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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8651910 No.8651910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think /cgl/?

>> No.8651912

I think this didn't deserve its own thread

>> No.8651913

Is there context?

>> No.8651914
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>> No.8651919
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>> No.8651921

Are we supposed to harass her for something? For what? Blackface?

>> No.8651926
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>> No.8651929

I feel like most things said here are more racist than her actual cosplay

>> No.8651933
File: 80 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nhs8z5gHNl1rtxy85o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im tired of the same people who reblog things like pic attatched, telling others they can't cosplay a certain way.

>> No.8651947

I think some people have had decent commentary on the whole controversy but hers just reeks of white guilt tbh

>> No.8651954

why this AGAIN?

>> No.8651956

This thread again.
There's nothing to discuss, every time this thread comes up, it turns to shit then mods come and delete it.

>> No.8651957

I'm really getting tired of random cosplay shit threads, why don't you guys focus on having more generals? If this is supposed to be cosplay cringe, it can go in the cringe general I was just fucking looking at!

>> No.8651965

As a black person, I don't really give a shit and I think she would actually look better if she actually went darker.

>> No.8651970

anthy is supposedly indian, not black

>> No.8651976

She doesn't even look that dark. She's maybe a few extra hours in the tanning bed darker than Jessica Nigri.

>> No.8651986

i still think its a good cosplay lol

>> No.8652001

So basically, life before and after the SJW tumblr explosion?

>> No.8652015

>mfw this might be the most genuinely racist thing I've read in years
>Anthy isn't even black

>> No.8652046

While I see her point, I really don't think race has a place in cosplay.
It's a character.
You're not "black without being black," you're just painting your skin for a day. To me, it's no different than putting on a wig.

While black cosplayers do get the short end of the stick, I don't think her SJW rant is going to change any of it.

>> No.8652210

I'm brown and I don't gaf.
If her cosplay hinders my paycheck, employment or my life in general, then yes, I'd care, but it's a fucking costume. People need to calm their shit.

>> No.8652224

Some of my cgl Facebook friends keep posting variations of this issue on Facebook with 'WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ABOUT IT,' at which point sjw shitbags vomit all over the comments and I inadvertently end up reading it.

I suspect you guys are doing this on purpose, plz stop.

>> No.8652225
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p.s. have some more racist scum

>> No.8652228

The white makeup wouldn't show up well without the dark skin. Still, I have mixed feelings.

>> No.8652229

ITT white people justifying their racism.

>> No.8652232

it's just a fucking costume you nigger

>> No.8652238

Didn't we just have a thread about "blackface" a few days ago, and then another before that. You already know what our responses are going to be and what arguemetns are going to devolve from this topic, it's nothing new.

>> No.8652240

keep telling yourself that, racist scum

>> No.8652243

>no one wants to stand up for black people

Pretty sure their whole community plus the internet has been up in arms about their American plights and all that for the last two years or so.

>> No.8652247

It's a hyperbole idiot. That support is nothing compared to the racists and bystanders out there.

>> No.8652253

This is the stupidest shit.

It's like a feminist saying "but you can't hit a girl, I'm the oppressed one!"

If you're offended by someone literally just wearing some darker foundation, you need a reality check

>> No.8652254

Same here. It seems like all the brown/black friends are just like "Why do you guys keep asking us about this?"

>> No.8652255

here we go again

>> No.8652258

You have the white guilt faction, and then you have the bown/black people who are obsessively angry at the world about racism. Then you have the brown/black people who simply don't care and move on with their lives.

>> No.8652262
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>> No.8652264
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How is this racist at all? People paint their bodies all kinds of colors for characters, this one happens to be darker skinned. So what? She wanted to accurately do the cosplay so now she's being persecuted for it? There's pretty retarded standards nowadays for what is considered offensive or racist. It's a really good cosplay too and she obviously wouldn't have been able to pull it off without the body paint.

I feel like what she said while defending herself was actually more racist than the cosplay itself, such as mentioning shit neighborhoods and little to no education. That's a stereotype of black people more than anything.

People are finding reasons to be offended, grow the fuck up.

>> No.8652268

Look at this dumb white piece of shit

>> No.8652270

Look at this black piece of shit. You'll probably call me racist because I said you were black and a piece of shit in one sentence, despite you doing the same except with white.

