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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8653196 No.8653196 [Reply] [Original]

Old one at limit >>8633575

>> No.8653580
File: 1 KB, 150x250, Dapperblook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips for how to make a rounded dome-like head for pic related? Kind of similar to how some people make the rounded No-Face cosplays, though I can't find a good tutorial for it. A lot of the ones I see just put a sheet on over their head, but I want to drape a sheet over a dome so I can make him look bigger.

>> No.8653588

You just need a sheet and your head there ya go.

>> No.8653601
File: 27 KB, 273x365, 3193400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what I found this on a blog that made a No-Face cosplay. They used a strainer and threaded rod glued with epoxy, but it doesn't look like it would hold up very well at a large con (I could be wrong though).

>> No.8654597
File: 23 KB, 228x253, hthrtj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as San's from Undertale, like a piece of shit. I want to make his head, but I have no idea how to go about it. I'm guessing like paper mache, but I dunno what base to use to fit and stay on my head.

How to make it fit? How to make it so I can take it off/put it on? I'm not very familiar with making cosplay props and stuff, any help I can get will be super appreciated. Thank you!

>> No.8654599
File: 16 KB, 292x257, 1443970277992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also AYYY, another undertale cosplay

>> No.8654600
File: 248 KB, 788x1285, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fe48f6e1a461e8842393bf283f9cc7c28%2Ftumblr_nvh0wxEdJf1qmh94to1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I want to cosplay Mettaton and I have an idea how to make everything except the arms. Any ideas about how to make them resemble metallic tube? I was thinking splitting them at the elbow and making them like armor, but that would leave a ugly separation there.

>> No.8654614
File: 147 KB, 1100x1100, hrrhrhrhrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Undertale pal,

I was thinking ventilation tubes might be whant you want, like:

You can find different sizes/colours in shit.

>> No.8654624

Use a mettalic stretch fabric and paint the black lines on. It'll look closer to the image than using tubing, which would make your arms too bulky

>> No.8654670
File: 636 KB, 1012x1294, Diamond_Pearl_Team_Galactic_Grunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is what I did for my team galactic grunt cosplay and it turned out well. Sorry I don't have a pic of the actual cosplay, but you could probably just google pictures of others and get an idea.

>> No.8654695
File: 28 KB, 235x200, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go about making eyelids for adding multiple eyes to my face? I tried looking at special effect items at my local stores, and nothing really has the shape I need to do them. I'm using black plastic spoons ends for the eyes thanks to a suggestion in the last thread (to match my full black sclera lenses.)
Would prefer a material I could get makeup to stay on, if possible.

>> No.8654831

Liquid latex, then shape tissue paper into an eyelid?

>> No.8655017
File: 118 KB, 480x810, 1443954940860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna cosplay Lapis Lazuli with her water wings. Pic related. What type of material am I using? How do I get it to be water-like?

>> No.8655022

Where do I get cosplay stuff? Can't find anywhere good that doesn't look like it is a scam.

>> No.8655051
File: 57 KB, 534x584, jolynes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the Jojo thread, but figured that I should post here too. Which color option looks best for a Jolyne cosplay I'm working on? Every time I decide on which one looks best, I second guess myself.

>> No.8655055

Try to be a little more specific.

>> No.8655072

Cosplay props and outfits. Not sure how much more specific you can get.

>> No.8655078

I think the 3rd one on the right corner looks good. I don't think I like any of the dark shoe ones (I don't know if I have a good reason). The accent between the top and skit looks better than the connection imo. It's either that, or the reverse below it. However since the accents in her hair are pink, I'd go for accents being accents in the body too.
I think I prefer the pink shoes because even though they're boots, I think of shoes on the whole as an accent as they're not generally looked at as much.

>> No.8655117

Top middle

>> No.8655164

Most people make their own. If you've got money, you'd be better off comissioning someone rather than buying mass produced shit.

>> No.8655223

>Not sure how much more specific you can get.
You could say what characters you're looking for. Whether you want people that do good armor, or good tailoring, or specific props. You could at least narrow down the genre, as some places and people do lots of anime costumes, while others specialize in sci fi, or comics or tokusatsu. there are many was you could be more specific.

>> No.8655698
File: 1.00 MB, 1840x3264, 2015-10-07_22-15-47_552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of scales, and I need to learn how to wash them for best effect. I will be painting them a whiteish yellow, and want to make sure the cracks and gaps in them really stand out. Any tips/tricks, or tutorials anyone can point me to? I want to test it out on the grey ones before I ruin one with a good paint job

>> No.8655703
File: 826 KB, 992x1000, zinogre_armor_by_bnaha-d6mz4ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference on color at least

>> No.8655704

I'd suggest drybrushing them to bring out the cracks but I've never done it on something that isn't miniature so I don't know if it would bring them out well.

>> No.8655725
File: 1.01 MB, 1840x3264, 2015-10-07_22-37-10_650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the keyword I needed. Searched drybrushing and ran across a Volpin props build that used it. Now all I have to do is refine it a little

>> No.8655737

Some sort of transparent plastic that is or can be tinted blue. You can get blue plexiglass and http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=44847 is a good guide for tinting polycarbonate.

I think the top right has the nicest color balance. Pink+purple Jolyne is really cute.

>> No.8655760

I use nose and scar wax and form it into lids, cover the wax in liquid latex, cover that with castor sealer, then powder, and finally you can apply foundation. Castor sealer helps makeup adhere to latex. I did a extra eye tutorial awhile ago if you search you can find it easily I am wary of posting it here. Since you are doing less dimensional eyes you won't have to work hard to cover and form a eyelid.

>> No.8655844

I think I found it! It looks very helpful! Not sure why you don't want to post it. Would you be able to elaborate more on what kind of 'powder' I need? The image of the bottle is a little small

>> No.8656486

Drybrushing them isn't the best idea, Drybrushing is usually only done for sharp edges.

Try enamel and acrylic washes, multiple color coats (going primer-base color - particular tone) in thin sheets, to give it a sense of color depth and intensity.

>> No.8656487

Like the other anon said, try washes. You can find them at any hobby store. You'd be amazed how much of a difference it makes.

>> No.8656745
File: 553 KB, 674x720, Dark Souls - Gwyndolin 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how to attach the star to head without looking retarded?

>> No.8656750

What are you going to make the star out of?

>> No.8656775
File: 124 KB, 500x822, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from LatexCatfish before?
I'm interested in their plugsuits from Eva, and they seem to have a good grasp on what their doing from the reviews. If anyone here has bought from them I'd love to hear your insight!

>> No.8657136
File: 81 KB, 551x359, Labyrinth'sSong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idea idea how I should/could replicate the paint job for the sword in this picture?

i was thinking of using gold paint for cover it, and a brown sharpie to outlive the details on it. But now that i think about it, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
Any other way?

>> No.8657164

This looks like it will be too unstable for any kind of fabric headband type setup. You would have a difficult time preventing the star from tilting forward / backward without some kind of ugly and obtrusive suspension.

I recommend building a rigid crown or cap out of plastic or stiff leather and attaching the star to that.

It might also help to the see the back of the character's head.

>> No.8657168

Spray it gold, let it cure, and then take brown/black acrylic paint and brush it on and wipe it off to get a weathering effect. Look up weathering tutorials. You may also want to consider spraying over the gold with a darker bronze in some parts.

>> No.8657181

You should look up how to paint things to look like metal. It isn't as easy as getting gold paint and putting it on; it will turn out looking like some fake Chinese plastic toy.

What I tend to do is paint the entire thing a solid background color. I use black for silver and red for gold. Although it looks like dark brown might work better in your case. Then, you apply the gold paint with a dry-brushing technique. You'll probably use a large brush. Get some paint on it, then brush nearly all of it off; it should be mostly dry. gently lay the brush against the surface and drag across. It puts the gold down on the background, but doesn't cover it up completely. It's not 100% matte nor 100% shiny, this is how you get things to look metallic.

Instead of using sharpie for the details, try using really watered down black paint to darken the creases and pits of the sword. You might have to do this in several passes / layers. It takes longer to do, but you get a very nice gradient / layering effect and the watered down paint is much more forgiving if you accidentally get it somewhere where you don't want.

Finally, do another dry-brushing pass on the most prominent raised features to re-brighten them.

>> No.8657197

Does anyone have a good brand of dance tights they can recommend? I've never bought any before.
I'm looking for a black pair that won't show stuff like shapewear through (not concerned by a small line, but the color showing through because of sheerness).

I looked at some, but the women's seemed like normal tights, and the men's seemed more like what I am looking for.
Though this could just be because the men's only advertised the black and the women's only advertised peach colors.

Anyway, if anyone knows a good brand, thanks in advance.

>> No.8657419

No problem, I use Ben Nye neutral set for basically every kind of makeup application I do. Pretty inexpensive and nice quality.

>> No.8657446
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 12118809_10206553696534216_2032072645010807165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isnt help with cosplay but someone stole a picture of one of my Fx makeups and claimed it as their own. The only catch is that theyre Vietnamese (living there and all their friends commenting and liking are as well) and im not sure if calling them out is worth it or not. One one hand id really liked to be credited but on the other im not sure if getting my messaged translated and posting it is really worth the trouble since these people are so far away. What should i do?

image related its the makeup they stole.

