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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 1257x979, ruins cathedral coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8647884 No.8647884 [Reply] [Original]

No Coord Help Thread? Let's fix that!

I was able to purchase my MMM dream dress thanks to /cgl/ and working hard on creating a nice coord.
However, this is my first time wearing white EGL and Id really appreciate some feedback.

>> No.8647904

It's quite a clusterfuck of styles to be honest. And you're also mixing silver with gold, the gold toned things have to go. The choker looks a bit cheap, would look better with the chains removed. I personally think the headdress isn't gothy enough but it will do. Aside from the gold cages on the gloves, the pearl ribbons look too sweet. The socks don't look good with the OP, they clash in style too much and having the same theme in inverted colours looks weird, plus it highlights the different/clashing art styles. The Parasol, shoes and bag are fine though. If you can get a less frou frou/more simple veil headdress that would work better. Less graphic socks or just black lace topped OTKs would look better too.

>> No.8647968

That is some solid advice, I do tend to go overboard with themes but Im glad I got some things right. Thank you for the feedback Anon I'll switch the socks, choker and find a different headdress.

>> No.8648268
File: 1.16 MB, 1592x970, jackieocoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would love some feedback on a retro-style coord I'm working on! I'm not too sure which kind of tights I should go with. I also want to wear handgloves with this, but I'm not sure what type. I feel like the lace ones may not look right with the decade I'm trying to channel, but then I also worry completely black ones may look too heavy?

also lol is the purse too gaudy? I saw it while searching for potential bags and thought it would be kinda funny/cute. otherwise I would just use some sort of rectangular purse.

>> No.8648293 [DELETED] 
File: 963 KB, 1707x1531, 3glds7779bblck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the purse, its super cute! I think any of those tights would work. As for gloves, perhaps something like pic related? However if you've got polkadots on your hands and your dress, I would just go with solid shear black tights. I'm not a huge fan of the blazer or the shoes tho. They're cute but don't really work for the lolita aesthetic. Perhaps a pair of black heeled tea-parites like antaina has for shoes and something else for your arms?

>> No.8648426
File: 40 KB, 500x500, $_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need honest advice /cgl/, is it possible if I could put one of these hats (in black) in a coord? It would be for a coord in december. could I clip stuff on my head towars the base to make it more lolita appropriate?

The black one in the pic looks bad but if I find a decent one somewhere?

>> No.8648427

wow I worded some of this weird, also *towards

sorry /cgl/ I had tequila tonight

>> No.8648450

I think those hats are fine. You don't need to clip anything on to them, but if you found something that matched your coord by all means.

>> No.8648454

there's always a ton of nice vintage fur hats like these on Etsy for a reasonable price, if you want one that doesn't look like shit.

>> No.8648456

We already have one, but op of that thread fucked up the title and name

>> No.8648461

I'm not that anon, but MM and VM put out blazers. I think they work fine in lolita, especially in more otome/ vintage inspired coords like this one.

>> No.8648494

yeah I'm with >>8648461 about the blazer, unless you mean you think I should find one that looks different. I just picked that one because I can't fit into brand blazers, that one comes in bigger sizes + the peplum works out better with a petticoat underneath but I can keep an eye out for something different.

what about t-strap heels? since I'm trying to go for the more retro/vintage look I guess I prefer to go with shoes that are more of that style (rather than cutesy, sweet shoes, since I also want an overall more ~mature look)

I'll check out gloves like that, I think they would be perfect! I'll keep in mind not to overload the coord with polka dot patterns.

>> No.8648783 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know VM and MM put out blazers but this particular blazer I'm not a fan of. It's more a sportswear blazer than a nice formal one--Shiny material, no lining, topstitched hem. It would look much classier with a dressier blazer.
Pic related is very similar, but it's got a few more details that would help to make everything look great

>> No.8648844

Dumb question, but I ordered a mini-crown and a rosary. Can I wear both together in a coord or would I look like a tryhard.

>> No.8648858

Yeah dont. It wont be cohesive, rosaries are for religious themed dresses.
Mini crowns are for princess/royal themes.

>> No.8648877

hey anon, glad you liked the vintage idea from the previous thread! Just butting in to say this looks mad cute, and I'd recommend the choker over the strands, red hat over black hat, and perhaps the big polkadot tights or the plain black ones over the small polkadots. Also agree with >>8648783 in that a slightly different blazer would do better.

I feel like you don't need to be as matchy-matchy as >>8648858 thinks you should be, but if you're worried about it then pick one that goes better with the rest of your coord.

>> No.8648980
File: 83 KB, 480x720, pinky.12803.1292331531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8649018

Congrats OP! It's a beautiful dress and I like the idea you have for the coord!
However, I think that white shoes would look better, else the bottom would be too heavy with blacks. Especially since the main color of the OP is white, I think black shoes would make it too heavy.
My other suggestion is that you'd maybe switch the gloves for white handcuffs to match the shoes and the headdress.
This could be me derping a bit but I don't understand why gloves would be worn with short sleeves (it feels a bit like wearing long sleeves with ankle socks), but I guess that's just a personal preference haha.
Otherwise it already looks really good! I'm really curious now how it looks worn.

>> No.8649350

okay, I'll try to keep my eye open for something else!

yeah it was a really good idea, at first I was a bit stumped but I was looking at the vintage hat thread and seeing some of the pillarbox hats gave me some inspiration!

>> No.8649443
File: 964 KB, 993x622, ss+(2015-10-04+at+01.25.41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to put together my first lolita coord. I'll probably add a gold necklace, but otherwise, uh... Any advice/help would be fantastic.

>> No.8649554

The stockings look a bit frumpy and as thought they wouldn't photograph very well, do you have any other options for leg wear? Some textured black stockings would be better and they can be bought for quite cheap. Not sure about the shape of the collar on the blouse, looks a bit officey. What bag were you going to use?

>> No.8649590

If you have the money for it and can track them down on ebay or the Fluemarket, get the original Elizabeths from Fluevogs (Queen Transcendent series). They're made of real leather that will mold to your feet. I have them in rub-off red and they're amazingly comfortable.

>> No.8649601

Hey guys, I am really new to coording and I picked out a print I really would love to try out for my first time. It is the Infanta Sleeping bear. I can't decide if I want the JSK or the salopete but I am having a hard time bringing in more colors. I want to go with either the navy or lavender TBH. So far I find a broader range of accessories I can mess with in lavender but, I feel like so far everything I have chosen is lavender--and I am not bringing any more colors in. Which to me is kind of leaving me feeling flat. The dress has a fair majority of pink and yellow so I was thinking of going with some star/moon tights that pull in some yellow. I dunno so far I can't figure out how to make it not so monochromatic. Any help would be great, I can add photos for reference if needed, for where I was wanting to go.

>> No.8649606

pointed collars are used in gothic so I wouldn't say there's something inherently wrong with the blouse itself, but I agree in that it doesn't really fit well with the elements of this coord.
the design on the skirt comes across as less strictly gothic and more of a hime, ott classic kind of thing. the blouse seems like it would suit, say, one of moitie's gate pieces or maybe something from boz. for this, I think you should pick a blouse that's a little more flowy and princessy. I also feel the crosses on the collar of the blouse just don't really fit with the print. if it were gold roses or swans or something then maybe, but the print is a castle, not a church.

if you wanted to go gothic with this, that's also fine, but again I would go with a blouse that's more elegant and less "industrial". there's tons of different themes in gothic but the theme of the blouse just doesn't go with the theme you'd want to go for in the skirt. I also agree that you should get rid of the tights; I remember having a pair when I was younger and they just look too costume-y, like something cheap from the halloween store. lace tights, textured stockings like the other anon mentioned, or something black with elegant gold details on it. as for accessories, depends on if you want to go more gothic or hime with this but lace wristcuffs if you use a shorter sleeved blouse, pearl or gold bracelets, jewelry with swans, roses, etc. I would definitely use the rose theme that's happening in the print. for example, maybe a red bonnet instead and with some rose clips in the front. (red bow is fine but if that cross thing isn't removable just find another one) likewise maybe a fake wrist corsage, or a silk rose pinned to your blouse, etc.

>> No.8649610

can you make a collage like the ones in this thread that show your ideas and what you have? it's far easier than trying to go search for the images ourselves and it will help you too if you haven't already made one.

>> No.8649638
File: 630 KB, 2400x2400, BeFunky Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to pull in a bear style accessory but I am not fully feeling that hat at all. I am just not savvy enough to find a bear style thing yet. I am also not sure about which style head bow/accessory. <3

>> No.8649653
File: 322 KB, 500x600, Mercator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to come up with a fun way to coord Mercator Antique Shop for Halloween, but I'd love some suggestions. All I've got so far is maybe gold ram horns or a wand? I want to do something more costumey/OTT since it is Halloween and I normally coord more casually.