>> No.8652271

I'm black you dumbass. It's still stupid

>> No.8652274


>> No.8652276

Latest news right now is cosplayer LadyLemon deactivated her facebook account because of the amount of SJW bullying she was getting lately. My facebook feed is lit up about this whole issue right now.

>> No.8652278

>waaahhh why can't I beat women.

>> No.8652283

> what is reading comprehension

>> No.8652284

>hurr durr what is false equivalency

>> No.8652286

it's my honest opinion that sjw bullshit like op's is more racist than random bystanders that do nothing about the issue one way or another.
it gives me the same kind of slimy feeling than the people (usually men) telling you women are poor things that need to be protected because society is so misogynistic and they're too fragile to stand out for themselves.

not being racist to me is just living your life without giving people of another ehnicity than yours any preferential treatment, either good or bad. that's it. if everyone did this, there would be no more racism.
but when you start treating human beings like an endangered species, then you have a problem...

>> No.8652289

Holy shit white people are so fucking ignorant. Maybe if I just string a bunch of sentences together that vaguely sound right and fit within my world view, fuck off.

>> No.8652291

> using race as a stereotype to demean someone

Nice double standard on racism m8

>> No.8652295

>Makes fun of someone for "stringing together sentences"
>Can barely make a comprehensive sentence

>> No.8652298

Kill yourself you white whiny piece of shit, when you've been oppressed you'll really have something to complain about.

>> No.8652299
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>> No.8652300

>reaching so hard with that glorious zing

>> No.8652301
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>> No.8652307
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AA are attacking this Argentina cosplayer for doing "blackface." Somehow this Argentina cosplayer is supposed to know enough US history to know what blackface is. I don't know anything about Argentina history, so I don't know where people get these expectations from.

>> No.8652310
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>> No.8652311

it doesn't help that the cosplayer in the pic is one of the biggest opportunistic spoiled brat in cosplay community

really kills the message, as if the message wasn't underhandedly bad enough

>> No.8652315

Can't tell if you're trolling or that fucking stupid.

>> No.8652320

Are you sure you're not the one who is trolling?

>> No.8652328

This is going up on my wall.
So it's a low level of intelligence kind of situation for you then, I'm glad we cleared that up.

>> No.8652335

Youre wrong anon, you only preach this when youre being oppressed.

>> No.8652355
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>> No.8652414

Well I see it this way:
If it was such a racist issue; wouldn't make up companies start pulling every skin tone off the shelf so you can only do abnormal colours? That seems to be logical and could possibly stop this stupid argument. But then there would have to be rules in stores where a white person couldn't get dark makeup and dark couldn't get light.

I think people should get their heads out their asses or if it's so terrible go and complain to every theatre head/makeup company/anyone involved in these fields to pull colours.

Blackfacing is for the most part; if not only an American issue. and even then nothing that anyone posts is black face. No one uses black facepaint at all, unless they want to attempt that black cat thing from Monster High.

>> No.8652424
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The Tumblrites call this woman "white and privileged" assume that she is a white north american woman who couldn't be bothered to stay awake in a US history class. They made that call because they ironically judged her by the color of her white skin, which is lighter than what most people associate with Latinas. They completely gloss over the fact while arguing that people shouldn't be messing with skin color that can be washed off with soap and water.

She's an Argentinian woman in a third-world country. The blacks who unfortunately use this this whole debacle as a crutch to ensue a witch hunt on her fail to realize that her own people have shitty opportunities too, which isn't even the issue at hand. It only enforces the real issue of ignorance. Blackface is a completely different concept that if people weren't so ignorant about, wouldn't be making irrational conclusions.

>> No.8652432
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Jesus fucking christ Jess you're such a pussy it's almost embarrassing. You're so desperate for popularity that after a few tumblrites find your Anthy cosplay you're just licking the soles of their shoes clean and crying for forgiveness. You could've used your fame to tell people once and for all that this racial segregation and constant walking on eggshells isn't healthy for a hobby. Even fucking Maguma did that. Instead you just roll over to the floor to cry and beg for them to like you again.

Fuck you Jess. Fuck your spineless ass who caved in to the tumblr side that's ruining this hobby.