>> No.8657447

Ugh, I literally (and yes, I do mean literally and not figuratively) shuddered at that. Anyway, if they're not from the same country as you and don't speak the same language, I wouldn't bother.

>> No.8657451

How do you know they claimed it as their own?

>> No.8657456

it was over facebook and there's the automatic "see translation" button on there. She replied to a friend saying it was "my hand" and told all the people who said verities of "ew" that she thought it was beautiful. Im glad she likes it dont get me wrong but stolen work is stolen work.

I think im just a little up in arms because ive never had someone steal my fx makeup before.

>> No.8657463

Damn, what is this feeling. Shit like this used to seem so gross, but now it just turns me on. The longer I stare, the more mesmerizing it gets

>> No.8657473

Link? I know some Vietnamese.

>> No.8657482

It wont let me since it thinks its spam.
you can maybe look for Hà Minh
"Works at M-TP
Listens to Linh Hee
Lives in Hanoi, Vietnam"

>> No.8657504
File: 666 KB, 533x828, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest i wouldn't even be that bothered if her post didn't have more likes and comments than mine.

>> No.8657532

Yeah, she does say "my hand" but at the same time, she's not really saying that the picture is "MY hand". Sounds like she's playing it lie of omission style. She also sounds like she's a 3edgy5me 12 y.o. I don't think she's claiming the work as her own, she's just trying to freak out her friends.

She'll probably backpedal if you ask her not to share pictures that aren't hers without source.

>> No.8657752

Uh, im a complete noob when it comes to fabrics (and this is actually my first time making a costume...) but, I just want to ask what is /cgl/'s recommendation on fabric for sports anime?

I'd like to use the jersey for normal days and even for sports so I was eyeing something like cotton

>> No.8657770

definitely go for broad cloth

>> No.8657788
File: 66 KB, 700x700, Hajime Hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good wig to use for pic related? Preferably something that won't destroy my wallet since I'm sort of on a tight budget right now (hence the simple design).

>> No.8657796

Say something. And report it?

>> No.8658147
File: 223 KB, 935x806, akumahomureference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi gulls! I'm planning an Akuma Homura cosplay and I'm a bit stumped on which route to take for the dress. I'd like do it as once piece so I can maintain her sleek silhouette by creating a blended transition from the bodice to the feathered portion as in the picture. I plan to create the effect of the black dress with the larger ostrich feathers of the white dress, and smaller feathers where the bodice meets the skirt.

I'm not a fan of the bodysuit/skirt combo because it seems too cupcake-like and abrupt of a transition into the feathers. I also don't like the wrinkling that tends to happen on the bodysuit.

My main concern then is the cut-out panels, which go all the way around to the center back. I wanted to put boning in the bodice for stability and support but this would be impossible for 75% of the bodice, even with the sheer panels I'm putting in, because the boning would be visible. I will also be adding a sheer panel in the upper front and back that extends to the neckline to also help hold up the dress.

I want to do this well (money/time isn't an issue) and be as accurate as possible. Should I just use stretch fabric on the bodice with boning in just the front and center back? Am I over-thinking this?

tl;dr I'm not sure how to create shape and support while negotiating the huge side cut-outs on Homu's dress.

>> No.8658172
File: 29 KB, 545x447, 222 Gywndolin_concept_art (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for advice. Anyway he got it attached to some kind of golden helmet. So probably some kind of helmet would be best I assume. Thanks again.

>> No.8658262

Typically you use jersey knit for jerseys.

>> No.8658403

Do you happen to be a grill who went to Shutocon last year; I remember a person asking how to make the tentacles under the dress at a panel. Her fiance was also making a Dark Souls cosplay as well.

>> No.8658514
File: 20 KB, 261x287, okokok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update i posted (commented) a link to my Fx makeup album and a note to her in viet saying that im glad she likes it but i wish she had tagged me so people would know i did it. She deleted my link and message from the comments and inboxed me asking if i spoke viet. I told her i dont but i have a close friend. The girl went on to tell me she told all her friends that its mine which i kinda doubt considering my name is not mentioned once. She at least tagged me in the photos now i guess.

Her post: likes: 59 comments: 29
My post: likes: 16 comments: 3

>> No.8658518

oh i also found out shes 18.

>> No.8658646

I wouldn't use dance tights if you want it that opaque. Dance tights are usually a bit sheer. Just search for opaque tights.

>> No.8658689
File: 667 KB, 400x400, tomoko eating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Tomoko Kuroki, but I can't figure out what wig would be good for her. I was considering Arda Wigs' Jareth or Magnum Long, but I'm not sure. I'd highly appreciate the input.

>> No.8658804 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1440x1439, Screenshot_2015-10-10-00-17-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is pic related cosplaying as?

Thanks in advance!

>> No.8658805

kyary I guess?

>> No.8658806
File: 327 KB, 626x352, Screen shot 2011-10-11 at 9.59.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PonPonPon-Kyary Pamyu

>> No.8658839

thanks guys : )

>> No.8658846

Ah okay, thanks! I actually assumed dance tights were more opaque by the way people talked about them.

>> No.8658938

Don't paint it gold. It'll look like ass. Go for a bronze look.

The other guys are right about drybrushing and weathering, but wrong on a few notes.

If you REALLY want it to look amazing, this is what you do. First, layer on the color coats. Go

Primer (gray) - Base 1 (Black) - Base 2 (Brown/dark orange) - Base 3 (Bronze) - Gloss clearcoat

Paint these coats REALLY thin to save on paint, and for the best effect. It's easy with an airbrush, but harder with spraypaint - though certainly doable, and often cheaper.

You need the clearcoat to seal the paints and keep them together while you weather it.

Next, drybrush the EDGES and raised surfaces only. Don't go crazy over it. Depending on whether you want a corroded or rusty looking effect, use either a shiny chrome paint or some dull copper for the patina.

Then come the washes. There are many ways of doing it, but simply brushing paint on and wiping it off leads to boring, blocky effects. Instead, thin the paints with a lot of water or other thinner based on paint, wash the prop in layers, and then while the paint is use a sponge to modulate the shading. Repeat 4-5 times.

Finally, put a clearcoat matte paint layer over it all to seal the paints.

Remember to leave each round of painting at least 24 hours apart. Paint dries fast but cures slowly.

>tfw no qt DS playing GF
Life sucks man. But some of you guys are alright, don't go to school tomorrow.

Dye your hair and make it like really greasy. Sprinkle some cheeto dust on top. Too many beautiful tomokos, not enough qt freaks.

Neck straps or a cowl. Here, I don't think it'll be that hard. Make it light enough and you can fit it on a helmet.

>> No.8658966
File: 104 KB, 206x255, mabel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mabel sweater base without ribbing?? Having a hard time finding one with a larger turtleneck... neck.

>> No.8659236
File: 295 KB, 1280x935, Dispel-Battle-for-Zendikar-MtG-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to work out what the best materials to use for a Jace Beleren(Magic the Gathering) cosplay are.

I had received advice for cotton broadcloth for the cloak, but what is recommended for the rest of it(Shirt, Pants, Forearm and other miscellaneous bits)? Very new to sewing so I am hoping to be informed before stumbling through buying materials.

Link for Images: http://imgur.com/a/30kGG

>> No.8659247
File: 70 KB, 600x863, pull up1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the dumb newb question. But I'm following this tutorial http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-pair-of-comfy-shorts-out-of-an-old-T-shirt/step3/Constructing-the-shorts/
I get to this step where I need to pull up part of the shorts, but I have no idea what she means. I don't know how she goes from the first picture in this post to the next.

>> No.8659268

The explanation could have been better but I think she's telling you to "rotate" shorts so that one of the seams you just sewed is on top. It should be obvious if you pick up and open the shorts which sides are going to be the front and back. So lay it flat on the front and back sides and then sew the crotch.

>> No.8659351

Thank you anon!

>> No.8659377

How do you guys like working on your cosplay? Do one part at a tims until completion or work on everything a little at once until its done?

>> No.8659452


Much more comfortable doing one piece at a time. But that may be more a product of limited work space.

>> No.8659463

>>8647454 Here

So you guys mind helping me make this mask?

>> No.8659473

So is this a mask that exposes the back of your head, or a enclose your entire head?

>> No.8659474

Probably the former

>> No.8659480

I don't know if you're the same person I gave advice on. Basically, it was make a tambourine. laminate several layers of cardstock together for the rim and use a natural colored loose weave fabric (so you can see through it) for the drum. Suspend the mask off a headband.

>> No.8659486

Damn, this is gonna be very hard...

>> No.8659499
File: 11 KB, 562x396, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you've never made anything with your hands before.

If you're having trouble figuring out the rim, go look for round boxes or cake boxes that are the size you want. Cut the bottom out of the box and you have a rim. Michael's sells unfinished round cardboard boxes that might be the right size.

You stretch the fabric over the rim and tape it in place. Then you just cover the tape job up by gluing colored paper over it.

>> No.8659501

Thank you, this should be useful, got anyway I could contact you?

>> No.8659511

You could also use an embroidery hoop for the frame.

>> No.8659527

Glue a potato to your face

>> No.8659534
File: 240 KB, 1000x1000, 71PCZUtoQ5L__SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this apparel trim (non-iron on) stuff applied to fabric like canvas or duck cloth?


