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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8642245 No.8642245 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is gone forever so let the photos and discussion continue!

>> No.8642273

I miss the con. It was so much fun.

>> No.8642288

It passed by so quick too. By Sunday I kept wondering "Isn't it just Friday though?"

Shame that it rained the whole time.

>> No.8642295

I was so bummed about the rain. Most of my room got sick despite our umbrellas and covering up coming back.

But I had a ton of fun. I think I met my future husband.

>> No.8642310

We didn't bring a single umbrella and we couldn't find anyone who sold them so I'm honestly surprised me and my roomie didn't end up catching a cold running to and from the convention to the Sheraton each day.

>> No.8642316

I stayed at the Sheraton too. It was my first time going to this con but I felt kind of deceived by the website description. They said the hotels were connected by a skywalk which gave me the impression it was just a short distance from each other, but it was actually outside and kind of a maze to find the first time. Also, the hotel didn't let me into my room until three thirty on Friday even though I arrived closer to ten and called very early trying to get early check-in. Other than that the hotel was nice I guess but I'm not sure I want to stay there again if I return next year

>> No.8642326

I was also at the Sheraton. The hotel itself was nice but we ended up using the stairs a lot bc that one elevator was soooo slow and awful.

Last year we were at the Waverly, and if we can do it again next year I'd definitely prefer that.

>> No.8642327

Yeah, this was my second year and I remember the first time being so confused at the parking garage route to the convention center. In truth, the convention center is a short distance from the Sheraton, it's literally across the street but said street is four lanes of traffic so most people just take the 'back way' to it. I did hear a lot about people going to check in on Thursday as well and rooms weren't ready for them even if it was past check in time. I think next year my roomie is going to try for a room at the Waverly since it's only a bit more expensive.

>> No.8642328

How was the Waverly? Thinking of booking that ASAP.

>> No.8642333

Okay maybe I'll consider booking the Waverly for next year then. Would def like to hear from more people who stayed there

>> No.8642350

The Waverly's great and right there so it's the most convenient. When I stayed there last year we had booked a two bed room though and they only had one bed rooms available so we had to settle. Just letting you know that might happen. It didn't happen this year to the same friends I stayed with though.

This year I stayed at the Embassy Suites and it was pretty great. Complimentary breakfast plus a happy hour for free drinks and snacks in the late afternoon. It's across the street from the other end of the park so it doesn't feel like it's too out of the way when you walk through it. That and the suites are two rooms, a small entrance with a pullout couch and sofa chair, tv, etc, a tiny kitchen hallway with a microwave, and then a room with a king size bed and tv. The friends I stayed with are probably going to want to go back to this hotel next year because of how nice the amenities were.

>> No.8642358

It was wonderful, mainly because it was so convenient. I kind of wonder if the fire alarm will be a yearly tradition now lmao.

That was the only shitty thing that happened last year - fire alarm at 2 am, and then again this year. Get it together Waverly.

If you can do it tho, definitely do.

>> No.8642364

Was Alisachan still cosplaying? I don't think she's ever missed one.

>> No.8642450

Was on the fifth floor and was surprised with how easy it was to get on and off the elevator

>> No.8642629
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So what were your highlights of the weekend everyone?

>> No.8642634

how much was the waverly a night for the con rate?

>> No.8642635

Miya fucking up everything that was wrong with the con.

>> No.8642637

Take your vendetta and GTFO anon

>> No.8642646

Fhana and Eir Aoi for sure. Also met a Gentarou Kisaragi cosplayer and did the dachi handshake. Aside from the rain and breaking up with my gf, I had fucking great con. Can't wait for next year.

>> No.8642647

First year staying at the Waverly, was surprised how big the rooms are for a host hotel since I am used to the Marriott during Dragoncon. Elevators dint take long even on 8th floor.

>> No.8642648

I think it was about $139 a night

>> No.8642669

My last night trip with some people at 4am to Walmart to get something alcoholic on Saturday night, not realizing that the Walmart Supercenters in Atlanta ACTUALLY close. Except for one, which by a stroke of badluck, their registers had crashed and they couldnt ring us out, Then most gas stations were closed too...except for the one right by our hotel at the sheraton...
Actually con stuff? Was probably reigniting people's love for G Gundam.

