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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 91 KB, 960x587, sasuke_n_naruto_chibi_tattoos_by_hina0126-d736r4v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8634438 No.8634438 [Reply] [Original]

New thread where we discuss our shameful weeaboo pasts and things we've kept from it.

Question to start off: have any of you gotten an anime related tattoo you now deeply regret? Or any you like for that matter.

>> No.8634482

I have a Shin Megami Tensei tattoo (not Persona) that I have zero regret for. It's not immediately obvious that it's from a video game; I cringe whenever I see someone with a tattoo that they can't even play off as being normalfag.

>> No.8634492
File: 173 KB, 1024x834, 20150223_05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think emblems/crests etc. work best; subtle enough to be seen as a 'normal' tattoo, obvious enough to fans of the series.

Pic unrelated, just kind of amazed I found a decent tattoo while I was searching for a bad naruto one like I used in the OP.

>> No.8634510

I have a tattoo that says "Makenai" on it because of Sailor Moon and I don't regret it. I also have a pair of wings on my back as a tribute to Sailor Moon. I kind of want to get a big chest piece of her locket mid-transformation from Super S or Stars one day but I'm not sure I want to give up that piece of prime real estate just yet.

>> No.8634541
File: 112 KB, 600x800, Shimakaze691422121173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never gotten a tattoo (just personally don't want one) but every time I think of anime tattoos I think of this guy.
He hadn't even started playing Kancolle before he got the tattoo...

>> No.8634544
File: 45 KB, 165x124, 08ed8c6c78e8ec2cb4ac2097e7ae0b33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is for ants, sorry.

I don't regret this one. It's simple and (clean) passes off as a normalfag design. I'm considering getting a Ghibli themed spot somewhere. I don't even care that it's not subtle.

Even though it's not anime related (it's fandom related so whatever) I really want a Futurama tattoo of Fry saying "I'll be whatever I want to do!" since it was my yearbook quote.

I think the locket would be super cute.

>> No.8634545

The day I turned 18 I got a hello kitty tattoo because omg so random xD. It has since been covered up but damn I was dumb and my "scene" phase lasted way too long good god.

>> No.8634547


This is fucking gorgeous holy shit

>> No.8634548

>loli anime butt on your leg
>on a place where it's hard to get proportions right because it's not a flat surface
>that overall horrible lining; the hand will give me nightmares

I always just feel sad when I see that kind of stuff.

Nothing will top the lady who has a Kakashi tattoo with a giant dick with cum flying out of it though.

>> No.8634550

I had a cat hat, a little fleece hat with floppy cat ears. And I wore it daily my entire Junior year of high school. I was known as Cat by my peers. No one ever saw what my hair looked like, ever. I always was questioned about what my hair looked like. I just shrugged them off and hurried to my classes.

I also wore my boyfriend's hoodie daily. No make up, bad acne, general weeb. I went to the Gay Straight Alliance and Japan Club as well

I came back my Senior year, no cat hat, no hoodie, long mid-back length blonde hair down, make up on. No one recognized me, someone even asked the teacher if 'Cat' was still in the system. I just turned around and waved.

Then I turned back into a weeb in college. I still have the hat though, it was from my first convention.

>> No.8634561
File: 11 KB, 236x288, hellgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have every intention of getting this. Haven't yet. Don't know why.

>> No.8634579
File: 130 KB, 960x720, 1423900761221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8634608
File: 217 KB, 996x1010, 12010513_1088664214541011_629110642976871800_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is ugly? You must be blinded by eyes that are clouded by hate.

>> No.8634615

Pic anon? I been thinking of getting an SMT tattoo and want to get ideas of how people did theirs

>> No.8634636

I would, but I know some of my friends lurk here and I'd rather not get caught self posting. It's just Argilla's atma mark from DDS in black on my arm. Nothing too fancy.

>> No.8634694

took my now husband to his first anime con when I was 16.
>new boyfriend decided he was gonna be real cute and wear a "free hugs" sign.
>boyfriendo Is approached by greasy skinny neck beard with long hair wearing a "yaoi lover" shirt
>neck beard: "I can has hug?"
>neck beard wants me to take a photo of the hug on his ancient digital camera.
>hell yes
>boyfriend is cringin real hard
>throws sign away hugs sign after that
Serves u right u lil hoe

>> No.8634715

I'm generally not a fan of tattoos, but that is a work of art. It's one thing to paint/draw that in traditional or digital media, but with a tattoo gun? Damn. I'd like to see more by the same artist.

>> No.8634788

Have one anime based tattoo and I don't regret the word, but the symbol and the story on how I got it I regret deeply.
The symbol of it was supposed to be tiny but I was talked into a HUGE symbol by the tattoo artist and he fucked it up. Lines are crooked as hell, design is uneven. It also got infected (first tattoo to ever do that) so I look upon the one part with regret and resolve to never ever let someone else determine what goes permanently on my skin and to not be such a bitch and speak up. I should have figured out he wasn't going to listen to a word I said when I handed him the tattoo. It was a three inch cursive word with a tiny symbol at the end. I told him I wanted it on my inner wrist and that the lines needed to be cleaned up a bit but this is the exact design and size I wanted. He came back with an 8x11 prison script version of the word and asked me where I wanted it. I had to convince him three times that what is on the paper is what I wanted. I wish I could have smacked my younger self.

>> No.8634801

We can't all be proud of our past.
I've worked very hard to repress those memories.

>> No.8634831

Not myself, but I remember an episode of Extreme Home Make-Over where they painted this girl's anime drawings on the walls of her room.
I remember being so jealous as a young weeb myself, but now I just wonder how long it took the poor girl to hate her bedroom.

>> No.8634832

I have a Doctor Who tattoo. Don't really regret it since I was really depressed and Doctor Who gave me something to cling to. I probably will in a few years, but I get free tattoo removal.

>> No.8634874
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 2014-06-03 22.59.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this not too long ago. Sailor Moon is my first love and I already have quite a few tattoos so I wasn't afraid to commit to it.

>> No.8634886

Fuuuuck that is a shit tattoo

>> No.8634887

Not anon you're replying to, but this design is a heinous tattoo. On paper, it would not be ugly. As a tattoo? Fucking gross

>> No.8634891

I'm afraid to get a tattoo. My parents are from an era where they were even more taboo than for the baby boomers, and I know I'm probably just doing it for the attention. I have a test I give myself: do something cool and don't tell ANYONE. I've failed every time.

>> No.8634893
File: 380 KB, 714x1000, 299805-handsome-jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want Jack's wrist tattoo, though maybe more condensed. But I'm weak.

>> No.8634894

I started ballet specifically because I wanted to cosplay Princess Tutu.

5 years later, I'm en pointe, cosplayed Princess Tutu, and I'm in great shape doing a hobby I love

>> No.8634914

Just because you do something cool and want to tell people doesn't mean you're just doing it for attention, anon! I love telling my friends about cool things, whether I do them or not.