>> No.8659625
File: 977 KB, 486x273, tumblr_mziltoE61x1r3v79mo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find oversized rib knit trim for the collars of these?
Any suggestions on how to make Inumutas stand up like it does?

>> No.8659634
File: 184 KB, 361x378, 9663e2c499686b265c0d778c45a8aec3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to make some shorts like pic related. I'm wearing a corset under it, and I don't want the boning to show through. Any ideas on fabric?

>> No.8659654


Any help would be very much appreciated with this one.

>> No.8659827
File: 42 KB, 480x640, rosa - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was over at thread >>8649071
asking for help with my daughter's trip to ny comic con tomorrow as rosa / mei from pokemon black/white 2. t's for her 9th birthday. thank you everyone for your help and cheerleading.

i made a mess of the visor, and didn't receive the replacement in time, but remembering a /cgl/ suggestion about dye not being as bright as you expect, i was able to nail making the visor pink, with some red dye, which she likes!

i learned the hard way that nylon shoe laces are hard to dye but the yellow ones i ordered in on time so that was all good.

someone recommended surprising her with her favorite plushy-- i planned this! the 5 year old snitched on me yesterday and she is CRAZY excited. i'm trying to deadpan pretending that "i don't know" what her surprise gift is, but

everything else went ok. missing from the costume-- the bag, which we're not going to sweat, and i found a few options (but not great ones) for the pink ribbon. i know, that should have been easy but i never made it to a proper shop for that stuff and ran out of time.

finally, i was so inspired by the process that i'm throwing together a 1-day professor sycamore costume for myself at the last second. she's going nuts about that too. i nailed this birthday.

thanks again all!

>> No.8659829
File: 27 KB, 480x640, rosa - 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh i forgot to mention the ordeal with the wig-- i styled it, and it is cute as fuck, but i don't know if i'm going to end up using that or her real hair tomorrow.

>> No.8659834

Hopefully you got a wig cap for her.
After she baths/showers, put her hair up in a ponytail while still wet/damp. Then fold her hair over her head, and put the cap + wig over top. This will ensure the most comfort for her while wearing a wig, but I still recommend bringing along a bag for the wig if she wants to take it off, which is a 70% likelyhood because kids have a hard time adapting to new, weird feelings, even if it's not itchy/unpleasant.

You're a great dad btw.

>> No.8660256
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 272976_194132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I want to cosplay Mettaton EX for an upcoming con. I was thinking about making the chest/shoulders out of cardboard and painting them, but what should I do about the arms?

>> No.8660373 [DELETED] 

Because nothing get's people's fedora's spinning like some religionfag acting all high and mighty as he defends the meek, taking all the attention away from Bane Darkwalker the CG Drow Hexblade.

>> No.8660405

dryer vents

>> No.8660415

not this shit again.png

>> No.8660423
File: 267 KB, 904x665, 16-29669609b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping to make a red coat uniform for Armageddon Expo (A NZ con-type event). Which fabrics would be best to use?

>> No.8660468

>Which fabrics would be best to use?

The same fabrics they used back then, if you want it to look good.

>> No.8660967

Nah, not from USA. Sorry.

>don't go to school tomorrow
thanks fam.

>> No.8661064
File: 129 KB, 900x1200, umvc3-doctor-strange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as Dr. strange, but I need help on what type of material I can use to keep the cape's collar standing up like that (pic related).
also should I buy a big blue shirt and sew the emblem on his chest or is that considered somewhat cheating if i consider that i made the entire costume.

>> No.8661096

Just use light weight fabric for the cape and really strong interfacing, and the collar should stay up fine. And yes, if you buy a shirt, you cannot say that you made the entire costume. You can say you made the cape and altered a shirt. And doing that will not look great, as he isn't just wearing a "big blue shirt". if you get something big enough on you to go down to your mid thigh, and give you those poofy sleeves, then it will not fit you in the neck and shoulders and will look awkward.

>> No.8661295

>make your hair greasy
Nah. I need a wig, my hair's different from Tomoko's.

>> No.8661364

( Also posted in the general fashion thread)

Can anyone recommend any online stores for buying cute clothes? Possibly for males and females, Normie sites are okay too! I want to branch out from the normal Taobao/Aliexpress/Ebay shops and most of the ones I've found appear to be quite shady

>> No.8661391

Pour canola oil on that wig

>> No.8661402
File: 55 KB, 594x334, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about the scales...? hand paint them on, is there a fabric i should use... ect? I don't know how to do this and make it not look like fabric. I've seen people cast the tail, but that doesn't explain how they did her top pieces that are scaled to me...

>> No.8661731
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-10-11-19-20-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help with my Sailor Jupiter boots. I looked on eBay and all I found were shoes that were inaccurate and overpriced. I was thinking of buying pic related and painting them green but not sure how to go about it since it looks like there's different materials on the toes vs rest of shoe.

I chose this style for its silhouette and the fact it has white laces. If there are better looking pointed toe heel boots out there I would appreciate the link!

>> No.8661734
File: 321 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-10-11-18-52-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also found these but I'm not sure of the material. They look almost suede, which I've read is a pain to try to dye.

>> No.8661737
File: 79 KB, 1080x864, 12164879_10207347200985474_1330937352_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do with these cosplay wise? I just found them in my basement. Left by an old tenant that lived here ages ago.

>> No.8661785
File: 182 KB, 440x223, Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 9.18.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm having trouble finding fabric similar to the fabric at the bottom of Cereza from Bayonetta's night gown for a reasonable prince. anyone able to help out?
pic related

>> No.8661842

Sounds like a bad idea. I just need a wig recommendation. I'll figure out what to do from there.

>> No.8661858


>> No.8661980

spray paint it bronzey and then sparsely dry brush on green/black/brown acrylic like this:
and then use thinned down acrylic in the cracks and edges and then wipe away the excess

>> No.8662023
File: 38 KB, 480x640, the fuck is this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does Dreamy Planetarium have replicas or is the light blue color way actually pink??

>> No.8662030
File: 636 KB, 489x583, 2015-10-11 22_17_30-Lolibrary _ Angelic Pretty - JSK - Dreamy Planetarium JSK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8662044

thats the special set

>> No.8662080


>> No.8662084
File: 274 KB, 1920x1080, video_games_splinter_cell_sam_fisher_blacklist_1920x1080_62131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can I do with these cosplay wise? I just found them in my basement. Left by an old tenant that lived here ages ago.

Sam Fisher is the first thing that comes to mind. Splinter Cell kinda made the 3 Eyed Night Vision Goggles thing iconic for the character. Outside of that though, really you could tie them into any generic video game "army" that doesn't have a super iconic look to it. What makes those goggles kinda hard is outside of Sam Fisher, most NVG in games are binoculars or mono eyes.

Go for Authenticity, anon. Look what Revolutionary War reenactors would do. Most of their sites have guides and handbooks which will tell you everything you need to know about the uniforms and wear of the time, and will probably have patterns and tutorials to help.

Instead of trying to find ribbed Jearsy in the perfect color, I think it would just be easier to make your own. If you want more info, just google "Make Ribbed Fabric" or something like that and you'll get a billion tutorials. https://thesewingdivas.wordpress.com/2009/12/07/sew-your-own-ribbing-fabric/ This one is a pretty good start. As for making it stand up, just use a decent interfacing and you'll be good.

>> No.8662131

I've painted black faux nubuck heels before and it wasn't difficult and looked great. Just a few cracks on the straps (they were Mary Jane-style heels) but other than that it held up well after a con day. I could tell you how I did it, if you'd like.

>> No.8662151
File: 81 KB, 461x490, helga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to buy big chunky chain links? My google skills are failing. All I can find are the small ones.

>> No.8662152

>Come to the help thread to ask about advice in making a sans head
>see this
anon, let's suffer together

Anyhow, I was thinking about doing pepakura and then maybe paper macheing it for stability, but my modeling skills are rusty and paper mache seems too lumpy for what should be a smooth skull. I would love any ideas on how to go about this, (especially without power tools).

>> No.8662157

I would appreciate it! The black booties would be a better choice for me since I can (most likely) get them in town and actually try them on. They're a bit more expensive but I'm sure they'll hold up better and do look much nicer.

>> No.8662179
File: 712 KB, 1080x1080, painted shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Make a mixture containing equal parts acrylic paint, water, and textile medium.
2. Using a foam brush, paint a very light coat of the mixture onto the shoes. Make sure you get all the cracks/edges/seams.
3. Wriggle your toes/foot around as you wait for the layer of paint to dry. (It shouldn't dry all the way; I just waited until it looked damp)
4. Do that for about 3 layers total
5. Mix a mixture of equal parts acrylic paint and textile medium
6. Paint in the same way until the color is solid: light layers, wriggle foot between coats, new coat when paint is partially dried.

It'd probably be a good idea to use some kind of acrylic sealant, but I didn't have the time so I didn't bother. Make sure that your shoes are clean before you start (I just wiped mine down with a paper towel soaked in vinegar/water solution) and be sure that your work area is prepared for all the paint stuff. I just laid out some newspaper on the pavement outside and sat on a lawn chair. Also, unless you're okay with painting your legs and feet, wear some long socks that you won't mind throwing out.
Pic related is of the shoes that I painted. Not the best of quality, but it gives you an idea of how solid the color was. Best of luck!