>> No.8642717

Go away Lana/Sylvia.

>> No.8642777

You gotta do better than that anon
buy your alcohol before the con

>> No.8642793

I did, bought a bottle of 151, fireball and some reds wicked apple. Came back to the room with the roomies that showed up a day late partaking of my drinks with some of their friends. I was not amused.

>> No.8642836

This should be a rule: plan to drink alcohol? Bring some.
Sharing is ok, but bring some so everyone can drink at least.

I had your same problem at dragon con though. I know how that feels.

>> No.8642852

yeah, that's why on friday night I spent over $40 between the mixer and the bar across the Atrium.

>> No.8643130

I mentioned the after dark panel and rigged costume contest in the last thread but it got shut down before I got to explain.

After Dark : I'm pretty sure there was no organization involved, let alone approval. Gross bodies walked around seated audience to a boombox playing in the corner. You could ask to see their tits and for a dollar they'd show you. Also some guy entered last minute and was whipping his dick around. After 30 minutes of this they lined all the "models" up and you could ask them questions... or just ask to motorboat them.
When people started leaving in groves the panel leader heaved over the microphone "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! I AIN'T DONE YET."
>Something tells me this isn't the first time she's said this.
My group stayed just to see how bad it could get, but left before it turned into an actual orgy. Really dissapointed since the past few years of Cosplay after Dark had been great.

Rigged Costume contest. Not much to say other than who the fuck was every judge that wasn't Reika. Literally, who? You would think AWA could afford at least some semi cos-famous people. Also the Emcee was the least popular of the voice actors. Second, one of the judges also competed and won an award. This con was so shady.

I had fun otherwise, don't write me off as salty, I'm definetly coming back. but the shade was so strong here.

>> No.8643300

>tfw missed AWA because of work
Fuck,I love rainy cons

>> No.8643325

I hated having to walk in the rain from my hotel to the con. With no umbrella at that. Hairspray could only hold up so much.

>> No.8643349

Were you staying at the Sheraton? Wasn't too long of a walk, coulda got an umbrella.

>> No.8643375


That was just somebody vaping indoors -- the Waverly uses particle-detection fire alarms, so the vape set it off. Apparently the dude got a hold of hotel staff right away, which is why they were able to shut it off before it turned into an evacuation situation again.

>> No.8643406

Anyone else see Johnny H Le set up his massive wang dang of a strobe in the middle the lobby? Like dude, seriously?

>> No.8643414

Oh that's all it was? That was so annoying and the lady's voice that came on inside the rooms was so spooky...

Other than that I had fun, I just wish I broke off of my group at some point and met other people

>> No.8643415

Hey guys my friend made a cosplay video from the con. You might find yourself in it.


>> No.8643445

should have tried Kroger on Howell Mill

>> No.8643527

Cosplay Repair saved me so many times. More cons need it.

Any pictures of lolitas? I know ATL comm hunts seagulls down, but I was hoping for some coord photos. (Best, Worst?)
>inb4 Miya
Are you sure you aren't thinking of Holly? She'd probably throw Miya under the bus, but only if you talk in private.

>> No.8643529

>dude whipping his dick around
>girls flashing tits for $1

...this actually is something the con is okay with? Holy shit.

>> No.8643541
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Selfpost but I wore this Friday. Ain't worried about the ATL comm since I'm out of state and pretty much a nobody. Hopefully I'm not the worst since AWA has surprisingly impressive quality for a convention. Only saw one other Bodyline skull jsk and one of the new unicorn print. Did see an amazing lolita wearing pink Chess Chocolate though but I didn't get a picture cause she was eating.

>> No.8643547
File: 79 KB, 432x576, 20150925_123538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn thing rotated on me.

>> No.8643569


>> No.8643576

So far, only video I've caught myself in is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVTqKv1Ux30 at 01:36 in.