>> No.8652443
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>tfw when Jess

>> No.8652458

Dude what

Make-up companies don't cater to cosplayers, you know. This might come as an utter shock, but non-cosplaying normies of every skin color from pasty as flour to dark as night wear make-up. How nuts is that? This might be a totally far-out conjecture but maybe... MAYBE.... make-up companies make colors for people... of that particular skin color... to use... There might also be a totally insane chance that make-up companies don't actually make shades for the specific reason of darkening or otherwise changing your skin tone to imitate another race.

Take a moment to soak that all in. I know it might be a hard truth to grasp, but I'm just asking for your indulgence here. It's okay if you end up not believing it because I know it's a radical concept to think about.

.... It's come to the point where I'm having a hard time taking a lot of cosplayers' it's-ok-to-change-skin-color stances seriously because y'all sound so fucking sheltered when you talk about it.

>> No.8652460

>"the blacks"

>> No.8652465

>the whites
>the asians
>the Spaniards
>the jews

whats youre freaking point? are you getting mad at someone saying "black" now?

>> No.8652469

who cares. its not "racist" at all, if anything its just insensitive. but the character isnt even black, and she didnt paint her face in order to mock blacks nor did she give the character any cartoonishly black features. she easily could have just tanned and gotten the same effect, but she probably didnt want to damage her skin. for an insignificant anime costume.

>> No.8652473

preachmore crucifies herself for our sins yet again. what a legendary attention whore, relveant on the net and nowhere else.

>> No.8652475

are you new? 90% of this board is female, the person who posted that is probably a girl.
the point they were getting across is that a white person wearing make up hurts no one, and if you're so sensitive that you think anyone who wears dark makeup is automatically making fun of black people, you need a reality check. she obviously likes the character and wanted to pay homage to her.

its like seeing a drag queen and thinking they must be a misogynist because theyre just "playing dress-up" and they dont have to face whatever oppression we might on a day to day basis.

>> No.8652477

I think you missed their undertones of how stupid the arguments are going to? At least that's how I'm reading it. Hence the sentence about companies having "rules" when buying makeup. That seemed like sarcasm really.

Also I think it was referring to stage makeup mostly. Which is what people use for this. Not foundation and concealer and such?

>> No.8652490

Why would you use stage makeup for skin darkening when there's a wide array of darker-skin makeups available

>> No.8652496

I don't think either of the girls in question meant to offend anyone.
The people who have been the most offensive when discussing this manner are the people who attacked these cosplayers with blatantly offensive remarks. Those that don't want to explain why they THINK this is offensive and perhaps have them understand their point of view, but only wish to insult those that have done it.
That dumb bitch Maki is the number one person out there fanning the flames of hate on this issue. And it makes me fucking sick that she has a legion of cucks that will defend her no matter what the fuck she says.

>> No.8652498

OT but just chipping in to say there are actually misogynistic drag acts. Not all drag queens are alike, and there's a big scene of mocking women in some circles of 'gay man only' drag, it's why there have even been attempts to ban drag queens from pride festivals.
>drag shitting on women is like gyaru shitting on lolita in a way, everyone should all be lovelies because the world sucks

Any way, I think there's a fine line between a few shades darker with fake tan and then just bodypaint.

>> No.8652499

> 90% of this board is female

Do you really believe that dumb shit you just typed? That certainly isn't true, and no one could possibly believe that.

>> No.8652516

Here's a tip.

If you can't present your arguments properly and back them up with evidence, facts or even a probable statement nobody will take you seriously or take your cause seriously.
If you keep lashing out like you're doing here, you will only hurt your cause.


>> No.8652517
File: 36 KB, 500x376, ganguro-girl-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is ganguro and kuro-gyaru considered blackfacing too or is that okay because they're Asian?

>> No.8652518

Holy shit your post is so fucking full of itself and your holier-than-thou attitude is disgusting.

>> No.8652521

>not knowing /cgl/ is largely girls

You are your own special blend of retarded.

>> No.8652522

ah, perhaps i should have said cross-dressers.

>> No.8652524

you ARE new. take a look at nearly every other thread here, dude. the only time men are here is occasionally for cosplay threads and lurkers looking at cute girls.
>skin care
this is the frilliest board on 4chan

>> No.8652534
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>> No.8652535

I always wonder how a movement like ganguro would be treated now versus years back.