>> No.8662181

Halloween and party shops like Spirit or Party City.

>> No.8662182
File: 73 KB, 325x320, VA823[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're in luck, it's Halloween time so now. Just look up something like Large Halloween Chain on any retailer of your choosing, or go to a Spirit or even Walmart and pick one up.

>> No.8662210

Wow! Thanks! Do you have a textile medium and sealant you'd recommend? I'd imagine wearing the shoes (and wriggling the toes) prevents cracks from forming after letting the paint dry, right?

And your shoes came out cute!

>> No.8662214


No idea why I never bothered googling large halloween chain. Thanks guys. I'll hit up party city and walmart to see if they have any.

>> No.8662608
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to a local cosplay meetup soon as Naked Snake and I want to impress the others by remembering my CQC training but I can't seem to find any good tutorials on how to do it. YOu guys able to help me out?

>> No.8662763

I normally use Delta brand textile medium and sealer (and acrylic paint) but that's only because that's what I pick up at Jo-Ann. Can't really say anything about the quality compared to other brands, but it does the job. And yeah, moving your foot as the paint dries prevents cracking; sorry I didn't make that clear!

>> No.8662898
File: 883 KB, 1115x1978, Ape_Escape_Move_Pipo_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to cosplay as an Ape Escape monkey, but am a bit lost on the head. I'd like for it to be cartoonishly big on my body, yet also having a solid hat on top with a functioning light.

Is making a fursuit head basically my best bet, or are there any other alternatives?

>> No.8663000
File: 90 KB, 349x231, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossplayer here. I want to be able to wear a bikini for a cosplay but I need tits. Not just cleavage or under/side boob, but I would like to have actual boobs. I was thinking getting silicone breasts, since I'm not sure that the whole fake foam boobs things is gonna work out for me. I'd like to keep it as cheap as possible. Would it be possible to blend pic related into my skin so it looks like actual breasts and have cleavage? Or is my best bet going to be getting one of those expensive things that cover your entire chest?

>> No.8663121
File: 1.25 MB, 1260x1936, dcf1ab8fbf4bb0d0c6937d0680942f42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CQC training

You should be asking /k/

>> No.8663209
File: 1.02 MB, 1018x1413, why do I love this fucking hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it sad that all I can see the front panel of this hat being made of is that tacky as shit green iridescent/reflective fabric? That one that has the weird umbrella texture?

>> No.8663310

Or you could just use something like lime green twill. I have yet to go to a fabric store that doesn't have a rainbow collection of cotton twill.

>> No.8663312

Are you asking for advice on how to pretend to assault people? Cause that won't so much impress people, as it will just piss them off.

>> No.8663313

Making a fursuit or mascot head is the only real way to do this and have it look cartoony and not crappy. The light is easy enough, just google "red flashing light" buy one that is battery operated, and build it into the head.

>> No.8663315

Don't use fur. They don't have the texture.

>> No.8663437

Probably a really dumb question, but I'm having trouble cutting wigs. I usually cut vertically on a wig head, but once I put the wig on my actual head the bangs puff out and stop looking straight. I've noticed some wigs don't do this, but most do. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.8663467

What sort of scissors are you using? There is also one tool, and I can't recall the name of it right now, but it is a razor like thing and it is meant for thinning out hair and I have used that to trim my wig bangs without worrying about them looking too bad.

>> No.8663537
File: 15 KB, 400x400, razormaybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually use two scissors, a normal haircutting scissor to get most of it and another that's one normal blade and one blade that sort of looks like a sharp comb once I get closer to the length I want.

I googled "razor hair cutting" and I got this thing in the image. Is that the right one?

>> No.8663540

Yes, that is the thing! not great for cutting of long sections, but great for trimming and finishing off ends after cutting

>> No.8663610
File: 106 KB, 799x565, sakura-wand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry if this isn't too /cgl/ related and more /toy/ related.
I figured I should ask here first and then if I couldn't find my answer go to /toy/
I just discovered there will be a 1:1 scale of SCC wand and I haven't been able to find the source of it to pre-order or whatnot.
I tried googling both image and words with little to no luck.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8663620

It came out in June. They were selling it on AmiAmi. It's sold out now as well as Movic


It's on Amazon.jp but it's overpriced. You're better off using Taobao anon or Yahoo auctions Japan if you are lucky.

Term is カードキャプターさくら 1/1 封印の杖

>> No.8663625

Thank you so much kind Anon, I just realized it was released last year. When I was living under a rock.

>> No.8663631

It's ok anon things happen and I know that feel. That's the best advice I can give you though. Unless you really want that version.

>> No.8663643

Not really it was more the quick arm movements you do if you miss a parson that I wanted to learn

>> No.8663820

Thanks! I'll give it a shot.

>> No.8663832

I'm looking for a decent/cheap ring supplier for making chainmail, anyone have a preferred vendor?

>> No.8663837

My google skills is failing me so I was wondering if amavel would ship to tenso. Thank you

>> No.8663860

A friend of mine who does commissions uses theringlord.com for her supplies.

>> No.8664051

Hey, I've got a wig that came in blue but it needs to be black. so far I've been using a thick sharpie Magnum pen to try and colour over the blue but it's taking far too long and is isn't covering well and is now becoming a mess! I was wondering if it's okay to spray the wig black with purpose made coloured hairspray?
1st time cosplayer please don't terrorise me

>> No.8664090

Are you looking to make riveted mail, or butted mail?

>> No.8664094

seconding ringlord, I've only heard good things about them

>> No.8664441

Does /cgl/ have a guide or write up on colored contact lenses? I've never worn any and I don't wanna fuck up my eyes.

>> No.8664446

go to a glasses store or an eye doctor and get your base curve/diametre measured before you wear any. don't wear shitty 5 buck lenses, use reputable stores and don't be a moron

>> No.8664452
File: 98 KB, 670x1191, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am well on my way to reaching the halfway with my cosplay of pic related. However I'm a bit stumped as to how to handle the gold metal parts of her outfit especially having it jut out and be supportive enough to also hang a large pleated skirt to it. How would you go about making it and having it look metallic? Any ideas besides EVA foam that could work?

My second question would be how would you go about dying artificial white flowers to give them the stained look of the flowers in her headband without messing up terribly?

>> No.8664483

Mix acrylic paint and water, half and half
I did that for gumi camellia version flowers

>> No.8664499

What kind of primer would be best to apply to worbla before painting? A wood primer would be good?

And, taking that in account, what kind of paint should I use?

I've been researching worbla and most tutorials only talk about construction and not the painting part.


>> No.8664512
File: 48 KB, 233x241, uhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this color for opal's skin, but I tried it on and it looks way more white than blue.
Is there anyway I can make this darker? I could buy a new creme and mix it but it'll be expensive to get it delivered in time so if possible I would like to know if there are any "home" fixes.

And if not, should I mix this color with a light purple, or a light blue? Opal's color is really hard to figure out.

>> No.8664534

maybe just use blue shades to do facial contours? that way you'll still get a blue look without fucking up the product.

>> No.8664570
File: 64 KB, 300x400, Christian-Weston-Chandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was directed to this thread.

Where might one go about finding this shirt? The CWC Wiki says it's a "St. John's Bay Rugby Stripe Sueded Polo", but I don't think it's being produced anymore.

>> No.8664586

with what tho? eyeshadow?

>> No.8664595

[And no, I'm not kidding, I bear a pretty strong resemblance to Chris-Chan so I'm thinking about dressing up like him for a con]

>> No.8664604

that would work fine. costal scents has some cheap ass pots


>> No.8664715

Look up tutorials for wig dyeing. There are plenty.

No, spray-painting doesn't work unless your goal is to look like a $1 wig mess.

>> No.8664723

There are still legit places selling it for MSRP (or at least the USD conversion cost when it was released). Check Animate/Movic USA.
You don't have to resort to knock-offs (Taobao) or incredible proxy fees (Yahoo! Auction Japan).

The JAN code for the product is 4961524787708. Stay away from sites that can't tell you the JAN code.

>> No.8664795

I wish I could kiss you Anon, thank you!!

>> No.8665009

What is that neckline called where it basically makes a large tube around your neck. It's usually seen on coats in anime.

>> No.8665027

Some sort of oversized mock turtleneck or mandarin collar?

>> No.8665409
File: 163 KB, 512x720, SR_460_Eli_Constellation_Ver..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to buy plaid fabric like this? I've been looking for hours but I can't find anything remotely close.

>> No.8665432

>I bear a pretty strong resemblance to Chris-Chan
i'm so sorry anon

>> No.8665433


>> No.8665513

Search for brown beige tartan fabric, tartan not the word plaid. You're welcome in advance.

>> No.8665625
File: 145 KB, 500x678, rampo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of bikini is it anon?

I'm trying to do picture related but I'm not sure how to do his scar since I'm dark skinned? And what makeup would be good to use that doesn't smear if I'm wearing a mask?

>> No.8665730
File: 82 KB, 600x804, keeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi gulls Ic cosplaying the keeper (image related) for a con in a few weeks and I need help figuring out how to see out of the head.

