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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8636566 No.8636566 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is in autosage. What cosplays are you doing? Need help/advice? Halloween is coming up, perfect time for a Dancing Stars on Me! Or Halloween set cos.

>> No.8636709
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Doing this group for Katsucon. Idk if it's a full group though because people are so flakey.

>> No.8636754

Ooh, are you in the FB group? I saw it being organized but I was too late for the girl I wanted. :/

>> No.8636772 [DELETED] 

I wanna see some selfposts.

>> No.8636851

Those outfits confuse me. Do they have chocolates on their sweaters?

>> No.8636859

Are you trying to tell me that you don't glue valentines chocolates to your sweaters?

>> No.8636976
File: 2.01 MB, 1281x902, meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to do this UR Rin for my first LL cosplay but I can't decide between the unidolized/idolized one.

I was going to go with the unidolized ver since it looks a lot easier to move around in but my friend said that it looks boring compared to the idolized ver, what does cgl think?

>> No.8636978

the idolized in the collection are nicer to look at but that comes at the cost of being more complex in general

>> No.8636987

Personally, I think the unidolised version has some parts that would be really cute if they were done well - the circle/pleated circle shape of the skirt, the two layers of scalloped underskirt, the oversized bow of the apron and her adorable headdress.
The idolised version is more flashy and interesting to look at but has a lot more details/parts that need to be replicated well for it to look good.
Basically it's up to you how much money and effort you want to put in to stand out, but both have their cute points.

>> No.8637031
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> saved up 237 loveca to get the Halloween UR Hanayo
> Kept scouting didn't get her
heal my broken heart anons

>> No.8637047
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If it makes you feel any better (and it probably won't), you only had a ~4% chance per 10+1 roll anyway. I'm sure Pana loves you for trying.

>> No.8637081
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I've seen this happen to a lot of people (friend of mine had 500 gems and didn't get her).
It always comes to the people that don't like her.
>this is going to be me when the constellation Maki UR comes out
I'm so scared...

Depending on your skill, the idolized version might be too much. Plus the unidoled version is cute for a simple cosplay, especially if you nail the details that >>8636987 listed. Bonus points for a cat plush.

>> No.8637090

it's okay, I am going to face that with Nozomi in a couple of weeks. I have 176 right now and I'll probably buy another 172. plus 7 scouting tickets and two blue tickets. going all in here.

>> No.8637149

Any idea which girls will be getting the next URs? I saved up 100 gems on my new jp account andetails want the next set to be my favorite girls so I don't have to wait another month...

>> No.8637155

The last ones have been Nico, Hanayo, Rin, Eli, So Maki and Kotori are due for some, possibly Honoka, Umi and Nozomi too. Of course it doesn't always go around in a tidy cycle though.
Maki and Honoka are due for events too.

>> No.8637189

I see, I'm praying for Nozomi soon because she's my favorite girl. One risk with JP is that all the new things are.. well.. new. Unlike with EN you can predict how long you need to wait for best girl best set.

>> No.8637234
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Yeah I'd put my money on a Kotori and Nozomi (maaaaaybe Honoka) set of URs and a Maki event. And I know what you mean, at least the loveca flow is so much greater than EN that it eases the pressure a bit. Also the subunit/year group boxes are fairly predictable if that's what you're into.

Pic just to keep this vaguely on topic. Game discussion here is more focused than on /vg/'s /llsifg/ at least.

>> No.8637238

true but sometimes /vg/ threads kind of are too much 'muh best girl' to me.

That cosplay is super cute though, the boots look pretty good, which is kind of surprising since I've been noticing a lot of sloppy bootcovers in japanese/korean cosplayers.

>> No.8637246
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Agreed, /llsifg/ can be good for exchanging opinions on events and cards but I don't have the energy to be around for all the best girl "discussions".

And yeah, the gold embellishments and bootcovers of those were spot on imo.

>> No.8637249

The vg thread is pretty retarded in terms of posters. It's a lot more reasonable in here, that's for sure. I enjoyed just having a bunch of people all celebrate that they got the new UR on cgl

>> No.8637250

I feel like the Chinese set is the best set to actually buy; since they use your stereotypical "chinese" patterned fabric and bought ones always seem pretty decent for this set.

But yeah I hate to say it but these days for my app games I tend to use reddit, simply because I don't have the strength to stalk threads only to have 90% of the discussion be about that new hentai doujin or who has the best boobs.

>> No.8637274
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Yeah, I've never been so tempted to buy so many costumes for a series before Love Live because lot of the taobao shops have accurate custom prints that are hard to beat (Takaramonos, Kimonos, etc.). Especially for the china dresses, their fastenings and trims are usually pretty good too.

>> No.8637279

Exactly, also let's be honest, it's way easier for groups as well. Unless you do it like how Russian cosplayers apparently do ( x makes the patterns, y buys fabric, z sews it. etc so that everyone does the thing they're best at in a group) you're not going to look the same. Someone is going to be better, I mean we saw that in the last thread as well. You can't really blame the group for it, you don't just get years of experience.

Also what do you guys think about Starlight Stage being the rival to LLSIF? I'm currently playing both games and while SS is the shiny new thing with the amazing 3D models, I find LLSIF beatmaps to flow way better and more natural then SS ones.

>> No.8637287

Speaking from experience as someone who's organised a Love Live group for a while now, getting a full group of 9 to make costumes at a consistent level is difficult, especially when some people can't sew at all. It often means that a lot of the workload is left onto a few people.

We tend to buy costumes for full group costumes and modify to our liking (alter cuts, remake pieces for fit, embellishing to give that flashy idol aesthetic) but for smaller groups or personal projects I at least tend to make mine, because I personally like stylising some of the designs a bit to really suit that over-the-top fluffy sparkliness that real-life idol costumes have. You can see it even in the Love Live concerts hosted by the seiyuu; the costumes for this year's concert especially are made of beautiful fabrics, fluffier than the source material, and super sparkly. I want to make the stage versions of the Yume no Tobira costumes from this year just because the stylised design is stunning.

For some costumes where patterns etc are hard to find, though, I like to stick with Taobao. At the rate that I want to pump out Love Live costumes, it's the easiest way to get through it quickly (I have 10+ Love Live costumes on hand at the moment, ordered another and ordered materials for another two. I want to be done with Love Live by next year, hahah.)

>> No.8637296

It's really tricky which is why taobao is godsend.

Also yes I'd love to see the stage versions of Yume no Tobira because they looked way better and more flattering then the 'real' ones.

>> No.8637318

I've seen rumors of Maki/Honoka

>> No.8637456
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>Don't care about Qipao Nico
>Drew when she was released because I'm too impatient when I have 50 loveca
>Get her on first pull

Felt kind of shitty since so many people were posting their failed pulls on the reddit. Can't wait for them to release the seals in the English version because it sounds like it will give you more control over getting the cards you want.

>> No.8637670
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I've been playing both and I really like the 3D models, mostly because seeing the dance to each song is quite valuable to me, and also watching the details in each outfit as they move. And the room thing is adorable.

I do prefer the beatmaps on SIF though, something about the semicircle arrangement, number of icons and the course of the notes towards you feels more natural and musical. It would be interesting to see swiping directions incorporated into SIF but to me it just adds another layer of difficulty to sight reading, rather than musicality.

>> No.8637699
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Working in Eli's Sunny day song if I could find the fucking fabrics. I can't find cute orange or yellow fabrics, or the fabric is weird or the color is weid.

>> No.8637700

>It would be interesting to see swiping directions incorporated into SIF but to me it just adds another layer of difficulty to sight reading, rather than musicality.

Agreed with your last point, but I think the semicircle arrangement is what would make it really difficult to use swiping directions.

