solid color tights with lolita coords. There are so many better options, even solid OTKs look way better in my opinion. Tights look too... child's easter dress or something, I don't know. Especially with plain mary-janes. Eugh...

>> No.8657884

Really? I like it so much better than busy printed tights or OTKs. It makes coords so much more bearable for me to look at, especially with a print.

>> No.8657902

Eh, I'm not a fan of busy printed tights, either, when they clash with an already-busy outfit, but I'd probably prefer that to plain tights, to be honest. But instead of either of those, why not plain OTKs, then. Looks much more flattering IMO

>> No.8657918

I'll have some better ones online after Halloween. This was my little prototype tester. But I've figured out how to make more realistic butter. I sent some to Lolita Collective for Rufflecon and NYCC but it's still waiting to be picked up. So they should have them online after the con is over.

Hmm if I remember correctly, I was wearing my CP bell petti and a CP daily a-line on top of it? I can't remember entirely what I did. The girl taking the pictures for me was shorter. I don't know if it effected it at all.

>> No.8657954

Ah. I own both those pettis as well, and they're huge, so no wonder it looks super poofy. I think that plus the angle just makes it come off too poofy for my personal taste, but maybe in person it wasn't as bad?

>> No.8657962

>patterned tights
Normally I'd say yes, but she has plus size legs so those might actually be a detriment. OTKs don't stay up well on a plus size leg, get stretched out, and more often than not can't extend past the knee.
Patterned tights might be the key as long as they're not too busy.

I don't like the hooker heels. I assume people are only excusing them in this instance because overall the coord looks okay/OTT so they're not sticking out as much as they would irl.

>> No.8657972

This is so cute, I love it. It's picture perfect.

>> No.8657974

Jesus christ, bro.

>> No.8657976

Maybe! Photos and lenses can do funny things. In other pictures, especially with other lolitas it doesn't look quite as huge or overstuffed. Oh well. (thank you by the way for the compliments. I'm sick and grouchy as hell right now and forgot to add thank you's)

>> No.8657980

Oh good point about plus size legs... even just a simple pattern like faint polka dots or something would look better than solid, though, and those are easy to find...

>> No.8657981

I really don't like those shoes, it's like the shoes pin-up girls wear. It's gorgeous otherwise.

>> No.8657984

I've seen them worn a lot for gyaru. They're these stupid plastic heels that anyone who's ever ordered cannot fit into bc they're so damn tiny.

>> No.8658218
File: 72 KB, 392x465, 12079228_1510299555950263_2660719606363621018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coord and poses are on point!

>> No.8658223

She looks so great here!!!

>> No.8658226

I like that she actually tries to take people's concrit. She really has improved.

>> No.8658235

>I assume people are only excusing them in this instance because blah blah

Oldschool gothic lolita is pretty rife with "hooker heels", and they showed up in sweet occasionally. I like the silhouette they make with the appearance of lengthened legs contrasting the petti poof, as well as the general badass appeal.

Go wash your mouth out with soap and pray to Mana, you sut

>> No.8658236
File: 183 KB, 720x960, 12096502_1027233523994419_6798410310893324032_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't like this.

>> No.8658238

She's getting so much better!

>> No.8658239

I think this is her best coord yet! Not a fan of black tights + white socks but it's likely cold out and she did it to stay warmer

>> No.8658243
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, The-Shining-the-shining-25586158-1024-576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot unsee this.

>> No.8658258

The pink and red together are so painful. Also a nail salon is a weird place to take a selfie imo

>> No.8658263

I think if she ditched the gross pink wig for a more natural colour, the coord would be pretty alright.

I love seeing her improve! The cape lovely.

>> No.8658264

Does anyone have past outfits from her? I think making a timeline of her outfits would be amazing. Something to show people, "If you listen to concrit you TOO can actually improve."

>> No.8658274

That hideous wig ruins the entire coord.

>> No.8658279

>The cape lovely.

ok thanks

>> No.8658282

More of a nitpick for me, but I don't like how there's a line of elastic or shirring on the blouse right above the waistband of the skirt... also, while I love tattoos generally, they seem too distracting in this coord...

>> No.8658285

Furthermore, too many different shades of pink that aren't cohesive (it's fine to have more than one shade of a color, but these are like, not even the same tones, I dunno, more nitpicking) but all those things together combine to make a not-very-good outfit.