I've made the head but its still unpainted and the dials haven't been fixed on because of this issue. As a last resort I will probably just take the whole head off if I need to but preferably I dont want to do that.

>> No.8665747

Uh, regular triangle top? But kinda smallish cover area.

>> No.8665993

All else fails, Spoonflower it.

>> No.8666022
File: 30 KB, 385x275, rigigcollodion2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try rigid collodion. It wrinkles your skin when it dries and you can peel it off when you're done.

There's no way to make some parts of the dials clear? Short of installing a camera that feeds a screen you might have to deal with taking the head off to see.

>> No.8666027

is that not a tattoo on your arm? you could always use that as proof or such.

>> No.8666031
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x750, picture-of-man-looking-through-apartment-door-peephole-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively, would it be possible to rig something up like a door peephole? You'd swing it up to see and swing it down for photos.

>> No.8666094

Bump, please help

>> No.8666102

Are you fucking serious? There is a whole fucking section on priming and painting on fucking worbla.com
Did you even try looking?

>> No.8666137

That's about smoothing worbla and that I know how I will do. What I want to know is what kind of primer should I use after smoothing.

>> No.8666147

How fucking dense are you?
The top of the page says TUTORIALS and under that, a big fucking heading saying PRIMING, SMOOTHING & PAINTING. Learn to do your own fucking research

>> No.8666161

Jesus christ, it does not tell me what I want to know! It just says gesso, wood glue, things for smoothing, I need to know if I need a wood primer, a metal primer, a plastic primer, whatever.

If you know just tell me, if you don't know just shut up. I did not find it in my research, that's why I'm asking.

>> No.8666169

what are some sites like sheinside but with mostly good reveiws? i see a lot of mixed ones from sheinside and such but i'm looking for trendy cheap clothes that arent mega shit quality like some ebay stuff ive gotten.

>> No.8666171
File: 174 KB, 1255x861, firststep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me all of 25 seconds as THIS IS THE FIRST FUCKING STEP in the HOW TO PAINT WORBLA video on Worbla DOT FUCKING COM. So you clearly didn't do any research because this is the very first fucking thing you find when looking up how to fucking paint it.

>> No.8666178

There must be a comprehension defect on both parts.

That's for getting things SMOOTH

I have things SMOOTH already. I need to know what the fuck I need to put BEFORE the paint so the paint gets stuck and does not fall out. aka PRIMING

If you tell me "you just need the smoothing primer and not a paint primer" it's ok. But you have to admit that the site does not say it.

>> No.8666180

It literally says "prime your finished piece with gesso or wood glue" and then she starts painting it. How much more hand holding is needed here? Should they add a step where you first dip the brush in the primer?

>> No.8666181

It says gesso you fuckwit

>> No.8666184

Like, you should google gesso. What is gesso? That's right. Primer. For painting. Now let's see if you admit YOU were wrong like you were so dead set on anon doing.

>> No.8666236

I saw someone mentioning attaching a vita to the door? but I'm afraid that it would be really heavy and ruin the balance of the head (which is just foamboard+foam) so i might just try >>8666031 's idea.

this is actually a really good idea, thanks anon! I might try this.

>> No.8666365
File: 297 KB, 820x1160, 1414711837998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a pattern or tutorial for the monogatari girls school uniform?

>> No.8666382
File: 73 KB, 700x394, 1444773016042[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to a local con as Eli. Already got most of the stuff I need from a military surplus and happy with the finished product. My problem is however I've got medium-hairy legs and arms and a little on my stomach. I've also got a bit of a farmer's tan. So I thought I'd go the extra mile and shave and trying a light spray on tan or tan cream. I know nothing about either of those things. Suggestions or guides out there with more than two paragraphs?

>> No.8666386

For shaving: LADIES RAZORS
They are a fucking godsend and much better for shaving legs/arms than mens razors. Slap some shaving cream on, sit in the shower and go at it. May take an hour and a half but it works.

>> No.8666487
File: 98 KB, 640x451, 1440378257272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I'm going to get fitted for the suit part of my Saitama cosplay, and I'm trying to get the rest of it done myself before Youmacon at the end of the month (I know, I'm pushing it. I'm also hand sewing all this so there might be some panic near the end of the month).

I have not sewn in about 12 years and even then I wasn't the best at it, but after some practice, a failed glove attempt, and an adjusted pattern I have an okay first glove. I'm going to adjust the pattern again and see how it comes out. If it's better I'm going to remake the first one.

What I need help with is good boot cover and cape tutorials. I want to do boot covers for comfort and convenience. Any suggestions and/or tips for them?

>> No.8666564

Do what anon >>8664446 said and check the catalogs. There is usually a general contact circle lens thread floating around. If there isn't reply back.

>> No.8666569

Could you provide a picture? I'm asking because I don't wear bikinis so I have no idea what guides to give you if I don't see how much skin it covers.

If it covers a lot you might be able to get away with Chicken cutlets or something similar.

Thanks anon.

>> No.8666578


>Boot covers


Also it depends on what type of shoes you buy too.

I pray that you don't mess up one of my favourite shows this season.

I'm still looking but I found a place for other patterns here:

>> No.8666593

Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it.

>I pray that you don't mess up one of my favourite shows this season.
Yeah, I might be a disappointment. My suit will look okay because my friend is working on it and she's really good, but I actually wanted to work on some of this. I just didn't have the confidence to make a full suit with my lack of ability. if my adjustments to the glove pattern works, my gloves should look okay. That's what I'm the most worried about at this point. I'm going to be Saitama for ACEN too, and I should have enough time and more experience to make better gloves with better material. The material I got looks good but I question its longevity.

I'm already bald and shave my head regularly so I go that down pat, I'll just have to shave it every day during the con to maintain smoothness instead of my usual every other day. This is also my first time cosplaying. I'm spinning the wheel here on how good it will be.

>> No.8666758
File: 656 KB, 2048x1152, 20151014_124626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Princess Leia Alderaan Princess version (the white dress) out of pic related fabric. I'm relatively new to sewing and the tutorial says to finish the seams and press open. Is a zigzag stitch the best option for this? I imagine I can't use pinking shears since it's a knit..

Thanks for your help!

>> No.8666820

How do I stop being a perfectionist? Cosplays take me longer than they should because I worry over every exact detail that a character has to the point I want to not wear them if not to my standards.

>> No.8666844
File: 39 KB, 736x421, 78f46cffc25a5a3717ae0249a66c4401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning Tristepin but I'm not quite sure about his cape thing.
I have a B cup so my breasts are not that big but do you think making the front part bigger to cover more of my chest would look bad?

>> No.8667077

I think bandage binding would look better imo, gives more of a fighter look (aka perfect for a Iop)

>> No.8667097

never bandage bind please. tape method is much safer then that shit.

>> No.8667135

Or that. I was thinking more about the look, sorry anon.

>> No.8667522

Looking for tips on declining photos. Im going to a con for the first time in costume and I don't want my picture taken but I do want to dress up, whats the best way to decline photos?

>> No.8667525

If someone asks, say no. You can't really stop people from taking pictures if you don't see them though.

Any reason you don't want pictures taken of you?

>> No.8667529
File: 37 KB, 480x360, d96b4739a638ef9993c8cf54802ad171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>86531964chan hello people need to be told to use such materials to mask this screen is that there will be a costume contest and this will make me win and I happen to like English and not use a translator need to give me instructions materials use and I do not care if I translate it in English but please help me trust that they are smart people !!

>> No.8667535

I have a potato face but I can sew. I'm really paranoid about being posted on social media and cgl so I'd rather reduce the number of photos I'm in to begin with, I know a few candids are inevitable but chances are I'll be in the background of someone elses photos and not necessarily the subject of photos drawing the most attention if I decline photogs at the con.

>> No.8667548
File: 139 KB, 532x800, 182-39579-dfa7506c628b201f45ff0f57b519ab62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both posts were me lol I just had the second idea after I'd already posted. No prob dude! Good luck!

I've seen Laharl cosplayers do similar and it doesn't look too terrible. If you're concerned about how everything looks together you could also try airbrushing a bodysuit into a man-chest and binding underneath.

>> No.8667549

Just i need help

>> No.8667552
File: 1.31 MB, 1143x1206, nierwig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which wig do you think would be best for pictured character?
The one on the left is half the price of that on the right, and I've used those wigs before so I'm a tad more confident in it.

Only problem is I cannot style a wig or trim bangs properly for shit.
which is why I'm hesitant for the one on the right.
Or if anyone has other wig suggestions please tell me.

>> No.8667558

If anyone can understand him, someone please help this poor man.

>> No.8667562

The right one looks more like the character. The problem with the left one is that the back is too short which isn't something you can fix with styling. But you could definitely get away with using the one on the left since the difference isn't that huge and probably doesn't justify the bump in price.

As for trimming bangs, look up wig cutting tutorials or invest $5 in a razor comb those things are great for wig styling.

>> No.8667563

He he Sorry mean...