>> No.8649657
File: 269 KB, 1155x1500, il_fullxfull.595555063_g2oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bella Bows makes some half bear bonnets. Sometimes for bear-themed dresses I put my twintails up into little buns to stand in for bear ears.

>> No.8649665

Ive seen the bear style hair, I didn't even think about that. Do you think this looks okay? Or should I pull in different colors? oro

>> No.8649967

I love thi-
It's trash.

>> No.8649977

if it makes it any better, I don't think the tail is actually attached to her, it's just on her purse.

>> No.8650046

I think t-strap heels would look lovely, anon. The shoes you have are a little clunky and 90s-2000s feeling to read as retro to me, but some t-straps would really pull in the retro feel.

I would definitely consider witching out the blouse and the tights. A top in a more sheer fabric would play well against the skirt, and lace tights or even plain black ones would look more pulled-together than the glittery ones you have pictured.

>> No.8650050

I've seen a lot of cute witch-themed coords with Mercator, although I don't know if you want to go in that direction since it's been done before. Would the ram horns be for a more demon-theme or what? I'm having a hard time picturing it but it could work.

I agree with >>8649977, that piece of fur looks like it's attached to her bag.

>> No.8650131
File: 1.10 MB, 640x853, mercator-ram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reason for the horns is that I just love the little ram head in the print. I'm struggling with a theme. I don't think I want to go with a witch or royal theme, since they've been done quite a bit. I'm thinking magical ram-being from Narnia feel maybe?

>> No.8650144

You could do an alchemy theme with the ram horns.

>> No.8650292

Thanks guys! I wasn't a big fan of the crosses and collar on the blouse myself, but they were a result of me trying to find a nice black blouse and just ending up really liking the rest of the design/shape. (Which is why I chose the headbow, so I could try to keep it consistant). I'll keep looking for something similar without the motif though.

I originally had solid black stockings, but someone suggested that that had been too plain so I went with this instead. Nothing comes to mind for lace stockings, but I'll try to find something.

I do want to lean hime/classic. I'm hesitant to try a shorter sleeved blouse though, just because I have really broad shoulders/big arms. I'm also not sure if I'm going to use a bag; I wasn't aware that they were necessary. I don't use a bag in my day to day.

Thank you for all your help guys!

>> No.8650325

by shorter sleeved blouse I don't necessarily mean a short sleeved blouse, but something with hime sleeves. pic related is from bunny house, infanta makes some as well.

for the lace tights, I would just search taobao or search regular clothing sites to find something with a nice pattern that you like.

bags aren't inherently necessary I suppose, but people usually use purses so naturally it's apart of the outfit as well and is something additional to add to your outfit. if you're going out to a meet generally it's necessary to hold at least a couple necessities like your phone and wallet? then again there's also nothing stopping you from using a totebag if that's just what you feel like, I guess it depends on how much you feel like coordinating every single detail.

>> No.8650412

>pic related
I think you dropped, anon.

And ah, alright, thanks for your help! I'm just not much of a bag/person as a whole. Usually if it's at a con, which is where I plan on wearing it, I'll have an artist alley table to put all of my stuff at, and my boyfriend carries around my debit card/phone otherwise I'll lose it.

>> No.8650439
File: 102 KB, 660x894, 11817028_792683820849023_6552317650923799550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poop. this is the pic I meant to post!

>> No.8653547
File: 287 KB, 500x600, 07251747_53d2198fb4512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the last thread, but I really need suggestions on socks/tights for this dress. I'm doing a coord that brings out the brown, so sock/tight recommendations that have mostly brown in them would be much appreciated.

>> No.8653784
File: 2.62 MB, 2036x1216, take the crown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get some advice on this? i know it's pretty plain but i'm a relative newbie and i'm trying to play it safe. how could i spice up this coord a bit?

>> No.8653837

accessorize. maybe you could add a brooch or wear a sash, add some kind of statement jewelry (necklace, ring). I forget who sells them but you could perhaps wear a belt chain too. I would say the brown bag looks slightly out of place here mostly because it doesn't fit color-wise or theme-wise (as far as I can tell?). A white, gold, or navy bag would be better. (or even red, if it was one of those crown shaped bags to reference the crowns in the print)

>> No.8653875
File: 1.00 MB, 1267x920, turned out into a country coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how did I do for baby's first actual coord?

>> No.8653895

this is super cute anon! the colors in the hat look like they'll work really well with the dress too! I'd suggest maybe getting some other accessories like a mushroom brooch, or squirrel or acorn jewelry etc. just to add a little extra to the coord. As it stands now, though, I think it's a fine first coord!

>> No.8653943
File: 59 KB, 679x606, lapins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you pair with this dress and these shoes? I have to wear tights.

>> No.8654096
File: 366 KB, 2323x2323, Sheglit Shadow Stripe Lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love some suggestions for how to coord this dress- I'm wondering if there's a blouse that could be layered under it or a jacket over it to switch it up a little bit. It's a really beautiful dress and I'd really like to get some good wear out of it.

I'd love to work some of that pink/brown, if you guys have any ideas!

>> No.8654104

You shouldn't wear those shoes with anything you should sell them to me (but really that looks really cute, especially with a black blouse + tights and ivory accents)

>> No.8654525

black tights and an ivory/cream cardigan or bolero? I'd make a collage for you, but I'm on my phone.

>> No.8654535


Cream OTKs, a cream chiffon blouse, a wine cardigan and a wine hair accessory.

>> No.8654570
File: 304 KB, 750x591, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8654630


Okay I am loving both of these, particularly the right. Thanks anon!

>> No.8654769
File: 80 KB, 600x904, baroque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What colour blouse should I wear with this?
I'm trying to figure out my first coord but I have no idea how to pick and choose colours like you all do.
Any beginner tips?
For example, when you look at your main piece, how do you decide how to distribute the colours? Like what colour your shoes are going to be, or your blouse?
Hope my question makes sense

>> No.8654773
File: 418 KB, 683x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of hair style should I have with this? I hate hime wigs, so that isn't an option but I also don't want a giant bow plopped on my head. Help gulls, I trust you most. Also general concrit okay.

>> No.8654777

Forgot to mention, the underskirt matches the other whites, it's just a crap picture

>> No.8654809

on the topic of a ram creature from narnia, you could be a ram who owns a curiosity shop/sells potions/items or something. I'm picturing this with some sort of furry/wooly collar for some reason...
feel free to ignore this, I've got a fever and I'm aware I'm delirious

>> No.8654817

Pull the colors from the dress. There is no white in the print, so a white blouse won't look good. Navy, ivory or brown would be your best bet.

>> No.8654977

I'm really diggin the potions/alchemy ideas! Thanks! And delirious fever coord ideas are the best ideas, anon.

>> No.8655056
File: 1.49 MB, 1928x2896, Soviet_soldier_DN-SC-92-04942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Be the Russian soldier lolita you always wanted to be

>> No.8655145
File: 30 KB, 236x357, 317d42904b8c447f74f2a5105b07b4f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your cat face doesn't match the pegasus theme!!!!!

Joking aside, something like pic related? Or with higher buns/a simple bun? Your coord looks so lovely!

>> No.8655184


I really like this bun concept. It's cute but still kind of elegant. Thanks anon!

>> No.8655188

You're fucking stupid mate.

>> No.8655272
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-07-19-15-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would something like pic related work for a brooch? maybe? i definitely would've gotten the take the crown rosette but it's sold out on qutieland unfortunately.
also, i already have a couple necklaces and rings and such that would definitely work with my coord
and yeah, i'm going to switch out the bag for something in navy.

>> No.8655355
File: 2.16 MB, 3264x2448, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a coord dilemma. So there's a meetup coming up this saturday and since my first idea was a bust I am now going as a sailor; however I've never done a sailor coord. Keep in mind it's going to be 82 degrees Fahrenheit that day.

This is what I came up with. So any concrit, advice, etc? and my other question is I feel like I should put more pieces on the beret however it wouldn't go with the sailor theme, any options all I have on there is a shell hair clip.

Breakdown of my coord:

Beret- Handmade
Wig- Offbrand (I have to wear wigs because my real hair is dull and flat for the coord)
OP- Strawberry Witch(taobao)
Accessories/jewelry- Offbrand
Socks- We Love Colors
Boots- Ebay

>> No.8655369

that would look cute, you could even possibly pin it up at the top of your blouse like it was a little tie? whatever looks cute. if it's smaller just wear it like a brooch haha

>> No.8655449

Another thing that might help out: Aries (ram) zodiac is connected to the Emperor tarot card is connected to calcination the alchemical process. You could look at a few vintage tarot decks for inspiration.

>> No.8655540
File: 117 KB, 909x844, I Couldnt afford CDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I saw this in the archives a while ago and I started to like it a bit. But it's seriously missing somethings. Not sure on what to add, help?