>> No.8643582
File: 93 KB, 528x960, 12038053_10153002523317131_8117810602177593518_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which one of you is this guy

>> No.8643585

mononoke here

christ that was small dick

>> No.8643601

You are adorable! I love it! There were only a few ATL lolitas, and mainly only the chill ones. I love seeing super OTT stuff worn at cons, but I didn't see many this year. There were a lot of amazing first coords.

>> No.8643617

I saw you, I think in the food court.

u qt

>> No.8643661
File: 239 KB, 1600x800, AWA_lolitas_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls posted on Closet of Frills that they were at the con. Don't know if they are local though.

>> No.8643667

I was really surprised by how many YuYu Hakusho cosplayers I saw this weekend. Still trying to figure out how Artist Alley some how got together and decided this was the year to put out a shitton of Yu-Gi-Oh art as well.

>> No.8643673

I'm assuming it was because of the shitty Yu Yu Hakusho variety hour panel that was hosted friday night.

>> No.8643685
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Aw thanks! I've been planning this one since the dress came out (got lucky and ordered it the night it released and got a non-reversed print) and I got the blouse, hat, and bonus book purse from Taobao. For once the "You're ready for Halloween, aren't you?" comments actually applied.

>food court
If it was the mall one, that was me. Probably stuffing my face with Chick-Fil-A fries cause we don't have one near us. Hnngh that Polynesian sauce..

>> No.8643765

Holly was volunteering by Miya's side. She was injured after cosplay contest so I'm sure she haven't had time to even think about that tbh

>> No.8643806

Only managed to catch the encore of the fhana concert but I was fucking stoked.

>> No.8643813

You are super adorable, let me steal you.

>> No.8643893

I know a guy was handing dollars to the participants during the walk around portion but when did the show tits for a dollar occur? What other questions were asked during the Q&A

>> No.8643945


Her translation was fine anytime I heard it. If you don't like her you wouldn't like the 2 or 3 other interpreters of equal skill employed this year!

Actually I ended up handling a guest this year and it didn't go too badly, so I'll probably switch to GR for next time.

AWA can definitely use more guest interpreters, event photographers, and maid cafe maids if anyone wants to apply...

>> No.8643949 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also please do fill out the feedback form!


>> No.8643950 [DELETED] 

Miya shut the fuck up

>> No.8643951
File: 180 KB, 1280x853, DSC07797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also please do fill out the feedback form!


>> No.8644303

It depends, are there human meat pies involved with this and a crazed barber out for revenge?

>AWA can definitely use more maid cafe maids if anyone wants to apply
Part of me wants to but part of me knows that no amount of cute food and dance moves can save that cafe until they get better uniforms. They're just so frumpy and really boring looking.

>> No.8644360

Well... there AREN'T old bagger lady lunatics screaming at the moon regarding the rats in the streets and the end of the eorld, I can promise you that much.

>> No.8644405

Just do it, especially if you're white.

The maid cafe severely needs maids that are white.

>> No.8644428

The room next to mine legit got busted for smoking cigarettes and whatever else in their room. We walked by when hotel mgmt and security was there and got hit with a cloud of smoke and again when a cop was filling out a report.
>we vaped in our room well before the whole fire alarm incident

>> No.8644467
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Damn. That's the best part though.

Ain't even gonna go there, anon. I just know that more girls would apply if they revamp those outfits. Even a different kind of apron would make them look so much better if they want to keep the original dress style.

>Each Member must buy the specific awa uniform.
There's your problem right there. Don't even want to know the price tag for that thing.

>> No.8644493

I'm not trying to be racist, I just want more diversity.

srsly when i went it was like only black girls everywhere i know it's atlanta but come on

>> No.8644523

I think it was even for free during the Q&A, essentially all the quesitons were "can I see your tits?"

I don't think the con knew. That's how they got away with it. In any other con I've been to that shit would have been shut down immediately

>> No.8644714

Fanimecon IMO has ~the best con maid cafe in the business~ and their uniforms are pretty heavy too, but they decorate them a lot. I don't think AWA can change often because everyone would have to rebuy uniforms, but maybe that's something to do.

Containment event. That's why photos were banned.

BTW, AWA has so few event photographers because the old crew were all old Dragon*Con perverts and all their photos would be boobs-out cosplay or the burlesque event. This new rule is a lifesaver.