And this is being said by someone who thinks tattoos are, for the most part, unsightly. Do it if you want to do it, anon, it's your body. Just because you want to show it off/get attention for it doesn't mean you don't also love it. Just.. make sure you really love it.

>> No.8634971
File: 12 KB, 188x150, 4552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hadn't even started playing Kancolle before he got the tattoo...

This. Couldn't believe it when he said it himself. Just, wow.

>> No.8635197
File: 76 KB, 600x941, sasunaru_tattoo2_by_sasuke_kyun-d2xh4v4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8635212

Anon I feel so bad for you, even from this tiny picture I can see that the lines on this are anything but clean.

>> No.8635269
File: 142 KB, 415x367, 1441843532785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.8635274

I remember watching an episode of some random finnish home renovation show and the client was a casual fan of anime... so of course the designers took a random anime the girl didn't even watch and painted big murals of it all over. When the girl saw her aparment her reaction was just "nope.jpg" and "I hate it".

>> No.8635275 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 500x667, ngbbs5196b3486067d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ultimate worst anime tattoo

>> No.8635277

I think you mean best.

>> No.8635398

God anon I'm in the same boat, it just about the only fandom tattoo I would consider.

>> No.8635419
File: 9 KB, 261x190, 1442854554473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i want to see her facial reaction

>> No.8635426
File: 88 KB, 600x761, 1440268973035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant, I suppose.

I've considered getting some kind of anime tattoo, but I'm not sure what kind. I could get a μ's tattoo, but I'm debating if Love Live was a significant-enough part of my life to justify it.

>> No.8635429

Why can't people ever pick good images for their waifu tattoos...

Also I think it would be a cute idea! I feel you on the significance though. I'd like to get a fire emblem one but I don't know if I'll look back at it in 5 years and hate it.

>> No.8635465
File: 1.94 MB, 500x227, lilies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want a get a tattoo of star of bethlehem lilies, because they're beautiful flowers and also Mgs3
I played the game when I was going through a really bad time, and those 20 minute cutscenes kept me going tbh.

>> No.8635477

Have fun with the scar

>> No.8635480

Do it.
Please. DO IT.

>> No.8635507

I want to get a watercolor tattoo of a doe with a butterfly on its nose, to pay subtle homage to the game that stopped me from killing myself/relapsing and gave me something to focus on. For anyone curious, it's Life Is Strange, but the final episode comes out mid-October and I don't know what I'll do with myself after that point.

>> No.8635508

Life Is Strange is such a great game, plus something like that would be easily passed off as normalfag (although some people might ask you about it, but it's not even that weird to explain).
I'd see how you feel after the final episode though.

>> No.8635529

Oh I am, just trying to figure out a good design. I'm trying to decide whether it should just be the lilies, or if I should add in the patriot gun, or a snake or something. I'm meeting up with one of my artist friends soon to help me with a design!
I said it earlier in the thread, but Mgs3 did the same for me.
Whenever I think I might go back to the way I used to be, I just replay it! I've beaten it well over 50 times now, helps every single time. Maybe try that? I actually just started playing it yesterday (just beat Wolf Among us too) and it seems pretty replayable with all the options you get.
Try making it your goal to 100% it!
You can make it through whatever it is that's ailing you, anon. I believe in you!

>> No.8635532

Hit reply too soon, but I managed to find our games combined (the video)

>> No.8635536

I have a few tattoos, and I'd post some if I wasn't such a wiener about sharing certain personal things, but three of them are comic book related, two of which are manga related; Uzumaki and Laughing Vampire. I love them both, and definitely don't regret any of my tattoos, though I understand that not everyone likes them and that's totally okay.

>> No.8635541

You don't have to post a pic if you aren't comfortable, but what's the Uzumaki tattoo of?

>> No.8635542

Uzumaki as in the horror manga? If yes, that's amazing.

>> No.8635556
File: 139 KB, 960x960, tumblr_nvb7cgkxks1r79214o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I'll share, I need to get over the anxiety of potential tattoo judgement (since it's not even a big deal), so why not start here? I actually got the Uzumaki one last night, since I didn't like how blocky and separated the other two were. My brother is my artist, so he always works really well with what I want since we have similar tastes. My Laughing Vampire one needs a SERIOUS touch-up because the healing process for the front of the thigh is near unbearable, but we ran out of time before his next client came in, so maybe next time.

>> No.8635563

I took my weebhood seriously and actually spent a few years learning Japanese. I can translate a good bit of stuff now if theyre not talking at 10000mph and hold brief conversations. Its actually a useful skill in my area that comes in handy pretty often but every time I think back to why I learned the language I just cringe and hang my head.
>tfw your weebhood granted you a good skill

>> No.8635583
File: 42 KB, 380x285, bioshock06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first tattoo.
From Bioshock

>> No.8635606

I figured I might want something similar to pic related but with more color (more blue tones since that's prominent in the game, maybe). I probably won't get it for a while, I have different things to spend money on, but I'll see what I think after the last episode is released.

(OT but I can 100% guarantee I will cry like a bitch at this ep like I have at all of the others.)

Haha, thank you. I hope you're doing well too, anon. I've already replayed it upwards of 10 times and it's not even over, but every time I do I go back and find something I've never seen looked into before, which, along with the decisions/consequences concept and all the different dialogue routes, gives it incredible replay value. Hope you're enjoying it so far, it gets better the further in you get, I can promise you.

>> No.8635613

that's adorable!

>> No.8635617
File: 4 KB, 64x64, mudkipspritetatoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get pic related as a small tatoo on the shoulder.
It could easily be hidden and all of my current interests stem from me discovering the world of pokémon through ruby and sapphire as a 9 year-old. It was my starter.

>> No.8635727

................pics PLEASE

>> No.8635730

it's a blue board bruh
just google "bad kakashi tattoo", it's literally the first result

>> No.8635731

posted it here >>8635275

>> No.8635737
File: 40 KB, 570x713, 8f63a090a516ac886f19bf474d80be35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic.

>> No.8635742

That's really cute; I'd support that 100%.

>> No.8635744
File: 109 KB, 400x267, gallery_345_3_69758[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have her SuperS Locket on my thigh. No regrets.

>> No.8635752

Please don't, you will hate it. Get something original ffs.

>> No.8635754

Eyyo, design is cute but watercolour tattoos don't last long because they have no prominent black lines around them.

>> No.8635762

You could always do white-line highlights in there. They fade off in about 5yrs, but they keep the colors from running together as the tattoo ages since the line is still there, whether it's visible or not.

>> No.8635763

topkek, I got the reference

>> No.8635764

It's just chain links. Something like >>8635197 is something you'd hate after a while.