>> No.8655552
File: 2.55 MB, 1300x1752, lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my first cord so all the help i can get is appreciated.

>> No.8655581

floral hair clips, biscuit bag, darker shoes, get rid of the earrings or find gold ones, and wear the plain tights

>> No.8655713

not a cord but there is no general lolita help thread
AP Twinkle Star JSK = 89cm bust
my bust is 88cm
can I make it work? I really love star dresses. it doesn't have buttons so gaping wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.8656424
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel like somethings off/ plus i cant decide on the sock shoe combo

concrit more than welcome

>> No.8656653
File: 327 KB, 640x640, TB2JXtYfXXXXXXMXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!695216195.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i was thinking of doing the tie thing, thanks
also, would this bag work, or is it too "girly" for ouji?

>> No.8656845
File: 2.26 MB, 2329x1326, watrdrobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to my first serious Lolita meet and the it is encouraged to wear spooky/halloween-ish coords.
I am at a loss as I don't have a very dark wardrobe as I usually wear sweet.
Which dress would be the most appropriate? I was thinking the Bodyline Occult dress, but I can't think of a good way of coording it. Please help?
(the van gogh and CDC are not available to be worn right now as they need altering)


>> No.8658370

What dress is this?
It's really cute!

>> No.8658374


>> No.8659061
File: 792 KB, 797x400, IMG_0171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some critique? I am fairly new to coording and I don't know if I am missing it.

I want to combine complementary colors (beige-lavender).

What about the second one? is the blouse too dark?

>> No.8659252
File: 99 KB, 960x676, 12036612_888502857898062_5696370798496538036_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this skirt ita?

>> No.8659259

the first two look nice, imo. On the last one, the blouse doesn't match the socks

>> No.8659305
File: 734 KB, 1252x851, rosedressup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to put together a coordinate for my senior prom, I'm 18. I already have the dress and the clutch, although the clutch is just slightly different from what I have in the picture. I have nothing else, so I'm flexible with it but I would like to get everything as soon as I can.
I have no idea what to do for legwear. I'm also not sure about the shoes. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

>> No.8659307

That dress with that blouse is gorgeous. I don't think the shoes will match the pink of the dress though.

>> No.8659310

Those waist ties desperately need to be ironed but otherwise it looks fine to me. The bows remind me of AP's style, is it AP?

>> No.8659311


Not yet.

>> No.8659318

it's infanta

>> No.8659334

Yes, it is AP

>> No.8659407

Does Dear Celine have that blouse anymore? I can't find it, but I have a dress I'd love to use it with.

>> No.8659644
File: 82 KB, 400x703, testcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the self post, but does anyone have suggestions for accessories with this coord I'm putting together? I was going to add a gold necklace but the front is already kind of busy. Any overall suggestions/critique would be very much appreciated!

>> No.8659653

your white socks seem a little stark/colorblocked with your coord! i would suggest lavender socks instead.

>> No.8659659

I never thought about that, but I see what you mean. Thanks, I'll look into that!

>> No.8659668

no problem! i was trying to think of a way to describe it. my idea of a well put together coord is like... closing your eyes and opening them and nothing distinctly stands out. when i look at yours, my eyes automatically go to the socks because they're so white. BUT i love the rest of your coord, very pretty and simple and no weird shoe-horning of trends in it.

>> No.8659680

Disagree. It balances out with the purse and blouse. If changed the purse would stick out too much/match nothing.

>> No.8659732

i think the purse is already tied in by her gold accents and the white in the border print. in the end, it's still a pretty coord though, whether she changes it or not.

>> No.8659787

for one get a headbow

>> No.8659795
File: 55 KB, 500x349, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8660548
File: 646 KB, 2528x1292, alicec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know which legwear to go for, or if I should have white or black shoes.

>> No.8660562

Black or red shoes would look nice with this imo

>> No.8660579

>red shoes
I've been purposely avoiding that since matching the reds will be nigh impossible.

>> No.8660957
File: 208 KB, 2400x742, 2collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second time posting, not sure if this blouse works really, and I am stuck on accessories other than the headdress. Any feedback would be great.

>> No.8660961

Is this for your wedding?

>> No.8660969

No..just thought it would be a cute shiro coord.

>> No.8661633

>wearing antlers on your wedding day
I suppose getting married is just a silly thing to do anyway.

>> No.8661650

After seeing that Sailor Moon wedding posted on here months ago, I'd believe people would wear anything.

>> No.8661674

Yeah when anon asked me if it was for my wedding I was cackling. It is pretty funny question.

>> No.8661752

Don't feel bad anon, you ought to see the coord I'm making for aatp's Innocent Rosier. People will most definitely think I'm getting married.

>> No.8661780

Ooh I'd love seeing.

>> No.8661793


Better foundation garments. Your torso looks like it's 100% smushed boobs at the moment, and the petticoat's not really filling the skirt out. You're already poofy, go the extra mile and look properly poofy.

Coord-wise it looks all right. You could add a few gold rings and paint your nails a matching lavender for some extra polish.

>> No.8661828


If you're set on not using red shoes, ditch all the black-heavy socks, they're too dark and don't work with either black or white shoes and the rest of the coord.

For black shoes, balance it out with white socks with red designs on them, (the crew socks in your collage). Add some nice gold jewellery and you're done.

>> No.8662122

I think they stopped making it

>> No.8662325

This is just a test photo, I have no proper petticoat or binder yet for my chest. Thank you though.

>> No.8662422

source on right blouse/cutsew?

>> No.8662465 [DELETED] 

I love your hair!
Is it a wig and if so, where did you get it?

>> No.8662640

What dress and headdress is that?
And do those shoes come in black?

I can't see the sleeves, but I feel like the fabric would clash with the dress. Also, I think plain white shoes would work better, the wings and crosses don't really fit with the antlers.

>> No.8662909

Sauce on shoes?

>> No.8662911

Angelic Imprint. It's on the shoe.

>> No.8662914

Super cute, but a white chiffon blouse would look better. The white socks and bag tie into the print and break up the purple really nicely, but then above waist it's all purple with no break!

>> No.8662915

Thanks, I'm on my phone so couldn't read it

>> No.8662923

Are those boots black?
Dump them and wear brown shoes. Don't mix black and navy.
And the socks are boring

>> No.8662937
File: 186 KB, 1024x1014, German Navy uniforms and insignia 1943 example 2_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown shoes aren't particularly sailor style. Navy uniform, black shoes is pretty common however in the navy. If you're worried about the colors blending the dress looks much lighter on any other picture I have seen of it.

>> No.8662939

I have the dress irl. I don't think it would look good with black shoes.
You don't have to look like a literal sailor to do a sailor coord...
But do what you want.

>> No.8662943

This black and navy 'rule' is ridiculous

>> No.8662954

it's only a rule because it rarely looks good.
random Black boots with a whole white/navy coord looks bad.
I'd say the same if the boots were red or pink or purple. It's one fucking black thing that looks manly AS FUCK anyway.

>getting offended over a suggestion.

>> No.8662993

black shoes and purple socks get my vote. i might go with a black bag over the lavender one, personally

>> No.8662999

lavender/beige is really cute imo. i'm not a big fan of striped socks generally but i think they could look pretty cute here.

Not until you coord it with black and white harlequin tights and a blouse that doesn't fit correctly with a giant alice bow and flat stringy hair, it isn't.

i'd go with some lacey cream-colored tights that match the blouse and gloves. i'm not sure that the shoes are going to match correctly, and finding shoes in that dusty rose color can be pretty difficult. maybe some elegant brown heels? or even gold shoes, since this is for prom so being a little OTT/glitzy wouldn't look too out of place.

>> No.8663002
File: 53 KB, 600x600, CQ13ZIPUkAAgQ7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first coord after years of lurking, so any advice would be helpful and appreciated! I'm a little stuck on legwear.

>> No.8663006

>a pretty reasonable comment about automatically bitching out the idea of black and navy being a bit silly at this point
Come now, anon. I'm not them but I do agree, a pair of black shoes with a sailor coord won't automatically look terrible.

>> No.8663110
File: 21 KB, 349x638, 12106928_908953043892_723946757355702707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put this on LFM too

I am hosting a ballet meet the day after my birthday so I am putting together a birthday-ish coord. I'm not sure what kind of purse to pair with this. Also, since it will be the end of Oct I'm thinking I could work a fur capelet into the coord but don't know if that would be overkill. Thoughts gulls?

>> No.8663166

Thanks! It's the mermaid vanille from lockshop. The wefts are actually really thin around the top so I'm not super happy with it, but it's cute for sure.

I was debating a cute white chiffon one from Lady Sloth and kinda regret not getting it. Thanks for the advice! I need a good white blouse for my wardrobe so I'll definitely get one.