>> No.8644720
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This motivates me a bit to join for event photography. I got some really great photos at the Fhana concert, but couldn't put up out since I wasn't part of staff/press, but for some reason I was mistaken for one at the time.

>> No.8644722

What new rule?

>> No.8644728

They've had the exact same uniform for at least two years now so at the very least they could switch to something cuter. I know you have to pay but I'd pay for a uniform that I could use again outside of maid cafe stuff (in the case you didn't get asked back). Would I pay for the current uniform they're using? No. I honestly thought it was free in exchange for working with how basic and ugly it looks.

It's truly sad when normal attendees wearing eBay generic maid uniforms look better than the official maids.

>> No.8644789

You missed some... a bunch really

>> No.8644798

AWA sells themselves as family friendly?
They are a shame and blight to anything that is or ever was family friendly. They give family friendly cons a bad name and i wish adult party cons would stop trying to pretend they are E for Everyone. No. Just no.

>> No.8644806

No photos or videos of the 18+ event.

If you've seen anything not "family friendly" without an age check feel free to complain to dps@awa-con.com. I mean, I wouldn't drag a bunch of kids around it but it's all very safe, and I have a friend who does cosplays with her 5 year old daughter all the time.

>> No.8644816

Eir aoi concert. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did.

>> No.8644852

Um.... I saw 2 size too small thongs and asses and pussy bulge all weekend, i don't give a shit to report it. Because I'm not stupid enough to take kids to the Largest anime only party con in the south east and EVERYONE KNOWS IT, except awa staff obviously.

Having an age check on the skanky events does not make a family friendly con, really, just deal with what you have become awa.

Anyone else hear the stupid hired door guards ripping on the con-goers? I have never heard people rip so bad, getting really nasty "look at all these costumed freaks. Their lives are so wasted. What losers. Their mother's should have aborted them or beat them more. These people are pathetic. I wouldn't allow this freak shit in my house" ect ect ec as people were walking in.

>> No.8644906

Damn, that's pretty sad.

>Their lives are so wasted
>I make minimum wage as a door guard as a 35+ year old man


>> No.8644912

That's so cute omg!!

>> No.8644928

Thank you! Will provide links to where I got everything if anyone wants them.

>> No.8644946

I only wore lolita on Friday but I encountered a lot of non-local lolitas. I saw a handful from my state in particular.

I saw you around on Friday, I was going to tell you how much I loved your coord but I think you were busy every time I walked by.

>> No.8644956

It's a compromise. Any kids in the area will be safe, but we're not going to stop them seeing Shimakaze. (People want to go even harder and just wear lingerie/underwear cosplays, but they can't because of Cobb County dress code.)

Besides, the parties not that great. Acen and Colossalcon are the US 100% party cons.

>> No.8644961 [DELETED] 

Nah, it would've totally been alright to say something. Was just wandering AA/Dealers with a friend. Would've been neat to meet another seagull without knowing it. Maybe next year? As long as I'm not eating it's totally cool. I'm going to have a pumpkin bucket with me next year with early Halloween goodies to hand out.

>> No.8644967

Nah, it would've totally been alright to say something since I just wandered AA/Dealers with a friend all afternoon. Would've been neat to meet another seagull without knowing it but maybe next year? I'm going to have a pumpkin bucket with me next year with early Halloween goodies to hand out.

>> No.8644968

that sounds too cute for me to handle. i hope i get some goodies from you next year, senpai

>> No.8644978
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Sorry, deleted to fix some spelling errors. Aha, see you next year then.

>> No.8644981

Were all of them wearing pasties or nothing?

>> No.8645086

> Acen and Colossalcon
Those are not in the south east. Read.

>> No.8645102

i wore lolita on saturday with a dumb deflated petti and then i twinned on sunday with a friend.

everyone i saw was really cute. somehow i missed all the witchy coords!

>> No.8645127

People mistaking my normal cloths as a cosplay and having a bunch of people take photos and selfies with me.

>> No.8645130

What were you wearing?

>> No.8645133

This guy was with his friends and had a dance off in a video room.