>> No.8635769

Honestly where the tattoo is on her and how often it'll be exposed to the sun matter way more than prominent black outlines. A watercolor tattoo on someone's outer thigh or back that'll be covered and won't get touched/rubbed against by skin a lot will last much longer than an oldschool sailor tattoo on the forearm.

Plus with tattoos, after your final session and touchup a few months down the road, we're talking about a "traditional" oldschool/black outlined tattoo lasting maybe 23 years if it's in the same spot as the watercolor tattoo, which would probably last 20 years. These are just rough estimates based on what I've seen though.

>> No.8635776
File: 143 KB, 566x701, Giogio_birthmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on getting a smallish Joestar birthmark tattoo, it seems subtle enough and not too out there, while still holding significance.

>> No.8635782

Haha, Hanyaan has this tattoo too.

>> No.8635790

I think there's sort of a problem with speculating on what a tattoo done today will look like in 20yrs vs what a tattoo done 20yrs ago looks like today.

Techniques, inks/ink quality/ink substances, styles, and information availability have changed drastically over the past 20yrs and tattoo today isn't what it used to be. It's sort of like the situation with vapes, that was can speculate on what the long term health effects will be, but we don't actually know because we're not there yet.

Of course some things will never change, such as UV damage on a tattoo, rate of skin regeneration in certain spots, and how rough you are during the healing process, but I personally feel that people getting tattooed today have a MUCH better chance of any and everything holding up better over time vs what was done decades ago. I have hope that it can only get better, but again, we'll only know when we're there.

>> No.8635798
File: 37 KB, 480x480, Bioshock tattoo design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon you replied to...but I used to work at a Gamestop and saw a handful of people who have the chain tat. I have a buddy who has the design done as the picture I attached.

It's definitely not as bad as that Naruto tat, but it's not a very original tattoo. Just google it and see how many people are running around with it.

>> No.8635801


>> No.8635810

Right, my comment wasn't about techniques or an "actual" old sailor tattoo, it was just about the assertion that watercolor tattoos fade faster than black-outlined tattoos (which oldschool-style tats are). My only point was that there's more to a tattoo's longevity than just outlines or no outlines.

>> No.8635816

This is just drawn on with pens or something right? I refuse to believe that anyone would have this permanently branded onto their skin.

>> No.8635821

If you want a simple tattoo, you just kind of accept that it's something you want purely for personal reasons and not because "ORIGINAL DESIGN DO NOT STEAL!!!"

>> No.8635854

Different anon, but yeah.
I have the chain links up in my classroom with the slave quote underneath. Gives my students something to think about.

Although, now that I'm thinking about it, I may have never left my weeb stage. Oops.

>> No.8635880
File: 64 KB, 500x333, 1358704677183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure it'll look pretty neat

>> No.8635891
File: 261 KB, 1334x510, we_need_to_go_wider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kinda clever

>> No.8635898

That girl better pray she never gains weight or loses weight or gets pregnant or gets appendicitis or needs any other surgery or gets loose skin
I can hardly think of a worse place to get a tattoo

>> No.8635918

My friend had a quote going across this area, she got pregnant and the whole tattoo is ruined beyond repair.

>> No.8635942
File: 229 KB, 848x480, oaozsw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go get it together, we can hold hands while we hold back tears.

>> No.8636098 [DELETED] 

I admit, I really want a tattoo of Akuma Homura on my bicep. But I just can't right now since my bicep isn't big enough for my liking, and of course the money. I assume if I want it on my entire bicep and don't want it to look like shit it's gonna cost about $800-$1,000.

>> No.8636102

I was the anon wanting it, I'd probably get it at the top of my back or outer thigh so it's hidden and not always out on show. I'd worry about losing/gaining weight if it was on my thigh though, because I've had a history of eating disorders and my thigh measurements have always varied, so I'd worry about it being stretched or cracking or something.

>> No.8636103
File: 807 KB, 500x277, akuma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit, I really want a tattoo of Akuma Homura on my bicep. But I just can't right now since my bicep isn't big enough for my liking, and of course the money. I assume if I want it on my entire bicep and don't want it to look like shit it's gonna cost about $800-$1,000.

>> No.8636122


>> No.8636132
File: 90 KB, 640x956, 1003782_775741225773313_47530576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I call her m8

>> No.8636133

not that anon, but I'm assuming they meant "akuma" as in devil, as in the devil version of Homura
which is a connection you probably would've made if you weren't a filthy casual

>> No.8636142

Unless you can find a good unknown artist it'll cost you a pretty penny for one of size and detail

>> No.8636145

I hate that bitch so much

>> No.8636153
File: 383 KB, 750x1000, 1435147981510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. If I'm gonna get a tattoo, I'm willing to pay a lot for it to be 100%

bluefag pls leave

>> No.8636166

i hate pmmm so :-)

>> No.8636169
File: 11 KB, 214x201, vomitguca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8636175

And your'e so cool for telling everyone.

>> No.8636219

Why? Do you have an actual reason to want a tattoo that represents being a slave or do you just like Bioshock?
Your first tattoo being on your wrists is a bad idea especially if it's not something important to you. People are going to judge you and you might not even be able to get work at some places if you have to wear no sleeves.I assume you're young and you'll start regretting it pretty quickly as it's pretty ugly with no emotional attachment.

>> No.8636241

You'll just look like a douchebag who got a tribal tattoo

>> No.8636256

>Why? Do you have an actual reason to want a tattoo that represents being a slave or do you just like Bioshock?
They even said they liked Bioshock.
I will note that wrist tattoos are pretty painful, but aside from that, everyone knows about the "ohh no one will hire you!!" shit when getting a tattoo. If anon's seriously considering it, then they've found a way around it. Stop being a retard.

>> No.8636261

Not only all of this, but chain tattoos are a prison thing. It's a bad idea in general.

>> No.8636269

All they said it was from Bioshock. Obviously they like Bioshock if they want to get it, I'm just wondering if they have any other reasons.
Finding a way around it at this current time doesn't solve any issues you might come into in the future. I'm not being retarded for just stating a point. It's just a stupid design in the first place and I'm giving them my opinion since I don't want them to ruin their wrists.

>> No.8636278

Maybe they're like >>8635854 and want it for the darker themes in Bioshock. Why do you even care?

If someone asks about it, they can explain what it's from.

>> No.8636300

I liked Bioshock a lot when I was younger and am curious to why they want it. In my original post I questioned if it was about lack of free will which I assume you mean by darker themes? People are posting cringey tattoos and I think the chains are included in that. You don't need to be so defensive for them.

>> No.8636309

I'm just all for tattoos that don't need a heavy meaning. I mean if you have a deeper meaning, like the anons about MGS3 and LIS, that's fine, but I don't see why you always need a purpose outside of "I want this design on this part of my body."