>> No.8658305

she probably works there.

>> No.8658324

Meta's put shoes like that out before, they could be actual brand. Also I love it but to each their own.

top kek anon, i had the same thought. i really like the outfit, even if it does scream Helena to me

This girl is really impressing me lately with how much she improves over time and how well she takes concrit. A+ work.

>> No.8658343

Why does her face look so twisted in this picture?

>> No.8658347

I thought those were tattoo socks at first.

>> No.8658361


I love you, Anon.

>> No.8658379
File: 91 KB, 691x960, FB_IMG_1444429866956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the hat! Pretty for an Ott tea party. I do think she needs something on the bottom to balance it out

>> No.8658382

She looks so trashy.

>> No.8658393

Oh my, could you maybe stop being so argumentative with someone who has different tastes than you for reasons?
>"it's old skool so if u don't like then u r baka!!"

>> No.8658409

The only thing that bugs me about this is her tattoos. At least her pinks match.

>> No.8658419

This is me! Thanks anon! I agree, I definitely need an underskirt or even flowers on my shoes to balance everything out. Unfortunately i dont own any underskirts and never really thought about buying any (because I'm fairly short) but I'll defintely have to invest in one now for these types of ott coords.

>> No.8658422



Seriously, the hat and silhouette and gloves and purse and everything! Even your phone looks in-place! Ahhhh, you look so rich and super-fancy, sorry I'm gushing, but shit!!

>> No.8658425

I think flowers on the shores would be a really nice touch, just enough to add a bit of color and balance to the bottom half. But it's an absolutely gorgeous coord anon, the hat is stunning.

>> No.8658427

Anon thought people where "giving her a pass" so other anon explained they've been around for decades. It has nothing to do with people not liking something or whatever you're an absolute fucking idiot.

>> No.8658432

I actually disagree with the underskirt comment. It's just a trend, you don't NEED it I feel it looks great without it.

>> No.8658494

She's so pretty. That hat is amazing.

>> No.8658698

she may be improving but it still sucks if you don't compare it to her old stuff. twisted silly pose, her hair still sucks, socks are weird (imo), and the flower crown is out of place.

>> No.8658706

>been around for decades
Since when does something "being around" for a long time necessarily denote good taste? Try saying that about cat ears, ya salty cunny.

>> No.8658723

This reminds me of a Gaia avatar.

>> No.8658735

A+ picture choice.

>> No.8658764

I disagree with the underskirt comment as well.
I think a chiffon blouse would be lovely though

and digging the VM

>> No.8658767

Of course, but it's "acceptable" in the sense she doesn't look like a giant mess anymore and she's trying to improve

>> No.8658769

You said that about the bat bitch too. Are you waiting for your reference to finally be funny? Here's one kek for your efforts.

>> No.8658787

What are you on about

>> No.8658824

I'm super curious about that hat, did you make the hat base too? I'm always amazed at the artistic ability some people have

>> No.8658855

The hat base is from the gardening decor section at michaels. Pretty sure its not even meant to be used as a hat since it's quite heavy. There are defintely historical reenactment supply sites that sell better quality hats to use as a base, but yknow, gotta use that 40% off coupon at michaels

>> No.8658875

I think an underskirt is less necessary than more classic-feeling shoes and maybe some more elegant tights/stockings, but even as is I really love this coord. Great work, anon.

>> No.8659174

Just admit you're a moron already, literally no one is talking about taste here. But you keep bringing it up and IMO it looks awesome so take your own advice and shut the fuck up already.you're literally the only salty one here.

>> No.8659201
File: 113 KB, 640x637, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her makeup always seems to fit so well, which makes it easier for me to like her coords, even if they feel a bit off.
Contributing with one I liked that's not posted yet I think.

>> No.8659205

I love this. I don't know why, it feels like alt fashion and not cosplay.

>> No.8659213

They're heart heels. I've seen a lot of Hime coords use them

>> No.8659219

She has absolutely no muscle tone. I worry she's anorexic.

>> No.8659254

I liked this until the hair. Not because it's her natural hair. It's the color. I'm not a fan of how it contrasts with the cobalt blue of the dress. Other than that one little nitpick I do like this coord.

>> No.8659273

She looks fine. What you gonna do, message her about it?

