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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 139 KB, 640x586, geisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8628271 No.8628271 [Reply] [Original]

In this current political climate (see kimonogate, tumblr, blackface, sjws), how much potential is there for shitstorm if I were to try my best to dress up as a geisha this upcoming halloween? As a not-Japanese, not even asian person.

>> No.8628273
File: 101 KB, 600x432, were_a_culture_not_a_costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another related pic, because I just think it might be more relevant than what I started this thread with.

>> No.8628275

There's probably going to be a shitstorm no matter what, but I think the magnitude will depend on how much effort you put into your costume to make it as "legitimate" as possible. How much research are you willing to put into replicating the clothes/accessories/makeup/wig for it I think will determine whether or not some people would be willing to try appreciating your costume.

Or you could live in an area that doesn't give a shit and you can wear a bathrobe with hair chopsticks and nobody bats an eye.

>> No.8628281
File: 161 KB, 500x750, tumblr_njb3lxjT5L1ture5co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would plan to do it fully out of respect and put all my effort into it. I think it would be very interesting and I would like to see how this experiment plays out. Though that's not my only motivation. Cosplaying is what I do or else I wouldn't be posting this here.

I see three potential sources of shitstorm
A) SJWs and "cultural appropriation is bad" types
B) Other anal retentive, autistic, special snowflake Japan nerds who would have criticisms about how I accurately I was pulling this off that they pulled out their ass ("UGH FUCKING WEEABOOS DON'T THEY KNOW THEY'LL NEVER BE JAPANESE")

Absent from this list are actual Japanese people, because I to be frank I don't think they give a fuck.

>> No.8628297

Why do you care what mentallers think?

>> No.8628298

Where do you plan on going in your costume is a big part of it as well. if you're going to a house-party or somewhere you'd be surrounded by friends it's more about how well do you know your friends or are any of them SJW's or racially sensitive people.

If you're going out to a bar or somewhere, sure someone may get mad but most likely they won't say anything .

if you're too worried about ti don't do it it, simple as that, but most people irl wont saya nything liek they do on tumblr.

you may get a picture stolen and posted on some blog you'll probably never see but who cares.

I nor anyone else can speak for all asians. I think it's just where you are going and who you surround yourself with that determines if it will be an issue.

>> No.8628301

fuck all those typos. on mobile sorry

>> No.8628303

>Where do you plan on going in your costume
Times Square, New York

>> No.8628307

shit storm aside, non-asian people tend to look completely ridiculous when dressed as geisha/etc. Chances are no matter how much effort you put in you're going to look like a giant weeb

>> No.8628309

If you're not doing it in a mocking fashion, then there shouldn't be a real problem. Being a geisha is an occupation, no different from being a cop or a doctor and they have costume for those. So, I don't see too much of a problem with it.

>> No.8628312

>fully out of respect
Honestly, that doesn't seem that respectful. It takes a long time and a lot of training for someone to reach full geisha status, it's not really something you can just slap on and imitate for a night.

>I don't think they give a fuck.
Most people here don't care if foreigners wear kimono, yukata, etc, but I can promise you you'd be a giant laughing stock if you wore a full on geisha costume. Again, it's not really something you wear as a costume.

>> No.8628313

Tourists in Kyoto pay to get dressed up as geisha/maiko and I haven't seen anyone get angry about it.

>> No.8628319

Some people find it racist but others are fine with it as long as there is obvious care involved and you're not slutting it up. You must not find it offensive if you're even thinking about it but people can get angry or think you're stupid even if they're not vocal about it. Do what you really want, you shouldn't have to ask anyone.

>> No.8628326

I think a tourist getting professionally dressed in the country of origin is a little different from an american weeb playing geisha on halloween.

Just don't do it OP. You're not a geisha, a weeb in a yukuta at best. It's not a costume so don't treat it as such. Wesr your kimonos and yukatas at appropuate places such as a japanese festival or when you get invited by japanese friends to do so.