And yeah, the 3D models look super cute, but the beatmap just doesn't.. flow. Also I have a brand new Galaxy S6 and SS on the highest quality absolutely burns my phone up if I play for more then 2 songs, not to mention how quickly it drains your battery.

SIF is a bit more friendly in that way, also one appeal to me is the small amount of girls; I like the variety I have in SS, but there's just so many and having a fav will make it worse since they only release a few cards at the time.

>> No.8637702

I did the Idolized version and has a lot of work.
Also, when you see the final result the cosplay is just amazing.

>> No.8637810
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>see that UR Hanayo is avaliable in Eng
>feeling lucky
>does a 50 roll
>Gets that wonderful wife

I felt truly blessed kek. Especially after foolishly spending so much on Eng LL before it actually got good Hanayos. I don't know if I'll ever idolize her though. Anyway, I'm actually planning on cosplaying this UR. Her outfit is adorable and perfect for this time of year, and it's about time I work on a new cosplay for Hanayo. Maybe if I'm up for it, the idolized version too.

>> No.8637884

I agree. Although I love the 3D models, SS beatmaps tend to be a little annoying to master and it can get too clustery. I can't seem to do Pro but Regular is just fine. I haven't been playing as long as LL though.

And a room thing would be pretty cute!

>> No.8637894

I've completed 2 Master songs so far, and I agree. Extreme on LLSIF feels brutal but still has a smooth feeling to the beatmap and feels as if as long as you master it, you'll get there. Unless it's Soldier Game fuck that shit.

With SS though, sometimes I feel like I get miss/bad out of nowhere, and so far my theory isn't that it's only how good you are, but HOW FUCKING SMALL THE ICONS ARE. I get it. The MV is nice, but you can unlock that, just make the icons a bit bigger. I can't imagine playing this on my Ipod touch, the icons would be ants on that.

And I'd love a room function, I would make one just for Nozomi... and also so all this gold I'll never have to little of will have a purpose

>> No.8637911
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pic related just popped into my feed. ugh. this girl, i followed her page because she kept spamming it and she's a trainwreck.

>> No.8637915
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she made this herself by the way, not a joke...

>> No.8637933

So she can't paint fabric or lips... that's a pretty low tier trainwreck in my opinion. If you're gonna post bad stuff then show us someone -really- messy and embarassing please.

>> No.8637959

this was me but w/halloween hanayo. just pulled because i had 50 and no event and grabbed her. she is one of my Best Girls so I'm glad I got her but i feel so bad seeing people's pull posts where they spend 200+ and still don't get her

>> No.8638041

Medley Festival coming up in December. They were designed specifically to burn your gold.

>> No.8638053

Oh nice! I'm probably transitioning to JP though so I won't have to wait that long hopefully, the new interface, more rewards... and honestly I don't think I have enough time to focus on so many accounts ( I also play Starlight Stage and Puzzle and Dragons)

>> No.8638069

Not cute, but not horrid either. Just reeks of babby's first cosplay.

The 3D models in the background distract me. The main thing I like about SIF is that you can focus on the song and not what your girl is doing. I could never handle Project Diva because of that.
Don't get me wrong-- they're nice graphics, but they should be putting that talent elsewhere. Make a DDR-sort of game or something.

Might have to dye it. At least the color wouldn't be too hard to get.

>> No.8638075

it's like her 10th+ cosplay...

>> No.8638135

Within a month?

>> No.8638142

she's been cosplaying for 6 years.

>> No.8638174

Jesus. Way to make me feel better about using rolled hems.

>> No.8638205

Not the worst but I'd still rather see stuff like that then posting someone because they're not pretty.

>> No.8638298

Are you.... implying rolled hems are for noobs or something?

>> No.8638300

She looks way too old to cosplay Rin.
How old is she? 35?

>> No.8638350

Nah, I still use them, I just feel like I shouldn't after 5+ years of sewing.

>> No.8638410

Well you shouldn't because they're objectively the best way to hem certain materials and shapes (chiffon, circle skirts, etc.), and don't leave an uggo hem line. Nothing wrong with rolled hems, just your attitude.

>> No.8638449

Haha I don't think so. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other groups since it's Valentines weekend. It should be cool to see how the other groups interpret the costumes though!

>> No.8638481

Jesus fuck what's your problem. I know they're best for chiffon but have you considered that I don't sew with it much? So a serger would be more suited towards what I do, I just can't be assed to get one at the moment.

I'm not having this argument. I was just making a comment on that Rin's severe lack of growth.

>> No.8638497

Screw the costume, what the hell is that watermark? A sad cone in a bandana?

>> No.8638856

yeah it's kind of bullshit how klab is handling EN

>> No.8639485

I just don't understand why they're so anal about giving away gems, it doesn't seem to hurt the japanese market so why would it hurt the english one? It just drives people away to play the Japanese version only.

>> No.8639499
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>It just drives people away to play the Japanese version only.
Unless that's what they want.

I think after EN's thing with "more lesbians", KLab doesn't like the EN players much.

I'm mostly bothered by how off-track our events are.

>> No.8639503

A true conspiracy.

But yeah the whole censor thing where you couldn't say Honoka was kind of the part where I just wanted to let EN go. But I can't because I have 3 URs on there so I feel like I need to have it around forever.

>> No.8639505

The Ho thing was stupid. I get what they're doing, but you can't censor that if the main character's name has Ho in it. It's just something they'll have to get over.

Unfortunately for me, I probably won't leave EN for a long time.
You can keep your account around for scouting, I suppose.

>> No.8639523

yeah, and also because of the sheer feeling of luck I get when I see my URs; I got 2 of them in a row from Solo Scouts, aka the luckiest I'll ever be in my entire life lol.

>> No.8639642

Using rolled hems isn't an indication of not growing. Like the other anon said, they are the best way to finish certain things. You sound about as skilled as the girl you're bitching about.

>> No.8639674

Reading comprehension, anon.
I said that I'm still using rolled hems when--with my skill level and fabrics I tend to use--I shouldn't be. That is a sign that I'm not growing, to me. You and that anon can keep using rolled hems, maybe you two tend to use chiffon or circle skirts more than I do, so it's okay. I don't know you personally. I'm not judging either of you for anything other than misunderstanding what I'm saying.

>> No.8639955

Its your fault if you are stagnant, not mine. You don't need a serger to progress. There are plenty of finishing techniques that don't need a serger; French seam, Hong Kong, lined. Go do some research and stop wasting your time bitching about someone else on the internet.

It's pretty obvious from the photos posted she just painted a purchased shirt anyway, so I'm not even sure why you brought rolled hems up in the first place. Do you know what rolled hems are?

>> No.8639958

you are so crazy buttmad it's comical. have a nice warm cup of milk and go back to your rolled hems

>> No.8639986

You might as well forget I said anything if you're going to just misread all of it.

>> No.8640005

Is warm milk the cure for buttmad? No wonder I'm always a raging bitch, I hate drinking milk.

You showed up and dropped a term trying to sound like you were superior and people called you out on it. Now instead of demonstrating actual knowledge you just keep claiming everyone is misreading you. What am I missing?

>> No.8640008

>Have enough to do 2 10+1 rolls
>2 scouting tickets
>First one Rare, doesn't matter, that's common
>Second one
>Motherfucking red envelope
>Honkers wedding dress ver
>Worst girl (imo)

Why. At least, I'll have my first Pana SR with the event.

>> No.8640012

You're missing >>8639674, where I said it was just a remark comparing myself to that Rin.
You're taking it ridiculously personally.

>> No.8640080

I didn't miss anything you said, what you said was stupid. Someone points out a technique is perfectly acceptable for certain applications and you get extremely defensive and dismissive. Why should anyone just assume because you don't use chiffon that you consider using a rolled hem an insult?