>> No.8659285

Lol k bitch, stay bothered.

>> No.8659299

Oh for fucks sake kid, bothered about what? Stop shitting up the thread you illiterate moron. You're the only ine whos botgered over someone figuring out how stupid you are because you can't read and basic sense fails you.

>> No.8659325
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Less bitching more coord posting

>> No.8659326
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>> No.8659328

I thought this was so damn cute.

>> No.8659329
File: 111 KB, 1033x1962, FB_IMG_1444500624241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm off to bed.

>> No.8659330

>Less bitching more coord posting
And you decide to post this?

>> No.8659331
File: 236 KB, 2000x2000, FB_IMG_1444500886501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8659335

I'm posting in the order I saved the photos. I'm done here, if you want to post pics go ahead.

>> No.8659571

She's doing her own thing, and I really love her for it.

I half-like this dress, and I feel really weird about that.

This is fucking adorable omg. She's so cute!

>> No.8659593
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 12144667_10153654597794573_6519448466686875965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice that she has returned after so many years.

>> No.8659618

Nice coord, change the lipstick to lip gloss.

>> No.8659631
File: 268 KB, 1280x1707, 12132376_1694709174093738_3089202728168849594_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8659762


>> No.8659796

even the quality is oldschool.. loove

>> No.8659803

I know this girl and she worked so hard on this but it still does not look great.

>> No.8659808

I love this so much but I really wish she wore lace topped OTKs.

>> No.8659811

This is soooo cute. It reminds me of something Samantha from the American Girls would have worn.

>> No.8660065

Yeah I know, a big part of it is the fit on her makes it look frumpy.
Another part is the shape isn't really lolita.
It's a cute enough dress on it's own though.
I wish she'd give herself a voluminous bob, it'd be cute on her.

With some adjustments to the bodice area it'd be really cute for otome.

>> No.8660066

She has plenty of weight on her, she looks normal.
a) angle is making her calves look leaner since it's farther away from the camera angle
b) some people are proportioned a bit weird and have tiny legs.
Not that she's fat, but have you really never seen a fat person with skinny legs?

>> No.8660068

Lol stop. no1curr

>> No.8660084

She's so cute!

Really digging this oldschool look. I love the oldschool revival that's happening right now, it makes me so happy.

I think with different accessories and maybe a belt it could look cute in an otome way, but I agree--it's far from perfect

>> No.8660174
File: 302 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1444541586496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Singaporean lolita comm's coords are seriously on point.

>> No.8660181
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>> No.8660187
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>> No.8660193
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>> No.8660344

girl on the right is absolutely gorgeous, I love the lace pattern blouse

this is adorable, gives me christmas-y vibes

>> No.8660380
File: 146 KB, 960x927, 12096603_10204852064415173_1289995228712377566_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Halloween coords.

>> No.8660381
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>> No.8660383
File: 77 KB, 900x655, 12108046_1165317346816340_9146766123551164283_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Hogwarts themed meet ups

>> No.8660384
File: 64 KB, 480x480, 12119017_908686582882_3161821533185299830_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hogwarts plus size edition

>> No.8660386
File: 39 KB, 480x372, 12074991_892177597518559_4398559987857160484_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from a con I think?

>> No.8660387
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 12106899_10203648410890126_1418558421140962433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And something casual.

/end of dump

>> No.8660420

That's not casual

>> No.8660437

I just meant more causal/simple than the Halloween/themed stuff. Should have clarified that, sorry.

>> No.8660451

I like this except for the blouse. AP's stark white doesn't work well with the other colors; dusty pink, off white, or cream would have looked nicer I think. That, and the peter pan collar looks a bit odd paired with the JSK's collar, a high or square collar blouse would've worked better. Still pretty cute though, I love this shade of pink.

>> No.8660464

I don't know why her coords get so many likes tbh.

>> No.8660484

That nose ring looks like she has really long nostril hair. Oh dear.

>> No.8660485

I love her coords but I feel like there's usually something off about them, and not in an endearing oldschool way

>> No.8660487

I like old school but somehow her coords don't seem very balanced. It's hard to put my finger on what's wrong though.

>> No.8660496

That hair looks completely matted. She needs to separate it into locks so it doesn't form such a solid shape.