>> No.8663173 [DELETED] 

i would go with a white purse if I were you, and if your capelette is white i would go for that as well, it will help balance out the shoes. As it is the shoes are the only white thing and they stick out.
Also, I feel like the tiara is rather underwhelming compared to the rest of your coord, but I'm not exactly sure how to fix it aside from "find a larger tiara".
Maybe add a veil? I'm not sure

>> No.8663174

That mushroom hat is too cute. Sauce? Wish I could help you with legwear but I am also looking for some mushroom themed tights.

>> No.8663177
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 12096608_908465680572_6686269191652233764_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shoes are actually silver if that helps, they just look white because of the picture

>> No.8663181 [DELETED] 

Ah I see! They're super cute, in that case I'd go with a silver purse

>> No.8663199

The seller is SakuraFairy on Etsy, all of her stuff is way too cute. The mushroom struggle is so real. I wish the toadstools on the dress were a little more red, I could find so much more stuff!

>> No.8663220
File: 1.04 MB, 800x1121, Coordhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I swear the blacks are not that mismatched in real life!
Working on a pirate/mermaid hybrid coord- the tights are just a placeholder, I think something simpler would look better? Also undecided about the shoes, do they suit the theme?
I realize I need a better bag than my cheapo Loris one too, what I mostly need help on is accessories since I have never gone this OTT before. Thoughts? The starfish and seashells will probably be added on the tricorn.

>> No.8663242

I have the same blouse and jacket. It's really hard to cram the bell sleeves into the jacket, fyi.

>> No.8663249 [DELETED] 

A purple blouse would look so nice with this but good fucking luck finding one that isn't lavender

>> No.8663269
File: 153 KB, 800x600, Fnr2qdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was worried about that, actually. Do you think this one (I have it in black but grabbed the first pic I could find) would be an absolute no-no? I like how the cuffs peek out from the jacket sleeves.

Purple would be so great but I wouldn't know where to find the right shade and model (I look terrible in anything that isn't a round/boat neck). I'll have a look around.

>> No.8663404

Yes the shoes come in black and um idk it's all taobao. I'll have to go back and check.. Do you have a different blouse you would recommend?

>> No.8663416
File: 1.72 MB, 1612x1048, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make my first coord, so apologizes if I make any big mistakes. I'm specially wary about a possible gold/silver unbalance. As much as I'd rather have it monochrome, I didn't manage to find many other accessories of England's coat of arms, but maybe it could work? And what about the color unbalance of the rings? Is it too much? I tried to pick colors that wouldn't run too far from bordeaux. I was originally thinking of getting only one simple rose ring, but then I thought my hands would feel rather empty.

>> No.8663536 [DELETED] 

As lovely as that silver and black ring is, it's going to stand out as the only silver piece in your coord. Its so beautiful though!
You're coord looks really great as is but one thing you could do if you feel you've got an abundance of two colours is throw in some navy, perhaps with legwear? And then you could use little pops of navy in your jewellery to tie it all together.

>> No.8663570
File: 96 KB, 760x520, 153915-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw in some navy, perhaps with legwear?
That's an interesting option, considering IW has a navy version of the exact socks (pic). And about the color itself, would rings and earrings be enough to make the navy balance out? Also, I just picked my bag for the set (pic). I didn't look for something too fancy, but rather a simple one with a color that fits the outfit. Hopefully that works.

>> No.8663589
File: 31 KB, 270x405, luna in the sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been lurking /cgl/ for years and finally got my hands on a Luna in the Sea jsk which I've wanted forever and wanted to know if anyone had any tips for making my first coord ever with this dress.
I'm thinking angelic pretty dream marine bow in navy, pearl earrings, black shoes (with pearl straps), black petticoat, black blouse. I don't know what to do for tights, hand accessories or purse though. I know I want to use a long wavy wig, but I'm not sure whether black or light blonde would be better. Also, would a pearl necklace be overkill with the whole pearl thing? Thanks!

>> No.8663595

I think just adding a smaller navy bow or a navy beret would balance it.
You can also switch out the ribbon on the blouse for a navy one? Not sure how the blouse is tho

>> No.8663637

How navy is the dream marine headbow? I like your basic idea, I will say that I think the contrast of a light blonde wavy wig would look nicer with the coord than a black wig would. But that could be personal preference. That jsk is beautiful so good work getting your hands on one, anon!

What cut of blouse are you thinking of using?

>> No.8663667

Oh, that sounds like a good idea. So, a navy, small ring instead of the black one, and a navy headdress. Would that improve the coord, without creating an unbalance? I'm kind of afraid to screw up colors because it seems new lolitas are prone to that.

>> No.8663720

I haven't gotten it in the mail yet but it looks like it's going to be the same color as the lace at the bottom of the dress! If it ends up being too dark I'll have to use a different bow but I really hope this one is the right color because it's beautiful. For the cut of blouse I'm thinking short sleeves with some sort of bow by the neck. I'm still shopping around for one right now!

>> No.8663735 [DELETED] 

I think it will make a much more interesting coord to look at than just using the red and gold, which in my opinion is improving it.

>> No.8663795
File: 77 KB, 830x486, 153915-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is sensible enough for me. So how about this? I'll ask about the blouse lace with the maker, too. Or is this enough?

>> No.8663887
File: 214 KB, 800x914, edgarapoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! Someone just planned a Halloween meet for my comm so I decided to make a coord for it, but it's kinda last minute. This is what I have for it so far, but I'd really would appreciate any help. I've also never done gothic really so I'm a bit afraid of picking items that were too sweet for this dress. Thanks for any help I receive! I'm doing an Edgar Allan Poe theme for this.

>> No.8663988

Unless you want to wear this as a costume you don't need to find the perfect mushroom tights. Just get some white lacey tights or something with a generic pattern.
If you're so inclined to match everything to the print there's also bunnies, butterflies and clocks in it. It's also an Alice print so any Alice themed things would look nice, even tea set things or cutlery.
As for the rest of your picture I'd go with the blue shoes or a dark brown pair (similar to the ribbon on the hat).
The bumblebee pendant (is it a clock?) looks really cute but it might be a bit too inelegant because of the chain it's hanging on.
Hat is great. SakuraFairy also sells a Woodland clip with mushrooms which you could use as a brooch.

>> No.8664005

Neither stockings look good tbh. Restyle is tacky too.

>> No.8664152

What are your recommendations then? These stockings are from normalfag places since I want to make sure I have everything by Oct 25th, so I wasn't looking up anything from taobao for example. Recommendations would really help; I'm in the US for clarification.

>> No.8664266

My MMM skirt arrived in the mail (there's a pic of it over at >>8651942) and it fits perfectly, but I feel like it looks kind of plain when I wear it with the blouse I also purchased. Is there a way I could accessorize my lower half to even them out, or should I try finding a different blouse to pair it with?

I'm new to wearing lolita so I apologize in advance if my question seems base.

>> No.8664401

Don't worry about your boobs. Just fill that skirt, girl. ^_^

>> No.8664479

I'd say go for a black blouse instead of that grey(?) one, aim for Edwardian/Victorian feeling shoes in black if you're going for Edgar Allan Poe themed (which is an adorable idea, btw), and switch out the tights to something a little more elegant feeling. The tights should be the easiest to find at a normie store, just something a little more detailed and in black. Either lace or just sheer black, even. Really like that purse, anon.

>> No.8664489 [DELETED] 

Thinking of doing a pink and lavender Dolly Cat coord and need some critique/advice here on anything. Or should I just scrap the pink jsk entirely and go for lav?

>> No.8664492
File: 652 KB, 2400x2503, dccccccccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of going for a pink and lav coord, or should I scrap it entirely and just go for the lav jsk? Any critique/advice?

>> No.8664773 [DELETED] 
File: 813 KB, 900x999, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing around with cording one of my dream dresses. I'm stumped on headwear and wether to do just a long sleeve shirt or a short sleeve and bolero combo. For headwear I was thinking maybe a soft bonnet or one of those stiffer berets like Aiyou lolita has for some of their prints. Not sure.

>> No.8664786

That AP bag is really cheaply made and looks bad with most coords that I've seen. Also, your lavenders don't seem to match.

>> No.8664832

Yeah, you're right about the lavender, luckily I dont have shoes/bags set in stone to buy yet, (the actual cat bag weirds me out a bit, so maybe I should switch it out for the Dolly Girl Ribbon one?) just playing around with ideas since I'm not wearing it to a meet soon so I'm up for suggestions.

>> No.8664833
File: 673 KB, 2364x1344, alicec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8664852
File: 89 KB, 360x432, 09171335_55fa432c81c90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a cute lavender heart bag on AP's website right now. I'd get it if I had money. It might look nice? I don't know how the color looks in person.