>> No.8640091

Let's talk about other things

Guesses for the next set's theme? I'm hoping it's another halloween related set so badly.

>> No.8640123

I hope it's a design that requires nothing but chiffon and circle skirts :)

>> No.8640174

It has to be. Maybe they'll be costumes? I almost can't see how they'll top last year's Halloween set though.
>tfw just rolled 3 times for them in EN
>only 1/6 SRs are from the latest set

>> No.8640180

I hope so, though at the same time I'm sad that it will never top Halloween Nozomi, which is a card I love but I don't have any gems left on EN and JP is my main now.

>> No.8640222

I got to idolize the Honoka and I don't even want her.
>did 10+1 scout 5 times and got mostly mermaids (my most disliked set)

>> No.8640258
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I feel for you anon, unfortunately the chance of getting a card from the new set is only 40%.

I think it's highly likely, but they did just release the Dancing Stars on Me! Rs.
>sweet orange Pana
I really hope someone cosplays her.

>> No.8640289

I'm still waiting for Love Wing Bell Rs.
>girls in suits

>> No.8640326

IF it'll be halloween themed, then I doubt it'll be Kotori and Nozomi getting the URs, after all Nozomi was in the halloween themed set from last year.

>> No.8640332

Got dolized mermaid Nico which was def least fave girl in okay set but dammit the fact shes being clearly held up by wires makes it worth it.

>> No.8640354

Yeah I like that the mermaid set has this high-school-play sort of feeling

>> No.8640363
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>> No.8640370
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Tbh I never noticed that all their suits were different before.

>> No.8640375
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>> No.8640465

Yeah, the game is so cruel and it tempt you into buying gems, but whatever.
I really want to cosplay as Orange Pana, I'm waiting for my wig and with my two friends we'll begin with the uniform; but I'll totally tell them that we should do that set.

This dress was beautiful in the live action concert too, the last one I think? I saw it in Lantis' youtube (Gotta find the full concert)
Someone has good pics of some outfits of the concerts? Up here they talk about the yume no tobira ones, and I agree that they're so poofy and beautiful

>> No.8640482
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I got you covered anon, here's Rippi.

>> No.8640496
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>> No.8640499
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>> No.8640502
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>> No.8640507
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Can't find decent pics of these though, we'll have to wait for someone to rip the blu-ray.

>> No.8640577
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Already out, anon. I've had my rip of the bluray for months (only Day 2 though). I believe the BDs come out today anyway, so likely you'll be seeing Day 1 soon?

Here's a screen grab I compiled of the Yume no Tobira costumes the other day. I'm the anon that wanted to make them, group is keen so I think I might make it fairly soon.

>> No.8640583
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Also, I really want to make these Printemps costumes from Day 1. They're so over the top and stupid that I want to do it.

>> No.8640589
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>that navy vest sticks out so badly

>> No.8640620

There was a sat rip from day one so maybe that's why they only did bd two

>> No.8640625

this is so fucking cute. They did a really good job translating these clothes to real life. Pile/Maki looks so cute

>> No.8640677
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Alrighty, so I'm cosplaying this Eli, and I'm pretty much completely finished with the costume - it looks pretty nice imo, I'm pleased with myself - but I've got two general opinion questions.

1) Should I have the mic prop? I know it isn't needed at all, but it could be a nice touch, OR it could feel over the top? It's a pretty busy outfit. I'm not sure myself. Making it is easy enough, so that's no issue. I could just reserve it for photoshoots?

Annnd 2) Should I keep the tie/collar ...thing? It looks kind of dumb when applied to a real person, but it's part of the general look, so. Thoughts?

>> No.8640721

First off: congrats. That outfit is a pain and a half to make.
If you have the ability to make it, I don't see why not, it'd just be annoying to carry around at a con, I think. I'd either only use it for a few hours out of the day and put it back in the hotel room, or just leave it for photoshoots.
I'd leave it on, but how bad does it look irl?

>> No.8640733

oh my god, i didn't even notice that. I can't stop laughing, it's amazing

>> No.8640740

Keep the tie collar thing, your neck might look bare without it. Just be careful with the proportions so it doesn't look too wacky. If you put that much effort into the costume then at least keep it for accuracy.

The mic prop... if you put it on a folding/collapsible stick, might not be too bad to carry around at a con, but I'd say it's optional.

Also, post pics when you're done?

>> No.8640918

Could just have the mic head and a length of cable. You'd be able to stuff it into your bag when unneeded

>> No.8640970

Thank you so much anon, they're so lovely <3

Is it on nyaa? I really want a leak of the movie, I can't wait until december to the blu-ray

>> No.8641009
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What's the best way for me to go about the fabric for this? Also for the back, should I just use the symbol from the un-idolised version of this card? I'm debating between that or just putting "ほ" there.

>> No.8641014
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I don't quite remember... I think the rip I got was on Nyaa? Regardless, the BD for the concerts come out today so just give it a couple days for someone to upload both days (warning though, the downloads for the concerts are quite big. IIRC for the satrip of day 2 that I downloaded it was about 25GB).

You won't be seeing the move till the BD release though. If someone had a copy they would have already put it up, now that most of the international screenings are finished.

The Dancing Stars on Me costumes from the live are also much nicer than in the show, in my opinion. The nice materials and construction make it look a lot more elegant than the cheap looking designs in the show.

>> No.8641025

There's a cam, or partial camcam, floating around. I'm not sure if I'd watch it because it's not a very good movie tbh. Main reason for me to see it in theater was the mini shikishi and card codes

>> No.8641132

I'm trying to match up different j-fashion styles with the members of mu's~

So far I have

Nico - Lolita
Fairy Kei - Rin
Nanchatte Seifuku - Honoka
Larme - Maki
Otome - Kotori

There's also Himekaji (I'm leaning towards Hanayo though that might just be my bias since I like Hanayo and Himekaji most...), Mori... maybe Kodona (I was thinking maybe Umi?) and maybe cult party kei or dolly kei... what do you guys think? It's kind of fun to think about~

>> No.8641187

I don't think there'd be anything on the back, aside form more flowers and butterflies.
I'd like the ほ though, it's kinda Honoka's thing.

Oh god, it looks much nicer! Although the anime would've had trouble with the glitter and tiny lace trims.

I like thinking about stuff like this! But I'm not super well-versed on the smaller jfashion styles.
I've been dying to draw Nico as a brandwhore though.

>> No.8641284
File: 161 KB, 600x600, T1oeaeXdXlXXauAIMU_013847.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I figured that I'd put something on the back since most happi coats look like they have something there. Also for the lace trim, I was thinking about going with pic related.

>> No.8641489

Oh jeez I'm dumb, it never hit me that her idolized outfit is basically a fancier happi, despite the unidolized card.

That lace is really nice! It fits the theme

>> No.8641553

since she already has the ho on the fan I don't know if a ho on the back would be redundant

>> No.8641558

I don't think it would be, considering how many things Honoka has with the ほ character on it.

>> No.8641568


I'd personally go with a jinbei instead of a happi coat design. The biggest difference is that the happi coat is cut missing some front panels, to hang open in front, so if you have any boobs it's harder to keep it closed. A jinbei on the other hand is designed to remain closed.

>> No.8641570

Traditional Kimono-Umi

>> No.8641673

Ok, I think I'll go with that then! I don't know much about this type of clothing so I appreciate it.

>> No.8641845

So the new set is out. Thoughts?
Personally not digging it so I'm sitting this one out.

>> No.8641955

Where can I find the cam, anon?

>> No.8641961

I'm a sucker for Maki so I like the UR

Constant brony jokes on my Twitter feed though...

>> No.8641964

The UR is nice (maki gets the best unidolized URs) though the idolized version's tail looks kind of awkward and I personally prefer seeing the front of their outfits rather then seeing Maki's back.