>> No.8645144

I had on a John Cena hat and shirt and people just assumed I was cosplaying. I was working on 2 costumes before the con but I had problems getting the final touches finished and didn't take them.

>> No.8645303


If you're not down to drive across the US for a con I ain't got time for you

>> No.8645309

>look at all these costumed freaks. Their lives are so wasted. What losers
Whoah I didn't hear anything like that, all I kept hearing was "please show your badge" and "thank you". If I had heard that I would have said something to them or found out who they worked for and report them.

>> No.8645310

Have you seriously driven across the country for a con? Like, just fly, dude. At a certain point you stop saving money with driving.

>> No.8645320

25000+ attendees this year. (We Dragoncon in the making)

>> No.8645441
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Thought they made an awesome Michiko and Atsuko

>> No.8645458

I never said I wouldn't, that has nothing to do with my statment. Why can't you people read? just stating it's THE weeb party con for the South East.

Easy, they work for AWA, hired by the con. It was the ones by the round Cobb Entrance doors talking to each other in a lull on sunday afternoon , I was in plain clothes at the time. I was so pissed off by that point I had no fucks to give, I didn't wanna deal with the clueless staffers again. Just wanted to get my shit and get out.

>> No.8645472


Costs are per-person flying and per-car driving, so it's worth it in a group. Depending on how you value your time, at least. I'd only fly if by myself.

>> No.8645501

anyone got pics of that ravio?

>> No.8645509


>> No.8645511

fake, i know her

you're not her

>> No.8645726

It's insane to consider those kinds of figures for attendance for AWA when you're there walking around but then you go to the top of the stairs overlooking the atrium on Saturday and think, yes, I can believe this estimate.

>> No.8645841

Saturday was nuts. One of our group arrived late and had to get his badge on Saturday, and the line took about 3 or 4 hours.

>> No.8645851

are you saying she is easily impressed by dicks

>> No.8645871

Don't doubt it. Thursday night I just walked right up and had to wait in a ten person line to get my at-the-door badge while my pre-reg friend finally gave up after nearly two hours. She ended up coming back Friday morning and didn't even have to wait half an hour to get hers then.

>> No.8645873

And the parking lots on Saturday were completely over taken. I had to park behind the mall and walk because every parking space was taken from the Hotel to the front of the mall

>> No.8645882

Thankfully we didn't have to do that. We got Uber to the hotel.

>> No.8645892

Ah very wise lol.

>> No.8645918

i can never stay up for the rave..one day i will make it!

>> No.8646058

This is why, as tech crew, I decided I wasn't moving my car Friday night, even if I had to sleep under the table in tech ops.

(Part of the reason I stay on crew is because I'm a poorfag and can't even afford the badge, let alone room.)

>> No.8646183 [DELETED] 
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Was that SAO orgy real

>> No.8646653 [DELETED] 

Hayrii's best friend wins the Akibacup.....lawl. I shouldn't be surprised but I can't fathom they thought no one would notice.

>> No.8646742
File: 436 KB, 1028x564, probably a homestuck cosplayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was probably posted in a AWA thread, but just in case it hasn't, I seen this on the Kami-con facebook.

Anyone know anymore about it?

>> No.8646768

I barely even noticed the other con promotion booths because as soon as you made eye contact they were shoving flyers/cards in your faces. Clearly whoever took it did it out of revenge for constantly being stopped by obnoxious people.

>> No.8646791

Kami-Con is my local con. This sucks. :/

>> No.8648328

Does anyone know if the Victorias Secret Angel "cosplayer" showed up this year?

>> No.8648356

Why are you fucking faggots so obsessed with her? That is all I heard on the elevator was you asstards mentioning the attention whore herself.

Also, why am I not surprised that Hayrii's best friend won one half of the Akibacup.

>> No.8648520


Actually I'm her best friend, shows what you know.

>> No.8648688

Anyone know any details about this crazy girl?

>> No.8648690

Then wouldn't you be able to ask her yourself?

>> No.8648753
File: 57 KB, 960x543, 12027660_519415298231784_6306304800702690523_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see the hottest cosplay pics.