>> No.8660550
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>> No.8660584

I'm still kind of new at lolita (not the op of the pic). But it seems casual to me...can you explain why it isn't? It just looks like a normie outfit that I'd wear to work or something.

>> No.8660598

She was so excited for this coord too..
What a shame.

>> No.8660606

Casual lolita often includes cutsews and skirts (or a simple JSK) instead of blouses and detailed dresses, little to no accessories, and small hair accessories like hair clips or simple hats. The exact definition of what is and isn't casual can be subjective, though. If for example this girl usually wears prints and OTT coords, this specific coord might be casual in her personal standards.

>> No.8660609

I'm new too but how I see it is, it's a lolita dress, fulfills all the basic reqs (petti, headwear, covered legs and shoulders, some accessorising) and still looks 'serious'. if it were casual it might have no hat, a more basic blouse, etc. this would prob be considered casual already if there was a different blouse and no underskirt

>> No.8660611
File: 103 KB, 576x768, 1406471835725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really just a normal, albeit toned down by today's standards, lolita coord with everything necessary (lolita dress, blouse, legwear, shoes, bag, headwear).
Casual at least used to refer to more basic, everyday looks. Mixing in offbrand pieces was common, cutsews feature prominently, and petticoats may or may not be worn. It's was a lot more like ala mode.

It seems like people call anything that's not very accessorized or OTT casual anymore, both their own coords and other people's. I'm somewhat guilty of it when I post to CoF, but I usually say simple instead of casual.

>> No.8660613

She's not wearing an underskirt, the frill is a part of the dress.

>> No.8660617

>It seems like people call anything that's not very accessorized or OTT casual
sad but true

>> No.8660620

She's always so perfect, definitely has her own style. I wanna be her friend.

>> No.8660621
File: 15 KB, 197x500, 2ng4s3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"casual" looks less dressy or formal than regular lolita. it maintains a lolita silhouette and aesthetic while being more comfortable and informal.

for the coord in question, it seems like a normal lolita coord: a bit too nice, not something to run around in without worrying.

>> No.8660623

Anon you're trying too hard, its clearly a typo.

>> No.8660630

Thanks, everyone.

>> No.8660640


Ever since she made that coord post where she mentioned getting kick out of the mall, I cant get out of my head how stupid she must be irl

>> No.8660646

I almost bought this dress, I'm really glad I didn't after seeing it worn. Something about the cut/waist just seems a bit off to me.

>> No.8660657

She got kicked out of a mall? How did I miss this?

>> No.8660675
File: 160 KB, 900x1353, 12140909_1673457152874554_5421693168257393936_o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear ouji?

>> No.8660701

So dumpy.

>> No.8660705

I would give the dick

>> No.8660712

I love everything but the socks, but I'm not sure what I'd replace them with.

Dream dress.

>> No.8660720

is that farhlight?

>> No.8660721

does it matter?

>> No.8660727

This skirt is quite ill fitting. Needs like twice as much fabric than was used

>> No.8660731

Maybe if you had some "basic sense" your whole post wouldn't be littered with gigantic typos :^)

>> No.8660735

It looks like it fits her fine, but it could definitely be fuller

>> No.8660736


The selfie makes me cringe. The ever so slight duckface, the heavy black makeup, the color of the lipstick... it just seems incorrect.

>> No.8660737
File: 36 KB, 563x960, 12107254_914070298660829_5737784141724559746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more Oldschool Revival

>> No.8660741

That makeup doesn't suit the outfit at all...

>> No.8660745

Some peeking bloomers would've been a nice touch. Not really feeling those shoes either. Super cute overall though.

>> No.8660748

Her face just makes her look so unapproachable.

>> No.8660760

Her coords are getting less and less lolita to me

>> No.8660773
File: 10 KB, 214x320, Swastika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one missing apostrophe
>"gigantic typos"

I found a dress for you anon, here you go

>> No.8660777

I'm a different anon and there's definitely more than one typo in your butthurt post. Why are you so upset?

>> No.8660781
File: 671 KB, 1365x2048, 12095160_10207816345827419_2443052791289032213_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep making the good shit, gull. if you were east coast i would commission you in a heartbeat.

>> No.8660783

No. This girl is from the Ohio comm I believe.