Also what the hell is Nozomi? She doesn't fit in with the rest at all.

>> No.8641971

I've only seen maki's; where are you finding the rest of them?

>> No.8641976

the scouting add is animated now right? you should be able to see them there, and there are already ripped images from the game floating around but not in one place.

>> No.8641996

What are the idolized versions a reference to, if anything?
They have some kind of theme but I have no idea what

>> No.8642000

It's Animals V2, and I hope they won't rehash another theme since the worst ones are out of the way and this is the 3rd V2 set this year.

And from what I can see:

Maki: Pegasus
Hanayo: ... Hamster?
Umi: Elephants are kawaii now
Nico: Some sort of bird
Nozomi: Nobody knows, I think it's a penguin though.

>> No.8642006

Cute but probably one of the strangest sets so far.

I'm on my phone so I'm sorry if this messes up:

>> No.8642009

I forgot Hanayo

>> No.8642012

sweet, nico's is cute

>> No.8642021

Nico and Hanayo are the only ones I like, the elephant ears look weird and Umi's outfit just looks like the magician set.

Also Nozomi confirmed for being penguin.

>> No.8642150
File: 177 KB, 720x1016, IMG_20150930_073638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the new nico. I wanted the new nozomi though...

>> No.8642162

Nico's reminds me of Princess Tutu.

>> No.8642166

ballerina set when

>> No.8642184

Any pics of the idolized Nico?

>> No.8642186
File: 104 KB, 599x870, 1443601719566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8642303

The cards are all viewable here, for future reference. Or ingame on the new scouting screen.

I love this set.

>> No.8642329

Next Eli UR?

I'm surprised ballerina!Eli hasn't been done yet.

>> No.8642620

Me too, I like Nozo one too because I found it funny who she sees the duck.

Nico with twin-braids looks so fucking cute!

>> No.8643118
File: 2.47 MB, 1600x900, 1443650436080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8643124
File: 439 KB, 512x720, Cyber Maki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that their ear-hoodies in the unidolized version match the ears in the Cyber version.
I guess we have another way to divide them into 3 groups of 3.

>> No.8643128

mad that maki came out first, i wanted to drop money for the first time for honkers!

>> No.8643251


Literally what the fuck is maki's? A unicorn...dog thing?

>> No.8643295

The more I look at Nozomi's face looking at the duck the more amusing it gets

>> No.8643319

The unidolized version of everyone seems to just be a cute outfit and holding animals.
The idolized version is an animal, but not the same one from the unidolized set.

Maki's idolized version is a pegasus.
I guess Honoka will be some mythical beast too? I'm hoping something like a griffon.
[spoiler]this may be the closest we will ever get to a monster girl set ;_;[/nospoilersoncgl]

>> No.8643355
File: 289 KB, 1280x1485, pegasus_mlp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8643422

My Little Maki, friendship is magic

>> No.8643518

>all JP and EN events suddenly off sync.
>JP event ends and ENG begins.
>Never ending LL hell.

>> No.8643568

It's okay, you get free loveca to compensate on jp

>> No.8643616
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 08 [484E745B].mkv_snapshot_20.02_[2014.07.06_20.52.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any place that sells a good Ho sweater? I've been looking for one without much success.

>> No.8643665

just buy a white sweatshirt and iron on the Ho.

>> No.8644197
File: 456 KB, 512x720, card_701_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how the front part looks like? Fucking perspective

>> No.8644257
File: 106 KB, 512x720, 686Hanayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to put Hanners in trash tier girls with rin and maki, but I pulled this (common) card the other day and now she's fast becoming my favourite. If anyone ever cosplays Orange Hanayo I'm not sure my heart could handle it.

>> No.8644258

I don't think we'll ever know unless Honoka matches and is facing forward

SIF keeps making Maki cards like that and it makes cosplay really annoying

>> No.8645079

it makes cosplay easier tbh, if you can see it just make it up, that way you can even match it to your skill level. go wild.

>> No.8645084

True, but I'm a perfectionist and it just bugs me.

>> No.8645089

This is one of my dream cosplays... it's so cute and funny.

>> No.8645149

I'm actually planning to make this!

>> No.8645153

Sorry for nub questions but should i be trashing the not muse girls i get? I've just been using them to practice with everyone else
Also what's that website where you can see every card by character?

>> No.8645154

Good, I'm not the only one who likes to fluff up my LL cosplays. Outfits like No Brand Girls and Snow Halation especially tend to look a little limp and lifeless if they're sewn to look exactly like the cards/anime-- I like them better with fuller skirts and a petticoat or two.

>> No.8645159

The N girls? You can get easy gems by idolizing and bonding them.
That's pretty much all they're for though.

Same. It's especially fun for an idol anime because you can easily embellish the fuck out of something and it doesn't look out of place.

>> No.8645161


Def idolize and max bond with the Normal cards because that gives you love gems. Personally, I also level mine all the way before I get rid of them, because you get awards for that too. But if its a normal that you've already idolized, maxed bond, and leveled, then you might as well just practice with it.

>> No.8645163

Agreed! I made my Hanayo NBG skirt pretty poofy, it just looks so much better like that

>> No.8645166

Past a certain point the album rewards aren't worth it to max level. Too much exp for one paltry loveca

>> No.8645175

Has anyone gotten this eli wig? http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Love-Live-LoveLive-Ayase-Eli-golden-cosplay-wig-hair-Heat-resistance-fibre-with-Hairnet/426261_32326783025.html
also, does anyone have any other wig recommendations?

>> No.8645215

Please don't ruin my waifus with your fatness, please.

>> No.8645240
File: 358 KB, 1024x574, 150_S2Ep08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having more than one waifu

>> No.8645476

Shut your trap. You're a shitty seamstress, don't term drop trying to act like you're superior.

>> No.8645478


Disgusting you shameful little shit. How can you say you truly love then when you have more then one?

>> No.8645507

Stop shitting up the thread with this pointless argument.

>> No.8645665
File: 49 KB, 480x720, 12032064_1000091006708077_3464652077081345388_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8645962

This is perfect. And my new goal

>> No.8647218
File: 272 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emitsun's (Honoka) Dancing Stars on Me costume from this year's live concert. Nice textures and detail.

>> No.8647220
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>> No.8647254
File: 142 KB, 1366x2048, 11888553_909759172424217_3496012611005581874_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8647554


>> No.8647839

That trim is really common.

Does anyone have shots of the whole set? I know Kotori is >>8641014

>> No.8648061

Is there a masterlist of all of the outfits worn in the lives? Or at least the sparkly Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai outfits?

>> No.8648144

I got the Lucaille wig and it works well

>> No.8648165

ugh god I hate that trim
every single cosplayer from Asia uses it for everything, from garments to armor
it looks so cheap and tacky

>> No.8648365
File: 129 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with the concert rip here. I won't be home until tomorrow, but if you like I can get some screencaps for you?

Sadly there aren't really many other great alternatives for gold trim. Besides, idols in themselves are kind of tacky (have you seen the source artwork for these outfits?) so I think it suits just fine.

I think I've posted almost every image from the lives in this thread hahah. I'll keep going, let me know if I need to stop! This is Hanayo's Printemps outfit from this year that I posted in >>8640583 .

>> No.8648371
File: 172 KB, 1000x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, just realized I forgot to crop that image down. My bad!

I'd also be down for compiling a list of costumes for you if you'd like, anon! If you look at all the concert previews that Lantis puts up you should be able to look at them all regardless, though.

>> No.8648388

diff anon, it's not gold trim in general: it's that specific trim. There are other trims that look a lot better, but for some reason all the asian cosers choose to use the one that looks cheap as fuck.