>> No.8636328

Yeah I get that. There's just a lot behind that particular design with it being a reference to Atlas Shrugged and reinforcing Jack's obedience while also being a part of Andrew's Great Chain. Then there's the prison and gang relation. Seems strange to just get it because you think it looks nice but they can do what they want.

>> No.8636341

Teaching Anon here.

I'm all for anon getting the chains tattooed. I have a Splicer mask on my tit, so good for them getting something with a bit more class.

>> No.8636660
File: 65 KB, 346x446, Kakashi Tattoo Fail 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8636696
File: 103 KB, 960x960, madokatattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend has some animu/animu related tattoos. Sailor Moon locket on her chest, the birds from Olivia Lufkin's Stars Shining Out music video on her sides and she just got pic related today.

>> No.8636702
File: 63 KB, 720x960, At least it's not sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amount of fucks given: Probably not enough.

>> No.8636708

I feel like if you're gonna go big than you better go big or go home. This would have been less bad if it was like....the GOOD DA level of art.

>> No.8636726


>> No.8636730

That is a lovely tattoo!

>> No.8636744

Oh fuck I missed this one
I love it.

>> No.8636760

I'm thinking about getting a cute little punpun on the inside of my forearm or something

>> No.8636774

I was a weeb and got a stupid kanji tattoo, I'm in the process of getting something to cover it up soon. It didn't hurt at all, so I'm thankful for that.

>> No.8636785
File: 669 KB, 1035x1035, 2015-02-13_20.14.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this a few months ago. Sailor Jupiter is my favorite.

>> No.8636788
File: 576 KB, 1070x341, 6565464654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8636792

This is why I don't want children. I would much rather adopt

>> No.8636805

The only reason you don't want kids is because it'll ruin your tattoo?

>> No.8636811

I really like the Uzumaki one, i think it's nice and passable as just a cool design for normalfags too.

>> No.8636819

I hope your not referring to when they had Simone Legno of Tokidoki paint a custom, one of a kind mural and she had no fucking clue who he was

>> No.8636826

Once my dad let me draw on a wall we were going to knock out of our house to expand our kitchen so I drew my Gaia avatar on it REALLY huge. Then it took him over a year and a half to actually knock the wall out. It was there looking at me with its big dumbass anime eyes every day.

>> No.8636827


Can someone find a link to this ep? I'm dying to see her reaction.

>> No.8636836
File: 80 KB, 640x960, 0389e55084930023eeb7b3c50e2bed49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636837

It was posted in the thread but it got deleted.

>> No.8636838
File: 127 KB, 640x853, d58154b8bfaa97db4efd4df64e9287251294321410_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636839
File: 252 KB, 416x311, v5YD8SP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636840

What's it say?

>> No.8636844
File: 86 KB, 500x588, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636845

Jesus, this stuff makes >>8635426 look like a painting.

>> No.8636847
File: 351 KB, 400x536, tumblr_m4yzwiArtj1r35zydo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636849
File: 705 KB, 608x691, 459789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636854
File: 217 KB, 1024x808, 346234245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636857
File: 54 KB, 768x703, vaporeon_tattoo_by_myotastratus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8636860
File: 30 KB, 600x450, 3356464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's the picture I promised when I posted the lineart yesterday. Please don't leave me any negative feedback, I've already gotten enough of it since getting it.

>Oh, and if you're wondering where it is, left shoulderblade. No one told me I picked one of the most sensitive places on the body! It hurt like hell, and it still does if I move my left arm a little too much upward, but it's worth it to have something of Aaron on my back forever.

>Actually I just had the idea, my fiance drew it for me. I can't draw cute chibis. But yeah, my next one (if I ever get it) is going close to my ankle and it's the kanji for love.

>And yeah, I really love that I have a little bit of my love wherever I go.

>> No.8636867

If I was ever an artist and someone brought this in to me I would walk away.

Fuck the losing business concept, oh no the Brony market doesn't want to come to me anymore.

>> No.8636869

It's on her shoulderblade so she doesn't have to stare at it.

Fuck, if I was the artist, I'd purposely make it at least cuter.

>> No.8636875

stretchmarks, among other horrors, including the possibility of irreversible hormonal imbalances/depression for the rest of your life

>> No.8636877

it's money either way and it makes a great story
you just got to not laugh

>> No.8636880


I like tattoos like these. They're a nice reference for those who get it, but can also pass as a random design so it's not embarrassing when the rest of the world sees it.

This is really cool too, still obviously anime but it's beautiful so who cares

PLEASE tellme this isn't real

>> No.8636881

I still feel like I couldn't do it in good conscience

>> No.8636884

Not her, but it will ruin your whole body, good lord look at that shit

>> No.8636886

jesus christ why
just leave him, it so isn't worth it

>> No.8636887

Plus, there's so many children up for adoption. I'd rather help a child in need than create another one.

>> No.8636895

First day on the internet?
>just leave him

>> No.8636901
File: 39 KB, 450x675, il_570xN.617717257_emkl (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having the thoughts of getting an anime related tattoo. Mostly HOMRA since just the mark itself has a nice look.

>> No.8637486
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20120102_012911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was there looking at me with its big dumbass anime eyes every day.
I know that feel

>> No.8637506


Nice favela.

>> No.8637568

I've honestly been considering just getting a surrogate. It's selfish, but I kind of want just one child that's from me, but I'm absolutely terrified of the idea of something growing inside of me and completely wrecking my body like that. I want more than one kid though, so I'd also like to adopt, or take in foster kids.

>> No.8637830 [DELETED] 

Are you stupid?
Never seen a joke before?

>> No.8637831

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.8637836

Depending on where you are, the hoops you have to jump through to adopt are nuts and you need a lot of money to fund the process.
You can foster a kid and beat the shit out of them and no one will care though.

>> No.8637860

I had things drawn on my wall as parents said we were going to paint that weekend. It stayed up for 3 years there was the boys from Gundam wing, pokemon gijinkas before I knew what they were, 2nd gen legendaries mostly, and crappy ocs. Thank god they are gone

>> No.8637876

This, I want kids and honestly would love to adopt but the incredibly lengthy process and costs (especially when adopting from a different country) are intimidating, especially since I wouldn't want to be a first time mother in my late 30's.

Also I used to be fat so my belly is already wrecked with stretchmarks that will never go away.
And yes, realizing I have all these permanent scars sucks ass, but really, I can't do shit about them so if I ponder over them too much it won't solve shit.

>> No.8637897
File: 33 KB, 336x374, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting a tattoo of th fire symbol from ATLA. I feel like it looks normalfag enough to pass.

>> No.8638068

thanks for the blog

>> No.8638256
File: 25 KB, 339x300, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love having this one in my heel but it would end being really small and I fear it will become deformed with time

>> No.8638266

You can't do tattoos that have that much detail small enough to fit there; the lines would blur together too bad. Besides, never get anything on your heel. The skin regenerates too fast in that spot and pulls all the ink out. Same with palms. I'd suggest get it larger and on the top of your foot or ankle, you'd have better luck there, because it is a cute idea!