>> No.8660791
File: 5 KB, 661x99, ss+(2015-10-11+at+08.48.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that I'm not a salty cunt about how well people type doesn't mean I'm samefagging. it fucking happens. stop whinging about a non-issue.

>> No.8660794
File: 101 KB, 960x605, 12118989_1004108299611025_452914270609760133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8660801

I love her coords but I always hate her makeup. It always makes her look like a porn star or something.

>> No.8660805

I love everything about this

>> No.8660806

I love this and the dress is so gorgeous but I am not feeling the leg wear or shoes.

>> No.8660808

Republican Political Candidate's Wife-kei

>> No.8660813

Anon just chill the fuck out, this is anon issue, you should have stopped posting a long time ago.

>> No.8660818

I think anon was originally referencing >>8659299 anon, and since you jumped in the middle of the argument without distinguishing yourself as a 'diff anon,' other anon thought you were the same person. Which frankly, you do sound like the same person at this point.

Also please don't spam the CoF thread with pictures of grammar nazis just because someone thought you had a brain aneurism. After all, it is a "non-issue."

>> No.8660826

I think it has a lot of potential but right now it feels like a sack of potatoes. The waist is so poorly defined I'm still having trouble understanding the silhouette and how the cut was intended to work, probly would look better in an otome style.

>> No.8660827

That's what I've been thinking

>> No.8660840

I'm just glad she's wearing a different wig.

>> No.8660842
File: 167 KB, 720x960, 12065582_10153898599476758_4544532314157242363_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Hogwarts.

>> No.8660886
File: 144 KB, 960x960, 12088367_10153710677087375_8640487316189311969_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, she actually looks cute!

>> No.8660890


Holy hell that is a lot of chin.

Cute coord though.

>> No.8660903

I think this is the besst I've ever seen from her

>> No.8660915

I'm a little rusty on my Hogwarts here but what is she dressed as? Some French wizard?

>> No.8660921

I think she just dressed for the Gryffindor house.

>> No.8660925

If anything yellow and black is Hufflepuff...

>> No.8660930

I think the darker wig definitely helps. It suits her well.

>> No.8660936

Diffrent anon but I find it hilarious that someone who lacks so much reading comprehention would be correcting someone's grammar. You're still the dumbest one here.

And you keep replying grasping at straws like grammar in order to "win" this retarted argument. You're clearly so butt hurt you refuse to let this go. You're over reacting tbh she did nothing but point out your lack of understanding.

>> No.8660938

Red and black isn't Gryffindor. It sucks if it's supposed to be that.

>> No.8660965

>>8660921 Gryffindor's colors are scarlet/crimson(aka red) and gold. But most Hogwarts themed coords use black since the Hogwarts school uniforms use it. At least to my knowledge, I'm not a Hogwarts expert.

>>8660383 is gryffindor.
>>8660842 is hufflepuff.
>>8660384 is ravenclaw.
Where is the slytherin?

>> No.8660977

But she's basically wearing all matching accessories with the dress... The only thing that isn't is the shoes and the umbrella. The shoes are sooo wine red..

>> No.8661116

I get this. I think its a bit too heavy and western

>> No.8661146

I'm a different anon though. Is this about having the last word, anon? Go ahead after this, you are so ridiculous.

>> No.8661190


>> No.8661194

True, but it still looks way better than the majority of her other coords. Hopefully this means she's starting to improve.

>> No.8661238
File: 82 KB, 563x960, 11061684_10101332842205736_770863127617310831_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went to the art museum today, and wore my gothic coord for the occasion.

She looks fine but, is this what passes for gothic now?

>> No.8661240


>>8661238 here, Sorry, I didn't mean to reply to you

>> No.8661243

Was about to comment this exactly. Wonder if that's where she got the idea from...

Is this dress handmade? It's beautiful.

>elegant royal crowns
>streamlined stark military styling?
I don't get it

It's much more classic imo, but see the discussion in the last gothic thread about that. I think it summed it up pretty well.

>> No.8661244

The Slytherins knew better than to go to this ita shitfest.

>> No.8661259

What makes it not gothic? I'[m curious.

>> No.8661264

>the house looks like an actual house
SO unflattering!

She has the face for Slytherin.


>people fucking up fandom coords

>> No.8661271

Relax there were a ton of decently dressed girls at this meetup. Idk why OP posted the like, most controversial ones but whatever.