>> No.8628327

Ah honestly then that's really uncertain it's a high traffic are so it'll be really interesting for some or something to point and laugh at for others. or maybe everyone will just ignore you since it's Halloween and plenty of weird shit is seen around the city.

>> No.8628332
File: 62 KB, 300x200, god damn that's edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see the post right above yours. it takes a long time and training (internships, med school, etc.) to become a doctor too but no one complains about doctor costumes. the same thing could be said about ace attorney cosplayers and how you spend a lot of time doing legal internships and going through law school to become a lawyer.

>how much potential is there for shitstorm if I were to try my best to dress up as a geisha this upcoming halloween? As a not-Japanese, not even asian person.
pic related

>> No.8628335
File: 27 KB, 610x343, kaum-wiederzuerkennen-beate-re-und-mutti-irene-li-haben-sich-fuer-japan-schick-gemacht-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.8628344

cultures are not supposed to be snapshots in a museum to be appreciated but not touched. they are to be shared and celebrated.

anyone who says otherwise is just stuck in bitterness over things from the past that they barely understand.

>> No.8628345

oh god the left one looks like she's melting

>> No.8628347

People dressing up as doctors and lawyers do it for fun and make it obvious how their get-up is a costume.
OP wants to put much effort into it and do it 'respectfully', I don't think OP sees it as much as a costume as people who get doctor costumes.
Basically OP wants to show off how much of a high quality knowledgable weeaboo she is on the only holiday where she won't get too much shit for running around like a freak.

>> No.8628350

Sharing includes one person willingly giving something to another not taking what you want how you want it.

>> No.8628354

That's the thing

This is not a thing that should be "edgy" at all, in my opinion.


>Basically OP wants to show off how much of a high quality knowledgable weeaboo she is
Boy, did I call it or what
You're B

>> No.8628356

Her face was so old and saggy, they couldn't properly put on the eyeliner, they just put it on the droopy eyelid.

>> No.8628361

this isn't colonial times anymore, these aren't real issues. the preservation of a culture does not require everyone else being shut out from it, only that the culture it belongs to continues to embrace it. plus you're talking about something that only has cultural relevance as an aspect of japan's pride over their past, not current relevance. this is not an issue of any kind. at all.

>> No.8628366

every sjw ITT should read up on the MFA kimono display and how a bunch of sjw idiots were protesting an event that was sponsored by japanese people, who were protesting against the sjws.

also, if i ever hear about fucking koreans trying to claim any offense to anything japanese just because the US thinks all 'asians' are the same i will personally spit in their face.

>> No.8628367

>weeb planning to put on something that is not a costume on a costume holiday
>knows it's controversial
>seeks confirmation on 4chan
>gets called out on weeby behavior
>"Y-you're just anal you nerd!!"

Are you sure you want the opinion on 4chan at all?

>> No.8628371

yeah, OP was probably asking for advice on here because 4chan used to be filled with sane people, not self-hating weeby shit sjws.

>> No.8628376

Did you know?

Japanese animation and cosplay originated in the west, and western fandom of Japanese anime is just fandom coming full circle, much like the former owner of 2ch buying 4chan.

Did I just blow your mind or what?


>> No.8628377

There was a French person who became a geisha. Took all the lessons, training, everything. That's the 100% respect bar that would satisfy practically everyone save the most bitter of online shit-stirrers.

OP obviously won't be able to meet that level if it's just for Halloween.

>> No.8628379

>these aren't real issues.


>> No.8628383

yeah, dressing up as something that's not culturally relevant anymore is an issue, to sjws.

>> No.8628385

Same people would probably claim that we need to preserve a dying language by never allowing any 'dirty foreigners' to learn it
Or in the words of my fellow countrymen, 'lmao >muh heritage'

>> No.8628388

but anoooooon, westerners are white so obviously since all white people are british colonists that means we need to magnify non-existent racial tensions due to bitterness over events that played out centuries ago and attributed to the modern world.

it's a wonder why sjws even use computers and shit, i'd think they'd protest using anything that an impure culture produced after being westernized.