It goes to back to the definition of blackfacing, where it's dliberately intended to insult by insinuating that they are funny or odd looking to be made fun of for their skin color. By that definition, it has nothing to do with art or being an attribute of a social response like ganguros.

This is where a lot of misguided people don't realize that if they said that ganguros are okay because it is a social form of expression, that they're being hypocritical to the fact that cosplay is a form of artistic expression when done tastefully. No one here listed is slapping globs of jet black paint on their faces and calling themselves black. No one here is using makeup to make a mockery out of a race, but rather as a nod to the character's racial background. I don't understand why it's such a hard concept to grasp. Cosplay can have its political and social undertones, but none of this will be solved by accusing or defending a mass group instead of the individuals or smaller groups who persist at adding fuel to racial wars in this hobby.

>> No.8652536

She's not brainwashed, she's just desperate to keep her fans so she's going for the lowest bottom of the barrel type crawling. Jess knows it's not racist, but she wants to keep her fanbase.

>> No.8652544
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I posted this in the last thread but I'll post it again. Ganguro is supposedly based off of Japanese folklore mixed with gyaru, where Asian girls rebel against beauty stereotypes by looking like white girls. Yama-uba caricatures are often mistaken for blackface (see Jinx from Pokemon.) It literally has nothing to do with black people.

>> No.8652552

Yes, I'm aware of the lolita/skin care/makeup threads that are always on here, and based on that I would say this board probably has a higher percent of females than most/all of 4chan.
That said, 90% female is a GROSS fucking exaggeration.
If you took every female that posts on 4chan and cram them into cgl, it still wouldn't be 90% female.

>> No.8652555

Not that anon, but fine, it's probably 80% female. Satisfied? Chill, spergy. Point: we're mostly grills here.

>> No.8652558

>Taking what they said literally
It's obviously not 90% girls, retard. It'd probably actually be around 75%-80% though. Most men are either crossboarders, trolls, or lurkers with the actual cosplayers and brolitas being the minority.

>> No.8652583

... you know that not every girl on here is going to outright say theyre a girl, even if someone calls them "dude" or "he" right? you more than likely talk to several girls a day on her, no matter what board youre on. half of the planet is female, it would be weird to think that 4chan is more than 60% or 70% male.
there are plenty of women on /ck/,/fa/,/ic/,/b/, and /vp/ for example.

>> No.8652587

Kek, there's more women on all of 4chan than you realize, even on /a/ and /r9k/. They just don't mention it in every single post because the boys flip shit that women managed to hack into their special club.

>> No.8652595


Just mentioning you're not a "he" will get +1993495965 replies with shit like "IM A GIRL XD" and "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO POINT OUT YOURE A GRIL" even if it's relevant to the topic.

>> No.8652602

This. She looks standard 'white girl tanned' to me.

>> No.8652606

I don't simply see cosplay makeup as a racist thing. only thing that would make it racist is if the character was potrayed in such manner.
In blackfacing they create a character to mock someones race to make fun of them, while in cosplay a character just happens to be poc and cosplay is to show love to the show and the character never minding of the race. IF the cosplay was made in manner to make fun of the character or it's race then it'd be racist.

>> No.8652621
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To me as someone from Europe, black/brown/yellowfacing is a concept that is miles apart from "darkening skin for cosplay".

I think it is an overgeneralization and emotional reasoning to see these two as the same thing for reasons listed in the image.
I would have said resemblance only goes skin-deep but even that is an overgeneralization, given that cosplay aims at a realistic depiction and not a caricature.

Furthermore, this is used as a justification to spit fire and vitriol into the direction of people on the internet from nations that had very few to do with that concept - and furthermore tumblr-callout-culture would rather risk sending a "real" PoC deaththreats than forgetting about someone in their callout circus.

On top of that, this concept makes ethnicity a categorial system which simply does not match our real world.
As in: I am getting hassled about "brownfacing" while cosplaying as a character with my own skintone - yet my skintone changes over the course of the year. Where does 'tanning easily' fall? Are Mediterranean types 'brown'? Possibly not - despite an equal outcome

However, all of this is not meant to devaluate people's feelings towards the matter. I just feel I can not take a standpoint that goes completely against rational thinking.
It is my standing in this and I considered the matter again and again and again so I am relatively firm. However you can still argue that I am, due to my ethnicity, in no position to argue that matter or to determine what is racist.