>> No.8667763

you could use tape or a binder and them wrap gauze or something around it, but not enough to cause damage i suppose

>> No.8667779
File: 30 KB, 1000x1000, sorry i'm bad at explaining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using a zig zag stitch is fine, just make sure the edge of the stitch is a liiiitle bit off the fabric so it can give a proper finish. works like a charm if you don't have a serger. just be careful not to accidentally catch the fabric into your feed dog/bobbin

>> No.8667875

This is going to sound horrible, but I'm the same way and it's what I do, remember the majority of cosplayers at cons are complete rubbish and/or didn't make their costume. Just by being reasonably skilled at making things you already beat most of what's out there, and are worth looking at.

>> No.8667912

For either of them you'll have to cut the bangs. The one on the left goes all the way to the chin.

>> No.8667921
File: 97 KB, 350x500, 124100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a basic blouse pattern with approximately the same seams/cut and mod it into a V-neck and lapped button opening. In Cospatio's official take, they chose shoulder princess seams, side seams, and back princess seams for the bodice.

The skirt is just a basic knife pleat skirt. Count up the number of pleats you need, your waistband length, and make rectangles from there.

>> No.8667930
File: 560 KB, 1500x2000, 61123-ad-0079_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to make a tulle gown like pic related, can anybody help me figure out what type this is?
I'm not familiar with tulle but it's sort of sparkly and doesn't seem very stiff.

>> No.8667932
File: 647 KB, 535x485, eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this wig this morning for Max, and I think the color's a little off. Should I try to make it darker by taking the time to add darker wefts into it, to give it "highlights", or should i try to dye it, or just leave it as it is?

>> No.8668025
File: 125 KB, 770x700, detail_tatsumaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good fabric for this dress?
Which would be better, a bottomweight spandex/rayon mix, a heavier matte knit, or a wet-look performance? Or should I try something else?
I'd add interfacing or some sort of structure to the collar and bottom hem of the dress to give them support, so starting with a softer, drapey, or curve-hugging fabric shouldn't be a problem, I think.

>> No.8668030
File: 17 KB, 297x500, Sniper_Wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm severely new to cosplay. Do I just alter a BDU to fit really well or should I use a sort of leggings for the pants?

>> No.8668434
File: 2 KB, 105x157, satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, for the most part this should be easy enough with just a big piece of red fabric, but what should I be doing to shape it properly? The ring around the neck and the fact that it doesn't collect or fold anywhere makes it seem like I might have to use wires or something.

>> No.8668615

I personally think you should dye it, Your colour seems to be a bit more orange while Max has a brown/dirty fur colour which doesn't seem to have much highlights

>> No.8668952
File: 458 KB, 1600x1067, akuma_homura_06__jason_j_kim_photography__by_deanna_lee-d86fxh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like most cosplayers don't make a bodice, they make a body suit that covers their entire upper body. You could always go the body tape route as well, but that's less secure.

>> No.8668969
File: 80 KB, 640x680, Yozakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got tutorials/advice about making custom kimono fabric?

>> No.8669021

Saitama guy here again, tried my body suit and it fits and looks great, but since I've never worn anything like this what are the recommended type of underwear to wear so my junk isn't just jutting out?

>> No.8669045

Dancer belt.

>> No.8669099
File: 183 KB, 953x891, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What material would be closest to the blue part of the vault suit? Debating on whether or not I should even attempt this after seeing the new trailer.

>> No.8669120

It's denim according to canon.

>> No.8669128

I love you

>> No.8669131

looks like a rubber hotpad

>> No.8669159


Thank you.

>> No.8669165

Remember that you are looking over square inch of your costume, often for hours on end. Most people will be seeing it from two or three feet away. They won't notice the tiny details that seem terrible to you.

>> No.8669167

Until HD photos get posted here and picked apart, kek

>> No.8669267

Thank you! Working with knits is such a pain

>> No.8669280
File: 22 KB, 300x500, tumblr_lqpfls0rg81qmsm4so1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Setanta. However i am unsure what material to use for the scarf.

>> No.8669327

You could just get a kimono anon. I'm more concerned on how you are going to make the weapon arms and are your boobs big enough.

>> No.8669335

My favourite demon! Oh God you have to show me pictures if you do it!

I'm trying to do picture related. The problem is I never did a cosplay before on my own. Ever. Should I give it a shot or should I get it commissioned? If so who would be able to do this (I live in the USA)

I don't care if it's a Taobao seller or not but I'm looking for someone that isn't Cosplay fu tier.

>> No.8669336

Nothing. Well, whatever Hollywood costume designers have access to, but assuming you're just a regular person, there's nothing that matches this available with the suitable stretch properties. I think you'd have to design and custom print a trompe-l'œil pattern on spandex.

>> No.8669337
File: 151 KB, 1500x844, Genei-Ibun-Roku-FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped picture

>> No.8669340

Leave it raw if you don't have an overlock machine. The knit won't unravel, and trying to zigzag the edges will just give you a manky unintentional lettuce edge until it gets sucked into your machine after a few inches and chewed up.

>> No.8669341

Does plasti-dip stick to vinyl fabric? I'm experimenting with it right now but I'd rather not waste more material and time adding coats if it's not going to stick and I have to redo it with a textile base.

>> No.8669512
File: 21 KB, 312x600, BdLZsJF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What supplies would i need to get to make this hooded trenchcoat?

>> No.8669635
File: 336 KB, 2560x1920, 1433441965182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can pull this off with denim.

>> No.8669673

I don't recall it looking like spandex in the games.

>> No.8669682
File: 2.98 MB, 1600x899, 221250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to call it from the in-game models, but that's the promotional art, which is presumably what they were aiming for.

It doesn't help that here, we see a figure behind the molerat wearing something with the colors of a vaultsuit, but with rolled pantlegs. I haven't seen that style with anything other than denim.

>> No.8669794

Sorry if this is a common question or dumb but what resources can you recommend for male makeup (crossplay)? I'm worried about my eyebrows and nose specifically. Do I have to shave my eyebrows if they are thick and big (characters do not have bushy brows)?

Should I have asked this in the makeup thread?

>> No.8669806

Hahahaha, don't shave them please. Tweeze and trim is a better route. Look for online tutorials for eyebrow shape. Curved brows are typically more feminine than straight ones and also tend to be placed higher on the face. For nose, you might want to make it less predominant for crossplay with contouring (instead of highlighting the bridge, highlight the sides, etc.)

>> No.8669807

Do not shave your eyebrows. You can however trim and sculpt them with tweezers and very careful waxing. As for the makeup itself, it is hard to say without seeing what character you want, and what shape your face is. You will definitely want some primer, foundation, concealer.
Now, I am a bit confused as to your crossplay question. Are you a guy wanting to crossplay as a girl, or a girl wanting to be a guy, because, while most of the basic makeup tips would be the same, some of the prep work would be different.

>> No.8669926
File: 1.06 MB, 1591x2279, Fujisaki.Chihiro.full.1624050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at some tutorials and it seems that glue from a gluestick is applied first, then dabbing powder, adding lots of concealer to hide the brow, and finally drawing in the an eyebrow with paint. Would this be enough for even bushy brows? I'll look for contouring tutorials now.

I want to try dressing up as Chihiro from Danganronpa although I still probably have one more day to buy another outfit. Oh, I should have said it more clearly I am a guy dressing up as a girl (Chihiro is a crossdresser). I could take a shot of my face later today if it would help. What I can say right now is that I'm skinny and short and I think my face shape is not fat, long, or round. Just an average male shape, that is what I believe.

>> No.8670007

If you're a guy dressing up as a girl you need to do different makeup than a girl dressing up as a guy.


>> No.8670010

One thing not mentioned there, and very important that is often overlooked is moisturizer! Guys tend to have dryer skin and our razors and shaving creams don't help much at all. Add to that that most guys don't ever use moisturizer in the first place. So when you apply makeup to skin like that, it often soaks up the moisture in it and leaves the makeup dry and cakey looking. Make moisturizing part of your daily routine and it will help drastically help you looks and makeup application.

>> No.8670012
File: 56 KB, 300x426, Angel_Beats!_DVD_Complete_Collection_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to find a good school uniform blazer pattern? Have an Angel Beats cosplay coming up soon.

>> No.8670063

I was wondering this too, actually. I think the closest thing that looks like it texture wise is woven thermal fabric (you know the kind used for long johns), but I don't think that will work for something like this.

I'm thinking of using some type of neoprene because I'm just as lost.

>> No.8670121
File: 825 KB, 980x1099, Yozakura_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a standard kimono. Her gauntlets change in size, I probably won't make them THAT big. And yes, I have boobs.

>> No.8670127

There are two people in that picture, which one are you trying to do?

>> No.8670130

Wow, this is one of the stupidest character designs I've seen in a while.

>> No.8670137
File: 262 KB, 1366x768, Senran-Kagura-Shinovi-Versus-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah. Rude.

>> No.8670519
File: 2.34 MB, 1500x2049, lord master.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lord dude on the left.

>> No.8670531

Oh I got confused there anon because I couldn't really see her outfit fully in the previous picture.

You could buy it in places like here



From what I gathered you would have to find that specific pattern to make that. I never made a kimono before but I'll keep on looking.

If you need help with the gauntlets let me know too because I have a tutorial for that as well. I hope this helps and good luck.

>> No.8670562

Thanks for pointing that out anon. I agree!

>> No.8670673

I'm 90% sure I won't find a good match for her costume. That's why I was asking if people had advice about making/painting your own kimono fabric.