>> No.8628390

You don't have to be a full fledged sjw to think putting on a full geisha get-up as a costume on halloween is stupid af. It'll probably look half-assed since OP never got training and there is really no reason for such complicated costume.
That's like saying you'd wear a wedding dress on halloween, but a real one to show your best efforts.
My main problem is OP trying to do it respectfully..as a costume..on halloween.
Why not do a panel on a con? To a festival? For your japanese course?
Shoehorning it as a halloween costume is basically just showing off.

>> No.8628392

the irony is that sjws trying to preserve dead japanese traditions (that the japanese are already preserving) and keep others excluded from them, just makes them seem like the biggest fucking weebs in the room, even though they're claiming those who want to share the culture are weebs.

>> No.8628393

hoe don't do it

>> No.8628397

it doesn't even actually matter though is all i'm trying to say. the only people offended by it or even the idea of it are people who don't understand that japan doesn't care if you shit all over their traditions as long as you're saying they're cool. it feeds the overall ego that they have, especially foreign stereotypes.

and fuck, why does anyone even care about offending one of the most racist nations in the world?

>> No.8628400

Do what you want and deal with the consequences. The Times Square is very likely to be filled with progressive sjw so be prepared for backlash from asian americans and their company.

>> No.8628401

shitting on korean people won't make you any more japanese

>> No.8628406

right, because it's so unlikely that any japanese person would be on 4chan. sorry to say but asians in the US all want to be japanese, why do you think they lie over it?

>> No.8628408

Of course japan won't care, only asian americans will,because they are affected by it. Japanese people in japan don't have to deal with the consequences of cultural appropiation, of course they are happy about westerners enjoying thelr culture.

>> No.8628409

>in this currently political climate
>nothing wrong with blackface

Oh. Were you planning on taping your eyes, anon?

>> No.8628411
File: 744 KB, 800x1069, 1408176622723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8628412

>one of the most racist nations in the world
b-but anon! i'm a skinny, pale white girl with blonde hair so all of the nihonjins love me! they aren't racist! all the japaneses men love white pussy and it's a fact! and they will love me even more once i become an aidoru model-san! :3

real talk: Japan is crazy racist even against other Asians and whatever the sjw term for hating people with skin that's not paper white is. They treat foreigners like shit even though they love fetishizing the blonde-haired-blue-eyed halfu grill in like every anime ever and they use circle lenses, eyelid tape, hair bleach, skin bleach, and plastic surgery to look whiter.

>> No.8628415

this is the stupidest thing i've ever read.

>> No.8628416

>implying no koreaboos in the US

>stereotyping all asians as slant eyed chinks

>> No.8628422

I really hate this thread because it made me realize that people like this actually do exist in the world.

Cultural appropriation is not a fucking thing, not in the way anyone is using it. And even if it were, who the hell fucking cares? It's like you people want segregation or something.

Shouldn't you have an issue with interracial marriage? All those white girls are stealing black men from continuing their proud black culture with other black people, after all.

Fuck, it's like you people don't even live in the real world.

>> No.8628423

>Why not do a panel on a con? To a festival? For your japanese course?
Almost did that for Anime Expo, but ended up doing something else instead. Coincidentally, something that is very much mired in both Japanese indigenous culture and from an 80's anime, but I don't think it's the kind of thing people knew enough about to throw a huge tantrum over.

Halloween is coming up and I moved to the east coast so I revisited the subject. Kimonos are too warm for summer anyway.

>> No.8628424

The truth hurts your brain, eh?

>> No.8628425

>visits thread knowing there will be sjws complaining about cultural appropriation
>complains about sjws complaining about cultural appropriation

>> No.8628426

just wear it, you want to. everyone is human, culture belongs to everyone. the only thing that 'cultural appropriation' does is segregate people in a way that implies segregation should exist and that races are not equal.

>> No.8628428

this thread makes me so happy that sjws are too worried about rape or male microagressions or going against gender roles to actually reproduce.

>> No.8628432

depends if you're putting it publicly on social media.
but if you're being that paranoid about it anyways, then don't do it.