>> No.8648416

No, I understand what that anon was saying about that particular trim. I guess I just haven't found anything much nicer in my searches? Sometimes a plain gold trim just doesn't cut it.

What trim would you suggest instead, anon?

>> No.8648575

I think it looks okay for the pirate outfits, though. For something like angel Nico >>8637274 you'd want to use smooth trim/applique for the gold parts.

I'm also curious about what other non-plain trims people think look good.

>> No.8648826

anon if you did that i would give you my firstborn child.

>> No.8649959
File: 58 KB, 500x523, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries anon, when I get home I'll try to compile a list once I decide on a format. It's handy for me too and I just want to spread the love around, I'm so passionate about this series hahah.

On that note, does anyone else feel a bit silly for being so into Love Live? I live and breathe the series at this point; I'm always planning or working on a costume, watching the lives and the promotional material from the seiyuu, reading into the history of the series a million times over and essentially consuming and storing information on anything involving the series. I just find the story very inspirational and I guess it kicked up my passion my singing, dancing and costuming when I thought I'd lost those passions in a massive bout of depression that lasted until maybe this year. So I'm always gushing about it to my Love Live group and always jumping to organise things, but I wonder if maybe I'm too enthusiastic and it's weird.

Pic related is a summary of BiBi's costumes over the years for the concert that I found. I'll try to acquire a lit picture of this year's costumes when I get home.

>> No.8649990

I just quit giving a fuck. Like I am so ridiculously into love live, I have about 80% of the lyrics of most of their songs memorized just from obsessively listening to it at work every single day, and I can't stop joining groups when asked. It's just so rare to find something to keep me out of sad feels when life sucks so hard outside of it rn

>> No.8650218
File: 448 KB, 576x750, 46476779_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got btfo'd severely when I rolled for maid Rin. I saved up to like 300 loveca or so (with 7 or 9 scouting tickets) and I did get a UR but it wasn't her. Blue vouchers gave me nothing as well, I think the only guaranteed chance to get the card is when the seal shop comes to EN with that big update, irc the shop's selection of URs rotates so they go over each UR set in exchange for 3 URs?

>> No.8650285
File: 227 KB, 825x574, cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a screenshot/image of your SRs/URs and list your faves, cards you're interested in cosplaying, rate each others sets

The Hanayo UR is my pride and joy, I also love the idolized maid Maki card since it's my first idolized SR and it's a really pretty card

>> No.8650301

I just started watching love live after seeing all the cosplayers at AWA and just started playing on android yesterday. Jesus this seems really complicated! Was the learning curve steep for you all?

>> No.8650305
File: 153 KB, 1024x685, costume_making_by_vince454-d8nk7b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The site used for the SR/UR collection is http://schoolido.lu/ btw, a neat tool to view all the cards you have

>> No.8650330

I'm kind of the same way, I don't have a group but I'm so into it. I'm always listening to the music, doodling the characters, looking at merch and planning costumes. I feel silly for it because well, it's just an idol anime, it's not exactly a masterpiece - not that I think that should limit enjoyment. Weirdly though playing the game has become a chore for me.

A little, mostly when I didn't know where to find info. But read the whole wiki http://lovelive.kouhi.me/ and read up on some stuff on the subreddit or the general on /vg/ (which is...maybe not as helpful) and you should be good.

>> No.8650536
File: 371 KB, 600x900, 9372276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, I've always been into dancing and idols in general but something about my enthusiasm for Love Live just makes me embarrassed for myself. Initially I thought the anime was mediocre and only really enjoyed the game, but after seeing the movie I realised I've really come to enjoy both.
None of my close cosplay friends are as into it as I am though so I don't really have a group to plan things with. At least it's easy to connect with other LL fans at cons.

Same, playing the game used to be my favourite part of the series but after having to grind events on both servers for too long it's starting to feel like a chore. Composing teams and scouting still gives me a rush but playing lives has lost its charm a bit now that I've improved.

>> No.8650569
File: 410 KB, 1072x375, cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pretty bad luck as you can tell, rank 98
I'm the wedding nozomi from last thread, but I have so many outfits I'm wanting to do its stupid. Planning valentines idolized for next year, and maybe Kira Kira depending on what that group decides. I pretty much don't mind cause there are so many I'd be fine doing with a group.

>> No.8650880
File: 400 KB, 1100x774, UKQiQMv.jpg-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cosplay of the Halloween costumes? I don't think I've ever seen someone doing these but I'd really love to see them made.

>> No.8651226

I just wish I couldn't see the safety pins on the right hand skirt.

>> No.8651228

I have a lot if rhythm game experience so it wasn't too bad for me. If you need tips in the finer points of the game check out Eryn Cerise's YouTube videos.

>> No.8651350

I'm working on Kotori's right now, but I have no Halloween plans so I'm not sure if I'll actually have a chance to wear it haha...

It is surprising to see a lack of these though. I swore I saw preorders all over Taobao when they came out last year.

>> No.8651365

>playing lives has lost its charm a bit now that I've improved
Yeah exactly, it's just too easy now. I wish they would add more red borders. I still can't bring myself to miss an event on either server though.

>> No.8651393
File: 252 KB, 533x800, fkltnayvohzkpdnzqyldyrfitlkzejqijtnvpyat-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some

>> No.8651398
File: 785 KB, 2003x3000, wfhunxkfvgdgxquvpiodkeeckogsoimwqfyvnzsu-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8651405
File: 420 KB, 740x493, plpuhpatkjbtpsdtbuazqoirlffwsptbalcgyesn-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this costumes, but I can`t find a right fabric

>> No.8651481
File: 281 KB, 768x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make Nozomi's ponytails more puffy? I feel that my wig looked very flat the last time Imwore the costume and I want to fix that.

>> No.8651554

It would help to start with a thick wig in the first place. Sewing more wefts/another wig in would do it, but if you cbf ordering more then try teasing/backcombing around where the pigtails are tied. You can also put some curls/waves in with heat styling and then separate and brush them out.

>> No.8651857

That shooped Nico face holy shit.

>> No.8651866
File: 742 KB, 1055x561, nozomivoiceitsinthecards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are mine, Rank 129! If difficulty weren't an issue, I'd definitely cosplay the latest event Umi with the sword.

>> No.8651872
File: 681 KB, 823x673, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ignore the Rs)
My Ghost Makis are my pride since it was my first time going T1. I didn't get to tier for the previous 2 Maki events, and she's my best girl so I always felt bad about it.
Maid!Maki is also a fav! And I'm moderately happy I got the Halloween Honoka and New Years Nico.

I got a cosplay for Seven Lucky Gods Maki almost set up, and I'm hoping to scout her on EN when the time comes. Also considering Magician Maki.
The Constellation set if my favorite and I'm saving up to scout, but I'm on the fence about cosplaying it.

>> No.8652094
File: 411 KB, 1064x376, my cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rank 96 so as you can see I'm not very lucky either. I've been trying so hard to get another UR but every time I scout I just get one lonely SR. I've been pretty lucky to idolize three of my SRs though through scouting I guess

As for cosplays I've done:
NBG Hanayo
Love Wing Bell Hanayo
UR Pajama Hanayo
Mermaid Eli

School Uniform Eli
that badass pure idolized Umi card from scorematch (the one where she's in the blue and yellow archer gear)
the latest idolized Umi even card
that terrible raindbow outfit for Eli

annnddd so many others but i'll stop there

>> No.8652116

It's the talking crow from Nichijou which is literally a triangle with legs.

>> No.8652184

Oh gosh Nico is so adorable here.

>> No.8652425

Why didn't they shoop out the tape on the shoes?? Or use black tape? Ugghhhhh

I basically combined to wigs and then backcombed the pigtails before I tied them up.