>> No.8638268

Thank you. Originally he had drawn up a different one that had the spiral in the middle and a second set of hands, but it was way too long to fit on my leg (it was shaped more like a chest piece) so he had to trim it down significantly. I still really like it, though; it came out just as sick looking as the original.

>> No.8638375

That would be such a good tattoo. MGS3 meant a lot to me too, not only because it helped me through rough times but because it's one of the major things that motivated me to go to college for game design.
I feel you on this one anon, I've been contemplating tattoos for a while and this is the one that comes to mind every time. That or I've considered getting something related to the MGS series.

>> No.8638391
File: 357 KB, 498x600, Screen Shot 2015-09-21 at 8.57.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ma nigga

yours is better though, oh well.

>> No.8638395

All Uzumaki tattoos are good tattoos. We are one in the same.

>> No.8638404
File: 145 KB, 723x480, DSC_0957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't regret it. I also have a giant single wing on my back. Tattoos for me are more about a collection of things past or present that mean or meant something to you.

>> No.8638423

I also subscribe to this idea. It's essentially impossible to get a tattoo of a design you are going to love forever. As long as it's don't by a good artist and it's not of something terribly controversial, then who cares.

Or on your face. Don't get tattoos on your face.

>> No.8638425

*done, not don't

>> No.8638427


Oh man, I was thinking of punpun for my first tattoo too, maybe when he's shocked and falls on the ground? not sure where to get it though

>> No.8638724
File: 424 KB, 2048x1639, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please. This is my vaporeon tattoo. He will have jolteon and flareon with him in a few months. I also have a hamtaro sleeve in the works. Only a quarter of it's done so far

>> No.8638749
File: 162 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've added Jingle, the djungarian choir, the master spoon, Oxnard and Penelope added but I can't take a pic of em right now.

>> No.8638941
File: 81 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nf9w10nEKY1qabjdeo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no real reason other than i had a gap to fill and i'm a weeby p.o.s, might get the seele logo in another gap but idk yet.

>> No.8639638

Haha, that's really cute.

>> No.8639654

I love how clean that NERV tattoo is.

>> No.8639714

this is fucking hideous. terribly done, overly huge, and looks stupid in such a conspicuous spot. but um... i'm glad you like it at least, because if you didn't i would feel soooo bad for you

>> No.8639720

just finished chapter 1, I love it so much so far.
The tattoo is beautiful, I also support it 100%

>> No.8639724

This is really well done omg

>> No.8639769
File: 12 KB, 352x338, Gggbdfg_gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god Anon, these are so cute, please tell me you're gonna get Howdy or Cappy

Also >>8638724 hnng at the classic trio

>> No.8639814
File: 101 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not directly anime/weaboo, but the idea for my tattoo was definitely Princess Monoke inspired. When I first got it I thought about having San's markings added to her face but thought it'd be tooooo much lol

>> No.8639816

Princess Mononoke jesus. Get it together me

>> No.8640328

Yup! All of the original ham hams and Harmony and Spat lol im so excited.

>> No.8640408

I only have one tattoo and it's a Tulip-Tree Silk Moth because I love nature inspired tattoos and I'll be working with moths as part of my graduate studies for at least the next three years. Moths are also what got me into entomology in the first place.

I've always played with the idea of getting a small fandom tattoo like maybe a little soot sprite or white totoro on my ankle but I don't think I would ever get it.

>> No.8640411
File: 378 KB, 1000x656, Love Hawk Studios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shoot dropped my pic.

>> No.8640515


>that is obviously a woman's body anon. I'm also confused by your comment.

>> No.8640572

>see all these anime tattoos
> know their weeb as fuck
> still want a gundam head

I've liked gundamf for over fifteen years so I think it'd be a safe bet for me getting a nerd tattoo that I wouldn't regret later.

>> No.8640617

I think the joke anon was making is that you'd only get a gross tattoo like that for a boyfriend with a loli fetish, and they were saying something that ugly on your body just isn't worth it.

That was just my take, someone correct me if it went over my head too.

>> No.8640728 [DELETED] 

You go it.

>> No.8640732

You got it.

>> No.8640860


same here actually! I recently ordered some temp tattoos to test it out but I'm getting punpun with his striped scarf with some pink flowers around him on my wrist / maybe inside forearm.

>> No.8641392

Ok, I'm the Bioshock chain tattoo anon.

I love the game, depends of the culture of the countries, like , in my country "the jails tattoos" are roses and shitty stuff like "i love jesus".

I prefer a vidya tattoo than a anime tattoo, all my life

and :
>People are going to judge you
Everyday people may judge you, but really cares about the other people opinion?
you are a sad anon if you think that.

>> No.8641479

It's still a Randian tattoo.

>> No.8641487

Can you believe people post in threads like this? Glad I never fell in to that crowd.

>> No.8641494

> newfag detected
Did we all use to be this edgy, trying to fit in with the 'cool adult crowd'.

>> No.8641545

This seems like something that was kinda funny or got a light chuckle when it was on a t-shirt but should never be made into a tattoo

>> No.8641549

Hot damn that NERV logo is so clean son

>> No.8641779

I kinda want a really, really tiny Bill Cipher on my ankle or something, but i know i'll probably regret it in like 5 years

>> No.8641853
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a WoW tattoo (Lok'Tar Ogar on the inside of my ankle) and I've been really aching to get a Ghibli tattoo. I originally wanted to get little soot sprites holding sprinkles on my other ankle, but not I've been seriously considering something larger... Maybe a piece with Kiki and Jiji on a broomstick? I'm not sure. I grew up watching Ghibli with my mom, I wouldn't regret it for a second.

>> No.8641854

thank u friends, i was originally in for something else so this one was very spur of the moment lol.

>> No.8641864
File: 60 KB, 960x553, one piece fist tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want this.

>> No.8642039
File: 97 KB, 500x500, tumblr_njzfsr7bdu1r29quxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im probably going to have a full video game-themed sleeve done in neo-trad style. all will be in the same style, and won't just be lifted from google images.

>shit like idk, a chocobo done in the style of pic related or a zelda heart container done in the neotrad jewel style

>talking with my tattoo artist about the pinup-style princess peach
>not a slutty design tho she is too pure for that

>> No.8642071

I'm sorry, I thought this was a weeb past thread.

>> No.8642131

>copying someone else's tattoo

You disgust me.

>> No.8642229

A tattooist in my area has set himself a challenge- He wants to tattoo all 151 Original Pokemon, just one of each, Palm-sized and at a set price.

I so so so want Clefable because she's been my favourite since I first played Red/Blue but it would be my first tattoo and I'm nervous about committing to it. I also don't know where would look good.