>> No.8648755

So family friendly

>> No.8648759

>AWA: We're a Family Friendly Con!
>Proceeds to have butts and tits hanging everywhere
>Hosts hentai, nude cosplay, and other adult panels
>Hosts a huge rave


Right. Priorities in order, I see.

>> No.8648803

They're not "best friends" but they've been friends for years so that's still a pretty big indicator of it being rigged.

>> No.8648928


Of course they close early. Atlanta isn't a city to be open late in.

>> No.8648940

The "Ask an Anime" panel was a bit inappropriate. About 10 minutes in they started talking about boobs, it felt very awkward with my child there.

>> No.8648943
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I regret I didn't play enough GvG in the arcade, shits fun as hell when you don't have to play online.

>> No.8648962

Were they good tits, at least?

>> No.8648978

>I don't think the con knew. That's how they got away with it. In any other con I've been to that shit would have been shut down immediately

Even the infamous annual orgy at Youmacon is held off-premises in a hotel room, y'know? Strange.

>> No.8649116

Stop sexualizing the female body, you perverted pigs.

>> No.8649120

How do you NOT pop a boner when girl's asses are hanging out everywhere?

>> No.8649395

When you see so much ass hanging out on a regular basis, you kinda get desensitized to it.

>> No.8650924

I saw her out of costume. I guess the staff got tired of her shit.

>> No.8652150
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 12087899_1079671972067800_7384741400098366760_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck

>> No.8653247

I thought AWA was boring this year. If it wasn't so close by I wouldn't go

>> No.8653604 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 750x1171, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayrii Bear have jumped on to the GoFundMe bandwagon.

I can understand raising a fund for studying abroad, but 10k? Really? Grab a scholarship or something.

>> No.8653651 [DELETED] 

who the fuck is she

>> No.8653668 [DELETED] 

Didn't she do this before to get to that one concert in Japan?

>> No.8654040

the convention probably couldn't afford any other cosplay guests bc Reika demanded the con directors buy her a new plane ticket because the first one "wasn't good enough"

>> No.8654045 [DELETED] 

Hayrii Bear is AWA's "Idol"

>> No.8654151

Where did all the people in the AWA Facebook group find Inuyasha and YuYuHakusho to watch them in the year 2015?

>> No.8654490

Gonna need some proof there, bud. Reika was chill as fuck and did over an hours worth of line ups for two pictures per person on Saturday without asking anyone to buy anything first like some guests do.

>> No.8654492

InuYasha I can understand but never besmirch the name of YYH, anon.

>> No.8654751


I actually mean where did they find it. It's 23 years old.

>> No.8654765

It's out on DVD and all over streaming sites, bruv.

>> No.8654788

lmao was that stupid shit about the idol deleted
must be some old drama huh

>> No.8654828
File: 49 KB, 528x960, 12109001_1063312983681608_4000844579149452027_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who this girl is?

>> No.8654832

This was already posted in its own thread and it's not a girl. Now fuck off.

>> No.8654838

I'm not that person but why do dudes keep dressing up as girls? what do they get out of that?

>> No.8654870

Because they want to look nice or because they enjoy it? The end.

>> No.8654879

To get dat unsuspecting st8 boi DIK

>> No.8654933

They can look nice as dudes I don't see how they can enjoy that. I mean do they claim to be straight or gay?

Lol That would be a dangerous game to play

>> No.8654936

Why don't you just ask one?

>> No.8654944

Pretty sure he just did

>> No.8654959

Why do girls dress up as guys all the time at cons?

Who gives a fuck, is a better question.

>> No.8654982

I used to know them personally, and IIRC this isn't true. They've had a falling out and hate each other now, dunno over what.

>> No.8654985

I was playing there the whole time too, Turn A is fun as hell

People got so hype over it, was like blacks at a street fighter tourney/

>> No.8654989

I haven't figured out how to ask without coming off as offensive but I intend to.

I try to understand why people do what they do it's just a habit

>> No.8654993

It's fun. Wearing a pretty dress makes me feel sexy.

>> No.8655002

Because its cosplay? Its actually very rare to see men cosplay as a women, atleast compared to how many women cosplay as men.