>> No.8653019
File: 333 KB, 343x382, MerVXQM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that you mention it

>> No.8653126
File: 324 KB, 1056x230, Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 12.22.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 72.
My Hanayo UR is my favorite card because she's best girl and also because she was my first UR. She's also the one that I want to cosplay the most although I'm also considering the Christmas promo Kotori (just like all 5 bajillion other Christmas promo Kotoris).

>> No.8653489

Nice to see everyone in the thread already having a lot of plans and costumes! I'd love to see some selfposts or reviews, I bet you're all cute.

>> No.8653778
File: 633 KB, 870x573, llsif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 96 and still only one goddamn non-promo UR. I'm not complaining, I love Maki, but still.

As for plans, I have a couple of friends interested in doing all the most heinously designed outfits with me, I'm pretty pumped.

>> No.8654068
File: 587 KB, 1055x446, idols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 107(ignore the rares lol) and I'm proud of having the matching UR mermaid cards. One of these days one of them will be idolized ;_;

But so far I'm working on my white day Nozomi(I just need shoes and I'm all set!) and I've been considering to cosplay:
Military Maki event card
Seven Lucky Gods Honoka
Constellation Nozomi
Marine/Sailor Nozomi
Angel Nico event

There's a lot more to add but those are the ones I really want to cosplay at the moment.

>> No.8654132
File: 145 KB, 1102x359, idorus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the best luck when it comes to scouting. I keep caving and doing single scouting instead of saving up 50 gems like I should.

>> No.8654416
File: 1.12 MB, 1052x777, rng loves me yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play the English version that much anymore so Japanese cards. About to hit rank 140, no bought loveca. The cards I love the most are my UR Umi and Nozomi, and I do have a soft spot for Mermaid Honoka even if I don't really like the set because she was my first idolized SR. And of course that idolized Rin I got by soloscouting pick-up twice. I still can't believe my luck.

As for cosplay, I don't have any solid plans at the moment since me and my Love Live-partner decided to lay off the idols for a while, but the one's I've been really itching to make are:
April Eli
Constellation Umi/Maki
Craftwrok Eli
November Umi
Snowy Mountain Umi

>tfw too flat and tall to cosplay waifu

>> No.8654467

Anon, what cons do you go to? I have a group that needs a cosplay that you listed.

>> No.8654537

Sorry to disappoint anon, but unless you're making a group in a small European country I can't help. I'd love to be a part of a bigger group someday, though.

>> No.8654850

Oh no! I'm sorry, yeah I'm in America. I hope you can find a group of your own though!

>> No.8655747

How is everyone's Pana event going?

>> No.8655778
File: 184 KB, 736x404, JP 108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my relatively recent JP account, I started off mostly scouting in Printemps, Lily white and first year boxes. Now I've moved towards getting the recent cards because they've been cute and have better stats, and I already have URs of two of my favourites (Pana, Burd) thanks to blue tickets.
As you can probably tell, my cool team is OP and but pure needs help.

At around 57k, hope I'm safely in T2. Will post EN if I get through.

>> No.8655898
File: 54 KB, 300x300, wake me up inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got sniped out of T2. 2 gems of Expert songs later, and my rank barely moved 200 slots.
I'm sorry, Pana.

>> No.8656125
File: 168 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly was shitting myself because I ran out of love gems 30 minutes before the event ended. I was rank 2277 then but I've seen many people get kicked from tier 2 when they thought they were safer. I'm so happy that I made it, this was one of my fave event Hanayos and I missed her in JP. I can die happy when max bond her

>> No.8656130

Yeah I've seen the side story for her. It's really cute.

>> No.8656573

anyone know what circle lens would be good for
Kotori? I have natural brown eyes but their not light like hers :/

>> No.8656608

What country, out of interest? I'm in the UK and would like more LL cosplay buddies to plan with.

>> No.8656669

Try gold lenses like G&G Shimmer Yellow.

>> No.8656855
File: 72 KB, 884x402, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after the Hanayo event, they've added a new set of rares on EN. Has anyone gotten any yet? The ones I have right now are the gingers!

>> No.8656913

thank you :D!

>> No.8656925

I got the Rin!
It's the Korekawa no Someday set.

Did anyone scout any good SR/URs?

>> No.8656927

Got a couple of them. Aiming for DJ Nozomi too so I might be buying loveca this time...

>> No.8656988

Got Honker-chan, I am pleased.

>> No.8657043

Got Nozo and Koto <3

I was saving, have 139 gems. I'm still debating between scouting now, or wait to constellations. I love both sets, but I'm not a fan of Maki/Rin. And DJ Nozomi is awesome.

>> No.8657092
File: 32 KB, 640x360, 493045377_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a fan of Maki/Rin
WOW rude

Anyway i think i'd save for constellation since the chances of getting a UR is always very low and if you do, there's a 60% chance of it not being the newest UR irc.
think of it like this, if you roll later then at least there's still a chance of getting DJ Nozo, and a better shot at getting the constellation cards if that makes sense.

>> No.8657348
File: 207 KB, 640x901, tumblr_nn1gpubxD71ut3x14o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone did this Hanayo version yet? I plan on doing this one after Wonderful Rush

>> No.8657485

Anyone saw good wigs in Aliexpress from the lovely Aqours? You and Hanamaru are qt3.14

>> No.8657735

A friend of mine cut up a Kotori wig to do You.

I'd love to see a cosplay of that! I think that's the card Alter is making a figure of, as well.

>> No.8659106

Anon I'm also in the UK! I have some cosplays arriving soon, are you in any LL groups?

>> No.8659109

I'm in a group for Hyper Japan as Nozomi, and I'm in the UK cosplayers and UK fans and cosplayers groups. I'd really like to do more groups for next year but I'm not too good at sewing, just to warn you. If you ever need a Honoka, Hanayo, Eli or Nozomi let me know!

Are you in any groups, what costumes are you doing?

>> No.8659681

Does anyone have any Nico contact lens suggestions?

>> No.8659711 [DELETED] 

Are you open to circle lenses? And what's your natural eye colour?

>> No.8659747

Depends on your natural eye colour, and if you want a more pink or red colour.
>warm/light brown eyes
Look for some wine red lenses - examples are MI E299, Geo Color Nine and Venus Eye. If you want something more red, they all have a bright red version that shows up well on all eye colours, and if you want a lighter pink then look up iFairy Super Crystal pink.
>pale eyes
You probably need something that covers your natural eye colour well, the above should work but super pinky wine red also gives good coverage.
>dark brown eyes
For a bright crimson, Beuberry Vivid red or iFairy Hanabi red. If you want pink, then Vassen Cloud Nine pink.

Hope that helps!

>> No.8659770

Personally, I bought these: http://www.ifairycon.com/i-fairy-ruby-red/ I liked the thick black rim because I think it matches the art style of the series. Also, the pupil hole is a bit smaller then some of the others I was looking at with more of a gradual fade, which is better for me as I have light eyes.

>> No.8659780
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Dengeki magazine had a character poll for the new group. This is probably useful information for you firstfag attention whore types.

>> No.8659812


The idol who loves exercise and weightlifting won. Good luck having hella trouble searching her name since it's "You".

>> No.8659833
File: 118 KB, 250x349, help &lt;3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of skirt would you recommend for the dark pink portion of the dress (pic related of course)

>> No.8659840

I would recommend a 3/4 or 2/3 circle skirt, just play around with whatever fits over the light pink layer underneath it, which imo should be a gathered circle skirt. Similar principle to rufflebutt's madoka skirt.

>> No.8660253

Sailor Pana anon here! I didn't know about the figure, so I checked and yes, we'll indeed have a Sailor Hanayo from Alter...thanks for the info, more motivation for my costume then!

