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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8630486 No.8630486 [Reply] [Original]

I guess at some point I signed up to be on an email list for a brand new con, Silicon Valley Comic Con. I got an email today that tickets are on sale. I was curious about it (there aren't many comic conventions in the Bar Area) so I looked around at their website. The con is in March 2016, they have no guests announced (aside from William Shatner) and ticket prices are $100 for 3 day passes, $50 for Saturday.

Am I crazy in thinking that this brand new con is charging way too much with virtually no information? Maybe I'm spoiled because Wondercon is my con of choice, and Saturday tickets are $30, and 3 day badges are $55. I understand cons are a pretty risky proposition financially, but there's no way I'm paying that much for a completely untested convention.

What have your experiences been with new cons? What's the most you would pay for a brand new con? What guests or panels or events would get you to come to the first year of a convention?

>> No.8630512

Yes, 100 dollars for 3 day pass is bit steep for any con, but for a new one it's ludicrous.

>> No.8630517

The price alone pretty much guarantees it's going to be a ghost town unless they somehow get the entire cast of Dr. Who as guests or some shit. Even AX doesn't cost that much and it's the biggest anime con in the US.

>> No.8630520
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I love the specifics of the website too. Comics! Artists! Top secret! Inspires a lot of confidence.

>> No.8630534

I was a guest a newer con this past weekend. It was fairly small but the focus of the con was donating to organizations like wounded warrior, cancer research, etc. 2 day passes was $15 and 1 day was $10 It was very small but the idea of the con will hopefully get it growing in the next coming years. I have high hopes for the con.

>> No.8630541

What were they doing to encourage donations? Auctions? Exclusive merchandise? Or were they just tabling and asking for donations?

>> No.8630543
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Anybody going to Akiba Expo?

>> No.8630554

No new con should charge that much. Not even AX, Dragon con, etc sell pre-tickets at such a steep price when starting off only until they get a huge big name with big money guest.

>> No.8630558

It was a mixture of both. Vendors had special merchandise and deals where apart of their sales/purchase of certain items would go towards a charity, basic auctions (art, vintage comic items, etc), and then we had the tables where you can donate to (most of them were children cancer patients attending and having a table)

>> No.8630582

Aw, that sounds really sweet. I hope it did well.

>> No.8630770

SVCC is merging with big wow (comics convention before fanime) if I'm thinking of the right thing. Stan Lee and Steve Wozniak are involved with it

>> No.8630783

Big Wow has nothing that I would pay $100 to see. Its a fun little convention but its main appeal was that it was cheap, local, and small.

I know that Steve Wozniak is involved but again, his involvement is not a draw. I haven't seen Stan Lee's name in any of the promotional stuff, but its possible that I've just missed it.

>> No.8630793

>just paid $90 for a four day pass to ECCC
what the fuck are they thinking

>> No.8630883

When it was first announced he was mentioned. I'd like to think woz means money and a good budget for the con to do bigger and better things but I have no idea what they will actually do. Big wow being part of it means that it isn't completely a first year con but has some people with experience behind it

>> No.8631311

bar area? sign me up

>> No.8631317

There have been years where Big Wow was a bargain. They've had some pretty awesome comics talent in the past that made the cheap ticket price a fuckin steal.

Gonna echo >>8630883's sentiment and hope that Woz and friends backing it means bigger names and bigger draws. I get the feeling they want it to be the "big con" between ECCC and SDCC, so hopefully they'll have the guests to back it up.

>> No.8631403

Why would I go to a scam con?

>> No.8631434

I don't think it's a scam per se. It's just... kind of all over the place. Like they have too many ideas that they may not be able to actually handle. It'll probably end up as a trainwreck before being a scam.

I'm thinking of going.

>> No.8634704
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>there aren't many comic conventions in the Bar Area
You are wrong just got back from one today bro...

>> No.8634862

It was very sucessful and I was happy that alot took interest in a convention idea like this. I look forward to attending it next year and seeing it grow

>> No.8634884
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Can you even imagine the look on these guys faces if they knew that in the future, a fucking anime convention of all things would be held on their Japanese killing machine of an aircraft carrier.

>> No.8634907

From what made-up information?

>> No.8634970
File: 239 KB, 500x600, Fuck this im done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local con sucks, I've had about enough of their shitty poor excuse of a con that tries to attract as big an audience as it can with cosplay guests that are nothing but huge tits, little to no panels and aboslutely no J-fashion.
I want to start a new con that focuses on Japanese culture, have mostly anime/manga vendors; bring Japanese videogames, guests, have j fashion panels and guests.
Only problem is I don't know where to start.

>> No.8635008 [DELETED] 

they'd probably be amazed we even have the damn thing floating as a musem ship.

hell at pearl harbor there's a bunch of japs who play tourist and they can go on the missouri and visit the wreck of the arizona

>> No.8635012

the south?

>> No.8635523
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I was thinking of going to pic related. It's $25 a day or $40 for both days. It's only their second year and the first year was an unmitigated disaster. Looks boring as shit though. I only go to cons to take pictures of cosplayers, and I doubt they'd have a high turnout.

>> No.8636091

how was that? it actually looked pretty decent for a one day con based on the lineup of things, but i saw no interest from my friends

>> No.8636927

twitch con sucked.

>> No.8636983

I really want to know if one of the Kancolle cosplayers was a Yamato. The irony would be incredible.

>> No.8636984

if you're just going for photos ghost it

>> No.8637160

These are the most ridiculous prices I've seen

>> No.8637481

There are lots of ANIME conventions, there aren't many COMIC conventions. I'm not trying to be pedantic, the guests and events at an anime con don't interest me as much as comic conventions do.

>> No.8637500


You've never been on a cruise before, haven't you?


>> No.8638628

you mean the other way around

>> No.8641149