>> No.8665254
File: 250 KB, 1297x919, cinderella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what to do for legwear. I initially wanted a winding stairway pattern but it turns out they don't exist.

>> No.8666468

>unironically using emotes on an image board

>> No.8666537
File: 11 KB, 220x220, pMLB2-18880820reg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to incorporate this hat into a coord.


>> No.8666580

How about something with falling stars or similar?

>> No.8666656

Hmm that could work, it just doesn't feel very cinderelly.

>> No.8666779
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, im actually from chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8666790 [DELETED] 

Not everything has to be 100% themed, it's a fashion not a costume. Stars would match with the print of the dress and look very nice.

>> No.8666877

I think pink x lav is really cute, although I'd scrap that AP bag and go for a more detailed one in a color closer to the headbow/shoes.

>> No.8666881

I could see this looking really cute with the longsleeved ivory blouse, some lighter socks than what you have shown, the boots pictured and a beret. This dress looks like you could wear it a few different ways which is always fun.

Really cute, anon

maybe just lace tights? the skirt pattern is pretty overwhelming, i wouldn't overload the bottom half with pattern necessarily

>> No.8667021
File: 125 KB, 789x653, 3ab13c37d9cdb97a974f8e23285881de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt bad after posting this and made a silly little collage? I actually don't really care about teams and stuff but I do enjoy going to baseball games with my father, it's the only sport I can follow.

Obviously it wouldn't be lolita but yeah

>> No.8667471
File: 249 KB, 562x823, coordhalp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello, seagulls
recently I bought this OP. this is a basic coordinate that I threw together out of existing items from my closet.
however, once I put it on, I realized that the bodice is way too short...
to my mind, I have two options. either a) remove the waist-ties & contact a tailor to add in a solid-color sash around the waist to make it longer or b)maybe belt it to my own natural waist?
not sure yet.
anyhow, con/crit would be welcome. I'm not exactly sure what to do with this yet.
also the bag pictured is what I plan to carry with this coordinate once it is finished.

>> No.8667487

I'm not even a sports fan and yet I find this outfit totally adorable. Nice work, anon.

>> No.8667657

The bodice is fine, you're being paranoid.

>> No.8667669


Sell it to meeeee.

But seriously the fit is fine. You look good. The bag is cute too - did you get it from AE? I was debating getting one of those. How's the quality?

>> No.8668324
File: 403 KB, 848x686, Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 1.40.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some advice gulls!! I am doing a simple halloween witch coord with my Tricky Nightmare skirt that I just got last week. I intially made a coord I really loved with a brown blouse and shoes to play off the brown in the print. Problem is I haven't found a brown blouse I really love and time is running out. I was thinking of just coording it with Guilty Meltin sweets blouse in black because I love the halloween feel of the blouse plus the purple accents on it. I am just worried about the black and brown together? What do you gulls think, can it work??

Pic is not finished coord just to see color balance

>> No.8668360


If your boobs are fitting into where the bust darts are/where the princess seam curves the most, then I'd call it good and leave it alone. The dress waist might be a little higher than your natural waist, but altering it or belting it would spoil the beauty of the dress. I'd rather you focus on things like the rest of your coord and whether you need an underskirt (from this angle I think the hemline looks rather high, it's not ita, but it's a little different from the elegant maiden look I normally see with this dress).

>> No.8668386
File: 13 KB, 250x333, 70726f647563742f31355f31305f315f3131335f312e6a7067003235300000660066[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually think the colour combination looks good, and I really like the purple on the collar and cuffs.

That said, though, the first thing jumps out at me is that your blouse and your skirt seem to be two halves of completely different outfits -- the jabot, the cut of the collar, the cuffs and the lack of any decorations seems rather masculine, while the print, the lace and the design of the skirt seems very feminine. I think the blouse was meant for an ouji or boystyle outfit, it looks rather jarring when paired with a lolita skirt, especially sweet lolita.

You can try removing the jabot and putting a large pussy bow in its place, and adding lace wristcuffs to see if it makes the blouse look more feminine/decorative, if you really want to go with this blouse.

As for the chocolate on the skirt, instead of going with a pumpkin theme, why not roll with the sweets theme instead? Then you can have a lot of brown to accent your outfit, making the skirt look intentional. Keep your jewellery to bronze or gold chains as well to help with the brown. Closet Child has a decent selection of q-pot and non-brand sweets accessories, like this chocolate drip ring to echo the print, or you could try etsy/ebay sellers in your own country for faster shipping.

>> No.8668446

This is really cute! Like you said, not lolita,but I like it

>> No.8668558

Yes, I did! I've had it for a while now. I'd say the quality is good for the price, I bought mine for around ~$12 at the time, I think. I carried it for a few months, the only problem I had was that eventually one of the crossbody strap clasps snapped and now I have to carry it by the regular purse strap. But really, that's not so bad considering I was using it daily.
If you like the dress, I believe it came from the Miss Moe taobao shop. I don't know if the exact style is still available, but it can't hurt to check!
just for reference, the red bow on the is placed just above the seam between bodice/waist. I'm kind of holding the skirt in on the left side with my hand, here. the bodice is just at this awkward length where it's halfway to being an empire waist, hah.
I'll take your recommendation about underskirts into account, though. I'm nearly 5'9" so it's probably something that I should have considered before, although this is actually the shortest dress in my wardrobe yet--another reason why I'm hesitant about the fit. Most of my other dresses have at least an inch or two more to work with. I'm sort of picky about matching colors, though, so I'm hesitant to order something like an underskirt without seeing it in person first. All of the colors in this OP are sort of muted/secondary shades, so I worry that it might be a bit harder to find exact matches.

>> No.8668559

The shoes look a bit normalfag hooker

>> No.8668599

Totally change the shoes or youre just in retro with a petti

>> No.8668609

A bit of a more general question but is it fine to get a printless bag for classical? With the colours matching, of course.

>> No.8668611

Of course, as long as the bag matches the aesthetic and the coord it's fine.

>> No.8668656
File: 93 KB, 500x600, 12074986_1040577825976846_4597426211011192675_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help? I want to go "fairy theme" but not look like a costume. Thanks in advance!

>> No.8668662

We're not here to make your coord for you.

>> No.8668668

Um. Most bags don't have a print.

>> No.8668699 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 236x321, c16a485644be54d5df27b0b4f1dd1572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to be a little less lazy anon. here's a well-executed fairy coord, imo.

>> No.8668704
File: 225 KB, 500x682, large (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to be a little less lazy anon. here's a well-executed fairy coord, imo.

>> No.8668706

Stuck up bitch, I was asking for tips.

>> No.8668707

If your not going to be helpful get off the thread

>> No.8668710

How am I being lazy? I asked for tips. I already have a ton of stuff, but finding fairy themed items has been hard for me.

>> No.8668717

Lol if you want any solid tips, you need to post a little more than just the dress alone. That's kind of common knowledge in these threads. You can't expect help just by saying you want a fairy theme.

>> No.8668718

You're supposed to have a few ideas for yourself first and people critique them and suggest items to add/replace others. We're not going to start your outfit from scratch for you. Your attitude is terrible, why would anyone want to help? Your laziness is only worsened by your entitlement. In b4 you accuse me of being one of the other anons who also called you lazy. You could at least thank the person who did try to help.

>> No.8668720

Lazy in grammar too

But she said "thanks in advance", that means she doesn't have to say thanks or acknowledge anything and can instead throw a hissy fit

>> No.8668724

Many other people on here didn't and no one complained. Like that stupid baseball cap. Really?

>> No.8668732

No one will want to help a salty bitch.

>> No.8668794

I am 200% sure both baseball anons were messing around.

Want a tip? Go tape some fairy wings to your back and call it a day if you're going to be a cunt.

>> No.8668844

okay what is the name of that dress because it needs to get on my wishlist and then into my closet right this second

>> No.8668883
File: 653 KB, 810x612, 6fb94cdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is black hair better here or it will be too much black? Also open for any suggestion for improving the coord, thanks in advance!

>> No.8668902

Please throw out those wigs and stockings

>> No.8668936

your shoes contrast with the rest of your outfit a lot! They're extremely chunky and heavy while the rest of the outfit is very delicate and elegant. You might want to change them, just my opinion.

>> No.8668993
File: 1.91 MB, 1440x1030, firstcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to work on my first coord and I'm a bit stuck.
I was originally looking for the Red Maria tights in black or white but I can only find them in brown so I'm looking for legwear suggestions..! I threw in those Mufish tights but I don't think they go that well.
I'm also a bit lost about a blouse, unsure if I should pick something high-collared like in the picture or something with a lower neckline that won't show over the dress's collar.
Suggestions for accessories and wig would be greatly appreciated as well!
Thank you

>> No.8669105

I like the blonde wig and the purple wig! But yeah I'm also not a huge fan of the stockings but I think everything else seems cute though

>> No.8669260

boo, you whore

>> No.8669272
File: 1.27 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20151015_154025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with a bag and headwear.
Also concrit welcome.