>> No.8655014

Well I guess that's about as best as I can understand it.

Most of the ones I've seen are dressed as Lolitas which I don't really consider cosplay, I would understand that if they were specifically trying to be a character. But I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.8655182

dayum that ass tho how can they say cosplay isnt consent after that!

>> No.8655718

There's no "I want sex" attached to it that's how.

>> No.8655905

Oh she wanted sex and got it lol. Video to be posted on the hamster soon

>> No.8655965

God bless Shimakaze cosplays

>> No.8656620

I'll be waiting for proof

>> No.8658711


Whoever stole it has poor taste in con waifus. Shio > Kosho.

>> No.8659242

I recognize that cosplayer and I call BS

>> No.8659288
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I mean... It doesn't seem improbable.

>> No.8659297

>Wait a minute, I recognize those asscheeks...

>> No.8659338

Bottom is a guy.

>> No.8659357

That is a girl.

>> No.8659368

even worse . a ginger

>> No.8659378

His fb cosplay page says he's a guy and he has a bulge in other pics.

>> No.8659391

Sorry it's just a gender confused girl that stuffs for cosplays.

>> No.8659510

There is a difference between doing suggestive pictures and full blown sex tapes as was implied

>> No.8660445

This girl has some massive mental and attention issues. Her Facebook is literally gore and attention whoring.

>> No.8660512

Not usually one to add to the drama pile for people I don't know but I did actually sit near her on Saturday and she was with a friend but I'm not sure if it was the girl in >>8659288 or not but tattoo girl was pretty harshly scolding her friend over "You've clung to me all weekend! And I have social anxiety but even I don't act this way!" and then when someone asked for a photo she immediately turned around and grinned and after that was done she turned right back to scolding her friend who looked pretty upset.

Just from that and her "I can't believe staff said my outfit was inappropriate!" comments, because her ass was just about hanging out of her shimapan and her skirt didn't even cover half her ass, I instantly don't like her.

>> No.8660844

Yeahhhh. her "cosplays" are really shitty and just involve her horrid ass just flapping around everywhere. really not an attractive person to see basically naked on the con floor

>> No.8661436

Does everyone here have incredibly high standards? I think her ass is nice. The rest of her isn't quite for me, but I like that ass.

>> No.8661439
File: 33 KB, 362x640, 12038102_519415191565128_2418282990149527132_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"security was just harassing me! I did nothing wrong!!! wahh wahh why arent they treating me like a princess???" um. how about you actually wear some clothes?

>> No.8661500
File: 25 KB, 400x400, d6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is she wearing her g-string like that...

>> No.8661560

That's because it's mostly jealous women. I'd want her to sit on my face, no doubt.

>> No.8661567

I mean tbh she does have her ass out, but that doesn't mean you can take an inappropriate shot like that. I am this month doing a HOTD group and my ass will be showing pretty hard but, I don't think I deserve a shot like that at all. Pretty rude to do that to someone, and also uncalled for.

>> No.8661590

I would agree with you in a perfect world, but it's not, if you have your butt showing like that then I would expect something like that to happen. I mean you can already see it, it's not like he did an upskirt or anything, he just took a picture of something that was already in plain sight.

>> No.8661599

That is true tbh her skirt doesn't even go down enough to cover the butt but, still--idk seeing it makes me cringe. For all you know she is underage like ugh just sucks in general.

>> No.8661621

I know it's classless and some would say that as long as she doesn't look underage then it's cool but these things you've just have to be ready to deal with.

>> No.8661646

Yeah but if she does afterdark shoots a lot then I suppose she wasn't really going to be upset by this but, I feel sad for her. Any girl would be I think.

>> No.8661769

Don't hang your ass out in a lobby filled with horny men with cameras if you DON'T want anyone to take a photo of it. Your logic is kinda ass backwards tbh

>> No.8661773

I've always wondered what people get out of showing off their bodies like that. At first glance it looks like it's just for the attention and feeling ...sexy I guess. But I could could never imagine doing it.