I'm gonna die making scallops but I'm gonna die happy

>> No.8660356

>cutest girl came last


>> No.8660357

How is she cute? Just curious, she didn't stand out too much to me at least

>> No.8660359

I voted for her...>>8660357 She just seems really happy and sweet to me, and I like how she looks. I hate really over-designed hair styles as well, so You, Hanamaru, Kanan and Dia are my favourites at the moment, until more is revealed.

>> No.8660372

I love ponytail hairstyles and she just look happy and cute.
She just really appeals to me, and the bunny-like headbow just adds to her cuteness

>> No.8660374

>Ruby in second

her intro annoyed me to no end

>> No.8660388

I see, that's a good point. I thought mainly she was interesting from her personality and hobby

>> No.8660786

Japan loves Ruby, they find the stuttering cute.
The West seems to prefer You.

>> No.8661991

Wow, they look awesome. The beginning when the music is starting is so cool. Just watching this made me want to make this cosplay, even though I don't think my skill level is really up to it yet.

>> No.8662321

I've seen that one.
Pretty sure they all bought it from Taobao, but at least they match and look good. Love the lights and skirt poof.
Wish it was more professionally-done though (ie. camera catches them all, no audience, etc.)

>> No.8662348

This group had these costumes before they even started circulating around Taobao, so I doubt they're bought from there.

I like this group, but my main gripe is that their dances are always lacking in enthusiasm.

>> No.8662527

A lot of dance groups lack enthusiasm. They're more of doing the poses rather than making it a fluid dance, it's not very fun to watch.

/r/ing good dance covers?

>> No.8663350

Yes it's really strange, I think these are some of the cutest outfits, definitely the best halloween ones.
I'd love to make one myself but I lack some sewing skills so I'll need good refs and lots of patience.
Good luck on your costume! Maybe you could do a small photoshoot even if you don't go anywhere for halloween?
Thanks, I really couldn't find any! It seems everyone uses a different kind of fabric and different colors for these.

>> No.8663444

I can't give you a good dance cover, but I can give you this.

>> No.8664272



>> No.8664273
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>> No.8664281

Oh my god at the end of the song, you can see nico's shapewear. I don't mind the hanayo, but fat nicos are pig disgusting.

>> No.8664435
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>> No.8664438
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>> No.8668816
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The latest normie has pretty cute clothes. Too bad her face looks like shit.

>> No.8668931

Those outfits look so frumpy though... Especially on Umi, Eli and Hanayo...

>> No.8668937

That was beautiful

>> No.8668955

Yeah, it's not the best example, I was just joking because that video is hilarious.

I love this group, btw. They have a lot of energy, and they're so cute.

>> No.8669022

I love this group! They all capture their characters perfectly.

>> No.8669049


I feel like that stiffness is partly due to the costumes they wear. They always wear pretty elaborated costumes that must be hard to dance in, with tons of accessories, and they look super afraid that something is gonna fall off or break on stage (I can relate to that, especially when you're wearing stuff on your head, like in this case, ig + headphones with ears), which ends up happening with Eli's bow in this video...

>> No.8669055


Coco always looks like she's high.

>> No.8669163

If anyone happens to see Nozomi's off-shoulder jumper dress thing for sale in a Western store, can you let me know? Or her pyjamas, or another casual costume. A friend's holding a cute sleepover/casual shoot in two weeks and I'd like to join in but fuck doing a taobao order just for that, or paying for shipping.

>> No.8669351

This card looks particularly bad, like they hired an artist who had skill, but this was their first time doing anime.

>> No.8669485
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Full Aquors PV
Wtf at that part of the coreography

>> No.8669494
File: 120 KB, 638x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is going around on my Facebook at the moment XD

>> No.8669544

Ah, yeah, I get you. When my group did a dance a lot of us were a lot less energetic than in our practices simply because wigs/berets/etc kept falling or slipping...

I think the best way to avoid it is a) dress rehearsals and b) engineering your costumes in a way that they won't budge easily. Though that's easier said than done.

>> No.8669563

No it's not.

>> No.8669681

This song is cute but I'm not really digging the dance. I really don't like those outfits, they're gonna look like hell irl.

>> No.8669704

Do any of you guys have the light up costume link from TB on hand?

>> No.8670410
File: 193 KB, 720x1013, tumblr_n5vv7bontW1t35kwso4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which seagull is going to be the first to cosplay this?

>> No.8670417

This should always be the OP image from now on.

I love some of the normies stuff. I think a group of the International girls in their cyber/uchuu outfits would be amazing.

>> No.8670427

I really want to like Aquors, but the combination of those ugly-ass costumes, dodgy choreography, and overly trope-y girls is not helping.

>> No.8670450
File: 190 KB, 512x720, Honoka_smile_ur708_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the new set? I really hate Honoka's outfit, the palette is bad and it's just so lackluster compared to Maki's.

I hope the tropeyness will town down once the anime releases. The Muse girls were very tropey but fleshed out later on as well.

>> No.8670451


>Overly trope-y girls

God I thought I was taking crazy pills being the only person thinking this. The original cast are made up of a few tropes as well, but something about Aquors feels liked they pushed it to max and it just ended up making them really bland.

Something about the designs isn't really grabbing me either, and those outfits are pretty fug, song is mediocre...

I just want muse back, come on Sunrise, you can plot out a bs reason to get back the original girls.

>> No.8670463

I think they really fucked themselves over by technically ending the story of Muse.

Because, why? No really, why? They started in 2010 I believe but didn't get popular until around 2013 when the mobile game started and the anime. It really hasn't been super popular until recently, so why stop now?

>> No.8670466
File: 85 KB, 512x720, CQLWEgMUsAAtnFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen anyone shit on Honoka's design, yet I think it's 60x worse than Maki's. It's so strange.
The new set is so bizarre, but some of the cards are nice.

I'm giving Aqours a chance, but μ's means a lot to me and I don't think it can ever be replaced.

>> No.8670491
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I think the unidolised versions are just easier to look at.

>> No.8670492

Ruby reminds me way too much of that one Idolm@ster girl who's scared of men. I also feel like the girls have less variation..? If that makes sense, like I feel like they're 90% big boobs and 10% flat lolicons. And they all like swimming and sports and shit. I know that's part of the theme, but it'll get incredibly boring after a while, and feels like they're cashing in on the popularity of sports anime. μ's felt like they had a lot more variety. Maybe in the anime they'll grow more and I'll start liking them a bit more.

I feel this too. I get why they did it, but they could have made seasons and seasons of anime of the girls becoming professional idols and we would all have watched and worshipped it. They might prove me wrong and might do better with Aquors, but so far, not convinced.

Saying that, I think Kanan, Hanamaru, and Riko are cute as shit. I know I'll be cosplaying Hanamaru if they come out with a better costume.

>> No.8670494

This is such a weird set. Nozomi's, Kotori's and Nico's are really cute, Eli's and Rin's are...not quite there, and the rest are just weird as all hell.

>> No.8670539

>Rin's leg


Exactly, it just seems so weird to stop just when it starting to become impossibly popular. Maybe it's a "stop before you become shit" thing but LBR that isn't something that usually matters in anime etc. especially since Love Live isn't a masterpiece as much as I love it.

>> No.8670681

>Rin's leg
At first I was wondering what you were talking about, but then I saw her foot...

Eli's is growing on me, as much as I hate animal print. I don't understand why her boot is open at the top of her foot, though..
Most of them aren't that horrible, but Rin's and Honoka's missed the mark.

Also don't understand why Maki is the only mythical animal. I would've liked if the entire set was based off of mythics.

>> No.8670724

Heh Nico the COCKy one of course also Eli's shoes are a sin

>> No.8670725


Agreed, easily the most bizarre of the themes. Animals I get but these are so strange.