>> No.8642260

I was sure that I couldn't find it since it's from 2008 but apparently back then the episode created enough of an internet shitstorm that the bit where she sees the apartment was uploaded to youtube!
TBH now that I look at it, the apartment isn't THAT terrible, only the mural is really cringy.
The girl still makes a pretty priceless face. Some of the things she says include "help" "oh no" and when the host asks her feelings about the mural she goes "no no no no no no I don't really even like manga".

>> No.8642264

But the Winter Ball is fun!

>> No.8642330

When you get older you can just tell your kids you were part of the Illuminati.

>> No.8642348

Shoulder/bicep is a popular place, but it ruins quickly.
Thigh tattoos are becoming more common. Shoulderblades work too.

Not gonna lie: it's going to hurt if it's your first. Bring a friend.

>> No.8642379
File: 87 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have an equally nerdy friend who has had a few tattoos herself and we're looking at booking in on the same day. She's getting Pidgeot and possibly building on to it.
Pic related; one of the tattooist in question's latest. Sorry to sidetrack the thread, but Do you guys think it looks clean, and of good quality?

>> No.8642383
File: 643 KB, 933x954, 635e9047d68b9430b578befb7eea1735[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully don't have it, but when I was younger i was completely hyped up to get this Shana design as a tattoo.

>> No.8642390

Looks good to me

>> No.8642430

Looks clean but I'm not a fan of copy paste tattoos. I prefer some havin a personal twist on em

>> No.8642432
File: 43 KB, 960x640, welliamfucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, jokes goes too far...

>> No.8642611

>wanting luffy to jack you off

>> No.8642715

>especially since I wouldn't want to be a first time mother in my late 30's.
Why? You're showing your age there kid if you think you're old at 30.

If you're that desperate to be a young mother with little life experience and no nest egg then just fuck someone and get knocked up. Jeez.

>> No.8642747

you have great taste anon

>> No.8642755

>file name
Oh Anon, that's not you, is it?

>> No.8642762
File: 772 KB, 944x944, 008Wartortle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks good, but it's literally the stock image for wartortle. If it's going on your skin permanently, why not get something more unique?

>> No.8642781

>contacted super good artist about designing a cover up for my first tattoo
>'I'm so sorry anon, but my tattoo commissions are closed right now!'
>mfw stuck with weeb tattoo

>> No.8642887

Middle school me was the average (less greasy) weeb pretty much - "teh smexy yaoi", fanfiction, dancing to Hare Hare Yukai at school and always talking about anime.

I went through a pretty long phase throughout high school where I tried to act not necessarily normal, but to repress the fact that I was still a yaoi loving fuck who still loved all the dumb weeby shit I did in middle school. Now I'm trying to indulge in it a little more, just less obnoxiously, because it's something that makes me happy even if a lot of people think it's dumb or whatever.

I also picked up the piano for a few years because of Pandora Hearts, but after problems with my wrists and fingers I ended up stopping.

>> No.8642894

the only way you'll ever get fingered by your husbando

>> No.8642954

i actually adore the mural....

>> No.8643925
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, fma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in my teens and early 20's I always said I wanted pic related on my wrist or ankle.

I'm so glad I didn't, especially because recently I went to a con (after years of not being active) and saw at least 5 people a day walking around with this symbol.

FMA is a really important anime to me and I still really like a lot of the symbols in it. I have been thinking a lot in the last few years about getting Riza's tattoo and/or some nicely detailed transmutation circle, but I never make up my mind.

>> No.8644662

I actually think this is the best tattoo I've ever seen of any video game. The whole adding an "original twist" ends up as a fucking shit, creative disaster. The point is that you love fucking pokemon and like that character, you get that character and it looks precisely as he does in his original format. Super clean, SIMPLE shading ("muuh shading aka trailer trash tattoo). Just if you friend wants to build on it, start somewhere low, small and work your way up on a leg. My SO's brother started high on his thigh and he ended up just getting massive artwork to try to cover everything in a few sleeves.

If they dont have a clear idea as to how they're going to build upon the pokemon theme now, don't place it in the middle of the page aka leg.

>> No.8644742

The number of people that have this tattoo is unreal.

>> No.8644803

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.8644819
File: 91 KB, 640x640, 1465120_10205780851618798_4983914689783166123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think original twists on vidya tattoos depends on who's doing it. My friend got this a few months ago and it looks really cool.

>> No.8644896

To be fair, it'd makes a neat tattoo because it's like a tattoo in the series.

Unless you're one of those people that wants every tattoo to be an original design that no one else has.

>> No.8645009
File: 673 KB, 522x720, brother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother decided to get these two fandom tattoos.
I dont have a picture of his transmutation circle but he got it on his bicep and the artist messed up on one of the lines, it bled out. So far hes said the zelda has been mistaken as an eagle.
Personally worried for him since the transmutation circle is in a such a visible place that normies will think hes a Satan worshiper. its not my body though.

>> No.8645082

>the zelda

But yeah that other thing looks like satan shit and was a retarded idea for a tattoo.

>> No.8645092

Eh, I'm 32 and I have a firm "shit or get off the pot by age 34" policy with regard to trying for a baby. Just because you can get pregnant in your late 30s doesn't mean everyone wants to be that old, and getting pregnant at 28+ is hardly "young mother" territory.

>> No.8645094

the zelda one looks good but yeah the circle was a shit idea and by the sounds of it it looks like shit too lmao. hopefully one day he'll get it covered?

>> No.8645116

I have that same Zelda tattoo! It's on my upper back and in sort of a gold-orange color. People ask me if it's henna or if it's some sort of Egyptian thing all the time, hahah.

>> No.8645122
File: 30 KB, 480x640, 11760243_825939647501542_3070565484165600980_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dannii-Jo makes nice illustrations for anime related tattoos, pic related.

>> No.8645125

I don't care for sailor moon but that tattoo is beautiful anon

>> No.8645141
File: 188 KB, 339x434, Tattoo final- all for you2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fantastic, I'm thinking of getting a madonks tattoo like pic above. I love galaxy designs though, they look phenomenal if done by a good artist.

>> No.8645147

Dude, even the most normalfag normalfags love the shit out of Avatar. My friend has a earth nation symbol on his hand, people recognize it all the time.

>> No.8645183

lol are those your thighs? jesus

>> No.8645192

tats are for low class plebs

>> No.8645223

There is this girl who comes to my work. and she has a shirtless anthro pikachu girl tattooed on her arm, nipples and everything. to top it off, its really really badly drawn. I only wish I had a picture

>> No.8645233

When I worked at Walmart I saw an obese man with a tattoo of Rei Ayanami that took up half his huge upper arm. I forever regret not getting a pic.

>> No.8645294
File: 196 KB, 960x821, 10685456_714461121978826_489698310650735846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic related but with the difference that it isn't badly drawn, just tacky.