>> No.8670707

are spanx a bad idea if you're skinny?

>> No.8670752

If you have em and want to wear em, go for it. It will smooth everything out, even on skinny people.

>> No.8670798
File: 120 KB, 1473x2809, New_Pearl_and_Spear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to tie Pearl's sash?

>> No.8670819

jesus i thought she had a third boob at first

>> No.8670914

They used a screenshot, so they're probably going for in-game. Those suits are skintight. Denim is definitely not an option.

I would not recommend attempting this yourself if you're a beginner. If you're intermediate, you could muddle through it if you give yourself enough time. This is one of those things where there will be a huge difference between the low/mid end and the high end if you commission it. An inexpensive commission is going to simplify it a lot and use materials that won't match the art very well. Whether that's worth it to you is a matter of personal preference.

>> No.8671195


>> No.8671238

Thanks anon. Do you know any commissioners that might be able to do this then? Taobao or otherwise? The only one I know off hand is Coslook and I'm guessing they might charge me a good 1000 for the whole thing.

I heard https://shop106026167.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.1000126.2.wjtQCi is pretty good but I haven't seen any reviews on them?

I tried asking a few but they never reply back and one guy swears he sent me the invoice but when I showed him a SS with no paypal invoice he never emailed me back.

>> No.8671305
File: 61 KB, 314x481, 0szZyjI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm doing a cosplay soon that will involve an open back. (pic related) i didn't really want to go the nude spandex route since i feel like it would look out of place. is there such thing as open back binding?
i was thinking it'd be something like open chest binding, but backwards. does anyone have an experience/advice?

>> No.8671319
File: 28 KB, 291x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skintight means denim won't work
Uh... have you never seen skinny jeans?

>> No.8672060
File: 440 KB, 1755x1187, clip+(2015-10-17+at+06.39.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being new to this. I've only had to get one wig earlier, and even that was very specific character, and I could order one from Ebay. This one, not so much.

What sort of wig should I get for this? It's around shoulder length, with twintails and bangs and such. I also need to wear a beret with this, but so the tails are somewhat visible.

>> No.8672148

Uh, do you anything about constructing a one piece jumpsuit? Enjoy your permanent atomic wedgie from using 2-way stretch fabric.

>> No.8672159

Making it out of something else would be a lot more practical, yes, but anon asked "what is this material" - it's denim because that's what the vault suits have always been.

>> No.8672168

You want the one on the upper left not the one in the middle right? Because she has a single pony tail in one of the shots?

I could probably find the upper middle one easier than the one on the left.

>> No.8672230

How can I go about learning how to make armor for Erza Scarlet? Just her basic Heart Kreuz, I mean, I tried googling but the ending result of the tutorial was not something that looked "good" in my eyes. It looked... soft?

>> No.8672232
File: 232 KB, 470x650, erza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image, like a dumbass

>> No.8672274

The first thing you should do is get your body measurements and start designing the patterns for the armor. For pieces of armor that are very 3-dimensional, you can split the armor into several parts. For example, the breast plate can be split into 8 or more parts along its obvious seams: right / left upper breast, right / left lower breast, right / left stomach, neck collar guard, hip collar guard. The elbow pieces are two cone sections. The arm pieces are just conic tubes, with a bit of a flare out on the elbow end. Corrugated cardboard is a good cheap material for quickly testing armor design because it's stiff, but can be forced to bend easily.

You have to decide on what kind of material to use. The easiest to form is foam, but the downside is that it requires a bunch of finishing work to look good. This usually involves coating it with a workable material like gesso, paper mache, epoxy / resins, or worbla.

The shoulder piece will be the most difficult because it's spherical. How you make the shoulder piece is going to be different depending on the material you use. You need to look up material specific tutorials on how to make spherical shapes.

>It looked... soft?
It's because either the finishing job wasn't good enough to hide the material it was made out of (foam probably), or the armor pieces were too soft and pliable.

>> No.8672280

It doesn't show, but I can confirm that she's supposed to have two tails all time time.

>> No.8672312

glad you also like him. When I''m done i will post pictures on here somewhere. However i sitll require help with what materials to use

>> No.8672315

What's the character's name? Google reverse is giving me shit. Also someone please help anon >>8669280. I don't know what material would be good for the ends of the scarf.

>> No.8672322

The new suit is not denim textured in the game, and this is a cosplay forum. You know, concerned with actually making stuff in the real world. What the developers say it is in the game is irrelevant if you can't actually make it that way in real life.

>> No.8672398

Imu from Senran Kagura.

>> No.8672423
File: 98 KB, 640x960, Fallout1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a pic of me, this is a simple "coverall" jump suit for like.. a mechanic or something. It's denim-like.. but a lot softer. 100% cotton

>> No.8672448

Excellent hair. The digital camo is a bit jarring though.

>> No.8672515


If you want it pre styled try something like this




You can probably use something like this

Or an arda wig. Do you need a tutorial for twintails too?

>> No.8672527

Yeah, this was a closet cosplay minus the Pipboy.

>> No.8672529

I love the jar of caps, great detail!

>> No.8672749

Thank you for the tutorial. I'll go over it a couple more times. I also need to buy the products and practice when I get a chance. From what I understand I will need to get some concealer that matches my skin tone, another one that is slightly lighter than that, white eyeliner, red lipstick for blocking out shadows where I shaved, foundation that matches my skin tone, another one that's slightly lighter than that, a bronzer that is slightly lighter than my skin tone, mascara, pink blush, and finally brushes to apply this all with.

You are correct, I do not use moisturizer. I have some Aveeno lotion so I'll start using that. I don't think my skin is dry but rather oily however.

Thanks for the help.

>> No.8672763
File: 102 KB, 636x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this isn't something that belongs in the dumb questions thread...

Does anyone familiar with Idolm@ster know where the outfit this Makoto cosplay is from? I remember seeing it somewhere, but I can't find any images.

>> No.8672819

Forgot to ask, what does the tutorial mean by "Set it all with a powder." when they are talking about the foundation? Speaking of foundation, should I be applying the foundation first or the concealer? The tutorial seems to say concealer but I saw some videos where the foundation went first then concealer.

Also, can I do the techniques shown in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0ZItCqja58 to avoid tweezing and changing my eyebrows directly?

Finally, if I don't have anyone that can help me, is it possible for me to chose the right concealer, foundation, and bronzer tones? I would try ordering them one by one but I don't have much time before the con I want to go is happening. I have light skin and what I am guessing to be neutral undertones according to http://www.paulaschoice.com/expert-advice/makeup-tips/_/makeup-tips-tricks-skin-tone-categories because I can't tell what color my wrist's veins are clearly. Are there any safeish bets for tones I can try?

>> No.8672831

>Finally, if I don't have anyone that can help me
Go to your drug store makeup counter and ask them. They have samples and can teach you how to do some basic stuff and find the right stuff for your skin tone. The biggest hurdle is getting over any insecurities you might have about being a guy talking to strangers about makeup, but honestly, they won't give a shit who they help as long as they make a sale.

>> No.8672932

Some people set their makeup with a powder. It stops it from slipping while removing shine and can blur fine lines. Look it up to see how it's used properly. It definitely will help if your face appears to be oily after applying foundation but you should be washing your face beforehand to reduce oil.
And it's up to personal preference which product you put on your face first. Some products may react differently depending on the order you put them on.

You'll save a lot of time by going to stores and testing them on your skin to see what's right compared if you randomly ordered they might not suit you. Like the previous anon mentioned you can ask someone at a counter for proper help or if tester products exist where you live you can apply them directly yourself.
If you don't want to buy the makeup physically then you will have to rely on reviews. Look up Youtube videos and blog posts of people with the same skintone as you trying products.You will have to have certain products in mind though for you to find reviews easily or you'll just be spending a while searching "foundation/concealer/bronzer review."

>> No.8672978
File: 74 KB, 960x678, ART-The_Evil_Within_keeper-01t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys Keeper anon here again I finished putting everything together and painting my head but after I painted it I noticed that once any strong light hits it it looks very washed out/all the painting details disappear.

I'm not sure whether this is because the paint I've used isn't matte enough or whether because there's just no texture on the box itself. What can I do about it?

Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!

>> No.8672982
File: 38 KB, 270x473, hajime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit of a newbie on making costumes. I wanna cosplay Hajime's suit from Gatchaman Crowds and would love some tips on how to start.

It'll be my first time making an armor. I know how to do the wiring and LEDs parts, just have no clue on the rest.
Should I just pay someone that makes costume armors or try doing it myself?

>> No.8672985

Post pics of your head.

>> No.8672987

I have been cosplaying for a long time and that looks super difficult to me. I can't imagine trying to do that as a newb... I would just commission it tbh.

>> No.8672988

If it's your first cosplay, that character might not be a very good idea. Maybe do some parts by yourself, but you'll probably want to save yourself a big headache by commissioning it.

>> No.8672999

Like other people said, get it commissioned. Take into consideration as well that if you do go with this, you're probably gonna end up needing to learn a bit about lights, because if I remember correctly a LOT of this costume lights up. I've been cosplaying for years and know how to do light work and armor and I'd still never touch this, no matter how beautiful it is, it's extremely daunting.