>> No.8661782
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Um, it's literally in plain sight. This much ass is ridiculously over the top and she looks like a fifty cent prostitute. But her fan page is full of thirsty dudes telling her she's perfect in the hopes that she'll give them nudes so it's not like she'll ever realize that this isn't okay

>> No.8661788

I like the other Shimakaze's butt more.

I enjoy cosplayers (un)dressed like that, but I may just like softcore exhibitionism a bit more than most people.

>> No.8661839

I went to AWA a few years back and was struck by the number of absolute degenerates there.
Some of these face types I hadn't seen since middle school. I guess I thought people grew out of them or something.
Almost zero quality cosplay, just unfitting wigs and fatties.

It was an enlightening experience on why the general population dislikes anime so much.

Please someone tell me that other conventions are better.

>> No.8661841

>a few years back
Well there's your problem.

>> No.8661852

where's that video you was talking about cough cough......lol

>> No.8661908

2015 was pretty good. I mean not the best quality of cosplays but only maybe one in 20 people was a smelly weirdo.

>> No.8661927

Her friend took this. She posted the picture with the rest of her AWA pics on her personal facebook.

>> No.8661958

Has she made a YouTube about how harassed and abused she was?

>> No.8661960
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>> No.8661978

Tell me good sir what is your definition of a "weirdo"

>> No.8662027

Someone who regularly says "good sir".

You know the fucking type, unless you're one of them. The ones who go to conventions smelling like a homeless person.

>> No.8662035

She aient luna Lanie yet

>> No.8662040

Well I have good hygiene but I do think sometimes people do think I'm weird. Regardless some people can't afford hotels and spend what they have just to get to the con so I try not to hold the smell against then sometimes.

>> No.8662054 [DELETED] 

AWA was great. Fun cosplayers, good guests. The meetups were fun, exchanged blogs and phone numbers and tips. Met a cute haruhi cosplayer, she was blackout drunk but gave great head.

>> No.8662059

if they cant afford a place to sleep or shower, maybe they shouldn't be at a con. Con-going is a hobby not an obligation.

>> No.8662065 [DELETED] 

That's rape, bro.

>> No.8662066

Sometimes peoples lives are hard and these cons are the only times they are around like minded people and feel relaxed and have fun so they do what they can to get to them. I empathize with that somewhat.

>> No.8662068 [DELETED] 

I hope you're a troll and not an actual rapist.

>> No.8662069 [DELETED] 

No, it was rape when she asked me to stop and I didn't.

I sure didn't.

>> No.8662073 [DELETED] 

I didn't see any haruhis this year
Do you have a pic?

>> No.8662074 [DELETED] 

None I can post here. A blackout girl with cum dripping out of her pussy isn't SFW.

But nice try, sex police.

>> No.8662076 [DELETED] 

Now this is the kind of rapist I can get behind. How old was she?

>> No.8662077 [DELETED] 

I didn't ask, but I would venture to say not old enough. Funny what AWA staff will allow in their staff rooms

>> No.8662079
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I saw her in "costume"
I did my usual eye roll and walked past.
All in all I was pretty bored. I've been around for over a decade so I guess it's just getting old. I did go to a couple panels, bought one thing in the dealer's room, and took photos.
Why is the costume quality so meh? So many wrinkled costumes, bad paint jobs, unsanded props.
I'm used to seeing 10-15 outstanding cosplays and this time I think I saw 3.
On the bright side I saw way more old school than usual. There was Utena, YYH, and even El Hazard. I was fucking floored by how well the El Hazard cosplay was done.

>> No.8662156

you can on anon ib

>> No.8662702
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>> No.8664525

Out of at the things wrong with this picture it the shoes that bother me the most.

>> No.8668429

Wage war is the worst photog he only shoots "hotties" and always asks for this pose of your butt. I hate seeing him at cons...run the other way...

>> No.8668457


Ok I'll bite. Who is this? I need more of dat ass in my life

>> No.8669355

Sugar Princess

>> No.8670813

I just saw his FB page. Yup, almost all scantly scad ladies.

>> No.8671006

Wage war is AWFUL. He manages to make everyone look trashy. Putting your flash in the background of every shot is a horrible style choice. I *also* run away from him at cons.