>> No.8661274

Because they're the ones who posted their coords to CoF.

>> No.8661277

The styling, the general feel of the coord. The beret, bows, the blouse, the cut of the dress... it basically a classic coord in black with a cross necklace. Gothic has a specific feel to it. Check this thread and you'll see what I mean


>> No.8661279

I am retarded, apologies. I didn't think they would post theirs owow

>> No.8661282

So a huge hairpiece, heavier makeup, and maybe a graveyard/cathedral print? Sorry for being difficult, I just think it's a blurred line that's never been very nicely defined.

>> No.8661285

I just want her necklace real bad

>> No.8661297

No, not necessarily. Small headpieces can also be used, and prints aren't necessities. I don;t think you're being difficult because at one time I found it really confusing too, it's just something you get a feel for over time. It's a bit like spotting the difference between a black sweet coord and a black classic coord.

>> No.8661319

There were a couple Slytherins at that meet, but I don't know if they posted on CoF.

>> No.8661369

Your lack of reading comprehention outs you as a samefag. I refuse to belive there are two people who are this bad at reading involved. You seem to reply even when you've got nothing to say, you're projecting pretty badly.

>> No.8661380

They look the same.

>> No.8661387

That might be because it is alt fashion and not cosplay.

>> No.8661410

Not that anon but shut up. You're samefagging just as much. Nobody itt gives a shit and the fact that you type like you're on a smartphone that autocorrects and keep prattling about reading comprehension outs you just as much. Fucking stop already.

>> No.8661413

The bows are what really throw me off about her outfit tbh. It reads as kuro sweet to me, not classic or gothic. I think the line between dark classic and gothic can be really fuzzy, but the difference between kuro sweet and gothic is very stark.

>> No.8661420

the dress itself is a bit too precious in cut and style to be proper gothic. berets are not gothic either. it is a simple, and nice, classic coord in black.

>> No.8661422
File: 97 KB, 720x960, 12108813_921061454680265_4781225254524676473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I felt bad because she looks really young. But then I looked at her profile and she's definitely old enough to know better.

>> No.8661424

I really like her handmade crown.

>> No.8661426

I feel bad because she's obviously hella poor...

>> No.8661429

Wow this reminds me of that picture that gets posted in every ita thread of that girl in the hoarder house in the purple and black dress

>> No.8661433

One of the girls running the event had a really fucking cute Slytherin coord. She should have posted it.

>> No.8661434
File: 98 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1444593037944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8661440

Oh my god do you ever stop? Anon pointed out she was a different anon than me yet she replies like she's talking to me. I think that's why shes pointing out her lack of reading comprehention.

Meanwhile you're adamant to have the last word.

>> No.8661443

wtf is this. holy jesus. fuck.

>> No.8661460

None of those coords are controversial, tho...

>> No.8661472

I'm so happy she looks so much better in dark wigs!

>> No.8661483

Her facemakes her look like a high end prostitute, it also makes her look way older than what she really is.

>> No.8661541

to bad her personality is shit

>> No.8661546

still cute though, gothic or not gothic

>> No.8661564

I think she pulled the post. Everyone was telling her what was wrong and she kept just not taking it or saying she was gonna go get nicer fabric for the neck.

>> No.8661569

I think it's funny how at the beginning of all this anon called you argumentative and all you've done is been proving that into saged oblivion. Good work.

>> No.8661596

Agreed, I think they fit really well with their houses.

>> No.8661602

I'm the Hufflepuff, can I ask how to make the coord not 'ugh'? I want to know how else to tie the yellow in better without having bumblebee legs.

>> No.8661625

Seriously, this. The one chick with the Bodyline dress and fugly yellow petticoat sticking out from the bottom was way worse.

>> No.8661629

Try Lady Sloth for blouses. I think she has a yellow one. That would go a long way to avoid the bumblebee legs as you said.

>> No.8661638

but she was nice??

>> No.8661639

Why do you say this anon?

>> No.8661647

new thread >>8661645

>> No.8661688

If I did a yellow blouse, would the stripes be fine still? I worry if I don't have something with the black and yellow it looks off.

>> No.8661713

If you can match the yellows, yes. If you can't, then don't and find another way to incorporate the yellow such as a bag or maybe a yellow sash.

>> No.8662782

Lol I'm a different anon and you're an idiot.