>> No.8669440

I got caught up with school so I'm sorry my response is so late! This blouse is actually a proof pic lightened to show details, it's actually black. I wanted to use it since I like the sleeves with it, tho I have other black blouses and boleros to use. I'll see which works best, thanks!

Those tights are just what I grabbed from online normie stores, I've been trying to find some simple black lattice ones that resemble the braiding stripes on the print but with no luck so far. I'll likely use opaque tights then though, glad to know it'll work!

I really like this purse too since it has the obvious hint to the theme and the raven is really emphasized on it too. Even if it's tacky, I think it works the best for my coord. Thanks so much! I'll be on the look out for elegant shoes too, I definitely do want to go for more Victorian for sure since The Raven was published in 1845 hah.

Really what I need help with is possible ideas for headwear and accessories. My legwear can be simple and I know what shoes to look for but those two things are what I'm wracking my head on. I really appreciate the help so far though!

>> No.8669642
File: 114 KB, 827x743, Pietro Coord idgaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to work out how to coord this colour of IW's Pietro JSK. The problem is the yoke is really ivory/cream toned. Would a bolero be an acceptable option to wearing a blouse underneath?
Also jewellery is just a filler, and the shoes are because I've only just gotten them after lusting after them for a while.
Unfortunately I've come to the sad realization they're much too white, so I'm going to have to bite the bullet and replace them. Suggestions?

>> No.8669822
File: 188 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look? I feel like the shoes are a little bit too dark.

>> No.8669833
File: 193 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch that, I think this looks slightly better.
Any suggestions for improvement? Thanks!

>> No.8669847

I don't feel as though the sash goes, it looks best with more princessy, long sleeved OPs. It looks really out of place here.

>> No.8669856

Okay, for headwear I think something with feathers could be really cool, although since you're crunched for time you may have to resort to making something yourself unless you can find something that will ship quickly. Otherwise maybe just a simple beret or bowler hat. For accessories, maybe book themed? There are lots of cute book necklaces on etsy, for instance, and a lot that are ready to ship immediately. Go for gold-toned jewelry and bracelets to bring out the gold in the jsk. Even if you can't find themed jewerly, some nice bracelets and a necklace should work.

>> No.8669928
File: 539 KB, 720x960, minarai3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to do a witch coordination without the hat? I am stumped on my Halloween coord.

>> No.8669979

You could be a witch a la Harry Potter without a hat. Halloween coordinates don't need/shouldn't be overly costumey though. I tend to just wear something super goth.

>> No.8670014

If you can get the IW cross tights/socks in black (they are pretty grey) they'd be great.

>> No.8670076

I don't own any of them. What would you suggest instead?

So, change for tea parties, for example?

Should the stockings/tights be less cluttered?

Thank you!

>> No.8670113

The sash looks stupid as hell.

>> No.8670350

Rose Dress-Up

>> No.8670352

Don't wear those shoes with that
tumblr as fuck. throw out everything and burn the wigs

>> No.8670415

Wow I'm actually surprised you manage to pull together a cute coord outfit from a damn sports baseball cap of all things.
Good job anon.

>> No.8670467

do you have a better suggestion for shoes?

>> No.8670493

Yea, the more I look at it now the more out of place it looks. Thanks

>> No.8670506
File: 148 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I add to this to not look like your average coord

>> No.8670541

Thank you for the suggestion! I'll keep an eye out for them, they do seem nice

>> No.8670542

I'm looking for things to wear with Squirrel party OP in red. (I bought it because I love squirrels)

>> No.8670644

>>8663416 here, which petticoat should I get for the dress? I'm guessing A-line but I just want to ask to be 100% sure (also, I already changed a few things in this coord as the other anon suggested).

>> No.8671151

a-line is what you need.

>> No.8671348

yeah the tights and shoes combo does come off as kinda cluttered but I think what bugs me is that I just dont like the pink on the stockings with the rest of the coord

>> No.8671695
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1936, coord update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide if I want to stick with gold accents or switch to silver. This isn't my whole coord, but I'm trying to finalize shoes/tights this weekend. Going to make a blue witch hat with white lace and lurking to find a star bag.

>> No.8671716


>> No.8671937
File: 317 KB, 1200x1200, etccollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on babby's first otome/dailywear looks. The bows on the sleeves also have these tiny bottle green polka dots. I want to make this pop but I feel like it's definitely falling short.

The belt pictured is something close to what I have at home. Mine has better looking buckles and is a slightly darker brown, but I may wait and just get a wide brown (or red? or green?) belt with a bow at the center. The bowler is also a darker red IRL and I've got another beret in that color.

All of these are things I already owned when I bought the dress, but I'm in the market of buying accessories that go with a lot. Any suggestions would be great!

>> No.8671957

if you need to go metallic please go silver. It'll compliment with the blue and white on the dress much better than gold.

>> No.8671961

I have those shoes and I'm telling you now your golds aren't going to match. They're much more of a cool gold, not yellow-y like your accessories.

>> No.8672018

silver, silver, silver. please.

>> No.8672172


Thanks guys. I don't know why gold was my first choice.... glad I didn't impulse buy. I also already have cute silver moon and stars earrings so one less thing to buy.

>> No.8672281
File: 761 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-10-17-14-58-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On mobile so I can't make a collage.

Do you think tan/brown shoes would match this? Also I can't find emerald hair accessories that match so would I be able to use tan/brown accessories and it still look fine? I noticed there's bits of red in the print but I'd rather not use red because I don't want it to look Christmas.

>> No.8672297

Don't know if the belt is such a good idea. You'd be better off with a blazer over the top if you're wanting the nipped in waist effect.

Maybe to stop it from being 100% cookie theme, you could get legwear that coordinates with the bows? Polka dot socks worn with the oxfords would be very cute.

>> No.8672311

I was thinking a belt of some kind because the dress, at the waist, does look pretty big on me, and not in a cute intention sack dress kind of way.

I'd love an excuse to look for a cute blazer, though, and the polka dot socks is so brilliant for making that color pop. It's getting pretty chilly here, though, so I'm thinking polka dot tights, maybe even in the inverse of the bows to break up all the brown?

>> No.8672332

Yeah, those dresses can be a bit of a problem to fit sometimes thanks to not being nipped in at the waist. Though I'm thinking if you really need the belt, it may be best to keep it fairly thin to give it a bit of a 60s vibe. Patent would also be cute.

The tights idea is good! You could even get a bit of polka dot ribbon to pin to the beret or to make a mini rosette.

>> No.8672334
File: 179 KB, 331x639, HL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrit please!

>> No.8672426
File: 66 KB, 800x600, 428136-6932-2015-07-31363445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this coordinate looks solid! The only thing I'd change is to put some lavender up near your bonnet to spread it out a little bit (maybe the matching HL hairbow, but that's a little too sweet for the general theme of this outfit.... I'd probably go for one like pic related in a matching cool lavender).

>> No.8672450
File: 548 KB, 633x905, twinkle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this dress in the mail soon and I'm about to shit myself with excitement. Here are two outfits I have planned out - one on the left for just a general cutesy feeling, and the stuff on the right would be a simpler/more daily one for when the weather gets a little colder.

I'd probably wear a matching white bow on my head too to make sure the color is distributed evenly for the stuff on the right. Also, cardigan on right is just a placeholder for the idea - I'm not sure if I'd get exactly that one, but it would be something like that. I'm not sure if getting the "matching" socks would be a good idea since I'm 5'7" and don't think they'll get up past my knee. I could just use the wine otks on the left, but then I'd feel like there's not enough gold in the coordinate to give me the balance I like.

>> No.8672910
File: 181 KB, 319x633, hltaketwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like this?

>> No.8672967

Requesting that one Dick coord.

>> No.8673011

I still want to buy milk planet jsk in black, is there a way to make it not look like tumblr kei and a little more put together? If anyone can help with suggestions I will love you forever.

>> No.8673175

If I'm wearing a solid black short sleeve OP and matching black headbow with black and white stripe OTKs, plus black shoes, should I wear white wrist cuffs or black??

Please help, I don't like the bxw styles I have seen lately. If anyone has bxw that you don't want that I could buy for 10 in the US I will. I desperately want to make this coord look good, I have never bought a short sleeve OP before

>> No.8673627
File: 217 KB, 1080x914, HL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick coord I threw together to justify buying the OP, thoughts? I know it'd match better but I dislike the bat bag.

>> No.8673630

Just get a black satchel or a moitie bat bag. It's cute though. The white detailing on the shoes might look really good. Wouldn't wear the capelet except for practical reasons though.