>> No.8645326

Sometimes I look at tattoos and think 'what were they thinking?'
This is one of those times

>> No.8645331

I hate how much I like this.

>> No.8645477

I want S.T.A.L.K.E.R. on my wrist in heavy, noticeable writing

>> No.8645512


>> No.8645602

To each his own, I think it looks too much like one of those temporary tattoos you get with candy.

When it comes to pokemon, you'd probably be able to find an interesting pose on one of the TCG cards with that pokemon on it.

>> No.8645636

Why do people get tattoos like this?!

>> No.8645816

Why are there hands?

>> No.8645906

Because anthro.

>> No.8645946

Poster of >>8643925 here. I don't necessarily want a special snowflake tattoo (a copy from something in a series I like is also good to me), but I was turned off by the huge amount of people that have the homonuculus tattoo.

I'm pretty sure that if I would have gotten it back then, that I wouldn't dislike it (because it's still special to me), but I wouldn't be proudly showing it off at an anime convention.

This is the reason why, if I ever get a tranmutation circle, I would put it on a place that could easily be hidden.

I have always been a person that doubts too much. I'm not even sure if I will ever get an (anime/video game related) tattoo and this makes me doubt even more.

>> No.8645957
File: 60 KB, 422x750, tumblr_ney6tcLmPt1s2f2ago1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll dump some pics of people with good and bad FMA tattoos in the meantime.

Pic related, the thing I wanted, but didn't get.

>> No.8645963
File: 178 KB, 1024x1816, riza_hawkeye_tattoo_by_naytamaru-d7j0nw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645964
File: 37 KB, 555x540, Full-metal-alchemist-tattoo-lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645970
File: 37 KB, 604x453, 7120_163059051862_7254070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645973

>This is the reason why, if I ever get a tranmutation circle, I would put it on a place that could easily be hidden.

Yeah right. Homunculus detected. You just don't want to get unmade.

>> No.8645975
File: 671 KB, 914x1000, full_metal_alchemist_tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing, but I would never want a tattoo that shows the characters.

>> No.8645976
File: 93 KB, 736x1229, 38bc519656aa82db97cee8d60ed0b6f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645985
File: 107 KB, 640x640, gtellesGabriel-Telles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645986
File: 236 KB, 766x1280, http-picslist.comimage42398073883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645989
File: 90 KB, 612x612, 1010572_451629421599088_1463155095_n_by_jacqueline_andreia-d6atfiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8645991

This looks so cool.

>> No.8645996

Wow this looks really great but I'm betting it doesn't hold up very well.

>> No.8645999

One if the better anime tattoos I've seen.
Has anyone had Ed's arm tattooed over theirs?

>> No.8646004

Spoke too soon >>8645999

>> No.8646010
File: 38 KB, 453x604, scar_tattoo_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this only looks good if you have a bit of muscle in your arm, because otherwise...

>> No.8646012

this hand looks fake for some odd reason.

>> No.8646014
File: 372 KB, 453x604, FMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't unsee that now

>> No.8646054
File: 56 KB, 384x512, B4TF2mu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tribal tattoo
I hate these, but I honestly never thought of it as tribal-looking. I think more technophile/robostuff.

I found pic related of someone who got it, but the funny part is the underside which I'll post next.

>> No.8646056
File: 36 KB, 228x228, CDtoNUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. It seems as if they got Jack's tattoo to go with what looks like (a not well done version of) the Bioshock tattoo everyone in this thread hates.

>> No.8646075
File: 1.87 MB, 350x251, 1414456939327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8646166

It's a pound of flesh hand.

>> No.8646201


thank you mr. skeletal

>> No.8646212

Holy shit I remember that episode, I was mad at the end because I was so jealous.

Didn't they keep it black and white so she could ~color it in~ or something?

>> No.8646287

i wonder if the guy on the right is just bigger because of her arm changing shape

>> No.8646294

tbh i wanted it after i played the game, kind of awkward though because we really are enslaved by society

>> No.8646328

It turns me on in a shameful way.

>> No.8646334

i don't think that's what anon meant.
I guess he/she was simply pointing out the similarity of Akemi (Homuras last name) and Akuma.
... a connection you could've made too if you weren't a filthy casual

>> No.8646338

That's like, your opinion man.

>> No.8646346

This still looks like cheesy fantasy art to me in terms of theme but holy hell, you can't not at least admire the skill level here, it looks like something done with a brush.

If I knew a tattoo artist that could do something like this I would seriously get one - I've always been put off as a lot of the ones that are hailed as being top-tier still look like total shit to me. My general view is that if I wouldn't proudly put the design in a frame and on my wall, I definitely wouldn't want it on my body for the rest of my life.

>> No.8646347

Pretty sure they were just joking about the song line rather than saying their tattoo was ultra crisp.

>> No.8646358

>Anon 1 says they want "Akuma Homura" tattoo
>Anon 2 just greentexts the word Akuma
They clearly didn't get it or thought it was a mistake. Why would you assume that, that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.8646362

Everything about this but the subject matter is appealing to me. But holy shit the fucking subject matter. That's on SOMEONE'S ARM, FOR LIFE.

>> No.8646373

funny how the pussy got censored but not the star-framed butt hole.
Also... is that a stick coming out of ... there?

>> No.8646508

r u brazil
u type like brazil

>> No.8646640

>is that a stick coming out of ... there?

I bet it's a lollipop.

>> No.8646645
File: 267 KB, 479x390, do you want ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8646812

It's obviously a tampon string.

>> No.8646852
File: 150 KB, 720x1280, symbol of strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not and will never regret getting this inked.

>> No.8646866

sharpies dont count

>> No.8646878

lmao i got that shit fam

>> No.8648118

i used to write a LOOOOOOt of naruto and harry potter fanfiction. i would stay up late and wake up early so i could write more chapters and post them to fanfiction.net
i also used to wear spiked collars to school, along with pigtails and cat ears. i wore tails to school too.

>> No.8648149

I thought I was the only entomology fag on /cgl/ !

>> No.8648182

>using their english names

>> No.8648242

How could any tattoo artist have drawn that up and told themselves "This looks good, let's put this on you bro"

>> No.8648244

Part of me wants one because he's mai 1nonly husbando, but there's no way I could actually do it

>> No.8648265

the awa fb page is filled with bad anime tattoos and looking at them, i've never been so thankful in my life that i dont have a tattoo

>> No.8648279

To get a bad tattoo, you have to fulfill one of two requirements:
1: You picked a shit design
2: You went to an artist who isn't good at whatever you're asking them to do. For example, if your artist does mostly tribal or geometric designs, asking them to put your anime waifu on you arm might not be a good idea since they're possibly not good at drawing people, let alone anime

>> No.8648294

Ah that's lovely. The little dots in each direction add nice symmetry. Good luck with your studies!

>> No.8648303

>weeaboo past thread derailed into body ruining thread.