>> No.8628435

>what is being culturally sensitive
>what is embracing a culture respectfully
>what is the right time and place for special clothing

But of course, racism and stereotypes don't exist anymore.

>> No.8628439

You are right, there are only radical sjw femi-nazis and 'normal people', there is no in between.

>> No.8628443

You're going to get peed on. You might as well take a wad of money out of your bank account and just fling it up into the air at times square. It's the same kind of time and money wasting, but whatever it's not my loss, just yours.

>> No.8628448

OP, did you do this to troll? why would you make this thread? i'll give you your answer, do you have balls or not? if you do, wear that shit, if you don't then fuck off. the only people who will give you shit over it are offended on principle, they're not actually going to be hurt by it, if someone was hurt by it they'd tell you they're hurt, not be a coward and post it on their tumblr as if it makes them brave for calling out a grave injustice. these people don't really understand what it is to offend or be offended or hurt. they only think things are good or bad based on a warped view of the world in a way that is meaningless to anyone but them and others like them.

>> No.8628450

Who owns fashion, really? Who owns "culture" officially? If someone did soooooooooo long ago, they'd not only be dead right now, but also both never registered this "patent" and the rights to it would be long over anyways.

>> No.8628451

me, i do. only i can wear anything from any culture ever.

>> No.8628453

but like

modern segregation maaaaaaaan

>> No.8628454

this is coming from someone who's claiming that 'asians' have any say over what is done with a japanese icon.

>> No.8628455

pls explain moar, o guru

>> No.8628457

i bought the universe.

>> No.8628461

You're in for a rude awakening. It doesn't matter what the weather is like, when you're in times square for a popular holiday like xmas, halloween, or new years, you're going to be trapped where you are for hours surrounded by thousands of people in extreme close proximity. You're going to still sweat out of whatever costume you have on and probably also pee and shit onto it because you won't be able to move.
You might get trampled over, you might have to get medical treatment, you might get fucked over, you might get robbed, but most of all you'll be disappointed.
If you're sane, you stay the fuck home or a decent other place that isn't goddamn times square.

>> No.8628463

I like to cosplay and play dress-up, and I wouldn't be posting this here if I didn't already have some experience and interest. None of my planned cosplays up until now I didn't see much cause for shitstorm. To be honest, even if it weren't for the controversy, I would be doing this anyway barring other logistic or cost or safety concerns. Having said that, an SJW shitstorm th be a cherry on top since I utterly despise them and everything they stand for.

>> No.8628466

>th be
would be

>> No.8628467


so you basically already had your answer and you just came here to be bait.
fuck off.

>> No.8628472

oh god stop
ok, this is a terrible example, but I honestly do have yet to see a good geisha costume
>OP wants to show off how much of a high quality knowledgable weeaboo she is
exactly this.

>> No.8628474


>> No.8628475

>Boy, did I call it or what
Yes, you did call it. You knew that it was going to be a bad idea, and now people are agreeing that it will indeed be a bad idea. Don't be salty

>> No.8628476

>japan doesn't care if you shit all over their traditions as long as you're saying they're cool
oh my god, you are in for such a rude awakening if you really think that...

>> No.8628491
File: 43 KB, 479x800, 376580316_638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Japanese dressing up as bastardizations of Victorian-era maidens?

So basically lolita in general

Guess what the l in /cgl/ refers to?

>> No.8628505

>Guess what the l in /cgl/ refers to?


>> No.8628510
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>and probably also pee and shit onto it because you won't be able to move.

Do you just shit all over yourself when you're stuck somewhere or in a queue?

That isn't normal, anon. This isn't mainland China.

>> No.8628515


No reason to make that shit up. Try Times Square on New Years Eve some time. Let us know how that went for you.

>> No.8628516
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x1433, tumblr_nc00buu0Ma1silarro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that we have a shit ton of western, predominantly white people cosplaying ethnic Japanese characters and vice versa, at what point does one cross some morally unacceptable boundary when playing dress-up? Is there a boundary? Where is it?