In this case I will have to take said label as a racist. However, given the circumstances that made it apply, I fear it holds relatively few value to me.

I see it as a morally difficult matter that everyone has to decide for themselves. I am in no position to tell a person what to do, I am just able to find arguments for or against a matter.

What I truly judge, however, is the way people make this a dogma and condemn the decision other people make or directly agress against them.

>> No.8652623

So true. I post on several of the weeb boards so I've gotten used to being called 'he' everywhere else except here, it's just not worth the trouble to try and correct people.

>> No.8652641

On 4chan I'm an angry middle aged neck beard, doesn't matter what board I'm on.

Completely agree, some drag acts are annoying and offensive as fuck.

>> No.8652650

Uhh black lives matter is everywhere now to the point of being annoying so I don't know what your talking about.

>> No.8652657

And they say white people are racist haha

>> No.8652660

Get over it. You didn't even go through oppression your ancestors did so stop being a whiny bitch. My ancestors were Jews but you don't see me crying about how I'm oppressed because what my ancestors went through for being Jewish.

>> No.8652667

Oldfag here. I don't know what's worse, people who "blackface" when it's not even a part of their cultural background, or white people who feel the need to stand up for black people who are perfectly capable of defending themselves and are too busy sucking black cock to apologize for their ancestors owning slaves, or the reverse-racist black people who feel the need to be oppressed and offended at every turn. You people are what made me leave this fucking board for /b/ in the first place, at least they're more honest over there.

>> No.8652672

Isn't there this Korean girl on Unpretty Rapstar that desperately wants to be black, going so far as to change her features/make up to appear more mixed?

Why isn't tumblr crying about that?

>> No.8652675

Because it is easier to make white people feel guilty/angry/defensive than other races apparently. I doubt that chick cares and sees it as an ode to hip hop

>> No.8652677

It's because in recent history white people have been the biggest dicks so apparently now we have to feel guilty about that.

I mean look at Germany in this current crisis, or even Europe in general. The moment you say anything you're called a racist or a nazi and especially saying the latter seems incredibly effective to shut the other side down.

>> No.8652685

Because most of tumblr don't have an interest in korean pop culture
Isn't like the main thing on tumblr western tv shows and movies anyways?

>> No.8652687

I'm pretty sure they've always been into anime, though right now everyone seems to be into Steven Universe which takes the race and gender whining to a whole new level

>> No.8652689

Good lord does this cosplayer never let a "cosplay controversy" go by without getting on a soap box?

>> No.8652693

Who, Rufflebutt? Nope. And she always uses her illness to garner support.

>> No.8652697

Well instead of actually apologizing like a decent human being, she went on to basically say, "Sorry you got offended, but your feelings don't matter to me and I'm going to keep offending you anyway."

If that's how she really felt, then whatever, but she still should've kept her mouth shut and moved on. Leaving half-assed apologies like that will always add fuel to the fire.

In short, she's a dumbass and therefore deserved what she got.

>> No.8652701

So tldr; it's okay to bully a shitty person. Gotcha.

>> No.8652702

We bully idiots here all the time. Idiots deserved to be bullied so they stop being idiots.

>> No.8652706

Ah, but who gets to bully the idiots who bully idiots?

>> No.8652710

We do. It's a cycle.

>> No.8652724


Don't try to justify it hun. Just let the salt flow through you.

>> No.8652729

I'm saying she's an idiot, but I'm not denying that the SJWs are idiots too. Read.

>> No.8652732

>It's because in recent history white people have been the biggest dicks so apparently now we have to feel guilty about that.

Really? Do you honest to god think that White people are the only ones who have committed genocide, taken slaves, practiced racial segregation or other stuff like that? It's just that white people in western countries are the only ones who feel guilt over their ancestors' actions and have a constant need to feel superior via constant apologizing and trying to seem like the civilized society. Do you think the Japanese give a shit about the Nanking massacre or even remember it themselves? Nope, but whites sure do apologize for Hitler, even if you don't come from a German background.