ITT people who will never be A-listers in show business.

>> No.8648307

yaaasss convergence of the bug nerds, I love it. I'm planning on getting a purple watercolour rhinocerous beetle tat on my other shoulder in a couple years. I've got two more planned before that though.

>> No.8648359
File: 42 KB, 644x480, berserk_brand_of_sacrifice_tat_by_tktowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was trying to find a decent pic of a brand of sacrifice tattoo, but only shit pictures came up. Pic related.
Honestly... how could you get this and have the gall to post it online.

>> No.8648424

A good tattoo.


>> No.8648464

>shitty burn marks
>tattoo isn't even accurate
>size is way off
Fucking cunt. Ruining my waifu's tattoo.

>> No.8648487

When I was a Freshmen in High School, I went to my first con as L

>> No.8648529

*hits buzzer*
Yes Alec, I'll take "What is Make-up" for $200

>> No.8648571

Oh my god, I remember this! I felt so bad for the renovation group because the bitch was such a spoiled little shit and threw a bratty tantrum at them right on TV. To clarify: this is a kind of Finnish version for extreme makeovers in which they throw everything in your apartment away and weigh it all and renovate your apartment by the budget defined by the weight of all your furniture. So this cunt got a budget of like 20k and they asked her for ideas or preferences what she would like to see in her apartment and she didn't say anything other than "Eh I dunno, something that has an eastern feel to it". So they asked her relatives who told them she loved manga, and they made her this really spacious and luminous apartment with the mural on the wall. I agree the mural was a bit over the top but she got her cramped apartment covered in rabbit shit made all over again to help her asthma she was bitching about in the beginning. So what she's basically saying during her tantrum is something along the lines of "I fucking hate this, this looks horrible, I hate this, it looks like a hospital, the kitchen looks like some faggot designed it". Makes me mad even to this day.

>> No.8648580

I'm starting to think that the SuperS locket is one of the basicest bitch tattoos around, like every other person on Tumblr has this on their chest or some other part of their body.

>> No.8648591

It's badly drawn cum, that's all. Fun thing is that the owner is a forever jobless hambeast 8 Chan namefag (Ariela Maximus) that complains a lot about finding no job in daycare because of "tattoo discrimination".

>> No.8648603

She's getting Pidgeot at the bottom, wants to incorporate a Silver Wing and a Pokeball but she's still tinkering with the details I think. For me, I'd like my first one plain

>> No.8648610

what kills me is that this is actuallya really well done tattoo but the image itself is horrible

>> No.8648640

what is that is it supposed to be so wonky good lord

>> No.8648663
File: 52 KB, 720x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update he got majora maska mask done today by the same artist who did the Wingcrest. The color looks way better now but I couldn't knab a picture since he's at work. I also got a tattoo but it's not fandom enough for this thread.

>> No.8648680
File: 1 KB, 107x80, brandofsacrifice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Brand of Sacrifice from Berserk. It marks the person as having been sacrificed to demons by someone else.

>> No.8648833

I feel like you've gotta have a lot of issues to want a tattoo like that.
Do you think its meant to be a tattoo of herself? I'm just so baffled by this

Imagine being a normal person and you're about fuck someone and then you see that.

>> No.8648839

It's on her upper arm. Wear long sleeves.

>> No.8648847

holy shit that's one of the prettiest tattoos I've ever seen,

>> No.8648855
File: 166 KB, 960x720, tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about getting a pmmm tattoo, either a soul gem (prob homura's) or a grief seed, but definitely not this big.

>> No.8648876

Anon with Tulip-tree Silk moth. I actually got back I was studying moth diversity. Once I finish up recently from an internship in Costa Rica where my BS in May I'm hoping to go to NC State for my masters in Entomology and I've heard that's a really good school for it. It's cool knowing that there are other people who are into this hobby as well as entomology! Do you have an order or family that you specialize in?

Oh nice! Do you know what species you'll go for yet? I was lucky and got to see a Hercules beetle when I was in Costa Rica! It's really cool how their elytra can change color depending on humidity.

I've noticed that among the other entomology/ecology graduates tattoos are becoming more common.

>> No.8648884

Where I live there's no such thing as a straight up entomology course unfortunately, so currently doing a bachelors in biology with the plan to specify later, which I know my uni does. Met a guy at a party last week who specialises in ants, apparently we have two dedicated ant labs I didn't even know about. Personally I love solitary bees, I know it's cliché but they're just so endearing.

>> No.8648917

This is beautiful af

>> No.8649362

I hope you get into NC State, anon! I'm not an entomology major, but I'm currently going there for my undergrad and I really love the school, it's pretty great. Also your tattoo is beautiful!

To keep this thread on topic- I really want to get the kanji for "kaiju" (怪獣) tattooed on me in some small, inconspicuous place, but I also don't want to look like a giant weeb so I don't know if I'll ever bring myself to do it. The struggle is real.

>> No.8649547

A small (2 inches tops) silhouette soul gem/grief seed tattoo would be pretty cute, but the examples you posted are so damn tacky.

>> No.8650083

That's a shame that they don't have an entomology major. Bees are pretty cool and are a pretty hot subject in the research field what with the rise of CDC and everything. I've been looking at IPM recently, a lot of entomologists are strictly into taxonomy but I prefer research and whatnot.

Thanks! I've heard good things about NC State and the Raleigh area. If I don't get in there I'll probably stay at my current school, UGA, because it also has a pretty good entomology masters program.

As for the tattoo I really lucked out because I had it done by the one local guy, David Hale, and his studio is called Love Hawk Studio. He's always booked so the only way to get a tattoo done by him as a new client is to sign up for his newsletter and apply for one of the tattoos that he designs for the newsletters. He designs a lot of nature-oriented stuff but this was the first moth tattoo he's ever done.

Anyone have any experiences with getting a white ink tattoo? I've read up a lot about them online but there's a lot of varying opinions and info out there about them...

>> No.8650959

Good Job Anon. If you're going to be a fujoshit, at least acknowledge that it's lame.

>> No.8650973

there's no way I won't get the toha heavy industries logo in the next year or two. I'll probably get an entire sleeve devoted to Tsutomu Nihei.

Side note, I've been seeing home stuck tattoos recently and they make me want to vomit so fucking hard.

>> No.8650983

I don't watch naruto but isn't Naruto x Hinata cannon? Did someone honestly get a tattoo of their ship? Can tumblr quit telling people shit like this is ok?

>> No.8651104

Yeah, it's canon

>> No.8651793

This is not a real tattoo.

>> No.8652884

Oh hey, I'm going to NC State as well, also not for entomology.

Raleigh is great. If you do choose to go here, I'd recommend finding a place to live in Cary.

>> No.8653980

Thanks for the tip! I'll remember that if things work out.

>> No.8654310
File: 120 KB, 297x191, blueslippers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god what the fuck