From what I can tell, anime, manga, lolita, and fictional characters in general are OK, and other sorts of cultural traditions are not. Maybe anon can spell it out for me.

>> No.8628519

example: http://www.epicurious.com/archive/blogs/editor/2013/12/new-yorkers-tips-for-new-years-in-times-square.html

>3. Develop a Bladder of Steel: Wait, steel's inflexible. Make that a bladder of a high-strength, maximum-stretch rubber-like polymer. Because unless you're extremely lucky or very patient, you won't be seeing the inside of a bathroom for a while. Don't expect local restaurants or businesses to be symphathetic to your plight, either--after all, if they make an exception for you, it'll be that much harder to keep the other million or so attendees from hogging their toilets.

So go to the bathroom before you find your place in Times Square. Or be lucky enough to have a friend who lives nearby who'll let you use his or her bathroom. Or better yet, wear an adult diaper, like more folks than you'd care to know do.

>> No.8628520

>she said on a board about a JAPANESE fashion where people dress up in an appropriated (literally this time) version of European Victorian-era clothing
can't seem to figure out who's triggering whom here

>> No.8628535


Let's think about this.
Lolita is influenced by victorian dress.
>Clothing worn by general population, not earned
>Not still worn today
>Not tied to tradition, just changing fashion
>Used to influence a new style of fashion
>Lolita is worn as clothing and not a costume

Now think about geisha costumes
>Clothing/style not worn by general population, have to earn the right to wear it
>Still worn today
>Tied to tradition
>People are trying to replicate it rather than use it as an influence as with lolita
>Being worn as a costume

Basically, you can't compare this to lolita, it's apples and oranges

>> No.8628537

i hope you have a lot of money, OP, because maiko/geiko kimono and all the kitsuke accessories are expensive as fuck. unless you can go full all out authentic shit, don't do it. if you don't know how to color/pattern coordinate for the season, don't do it. if you can't tie an obi into at least a basic drum knot, don't do it.

this is not an easy thing to do well or cheaply.

>> No.8628547
File: 35 KB, 500x333, 0131cs7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do military cosplayers fit into your moral framework?

I don't think there is anyone with GIGN, SAS, or Seal Team experience in this image.

>> No.8628551
File: 202 KB, 309x500, Japonaise1_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it depends on the event? If you're going to a college event then yes you will get white girls telling you that you're "glorifying orientalism" or some uninformed bullshit.

It's like when the kimono from La Japonaise by Monet was made in Japan for the sake of touring the world for people to try on and take pictures and then suddenly a bunch of non-Japanese college students shut it down in Boston because it was "insensitive."

And fuck as far as historical racism goes this painting is really not what people should be targeting.

Just do your research anon. And like >>8628537 said if you want to be accurate you will need to pay a decent amount.

>> No.8628557

Why don't you just do "shironuri artist minori", and that's it.
Is a /fashion/ while Geisha is a complex culture that takes years to master and deserve. You are celebrating Halloween, a time when people dress up for fun. Not sure if there is a Geisha equivalent, but still.... it reeks special snowflake to me anyway.

>> No.8628559

>go to a chinese buffet
>see a white family, their mom has a cheap-looking kimono on
>a little strange, but okay
I think that will be the majority of reactions you'll get from people who actually notice.

On a controversy note, I don't know enough about Japanese culture to comment. Comparing it to a cosplay-costume doesn't seem quite right though, I mean aren't they kind of like formal wear? An actual kimono that is. I mean you wouldn't wear a prom or wedding dress to a Halloween event.

>> No.8628565

OP is a fag.
I hope you wear it and you get a pool of pee on your costume

>> No.8628572

>An actual kimono.

Nope! Kimono can be absolutely casual. But in this case OP is talking specifically about dressing as a Geisha/Maiko, which DOES involve a traditional type of kimono.

>> No.8628579

If you want to be an edgy offensive shit, just wear a Deadpool cosplay under it.
That's what you sound like.