The whole issue of black/brownface is a mountain made of a mole hill. It's funny how people constantly want to go by the rules set by the offended side even though there are plenty of PoC people who have said that they're fine with people tanning their skin for a cosplay. But naturally their opinion doesn't matter or put weight on the scale because they're not following the cultlike tumblr mindset so they might as well be ignored for being such Uncle Toms. Being an Eurofag myself from a country with virtually no black people I had never even heard that blackface is a thing and I could've never imagined that someone would be offended by someone tanning their skin for a cosplay or putting on dreads. And now suddenly white americuck SJWs are policing around the world online and sending death threats and telling people to commit suicide just for a costume like it's the biggest fucking issue in the world.

Strangely enough Asian cosplayers get away with tanning their skin for cosplay because they're the master race and precious pocs, kek

>> No.8652736

Fuck off LadyLemon. Grow some balls and don't let a bunch of whiny SJWs make you bawwwwleet your whole account. They would have shut up eventually.

>> No.8652740

You underestimate the amount of women on 4chan. Just because they don't say it, it doesn't mean they aren't there, even in boards that tend to be more hostile towards them than /ck/ and /cgl/.

>> No.8652747

what illness???

>> No.8652785

Google "rufflebutt illness". She posted a status where she mentions the medications she's on. Something that's apparently for some kind of hormone imbalance and another for pain.

She never explicitly states the actual condition. For all we know she probably made it up and listed some random medications she saw on TV.

>> No.8652788

She said it's endometriosis.

>> No.8652790

In that status? I must have misread.

I guess that's what I get for waking up at 4am. Stupid me.

>> No.8652796

Yeah its in the second or third screenshot, she compares having endometriosis to being black.

>> No.8652798

She's basically insisting being black is like a disease lmao. What a dumb cunt.

>> No.8652801

A+++ all round for this drama.

Cosplayer gets up on a high horse about something that doesnt involve her. Gets shit on by ppl on both sides of the argument.

>> No.8652802

It's especially funny because her intent was for people to think she wasn't a racist, but some of the things she said were completely racist. I think if someone is that ignorant they should really keep your thoughts to themselves. She just embarrassed her own race even more.

>> No.8652824

I think it's great when white people support people of color and generally want to help. It's appreciated more than they realize. But what this particular girl did was so fucking stupid. It was an obvious cry for attention by saying "look at me! I'm totally such a good person and not a racist fuck! Everybody kiss my ass for my white guilt!" but she only showed her stupidity and overall ignorance by spitting out racist stereotypes about us all be uneducated and living in shitholes, and then sought more attention by posting a sob story about her illness. Like holy shit.

>> No.8652826

It's a funny thing that this woman talks about bullying and hate when she bullies other girls in her community.

And about the blackface thing, firstly she says she's an actress and that she's been studying fashon history and trends... I think that she SHOULD know about the connotations of blackface and the historical weight it has, the only thing I can assume is that she is jumping into the controversy bandwagon so it can boost her facebook page (knowing that she is desperate for e-fame)

>> No.8652828
File: 137 KB, 634x764, cosplay lynch mob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lovely, more SJW bullshit.

>> No.8652846
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Personally, I don't see the difference between modifying skin color for cosplay, and modifying things like eye color, hair, body type, etc. But too bad you can't really say that without getting shot by a bunch of tumblrinas

>> No.8652852
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Holy shit she's trying so hard to get sympathy and make the whole issue all about her.

>> No.8652854
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>> No.8652857
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Reminder that Argentina is the whitest country on the planet.

>> No.8652859

She also deleted every comment that disagreed with her EXCEPT the ones telling her there's nothing wrong with painting her skin, which were mostly posted by white people. If she really cared about her stance, she would have deleted those too.

So yeah, she's an attention-seeking cunt who doesn't actually regret anything, she just wanted to be praised and complimented. I'm really glad it backfired on her.

>> No.8652872

Most girls on 4chan hesitate from saying they are female because we know from a little thing called lurk moar that saying you are female on most boards leads to ridicule and trolling. I highly suggest you to take a leaf out of that book, anon.

>> No.8652876

Pretty much. The whole point of this place is to be anonymous, personal details like gender are rarely relevant.

>> No.8652877

fak u

>> No.8652887

I follow enough SJWs to know exactly what she's doing.

>Do some dumb white person thing
>face backlash
>fuck these arguments are way better than mine
>however you forgot that I'm clearly part poc so don't get too mad at me, i am but a delicate rose
>Now people know that I am aware of sjw issues while I'm not taking any blame for it.