>> No.8674088

Oh I wasn't set on anything like that! There's a lot of leg showing though, but I was worried tights would be boring. A little lace would look nice, thank you! Yeah, you're right I should change the chain on the bee clock.

>> No.8674840

please tell me what you use to make your collage?

>> No.8674844

Can somewhere in this thread please link me to some suitable ivory lolita tights? the only ones I can ever find online seem stark white I'm after a more creme colour?

>> No.8674945
File: 39 KB, 400x451, Dolly Cat 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about leg wear yet....

>> No.8674969

Stop. Burn the ears. Start again.

>> No.8674976

I personally disagree. These cat ears are very good quality and match well. Even Misako wears high quality animal ears as long as it fits the theme. Ap and Baby make their own versions.

>> No.8674982
File: 97 KB, 480x720, tumblr_m85h50Kr831qad55j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8674991

Are you serious? Look at the lace. If you want to wear cat ears find the brand ones or something but those suck. Please tell me this is bait.

>> No.8675004

I asked the seller to not use lace and she agreed.

>> No.8675007

OK get over the ears.

>> No.8675013

>misako wears-
Okay but you're not her? So try to dress yourself instead of copying her and expecting the same results?

If she did a photoshoot in a trash bag tomorrow everyone would be wearing trash bags by Thursday. Doesn't mean literally everyone who wore it could make it look good. Or that it was of the same quality.

>> No.8675022

I (OP) didn't say a work of Misako. Do you have any OTHER concrit? I'm done talking about the ears.

>> No.8675032


add some white/pink leg wear and then get rid of the ears

>> No.8675036

They still look overstuffed and awful.

>> No.8675037

Wasn't talking to you OP. Way to read.

>> No.8675041

Same fagging, knock it off.

>> No.8675042
File: 186 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8675057
File: 707 KB, 642x795, edgarallanpoeCoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate your help! Based on your advice, I got some inspiration but I'd like some direction to see which ideas I should go with.
I just got this headpiece in the mail! Do you think I could add more feathers to this headpiece and maybe add a raven skull to make it spooky? Or should I use a raven skull and feathers to work on a barrette of some sort?
I added some jewelry from etsy. I could probably look for book themed ones more but I'll look around more later. Which do you think could work or not? I kinda am fond of the pendant with the moon since it also pulls the moon element of the dress in together. I just want to see which accessory I should use to make it pop. I'll likely only get one or a few since I already do have gold jewelry and a camo necklace (as well as other camo brooches I have) that I could use as well.
I posted a few tights from normie shops but I'm not really satisfied with what's on there. A friend recommended me this but I'm not quite sure yet.

For my coord in general though, I'm really stuck on what I could use for legwear and shoes. I'm in the US and I'm not sure exactly what would work best for me. I'm thinking of just using the black opaque tights and the black oxfords though. However, if I use the floral headpiece, would the floral tights work better with that?

Thanks again for your help and I would greatly appreciate anyone else's thoughts on this!

>> No.8675063

Forgot to mention that the pictures with blue stars is what I own!

I also wanted to mention that the bows on the dress are removable! So another idea could be to use that on my head and add broaches/pins to the bodice part of the dress instead. Also if I do use a skull as part of my coord, should I go with the white skulls or would the bronze ones work better instead?

>> No.8675077
File: 1011 KB, 1412x387, twirlies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the other anons about the shoes not matching the pink of the dress, also this might just be a personal pet-peeve but I feel like you should have either all rhinestones or all pearls, or like a 1 to 9 ratio of them. I think the pearl strings on the shoes would clash with the purse embellishments.

A bit hard to tell from just the picture but the purse seems to be more of a champagne gold than straight gold or pink, so maybe some champagne shoes with a more classic-sweet feel? If you cant find other shoes that you like more, maybe switch the pearls for a chain resembling the one on the purse? Tights are going to be your best bet for keeping elegant for prom and not looking weeby- otks or other socks would be too busy, no zettai ryouiki pls. Other than that, my only suggestion would be some hair spirals (these are just examples, etsy and prom sites have plenty more) cos they definitely have a prom theme but you could find some really cute loliable ones.

>> No.8675169

I want to start making her outfits into collages and see what reaction I'd get here. Works for any other efamous lolita too.

>> No.8676133
File: 508 KB, 1461x1080, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while I've been watching lolita & ouji but this is my first try at a coord and doing my own is rly harder than I thought.
It's hard to accessorize - and though I'm trying to get matching colors and everything, it feels like I just took many things I like and put them together.
What do you think ? Do you have some advice ?

>> No.8676292

Please do this.

>> No.8676464
File: 1.29 MB, 762x538, GLASS_DOLL_SK_3.fw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to coord this skirt, but I have zero mint items. I kinda like this, but I'll probably balance the mint with a headbow or something... Any tips?

>> No.8676469

sauce on the coat?

>> No.8676481

Coord with white or ivory rather than black. You could do brown accents for classic leaning or pink for sweet leaning. I like the jewelry though

>> No.8676483

I think a headbow won't be enough to balance the mint; it's the skirt so it will stand out as it's a much lighter color than the rest of the outfit.

>> No.8676503
File: 1.66 MB, 846x564, GLASS_DOLL_SK.fw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done a collage with white too. I like it a lot, and see no issues with it. That's why I chose the black one to get crits on.
I got what you said about pink and brown. I'll try some stuff out later.

I'm kinda liking that the mint stands out. But I wanted a second opinion on that. I might be high or whatever, better get some crit.

>> No.8676521

I'd usually say that you should experiment around but I like the white coord much more, it looks very cute.

>> No.8676527

Can I get a link to that blouse?

>> No.8676549

Sure! It's an AP replica, but I can't find the real thing. It has a Japanese name that translates to something like "frilly sleeve blouse"... Kinda hard to look for.


>> No.8676646

Thank you so much!!

>> No.8676680

Those ears are seriously ugly af

>> No.8676736

I love those ears. I own the same ones, took off the lace though. They are super soft. They actually are nicer than my btssb ears

>> No.8676747

I don't know, for me that coat is screaming to be worn with boots. The rest is cool, though.

>> No.8678110
File: 27 KB, 360x420, FB_IMG_1435798212002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this dress (my first) a while ago and I'm not too sure what to do with it. I went to a meet up with a white blouse and tights, black shoes and the matching headbow. It wasn't that good in my eyes, but I don't really know what to do with it. I was thinking maybe blue tights or maybe even pink. Thoughts?

>> No.8678227

pick one or two accent colors from the print and really bring those out. I'd say either the bright blue or pink, mainly because the green would be an eyesore.

>> No.8678511
File: 43 KB, 500x600, be493bad195d095b3a8f0aa79bd7f0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having issue finding a suitable blouse to wear with this... almost every ivory or white is too stark? I am really at a loss, please help me gulls? I dont want to spend a bunch of money on a blouse thats going to make the dress look bad.

>> No.8678520

Are you matching the blouse to the off-white on the print or the ruffles? Also have you considered a blouse in any of the other colours on the print?

>> No.8678694

It's Infanta !

So many coats screaming to be worn with boots ! But I wanted to do something not aristocrat (and I love these tights also).
Which brands should I look for to find some better-matching coat ?

>> No.8678914

I think it might look better matching the ivory on the print? I've not really seen it done well imo with stark white sleeves. And I hadn't thought of that because there are so many other colors that i think it may be harder to match. Did you have a suggestion for me colour wise?

>> No.8678917

adding I also would like opinions on what sleeve and neckline flatter this cut the best?

>> No.8679036

Source on raven skulls please

>> No.8679130
File: 1.26 MB, 1000x1000, coord8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8679503

sauce on brown hat?

>> No.8679633
File: 691 KB, 4000x2575, BeFunky Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be very harsh I can take any con crit or suggestions. I do prefer a heel to my shoes though and full length sleeve blouses prefered?

>> No.8681021

MM or VM maybe?

>> No.8681166

Agreeing with >>8659795, except for the red bag, as there's no red in the print. How you want to coord this depends on whether you're trying to be a cute witch or a more evil looking one. If you want to still look cute, you could get horizontally striped tights from We Love Colors and match them with a blouse in the pink or purple that's in the print. Or you could do a white blouse with white ankle socks and the same black mary janes. If you want spoopy you could do the black blouse with more mature tights. It might be good to add a pendant or brooch in the coppery color that's on the border and pentagrams. There's a lot of fun ways to coord the Occult dress, and the impression you make is going to be largely dependent on the colors you choose to emphasize in the print.

>> No.8681213

I love this so far but idk about that blouse. It seems like it was designed with skirts in mind. I think the open neckline with regular jsk straps might look odd. Plus you'll either have to cram the ruffle tails on the front their under the jsk bodice, or have them awkwardly hanging over the ribbon on the front. I think your headpiece is perfect and I would go with red shoes, though a brown darker than the ones you have there now would look good too. What's your plan for legwear? Ankle or knee socks would look better with that busy print imo but I'm sure there are simpler printed tights that would look good too.