Here's what'll happen:
You put your best effort in and no one gives a fuck.
"What's a white girl doing wearing a geisha costume on Halloween in Times Square? Don't you have some cheap party to attend?" passerbys wonder, none really bothering stopping to comment.
You go home feeling defeated because SJWs don't exactly check Times Square for people to be offended towards.

Best result: Maybe someone here managed to snag your picture and posts it in a cringe thread for a quick laugh before we forget and move on.

Honestly, I figure Japanese people are already used to people using geisha outfits as costumes. Yeah it'd probably bother them but in an exhausting sort of way.

>> No.8628582

>shironuri artist minori
Nah, that looks gross.

>If you want to be an edgy offensive shit, just wear a Deadpool cosplay under it.
Anon has a weird idea of what "edgy" is or means. Expand your vocab.

>> No.8628646

Wow you are really digging in hard on nothing

>> No.8628650


It's times squares literally no one will give a fuck because no one has time to give a fuck.

There's crazier shit happening in NYC every day.

>> No.8628684

Why not just cosplay as a character who wears something similar?

>> No.8628707

>This thread
Just let this fucking idiot do it and send NY seagulls to Time Square to get the embarrassing results.

>> No.8628711

That's what I said.

>> No.8628750

Just wear a nice kimono coord anon. I've done that on Halloween and all the normalfags will ask if you're a geisha anyway

>> No.8628806

This. As an aside, I once was complimented on my "maiko makeup" at a matsuri. No, ma'am, I'm really just that pale.

>> No.8628814
File: 85 KB, 800x600, o0800060012131071817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look at this digusting cultural appropriation, I am so offended!

>Said no one in the fucking history of everything

>> No.8628835

Don't do it, you're going to look like trash.

>> No.8628893

Racism is not really something that affects Japanese people. That's not something you should worry about. Japan has never been oppressed by any foreign powers, they have always been the people in power, and are actually the ones responsible for the genocide of the Ainu people. Technically, Japanese people can't experience racism at all, because racism requires a power imbalance, which does not apply to Japan. So from a racism point of view, everything is fair game when it comes to Japan and Japanese.

There could be some other concerns, like the misogynist undertones, but I doubt it's a big concern when it comes to this. There is also the fact that normies hate people who do something they couldn't see they themselves doing, so you might see some bullying and teasing.

If you think you can handle all possible problems, go for it, but in case you can't get it to work in time, have another costume just in case.

>> No.8628956

OP, it's obvious you've already made your decision to wear it, since you're shitting immaturely over people who think it might be in poor taste/disrespectful to geishas. Like some other anons said, just wear it, but you don't get any permission to post some sad sack story when SJWs send you nasty messages or make fun of you and normal people laugh bc you're obviously not a real asian geisha. You've been warned by so many people in this thread that it isn't a good idea, so get a thick skin and don't baww about how sad you are when you get backlash.

>> No.8628980

In Kyoto there are services that will help you get in full maiko regalia and let you walk around for a few hours and include a photo package. Geisha don't give a shit unless you're in a satin Chinese bathrobe acting like you're in the 1890 version of the Mikado.

>> No.8628987

im not here to battle whether its correct or not. OP isnt getting this done professionally though, she's doing it for halloween with nothing but a cosplayer's background. hopefully someone will find pics for the cringe thread since there's almost no way it will be perfect with about a month to get every intricate detail right

>> No.8629001

This basically. Racism is hard to talk about when referring other counties since America/Europe don't really touch on them.

>> No.8629015

You really should stop using Tumblr as your dictionary, or anyone for that matter.

This is the definition of racism:
1Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.

1.1The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Though racism can be part of oppression. Oppression doesn't always have to be a part of racism.

>> No.8629060

You know, here in Germany that is a highly commericalized form of costume from a highly commericalized and highly artificial music scene rather than an actual artifact of people's everyday dress.

So yeah, it's 100% like the Geikos.

>> No.8629067

Generally when there are concerns about this type of costume being racist, it's because of Japanese-Americans worried about being fetishized by non-Japanese people who work with them/teach them/etc.

>> No.8629255

Nobody will give a shit. The internet is all about molehills to mountains, and nobody actually gets offended by it.