>> No.8652894

I'm offended that non Japanese cosplayers wear Kimono for their cosplay.

>> No.8652900

ITT: whiny cosplayers having an anti-sjw circlejerk

Here's what you need to know:
>Is blackface bad?

>Is it blackface if the person is from another country?
Blackface reaches further than the US, and you can find examples of blackface in Canada, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, and Australia.

>I'm [insert race relevant to cosplayer's darkening of skin], and i'm not offended
That's great, but that doesn't mean the majority of your race isn't offended. Plus, studies have shown people unoffended/agreed with the use of racial caricatures are still negatively impacted by those caricatures. In fact, they showed to be more suseptable to low self esteem and community worth than those who were offended. (Look up Stephanie Fryberg studies)

>But it's not mocking [insert race here]!
It could be done in full admiration and respect, but even positive caricatures can contribute to negative impacts to a racial community. This defense is used often to support the use of Native American mascots, and has been proven to continue to inflict negative self-worth onto racial groups. (Proved by fryberg here, too)

>People are just finding new ways to get offended
If the person is the relevant race to the cosplay, even if they "choose" not to be offended they can still be negatively impacted (ie. low self worth, questioning identity, considering their community low, etc) (Fryberg).

>> No.8652901
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>I don't simply see cosplay makeup as a racist thing

Especially since most of the fucking characters are made up and have no specific race, just different skin color. Fuck there are characters that are a completely made up race.

Are Klingons Blackface? No, they aren't even Black. They are fucking Klingons. Look it up, most Klingon actors wore makeup to make their skin darker. There were only about 5 Klingons that were really black actors. Neither of them had a fucking issue with it.

I bet if a cosplayer did a Klingon they would get their heads chewed off by the girl in the OP and the fucking SJWs that are the cancer of the world today.

None of this shit is Blackface. Stop turning everything into a racist bullshit.

>> No.8652904

If a white person cosplayed a POC but decided to leave herself white, they would get accused of Whitewashing the character and assume they are removing the characters race.

There's no winning. White people should only cosplay whites and POC should only cosplay POC.

>> No.8652905

nobody has ever done this.

>> No.8652911

What's really offensive...is how bad the uniform is.

>> No.8652913

its not?

>> No.8652914

I've only seen a few white people do this, and it honestly makes the cosplay harder to recognize.

>> No.8652915


>> No.8652916

Don't cut yourself on that edge, kiddo.

>> No.8652918

>>8652732 never imagined that someone would be offended by someone tanning their skin for a cosplay or putting on dreads.

Eurofag here too. Only in America. Also it's racist for others to assume that everyone that is white is American and was associated with all the shit American whities did in the past.

>> No.8652919

found a link to the studies i'm talking about here


>> No.8652922

This is literally what she does. Makes everything possible about her. She starts facebook "debates" on her personal fb daily just to rake in attention. It's so sad and creepy.

>> No.8652923

Ever stop to think, if these few case when it's done out of love and admiration were truly seen for that could the world not be a tiny bit better by focusing on what we have in common that we love rather than assuming hate all the time?

I think until we can focus on the love I can have for a character not my own race, racism will never end. It has to stop being about hate someday for it to end eventually. Like really truly end.

When white people are allowed to love non-white figures, it will start. For gods sake, let us love you.
Let us love your characters, your cultures, your artists, and don't shame those of us that really fucking love you.
The love has to start somewhere don't you see?

>> No.8652925

Cajun aren't poc. They're descendents of French Canadians.

You're think of Creole who are mixed with black.

>> No.8652926

don't miss that sarcasm, grandpa

>> No.8652927
File: 524 KB, 608x342, John-Slattery-mad-men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked that the later series showed lighter skinned klingons. B'elanna's mom was hot.

I don't even think that doing makeup for darker skintones in a cosplay should even be called black/brownface. It's obviously not a racial cariacature. It's fucking detail, and accuracy.

>> No.8652928

don't miss that sarcasm, grandpa.

>> No.8652929

Exactly, but she brought it up like it's the same thing or even relevant.

>> No.8652930

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Do you want to take this FAQ no one is going to read and go to tumblr where you can have a "SJW circlejerk".