>> No.8681550
File: 1.54 MB, 3172x2379, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any suggestions for this? (particularly headwear and shoes) Thanks <3

>> No.8682629
File: 1.01 MB, 3050x1798, _20151023_133147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Should I return these ugly ass shoes? They actually look OK with the OTKs because of the thick sole. I'm having trouble finding cute Mary Jane's in US 8 and so I settled for these

2. Should I add a nice piece of white lace or white grosgrain onto these awful wrist cuffs (shirred right over the elastic band)? They look horribly cheap in person, it might be a waste of my nice lace

>> No.8682669
File: 269 KB, 508x637, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never worn classic like this before. What kind of bag would I even wear with this? Other concrit welcome.

>> No.8683044

If you think the shoes are ugly then yes you should return them.

>> No.8683109
File: 599 KB, 638x871, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First coord, would like concrit please. Not sure if black tights + white shoes, or white tights + black shoes look better and also confused on which wig. Cannot find a bag I like at all, would love some suggestions.

>> No.8683117

It's a solid first coord, anon!
I think the choker might look a bit out of place with the neckline of that blouse, but I love the headpiece and the ring you chose. Maybe try a necklace with a blue rose pendant that will sit somewhere on the black part of the bodice? Not anything so long that it would get lost on the print, but not so short that it looks goofy with the PP collar.
As far as the legwear goes, I usually try to match my socks or tights with my blouse but I also avoid solid-colored legwear too when other options are available, so this is completely personal taste but I would go with some tights that havea subtle lacy pattern or a rose vine up the side or something. If it were me, I'd do the black tights and white boots if you go with a black blouse, an vice-versa if you do a white blouse. Good luck anon!

>> No.8683123

Sorry, I forgot to add:
Either wig looks nice so maybe go with whichever one complements your face better. The long wig looks like it has some more color depth which might photograph more nicely/not look so much like a costume wig since the color is unnatural. You could probably even get away with a really light grey wig if you wanted to!
I would probably do a white bag with silver or brass hardware if you're going to do the white wig and boots, try finding something like a boston bag that has a couple of bows on it? I Know Baby has several like that and they're all cute/well-suited for this coord imo.

>> No.8683131

Thank you very much! I really appreciate the feedback! I do have a few other necklaces in mind so I'll re-visualize which one would suit best. I may end up ordering the blouse in both white and black (since I just love how it looks) and deciding on the shoes after. I will definitely look into other options for the tights
I have a few wigs of similar style to both so I'll take some time and figure out what looks better with my face, and thank you for the bag suggestion!

>> No.8683140
File: 296 KB, 1536x1536, 1445649392046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xposted from LFM

This is my first gothic-ish coord and I'm not sure what to do for headwear or shoes. I'm going to be wearing a long black wig (Lockshop's Slyph), so I can style that to work with any head piece.

>> No.8683196

But do they look OK with those socks? I think they might. I typically wear classic and have been buying a lot of stuff trying to get into different styles

>> No.8683197

W2c those white shoes? I like them

>> No.8684336

Sorry for the super late reply anon, I use polyvore!

>> No.8684388

Can I suggest maybe more interesting tights? Those aren't bad, but I feel like they could use a little more pizazz.

Headpiece and jewelry should have a motif similar to the print. Try etsy maybe

>> No.8684395
File: 1.02 MB, 1262x734, LolitaCordHelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Anons. This is my second cord and first time posting (Pieces tagged with a heart means I have it ordered) and I'd love some help/concrit.

The dress has cats on the print, among the books so I'm torn between going with a cat theme on the accessories or a book/script theme.
(Both are surprisingly hard to find, I'd like them in a copper/bronze tone since I think Silver would clash).
The shoes and bag are both available in other brown tones, if that'd be better.
Thank you~

>> No.8684558
File: 752 KB, 1279x508, halloween coordhmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of a last minute coord I want to put together. I lucked out and found the little dipper blouse at a thrift store today, I'm thinking something angel related but I'm really stuck on accessories to really bring it to life. All items are in white. I was thinking maybe adding a bit of gold trim to the dress and a bit of gold on the ends of the feathers for the wings to match. Either that or I was thinking just a typical princess outfit, crown and maybe a scepter. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.8684561

I like the angel idea since the princess thing is done so often. Instead of a halo, could you do a gold headband of some sort? Something round and gold reminiscent of a halo would be good. If you can find tights with crosses on them, or make wrist cuffs with cross pendants with a matching necklace, that would be good too.

>> No.8684570

Hope you like walls of text.

You're pushing to coord this with taupe and gold when there isn't really much of either in the print. There also isn't any black, so I'm not confident about the tights matching either. I would go for a brown purse instead. You'll want to choose the top blouse rather than the bottom, as the bottom blouse has a collar lower than that of the jsk so it will look weird with part of your collar either stuffed into your dress or awkwardly hanging out over it. Overall I would go with coording this with brown and pale yellow/cream tones, rather than taupe, beige, nude, or gold.

>> No.8684588


I love them :)

Thank you for the input anon, I shall hunt for some darker brown colours instead!

>> No.8684590

Sure thing. Don't be afraid of lighter or midtone browns too, as long as they're warmer browns like in the print.

>> No.8684601
File: 233 KB, 700x543, tumblr_nerrn6DUlg1tykkceo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with this, anon. She's clearly working the coord around that caplet/dress combo. The bat bag would be too much, but I'd bring it together with the shoes.

I admit, though, that I tend to go over the top with themes.

>> No.8684613

I like that idea instead of a halo. Most store bought ones look so silly. I wonder if I could just paint crosses onto tights...Thanks!

>> No.8684723
File: 47 KB, 745x548, berryriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel I'm way off with this co-ord. A few things I'm unhappy with:

- I'm unsure on the blouse and if I should switch it for a long sleeved blouse, possibly in red or if I should add in a red bolero.
- I'm not convinced on the socks, I may switch them for white textured tights or white lace top OTKS.

Ideas greatly appreciated.

>> No.8684803
File: 28 KB, 450x570, iwjacquardcorsetjsk..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I recently bought pic related in navy but have never had an underbust jsk or dress in this colourway before.

I was thinking of wearing it with a white high collar blouse or a blouse with a small peter-pancollar with a navy bow or jabot. White otks or stockings. Navy oxfords. A navy bowler hat maybe from the taobao shop Haruhi Clover. A white or navy bag and silver or a muted gold,navy or white accesories.

I pretty much have to start at square one so if I could have some feedback or other suggestions. I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.8687903

we all know cgl is too matchy matchy, the ears are an ita staple but if you're wearing brand cat ears and you look nice so what, also cgl would shit on the dark shoes which is silly as well, she looks put together and nice... like always

>> No.8687931

Basically chill out with the strawberry motifs on the blouse and socks, especially since the art styles won't match. A plainer white/ ivory blouse and some lace tights would be a much better option. I like the hat and shoes, you could even add some fake strawberries/ flowers to the bag to make it cuter. Other than that just fold accessory though I guess you could incorporate some vintagey strawberry stuff but it's not super necessary.

>> No.8687933

Boring. I mean it's perfectly acceptable but you can bring in more colours too. You could go beige instead of white, wear brown shoes, bags, or bring in red accents. It's a basic piece.
If you wear a white long sleeved blouse I wouldn't wear plain white tights with it or matchy matchy shoes.

>> No.8689226
File: 543 KB, 2400x2400, Coordinprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an upcoming old school coord I'm planning I was wondering if I could have some concrit. I'm mainly having difficulties picking shoes and bags. I also have a black version of the BTSSB heart bag too.

>> No.8689241

Use the RHS. Is the black bag blackxwhite or blackxblack? If it's blackxblack, use the black bag.

>> No.8689341

Thank you anon, it's blackxblack.

>> No.8689508

I think the chunky mary janes are nice as well, but rhs are nice especially if you have light hair. Whatever is easier for you to walk in. I'd go for the heart bag over kuma. I'm a fan of plainer black satchels/ box bags though. If the headdress starkly doesn't match you can try a black but it should turn out okay. Or you could try make a darker one (I did that with wine velvet to match my meta op but I end up using a black headdress anyway)
Maybe I'm just taking it in a less sweet route, it looks good so far. Cute socks.

>> No.8689510

or I could make you one free if I have leftover materials and it matches lol

>> No.8689734

Why do you keep posting this op every month for coord advice?

>> No.8689756

The first couple of times I posted it the threads ended up autosaging or being deleted before I saw the responses except for the last time I posted it.I've worn it with black based on the advice last time and I finally found a headdress that I thought would match so I just wanted some feedback/gauge some opinions.

>> No.8691661

Does anybody have advice for coordinating pinstripes?