If you can dress up as a knight or a Roman, you can dress up as a geisha.

>> No.8629258


>> No.8629261

If it's a character from a show i'd say it's fine, same goes for a geisha character really. In that case you're making a costume out of a character, not a costume out of something that's usually earned.

Like, if someone just throws on a "military"/"army" outfit who has not has any experience with that at all I think there'd be a lot of bothered people.

>> No.8629265


>> No.8629268

OP is a tryhard wanker.

I can't think of a single scenario where someone would go "oh what a cool/clever/interesting/good costume" because even aside from the fact that dressing up as a geisha is about as culturally sensitive as dressing up as "muslim suicide bomber" it's just a shitty costume idea. It's not funny or clever and it's not really impressive either because you're not actually a geisha so whatever.
Also it's so blatanyly obvious that it's a desperate plead for attention. You're probably That Guy who ask vegans why they hate people who eat meat even when they never said anything of the sort, just to feel smugly superior and bring attention to yourself.

>> No.8629280

I collect military surplus, and there's a lot of different thoughts on collecting uniforms in the community. Most common approach seems to be to not wear any complete uniform that's currently being issued, specially if you're in the country of origin. Also no insignia. Even if the thing came with patches, take them off. It's disrespectful and if you go too far, stolen valor is a thing people have gotten legally in the shit for.

Actual vets may still give you shit for wearing Vietnam era BDUs or the like, but you have to understand you're running that risk if you wear them in a public place.

>> No.8629305
File: 204 KB, 453x476, 66565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"fully out of respect" sure jan.

You're a weeb, that's it.

>> No.8629378
File: 44 KB, 323x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that Halloween is a time when you can get away with dressing "out of the ordinary", but the fact that you're wearing it for Halloween cheapens its cultural value, no matter how much effort you put in. If you truly respect it as traditional dress, wait for a different event like a festival to wear it. idk
That's the moral debate anyway.
If you wear it anyway, prepare for it to be awkward as fuck if you run into any Japanese Americans.
I have no idea how actual-from-Japan tourists would react, but I'm pretty sure American born Japanese would be pissed. Especially the college-aged.

>> No.8629416

Kyary looks so upset

>> No.8629424

She was actually waiting on the translator, it was just an unfortunate cap.

>> No.8629484

do you fundamentally not understand Halloween? a Geisha is not scary, not a monster. WTF is going on that people take Halloween as an excuse to dress up in any old shit when the appropriate outfits would be: monsters, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches, mummies etc. what the hell is wrong with you stupid fucking children who do not fundamentally understand the very concept of Halloween? this has nothing to do with political correctness or the dreaded "SJW"s it has everything to do with you being a moron that doesn't understand what this holiday is about.

>> No.8629511

>do you fundamentally not understand Halloween? a Geisha is not scary, not a mo
Any excuse to cosplay is a good one.

>> No.8629517

Geisha is not a Halloween costume. This fact has nothing to do with SJWs. Fucking get over it and find something that's actually a costume. If you want to be a weeb do that on your own time.

>> No.8629523

Shit is fine. Also I've darkened my skin for three different costumes. Next time I cosplay someone darker, I'll do it again. Kiss my ass SJWs and know the difference between accuracy versus vaudeville black-face. Shit is totally different.

>> No.8629526

Self loathing American weebs who use Halloween as an excuse to be Japanese for a day instead of traditional spoopy shit because muh costume play? How shocking.

>> No.8629527

I don't cry when people hop around in lederhosen and get drunk to be "German." Every culture is generalized and stereotyped to some degree.

>> No.8629535

True. No reason not to stop now! Do what you want, OP. Fuck Japanese people. Geisha hardly deserve the respect they worked hard to get.

>> No.8629538
File: 189 KB, 800x1199, Sayuki_in_Tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for anyone actually from Japan to chime in. Except I'm pretty sure most have too much dignity to bother arguing with the SJWs or genuinely don't care.

Also Fiona Graham is a working geisha in Kyoto born in Australia. Can we move on please?