>> No.8652931

Well I actually had that happening when people came whining I were brownfacing for Dorian. I posted selfies and even kidpics w/o any make-up and said "I just tan easily and I am not even as dark as Dorian in any of the pics' and got "YOU ARE WHITEWASHING A CHARACTER THAT IS STRONGLY CODED DESI OMG"

when an SJW sees you cosplaying as a character they claim as their "protected property" you will get shit for it no matter what.

>> No.8652933

So no counter argument? Just gonna ignore scientifically supported facts?


>> No.8652934

Wouldn't that be the same as whitewashing the Klingons? It's an alien race that just happens to have brown skin instead of green or blue.

>> No.8652936


>> No.8652940

>It has to stop being about hate someday for it to end eventually.

Tell that to tumblr.

>> No.8652941

I'd say it's more that they have a variety of browns. She wasn't white-white, but she had blue eyes and wasn't the usual tone of brown. If anything star trek is known for, it's a pretty expansive universe. Not too out of the blue to have that be a part of their racial biology, although it may have been brought about by SJW's, who knows. Even among Andorians, they've got varying shades of blue.

>> No.8652943

>Plus, studies have shown people unoffended/agreed with the use of racial caricatures are still negatively impacted by those caricatures

How is cosplaying a tanned character representing a caricature stereotype???

>> No.8652945

And once again we have the case that "blackface" is being overgeneralized. When Fryberg talks caricatures she means caricatures.

Is cosplay a caricature?
It is not. It has no political impact at all, lest you outdo yourself to read it in it.

You are taking this out of context.
The "blackfacing in Germany" that is being referred to is usually just quoted in a Jezebel article that features Karneval (our version of Halloween) where people really are insensitive as fuck and think it is okay to paint their face with shoecream and put an Afro on (definitely un-okay and offensive as fuck)- or another article featuring blackface in theatrical productions which is not political and not intended as a caricature either but mostly owed to the fact that we do not have many black actors living here.
Yet another thing that is shitty to do bevcause it takes away job opportunities from PoC.

This is however not your widely-spread Vaudeville shows depicting racist stereotypes in order to humiliate, ridicule and dehumanize people.

And it is definitely not cosplay.

You can quote as many studies if you want, if you take things out of context or blow up and overgeneralize a concept, they have few things to contribute to the topic.

>> No.8652946

You put into words what I've been trying to tell some people I know about this matter..

Also, I'm from a mediterranian country, I'm white but I tan easily/tan quite a lot. In summer it takes me just a few days walking about in the sun to get a very distinctive trucker tan.
By the way Ive seen people take this matter, would I end up being called racist for using makeup to tan my skin as dark as I naturally do? Because in winter my tan obviously fades and in summer I'd rather use makeup than stay for hours sunbathing to get an even skintone and risk skin damage. Legit questions because I'd rather avoid arguments like this over my cosplay photos in the future..

>> No.8652948

I agree. I also hate the fact that people say "well if SOME black people say it's not offensive, the others are just whiny SJW idiots". No, just because a select few people don't care doesn't mean the feelings of most others don't matter. There are a tiny mjnority of black people who are okay with being called niggers by white people but that doesn't make it okay to call black people niggers. The same goes for painting your skin.

No1curr if you have white skin and cosplay a black character. Anyone who tells you it's whitewashing can go suck a tit. The quality of your costume will not be diminished if you don't have brown skin. In fact, it will look even better than being an obvious white person caked in splotchy orange makeup.

>inb4 go back to Tumblr u sjw~
I don't have a Tumblr and I'm not an SJW either. Just your average 4channer who happens to be black. I just don't get what's so fucking hard about respecting other races, FFS. Would it kill you to save a few bucks and not buy your shitty makeup/orange tan?

>> No.8652949

Never been here before, is this a b8 thread or is /cgl/ really retarded SJWs?

>> No.8652950
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Whites should leave POC characters alone, because whitewashing looks fucking stupid.

>> No.8652952

If the blackface is being done to make a caricature of your race it's disrespectful, no shit. Why is it a problem if someone wants to look a little more like the character they picked?

>> No.8652954

Somehow putting on brown makeup during the ST TNG era was okay but it would probably get a lot of shit nowadays. So it's only the younger generation that has this issue. Doesn't sound like the older people care.

>> No.8652956

I suppose black people should leave white characters to white people too because they look fucking stupid, right?