Maybe at best you could sew the grey/black bodysuit underneath? I see her arms, neck, and thighs sewing. If you really want to contribute something to the cosplay you could probably do that. Maybe the ear pieces too as long as you and the person you commission can find the same gold paint, since her legs and body use that color as well.

>> No.8673017
File: 170 KB, 730x1094, found on google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe I should really commission it. It's probably beyond my skills, and I want it to look good, not cheap like the pic.
Thanks guys!
Any idea on how much it would cost?

Ugh, ikr.

Not my first cosplay, but it would be my first time doing something so complicated. Even though I've made some props before, they are nothing compared to that.

I know a bit about how to make the parts that light up, but nothing on armor. I could probably do the ear pieces and some other parts (like the light up ribbons) like you said, good idea. Thanks!

>> No.8673037

Thank you so much! I'll look around for different materials, but for a beginner what would you recommend?

Yeah, the tutorial said it used a foam of sorts, so it didn't look convincing or sturdy at all. I want to go all out and make it look as legit as I can.

>> No.8673038
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1438843983825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I just pay someone that makes costume armors or try doing it myself?
Commissioning is for skill less plebs. If time and money are the same to you, commissioning basically means you don't learn anything of value (and thus, you're a valueless person) and your costume will actually end up heavier because it forever carries the shame being a buybitch.

This armor isn't your usual cosplay foam / wuarble bullshit. It's very tight fitting and consists of many plates. Most of the armor has the appearance of glossy white plastic. This will be easier to make than it looks.

The skintight scale plate design of the armor can probably be accomplished by attaching plates to a skintight suit. All the panels / scales on the armor looks complicated, but it is actually a blessing in disguise. Multiple, small plates are much easier to make, form, and wear compared to larger plates. Keep your plates thin and they should all overlap slightly.

The armor material is very similar to Stormtrooper armor in appearance. Look up tutorials on that, I'm sure there are tons. Figure out what plastic they use. I know they often make Stormtrooper armor with vacuum forming, this means it's heat responsive and you can form your armor with a heat gun. Additionally, the plastic probably doesn't require a dickload of finishing work like foam / worblur; it's already white and shiny.

>> No.8673049
File: 614 KB, 1056x2816, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this illustrates my point. Top it's just natural lighting. Bottom is when a stronger light hits it at an angle and it just looks silver + details disappear

>> No.8673050

>Commissioning is for skill less plebs. If time and money are the same to you, commissioning basically means you don't learn anything of value (and thus, you're a valueless person) and your costume will actually end up heavier because it forever carries the shame being a buybitch.

4chan is 18+

>> No.8673051

i just realised how horrible/blurry these photos are but i guess it more or less gets my point across.

>> No.8673070

Oh! I see what you mean. It's not so bad, but you are right it is a little flat. I think what you should do to add depth is first do a coat of corroded and rust colors in strategic places, then rip some painter's tape into irregular shapes, place it in strategic points on the rusty bits, paint over the tape and let it dry, then carefully peel off the ripped tape. When done correctly this gives the look of peeling paint and rusty metal underneath. Then, go over the whole thing with a blackwash and then a dry brush on the high points. Googling those terms will come up with a ton of helpful tutorials and examples.

This looks like a great start Anon, if you decided to stick with your current paint job it would look like a perfectly acceptable hall cosplay imo. If you have the time though, def try those techniques I mentioned (and google them because I am shitty at describing techniques)

>> No.8673095
File: 2.00 MB, 289x333, 1410029655719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually know much about foam armor; I've only worked in steel. But I know it's possible to do what you want with foam, so I still recommend it. Alternative methods (like paper and bondo, vacuum forming, etc...) are overkill because your armor doesn't have a ton of fine details to take advantage of those methods. It's going to be the finishing work that will be the difference between floppy and sturdy.

Do some searches for sealing and painting foam armor. Stuff like this (http://www.otakuandfit.com/seal-paint-foam-armor/)) is what you want to learn to do.

Other things to try might be getting some chicken wire and gluing that to the inside of your armor. It gives you a lot of stiffness, but is still flexible for bending.

>I'm a valueless person

>> No.8673105

Awesome thanks so much! This is really detailed and helpful. Do you think that paint quality effects the look too? mainly because I bought cheap black acrylic paint and it dries a bit light for my liking (I dont think its very pigmented) would a couple of layers do the trick?

And thanks for the compliments! Its my first time doing something like this and its actually been pretty fun, I just want it to look its best when I wear it all together.

>> No.8673106


>The armor material is very similar to Stormtrooper armor in appearance
So... Do you just have someone describe the anime to you or what? How do blind people even cosplay without help?

>> No.8673121
File: 53 KB, 440x248, OpeningCredits1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The armor is white, smooth, and glossy. I don't know what you're getting at here.

>> No.8673122

I buy cheap shit all the time. Quality is an issue, but price is not. It can take some trial and error but you can find nicely pigmented acrylics for cheap. That being said, the time you spend looking for it will be worth more than just giving in and buying a $2 bottle of acrylic that is well rated, and you will need a highly pigmented black to make a blackwash look nice. Layers can help with both texture and color, but you don't want /too/ many layers or else it will look bulky and can flake off.

Practice all this stuff on a bit of your base material btw, playing with the paint will give you a better idea of the possibilities. Try putting some salt grains on the wet paint too for some neat corroded/oily effects! (BUT TEST IT FIRST!)

>> No.8673126
File: 81 KB, 682x1024, WhiteVinylIsabellaSS10-682x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is white, smooth, glossy, AND skin tight and flexible.

Does this look like stormtrooper armor to you too?

>> No.8673131

Actually, you know what, scratch glossy. It isn't particularly glossy either.

>> No.8673136

I'm pretty sure you've misread what I wrote. I said "the armor MATERIAL is very similar to Stormtrooper armor in appearance." The design is something completely different. Skintight and flexible is achievable with whatever plastic that is used in Stormtrooper armor because:

1. The plastic is very thin, thus it is also flexible
2. The plastic is very thin, thus it it can be made skintight


3. The design of the G-suit paneling allows the plates to move relative to each other, thus flexibility
4. The plastic doesn't require much, if any finishing. This saves tons of time
5. The plastic is heat formable with a hand held heat gun
6. You're salty

>> No.8673139

7. Rub down the plastic with 600-grit sandpaper. Still beats sealing, painting, and finishing.

What would you even recommend then? At least suggest something if you're going to disagreee.

>> No.8673205

I am sorry, but WHAT?
>Skintight and flexible is achievable with whatever plastic that is used in Stormtrooper armor because:

>1. The plastic is very thin, thus it is also flexible
>2. The plastic is very thin, thus it it can be made skintight

You have literally no idea what you are talking about.The plastic most commonly used is not particularly thin and is sorta flexible sure, but it is nowhere near this enough nor flexible enough to be skin tight and worn the way that costume is designed. If the panels were further apart and not along the sides of the torso and other constantly moving and bending areas you might have been close to right, but the panels are touching and look practically painted on. Have you ever actually made anything with vacuformed plastic? You seem to be talking straight out of your ass.

>> No.8673208

Matt stretch vinyl. Slight shine, sewable, glueable, skintight, looks like armor when stretched over foams or plastics, needs no painting or finishing either.

>> No.8673241
File: 805 KB, 540x350, ninjaslayer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know how yet, but I will find a way to do this ridiculously long and flowing scarf, any help/tips would be appreciated

>> No.8673266


>> No.8673521
File: 74 KB, 400x267, 424512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the panels were further apart and not along the sides of the torso and other constantly moving and bending areas you might have been close to right, but the panels are touching and look practically painted on.

The panels aren't touching each other, they are overlapping each other. They can shift and slide over each other as the body moves. You have to use the thinnest plastic you can find.

>You have literally no idea what you are talking about.
>Have you ever actually made anything with vacuformed plastic
>You seem to be talking straight out of your ass.
grow up

Just used by itself? My greatest concern with stretch vinyl is that it will create wrinkles around your arms and elbows. I think this will completely ruin the look of the G-suit and end up looking like a halloween fabric Iron Man costume.

>> No.8673687
File: 1.81 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job getting me angry enough to do this IRL. If I can make this piece of shit in less than 2 minutes with a heat gun, then it's definitely possible to make a pretty good looking G-suit with vacuum form plastic. This plastic might actually be too thin though; warps too easily from heat.

>> No.8674399
File: 73 KB, 770x700, detail_saitama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your suit made out of?

What are superhero bodysuits like this usually made out of?

>> No.8674535


>> No.8675089


I feel like though Spandex could work for Saitama a jersey knit might be better in the long run for the fit of the costume. It's not skin tight and Spandex when not stretched can lay a little strange. A jersey knit will still have a similar stretch to Spandex, allowing anon to move and breath, while the suit can still be tailored to fit more loosely

>> No.8675791

Thanks for the suggestion. I've seen Deanna Lee's cosplay and it's well done, though I'm not a fan of making attached sleeves. I spoke with a friend who has couture background and she said boning the front panel and using nude mesh to fill in the sides and make a high neckline/collar should hold it up.

>> No.8675933

I'm using a poly spandex knit for my vault suit

>> No.8676732

Wow, that looks pretty solid! Thank you so much!