>> No.8670746

someone pointed out that all the unidolized animals you could find in a petting zoo/actual pets and that the idolized ones are more exotic and not pets.

Also I'm upset that Nozomi got a goddamn bikini. We get it, she's supposed to be the 'sexy' one that shows of her boobs but this is too much. The pose and everything is so adorable though, I want more Nozomi cards to have her face like that.
Nozomi stands out a lot in this set thanks to it, she just doesn't look like she belongs in this set.

>> No.8670763
File: 61 KB, 426x600, 426px-Maria_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think it was a pretty bold move that not a lot of companies are willing to take. Best out on a high note rather than run it into the ground. That being said they could easily have a couple more years. Just wish the movie had a better main plot. I dragged my husband to the movie and his reaction was "I'll only accept that plot if it turns out main girl is schizophrenic."

I just want either
a) A-RISE anime or OVA
b) YG International Girls school idol anime

>> No.8670934

Her face looks so bad here too.

I'm convinced that they have something up their sleeve for muse. They would be stupid to end it now when it's practically at the height of its popularity and there are still plenty of crazily dedicated fans ready to empty their wallet on their favorite girl.

>> No.8670955

Hopefully a μ's afterstory. I doubt they'd cut contact with each other after graduating.
I'm really convinced that they'll make an appearance in the Sunshine anime (which has a big chance of happening), since Chika loves μ's and apparently mentioned watching them perform in the dome for the 3rd Love Live.

>> No.8671059

If I remember correctly, they are getting an album in which they have all graduated.

>> No.8671063

Is that what those new announced songs are for?
I've heard we're supposed to be getting 7 new songs, but 3 are for the subunits and I wasn't sure what the other 4 were.

>> No.8671082

Any cover by LoveRise.

>> No.8671108

She said 'her' facebook. Maybe you're not in the same groups/have the same friends? Shocker.

>> No.8671112

SAAAME. Why does Nozomi have to be the slut? Just because she was blessed with big tits??

This set has no consistency whatsoever within the costumes. Not only do they have entirely different colors (I mean, Maki's outfit is pastel and Honkers' is black and white while everyone else has deep, rich colors) but the aesthetics are so different!! a group of all these together IRL would look like COMPLETE shit.

>> No.8671116

>This set has no consistency whatsoever within the costumes.
Yesss. If they had a circus theme going, it'd work. Something like what Nico has.
But instead the only theme is animals, but that's not even really consistent.

>> No.8671134

EXACTLY. Umi, Eli, Nico, Rin, and you can make a case for Honoka...they all are fine and somewhat consistent, but the rest of them are out of left field. You either need similar colors or similar styles, this group has neither.

>> No.8671344
File: 512 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-10-16-21-58-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some Devil Survivor level tit anatomy.

>> No.8671402

I feel like theyre just not coheasive enough to just have the animal theme running through.

It would look best as the unidolised version tbh since they all look similar enough.

>> No.8671414

I think Anon meant "No, it is indeed not archery club", in response to the caption on the picture.

>> No.8671656

Oh, okay. Lol. Sorry, I usually read posts on /cgl/ assuming everyone is salty AF.

>> No.8671803

>SAAAME. Why does Nozomi have to be the slut? Just because she was blessed with big tits??

It's such a weird trope to give her because in the anime I never really felt like she's a girl that will flaunt her tits around all the time. I just want to see her in more cute outfits.

Also as for her hairstyle sidebraid > loose > low pigtails.
Seriously those sidebraids look fantastic and it seems like the game is realizing it because she has them more often.

>> No.8674055

Completly understandable hahah

>> No.8674065

So, what's everyone's dream idolized UR? For me it's a tie between Halloween and Mermaid Nozomi.

>> No.8674121
File: 25 KB, 224x264, 1444362281348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation Maki.
I have 300 gems and 2 scouting tickets with her name on them.

>> No.8674137

All of these are so weird. They should've stuck to the exotic animals theme for everyone instead of throwing in other animals like Maki as a Pegasus and Hamayo.
Umi is actually pretty cute for an elephant but I'd say Nico and Kotori are my favorites.
What is Nozomi supposed to be? A dolphin?

>It's such a weird trope to give her because in the anime I never really felt like she's a girl that will flaunt her tits around all the time.
I feel the same way. If she was flat, it wouldn't even make a difference personality-wise.

Mine's White Day Hanayo.

>> No.8674146

Because the men who make idol anime want a chaste girl, but they want to look at her tits at the same time. So you get a girl that behaves chastely but doesn't dress it.

>> No.8674195


Also Nozomi is a penguin (look at the earwarmers)

To be fair, I think she's the least 'pure' of all the girls, or rather, doesn't fit that stereotype the most. And not because of her boobs, she just doesn't come off as pure "what's a sex?" girl.

Isn't she one of the least popular girls? Most people who love Nozomi that I know are all girls. Maybe because they care way less about muh pure waifu.

>> No.8674206

I got this feeling, as well. I love Nozomi. I figure girl loves tits, she's not going to be against getting hers out. But I suppose different people see her differently? I generally see the older girls as less shy.

>> No.8674213

Like someone said earlier, Nozomi is the character that seems like she could be your actual friend the most, and not some personality that could only exist within anime.

I personally just adore her, not even sure when it happened because it used to be Kotori,
Really, I just want her to get better outfits in the cards (I have a personal dislike for pencil skirts and she always gets them) she really needs an adorable outfit.

>> No.8674265
File: 258 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls universe I beg u

>> No.8674410

Wow she doesn't look like a penguin at all... I didn't even notice her ear warmers had penguins on them so I assumed she was some kind of aquatic animal because of her bikini and color scheme.
They should've made her black and white for a penguin tho.

I was in Japan recently and she was pretty popular but ofc not as popular as the super animu girls like Honk or Kotori. I'd say she's like the third or fourth most popular?
I only talked to 2 fans and she wasn't their favorites, but her merch seemed to sell very well and I saw a guy walk out of Laforet with a big stack Nozomi keychains (presumably for an ita bag).

>> No.8674428

I'm suprised, in a good way because I love Nozomi.

Who's the least popular girl then?

>> No.8674472

All the Love Live girls are pretty popular in Japan, to where "least popular" still sells well.
Nozomi's among the least popular for male fans but usually most popular among female fans, and there series is pretty evenly popular among both genders.
I think Honoka tends to rank as least popular, but she gets MC privilege so that's still not much. Hanayo's not super popular in the West but Japan loves her to bits.

>> No.8674755
File: 81 KB, 426x599, 657464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about Love Live!, but I keep seeing this cosplayed at my local cons (at least 10+ people). Is there some significance to this outfit? And what is that duck thing?

>> No.8674847

Threre's no significance but the outfit is cute and easily obtainable. The duck is a bird, because her name means bird.

>> No.8674896
File: 87 KB, 550x850, 236159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a promo UR last year (meaning you only had to login for 5 days to receive one during the allotted time). Cute design, had a figure made (pic related).
There's no real significance though, no.
The duck thing is because her name is Kotori [ie. little bird] and she likes birds as a result of her name.

>> No.8675361

I feel this. Nozomi's not my best girl, but I'm big-chested and have a similar face/personality so I cosplay her a lot and her costumes are often not that nice/don't look as good on her as they do on the others.

>> No.8676121

Does Garasu no Hanazono have a dance? Not hugely familiar with Pure Girls Project or the live shows. Also are we in autosage?

>> No.8676342


Yeah, time to start a new thread.

>> No.8676491

Jester kotori, or the police kotori.

>plays both eng and jp.
>Have an idolised UR on both
>doesnt have a single kotori UR.

>> No.8676900

Thanks, anons!

>> No.8677143

I loled